Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 03, 1866, Image 2

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From tlio Macon Telegraph. (.'KOlltilA LbGIsLATt'KE, JOHN II. MAim.V COLUMBUS: Saturday Morning, Feb. 3, 1866. THE COI ION TAX. Wa admonished our ri>adi'r», weeks ago, of the probability o! the imposition of a heavy tax on cotton of the growth of thi* yoar. It appears that the “United States Kovenue CnuiiniaAioners” have iecontmended a tax of five cents per pound, which is hair the lax proposed n month or two ago by one of the depart ments. It is still an enormously high tax, and the strong probability is that H wil| meet the favor of both branches of Con gress. It is not yet too late for planters to limit the crop of this year to such an amount that they will bo able to pay the tax. Can any of them afford to pay it when cotton commands only ten cents per pound? and is there any good reason to hope that it will bring nioro than ti n cents per pound, if a crop of 2 £00,000 or 3.000,000 of halos is raised ? Of course no one wil be decoived by the rrcommenda- iion that tho tax ho paid by the manufac turer or by the shipper. If ours were the only cotton-produoing region of the world, we might perhaps calculate that the tax would bo paid in tho first place by tho manufacturer, and eventually by tho con sumers of cotton goods. But our {South ern Statos have to compete with tho other cotton-producing countries of tho world lor tho supply of tho European manufac turing districts, and all that is needed to enable them to supply the British and other foreign manufacturers Is a high price for cotton hero. They cannot suc cessfully compete with us if cotton from these Stales is delivered in Liverpool at tho prices current before the war; but whenever tho price here.largely exceeds the ante-war rates, not only will increased production be stimulated in the other cot- ton-producing regions, but largely in creased exportation will be made from countries tbaUtl ways produce a great dea] of cotton, birFonly export it when scarcity or high price enables them to do so profit ably. Wo have soon that tho HritUh estimates count on a supply from other cotton growing countries than tho United States of some 2 300,000 bales for this yoar, and assume that with only 000,000 bales from this country they will bo able to obtain the full yearly average *>f slock. Is il to he supposed, under those circumstances, that the tax of five eeuts per pound on American cotton will come out of tho pockets of tho British manufacturers?— And is it any moro reasonable to suppose that the domestic manufacturers will pay the tax when they have in this country a cotton crop doubling or trebling the work ing capacity of their mills? Tho additional provision that a lux of five cents per pound bo also imposed on all manufactured cotton goods, is too shal low to mislead any reasoning man. Sura- ly no one believes that the manufacturers, being thus assured of an incrcaso of five cents per pound in tho vnluo of their fab rics, will therefore give flvo cents per pound more for cotton? Tho‘.provision will "protect” home manufacturers to tho extent of absolute prohibition of the im portation of foreign goods. But the tax will at the same time work ns a prohibi tion of the exportation of notion to Groat Britain, and thus secure to the home mar. ufacturer the whole cotton crop of the country at prices such as the enormous excess of production over demand will enahlo him to dictate. If the intention had really been to make the manufacturer pay the tax in the first place and the con sumer of cotton fabrics afterwards, the proper way would have been to impose a tax of five cents per pound on all cotton goods manufactured in tho country, not on all imported. We repeat the warning to planters which we have already given so often that wo foar somo may think it officious, via: that the true policy ol tho people of the South is to raise this year, in the first place, everything needed for homo sumption, and then to dovolo only the surplus labor to the cultivation of colt* Let them consider tho problem whether it is better to raiso cotton at five cents per pound, clear of tho tax, to tho neglect of provisions and stock (the probable -esull of a large crop), or to produco first every thing olse needed and then raise only »n much cotton that the consumer must pay tho tax when be buys the cotton goods. IIim.icdoktili.iv Feb. 1, 180$. BKKATK. . Tho Senate met at l6 <*’clock m. Fneyer by Kpv. Mr. Yarborough, of the Methodist Church. Mr. l*ntterson introduced a hill to au- thorize the Inferior Court of Camden county to regulate and proscribe tlio rates if b rryago in said county. Mr. Carter, a bill to amend the laws regula'ing tho administration of the es tates of deceased norsons in certain cases therein mentioned. A message was received from his Ex cellency, transmitting