Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 31, 1865, Image 4

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HILL MOSES & 11 A 8ck.sk not in Tin: Bills—An cx. citing toeno occurred n few nipht* since iu a Wcaleru city, tin* consilience of h triok played by, “onto bnoliolorH on n gallant old Benedict: A ntnr onmold «n« boin^ plnyed. nnd the loading *♦ >c.k ur.trdm reMirtml onrb evening to the front of the nouoo. and wu* there closely attended by a middle oped gentleman, supposed by tbo liidv to be single* Some wugft. not rel ishing the Idea of bring rut nut by the Benedict, bent lor hi* wife, who lived *omc mile* off. and placed her in a posi tion from which hhe commanded a good view of her ••Lothario*’ musing himself agreeable to the fascinating actress.— The pcrformanre was coming to a closo when the wife went quietly round and tapping her husband on tin shoulder re quested him to leave the theater at once with bis lawful wife, lie refused, and she attacked the fair tragedienne with n vengeanco worthy a military hero, and before they could bn separated the inno cent party to the tiouble suffered severo damage to her previous pretty features. An Awkwmid MihTAKk—A farmer who bad bought a calf from a butcher desired him to drive it to hi* farm and place it in bis stable, which lie accord ing did. Now it happened that very day tlmt a man with a grinning organ and dancing bear, passing by that wav, be gan their unties in front of the farm.— Aft< r amusing the farmer’s family for sometime, the organ man entered tho farm house, and usked the farmer it ln» could give him a night’s lodging. Tho farmer replied that ho could give the man lodging. Init lie was at a loss where to put the bear. ‘After musing a little, be determined to bring the calf inside the house tor that night, and plaee the bear in the stable, which was done.— Now. the butcher, expecting the calf would remain in the staid • ail night, re solved to steal it ere mori ing, mid tlm farmer ai d his guest were in the night awakened hy a fearful yelling from tlm outbuilding. Both got up and. taking a lantern, entered the stable; when the farmer found, to his surprise, the butcher of whom he had bought the calf in the grasp of the hear, which was hugging 11in) tremendously, for he could not lute, being muz/led. The farmer instantly understood the stale of the ease, and briefly mentioned the circumstance to the owner of Bruin who to punish the butcher for his intended theft, culled out to the bear, “ling him. Tommy which the bear did in real earnest, the hatcher roaring most hideously the whole lime. After they llmught he had suffered enough, tli* y set him free, and the hatch er slunk off, glad to escape with his life; while the farmer and bis guest returned to their beds. ' A Clqli journal likens Admiral Ban ja's reply to the consular corps, which asked him to specify which of the thirty-two ports of that republic lie bad etleetivcly blockaded, to the argument of the Span ini: painter who having re civcd mi order for a pint in o representing the eleven thousand virgins, charged so much per virgin. It was objected that only a scorn or so of the eleven thousand were clearly represented, and that a shadowy undo luting line was ell there was to show for the rest. “All. yes,” said tbo painter, but the other virgins an* coming nut of church.** “Very well,” rejoined tho M ecu* u ns, “when they all come out I will pay tor them all.” So the consuls toll the Spanish Admiral, “As fast us you really blockade the ports we will take notice of tin* tact, but we do not recog nize n paper blockade ** Didn't Like tiik Look ok Tiiinus. —A gcntlfinnu, resident of a city not a thousand miles from New York, had the oxuberent fortune of five successive wives, lie bad buried them, one alter another, as death made its demands upon tin in, and threcor four of them happen ed to he iu different places, at quite a distance from each other. Two or three of them w« re of different towns. To i«• - coucilo his sense i f snored ness with his sense of order and numerical unity, I c started one day on a tour of collection to lmry them all in one place, lie mounted the wagon himself, ami drove around till he had got them all together in one load and then as fate would have it, was ob liged to drive l»v tne house where tin* lady of his present addiossos. to whom he had offered himself, was hitting at tho open window. Heeiug her sitting there, he bowed to her, as any gentleman would, us he drove by with bis precious load of five cotlins with their contents.- — It was too much for the lady; she declar ed -lie never would have him, and has to this day kept her word. Exiial'htkd IIkusoi.k.—The Newhu-1 ryport Herald is responsible for this sto. IJU, IUUDIHD & voi, No. 96 Broad St., COLUMBUS, GA., IVPORTr.ltS AKD DEALERS IJ* FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, IRON, PLOUGH STBIX. WAILS. CASTINGS. CIRCULAR SAWS. MILL »nd CROSS CUT SAWS. 6C0VIL IIOBS and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, or >11 kind*. axlks, springs, nuns. HI MS, SPOKES. OILS, of nil kind,, PAINTS, Dry nnd in Oil, GLASS, BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, GUNS, PISTOLS, 6I10T and AMMUNITION. Are AttenU for FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, At Manufacturers’ prices. Order* roccived far STEAM SAW MILLS, And nil kinds of Mibb OKAUINU. dec 20 n Ban copy* new ANNUAL OIKCUL.AU. Dolbear Commercial College, I Of tho city of Now Orleans, La., I Corner of Comp end Common Strrtd, opposite City Hotel. | Entrance on both street*, in tho spneious and SPECIAL NOTICES. office collector internal rev., i i(K\rxi,. 