Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 04, 1866, Image 2

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JOHN II. MAHTI.N . COLUMBUS: Sunday Morning, Feb. 4, 1866. il the auhataneo of a uonvcrfelinn which look place to day between the Premdcnl and n diatiORuiabetl Senator: The Presi dent said that he doubted the jj. ’M'P Manufacturing at ttir .South “Many <>f tb«)8f>utj)ur^ S tbo St. Lou if kepi&lican, ‘‘arn erntnrk- in^ in air.L..r|trit.0A mWh promiao speedily to develop and pul into full operation Ihe unrivaled roaouecee that they enjoy, Jb jiVntlffep {Mbit: Jjbnftj hitherto retarded the Gim alnfeg In roan*' ufacturing their owif principal rtaple. cotton—have teen removed jf CaotorM firfe everywhere •prirtgftfg up, inrfchifirry be ing provided and skilled opernlft<*» 4fc»* ported. Every Southern Stato it.fur nished with water 1 powar In kbundftBotfj the only thing rte*e4*hry Vo 'oAitfptate #Uc* cess is capital, nfid that is exhibiting. iUJ willingness to migrate ♦hitherso that under the new system of free Wbor the manufacturers qf N'*w England may soon encounter formidable rivals in the South. 11 Wo wish we could say that there kaa no exaggeration in the above, in ila refer ence to the impetus given to fttanuffcctu ring enterprise in the Southern States. We earnestly hope, however, that it draw a faithful picture of what we shall-witness at the South in a Short'lime. Never was there a more propitious moment or a bet ter opportunity thnn tbo present. There is no disguising the fuel that cotton growing received a damaging blotr by the disturbances of the war and tbo uso mad of il by Jio British Associations for pro moling the planting and exportation of cotton elsewhere. Wo believe ibo remedy to bo the diversion of a portion iif our capital and labor to the manufacture of cotton, by which these Htutos shall be como the cheapest markets for coUyp.fab' rics in the world. Naturo has given us facilities for attWiluifft thli .tonhit enjoyed by no other country o/ section, ar.d all that is needed to s^cufo i p proper and timely application of the meana at hand. Heretofore the people gt thq South have been engaged in waging unavailing war upon the doctrine of protection to home manufactures. Wa may as well come now to the conclusion that that docs trine has becomn the sottlod policy of the Government. Wo tnay. perhaps be.Able to obtain such modification* of 4iigb ,t*rUl' duties us will pre^nt ^hb^iHiWibitron^W importation and the consequent loss of I any revenue from the tariff. But the North has gained too largely in political power, and the South baa suffered too heavily, to permit us to hope that frtgb protective dutios will ever bo abandoned, Polioy and interest, then, suggest that we should avail ourselves of the protection which Government offers to, domestic en terprise—especially when it is so plain that we have at hand all the resource* and conditions requisite to make this the cheapest and most prosperous, cotton manufacturing region of tho world. this time of making any furrti mentn to the Constitution. Ono great amendment bad already been made by which slavery had been forever abolished ilhin the limits of tho United States, and national guarantee thus given that that isiituti iti should never again exist in the ukI. PfoppaitioDI to amend the Conati- tuuon were Decoding as numerous hb irtinAhlfetfaryd fo&tpultuj ngs Alloa l queltiort cbnndCtci .wifbTth ... the evening tmeoiuoh reports to no plausible sourco, and thero seemed really as yet to have been no encounter whatever between the contending parties; Vet a dVHv of'blood •tod'**'?*** Ufc mock civil war, La*t evening, at 11 o’clock, the Toatro Heal, where l happened to be, a gr« at commotion w hence •nveCL*.-,---, _ _ _ f summoned in" groat Baste, in the boxes soon followed, evidently f "MBAffraydTirmTfiff rPyPTTT. ' OffTBfiT- lf, boweyer A a mend monte a irijJo^b| $ timi nf local affair,. All lliit, in hi. upin- 1 Jdn ot t i ipeot an Atcbi ill bOwtJTCi. miionuiiiuiiiq pi made to - , ftofe / (WhIimItifW, ’fcMiVi in nredi.nl time, ho know of none butler hit a simple iiro.io.ition, omtoradad In a lew liner, making in nacb Stain the nui,- bi'i'^f quaillli-il voter the baaia of nqinj- WODtiilioq. ’ifn* th/yal/Vo< |iafj hiiti. of .direct Laxatiori. Sji h a nroupsi- li.rn co'cilH bo hnribrarirn i‘rt Inis f > [ i 6 w i h K term.: KepreMntativnl wliilM bn appor liifmil among the reveral States whi.ohi may bo included within tbis Union ac cording to tho numb** of tyittliifrid vdtnri in i nob Stale. Direct t.iel rhalUbe op. pm tinned aicqufittiii suyqral Suta may bn included within this Uuion uc. cording to tho value of all taxable t>vop‘ eriy in each Slate. An amendment of tbi. kind would, in bis miujlon, |j|apt> tbc binia of i.ti'resnntation arid direct taxation upon corroct principles. raw ihe btmiaoil Wil tplp gnat onqof the igjitneiM qaerterfd- |pap J tho Montana iji lii Filip# IV'; hnj trigtinio^r Q'his morning I limrri that tlmy have been over powered, apdorder reigns, jn (he. barracks,; , 1 II K flCKNK OX OPKKATIONS. # ofn|s own choice. It is near Villarubia de los Ojos that the rebel general pos^cMf-s that country-house And those vast hunting bat witil !»