the report of the Superintendent of the Western & Atlan tic Railroad. On motion of Mr. Butler, one hundred copies of the me*?age and rdperl ttoropf- dored to he printed. • . Tbo unfinished business, being the home-lead bill, was taken up and discuss ed at length. The stlbatituto, ’ providing for the exemption of $4,000 worth of property for every debtor, wga put on its pisflago and Tort, by h vote of 10 to 22. Tun original bill, as introduced by Mr. Sirozior, was then taken up. Mr. Gibson moved a proviso, that the homes exempted from levy and sale should not exceed $4,()00 in vuluo. Mr. Gresham moved to strike out of M Gibson’s amendment $4,(.00 and insert $2,600. On motion of Mr. Bedding, tho ques tion was divided, and the vote taken first on striking out, which was carried. Gresham moved to fil! the blank with $2600, Mr. Gibson moved $3600, Mr. Car ter moved $3000. The motion to fill the blank with $2500 prevailed Tbo hill was then passed. Tho provi sions of the bill as parsed are tho same as tho«e contained in the originial bill of Mr. Sticr.ior, nxcopling that the value of the I heme must not exceed $2600: If worth mote, tho snmo to be sold and the debtor to receive $2600 from tho proceeds—tho balance to go to tho creditor. If tbo homestead contained water or steam ma chinery, it should bo exempted, provided lho same was not worth more than-$2600. Tho bill docs not procludtthe payment of taxes. The Senate adjourned. HO UttJC. Tho Uouro met. Mr. Pottle, of Warren, moved to ro- consider tho action of the House on yes terday on a bill referring to mischievous d< at. Lost. Mr. Brock, of Habersham, moved to reconsider tho actiofi of the Iloufeon yos- Lcrday on a bill altering tho timo for hold ing certain electors. Tho nmtiun pretailed. BY TELEGRAPH. KlttW EUROPE. LATE Halifax. F li. 1.—The iinamthip Af-, rice ha? arrived 'li»*rti with Liverpool ad- vices to the 21-t .Hntinry. Cotton opened Id. lower, but during the week rallied and recovered the* decline on Middlings. Bales of tho week, 67.(XX) bales. Sales of Friday, 10,000 bales, the market closing firm. - ' Consols were quoted at 871. Fivc- twer.ties f>GJafiO. Latest. —Sales of cotton on Saturday, 10,000 bales; prices imchanged. Tho Paris Pres* nsgehs that Napoleon ha? sent n messenger to Mexico to arrange for the speedy re'urn of the French troops. LOUISIANA AND TEXAS NEWS* Affair* lu Mexico. Private information, says the Nashville LBanncr, J'recojTjcd u| New Orleans, from tLaMiyW Mexico, from a reliable todrce, 1$ *#dhe xffocl that tho French troops will not Am Withdraw* unlit MttiftfmiUHti bo free from AwiericnfftnterventiOTi. On tho j other band, Maximilliuti ceitainly will not give any position in tbe Mexican army to any ex-Confederate commander. Tho commander of the French fleet at IinTriad, in the name of hit 'Governmerit, protested against tbe occupation of the Hkw Oulbakh, Fob. 1.—The Louisi- /Co am* iL’iJM Judiciary- TJoinm hnvfj rf - s._j otJ pigrif orbilltlhuti ppnea ad ing to a slay I Got. Hamilton 1 has appointed Mr. Al exander Attorney General of Texas. A National Bank, with a capital of a million dollar*, will start dieroGshorHy* Lite Galvoston dates state that Ortega is at San Antonin, and that ho publishes a protest, as President of tho Supremo Court of the Republic of Mexico, against tho decrees of Juarez aimed at him in No vember lull. Tho Galveston and Houston papers con tradict the repoitof tho President's bro ther having died from tho surgeons’ neg lect of his accidental wound. All tho delegates to the Texas Conven tion endorse thb policy of tho President. Gov. Hamilton said he more accorded with tho Radicals than ho did with tho President. been sent over for the protection of £ kwp and of American interests were [fbdrawn.. Many families wprp fencing alamoras, fearful of further lawlessness. A letter from San Francisco, dated D- PtffflbGh 28th, says that one of Muximil- iUtft'S'OttpHttisaa’nvriL hocked by on orrpod iDeoe.Hlv airfved’Tu La Viz, " Oaliim nja, and compelUd U Ex-Governor Stewart, says a telegram fro in St. JoseolL Mo., fujl « nlho ice re- cenjif arid f NffiluruA hifcdegf *n»i'*rom hteWier iLtlfflBtiaMSt if-foubtfulhe f , | :-, i ; ** TierreLicrofx, a Montreal contractor, is about to apply for a patent for a water locomotive, which, it is said, will bo able to sail at the rate of fifty or sixty miles pur huu,r, ,, 4 v (.n > • >f > ***< *4 >fuMMif0rrtjKaad $timpblUrd tue fPaionvff ibe^Gifverncr and Legislature that Slate to imperial authority, but revolution wateoon r»|?ed, which placed in power it'nrfW Governor, and other otli cc r? adhering to the cause of Presi dent Juraz, and imprisoned the Imperial Commissioner and the old Governor, but they subsequently ma le their escape. ini tku States of ’ 6ot| Jri*. alii GiioPruM) tb€ Imperial let aVe coAWifltl re* spectivoly to the ports of Viezatlan, Guay- mas and Acapulco, and do not dare to vontnrto outside these towns. Thpy are completely h cm mod in, and oven ‘these places would have to be given up but for the protection given them by tho French war vessels in the harbor. Tho nmtiun profaned. Sir. ICTobce moved to roconsider tbe ac tion of the House on tho. bill to create a new .ludititil Circuit. Lost. Mr. ltidloy, of Troup, introduced u bill to prevent persons from enticing away la borers from their employers. Mr. Pottle introduced a resolution to have printed 250 copies of tho list of mem bers of tho House with their post office. 