2d District, Ukoruia. r M voo.n, (J.4., August 11, ISTm. j | Bjr or lor from Treasury Department, taxes, ] when due, r,- required to be paid before wbip- moot «/l action Can bo mado Iroiu this diet riot. elewnt Story Iluildin,. I. con.tanlly in Mulon. [ Iho W W * ricl . of „, 0 f „|| 0 „ ing , under e.aht able Prn|«»nr,. eou.ti.*. Baker, Bibb. butt,. Calhoun. Ob,.tta i hooch ee, Crawford, Decatur, Dooly, Dougherty Kurly, liiirrb, Houston, Lee, Macon, Marion* | tho .Stale h« ii perrnn cut Institution. under th CONANT & YOUNG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 39 SOUTH STREET, TSTew York, Offer their service* for salts Cotton, Tobacco, i t 1 hB* C Le«i. < litS™.‘ Ja ind O U 1 »“b 0 oVi.“'t| |, l'. n ccnrir ' Monroe. Mu.cog... Pulaeki; orother produce, and will Purchue on order Degrees, Diplomas. etc. Term*—Payable In Advance. Penmnnship— Lesson* not limited $ 25 I Book-keeping—Double an I .Single Kntry. I etc., a i crfect course 50 ] Arithinotio— Including all Coinuiercial Pike. Quitman, Randolph, Sob ley. Spaulding, i good* of all kind*. 1 Stewart, Sutupter, Tulbot, Taylor, Torrcll, Up- j * don, Webster and Worth. Calculalio_ . Lecture* on Commercial Law- (leouietry - English—Dramatical courso- HARDWARE STORK! I H. C. BARROW, WIIOLItllAI.ll ANI’ nKTAtt. DP.AI.KK It* 31 A. Ii D W A UK, CUTLERY, NOTIONS, Ac., Wlilteliall 81.» eerner of Alabama, ATLANTA, GA., U AS JUST HKCKIVED a litrue and Sl'len- did ttwmrtittent of Tialtlc I’m lore. Pocket Cutlery. Slmo Knives. Sri-ron* and tfhoar*. Iti»a**rH and Mrapa, Mroli, Needle*, Axon. Broad Axe*. Anver*, Brace* ami Hit*. Hand Siiwh Crow Cut Saw.-*. Wood tfivwn. Mill Saw*, Steel Square.*. Daniels, Carriage Bolt*. Chop Axon, 11 nt«*iit*Ih. Foot Ad*. Planes, Chisel*, Saw hotta Drawing Knives, IJaiuiner-, Monkey W renehe* Anvil*. Bench Screw*. Vice*, Stoek*niid Dies. Wagon Itnxo*. Pine Boxes, Buggy Nut*. Iron and Buggy Finding*. Shove *, longs, Firn Iron*, Foot Scrapers, Hinge*. Bull*. Spina-, .shovels, Fork*, llnme*, Serowe,. Hook* a ml Hinges, Mimli Pulliu*, Shoe .N *ilH, Shoe Tack*. Shoe Hummers, Shoe I’im ei i, Shoe Awl*. Shoe Pecs, Shoe Thread. Harden Hake*, Harden Hoc*, Bolt*, l.aielie*. Siinli Weight-, S.i*li Cord, Coffee Mill*, slate*, Sieve*. Well Bitekota, Tub.*. Brooinp. Sitter*. S nl Iron*. Cooking Stove*. Oflice M< vt.-, Firo Bolt*, Platloria Scale*. Counter Seales. Hope, Nails, Curtain Band*, Bed Custers, CottmyCards, Water Bucko!*, Jim Cr »w (.ard*. T'P •* ippor*, Cocoa Dipper.*’. Sum •• Puns, 1,1 iu .Pans. Lock Chains, Tr.»cn Chains, \\\ «%y b Brii*lie*, Shoe Brushes, Orinf* **♦*. I lies, Looking Hliwhea, Faucet la, tlun c.tt dauu'Liihe*. Blind Panel, Ac, Oven*. Pot-. Tea Kiqllis, Tin Buckets, Tin Pans. Hurso Bruilie*, Curiy Combs, Candle Slick . Oil Lamps, Shaving Cieam ami Soaps. Brittnnia W arc. I'ea Sells. Spoon* Ladles. And numeioiia other ariicles. In (net, every thing u-uall) kept in a Wholesale ami Koiiiil hardware House. Order* rospectlally *olioitcd ami promptly filled. dec 21-1 m Wu. 11. Bkdki.1.. Hoi't C. l*ot*n. ZST E3 w BOOT AND SHOE STORE. BEDELL & POPE, No. 166 Broad St., Columbus, (UNDER COOK’S HOTEL). W OULD ro*i»cctfully ntinourn'o to thceiti- xuiih of Ooltiiiihus and \ ieiuily that we arc now receiving ami opening our stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, und will continually koep on hand every atylcof Ladies’, Misses' and Children'* Shoe*, and Mon'* Boy*’ and Youth*’ Boot*, Shoos nnd (Jailors, and Children'* Copper-tipodShoe*. All dfctdti "i It ii IT, Kip ami 1Va\ ItroRans. Ureal pain- Iir* been takcu in sotting up our ■lock, and wo guarantee a I work sold. U#»To Country Merchants weoflor liberal in- diit'cineiit*, and iuvilo them to examine our stock. Also, a fine assortment of Soft and Cashmere Hats. ootai-tf Just Received. IIr L HAVE received within the past week v r another largo ussortuieiit of BOOTS AND SHOES, Z~ .’wt.'.vyc in part a* follow*: LliJic*'and Miss.*’ Ulove-Kid Polish Dal*, *' '* •• I' Ba I moral*. Kid nnd Moroeco ltul's, " Lasting Cqiigres*. " " " Glove Kid Coiigrc**, " (loot Polish Balmoral*. *' Velvet Slippers, Children * Ulove-Kid and Boat Bal'*, Men's Calf, Stitched Light-welt Boot*. *' " " S, K. Boot*, W. P. Boots, " . " Sewed W. 1‘. und Welt Boots, " " " and Pogged Hal's, " " Stitchod BrI's and Congre**, " Opera Slippers, *' Call Pegged Bal's and Boot*, “ drain Hunter Boot*, Youth'* Copper-lipped Boots. F'ull course, not limited ] Kronch " ] Spanish " 1 Herman " j Latin " I Urcuk " 1 Tc ichcr* cgiuho in I'eumauship . .. 1 A liilo Ticket in all the Department* • S- B.—A student having paid fur a ei>un o any hr*noh« a* above, h entitled to a “Lite Ticket” in that Department. He cun attend such branches os ho may ilosiro. For any languuge. per month £20 00 Diawing, per month 20 DO Stationery for Commercial Course r > oo Stationery for Penmanship 1 -V) Diploma 5 00 A Di U.uia from this Colic.e ia a passport in u!l commercial communities. Student* ran begin at any tirno. Usual tirno lor Penmanship. 