Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, September 28, 1865, Image 1

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COLUMBUS DAILY ENQUIRER, Ragland & Wyuue, Proprietors. A KTIIICT CONSTKI'CTIO.M OK TIIK t'O.NSTITl'TIOM—AM IIONKMT AXl( KCUXOM1CAL. AIIMINISTU ATlOA l)K TUH UMVKUJOl KN'I', COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, SEPfEMBER 28, 1865. . VOL. VII.—NO. 232. DAILY ENQUIRER. " o»« month —•«- $ 1 Co fliree month#.—. % W Mix mouth.* - ••• 6 '*• 4 ropie* — 10 cent*. ‘ ♦ AUb*ral deduction will Lc nta lo in favor or Jfswsb">-" ****1 Donlor*. fcATKS OP AUX KIITISINI;. ^ \ ggoarc, one week - .§ % fs* two weeks 0 on three weak* H oft flf«are*. one week li 00 two week* ’ three week* . INQUIRER JOR OfFICE. 1 tio-f .H 4-:i *("♦! » f Mjo v* i- >i mi - suit .'» t O Nl »,S7«* 7* 7S SI' **o • Ui 7.1 IK* *7 *.»I tu| liK i ?• s: o-.i.H m uorj: _ _ t lot io» ii7 u» 11;in l* 42' 70 tM |«m I In (*i I:vi !«e ! v» ino 17«» iso I * * * — sift Sift 201 Jto ’15 UK) 1JU.H1) ..**♦ „•• -»•* .•*. fftn liseim-et* i*ul»li«lu‘.l l« « I hull one l*er .-.pisrc for the flr*t insertion aft cenU per e luare l«*r each subsequent jrlion. 2f«rti*emen< 1 inserted af interval* fo he ted m new vaeh insertion. eKUetnelite nnlcred to remain on any larp.*g«\ to bo charged u- new. caeh in VaetiMnnent.'i not specified n* to time, will jfeblUho«l until ordered "tit. mid elmrcr<( mly. AJverli-ei;Une re-purs ted to state er of imortio ■ a.jMiiaav®rtisouionin oon*>i«liT< Uaerti.m uu<J eolU-.Mnhlo XENIX FOUNDRY SD MACHINE SHOP. ,eo(lcr.*itf"i'.l bee leave to Infirm Ilioir Itnili and the public wi-iicralb', that they At a first elo#< Foundry and Manliine Octetborie street. In-tween l rnnkliit street-, and ate prepared to do tbeir line of Wo will kind ol Machinery to order; sueli a* JILLS ot any *ize, wttli wmiiirlil or •haft*, froiu 14 me lie* t»» Is ino In-- di- duo K l'i 1TLKS from ►*" to ice gallon *. Intermediate 'ire-. We will make HAW-MILLS anl .MILL tt tilth ol lira or Iron, md nil kind* of ^18, Hdl.LOW WARE, IM.iMHUS, LINtl, and !in>tluin: the puldi with our basins.**, wo have SO- ul a illmL u!mm» Ir.ntw.n, wtl (> haulinc ail Castings L. II AIM AN A CO. of Country Produce taken in * work. uu libural term-. . L. II. A Ot). CITY FOUNDRY. ^ JTOU WANT \ M l*i:i< I• It l «; \ K • MILL of KETTLE at le.* than they were i'fcr ill Otillin|l>.l«. ea II mi UllTEllj.Ali ILIILNNN A t o., ' Stcauilioat li.mdiu ft ■AVI in I'oltlinliui*. (hi CITY FOUNDRY. lubecrihcrr would re fretfully inform hair frlond* and the pulilte enherallv, that ■ • RKUI'II.T thi'ir I'll! NDItV.nnil tepared t«>do any kind d CABTINUB dr Iron: Mieh a. S%ar Mill* of thu PROVED PATl'CltNj and anr file; will WARRANT to HlAMi. MHI I* Uf. Mahu niLLv CUUkAltlNU, id ol null.work. Thift EstuMiHliniciit i*« njxniii prepnrrt] i‘ob Priaiiag OK Al.l. K1NI»S NEATEST STYLE0F THE ART. P8K80NS lUIOUnilNO I.ABKI.S, HAND 1UI.I.S, l’l.ACAHUS, SHOW BII.I.S, IMtOliKAMMES.I BI.ANK FORMS, OF ANY KIND, UAU.ltOAD TICKKTS, STEAMBOAT or .ItAU.KOAD BII.I.S OF I.ADINH. BII.I.S OF EXCHANGE. HANK (.'IIEC'KS. BU.r.-HEAD.S, OK ANV OTUKH Cl,ASS OK J. T. PEYTON, ATTORNEY AT l.ANY MKM I'lllS, TKNfO.S»K.i:. 1 >K0M1'T aitpiiiion irlvon til all ! iu,rf ., cn it Q.t.J ta In. r.rc Kclmbi lion. Ilium Holt, Cola:.i',us. tla. «p|i| S. 1805—tiln it. J. uobwi, «BW». it. .t. miitRit, ji >ion LAW NOTICE. H. J. MUSKS, and will estahlish uti olheu ... Caliiiiihur, tia., wn the let October next. In thu meanti. .e letter* addrow-cd im ubo\c wHluu pmuudly attended to. .^/fho senior partner will attend recularlv tho- Uuited States District Court at S.ivaunali. the Mipuu.o Court ot UetirKta for thi- Judicial District, the Courts of tuo Chattahoochee Citr cult, and upon special retainer in important ca»cs will attend any ot the Courts In ticor,mb (Federal or Male.) U. J. MOSES. Senior. oag Ifv-tf H. .1. MUSK>. ALEX. C. MORTON, Att’y at Law, Convoyauccr, AGENT FOR REAL ESTATE. Office*; No. 100 Iti-ouit Nlt'i'd, || ll. Morton will practice in the 1.1.8, Courts, ITI which are held in tloorxia: and, on special retainer, will attend to ih<> .id . . .-nl ot claims in the States of Alulxum and l loilla. julyiP in JAMES M. BUSSELL, A ttoi’uoy at Xja w« (Offico over Store uPUunby .V Cn„) to nil ku iiio«i entrusted to i tixuou* counties. julyjjtMf IjBOAXj O/XHU. ' JudgoO. A. Lmciiuanx, I 11. A. Tuottiio\. .Macon, (la. | Colutiihti*, tin. I tlTH have a«S(wrlated In the twu too for tho .. purpoio ol altou ling to all IokuI Uu-iiie-s growiug out of the late war; also, claim • i e* oealiiat the linitod Males. Lspocial attention paid to easel of pardons. Parties will llnd it to their inter?d to consult », ns Juko Loohrano has recently returue I Iroiu Wastiingtou City, with all tho ue«c- ;iiy and niAiruetioi.s. Ollleo in Muoon : ) (Offico in Coiuuibii« WushiiiKten Block. J* < Nex Jiilyll- * UIUI.MAN, YTUJNH iY ltl!0., EXCHANGE BROKERS, • No. 1 to, Kfttft M»lr Itroiiil Ml. GOLD, SILVER, BANK NOTES, STOCKS, BONOS, KorcigH aiiil UouicMir Kxchaiige, BOUGHT AND SOLD. MONEY lNVKsm* As I'AIUIKS MAY U1K G«X. City Connell Muncy Vor Sale. 1 ^eptoilljjt !, ( n. W. UOHKTTK. 