Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 03, 1865, Image 2

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J»HH H. MiRTIS - • ltan»r. COLUMBUS: Sunday Morning, Dec. 3, 1865. ANOTHF.K E.KTTKR FHO.M MK. auiiiiim.v It it' quceoonsble. ws think—if Mr! A.hburn and hi* »yni|'MbiS"r» have lo be fully satisfied before tho work of rulora- tionor reconstruction cen be fully per fected—whether the proclemetion an nouncing e restored Union on the old bn- • i* of the rquellty of the Stele*, or the blowing of Gabriel’* resurrection trumpet, will come Ant in order of Unto. Tbs Into Convention of lioorjoa first repealed the ordinance of secesiion, then streak (foot .... »b. •rg 1* opgry rrnaon to SpfM>4h»t the §njii'K$of Oovernni-nt will Uke energetic mrtwiroi in iwfciird to th** mattor ■ The Ilniitn Purlinrnnr.t to open to* 27.—Orders till) Jftk- ion (Mi**) AVtcs *ny*. authorised Srmper j ^ to tuppoio only nominal righti will be , Koktrihs Monro k, Not. noirliidod to Ocoreie't freedmen. Tho ; h»vo been issued to muster out the .Wth cnncluooa to «e * ! 1!|innill tnd ,70, Ohio regiments. Jeckion (Mwe ) Ann* »ey«. " BurrALO, Nov. ‘J9.—It i< stated in pri- keep the cx-slevo in e portion of jnfenon- i vaU) ^iepntob^a received from New York ty end pus* »uch lew* ns will tnnkehiin feel j to-d»v, that now* has been received that hi. inferiority.” The fad that the present ^Tlh* a M slate of society demands tho enactment of i ( HU|ie( | B ri , 8 in RI)]1 confirmation of astringent law. for tho governing of white ! th(J rt .p„rt rccoived. and Waclt, will hSTBSTlcHWarbul that — — - there should be two code* Is not acknowl- Th« Cotton Abeoai).—Late advices from Europe in regard lo the cotton mar- edged to be nec'--*»ery. if practicable, be cause Preeideiii Johnson line indorsed the j "S* equality of the freedmen before the law. The experience of the past month has to weaken the confidence of opera If the Legislature cnaeta laws lo sell freed-j tors in tho maintenance of the late bigli *1 . —.mi.Latent for fail- level ut price*. Looking tbroe month* me, into slave, y u aheed, lirapro.pects of lupply *. far a. ing to comply with their contracu, w figure i era concerned, remain much tho ur.in.aaw ,a.„ mnvt alto be sold fbr a dtuilar of- ! s^tna ns they wero a month ago, but the the Constitution all those reservation*hf Hence; but wo think if our Legislator'* j falling^otl in tho „5K| , .*j£ a tala righU from which secession could be «r- -<■« Uiny will consider the lew ol ne- | ** nlIl)jitWl themselves to the exigencies plgooibly claimed n> a lawful remedy, and finally acknowledged the Constitution of thg United State* n» tbo supreme law of tba land ami the authority of the Union at tba paramount authority. Yet Mr A. in»i*u that all thin was a simple recogni tion of the conctilutionaiity of eocgiaion, and that it gom to confirm rather than to contradict Semp+r'n a«sertion that "Stale righti ii not killed,'' "gee. union is not killed but only tcolched, " dec. To .give plausibility to this conclusion, bn lakes for granted tbn very proposition that the people of all the Southern State* denied in resorting to secession n» a rightful remedy, ait: that the Sum of Ueorgia bad from the formation of tbo Union "ac cepted the Federal Constitulion n» the su preme law of tbo land,” and “transferred her national sovereignty to three-fourths of all the States." Wo gay that (leorgia never made any such acknowledgment, or admitted any such relation to the Fed eral Government, before the meeting of the late Convention, that on tho coutrary, vbt^id on Mrvrral occasions denied this sort of relationship. Hut now, when sbo abjures all such claims of independent aovoreigrily, and substitutes 0 r tho clauses that seemed to miAtain tlmm constitutional prevision* which will forever debar tho people of Georgia from again jiihlifying secession as a constitutional remedy, Mr. A. nays that this late action is merely in tended "lo givo n shadow of legality to the action of tho Convention of Ibhl" I Another objection of Mr. A. to tho ac tion of the Convention in very much In the spirit of the old Dutchman with the rod. The Convention did truly appoint a commission of tho he«t lawyers in the Stale to frame a code for the protection of the freed men, but then it was forced to do this by the military power of the Federal Government, and Iherelore .Semper was right In telling the radicals of tho North that the rights of tho nogroei. were to be but nominal, that they would bo free in name but slave* In fact, Ac. In other words, that tho Convention, in doing whet was required of it, thought "d—n it,** and therefore tho people of Georgia deserve further chastisement I And he yet sticks to U that tho Legislature designs to enact two codes—one for tho whites and the other for the blacks. Wo supposo that If the Legislature should disappoint his ex pectations in this respect, he will then contend that it was only done to establish the right of tho State to govern tho negro without Federal intervention, and Uiero- fore it simply a roalttrmalion of tho con tinuance of sh.voryl In reforeuce to negro contracts and la bor, we have only to usk, does not ovary man's obtervalh n show him that'Tholaw of necessity and the love of gnin" do net and will not make the negro earn his liv ing by honest and needful labor? Is it not apparent that tho great agricultural interests, upon which the prosperity of this country