Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 24, 1865, Image 1

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l&MW/u COI.i©MBlKS DAILY ENQUIRER. A MttlCT CONSTRUCTION OF* THU CONSTITUTION-AN HOJfKST AND KCONOMICAU ADMINISTRATION OF TIIE OOVICRNMBNT. gagland & Wynne, Projirie^j I 7/(|<[ / JJ COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 24, 1865. VOL. VII.—NO. 307. T E R M 8 i OB* TB» DAILY ENQB'iREK. 0.. month..— Thrco months' Six month* Sinitlo oopie9.—. v -~- r ---r-i--*y A lifefel deduction will bo modo in foiy of HeWiboT* * n<1 D**l»f*. -*» hates or advertising. } three week. * 2J I *>*”•% 10 3 r, •• tbn e week....—..—1A °* is 1«I1 gl| - { I f[F5!5i5:5;s 2t 3»" is 1 52 !*«»*•: *7 04 l'-l 108 " . .i »,| rra: DO.Ilia ltl 111. \r. l'i Ai lOOt 5|'4U l55 i:0185;2*2l53*»24«60 ' “it* 150 18tli2oO 220,240 200 218 tl00320i.vl0 »17.’iOH'&S JUtM-t AP 325 350 375t 400 For advertiiement* pubtuhed leea thnn one week fl <W per «<io«re for the flnrf inirruon andoOcenU. pit aqnare for eaeh .ebeequent "'Adverti.ouiout* inaerted at inUrraU .io.be charred as new each insertion. A'lvertDemeQU ordered to remain on nny particular p ore, to be charred as ne* ouet SP Ari'iM.’rlisemente not specified as to time, like a respedtfllfln ferct) Buy whore in the I mild. 'Tt(h’)iA«ornm»nt is very friendly disposed Inwards Southern iuilurants, and is rivin* tho«> pvory. fiiidlitv lotind good homos. The j£,mi«rcsd passed through this place a few days sincu. making a stop here lot 4w» days. i’rice, Oov. Harris and otlters, called upon tier and expren themselves highly plenum!. 1 saw her as she piiaaod tljrougi). She was very simply attired and very a uiipstentatious in nil her apnoiAtojents, Wo >aVt 'Alt those who want good hortrosifi a’good cornilyy to come ont and join ns. A few years of hardships and taconVonmnoee will be richly rewarded in the end. > : . l am your friend. Jaa D. 'Whits. found td ho those of ti Iilimnn being, but ] • Political affair* herti m.y bo regarded the microscope revealed mi tbh blade, ns settled. The Liberal party has notliiog what bud Iremi inrprrt'eptiblh tothe nak ed eye, a secretion peculiar to tha glands of the thmaV . Wruuger sitiU, it pointed to cotton fibres on 1 he blade of the instru ment. “Tlie lenity," said the mierpaoop- ist in tlioir toperf, ‘‘h'tfe 'been used in cutting through cotton into the neok of a human being.” Now listen, and won der at the pmver of tliia wonderful ailent witness. The murdered man had been found witli his tliroat out through the neokbaud of bis cotton shirt. The evi dence was as bonofusive ns (bough a voioe from the clouds had proclaimed in tones cf tluituki / I »*Tliiitt.- tart/dk>tMiif 1 A few yenra ago, a map .under trial for murder in Western New. York asserted that blpofl pffipi.s op uu .uxe ftmnd in his possehsibti wore front a dog which behnd killed. The case \VuS rolerredto Prof. -Hadley of Buffalo, who was purposely kept in ignorance tf all the ciroumstnn- laws^s^affisiPdC iwdi4 : Worn a dbgi ifiusl fciMMtfiihg (he poor nyyi’a U^tiiitouy. X.O* mflcfnbei 6yfc yo.U>orpi4«rtled, ft few yoiiM since, by ft voice from the sciehtifn? world, cfnirtnng' that themicro- koopo fioulff detyfcf ifccjinflgp «>f the fair- 4hnt cataiol be ■ lirdwal —to a yadgw that wouli^ nut hesitate to oondeum -the duke in flu heart of bis ducliy, of the king in his purple. , > i The microscope is u pence-mukei, a be pubiuhud until ordered out, aud obaracd ! settler of diffnutes. Some hundred years riLtrtt&aiar 1 tu «*& * ™ ^ •»«>» ngi.. the number or ln»ertio_- .... ' utverti.cments conHicereil due from tl. iserti'in and oolloctsblc swordinsly Anecdutes of tire Microscope. The telescope, which resolves the ne bula:* into stars, and stars into suns, which pi epics tha .blue iirnuuuout with inirind worlds, is 'not inoro wonderful than the little microscope, which reveals “llio grand immensity of littleness *'— When it oame into man’s possession it was us though a second Columbus had iippeiu ed, announcing the existence of ti new world; and not ouo moroly. The microscope rovcnlH in n single drop of water u globe, peopled. nCcordiug