Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, October 18, 1865, Image 2

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JOH2Y II. MARTIN COLUMBUS: Wednesday Morning, Oct. 18, 136*). A lie four, of lire Night Kind, It 1ms for iiiun.v yrars lu'fii tin* j'j nc- fire in tire navy yards anil olht-iftovoni- niriit establishment in New Vmk and other Xortln in citit's to h?vy a lax on tlio cm ploy eon for tin* purpose of raising a fund to carry important election*. This wan equivalent to (lovernincnt interfer ence in the elections of the country* for the employee who refused to pay the tax did so at the risk of dismissal* and ns the tax was retained or contributed out of the wages paid by the Govern ment, it amounted to the appropriation of that much b> party purpohi■*. the Northern eitie corrupt custom* t of this fall* Jjiit t! a stern order forbiddin in the navy yards. It President Johnson ,ii< • (,'ovcrniiieiit for e Kepublicans of rere.-orting to this irry the tlections have been met by any Hindi resort understood Unit ited this order. In Philadelphia this fund bad actually been assessed and partly e.uileeted, hut tho commandant of the navy yard, in obedience to tie* order of the Secretary of the Navy, had the money restored to the person* from whom it had been col lected. The !>. g. ltcxter. owned by llinun Woodrull, nmde the bent trotting tinn ou record, over the Fashion Course, L. I., on the Ititb instant. lie r.ui against time—the hi t be ing A.'iinmagainst *1000 that he could imt beat in three tri als — and 1 < i2.lt} 1-5. on on tin* first effort, in The lioslo I .(Mill cooks, hmiHcwork, Tran .(Kill it Ml girls t rijd anno i*s that enernl do chamber- work, 2110 nursery maids, ‘21 Id ladies* maids, and Kid good laiimli esse s can ob tain situations in that city within forty- eight bourn, provided they are willing to exchange a reasonable amount of labor tor good wages, kind treatment, com fortable homes and a good living. Wo copy the above for the benefit of treed women and girls in (!oorgiu» who are doing nothing for thcm-elvos here, and whose prospect* in f hr less they come down to hit Quito gloomy. The peoph are partial to black “lu lj».” seh future, lin 'd work, are of llostnu Na.mi: the dele cut |o| went o far known ere already t;. Johnson (ibsei ving •ntly occur- acted to our over the list and found live of that f Campbell; “What' tlu* name of ring among State Com of member that there name, viz: J. U. Johnson of Clarke; 11. D. Johu- Hon of Heard; D. II. Johnson of Spal ding; and I). Johnson of Wilcox. About forty counties remain to I... heard from, and two or time more Johnsons may yet he added to the list. They will un doubtedly form a strong team in draw ing the car of State, and, with the diiec- tion of the Goiernor and the I ought to he able to pull it oi ident, kind of a bog. Tin coming into gene mis to he a I favor. There me, so far. only two Smiths (neither of thejn John) and three Jonoso elected, lint these families may nttik n better showing before tin* list is com plete. sumption, mid the crops of potato* pens, | d,;i-ed tnt» mourning for seven days for | most the entire population into me streets, exceed, in luxuriance, that of any the death of the Grand Duchess feeppe, of ; During half s t minute I*”'' *-.«■.«..# «... former year within the meniory of the old* | |i M den. ost inhabitant*. The State has sctl'-red j Lieut. Maury, lata rebel official, has re from tho baneful effects of the Into war i than any of her seceding sisters, and ill —.-••• -- - -n- r- . . J • ■ 1 Mexican citizen. Unitarian Church wus being dismissed Tiio story that Juarez had passed the ' when the shocks commenced; all rushed Del Norm, arid had gone lollowB, of course, that her citizens are ompaiHtivoly, in easy und prosjarous ireum^tances', and in giving birth to the new political status which will ha the re* suit of the quickening conceptive influ ences of the mighty struggle through which the South has passed. Florida will experience but little travail, and less dam age, and prospectively, than could he rea sonably anticipated. The citizens of the State are reported to he emphatically for peace. The end of the struggle is every where acknowledge 1 as n fixed fact. Tho people are rapidly sett ling down to peaceful pursuits. 'J hey are heartily sick of the strife, and how to re store the ancient order of things engages every rnind. In Kast Florida thorn are some who avow themselves warm advocates for the political dismemberment of tho .State, and the annexation of the ICsstorn and .South ern portions to Georgia. 'I his proposition was mooted quite extensive ant* ri»r to t he war, but, we think, was not acceptable to the masses, and there has boon no material change in popular feeling on this .-abject kinro the re*establishment of peace. The same correspondent, in his journey through tho Stab*, met p.ur gentlemen from northern Ohio, who were on a virit. to Florida, as a delegation from a large community of German farmers, to exam- in** arid report upon the character of the climate und soil, tho price o: lands and the temper and disposition of the inhabitants toward* foreign emigrants; and should the deputation ho favorably impressed in their explorations, a large colony of peo ple will he immediately tran.