Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, September 27, 1865, Image 1

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COLUMBUS ■*%. • ... V A STRICT CONSTRICTION OF TIIK CONSTITl'TION-AN «OSKST AM* ECONOMICAL, ADMINISTRATION OF THU CIOFKKNMKNT. V.* V ^ land & Wjflpe, Proprietors. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDA Y MORNING, SEPTEMBER 27, 1835. VOL. VII.—NO. 23). T l: It M s OF TUB ILY liNQUlKElt; •*nth month ••• . n | ' ll! l***llt. . 1 eop,c? l- i« i n favor of r ^] JcJupti'»n will be made in *sd Dealer#. two week- •• three week) , one week - two weeks- three ' >7 Hi l ] ins u< 111 U;i IJ7 I J.4> 17(- |*si rti.*C'"etil> l MM ]e i i*cr ■‘•luare f ,, C f vjiuro for eacn tuim inserted .at iutcrv ala EDWARD WILDER, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, AND DKALKIt IN Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR Virginia, Missouri and Kentucky TOBACCO, * time, will J. T. PEYTON, i WlLR.tl AX, YOUNG cv AT ^V^f^N^;£s):i AW ’ EXCHANGE BROKERS. No. lit)! Knit .Side llrlmd St. GOLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, U. J. Uo8E3. SKNIOU. U. .1. M08E8, .It'Mo it. LAW NOTICE. f lMIK UNDEKSIONKD have i .rut- l a oo- A I'r.rtneratiii*, under tlio name .iml1\ U ot H, MUSKS, and will t stabli.-li ext. In luoantiiuc loiter* promptly alien.ted to Tho senior purtnor will attend regularly the United State* District Court at Savannah, tho STOCKS, BONDS, Foreign anti Domestic Exchange, BOUGHT AND SOLD. MONTY INVESTED AS PARTIES MAY D1UKUT. City Coiitiell Money *' , ur,jSule. I'toiuber 1, 1S*m—2nc » ( . Supremo Court ol' Uoorirm lor this dudioi.il Diciriet, the Court* of the Chattahoochee Cir- and upon epocial retainer in important case* will attend any of tlio Court. I Federal orSlato.) It. .1. MOSliS, .senior. aug ld-tf K. .1. MfSKS. .tumor. ALEX. C. MORTON, Att’y at Law, Convoyaucor, A N I AGENT FOR REAL ESTATE. Offices: No. 100 It road Street. M U. Morton will practice In the IJ.S. Courts, which are held fn tlcoririn ; an t. on -tiocial rovu out, will attend to tlie ;;<c julyjJU; t the States of AlahAai.i and i iorida. UIRER JOB OFFICE. D It ZX'jM 32 £ JNTo. 014 Mnln Stroot, Louisville, Kontucky. P. S. Liberal advance.- tnado on Cation on •nsiffinnunt. AVA NTKIL-Feather . (linsoftr, Beeswax, Tallow and Kates, lor which l will pay the high- ■ftt market price, either i TO OWNEKS COTTON AM, KINIi TEST STYLE OF fHE ART. I'KIi 'JINK HI HI IHINil LABELS, HAND BILL lAOAUpS, SUOW BILLS. I'UOfillAMM i;s. liK FORMS. OP ANY KING. HAIT.UOAl) TIOKI*.rs. Wo find Itiat Uni 1 iii'^i' ijuanlity of Cotton which we own amt control in Soutli Western Georgia, ami tlio un tile, I condition of tlio country, will roijuire us to JAMES M. RUSE! ELL, yv ttornoy »t 1jn w, (Oflico over Store of tlunby ,v C«» ,i I.1AV1NU re*u:ucd the practice ol I t-v, l I 1 will hereafter give tuy uu*li\ idi-1 at ten i ci to all bu-*mess entrusted to mu lor tb iand con tiguous! v-Mintio*. July JtJ-tf Xj33G-j!X1j CAXt •_>. Ju-LoO. A. Looiiulnr, I If. A.Thohnt.in, Macon, lit. I Columbu -, • l.i. W E hn/e .i.-ioeiatod In (ho praol >c for thu purp'Ho ol attomling all legal bit growing out ol the Into war; ah-, elaitn acaiiuu tlio linitod Mile*. J' paid to otwos of pardon*. Parlies will find it to tlioir intere-t t>* » .<u Jud^ce Loohrauu lias receutly rwtur COMMISSION MERCHANTS 131 BROAD STBKKT, ( OI.I MUUS, CJ A. oa glvon to pufchagod. SutygD If. . i.. svi.tattcRV. *. n. r arnoik. WA KNOCK & 00„ COTTON BROKIKG AN!*’ COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ortioc No. 131 liioml St., (Hofotto Si Law lion's Auction Doom.) MMvY are i>repared to store Cotton, Month- tat atteuliuli from Washington City, with all form* and instructions. Ollico in Macou: ) (Oflico in Colunil Washington mock. > ■< Next to Ar.eip-y l"k inly 11— du* ) l Chariest ) (Oflic k.\ Nv LAW SOTWR hi* < 11 IN US IIULT. attontion to the practice of t'.duMi'm . Qi, July 0,188ftt Law Nultcc. rplir. uiuler?igned, at their <dd otlh- f — 1 Hum, Uu.