and the very lives of its in habitants dopond, will languish and be ruined if no legal compulsion is brought to bear upon tho froednieu'’ Gon. How ard, chief of tbo Frooduion's Human, and Gen. Tillson, its commUsionor tor Geor gia, bavo found this out and announced that they will make idle negroes enter into contracts and fulfill them, while they have control of the matter. Why, then, should not tbo Legislature? Must noth ing be done to avert impending ruin to both whitos and blacks, simply from the mawkish apprehension that the rights of freedom of tho latter cluss will be invaded by laws to prevent their starving or living hythe plunder of the whites? entity and a lorn of gnin lb* only prsoti cable faultily w* b*»o at dor control. exigencies of the market, by reducing their purcha- *04 iis ptices advance. Tbo gr« at rise You say Smvtr u muob annoyed ut the which took place four or five week, back ...... * . . _ 77. ... -a. . i wn» inilmtod chiefly by uu extraordinary 1 rodent fur cxoni.ing hi. purd wing ,| 8nil , n j f ur t|, e American market, which power so freely, tnd think this is the clue j ; fl j U lurn brought in speculator* and led to all hi* distrust. Tho president susluins j Srmptr by revoking aoni<' and refuting to grant oilier*; ai*o by the following from 1 tlin 'WafliHigton Chronirle of the loth ultimo : "TliO eff>.rts of the President to induce the rebel ctfleft to accept hi* uiild nd gencrou. coo find have been followed by a n*W .eric* of *ggre«Mon* and insult*. \Vh*t they have done in accordance with hi* l tpealnd invocation* ba* been coldly and reluctantly done, and with a spirit Instinct with tho Idea that trea«on wa» no crime, but talht-r an honorable achieve ment." This e!o*e» onr defence of Nnnprr. If.,._ ... he need* soy fuilher, he .oust make H | P^bl.^ho^tim. ago: ..d thl. cjr o greatly inrn-asod oimratioos by home and foroign buyers who had long boon holding back, or purchasing very spar ingly, under tho improession prices would bo lower. Hut the immediate wants of consumers being satisfied, the demand commenced to subside something like a fortnight ago, and at present shows no tign of reviving. Although, thoretoro, the prospective supply of ootlon is very small, as compared with the consuming powers of the world, yet U would seem to im quite as much as will be wanU-fi at the advanced rates Isteiy current. Whether we shell witness higher prices in the fu* lure than have been paid during the psst month, will depend entirely on the re ceipts from America. The latest advices nt to larger arrivals than were thought himself, in our next wo will notice your remarks in reference to our note to you, found in your columns of tho ftuh ult In our next communication wo will givo the position of tho National 1 nion men of Georgia, the spirit and policy controlling our actions. Yours very truly, G. W. Asniiuiis. pinners hold some eighty thousand to one hundred thousand bales, and will keep the market quiet for a little while to come, and probably load to u lower range of prices. From tbs Ohio Psrmor. What Shall be Deue with the Dry Bread f This is becoming a serious question, i even U> thoso fro# and easy housekeepers who in times past have been in tho habit | of throwing their dry bread to the fowls or pigs. In a large family it is unavoida ble, without undue parsimony, to prevent »oino accumulation of dry bread. Young America is not kept in aa good subjection now a* it was in the days of our grand mother, und refuses to est what older onus puss by. Thorough housekeepers have various ways of working up luen remains, ! they tell rno, and here are some of theui: Mii.k Toast —If the pieces of bread I are not loo small, toast them nioely ; then j put some milk ovar the stove, sudiciunt to cover tho broad. Let it scald, and if but- Naw Ohlkans, Nov. UU. —lhero was a 1 lHr not over fifteen cents a pound,spread We copy Ibc following item from a pri vate letter, dated Atlanta, Nov. UOth, re* reived by a gentleman of this city: Mr. Crew, general ticket agent of all the roads hero, was knocked down last night and robhod of but safe key, but the tluovot did not succeed in getting any money. Mr. Crew is very seriously hurt. Uobberie* arc quite common here. News by Telegraph. decline ol cotton yo-torday to 51 coots, | t h 6 slices with it and let it boil up gently which caused a reaction. 1 *' ' ** - *»•- This i in tho milk. If putin whim the milk is cold it will fall lo piece*, halt it slightly. Bread Pudding.—Cus or pound your bread fine, cover it with swoot milk and set it on tho stove, where it will hoat grad ually. Take it olT, put in a little cold milk, an egg, two spoonsful of sugar, to one of butter, some salt, and any flavor- ing you like. Bako an hour or more. 1'AffUAkkh.—HiHtk your bread in cold .sweet milk until you can mash it lino with a spoon; then put in an egg, some salt, a little soda, and flour enough to make it a batter. Bake in the usual way. Another way : Prepare your broad by chopping, the same as for dressing for a baked fowl. Pour on some boiling water and let it stand lor a short time. Then season it with butter, popper, salt and sago, the same ns for dressing. Pack it , ,, . . . r - down in a baking dish, and let it remain orld a dispatch says that some j,, ifco oven half an hour, but not where iportaut Information regarding Mexican | lt w ,u burn air* has just beau received by tho Gov- , Another way: When you have poU- ornment. | toes to warm up, soak some bread a short | time in milk, and when you put your po morning the aconunla irom Liver pool caused an advance. Ordinary 42 to 44c. ; Good Ordinary into 47o. Middling 4bo.; Good Middling fcio.; Gold 4‘.lf, Mouile, Nov. 2*0.