0 . Agreed to. A scat on tbe floor of tbe House win tendered Bov. Dr. Tucker, of Atlanta. From Washington- Belief that Jefferson l)nvis is to be imme diately 'JYied by a Military Commission — 'JVial of Semjnes—Political vnd other Matters. New York, Jan. 30—Tbo Tribune’s Washington special says: Rumors, with more than ordinary foun dation for sensation reports, are life that JolForson Davis is to be speedily brought to trial before a military commission. The gathering of Major Generals, il is raid, is with reference to the trial, which is to be made imposing with distinguished names. The Generals are here ostensibly to con sult upon military mailers, but really, if we may believe the reports, to organi/.o a court for the trial of the head of the lute rebellious Cdnfedoracy. General Shorm&n entered tho House of Representatives yesterday while Mr. Ray mond was speaking, and whs introduced by his brother. The House took a recess for a few minutes for the purpose of giv- A North Carolina CoKQRKoaiian.— Hon. Bedford Brc /n, of North Carolina, ha* yielded his certificate of election to IRRIVAi OF HEW GOODS I £ AT " ' ... No. 125 Broad Street. W. W. Flxwicllhh. ho being eat: election return? elec’ed Hanes. (1.1 THOMAS & 00. are in receipt of another lot of Iheit.. -S P I* E N DID The Biggest Thing in the Shape OF A "• >•' WATERFALL - IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, Is down on the river near tho Palace Mill*, But the Biggest Thing In the (halts of» PEKNCI1 BLACK CLOTHS; BLUE AND BLACK BEAVER CLOTHS: BLACK VELVET VESTINGS. SHOE STORE The Career of a Female Bobber Mexico* A woman, named Feliciana Vogas, was *entandn(Fto death at Talpa. The Mexi can Times, edited by ox-Guvornor Allen, of Louisiana, says : Tuu uaiyoer of crime which at last leads this wopi a a to the scaffold \n so extraordi? nary as to excite the attention of the en tire proas ol this city. Bhe Was tbo mis tro.-s ef Gonzalez, a confectioner, and soon after tho arrival of a detachment of Fronch troops at Jalaptt, in conjunction with him, mixed poison in tbe l »od of tbe soldiers, and killed ten ol them. Gonzalez was soon alter arrested, tried a’id executed for the crime. FeliciahH, suanecling who had denounced Gonzalez to tuu authorities, dressed h rself in men’s clothe?, enticed him beyond tho limits of ing tho members mn opportunity towel- •u guest. Tho roport of the committee on tho ubject of I subject of the PonilhiiLiary wus made tho order of the day for Tuesday next. A message was received from his Ex cellency on tbo subject of the Western and Atlantic Railroad. The same was taken up and road, and referred to the Committee on Finance, with instructions to report a bill to carry out the reconi- munuulions of tho Governor. HILLS ON THIRD JIKADINU. Bill to alter section 2827 of the Code in relation to tho oath of grand jurors. Lost. Bill to alter sections 4506 and 4607 of the Code. Passed. * Bill to authorize Inferior Court of Hab ersham county to buy and collect tax for the benefit of crippled soldiers and wid ows and orphans of deceased soldiers. Laid on tho table. Bill to allow Artemiclll A. E. Jones, of Bibb coutry, to receive and receipt for i fetnmi me the distinguished guest. Speaker Colfax introduced him to the House, and the General received a most flattering re- c< ptioii, for which ho returned bis thanks in a f« w simple and very appropriate re marks. He then took a seat by tho side of Mr. Binghnm, of Ohio, and soon tbe payor of th«.JEU»u*a crowded around fitm for the purpose of obtaining bis auto graph. }) Secretary Reward and son were at their posts at tbe State Department ym-terday. Generals Meade and Merritt have ariiv- d here, and Generate • Sheridan, lie forced him to knool at her feet, an opened her bosoru, exposed her sex, and claimed to be the bettor man of the two. This oriine she confessed at the time of her trial, it being unknown previously. It would take up too much space to lull tho many crimes which have been coin- milled by this woman, and wo pa*s to tbe In *t, end the one tor which she has been condemned—which was the robbery of four thousand dollars in gold and tho jewelry of-Mr. Acosta, on the night of tho 16 h of August last. This family had re* ccntly moved in the house, and Felicianu wa* employed as a domestic. Public curiosity was much excited to