Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, November 18, 1865, Image 3

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Jmal news items. ,„ ts POII THE EN41IIUEH. , ilowins named gontlomeu arc Agents .OolPOTB* in Alabama: . 2' j’oatjrs, Seals' Station. j f ' ey , Uatebaehubbeo. « ssnborn. Hurtville. Waller. Persons. Banlts, tlaatryton. .. Baber, Suspension. ,i Amlr» w! ' Cbunnenungee. Smith. Union Springs. !r A Lester. Vlllnln. Th '„mas J. burke. Glonnvillo. B, Jenkins. Midway. , Th . following namod gentlemen are our a at the several depots on the Muscogee ! Col. J. A. L. Lkk. ilroad: Station No. 2 Box Spring*. H. D- Williams. tdeueva, C. J. O’Nfal. Bailor. K. B. Watkes. Fort Valley. J- L. »YisaTO.v. Jones’ Crowing. Jamks W. Covington. \ew Advertisements. p j)iij 3 } Jfl 5 for sale at auction to la front or bis storo, a large variety iluabloarticles; among thorn, suit, to- furniture, ft rockaway, &c. See erlisement. (ei«r3. Rosette & Lawhon have a ,position in our paper to-dny to all like to "take tho chances." The jeisa good one—having no prizes ,pt valuable ones, and tho least valua- is worth tho price of a ticket, ;ie the most vftluuble is worth nenrly thousand dollars. Resides, ono ;etin every Ion is bound to draw. Wo all boon out of luck for tbo last four , let us tako a new start and try our ds again in this chance. D. Nance will sell on Tuesday next, lot of funning tools, furnituro, &c. forgot the day. E. Thomus, Jr., Administrator, has lordto6ayto debtors and creditors of late0. E. Thomas, Sr. D. Nance has taken up a sorrol filloy, wants the owner to get her. Thomas Grier, tho present efficient if of l’olico, announces himself as a uliil&to for City Marshal at tho election lakeplaco next month. Mr. Grier is acquainted with tho duties of the ccto which lie aspires, and will doub]- dischargo them faithfully, if elected. Mon.—MiJilling cotton was sold yes- liy at 3yp« 40 cunts. There wero quite imber ot cotton wagons on our streets, tho staplo wus drooping. r Rioer noxpeetedly roso novoral Thursday evening‘and night, and slowly rising yesterday. Wo pro ne that there is now wator enough for ta to corao up. Municipal Election comes oil' on second Saturday in December. Can- lies are beginning to announce them- , and we suppose will ho plentiful faw days. Tho registration list will closoil on tho 20th instant-only two king days moro within which to regis- Porsons why aro still ambitious of Ing to rulo in this partially restored ntry had bettor attend to tho registra- of their names without further delay. iVUhin tho last two days we have seen our oftice, a wood wagon and a dray, nenrly turned over, that they had to bo oadod, by tlioir wheels cutting through plAnk covering of the drain that pass- from Broad along Randolph street, is shows a condition of tho streets that gbXiuAto exist, for neither life or prop- y is safe, when sewers cavo in beneath wheels of passing vehicles. Our eots, all of them, and almost all parts them need fixing. Tho side walks os- ally. Wfl hope the candidates for yofficars at the noxt election, willrtm the itreds. They do not usually do wLen anxious to bo olocted. HOTIJr. ARRIVALS. Cook’s Hotkl, Nov. 10, 1805. W T Coleman, Barbour co, Ala; G W Smith, Chicago, III; J W Lexington, Ky; Mrs Tavlor and daughter, do; JAR Bennett, Macon, Gn; r R Oran, do; Rtjcannarett, Taylor co, Ga; •I Zimmer, do; Wm ? Ramsey, Ga; r H Woodward, do; Bt?nj Barnes, Texas; i F Power, Ala; G“oCro$bv, do; Jjeo H Oneil, do; Gray, Augusta, Gn; \ b Ug^oU, Tenn; J l Montgomery, N Y; Mrs Chambers, A1h; ^vl V ^ l l de11 rtntl 8 ervant, do; J NV Wilson, do; p&vid Palmer, city 8R k » CM f e, u M t * Sc W V K K i BRKord, M AsO RI{; ;'!!> ; Cukatt, t) W K H ; I M Barnard, city; METHOmST CoNfKKKNCK IN MaCON.- : S 0 ? 1 y i ,e ’ d «ts session yesterday in "J T a ’ “ 19 h°P Geo. F. Pierco presid- i U r el v anco wns S'null, there not itwi. lhe lllom *>ers of tho Geor- ul b 7,te°. Delay, hy mil 'tfleJ m«'J ay r trfl ” s l lorla t 1 on have pro- sw»in hik fr - nm “ rnvi "R in tuna to nn- n f of the assembly. Tho t ciTiJL, u° n °f. yesterday was occupied , .' r ,? th „° r0 [i anil referring; the con i’ » m,r»V m V ><! r s durin* tho past year, -tonisem m! ‘i Rllon . c,im prisos man -P.e s ' 'endjers of the M. K. Churc.. n rha venerable Rev. Lovick -n on tha n! , ,k tv “ ,> ' ed ,l , n ll °norary poei l m»„f t ,h , . B r‘:. hjp ,*^land, and assisted in bodv . 