*:f4mili*»r to^pn as t^Ov^lHygrpupd of his I boy hood. There is* not one of "tho hinds and hours of that dreary region that pot as dr voted to him as a foster- brother. If he chhoso to hide and •6ck with his onetnip*, pr ui oarry ion 4 hatgssing guerrilla warfare against them, that is the very *p«»t and thoH4 the ehi- me^ts that w»l» ^oble him to hold on hjr months. 8dulh of the Toledo mountains a climate reigbal that knoir¥ ' no whiter, and the land which, with the favor of tbo inhabitants, Wodld supply stores just suf ficient for him, would, start'd any other troops. The qualified v'terg yens for tho.most ho were subject part, men who were subject to draft and enlistment when necessary to rppoal in fiiestic viulepce aod inyummtiup. ,Thf; risk thoir lives, shod their biood andspeoi ir at! to uphold tho Government,-and nhold the XJuveromont^r protectiM, security f-iaffd• value fenlutment when necessary to rppoal fi varion, suppreafi roh6lii4hI Ahsf JqtielJ[d west’ •isk heir pnoperty. It socmed hut just that prop^ any should compensate for the benefits thus conferred by dt fraying tho axpunsei incident to its prbt^Wioh and •'im^iy ntent Such an amendment,' the- President *ug> gerled,would remove from Uongrell fiihs sues in reference IjO Uso polittPai ; eaoaliiy -the races. ^ f xvlY± ^- It would Itatno tho States to determine absolutely tho quAlihcations of their 0wh volfers will) regard to c iWpwnii ,t hus the number of rfepfhBeritdlivfes W fc Whtch‘ they woulff be entitled in (>fmgie9s : would de pend upon tho number upm wbidh they conferred the right Of aimWMlt! 0 Mf 1 ' 1 ' idont. ip thin connection, erprceeou tiie niiininn tbrif tho aglt*t'ri»b l rit thif.,l(ibgrt> f/anubiee qurialion in the District of Co lumbia at tbi»Jip)o wg.yiiiMMije,macing wedge to the agi,tntittu x>t the quesliiiu throughout tbe otHtes 'ahH ^VnM jtl-tlfr)id,‘ uncalled for and calculated to do g harm. .) v, 81 M.H3 7 lie believed jt,would engqud^pnnply and, Strife between tho two raers, an< i, load to a war between them which would result in groat injury.to hothpaadUtabatodaui. e»- terliiinalmn qf (.1‘Ci negro jippulaliou, and tho pracedenca, bo Llmught, ahouLL ha given 10 more important and urgent mat- turt, tho legillolion upon which wa» -e.- •ential for tbevin'SlqrHtMn ul tha Union aod the peabffmr Ilia domitt/'tnd jtros parity ot tha ptri^le.^ The lu.urrectloii III Bpalii. I.ATgST TgliKURArUlC tlEPUIltb. Madkiu, Jan. 1U, Evening.—Gena:.1 Concha, who her been replaced by Mar shal Setunp, arrived Imre yestenluy. Uoifeiuant psc.Aiktl.MjiA .v Wn oopy alsowboru in tbis paper the full telegraphic report of a conversation between tha Pro.ident and ‘‘a dielln guiahed Senator," to which roferenco has already been made In nuf cilfuifaris, A dispateb of the 8P|h Ifom Washington •ays that thie report attracted snuch at tention, as there was very good authority for saying that before The exposition sfas given to the agent of the Associated Press, it was reviuwwi and its publication authorised by tho J*r,itdent. Bnderthihe circumstances itr nuthentieity was not doubted by Congress, aud on the 31st ult. Tbaddeus Stevous attacked it apj tbs President in the violent m.anw miM in the dispatch ptibUsbed the ether di^! Steven.' ttrpds, and the action of the House on that day nri that portion of the constitutional amendment under cort.ld oration which related to‘kMihct taxarion.t ■how that the radical, will not accept the view, of the President, though ho indi. cate, his readiness to go so ^ar as to leave it optional with each otato either to allow negro suffrage or auhmit to the exclusion of the negroes in m akin, tbo enumera tion for a bail* of rcptwfehtAtion. A reading of tho who’.o dispatch will show whit little provocation or excuao there wa» for Stevens' threatening Invective, and how insolent and overbearing be has become in the pride of hu power in Con gress. A rupture between his followers and tho President seems to bo unavoida- ble, 1 » •* •** We have received a letter, dated New Orleans, Jan. SBtb, frqtn a Remitm%n on his way to Mexioo, who promises to write Some*' ing at tho Puertu dcl.Sol, shouts being d . 