sec Fcliciaua, and the court room and the streets wore crowded with people. She wus cool and collected, and declined to down when brought before the court, -is- PIKE & ROBINSON’S, 13H BtlOAD *T., WHERE THEY KEEP A PULL ASSORT MENT OF ALL KINDS OK Boots, Shoes, Leather and Shoe Findings, WHICH THEY WILL SELL AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. AT PRICKS THAT DEFY COMPETITION. Fob 3 tf i To Shoe Makers WORKERS OF SHOE STOCK PIKE & ROBINSON, bln ruuotion, fXcop't tho occtitiJknal quiv er and Fisk uro expected, and-the •tlinv* Invt 0 f the lips in answer to a question. Her will appear before tho Recon-tructioii Committee. Thu Times’ Washington apecial suts • The story that tho President had signified hi? intention to appoint, "a Provisional Governor of Georgia is unfounded. The Tribune’s Washington rpenial?ays: Invrptigatfons recently made by the Com missioner of customs relative to smug gling on tho Canadian border, have ex- hioitlcd thq fact that tho hostile Indians of Minnesota and Dakotah have fiir u long time past been supp ied wild rifles of the Enfield pattern, by English sinuirglers. Tho World’s special Washington dis patch says: Tho. trial of Seuimos will be gin tbo latter purt of this work or tho first of next. property as though she wore a sole. Patted. Bill to incorporate the town of Weston, W ebster county. Passed. Bill to change tho lino of Upson and Crawford counttos. Passed. Bill to legalize tho marriage of first cousins. Parsed. Tho use ot the hall was granted Major W. T. W. Napier, to deliver an address to-night. House adjourned. The liiKurrectloti In Spain—General Piim*n Addreaa to Ilia SolilterN. Mru* Jrfl'ciaon Davis. Editors Southern Recorder and Federal Union: The ladio*of Millodgovillo and vicinity have formed an association, having tor its object the raising of a fund for tho pur pose of securing to Mrs. Jefferson Davis hor children a permanent provision. io(l is, that each lady New York, Jan. 28, 1800. The Paris letters contain-tbo following proclamation of Unn. Prim : Soldiers: Wo have arrived nl tho torri hie moment in which revolution is the op-, lv recourse of the nation and tho main duty of honorable mon. 1 am at tho head of a considerable military flftreo, and a great number of armed countrymen hasten on all fddea to fight under n y orders for the catiso of freedom and fatherland. My binner is the last manifesto of the Cen tral Committee. With it in my hands I will fig ht with my wonted valor against was low and perfectly intolligibl Upon being asked if she knew with what oflVuup she was charged *h«» replied: "I suppose for that on the table.” On tlio table wui the sol on jewelry. On being asked'flow shocainuby it, she replied that Florp* had given it to her. "AVitfi what object dki ha-givo it to you?" was asked. Ml o answered hat she might keep silent h* to various crimes which she knew had been committed by him. The Court sentenced her to die, and sho listened Vo the Eonlouco without the slightest orno tioH. Important to Ootton Shippers. iNT’8 OFFICII, 1 ■HAD Gompamt. > . (Ja., Jab. 31,1866.) tlio government which dishonors up abroad VI 1 l he last Atlanta Few Fra received contains the salutatory article of W. L. Scruggs, Esq., late <f this city, who has purchased the intorcstof Mr. Phillips and is now Htsoeialod with Mr. Prather in tho proprietorship and editorial management of the paper. Mr. Scruggs promises that tho paper will continue to support the policy of President Johnson. He is a vigorous and ready writer, and will add to tho interest of the Few Era, already on excellent paper. Wo congratulate our friend Prather on the acquisition of no accomplished and valuable an associate, and at the samo timo proffer our best wi»hes to tbe able and gentlemanly re tiring editor, Mr. Phillips. The plan propom Georgia, willing to promyte the obj'oct, pay to the Ordinary of tho county of her residence one dollar; that he bo requested to receive tbo sumo aud forward the sum total, with a list of the contributors, to J (did J olios, E-q„ Treasurer of the Stato, at Millodgovillo, by express or other safe conveyance, when, in his opinion, contri butions from his county shall have ceased; and that the Association, so soon a? they may have reason to believe that nil col lections made have boon received by Mr. Jones, will, with his assistance, take measures to place the aggregate in the hunria of Mrs. Davjs, It is not propose<| lo make any excitlqg appeal on a subject Clio mere monlion of which will arouse tho lively interest ot our noble women. The plan is simple, tho agents suggested reliable, and cosily accessible to the ladies. The officers of the Association respect fully requost— 1st. That such newspapers of tho State a? are friendly to the movement give thin card u few insertion?, aud call attention to it editorially. 2d. That ministers of tho gospel, sev orally, rend it once to their respective congregation*. 