Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 02, 1866, Image 1

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A ithict co»*T«wmo« or tub, ooistitotiox-am uoirtt \md sooitonciL adhinktratioi or the oovbrhmkht gagland & Wynne, Proprietor! XT T K K M a OF THE DAILY enquirer. v _ 1 00 . OotaoBih----' 3 oo Three tflontns 6 00 : |u rzszxr* ...-1© *#0*. will k* »«<i. in f»«»ef Irinbor* * nli Dcal.rs. ^ BJTETo^ADVKBTHIiO. a**" 1 5” \ ® “ IhrooweeV* - “ $ 83101, 110 120,130 140.160:160 170 16^1701«5 WiUO 2»"« axw® ms So 218 225125012751800325 pnbIWind l*ea than on. r - ” 0) per MOOT, for th. fint insertion nU tier aqa.ro for oooh aabooquont ^dJJrtinmonti iniertod at int.rrall to bo (blind •* n« w '"••rtion- idv.rti<«uiont« ordered to remain on any particular pace, to becharaed ao new eaeh in- M Ad°”'rtiiement»not ipedded ii to time, Will ki uibllihed notll ordered out, and charred SJ3E.il” AdrerUiemare reqaeeted to.uu thanomber of inaertionl deairea. i adrertiiemeota conatdered duo from the lutinaerlion and ooiloouble acoordinrly. From the Montaomery AdT.rti.oc ALABAMA I,EGI9IiATURE; TflfltTV-SIXTH DAT. Tuesday, Jan. 30, 1860. HKKATE. Mr. Deaaon, from Committee on Cor- normliooa, reported farorably on the bill io incorporate tho Franklin Oil and Min- ici Company. Parsed. Mr. Jones, of the Judiciary committee, riported adversely on the bill to autbor- iuriecutora and administrators to com- promise bad and doubtful debts. Recom mitted to the committee. Mr. Powell, of Tuscalooaa, from the Committee on Roads, Bridges and For- risi, reported adversely on bill to rebu ild the appointment of overseers end su pervisors of Publio Roads in this State. Concurred in. Mr. Cooper, from the Judiciary Com mittee, roportcd back the bill to authorise tin 6 ivernor to settle with Messrs. Meyer Lebsssn and i. T. Tichenor. The com mittee report that the claim of lha parties it feriorvicos rendered to the Stale in trareling, etc., to provide for the comfort tf Confederate prisoners. There can be so doubt that the services were rendered md the claim an honest one; but the Nmmitlee, or » majority of it, are of tho •pinion tliat this claim comes within the class of debts declared void by the Con- vsntaoii. The further consideration of the upon and bill waa postponed ufftil to morrow at 12 m. Mr. Forney, of Committeo on Corpora- lioni, reported favorably on the bill to in terpolate the Georgia and Alabama Pe iroleum Company. Bill passed. . Also, reported adversely on the. joint resolution in relation to the oiaim of Jiquen. Mitchell & Co., the committee believing that said claim cornea within the class uf debts declared void by the Con viction. Postponed until 12 M. to-roor row. Mr. Barnes, of Juaiciery Committee, Imported a substitute for varioua bills on Itbe subjact of a Stay Law, entitled “an ■ set to regulate judicial proceedings in this Ihlale. 1 ' Mr. Moron moved to lay the hill on the lublesndbave 133 copies printed. Car- | nod. Mr. Gage, from the Committee on iBinki and Banking, reported favorably ■ in the bill to amend an aot to extend the Idsrterof too Bank of Mobile. Passed. Alio, reported favorably on the “bill to I amend an act to incorporate the Southern |Bank of Alabama." Passed. Mr. Wineton reported a bill to enable Ilk, Comptroller to settle with the Bank of |?telma. Passed. Mr. Jackson, of Morgan, reported fa I vorabiy on the bill supplementary to an Isrt to incorporatei he Southern Traveler's Ilniursnce Company. Passed. I Mr. Lindsay reportod favorably on the I bill to incorporate the German Asaocla- IJien for the promotion and protection of ■ vermin emigration. Passed. I Mr. Sianset, of the Judiciary Commit- I tw, reported favorably on the bill to be I Bulled in net in furtherance of justice lend to diminish litigation, by curing, ro- Inoting nr rendering unavailable, dofects I !•, or objections to, process returnable to lie; court of this Stale, issued between -'lay, 1865, and the twentieth I, July, 1850, in consequence of any or- l"" 0,n 'Llary officer of the United I malts, and the levy, service, execution 1 IB u return of such process. I Alter debate, postponed until Thursday I U and made special order for elevon 10 clock. 1 bin 1 "POfted favorably on the House la i. l# .u" ,thori ** 1 of Probate to sseuis the amounts due on eslray bonds I aWtoutsuiL Passed. I , Hllu, ° LiH to authorise the Gover- I iai,. •s?!* 011 * 1 ' * temporary loan or to 1™ note*. Waa taken up, on motion of Mr. Garrett, and referred to I Hn Uriance and Taxation. I ii. ."i'm “ d J,‘ )urn ed till to-morrow morn- | “Iat too clock. I ». , house. «f Mohiu* 10 bil1 to incorporate the city y, u »“ I ciaT»i\!L • ,lr r* Chairman of the Judi- tu the im" 1 , 1 '®' reported an amendment 10 “otLorixe the Governor to I curred )°* n ' which waa con- rajldti * COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY .MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1866. VOL. VIII.