Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, July 05, 1865, Image 2

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-r- S^—i- a. It. MARTIN KAIIar. COLUMBUS : Wednnday Evening. July 5, 1865. •fife Infernal Taxes. We have at length something definite and authentic in reference to tbo direct taxes imposed by the United States Gov ernment, and which have yet to be paid by the people of the South. The order of the Secretary of the Treasury, suspending the collection of the taxes that accrued prior to 1054, will bo found in thin paper- It will bo lean tb«i tbo lax first to be paid by the people of Georgia and Alabama will be that of 1H54. and the preemption is that mesiuro* for the assessment and col I ret ion of thi* tux will bo promptly in* stituted. The Secretary docs not allude to any tax on real estate,. and thia tends to confirm our Information that if there la any tax at ail on that kind of property, it It very light. The tax on incomes Is (> p«r cent, on all income over $600 and not more than *6.000 It has be. n ruled that this exempts from any taxation all incomes of $000 or less, and that If over 5600, only the axct-se is to b« taxed. If the Incotne was paid “in a ci«q reciaP-d currency,” the asseaaors Hre to''ascertain the amount of tba Income, or value of tains or receipts, in lawful money of thu United States, ac cording to thn beat in formation they can obtain as t/» the average value of such de preciated currency for tho period covered by tbo aasoettm i.t It thus seems that th^Uxrt to be short* ly collected from the people of the South are by no mean# embarrassing or difficult to be rnot by the grunt body of the people. IVe have pot nifflclent information in reference to the taxes due upon Ut»ine«fc requiring a licen*e, or up *n rnles of met- « hand ire, to form an opinion ax to them. kciitu rky. A spill led political < ontort is going on in Kentucky, and the questions involved make it one of Inter**! to Die people of tbo entire Mouth. The election, wo be lieve, is to be held In August, duly one State oflloor 1" to he chosen—a- State Treasurer. Hut thorn are Congressmen to ba elected, and members of the Nieto .Legislature. The two parties rail them - Belves respectively, plain "Union" and "Democratic and Conservative Union.” The candidate of the former for .State TreaRrer i* Win I. Noale ; of the lat ter, James II. Gwirard. The “Union" parly go for the consti tutional amendment abolishing stnvory, and appoarto he generally more in sym pathy with the Republicans of the North nod the Administration at Washington than their opponents. Th* y are divided in reference to negro mil rage, and as to the mode of dealing with the South. The Louisville Journal sustains this pnrty. The “Democratic and ('oriHorvativo Union” parly lira against the constitu tional amendment, and against any inter ference by thu Federal Government with the institution/! of the States. They are represented m opposed to thu presolit ad ministration at Washington. Their motto T of Act Vvtr |ff»P"»*a;t to wmttficrn Tax Payer#, him the complaint of the friends of.eol* L-ateSt Dy leiegiapn. T * ryo ftbe Treasuryhas Ju»t®f«* 10 f bar la^oo, against Gen. imoortant and timely i and Gen. Lofan t who have refused K r.»-'Vn fo the collection Af rev- Maaisaiua to bold political meet I mgs m Charleston. Ibe interview was satisfactory, the President having a**ured ibe Judge that their grievances mould be redressed at once, and the fullost liberty for political discussion be secured to all. The following named persons have ap* plied for and received the President's pardon, under the proclamation of May mb: O. M. Bruce and IL W. Bruco, of VASttvati, June 1W.—The New Or leans correspondent of tbo New • limes says cottou is coming iu freely to lied river tor Mew Orleans. Texas is overstocked with good* at ■ '*• than New Orleans prices. It If rumored that Gen. Ilsnks i.« to ir Provisional Govoruor of Louisiana. Tba guerrilla Mosby, having beenn roled, nas settled and opened a law ORL in Culpeper, Va. _ - Wamminotox, June 30—The host U •'» great that sevoral soldiers of lb<* rev- menu marching through the city, l > - v. fell from sunstroke. The Btate Department has breed a cir cular to all cities announcing tbst U»" Russian Plague is extending weal ear u rapidly, and suggesting th*i precaution ary measures belaken. . The Times 1 Washington spbclal says lh« President's health is such that be i una ble to receive visitor*, and it is doubtful If be will be able to attend to any busi ness Ibis week, though he expects to hu present at Cabinet meeting to-morrow. Nxw Yoax, Juue 30.—Cotton less no- live, at 46. . Gold more active and firmer. Closed to night at 41. _ . >jf' .Southern State* Mb Thka»i/ry Djcj’ahtmknt, • 1 nylon, June 21,1865. i •< ■ & in -j the Internal Kevi-nue Act, sj , .1 .no HI), 1H04, provides that r-^Wftr tho Hulborily of the United foivg been o«Ubli«hnd in any rthe execution of the laws had j . . y l • i n impossible, the provisions 1 ' r ,T • net shaft ho not In force In such ' > i *u< b m u ideation of inupplica- i ations in regard to assessinut, Invy. and manner of collection as »ft ..cci'J by the Department.