-sell county, Ala., nro i icjuire l to applications for pard .tu III Ills. il. |i. A ll. \V>i. IliHil'Kll. ESTAltliTStt A HOUSE AT _A_] in.lnclucoln, U’la., fur tlio purpose of receiving and for warding all Colton to our houses at Liverpool and New Y ork. Wo will ho associated at that point with the must eminent business nion of the country, who will reenivo, store, compress and forward all consignments, pay laxea, charges and make advances upon shipments to WATTS, CRANE & CO., New York ; YV. 0. YVATTS .v CO., Liverpool; or GIVEN, WATTS CO., New Orleans, or will forward Cotton on the MOST REASONABLE TERMS, nug 23-tf DOCTOR STANFORD • Surgery. Case* from a t urgiciil attention cun limi • a.illation* in the olty. i Min e hours imiu 11 till 2 < Hupl o, ItWS u DR. WORD Sioround lueliiiR pcriunnenliy hn-.it this city, roniiws iltu oiler ot lii<< son i ’l-i ti iiimunily in the praeliuo of juvlimo. gory and obitotrio*. DR. il. M. CLUCK LEY, IX OMJHOPA'raxtlT 'KN DtiliS bit* services to the ciliy.cn* ol t’of unibuH and vicinity. OlHoculh 1 rt . lorn on MoLutush Alruel, botwvn.i Hatulolpli :md S Olair. next door to Dr.CuxhinvuV burn!. rno Ulliou hour.-'iromii to S A. M. and lroni 1 to P. Al. where owners prefer to consign to oili er houses. Bagging and Ropo Supplied. Shippers can rely upon prompt atton tion. Gcnornl patronage solicited. Address E. M. I1RUCE, MORGAN A CO., Apalachicola, Fla. Kept. 5—1 in W. K. ALKY AX’DULL I* Iho Agent for tlio above houfo in this city. Oflico ovor Dr. Wuro’* fRAMBO.VP i*r I’AHiHOAU BILLS ur LAOIXG. I Of KXCUANGE, CUBCKS. ItlLL-llKAPH. p* any OTlinit CL A :■■; 10*11 w onu Mtn Puis or OIIN A SI F. X >'A I. il , enl.d will) dispsleh Chappell, Bruce & Co., IMPORTERS A .IORRERS OF DRY GOODS, No. 114, West I onrlli Slm-r, (IIKi’WLKN RACK AND I1LM,) CINCINNATI,) OHIO. >Ol{ IUN1MNG, rtttlllFXLv KXK.Jlj 1 l.o Al i'HK EVERY DESCRIPTION OF 12)IiY GOO 13 S, AND EVKUY AKTICLK Nrreswary to Make n Cuuiplelc ouUit PUR A CITY OR COUNTRY STORE CAN BE OBTAINED AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT. F c l^lror Joli OJUco. RATION . 1m*u V.iHu8ta^tlK Jrom Ayatiuh.— tbo^and throe huu- *,i iT » ' * :un cum'a „ hli.i fcr f l, . lly ln 11,0 county M*gr y.,.- **?.', r °*l bate lieon cl caret ■Ihingo is dci'ido-ily ent ohfcibly situattil.— '•aw kiin . " n « n subitnntial Tho build* Teniv*., a pd well censtru'-lod.— ‘ 1e fit ••borer* arc comfortable IWT\MM IUlJ dathit( upwitr In <»t two ■n the oHL 1 *? cotton and gin I with if ^ri 111 . 11 * All ot the too Po-*73& , r ,,s ‘ 'uule*. caliU f«» bo given on c 1 WABDBUJK g ,v, nn ,h. Dr. A. E. Ragland rofojilotml rerv icon t aitMiul c ills. Ito may nan's Drug Store during tlio d.»y, tutbor'g rorffdoln u in Wynnt -it at tu aug4 ■ ROBERT (T. GWYER, SHIPPING ,§latli) (tiu]im'er. ROSETTE & LAW HON, aXUTCTIOjSI l.-o, Proluco . ftifular idliMition ::ivcu to the sale of t i*»n. PKonnu:. *vo. \,.tiiNti, ltoi'K, ac., turn'uihod at the market Columbus. Qa., Auk. o,lStl'i.—tf 1 Yl.KR SAM *. K. ROIU80N TYLER & ROBISON, Grocery & Commission llcrclinnls, NO. 123, ) A’t'n. Ojijuisilr i/tr linnU of Columbus,) \\.\i:i<. T<nu:r S(tM\ /v.v.v, \>u ns,siHn>L-ihrn'ihy, nuMtano uu v ilUHfK, il t'. I'.irli.'Ul.ir iillcntl »u kIvoii to tlio nttrchaje oi ulc ol any kind ol produco or inurchandifo. .1. A. TVhliK, :» tf HA M’Ij K. HUU ISON BEDELL & CO„ Grocers and Commission Merchants (j\<«rli/.Oi>iMtilc Hunk of (hluinbu CUiiU MBUiJ, ti A., I'KKPi’ IV col MIIV l'KODUCi: of uvery kind, 1:1:1’, •n-t.mlly on haiul (IRUCKUIICS aiid «r«rj km. i>f Meroh i.ul'.-osolicito<l. ah' ol D ittontion given to the ptm-liaeo and 11 < of every Je«orlptiun. W. A. JIKDKLL, A. U. liKDKliD. tf C. G. HA Hill HON. Juli ll. 11 C. M’l'KRl: YN, It. J. MKNRKGR. JNe. D. M'FKRRAN YlcFERRAN A. MENEFEE, COTTON FACTORS Lencrat Commissiou MtTCltauls, rUOVXBIOJMH, HALE ROPE AN 1) RAGGING MAIN STREET, IH:T\Y ltl'N 1'lltST AND SECOND STREETS, i.oi isvioi.i:, icv, ,' ,m l).i»,1 Ctin^iKOmentf of OOTTON, 'iTUPUN I’L Ku.SLN, Ae., Ac., solicited. lUfcrcncr~~h. Merchant & Co., Mobile. July'JKHi CRANE, JOHNSON & GRAYBILL, savannah, ueohoia, (OWUDINf Mil COMMISSION MLlUlilWiS. II. UlLAVJiiUli Ukc.H plea urn in ii.b.rm- Inghif many filends in Colmnlm* * d il.c country that lie Inw re-eHtabliglicd In* liim in Hnvntiuah uii'i will give carerc* ailimti-n u* all bit duo*.* entrusted to them. . A. CRAKE, J0UK R. JUUN8UX* I. It. G U-l V li Id.. rep! I ' ni _ / A. STRASSBURGEK, Genoral Commissiou Merchant, WHOLK8AL13 GUI KIKII IOH COMMERCE BIKKET, «»» Mont«routcry, Ain. A LWAYS on hand an oxtotiftivo tuuiurtuioni «»i Id-, “ M — ' l0 - 1 - ,, ~- Cotten bongh^ to order. Prompt nttenlion given to all conMKmnrnt- julyl.’