8. K. l.VWItOV. ROSETTE & I.AWH0N, AUCTION A X l» COMMISSION MERCHANTS 1 3 1 l’.UO.YD STREET, YOU ;tl Ill's, 14 A. *Si)* OorroN KUSONAL and prompt attention given to uniuout* eU july'dt)—If ijr thing in our lino. jMlrtloctlon with our hmJnc.tr, we have “ie services of one of tho bc«t l'AT- AKKK8 In tho country, ^^king.g large nsmrhnont.nl such MirHSBS, —e.. jTRlTrt, OVKNS, KT8. 81*1 DkltS and LIDS. bnngo any thing in our line fet ountry Produce, at tdd I'tUCKH respect fully solicit*)*! and promptly win i.iiiniing, Col a m Ims. <ia .BEDELL WAREHOUSE' AND PRESS. UEDKLL, I'rnprlrlorn, purpose a line screw. _ _ere % large yard, w e oher supnrir far •'fussing, uieudiiur and re-mar! •roprieiors are sworn weighers. " BoptH. IKiV-111! COTTONI COTTONI l ,i KEIN™& CO., L^cotton factors, JJ7 ' Alfi) AtlBNTS OK TUB MiW AND fW|f' KLEOANT 8TKA.MK.lt HULKN. W • \BtUM»i*»g weekly between Augtuta and 8a- > renge.aonls, wo are prepared to moke lib [_ on all coiuigniuentx ot Cotton talo or shipment to Ha* Liverpool, with all the dvencee on all con* «e*l U them for talo iLllew York or I,lv •uargej and expenses aitondutit. thereon, Utig Internal revenue tax, Ac. t val by the first trip of the II LLKN, and rent ! Mmmtf, Bmith .V Duuniug. of ew \erk, If IntendeaW aide iu that markot, eo to arrive in tho short spa*** of eight days Having ejrtablithud a lino of Hipiair ships be fjfeeu New York and Litcrptiol, all sliipmcnta h> Cotton intended lor the latter place, will ho -Mat forward without delay, thus avoiding thy ferthcr expensos of Insurance and storage whilo in IUw York. KIUN A. Co . i Agents of Strainer Helen, Ottley .1 a. kson street, es»g gfi-2m Opposite No. 2. Warren Ulork.l J O XI W O IX IX KITII Is II PLAIN nr ;OIIN AMKNTAI. (■an lutVH it nxnrtit«(l with di^putrli. HOOK HINDI NO, IN AI.I. ITS IlKANCIlK.M. PltOMl'TLY KXKClirUU AT TIIK Xuquiror Job Ollleo hoarding School, LARS- 1^" flSngBrt ■ JUMMrnct WOOD3TOOK.I 15. E. FoKD wilt re-open her llonnl- ilidwiil for young ladies ou the Li of ^ _.jr next ol Wood-t.^k, near Cave Spring, eft 1 JHikoM eamumuicatinn is now opun with Hotnw, from which place lo C'avo .Spring ire is a dAly stage. Ewwbcot Teachers will he engaged and every tvewiage fee education otiered. ' T £ H M 8. rftesesaion ofAwonty weeks ♦2's) in advance. w|g* nil charge for tuition in Kngltsh, aWkelc nod Drawing, and for Duurd, veoi washing. '* must I urn oh the'rown hnd 'dotbing i mu-t supply thciuAulves with .Wing Material, and Sheet Ma ori idee, it iurnished, ut the rcllglou-s tcacliinu of the ' the Koiscopui Church. Mr^y! li^VoKD, djavo Hit ring* \ Vlojrd Co.. tJco. KHIott, of tfeorgia. fUstA-T 1 ,i ' M KovAri IHU.U . . For Sale, v*/.v -j-jj The tmcTSii ValdosLi, thu *4*'. ton unL- frn*n £.Tl+f**** n hendred have h«,„ ii^ii Within Mr veers. The olimsto is decidedly W*l*V«lrf tka settlement eligibly situated.— App—duJ to tko plantation Is a sahsUntiul giiat and saw mill, on tiro ly now. Xho build aP wi cummodiuu-i and well constracted.— £ae <4darters for thw laborun arc comfortable Md capable of nceuaimodeling upwards of two nandred. There are two large cotton and gin ploutatlon. All ..f the shtek wul be sold with it, noagls*iag of uiulas, cattle, M *fs and aheep. roaseMioii lohegivsu out *»ek,re J aniuuy . . _ J. WALDliUHO.Savannah. juirJi-juwtf Select Limited School. H AVINtl long entertained tho idea the. _ limited School is ben adapted Insecure tho highest onds of Fciualo education. 1 have solocted Columbus, tia.. as a suitable location for the establishment ot such an I ntDiution. The large andootuiuodious Residence of Mr M. V: Shorter, opp«>site the Daptilt church, will be occupied for the purpose. .... The uumbor of pupils will be limited to 40, of which nuuibor lo or 12 con be received into mv family os Ixtarders. _ i'upils must be entered for the Scholastic year, or for tho remainder, aft or entering ; and no duduction will bo made for absence, except in rnsee of protracted sickness. The scholastic year will bo divided into three U T?r ftjrtel open on the'.'lh ofOoK ber next. The retea for It os follow*: Tuition Literacy Department fW 00 ** Music ** £'> in) Music with use of instrument :t0 on M French 12 fit) Latin and Uroek 10 <«) Board (exclusive of waihing) -'— *5 00 To be paid In advance, in rurreticy or i "V'A'i. will be made for ornamental branches at (ho usual rates in other institutions. Hoarder* must lurnish their own sheots, pil low eases and towels. Applications for entering pupils will he re ceived until tho'Jth October. Address until £*th Bept. at Kufaula, Ala.; after that time, Columbus. Oa. John k mcintorii. Rl> KKRMCKA, Kx-tlov. Shorter. Kulaula, Ala. Col. Win, 11. Chambers, ** Mr- J. K. Jones. Ku<uoJ/ eo., Ala. Col. J. T. Fluwellon. F. llosoman, Columbus, 41a. J l Ohiirlcvl LAW NOTICE Next t«* Agency U'k II1NKS IIOI, r. at tent ion to llio practice of law. lolumhai, tig., July 0,1M5, Lau Nolico. flMIK under*igned, nt their »dd offien, Uitwv X nihi'i tiuMigi county, Ala., nr* praparnA i file aiMdicatiuns for pardon under (h • I're-i dent's atnuusty proclamation, and also loti.in* uCt all other prole.