-portod from northern Ohio and Germ any to the[land of flowers. The snlubritji of the climate and the high value of Sea Island cotton so abundantly produced in the larger portion td the State, h knowledge of which they derived from United Stales discharged soldiers who had been assigned to duty in Florida, has prompted this interesting movement; and others'of like character lire on foot in the city of New Vorlc. which will result in the early settlement of aeon- siderablo portion ol middle J* ioridu by emigrants from different parts of Europe. I Mu cun Tr t. ^ m>im ...... .. tremendous ! hocks occurred, causing buildings to rock | to and fro in a manner altogether alarm- j naturalizi'.ion paper* from the J ing. Services were over in most of the j Maximilian ; he is therefore uow churches. A largo congregation at the | AND TO ARRIVE, AT THE Whoever Wants Full Value for their Money Must Come to VARIETY STORE,” B. JACKSON’S, PAN (n i The Great Cotton (location. Tho N. V. Times’ apocial says : A groat cotton case, or more properly a great cotton swindle, has just been un earthed at Augusta, Gn. Jt involve- near ly i*j,(;(Hl Iciies of cotton, of the value of about $*2,UOO,UOO, and tlio namefl of several prominent military officer* are mysteri ously mixed up in tho affair. Large amounts of money arc said to have been used in proposition, compromise, *&o., thi HO. OtX), the lining variously estimated at £50,000, and even §250,000. - Tho volume of facts concerning transaction is very great, but briefly, are follows : During tho rebel occupation of Georgia, three parties named Thomas Metcalf, Win. A. Ileall, and Jeremiah llcull, be came the joint owners of 0,704 hales of cot ton, variously stored at Kufuulu,Alabama, ami Albany and Dawson, Georgia. Ono of tho parties, Metcalf, owned *1,000 lmius on his own account, which the rebel Gen. llill, at Augusta, turned into the street in a damaged condition. M* tcalf gave a per son named Geo. Schley one-third of the cotton to re-hale it ami put it in shipping order. This cotton Metcalf sold in July la.-t, through Schley, to John Garsed, of Philadelphia. The defendants in this case, Carped and Seliloy, also claim that Metcalf sold them 7<>0 bales, owned jointly by themselves ami the two Bealls. This Metcalf denied at first, claiming that he only gave the price that it conld bo bought at at that certain day, for cash, which was 20 cents per pound. Here begins tho in terest in the case. Garsed and Schley, il appeals, worked upon the military author ities and manipulated the mallei so as lu got certain orders from General SloUuian, which frightened Metcalf, who i- an old man, with an agreement to pell tin cotton lor two hutidr* d thousand dollar,*. The two Bealls, however, opposed the sale, ami appealed for an injunction. The President hearing of this and other case- of interference on the nurt of the military authorities in civil affairs, lias issued an order, which in caustic terms prohibits such interference hereafter. ttov. K. J. lliiimll, candidate lor Congress of Alabama. Auburn, is a , the ,*M district The lticllliinild Tim fcays that the Swedish incut bus worked (ill parties. Tho pleased with tho >* to he industrious, orderly. They do negroes, and rcqtiir The number of colored tr*»oj ized iu Mississippi during tho 8IMHKI, according to the report taut Geu. Thomas. f the loth inst. ignition experi- satisbi( tion of ers are mucli . wlm they find I'llieienl, hoi double the no looking .-I am! ivoik l lifter. Col. Tin*. M. Mathews, of Dallas, is n cundidutc for iknigress in the first dis trict ot Alabama. llis competitor is lion. C. C. Lungdon, of Mobile. A telegraphic dispatch from Nashville to the Louisville Journal says; “At an informal meeting of the rudionL in the Senate Chamber, on Saturday night Gov. Brow ulow made a speech, and said lie would unhesitatingly adofd tho Ho- publicun negro suffrage plnlfovm befovc lie would ho willing for rebels to vote, lusteud of repealing the franchise uet, lie was in favor of making il stronger.” tier at I - . ... to Santa F*\ wss believed in Mexico City. The imperialist organ received it as tho practical end of tho Juarez rc«iitnncn. A party of zouaves had attacked a bund of Juarists under Medio and di*por»od them, thus re-establishing communication between Tampico and San Luis. Various final I battles are reported as resulting favorable to tho Imperialists. 1’A'iTKa-uN, N. J., Oct. 14.—The first race* to-day was won by Nannie Addock, in 1:11. The second race, two mile heats, was won by Baltimore, in 5:40. Tho third race, throe mile boats, wus won by Ken* lucky in 5:.‘MI. I’jm.AoKi.rniA, Oct. 14—Official re turns irom 22 counties show a Union guin of 20,500; 22 coiinticH yot to hear from will probably increai-o tlm gain so as to make the actual majority 22,000 or 25,000. Nkv\- Yokk, Oct. 1I.—Tho Tribune’s special, dated DeMiioine?, Iowa, to-day, says the majority lor Guv. Stone, who boldly advocated negro suffrage, will bo 1600. New York, Oct 11 —Cotton, lino, (ML 02; middling Hour loss active, ond no change in p lees. Gold opened at Ilk and closed at 1 11!. Exports of specie to day nmount.