. "in ,T. MURRAY. 40 llroad Street, CoIiuiiImil, (i.oi-g»n Maker and Dealer in Gmis> ALL KINDS OR UUN MATKIUAL AND ARTICLES IN TIIK Sl'OR'HNli LINK , Key- fitted and Dock* llepoircd. Kept I i— 11 C. FOR SALE. WIIITK OSur' hi.) onlirn . I... I:,. Wo will duplicate prices of any hill purchased in New York. YYc arc de termined to mako it to the interest of the Southern States to purcliaso their stock of us this fall. One of our part- nors resides in New Y'ork, and couse- ,|ucutly has great advantages, which wo propose to extend to our customers. Wo can supply ovory article kept in a country Dry Good.-, store. Chappell, Bruce & Co. nutt 30—lm Residence and Small Kara Foil BAIjSI. 1 OFFER for sal, my Uwidouc! mul Farm. lying four mile* norm of Columbu*. on the river, containing W aore;. Any per«pn iwir* ouii of enter in j into tho uianuTacturlng bu*i- new will Und a< gpci W.itor cuwor on u a* any itillii. vicinity. It II I* „n it a ii.i„A Jwclliny h<>u8Qand outnouae* and Uin llou** A„„Tv .,",n ," you may " jl »|‘»r|»'» 0Y Sept. 1. WA-lrn Carriage and Wagon MATERIAL, to any ono wishing to ongogo f»> t'ltii btt im an It stand*, and the privilege ol thu Miup known a» McKEE’S CARRIAGE SHOP, UN OtfldKTHUHFK HTllKKT, Such a* llubl. Fellow*. Dak an I I*!.*.?..r l.urn- ber. and one lot ol ikwortud Iron, bu JKl l r »p*. and Dutm anti Spring*, Paint-. Mark ninth Tool*, 4 Fine Express Wagons, Now, I It,UK)', 1!flOltSKS.iOi.I llnu.11 •),•! Kilcl) uti Kurniturc: Tho-o who want bargain* Oomr ati'l i-tvonu a call, a* i am now cloning out btinnc.- . August I n» •I ill*i I'ioou* Assorted Urand* Ivy. Bagging, Colls choice Machino Hope. •FOIVW A BIDING. . T«> Ini brat. >f our IfudbosH wunrogh'iuK .i • i.il ;i*‘ n» , any gooJs sunt to our cure ni lm. .uipi dilpatch. Our 11 .lie.- lor tlio hanuliUK und .^alo oi •itP.n aro u*i iirpn-ud by any hou.io in tlio ,i)i, Whon tlo.dretl, wo will mako liberal \^ll ADVANCKS oii consignment* to i our friend in New York. , t .| ; MclvKKltAN A *M KNKK1CK. ATiCiNS, DUMiSLM .V; G<), COlhllSSIOJiaoil MIllVAHDIMj illiUCIIAMS. APALACHICOLA, FLA. July 11t It. W Activity. :» review of "A. 1). i.l t!..' N,«v.- Yoi . tie I'nlift.i : in Mi r. i NV M. 'J. J J It AN N ON tV; CO’, Auction & Commission Merchants, K U F AULA, ALA. I) AllfICI LAll fillontloii oivon to Iho ftalo I in-l i.ii-inoM oi CUTi'UN. July A.MI A .SIII.I.IG YV, LEON YON ZINKES. MILLIGAN & YUN Z IN'KEN,' COTTON FACTORS, —AN ll— General Uomuiissiou Merckauts, 1„, UA.UONDKLET ST., M-:\V Oiil«IGAIMS, I.A. u nd Li*, lsti'i—;im ''lm D’till Trude in New t.'Ponlittnxy i.’oiuiufiei.il T’ha J^cw York Titnpf* in Iho fall (Tiido in that city, raj . Tl7 B HAS IS op THAI) It, It id gratifying to know, i.* inuinly pafIi, or a crodil cqilivalnut t<» o.teit. ihivor*. hr well h.s sellerfl, give n deridevi pn I'.-ronen to tltU rystom. They urn “in fun. ’ -.ml having tlio moans t*» puy prompiiy i.>i* their purchase*, they nro eunhled lo ninko bolter selootions, utul lo secure more prompt execution of iheir orileri*, Ilian would ho practicmhlo !*i: nry otl.or eonili- tioitp. The eiHl 'mcr? I'* whom credit i - given nro generally .-ili'lL'il wn.li mi nver- age itidulgcnco of nxly da> -, llo ugh a few of then), win* nro peculiarly i, are ncoorded threo or four months’ gnu trnngh a* it may appear, it is nevortho- ))>s n fuel lh.it Southern buyer** c»n»io into niirket as liilly ]irepurvil with ready money to pay for their supplies ns any other elnRs of purelittsers. Alt our lead ing tnorolmnU eonlirm this *tni' im>nt., by a leenpitulutuip of incident;) within their owh exponeneo. All ngreo that trader 1 !* from the S--uth 8emn to have all tint money mad; I by them to “pay their way’’ with ease, and lo the rutUfuction of tlio parti '* inlere t<«l. Tho uctivo demand i*»r, and tlio « \'>m»r dinnry high prieos of, cotton, i well a* other Houlhern produelr, t- the s-'urc.