6 .[° r,11 . a ^usinoas proceeding's. • fina , a “ d intelligent •-.Uli... dunn,? their session will bp to h,„ U r r ,k?!*, opportunity toourciti- P rom inent minis- stt, ursa on the tenets of the church, Uit n,1»h <! ^. 0f t,le gentlemen evidence ^- r o? the nn*."? 0 } hay * 1Rve undergone holt very*m,?»L hard y0a !' ; man y of them tUv t!. U h worn and broken. Doubt- intend with ?„ d| ffleulties to •peciaily L“ 01 " i, h . air laborious calling, tensive .ml r * who . W8re P'aeod on e Ttii e A d f* T ou t of tho way circuits.— •Pch ^ avo faithfully ministered in ‘fatpaihv nfu e6| ! ec| aUy entitled to tho fit ft, l ® f ‘ h « fi'nrch, for during the i’HS.ft. 0 ! distress and sorrow their •ii ever r,.iv,\ P , en f*' r more severe than ore known by the itinerancy L.Vucim Telegraph, 10, fcb.1t j te,' 1 .fold about the Rev tuy ch.i'rm[l Ck *, n tl d *% who w *> t'mpo tyn |„, Tl> an °f the li.ltimore convon. ^‘Sl I v‘ D , d f bo Ul ° Thomas P. h »ibliih a ronm i luck -y* ^°^ wishing to isncea withu!' 01 * l , , ‘ Cttrl y Ufo. irteasur- the , h ",T y V'*7> and of course years after the twft w,., years aiver- 0 U ,t* m ™ at ~ tuo latter being on one v *iiqc<1 i 0 th _ s preea. Tho lawyer ex- 10 unlu "kv h d. a v V J' ne: Ahl H J b, it was fWin.t the^jilt? « or u * whan w0 tilte- 1 k * ' U drova me t Jl l v. .'tu ck Vd i° ‘ ha Pulpit, Bob kit ^ ® light closer to in [From the Advertiser and ltojdstcr of Sunday.! Brazil, Irresistible evidence is every day accu mulating, showing most conclusively, that many of our countrymen have actually located in Brazil, that others aro about to depart for that country; and that others have determined to migrate, but as yet, have not fully decided to th- ir destina tion. We feel it our duty as a public journalist, not only to notice these facts as matter of news, but also to give, as oppor tunity may oiler, such needful information as we may chanco to possess, with timely advice to those of our fellow-citizens, who have, for what they deem good* and sutll- cient cause, thus determined upon their own voluntary expatriation. "We would not, under existing circum stances. advise our citizens thus to aban don their country in this, its hour of trial. No, on the contrary, wo would ad vise them to remain, and unite their otForts with ours, in this mighty political struggle for lifo, liborty ftnd domestic tranquility. But, notwithstanding our advice, wo are in possession of tho proof, most positive, that many have ulroady departed, while others aro preparing to follow their exam ple. What shall wo say to them? Shall wo rail at them, denounce them, and for ever discard thorn, because they chanco to differ with us in opinion? No, indeed, for they are in pursuit of happiness, which is but a conformity to an irresistible law of our nature; besides, thoy are our coun trymen, our friends, who possess tho ex clusive right to determine this matter for themselves. We ough , on the contrary, to oiler thorn a world of consolation and advice, which should ho extended to them as freely as to any others of our unfertile nate countrymen. To those who have already located in Brazil, wo would say, be good and loyal subjects—lay deep and-firm tbo founda tions of peace and prosperity, for the pres ent and successive generations. To thoso who are about to depart for that country, we would say, “Go then and do likewise;” and to those who have determined to seek another homo, but have, a-; yet, decidod on no definite destination, wo unhesitnn tingly say, go also to Brazil, and there unite with your follow countrymen in the manly independence of peaceful pursuits, "ndustrial development and social ameli oration. This advico we give without hesitation, for we feel fully satisfied, that Brur.il affords tho most favorable ami am ple field forthe development of American energy and enterprise; and that it presents advantages and inducements to immi grants, to be found in no other part of tho world. Tho vastness of the undeveloped resources of that great country, is unpa- ralled. Humboldt declares that the val