—ioiial Im-me -. (1. D. Ac (I. Wu. IIIIOI'KR. MtH-jf DOCTOR STANFORD IBKSUMRS tho practice *»f MeJleinc tin IV Surgery. Cases from a 'lista:i >• rcini.iM Hirinc.il stlention ran tind eumtortaldi a • - oiu odatioiis in the city. Otlioo hours from II (ill 2o'clock, 1*. Al. BuptltWA -ii DR. WORD Bept L' IHt. H. M. CF.ECkEEV, II O MBOrATTIIf JT, f I'KN DF1RS bis services to t h«* • it bens •»! »' i uiubiis and vicinity. Ollive . i In-r« » li i on Mclniodi .-troet, bohrce.i Rmidolpli ni l Clair, next door L> Dr.CushmanV hm ol «•■ m Office hours from ft to 8 A. Al. uudlnm 11 1*. M. HI Dr. A. E. Ragland / \FFEHrf Ills professional serv ices t • the c " " ions of Columbus. Wynn to ti uni th>« »•- clnity; and will attend promptly to all pr<dcs- Hiunal calls, lie may he toiuni at Mr. Hi nan's Drug Sloro din ing Iho »Uy, and ut ROBERT C. GWYER, SHIPPINO- Consignments of COTl'uN, TK It I'KX 11N K KD81N. Ac., ka.. aoln-iUd. KrfrrcHot-h. Merchant A Co., Mohile. JttlyftBm CRANE, JOHNSON&0RAYJUU,. MAVAN.NAII, OBOltdlA, rOkWAKIIIIIU »«4 COMMISSION MKK(!|IAMS. I II. (lKAYHILL takes pleasure in iuloi.n- • ing his many l'i lends in Colunihus and the country that lie has re-uaUhlullod his linn in Havannah and will give r.iruliil nttontion to all business ciitniMod to them- II. A. CM A N K. JollX I. JOIIXHoV, J. II. (lit AT I ' I.I.. sept 13—8m A. STRASSBUKCER, Qoueral Oommissiou Morcliaiit, AND WHOliliiBALK OIK XJKII, 104 COMMKRCK 8TRKI5T, l»*i MoiHKonirry, Ala. 1 LW AY’S on hand an extensive assortment of A Liquors. Wiuc.*, Sugars and Wostc.'u l'r«»- uuoe. Cotton bough/ to order. Prompt attention givon to all oonsignuient.-; Juljrlx.—Uni WAUNOClv CO., COTTON BROKERS COM MISSION ^MERCHANTS, OiUoo Xo. 1 :i 1 Hroad 8t., (UogettoA Lawkon's Auction Boom.) r piIKY arc prepared to store Cotton, Meroh- KirtU'ulara COl'l'UN. 1'ltODt D \ oil no, llori:. jDon givon to tho sale of , luruLliod at tho market duuthus, Ua„ Am,*. 3, lsJtl».—tf TV (.fill*. ♦AM T, K. UOlUrtON. TYLER & ROBISON, Erorory A (ommlsslou IlndiaiKs, NO. 129, X. irfy OjtjtOHifr the /tun4 of Columbus,) K ICK I* on hand n good stock of FAMILY i> UOCKUIKS, I'HOCRKn >' and Sl'o.MF wAin:. i• >n.ft stiAr. u/.v.v, ;\f/:/hj:s, ■ v> I///.V, srooi. > vrrox i> > >n;sn< • i>u r Hh>l>S, Ihirtieiilar allontieti given to the purdiaib or ale ol any kin » ol pi • luce or uiorchundisj. J. A. l'\ Lc.lt, nug’> If BAM'L K. IDUIISON. UEDLLL & CO„ Uiocoi-s nud UummissiouMorohauti, (AVifj/« sjiji-iiili /ion's • f Columhut, UOLUMUUB, UA.. i»*-« nl Mt-ruhuipli .c rulicitud. l'roiiipt attention given to the purohoso and sale o| (lotnin of overy lie.'criptiou. W. A. IIKDK.LL, A. tl. lil.DKLL. S It A it It I S')N. juljrll.—tf KK, J No. II m'KF.UUaN MENuria;, lUclICItKViV COTTON FACTORS, (.oiieral ('oiumis.siou illcrcliauls, INK PHAI.KM.S IV r*XlOVXfdXOJKT» f IIALU ROI’B AND BAGGING, MAIN STREET, il I:T\V Kl f N F1 list AN U 8KCON U STUBKT8, I.DI ISVILI.K, KY, IV; lull AdUNTrt far tho pricipal Mnnulac- ■ li - .. i o It A'« r'. l Ln.'oiu . ue .iro • red al all liuivf. to lurni.-h said articles at 'i ca ll pric , direct Iroiu the luctory. I Kii-ce-* Aborted Uran-ls Ivy. lla xiuit JSNI Culls choioc Machine Hope. FORWARDING. T«» this branch d our business we are pi l o c i a I at I e (it. . Any goods aunt to our wiilliu\e •' onpi dispatch. .im |g log for iho handling and aalool Col lull ill o un.Mirpa od by any hon e iu the Wet. When doxired, we wdl liiako lihernl • * \:; 11 ADVANCES on consignments to us or iu Mill-Mend-* III New York- sum ai-i-ii .McFKHItAN A MKN’KFKK. ATK I NS, DDNIIA M *M (JO.. i'oUUiSSlONuiiil NBWABIUNU llEBCIIAkTS, APALACHICOLA, 1 LA. _jJuly 1 till, fWfo—tf NVM. i. iiUANNON M (JO*, Auction 6c Commission Merchants, KVl f \V LA. ALA. * ilu J. MURRAY Wesleyan Female College, MACON, OA. tdete. Tho rote*for the First Term, which euds Doocmber 31st, ore os hdlutrs: lleguior Tuition in College Cl §.50 IK) Regular Tuition in Preparatory Class ... 21 ■*> French, (optional) IT* isi Music, (optional) with use of instrument. 13 00 Hoard, ioeludiug Washiug. Lights him! Fuel - - 90 00 To be paid in advance, in currency or its C(|aiv«l<rot. J. M. J10NNKLL, uutr SI-w7t President. Residence and Small Farm I OFPRK for role my Keeidence and Farm 1 lying four inttes norm of Columbus, on tin river. ousof enter! ness will find in (bis virinttr. house and oiita> Applv stMin of Sept. 1, lSr/.-l thouefsand i>tn House BOI ytNtmmrfofoc a bargain. II I. tl,.;. doeir- any Iweiling July.1i 4ft llrnait Htrrrt, Columbus, <ico*Rln. Maker and Dealer in Guirn* ALL KINDS OK UUN MATKJtl A L AN»» ARTICLES IN THE SPOilTINU LI.nK. Re-tloekiiig and Hcnairimt done with in .