2 to 4 weeks; do. do. Book-keeping. 3 lo A weeks; do. do. Commercial Course, (I to 12 week*; do. do. French or Spanish. 12 to 20 weeks—but lemons are not limited in any branch. All former student* are invited to reviow their studies free of charge. The Sou h niUHt now eduente Lor aons practi cally, if she would develop her vu*t resources ol wealth, which are much more numerous than t .use of Brazil, Wc have ample arrangement* for'»(*» student* during Iho current year Parent* ouu make nbciul condition* for their sons il Iheyuppiy soon. Those from tho country oan hoard witii good fainili' H, speak ng I'.nglBh, French, Span ish or Herman, tit to .)>:.> per month. A BiiMncs- jCdueution, tli.it enable* ono to eiiiii £_'HM»„r -Sw 0 Hiinually, is the hurt (ortune parent* can give their *cna. A-* tho College has lu’cii in suocessful ope ntiori lor moru than a quarter ol u osntuiy. and tne prae*ical plan here pur.-iici leeeivcd the uii.iniimiuseomiiiun- dati uic of iln* Pri;*' and husin* .** e-mminnly. at t us Hevoral thousand ol it* loi mi r .-to Ii nt- are now in husine * in thi“ city an i over l* e country, it i-> deemed iirtoios lo g>* into an ex tended explanation of the plan or merit* ol the Inslitu'ion. So lar hi kniAvn, not one of the tunny thous- aii D of former student* i* now out of employ ment, and so fur as known, not onu in a thou* ami of those who hare been sent for years to Europe or Iho North, is qualified, on returning home, to enter it business house, although thousand* of dollars have huen expended on hi- eduealiou. A word lo the wise is Hiidicinnt. '1 lie city i* now healthy. Person* front 12 !'• •iO yoa ’* of age attend such brunches a- ti.c> m i> wish. By having a special Prol«**or > h r each branch, throe Inuilhsoi ihcstudunr* tiou issmci. Mudcnts intended tor ihi- ( nl<>e should bring this circular or speciul dirvi • n, as every wilder lliero are temp *rury e-ianli-tt menlN opened. Young HtiidcnlH .-li<»n i put their lands in the hands of their merchant*. » v the President ol the College. I'd./eiis :t:,o strunger* are invited to fall. College Uliice, Hnoin No. 7. N. IL—Tho* Agricultural and Mcohnnictil Dc- piirlmenls will hu opened, a* au'imri/ <d hy 11i• Charier, a* .«o n a.s suilablu Prole*.-or* are *o cured lo (aku charge ol them. Ill FILS DOliBKAH, dec 10—III jail 1 Pi cshleiit. The (hiiistitidioimlist and Chronicle A S 'ldi nel, Atigu*iii; Kepiibliciin. Savani.ali: Journal A .M <• seiiger and relcgraidi, Nl•••■•■n ; ID •• »r-l• i. Mil.edgeville; Kra and In villa Allan ; Watchman, Athens, will please in ert d m l a toii'iMUut ol •> 1" and send p iper nnd bill hy Kxprei-p to the College, it will In* p iid on i lit. w* W. (I A It It A KD. Internal Revenue Notice. Ofliciui instructions having been received this day from the Couimisnionor of Internal Reve nue, Rail Roads, Steam Boats. Express Com panies and aU persons a-o hero y notified not to transport any Cotton, or move it out of the 2*1 colk-ctoral district, unless they first procure a permit from this office or from my deputies. Cotton can be Mhtpped on any Railroad to Ma con. Dutycan .be paid at Columbus to Richard W. Jaques, Deputy Collector. JAMES C. MoBURNKY. August 22- tf Collector. STRICT Or UKOIfUIA. [ Macon. August 14, I^IS. ) Notice in hereby given that all Distillers of apples, peaches, grapes, corn, or other substan ces, and ull manufacturers of tobacco, cigar*, Jcc., are required to take out a license ami give bond- Those who fail to give bond and procure Iiccdkc arc, in addition to all other pcnaltiea and I'orf. itures, liable to pay ono hundred per centum additional duties thereon. Notice, merchants and others purchasing liquors before the duty is paid, do so at their own risk, us the law compels ino to *eiae it, no mutter in whose hands it may bo found. JAMES C. MuBURNEY. aug22-tf Collector. COLL'MBPS, <Ja„ August 22, IBM. Having been appointed Deputy Collector for the counties embracing Mu*e»gco, Tulbot, llur- ri-. Marion,ChattahoocheoandSlcwart,all par- liesuiyagcd in distilling spirituous liquors in the above narix'd counties will apply tit once at my office, opposite tho Poiry House, and file bonds .in*! procure permits, RICHARD W. J AQUES. Deputv Collector img‘22 If Internal Rev. 2d Dist. Ha. Tlirougii to Atlanta. REFER Atkins, Dunham 2c Co., C. R. Woods, E. U- Young, W. II. Young, K. M. Gun by, Oct 7—«i’ll TO: Apalachicola, F'la. Kufaula, Ala. do Columbus, Qa. D. H. BALDWIN & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1 7 H PBAIIL 8T11KKT, NEW YORK. (PL Mi l*i:u 1N TEN 1) A N L'S OFFICE, ) i .MI ^CUU .H RAILROAD C<». > Coi.ruhim, Ha., Sept. Uth, 18(»f1. ) I ^ jituncagtc Hall ltoail helieUulr. AND AFTER MONDAY, 11th lost., the -ciu'cr Irwin on lUitiroad will L>ihvo Coin in bus at 7 o’elo'k, A. M. Ariivo in Macon nl 4 .Hi B. M. A11 n o in Columbus at i.2l “ 1‘. Si. Mtiuun «»»il Weelern Ii. Ii. Schedule. NIUIIT TRAIN. Leive Macon - 6.3<1, P. M* Arrive i>i Atlanta 2-Wl, A. M. Leave AHanto • • N1 - \irive at Muoon A.. .... 