leys of tho Amazon and ifs tributaries nlono, under proper cultivation, would annually produce more than tho whole human family would annually consume. mo of the immediate inducements to immigrants are donations of lands, ex- ption, for a series of years, from taxa tion and military duly ; freedom of speech, reedom of the press, religious freedom, and a well regulated system of free schools. Tho letter »»ji Brazil, recently mbiished in our columns, shows that ands are given grain to colonies, and are sold to other actual scltlois, at twenty-live ents per acre, on a credit, if desired, of six years. The lands aro extremely fertile, yielding abundantly, tbo produetions of the torrid and temperate /.ones. Tho cli mate is genial and uniform, and the coun try is generally very healthy. All tho principal sea-port- are considered healthy, ami tho interior cities are remarkable lor their salubriouenoj-s. The society is good all tho cities; even in the remote Into* rior, the courtesies of good society are froely extended to every respectable stran ger, and politeness ramifies throughout all classes. In many respects Brazil is a glorious country; the Government is (ood; men hero certainly have all tho iberty that men anywhere ought to ex pect. The present Emperor, Don Pedro II, is intelligent, moral and just, and is all that a wiso people could desire. Wo repeat our advico to our country men, to remain with and aid us in the present trying crisis; but to thoso who have already determined absolutely to omigrato, wo again say, Brazil pcssesfio unparallod advantages. Milk.—Tho Academy of Sciences re cently received an interesting communD cation from l)r. Dar.ccl, on Lhe influence of water in the production of milk. The author has observed that mothers nursing thoir infanta oat very liltlo more solid food than in their ordinary slate, but they drink much more water. When u cow is in calf, and yiolds little or no milk.it does not drink more than from 12 t-» 20 litres of wa tor per day ; but as soon as it has calved, it will drink from BO to 50 litres a day, and tho quantity of milk it gives is always in proportion to tho water it has taken, tho measure of its solid funding the same. It has boon observed of a herd of cows graz* ing on the same meadow, that those that drink oftenost yield tho largest quantity of milk. When they aro taken away from the meadow to feed thorn in the cow house with dry fodder, the milk they gave is one-third less because they do not find in bay tho watery particle contained in green grass. From those and otherobsor- vations of the same kind, Dr. Dancal con cludes that water Is essential to the forma tion of milk; a fact hitherto unnoticed by mon of science, though they have experi mented on a vast number of substances supposed to increase the yield of milk. A few years ago tho Academy of Toulouse instituted some experiments with a view to ascertain whether tho cakes which aro the residue of sosamum oil might bo given for food to cuttle. As fur as tho yield of milk went, these trials were unsatisfactory both iii tho case of cow and in that of sheep. At length theso cakes wore tried hy a farmor near Paris, who found, con trary to expectation, that they greatly in creased the quantity of milk. The reason wns simply this, that ho Imd beaten up the cakes with a large quantity of water, while in tho previous experiments thoy had been administered in a dry state. How Difpkrkxt Nations Fat.—The Maldavian Islanders eat alone. They re tire into the most hinder parts of their houses, and then draw down the cloths that servo a? blind . to their window. 4 , that they may eat unobserved, On tbo con trary, the islundots of the Phillippines are remarkably sociable Whenever one of them finds himself without a compan ion to partakoof bis meal, he runs till ho meets with ono, and however keen his ap petite may he, In*, ventures, not to satisfy it without a guest. The tables of the rich Chinese shine with a beautiful varnish, and aro covered with silk carpets very elegantly worked. Thoy do not make use of plates, kniyos and fork:-; every guest has two litllo ivory or ebony sticks, which he handles very adroitly. A Kant- schatkan kneels beforo his guest; he cuts an enormous slice from a sea calf and cram9 it entire into mouth of his friend, furiously crying out. “Tana 1" “there!” and cutting away wlint hangs about his lips, snatches and devours it with avidity. Personal.