—NO. 28. jndcUbji Attorney General. The bill at amen was passed—yea? 60^ naya 8G. The bill increases the salaries of the Circuit Judges find Chancellors, in this State, ‘o jliMe thpfcjuid dollars, and that of the Attorney General to me thousand dollars, per aunutn. The bill to incori>otate the Alabama W hite Labor Immigration and Real Es tate Agency Company [Was then taken up, pending which, I The House adjourned until to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock Mr. Morso, of Choctaw, during the afternoon session on Monday, offered the following joint resolutions, which were referred to the Judiciary Committee : Joint resolutions of the General Assembly instructing the Attorney General to in stitute proceedings to vacate the charter of the Selma and Meridian Railroad Company, originally chartered under tho title of tho Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Railroad. These resolutions are based upon the following specifications— 1. For failing to carry out the original object of the charter, in the matter of building a bridge ovqf the Bigbee river. 2. For failing to complete the line west of the Bigbee river. 3. For abandoning^the original track of the road from Cahaba to Marion Junc tion. 4. For issuing change bills for circula tion, ciyitrary to soction 936 of the code. 5. For failing to furnish passenger cars. C. For transporting passengers in gravel and construction traihl, exposed to tho inclemencies of the weather. 7. For transporting soldiers in box cars, ithoul fire or water, and leaving them at wayside places in a famished condition, without comforts and attention. 8. For transporting passengers of all colors, sex os and agee, indiscriminately thrown together m filthy stock cars, with out lirhts, seats, fire; water or privies. 9. For leaving passengers at depots, without giving notice of their starting. 10. For extortion, in demanding full oharges for freight and fare, refusing to make deductions for transporting passen gers in stock cars in lieu of passenger cars, and refusing to refund money when they had violated their contract. 11. For failing to blow the whistle or ring the bell at public crossings, curves in the roAd, leaving depots, and .entering towns and cities. 12. For failing to furnish lights, fire and water on cars, in violation of the acts approved December 8th, 1863, and Feb ruary O'.h, 1868. Mr. Hawtborne, by leave, on Monday last offered the following resolutions,which were adopted: Whereas, Jefferson Davis, once Presi dent of thoConfcderato£)ttttCB, and as such Commander in Chief of their Army and Navy, has by the fortunes of war become a prisoner in the* hands of the Fedoral authorities; and, whereas, the army and navy whien he commanded have been surrendered or destroyed, and the govern ment over which he was placed by the united voice the Southern people has been utterly overthrown ; ana, whereas, the-people ihemaelves have with the moat remarkable unanimity and quietoeeg sub mitted to the greet change* which have taken place, and with but few exceptions accepted tho Executive clemency and re newed their allegiance to tho old Govern ment ; and, whereas, all armed opposition to tho Foderal Government on the part of the Southorn people has ceased. There- fere. Be it Resolved, That while we have in good faith, and without a murmur, sub mitted to the Federal authority, and though standing in the midst of our bro ken altars ana desolated homes, and though looking upon the graves of our children, and the ashes of our former greatness, yet we cannot as brave men, and as Christian men, stand by, and see a groat and powerlul government wreaking its vengeaace upon a poor, feeble old man, whose offence is no greater than that of any other good citizen of the South, without protesting against such an ungen* erous and unchristian-like course. Be it further Resolvod, That the Gov ernment of the United States having over come all armed resistance to its authority, and the people of the South having sub mitted with scarcely a murmur, it is t^a duty of the Government, as representing a great and victorious people, to be mag nanimous and forgiving; to win back the affections of the Southern people by open ing the prison doors of their former Pres ident, and Vico President, and all others who are imprisoned for opinion's sake; and by restoring to us all the rights— social, pecuniary and political—which we once hnjoyed under tho constitution of our fathers. And believing as we do that his Kxcel loncy Andrew-Johnson, the President of the United Slates, will not turn a deaf ear to the united cries of a whole people, and