10 u W. L. • LARK. R iph. D. H. Baldwin, f J. F. CcguiKo. f II. Brioimu. New York. BRIGIIAM, BALDWIN &, CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. Advane* s made on consignments to our Ifouso in New York, and to our friends in Liverpool and (Bo _ Oat. 10,1 >165—3in J. A. TYI.KIt* ........ .SAM' I. Ii. RoRlHOK. TYLER & ROBISON, Grocery 6l Commission Merchants, NO. 129, (A f rarly Opposite the Haul: of (\>lumhun y ) k El l* u'i h.md a goml stuck ol FAMILY tf lUjt 7.7.7/;.', (7{()t 'A A’// )' ai.*l .> / (/.V />- U7t/.*/;, ittiu;r stj.i /*. /7.v.v. m:k/>lhs. rnMltS.srnuL- 1 uTTOS, iJOSltMTIi HUY (j'tjUlhS, <1 I'. I’urtirul.ir utteuti’ui given to tho nurehasoor a.ue .*1 any kind d pr >*Tuco or inerchaiidiso. J. A. TYLivR, avigo H bA.M’L E. ROBI8(>N. ATKIN'S, 1)4 IN HAM v& CO.. COMSISSiONaDJ FOKKAKNSS MKRCUANT8, APALACHICOLA, FLA. July 1 Uh. 1h.s».— n WM. Ci. SWAN, (LATE (if TENNESSEE.) FOR SALE AND RENT. Splendid-(Joi ton Plantation FOR SALE OR RENT. Having no faith in the “freedmon" a* Labor ers, and no di p* -iii.m to undertakt In m inage (hem, I liNve deteimined to *cll my valuable and highly improved COTTON PLANTATION. Fituatcd nn the Mobile A Hirard Railroad in Macon county, Alabama, forty mile* from Columbus, •-•iii'uunug I': 1 acre*, one half clear 'd. The character *»I the soil I* hammock. *econd haruiufdc, and upland, and nearly all , lresh. The timber '•on-isti of leech, b’rcb. maple, hickory, white ooK, post oak, poplar, I pine sc Fencing iu good repair, and well ar ranged lor <tnck. Building* excellent, consist ing ol a fine dwelling ol seven rooms, besides hull*, closet*, pantries, with a commodious ve randah one hundred nnd fifty two feet long: I In short, it is an elegant Southern Jfoute Also kftchci', Finoke house, brick dairy and ico house; eating house for laborers, and fine double negm houses of two rooms each 18 by *20 feet, with gla*s windows, well plastered and painted, with brick pillue and chirnr.ics; a commodious two story barn, packing screw and gin h-’Usc, with nn almost new and very sune- ! rior nO *jiw gin—xngsr mill, and two lyO gallon i kettles. 9 This is ono of the best Cotton Plantations in : eastern Alabama, conveniently situated, easy o! Arovsi, und with the choice of cither Mont- I gomcry or Columbus as a market. / am dc- ■ terwined io*rlt. Those who wish may try the "freedmen;" 1 shall not. 1 Terms, .FI5.0W cash, or $16,000 in two equal ; installments. If the latter, (be first payment on iTith December instant, and second twelve months th realtor without interest. Corn, meal, mules, cotton seed Jrc.. supplied \ on reasonable terms if de-ired. Title* j,f »•/«, (. | Freed people * n the place and will he glad to ■ get home* lor another year, , 11 not hold within fifleou days, the place will be lor rrnt. Person- vv'. ning further particular* or to ex- nmine the place are rcleired to my friend, Mr. John_8. Colbert, Columbus* Hu. I T. Ul.Ol’XT, of Talbutton. W '&S»!R- BLOUNT & CHIPLEY, >To. 4H BROAD street grocers -AND- COMMISSION MERCHANTS deco-tf. PRAIRIE PLANTATION. j UFF..R FUR SALE, 1,020 acres of Prairie -* L.iiids, hituated in Mucou county, Alabama, six mile- north of Union Spring- and sixteen miles south nt Tuskegcc, lying on Cubahatchie Creek. There are between seven and eight hundred aejej, cleared land in.a high Ftnto ol cultivation ; k«*«m1 (ranted negro cabins tor 4U bauds! trained gm houeu unu iron screw. All b* on built with in the la*t tour years. An nrtccian well, lur- ni-Jnng un inexhaustible supply of water. l i t c Inn ^ have long been coustdered the •no t *b-ir ihle in the 8t:*tp, lor their Dl'RA- lill.H '1 und PliODl criVI.NESS, jielding rLUiunei . live crop* ol corn und • ott ,n. « ■ rn, (odder, p*»rkaud stock hogs, cattle and mull >, cotton seed nnd imp.euiuiiL* to carry °n the turm for another year, can no bought with tiio place. Frcediuen on tae place can be hir ed I'o-.-v -sion given immediately, dec 2 1 tn F. FI. dullNSToN. Montgomery Advcrti-er und Tuskegce New*, A. W. PERSONS' ATTORNEY AT LAW COLUMBUS, GA. ’ \V I F„ L o C S?.'i , « dl i 3. , . h & lA** Ges through which i.uvutha \i^ 0 ' th ' prujnK alt.Dliuu to all bu,^'" V** uiiuuir* Op , «ra2TO“7o , h, , j*M t:,fc by a distinguished l' g M | ji rill ,v i l 3 wi l * id hill to this office 02lm J. RHODES BROWNE, FOR SALE, ATTORNEY AT LAW,I COLUMBUS, GA. Ofii'C owr Uunby'i store corner i id f't. C tnr strei is. mil f Rn J• it. l\ 1.1 J. R. IVEY & CO., COTTON FACTORS, Woreliouse, EKCKIVINO. foRWABDIIG AND (iOKBAL Commission Merchants, H AVINU a commodious Brick Warehouse with ample storage room, wn ire prepared to do the Warehouse, Receiving, Forwarding mid Commission Business in all ito various branches. Memo also prepared to nil vuuco on Cotton and Mrroliiiiidixu in store, and oil Colton tor Mbipmcut. Consignment* nolioited. Opposite l'ost Office, niVHii: OF SUlFDl liF. Mic IKItY, , IV*- O N au*l after Friday.Sept. „u this Road will be run Leave Columbus at Arrive West Point Arrive at Montgomery*— *««>« Lc iv« .Montgomery Leave Wont Point At rive nt Cnlouinbiu 2.1. 