* whencp mv»st of thin money is derived, respectable) amount of "hard carli," hoarded during tho late war, i - al '*» com ing t<» light, and being marketed at a pre mium, ia deemed by iho lucky owner* an astonishingly liberal rimnsurn of prolU. V'ory iuggortivo in this eoniii'ction ir. tlio nfisurnneo that comes Item tho business men of the Soutborn States that TIIK ANTK-WAU DKHTO Will bo made ^«»od t-» a degree far stir- piiasing the anlieipnliona of even tin* most sanguine of our merchants. A year or two ago it would have been deemed in* crodiblo that tho South, under the most fttvornhio condition of thing.*, could pay more than twenty or twenty five per cent, of its old IndobtndnoBA. Now what are found to bo the “Mots of the etc Very many of tho Southern cities un l town * will pay dollar for dollar of their ancient obligation?, such as Augu-La, (leorgia, j whore tin* roeupeiativu energie of the I people have Mirpri ed oven the "oldest j inhabitant-;." liusito-. in Hint great ram- 1 trstl city ol tho Ibromo t it.»lu-ii ; il Stale \ of tho South, wo aro iiiilimi iiattvi ly a»l- vised, is unprocodenlciliy hri.-k, llm r.m- | scipient influx of populaiion anta/.iioMiiid j tho deman*l for hou.-.- and .-.tort-room far beyond anything evi r known in tho hi lory of the place. A biter from Augmln, dated Septemlier Dth, says tin* magniltide of tho improvements now in ptogn in Augusta can only bo appreciated on per sonal examination. No aceount, that would do jualico to tho sullied, W"tl!d bn croditod by any ono who itmt not lately seen "the facta with his ovm oyr:s,” "Such energy," we aro told, "was never seen before." What is Lrtto of Augusta i- true of many another place in Iho Southern country. New Orleans and Savannah will pay at least Toe., on tlio dollar oi lite r old debts. Mobilo and Montgomery will return 70^'Tbe. on tlio i.ollar; Uliarle Jon 40(®5Uc. on tho dollar; Ihm-aenla lObi ot) cts. on tho dollar, which will be tlio a\ e.r- ago return, wo nro assured, front I'h'i'ida, Miesi&sippi and Soutli Carolina. Tin* in terior truders, away from tlio desolated tracks of tho groat armii-s, will make a very handsome exhibit. Taking lit t bn i- ntiss ntun of the whole South, rigid through, it is confidently br.it i\ • i i >. i tin* giriieral avornge return from old dele.- will bo above 60c., and elo. <« on l<» ti'v., on tlio dollar, which n balding morchmit of Augusta naively hints is "an exceed* ingly respeeluble showing, in view of re cent linnitciul compromises in the conn niereinl motropolis ol tin* nation.’ In conlirinulion of our own stnt» , m' , nlwo give thu f Hewing note from it* f’!»m- morciiiI Agoney ol iMessrs. Melvtllop Sprague, embodying the resn.i of a c are ful exutninulioii of tlioir records and ex- toimivo corr«.*spoiidoiice, n-lative t.» litis important tubjecl of tins liquidation of ant*'-war debts. Debtors from tho South aro coming North in considerable numb. ; ■» ami .< t- lling old clttims against tlirm--Homo by compromi-e, some in lull but. the .aviT- ago payment is. much larg**r iLari * ttr morchants anticiimied, Tne Stale ol (ieorgiu has thus Ihr done the In t. The city of Augusta will about pay in full, wbilo Savannah will pay al lend 75 per cent. Kxcopt in tho part of tier State de vastated by Sherman’s march, the avni - ago wiU exceed GO por cent. Aiany of tho Augusta morchants look the pro. .autnm l«> iuve.-t in sterling exebangu during tlio war, and found thomselve? ri< Is wlmn the Woinakct an extract Irotn one el ;!•. m : A delightful evening drive ofTl mil «, J'V tl,( ; • S ^ , r'*'iV lir.us^it u to Lake ! alme. J ho air w:. rv.vet win, tho breath oi the pines, wild'* the reacted on tlio deep green valleys, go at mouhtnins of reek, ami bill? sunid.al with. i vet;,i.M in». Tho poerb'a? little laLe is up atm ngthe clou Is, more than n mil..- al»o\e s.-.a level. It slretcl-cR for L’D ii;ib s, a -hinmg mirror fringed with sombre Ur- and walled in by dark mountain * • irk mountain?. In the ouiet night, wo re?led down 1 * the sltoto'iind lounged on a pile of Itnnbei', lisflcnibg to tho wind*a low moan ibr.'ttgh the pine? and the wavr’. toft rij-.ple agaito-l the ■a ,!. The orcM'enl tm'on »n« b* i*i the hurni-lte«l lake a groat field of d-1.1, narrowing towiud us like an invert, .1 A. m id. in 'lm lew swell it broke* into a mu*!' ol .sparkling silver cl.atm. The next morning Do* melody of sing ing birds awoke me, pouring m through lm* ‘1*"n wiinlow ntlhe • Henbreok House. \\ e biC!lUla-*1 •■I • • 1 1 Lite J.dv.; trout, which weigh-fri'in I lo *Jj petpid?. ThetiWeen- j-*vcd a lid** of t^.'lmtt“ upon Iho liltln ateamet (.’owr.mr lll.a-.lain. S.