3d. That the Monators and Representa tives in this General Assembly make some effort to givo information of this proceed ing to the ladies of their counties. Prompt action by the ladle*, and by tho parlies whose kind aid is iuvokod above, is earnestly desired. | The ladies appointed officers of tho As •ocialion have requested mo to pres and ruins us at home to the point ot mak ing us a laughing stock among foreign na tions and bring us to the vergo ol shame ful bankruptcy. (Soldiers who have already fought under my orders, you are rwhVo thnt I have never forsaken you, and that if you rtand by me in this enterprise 1 shall know how to lead you, first showing you the path lo vdffory, and thou remunerating your en deavors. F. Bow-citizens, men of honor, aid iuo to bring to a happy end a political revolu tion which may do away with the neces sity of that social revointion with which wo uro threatened. Spaniards, hurrah f FROM The Mobile Register contains a letter from lion. C. C. Lsngdon, from tyhich we take G&Upwing : y. A prominent radical remarked to Southern man, a few days sinco, "If we could In* assured that your Southern mom ter* would not act with the Democratic party, they would be admitted lo tnor row." And hero is the secret of the whole matte*, it is not principle, it in not the (jonttmition, it is not the good of the coun try, which they are contracting for, but it is party, the preservation of party ascen dancy, tho purnoluation of party power. So long a? tho Southern States can.be kept out of the Union, just so long will power be returned in tlio hands of tbe Republican party, but not one day longi r. Hence thq puny necessity of keeping them out ind ” bo done, if it can be liberty, for tho programme of the (Jeip trai Oo braa.iitee, and for tho Constituent Cortez. (Signed) Juan Prim. finitely ; and this will dona. A? remarked in former letters, the Pre.-ident can defeat their schemes, and 1 trust ho will, ere long. But should we be disappointed in this, we must wait with patience for the )>eople to speak through the ballot box. I am assured that tho people of the North will not sustain the action of th radical Congress; that when the issue shall be fairly presented between the pol icy of the President aud that of the radi cals, the former will be sustained overwhelming majority. Our friends s at the North arc anxious that this issue shall mt that it would result in bo made, confldei the utter defeat and final overthrow of this mischievous and unprincipled Black Re- publican party. MANUtAarUJt^IO $TATIRT108 |N Tit iTiifco-ov ihiu MifcDi.K States. —Th We tuppoee that the order of General Sheridan, at New Orleans, restraining emigrants from leaving this country for Mexico, is intended to break up the filibustering operations of Gen. Crawford andhisabsociates. The New Orloan* True Delta, of a late date, after announcing the arrest of General Crawlord, stated that "the members of his ‘stafl - ’ and others connected with the movement of which ho was the chief, are endeavoring to onlist recruits io New Orleans." Of course, they could only do so, without palpably violating the neutrality laws of thi? country, under tho guise of emigration ; and if the order is intended, as we suppofu it is, to arrest operations of this kind, it i* a timely and commendable one. Mouth American News. Nxw York, Jan. 20 —Tho steamship Mouth American, which left Rio Janiero Jan. 2d, by Bahia, Para and Mt. Thomas, arrived at this port this morning. Among tho p iESOiigera is Gen. Wood, agent of tbe Southerners in the Brazil emigration ou ter nr iso. The wor between Brazil and Paraguay was still go.ng on with vigor. Tho main allied army wero at Inst accounts march ing directly to Pn*sa da Patm, umb r Gen, Castro. Ilia cavalry wore watching ti e Paraguayans, who withdrew nctoM tbe Pannnl. At Pamn General Flores hud formed a junction with Castra’s cav alry, and was about 100 mile? southeast of Passa daPrttrn. About 60.000 troops wero armed at CorrienleiO for tho Brazilian army, besides some cavalry, and more on tbe way. The fleet rema ned before Corrintesc, hr Seen tary of the Interior, in refereuco to resolution of lho House, communicates „ list of tho cities of the United States with tho statistics of their manufneturios, in cluding those having 10.000 inhabitants and upward. It includes one hundred 1 and two cities, beginning with New York | and ending with Nowport, Ky. The to I tal capital employed is $417,123,234; hands employed, mule? 410,930, females 147,000; value ol products $874,934,827. Newlork stands first in the list. Capi tal, $61,212,767; males employed, 06.483; 13M BROAD STREET, [AVKON HAND and will continue to FRENCH CALF 8KIN8, LINING AND BINDING SKINS, SHOE PEGS. SUOK NAILS. SHOE KNIVES, BRISTLES, HAMMERS. AWLS, Ac., Ac.. FURNISHING GOODS. MTION SALES. iyl). P. & E. ELLIS. C Elite, Livingston