18t»5, T-alnr i fulloWn; 15, P. M. I A, M. 1 15 P. M. « 45. P. M, THO3. O. JOHNiiON, <L \TK Of ST. LOUIS. MO.) ATTUBNKY AT LAW, (laiui and Ileal Estate Agent, ; .Vn* 5(1 Murker, htrrei, (Up Minli'si | .Mo.N ITiO.UEKY, ALA. J. R. IVEY & CO. HAVE JUST RECEIVED 50 rolls liKNTUOKY BAGGING 50 coils KOl’E, 500 lbs. TWINE, Largo lot of INDIA BAGGING. Any oftlieabovo nrticlofwB bo sold in large Advances on Cotton. \Y K will SHIP COTTON to first <dus* In in New York, and advance*, oet 27—tf ako liberal CAMI ,1. H. 1VKY A CO. FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE. WK have converted our largo ^ and commodious Livery Stablo v , l "iiuecting witii trains of A. »V IN . P. R. B at \\’i-t Point which arrive* in Atlanta at 7 I’. M., in time '<> cniineot with the Western and Aiiatiih Kail Road tor Chattanooga and puint.- pppt 22-tf tt. w. uoBkrrx. n t.vwnoi ROSETTE & LAWHON AUCTION COMMISSION MERCHANTS 131 BROAD 8TKHKT, COOL.81 lltS, U.\, IJF’.RSONAL nnd prompt attention givon to l consignment*. $9* larroii purchased. _ julr<!( ~ ■ ( W, b. H Vl.IBBURY. 8. B. WAHMOUK* WARNOOK & CO., COTTON BROKERS COM M1SSION N M BRCIIAXTS, Office No. 131 Broad St., (Rosetta 2c Lawhon's Auction Room.) 15111!Y aro prepared to storo Cotton, Morch- L aiidiao. Produce, 2to. «** Particular attention given to tho sale ol CUTTuN, PRODUCE, Ac. Uvnutau. Koi*k, Ac., iurnmlicd at tho market ColumViMiQt»i Aug.3,18d* • it ________ BEDELL & CO„ Grocers and Commission Merchants, (yearly opposite Hank f (\ilumlut, OOLUMBUB, OA., J. T. PEYTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 91 KM 1*11 IS, TKN .YKHMKK. I )Ro.MPT nltcntion given to all burner* en- . trusted to In* '•mo. . | Boh !- t*>41 "ii. Hines Holt, Columbu*. Ha. E. W. MOISE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. ' O F F U’i; over Si oucer 2t Abbott’s btore, n vx ! ott •* .t 11, D, Rotdook, r. j. noHF.d. hkmgr, b. j. xoanu, jcnioii. | L_AW NOTICE. I Administrators Sale " Valuable Cotton Plantation miry next, ,,i the hreiuue, „f „M Mule. Ilursee, Untile, II...., <»*>"“ TuoD, Uoro, f udder 1 1-' f 1 •« W aieh i ml othm artiele... ' au . 1 ')-* thilMJtiSKfrf ’nTe?,:"; 1 . M.ut U20 acre, of land. ,,''- l’lwtntion, under fund r.i.air .ni■' it t r h. bittiHted *ix 1 Jff! ' Spriugi. ierms of sale Ca«h 01 Jee 21 l*t« »• 0-UOWABb. Aj», FOxNTAINE & HUGHES WAREHOUSE AND UEXKRai 81 COMMISSION MERCHANTS. •JOHN filSTAISL _Columhn., Dee 14, lws_|f ‘ 111 l, *** i ' All Concerned Take Notice (urriage* will be furniHhed at coat. bricked at t least bun present ch^rgm also keep burying lots in complete orl« 1^ ve made all arrangements p. do all n, DU ; and brick v ork at .honed n tice. Wbra * '• i* cmiplctod the money win |.« require! uaW spt'UiHi arruugeuionts are maUe. dee2l lm “• '• ?IMUSS ’ "Wanted, A HOOD TAN NEK, to wle to P ,.ed ft and constant employment will t.« (<n Apply immediately to tin* undei-i* n< J , . C. A. PAHKKR, dec 21_7t* _ Mid.ay, Ala For Rent, T UI FT premise* occupied by Wni. l>em»r.u» residence and store home, on rbeennuri Front und Orawiord .trcrt^. Apply to t. IV. StAllROt'K. . „„ lt „ at Mn. J.B, IliU'e. ueo 2« codJt Sun copy. T. H. AUSTIN, Commission Merchant SAVANNAH, HA. Refer* to: lipping. Han«erJ A Co..andE P. K'.lis At Co., Columbus doe 27 Jtu r piiUEi: < mhvrtah'i* uooMS, tn Musonic I G' rar d ^ a l e an <( Female Academ). L llali Imilding. Apply to 1 milK Flxercises of this Institution for thijnr Plantation for Kent or Kale. . . ; gf mg Hou«e, N'uto Houses, (Jin iiouiie, (Jin, and all other appurtenances ol a first my. Ala "ing i* Chnttubnoehf • Kulnula. Barbour upp site Florence. Ueorgia, con* .. 14M» ncr* - land. *ssi cio.ireJ: 200 of i whmli i- tresii and well watereu by the \Vepuf- S" 'TC-cIt tiinning thrwiigli the centre o* it. i.ight iiegr«i ii**lives and uccon-ary out-build- •, W u eid i ; Uri t and "iv Mill, tiruiti iu*iMn< Kol ull ti.udi *.d*t with th* place, tmv I- Ml 1 (L D. \V 1LL1AMS. A SPLENDID STORE _ FOR RENT, If TS BROAD i For Rent, tion of the city ; sui'.nb.o tor i or private fumiiy. For torn* apply to Dr. M. Woodruff or MKfj. S. tf. BARD WELL. FOR RENT, T 9111$ I.'N'DLUSIUNKl) have formed n P irincrMiip, under tho name and style ol J. q. i:.mL-. *-f C-lmul- Apply i R. J. HUNTER, oc-ll-tf Mm ct.|*at M m-'-’o^cc Railroad. Buggy and Carriage Factory ! WITH N' EAT COTTAOJC anil a MILL. T OFFER FOR SALE I modioli- llugay uud ated in I or*) th. Ha , Iu BEDELL & POPE, dec 21 tl I’NDKR COOK'S IIOTKL. NYo noticed tbo other day that t'lijit. Samuel Ihown had a lion tlmt would lay two ojjjje a day. Sliu lias done dial live Union; l>ut a few day* npo, in attomntinp more, iiio overdid hornolf. Shi* laid two oppti m tin* nvorninp, nnd \n forc nip\it laid four more, without shell*, nmkiup a full half dozen, after which »ho lump nji lor throe duya. She lm* now commenced one u duy, and that is not had when tin ’.v.M. M. COPELAND & CO., nrt* tvunli fifty ci'tits n tln.:eii, A Dutolumin in Albany, some tiim>! ago, went tip to Ills milkman in tin* I street, with a tlisli in euoli Iwtnd, instead of one, ns ostial. The dispenser of at i U lulated milk it'ked him it he wished to ! fill both vessels. The Dutchman replied, i suiting tho acting to the word, ‘Disforl de nnUnk and ills tor dc witter, and I i will mix dent sons to shute myself.' | The way in which words are often 1 divided when set to music sometimes produces a rather ludicrous efiect. A 1 stranger was once surprised ou hearing tt congregation, mostly ot women, cry ing out : •‘Oh for r mnn! Oh for n man! Oh for it man—sion iu the skies !" V\ bile on another occasion a choir | snug to tint best