—We bad tho pleasuro yes terday, of meeting in our sanctum, ex- Gov. Lowe,;of Maryland, now in this city, on routejin a few days with his fami ly for home, from which, for four years past, bo has been an exile. For some time Governor Lowe made his residcnco in this city, audit may gratify his many friends to know that he has lately become tho recipient of that very desirablo article for prominent Southern men—a special pardon.—Augusta Constitutionalist, Ao- vember 14th. JUST RECEIVED, ME FRENCH Ji'imy I.ind Lozenges, CTysl ulizeil Fruits, I.icnrioe Gum Drops, Cream Sticks, Fort Win.- Drops, Clinton (iingor, Superior Cordiul Sugar Almonds, Ciohiu Strawberries, Cordiul Filberts, Cordial Funny Rings, Cream Fisluclio Shulls, Cronin Hearts Pomchee, Croam l’ritunhe Imperial, Rosolivs, Apricot Slinos, Mursbumllon Drops, dolly Gum Drops, Rose Lozenges, Fine Applo Lozenges, Peppermint Lady Drops, Rose Lady Drops, Orange Ln.ly Drops, Lemon Lady Drops, Egg Slices, Knglish Peppermint Lozenges, &c., &c., <Scc., icc. nov lii tf NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! S. PUMP & CO„ No. 23 Broad Street, (HUNTER’S OLD STAND,) Ilavo in store and aro daily receiving a largo . us-ortment of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Dress and Cloak Trimmings CLOAKS AND SHAWLS, Ladies’ Furnishing Goods, ISTOTIOISrS! Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, GENTS’ AND BOYS’ CLOTHING, Gents’ FURNISKIHG GOODS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS, JEANS, TAILORS’ TRIMMINGS, and all kiuds of Goods suitable for dents’ La dies’ and Children's wear, which they offer to tho citizens of Columbus and vicinity at the lowest market rates. The especial attontion of Country Merchants is invitod to call and oxainino our stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. *3^Liberal Discount allowed to tho Trade. MR. THOMAS CIIAFFIN, Sr., (formerly with Redd, Johnson A Co.,) nn.l Mll GUORdB MKRKDIT11, (formerly with J. Kyle A Co.,) would bo pleased to soo Uioir old friends and putrons at the above address, where thoy may rest assured thoy will bo treutod with the same fairness and kindnoss which characterized their dealings with them in formor timos. Nov 8 11 m HENRY PERSONS WILDMAN, YOUNG & BRO., BROKERS, OLD OFFICE MECHANICS’ BANK AGENCY. GOLD, SILVER AND EXCHANGE BOUGHT SOLD. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BANK NOTES. GEORGIA. Buy’, Buy’g Bank of Selma 25 Central Bank 35 Commercial Bank 30 Eastern Bank 50 Northern Bank 45 Southern Bank To SOUTH CAROLINA. Bank of Columbus »!! Bank of Charleston 20 Bank of Chostcr 2<i Bank of Georgetown 2" Bank of Hamburg ?o Bank of tho State ofOoor B ,» gl Bank of tho State of South Carolina B> C:ty Bank of Augusta......™... ^ Commercial Bank 17 Farmer. 1 andt Mechanic’ Bank ^ Exchange Bank 18 Meehan.es Bank.............™ 10 Farmer. 1 and Exchange Bank 12 Merchants and Plantem’Bank 12 Merchants' Bunk so Plan,An* Dnnlr 111 People," Bank 47 Planters’ Bank of Fairfield 18 HI Planters'and Mechanics’ Bank 2‘J Central Railroad Bank «... Georgia Railroad and Banking Company .. 90, Bank of Middlo Georgia 70, Marino Bank 55 Bank of Augusta 20 Augusta Insurance 10 Bank of Athens 33 Bank of Commcroo.. Bank of the Empire Stato 15, Bank of Fulton 23 Bank of Savannah 42:1 ^ State Bank- _ Southwestern ltailroad- Union Bank NO KNICK KNACKS! NO TRASH! tenoral, nor special, Has no partnor—neither nor active, nor silont. HENRY PERSONS will koop tho host of everything in his lino wholhor of BUY GOODS. HATS, SHOES or CLOTHING, HENRY PERSONS Offers no goods at wholesale except such as can be ro-sold at his retail prices. HENRY PERSONS Will soil his goods at as low price.! as they can be bought for in this market. HENRY PERSONS Is selling Silks from $40 to $110; Cloaks from •10 to $185; Over Coats from $10 to $70; Pants from $0 to $28; Blankets from $6 to $35, HENRY PERSONS Will reoeivo tin- week Ingrain 3-ply and Brus sels Carpet lugs. HENRY PERSONS Will keep bis Flock complete by weekly arrivals of good*. HENRY PERSONS lias written an