to Eli- ttnberg, with five hundred millions i f living creatures, different from anything which man has seen hoforc. J t shows us every hit of clay and stone, ovory leaf and bud und flower, a world crowded with its busy multitudes. The substance of tint unimactile is usually so transpar ent that the internal structure is visablu, even the act of digestion can he watched ar,d tlie food traced from its mouth to its passage into tliu internal caviti* s. Tlie eggs also cui be seen within tl,n bodies. Thus the microsuope has sileutly over thrown man's theories for the erplana tion of vital phenomena, nnd haB furnish ed materials for their true olucidution. The inicroscopo teaches mail the structure of Lees, and the uses they best servo in the affair of life. By it he learns the elements rntoring iuto particular sods, aud is enabled to supply those fer tilizers necessary to tho production of the desired crop. Tho accuracy with which the microscope detects counterfeit hills mid forged manuscripts, adultera tions in fond und liquors, renders this in slrument a valuable ally ofjnstibe. To the physician this instrument is an invaluable assistant. It explains why the blood, from one animal injected into the system of another of thesuinospo- cies, dy ing from the loss of blood, is suc cessful in preserving life, while that of a different species miserably fails. ' It en ables him to procure pure food and medi- eiuesfei! Ins patients, pointing witii un erring oocucsoy to any utHiltMittion which they may centuStV It teaches him tlie nature of Authiteous discuses aud surt'oee protuheranoes. Dr. Andrew I'lnrk, after having carefully studiod tlie appearance of sputa flrom patients‘tmder ,, Iiueuro, says that if the microsoofio m •} speciion of expectoration St / Umf vpry early ponod of ooQSampUou t (Joii- - - — nito information, not otherwise attaiuu- h'e, regm ding tho nature of the malady ; and tt nil times must furnish valuable, aid in forming u prognosis regarding tlie cuuscs.of iho complainti” i lliibwe are wandering from the design of this paper, which is to present a few snecdotes, collcoted from various sources, illustrating the importance and j»ow,r of tlie microscopo. . While the great Frusinn mioroscop- i'isi [ en e°r g ’ WM tntyeling tfirsugh India, he fell inpi a conreraatiori with a Hrah'iiin, wrlio,* r<jfcfc|*rfaith forbade inknig lite of any kind, ur eating of that which had ever possessed life, Eli- , „ toaberg, wishing to demonstrate to tho 1 ic Hrahmin the absurdity of his belief, ex misted by the microscope tho World o animnl/viii... w of France, in cm trediotiou to history and tradilion, that tho wrappings of the Egyptinu munnnles were of oollon.— Ffom this spi ailg n curious and volumin ous discussion, pro aud con. In the midst of these philosophical iliscuaaions, some mail ebuevived tho idea ofapppeal- ing tndheanVroecoiic, when (lie question was fenavel* settled. It was then discov ered that tlie fibres of tlie cotton wen* composed of transparent tubes, while those of the flax wrni jointed like cane. Tho Wires of tlie mummy clothes weio shown to he jointod as in iho flux of the present day. Tho microscope has put ut rest the doubts and controversies of distinguished piilacoutologi-ts concerning tlie affinities of tho gignutie megatherium by pointing to tho tissue of its dental organs. By tho HHiuc curious end delicate method it has fori ver decided tlie question which for a time agitated tho soicutiliu world, ot the oxistenoo Kouper-reptilos in the lower sandstone of the Nowred system In Warwickshire. In the same manner tho microscope has rectified errors iu tlie classification of those animals that roam ed tho earth bctcH'O, lie* urtmuon dfauin. Other anecdotes aiiilj intcrosutig facts co'ndefiWig till* 1fimroShd|tf crtiivd to'bur mind,' which oiuLilniits compel ua to pass in silence. ‘ NVTni 'tlie mention of ouo other fact v e sliKII cimoludo this paper. Some sixteen yours since, u committee of chemists, appointed by tho Govern ment, reported that neither by ohemical or other means was it possible to detect the proseuQe oCphtckory in,coffee. To duy, uny toleruhle inioruscopist cun con vict the coffee dealer of fraud. By tho aid of the microscope the adulteration is us manifest us is a mixture of corn and beun&to tho naked eye. .tt irrxr : Front tlio Ausuatu Conltitutionalist. We hftvo bean pormitled to publish tho following nlercuting extracts from a pri- valoJatter': . j'yJ ir*Txirn:|llKXlo, D*<*. 