to tho wishes and prayers of all Christian nations; therefore, Be it further. Rosol ved, That we earnest ly Invite and urge upon all public bodies, both roligious and political, in the Seuth and at tho North, in England, France and Germany, and wherever patriotism is known, and the God of tho Christian is worshipped, to express their sympathy for our suffering and imprisoned Presi dent, and to implore the Federal Execu tive, for the sako of humanity, and the honor of the Christian people over whom he r'i'oa. tn strike off tbochaitas and throw open luo prison doors of Jofiorson Davio, and all others who are imprisoned for similar causes, and restore to us the con stitution and laws of our fathers, and thus write everlasting gratitude upon the hearts of the Southern people. Be it further Resolved, That a copv of these resolutions bo sent to tho President of the United States, and one to Mrs. Jofiorson Davis. | and lh <* bill passed. Yeas 79, *ferr>rt lh « 8amo c< ? r P m ^tee,to whom was I »u* () f 3 tr,ou * bills in reference to a thereto p^ 9C . u j 0DI w * l b amendments bill to a 6lJ b*titute therefor, a of •lecutiS. ed * cl Renting a slay «®cuu°ni on all uilffm.m. ao. TIII2 BILL To Enlarge the Power r>f the Freedmcria Bureau. Section 1. That the act to establish a bureau fortherelief of freedmen and re:u« goes, aptrruNtid Alarcb 3, 1866, shall con tinue in lorco until otherwise proTided by tend to rufugoes and fjeed- law; shall ex — . . tpen in cortuin parts of tho Unitod Slates; arid the President may divide tho section of containing tuch refugees and froedmen into districts, oat h containing . neornaore Statea, not to exceed twelve in number 1 and by and with the advice and consei of tho Senate appoint an assistant Com gJhM imflitafy jurisdiction and protection over mded all-the employee., agents, and officers of tbit Bureau In the exercise of the duties imposed or eulhoriaed by this act or the act to which this act is supplementary. Sec. 8. That the Secretary of War may direct suoh issues of provisions, clothing, fuel, and other supphen, Including medi cal stores and transportation, ana afford such aid, medical or otherwise, es he may deem needful for the immediate and tem- pontryeheltarand supply ef destitute end suffering refugees and freed men. and their wives and children, under such rules and regulations as he may direct. hoc. 4. That the President be author zed to reserve from sale or from settlement, under the homestead pre emption laws, and to set apart for the ase of freedmen and loyal refugees, unoccupied public lands in Florida, Mississippi and Arkan sas, exceeding in ell three millions of good land, and the Commissioner, under the direction of the President, shall cause the same from time to time tn be allotted and assigned in parcels not exceeding forty eeres each to the loyal refugees ana freedmen, who shall be protected in the use and enjoyment thereof for such term of time end at such annual rant as may bo agreed upon by the. Goramissieder and suoh refugees and Ireedmen. The rental shaH be eased upon a valuation of the 'and, to be ascertained in each manner as the Commissioner may, under direction of the President, by regulation proscribe at the ond of such term, or sooner, if the Commissioner shall assent thereto. Tho occupants of any parcels so assigned msy purchase land and receive the title thereto from the United Btates in fee, upon pay ing therefore the value of the land ascer tained as aforesaid. Sec. 6. That the occupants of land un der Major General Sherman’s special or der, dated at Savannah, Jaauary 16, 686,5, are hereby confirmed in their possessions for the period of threeyeara from the date of said order, and no person shall be dis turbed in or ousted from otid possession during said three years, unless a settle, ment shall ba made with the said occu- rant by the owner, eatiifactory to tho Commissioner of the Froedmen's Bureau, Sec. 6. That the Commie.ion shall, un der the direction ef the President, pror-uro in the name of tho United States, by grant or purohaaa, such lands within the dis tricts aforesaid as may be required for refugee! and froedmen dependent on the government for support, and ha shall pro vide, or cauae to behuilt, suitable asylums and schools. But no such purchsso shall be made, nor contract for the same ontor- ad upon, nor other expense incurred, un til after appropriations shall have been provided by Congress for thageneral pur poses of this act, out of which paymonts for laid lands shall be made. And the Commission shall cause such lands from time to time to be valued, allotted, as signed, and sold, in the manner end form provided in the preceding sections; pro vided always, that tho said lands shall not be sold fur loss than the eost thereof