— V. i wit . ing in any degree the rights ' G . • rnnici.t in rcaueci *lo taxes i that * it v<• heretofore accrued, or assuming . in fiitMfj tbo tax payer from his legal n | o/,-;hiiily f*»r such taxes, the Dcpart- in * • - not doom it advisable to insist nt pr»M»nt upon their pay incut, so far as i! . ay able prior to the establish* in- i.t u ( d lection district embracing j ihji; iy in which the tix payer re- “ But (t.n « Goarlualoa of tbe President's Hperrti to the Muath Carolina Drlegation fc -ors in the several collec- roc«*ntly <^tnbli«hod in the j fn insurrection, are directed • i • u- ifwrnt, ana to make assess- , it r tnesoverai claasea of taxea for ii>«* appropriate l-gal period preceding tbe Wa.miiioTON. Jun.M.-Th./uIluwit. K ,, r r - iritnjM » hioh » Ux beeamM lb. Moaliuion of Prmid.nl JabiiMii. • ' , f-uhll-.hmont of th. diUrlrt ‘ tto *ny. in in* several distrtoU in t 'r p opfr ux will ho assessed *• inci-nv* of the year 11*54, inas r. t’,* fix for that veer Is doe upon day of June, •uhscqwnily to the hmi-fTt of th** district. All persons bufilne *, f »r which a license nnert “thu Constitution Union as It twit.” Major Guu. i-o U. kuuuo of.IbU. U thu i Mtoliil.di* ot paHj ©r C-mgr. in l!-'; | trict lloncit M «itlor f»th thu “p U^T.mU? /In .4. "pc l ;ii A**t llv»*>fg4UtvatTvi *»f the fhurjtml aayi that ufi dot'.! t# ■epjxva th* yvou u« xrt# .L OoJ. Monday v » duUtr Vi o distrfo , and the • he vaidur » ”t r ni , *»" lev 1 Ha -dip i adulata of address to tha South Carolina dalcgutMC. lit said liodid not want thn 1st© : avn- holders to control the negro vote* again - white men. Lot each State Judge «>t th** depository of ata own political p< wer. It • was for emancipation. He wn< for om in- Hpattng tbe white man ss w"H x« *•«••* black. Mr. Holmes asked, “Is not th altogether accomplished?" l)u ir* i* dent replied that ho did not think the question fully settled. Tbo question as to whether tba black man shall l« ** 1 - grafted in the Constitution, will b»* r.c«u. - as we go along He would not dp.gm*« the fact that while he had b#en per?**- cutad and denounced at the South m'i u traitor, ho loved the grout ol ily Southern people. He opposed tho rebel lion at iU breaking out, and fought it everywhere, and now wanted the piinot- plot of the Government carried out end maintained. . | Mr. Holmes interrupted by *mn/' i "We want to get back to thn sam*) »o i- 11on.as you deaoribo, and we ar* wiin*.nt | law; no courts open,, and you have Hie power t/> assist us." The 1'rosidcnt replied that the <• •• v• ru- j merit cannot go unlesN it is hn -d <ti rjghi. j The people of Houtli Carolina inu t bavo ^ a Convention, and amend their Conrtitu- , lion by abolishing slavery; ami Ihn ' ■ ' i ho done in good faith, and the < onv-u- tion or legislature must adept the i<- < ,) posed amendment to the Confutation ; . , the United Nietos, which prohibit- and ; „ excludes slavery every where. ! n One of the dulegates* said, ‘ \> •• . most anxious for civil rule, l'«.r w. !*•_»' , u had more than enough of military u* j i potism.” J •* The President, resuming, ^ai>J that, a , the Executive, ho could only lake t«.i* j l initiatory stops to enable them to do the „ thing wfiioh it was incumbent upon them , to perform. Another of tbo delegates remarked that j it was assumed in somu parts of this i ouii- liy that, In oonscquonco of tlio teheliion, j< Iho Southorn States had forfeited tlnn jt, rights ns members of tlio confcdericy. and hat if restored, it could ho only on \ r •. certain conditions, one of which was that slaVory shall bo abolished. Thi? could i"* , . dono only through a convention. i The President repented that tho fri* ti<>n . of tho rebellion had rubhod slavery out, i ,.j hut it would bo bettor so to dcobir*' by ; i n . . . . law. As one of tho delegate 1 , \ ju-i , if ! ., i|, rumarkod that tho Constitution did not on V.< in;, abolish slavery, it wore better to innert a clause antagonistic to slavery. Judge Frost said, substantially ■ “Tho object of our prayer U tho appointment of a Governor. Tlio State of South V .u <» linn will accept these conditions in order that law and order may bo restored, and that enterprise and indimlrv may di rected to useful onds. We desire reatoia- tion as soon as possible. It is tlm pari of ton »du»'.he. ■jc • 1 *c .. t vf^tatn ije*a«.o . * base h'**n . tb*' . - Mtitk « lurtong • " ihA’ * slarvarva* a* eii ment oi . ' t»»»« •*» *.r,.n.. Kentucky: J. J. English, Arthur N. Marr, L. D. Crenshaw and Asa Snyder, of Kicbmoftd.- Virginia: F. 1). Deane. lr., of Lynchburx; J. R. Edmunds and Thomas Kdmund;, of Halifax county; P. M. Thomson, of Williaausburg; Francis L. Smith, of Alexandria; Jebn W. McAllister and S. II. Weakley, Ala.; J. M. Healey, Levi S. White, M. D., and D. L. Macy, of Tenne»s<^; L. Bur nett, of<fail%iio, Tonoessea: Joshua Hill, Morgan county, Georgia; John B. Luce, Sebasliau county, Arkansas; Caleb D. Stone, Si. Louis, and Geo, C. Crandall, Louisiana. Attorney-General Speed, having exam ined thu cases of the following named persons, presented through their repre* sentative, Hon. M. F. Conway, has re' mended to tbe Presidential they be par doned. They are merchants of Rich* mend, each worth over twenty thousand dollars, and ware members of rebel am bulance committees: John Knders.Jobn Purcell, John Dooley, Charles J. Whit lock, L. W. Glazebrook, It. H. Maury, J. L. Apperion, J. II. Montague, R. It. Dibrell, J. W. McCance, R. A. Payne, W. G. Payne, Chas. H. Wynn*, Thomas W. Boswell, G. S. Palmer and Chas. T. Wortham. By Ellis, Livingston Tsr ATTRACTIVE SALE O N “.