« in and aisiulcb. • Keyr fitted «nd i«o?ks Repaired. sept 13—tf FOR SALK. K. YYHI-TK OtTur, liL oullrn ,|..rk uf Carriage and Wagon MATKKlA.fi, to any ono wishing t«* engage in IIirI l*u inr un it xlandi*, and (ho privilege oi the Ip p known as MoKEE’S CARRIAGE SHOP, ON OULKT lloRPK hTHKKT, Bueb os Hubs, Fellows, Oak and Poplar I bor. and ouo lot of iKsurted Iron, lluegy lr*m # , and Hutu and Spriug*, Paint . DlaeUiuiili Tools. 4 Fine Express Wagons, Now, 1 liueify. JII'UISKS, » id llou eli.d l an I h i !i eu Furniture, Those who want bargain* ruino and .rivoinn a mi), a* 1 am now rl mg out bud no-.-. August?.' l(u (EHTABI.IeHRU IN 1SH.( WMi HMim MitftWk a a si.. WHnf.KHVl.K PK«RNH IM BOOTS AND SHOES. No. S3, Chambers St., Nrn York. sigmnents of Qutl" •ion, au-l make ea*h advances **11 »hi| iii**ui . Ill* arrangement* are au< li a* lo in ora I uthlel | the iuterest ol the couaiguei. 1 NKLMGAN VON /INKEN, COTTON FACTORS, Quneral Oommijsiuu Morohants, (0, CAllONDKLICT ST., NKW (lit I, Il AYS, I, A. An ru#t «d, lStto—3iu A M. A. M’kKKXfK, I.. » . JollXHTON, VS. II. CIIAMIIKUH. Will. A. McKIA/li; ti CO., Goueral Commission MorcLauts, COTTON JmoltlSUH. Rccoiving ami Forwarding Agents, APAI.ATIIIC01..Y. I'l.A. Am 1 .iu-ln WILLIS & CHISOLM. Factors, Com mission Mercliauts, AM) Sill l\I'l NO AO KNITS, <*!l IKI.KSTU V, a, C. K. Wll.ktft. A. k. CIMAul.M f 1 l.L srtK'iid to the purchase,rale an l ship- • ( uu I 1'ieijfU and Doiucutio Ports)— . Lumber. 2% *\iU Mores; to the t.'ol- Dr.ilt., i'ui hnsu uu I Bale ot all Be Coii-i .uu.01 u of \iti.*elsgulloilod. KKl kK tu J Joan 1 raster.V Co.. Messrs duo W A Co.. .Mi-sjrs dco A ifoptoy A Co., n; B. C.i 1.00Schley. i.,T8.Melru1f, usla, tia.; Mcairs t'Urk, Do<lgu .V Co. • rra> .V Yephaw, .New \ork; MeiiHr* I. »V Co.. Ptitlx.lolp!iia. Penn,; M«i t, Kcnoick A Co,, Daltiuiore. Aid. Tito Muji ol South AiiiBl'ini. \ IIrnrtl 1 i*« cot»feK*pd!.v tbo <*n*nl j»<»\vi*r oT South America. 1. tho I'iiil«-<| Stnlvs is iff North Aiuuricn. W <» uro n llej ubHC — bred to rcptiblicHti i Ion:, find di*\<H« d to tlipir uerpotnity: tip* South Amorioan jiotver is an Kmoire—hut uovefiiod in n libi.rnl and enliglitonod spirit, ^n l tolom. tin>? n Ingblativo form of. rtutliorily in most ro»pecU Hinllar to oiD* own. A.-* lor tho otlior Stato*. Inrgo and a in alt, Hint nt!»ko up Iho politionl oxiMonco ot’ tlint Imlf of tho continent, they nro n* yot on- gagpil in working out llio oxperiiiumt ol' it free govornment, :»n«| from their very nir.4 ami eireiunDtunce^mro becoming em broiled continually. Where a people look their attain; entirely Into their own hand* with hj littlo preparatory t.Hciplino for sol (-government, and unable nt onco to arrive at any llxoil s.v.-lem in which each of the aovernl States was to take its place, it* an equal partner, it was not to i»e ex* pooled that perfect order gbould be tho lirat fruit of their oft'ort; and 11 • exp* eln- lion of that sort, if ovor formed, bus t»cen disappointed. Tho wrangles and petty tumults into which they have been thrown from Lima to time, simo they emerged from tho blighting ib/tdow of Spinlsh rule, Itavo wearied the patience of th*-50 who fait a friendly sympathy for their now experiment, and nil but iliscotiragod thy hopes of partiality Urol I*. Yet it is to l»o remembered that u temporary failure in the direction of liberty is belter for it poople than not to have ventured on the experiment, but t.» have lived the stolid and unthinking subj *cs of a despotism. The speakers wlm ndvoo.de the emuo of human progress never lira of their favo rite ami forcible metaphor, that liberty begets commotion, as tho free winds stir tho ocean Into waves, but tvrnnny keeps the surface smooth and lifeless, Fiko that of a pond. On the west of tho Andes, and all about tho basin of the Caribbean Sea, the free republics have entered into a mutual com- pact to protect themselves against danger noth from within and without, it is a long step towards the very < <*11 federation, or union, which is the one thing wanting to crown all ilioir past etforts lor repub lican freedom with permanent Htrooss. Compacted Into such an union ami thor oughly alive and imbued with its spirit, a power would nt once bn eroded on bn- I if. If oi constitutional liberty in tho houtii- orn division of the American continent which would mnwer properly to the gi* gantie ono now exi ting in the tioVthern, and put the work of I’roo government in rapid process of com Motion over the whole Western homUphcro. lint there stands Hrnx.il, a cob»‘ *al power in tho South, comparatively speaking, so long as tho smaller States fail to . re tbeir own inlurosl and form an union that shall bo at least equally strong. She h an em pire. She was c tnblishcd in FJurppoan interests, and Kurunean intehrt uomW l*» her support now. Jlor de-iro naturally i- to become just as poworful as she can, and Iter policy would therefore be her«elf of every opportunity that her way to gratify that desire, 11 dice her over-rcadinesx Dr take side; witJi llio leader Flores in Urugunv, becoi-e tlio real President of Hint little