to the United States. See. 7. That whonavor, in any State or district in which the ordinary course of t udlcial prooeodings has been interrupted >y the rebellion, md wherein, in conse quence of any SUtta or local law, ordi. ■ance, police or ether reguiatien, custom or prejudice, ary of the (ivil rights and immunities belonging to white peraons, including the right to make and enforce general contracts, to sue, to ba parties and give evidence, to inherit, purchase, lease, ■ell, hold end convey real and personal property, and to have full and ceual bene fit of all laws and proceeding* for the se curity of peraen and estate, are refused or denied to negroae, mulatto*-, or freedmen, er refuge**, or any other perton on ac count of rao* or eolor, or any previous condition of slavery or involuntary servi tude, except for the punishment of crime whereof the party shall have been duly eenvieted, or wherein thoy, or eng of them, ere subjected to any other or differ- eat punishment, peine or penalties, for the commission of any act or offence, than aro r ireiented for while persons committing ika acta or offences, it shall be the duty of the President of tho United States, through th* Commissioner, to extend military ju risdiction over *11 cesoe affecting aucb per sons so discriminated against. 8ec. 8. That any person, who, under color of any State or local law, ordinance, I ioliee, or other regulation nr custom, shall n any Biate or district in which the ordi. ntry course of judicial proceedings has been interrupted by the rebellion, subject or cause to be subjected any negro, mulat. to, freedman, refuges, or other person, on account of race or color or any previous condition df slavery or involuntary servi tude, except as a punishmont for crime whereof the party has been duly convict ed, or for any other cause, to the depriva tion of any civil right ured to while persons or to any other or different pun ishment than white persons are subject to lor lha commission of like acts or otl'onces, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and bo punished Dy a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars or imprisonment not oxcoeding one year, or both; and it shall bo the duly of the officers and agents of this bureau to take jurisdiction of and hear and determine all offences committed against the provisions of this section, and also of all cases affecting negroes, mulat tos, freodmon, refugees or other persons who are discriminated against in any of the particulars mentioned in tho preceding section of this act, under such rules and regulations as the President, through the War Department, shall proscribe. Tho jurisdiction conferred by this section on the officers and agents of this bureau is to cease and determine whenever tho dis crimination on account of which it is con ferred ceases, and in no ovont to bo exer cised in any State in wtiich the ordinary courso of judicial jrrocoedings has not been interrupted by tho rebellian, nor ir any Stale after it shall have boen fully re stored in all its constitutional relations to the United .Slates and the Courts of the State and of the United States within tho sante are not diotuibud or stopped in the peaceable courae of justice. Passed the Senate on the 25th ult., by a vote of yoat 37, nays 10. Not yet acted on in tho House. L M. ALLEN ft GO., GR00ERS AlffD .fjbjfMISSION MERCHjfitC>l'TS. LARGE ST< GROC; Dry SHOES, HATS, . -AND- HARDW ARE, Constantly On Hand, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A. M. ALLEN & CO., No. 16» Bread st. OPPOSITE COOK’S HOTEL. Columbus, (la.. Jan. 8. IDCit tf •’ FEBTILIZEBS. Mapes’ Nilrogeneous Super • Phosphates OF XjXMBI 300 lba. per ticrn, on ordinary land, will pro duce ono bale of cotton per &oro. A. Mn. ALLEN A CO., Agents. Jan3tf Corner opposite Cook's Hotel. NEW MUSIC! ^ MONO whloh may bo found EVANGELINE, CASCADE OF ROSES. WEARING OF TUB ORBIT, 7.0ULA ZONO. VACANT CHAIR. 1L BACIO WALTZ. IL BACIO (Song), STONEWALL JACKSON’S MARCH. J ust reoeived at J. W. PEASH’S, UOD^S LADY’S BOOK, for Fobru^y. PETERSON’S MAGAZINE, for February. N. Y. I.EDOKR, and WAVEltLY MAGAZINE, For salo by J. W. PEASE. Jan 24 tf Manufacturing Company Kotice. For the convenience o( persona applying for Stoek in the BAULK and P11CKNIX MANU FACTURING COMPANY, (late Baglo and Howard) I have opened an office at the Bahk ef Columbus, where applications can bo made to me for Stock, and in my absence Mr. W. H YOUNG will receivo subscriptions and receipt for the sumo. The subscription Hat is already begun. Per sons dosiring to secure Stock will make early application, us THB WORK WILL BR PUT IN IMMKDIATK PROGRESS. N. J. BUSSEY. Columbus, Ga, January 14. IBM tf• Notice. For tho convenience ol Consignees by Mont gomery and West PoinC Rail