16, 180d. Rev. if no. W. Bai. Kit, Augurta, Ga. My OkauSik:—1 left Atlanta aboux sous wbt) h»uJ. iircontly rfiuniid from Brazil. They #hvu mo such inkr4dtioif that 1 docidod not to crosb tho Et|uator*. ruL*ieui./uu, »i. teu.yoraiuio not so wa-m iLut ut middle Gt-orgia at uny seison, % • iid nov«r calder than your .Mu/. A.II tho Tro^W aMrulJl und )AtwiW ffr<A» Whereat proti ‘ • •• • ... appl prolusion, wJiiiu Uuuutth tun coffee, pine B Ttrm'lrairTiifniiPfiiTd' tho hardy ro . - r ~ of animateulae life aoutoiffeilln a singlo drop ot water. "Aius ' said the poor Brahmin in des- ; pmr. “you have destroyed mr Kappipe**, am> life also; tori see now I shull tu driuk^aud most perisj^ El ““ ' that uunbler ot wator, tsiusrd nil tho animal- Jldig th v t, u p oataeto p.ecipiute themselves to , h( ; Tfurciihit^-inen (ton,: Wt“.n of the glass. I trast Thi/som- ' W frof " *"* favortd " Ur V (> i *- 8 l )( ' r pl e *itv did not lead the “rahmh, mtohahitixi't.temperauce Governor tittrrU, of Tenneseoe, and other GonfodHraloa, Ludroouvud a liberal Rrant from Vtt Imporiul government of the country, and wure hettling on a colony near th s place. Consequently I came on here to join my fortunes with other Con federates who had preceded me. 1 arrived tit Veru Cruz on the 0th in atant, and Ht thiir place on tho llih. 80 far as J-harvCaoen, lam perfectly delight cd.^ilk tint region of country4 and think that it is iho must fuvored region 1 have ever sccu. JSaluro seems to have exhaus ted herself in Riaiving here a homo for man. Wo arc here 85 miles from Vera Cruz, ahi 2*20 from Mexico, on the jjreat nation* al h ; ri,way and tho Imperial Kailroad. botwfi m iiiete two citte-! The plain ou w'.ioh Corrl.KVi situated Is on the eus- great range ol Cordii is d.OOO fteiabovo the sea. a Alt dS lkl»|l^ SM?he»lthful ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS -At- No. 125 Broad Street. W. W. Flkwkllijt. The Islbernl Cause Alive. The TAfi&i’rtl bkcuprrtion' 0/ Monterey—A Financial Operation—Gen, Cortina» at ivai o( a Government 3.0 Brownsvillb. 'I'kxas. Deo. 8.1805. 7b the FAitor of ike A. O Times: As I fsaidrinjiey Li.-t the -Ijib-Pil cause is . not yet amdi in M'-aI’A l|Pt‘*ad|<f, tbut. they are showing uiiini-takuble signs of life by tho activity- and celerity of their movements throughout tho country. On tho morning of the 24th ultimo, Gen. Ifiscobedo, with . n lurgu force, attaclced Mont^h'.v, hnd ’attor some little lighting took possession of the city on thoiromlng of the 2Qlh, .taking ^Uilo a number of prisoners’. Artftt guiding the place some twenty hourjs una ol>tuining u loan of sev eral hundred thousand dollars, the iaiberal army ovAcuatdH nnd l td I buck to .Vlior, on the Bio Grande, ubou^ 120 miles from Matamoroa, wher e they were accordingdo last accounts lyinrr on their oars and pre paring Tor arTollit-r m jvement Wl.ut,direction they will take next, 1 cannot say, although it is rumored that there is a probability that Matnmoras will be again b^-iegod. Tlio latter is “a con summation devoutly to bo wished,” foi under existing cireuuistune< s a well or- gauizml^uac'.c upou tnat city could not but be fuccesrfnl, and with tho downfall of Matuniora-', Mavimiliun can bid ftirc- woll to all power in the 6tntoof l’i pa*. 8ii6l) ftjsueceas would bring all the fighting populate n t 1 the Liberal stand ard, and givo'ficw lit’’ and energy to that cause, so that the good Work of liberating Mexico from tlm goverument of an impe rial usurper would be hurried uu to an ultimate ^vecceaful end. GeherahCorlip is Was in town oit Sun day, and in company with Colonel Garcia (the lighting Colot- ei of tlm I^iborul army, who wits wounded in tho late attack on MatanjurnO, vi-ited Brevet M nJor’Ger.pral Smith, rommnhditig post ot Brownsville, lie looks iho daring guerilla chieftain every inch. General B Clay Crawford, said to be ol President Johnson’s stall', arrived lioro lust night. The cause 01 this visit is un known, but rumors of all kinds are to be hoard c’oncerning it, a'l of which tend to a war with the imperial p.