r<-puldie was in no immediate condition to attend lo tho trilling complaint* which she brought on behalf ol n few men eluiiiitiig t" lie her *ulu"ei.j. Hy means of ber timely help, and Unit alone, the lirugna> mi rebel puslietl i rwitrd Ids plans to sue, •■ . md was onnbled to soi/.o the reins »*l Iheii 'v- ernniont and expel tho true head ol tho Slate from power. Thus Hrux.il got one foot on tho Platte liver, and wanted but to plant the other one tlici e. Tho ex i-ling troubles with the interior Stale of Para guay furnished it ready prolex’ for bring ing'lleels and armies nr.mud to the mouth of that important river, burning an alii- aneo with r'loreft and the Argonti 110 Slates, ami proceeding with arms against tho stubborn ilttlo Independency up at tho headwaters of tho stream. Willi What ■ess the contest has hmtn wag' d thus far hy Hrax.il and her newly found allies both by land and water, the render has been duly advised. While we do not undertake t" hold lirssil wholly responsible Ibr-ihi- state of things, much less to defend the tyranny with which the Paraguayan ruler i* Irccly charged, or the rol>eliiou*no ., of the Pru*- guaynu malcontent whom Hri / .il has Boasted with Midi Mispicimis lea'linc s to assist, it if allowed us l" Higg' >l that the ti mo selected hy tlm Kmpi ror "I Urnx.il for theso direct and iiMirect loanifc-tiitions Ids part is peculiar, iu dial i. Iinrino- nix.es so thoroughly with that rejected by Napoleon for Ids operation* against Mex ico, and by .Spain lor simiJar proceedings against Peru and St. Domingo. This nsmiult upon the H' publieanii in of the American continent is it cotithined one, and clearly made in a common interest and witli 11 single intent. It ii a concerted attack of luiperialiain on ItepublicHidani all ovor the continont and on tlm island* widch are its natural belonging*. Say of Paraguay and bur inside policy what v may. she is in fact lo-duy lighting singl Platitude of tlx* President A Pistol and a Paideii* 't he Washington correspondent c*f the Philadelphia Pr tella llio following atory: A few days .1 ?\ very inlorosHngs,a»ne took pinee nl t)». il u.iI • roualed reception ol tae Pre idcii’ Applicants were ap proaching Mr dolfi^on, each with his c»f‘» ready; idler Iu idly stall.,g which, and n record being made bv tlm p.lvato BocroUry, way was mule for others, in the lino was .Mr. l-en * . an enterprising young merchant of Now York, and bis friend. Mr. Kcrvnn, of Vetei>biirg, a load ing miller, who npidi<d for pardon, coin- tiling;;-; ho did within tlm .-JD,<m6 or thir- tecnlh clause ol the nniiiolv proclama- tion. As soon n« the President m\v Mr. Hanks, Im rccogni7.ed him, asked his busi ness, tind hearing th.xl it was to ask u par- thin for Mr. Kcrvnn, he took a note of it, and told him smilingly ho Would hear him in the morning. Tho reason the President recognized tho young New Yorker is best explained by the following short narrative ; In Aprilnf 18t'»l, after tho Senate of the United States bad adpnirni d, Mr. Hanks was going from Washington to the South, on the railroad running by (lordonsvlllo and Petersburg. At hit side wr*-vi.ry pleasant person, who oonvcised fruolv on the ditlbrent top ics of tin hour, and linnily naked him to chango 11 $2 b0 gold piece, which lie did. When thw cars Mopped at Oohlonsvilln thero was a 1*1 eat and excited crowd as Rombied. They once demanded, and sent one ol tbeir number into tlm train to whether Andy .lohm-mr board.” ‘Let’s bear from him.’ 'Drag him out.' "At tbi : moment tlm gentleman at thu ide ol Mr. Hank- rose and was walking to the platform to show himself when the engineer ftartc l the train and dashed oil at his best fa peed. 11 i s companion was An drew Johnson. As Im took bis sent Mr. Hanks naked him where lie was going, lie iftid,‘To my homo at Urcenville, Tonti.' ‘1 am glad wc got oil' from those gentle men, governor,' said Hanks. 'I'm sorry,’ said Johnsoi); I wanted to tell them wliat l thought of secession.' Mr. Hanks 1 lion uskoil tlm governor ii lie was armed. Tho reply was in the negative, when the New Yorker h-uided ono of hi- line re- olvors t*» tho 'J'oiiiM'-seosenator, and they soon afterwurds parted to meet a few days ill the pn .-idciiliul iiiMinion. Hanks Ims his gold picco to this day. The next ruing Im was sent lor, and in the Pres ident mot him lie said, ‘I have oft. thought-of you, Mr. {litid’ you, Mr. Hanks. You gave . , 1 H * **}*’ ,,r|4 » »D*ar pistol that mb'hi have saved my life. wnlonod nose, and in 11 v give your Irinnd korvaii u pardon I'® “Hors, I* ivo and a bull bis hold of (bo h yena.and turned to tnnko a dash at tlm bars agaimt his'new a ail ants, whilo M. 8chmidt,taking n.lvanlas i of the moment, dragged the hyena lo tl,o other end or the cage, anil a trap b«.ii.g immediately lot down repnral-d the ta animals. M. Schmidt ncceinpani.-d ttto wounded animji), an.I -boilJ> after mum forward beloro the sperUtor% ami wa re ived with loud applause. Tho hyena as sorioiitdy injured, but there are Ii »ou- that il.i life will be saved, tJut.. .