(TfRDAV, «ik JULY, nt 10 o'clock, wo wilt ,•■(! in fr-mt ol «.ur .tore. In lult to .ait th. trade— 1 4-ft. Circalar Mill Saw and Oitti. percka Baud, 2 bb!e. Sp’ts Turpentine, 1 pi. Seteel-mixed Cloth, Dundee Ilapgiug, Paper, Steel Pen., 8U do*. Cornu’ Spool Thread, 40 great srocu Agate Button*, UX) pr. Mens’ slid Womens’ Uniters, 5 chests cboico Ten, •J boxes Cod I'ish, (iu good order,J Blank and Memorandum Book*,Pipes, Money Parses, Soissors, I.ook’g Glasses Suspenders, Thimbles, Needles, us’d .sixes, .Hats, Percussion Caps, 500 lbs. Smoking Tobacco, Maps State of Georgia (new), Vinegar, Molasses, Clothing; luuetbei with . .real v,ri«Uof valaabl.foodl, too numor.u. to Uioottoa. jul>5—1» ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE. • f) will h^ AN»*i-*d for tho proper ■ •r. tho fi-rt dry of tbo month in - a-.- rir.i l?osublinhod. Peraon* I in any fc inva? for which month- t .*rjy w .tirni are r«q««ir**l to ha i , R--.onif.fi |or th* month or - v hioh rct'irn? e hould h* mado ‘r i r*-t irn day after th* n#tahji*b- • the d.NtriH, and th* nam* prinrt- p'« will apply to thoso taxes whinh ar* P»vhL’<» %\ difturqnt periods. A t. '-.rjiifHCtiirer of tol»aroo, for inutnro*. in u dlrtrirl nffabH'-hed after th* Dl and i < : ih'> Vi h day of May, will boas***#- . ■ ii| n 1 aloe for th* month of April. Wt » nr- mannfautured artirl** ar* i-i’i’ i .. tin hand- of i\ purohavar, and It H elm/n ! ■ > the tali' faction of thn a»* «*wr llni th** good*) w*r* nrtunlly »old and pr nut. of tlm hand- of tho rnnnufae- luror l#«for*< lb* commoncamant of th* i.m , if.r which he i« proporly taxable, the nrfi l< u, ill i,nt b* subject to tax in ti>.' i -1 • of fnrh purrhaNor, unl«x* trann- , . b*y>’f 1 in* limit* of tho Ht*t*« ! if :ir .< tifii. Th* holder of any ' p.n; . inaniifaoturail tobacco, or .ii • v.'hifh In liable to #*i7.ure on i •■■it, oi th* ah«*n<'* of insertion i | resont to the n»?*it*or tho • ui’w iho article# In hi# hand#, or i.I• the i iri’iini 'iiniw which obtain in ; ir « r « . »r* not subject to tax, •, it n *v <• dated; and IfthoassoMor . 1. ! • wi!! cou o th* package to • i> i • • «i tlioy may bo Idantifiod • I bl 'V'ithoul linbillty to seir.ure. \\ i any collector shall have rna- I L.dif i n ibut thn holder of any goods wi.' il ill/- ink Lad not boon paid In i’ reiimvn tin ame beyond tbo liin- • ! *t ’’it' • lately in inrturroction, and , i !.- th*’ payment of tlio tax, he will • th* a mi ii i r and take tbo neeosaary •j (nr " eje condemnation, unlaas tlio • - «b:dI y.ivA bond, as hereinafter pre- 1 the transportation or ex|H>rtA- • i ibe ;(•■o'lr. nr a hall ri turn tho same -r and pay to tho collector tho tit that shall bo found duo. * \, boro n sei/.uro shall bo made * ii.-lru'dions, tlio Department, informed of such soi/.uro, will 1 (I'* -i• i‘t tic ci •• and extend snub meusuro ! •'!' relief m 'I. • luclrt sball justify. In the i Sint, cl'' YiVgini i, Toiincsxoo and Louls- iiu’fi c.’’ b 'i mi i’i triuU wore somu time ,n;co »•-*.(• i I; 1, with kiicIi bouiuiariert as to ic. ii |. t. rriti.ry in which it has but re. i fi». > poisibln to enforce tho lawu ( f tho I’riti'd .Status iu tboso dis ON CONSIGNMENT, 1 BAGS jTinoe Rio C-.fTeo, - lcr 1 b*irc i«n choice " ooionc" Tea, f M|tit. f purpose th Ov»vern* Endup ytiiiuoi 1 Dv Jcnmal aays that ipd<>Uf> not iinderetnnd his viows. Wo cannot expr*#* an opinion as to tho prospact of succors of cither l»nrty. Roth profess to bo auntuinc. Soino of tho Nortbor n papers aro dis cussing tho que«Lion whether tho liugo national debt of tho Unitod Stnloa is a miafortuno or a blessing. Tho idea is ad vanced by somo that*such a debt would havo boon u bond of union in 1HOO-1, and that It would thou havo prevented sccos- aion. Mr. Jay Cooke, tho tnar.Ngor-in- chief of tho subscriptions to tbo 7:30 loan, regards tho debt as a providontial safe guard against futuro pnrils. But, on tho other hand, it is roported that Mr. Hocro- Ury McCullnch has udd lately thm his hopo was liml tho national debt might ho •o managed as n. t to he a national ca lamity. Wo of the H-iulh, genorally, share tho Secretary's apprehensions, and aay “amen” to hi* expressed hope. Tba Louisville Journal hat a dispatch from Nashville, 1:4.n, Maiing that a guer rilla leader named DuvuU, with a squad of a dozen mun, U making groat disturb ance on Duck river, hiding and robbing, and declaring his intention to restore •lever}* in Tanucxseo and murder all no- groea who manifen any duposidon to Ulca card of thomselvod. The dispatch •ays that “all rebel slaveholder# heartily approve his conduct”—which wo cannot bslUve. A cavalry force was abMiit to he ••nt-After him. Gen. Hurlhurt’a trial, it i* said, will probably take place in Now Orleans and ibe court martial will be ono of the largest oonvened during the war, comprising six rr •“•"ft major general: from Gen. t’an- .'i - irtment and several from the \. 'he ( barges ar*> ’•peculation and r » a Inrg* extent, running over a •• Jcplnion i« expressed that many • rge# nro maliriously made by nd S|U*culat(>rK and contractors. Debate Iu the Fruit fit 1-rg- ■ Dll the Mexican Question. N hjl, dune 1’4 —The Herald has n of a debate in the French , Juno8, on the Mexican ques Favrc, leader of the Repub- 1 i <mM . pnrty, said th* expedition was under taken to recover a recogniXod claim of About a million dolUi*. with eventual claims, which might vary fVom tivo to twelve milliona, glui they had already in curred an expense of four bund rod mil lions. It bad been premised that the French trooDa would pretnet Mexican parties in thAlull exercise of thoir opinions but this had not been dotux Favre cited e case where the French troops had burned a town Of four t/iOinutnd inhabitants. Hu declared that to attain the object they had ia view, U would laku forty thousand nu»n ten years, at an ex puns* ot ^UkutUu.OOO. If it were the taleniion of France to oontinuo Ugp%Lrxic.