-mhssois ol Mexico 1 suppose the cause of such ru mors is the fact that all here would hail -with jousueh a war, and eagerly assist in iWMf« rruni s* 01 iiavo heard nothing, however, reliable us to tho truth of such reports, and therefore Riy.aAbfliujlor whitt they are worth. They •rwnWTOfM h^VMAny, bocnu*o it pleasos them to believe anything of the kind, but i am sure they are not uiHcial. Tyro. A Washington Court Scent?. 'VVasiunutun, D<*e. 14.—There whs n remarkable and exiiling scone in the Cir cuit Court t( -duy. Air. Bradley expressed the hope that tho Court, Judeo Olin, would not argue certain facts to tho jury. TfceJadgo denied that fm had interfered with tho fuels; and said he would not be insulted, and would not suffer Mr. Brad ley to stato l/> the Court what ho (Bradley) kn Wto be untrue. Mr. Bradley : If you moan to say that I have staled what 1 know to be urrrue, 1 pronounce you u liar and a scoundrel. Tbo Court ordered the Marshal to take Mr. Bradley into custody, and ho was removed from the.rpom. Ho, with two members of live bar, whs mj the criminal court room a T-w momenio afo-rwards, when Jud.geUlin passed through. said,: -Are you looking for inofsdLQIi Intend to send me to jail? Judge Olin: Not yet. L Mr./J»rjid!«yi: If you Bay to me what ‘.yuus&i-tn ilit b+itcJu-Uiat Lstaied what I knew to beun’ruo—1 will thrash you. .fudge Olin : You thrash me I Go uwuy. Judge Oiin yrdored u rule to be served on Mr. BrMlejr* to show cause why he should not btypuuishcd for contempt of Court. A correspondent of the Cincinnati Kn- quirer writing 1 fi^oni Toronto, Canada, gives tlm Allowing interesting informa tion coh'corning sevorul Confederate olfi cers : I met hero General John C. Breckin ridge, Gen. MtfCail-lsad. Colonel Harry Gilmore, Major John Cattleman, Captain llinde, ano others who had been officers in All* willies of UmC mfederacy. Gener al Breckinridge looks well and is in per fect health. It wSs represented during d his dm\v had lulled frptu jet 1 .t .A... 1. ■ *c. ' T ...... .. ..,js bl G. I THOMAS & CO. H.vp this day* rgcnivefl another lot of SPLENDID wj J 1 . ' hf..l —IU ... , , ■ . ..lm«M3«'H#i!atst*a!Kt;a l * U8 **®r®‘l hiu, by .Uferiilg | that I have over *een—and with tbe rains 8 * smgje drop of rum Dojic*d into u aoAiUnjavliJ|.«/WcAltho«o»iihry Is blessed, —*•“ ^ . .-T . . 1 * u * *- -IgijUid q?rows with gurprfscs the plan- region*. tloVi'.zation arc very lib- j oral, i no gav crnm*>nl ». IL to actual Id The oral. Th 111 Oounecifen with this oafebtnl^d mi-’ cupi.t the tollowiug curiuuz anecilnto J* tola Unit Sonic vi.ua .inn.!., /tw naoe in CAgiaiia. tie.i f ? 0 " 1 “ ,nin fe'K°14 ftust woraemp- '•a‘l of ilu ix preoioua ' “ ' T ,th ‘■mid- The Swtva- War ^ IWPwHfiriti** of ita tf- 1 * nee to designate the place nt lvhieli ' ll juai': m ' IS lm<1 , ? < ‘ en * 'rtc officers •ersoipon p.qrodit »f live Th* TTKn»|iiit(»lion 01 InnrvidilMla, tarmil fan.p<7tration ol fnfflviauiil-i, larmins im- plainenta, &e., IVoin llio port of bniliog td Bmp- Mmiyinwf u«p* «nh-*n jiHewKiieo f#r filled I mir-uifi (ronrt 1 no port of entry to nlacv party robbed, not be- , ° r tottk-lrent i> roid -hv rhn govnjbhient. - r -~j .nu.iU with the exoluiuto. fi‘ U’C C h-Jova UolJuy arc H t»bmitted thn ^ . b the flnoel in Mexico, having once been in . . . . - Ehrenbf-r.. Tl ^ ">t<TOSOoiM»t s hi*ta s ato ol cultirntion, but from wtoi rfrfiflSTt'SSjfflftJl 1 WftflBjft i^SlfR witl. 11 ~ ■ u ‘ latter, by MEMBiniug j|HiM|Mw,ii.liKf“fit.,Uiu pri»o.rtr of tne| Itca. *a ooi It was ot r . ,e hhoroscopp speciutmt et snail' THiurch, ip tTio^aritf. or which they have •rom the J*over*l,stations, ao that BartSuf Rradually gotiv to waste. The Imberi.l ■ , - ,r * • gutterniiiOiil b»tin({0oufl.Cal«a tlicL'Iiurob prw#sny, now tbroWi hii. land open to fsnlarx The lands in tho hand, of indi- - , ri tuaK immediately joininir them, which, tlrl^MSP'^T O'.? are no b.