A Co.) T HIS DAY (Saturday&l)at 1014 oVi our Auction room, we will g*,| 0 M HOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE To include One Sett Cottate Furniture, (new). ALSO. 20 do. VERtfiClLLA, OABTILB 60AP, ANI> L* Cloak., Bool,. Fobs *25o CLOTHING. »J list Iteeeiyed I l-AT- BLACK FBOCK COATS; French beaver sacks; FULL DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS; GENTS' MOKKINU ROBES; ELEGANT LINEN SHIRTS; SPLENDID LOT OF UMBRELLAS; BEAVER OVERCOATS; BEAVER and DOE PANTS; We are prepared to furnish every article usually kept in a FIRST-CLAMS CLOTHING STORK,” —at— PRICKS TO SUIT TUB TIMES* AND OK MATERIAL THE VERY BEST. Nov favour Ut»u> BUY WINTER CLOTH- ING upon tho BEST TERMS, aud do not for get to oall on G. E. THOMAS & CO., 10 Virklaa BUTTER, choioo • 5 Tierce, LARD; ^ , 10 Boxes DEMONS 1 ;' 11 '' 10 Casks BACON SIDES; 20 Bbls. MACKEREL No. 2; 20 Bbls. do. No. 3; 50 BE Is. Pink-eye POTATOES; 10 Bble. TRAIN OIL; 5 Ufads, best Naw Orleana SUO A H; BUCKWHEAT, fcew York Ooidan Syrup; 12 Dos. Worcestershire Sauce; and other Groeeriee in quantitlM to auit p„. chasers. E. BARNARD & CO., 83 and 85 Broad Street, BOOXET't UUILDINU, No. 125 Broad St. Jan. 27 tf - SPRING TRADE. JOHN SHILLIT0 & CO., Are now receiving their Spring Importation? of SAMMI8 Jan SO lw GROCERIES -AND- PROVISION8. \»TR HAVE FOR SALE, IN STORE A\n ” to arrive, ,Rio and Java fo(U« .Green aud liLck lw' .Crushed ai.il Puedered Sugar?, Coflfe do. IPickle?, Preserve?, loney Syrup. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, UPKUINTENDENT’S OFFIOK, Muhcoukr Kaileoad Columbus, TheMuwogeo Railroad Company will give through Bills Lading fer Ceiten te Savannah at $10.50 per bale of 500 Ibe. i fob 31m W. L. CLARK, Sup’t. Storage Room. HAVING shipped a oonsid-] jrabla i»i ?ring tho qIoihj storage room which is perfectly dry. well adapted for tho storage of goods or merchan dise of ary kind. J. It. IVKY i CO. Feb .a tf Wanted to Buy, A DWELLING HOUSE, containing six or eight rooms, with all necessary out-build- , D< ‘ venie nt to huriiness and in a good neighborhood. For which o«U.ill b. Georgia Home Insurance owe*. Feb 3 Ot r i American and Foreign A. 12/ PETI3ST <3-, Floor Oil Cloths, Matting, Ruga, &o. Notioe to Gas Consumers. Notice is heroby given to all persona who are i arrears for sue consumed prior to January 1st, m*. and whose bills hare been presented, if said bills are not paid on or before the 10th Inst., tlnir supply of gas will be out off. fly oider of the Direotors, JNO. MclLUKNNY, Superintendent^ G tB OpFIC*. t ~ ipf Columbus, G»., Feb. 1,1884.' feb 2 lw "Wanted, .. * SITUATION AS GLBRK i> « Dry 0.od. A or Grooory Store, by a young man whq ia acquainted with both br&nebe* of the busineMr Can be employed on reasonable terms, Refun< to Messrs. Gawley A Rook well, D. B. Thompson, Thomas A Co., Bedell A Co. Address G. A. 8., cere Gawley A Rockwell, 137 Broad street, stating salary, Ao. Feb 2 3t* J. W. PEASE, flookseller and Stationer, COLUMBU9, GA. . stock of all the SCHOOL BOOKS their object and^jjlau of uporatiotu, in this \ .^ v » er form, to tho I do so with great pleasure, behoving that il is a simple and otliciont plan, which will recommend it* self to tho ladies of Georgia, who delight in good works without personal notoriety, Cbarlrs J. Jknkins Tux Ngoto Bill.—The New York Timet, edited by Henry .S. Raymond, n leading Republican member of the House of Representatives, thus speaks of one of Sumner's negro bills : "rbsdow" of "coming •vents. It indioalos the character ol future lcgiKlatlon, should the power ro •idsi in such hands. Returning a moment to the queetion ol colored suffrage in the District of Columbia, it is proper to sav I k.l il. im. I 1. a - . . •' Tr* AM.KflKD 1'RlVATKkR MXTKOR. The atearovr Meteor ia .till .(oleiued I>y the Federet euthoritioa at tbia perl await ing the diapoaal or the United Slates Dia- trict Court. The libel filed with Judge Delta by Diatticl Attorney F^iiinaon ia telitruahlo on next Tueiday, ,mt it ia probable that the case will be tried at an ly day. as the vessel ia detained at a ■y heavy expenso to tho owners, who are anxious to hevo tbo ease disposed of a, soon a« posaihlo. They disclaim any intention to make war upon Spanish mtneree, and tho counsel employed ere sily to proceed with tho caso at once. Up to a late hour last evening no further evidences of a contraband nalu-e had been discovered on tho vessel, though il is probable that search will ho made b.v he olBi era to ascertain if there are any rim or munitions of war concealed In easel. The uwn*ra of the veaael hav that its real purpose ia to aignalixe and crown tbe event by tlio election ef a col ored man for Mayor of tbe city of Wash ington. Without Inquiring what chance of auccesi th, scheme has.it is certain that such ia the undeclared purpoa* of thi bill introduced by thi Judiciary CommiltM «t the H >ut* «f