-u to SCO 002. Government stocks some lower. Freights to Liver pool steady at 5i. Nkw Uki.kans, October M —Paterson, tho special agent of the Government to inquire into the condition ol Southern af fair , left this city yesterday after a short stay, it is understood us hi* opinion that the Freed men’- Bureau i* an unnecessary bin dun to the Government. 'The Frovost Marshal has ordered an inspection of the list of registered voters iu ihL city, with a view to strike there from the names uf certain parties charged with certain acts of disloyalty, the Presi dent’* amnesty proclamation including those who in 1862 registered themselves as enemies to the United Slates Govern ment. 'Thi* would strike off one-tifth of the register* d vo'ers of this city. Gov. Wells protests against this n= an intf*r'fcrer.cn with an established Mtato law. 11 tho Provost Marshal persists, Gov. Well* will appoal to the President, Sandy II*>ok, Oct.--The Hecla, from Liv*rp<*ul, •September IlOih, higimlled, und will arrive up at 2.20 i*. m. Sr. Louis Oct. li.—A dispatch from Lawrence (Kansas^ says commissioners nted by the President to Union Pacific railroad, had a meeting ami could not agree. Two reports will bo lo—tlie majority report against and minority in favor of accepting road passengers ami freight trains making reg ular trips over the road. N kw Yor.it, Oct. IT—The steamer D. II. Mould, from Jacksonville, Fla., 1ms arrived here. The Union contradict* the report of tlm pievuiunco of yellow lover in that city. Judge ij, L. Long, in accepting tho nomination ' f the State Convention, urges the acceptance of the situation, let* ting by-gone* be by-gone^ and union iu future !»(’ ore*. The ilcniner Grenada, from Charleston, lUh, Uh- arrived. Nev Orleans papers to the 7th contain the following item,: Brig. Get*. Baird, who supercedes Mr. Conway at New Orleans in the manage ment of tlm Fr- odmon 1 a Bureau, received his i.mnimdmn from tho President him self, not fiont G«n. Howard. 'The fact in IhL connection L quitu important. Cotton at Ji tV.MMm conies in briskly. The Shreveport •Southwestern, ol tho 27ill nil , -ay the receipt* of cotton for a few days previous had been light, owing to the exurbilu’t jiricr.s ot freight in New Adv Nkouo Sukkracik —A reaction is evi dently taking placo in tho Northern mind on tho subject of negro suffrage. At Co lumbus, Ohio, u few day* ago, Governor Pendleton, of that State, who is n member of tho Republican parly, made a speech, and said in tho course ol his remarks: “I am opposed to universal suffrage. 1 agreo with you on that, ami when (he question come* fairly up, 1 shall be against my friends, wlm are so numerous and so hon est. 1 am oppose*I (u it, not only because negroes are black, or because they have been slaves, but because slavery cannot educate a black man so as to lit him to vote I shall bo in favor of the negroes of the South voting whenever 1 am conn vinced that they have tho quantum of in telligence ami of virtue to allow them to vole underBtandingly; but until that time, 1 am opposed to their voting; and, therefore, 1 don’t aerca with my tr tends *»ltli*‘ Faneuil llall school of fanatics, who run mad after tho niillenium, mid believe it ha* come. What is worse than all, in this disgusting hypocrisy of the States of Ohio and Pennsylvania,is Judge Kelly, of Pennsylvania, of all other men, putting his arms akimbo and any ing to the Southern people that they must lot all their recently emancipated negroes vote, when Ohio doesn’t lot them vote, or go to church, or go to school, or ride in the street cars; and these colored people are among us, and are just ns much better than the negroes for whom Sumner, C hase, and others, claim the right of suf frage, as you and \ an* above the meanest white man living. The colored people that wc have among us hero are the best of the race, and yot they have nono of the rights that are claimed for tho semi-bnr- baious of tho race in the South.” Ho was followed by ox-Uovornor Todd who ondorsod the above. PEABODY, SCHEUSSLER to WELLS, No, 86 Broad Street, for tho doors faster than they could be accommodated with exit room. Similar scenes took place at St. Mary's Cathedral, i and in some other churches, and a Sunday | School rush was so desperate from the j Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Catholic Church, on A allejoo street, that c on f ec ti onar i e8t Perfumeries and Fancy Arti- tiio large doors of the main entrance wore \ ... „. r . , c , „ carried away, and several persons were I cles usually found in any > anety fatore, injured bj’ being trampled on. Tho walls | which we would bo pleased to sell to our friends p'w?r y U iufpH’of “v«r r y C « k n e «.tttT^ 1 citi.il.. of Columbus and .urrowdin. j 138 Broad St., NEXT D00H TU ROSETTE Sc LAWU0N. The Largest and Best Stock of arid stately edifices like tho Occidental, Cosmopolitan Hotel, and other buildings of that class, are not generally more seri ously injured. More or less plastering full from