-tn expedition, n j etfert “ ‘senpar^ hut, it tho OaUhlUhmont by was an iiupo«*ibillly, it i part of Franco to withhold Mar blood and her treasure. The debate 4M veiy fierce and exciting, and the gpgAker was IVequouily interrupted.* He OAOlAred that Maximiltian's empire would Ihll to pieoes, as aooQ a» the French troops were withdrawn, and dutnmneed tna tcheoic- of the Mexican loan. . \ .. <>*) n< W*« r'WSMeA -g 4 .i.nir’ienanoe of wi*.uit t! vho m.. ~ : th*» roheUb n .t Sooth Carolina erred t lias coast'd u< oxUL Auoth’ i dclusiu;., ! rlv • that Otlon king, hmui!(e vi» van- j i\ u k XV- . c bnoK pill, th CM! f ' .it Jispeliad, iMS«i*wlth a now system of labor. Thopoopleof South Carolina will cor- diallv co-opernto with tho Government in making that labor o/fuetivo, and olovittlng tho nogro as much as they can. It i», however, more a woikof time than tlio labor of enthusiasm and fautttlcbni. The peoplo of thu South have tho lurcoxl in terest in the question, and wo are willing to co-oporato tbr soUisli, If for no higher uiolivos. Wo have taken tho liberty, encour aged by vour kindnoss, to throw out mg- X oontinuo tug-m ‘Nw ehould be aplh ^Io[flSidb?iK h i gostions by whiob tho policy of the CL eminent will bo most surely aud ctf-cm- ally subserved. I repeat that tlio new system of labor is to ho inaugurated by * nr, sound and discreet Judgment. ' The negroes nro ignorant. 1 heir minds tin nre much iutiamud with liberty. I'lmy Hror.pt to eon found liberty with lieiinsn. i, Their great idea is that freedom consists of exemption from work. We will tnko in good faith and carry out your inten tion* with toal, and hopo for thu bust; nnd none will re}oice more than the people <>( lit the South If emancipation proves euccri.s ful. Freedom to tho slave is freedom to tho master, provided you supply a mo tive for industry. “The people of South Carolina, from fidelity to honor, have submitted t,. th. grgat sncrifloa. They endured all. We « t are defeated and conquered by the Norm, hy t who are too strong for us. Tim ^mi< i good faith which animated them in tno I tv* contest will not bo found wanting in ineir ' P -- • pledge of loyal support to the Govern- ! i - ment. i t h. i. “There may grow out of this blessings b * • which you have not foreseen, and some pleasing rays now illumine tho horizon. 1 suppose the oath of alloginneo will he taken with as much unanimity in South Carolina as anywhere *ls*, and w* y>l submit to the condition of things wlip :> Providence has assigned, and endeavor to believe ‘all discords harmony not un- dorstood, and partial evil universal good. We cheerfully accent tb* m*«ewr«A tP ,. ora . mended, and would thank you to notui- nato, at your conveni*nce, a Governor t» carry out tho wishos you havo evpresxrii. PreaideM Johnson asked tho delegate* to submit who they would prufor foe-Veo- visional Governor. To this they replied that they had a list of men, vir. AlcOla- harty, llovce. Col. Manning, lain Gover nor. and B. F. Ferry. All of them were spoken of as good men, but who had been more or less involved in thn rebellion.-- Mr. Ferry wa* a District Judge in the Confederacy until a lew weeks before thn war collapsed, and is said to have alway.- been a good Union inan and n gentleman of strict integrity. The prople certain! \ would respect him, and he could not tail to be accepted. The Freaident said he knew Benjamin Ferry well, having served with him in Congrees. There was no spirit of von- geance nor vindictiveness on the part of the Government, whoso only desire was to restore the relations which formerly existed. He was not now prepared (o give an answer as to whom he should ap point. but At the Cabinet meeting next Tuesday he would repeat the substance of this interview, witn a hope to tho rust ra tion which the gentlemen presuut ear nestly desired. The delegation soetuod to bo much pleased with the pi gored for some time verse with the Freaident. , \£ r Oftn oL»i(t111 ns to tho average "emted currency for the I by tlio H*HtM»mntit. The — up i co*ton nnd spirits turpentino by it |■ cl provision of tho statue, b> i « ' ■ J»y tho person in whoso • • • i - • ’ - itru first founa hy officors bn 1 nt 11 a! Revenue. Willi reference 1 •!•<, therefore, tho rule inid n t. . . upply, bQtiu>aossmonts will • : they me found. ) liMiicvcr any por^on holds, a» a pur er. iiny. articles, which under the lu ll Revenue laws, nmy bp transported • r bond, and do^ires to tratispoifi tbo . to any Northern port or plaoo, he r "I’p’v to the assessor to havo thu •tun ot tux tifeertalneil mid determined, f t opi r iixMtnltifili on naving been bad . r u bl qortify the amount of du- 1 « tH M. to the collectors, mid the ool- • r will thereupon grant a permit for •vmI. a fieri* e execution ota bond t •• i i t T’i •' In it bonded warehouse, ' p’ liniiniid bon being in the form iif! 1 be the regulation* for the eetab- • f I >nd«d warehouses. On or *t;• • tenth dav cf each month tbe v l tr -nanm to the office of In- 1 K .