—Cotton--Sale* to day, 26U bales; Middling Jklc, Market dull. Mobii.k, Dec. 1.—Hales of cotton to-day 1UUU bale*. Middling 47Cm4Mc. Sales of tho week I I.d2J) bale*. Exixirt* -V'SH. Stock on hand bG.UhO. Gold 48(«,oO. N KW YORK, Nov. 1?.V— A Special t<» the Times, dstsd Washington 28lli. says all slatemonU Lo the dlect that ttm President had expressed dissatisfaction with Colfax's speech are pronouncod by the President without foundation. The Herald’s dispatch says that the question ol seizure of French tobacco in Hicbtuond is now undur investigation. Tho \Vo * ffceta the Meetsomerr Advertiser. Af* A BAM \ IaEGIBI* ATUR K. fik. hbxatb. Friday, Dec. 1, 1866. Mr Kilpatrick introduced a bill lo pre vent illegal traffic, which was referred to the Committee on Freedmen. Also a bill to prevent interference with contracu mace. Same reference. M.. Montgomery—A bill to change the boundary linos between the counties of Caihoun aati Talladega, liefer red. Mr. Denson—A bill to authorise parties when sued Tor the purchase money of slave* to plead a breach of warrantee as an offset lo the recovery on such contracts. Referred to Judiciary Committee. Mr. Lindsay—A bill to amend Section 1747 of the Code. Mr. Moraa wss requested to take the Chair by tho President. Mr. Garrett offered the following reso lutions, which were adopted: Resolved, Thai it be referred to the Committee on Retrenchments to inquire whelherany ofllcos, and what, can be abol ished, and what salaries ought to be re duced, no 04 to meot the present and pros pective condition of the country in its in- deht'tlniwa and inability to pay taxes, and at tho . ame time secure a proper discharge of the duties of the offices—with leave to report by bill or otherwise. Also, that the Committee on Education be instructed to ioquire whether thore are any trustees of the University of Alabama now in office, and by wbat tenure they hold *-uch office. Al-o, that tho Committee on Freedmen be directed to inquire into the expediency of providing by law lo regulate the names of freedmen. no as lo provent their being changed after being one* adopted. Mr. Stansel—A bill to punish assaults with in'••at to murder, rob, Ac., with death. Passed. The Senate wss informed of the passage by the House of a resolution that, the Senate concurring, the two Houses will meet in convention at half-past twelve o’clock to-day to elect a State Superin tendent of Education and a Quartermas ter General for tbe Slate of Alabama. Also, tba 4 * the House had passed, with out smeniimeot, the .Seoate bill to incor porate tbe town of Biufllon, in the oour.ty of Chambers. The Committee on Propositions and Grievance* reported sdvmely on the pe« lition to grant G. W. Rice, ol Fayette county, the privilege of distilling whis key, a* It would be a violation of the .Slat 1 Cnnstitu.ion to grant the prayer of th«* petitioner. By Mr. Powell, of Tuscaloosa Ketolvcd, That the Committee on Banks and Banking bn instructed to inquiro what action i* n«ci«*Hry in relation to the pres ent condition of ths chartered banks in Ibis State, and to report by bill or otbor wise. Carried. On motion of Mr. Cooper, it was Resolved, That the Committee on Edu cation be instructed to inquire whether ny change is necessary in tbe laws now n l'<iroe, und whether any other laws are neoesnrry, and report at as early a day as possible. HOUSE Tbo Judiciary Cominitte", on motion of Mr, Wbilflold, was granted permission sit during tho session of the House un said Committee can gel through with the mas« of business before it. Mr. Freeman introduced a joiot reso lution providing, with the concurronco of the Bennie, that the two Houses meet in convention to dsy at 12 M., for the pur pose of electing a Superintendent of Kdu ntion, and a Quartermaster General of this Mate. Adopted. Mr. Robinson, of Chambers, introduced bill to abolish the .State Penitentiary Referred lo Judiciary Committee. Mr. Brandon introduced a bill to lliorixo Wni, M. Wood, of Cherokcb county, fa one-armed solaior of the late Confederate army,) lo poddle without a license in Chorokoc and Calhoun counties. Read throe limes and passed. Mr. Speaker Cooper (Mr. Gibson in tbe chair,) inti educed a bill to incorporate Lihoriy Church, in Cherokee county Referred to Judiciary Committeo. Mr. Cooper introduced a bill to repeal nil laws which prohibit the distillation of piriiuouH liquors In this State. Referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. MoCalp—A bill to form a new cou my put of portions bf Coosa, Moot- [t'oMMliKlCATKD.] Mr. Kditor You quote a clause insert ed by Georgia’s lato Convention, reorgan izing the Federal Constitution as the su preme law of tin land. This, like the amendments we noticed .Yesterday, was added lo confirm the people of Goorgin in tboir old bolief that the Statu cnmditulions wero the paramount laws that govern and control tbe nationality of the people of each State. Tbe Convention knew that Georgia bad surrendered her national Tbo internal revenue report wus com- ploled yesterday. It is to be put in typo at once. Tho appears reason now for assorting that a civil trial for Jell'. Davis is oloso at hand. i„ Tbe Timas'special says