-UCr, eannol bo paretnuad for loas jatewitr-.I wn» .m-Kinn u Uish twenty .live dollais pur ecru. The rsnrosa iy minis immcdiatolv through the Jtwmii were thus pat Upon Iho' right •rk, and th. thieves captured. »fml 0Ur utrtl - WUur. ALt WhiVj’ years „r f* 1 *. muat curious and iutswstiiig csb* siW^^ Wu8 liec * tle i Sy this wonderful , ^ wiling, The iudiTukaii id ward wa*? * • ’ T Lole ctrcatpfitaiutal sfiduuou thn ; 0lUtl "S ft* guilty msa, olatuiod tfie blood n4jtiit.fi faai.it na. m Lnifa .rift id niiuket for oil? pro- hlU "S,'* 1 '' 1 ")* Wt(«*» blMf '(iiM, T*i« os, ooff'ee, «,«. Mtfirco, * Citroen,tit le IM afMd^WSpurulrouTB., c l. w&sntnb at- ^ 10 ,u the war Lhid iiisJuiLr halt luiftcd Irptu jal i ll nek lo si vefyjwjjilte. Tnat was a inn* ftkot • l|vv g'tvf lif.irrt . aid rerceptibh bout flio t hat i* all. fie is Ifoflpinf big, retir'd w,wy. Bo i- I by the cifi/Atls, nnd is in* tilth's 'pariie* a Week ut the rosidaxices of tho llrsl families, llo is a grea^ ftulkcr, from ajx to ton iDiTM'vdwy, wbUur tun f.t*ath«*r pnrnnts «uch Wftqnoi**. .» U«* is a hard ruidcn.L -read •\ki d-gv^ht uifnlr 1 cotdd not but tiiink that il"tMU4lLftKtUi*b that a gent lorn an ol hu culture aud iutcilect »bould bo loet lo bia'ctKiiitiy. " All Urn gnrfll'jinon h^re from tho Con- federal*) army conduc thomaolven with great ijj ti.iifiy, andjixo Heated with ics- p.-cAjqijd^^mVM M 3.**Ht|^»'*. SuiClDK * V A Bui Duo room- on ms body of Bober* Spence, aged 24 years, gr.iymJ.o.Vr. ' WAR ZiSSfA 0«4U to41 Lchio in Dfumtfted wa> diipi'Sirten, I &&& _ r *iymj,o.Mr. Jnmos Is.ong of that trace Wii* boftfi found suspended by 4i cord ,i04t -bfaiioiii Iho hoy loft, nnd q ite dond i)piwi»d <tn> Ufualiy ol n -quiel, retired ’ J byt dprvous and excitublo.^ :*ql t<» bo niurriod, and tho tixod for that on which the icquvcft du.* hold. J ho npnronoti this event ha s Viduc* d an unusual degree re- •i\B iHts know how I shall fnce it.^ He said he hu I got hi» foot over thn hal tar, and in. a o-rld be such a (*T>e dlsgrucb" ffb uti Lo have left Burton to go lo Crookhuni, nil) re tbn wedding was J«tK*n; |it/«d.^nd the, > gel him off by tbo trtbin, aliwi ep lduod turn us nbove d«- scribed. Thej ry rendered n verdict that di.tant, and will be in unu yowr Ifeishid to this place, givi:.g u. diivu uuuiliuui- cstkinmills tile gulf, and placing uu with in four day. of No* O.'lean*, so that we can ruuch that city in ibuzame time, and ,H4io>MiiiW‘*bEd' ; Vy u uu, ‘ fri UBAUTIFt'L LOT OF BHAVER SACKS AND COATS! BLACK CLOTH COATS; Sl't’ERFINE ItEAVEH AND DOE PANTS: ELEGANT LOT OF MELTON SUITS; MAGNIFICENT LOT OF OVERCOATS: EXTRA FINK LINEN SHIRTS; LAMB’S WOOL AND SHAKER FLANNEL UNDERSHIRTS: JEANS, COTTON and FLANNEL DRAW- ERS; ALEXANDER'S AND PKHINOT’S KID GLOVS: BEAUTIFUL lol of HANDKERCHIEFS. Lot ALL who arc iu ueod of elegaut und b©- eoui'ng Suits, cull on U. E. THOMAS <k CO., nt No. L'e Broad street, and they shall be pleuscd, both in price uoil tjmilily. t^TERMS OASHI^J dee 7~itui BOOTS AND SHOES 50 Cases Boots and Shoes JUST RECEIVED AND FOR. SALE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL BY PIKE & ROBINSON, At Jno. S. Cargill & Co’s 1.18 HROAD tVRBlOT, Coinsistinr of LADIES'. MISSES' AND OUILDRKN'8 SHOES, MEN’S, BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AND CHILDREN'S CPPPlR TIPPED SHOES, Whit i they will soli nt prieos to suit the times- _Dec 6—1 in _ BA.RNETT & CO., COTTON FACTORS, GROCKBS AND COMMISSION MlBCIlANTS, Corner St. Clair nnd Broatl «t«., COLUMBUS, a A. P ROMPT Attention given to nil Consign lacnts and SliipinontH of Cotton to New York, New Orlenni and Liveri»ool. Liberal advance* made on eonpignincnt*. nov 17 ti NO KNICK KNACKS! NO TRASH! Whoever Wants Full Value for their Money Must Come to B. JACKSON’S, 133 Broad St., NEXT D00K TO ROSETTE A LAW1I0N. j The Largest and Best Stock of DRY GOODS L.—AND— CLOTHING, Consisting of tho following articles, I offer now to my friends and customers: CALICOES, DELAINES. ALPACAS aud LUSTRES. MERINOS—French nnd Englteli, LINENS, BLEACHED MUSLIN'S nnd SHEETING. LADIES’ CLOTH CLOAKS, the latest rlylc; nnd a great ninny oilier nrti- elcs* too nuuierouH to mention. I respectfully invito my friouds and cus'oju- or.