Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 04, 1866, Image 3

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sews njfe” ; N^'e'ftc'iAu. ^mstt'r on ewers pat*. i Mscbins Lubricating WU M t ?,ndlsc-U» UC* j*Tp«»*” 0 ** 00'. -If ,M Cenconlrntnd 1*9. tortl- ^'T^pkmbieioh;* Oft. ,&asro«Wnta». Din* n»4«»«* *“•*••• j! 8. FBMB«RTO!l * CO. O^nTwWt* Port, OldTopn. Srislrn. * r ° ,fa ’* 8<4 * U, 'P* . 8. pgMBMTO* * 00. .. .rSw« rr«-. C«n Yl.rorin* Rslrnets. kglish * J. & PEMBBRTOK A 00. rurtbi"V «T«r f*»« l» StOtO, go to j S. PRMBEBTOH k 00. r~YaUntint*~l »t U»* book l>pier, Thornton A Go., Mo *0 rtt C»U «oon *■<! «•* b ** u m .nj persco, in this coggwunitir lo hup and md lb* vkrioa* Ltdlos’ book*, IltuMMtod , D dl,.U) North ora ud Wmot a would i»y go to the FoM-ottoe Mr. Hudson. H* ilk tortppl. ado 10 by hi* toth/Bln*** m a n noldier, andh, with all, »wor Bit new stsad i* wall suppliad i popular circulating HttrktOrc -Bor,Iron bat all tb. l.t. Wfid proved patenU *f ptahaia Gall him. 3»A*0-bf, [ itand of Urqubart k Obapmhn, ad mart, you will lad Or. Tbos. M. r S. Ctaaaua aad Juba Fi Iron*- e ready and wUlinw to fsrnl.h all af tmsrs and aa many nav aaaa aa itesll, with . Uedioiuei, Painta, Oila, Potaah, oa Oil, Congress Water, gptoea, u, Soaps, Potfaanary, and /. i Oooda. af every daaatipMaa. Mock la entirety nnsr aad lyadh. Wa ktap everythin* baloawinw boar aad intend lolltoa aa reaaeaahie aa will permit. EB8CKIPTION D1FARTMSHT newly tiltsd up, tad furriahad with tdleinaf, aad tpaalel attaatloa will iatha ootapauadiw of praaaadpkaana. will ha kapt opaa every aiwkt nntU maa H. Dawson's oKca la In (ha alora, red to all oowavnruno* ema In OFFIOUDAJLY ENQUIRER, I Coi.oumjBt Qa„ Feb. 4. 186# J - Baoon—Clear aides 25eft»>, Bagging—35o * ggrd. Kopn—Macbion-toadn 26o W *. . BrocTrts—per 'dot., common *1.96, combed eitra 17.60. ’CVaJle.—Star 8.V. sperm 35c V 1t>. i Candiea—Assorted 45c, French 60e ft A. Chnrow—Western reserve 29c. English dairy She. piaoapple dSc Cofwa—Kio a&e, Lawuaynt SHo. Java MwtW *> Coppery*—Te.t lb.' 8odar-lh and J#* pkg, ifle. Jilour—Supertno *14, plain aatra *15, utra family *17.60. Fish—Mackorel: No. 1. % bbl. *35.60. half bbla. *12.50, kite *150; Mo.i-2, bbla. *29.00, half bbla. *11.56, kltaII; No. 3, bbla. *31; birring. *140 ♦ box; sardines, Vi boxes *5o. Fru^-Jig,75o*1 box; Raisins, layer *t box *7.60. balf .boxes *4.60, wnarter beaaa *2.40. . Molasses—N. 0. *1.50 Vg,lion, Golden eyrup *1.60 18 gallon. 0«ts-$1.26» bushel. Gun Ptrwder—FJFG. kero f A. 75o, half kaia dm 80o, quarter kega do.8'e. 1 fconp—No. 1, brown lie. German 16o, French 17e » A. Spioea—Allspice 40c, peppel 45c. Snxar— A. clarided Srf. B do. 25c. C de. 24o, brown lSMtv crushed A 28c, powdered 28c. Shot—Drop *1 beg *5, buck *6. StarSh—Madison l?K91«o, pearl 15918c, Durysa’s 16917c, do. ant in gloss 20o ft A. Spirits—Brandy *5912.50. da M. rum *4. 