tbo lab* jailor at tbe Old Capitol prison, Capt. Wines, is on trial bsfore a military coin mission on tbe charge ol violating tbo orison rule* by furnishing llonry WiraanuGoo. Bribuoe, wbo wore imprisoned at the sumo tiiuu, with pipyiug card*, refreshments, olo. By orJor ol tho i‘resident-an army ro- tiring board has boon organised, consisting q( Major Generals Hancock, Moudo and linker, CoL Simpson, Mudioal Director of |tie .Middle Deuartuiout, with Major Henry of the t)tb infianlry as re<oidur, who willaeeoinbie periodically nirbihulolphia, and examine and report on all applica tions for retirement from regular service. Tbe Herald's Washington dispatch con* tains the following: Report of the Comp troller of currency was yesterday sont lo the Vrinlei. In treating tbo question of National Banks and Currency, bo refers to taxes and revunqq, which bus a bearing on the subject, and in this way will pre- soul an array of tuluablu facts to our law makers if sustainod bvmropur legislation will go a ureal way towards solving the present difttcult tUmscial problem. It is understood that be will urge tbe removal of the Bureau to New York. A prominent qu Congress will be th „ lar army. Gen. Grant is understood lo favor tbo mustering out of all voluntcors and such additions to all arms of the scr- iulu i tatoes over thu fire, add the milk and bread to them. 8tir thorn well together; and those who hsvu tried them ssy they aro an improvement on potatoes alone. Miaaouai Iron Baim.—Wo extract from the St. Louis Democrat tbo follow ing : As an instance of tho bounty with which nature has supplied the wants of our country, we find deposited in her very center, and contiguous to those rich prai rios which form tue "garden of tho world,’ iron ore sufficient to supply the world for a hundred centuries—deposited, too, so as lo bo very easily obtained. Pilot Knob i* a solid mass of ore thrown up, where it only 1ms to be quarried and rolled do tbo hill to the furnace. Both Iron Moun tain and Pilot Knob are in Iron county and only six miles apart. Iron Mountal lovers about five hundred acres, and is two hundred and thirty foot high. It bn» longs to Mo*srs. Harrison, Chouteau «& Valle, and is held by them at the sum sum of five millions of dollars, or ten thousand dollars per acre. They liavo three furuaces, two of which aro kept constantly running, and lurn out about uiphtoen tons each per day of pi iron, bosides a large amount of ore that sent out without being smolted. rk. It is oMtimatod that one foot in height uestiou before the next the base of Iron Mountain, would furnish e yicioaso of tbe rogu- [ three million ponnds of iron, and the ore vice as would make the nominal strength, with tlif regulars, about 76,OU). Too litllu ailentiou has been paid to cavalry in timo of peace, and some new measures for re cruiting and drilling ibis arm of the ser vice mav also be recomiuonded. Tbe abandonment of depot* for Govern ment supplies in the Southern Slate*, con- sovereignly at the time the Status were or-1 toquant upon tbo gradual withdrawal of ganiaed into a national union for the pro- I Doops, has caused Gan. Howard to is- - , r ' . 1 sue a circular, authorizing AssuiantCom- lection cf a national government. The I inisaioneis of States to make r*qu).illons Btal. than accptci) tho Krdoral ConstUa Mon M the ruprrini' law ol the land—thu, transferring tho exorcising cf her national sovereignty lo three-fourths of all the Mutes. This being . fact, I, it not alto a fact that tho late Convention inserted the clause you quote, to give a shadow of le gality lo the action of Georgia's Convcn* tlonofltkUY How then can you u«e the action of tho lato Convention to maintain your position, that Snnptr is wrong in aaylng—"8uie righU i* not killed” ; and 1 how can the people he In harmony with th* Federal Administration, when the les galexistonee ol a Southern Confederacy has never boon acknowledged by Hit* or any nation? If your Convention had de clared the ordinance of locessiou uncon stitutional. and everything don* under and by its authority null and void—hav ing no lagal existence wlmltiver—then you might have quoted the eels of the lato Convention in support of your position against Stmprr’s letter. You say the Convention freed the oo- groet, appointed roinmit,loner* to draft upon th* d ration* a in their benefit The l* depots atilt reutuiniog for such a* will he required lor thirty drvs, tr respective dopatlmenU, lor the of refuge* War Dept pattutenu, for the ugacs and freed rucu. ’'epuruieal has issued an deptl r od to oxtund duwuward ton great According to this eatimato this mountain alona would supply these furna ces, yioldingaoventy-lwolhoutand pounds a day. for ilireo thousand years. I’ilol Kuob diff«rs from Iron Mountain in that reaped, as tho ore is a much dark- or color, finer auality, and lays in a solid muss not mixed with clay. This moun tain is six buedred feet high, and cover* an area of throe hundred und sixty acre* One tulle west of Pilot Knob i* Shep herd Mountain, which contain! a quantity of magnetic ore, familiarly known “load stono.” .from th. Phll.U«t,hl. North Smarten.] At a crib in tba First ward, cornar of _ _ Long tana, and Buck road, a dog tight, der announcing' tho docouso of Gon. Do-1 hjl l " e - um ®f hundrad dollar*, came Kusty, of th, Kugineer Corps, and ro- “ n , Tuesday afternoon. The place is quiriug all engineer officers to wour the H".!’ 