of their ubihtr: •• We'll catch the Hee ! We’ll catch the flee! We’ll catch the Hee! We’ll catch tin 1 flee—ting hour " ft' is hoped nobody was bitten. Into i Wira HoiUi fur tho itor- ,vgo i»t (’ottoii an«l Merohatitivxo. Wo Mtiu it th patroKago nt our friend* ami the people gon- orally. VKKXOY A MAIIAFFKY. oo 117-tjanl A House and Lot in Wynnton FOR HKIsTT, / \ N l.Y a hliort dixtanco from town The " * hou*e eoittain* twelve room*. There i* a well t f very fine water oiv the pl.vvo All neee>- *ary uut-huildiiig* in good repair. A *muli or ehivrd of very vthoice fruit tree*, gottd garden, Ac. Apply utthi* ottiee. a '24—tf Notice to Shippere of Cotton. tern A Atlantic Railr«»ul, are required t<i ln*ure (he *auiu agaiu*t File a* tho paieo will, from this time forward, be rocoix <1 at the own or.* rixh, uiile** nutioc id given the Rond t • in- Hurotor tho benufilof the owner and at hi. yr ! Consignment* of Morehaiuli*e8olio1toii. l'rompt nt tot) tion given to tlm purchutc an*i sale of Hoods of every description. W. A. BKDELL, A.\i. BKDKLL. iillyII .-If 0. S 11A U H I Si i N. u:":unuK»s! i ' i ' u ’ inu “' i - LtSfUtE*- v - BAKER, ROGERS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS -AN D- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, *40 4k 30 KMHt Vrioiul Streets CINCINNATI, OHIO, R, j" ami will crttabliah an ofliei Coluin’ i '. (•■• . *>n the 1st October noxt. in the j tucntitiin. let* i - a birftstfud us above wilihei promptly ailciidtul to. ' The senior i rin* r will attond rngularly the Uuite*l Stall- - Diah iet 0**urt at tfayaniiah. the i tfuj reiii'i Onurt of Ueorgia lor thi* .liidiei.il District, the v'"U7i> hi" (.'mvtlahooehue Cir cuit. hi.’i up ’ii • i.il retainer in important o.i « s will o.:-tJ .my o; tlm Court* in ueorgia iFederal ortooie.t R. J. MOSES. Senior, aug 15-tf R* J. MUtfES. Junior. Drs. SCHLEY & RAINES, offiou; AT 01)1) FELLOWtt' I1A1.L, Kirat door to the light od first floof liovlU tf DR. V. H. TALIAFERRO n FLUMES the piac»ice of Medicine in this VitVi'-v over the law office of the lute Col. Il* it. Re-i u i.oo ou McIntosh street f nuerly «*ccu- pied b> Mr. Dew*lt. nov 2u lm DR. BELLAMY U .\S removed lii* oflioo to tho l*ro*eription More, t l>r. Law, No. 7‘.» Broad Street. Hu-idenee at .Mr. Wiley Jonos’. of ground, | i'lm Biaeksuiilli Sliop-, have -even Forge?. with every i ”Tiveijioiieu tor work. Tho Wood j L'oparitne.it ha* spuou Miffieient for n dozen I henehe* and well -'oeked with seii’miied mate- I rial. Iho l*aii.t, ’i'riiu and liuines.-Dopart- , men'.** are j •• u.v -rlj well nduptou tor the dif- leront bun.«. Ihero i- n good supply ot I Iron, with the latest improved Spring* and I Axie«. .\ m .' excellenl M'luction ot Fine l’ui'.u, 11 iu.iiiing- an*! Leather. An inexbuus- J table (itumtity of Spokes, Huh*. Kim*, and over L’n.tsst Bdt- and Screw*. A fine a.-Dort- | incut ot Haine-* thoth wagon nnd buggy; und 11 true." M I'erial. I t laet everything com plete for a Jr*. : Carnage and Buggy Fac tory. it I* the larpmt Factory of t r Kio l iu tiio. tii'i, nnd i* now iu Mieecsaful operation will* a lull e- rps of the beet woiktuen, both morally and incchiuii' , ally. Evry thinking man miimt kwnc that all South er,: •’Kinu.t'irtiin * cannot hut tucrevd amt a,iy inreituicnt in thnn trill pay o hat iltfome divi dead, .1 i*i*4 • man, in' th • nerpy, can moki the vrnprrtypay »tl per cent. Upon tholutivnd will bo fold with it i* u very nice (.'ottugo. with .ill n«*C”f:.iry out-buildings, garden. Ae. It tiosirevi, I will m:i1 witii it, or feparatoly, uiy tarm, near Forsyth, l pon tho pla o is *>ne of Hi* be.it iiri t Mid* in Ueorgia. F’or full par tiOuUrf. apply to Car t. .1. U Bunks, of Coluui- hui>, nh • know* all about it, or to Sapping on, Dews A: Co., Columbus, or to the under»ignod. ANDKLM DUNN. dci l tm Forsyth, Hu. I A IHtio, will open on the Hih o! JanumyiML Tho tcbola.-tic year will be divided i ‘ '* Term-of 20 weeks each. Brice ol Tuition (or »ho fir.-1 Term, Each pupil will bo enarged train the tu>»W, eiitCit»a «* Uiv eli’seot the frra> No tiediietioii tbr lost tune, excel'. in ^r* •' prottaeicd sickness. Tuition diu»t he paid quarterly in J. It. LITTLEJOHN. dee 27 lw^ ^ Spts Turpentine, TJOK *..lrT,y 1' d«i 2T tf CAKTKtt .V Fl.nKKKOT. 230.000 WATCHES, CHAINS, DIAMOND RINGS, if. WORTH OVER OXK MILLION DOLLAR-’ All to bo *»la for ONE DOLLARM’k. Without regard to value!! pot to be paid tor until you know wh»t to receive! SPLENDID LIST OF AKTICLKS All to be fold lor Each: 250 Solid Silver Dining : DR. A. J. FOARD, Notice. per-. M up and settle; und those I'Dlt’.U* DIRF.OTOU of the late Army of \ that thi vimi*^B H. wh*> l.ni to pay by first day of January next, that their uoti’i and account* will be put in amt \ tli-.’ Fcry |lou*c. at once, 'iho hooka ana t aper* of tne concern are Kept .it ir t»l*l stand, earner under Cook’s lintel. Vol*Y, FLEMISH Ac SWIFT. Coluuibu*. Oct. 31, lethV—tjunl Oet aj DOCTOR STANFORD ihr it ^ Silver Salver* and l r;i-. .'.do Solid Silver Toa s»«i« luplete 150 Rosewood Muhieal B \e.-,.;Jairf ■' f * ■JV'O Mahogany MuMt'ai Ih X’ .-U.U * 1 * •2 r '0 Hold limiting Rutebe 2- r *tt Ludie« Knainelle«i tLd.l Uatvhes *. ^ Mill vient-' Hunting Si yer Matches fiOu Upen-faoe Silver W»tc.ic*^H ‘ * Opera tHa-* ■<', to Id ;.it.!