0 Taa-InmeHal *221. Oolong *1.9* A A. Tobaood—Hanufawture I 85cd*1.25 A A. Twin*—96o A A. Vinegar—Cider |ii A .kbit Whiskey-Reetibed *3. old Bourbon t. las Bourbon $507. \¥ ibea—Sherry—H5097, port *42*X»r A geikon. rial cun urns—Me .A cask, *36. fa* ala A doa *4,50, porter A doa. ((50.' Wooden Wuro—2 hoop bucks *550 A doa !3 do d*.»T. , . | GtaeluauU Maako«. Ciworwwktii 1 Jun. Sl.-Flohr—Quiet andug- ■cbaaited. HEfiffiltlff'S ' „ :• 1 a 21 : . i Fluid,, Extract. Buchu For Weakness arivit.x frmn Indisorctb'u. The ex hausted power! ol Nature which ere aecotai.uaied SCTtosaa; f hi ^' *Tt /T »kerulneM. Horror of Uisoa*©, or ForebOdinKi ©onstttotioo/onoo- ofSOotrd with Oricooic 7Ti*kn®M, requirru the aid ofMediGitietoi^renfrth- riably doer. If mvir^ieoiehaie eubmitUd to. con tain ptien or taeantty eueoca Eanyiethan—Huai eeureaadprieeeXVebdwk- ur, cloetn* 8raa at U 75 lor city draased. fia- ceiate, 1,900 head, kins aork 1st good demand atis^oibraity. but dilbomit.to obtain at that ,>brolly. . iaootHiua—Unchanged and quiet, lotion steady at 45a hr middling. .told 140. ^ Whiskv'dull and prices nominal; free ii of- fared at (2.23, without buyers. Maw Orleans Marketa. v From the M. 0. Piceyune.J MnWD*njah. f#—11a. d — Suntt aMd Mo and Cedar Coat.—61 Broad a treat I, . L. FARCER hasps, its baa a large f Woolen Goods, lor Dadias aad Gan- 1 of which MUST BB SOLD. They Id without regard te oeet. ' ead Mines' Hals, of varieew •tglee > be sold at cost. those goude eooapy la the wtwrw b ether purpeeea. the time to get oh sag hargtiaa. Don’t aene or place, W. L. P 6BKBR,« ishltfw luiry bnt tiut mneh movement, the tuppli tpeirtln* of the lower deecriptiond, while the belter grades are meet in request. Prices ere Ubnnt the same aa previously, the salee com- prieing 175 hhda, huger, in lota, ut 13Uo for low i'eir. tc'ie. for roPnnds. ldVfo. for yellow elart- »e^. Ib540^»r light yellow derided, end lTVfe. Wearaaa Puoduoi auo Piovnuowa.—The merket oontinuea quiet.and —-kngtil with amall stocks and S fair local demand ut about lots, un private terms aad 206 ut *1.70 A10* A id 600 seeks Oats, i a lota, at 53* A buehal—aa . Jautn ura reatlalng, at ro btrrel. Lontawllla Market Louistilli, Jan. 29 — MidnlahL—Tobaeoo rmor; pork active at *39; lard in tleroea 18c.; aeon, clear aides lOVic.. shouluart 15c., hama :9925c.; corn 55360c ; oata 48c.; flour *7; whia- !t#y *2.25; baled hay l3o. Maw Work Dry Cl erode Market. eac.-J. W. Ptagi, No. *1 Broad Jett reouivad a moat baaatifal aaeort- Anerioan aad Foreiga aeatimoatal to VALENTINUS, pat up in lata to ' •**. la *5, Ilk *15. *M and M5 Iota, leeompaniad with the sank preapth MIK , •• * in, ‘—we . ill buy, gnd pay th« high*61 aear- 8 for, clean cotton or linen rags, limited quantity wanted at th\e ro-.ro—_ tf can furnish any number of blank for froedman, at thU oflM. If . -dam 31 _, ^ .umH#** anvilt*Vlctorir^a©. S\I»cIm— Indian Clinton 36o. Canton Flanxiolt— «f 40o. Salmon Fnlla b7c Tiokt— Amofkonc AC A S3o; Amoikwc A 60ui Ami- sasa ter** “ " CARD Of TBAIK*. to retar. my moet grataM aokpewl ta to the pablle and to each gad all ol he assisted at the Ute concert given for alt, acd especially ta Madam* Bellini “ m ‘ Oaosspeliua and Howard, without able assistance the entertainment ooulfl ve beta given. 