*/•. The liidlaua at ffiaraloga. There is an Indian encampment just hack of tho Congress park, where a great many of the poetic nice lei\«* Liken up their summer quarters, for llio slightly ignoble purpose of making nmnoy. J'licir pursuits are still tho same ever marked with the grandeur of motive which char acterized them wlicn Keuniioore Cooper used to hob-nob with the wanier • Jii.dV 1 always think of tho “!»•• 1 of the M.du- cnns,” and gazoatlho man who ell' \vi< k or ha-'koti; with admiration and awe. It 1 is so brown, so ugly, so iiunodu arid .» very dirty. Tho "hutoi the rod man’ of poetry and oilier thing*. Hi- heart 1 large, and his hand tree, a* i* i»rev* d bv llit^ many arliet«*s which, by a singular a« • cident, are always found in hi • pc M-«ion alter a lire. The daughter of tho pale lace a.I value tremblingly, ami, for tho pm i>. •-0 of mak ing herself intelligible to the red .••■kin, speaks ns unintelligibly n< p< .dde. ‘‘How tuucliie sowing ba-Ket ■ and the soft blue eyas of tho golden-haired Shod- dirt meet the dark orbs of the noble Aw- fill I inli. •‘Six dollio,” be roplie:, bis luaiiiv breast heaving with the admiration wiiirh her question bn* aroused. Shall ho w in her for bis bride? -No. The pride of rare of the white mail will forbid ? ueb alliance but lie will steal her breastpin, winch amounU to about the saum tiling. “That’s very dear,” murmur- llioSliod- din; “no luke-ifi any lesH-io'."' At this llio chieftain pour* forth a volley of oaths, and stamps Ins dirlv, tial !'••*-*, whidi course ot conduct is quite juddl* ble under the circumstances. Ali.-a.lv ba the red skin suilered too nnicii at the bands 4>f the tyrant palo Inc.*. Any lei-, indeed ! 11 as ho nut boon robbed "I lioino, of country, of nil, and now iiioaniy at- tempt lo jew him down on the pi ice oi Ins wicker baskets 1 Hal llio storncit nature will relent 7'• 11H gazing nl tlm almost ftihiilou- beauty of Bhoddia’s false curl*, a tear trickles down blok.MI Voini 1 lm-iiiu.'i w York Nows, in its speaks tlius of the YV (aCMOlUL I'll BCD (SIX li AfaKXCY 1SUAEL F. BH0WN & SON, m. iv /.o.xikw, uoyjtucncur, U ’lLL attune nruiautly to lliu purrlnuiinK su>i t hub ulrtU eia*»c« ••( .NillRCIl- A N DISH .oil ovory ilvsoHi>li«oi ul MAi'lllN- I'dt V, ani'licutrlc iu tfio waul' of the Soutburu I All i>nr«ihx*uii Octoliur tiu.xi, 1 >rvv.ir l«al by Iki nix lo froo of Cointulotion til mo lowuxt iu okwt rate, at.' J most uxoaditiuui* Milk-. Ur »wi|.;uihM wu.li tko m uiuy. an ;. n. * Y otk. lianJed tho lotttlo for tho cause of Jtopul>« licanism in South America. Hiax.il secs the largest advantage in her own succor.*, inasmuch as she will have the entire con trol of tho rivor Platte, with iu jsrand tributaries—tho Paraguay and Parana - draining a va-t extent of territory in tho intori >r. This would make her undispu ted mi-tress of tho immun •" const iVem liuoieis Ayres around lo tho mouths of (Tie Amazon, including the c..ur.*.e «•»' that mighty stream likewise. Thi- may ho the vory motive anil fouling which tlvu artful French ruler Ims touched, in mnkiqg diit appeal to Don l'od 10 for a uoneorDM nuivomuut agninsl UopublicanUm: And lloNN*KTf*,—Tho N nrtiolo on Pmhi.ui, “idol of woman' • ail’ectioiih” : Wo have to • lo.'iiiele tliis Week the ap pearance of lie Km pi re bonnet upon our promenades, it ■*, iu our eyes, and not* wifhhtaiiding the many ill naturod tilings which have leuitt said again t it, a very pretty and becoming at tide ol head-gear, lf we recollect hi iglit, ;» honiiet vory much the sumo in fdiii)"-, though much larger, nourished many y. m ago, and was known in tho “Cottage iionm i.” The article un der description, n nl ready inlitiiaUnl, is unite small, round and compact in front, Ihiltonc.l toward (Im head a trille at the sides, with :i small, porl'-a tly round, (Ini crown, and a nat row, still* curtain. One which we .-aw at Mr*. MuIoIiiiio«Vm wo madeuf line gray feU, powdc; ad over with steel powder, so thickly a almost to coe- coal thu full. TI, • ••lb-el uni viy beauti ful- like moonlight up.ui wiou>*iit «ul ver. This boniKl wi,- hound around the front edge and around !’»•• cnrlain with n nar row band of mauve velvet; triiii'iicd across the lop with a lu ii latch, and string 1. \ iioilmr bon- matciial, was of h go .1 dust,-and ide wiln golden Tlm string* edged With black oats and ftoel ll the inside trimming* to ol marooiiM-olore I 111»1 • net, >()iii"vvhae similar vs Into felt, pti'vdered v triminc I out-id.• and i o.its and blue velv et ie-ivi wore of broad blue ribln blonde. Tlm F’anclion bonnet i.- of courae in full /ealher, (lower, or ribbon (according a.* the wearer oleum-), an I the Kmpirn bonnet, although it will eventually reign minrume, H at ptesnul viewed with looks a kanl, and, al lime*, a trille ccnlotiipluoUM. Too Much F"it tiik Pi:okk*soii. -'KIi« necromancer Hermann, who*.* perform ances at tho Academy of Mu-ic attract crowded hou-c.