Road, I ean be found at the Southern Express Oflioefrom 8 to ! o’olock a. ■. and 2 to ft r. u. Persons tecoiviog freight by this road will ploesr • nil at tho office before sending to the Depot let Girard) for their goods. J. K. APPLER, Agent. dee 12 tf Hamilton Female College, HAMILTON, »A, T HE EXERCISES of this Institution will be resumed on Tuesday the 23d instant. Tho Coiloge is furnished with a well selected Apparatus And with good Musical Instruments. The course of study is thorough and complete. Every departmont is supplied with oompd' tent teachers. , „ ... Board can he obtained in the bost families at $15 por month. • J. II. LOVELACE, Janl4—lin Prnside T. S. SPEAR, PRAOTIOAL AND BXPEKISNCCD WATCHMAKER ■THrwfEJLErEa, Corner Broad and Randolph Sts., AT HIS OLD STAND,- Ha, now open a now and rich stock of FINK GOLD WATCHES, RICH GOLD JEWELRY, STERLING SILVER WARE, FINE PLATED CASTORS, CUPS,’ KNIVES, FORKS, 8POONSJ PICKLE STANDS, SYRUP CUPS, Ac. ALSO—A fine assortment of Silver end Gold tUIMULKS, Gold and Silver SPECTACLES. HAIR WORK, Made to ordor, any design or pattern. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, In Gold, Rilver and Steel Frames, WATCH WORK and Jewelry repaired by good and responsible workmen. MR. JAS. FRICKER Ilea charge of the Watch Department, which in itself ia a GUARANTEE that the work wil be done in the boat possible manner. Persons 'having PLAIN Watches can have them JEWELLED, either in Ruby, Chrysolite 1 Garnet or Aquamarine. MR. INGMIRE, Who is too woll known to noed any recommen dation from me, has charge of the Repairing of Jewelry, Diamond Betting, Engraving, Ac. Oot 20- tf Bun copy. EDWIN B. OVERALL, PROPRIETOR OF THE Merchants’ Exchange, NEWS ROOMS, Corner St. Charles St. and C minimal Flu*, NEW ORLEANS, LA. doo 15 tf HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! J. ENNIS &-CO., ARB AT THEIR OLD STAND, 95 and 97 Broad Street, Where they hare ia store end to arrivo a fine stock of HARDWARE, and such goods as are in their libo, which they offer to everybody at as low prices as can be afforded. We respectfully return our thanks to our old customers and friendB who have bestowed on us their patronage, and we hope by pursuing the sumo courso which wo have through the past to rocieve your trado. Wo respectfully in vite everybody trading to Columbus to give us call, OUR TERMS ARE CASH. nov29if J. ENNIS & co. H AVE on hand Plantation Iron, all bites, nov 2*J tf J. ENNIS & CO. on hand CARRIAGE MATI r 29 tf- t J. ENNIS & CO. H AVE on hand CARPENTERS’ TOOLS, nov LV tf J. ENNIS & CO. I AVE on hand BLACKSMITHS’TOOLS. nor 29 tf J. ENNIS & CO. JJAVE on hand BUILDING HARDWARE. jf ENNIS & CO^ BLAIR & GENNETT, WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 1S«, VfKUT HIDK DllOAD ST. A LWAYS ON HAND a full and oomidete A Slock Dry Good,, Groeerie,, Cutlery, Hardware. Tinware. Gleaaware, Crockery, Boou, Shoe., Hate, Domestic and Foreign Liquors, Wince, Ac., 2000 lbe I C Tin Waro, which ean be had at lowelt market price.— Wholeealo or Retail. No difficulty in havinx your mouoy elianged. au*21-tf SIGHT EXCHAGE oisr isnrcw york FOR SALE, IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. JOHN KIND, Jan 2 3m Banker. CRANE & CO., ESTABLISKD IN 1780. T. MACKENZIE & SONS, NO. MAX BATIHOKB KTIlKBT, (NEAR CHARLES.) BALTIMORE, MD., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN COACH, WAGON AND SADDLE HARDWARE AND HARNESS MATERIALS, FELL0E3, SPOKES. HUBS. BOWS. SHAFTS, AXLES, SPRINGS, ENAMELED AND PATENT CANVAS ENAMELED DASH AND COLLAR I, B A T XX m H , COACH VARNISH. JAPAN AND LEATH ER VARNISH. BENZOIN E, Harney Oil Blackiug, Axle Urease, Carriage Bolls, Bands, Oil Cloth, Buckles, Terrete, Hook*--, Bltts, Ornnmonts, Humes, Laoe, Fringes, Ac., ul! at tho lowest price, FOR CASH. Nov 9 w6m en 1 in^ v m- n ho I • Tail’* Edinburg Magazine thus de- icribofl a certain ichool of pietj: Our political and parliamentary Chris tianity ia a Christianity that wagoa fierce war against poor men's hot Sunday din ners, and Sunday walks in green fields, and Sunday excursions by steamboat and era4 of S?L° n ^Judgments and de- missioner for each ot said district*, who and Sunday excursions cty iitoamooat anu OniLr* ,0Ver *l Courts of this State. shall give liko bonds and receive the same railway, and Sunday lo . motion ika . | sunn k 1 ' w . . c ikau.m*itniiai I rtiofuPA vikllaries and zoological gardens— 1 s^issssws? aKrtS* stfria: I “J until Friday n*xt, Alio idSL' "'d'-'ri'd to be printed, deed*.' moriii ely “2. lhe bl11 10 r ®6 uir « I ,ll « oUro!?*? 08 ', * c ’>. for ll *e convey- erred In. ^ er 10 "h >*> writing. Uon- :m iJC,h*,? 