4U # ^ ^ ALIOB GRAY «».—Our market hue boon * little foruduyor two put, nnd it slight vement Is quotable. Tha range day wee from 36(o*40e.; Middlings fovwll, of . valuable 3ol. J. A for the netruotod for thgir I, letusd £th Jea- ebout the up order * purpou -We no. >rrtU Of the feat wt ike and, noli jmot taka i of Chat- We enp- 'kade be- end that eositlr of fa knvo | Ult ompllo- |g *m u.| g ether 1 i f Stamp ■ , and of 1 R urns for r'lvUkidtf L^- 4 -au.it; 7*»»l ssdf: b«t he la •~v Okstrek ■d/ukHk. ■*hlk r HELMBOLD’S piu iii.flaftrfot Buohu, wm mMTvu ms** Rt'SS' Rl'SM IMPROVED i) :\ ’ ROSE WASH Will radically •xUrmln*lt from the lysUm X>ui- •niM ftttiinft rroin Habits of Diwipation nt little ox-* penso, littl* or no oliauc%,in 4iat, no ino«nironi«QM or exposure, completely superseding those nnpleeet ant end dancerous remediee (Copeive end Mercury) in ell these diseases. Use Hdimbold’s FLUID EXTRACT BUOHU, tn ell Diseeses of theee crge^N whether existing in Mfl® 9r Female, from whntever oeuse origin- eted. snd no nMtec how Iona sUndiux. It lx plee- s end odor, immediate” in eotlon, end [thouing then of the preparations of ffering from broken down or delicate ■ A^rthq^rtye RteiAf* tuguhe tke gtd ef a *lu- .ri. / i ' Holmbold’s Extract Bucbu ■ - odllo MM * I . fOtimt Dinretio. III'i.MUDLD'S H iglpl)^ ;J Con ceiUra ted • • "“COMPGUND Fluid Extract' Sarsaparilla, blood, removing allohronlcbon- leUl^eeaecflARri'ilnjf lroip eu impure state of the blood,and the only reliableTnnd clieolivo known remedy for the cure of ^cro/u!.i. Scold Head, Rheum. Pains a^Sfe^iogf of tlon of the Thrgi, the Face. Tcttor, tiool . Iliocra- _ Pimples on Tysipolas, and ail koaly orup- eoe. Tcttor of the skin. Beautifying the Complexion. H *nuiL . > i Not efeer efth* worst di^ordors that affect man* nd arise from the corruption that acoumuietes in e blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge It o^ ppftwcao enual in effect ’S COMPOUND Extract cf Sarsaparilla. It eleanses and reaowatee the bloed, instills vigor of health into iu« system, and purges out the hu- cn make dlseasn. ‘It itimufates the bealthy i of the body, end the disorders that S d rankle In the blood. Bnch a remedy d he relied on, bw long been sought for, fof the Irtt time, the put/Ho have one on bjt ean depend. Our spare here does not admit ol certiflc'atee to show its efforts. but the trial of aplufle bottle will show the sick that it hws vir tues surpassing any thine they have ever taken. Two table-spoonsful of the Extract of Bar**panl1a added to a pint eT wirtef is equal to the Lisbon I>iet Drink, and one Dottle is fully <qua! to a gallon of a eSyrapd* ‘ * nr made. . tar These Extracts haveboen admitted to use in tke United States Army, and are also in very xen- aral use in all thefltate Hospitals aud Public Sani tary IPititations throughout the land, as well as in private practice*, and uo considered as invaluable remediee. See Medical ^reitorile« of Bucbu, St. Domingo Bitters, •.or h 3 -fa n St. Domingo Bitter*, ' } } tb St. Domingo Bitter*. ; W