perhaps half tho ceilings of the city. Much window glass was demolished, anil the cornices foil from many of the buildings. Tho entire front of the lartfe four story brick building ju3t erected on Third street, fell outward, covering about half of that street with the fragments. One independently constructed chimney of the Lick House fell in, and smashing through the roof of the dining room, loll piles among the tables and dishes, to the astonishment of the boarders taking a lunch. Three servants were injured. Two China e were injured by u falling wall on Jackson street. Bells were set ringing on account of the vibration. The bell tower is much broken up. Fissures, two or three inches wide, opened in tho lower part of the city, where there is made ground, some of this ground being elevated many inches above the former level. Brief accounts from Sacramento, •Stock ton and San Jose, represent tho shock as the severest over felt in those cities. It was not felt at Marysville, nor at Placer- villo. Tho town of Sdiita Cruz was most severely shocked, some brick buildings suffering severe damage; one or two were destroyed. oountry. Iu our stock of Groceries may beconstantly found the choicest FLOUR, IRISH POTATOES. FRESH MACKEREL, 1865, SUGAR—all grades, COFFEE, TEAS—Black and Green, SODA. SOAPS, CANDLES, PICKLES. SARDINES AND HERRING. Ac , Ac. FRESH BUTTER (Goshen)received weekly, oct. 18-lw J. H. DANIEL & CO., No. 123 Broad Street, well selected HATS AND CAPS, OF EVERY VARIETY. oct 18 3t I.atcr by the Steamship China* . Franck —The Moniteur, alluding to the reported speedy evacuation ol Home, says that no doubt should exist relative to the intentions of the French Government. So soon us France shall consider tho pro per moment to have arrived, she will, in concert with the Pontifical Government, adopt the necessary measures for the com mencement of the evacuation, so that the withdrawal of tho French troop* may be completed within the appointed poriod. Tho Haris Bourse was Hat and declining. Am kicica n Sek'Ukitikh.—-Satterth wait’s circular, dated the evening of tho 27th of •September, say* : Tho amount of business done in American securities lately has been of m magnitude unprecedented since the breaking out of the rebellion. The conciliatory nature of President John son's speech to the delegates from the •Southern State* appear* to have inspired general confidence, and all American securities currently dealt in in Loudon have been in great demand. Five-twen ties have been largely taken at a rbu of two per cent., closing at 70 t » "01. siiToN, October M.—Tho Wirz *n reassembled to-day. Judge Uhipniaii made some remarks cxoiiciatieg Dr. MudJ from the charges made a.vaiml him by witness Dolby yes terday, that he (Mudd) in two instances removed his thumb from the arteries of prisoners M* as to allow tho blood to spirt in the face of the doctor assisting him, and laughed at it as if it were something funny. It was not his(Uhipman’s) inten tion, nor that of the court, l** attach blame loo improperly to anybody. Gol. Chip- man then offer, d in evidence tho consoli dated i .-turn of Andursotivillu prison, dated September lltli, 1861, with tlmviow of renewing tho idea that Wirz was ab sent during that month. During the proceedings Biker made remarks, t-» which Uliipmun replied that the counsel had as.-mnod i\* a fuel that, which was not true. Baker said if the truth did not show tho fact to he ns he slated, ho would notusk another question. Colonel Chipinaii: Tho burden is on tho counsel to show it. Baker said tho Government had refused losuhpuMia Mr. Bowles. Golonel Chiptnan said that was false. General Wallace hero intorpoted, and said the controversy must close. Baker: 1 a-k the court General Wallace: Tho explanation has gone far enough. Take your seat. Bakor resumed his seilt: 1 wish to ask the court a qu”btion. l will correct the statement owUidc. General Wallace to Mr. Baker: Your • uisc is becoming intolerable. Do you wish to proceed with ease B, if I’m allowed .ho same privilege tho government!*.— Judge Wynn has boon ordered to go on with the examination of witness B. 1 do not disobey the ord 'Flan following Alabamians have boon pardoned by the President: B. F. Noble, L. L. Hill, M. A. Bald win, W. B Pickett, A. Passe, M. L. Gil mer, J. T. Persons. J. T. Gilmer. J. B. Garrett, Jbh. M. Dilehny, \V. S. Barton, !) S. Arnold. Edward Blum, Joseph B. Bibb, J. F, Johnson, J. F. Carter, Felix 1). Ashley, (’. A. Battle, Lewis Alexan der, W. B. Beil. K. IL Powell, A. D. Edwards,Jarito? Porter,Mrs. E. Harrison, .Samuel Sloiidonmior, of Autauga, P. K. Grattan, J. J. Gilmer. John Knglahardt, Thomas It Carter, l)r. W. J. II«»lt, W. It. Callaway, Mrs. S. Sutter, I. W. Rob erts, Edmund H&rrLon, E. llaitell, W. S. Judkins, J. S. McGehee.J. B. Knight, Thomas Joseph. D, lvennon Jones. W. C. Kay, Janies Nunn, of Autauga, B. F. Randolph, A. it. Bell, E. C. Hannon, A. J. Battle, A. J. Noble, R. S. Williams, A. W. Gray, J. L. Winter. Geo. Bibb, Daniel Hast, N. D. Brooks, F. D. Poarse, J. B. Randolph, W. M. Marks, W. C. Martin, J. H. Judkins, A. Slrasbergor, John C. Judkins. J. II. Smith, George Thomas, A. T. Woolley, E. L. Shullurd, 11. V. Smith, W. 11. Smith. Dissolution. *lia- solved by mutual consent cn the loth of August Inst. Parties will call at 128 Broad street for settlement*. W. L. SHERMAN. J. RHODES nROWNE. Columbus, Ga., Oct 18-6t TO RENT. siroblo residence of the late Josephus Echols, Esq., iu Sum merville. is offered for rent. The house i-ontuinr 12 rooms, 1 with out - houses of every kind necesHarv. is connected with this place a Vineyard, containinK 1<> acres, in a high state of culti tion, of a choice grape for wine. Also very hirao Peach and Pear OlQhards, Apricots and Plum.