RapnaanlaUvae. declined to make any turlher appliciions rising, and it was understood thet when the allied arrived opposite l'asaa Us PAl- larn the floet would co-oucraU end pro tect tlio oroSBlng of troops at that fi.rd Tin Pareguayiads w ri\ however, posted in force, and havo f, it fi a'ions. Small pop committed much ravages among the troops and citizens of tho Capi tol, J.opei issued a proclamation to his troops exhorting them lo tight galluntiy against tlio invading armies. Il is proba ble, however, that the army that will cross at Passada Polloro, will force its way t i (ho rear of the fortress and capture it Irorn tho land side in ltio. Nothing of nole occurred. Dispatches of troops to the Platte con tinues unabated. The Anglo Braxil Times, speaking of .“southern emigration, says (Jon. Wood has gone by tlilr packet to (he United hbatifi, returning from his mission to this country. A mission which ho trusts will he productive of good. Gen. Wood has weecived the most cordial reception froih the people of Brazil, and can guarantee a like friendship will ho held oultothose he represents. Should they conus to Biaxii, females, 27,7‘J1; value ol products, $119,. 107,fill'd Philadelphia employs a capital of $7fi,i(18,8*6; male operatives, USfioO; C in —no. preducu, I'njt^. bird in oraer; fiO.bfifi; value, pi Cincinnati is I U, #40,000,000; capita), $i7]0U0, 000, in round numbers. Boston ; pro ducts $fitl,000.000; capital, $18,000 000 Tho other piineipal cities produce as fol lows: Brooklyn, $34,000,000; Newark, $22,000 000; 6s. Louie, $21,000,000; Balli- in.irn -e)i (US) (VS). H.. 1,-. c-, more, $21,000,000; San Francisco. $19 • 000000; Lowell, $18,000,000; Providence, S16.IAO.OOO; Louisville, $12,000,000; Kich- 5 Pittsburgh, $11,000,- Used in Schools, Academies and Colleges, end invites the attention of all wishing to purchase to his (.took. Teachers end Country Merchants will do wolf to oxemlnu Ms assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Feb 2 tf W. P. TURNER 4c GO 142 Broad* St., ^UK now in receipt of a well selected atook GROCERIES utl. $12,000,000; l(M| Now Bedford, $11,000 000; Chica, Sit,600,000; New Oileous, $10 OtX) M inchcstpr, $10 000,000; Tsoy, $10,0 r, $10000,000. 000; liuchcstcr. In Howan county, N. O., one day last w. uk, some boys built a log play house lor tho children, and put straw in it. The children built a fire in tlio house, and the straw catching tiro, threo of the children, named Kyuier, wore burned to death be fore they could be rescued, there being no available moans of escape. Baquap.—Tho French Admiral hav ing protested against a garrison of Amer ican soldiers remaining in Bagdad, on Mexican toil, they were withdrawn, it is sa d, on the 22i ; tho American coiumeu- |dor explaining that he bad simply kopt ' ‘ men there to preserve order, at the re quest of the citizens. have the Meteor bonded, but it is uu- Uerstoud that thoy will claim ful. dama ges for every day that tbe vessel is de tained by the Federal authorities l-V«w Pork IForid, 20(6. the (Juvermoeot of Brazil is prepared hu MinDUr desires to bring about an alliance ol Rul- »la, Prussia and America, against Kug- land, France end Austria. The Prussians lo occupy Franosi on tbe Rhine, the Rut- slant to attack Austria ia Hungary, and Am Olios, With her navy to keep the duets of Boglaud and France ia cheok, while I her el uuel overrun Canada And Mexico. furnish them facilities. Dkath of Mum Bsimix-The Slock- holm papers announce the death of Miss Frederica Bremer, tbe colebr ted Swedish novelist. Mill Bremer was born in Abo, in Finland, in 1002. Alter epending sev eral yean in Norway and Stockholm at a teacher, she devoted herself entirely lo literary pursuits. Her drat novels—"1'he lid* ‘ ‘ President's Daughters'' and the "Neigh hors"—hod a great success, end were translated into mo t European languages hint Bremer traveled a good deal, and a JP _ veiled Germany, Franea,Ragland, Amer T “‘ tee ‘ ine, Italy, and tbo Wash '-XMENOtp. —The Urilliu Star under stands that at a called court for the pur pose ot Irying Clark, and his cumpnnions in crime, for robbing Col. W. 1). Alex ander, ol Pike, they were, on Monday, convicted and sonlenred-hy his Honor, Judgs Speer, to twanty year*' confine ment in the penitentiary. A petition signed by Gov. Baker aud the State offiovrs of Indiana, and 10,000 oilixtnt of that State, against the pardon of Jenemon Davis, was presented lo the President by Speaker Colfax. Mr. John- tmi'Ml, look the petition, and aaid : 1 l li lay it beside this bundle, (pointing to on immense pile of mnnuacTiptl which >t Just is large a petition for hit pardon," Coffee, Supr. of all grade*. AlUpioe. ground. Ginger. te Nuum-ff, CajrnMuo Pepper, Black do, sMurtard, all xrsde?, Chocolate. NVa?hing Bloeinx. Tndixt) and Madder, Burnett Extract?, dec 28 tf Essence ot Coffee, AdaoaaatiiM Candle*! ‘SporiD do. 1 Brandy. Whiskey, Gio, Fort