* 1*. to 5* lm rout li.vrmi. tfupt* G13NBn AXj COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 25 Commercial Place, NEW ORLEANS, l_A. M. M. C»i-Ki.iMi. T. .1. (’a>x«in. Mniiliyoiiicry, Ala. L\fuuln, Ala. dec 22 2m * G. D. & G. W. HOOPER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW -AND- SOLICITORS IN EQUITY. dee 22 tf House and Lot for Sale. | UFFKR FOR SALK uiy House and Lot in I the upper part of tbo city, on Oglethorpe jdrfrt, adjoining Mr*. Wooltolk'a. The tov i* oue quarter ot an acre. Tlie house is two si »ri«'s and hiuievM oat two rnomi In kitchen t well «d water, unoke-house and good garden root. Apply on the premises to the under- :lgued. or at Ibis office, dee 22 1 w J. l.AMBKRTSON. PISTOLS. \V _ Jid iple Ur« eerie*. Western Reserve t'hee.-e l Biittn : Dried Canned and Foreign Fruits, l r«il ol all Wind-. 8ce 1, A r. Two luumbors >■: "U firm reside in New York. b’Mug thua constantly in the market, t ea ly t . t ike advantiuo ot f i\ <>rablo elMvnge-. and buy- n / fr > a IitdI tmuds. give* us fueilities lor get i t :..-Hood*, uusurpa.- ed b> any house in tho 1 etico of Medicine and uu a distance requiring Mir-’eol if • tin 'tn ti:id coin art able a .'com- mod vtious iu (lie city. v«r.i . .• ur- lr ••a 11 till 2 u'ck-ck, P. M. ,15 : DR. H. M. CLRCKLEY, , HOMHOPATHIST, q-KNUKU For Sale, hi- services to the citizens - d * i ’inky. Office ut hi- »sidenec •reet, bo'weo;i Roudolph und St. •r to I»r. Cushm »r’a bilnit corner, from ' to8 A. M. and tr<*ni 1 too aug 18-tf F. have ju«t received iv largo lot «H COLT’S and other make ot PI8TOIj8 which wo aic aeliiiig cheap, doe 7 tt .' FN 5JTS GENERM SOUTHERN LAND AGENCY I . »2 Broadway, New York, very shortly be prepared to loan they will for ultivath'ii ot Cotton, ltiee and Sugar. They will also provide while labor tor the South gen erally. In a lew days we shml issue oneular* setting torth all those things in demit, from the >u*e. Having formed this arraugeiuontl otter greater facilities lor tho sale ol Southern land than any establishment in th's country. We therefore solicit the patronage • t those desiring to sell land. Prompt utfehti iu given to nil busine** entrusted to our care. Dec2—tl MAKSHALL A' PARS'*XS. Advances nude on consignments to It. P. BAKER lV COi, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 110 Penrl at., Ilnnovrr NqiBtir, NEW YORK. 1 oct 27—Jm* GGVKRVL PI RtllASlMi AG1ATY. ISRAEL F. BROWN & SON, selling lorui an mosc uungs in auiuit. trom tlie I \\*n ^ '-.tfeed ^h/^urchi*in» above house. Having toruied this arnvuocmeut \\ 1 J , uiw.uJe/ol mVYu'U* \wm ..rt.«r arnttlw (u.Olitiott l..i> ,k. a ...l,, .1 I I •I'Vardlllg Ol Ull CllUICf Ol Nl I.lvl 11- AM»l>l. nnd every deienption ot MACH1.N- F.lto . applicable tc the waut* of the Sogthorn |)Cop |s. All purchases made free of Commission till October n* xt, a: the lowest market rate.*, aid Jer* aiu t be uccotupunic . . . _ . a idrcs-e.l to us eitiier ut New l.ondon. Conn, or 82 Johivtftr< et, New York. Refer to Fi K. Brown. Macon, Oa., and W. Lowndes, ton miles tro o \ abtostm the I «>. Clemons, Co uiubu., Ha. own, and two miles from Avattuh.— 1 nUk -’ tl A Just Received, Tho Hicnmond Times tnl!« a itorv . about a wealthy shipow ner who w«t much \ kor sola cheap at BQMJtd at having a (lav i t every Vetlt on which he could get no (Hptain to start — to sea. To disprovo tho superstition ho built a vewel in and over which Friday dee 22 Is J. ENNIS k CO S. Street Lamps. For Sale, ^ Y PL A N T AT ION, situated in the coun ty county towu, The trad contains tour thousand three I' .trod acres. Fourteen hundrod arc iti cult iv »- non, not surpas eU in fort lily in the c unto ot which cloven hundred have been cl mred within four years. The rliuule is deoidodH l.ealthy and tho settlement eligibly situat'd.— Appended to the plantation is a rnb«tii.t.u! grist uud saw mill, entirely new. Tho buibl ii.gs are commodious and well construct? I — The quarters for the laborers are ooiuiortable and e.ipable of aeemu modal log t| ti la o' two bundled- There are two large cotton and gin houses up 'U the plantation. All of toe stock will be sold wntIi it, eousis'^Ag ot a mules, cattle 1 hogs and sheep. I'uwum.’D bo>ore January ■■pap——UPtiglP—ipp— city, for the year 19G6, will be revived until ist day of January, proximo. Any information on Friday—put iu the matt* on Friday ri*,M h* r F rld y~|*“"*|'5 , , her A u., vi -i.nuirj', litpilBU. Am m.orm.i.on Friday—Called uer r ricay—and found h desired will b« furnished upon at plication to fl’.otain who took her to sou on r riduy, either of the eorawmee. Ini h. «t* h. pre.tt.nu. ,h. lo boll | J kcWIMPHc* < n Frid.y, for b« nov.r he.rS «f b.r .f- JOHN K*K<l 1 hog, udJ *beup. l'v,. to bo nival) on or J.WA LDBU RO .S«v, nn»h. iulji)— iuwlf UNITED STATES " TNTIRSAL RKVRKL E STAMPS Ju» r«- x reived and for sale by FOG SALE. AT IUK OLD STAND OF J. B. JJ1QUES & BKO., A LOT OF FIXK Top and no Top Buggies, XZASiTffXJSB. WHIPS AND COLLARS. out the lot sonn, we will ah, or exehrvnge lor cot- _ Sepuft.lnrtA.tf For Sale or Rent, Wwmvii i»’ »» Sell cheap t» SELECT LIMITED SCHOOL, COLUMtUS, QA. f PllK number will bo limited to i 40 pupil* ; and all will be ox- pc’ted. after eiitcri'i/. t*' nmtinuei th' n-m iniier of the yc.u l'h holustie