ungrammatical sontonce in this advertisement and will give to tho boy or girl under fourteon years of ago a present worth five dollars who first corrects it. 80 13roa.l Street, Old Stand of Redd, Johnson & Co, nov 7 2w Planters’ Bank Union Bank Manufacturers’ Bank Timber Cutters’ Bank ALABAMA. Bank of Mobilo Bank of Montgomery 95 0?Toho , r I Tl-2in TATION3 ° F 0TUEK HANK NOTES ENQUIRE AT OUR OFFICE. T. S SPEAR, PRACTICAL AND EXPERIENCED WATCHMAKER -AND- JEWELLER, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts., AT IIIS OLD STAND, Has now upon a now and rich stock of FINK GOLD WATCHES, HIGH GOLD JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WAKE, FUSE PLATED CASTORS, CUPS, KNIVES, FORKS, . SPOONS, PICKLE STANDS, SYRUP CUPS, i&c. ALSO—A fine assortment of Silver and Gold TUIMBLBS, Hold and Silvor SPECTACLES. HAIR WORK, Made to order, any design or pattern. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, In Gold, Silvor nnd Steol Framos, WATCH WORK and Jewelry ropaired by good and responsible workmen. MR. JAS. FRICKER Has charge of the Watch Department, which in itself is a GUARANTEE that tho work will be done in the best possible manner. Persons having PLAIN Watches can havo them J EWELLED, either in Ruby, Chrysolite' Garuot or Aquamarine. MR. INGMIRE, Who is too well known to need any recommen dation from me, has chargo of tho Repairing of Jewelry, Diamond setting, Engraving, &o. Oot 20-tf Bun copy. 12 NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! W, L. PARKER, (LATE OF KENTUCKY,) H AS JUST OPENED at No. 64 lii'oad Street, Erst door above Randolph, an entirely Now and Well Assorted Stoek of Goods, which he oilers to the citizens of Columbus and vicinity at reasonable figures. Messrs. Tho’s Chaffin, Jas. Thweatt and Charley Shivers, can always bo found at this Establishment, and they will he pleased to see any of their friends who may favor them with a oall, and will not think it a trouble to show Goods. 1 he Stock consists of Goods of every description, such as: Wool Dvlninea, Half Cotton do. l’oplins, Mosauibiques, S^f ba,n Bareges, Apron Checks, *, Haimclfl, various colors II ('ambries, Irish Linens. Brown Linens, Gents’ Boots and Show .Boys " “ •* I Groceries, all kinds. Tinware " “ Snuff, ' Pocket Cutlery, FRESH ARRIVAL! Mens’ and Boys’ Hats, Ladies’ and Misses’ do.; Crape Lustres Plaid Shawls, Cloaks; Bed Blankets, English and French Prints, French Percales, Merinos—all shades, Opera Flannels, Balmorals, from $4,00 to $18— Vary h.n<l, Dine ; Besides many other choice goods, At SEALS, JONES L ACEE’S, 62 Broad Street. Nov 9,1805.—2w ROPE. JUST ARRIVED IjQ COILS HEMP LEAF ROPE. Fur ,alo by Nuv 12—lw J. 11. IVEY & CIO. IN' otioe. FJMIE note* of Baugh Sc Tillman we're de- i- stroyed in April lofct. Person* oweing them will make payment to them alone, or their authorized agent. EDWARD BAUUU. Nov 12, 18(lo-l w G. A. KOEHNE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Second Door from I. G. Strapper, on Randolph Street, H AS returned from Now York with a s » a handsome stock of Broad Cloths, qfefl BeaverCasitueres, Doeskins Vestings and (la admirable trimmings, and is now prepared-JuL to make the latest Htylus of dress and business suits at the Hhortest notice and the lowest pri ces. Call and examino thu goods before pur chasing elsewhere. Oct. 81.1865-1 m Whoever Wants Full Value for their Money Must Come to B. JACKSON’S, 1B3 Broad St., NEXT DOOR TO ROSETTE & LAWIION. The Largest aud Best Stock of DRY GOODS -AND- CLOTHING, Consisting of tho following articles, 1 offer now to my friends aud customers: CALICOES; DELAINES, ALPACAS and LUSTUES, KIUR1N08—French and KiiglUli, LINENS, ULEAC1IED MUSLINS nnd S11KUT1NG, LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS, the latest style; and a great many other arti cles too numerous to mention. I respectfully invite my friends and custom ers to oall soon. Country Merchants will do well to lay in their supplies at my store. B. JACKSON, oct 15-tjanl 133 Broad street. Table Padlock*, Hatchets and Hammer* Shoo IhreAd, Perfumeries. Hair Oils, Pomades, Tooth and NailBrushe* (doth and Heir do r ancy Soaps, Toweling, , . (Shavingdo" Uoop Skirts, 'Cravats, groat variety l.ailica tuliurs * Cuffs, Paper Coflnrs, V ‘ Ladies Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Fruuta u!'" b v’, cv .''