-mo ono ' tirrg!-. leil Hint it ,ji« named for his • Mx- cclwuey I*•'■ . • ! -ey arc about the «nmo •^ngtl,- it: ii. 1^ juarlv ,i«: font high ! Tahoe i- probably tlio lirkbe^f WAler navi gated by a -tea lit boot, ..n tlio globe. If. seems perfectly trr.nsparcnt. We could >eo the bottom wiiit j;real diathiotncss fit tho depth ol nearly r. Immlr< .1 fort. In ; ‘»tno portions il lm.- been found fifteen hundred feel deep. AM around, tlm ir tegular Ir co 'li' iding tlm "a , a-grei*n •>!' I lm shallow waters from tin* sky blue »>!’ I bn prolotinder depth**, is a* Well delined as a chalk line on :i blackboard. Tito (Uale lino ctnitej tho bike, and we hoon pa-*.-'.‘d into (Gdilm nia. At tin* le<ke Douse wo parted from tho twenty Nevada friend? who had accompanied us, and ex changed tlm -loumboal for u six-norm stage coach m' the J'teneer l/nn*. YV’ltirl- ing along up the smooth, winding, gin led road, wo were uumng baru granitic, pewks *>f white, gray and brow n, in air pungent with odors of the pine and tho »lcnder balsam lir. Many noble pines, 1.70 foet high and straight us arrow.-, ate covered • in the North . ide with rii h, yollowi-b green mofs, Rivulet; leap for bund rad* of fool down tho abi unt nmuuluin sides, each (‘'inverted by the .in:ting rock? into I ono perfect rainbow of alabaster white- | nes.'. They m ull the I’no conceit of the , Snattifh poet that a ht .-.ik i.« tlm laugh of i the mountain! j (.haiB8tng tint nttnm'.l, 7,b‘*0 bail ah. j the sea, \." look'd hack u|-«>nagrand pait- | orama. Far In-low us glittered Tahoe, bright, , t !,.*m in tin* iimiintiiin corom t of llii- o twin .j11.• • i -, tin* (lokbfit and the Silver Wn raw every variety ot form met color, mountain ami valley, the deepest gte, n and llm purest snow. Then wo began to »b seeiul. Here, where the tin a pike in w inter in often obrlnnded by l at feet of snow, pa:-s three l. iegrapit wires :md eight daily I'oache.*, There are great wooden water-tanks two or throe miles apart, and through tlm Summer the dusty toad i. .-prinkb*d by water ral’l“for bd miles ! Tlm n :e lo ut u heavily load ed; sometime.- . ne carrie* *dl pisM*ngia*s wijlr mu* It luggage ami i-xpres?* nmltei. n the narrow, winding shelf road l.ulc Conquers all Tiling- of Mig/ilnt ll..,; • g/.s, . l rV Hoth. bongslor.v,.but mu I ntake it. - !i.t. No taste for love Rlories this hot uc oin r. (J. t the particulars from an indi\ideal who had It by heart. Young man of tlm name of William. 1 oung lady of the name < , I •liu.ki. a veil in same neighborhood near nmrh Uoril.R l„WU. „„„) I I.Kikill!', I*ut. not neb J'leitly «»f peer kin, but • nmn <y. . 7 oung lady' beauty iml liknly death ol her; but glandm:i w i'iit «•' ngo :u»d left, h,*,* pit.. t , t,, : , to be th under ) cent pf. , f 7 iM.rtg lady di'sperafely i-< love e i' man, and voting man i!osp.*ial.*| v w ith young lady. 7'owng man . let Confoalmetil’, "like non \ ed worm*,’’ lec.l on hi- elmi*!, hi; love "oiiiejitly knowludge.l tlm corn "(liim, thine, dearr-1 William !’’ .* : I 'Cw young man’s arm* . wr.-t n > . m t , “He hold Iter gentle hand in lo Ami pressed Imr -don let* |,,: . . A ml vowed to itiebl her ii n I And Irom tlm wm hi ..Id t. And limn thu raised hot And filled with drop.-; of v And in tin* tend, n : no Oh, quit -don't buy tun • oticli i lifa*'.n,i lovi*. young man to inf.*rf.i*' tb* . n Young man diil. Old folks : | they could help it.’ 7 .mu- ! ! v )ictit*l«*0; «| it it combing tier imr. hoop-; wore :*lmcs slip. and lo "find relief in silent t mil*, man tin t young lady by mo.eil d ami wattled >*e;ng lady lo llu-av of clothe* out bark window, cbm rope ladder "into llm-e arm . a., the squire ami happiue ‘ I n.a know 1 dial I die, William mt never will 1 wed tlipe, dent, t on .mt..• 11-.•;,t oT iim ami pa. Yon ptOndi like nr 1 , 1 i » 7'eung lady stubborn am! dutti,;!. man tries llm indignant tipiu aid lady—s wears 1 le did not lliiitl; to i .