-* to call soon. Mir Country Merchants will do well to lay in their supplies nt my store. B. JACKSON, oct 15-tjnnl I.Tt Hnictl street. Liquors in Cases. 500 Cases Clioico "Wlxiskcy: j jjnnis & OO and Brandy, i.i aveuu tmnd agricultural imple- 100 Baskets Champagne, I f. 1 J. ENNIS 6c CO. PAINTh HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! J. ENNIS & CO., ARE AT THEIR OLD STAND. 95 and 97 Broad Street, | Where they have in ttoro and to arrive n fine j stock of HARDWARE, and such goods as are in tlioir lino, which they ofler to everybody at na low prices as can be afforded. Wo respectfully return our thanks to our old customers and friends who have bestowed on us their patronage, and we hope by pursuing the same cotireo which we hnvo through the past to roefeve your trade. We respectfully in vito everybody trading to Columbus to givo us a call. OUII TERMS ARE CASH. nov 20 if J. ENNIS & OO. H AVE on hand Plantation Iron, all sizes, nov 2D tt* J. ENNIS & CO. J.JAVE on hand CARRIAGE MATERIAL. J H^nojS J. ENNIS & CO. i I I AYE on hand BLACKSMITHS' ) AjL ikiv 21|Jt J. ENNIS «fe CO. ENNIS & CO. i hand CARPENTERS’ TOOLS. Just reoeived and i'o U. J VC KhON l loj Hi Mint hir .“inrnnonr marrih. U. «. HOTEL, LOUISVILLE, KV. Nor. 11,1805-ly THE GEM RESTAURANT, (UNDER T. 8. SPEAR'S.) i'Scx /—\ 1«now prepared to fur ^ — at abort notice. utflflK >4kAMratiy hour, Dav or Aiuiit, all tho delicaeie* of the M r srasoo—sunh ah OYSTERS; GAME, of all kindnt K«4WdiH. KWH. Aw. —; Comiucted with the catabliahment ih a fine BA It—nt whicjyihfc pftroat «iil ti nest Liquors and Wines ujny be had dec 1 t f A House and Lot in Wynnton FOR RHNT, O NLY n short, distanco from towu. The hoiiso contains twelve rooms. Thero in u well cf very tine wator on the plapo All neces sary ••ut-btrildlnit* id gon*l repair. A small or* .•ry choice fruit tree/-, good garden, Notice to Shippers of Cotton. Omc;} A LLporton* shipping Cotton over the Ww- /torn Jr Allantlo IUiliuud, ore required to Insure the rome ugaiuat Eire, am the «*uue will, IYoui this time furward. be reoelvod al the own er,! risk, unless notice is given the Rood to in* sure for iho benefit of the owner ami at his or I’T DAUUH, Bup’t. Bank Notes Want* A TAM authorlied to par eh tip notes of the 1 Bunks in the 8tntcs of (Inorgla, Alabama, North and douth Carolina. Virginia, Louit-iunu nod Lcpau co. aud will pay full uiorkol rules lor the; nine. \r. FELIX ALKX’AKDER, .'i irt.tartajt&jsni.'frk 'mt 26 If tSufrcflpy. FOR RENT, 1 GOOD 1’LA,NTATI0X Jn A Alabama, from to 25U. fresh nnd that *LU pruduo* . A Comxt Vr^rnux —BioU’* comet, that layoff d 0 r°fh e i constellation Pegasus, and close to tha ftftjKll'if one of tiio kr u**) unii- nariftl wniCnTorui tho Well known Vquarft about the iniddlo ot this month.' It wj;i c *nlinua t*> uftMfi.'vaeh the earlli until tlM FLOUR, fa*,; »*el| countv, - ,« of which is produce cotton finely, iqraqs, oattlo, und hogs »e promisae. Apply at this Office, pov 17 ™ yy*' " ■' TT T “ ' of Thou the parties iirertsted. ^ ^ U. XI. BRTAN, Adrn’r i«u unaaol/i f »o i all brands, octlo-tjaul 1.00 BOXES ! Fine Chewing Tobacco, B. JACKSON'S, 138 llltO AD STREET. o8t 2V-tf T. S. SPEAR, PRACTICAL and EXPEIIIEXCED WATCHMAKER —AND— CTZEj'WJDILiEIE^, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts., AT HIS OLD STAND, Him now open u new und rich gtocK of FINK OULU WATCHES, lUCH GOLD JEWELUV, STKItLINO SILVER WARE, FINE PLATED CASTORS, CUTS, KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, FICKLE STANDS, STROP CUPS, &c. ALSO—A finfl a*8orlment of Silver amt (fithl THIMBLES, Gold and Silver SPECTACLES. HAIR WORK, Made to order, any doaigu or pattern. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, In (fold, silver aud Steel lfruuuw, WAT ’ll WORK and Jewelry repnicotl by good and responsible workmen. MR. JA$. FRICKER Has charge of the Watch Department, which In baolf is a (JUARANTKH that iho work wil be dong In the best possible inannor. Pcrioftf having PLAIN Watches can have them JEWKLLKD, either in Ruby, CUrysolito* Garnet or Aquamiu-iue. MR. INGMIRE, Who it too well known to noed nny recommen dation from me, liar charge of the Repairing of Jewelry, Diamond setting, Kngrtiving, Ac. t 20-tf Son oopy. GOLD PENS. ? ASS0 1 try i! T. S. Sl'li.tH’S, Oot20 tf Sun copy. _ BRAN DEIS 4 CRAWFORD, I,OCISVILI.lt, 1CV„ GRAIN DEALERS, t hrarda , CIl ire J. ENNIS & CO. J. ENNIS & CO. t UK ••■ole ugon's fur Howe’s, ltnil Road, Dm- A mint, Platform ami Counter Soules War anted equal to any other make, whiun w* «eL ut mauuiaeturor'd pricer. nov JJ ti J. ENNIS & CO. ;:>o r r YUU want P* 1 heir-or* und ."hour Pistol*. Mmi. Powder. U:i|*r. Pin ed Spoon*, an . Knit;- ; Iu luet, anything in the Jluiuw.*re .iuu. J. ENNIS & CO. Colauihuf, (In., Novcinh r 29,1«05 tf TO 0 WNERS OF COTTON. Jn answer lo numerous inquiries from abroad wc would say that we arc prepared TO TAKE CHARGE OF, l-I'T IN ORDER AND SHIP Any Lot of Cotton in the. Stales of Georgia, South Carolina or Alabama, as we have local agents al nearly every town and a corps of most efficient men, selected fn integrity, capaci- if, and *rpc cure, to take charge of e'*ry lot. Wc will also pay all Taxes and Charges of every description, hi shnrl, wc will hike, charge nj the Cotton on re.i ipls or orders and give the Owners no Troub.c Whatever, from/hi lime we receive il until sold and returns made by our houses. WATTS, CRANE & CO., S’eio York, or W. C. WATTS & CO., Liverpool, England. IFc invite Uie especial attention of non residents to..ur facilities. E. M. BRUCE & CO., Augusta, Ga. Located in Columbus ns Agent lor K- M Bruce A Co., I am prepared to take charge of and ship any lot* of Cotton. I auialio desirous of purchasing, and will pay full market rule*. W. FELIX ALEXANDER, Atf’t. Office W>, Broad Street, ver Euuis’hardw.i;«store. IJ. Mauaiiall. Kd. PaMOU* Southern Real Estate Office. MARSHALL It PABSOHS, REAL ESTATE BROKERS, AUCTION AND Commission Merchants, WHITBHALL ST.. (Holland House Block, near the Rail Read.. ATLANTA, GA. We make sales of Stocks, Produce, and col lect Runts. Debts and Soldier*' Claim*, exeewtt Deedn, Mart gages, examine Title*, ale. Nov 9, lH6. r >—Miq M. R. BELL & CO., (Formorly Bki.l, Moork Ac Co.,) WHOLESALE GROCEBS, coMMiSHiortr And Forwarding Merchants, MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. Consignments arc solicited, which will re- vo <>ur boat personal attention, and the For- iding business earetully and promptly done. Soj>t 20—tf .T. MURRAY, Ilnur: W. W. CJruwlwd It ( White Wheat Family Flo* r, No. 1. Woodln XXX. Family Flour. Henry Olay XXX Family Flour, Pearl Mill* XX Superfine. Order* mil lei tod. dee 9 lm* ^WANTED, LARD and COUNTRY HAMS. uot 31—t f _ IS. X. HWIFT. | A. V. BOATRITE, i 127 Broad Struet, COI—UMBUS, GA.,i'« U.oua Slrr.t, CoInnOm.. Or«rg:«. opposite coLVMBi's hank. Maker and Dealer - n Quus, At.L KINDS OF UUX MATERIAL ANt> ARTICLES IN THE SP0KTIN0 LINK, llo-itocking and Repairing done with nua>ne^* and ui*l*alch. POWDER AND SHOT FOR SALK. Key? fitted and Locks Repaired. *opt n—tf F • ^ Dissolution. riiHR Firm nfURQUIlAKT .i CHAPMAN i. im tliin duy dissolved l»y mutual consent. All imlubted to iho lute firm will find the hooka, note* and ueonunt* in tho hand* of F. S- Chap man. woo i* with DU. THOMAS II. DAMSON, At tli REFERENCES: Messrs. H. McCamy k Co., Atlanta, On " bilvey fiV Dougherty, do. John \\ . Duncan. K*q., do. Messrs. Horton A- Walton, Augusta, Ge. Dunn A: Muughum Macon, Ua. J. W. Fcnr* & Co., do. K-'bert Habersham k Son?, Savannah. ;; hrwiu & Hardee. do. *' Jite A Norton. M ntgomery, Ala ‘ A. I. Roach Jc Co., Memphis, Tenn. Marcus .1. Wright, K.*q„ do. Messrs. Ma^iiuale k Snyder, Nashville. Tenn. ” } y 11. Baldwin k Co Now YoriL P.P. Pease & Co P. P. Pease, Ko..7Ai«b. 11 „.,! S0 ' ,n ’ 8RlSM ’ 5DST ” Bet. Cherry t Mulberry, ATLANTA,GA. MACON, GA. COTTON FACTORS, -AND- Forwarding and Commission Jt I-IJ-'lCJl 3£S\rajKti .- cm Al Bcvl»e, if stun, Mum* ; D. Rodney Philadelphia, i’n; Win. Bryce Ac Co., i-rii; It Al. Bishop A* Co., Cincinnati, .