1 Larrol. The usual budge of mourning for thirty duy*. inhuman sport laaud over an hour. Tha The World's special suv> in his report, d u »<‘ r »P««‘ br ute. waracelabrated fighter*, the fourth Auditor of tbo Treasury, hours ? no {?“>• '«m Washington, the other ouy in favor o( tf.i lady I f[ om The former was killed in clerks under bit supervision, who have | r,n K» ti*e other U torn almo«t into lit work id the most .utl-fuc | »htpele*,n**s. Ueuteoant holler beard On nod After Houday Dec. 4th, tVe will offer our entire stock of LADIES' G ENTS' and CHILDREN'S SHOES. GENTS’ und BOYS' HATS. GENTS’ SHIRTS und UNDERWEAR, TABLE CUTLERY. And several other article*, AT 25 PER CENT. f*cs$ than they rnn be bought in the City, u we intend heroaftcr to devote our attention exclusively to the DRY GOODS aud NOTION Bull DOS*. Call early beluro they are all gone. W. L. PARKER, 6 4 B road Street. Dee. 3,1 w BumIdcm Men— Mechanic*- Kver>body . SBOULD INSURK AGAINST ACCIDENTS! THE ORIGINAL TRAVELERS INSURANCE CO., OF HARTFORD, CONN., Capital •.Mm.nlm. txaiuxa AUAlMMT Accidents of all Kinds, CaualnR llodlly lujury or Lo.i of Life. IV IS CHEAP. A Policy for • > M **i in «a-» «»f fatal accident, or $2- r >p<‘r week in cose ol disabling injury, rn»ts flt'r to 42*0 par year. Any nuui Irom 4'«00 •»> 41U.00", with $-4 to450 weekly eoin[>etiAation. at propor tionate raloa. Policua writtou for five yean*- IT IS INIVEKSAL This Company insures againat all aorta of ac- ..•lenti*, wbuther they or cur in Ira' ing in the shoo or factory, walking swimming, riding, hunting, fishing, aues police for nil persons in all parts of the United State** nnd Canudae, nnd grant* permits to visit any part of the world. This insurance is sought niter and \alued by all dulses ol iuen ( rich or poor. IT I* RELIABLE TheTKAVKLKKS of Hartford is tbe oldest accident insurance company in the United States, and c«tab!ished on a finu bonis. It ha- Miliedgeville. Nov. 21.19tf. Whereas tbe late Convention did ordain, that the Provisional Governor should provide for the formation of one or more Militia or Volunteer eofnpanlM In each of the counties of tbe State, to act as a police force, to aupprcA* violence, to preserve order and to aid the civil offeers in tbe enforcement of the laws, under such regula tions ns might be c<)ns : stent with tbe laws ol the United State*. Now therefore. I, James John son, Provisional Governor of the State, do here by aathwme end reqaett the people of this State to organise, according to law, In each of the ceuatiea of the Statu, a volunteer company, for the purpose of aiding the el vil authorities in tbe execution of law and the suppression of violence: And it is hereby further declared, that such companies, when au formed and organized, shall be auxiliary and subordinate to the civil offi cers; that they shall arrest no person, and search the house of no person, without a legal warrant regularly iaeued by some magistrate having authority, and ihnll in no caso Inflict any punishment exoept by the judgment end direction of a duly qualified olvil oSteer, hav ing jurisdiction of the offense. And whereas, it is desirable to have uniformi ty in command, and that there thould be no conflict between the military authorities of the State and tbe United States, it is further de clared, (bat said companies, when formed with in their respective counties, shall be under the control and subject to the military command ers of the United States, commanding the Dis trict ; and for a violation of those regulatioDi, and for any other offense committed, shall he tried and punished according to the rules pre scribed for the ^government or the army of the UpiUid State*. under my hand and Seal of the Fxeeu- tive Department at V illedgeville, on this the ilst day of November. A. D.. JAMES JOHNSON. Provisional Governor of Qa. nov 24 lags. Ten As. Itls- directorr of t Im highest character, and % I ho ovrr huff a million in cat A for thr pnymrnt of No Medical Examination Required. J^TnnKR UaKTa a Day will Innure a man for IJD 1 .*", or $1" weekly compensation for one year. J, U. pATTgasojr, President. Rodney Dkxm*. Secretary. *#“ Applications received nnd policies issued atonenby D. F. WILLCuX. Agent, dec 21 If A Paper and Envelopes. GOOD arrtortiuetit of Knvelope*. Letter and Noto Paper, Pons, Ink and Pencil*, lor sale at ** * dec 2 I. O. (). V\ I^KGULAlt.MF.KTINU ol M » . iK»oar. J li.. n. set: do' M. R. BELL & CO., (Foria.rl]r Bxi.l, Mouax A Co.,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMIBBION And Forwarding Merchants, MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, •- - - GEORGIA. ConsignmentH arc solicited, which will re ceive our best personal attention, and the For warding bust asm carsfnJIy and promptly done No. I? Alabatna i IU ot Mus- i.0.0 K. <c. 4. at 7H innerv, Tallapoosa and Autauga coun< !