. ry 6U .'! e ' Gants’ Underwear, •• /“' er and EnrclojiU, ,, o.' c . 8 » Pons and Ink, Jlair Ornaments, Pencils, 1*9 80 aad llull'Hoso, 'Slates, Wide Belts and Buckles Dolls, Braids, every stylo, Pipes, Buttons, great variety, Cassimeres. PUuilTi’i n ct ,os ’ T woods ami Jean*, Blenched Homespun, •Suspenders. Brown do Pocket Books, Ladies lints, latest lOalf Wallets. .*t y,e «. „ , Candlesticks, Children s llats, latest;Kuughphy Mill*, styles, Ladies’ Shoes, stylo. Misses Shoes, do do Children’s Shoes, do do, Gents Hats, o very style Boys’ do do do Razors aud Strap*, every Spurs, iShoo Brushes and ' Blacking. And a Perso.._ „ v „ Stock before purchasing. great many articles not mentioned. ,u will do well to call and examine our AuguatZS-lim GOLD PENS. O'II15 FINEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT A of Gold PENS. Call aud try them ut ()ct2(itt^Sun copy. J. R. IVEY & CO., COTTON FACTORS, AY arehouse, RKCKIV1NU, FORWARDING AND GENERAL Commission Merchants, with ample storage room, we are prepared to do tho Warehouse, Receiving. Forwarding and Commission Business in all its vurious branches. We aro also prepared to advanco on Cotton and Merchandize in storo, and on Cotton for shipment. Consignments solicited. Opposite Post Otti^o Liquors in Cases. 500 Cases Choice Whiskey and Brandy, 100 Baskets Champagne, oct 15-tjanl Just rocoived and for sale at JACKSON’S, 133 Broad street. iCOTTOlT. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & GO., SJLJSTJCttttS -AND- C0MMISSI0N MERCHANTS MACON, GEORGIA, OJHce on Third Street next Door to I‘<>*t Office. ew York, or to our correspondents Liverpool, England. Planters and owners of cotton entrusting the same to our caro for sale or shipment, shall have prompt roturns tosnlcs, in gold or currency Gold and Silver and sight oxchaago on New York bought and sold. We refer by permission to J. B. Ross A Son, BowdreJc Anderson, Knott & llowo, Hardeman A Sparks, K. W. Cubbodgo, N. A. Hardee A Co., Savannah; Third National Bank, Nash' ille; Citizens’ Bunk, Louisville; Commercial CANDIDATES. For City Mu raltitl. THOMAS ORERK, tbo i reseii* Chief .f Po- lice, announces himself as a Candida to fu Mar- shal at the ensuing election on tho second Sat- urday in December. nov18 to . For Alursliul. We aro authorized to an lounco the imino o‘ 11 HORDE A. HI OKA BY. ns n candidate for Marshal at tho election in December next. Nov, »> —te* For Deputy Marwhal We are authorized to announce the uarneof JOHN C. LOVE LACK as a candidate for re-election for the office t Deputy Marshal. nov 14 te Drs. SCHLEY & RAINES, OFFIOK AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, flrdt door- NEW SHEET MUSIC. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED a largo Iwtof I Now Shoot Mu,ic. aiming which aro to be found EVANGELINE—Song, by J. R. Thomas; TRUST ME ALL IN ALL—Words by Ten nyson: „ PAT MALLOY—By Dion Bouncault: BEAUTIFUL ISLE UF THE SEA—By J.U. I'JiYoVK’k TINY CHILD TO-DAY-By K. G, B. Holder. , , , LANAGAN’S BALL—Arranged for tho Piano by Glover: THOO LOV’ST NO MOKE—Words by Tho*. Moore; A SONG OF PEACE—By Caaaonella; IN THE ULADE—By J. ft. ihoma.1 TREMOLO (Nooturno)—Rosellon: ROSEBUD GALOP; . , ... BEAUTIFUL DREAMER — Arranged with brilliant variation,: ite . 4c., ic. nov 14 tf J. ii. 1 EASE. JOHN MILLER, (LATE OF KNOXVILLE, TENN.,) DRACTICAL and Experienced 1 WATCHMAKER, No. 167 Broad street, opposite Cook * Hotel. Watches carefully ropaired nnd war ranted for 12 months. SutiHuctioa guaranteed, oct 28-1 in WA NTED, 5000 Pounds Pork. lOOO Bushels Coru, 1000 Bushels Meal, 1000 Bushels Peas. NEW FIRM. mderaigned ada and the „ have this day formed a copartnership undor the name and stylo of FONTAINE & HUGHES, for tho transaction of a Warehouse aud Geucral Commission Business, All business entrusted to them shall receive prompt attention. Our Warehouse, in process of eroction, will loon be ready, but in the mean time we will provide itorugo for our patron* until the building is finished. Our office ut pres ent is on Randolph street, in W. W. Garrard’s building, near the old Lowell Warehouse. JOHN FONTAINE, W. U. HUGHES, Columbus, Sept. 