1 a”^I* 1 en l 10 U> 8 bill to in« trereineni r ^ ,ll b*ma Minin* and Im- ■'Ih w" were P, 7’ Th <> amendment Hr KniT >’»«red. ( ' ,r I*Uornmiui^ llwot# v, from the.Tudi- I 'b* till tu b 6 i '•'Ported advurrciy on gt,appro,ej'a ]® 1 an »cl to amend an *«» Jed i;i“. b,u * rT 2,1839, author- ek «mlor < a.7i .u 10 cul or Blotrtla a now oil trough Ika ihool or r*cf between n lruct * l "J inland naviga- I in th. p u P bln Island and Cedar Tki fnuh'. T'J.yf Mobile. *" Pmtponad d * a rMlo » ‘be hill **4,the, ll _ un ‘'] Saturday next, and Mr. aVlCm »' ord * r for IO- 1 - U. rem,r,!ii rj ’ ,rom lh " »»ma «om- ^'kirelif. 10 &m enduient to th* e.ruL '““enc* of ch.n*. bill, *•« bill ^Thmfl.nce.. Concurred ‘toluol USrcuuj' l rf * bil1 lo '“ere*,* I hi ■ '-a'cuii J ud**g and Chancellor., prescribed by this and tho act to which ] again [ n h \^dT i c?e^ro n n d o n rt n hri.Vot!d* b nr^.:c: y d i xx sir zw vs™ ««. the army, in ithout in. the litl of prohibita. It i« never ao w.’.l ploaaed as when it is restricting some- bod.- from doin* or enjoying somethin*. That* *re mnn who woo d not, if they could help it. I«t poor people do the very thin* that Jesus Ohr.et him.olf Jid- walk through tuu fi-id* on the Sabbath day. It ir an obstioative and tearing, a frivolous and vexatious ■ • u ii a meddling, buaybodied Chris tienity, ebout trifles or things indifferent and politely dumb in view of evils whloh it ought to donounco with a voice of thu v d#r ’ The Philadelphia Inquiror lay, that * large number of eleepimr cars aro being manufactured in that city for the boutboro Trananortalion Company, which are to * -» —•— yr, railroad, os soon si are tilled up in elegant l.tricl may employ ‘"'j I po..eu every eonvnnience. Two the I ret olee*. And the .F^dan^ofth* sty , urr | V ml in Richmond forth. I:nranS'^mmf«iin # .r W .*h r alK I Wilmington and Weldon rad,ond. assigned to duty shall serve crease of pay or allowances. . 8tc 2. That the Commissioner,with the approval of the President, shall divide each du-lrict into a numbur of sub diitricta, not to exceed lh* number of counties or parishes ill each State, and shall aiaign W each sub dirlrictal least ono agent, either a citizen, officer of the army, or en| istad man, who, if an officer, ahall without additional compeuiation or allowance; end if a cilinen or collated m*n«hallr*. ceiv* a .alary not exceeding 1,600 doller. per annum; and such agent •hall, before enli ring on the duties of bla office, tske ths oath prescribed in the first section of the act to which this ia an amendment. Each Asaiaunt Commimloner ■» •mploy not exceoding'fix cTerkV one of thelhird olaai Trah^ortwlion t-om, ."aub^dis liict* m™y "imploy^two *<darka of | Spmpl.ted_Th.yar "Impori [ )R. C1IEE Important to Females. cheesemTn’s pills. The combination of imrredient* io the«e Pills ie the roeult of a Iona and extensive prac tice. They are mild in their operation,.and caunot do harm to the most del.icate, certain in correcting all irregularities Painful Menstrua tions removing all obstruction!), whether from eold or otherwue, headache, paiu in the side, palpitation of tho heurt, whites, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs. Jcc.. disturbed sloep, which arises from interruption of nature, Ur. iheeseiuan’8 Pills was the commencement of a now era it. - treatment of irregularities aud obstructions which have consigned so many to a premature grave. No female ean enjoy good health uoleM "he !s rogular. and whenever an obatruotion takes place the general hoalth beginstodecline. These Pills form /inert pr'pmraium ever put for ward with muKDiATR and prRRISteut bugorhs. DON’T BE DE0E1VED. Take this adver- ti*ement to your Druggist, and tell him that you you want the BEST ana most RELIABLE VsHalk msdwim: in tub world. which is oompi ised in these Pills. Dr. Chfesnuan’s Pills have b. en a Standard Remedy f >r over thirty years, and nre the most ctloetual oue ever known for all couiplaiuts peculiar to Females. To all cl tunes thoy are invaluable, %nduci»o, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are knowu to tu<«saud*. who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, hav ing tne sanction oi some of the most eminent Physicians in America. ...... Explicit >li r eoiions, stating when they should not bo used, witu each Uox-tho price Onepol- lar per Box, or 6 boxes for #5. containing from 60 to 6J Pills. Pills P«t»t py »*‘l. promptly, secure from observation, by remitting to the Proprietor). M D«y i fioM in Columbux by C Jan 13 eodiim EAGLE GROCERY STORE, No* HH Rroad Street, COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, B (VE IN STORK and are receiving a fine Stock of FANCY AND FAMILY GKO IKS. which they aro selling af low na cut be bought in this market at wlu lesalu or ut re Our’stook comprises the following artioles: Flour, different brundaTlt '* *'' No. 1 Mackerel, bbl«. C ' No. 2 “ iCruslied No. 1 " in