**•. lkcforrcu to Committee on County Boundaries. By Mr. Vanzandt— A bill to authorize Wm. D. Richardson, of Cooea county to pnddlo without licnnse, or the payment of taxei on sales. Road throo times and patsgq. By Mr. Malone—A petition asking that mi. Cole, of DeKalh county (an aged minister of tbo Gospol) be allowod to sell Is without tho payment of tho taxes now impostal by law. Referred to Com- mittcoon Local Legislation. By Mr. Mabry—A bill to incorporate tho town of BichmoDd, in Dallas county. Kcforrnd the Judiciary Committee. By Mr. Bourlaad—A bill to legalize certain sales made by Jesse Y. Austin, iintntitrator of the estate of John H. car*, deceased. Referred to the Com* m Hue on Local Legislation. Soveral bills on tho subject of regula ting the labor of freedmen, and relating Lo vagrancy, <&c., were offered, and refer red lo Cointnillco on freedmen. Also a r.utnbor of roliof bills, which weiu referred to the appropriate Commit tee. A message was received from tho Sen ate announcing the passage of several bills, which were reported in tho proceed- gs ot the Senate venterday. By Mr. Kchsli—A bill to provide for Xh# payment of the Judge of Probate and Justices of the Peace of Maooo county tor administering and registering the am* ncily oath, to which a number of amend- nmits were offered. Referred to J udicia ry Committee, By Mr. Shftffleld—A bill for tbe relief cf Chapman Farrish, Shorifl of M.arshall ounty. Also, a bill for ths relief of Thomas C Barclay, Clerk of the Circuit Court of Marshall county, which were referred lo tbe Committee on Accounts and Claims. By Mr. Freeman—A bill to aulhorixe the Commissioners' Court of Morgan county to losuo county Treasury notes for the purposoof defraying the expenses of said county for the year 1866 to erectin, Me labors of th® Lodge and transient breth ren in good rUnding are respectfully invited to attend. GKO. HUNGER FORD, P. S. dso 8-lt Dissolution of Copartnership. Columbus, Ga„ Doc. 2*1.18G5. r |MIR cnpsrtnorship herotaforo existing under L tbo name of Seals. .Inns* A Anee. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Ths busbies* les and J. . . JEAl 8, J. S. JONES, J. 8. AC lib. Ths business hcretof re conducted under the . rui and nawe of Seals. Jonas A Acea will be continued by the undersigned at the old stand, under the name and style of Jones A Acee. J. H. JONKS. J. 8, ACKE. REFERENCES: M*-ssr*. 8. R. MeCuuiy k Co.,.- Atlanta, Ua< •* Silvey Si Dougherty, do. John NV. Duncan. do. Messrs. Horton A Walton. Augusts, Go. Dunn k Mangkaos Mooeu, Gn. J. W. Fears Sc Co., do. " Robert Habersham Si Sons. Savannah. * Erwin A Hurdce. do. Lo# A Norton — Mon* row try, A)n. A. I. Koneb A Co Meotphb*. Tenn. Marcus J. Wright, Jfoa.. d«. Mtwsrs. Moss in vale A snrdsr, Nashville. Tonn. D. H. Baldwin A Co.. New York. dec 2—.Mm P.P.Pea8e&0o P. P. Pease, Scott’s Kangs. 3d St., Bet. Cherry * Mulberry, ATLANTA, GA. MACON, GA. COTTON FACTORS, -AND- Forwarding and Commiuion MERCHA1TTS. Ohio win _ Louis ION SALES. BY B. P. & R. ELIJs (Late Ellis, Livingston A Co.; 1 DESIRABLE CITY RESIDENCE O N SATURDAY, Dee. Vth at n t . will Mil in fro.t of »tor. 111 0 c wlt . A Very Desirable Resides*, 0* Ofletborp. itrMt, occupi*j b, VoVakt Home ha* eight room*, *ooJ Kitek, reHwme, G«rde*. WoU. «oo<i aero land Mtacht.1. icaih. Title* i.ofort^ . ^ BY D. P. & R. BUST I (Late Elli*. Livinoston A Co.) Very Fine Carriage and Hers**. O N THURSDAY, Deo. 7, at U o'*lu.k wUl sett in trout of our .tore oc ^* *' A VERY FINE CLOSE CARRIAGE, b^, by a flr*t cla..* Northern mmuf.clur.r to a fiuo article, but little worn, a* , 0 od tl „ r with Harn«**compioto. ALSO. A very line t.air MATCH HORSES, kiod M well broke to tincl. sad double lurnw. *r Carrrin*e nnd Uo»u cun be *een it Bii- brow'* Stable, iloo 3—AS ALSO, 4S ACRES LAND tlx mile* eeet of thotity, adjoining John K. Jone*. W. F. Boiemuo ni M. Dancer, with 2d acre* cleared, good double log House, with orchard* Ac., on tbe I’renim. ALSO. 12 or IS HEAD CATTLE among them i 0M On* itock, good Milk Cuwt and Beef Cutile. _4ecaS3.7i By D. P. & R. ELLIS. (Late Ellis, Livingston A Co.) LARGE AND PEREMPTORY SALE OF Ready-Made Clothing, BOOTS, SHOES, &C. O N TUESDAY, the 12lh December, at ID',: o'clock, we will xell ut our Auction Room", in the city of Columbus, without reserve, ter and on account of a merchant leaviug theeiif. *J00 Over-Coais, of all grader nnd quality; PM) Pair CaseimSre, Doc Skin and Cloth Paoti; ■'(00 Businas* und Dross Coats, of all qualities: to " " " Vsits, " M 100 “ Hults, of all qualilisa; 20 Dor., White and Col*d Flannel Shirts ; lit “ White nnd Col’d Cotton and Flaaasl Draw era : Gsnti Linen, Cotton and Silk llzndkerckiafe Scarfs. Suspenders, Shirt*. Collars. Glovss, and aluioet every article found in s hrnt class Clott ing Store. 980 Pair BOOTS and SHOES, For Men, Women, Boys. Girls nnd Children- in triginal package*. The above goods ere of the best kind-lstilj purchased for the city trade, by a good ner- ^ jm Strqng to»liuio&y iu favor of thu lady clerks under hi torv' namnoir** 1 * *“ M "*** lv * fc ’ n%, ' ,uv ‘ ! of tho affair a littto too lata to prevent iu Ike U,r»l<i'. Richmond corfo.pond. noo 1 » f ?»• of tiza 27th ears Gen- (iraiit was heartilv 1 c,,r * h f •« r ro«nded tba onb and took into woloosuod to that QiLf by thu unliurv no! i cu,loi I »«v*«ty por^ona. Home of thorn JJsBSr t" hr first ir r while there regarding Moxicau eff.irs. J [*[••. !'