-, all of a choice quality; a'so large and very fine Strawbo-ry beds ol select kinds, and a Inrte Vegetable Garden iu cxecllont condition. The Vineyard. Garden and Orchards that may he cultivated on tho place would yield a very large sum ot money. There D a Wine Collar, a Still, and everthing necessary to tuako und keep the wine. There is also connected with the residence 200 acre* of cleared Und which may he rented with the fdii'-o if prefered. Apply to „ _ R. B. LOCKHART. DRY GOODS -AX’D- CLOTHING, Consisting of the following articles, I offer now to my friends and customers : CALICOES, DELAINES, ALPACAS «nd Ll'STRES, MEItIXOS—French and EnglUli, LINENS, BLEACHED MUSLINS and SHEETING, LADIES’ CLOTH CLOAKS, the latest stylo; and a grcAt many other arti cle* too numerous to mention. I respectfully invito my friends and custom ers to call soon. 4^* Country Merchant* will do well to lay in their supplies at my store. B. JACKSON, oct15-tjnnl 122 Broad street. Liquors in Cases. 500 Cases Choice Whiskey and Brandy, 100 Baskets Champagne, all brands. J uat received and for sale at EPPING, IIANSERD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, COLUMBUS, GEO. Advances ... friends in Apalachicola, New Yor pool. II. H, Upping, Job. Hanhkrp, It. B. Watson. oct 17-lm not 181 w FOR SALE-, sell county, Ala , four miles Nquth of Persons’ Depot, containing 14U0 acres—between, 500 and GOO cl oared—most »d .which is fresh and well watered by Middle Cow ed dwelling with four rooms. Out- nouses sufficient for 40 or 50 hunds Good gin h'*uc0 and screw. Crop and stock of oil kind? sold with the place if desired. Tho place i« cnient to churche* and good schools. I . payable December, 18G6, or will sell tor c , ..... for cash this fall, on reasonable terms. Address W. B BUTT, oct 18 1 in* Persons, Russell eo.. Ah TURNIP SEED! LANDHETH’8 FRESH TURNIP SEED, For sale low at tho BEEHIVE. Gens, llood and Humphrey Marshall, late l\ S. A., arc at the L’dy Hotel, just from Texas. Gem llood’* proposed vi*u to 'Washington, and tho generous object of it in regard to Mr. Da* is, have already been ttatod in our column*, in a paragraph published some day* since, embodied frout the San Antonio JL mid. It »s simply with • : .... Hlu Grande News, via Galveston VTako’s Bulletin, of tho ffth, give* information uj> to tho 80ih ultimo, from n view lo obtaining from the President an interview with Mr. Davis in regard to cere tain matters of record now a part of the country s history, which concern them both, and which, hi friends of long stand ing, they can throw much light on. General llood is looking in excellent health, und hu& been tho recipient ol tuut k- t*d kindnoM and courtesy from his old class in at**, Major Gen. Sheri lan. [X. (>. lYmytme, 11 l/i. }n Navigation. of thu 20th ult., Red Hivkk U >tt *> The Shreveport Gu/.ett nyi: Tho river bns ri-un lift* ►till ribtg about three inches a day. Up per Red River rare eight feet at Lancs* porL Tho weather continues cloudy, nnd A good deal ot ra n has fall* n 11 tho lost MaUtnoras. That city does not appear to be besieged by tho Liberal*, as had be reported at Galveston. The Katichero i ftliat datosayg : Vagrant I and unemployed negroes continue to mui j tipiy in our streets. Some are liberate* ! slaves from the interior of Texas, but th | greater number are deserter* from the I Yankee army, encamped along the Uio ' Grande. They will not follow any ployinent for more than a few days at a time. Their vagrancy tmd pilfering causes much annoyance to our citizen*. On tho 24th ult., tho officers of Mejia division gave that General a ball in tin new theatre building iu Matamoras. The theatre was brilliantly lighted. Tho Kanchero says: The pillars were wreathed with festoons of delicate flowers, and WAX tapers of red, white und green, alternating, were arranged among the hi li- licial foliage in n manner to produce the most singular und beautiful effect. The proscenium pillars wore adorned with . * groups of arms, urrunged with marvellous ftn t ‘J u ! art. At tho base were miniature pyramids of shot, surrounded by artillery, while above wore stacks of muskots, drums, etc. National banners waved from the sum mit of tho groups, aud drupud the highly Cotton Prospects in the Ouachita Region.