\liT>iiiii«'l k Irby. Lynchburg, Va; Kr- nuh. Uu; Guthrie A Co„ • it If, lv> Wi , Wooh Ac Co., Mobile, Alt Lintgom- a; Mui* Jdcr, Nashville; Wm. J. Taylor, n. 7,. Il U C IC E R, WITU BLAIR & GENNETT, WHOLESALE GROOEES, COMMISSION AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 13D, WEST SIDE BHOAD 8T. \ LWAY8 ON HAND a full aud complete -Y Stock , Hat*. Domestic and Foreign Liquor*, Wine*, ke„ 2"o0 lb* 1 0 Tin Ware, i bo hud at lowest market prices— LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. THE Und«rsigned is aw prepured w to supply ,'he publio with CA A.PIIAG£S, HORSES aad everything in the Livervl Busines*. AI*o for FlINEh ALS- b« i* prepared to turnieh a PIN at short notice. llorses taken on Board nnd Sale, and every attention paid to them. A. UAMMKLL, C.dnmbu*. Oct. 13-tf CITY FOUNDRY. Tl ubscribers would rcapeotfUlly inform their friends una the public generally, that they have REBUILT their FOUNDRY, and are rt"W prepared to do any kind ol CASTINU8 ol 41raw or Iron; such ut Sugar Mill* of the VKRN. and any *i*e; ~ SYRUP KETTLE.- * 1-1 ot mi I \ !I make tk. MAW-MILLS, GRIST tol ii< tact any thing in our line. In connection with our bu*ineit«,we have scute i tho service* of one of the best PAT- 'MiX MAKERS In the country. We tile al»o milking a large as*ortni«nt of ini.l.ow WAKE; such a* POTS, OVKN8, K'lLi.KTS. S1HDKR8 will i iid ot Co INKY. respectfully solicited and promptly “ PORTER, MrILHKNNY k CO.. Near btcutubout Landing. 1". lKGA.-tf Coluu bus. Ga* v\ i POTS, LIDS. . jg In ou ... uduce, at old PRICKS PHCENIX FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. DEALLB IN STAPLE AND FANCY OHY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS. READY-MADE CLOTHING, j —AND— BLANKETS. | **.— * JOHN P, MAKLKY, Formerly of firm ol Manlty k ILdgi*. JOHN W, WILLIAMS, Poruiorly of firm of G. L. McGough JL Co not 6 to ' A. STRA88BURCER, Onieral Commiasion Mealiaut, ABO WHOLK8ALK GROOKU, 104 COMMERCE 8TKKE1, 10*4 Montgomery kdortu^ent ol _ etrevn Pro- hoftfiM lo iwder. MAeoiiuaeireft tvoli cooaignueuu; ^ r |, old stand of Urquhurt k Chapman, I ooDaitgo lor hey propoee to keep a good Muck cf j , >>1>g 1,1 —LL. IIKIoS, MEDICINES, Ar„ u a* roisonablc terms a? th cla*n Foundry auA Machine pon Ogle hnrpe street, betwoeu Franklin end liridge streets, and are prepared to do :e > thing In their line of buslne**. We will make uny kind of Machinery to order: tuoh a* Si GAR MILLS o any *i*e, with wrought or i-iiri non mails, ^rum 14iuohea to IN inches di- it motel'; nl aud all the « A w.'.n i i.i.n nnd ^ , end ail kind* of CASTINGS. lluLLOW-WAKK, PLOUGHS. IKON RAILING, nml unything the publle mai «iv.*ir. luu’io ot luuas or iron. All kiud* of MACHINERY repaired with neatneu and despatch. In connection with our bustnos*, we have se cure i i lie Mervieo* of a first class freed man. who will take great nleuMure in hauling all Castings made u lour Wok* to the different depots, steam- landing*, or anywhere in the city, tree of L. HAIMAN k CO. r.dsof Country Produoe taken iu work, on liberal terns. L. H. k CO. ebarg and will *cl 1 thou times will allow. I *pociul attention paid to the PKRNCltlPTION DBPAHTMBNT. None hut competent Apothecaries will bo em ployed in hi* business. Nov 1, 1H(«5. [nov 24 lmj NOTICE. A LL porrotis having claim* against the c** ^ trite of il 0. McKee, deceased, are here- and by uotitied to present mid olaiui* properly oer* lined ut ouoe. Aud all parties indebted to said «»i*le t.> u< te, or otherwise, will pleaso call and cetilc at ouco, ur I will be compelled to place said account* in the bauds of an attorney for colUetten, a* (his estate asust he settled im* , room mediately. J. G. MekKK. Adiu'r. nov Iti tf ^un copy til further AuUoe, 1 Saratoga Restaurant, XV KST S1D1C BROAD IT., t l».)or to I). P. F.llis' Auction Room UP STAIRS, (Formerly Dr. Woodruff's office.' M tlie t tib'.ie generullv. that be will spare no i* or expi nro in making tbi* one of the most in the city. He will always ery delicacy this and other »their ol the J. 0. HARROW, THE Subscriber havings urchustU this well known ( and popular Ut-Uunsnl, I market* u-w.%.. ... . . . , , 1 Lndir* or futuilie* wishing meal* sent to their re (hem «ent to any parte' city at leiisonablu rates.