kits, Pulvoriaetl '* No. 2 '* “ Granulated No. 1 moss do. do. Pickles, Herrings in boxes, tomato Catsup Star Candles, Ga, Adamantine do. 6s. Tallow do. do., Turpentlue Soap, Harbit’a '* Colgate's Paris Kasin’s Gorman Casteol Barber's fancy Soap. Toilet Soap, in groat Preston variety. Rio Coffoo, Oolong Tea, Black Tea, J. M. Tea, 'March, G. P. Tea, T. H. Tea, Blueing, N.O. Sugar, Copperas. A Coffee Sugar. . Snuff and Tobacco. Flour and large paokagos delivered in Hie city free of charge. # CRANE A C dec 87—ltn_ Sun copy. ” A. W. PERSONS, ATTORNEY AT LAW j Pepper Sauce, Worcestershire Sauce, ..Mustard, iPitjo Apples, Jellies, assorted, (peaches in cans, •Cove Oystors, (Sardines, M. It. Raisins, Layer do. and 'A boxes do. ston A Meroll’a Yeast Powders, Biscuit Soda, in p’kgs and ) j bbls., Macaroni, M. R. BELL & CO., (Formerly Bxll, Mookx 1 Co.,) WHOLESALE GROGiRS, COMMISSION And- Forwarding Merchants.. MARIETTA STREET, ATLANTA, - - - GEORGIA. Consignments are solicited, which will ra- ccivo our bost personal atvontion, aud the For warding business carefully and nromptiy dona. REFERENCES: Messrs. 8. R. McCaiuy A Co Atlanta. Silvoy Sc Dougherty, do. John W. Duncan, Ksq., do. .Messrs. Horton Sc Walton Augusta, Gn '* Dunn Sc Mangbain Macon, Gu " J. W. Fears A Co., do. " Robert Habersham Sc Sous, Savannah. “ Erwin Sc Hardee. do. " Leo Sc Norton Montgomery, Ala A. I. Roach A Co Memphis, Teun Marcus J. Wright, Kao., ' laFsintralc A Snyder, . II. Baldwin A Co., do. Mentire. Mansingale Sc t: " D. II deo 2—8m P. P. Pease 4; Co P. P. Pease, ,8cott’s Uanoe, 3d 8t. No. 1 7 Alnbmun at, Bet. Cherry A Mulborry- AT L A NT A, GA.i MACON, GA. COTTON FACTORS, -AND- Forwarding and Commission MERCHAISTTS. J. ENNIS & CO. .. . E on ban and OILS. J. ENNIS & CO. I AVE on hand HOLLOW WAKE and PASTINGS. nov 2tnt_ J. ENNIS & CO. RE solo agon’s for Howe’s, Rail Road, Por- __i. naut. Platform and Counter trains >N ur- .anted equal to any other make, which we sell at manufacturer's prices. nov 29 U J. ENNIS & co. S ELL Upright and Ciroular Mill Saws. AIho. Cross Cut Saws. Mill Rock, Bolling Cloths, Wire for Screens, POT ffl « I F YOU WANT Pocket and Table Cutlery, Soissors nnd Shoara, heather Dusters, (Jims, Pistols, Shot. Powder, Cans. Platod Spnuns aud Forks ; in fact, anything in the Hardware .ino, ' " J. ENNIS & CO. Columbus, Ga., November 29,18(v tf Sup copy. UNITED SMS H0T[L LOUISVILLE, KY. Centrally located nnd tho nearest Hotel to all publio offices, places of public amuse ment nnd churches of the city. .STOCKTON & CO., PROPRIETORS. JOHN T. COX, (Lat. Uol, 0. S. A0 Chief Clerk. decgl tf Two Agricultural Papers fir 92.SO The Southern Cultivator, I). REDMOND A WM. N. WHITE. Editors ESTABLISHED IN .18(31 Volume 24 Commences January, 18tki! MoAlily. at Six Copies toi By special arrangement with the "MARY LAND FARMER, another excellent Rural Monthly, published in Baltimore at II.o0, both papers will be sont ono year for 8300—six ol each for $10-10 of each for $25-givin«: each sub scriber in this ease, both papers for $2.«M Address, WM. N \N HITh#, Jan. ii—3tain3m Athens, Ga. JIJEM-'MCJIXCJV'CX.S r James M. Beebe, Boston, Mass; D. Rodney Philadoljibia, Pa; Wm. firyco Sc Co., ioik; R. M. Bishop Sc Co., Ciuciunali, Ohio; McDaniel Sc Irby. Lynchburg. Vn; Kr- «k llardee, Savannuli, Ga; Guthrio Sc Co,. .. idviile.ivy; Ward. Sbaiv A Co-, Montgom ery, Ala; Si. h, Wobb Sc Co., Mobile, Ala; Mns- sengalo <k bnyder, Nashville; Wm. J. Taylor, Orleans. dec 2 3m r. M 1 tl COLUMBUS, GA. and 8. W.ll. K. Also, the counties of Macon, Russell and Barbour, in Alabama. \\ ill give prompt attention to all business in the military °°I am prepared to reduce to shape all claims against the Government, to bo finally managed by a distinguished legal firm at the capital. at s THE GEM RESTAURANT, (UNDER T. 8. SPBAIl’S.) Is now prepared to fur- nish ut snort notice, at any hour. Day or Night, nil tho delicacies of the season—such as OYSTERS; GAME, of all kinds ; FOWLS, FISH, Sco. Connected with the establishment is a fi BAR—at which tho purost and finest Liquors and Wines may bo had. WALTER STEWART, dec 1 tf J. J. KEENAN. H0RBACH S HOTEL, Late ’’PERRY HOUSE,” Columbus, Georgia. T HIS House having been repaired.refurnish ed and refitted, in all respeoU. as a .Viral Class Hotel, is now opon for the reoaptiou ot guests. llORBALU Sc KERR, doc 31, UM. tf Proprletoi INSURANCE NOTICE. T HE ATLANTIC FIRE INSURANCE CO. ol Brooklyn Now York, i« nropurod t- take Fir. Risk, upou Cotton »nJ otlior inrura- bl. t>ro|jorty in this city and vicinity. COMPANY CHARTERED FEB. 20, 1S51. CASH CAPITAL, 8300,000 ! ASSETTS JULY, 1864. *41(.829.71. JOHN D. COCKS, Pro CITY FOUNDHY. subscribers would rospectfully inform their friends and the public generally, thut they have REBUILT their FOUNDRY, and