—Tho Monroo (La.) Intelligencer of the 20th ultimo, says: Wo have been at some trouble to obtain an approximate ortimato of tho uumbur of acres in cultivation in cotton, and tlm fol lowing in the statement made by intelli gent obt-ervors in tho respective parishes naruod : Ouachita, about 100 bales; Jackson, about 75 bales ; Claiborne, about 151) bales ; Union, about 50 bales; Morehouse, about 150 bale?. it will thus bo seen that tho crop for this year, throughout all Northern Louisiana, practically amounts to nothing. A good deal of inquiry is going on, as to the prospect of the cultivation for the next year, and we know of some good planters who are making their arrange ments to test thoroughly tho new system of labor. Among others, our friona, W. II. Gayle, Knp, so well known for his business energy nnd capacity, has leased tho plantations of Mrs. McCJuirouud Judge Lamy, und proposes to engage in tho cul tivation of cotton upon a large scale. Wo know that Mr. Gayle will givo tho plan a thorough trial, and if any one can succeed under all the disadvantage* of the present system of labor, ho will not fail. Many planters are yet desponding and undeci ded, and hesitate to risk so much capital APPLES, lesale and Retail. BEE HIVE. f llio court, Tho I in wlmt they bulieve to bo it doubtful •iiiago lien* sub-idou and the examination | experiment. resumed. The witness then testified I tlml he was ono of a delegation of six per- | so/in appointed to coma to Washington j and present a petition to the U. S. au thorities fur an exebungo of prisoners, I Connecticut Election. OFFICIAL VOTE. A indor and Wirz assenting to the eriund, Cnipinun ol.joeiod to this, there ideiico to show that tlm original petition over reached tho U. S. authori- tie-, B. said so far from conspiring that Wirz wh* to send prisoners to the U. S. government to efleet an exchange. Tho urt wan clea ed lor doliheratiun and do led l«) sustain Col. Ubipnian's objection, Hartford Co ll* Ltnidou Co H ... Fairfield Co IV i ml hum Co Litchfiuhl Co Mubllvsvjx, Co* Tolland Co 2320 7101 2815 . 200*.i . 1508 MSI 1570 2007 Ml 1085 Majority No, 6,515. 27,102 22,617 \\ amung roN, Got. 12. In the Wirz | A ferryman, whilo plying over a river rial thrumming letters wore read by tlio which was only slightly agitated, was .riM.ner s counsel written by the prisoner j U jked by a timid lady in Lis boat whether I' tlio rebel aulhoiilies, suggesting an im- any persons were over lost in tlmt river. 11/X1 river. "Oh, no, said bo, "wo always find ’em agin the next day yre«k. Ihu pro.poct lur lmvigHlinu is Hut* wrought carving* uf llie*viilUrs. Tho buck t-ring, »nu cutton c.D bo bruu.hl lo thu | „r thu st.^o whs lot with maRnibcont pl.t. pUco for thipm.nt this UU. V i •i^lu- bavo , m j rr0 rt, hiiiI duplic.tcd thu g»y acune uu got declinfd h» yet, but the owners nf the dancinu floor with epluudid plfm-t. boats will »onn Im cotnpulled b> lak ton at tun dollars, and purhap. live per bale. Water, ow ini( lo tho hu.jr continued drouth, lias become such an article of luxury in rumu parts of M j»*aohu3ett», that it .ell. fur 76o. per band ; and the people are afraid they will * oil be liccet- MMOvd W M« »M watvt. dancim: floor with epluudid Ucnoral .xlejia aud tlafl: the olliccrs ol the division otf duty, and tbo principal otttcen, altendod. The Uuiled Slates *«■ repra>entod by liens. Steele and Weilael, und u numerous attendance of officers. Coivox tx JiaauviLLK,—The staple ha* *1.11111X111 Nashville, ou the Uth, at troui 0b 10 oh teuw, WANTED. $10,000 IN GOLD! I WANT TO Bl’T TEN THOUSAND D0L- 1 lars in (J0LD. JOHN uimij o-tis \in JOHN KINO, vflk’0 at tho old Marino Bank Acency. tho quality of tho bread i'uruishud to the prisoners, and an abuml- a lice of blankots; also urging a supply of -hoes lor paroled prisoners w ho were at work for the Uonfederates, thus saving oxp'Uiso and relieving rebel soldiers. U«d, F. G. Ruffin tcslitiod that lie resi led near Richmond, and during the war was a Lieutenant Colonel in tho Subsist ence department of tho Confederate States army. There was a deficiency of com mis- -ary ^applies, and from the beginning pf the war, more or les«, there was a scarcity. He would not say that any one was on the point of starvation, but there was much privation. Thirty thoufand barrels of flour had accumulated at Richmond in tho spring of lf*G4, but the whole of that reserve was consumed by the Union prisoners; there fore the army of Genera! Loo had to hub- j-ist on corn bread, the meal having lo be brought mainly from Georgia. At Coal Harbor vegetables were so very , T „. . tree that General Leo made an urgent ^GTU INDIA AND KENTUCKY BAG- WANTED, Georgia, Alabama, South (aroli- ua and Louisiana BANK NOTES, oot 18-1 tu IN ANY QUANTITY. .... JOHN KING. Utlioc at the old Marine Bank Agency. FOR SALE, application l*’i them lo the Bar Depart- I a larcc lot of dRVP\ i KAii* papp menu Mon for tbo want of vegetables I At^Ut.kMuJ or UoTAU K01 E ’ were sufl-t ing Irom scurvy and diarrWi, ^ lS-lw j. k. IVEY JL CO. and their re. otorx a as necessary in or tier . ■» i.’ittiiii \~tavi gii rnnvTv \* ■■ ‘>•“1 •*'=->• ««!«!•> '<*«»• w tho floM. The I'oiiiini -ary Department thou imported ship of the p< nions from the Lluiid of Bermuda by i unning the blockade. NY lines* also testified that supplies were .