and Madoria W* Gray Potash. Foofcet Knive*, Knives aud Forks, Macjiboj and Scotch Jvo. T. Uloext, W. D. CmrLKT. BLOUNT & GHIPLEY .GROCERS ADAPTED TO THE SPRING fTRADE ! Sweet ‘db. r Onion?, Prime Leaf Lard, Orauxe County Butter,; Country ^ ^ do. ,Cubu Mol* Knfllin Dairy Chee?e,lSorxhurn do. New York State do. ,Apple Vinegar. Soaps, Candles, iMustard, l'epptr, Huekwheat FIo«r, 'Soice, Nuttne«n< Powder. Shot amt Cap? Ye net Fowdan),' Bucket?, Tubs, Seda, Staruk, Wash Boards, Broomu, .Cottage Chairs, And various other foods not enumerated. Also, 12 BQXBti TOBACCO, will be sold very low to elosa a oonsif nuient. JEFFERSON S HAMILTON. Jaa 80 tit _[.8®n^opy. ] GREENWOOD & GRAY are the regular Agents lor the following Grit dan Insurance Companies: Tie K«w York Home Insoranrc This wall known and popular Company hi? a net Cash Capitol of THREE MILLION DOLLARS, and are prepared to take risks on COTTON is Warhouses. or in Gin-houses, STOCKS of Mer chandise, DWELLINGS and FURNITURE and Buildings of all descriptions. The Artie Inmrance Oompa OP NEW YORK CITT. * Order* oarefully and promptly filled. 101, 103 & 105 WEST FOURTH STREET, iv aHiuT a a CINCINNATI, OHIO* Jan 21— 2w BARNETT & CO.. COTTON FACTORS, GROCERS ANB COMMISSION IMAMS, C,ra,r 81. Clair an* Broad .la-, COLUMBUS, GA. PROMPT Attention liven to all Conilra- JT m,nt. ami Hhipin.nt, of Cotton to New ” ' Liberal The Janes River insurance (e. Of Howardsvllle, Va. A sidaII outlay of Premiums annually msr furnish you with means of replacing a comfort able home, while without Insurance you msr be greatly inoonvenionced. if not in actual dis tress- Jan 5—lw Just Received, York, New Orleans and Liverpool advances made on consignments. Cotton Storage. W E are prepared to furnish Storage tor Cotton aud Merohandine een-l orally. «- FORWARDING promptly attended to. Si CTJ § bi o g §*l . ® I ^■S JPLOUR AND MEAL; SUGAR AND COFFEE; BLACK TEA; GREEN TEA; GINGER, PEPPER : NUTMEGS; MACKEREL; POTATOES; ONIONS; WASHING BLUEING ; MACAB0Y SNUFF: SCOTCH SNUFF; CANDLES; CANDIES: BUTTER. CHEESE; APPLE VINEGAR; SODA, STARCH ; CRACKERS; SOAP. BROWN; FRESH DRIED COD FISH. Fine old Jura Coffee. Rio Coffee; Levuira Coffee: South Cerolint Rica And n variety of fino Tce: Alio, Safari (brown and crushed), Picklw. Cheeee. Craekeri. and fine Brandie. and Whiskey,. J. M. REhFROB Jan 80 tf. FOR SALE, 76 Barrels Cane Syrup, 200 Pair Hames, at CANDLER, BROWN A CO'S. Jau26-lw . OONSIGNEEa Hontgomery and We»t Point B- R. Will pleue take notice that I hare remorei my office to the Book Store of Appier, Thorn ton A Co.. No. 60 Broad street, where I can be found at all hours of the day. Merchants a»d other* receiving goods over this road will pis*** call at this office and pay charges be for • lend ing to the depot at Girard for their goods. J. K. APPLER, Agent. Feb 1 tf BUCKETS. Ae., Ac. Look Sharp! A LL licenses for retailing liquor and runnlog A drays and hacks, issued by order of the For Rent, Until the Pint of October Hext, T’m. oocupied as Port Office, and lately by K. nnrd A Ca. Fo, Coium: m. F.b. I—lw A £ enU;_ ISTotice. CuLUKitra, Gi.. Jen. 28.1*»- Porlie, from whom Cotton hoi been taken W Treaaury Agent,, or oth.r II. 8. otteeie. on i • ,roand that th, earn, wa, ,ub,;nbod tote "Confadarat, Prodaoe Loan." or whore rr«r- arty of oth.r dwcripllon he* been in«, ■eised by (hn nuthoritie, of the U. S. Uovara- ment. can hear iomething lo their»J' , “ t “ by railing on ALEX. C- M0BT0N.or A. B. LAMAR. Wanted, IEW SHARES Georgia Home Iniurance City Council previous to l*t January. 1866, h*r- iog expired on that date, and a number haring faued to renew their, license, by resolution of half the COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 48 1 ' -I-. BROAD STREET, 100 BBLS. CUOIOE FAMILY FLOUR. 50 Tierce* Prime Western Baeon, Liverpool Salt, Sugars, Coffees and Groceries at lowest market rate*. COTTON SEED at one dollar par huakql. , , KENTUCKY JEANS AMD KKMIES, BLOUNT & OHIPLEY, No. AS Broad btreat, Jaa b-tf A number in red Aim rtt on black tin will be evideuce that the dray having it has procured 1 cense, aud without it none are authorised to run. Information will be furnished upon applica tion as to who have procured license to retail liquor. M. M. MOORE. , Jaa 26 2w Clerk Council. Mules 1 Mules!! Jaa 27 If W. ORAF FOB SALE, 50 Boxes Good Sound Tobiooo. GREENWOOD k GRAY. Jen IT tf Notioe. Co. Stock, A few Shelve Muecogee R. R- 8<° tk ’ do. do. Mobile and Girard K. R- St0,k ' JOHN KINO. Job *1 3w To Bar Keepers. roatiou of all concerned: granted fa*** ••Reeolved, That all lichnee* «r»ni* ■he r.rtiei arrljmg for .aid .mount of licenre tag u rrauiral -JJ, - on or before Monday, 5th Clark Coaneil. Jan 31 it (San copy ] Congress Water, AND __ oors WTOLISH GELATIHK. jiOR BALE BY CARTHB k kl0U RN0V- Read This! MEAT M oKEB k PRIDE will erao o HOUSE at their new eund oppoe't* vm «gt rieadi and Ike public.