•: . • u statement showing the ♦ i • . l thus certified during tbe i in r e ling, Miid lb* collector will, t 1»ci« r* thu iimo date,’transmit A do- i do of all bonds thus taken 1 ■«* course of the preceding Okk. Jahm B. STKAOMaM.—This of- fic«r, who now commands the department ot Georgia, was sernnsded in Cincinnati on ibe evening of thu 12ih ult., and mad* « *hort •p**oh. in erhliipoNitive's'd*- clinnd being a candidate for Governor ot Ohio, or *ny <-th«r office. He said he was going back to his command, where bn expected to remain a soldier ns long as his country needed bis services, after which he should resume his position as a private citizen. In the course of his speech he referred to President Johnson, saying: 1 was with the President a short time, and while there he handed me bis procla mation loth* people or North Carolina. I was happy to agree with him in hU policy toward them, so I hop* all of you ar*. 1 knew Andy Johnson bntore th* war, and during the war, and no doubt there are many of you who remember hirn, for he was for a time our Moses in the wilderness, while a member of my staff. Now, all is well, the country is safe ; for tho Government is in the hands of a man who will carry it safely through, and our great country will soon b* on a liighor road to prosperity than before the rebellion. ^ Application!* for Fa upon, Ac.—The Herald s Washington special says: Among the new application* to tho President for pardon are tho following rebel officers: Brigadier Generals Ii. M. Barton, J; W. Fraxler, T. B. Smith, W. L. Cabell, M. DeUorse, G. W. Gordon, Kppa Ilauglin, J. It. Jones, J S. Marnta- duke and 1>. M. DuBose. Jonn .\l. Tuck er, Commodore of the rebel navy, and tho following cltiaens have been added to tlio list of applications since yesterday J. G. Hunter and Richard Hawes of Ky. Soloumii Frank, A. Converse, Edward McCormick and Blaii Burwoll, of Vir- 5 inia ; Kuftlice Hunt, of Louisiana ; II. F ’houiason and David Block, of Arkansas Win. Voorhee*, R. G Wain and U. U Fanner, of Tennessee; Thomas W, Flem ing aud F. Y. Clark, of Goorgia; 1. W. M. Harris, of Mitsistippi; 11. T. Finck- nt’V and D. J. Chandler ot Mnrylatnl. No prisonerri of war above thu rank of catilain are hoiug reluaied ut prcueiil. Thu numcrouii apiilicaliuns for pardon from prisoners and civil iam* aru filed away for future action, uono but uxceptional cases being granted. Duff Green has not yet boon pardoned. His I a tost scheme is the organisation of capital at tho North, to be applied to lh6 , itnnrev*m*u* of Aht Saufh. . JJot.d* Wt for L'.ktBi^aipliiA tin* - *ralfe g, but U . Lpfit* * ?a return Uy the Mb’ l:A o* next wo'-k, and I’oak up hr. Ws an. -tir^To.iXi gut- ung nr ord*r for *hw uyn df BlO/JiiUt ft*r vrf>od r#proaon.*d i • fiaw bc-n frif- i.ithw talyn . cj, /i .uni* war h"gc-v n\KMT CM ATT KM. We. T, rUl toaai lU-NIiiai, at 7MJ o'clock. Juljfft - U M. M. MOOKK. Sec’jr. ‘•4 h*i#§ u*n«:iur»s f* OOi) lb j. well t.i >rted Iren, f» boxes Xodmcco— For Ml* by JOHN MURK, ialy •— Had»l A JohnM»a's old stand. «ru«T inuoBivjau, AT 88 BROAD STREET, Ladle*' Sdrpm, Ctiildrens* S j-.* 1 , 8h*e Thr«a<i, Hooks and i.yss, |*ir*r. Hate Pin*. K For knIo cheap. Spool {bread Dre (fine C Marea's Blaektn*, lint Toilet Sean, tit-nine tiaraoaCigars, Monttemen's Colars. If endkercblef*. Sopttn«.C»r&ab«rRs,ar ine Oil— inly&—ftt ll»'tr*v trrrsa Ca vatar Ooara M. D. M., ) • mice Pritrust Marshal, > Macon. Ha., Juoa2d, IN j C1ROULAU. The do of r'pirituhus liquor tocitirens oraol diers whhm the limita of thi* command will ha lauediatoly discontinued. Tbe different Poet *hI Marshal > are directed to hare bars and Ihinorsbnp-' .»t all kind<olo«ed at onee, and will at the fit me time like an inventory of the unt on hand. » more permits to encase in thebasinees will lie granted, and pupoqa to whom permit* have been given will return them at once. All iierren* f und liereatter selling liquor to eiiirens or soldier- will he rvreeted and thei »to< k ennlbented. by command of It rev *t MnJ’flen. IVit.aok, 0. L. GKKBN0, M#J. and Provost Marshal. IF•* >ftqt’ARTPr* Post. 1 ^olumhurt, Ua.. July 3d. 1SA7. j Lieut Win. ll.Oottins, Port ProYost Marahal, U *harg*«l with tho execution of lb* abo*« order. Hr ord»i* of WM. WERN, jul>3-lw Capt. Coinm'd* Post. ^LOOAXJJEWSJTEMS. Advertisers »ill f.vots before 10 o’oloek in ibo iiionniig-, possible. Advert lien This Establishment i* again prepared Job Printiag OF A 1.1. KINDS NEATEST STYLE OF THE ART. PKKS0NS RFQI IRIVf. CARDS . BABKLS, HANDBILLS, PLACARDS, SHOW BILLS. PROGRAMMES. BLANK FORMS, op ANY KIND. RAILROAD TICKETS, STEAMBOAT . r RAILROAD BILLS OF LADING. BILLS OP EXCHANGE, tlenii it, (Ntl.l'UUni, (1a,, Judo 19th, 1895. Tho RuilrO'i.l Kxpro*. Cumponr will tr.u.- port ,<>*,1, .ml other \ntuuhlo packet, from Muntrouiory to Uuiumhu , vi» Unit n Hprinito, Aluburoo. All tiartie. ile.-irii>K to .hip by thi, lie. c.u l,o .ooommodMml ui-'id upplioatlou to A, 0.u> inot, ut thu old Omidhu. ofttee, no,\r the U.p> ti.t Chup.'b.tu C-.lumhu,. end to Don’t K. VVti ll AIMin MonlRoiuery, Alu. Jum tk-lin R. W. UORlKAg. Sup't. DRESS GOODS. BANK CHECKS, BILL-HEADS, >tl ANY OTHER CLASS 01' JOB WORK, KITIIBH PLAIN or ORNAMENTAL Cun httvo it rxpoatod witli tli.«|mtch. X **n^iru « ^ tu j->. 