1 GRAPH. nds w 1 ijw^r| \is favoriaqj ht f<»r many months in the year.— esiMN. 7 Nkw O&lranb, Feb. 2—Later Mala- moras dates have been received. Bagdad was abandoned on tho 2fi*h by the Liberals and the U S. guard that had •firfert thwre? -The troops rfe-entered the place on thp same day. Nearly alt the merchants of Maiatuo- rns, M< xican and foreign, and among the *[mnt^^ iciluuntHii lied pjplim* J»(T9* :ie course of the UniPKl States army and civil officers on the Texas side of’the river, charging them with being MRpbrifibto for the trouble* and outrages cf that frontier by aiding the partisans of Juatex; whu has no more foothold or basis of obHrati m-* on that frontier than that whifeh .is a0qrded by said officials. Tbe reudrl is very severe, and its truth is cer- <1 by the; Conspla of Spain,France and rilain, who were present at Mata- / 'I • . :i V ROM WA8I1IMQTOW. , WABiriACrfoN, Feb. 2.—The Benate to* day'discussed tho bill for the protection of a!]l*perf<»nW in their civil rights, and Elgin. £oo(R, continues to wax stronger everyday. At one time she is to be over whelmed by Russia, and at another France is about to hurl the Zouaves upon her Received S^BifflnOTDsOT t*A to wax itrongor end wcAltWier -AT- DIDST 11)1) 0 IU\ In BAKfllMU & CO.’S - l7£ . .. No. 125 Broad Street COMI, xqdsweep ovft herUfcp t.'OD t’JUIT* /■ Of lain, tTicro h»ve been iBose who iin»g- — From the Mpson Telegraph.. cI’-oitcia r-«’c;iiLAfim, *41 Rev. The r Fob. If, 18G0. 'bp Hen.le'inet at 10 k. m. Prayer by r. r Mr. Yarborough. all pox bill waxmade Ihe special '''juilicfl^SiMr/ltfh^llhpnVtM x bill te Ofgnpiao a oimaty oourl in euuh of Vim cqupUo»a>£UiedtAtfi. [Tbccoun pre- yillad fur in the frpqdutpu'ft code.] Hill Jo iegAjixe. uqrlxin rntuma tp the, II Iil'tori Superior Court. Puxxvi. , JUr.’Thorillori IMrnlluetid a resolution'to ihavn printed in painplilet fhrm the rules if the Senate, anr< a list of members of the Senate. Paused. Bi l to require non-residents td have thoir lands registered m the oounth-a in which said land lioa. Past ml. u Hill to KUthorizo Justioes of Inferior Ppurls to Ipuyow tnonuy on the bontU of bfiuntics. IfjQBt. \ \ »J Hill lf)>Mrti<irMVjo*ih-Of3i*ar'k PVbnild a grist mill on the reserved land ol tho Bli.tqat iMnrin.BpHrtHf. I 'dive* a iW«»»y jeius loAHe. Passed. Hill to inqtaaHp tha salary of tho Sitpifr- ntendont of the Wextorn nnil Atlantic ill lilrimd. * Min moijqrx of Mr. JtJqorc, the ,utn qf fC.,000 was stricken out end $f>,000 insert- afk-r a long debate, pasted it by a vote of 83~i6J2. !l -it Tim House was engaged in a discussion of the hill lor tbe enlargement of the powers of the Froedumn’e Bureau. Tim,Preside!^ to-day transmitted to tbe Senkte a message nominating a Minister In tho Republic of St. Domingo. Ho be lieved/tha commercial interests of this country.would be beneflted by its recog- nition, a hilst such action would accord with the settled policy of the United S'.aheX. 1 , In the Home to day Majore-General Moiido and Thomai appeared on the floor. A reueM' wan taken, when tbn Speaker, in a lew complimentary remaHcs,introduced them.to the body. They returned their thanks nHhort speeches, after which, on motion "of" one of the m'Ambers, throe cheeri wefeigivnn them by the House and gnilprird. n <•! WCW YORK MARKETS. Nkw 1 ’ YoKk, Feb. 1.—Ootton dull and unchanged, Gold HO*. . Nkw York, Feb. 2.—Cotton market ined that the For ians were about to shake tbe stability of the fa.t*ancbored iele. A new source of dinger to the permanency wssne no y t tbfl Russians, French, Irish, or Chartists, but that which bo* been -biiborWa ohiuf element of t-treoglU—her coal.. The prof; perity, businiisi', tho tcry iexiftpn<Je of England,^Vc'wa to depend Opon co^T. Iler fVirnacet, her manufaCtdrffe, ndt stenmers, ns well a* her house-warming, depend upon coal: Hhd it,is now.declared that, at thd actual’ rate of iifiilg cofil 'ftt England, and tbe annual ittfertrtKi'ghirr* i . entire stock witbin four thousand feet of rRH^ <ho surface will last seventy jreats. It*» pHsdicied that tbe child is’ bpffi #ho Will see it exhausted■: and if no wtbstiiuie cah be fouhd for coal, the decline 'of Brittth Industry, wealth and power Will begin fit about fifty years, and in fifty raore Eng* land will become only a watering place of a ro*ort for antiquarians. ‘ 1 Thffe must he vdry chnsoTatory to out Fenian friends, and to all others who are impatiently awaiting the extinction 6f “perfidious Albion. 1 ' It is a long tittle, howevor, to wait. A hundred years may bring tho end of the world as well as of England. That England tnajf come to an eud in a hundred years wifi do us no g ood, who must come to an end long eforo that period.