■ . i\ hctirl lie deemed t o m A Inmrt like A, *. would y i- id 7 1 f love like hi -Inmld w *o, ia.lv nl pr. mt. a. McKenzie n co., General Commissiou Morobants, OOTTON HltOliliUS. Receiving and Forwarding Agents, APAI.ACIIIUUI.A, KI.A. AUKUft Jo—llll WILLIS & CHISOLM, Factors, Commission Merckauts, ANii KHIPPIND AGENTS, i ll AULl’.ATO.V, S. V. I!. W11.1.18. A, R. ClttHOLM W ' 1 LL .atlonU to (ho purciia/r.iolc ami nlii|' ii'cal -tl<» Fun*i«n un.l D..iucf(io of Cotton, Lumber, Naval ritorc*; t'lthnCol- I... *i.,ti nl In.iU*, Purclni-** and Sale ot allHo- '.'uriti 1 ' . C'ln.-igiiiiicnlF el Venule awlioltod. John Pnuittf A BuMn ui Widi.mt.. .V ( <•.. Mc.-.*r. He,. A M'.-nlcy .V Vo., r.iarle*l"u: ri. O.t Ui**» Sohley. Um|., T H Metajukt, i .. An-u-Uifc, «ja.; .\l««.-rs Clark, DuiIko Sc Co, ,\1. >-i Murray Si Nunhow, New York; Mesum i. SV Cl.oL .V Co., l*hil idolpliia, l’omi.; Mn^ri i'nu ler;u t, Fenwick X Co,, Halliluoro, MU. GENERAL I'l RCIIASINO AGENCY ISRAEL F. BROWN & SON, A /; It' ADA"DON, VONNttCTtCUT, ). r lL1. atton.l i.raiuiRly to tlio juirohn.iiiK V V u, 1 l',i .v.ii'Jliitf „1 all oluMoa ot MKRCU ANDIHli and ovory Jo«r.,,tion „i MAOlllN KRV, iipiilioablo lo uiu.w.UiU of tho Southern people. All piirohtuc? m »do freo of Cointnledon till Del-.bor next, u* tlio l<>wo?t markei ruto.*, ai.«l >r*J> -1 by the nn**rt exmalitiou* route*. Ur- • t* iuUst Uaaoeouipaniod with iho money, and gal - > mi ltes irom tlm lit lolling fiom nl feet .'town the our ImraoH c*im • leal lop. It it* a Ijirilling t points, a divergent*.t of track would ?cnd tlm t live hundred to n thou mountain, inti* tlm i.■.*;...ing Hi eaui-hi'il of soinu yawning .-uv tit. ll.i'ek*. tin* per lection of staging. For weeks afterward oim's blo'-il It. iin.ls at. tin* memory of its whirl and brush. TwentyMour on tin* coach, with six hor.es galloping down the Uierra Neynda9. ab'ti' 1 : a winding, narrow, diz./.y, * pi ini.led road, at Uvoive nxili s an hour! It is swift a* Sjieihlan'H Hide and Stirling as the Mix litimired. 'i’lu* roitd seetne.i half govern.I with great (.’nliiornin iroight wagons. One car lies lroni six to I. n inns, atnl i!- drawn by ton or twelve mules, eueh lion ling oil In? .-addle four tinkling I" lls. Very striking wu* tim skill and c.iolin*--of our driver, as wo roll, il on our winding way, Among tkesu long t* inns and ponderous wagons. With perieel ( miidouee and tin* HUtOht calculatioii lie whiiled u arouml sharp iiirriers uipl tbi«>ogii gaf*s l»etwi*i*n tin* IVidghtcrs and tlm pmi-tpim, barely wide i noiigU for our wbeelr. With liim, driv ing long ago ieimied li* bn an experiment al accompli liment, atnl be gum one of tho exact scieiircj. We passed in . iglit of tho peak imtoor- tulip.ed by Kremmit's iiuiuble-bu**, and rode along the loot «jf a granite wall thir teen liumlrc ! feet high, o uptight that from thu summit one might has <* dropped all apple upon our lieadt. We dun d al Straw-Derry Station, wliic.li commemo rates a pioneer lump <1 Derry, who used to sell straw t<» tlio early Waslioo pilgrims. Among the be.-oiln s and wonders which ’ j foa^tt «1 our eye?, w a ono sinking and talks ei pistol Young lady dissolves m tear . “< I in in, leave me;- quit my .ogid -n lake mo uhuig with yen !" 7'. • tt*, Ituppy a? nigger at coni In*. '. t(*lls young lady lo look on: night, and don’t la* v an-d if b.- dor .poked in l»ueU wtiulov.’ “y* liam w ill be at lollier end. " \ • 1 It in U rt hlo-'s gone to.* far, an ! ter wait till she's liei* own ‘mi ti live years.” Young man ;-n\ bedat'iied.^ Wa- i- .min dtp. witfl ladder; if hi? In at . i d w Irom pareti al tyranny and !• ' . him and let him bo happy * it and good; il tn-t, di-n|• |•• • 11111>.- not feed on hi** vital n n- ; •• pi lix tiling? quick enough. 7 " ;|| • ill tear.-again. "('i n.d, cruel m*i me to the end* ••!' the earth; I ib where, just o aa.yoil ' irry in Saturday night yoiin:; l.-nly "savigel'oii.? do);' in sinokelmi g*»e? up stairs, 7’omof n.un « tier two mile-; nut- la.ldi"* up lo and whisper* “lloliinl.) 1 very I. I indy doesn't hear, but dog «i* up among meat barrels lert ibly. wakes Up. ’I’ells old man ‘ o, trying to break in." old in.m taken down double-barrel gnu, o| ea.-y, slip? around to Fiuoke-lmn . dog out. Dog pilebes aioiind, . young man ami young lady n| Old man smell- largo nitli\ n mil . , • ami il.ulges beliiinl tree. 7'oniig p roncii tin* ground, youipr lady I. . drove llm dog off. “Oii t Wibi .-n, aliaid.' "Afraid, deare.-t ! and of w In m»t tliin** own William b.-r.