arc now prepared to do any kind of CASTINGS of Brass or Iron: such as Sugar Mills of tho most IMPROVED PATTERN, and any size : which we will WARRANT to STAND: SYRUP KElTLKa, BARK MILLS, GIN GEARING, ami any Kind of mill work. We will make any kind of Machinery to or der; such as bAW-MlLL.S. GKitiT MILLS, and in lact any thing in our line. 4W* In connection with our business, we have secured tho services ot ono of the best PAT TERN MAKERS in the Country. We are also making a large assortment. HOLLOW-WAKE; such ns POTS, OVEN’S. SKILLETS. SPIDERS and LIDS. \\ e will exchange any thing in our line for any kind ot Country Produce, at old PRICES • MONEY. Orders respectfully solioited and promptly executed. PORTER. McILHENNY Sc CO.. Near Steamboat Landing, MnvIP 1865.—tf Colon bus. Ga 1 PHOENIX FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. IK undersigned bog leave to inform their liicnas and the publio generally, that they have built a first class Foundry and Macbinu Shop on Oglethorpe street, between Frankliu and Bridge streets, and arq prepured to do anything in their line of business. We will make any kind ef Machinery to order; such as SUGAR MILLS ot any size, with wrought or cast iron shafts, from 14 inches to 18 inches di ameter; also KETTLES from 20 to 100 gallons, ami all the intermediate sites. We will make bAW-MILLS and MILL WORK ol Brass or iron, and all kinds ul S. HOLLOW-WAKE. PLOUGHS, IKON RAILING, and anything the publio may desire made ol brass or iron. All kinds ol MACHINERY ropairod with neatness and iu8putob. In connection with our business, we have se cured the services of a first class froedman, who will take great pleasure in hauling all Casting made at our Woks to the different depots, steaiu - boat landings, or auywhero in the city, free of ,lll “ rg “' L. HAIM AN A CO. P. S. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange tor work, on liberal terms, a tig 1ft—tf la. H. A CO. C. G. HOLMES & SON, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MEllOHANTB, APALACHICOLA, - - FLA. 0. G. Huluks, C tl a tt I. K8 T. Hot.uaa jdeo 21 3m LIVERY AND SALE ST ABLE. TI1K Undersigned is now preparoduto supply ,tbe public with CARRIAGES,HORSES and everything in tho Liverv Business. Also for 1* UN KRALS- he is prepared to furnish a FINE HKAKhE, iit short notice. Horses lakcu on Hoard aud Sale and every attention paid to them. A. UAMMKUi. Columbus. Oct. 13-tf . M> IMPOSITION 1 Direct Importation of Habana Cigars. ON DUES I'llINClPK, of Wallen; Londres lntiinidad lire vat lngonuidad Londres Sculupio; Conchas el Viajero do iuia ; Wholesale and retail by 11. DIRANi Corner Randolph and Broad streots. Wood! Wood! Okkigr Mobil* axd Girard R. R. >ARTIES wishing Oak and Hickory nnd Heart Pino Wood by the car load can bo application to 1 supplied up oct 21-tf J. M. FRAZER, Treasurer. GOLD PENS. rpHK FINEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT I .f Gold FENS. Call and trx,h.m A . i t >8 Oet 20 tf Sun copy. Hall, Moses & Co. JJAVE JUST RECEIVED A lot of fine Double Barrel Guns, White Lead, Zinc, Colors m Oil, Fine Kerosin*. Nails. and many other articles much needed in the Hardware liae. dee 27 tf 8un copy. Metallic Burial Cases OASKBTB, vir K. B» Jon UK HORATIO DORR. S.c’y. S. H. HILL, Axont, Jim 10 2tn Onlumnu., Oit. Ail Concerned Take Notice. )R the ensuing muuicipal year, for the eon - venicuce of the public, 1 will undcrtiike to furnish Collins. Hoarse, Carriages, and wall up graves, if called on. The Comas. Hearse and Carriages will be furnished at cost. Graves bricked at less than present ch trgos. I will also keep burying lots iu complete order 1 b vo mado all arrungemonts to do all puinting and brick work at shortest notice. When work is completed the money will be required uriles.- ■ special arrangements nre mad J. P*. MURRAY, dee 21 1m R. T. SIMONS. Sexton. Notice. Treasurer’s Office, COLUMBUS. GA.. Dev. 3D. 186 Reduotion in Prices of Wood. O N and afterdate, this Company will furnish Oak and Pine Wood by the Car load <>f five (fi) Cords, at twentyflvs l$2fi) dollars per car. Own furnish any amount desired. J. M. BIVINS, Treasurer. dec*# tf 4tt llroatl Street) Columbus, UenrgI*. Maker aud Dealor in GuuSi all kinds of gun material and ARTICLES IN THE SPORTING LINE. Restocking and Repairing done with noatneJt ami dispatch. POWDER AND SHOT FOR SALK. Ke>s fitted aud Looks Repaired. e< pi vi-tf Public Sale. 1 WILL SELL on iuv Plantation, iu Chatta* I hooubae county, near Pine Knot Springs,^on the last Wed per day in January..Hist inst.. lot of Slock ID gs, which will he n nu» tor slaughtering next fall, about thirty Head Goats. ! also a few fine Brood Mi oil the place. You who - . feed the plowman would di I Terms —Long ciodlt with two i curitira *- J an 23 1 w ft