19.1865—oetl-tf _ Notice to Bridge Builders. I AM directed by tho Court of County Com missioners for Russell county to advertise ior V ropos&ls to re-build tho Bridges over tho Little Jchco on the old Federal road leading from Columbus; on tho Little Uchoo, where the road from Crawford to Girard' crosses that creek, known as tho Turnpike; aud the Brplgo at tne town of Girard, Sealed proposals will bo re ceived by me at Crawford until the 23d instant, tvbon tho several contracts will bo let out for building tho sumo immediately, to tho lowest bidder lor cash. All tho bridges are to be cou- structod in accordance with the plan of the formor biidgos constructed ut tho same places. J. F. WADDELL, nov 1510t Judge of Probate. H. Marshall. Er>. Parsons Southern Real Estate Office. MARSHALLPARSONS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, auction and Commission Merchants, WHITEHALL ST., (Holland House Block, near tho Rail Road ATLANTA, GA. COUNTRY PRO DUCK ofeverj tion bought and sold at X Street by JKFFERSO nov 12 2w ODtIOE of every dl EUSOff £*& AMILl Bank Notes Wanted. I AM authorized to purehaae notes of the Banks in the States of Georgia, Alabama, North and South Carolina, Virginia, Louisiana and Tennessee, and will pay full mark tt rate* lor the name. W. FELIX ALRXANDBH, Ag’t E. M. Bruce A Co., No. 95, Broad it., ortr Knu j*’ it. oct26tf Sunoepy. SIGHT EXCHANGE ON 1STEW YOKJC, FOR SALE, la Sums to Suit Purchasers. Dot fi-tf W. W. GARRARD^ SIGHT" EXCHANGE OIST NEW YORK, FOR SALE BY JOHN KING, nov 5 lm BANKKHi WANTED, LARD and COUNTRY HAMS. .cl si—tf k, l. btyirr. Columbus Female Academy. RATES OF TUITION. will be under tho immediate supervision of aud Mrs. Saundkkh but one price will h_ charged for tuition. Tho Drst Term will opun ou tho 1st Monday in Octobor noxt uud the rates for it are as follows: 'Literary Department 120 in) Incidental Feo 1 Music - 20 00 Use of Piano J *»0 Vocal Music 2 00 French 10 00 No extra charge lor Latin. Board for the Term ............. •••; 00 Boarders must furnish sheets, pillow cuses, towels, table napkins aud nay extra for wash- 7V, ' ,o R: , M. t rA r uND^r ,J S«|it 17—tf PrMiJenl. FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. WK have converted our large commodious Livery Stublo 1 •vx 8 ** of "vkrnoyI' 1 simtrAr oot lT-tjftPl 100 BOXES Fine Chewing Tobacco, -AT- JACKSON’S. 133 BROAD MTREKTi i oStttMf WomakoMtlcs of Stooks, Proiluco. and co loot Rent,, Debts h:u1 Soldiors; Claims, czucu Deoils, Mortgages, examine Titles, etc. Nov 9, 1K6j—8m Phoenix Insurance Compauy, HARTFORD, CONN. Cash Capital $600,000 ! T HIS old and well known Company will r open its businoss at my oflice and l>o pr pared to take uli kinds of Firo ri."l\s. 1 U II HI 11141UH 'L oet 24-lm* GENERAL INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, NO. (Jj BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, GA. Success Attends^ the Diligent I (Jl’nCIAL NOTICE.—I beg leave to oall Jr uttu 'Bion to the capitalists of our commu- uitj that I have on i#y books a large number of llou^ftfl, Lot-. Farms. Plantations and other property which does not appear in .. J lun . ,n the newspapers. My advioe in l«Ti • 1 you , wunt .L» buy call first on me and ace it wc can’t trade, then jo elsewhere. rianiauon is located in Chambers county, Ala., lumbi Ter rth ot Salem, 22 miles west of Col ash, or in cotton to be made ■ , , • — **, in luiLua 10 r be l liice. Corn, pork, stock, hog mIK T 1 ? b “ b .° u <' ht 7,'th it. Make pro- kfr io, f o° i r \i . nrf ’ f5mi , m ' H . Cusseta, Ala., or to Mr. Charles Betts, on the place, or to J- H. SIKES. FOR SALE, ArtglliHariPS®* Railriid UUb,U ' 7 fr0 “ K„ii ** ,acn is handsomely improved, has every orcomf °rtandconvenienot, berv r iinT < iluL, C ? J U1C Ti! re ® a ’ a vin . e yard. shruh- SrW 1 1 here are cabins sufficient foi 130 nogroes, two gin houses, barns, stables, » re UdO acres in the tract, 1100 cloared. C i ftbS a portion of the bal- Tho°r(>rHn!i ,h0 f r ttte i ar, 1 very Productive. /*» tlj0 i un 'i la unsurpassed, and from its heal th fulness and location one of the most desirabJo plantations iu the South. place H desired. 07,1 ° nS WiH be ,old with the For further particulars aj>ply to FOR SALE—A plantation ly’ing^on th?