*, vv.i , according to repiirl, nicely vicliuiize l one oveuing ol IhsL week, lie exhibited a trick with a double ca-ed waten, borrowed from a gentleman in llu- audieiicu. AlVur ma nipulating tie 1 tone piece tor n few nio- motiU it dihapn>';ir*. Thereupon tlm Pro- IcHoor prcteiuln to perceive, the watch Moating around in the air, and nettling at Inst huliind one of the ligurea nil the front of tho balcony. The Profofaaur then passed up nemo «iriirg, and asks a specta tor lo lower down the watch, wJiiuli he will llnd by looking for it in n curtain place. Sure enough u watch is found in tho spot indicstyj, and duly delivered to the professor who is onrofiri not to show il lo llio purion who loaned m watch when thu trick was commenced. The Imrrowod watch Lad boon, in tlm meantime, trails- Jrrred tO aomo one behind the sceiuat, who attached il le a piece of black velvet, ami at llio proper lime il appeared at the word of command. Some one wlm h .l seen this delusion performed, made up hi* m ud Hint the iTofov.m 'f. wati Ii tuck wn- h game two people could pl.iy al. O •laming an on* trance t«» the Acavlemy ul an euny hour, this individual • Kociy M-rutinix.' d nil the Agoroa nod git* brack tuts in front of the balcony, and in lime d. overed n watch watcb laying aiound I ." Tlm rogue pimt* (tiette below. Ill of oven lx on the continent, both 'North-) t ,,OCOUM< J 1 ** l, '“ uateli trick and South, that we 5.1 ly be tho imHwrublo Pwrfonned, but. to Dm Utter usLuu-limrn to arrive at a just judgment by which fo j ,,. r . ‘ “i' 11 *"* WnH ,l '' 1 h"ind bapu onr foreign policy in tho future. mo v mu ant against llopubbenniftin: And ^.7, ,7. ' io.ju.i».wuiii*> kwp u.i* .Wo 01-iiiu »"v r "L ,ri \ l i, 1 . 1 ' ; case ir. siglit vvliile watching tlm progre* 1 V u f " rt ) J." H.c par.piett . , _ Mu > iiuibii., (iu. IV. lUMUluB lit ri*pt FOR SALE, AT TUB OI.D STAND or .1. U. JAQUKS & into., A l.ol OF FINK Top ami no Top Buggies, XI WHIPS AMD COLLARS. U ’lBlIlMii toefooimil thu lot «uon, aowill • II . h* '. l 'i 1 »-U, ur eieti.iUKM li»l e.it ton. :'«|»t. », ItSli-tl it shull be found Hint mi IC.inq Bpiracy doe* really exist ugnin-v • •institu tional liberty for the people ol tlni conti nent, it can be made to appear ftl- • that allianeos may bo formed for Iiejc, t»lic H n- ixiu a* well as ngaliifal it, and t' it in t.iu Ii a contest “there are blow;* to take, as well as blows to give.” Pr.Titoi.nuU ah Puki..— 1 The Petrole um Light Company has completed il•; -e- rins ul oxnoriment*, and have new obtuiw- od practical ruiults, satisfactory to the Company, tlmt crude petrol mi mean with safely and economy lie burnt a* fuel, ou a largo scale, under locomotive, i.itionary and marine boilora, producing a beat ol great intensity free from smoke, >ooi, aaligs, ole. After a lew privet" exhibi tions to parties InUirc tod, wo under land that it Is prunosed l*y tbu < nop-uiy t» make practical donion.-lration -,wlii* h will show the public the value ol p* tr.*1- ui.i, as a fuel, in every departiih:i;I »vh* it *it or wood is now u*ml. We pu’oli lc 1 in our I*FuoofJlst of .May Ii Lie <py «W thu • pocillcations of thu Kuglish patmit grant ed to this Company, which (‘inbrac,-* all llio inati rial points covered by llio .sev eral Lulled Stales patents owrn d by the Company. If the exhibitions t • tho public prove as satis factory as tho .* r • ontly made are to the Com puny, tin 1 * will be a vsluabiu addition to the wealth already developed in tin* petroleum int re-t, and steamer* from New York to Sloui'diae will require less bulk ol petroleum >1 I uni than Iih- been o(*eupind with • ..at for tlm passage lo Liverpool -A I. at the ph tho necronmneor llio audioui'o to 1 xvhero u watch folds it curtain, other watch With ly tact, tod the Ml lenten ur | art of tho In ' suspended ill liie li-.ippeuralice of the not hco mi Mind for 1111 il after the performance, win-* the lime- picco was returned lo lhe J’rolo.-or, with explanations from the person wln» bail trickod a pri'-tiiligiateur. .V. I . .Sum, A Lion ivKKi’t uk-Apvkn i ukk -Tlm Journal do Lorel .• tales tlmt !i female elo- pliant,Miss l^anny.bulonging to Schmidt’s Stioddia, who does not want it rt*t>it, and only K«ked tbu price out of curio itv, rcxolvuK lo buy tlm biukel. Iler whole *oul in it chaotic tumult IR her brftill il ways it. Shn extends it tin dollar bill. O, heaven I their hand* nieell D-n- to heart.slop beating at the : w 'el contact ’ No, il doesn't lf il did. it would kill him. Aye, deader than the door tnoi, which, never having lived, 1. now ilea I indeed I lie piesaus the tuner |iugoi-« un til he gel* the bill, and tlicn lie l.l th.-n» Irop a* if they Were inielhing very ill 1 greealdo. Kis his duty, for d"«- n.»l the hirogaiit while.-kiu lori'id all inteicoiir. •• with the son of the forest? Hut wlmt .