1st July. Tha | Hutu '-tfl 1mi r„. h tiunuved it to* partial Uftiv* tho UON w.l> .hopMt^hty wieon hair / a. a- <r Ui> - - at ds nrrive in any Northern trAnaiiortnliun. or undul m Collator of Customs d May 9 1866, they will th* piopur warefiousa as- th* Internal Ravanna ’.1 Y .Sami T _. c-.. TkouiaS II. Austiu. lUq. MorrirKotautan, Ueor** To tiaetebiui. P. A. Mallaue. (St'r Indian,> Capt, A. ery, *' Mim Anna K. Tyler, Mr*. Chas. T. Nash. Brfioa Osnv.uix IL.ut: la^Ou oil’d moeting ot the Mtoekholdurs of tbe Nenrgin Hi.me In*Jmi.B Compaur will bo < ’itinany on Saturda i’■ at 11 o'eloek, a. m- F. WILLCOX. 8ec*y. BOOK BINDING, •tcm held at li e olltiu* ut the tho tint day uf July i Jane 24.—'It i iTL;tVoodVa. B. T. Cb July5—3t Cbaputau. L. WKLL8, Ag't. OMNIBUS OK PICK, i Columouh. Ua., July 4lh, 1M*. f O N and after this data the regular HACK LIN n will ho re-u ued between the oily «l Columbus and Montgomery, via Mobile and Gi rard Railroad—lent tag Cotumhn* daily ^Sun day* nXoepted) at 3 o’clock p ut.. aud arriving Ttuiuor*' Oil. VJ BAHHELS.it n good article, for sale by the • * hurrol or galloii, by Juuo 17. -jw WELLS A CURTIS. D AIL v LINE OF HACKS From Eufaula_to Silver Run. UT ML the umlcraigned. are now runntnc a dally IT him l tlm ki irotn Kufaulu to Silver Run. connectinr with the train* on the Southwestern Kailrond from Macon to Rufaulu, and with tbe M. A G K. H. trom ('oluntbu* to Montgomery. Juorl6—2w VKKNOY A CARGILL. IN ALL ITS UUANCnEH, PROMPTLY EXECUTED AT THE lhxqixirer JToV> Office. viag Noutgoinery daily (Sunday* excepted) •• J o'clock p. os., and arriving in Coluinbu* at 10 o'olo-k a m. next day. A regular IIA0K will be run daily (Sundays cxcopte-i) between Columbus and Gtrard. eon- nacting with the traiue on tbe Mobile k Girard At tfaien Springs, the western terminus of the Mobile kGirard Railroad, a HACK will be In attaudaoee to oarry passengers to Montgom ery. withoutxlelay. „ ...... . julvi—It A- 0 AMMEL, Prep'r ibfl- nnd i iio '•(. .• ury cmtflcatf.x will t**r tlio »r -cl Mtlon of th* bond in tho i Hinc i.Mtn ' a- if th* goods were trans- P> rl’il troth i»t|Otli*r bonded war*h(iitRo. W fi( •-r ntiy .person a#sc*sod for it: \u *r '. >itd to have paid a license tax I, Appointed under th** re', * • r r ;h* TVmury Department lor o ’I 'lncr, l».l interoour«* with msurree- U'»u»rv lb* ivUector will *«ue a t.,-H tor »h-jW crninrr nay t,“ and v l rt>’: ji.lyso much a* may l»o ! i he time inierreningaftcrth*ux- pirjt’Ofi o;''th* tl**nse issued by th* tpu- iu •. t t he* vututativ- c"M*d and *.hus i*it , oliocUvl will b* abated when the pi*;v r. In ii i pru-nnfwd t* tho Com mi*- . 'b r t>f I ltrrnnl Revonu*. 11. MoOullocii, Secretary of tho Treasury. Ippuiiitini lit of PovtiUbHtrrt — Addl- (IiihhI Pardnim, P.tr, U v-mis ti >N,Juno2.V—Tbq following -N.av.tl or.lor hava just been issued: tV»;um \n *”r .1. O. Cooper is to command the \N in. ki . Contmaudur Fabhu Stan. b'V, U.o T i*( :tror* J Commander Wn. Shu .I;, tbt^lUrlford ; Lieutenant Com- niAr. 1. - \V. it. Cushing, relieved from the \ w York navy yard and assigned Ml; II .ilfotd. i l‘ostinaxtor-General mado the fol- iowi:i>j appi'intmenU ot’ Postmasters for ’IVvt- -San Antonio, Sydney U. Arabia; . J. - G. Trill', Austin, William mrnpMu; Brownsville, Franklin But 'ii Rouge, Louisian*— ttdgc. For North Caroli- NVilJUju A. Fur*on GOODS AT WHOLESALE FOR GOVERNMENT FUNDS, SPBOIE OK COTVON1 AT KVFAVLA. ALA. DRY Ui'ODS. ,)A CASES PRINTS: .l.o M»»n.hiqu.<‘ V'' ('ballir*, Da Latnes. Linen*, Itoeierv, Hoop Skirt.-*, F*en*h Cersette, Sewing Silk, Threat. Needle*, DrorN Silk, elegant Maotilla-, Sack4, Glove*. Ribbon-. Trimming*. Ac. BOOTS AND SHOES. ISO cnees Ladies', Mens'. BojV and Children M elegant Quality. 300 oase* Mens' Soft Hat*. Ladies' FUf* the latest sty la*. * SADDLE AND HARNE88 S*itaV>liuliment. IVK are «i” w pre i a red. t<. furutsu the public VV With SADDLES. BRIDLES HARNESS, COLL A uS. Jen , ot the b«pt ijuality. Repair- lug executed prom.»:ty aud ueatiy. KENT k CO. next door to Bradford k Snow. jeft 11111 «tjly MITOK£L & 6MITH8, General Commission Merchants, Mali** tx Sheeting, Shirting, Osnaburas, jam#, Hope, Bagging, Mantif and Smoking Tobacco, 4 c. Jv. Particular ATrr.vnoM riven to the pure chase rnie him! ruiptnciit ut Cotton. HALSTON'S GBANITE HAXQF. TBlliO STHL'Vr, MACON, GEORGIA. CITY FOUNDRY. T 1IK subecribert would respectfully inform their friend* ana the putlir generally, that JILT their FOUNDRY, and — to do any kind of CASTINGS of Brae* or Iron: *uch a* Sugar Mill* of tbe moet XMPROVEb PATTERfC and any site: •hick w. will W ARRANT tu tit AH D: BYRL'r "Uir* WN will n n nnn.T * (•» Dirti’ v, n 1 nv« KRTTLKh. BARK MILLS. U1N UliAKINU. and any wind of mi I work. Wo Will make any kind of Machinery to or der: suoh as SAW-MILLS. GRIST MILLS, and in fact any tkmg in our line. dSP In connection with uur bueines*. we here secured the service* of one of the best PAT TERN MAKERS In the o. untry. 8KILLETS. HPIDkRA ..a LIDS. We will exobaege any thing in uur line for xny^kjnd^ot. Country Produce, at old PRICES Orders respectfully solicited and promptly executed. PORTER. McILHBNNY k CO.. Near Steam boat Lending. May 19.156.'.—tf Columbus, ua. .<7»i it. 1’n » 24.-1 a KL/iat vets: I _ Autfutta. K. B. Long k C*. L. B. Davis. Atlanta. T. P. Pen**. v. a. a.,kik OLIVER A RARNUM. Itou !’. I Can C. K. Ur. ■W NEW GOODS, JUST RECEIVED AT CODY’S, (UNDER COOK’8 HOTRL.) Cinnamon Bark. | Btacking, HEMP AND M ANILLA ROPB. A LOT f •uperier Hump and Manilla Rope. I\ 'unable for balm* , .non. Jttft’A' EMPIRE MILLS. — rrr. sr;.Ttfntattuft.