* to pi - Old nmn lot oil one luu gun; young man disappi ur.t oyer I leaving coat-tail in posse- ion of do.; young Indy scream, ami faints in • Id i. wur dosed. The disposition shown by tlio Southern debtors to pay is highly crodittbla to thorn, and Northern • rediL- ors have met thorn in a spirit of great lib erality. Tennessee is tho only Slate Huh far which has given much trouble to our merchant**. Union citb.en? in some por tions of tlio Stale liavo attached tin* prop* erty of rebel?, sued them for damages, false imprisonment, etc., and many places have become wholly disorganized. Many Southern men and some block ade runners—invoited largely in larnh*. Those they are now putting into the mar ket for fait*. Having paid for them in Con fade rule money, they can aflord to soli thorn cheap. The corn-union to be drawn from the commercial intercourse with tho South is-—Commerce i lviivg not cotton, nor corn, hut commerce ; and the whole South, with pi-r!ui| the cxei p- tion of Texas, in back in t! •* U n ; *n, n*- Eolved to remain. Texas i.-* in much eonfUhiori.and siunc of it# pe »|de «!i p . . to bo turbulent. Mi>-i-.dppi i b *ginnii; to pay, and except llm riv r . ouiite -, wi probubly pay an average "I < igl'ty per cent. In Alabama the nv*‘ra * *-f wlmlo State will !»*• al lead td'i.v p* ••« while 80)1)0 of tii" largo • ilu- will go much above that. .Mobilo ami Al'mlg-ou- ory wiil probably pay art average of ev- onty-fivo percent. Fifteen liuiivfrod feel below u*; glillered a silvor-bright ?«*'-lion »»l tlio Ameiiean riv er. llills studded with *l«*ep pin**s and firs, and low, green, with .bdu iyu gras?, sloped down.to it on all i-ido.* with perfect symmetry and regularity. It was tin rarer1 little glittering picture, Trained in th" richest verdure. Karly in the ovening waarcnelind lMa* cei vilbi faflcr ridiiig hour-, including,pi' praG id blr I tr \ illago Young la*ly sent oil’ next in interior, ami young man .uni. tat. Tax HI in a born. Yolilijg lady linen twi* wi‘.*k ,t o.i*iil town iii iuleru*r; teli'graplii. Hi- pal.rli .*m» niglit, "I'k quite siel;, *»t*e if i *inp »ti\ • • be bu*) at hotel, und « «»uio hone*.it • • ■ • ■ • Young holy . ends to h«*t« l l » know if anyboily i-goingto South Alalmi'i:. Y> geiitui*l young man going light i.iaigl.i t" that very place. Karly next m oTiin , slag" Ink**? up young holy, and g •• hioiimi to hotel lor young man. 7 oi.n,; " \N illia mall gel IuikIi, don't ray "lu tirsl into health "ilad it sent my.sell are you going to thk •ID* d’o the | smiK Irom u \ i it lt>) rt, I llT field h"fido thing* 1 cvjjf jkfl. Hast winter, uli caping from piT«'»ri, the mo**t ..rdieary comfort 6 , pure cold water, untaint***! air, clean clothing ami wh do-ome food—worn luxuries nhovudescription. S.», after i*ur long rido over mount tin and de.-uit. llu*?e pleasant valLcj bum . wiU) t * • and ilovvcrft und l*»( ■•. ii vim)-*, wore w**n- • Irou. ly boaulitu . 1 r*pli«*n l<* Mr. Colfax swuned to conic, light f. on the heart; and lor my own part, Happy couple at hotel here !:• t v. Telegraphed old imgi nhout i 1 . ••Id m*i»* pomes uown next day with all n**cos ary fiu’ling- ami arrangeiiionls t • Ink** \*-uiq; lady homo a premature widow. I ‘.t d *• noldoil. 7’oungH.m in law gonUemni v and polili*;JtiV()dilangliter well couldn't help it. 7'oiilig lad.V nil teal n-lie, s. .lb equal proportion i*f rob.. “Kill mo il you will, my laLlicr, but spare Willi.nu " Old mail’s feelings go clown reveral pee i’iiinks it no iimi; lo cut ii|» <o er ♦pnl mill; —"x’ul ymir hut- ami Lemuel , ami fi t' go timin'." Young ccupln happy a odai 1 with Ungers eliuek lull »*l mol . . ami toutherr , lly around tiller l* u;: »*..*•. old pay? holol bill, and nil le-.v* I *• gotlmr. Didst llm.i blit, knew Un* i 'iiioit w.iui.lsla.* ?.iuu * •• Li A.- . i*! k lo 'luun.-h thu ilr<- • [M. >• w itli Tit M A N * bail, 1 er tr« iil<‘'l m» w**li • '■lie I A Cuuious VlMB.—A curiou.A vine, says the Nevada True.script, has reeenily boon found in some of llm gardens m tb;- vicinity, it is a parasite un 1 readily at- liieims itself to other plants. Tlm Tin m xt mm inn; mite; lam.iul iu at side* tb ; ell", moil.