—Richmond Disp. <». K. Thomxs. W. W. Ftxw»Lt.mr. (i. I THOMAS & CM SPLilNDID m I. 'Hie bill then pae.-ed The Senate adjonrfWd. ed; >. "Tho House met at the usual wour. Li-uvo of ,abs)MH*e was granted to Messrs. Siewaffc Of Sjieming and Mewey-ef Up- 1 M>n. ; / f 'Mr. Shaw, of Stewart, movd to recon* aider so much of She action < t qhe ilopsf on jesterdny as TffleeU/d a bill to deter mine tho value of nominal or Couludorale tit ices. Lost. Mr. Dodds* of,Folk, a bill to make valid coitain acts of tbe Inloriur Court of Polk county raised by a crowd of students; bui every ui precaution wua taken \° prevent a fUriousJ AU d"*D7vfd Uy disturbance of order* , A. Ol>*okipi|ij<vn,: Mr. Cook, of Ii was posted on the public buildings staling #|,o payment of c t , ;2‘^^m?i r w q^i , ^^' b8rwt . Bauckluna,, Jen. Mkh.—Tjie trqupa whicli liail pheservbd ocUhi 1 on the 7ili and 8th were nu longer suffioient on the pil lowing day, nod H)* (>piajuJ4encr.il,, with frdeti troops, took afeontmna'or tho 1 garriaun.t Tbo orowiU RMemtHattHn. Ibu s)rCeU, throw .tone, at the soldier., end worn tiidrcupoti siliiinifincH throe times tu ijispcrsi', but the disturbaiiveB oqilUnui.rig, oniora worn gtvun tu tttii on the pedplvi,, 'I'lie evening iiRssml i.ff quietly, the troops bivouacking in the publ c iquaro. Tnia wiurning the town is quiet. Tnlogrums .from tKo' other towns or Catalonia xtato that disturbance, had occurred. Bayonne, January II.—Lellera receiv ed here from Barcelona tu lUc 9l|i jinalant COorirm tlj^ .yatpinont that thq pr*jiou. day tljc troops nadnreil upon CTie piiOpIn, yi<l th^yhr,atp*rs,na wqf^ I(il|i4«iid rive Advices (Vdirr MadrlH strftn- VtAt Ifreat ag|tati<m prevails in that city on account dr tho govemmcntonniy allowing now. derived lrquj niini.tcual sources to trans pire, thereby increasing the general fuel ing of uneMHiiree, Mi mu i>, January 10-p. M.—Tholatesl nfllulal dispatches antmunoe that GeRerul Prim's carriage and baggage had fallen Into Jlio hands of the royal troops. Vho.,mqjnn*mi» o£" dull. Hales to-day 1000 bale, at 48a49c. Gold ltOI. M0BILK MARKETS. MiiBtLg. Feb. 2 —Sales of ootton to-day 'lflOO tTafha kl 45a40,cts. Sales of tho week BohO ttalnt; exports, 18,902 dales; stock, 8188 bales.' ' Gold 142. J^ew YoBK, J*n. 31.—'The World's Washington special eaye Gen. Thomas gives u very cheerful account of affairs in (TiinuessutL Ho will probably he called upon to give uVtdence before the Hccon- alrilc'tliiiiTMm'fnlUee. Tiin Tribune’s Washington special says Ion Monday next new money order offices wil! b^ejamed iq many South urn cities, iijclii'lide Rb'hmoud, Charleston, Savan- ‘ ThoWenlraT’itlfliSlofid'fcftrre'lflonfleht sayt eflbrte are making in tho Virginia Legislatiirn 'tu. declare the election of Senators Uridhlrwcbd and Sugar illegal, and G»v. Piorponl and John Minor Bolts arc talked of as tbuir successors. • Nkw York, Jan. 31 —Tha ship Fung Ol) Ii ey lies arrived from San Francisco. TliofWrgld's, Washington specials,ys th MMflUrregcu at the senior t&jo. Gen- ay or Mr. Woods, of Morgan, a bilf for tin roUof of Lcslit Markkiuis Hoi ii*. iind David Dyer, of Morgan county. " Irwin, a bill to provide for payment of certain executive and ju dicial officers. The bill applies to Gover nor, Comptroller.'General, SqcreUly of State, Solicitors, Jk'c. A so, a hill to authorize th. Governor to issue bonds of the State for curium pur- ^Mr.'Dart, 1 of Giyml.'nbil! In rnlstio'n to' the corporation of ttietqwrvof Bruit] and to provide Tor [ho cfeclion tod ether oity offionre. Also, a bill to incorporate liiu Bruns wick Improvement Company. Also, a bill tu amend tllk cnarler of'tho Brunswick and Florida Kail road Compa ny, and to change the name of tho same ,tp the Brunswick and Albany Ksilrosd Com pally. Mr. AlcWhorter, of Greene, a bill to regulate aud protocl the inocbkriiciit intur- e>ts of tbe state. . . . VI t. Oartreli, ot’Oobh. a bill to Uilchkrgo ^tibrruns-'accused of crimes committed du ring the late war, when iilch persons can slo/w, to tho satisfaction ol lljo cuurt, that they had witnesses whqan e^iUen/u wtpljd The rumor current here than Genoral Contba wasrwqunrtad. ia pUioLUs dpaied. A flex arrival jfnt 6flirtVl4 WSS'dAMer- Viow.with Marshal O'Donnell. A|d.l.o’clock last nigjq ne a|arui, wh^cb lasted a short time, waagiv eu, !bul quiet is cow- coiopletcly re-ettaoMsood. Borne anslhtv continues Ip prevail, JxKUA V OUK*n,pi&.k#fi» u tul < Bs. , , , nail* announces that tbo division of Gen. to us frequently when he readies the! i irbJla.Amrctting tren, Malagon, and the country, and from whom we shall be ' *>lunin under thu Governor of Cuidad acquit thhm. -Vlr. ii iioe the Mr. Boyington, nf Clayton, a bill to do- linbilitlus of rUIfngd andexprese much pleased to bear. Tne lottor received informs us that it is truly wonderful to no tice in New Orleans th, yagt amount of emigration going on to Mexico,” chiefly” bound to Cordova and (t, vicinity. It mentions two dietiugulthod Generals in the late Confederate atipy, who were in consultation with the e«gjgranU. Perhaps the writer ef the latter sad most of the emigr anu to who as he refers were etopped on their wsy by the orders of Gen.