•.hurt throughout the entire South, for reasons wh oil he stated. Uro«b-e\4 wined by Golonel Chip man; Witness knew nothing about Anderson* villa prison, but the prisoners were remo ved from Richmond thence because sup plies w -re principally drawn from Georgia. Ii* did not know that any of the Coated' crate soldier* starved because of an in- sufficiency of food, but he had heard that »ome of them lost their lives because of HI UUWhCie«vUUUe»*. ■sous and property of Catharine, Krastas. and Bennett Wilson, orphans of Enoch li. »\ ilson, deceased, late of Taylor county: All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause Ol any they have) why the guardi anship or saul orphans should not be granted to rod applicant at. the next November term of the Court of Ordinary lor ssid county. FOR LIVERPOOL, THE A 1 Ship "Lydia Scho- **• FiKLi»,”oapacl capacity 3,500 baloS ’ Cotton, is now ready to receive * freight for Liverpool. ATKINS, DUNHAM k CO. Apalachicola, Oot. 17th, 1865.—lw DR. T. P. CHAFIN zunn of Coluiubut and vicinity. The host of references givon when desired, as woll us fit teen year’s experience. Office at A. M. Brannon’s Drug Store, whore ho may bo found during the day, and ut his residence on Troupe street, between Themas and Baldwin, in front of tbo residence of the latoMJupt, Jamos M. Kveritt, and in the roar of tho Academy of the Sisters of Mercy, oot 17—lw* MEDICAL NOTICE. II12 impression having obtained among sumo ot my ''Patrons/' and the citizens ol Columbus and vicinity, that I have abandoned tho "Medical Profession” in consequence ol IIANSERD, WATSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, APALACHICOLA, FLA. Advances inndnon Cotton consigned to our rionds in New York and Liverpool. friends in Now York and Liverpool Jos. Hansf.rd. R. B. Watson. II. II. Eppiko, oct 17-1 in D. II. BALDWIN & C0. ( COMMISSION MERCHANTS, UN PBAIU. STIIKKT, NEW YORK.. j’.’ "'CuxaVxo!'' i Yurk ' r.‘M"m.'.'i'mI' fSavannah. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. Advances made on consignments to our House in New York, and to our friends in Liverpool and Glasgow. Oct. 11), 1865—3m CONANT & YOUNG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 39 SOUTH STREET, jNTew York, Offer their services for sales Cotton, Tobacco, or other produce, and will purchase on order goods of w\\ kinds. AUCTION Si 1 ~ > ‘ - P - EjLLti >La.o Kllu, YCY STOrJ THURSDAY lsrt,i. . ' J C1 will ,ell in front^af ** K Very » year. old. well brok.7„1 - 1 1 Extra [Both fast, kind and scnil, u AT work, in .in,!. or do nb !, h /^J the abovo animals ar . , I klnd.adw. l l.„r, hlhe ^| 1 Texa. tree SADDLi: andBHHn, 1 Excellent and hu, lim , . BUGGY. Wo, » ! 1 BUGGY POLE. ALSO. likely young .mules i SADDLE AND HARNEs/hoBSe WAGONS AND BU00IES, U 1 Very fine MILCH COW i. , I net 17- Jhi • *tl by 1-). elEJ (Late Ell„, Livlnnton 4 Ct | U b ,N SATURDAY (let. 21,, will sell in tront ut .tore" 1 ‘ ‘ I LARGE RICH'S FIRE PR 00 , J with doublo door and temd,,,..,, in good order. 1 Medium aize HERRING'S urua . SAVE—ltntnroved Look-in 1 Ver>- fine Taniatry CARPET hi., most now. M A SPLENDID 7 OCTAVE ROsEl PIANO, of modern styl. tone—aa good no new. Cnn bt o.J atorc until day of aule. I COOKING STOVt-neulyne, 1 Show caae. Bureau,, Sido board liu j Chaira, Tables, Mattreaioa. Ac., Ac „ | very desirable (roods. ' By D. P. ELLIS (Lato Ei.lib, Livi.vgbtqx 4 (- u j 1 Desirable City Propertrl V 'TTTPkjn AY' Itan. « . . f *'1 •Y. .7* \* Mci«»oer at 1 nil soil in front of uiy afore: Store House and Loti On Broad street, generally known Store,’ nearly orpoalte to Marine ll.at . Iront on Broad street of 27', fen running back U7 It 10inebea. Titlw able. Possession at once. ^ Terms li cusli, balance 1st January ntij Dwelling House and S'tuated corner of Broad and Karlyitmta i«g the south portion ot lot No. 12; »ijl t'oituble improvements. Good water. LC tnins about 1-3 uerc, more or lew. Tiild Dwelling House and On McIntosh street, between St. C|*J Crawford, ncXa dour south ol the reeidi o ra. Harris, (the laie Sexton,) cob about } i acre. House ha3 four well fiJ rooms, with garden and ncce-gary out biJ All ncurly new, Titles good. )crmiC*J 4^-Purchasers will do well toe Above property before tho sale. oct 1*1 By D. P. ELLISJ (LATE ELLIS. LIVINGSTON tq VALUABLE WAREHOUSE! Storehouse Propoity| AT AUCTION IN THE CITY OF COLHlI /YN TUESDAY 21th October at If.. Ir'"-" -“*■ ' . will sell, without reserro, auction room, in tho oity of ColuuiixJ property known as \ DILLARD, POWELL (I WAREHOUSE, Fronting on Broad stroet about 160 feet,I Ing on Bryan street 18<» feet, und oo Front I 275 feet, with all the brick—nearly ea«t| rebuild. I This Warehouse was destroyed by fire J time of Wilson’s reid and would itonl about 12,050 bales of Cotton. In zddiLl the Wnrebouse, there are atUcheltwol tenements fronting Broad street. 1 iicuiciiui irwuiiuK uruiu siren. ■ Terms—1 *2 cash, balance 6 and 12moot! Plan of tho lots can be sccu at ayi room. CARTER & FLOURM DRUG GISTS, COLUMBUS, GE^ TJAVK just roceivod u full and selectu !■! inent of REFER TO: Atkins, Dunham .fc Co., Apalachicola, Fla. operations of wbatevc relations of n professional charaoter, which have been, for years, so pleasant and agreeable. i' .11. lull ... .1.