‘ : t A (np.t.n. nr H* StookhaUM, of th. Mol,II. »ud Ulru<l K.i>fOh!Lomp.nr will be hold .t fh« 0*00 OirniT. Ala, on WMnnA.r th. r .:h nay or Jii’v jio.t, 'o II o ,'!«^|t, a, rn. “s’ , J. M. FRAJRR, Jup.Aj—tq Swraury. hpick oiKT'r® Freak Salmon. Peach Prseervre. Fine Table Salt. Sardine#, T‘>baeoo, I Nall*. Salt. Macon Sheeting. I Calf Skin*. I Upper k Sole Leather, Bacon. Floor, Corn. AND PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS FOB SALE OH BARTER. July5—lw* 1 \\ i.m i mu'mi, William A. Fdrion; procoodmga. nnd hn- | o,v - \ J >:i*thnn I>. White; Oolds- V ^ U<1 ^ C ° n " 1 NM iLdiiuson; Khraboth (hty, The N«w York t/rrald of tUo &I4 ult. contained the l’ro.Ideal', proclamation appointing lion. Louii K. Bartons Gov ernor of Alabama. The inilruciion, and regulation. | D LUL. proclamation aro U10 •aiue a, thoto contained in .ho proclama tion for Georgia, publiihed by u. n day, ago- J. t'r ity, Martha .1. Milroy: iiillsboro, Chas. Icm. A. T. 8*v«ly; New (j. \v. Mason Thu trial or Cu!. Louie Soliiorinior.loth New Yt-rk Heavy Artillery, has just ended, and Ute court dissolved. There wutuutur» Uihu fifty specifications agaiust bhn, nb itivnlvirtg turpitude and dishon or. i’li ’ it w.- laOonousijr eng***! mor^ t: .tu tUri'e month* in this ease. Judk'* *' '! -v l»nd au interview .voster- | Jay with the Fro-idem and laid before SOLDIERS OF THE D. 8. A., TAKE NOTICE. A LL ia waat of medical attention will reper* promptly to the barracks at 11 e'doek a. m* each day. to Dr. T. S. Tioglk. Surgeon in of CAPT. OOM’DG POST. JDIxproma Notice. The Southern Expre^iCompany are now run ning daily (Sunday* exceiUedi tor tbe trsn* . jTnla. Also in connection with the AJ> and other Ksprwsea, lor ail poiuts North, K**t, South and West. Owing to temporary interruption* in Railroad connection*, restriction* as to weight ol pack age* ere necessarily made. Nothing (r.ycr pvt pound* each) can lw> taken lor New York, at present- For /nil particular* inquire at office. S. H. HILL. Ag't, fkilumbua, Jufte 24. liVA. Insurance Agencies. Ihmorml Notice, The friendaand ac'iuiiin’fcnee* of Judge and Mr*. Thomas are invited to , funeral of the former at tbe Preshyt«r ftt V/i o’clock THIS AFiERNOON July 5.1865. The Fourth.—The day was commem 0 . rated in this city by hois ing tb« fing c f the United States at sunrise, and by a lute of thirty-six guns. Tbe chief feature of the day, here::;* of it* novelty, wits the public dinner by tho negroes of the city nr.d its vicinity. A very largo number of the colored p„,,! ulation participated. We understand tb # tablet were loaded with a large rnpply 0 f i nubs.antial good things, nnd that n<= jy | order and decorum a* could rei6nr B h' v have been expected under the circum stance* was maintained. Tbo “poor while#” were not able, o n this occasion, to indulge in the expense ot public dinner or other display. Wn trust that the next national anniversary will dawn upon quite a different scene— upon * peoplo prosperous nnd united in bonds of peace and go-^d will, ar.d up^n a land teeming with fatness ana plenty. Death of Judge Thomas.—Uur c-m* munity has again been deprived of one of its most prominent nnd respected cltieotia hy the death of Hon. Grigsby E Ybotrr, Ho died at hh residence, near this ciiy, on the night of Tuesday, tho 4'.h inst., of typhoid dysontory. Judge Th ma* in his 70lh year, and had. rnainbt.-ced hi- bodily and mental vigor nttd activity i ^ degree rather uuu ual up to tho Pin*' which proved fatal. He had ziilod high position* on the bench and in other spheres, and was ono of our ra*v»t talented lawyers and leading citizen*. HI* death truly leaves a void in tho community, for in overy circle in which ho moved h*wa- n«toemed for hi* excellent social qualitie*. kii* integrity ami reliability in oVerytol* tion of life, hia kindneAn of heart, and hi- genial disposition. Hi* career on earth had been ono full of honor and trefr' ness, and ho is doubtless r. iplng tho re wards of a well spent life. Judge Thorny; member of thu Prer-hytorUn rimrch, and was a Ulirlstian not by pro. fos-ion merely, but by hi- practice of tlu» virtues of that relation. Mubacrlbera In the City are inl UM.vl that we h^vo now carefully .revised our books to ascertain tbo state of their sub scription accounts. All those to whom we wero indebted for subscription on th* lGtb of April last, will find their p«pi>r» in our alphabetical "pigcon-Iiolos.” They are deposited in these boxes at 1 o’clock p. m. Forsons in tho city indebted to us fur subscription on thu lG’.h <*f April will soofi* a have their account* prctcr. ted. Wo hops 1 they will be prepared to uv.’ot tl.era promptly. Uneximuki) SuiihcriPTiuNb.—Person* who, at tho tliuo of tho suspension <»f our publication, on tho lGtli of Apvil, wore in advance to us for subscription, will plcnif call for papers to tho oxtont of the time paid for Tfioao iu arrmu* wiH^fo. cx puotqd L) settle wild ua upon tbo LAa'i ‘ ik. tb'-v . *aUla-A« .0)^ ** O 1 Joe, at nrertnt rax&.’in »••«? tmw> rcctv<d, ^ Daaf Taagas* —Call at No. 104 rti-act. whar® v«ni will ffnd thn* re .MmUdctit’s Proc -tf f h »* By the "remidetU Of O.c L >. tci v .