-Shori. don. Opelika, Ala —Hon. J. ,F. Waddell, Judge of Probate of Rusielf county, has ordered an election to bo held in tho tuwn of Opelika on toe 12th i«*t., to take tho sense of the citixena of the town on tho question of its incorporation. We are glad to learn from the Rome Courier that the wheal ■ crops i.eyer looked more promidhg xt ibis roasorf 61 the year than they do new in CbqroJtM Georgia, and that ibere was more laLd towed in wheat last fall than usual. We believe that If that was tho case down here a part of the whiat would l>e ploughed up to plant cotton I Miss Flutter, who teased her father for a waterfall, ’received two dams in stead.—AaaAetOs Otzeitt. Well, dims always mekt a waterfall, anil we suppose (bat the young lady got what she wanted. If the old man put an it to it, bewerer, the waterfall might have been "all to hex eye,” iXhe.wvetwAU Au-IURT iStCoTTOR Rtlixn BY TH X GovERBMEK^^'e, records ot tit •urv Department show that, frono 1888, up to August- 1866, ah -ndi^^B anti caoiurvd cotton, valued at 6{t744LOut). was se oed be the Government Iq tne Valley of the Mississippi. Of thie amount, $3 ■ I bare been retd into the Depart remainder having been Iren* KuaL advancing b.v tho valid* OftheTluii- dian* simultaneously with the ftirte adder Gimenil Kchague, hiovVhg through tbo alley of the | b-— Sime, pf Battunr, a bill to nsempl » Hn taxation, ibu present year, those Unties overrun by the enemy. Me. HiirdumaW, of Bibb, tv billdo inoor- i irate the Great Southern Insurance : {( nnpany, ... I : Somte bill for tha reiiof of persons on ”l cognigancei. Fassbu. Sodkte bill to extend tho civil Jurlsdici )n of the city courts of Auguste. Passed, .Bill to change the time for drawing ju> t rs for superior oourts. Passed. Bill to authorise and ompower J uilges of l n superior courts to bold special terms f r tiie trial ol criminals. Parsed. 'The followingHouse bills on third road lig w re pussod : JfA bill to alter paragraph 1932, chapter 2lof the code.. Bill fur the relief of tho Muscogee Min* Asaocia'-ion, aid the rig wad Loan Ateuohta cogntyld I Tentionkwi Bill H>ei iesurgonla to leave Iho niqunlal leqo. •They"ar* hbw* pVobeiMrfik,'! bid Qqrcaio, toward ibod'orlugiieso ttqntior, 11 P. M.—Later infulUkkttsoe' from lb« scone of operations says:/7/ , . . i; *• General Prim is rotreatiqg precipi- talply toward Porthgal by PuentridM Ar- /.oOtspo. The principal mountain pataca held fey the royal troopa. The dispersion of the insurgents is complete. Tranquil-! lity prevails Vhroughostttbe country.' Madrid (Jan.») OAfrvs. I/eni^n Tiriies. Bo far-as-it. is' BpeoibW Ms follow like movements of tbe bsrtlUe psrtine, out of S ifbied end conflicting nooqwrtte, it teems ,t General Pr|m, alter following the loarsa'vf tbo Ghadiana from Daimrcl dt-Urn to the immediate neighborhood of Uqidad Real, (he c*Mtel of Lit Mancha, non. t» the south, nnd yoeiorday, Momuy, Hi ITriUi U> Ihe norlh of Ui(W Moaouii*/ lie is fVidoLtly “dollying" bis enemies, end is likely enough to give thorn a good long run. When in the neighborhood of. Cuidad Reals 1‘riiu Was iatutni have 3,GOO ien, divided into two columns, one of hich inarched under nit iinmodiata or* der>; the other was led by his lieutenant, MlKW • .Bill to authorize tho inferior court of Lumpkin county to levy a tax to Build R 'jail and courthouse. Bill to incorporate tbo toyvn of Wrights villo, Johnson county. Bill to incorporate tha Gato City Gaa Company. Laid on the table for the pres ent. 11 Bill to reduce tho Sheriff’s bond Ot For* Iff* county. , Brit empower the Ju.lices of Vqrsy^ erala cauaos most oxtcimvc spocululions aa to results. Among tho most practica ble tfisoXi k is tbat'the Generals hare he. n su ,n moiied to giro tbeir united views con cerning the Southern country and the nc- crstily for garrisoning the South with Hoops. It is iuppoeo.1 the President is principally dosirout ot obtaining thu opinions of the Generali, and that Con- grdss will adhere to the original idea of sub-committees to make a trip of obser vation through the Southern States. 