- 11 c. r ii - i. . II. . ' * I Iu.uJiai. V BUU ilfci ouiuiiu. Calls left at the Drug *Store of Messrs. Brooks A Co., (one door abovo Knnis k Co.,) or at my residence on Forsyth street, will meet with prompt attention. WM. W. FLEW ELLEN, M. D. Oct. 10—lui FIRE PROOF WIRE HOUSE. W E have cunverted our large and commodious Livery Stable^ into a Ware House for tho Htnr-i uge of Cotton and Merchandize. We solicit patronage of . — friends* end the people gen erally. VERN0Y k MAUAFFKY, 17-tjanl NOTICE. W ILL BE SOLD at the residence of Jossee Carter ot Muscogee county, on tbo 15th ot November next, com and foddor: ahout.ru) C. R. Woods. E. B* Young, W. 11. Young, R. M. Gunby, Oct. 7—2m do D. 8. BENEDICT. K. W. MINK PICT. J. C. BRNKDICT D. S. BENEDICT & SONS, GROCERS AND COMMISSION MBHCHANTS, NO. 236 MAIN STREET, Between Third and Fourth Sts., LOUISVILLE, KY. Oct. 4—gm S. V. ROWLAND. W. U. laVINK. 8. N*. STEWART. ROWLAND, IRVINE & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS IN _ . .tuber next, corn and foddor; uboutCO hoad of rattening hogs; also stock hogs, cattle, and a tew mules and horses. Terms cash* oct 15-ldb* JKSSKK CARTER. A CHALLENGE. W W. PKUD0N, formerly A. A. Gen’l C. • b. Army, will shoot a match with any gentleman in tMumbus, at the word •‘one.” for tUe line, tor One Huudred Dollars. , , W. W. PRUD0N, -Qct. 12—Iw at Gonobly’s Pistol Gallerr. NOTICE, hern Exchange can X ALEXANDER, Agent. ^ 2, ro *. d A** uvcr Tunis’ hardware store- Sept 26-tf BLANK U. S. TREASURY Permits to Ship Cotton, FOR SALE AT THIS OFFICE, oopt 22—tf Oct l-lm(ocl81 , Ordinary, G eorgia-taylor . county.-Two montUo trora date upplieatiou will be male to the Ordinary of Taylor Count; We Have Received AT THIS OFFICE A GOOD SUPPLY OF PAPER, Suitable lor making any kind of BLANK BOOKS. M ERCHANTS, Railroad or Steamboat Com- ponies, or Oetks of Courts can have tnadi ^.... tor leave to at this office any kind of Book they may re- sell the roal estate helouging to the orphans ot 'tuirt, A1 .^llORT NOTICE and 11. Wilson, de 'e*«cd. HESTER WILSON, tiuardiau. Oct4i, ]S80--‘ui.ovl8j IN THE BEST STYLE. j S«|it. V, Dktt-U NO. 102 WALNUT STREET, Between Pearl und Third StreoU, CINCINNATI, U1IIO. Oct. f», 1865—2m JOHN KING, BANKER AND BROKER, Office at the old Marine Bank Agency, WILL BUY AND SELL GOLD, SILVER, EXCHANGE, bank notes and UNCURRENT MONEY. ALL KINDS OF STOCKS, BONDS, AND OTHER SECURITIES. Bought and Bold on Commission. Particular attontion raid to Collections at this and other points aud (he prooeedft remitted rromtly. Oot 13—2m WM. G. SWAN, (LATE OF TENNESSEE.) ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, <3A. THOS. C. JOHNSON, (LATE OF ST. LOUIS. MO .) ATTORNEY AT LAW, (late and Real Estate Agent, No. SO Market Street, (t’|> Slain, MONTGOMERY, ALA. 0ct.p-«»* DRUGS, MEDIOINI CHEMICALS, BRUSHES. PER P’UMEB SOAPS, OOM BS, TEAS, STATIONARY, Oo., to an examination of which we invite| friends and the public generally. Physicians and Merchants f iurchaaing their supplies in Columbia will| t deoidodly to their intercut to giveuu before buying, as we feel satisfied v uuiuro uu>iiig, iu ne iuui t-auoiiou ■ * - i niah them with goods thut cannot fatl t*»P^ both in quality and price. THE UADI E6 will find our stock of FANCY GOODsI equalled in style and comprising •°jJ. e 'T most delightful articles ever introducediM city. TO INVALIDS , we would say that our LIQUORS and lHx for medical purposes, have been 9ele f',l iorineutcai purposes, nave wni ov,v 7 ”J especial care, and cannot be surpsiwuj*,^ ity and flavor. MESSRS. FOWLER & WM phrenologists! m BROADWAY, ». Y. PUBLISH THE PHRENOLOGICAL Jl And LIFE ILLUSTRATED, AT »J A YEAR-SINGLE NO'S i New Volumns commence in January ! I Agents Wanted. Oct. 14—dltw-lt SIGHT EXCHANGE] ON NEW YOEI FOR SALE, In Sums to Suit Purchased W. W. OARRiq Oat 5-tf COTTON SEE! COTTON SEED!! I ?OR SALK in quanUUea to »uBP"^ : Applrto G. M. RLN1R0U . oct 15-if RYE! RYE! onn busiibls seed RVE fw 1 not 15.°»° ,i< ' lln * n> a YLKR * «P»“«| ON CONSIGNMENT, 97TO. e cM'S|u3 1 a& II S “ r 0AN M 1>1 p h KLLlSii SOUTHERN MUTUi LIFE INSURANCE COMP* ta can pay up and to bo fully re)u«t*\^ ; A statement of the assets ofth** L ..a <r, .1 Mr I t). 1 A statement of the assets ot *•*«• y.^s'|l oe .flan at our olfica at Mr. J. »* • 1 ■tora. Pleat, call. C pd*ND A WILLCOX, ColgiBk**. UeL iMS-tw AO Th. forth Une largo block Ke«. , ^1 T. ars old. well '"M, Al* n Railr At I IV c our ( lake I of (hi vaocc firom weckl eiic J publi* time- count ail lb wish I sons i make intbt hoods meat: depot are t* Jfsgsi wont! J. ly.li: J. largo rtaui Tt OTcllI Into See n.c w plant Mobi l'li eolrei Me. lot of green Ho count to am gteas Col ruudi' the n *)•• Mr. link: lan in line \ Mr by Ui; ut M tton. oflice Mo in 01 iigem Me have wlmt They thing »nd: on tli Fi eoutli come that i the c Gi Ml Uj . mem largi capt talc iu vi ala, clea T Nog a fri for lillc hea: 43a Mid 7 Mill T; Cin. u„ Tl tom and •111 cam caoi «r»| that fifli The out, iff «;>y liar, the 1 off, aadi N|| any laid T>UB above Company ii in aionadoM ^ 1 aud prepared to resume hu«» holders whose j uunus^jjjO'm?nts^arj i j*5 that tmr, tha Put a I,.