< * j Proclamation: I WiiHRKAft, By tho proclamation < the President of the lfitb and ”7di <>t Ap r ll. 1 Mil, a blockade of certain ports ol the United Ntatcs was set on foot; but. whoreas, the reason* for that u cuutrr have ceased to exist. N*»w, therefore, h« it known that I, Andrew Johnson; 1 * * ident of tho United Slates, do hereby da clare and proclaim the b'ocknde aforesaid to bo rescinded a* to all the porta we»t ot the Misai»*ippi river, which porta will be open to foreign commerce on the 1-t o! , July ne^t, on thu terms and conditions set forth in my proclamation of tho *J2d cf May last It is to be understood, however, that tho blockade thu* rescinded, was an .n- turnational measure, lor tho purpose r{ protecting the sovereign right* of the United Staton. Tha greater or Ice* sub version of thu c*vil Huthoritv. in the re gion to which il applied, and the imprac ticability of at once restoring tfo.t in due efficiency, may, for a season, make i*. »d* visable to employ the army and navy ot the United Slt'es towurd carrying the laws into effect, wherever such employ* meet may be n cossary. In testimony whereof, I lrevn hereunto aet my hand, and caused thu rieu v. the United Sutler, to i o ..ffixed D r.s at.tbu City of Washington, thi* »>! day of June, in thu ye-, ref ou r L*»rd. and of the iudupend* nee ol the Uniiad Slates of America, the 89.h. By tha President. ANDREW JOHNSON. Wm. Huntkr, Acting Bec’y «•! biat®* Daily Hack to Montgomery FIli>\r UNJOX SPRINGS, T HK nmlfnitrnpj will enntmenee. on Mon- . -lay morninr. May 3fthi to run a Daily uoek trout 1 nion .*>i*rmxs t.* Montgouary. Apply for pa**age at tho Oil Mill, onpoaita san Oflloe ut Columbus, o: at Union Snnnxa »ay^ A. /.0RK0W8KY A CO. For Sale, * boxes fine Chewing Tobaeeo. •• ** S'-MiTileti hmokinx Tobaeeo. “ * Billie Bowlcc* Smoking Tobacco. • . ’’ f hanticlaar Smoking Tobacco, * j ars fine Si.uff. * , Ji.Fj DURAN, At Manley k llodtaa’ old stand. IN8URANCR CO., of Savannah, bia kirk inIiirance CO.. _ FIRE INSURANCE CO., of THe"bXCELs 10R PIRK INStlRANOR 00 of Now Yore, with an aggregate capital »i ffl.M0.tM>- is prepared to receive application* nnd take risk* upon Building*. Cotton. Merchandise and incurable property Jqp.a«. »>Vi.—at ‘ *' Ar< ~ iJt. CARLISLE TERRY Mr. Liscoi.h’s Litter o» Nioeo SurrRAOK.—1’ho followii.R Iciu-r hv me late President to Hqn. Michael Governor <»f Louisiana, has been r-ub'^b- ed. We do not «cu that it cnmniJtud to universal MilFragn, though it is so cor.- sidorod by thn “earni'-t men” MR. LINCOLN’-* LfiTTIB. Exrcvtiv* Maksiok, ' Washington, Alurch V l-‘*4 )• /Ion. Michael Hahn My Dear Sir—I congratulate you os having fi<rd jour name in history n O* first freo-StHto Governor of iiutttefwna.- Sow you urn about to have a con vendor., which, among other thing', will, proba bly, defino tbe elective franchise. I barf 1 - tuggest, for your private consideration, whether some of the colored people may not be let in, a°, for instance, tbe % ery intelligent, and, especially, those who have fought gallantly in ou i racks. Ti J would probably help, in some trying ti™ to come, to kdep the jewol of liberty in the family of freedom. But this i : .onl vs *ugge«tinn, not to the public,, but th vm alone. Truly your*, A. Lik« oi s. Arrest or an Knnoii.—Ou Wed- r day lart Mr. J. A. Turner, editor of thr Countryman, was arrested at his farm i* Putnam county, nine mile* from Kston- ton, where he lias been for several y«-«r> publishing it newspaper. Tho eburgo, »* we learn, preferred against Mr. Turnt-r. June 2.1865.- the practice of MBDIOIXE AMB SURGERY. ,, Q* ha* made arraogemeut* to receive aod ! an< ^ for which he was arrested, was Reties te UeMeri aa* Cr«*lteri. A LL person* having demands against Arehi- A bald Magruder. deceased, are tt Jtifiel to present U.mi d«lg euihMttrate’i aooerdtuc tu law; and tboee iadebtad U* said deoeaced ate requested to make immediate Payment. July»—wdt JNO. II. BASS. DENTISTRY. resne wi*h to favor him with tbe right, up stair* Artificial tcoifi supplied ou short notice, on tbe bost plan* known tu the art- wa.-tr R. NOBLE. EllFAULA HUME INSURANCE COMPANY. T nE undwtlfnd hurlng resumed tusinea* fot above Company, located at Kufaula, Ala* ’ receive applieations and treat all SURGICAL caK-* which may be him from a diet teen. Residence ou Jackson street, east of Court Stor£" 0,Be,, * FOR SALE, A large pair of Platform Soalet, XTKW ud is rood order, .uitabl. [or . wtr.- hour. Al.o, on. So. PIANO. • .11. II. WATSON, julyl—2t No. 15 Broad street, J. P. MURRAY - j||Al r«iNiua* hie work, at tke aid bam a. ia prepared t Uke ruk* upon Building*. Cotton i aodise uf every Jt*<-riptiun. L. LIVINGSTON. junAl-it Agent ttCulumbus/efia, July 5. 1885.—lm WHOEVER XJAS theuotee of Baugh k Tillman in pes- eeeriuu will be suitably rewarded, if left at the store of J. D. Nance. v jug»-iw £, Baugh. publishing in hi# journal, articles that Le ix tendenev to inflame the public mind, s' ‘ render it hostile to the U« fi In n late number of hi* paper Mr. Tur ner advocates the adoption of a new difforing from tho one of tlio stars ^ stripes. He also proposes the 1 tion of the two debts. Federal ami » federate, and the f^uaraniucing to ^ one of tbo States thoir rights, sucesiien.i believe, to bu included among tbe r.UM.b- Wu understand that .)lr. Turner e pressed himself as intonding no barm U the articles which had been doomed rt* ccptionable, that bo was willing 1° obedience to all tbo laws of th j Unlu^* States, acd that he was willing to U*» and did take, the oath of allegianco. We further learn that tho -caso oi^ »’• Turner was carried before Gen. VfiK* tor final disposition. -on TV/,