'I^he receipts of internal revenue since January 1st reach uearly two millions of dollars. i,‘iio llouso Committee on Commence haVq a proposition before them to reduce tho emoluments of collectors of customs to h reasonable sum ; tome of them in salary ami perquisites having ip,do from tiny To'one hundred thousand dollars per • W-sSKi»ihToN, Jsn. 81.—The House Military, Committee ere still engaged in maturing the bill for an increase of the nrrtiy. General Schenck is thochairmen. Thu U.OUS0 committee favors the lowest p-S-ii&To standard, even- below 60,000 men, it possible. RostoW, J-n. 81.—Tho action of tho military const martial in this dty relative to the alleged kidnapping of German em- igiimW in Boston In tbe summer of 1804, end their eubsequont forcible emigration, is Very unsatisfactory to the Prussian Min- rater at whose instance said court was ap- ted, and it it probable the Fruseian ruRient aod ether Kuropean States prohibit making any more labor con tract-, and otherwise impede emigration to Ibis country. The attention qf Congress wil! be caiiud to the matter. Cincinnati, Jan. 81.—About thirty soldi) rs of Co, B, 18th U. 8. Cavalry, Were lost on board of thu Miami, on the Arkansaw river. Col. Roberts and Gen. Sweeney arrived here la4t'night. • New Yohk, Jan. 31.-11:80 a.'m.— Cotton steady at 60c. Gold 404. New York, Jao, 81.—Tbe steamer New YoVkj with Liverpool dates, has ar rived. The steamship London, for Welbourno, foundered at spa. Two hundred and sqv- oi tv livOa.wcrelost, only n : ne oscaping. Thu ravages of tho eatilo plague still pphtinuetJ-iTl / , . , ■' Parliament opens on tho first of Februi "T. ,OQ ,,,i After Mr. Stevens' denunciation of tho ccprso of the President, in the House of Representatives, on the 81st ultimo— Mr. Smith, of .Kentucky, called for tho reading ot the paper to which Mr. Stevens ‘referred. The paper was then read, being tbe mi led tonversatida between the Presi- Fi-oaotleo Fen'am Prisoner*.—)It 14 rumored that O'Donovan (Rosen) amj Lynch have been "ehowiiig off” iu their, accustomed style. Tbe morning after thoir nrrrrel nt Dartmour (hey were oiv flored to begin the washing otf their eelie, btit they refused. They were then shown into a durk room where fluey took to cursing the Queen and execrating the tyrnnny of British rule. For thie they Wbro taken ont and hpd tWhive lhehee ndiniuisteted on (heir' her#' bucks by h Crimoun practitioner acquainted with the shortest cutito the sensitive part of tbe system Under this they winced at>d yelled, but Whether it recoooiled them to the ilinciplino of tbe prison, and whether they wCnt heartily to work tf:e next tnoiniug, wueliing and -sorubbiug. wi have not heard They are oextniniy al tored times with thorn. It it rather a descent from a throtoej eten IHongh it be but of u ropubiio, to tbo scrubbing brush.—Cbrfe Cunniitulion. Iu a certain parish in Yorkshire, not long since, an old clergyman, who it Ad ‘got a etroug-lunged curate, bbeoivcd nmt one of his hearCre was hecouiing rntlier irregular iu lijq Attendance at churoii. Of course tho divine folkij hifi duty to visit tho brickritidof, and nri ac cordingly went to the house, but tho gudeumn was not iu. He inquired of tho wit'o Why John woa'eo seldom at tfcurcli now. "Oh," she replied, without Iho least hesitation, "that young man you've got roars sae loud that John eun- nasie ji sue comfortable as he did whan, preaching yerself sue peaceably. ’ CLOTHING. XbPt *Bt rtofcK COAtS;, , ,' ' .* JRHNCH 5®AV8R SACKS;, FULL DRESS AND JHJ8INBSS SUIT*: GENTS' M0KNI1W ROMSj ELEGANT LINEN SHIRTS: SPLENDID LOT OF UMBRBLLA3: BBAVKtt'OVBROOATB I ■ > IIKAVKH and DOB PANTS; • Wb 1 are i prepared to faraiek everarticle -el ■ Ha i rat ST-CLASS CLOTHING STO»B.“ . ill !iwi ^sirrd sirs’rt 1 -/ Ml RA'RNARD & 00., Street, #**"!• *■ ROOSEY’I BUILDIEu 80lw,-, ,,. —When a man and a woman ate made ono by a clergyman, th* question is, whiolt is die one! Same time* there is a, long struggle between them before tiie mutter is finally settled-. (B’OCERIES -•M Is VI *: _AND ~ pi^QYISIOKS* W 8ALE ’ 1N ST0Rli I PRICES Z0 SUIT TUB HUM. sk* or ’ I MATERIAL HU VBJIT BB3T. Mew Dxour tine to UU V WINTBR CLOTH ING npoo th* BEST TERMS, sad do hoi «vr- itttjoeallon" '"t l* 1 " d (t. k THOM AS & CO.;; MS Broad 8t. SPRING TRADE. JOSH" SHILLIT0 * <30, loq I J iLil Is ) .Jn'i ml /(Ire now receiving fheir Spring fngertaUonssf • V B l.e.t I ■ V. i ' or. . STAPLE and fanqy ABATED TO TU* SPRING TRADE ! The Biggest Thing ia the Shape 6f A WATERFALL IN THE CITY OF COLUMBUS, la down on tho rivor near tha Patter Mills, But tiie Biggest Thing, la the ihapa of a ,, i - SHOE STORE PIKE & ROBnraON’S, 138 BROAD »T n . .7 WHERE THEY KEEP A *U14< ABSOd^T.