*' i Sacuainent*) N'alloy aa roail. After two time coaching, Imre vva- lb from the bottom of n (*mbracing it, or, at i. tropliizing il iu a j . c I final i ilia of tiina liinkte Springa, be- i)-. i»• I• t ibq»o iif tlie ,.l I’lM-rvi In It .il i i.ml miles of si.ge .• loe.iuml.vi* again ! "V Imait i felt like i-y I'OSKI* Company.- Dispntcbi*- to tl.•• papers of tlm ."1st giv <• luib*r | ot Lhi? proj (t than tbi-e tu. yiatnrdav : I ‘ Tlm Kieiiinoml Wing «:»y tb I of nipiluintL, on Moi,d; \ • . I gam/." a groat National and In I Kx|ifoM ( •niipiny, Km*, lm*,** o j and re|.r«*****ntation **l cnpil i!. H. MeFarland act* *1 as i-iiuirm A I'ovvardm t*' i ecretarv. * lb. * uiu < i bun ii.m .b. The Ho Kii about half the sixo ot an angle worm, i i lr * |0( i l)y ro nrtmarlial at Memplii-*. T« will b* of n light color and appears vry t but il is almost impossible to kill it. of tlioso vinos has (iinlem*d il . , a few day? ’''“’film troop lo t*> i>*bollio ••iling I F.H1 ABI.IMIIKII IN lltlS.J SMITH IlltO W -Ni *1. WUOLX8AI.B UKARliH I BOOTS AND SHOES, No. 3.'l,t)IU|Rl)«ri S(., N**w Ydik. uitu«r ul Now London, Conn.. • »r * ; Job.* Sirrut, N.-w Y ork, K.*fi*r i i i. Ik dr.ovn, Mueon, (In., nn<l 7V. if Ulinii .i.s, C"!uiubu 4 , Ua. ioul-U W M. SMITH BROWN will rccuivo non- | sinniaeiK- of Otllon for sale on Cninniis* ■inn. fsl utiko i*s*h iuIvuii****** on Hii|.iiotiii** III arrAncouienls iro su.’li u? lo iunura Uillilul atteniioo to lb* raUiesl ol Iko cout>un#r. S*pt I‘»—8m FOR SALE, AT TIIK OLD STAG’D OF J. li. JAQUES & BRO., A LOT OF FINE Top aud no Top Buggies, HAnNIB08 f WHIPS AND COLLARS. s#|>t. laf'.-tf of tlioso vine? has lii.te.ie l il-«d« "I-" ; holding up to ini Judgo Weldon i potato top?, and it.climbs , j (| „ JU , ( j j* rr from ono plant to anollmr witliqul «lilli- i oral i nt , t | l( . , ••ulty. If broken into piocos ami thrown ]*i%. s i>lcnt I upon tlm plants it soon winds if?«*il j.;• |. or ;,i,,..*.. around tho stein?, inserts its feud r. ini* the plant nn I snoot? out its temlril- i* every dirocti*)n, losing imtmof its vilalit.v by tlm rough treiitinont. Wo nr.* inmrni- oilthat many vines of tlm same kin I gro.v ulohg tho Yuba. Jlotvnv. r this may be tbocrociiing parasite will liirnixh interest ing study for tho botanist. I with defaming v. rm-r D own* on, and det-o- n*rv <*l I!»•* Ih!* 1 el Mr ) III lf e-d"ll. I ll tell,, the A New Havel following o*:ir,.i>r-lifm;y lab*: • (’. Ik Daily, F-i , of the treasury de partment, WiiHiingt*>ri, I 1 I through tlm city ye-t< rday from Daikliatmdcud, neconipanied by lw? wife and baby. Tlio Tho lion. Andrew II. II. Daw on, of latter is ono Gf a pair of l win*, which, on this State, delivered a locture on llm evo- their arrival fr**m th" < I—li.-d rogioin, ning of tuc 18th in-tunt at Springfield, two months and a half before they were Ohiiwm thonuhjoi t of "Uoi Mi-triK-tion .*xp(*eto«l. Wi igh**d . vaetly *i )i.*uml apiece, and ino Condition of tho South." Mr, ilo. tho mrviv >r, i now i*vii vvo**k* **ld, Dawson recently spoke at Iciui-villo, and weigh) tw*» and n half pound?. 11**1? Ivy,, on tho ruiiio &ubd* c'., ami received a i at pre-cut domiciled n a litil*? w*»rk l»a k- cominiiuicalioii signml by <ion-*. Falmer, » l enveh>po*i in eollon ami warm llannol, Hogan, IliM^eau, l*or?« am! I.oggoll, who . t „,| p.«epn iiit now and tli**i. wuh a grimni »pi»ke of the ellort in tho mo l eompli- )H if he thoughl mantary lemw —iU"*"" 7Wr*/. <»/»/■, |queer obi world four th*>u?nml ?ub.-c.rihed. Tho Mini t" I*.* . lticlilimnd i? to be limited to a inn'dniiim capital of • ' l maining tin* to |.** I N.irthern State?, (iov. J’i ribed 5’*,(HH), eliciting ..." A mong the?" pn-enl and the i «*b*'l (iee. Ivclm 1 .. I " tbi: Natl.mal Ivvpre • '*•••*:••) d lluil it? olfieor? and eui| llii e- > and ol.ln r- of tl.e u (/nil : . ila Hl>d ; o Slat**?. In tho Noitliirn 1 ' id in the Southern tat* , ildiois ol l .0 let * « on!* d army. At the hand of the • • ly qualified und c**mp«*t«*n) . I’ Minims will lm placed. Tin ** employ mem t.» mui.y *-i i bravo men now out i f . and wIn.'!* faiidliea an* aim* III el V do C iu'ili**h an atlinity ol uu> .* t two Motion?. vwf tunny and A \Y c-R rn • ■•liter npolo-i * r? -oiii*-what alter tin-* IV hi.* ptu'ti*.I t .. havo a death mi.<1 j. puhluli till? W*vk, but ;* \ praVelited tin* wedding, ni.. having taken sink him .-if, i.. "overed, ami w** ale :».*. • *ul of both.