yrnr will be divi ded ii.t » three terms. The rtiST term now progressing will end the 25th of De- i eeiii'or: The s ■ i,m». wi'l begin the first *vf Janmu.v an I end the ln-t ut March; tbeTHlim, will begin tho fiMt <*t April and end the last ut June. I’.iymc 't* due tor euch term at its he. ginning. F• r r * c* and particular* appiv to m tu v 2-11 R MclNTOSll 1 20.Q00 Pounds Choice Western Bacon, I N tf r<*KK und f<*r -ale by A BLuL NT A CHIPLEY. dec o—ltn No. 4a Broad >t. Day Boarders. r rUO>F*. defiling DAY BOARD can brareom- i m<*du(c t ut the Saratoga tvesiaurunt ut$>'' peruioi.tn Pvrau* * wishing i n* meal u du.v ♦ 1 I’ '»i* ■ an gf ih» ir-ntoaJ* at an> h"itr. • ? laruisliol t.» thi’se leaving *.n iho M »‘v n trai i. CHARLEY RAKHOV. , FOR SALE. IS STOKE AM) TO ARRIVE, 118 Broad Street. Wood! Wood! Omrt Mobh k ibd Gii.bp K. II. power STEAM ENGINE, in per'eet running order. It hue a good double- tlucd Boiler a» 1 all the him urtenanoes neee*- sarv to make it ••oiuploie tor inunediHto work. A'litres* A. A. SMITH WICK. • Flutaulu, Mm., or sept 21-tf Kogniter Office, Columnuk? Qa LOOK OUT! tin: itni: cuttun plantation of the L Into Mijor vioorge •». Dawson, lying in D.’Ugher'y countv and tontaii.inc llQu {p’ ro 7 hhiorv i «• a-, —a .. ; i.ifng Hinds of Moroii tn . M niker, MuClwren. Jotio» and oth ers i* lo. - sale. Term* cash. Aim Iv t • L. W. DAWtfON, out 2«*JU.w :f on the preiuisi *. or ' • I . W. St-abroi’k. Coiunil.u*. t»*. \\ ATCI1ES AN D G. D. CA PS. 11 untiug Cuse Watrhes. ALSO. 10 0t>’ PereuosioB Caps, aug to-tf T. S. WEAR. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. I HAVE a large assortmentoftftrawbtrry Plant*, which can be had in any quantity by appl>ing to A. M- Alien, ut Rankin'* old corner. JAtf. FULLER. A. No. 1 Cjtton Plantation WADJTEX). J M III to 1 a*e *»r purchase u Plantation ol 1 * v six hurdmi « re-. t,0t»D nn«l RICH Cotton Land, Miii.itt’d iu Ueorgi i .»r Alabama, u- tnr South u.- M.iooi,. Cotiun ini a io;.* ad dressed to me * 1 uqiiircr ottiee, wilj rccei attention. I sh ill h * ^ umber, 16 5tG Mother ot Pearl L rsri.t-tt* J(G tfix Hurrel Reedier* ftOi) Single and DouiAe .'*ui" ter> . 00 Elegant Oil 2 0 Marble Statues. Bust*. A *. *250 Diamond Ring- 5.000 Photo. Albums, all him 2.0 <1 Hold Vest ,Y Neck Uiaius 8,00tI Hold Oval Band liraceJets — 5.000 Chttaed tiold Braee.el.-• •• 2.000 Chatelaine X (iiiard Ihain^j 7.000 Solitaire k Revolving Uroi-cnw 2.000 Laya A Florentine J" 5.000 Coral, Opal X F.uicralJ *to 5 000 Mosaic, jet A lava Eardrop.- 7 .coo Cor et A Emerald Fardrupa 5.000 Calitornia Di vuiond I tn* 5.i«Nj Cal. Cluster Diamond 1 in*--- *• J.OouieU Solitaire Rutt».n> A. »to«u J 000 Gold Thimbles. lcnciL. At 10.000 Lockets, double 5.000 Locket*lor Miniatures 2.000 Hold Toothpick*, tr-sse*. 5.000 plain Hold Riu** - 5.000 chased Hold Ring* 10,000Shield X Siguet Riug» lO.iHXi CatiforuHt DtaUioiid ningi 7.500set* Ladies’ Jewelry. J* 1 5 000 seta Ladies’ Jewelry, coral-- 5.(ns)sci Ladle-'Jewelry, oryx 5,000sets Ladies’Jewelry, 2 Vni seta Ladies Jewelry. musaP • ■ iHW)i,..i’t t’ei.s X Indders, super r IuSiSlll»r(l bid.* *'" nk, P,‘| \etlV-tur. A,\) U. w ’ 2,i.i>Siher Fruit A < .'k. '•"“V Mcr... rAKKl-N.-jN X ) «* way. New Yolk. Kltwi’lie »»' .•*, »i..i vf imi-urtor. of iiotur < l tke ^ .iring to lner<u»« , u [ „ iir.it extelil, baae rcolvedui V ., w | a , .uhj.rt i.tbe re«uU , ion.lul uwjo. Ji|i , j. Lerlifle.le* Ji.'uirmf»cb»riKl' d , i* •r. placed inS-.'led Kn** - |,r •» “ On. ul tbe,.e envelope, w i'll rieo ffL o tur»<idre«onree#lpiof i«"» , „• All ArlitU. Solil at 11" ■ regard to value. , On ree.il>) »f )he «•«>“»'' l> . M you uie Korn# ''J *) U '?J 1111 *. t.ve)h.r r ;i‘ option to .end tbe doilir »nd « ^ not. Purebi.er* m»y , 5 u :.° t b ‘73ew.ir»» , ,2 Diamond King, or U «D .J* J* a>c c*n ^ Hat tor One Doi »r, and “.""‘Sere*'.' 1 '? lua than one dollar t w> i '..jBealer '* u , certain'ioe. The pnee of «r» ,. . low. One lor S.centa: ' ' ou*:’ 1 '. lows. One for S.' T/Ti thirty 'or with olc«an ' rt j («r * S“*2 lw- folumhu* about the I'. WINSLOW. A PLANTATION with 800 acre*, opan land. 1>ARTIF1> wir ing oak nnd Hickory nnd A The nrorage crop* h« r eta(ure raisvd un this I UomtI l‘r ‘ par wards plae* are tual to <li«>«e raised *>n any i-tber plouUtion in this sactiun ot country, dee 15-!0t M. L. PATfERSON — Pint Wood by ihc ear load can bo • upplit t ui on application to j y oet 21-U FRAZER, Treasurer. i r riIE CU.MM 11 CF.K ON COMB ACTS will i i . i i i m*» • D lot ‘in i lying 111•’ city with Lumber tor vUc vear le*d Pr*»po*nU | to be han(tad it sent by mail to the uudei'igaed. on or bi tore 10th proximo. J. o. PORTER. ) J U. IVHY. ,-Comtu J No. MclLIIKNNY.) Colmi bu«. fin., De«* 27. Iva—td^ ___ TO BRICK MASONS. S EALED Proposal* for ihe building fl tiMan- aiinu i *r storing powder, will bo rv. eivod I until l*t 4ir January. . luforvualieu as to sue, location, Ae. willve uni npnn applie.tlon tn the <.nnuniit,o. 3. W.SAPFlNtJVOK.) 5. MelUIIANNY. .Cntn. L. W. WALL. I , -pecul i lr ’ - 'iMiiKi»»«.' i * | l dw I— Jtn — Columbus Manufacture Ice Company CAPITAL STOCK > 75 0 1,800 ghareo si 1 " r gaet*' 0KB HALF OPES TO SI For further rartieul.r* « c '' S1( „, •< Jno. F. Ivcrann. (»4 »*• P r r “‘ Ibotnai H. D.moo.' w . i * tioni for Stunk. GIKARD* d.o U