-' MENT OF ALL KINDS OF Boots, Shoes,. * Leather and Shoe Findings, WHICH THEY WILL S^LL AX -! WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT PRICKS TH*T DEFY COMPETITION. uilnn.n ALSO. « 'IT j Xlniam ha q*TTw a t.'Udn American and Foreign *l« . «d ...v xtiifi'V.- him 1 .1 :<•!.! I O EJ 13sT C3-, , ei«d:.l v .isils- • - * Floor OH Glbttie, vl ' . * 01 ir-•% Il . ' f : ‘I I. . Matting, Ruga, 4o. her. li, as triuy spsuefi. far and jvifiaaval the country, hat l'rirtt ran kvWTintly nd at nu lues lor partisans ia a part qf the country su devotedly addicted tu In, cause. A "foreign engineer” It (aid In he with him, and it wee he, it appears, whose •kill sunk trie eu-pension bridge at Fueoli Uuenui on [be 4.U. Ouquf 1’tjinJi vulqn- leurn, nereed Leflh Mrrino, ttgurtriHeru of wall-knuwu Jctvreiiiau.m, iteaid tuba in poetevsiun vf the oar row gorge u( D ’»- peeapen t, the imporU/il pals oiirqga' the Sierra Murena, that long and drOiry ridge which uwiritM the arid rtovort of In Mancha from tbe poradiaeo/ Anfttluvio. If tbu be so, the coiunmuicstiun between thee southern kingdoms and the capital is at the mercy of thru) bold adventurer,. We here been left id the dark as to the movement, ol ike fayd forfeit (iyihjh, es 1 told yvu, tbe guverpmenl paper, take U10 trouble U> inform us tb.t the f'l el* were at Magelch of Sundey, and it tTrda vceiciday. There werertinsontoaualyr- tafday that "Concha Lad been taken and E levy an extra tax te pi '•tM P‘Uf.. . i > J ompunihto ordinHrifs for jiiiinin- UUririR; tho Rmootly onO). T**blo4 J.»r Iho MMk $ill 10 feualizh the aett^n AftTuhn (’. .Wbli» mhU« aviinit a* ovdinarj under 00 m from the Provisional OovOr- --Bill to t'bange the time of holdiag infe- ffor court, from tbo 2d Monday ia Janu ary to the lat Monday, in January. Bill to fix tho term, of Judges of tbe superior courts and tq fix.tbeir salaries.— Lost. Tbe hill propuaedi ten yean and ' the tfurgla »nSTA)v bupia Usilroad Company, L eve ot abaence wesgrantna to H«uri. Robin,<ut, .Shepherd, Dixon Mild Swan for .'tha Hall -woe granted Rev.- 1 Dr. Tucker,m Atlanta, to make an ad> ”dress on thaabhjfct of relief for the Indi gent widow, and orphan, of deceased ,ol- Bitlc were then rand aeocond lima. Hodio adjourned. CoNXRDEKXTU Y*T UnPA'KDURKU,— A, tiie iinproeeioa prevails tu sumo extent that noarly or quite all the di.linguisbvd peonage, who were active Cpi federate, kavo been pardoned; WO ora permitted to state that nearly twelro hundred auplica- liob, afe now ji*Otb»'k , X«»Wl»t’» Uble nuht of Winch nar* been there for several month,. Seven honored of them fa'! under (he 580,000 clause- Tbe remamder ari, c I akrlflGfr or lb I lowv : Member* of Conlkderste Congreee. -. • 82, Ex U. 9. Army officer, 186 Cifi federate Genoral, 12! rrmnioeat Confederate oivil officer,,. 87 84'uffloer, of 0. 8 Ksvv .116 ’• • [Forney, Frees. efit ,qd‘s distinguished Senator op the surest Jf aihendmhnta te the coaXtitu- tian, dec. Mr. Steven,, in oocuUnlosi.iaid that if 8 tbree foi/rtb, vote of eken Hou«o of Cdngress bo given for tbe pending umend- mctit, it would be a law, Hreepectivo ot Ihe ,i,:n«tnro of the President, to whom It [had not to be presented for approval. Tbe Uquse rejected, Mr. Schenck’a aieondriumt, providing that the apportion-' mrnt shall bo according to tbe numhor of m,leei|izenlovort«t*it;-ohf year, ofagnt nmi hating Iho qualification required fot ilie akxkitjb frajdiiseof the mfst numerl o is brunch of the State Legislatures, by a v It ■ ol 39 to 81.- / ' |l lie House then Voted on the resolution retorted from tbe Reconstruction Coin* mfitee—yeas 120, nay, 46. The Speaker faying two-thirds having voted yea, he therefore declared it passed. VanruNo Poultry.—The oheapeet mill most advantageous food to use for fattening cve.y discriptiop pf poultry ia gnmud oats, Tlicae must not be con- tunnded with out meal, or with ordinary grpund oats. The whole of tho gram is ICnmnd to a find powder; nothing of any kind ia taken from it. When roperly givund, one bushel of the meal will more viftdually fatten poultry than a bushel aud a hnlfi f other nmol. The greatest point in fattening poultry ie to feed at day break, A FiikMJ'UAR oii coining to America aud finding himaelf utterly unobaerved, lid olfieial asking for hia parsport, no l>dlioeaiau dogging bia steps, no mayor oqmniiding his buaineaa, feh aad and tangly, end exclaimed that he wee mado "no more of than if he wn a little dog.', A man proves himaelf fit to be higher 1 wko ebowa that he ia faithful where he is. A man that will not do well in bia pneeent place because he lungs to be higher, is fit to be neither where he is nor yrt above it. To Shoe Makers AND . • 1 WORKERS OF SHOE STACK. DIKE & ROBINSON, 138 BROAD BTllttlBT, H AVE ON HAND sad vlll eoritlnue to keep a good and well selected 8took ef FRENCH CALF SKINS, ' r LINING AND BINDINO. BKINB, SHOE PEGS, SHOE NAILS. Ii SHOE KNIVES, BRISTLES. “HAMMERS, AWLS. Ac.. ■ Ordfw aerofoiljr sett areapUx tiled, w. ng i J. liJ yi - .v- i . i n ! L i ilu* > ,v( jtailott - . . i . ' I - 101, 108 & 106 WEST FO0ETH ^TttEiBTj 11 beloaqxe ed oi at ddjut won ,* 1 j f j(| CINCINNATI, OHIO. iJoeSl—fw I U 'id —pv a- "guii-" nu ■ j BARNETT & CO., F AO TOES, C0HI88WI tumn: H CWmerWt, ,Cta|r aqd Br us. Qik, •OMCT AtUntiew gives to all Ooostta jiontfl' qa4 bhipm*au of Gotion te F jf.,FT* VWa LiTfrgoal. Lib( Cotton Storage. F f#r Ootthh aic tat. Ilx. •• •* - .