•• tlmt? Me Ims already criblugod her handkerchief, smelling of musk, which lie will keep as a sweet souvenir until im ran sell it for it good price. Sliitliug the lull dollars under the I .Id- »f his graceful drapery, a filthy Idankut, Avvfulliali begin- to carve n cross h.»vv, and biM’oiiiQg forgetful ol the prest-uc.i . * Imr whom lie Imd only ton minute- b.i.id so madly loved. “ Where's mychango?” n- ked Slm.l Im “Wlmt-io ?” retorts llio brave. “Money; 1 gave you a ten. ' “Hour Indian lire-waler poor In dian,” and lie look* up at her appealing ly. She liuedi him not. “Will you give mo my change, you • llllliy, cheating wretch, you ! ' for h• ■ 1 - Uia ha.* a temper as well a the nett one Hut uiiforiuiiatuly the next one Im nioie temper, and can shout louder and longer than she. springing ?•• In-, feef, A wtel ball executes an appalling wur-damv. and, preceding his remarks by a war-whoop, yells out. “Me lie givo money me h • t white man—yah liro-waloi - whisky, d nl Itetiecling that il is evening; tlml the mieniilpmenl is lar elf from lhe abode. • f civilized people; that the only women about are sotuo hidetei* hag-, who me stewing up a supper for their hu ha'. !-, ami look, btmding over tlm lire.., Id..- tU * witches in Jr.fcobclh, iShoddm niak.*'. up her mind to low* her change and gi-t Im. • to the hotel n* quickly as po-Mlde. ;>he never goes to sue llio Indian* again. AwliiHiali still lives. Hit wlu-n ImJi hiaspirit will doubtle-s take Might to the linpny hunting grounds of Im.* biibut , where, with his faithful d ig by In* siJh, he will I'liduavor, either by -wapping n ties or other slmrp proceeding*, to remain true to his glorious nature. A correspondent of the lUltimor* American writing from Kichmond, Ya, oil tlieEUt ult., gives the following : A novel sight was witnessed on the c* mil bank this evening at (Im foot of huh street. Over IU) Swiales, men, women and children, healthy, robu-l looking people, with red check* ntid sharp loud siloes, were wailing to take the boat lor a farm in Uooclilanu. The lirnt immigrant* irom Sweden arrived Imre on tlm Kith of Mxy, Iwenky-two in number,and tie* next lot, it is supposed, will number several Hundred. Thay go to a farm upon which a beautiful little village Iih* already been built tor them, and an one of tlm white collages is “Stockholm,” in laigc letter*, a name that will rejoice their eyes. The colored people, of whom there were a good many standing around llu lu-wly arrived “labor,” seemed very much di gulled at tlm turn thing- have taken. A great many remarks were tea lo in hope of discouraging tho Swedes, but n tlmv didn't understand a word of Krigloli.tlmv were nil lost to them. A favorite expres sion was, “What you all come from your rich country down Imre wlinr wo’t poor a* until".’’ The idea with the iiegi.H*-. wa> that they ware from tlm North ; but while they missed where they came I'mm, tin y were smart enough to know what damage their arrival here does the colored race. These emigrants gel month for tlm males month for female*, receives pay unless he 1 old. menagerie, which Maiimur, Im* ju.-t died, be aged HO year*. Inis just DrJ.cn pSco »h al llio same cslablLlii. •ago itl» •X hi Idled at She was tael to . alarming scene mg an o»Jiihition nt. Al. Schmidl n nii-J a liyiifo Minimi! llirmigli is 1.ailing them h met. The lion, cited by the odor of igmg “ii Dm hyena, lloorot tie- cage anil ,-k. M. Sellini lt liml >> the lion h»ose its UL hi- whip,and then hy firing cIo-m to tlm animul'x year 11 re volver which Imd b'->-n liwmled to him. The linn did lint,however, relax its grasp, while the hyena lay apparently lifeless. \ groat oxcileim-ul imw prevailed among the Kpuelalor*, and (•••xi .* w»re entei laiued for thu tauior Inin-. If. An ium Imr was next bunded to .M Schmidt, who suc ceeded iu thrusting il lar into tin* lit while the uiiiiiimI Wn4 Lrateii With mid, utter putting llu their performance.!, with piece* of frt Ii Imwovcr, bu« am (I.o Aftth. and prin overturiicd it on lliu >1 eoi/. 'd il by the u.-cl vttilo*von A to make hold by striking it \ twelve dollars k lid eight dollai a ul fed. No male flftOlB \ . . : 1 of t.y tlie I.Hepeir The C*on*tilutional Convention in .Mis sisftippi .-at eleven days, and oo-t tho Mtat j 5 11,(0» 'I'lm expeiiMW uf the I ‘onventi.m are paid by a lax a* follow* < >u dr y good . stores, drinking saloon.*, etc $ si cadi; Ii tavern, billiard table, and restaurant, every transient doaler in goods, ami very broker, $*A»; each balo o| cott >u sold or shipped. $1 ; and oil all profit* on trade, during the war, in rollon, tobacco, sugar, iiiola.*-**, etc., b pei c»nt. in l ull d SlnltvH curroncy, ——- —- Ha N K T KI.I.RHS I’llOToOlt A I* 11 Ml |( |, reported that the detnclives ot New Yoik liaxe photogiaphs of nearly every pr. mi limit bank in that city, with the vmw of “spotting * them, in ca-o they am ovei m- disoreel enough to be found c..putting with pretty waiter girls in tlm llroadway conceit xalooiis. Th* Hoslon F»»sl ttys Charles 1 nmimr v would have the F.rie Canal filled up il t.« p i -cd vfiioneb tba hair* 1 w*r« told negro . fiildrvn w.«i.< tixbfo l>j b« 1 he I10U ul length lu.>4«4 ! diowued in it. \