^•• 10 Ue said emphatioallytiiat tbe ndvont of Theirage* ranged from eighteen JlMC+'JKJi James M. Beebe, Boston, Mass: D. Rodney King, Philadelphia, Pa: Wm. Bryoe A Co.. New York; R. M. Bishop k Co., Cineinneti. ■“ *o; MoDuniel A Irby. Lynchburg. Va; Kr- ik Hardee, Savannah, Ga; Guthrie A Co„ ngHle A Hnyder, Na-nhville; Wm. J. Taylor, t Orlouns. dee 2 3m PRAIRIE PLANTATION. I OFFER FUR SALK. 1.02** acres ef Prairie 1 Lands, situated in Macon county, Alabama, eix miles north of Union Springs ood sixteen mile* south ot Tuskegue, lying ol Oulmhatopie Creek. Thore are between seven and eight hundred acres cleared laud in a high state o( cultivation; good framed negro oabins for 40 hands ! framed fin-house and Iron -crew All been built with in the lost tour yea r s. An or Lee ion well* fur nishing an inexhaustible supply ot watei These lands have long been i*ouaidej moat desirable in tbe State, for their L , BI LIT Y an.l PRO DUCT IVKN KS8. yielding remunerative crop* of corn und cotton. Coro, fodder. i- -rk and atock hog*, cattle and mules, cotton seed und implements to eorry on the lurrn for another year, con bo bought with the place Freediueu on lac place can ba hir- I. Pn**eii*iou gi\ eu immediately, dec 2 1 in 0. K. JOHNSTON Montgomery Advertiser end Taski will copy and send bill to this office. i News. Plantation for Rent or Sale A T Chehaw, Macon co., Ala., on tho Mont- ii gmneiy ami West Point ItHilrond,contain ing lJk» acres—tint) t*» 70u cleared ; good Dwell ing House, Negro House*. Gin House, Gin, Screw, and all other appurtenances of a Ant class place. Apply to deo 2 1 iu J. RHODES BROWNE. (MILL & BROTHER IIA VK REMOVED TO K”o. 5)0 Broad Street, (fine door abovtf Pease's Book Store,) t\’HKllK they are now reeeiving a well se* v ? lectod stock of Staple and Fancy Dry (foods DRESS TRIMMINGS. NOTIONS. BOOTS. SHOES, HATS CAPS CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS. *r. Also, e food assort meot of LADIlfift' CLOAKS, which they are offering at RanuoaD Paicxa. The Ladiee will find it t< and examine their stosk _ before purchasing elsewhere. MR. L. I. IIARVEY Pistols, Powder, Shot, &c. (JOtT’S POCKET PISTOLS. COLT'S POLICE do. SMITH * WESSON'S do. sit «t«w. CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND SHOT, PERCUSSION CAPS. and a new lot of STEEL PEBBLE SPECTACLES. Just received at do«2 6f T. S. IPUH'k For Sale By D. P. & R. ELLIS. (Late Ellis, Livingston k Co.) O N TUESDAY. 5th December, at 11 o’clock, we will sell in front ot our auction rooa- A SPLENOID LOT NEW FURNITURE' 1 MARBLE TOP ROSEWOOD BUREAU; 1 WALNUT COTTAGE BEDSTEAD; 2 MAHOGANY ROCKING CHAIRS; 1 OVAL MARBLE TOP CENTRE TABU I S.tt WsInatSOKA BOTTOM CHAIRS; 50 YDS. TAPESTRY CARPETING; 100 do. NEW INDIA MATTING: WASH STANDS; BEDSTEADS; DIVANS: TABLES; A tout floe Mshoisnr Bxton.idu DIKI1M TABLE. CROCKEY A GLASS-WARE; 2 Fine China T;a Sets; A Tory flu# Plstod TEA SHTT, 7 pi*c«*. Wllk otbor rslusblo cihmIi. is lh* Uo««k**f- n« Mp||. UMwb A tkrouo in Mxiuo, sod w# *l;oulJ ! j*?*' * **J'J r * 1 but oot consult thst power in re-Mtsbluliinn l ' ,e hou*o koio* surrounded But one or 0>* republic, iio snid t).st Franc, hs.l no ! * w » wc y ,l '.r , ? l «*r» V'ftwn right to (Kwffsre in the aumtion. but if! •L. would invglTO li»r*#Tf with u* in u IV —P* ****** w.r «n On* point, now ia lb. timo lo bsv i our iu my and n*v>- it jet orgsn- tbe police. Tbo men w.r. tk.n taken out a* the officer* wanted them. One fellow land, and be tor. our com luorce u »g»in set *° l V 1 ! ll '" b,, J r ^°** ■idloi'l biui.elf out, - tlilnkinglbu*to.!udeobser*eti(Mi. Annth- Uw.ffirthm prouoUo.1.*, it u. M do- u{ |S'K'IfrSS.SSSTKTTK’.rSSi ol.red that tbo uuhrary power of tb. Yod-1 nowerd's 7oluuiittou. reporu on treed- "V; T .k* wnL* ’*'? ^*\ Ug "* nflkin will U iu tbe b*nu. of the "‘ f " ly ^ oral goverunirnt forcud tbl* act upon the I oif^- - f people of Ueorgia. You cannot, tkorefote, use * to prore Sini/wr'. tear, lor tba free dom of tbe black* are not correal. You MJT tb* commissioner* era tbo mo.t retie- | We lewFert in Oeorgi*. -We hev* 'rioters to-morrow, * ner • Sa»lx Hook. Sev. 20.—The ,w*m.r j Lu, »' wore eomoutlo^ »| on tbo ISib, vie o. arrived ofl bare lo. ■ eew*. before Alderman to prieoe. South I'abomxa Mxuete- or Cox okx.s,—Tb# returns so f.r received fndi- e. I. I l.e .lenltoe .. t S..M...I U , fl «t u .. . *eKl county lor tbe yser lonb m erecting e eotihty }«fl, sud to- other purposes. The bill was rend three times and passed. ■Uy Mr. Uoldwaite—A bill Co coinpen sale tba Judgeaof tbe circuit court tor rondoring extra services in holding special turms ot .aid court. Referred to Judicia ry Committee. By Mr. Worthy—A bill forth* relief of Frances K. Hooks, administratrix of tbe estate ol T. J. Hooks, late of Pike oount.v Suing referenoe. By Mr. CouuoIIf—A petition for e new oounty out of portions of Tallapoosa and Randolph counties. Referred lo Commits lee on County Boundaries. By Mr. Tompkins—A bill to Incorpo rate th. Mobil* Trade Company, which was referred lo the Committee on Corpo rations. By Air. Wilhite-, A bill to empower tbe Commissioner's court of Winston county tsi issue county bonds' and levy n special tax in raid county, to aid ia ereoting a court bouse end county jail therein. Read three times end passed. Tbs two Houses assembled in Conven tion in ths Hull of the House at 13 m., for tbe purpose of sleeting an Attorney (Jen- erul sf tbe State. Tb* following named gentlemen were pieced in nomination: Hons. Jno. W. A. Sanfcrd and Alsx. B. Clitherall. Jno. W. A. Sanford reoeived 71) votes. Alex. B. Clitberall " 4d " And tb* fornnr was declared elected Attorney General (or tbe term prescribod by law. The Senate retired and tb* House was caned to order. Tb* Speaker (Mr. Co*per) announced tli at be bad. ilec 2—3t for gala by th ETT k C0\S. GENERAL SOUTHERN LAND AGENCY A H Aganu, we have this tUi form*! a c ' xx. partnership with Massra. White, I’afthr Co., 62 Broadway. New York, and they wl vary shortly l>o prepared to loan monay M the cultivation of Cotton, Hice and Sugar- They will alao provide white labor for IhoSoutii gen erally. In a few day» w« .