•*r FORWARDING prputptix attseded tq. Firkins BUTTER, chuie,; Tierce, LARD; Boxes LEM0N8: Casks BJM?0N SIDED,. »4p«cKit Bbls, do. No. 8; ’Is. Pink-eye jfOTATOES: !AT, Nwj T^jyk l^ldyn fiyrap: >s. Woieeetenhire Sagre; reenand Crashed end Puvdwei eltUM, " do. - i-ynr. _lard* Popper iee, Nat last,, - Yestt Powdso, ">•'» Iwa, SUireH, 'Brooms, U*itfnf jCeUac* Chain, Aad various other |o«df tojot «aanertted. _’ifl BOXE8'Totf A^0?*will b, sold vsrr W to close a hen^|btXeirt. SKEHOTHm A QHAT ragular Arenta for tha followini flnt ’ AAA4& fcfifd £hnl&S' Th Sgl ¥«rk v.Hmm Inmate Coa^w. "Irhu wall known and popular Company fcu a nat Caah Capitol of tD0LLAB8. w*d arise pee pore* *» take risks en COTTON U ir^Sdfi^i.V^h Oia^betuH, STOCKS ot Nu- ehsndio*. yDWNbLINGS aad FUKNUCU qAdBufldttgkiif ell ReMriptlens. fl J oill in* . r • . Tka Artie Inrorance Oompt i , ]‘au'«n l T#'.,?*t»' Yuan cm. The James 1 liver laguraut Ct. \ , Z ’will e, Vo. 4 •■#!! o,NMa>. of Promigmi anDQally mtf , furtiah yon with mean* of replacing a wufa* ■kialiMie.Nlilla tttbent Iaianui you mu tfo irAaNITIbfedKtoMetioad. if not in Mtu&lfir m jpLQUft AN DM SEAL; SUttiBi A$p COFFEE; "BLACK TEA j " " V GREEN TEA t . OINGlER, PKPPWE t ; • NUTMBOS; " MACKEREL; Just Received, . I Lsguir, Cuffo,; I a ...I Ol mi , 1 1 : . Booth CamHoxKk* hi Awdaitarttly of lae Ian Bagasa (hrhww and ermksd’, PUtt CbeeH, Oreeken, and lae3r*a4(* <■ d" 1 nneWhDkty,! ••'«?«» * ' (.attiMt ,aet«. .'■!■■ ■■■■j i ,pferl^f±prTcmm» ; 9«evy and West Point LI 4ai» Ukihdtlce that I hnsrioiui tq tkv¥°k E[ore of Applir. TRu-, Ce„ i(ix6« Brqqil street, wluMleuk at oil hows - at the day. Mwhuu ui —j Teeetvttggoods oxer thD rood will at thttoffiee bod pay ohar,w DfcnuW te thedbgot SI • trend for thbir ,wdx ..J . a ho) nip. B APPLER, A,«t •BTy" 1 " ‘ t 1 ', ‘W-idr Rent, teUii Tttni. of Oeteber I* (psa OMUIODIOU8 STORK a, ttt««J CettbAderFab. 1—tw R£5i ml ‘n 1u . 7m I « ’■ a H OetdUhbw, 0,.. Jan.B.w frdm Wbom Cotton ba, k«» Ut«» 'Agqbts, or other U. he •aui« wai nubasrib«J 10 U»n." 'Wir.ofwtbw tttK(iirt»aD ^ aoiavdAr the x»(ha«iliw at tb* «• wOeb —A b«ar anaathiar •» i- byloalllag on ALEX. C- MORTON. .1 | lo Ul: .'t s A. R. LAMAR. **! p! turner 4 o’^ -fMiTl'-J 14)2 Broad 8t., ~--'J of . well l*leek4D* IS Important to Cotton Shippera, bl PKRINTKNDKNT'S OFFICE, V Mracqqww KxiLaoaa CourawT, >: . columbua, Qa., Jan. 81,1U6J, ; ThsMusooaee Uailrood Coatpoag ,wiU tirg through Bills Lading for OeUoa 4o Bavonnab at S40.5U per bale at MIE. ! W. L. CLARK, Bttp’t. ONIONS; I I WASHING BLUBINO J MACABOT BNTJFyp aOOTOU BNCFF; d^itbLxas b CANDIES; BL’TIER. CHEBOX: APPLE V1NK0AR; SODAffiBTAROH: CRACKERS; SO, At. BROWN: BUCKBT8, he., he. wMok “"J*. 'iSaSisaj"' “X 1 , ;. Storage Room. vPRffirrlnr tbe put week, we now' hove itorago room for mere. “* cldse storage room whieh is pei atlaptofLfor the storage qf dieo of any kind. J. rob8 tf Wanted to Buy, A DWELLING HOUSE, containing aix ox eight rooma. with all neeeeaary out-buHd' ing«. situated on halt acre lot. It mutt be eon- yen tent to bu«in<u>s and in a good neighborhood. For whieh caah will be paid. Anplr to • I p v. yrltiuOpXA. „ , . Georgia Home InauranoqnPcie, J. W. PEASE, Bookseller and Stationer, COLUMBUS, “'** “ 4 w * u ^* 0M<i SCHOOL BOOHS H-i-ivmn , -« - JgOluUon OT Council any pereon tnformfng a pen nnd Mr*- cerinr the oenvietion ef n party eo olliapft •hall receive one half the fine w* * Imposed hj the Mayor, ttVkfcr \n reef Agw no which may b# re» on' black tin will be Clbrk OtmnefL Mulesl Mules!! Used tt Schools, Aeodewiee and OwUegsa, and invites tbs attention ef nil wlebl^ te pnrobhn to bia .took, ’ !, ’ Teacher, aad Coen try Mvrohontewdtdo wel, to axaihina hD naurtaeat bafcre pwrobaalhg, ebawbere. Ilbltf T WILL bars(0 No. 1 brake MULES in Cw. A [ambus next Moudny at AMe^mejgfMdha I FOHSALE, 50 fraWdaodiSottnd l Tobaow. ; '^Rjpwnnyiw * edi J« n be BL9UNT t GBO *»di i —A COMMISSION .. No BROAD KAftEBLaCBOIC 1UU W Tiers-Pri* Ltverweet Salt, 8ee< at laweit mark,! rstb COTTON SEED *' ’ KfwTuonr J gAl 1 BLotJinri 4 4 , GHIPLEL E BN iBCffSfi' G‘«U'8y*ttJk ilxiebea. <tt-. ***