*&t« l^ n Z h€0 < M ,ver * 9 »«•" this aide of Fort uT. « w)?. « Jajr , cnun }- v ’ ’ la - containing 850 acres, 4.5f acres cleared. Most of this land if good bottom land and well adapted to the fjj?!Tii h ot °?}l 0D r Uu 1,10 Place is a good framed dwelling with 4 rooms, good ginhous^ind p r irL , ’f^ w, y* f bp u aual supply Of outbuildiogf. It is within PO miles of Columbus anil 7 mi lm I f ^Rflilroad, and tliroctly on the river where it is navigable at ail seasons of the year J. H. SIKES. R. B. MURDOCK. Agent. Dwelling Wanted. A NY person having a’dwelling of four, fivo l\. or six rooms conveniently situated, can hoar of a good tenant by npplyiug at tho store of J. Kyle Jc Co. Possession wanted by l-t ot January noxt. .JOSEPH I. POL. novl tf. SELECT limited school, COLUMBUS, GA. T MIK numbor will b«» limited to 10 pupils; and all will be t>x- pected, after entering. «<» continue thu romuluder of tho year. . The ucholastio year will l.o divi- dod into three terms, lhe must term now progressing will end (ho 25th of De cember; The hkcond, will begin the first January and end the last of March ; tho Till Hi*, will begin the first of April and end the liu*t ot June. Puyuientadue lor each term at its be ginning. Wood! Wood! Ofiick Mokii.b anu Girard R. K. 'IKS wishing Oak ..*,art Pino Wood by supplied upon application to J. M. IRAZER, Ireasurer. oot 21-tf "Wanted >e .r _ . i week and can uu usuu M . HUW . «ud tirictly hou eet. Wages paid monthly. aov7 tf SHIVERS, WYNNE A CO- INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. F^ni^kE-rTho School House owned and 1 A lr, 1 ? Iyiin » Seated on the " na tl,n / ^lika depot The bail or, . fo ? t wide with; 12 Ibis building will ha J. H. SIKES. For Sale, Land in Texas. I WILL sell or exchange for property in thif city or vicinity a lot of land lying on Pecan Huyou, Coleman co., Texas, near the city of Houston, ibis land is said to be excellent and admirably adapted to stock raising. The lot contains tvlu acres and a good trade can be moda by applying to J. H. SIKES. T^Olt RENT—A handsome residence in Wynn* . . , n .’ * - (dilo- trom Columbus. The lot con- taius lo acres; tho house has six rooms; oil the nocossary out-buildings aro on the premise*. Apply to J. H, SIKES. E ^GR SALE CHEAP.—A houso and lot ia (ilennvilJo, Ala., 12 miles south of Seal** Station, Al. and G. It. R. The lot contain* foar acres. Tho houso has four rooms. All the necessary out-buildings are* on tho plaoe. The yard is handsomely laid off and planted witk choico flowers. Also a choice orchard of peoeh- os, apples and grapes, dm , Ac. Convenient to tho host schools both mule And female, Thif place can bo bought at a sac,ri6o?. Apply to J. 11. SIKES, or to the ownor. Dr- W. C- Belamy. Wu. It. Bkdkll. Rob’t C. Pgy*. 1ST E "W BOOT IND SHOE STORE. BEDELL & POPE, No. 166 Broad St., Columbut, (UNDER COOK’S HOTEL), \ITOULD resncctfully announce to theoiU- f T zeus ut Columbus and vicinity that wt are now receiving and opening our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, and will continually koep on hand every style of Ladies’, Misses' and Children’s Shoo*, and Men’s Boys’ nnd Youths’ Boots, Shoo* and Gaiters, und Children's Copper-tiped Shoes. All Grade* of Buff, kip and If ax Brogans, Grout pains lias been taken in getting up our stork, aud we guarantee uli work sold. 4srlu Country. .Men-hunt* we offer liberal in- ilucements aud invito them to examine our stuck. Also, h lino assortment of Soft aud Cashmere Hats. oct 2l-tf , REMOVAL^ W K s, h ^ i general Grocery and Comurisaiou Business -i.Mi.i" indoavur to luorit a fair »h«o ol'iiub- |r frieuoi r b .‘.. >'loai«d to ao« all ios as will tavo. __ Consignments solicitud. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICKS paid lor Country produce At No, 15 11 rouii Street. JEFFERSON & HAMILTON ! oct 24-lm Notice. A 1 A*S , C? n *- lnd . t,b W> tbo lat# firm ol ,, Uod>. 1 leuung .V. >wift aro hereby notified that they must cutno up uud settle; and thoaa who tail to pay by first day of January next, that thotr notes aud accounts will be put in tuti iu once. 1 ho books aud papers of the ooneeni are kept at our old stand, corner under Cook’a Hotel. t’ODT, RubMiNu * Swift; Columbia, Uct, 31, lWi,—Um>1 " **