-kail ia«ua uiruulam setting forth all th«we tbiugs In detail, from the above nouse. Having formed this arrangement we can offer greater facilities for tha sale of Southern land than any establishment in this cowulry. Wo therefore solicit the patronage of those dffisiring to soil land. Prompt alta^tian given to all business entrusted to oar care.' Doc 2—tt Marshall l parsons. Eastern Hay. ^ lATRO* LOT OF HASTERN BAY Ibr J. R. IVEY A doubt national one*. Tbs fact that raid bav# been appointed for a >ps- nurpose, indicate* tbsl the object ef MeaaUan is to bav* twu oodra Ptqwfcl Md another lor tb* wb Egression on Chill occupied cats tbs election of Samuel McGowan L««l bf(i« ot tb* Kurotu an pre». member of Congress for th* Third, and Tbe bill to ... d from an mdunnttelmeeting Hon. James Farrow for tbn Fourth l)ie- ; bim^raai L bald is Liverpool, would bo preranted w Karl Clar endon, lohing that prompt action r tba protection of BriU*h in' on. ia Chill. A deputation of Liver- a , I K. K>*««boatU bod watted upon Earl bitea, | Usreudon In regard to U>« Chilian trou- trick Tho result of tbo oloolion In tbe Tbl* bill wss opposed _ First snd Seoond OUlricls !» still doubt- j Loxc, Mans-coanJ other*, fill. The general belief, however, h tbst by request, pieced Mn*r*. I.th-por end bills on th* Committee on Local Lrgi*lstkm. Incorporate Alabama Whit* in Israel Labor snd Rral R>tat* Agency, This bill wss opposed by Maatr.. Morra 1Jftri 1 General Kennedy has a , majority In M>* Klrsl, snd Hon Wiu Alkna In tb* Serdnd Diurict Pending th* considaralien of n motion by Mr. Maassoo, to indefinitely poeipom me bill, the House adjourOed uotil 10 o' elsos to-morrow, Notice to Shippers of Ootton, f A Inn Atlanta, Ga., ■■tern *t Atlantic Railroad, are raqufrwd to ■mure the game againat Fire, m tha game will, front this time forward, be received at tha own- er.a riak. unlegg notice ig givea the Rood lo iml ^Mfor the benefit of. the owner and at bii or dec J lm ROB’T BAl . Lup’ti HENRY PERSONS HAS RECEIVED A SPLENDID LOT OF CARPETINGS, —AND— BREAKFAST SHAWLS. —ALSO,— Plate, Goblets and Tombltrs. Strayed or 8tolen, i LARGE BROWN BULL. A mottled laoo. A paid for ioformatioa doc a-fit* CQ'S ing lino, ouv 2M) BY D. P. & R. ELLIS, (Late Ellis, Livininton A Co.) VALUABLE PROPERTY AT AUCTION. IN OOLUMBIja, OA. fILT, k, soiil oa the |ir*uii<e* t* tb* MO-' -' btUJra, on Tburmlar ibr Hili day of IM**" b«r naxk at 14 o'clock o. in- all tbo Rrsl “Ul with all tko risbls, l , a»*l£i*L,‘*5] {‘KrttSjJc- This well known property conoutioTmjq Let*, with and witooat water PtWilgrtJ. “• operatives' U^ugei on both # idea of the thou* boochee river, together with the Water Lot Company’• property n** all more A .atublo reward wiirL ‘-TfylKVHERD, Water Lot Company'* property ana ns* aor* I'.rtlc'al.rll' doocrlbod 6ol»;w. vu- l ths oast lids of tho river «vo (i) job *“*• three W) Lou without weter .pnviiwj- Three*ana-a-half tiki Lot* with t■* ^S^n^; r. k u‘t-o -* ■Wr , gSfA p ffll l A5 ; «n .b.W«-W Oempeay's properly, oosiistinf «> IV ater Lota. All the above Loti aro 72 foot # JronL |k# On tho woat side of tho river, too LoU •• river bank, and nine Lota in Girard. Twenty-gix acren land, on Dwelling Houao, forty-eight operativea now- and one work-ohod. Tkaaf*^ Tho aale will bo without roaorva- orty will bo ghown to porooot deal*m« / ®ra, »y tim. Previoj, e<d3l—ida ■ b J SALT! to AnniVM. HE cargo of ahip Scotland is now onboard " V ..f „k.uk tl 1 — AL80, In afore and t« arrivoa a gonarai afook of Gmcorfoa at whofoaalo oxaiualvfijr. Doc 1—3t* M. TT ELLIS k CO. JV^jL. IVEY dt CO. HAVH JUST RECEIVED 50 rolls KENTUCKY BAGM3INQ 50 coils ROPE, 600 lbs. TWINE, Large lot of INDIA BAGGING. Any of th* above erUelea wil be sold ta tarn or *uiall quontitioa. nov IHr •* Administrator’s Sale. PHCEN1X FOUNDRY AMD MACHINE SHOP- rj'HE esdersiiaeJ beg leavs 1 (rienos end Uie publlo j Ktekd* hove built a tint class r "cnJry » “ Sboaoa peleihurps b ■_s -it;.s..«^idU filKOi. "•r'lfilllk STRAWBERRY PLANTS. JAYB a large aa^irtioei.t of Strawberry hy a<>(dying to A. cornar. doe 1 tf Alien, at Kanhi’* old JAc> «VlleR. i Hbgeman i Pure Cod Liver Oil, I IHIR Sal. by ' aevlitf CARTER A FLODRNOK. ♦til day cf bcftembtr r the Court of Ordinary. properly ot JtM-cph \V. of Muaeogae county, at tho piaatation heloaging to hi* catale, aitua- ted on the river road •even aiilaa below t'oluui- baa, conaiating ol Corn. Fodder. Poaa, bbuaka. WhvU, G.iu, Ulda Id PI.u wagon. Cooking Utonallg idauianto of all kinda. At tha Plantation, containing over ISO) acroa. TOO of which la open land-ftw acree «*rjiha ofoared land lie* in what te known oa Woolfolk a Band, and 1* not nrpasead ta feetill-y hv aay leads in the State. Sale to continue from day to day until tbe "-^ VWlIOLK, Ad-V. aovsetd. “irTakc’SiV'virasur* IfJfflSiZSi gOMO at our w oa* to th# c jgr, flv* * heat laud ins*, ot anywhete in t — i-«,ij**Af. jbLnwsaisiiiarsSie. nuo lJ-U NEW vpnK und.r.lined b *« ’•*” ersifr. I trirad* and lb. >abUt - sra»nuu ot have thi» day formed a cop»r name and atyie ef tirTGflB^ POM TAIN E for the traa-«g«tion ol a WutketM ui Gucnl Ctamsiw AH huslns** sntrustsd JSJfhraiiaJSS? prompt attontloi. Gur w ar . _ t of aroctlou. willaoon bonjj^f* |of um r time we will provide Our until thabuilJAb* jf in W. \ apt ia on Rondo ph atraat. «« Wtr^SSNl* building. umbT th. old Low.^ Columbu*. S#|»t. ^