ij.! IU 0 i! j2. Tl ■ J Y1 , )i-,F Bui'-if no I If i ONE of the moet veluwhl, combinations of a useful wedioine gnd go ggreegble beverage that hgg ever begu offered to thg pbbllc. Millions of bottlee were sold throughout tbe North during the lest four years, and, wherever introduagd, it bee proven e waUotne edditihmt* lit* in valid’s table, ( the family circle, and tb,bachelor’s sideboard 1 rj ' Ia ^‘ * U#' Hi! IajU > LAOIK3 wito have iotAstrength end ep- potite, end ttiltorftom saosee, vomiting and vertige-— OENTLKMRN Wbo "don’t fee) veiry wcfl 1 ' JliA' beliord breakftst of dinner, /.r/./liw-ii ttflUd/fflliil kf,MW:’ ’ whose stomeeb igetit of order ead sys- . > ..ut; .. ; tem is general If dergngedr- .HOTJfJKJW frqeninf childrqq, endstrfbr- ing from general deblliiy— CiilLUltKN of eickly nature, end sour, dyapcplic constitution— TKAVELMrtSi with i hitfi occasion to ■ i ti i- i:;uk i ” i’ change their water,end— ^ ALL who (ivo lit malarious dlstriots, end ere subjected to miasmatic ifliuencet, will And one dfthe most veluableTenics end Invigoretnrs then can be tekun, iq ■ i l ill .'i ■ .//.tl/.i'l' : 414/ <;//. / , m ■. o rn*. eH ( DRUGGISTS, ...... > i i: 11 / ' PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, NO. 03 BROAD Hu» jl. wlt jm mm mi mm 9 -', jwl • 9LZ We are constantly;rgetiving l*rgo Additions (to our present Now Slock)'cd Select Drugs, Pure Chemicals, &c., &c., to which we invite tho attention of tho public. Wc have established a Chemical Laboratory, foi'ttflaufacturing pure Uhemieri nnd Pharmaceutical preparations. We arc also prepared to make aualyaoe, qualitative aud quantitative of Soil., Minerals, Waters, Ores, Chcmioal and Meaical Compounds, Poisons, &u., &c. Fine Chemicals and new remedies raado to older for Physicians. Particular attention given to private formulas. , Mr We respectfully invito Physicians and the trade to examine the style and quality of ovr pharmaoeutioal preparations. Order* .promptly executed. * ’ ~ f^MBE 11 GENERAL INTELLIfEiitt i os’yTci:, AG- Go VltOAO STHJSKT, ,(OUL.UiyUdU», GA. „i r Succesa Atteuds_ the, Dtfigeiitl , SPECIAL 2U>ajtCK.— I hv* leiivci ito cell O attention to the o»i»it«U«tU* of uur otiiuipu • i uity that I ha>.«».uu.iuy bovks a largo iiuo*l.***r <>t llutwns, Lotn, Farntn. Plantations nuu .o<oor j single - of 1‘Friporty whirb fit/on «»>t *m 1 >sa.v column in »he ituvrepaiirr*. .Vly utlvpiw ii? - tt> all th.it it yoq vraut to buy on 11 lifst on mu aud see If we oa#'l trade, thon jo FOR REUT,’.,.- PLANTATION, netty MoBt’s Mills, Hut- . - ..oil county, Ain. ‘It oohtulns 400 itrres >od la- d, under good fot.oing, good housed, o. The Ptock nnd iirtmriona can be bought if . desired. The plaoo lies sixteen mile** from Co- * tiuibuH. nbbut half way between FaJylo ub<l wford. oirrl.e rosd to Auburn. Tho luW r'er* o„th.„l.o«. Apply to ' , iri FOR SALE, A TM A Cl t.f laud on the Kxiirens roiui, twelve uiilrs t'rouji Columbus. It contains hlO aeroa, 25 Acres cleared and 20 acres deadened. Tho Jan. 25-6m ^,-S- !s.'& J PAL& & CO. DEALERS IN A2Sr3ai/.I.io:>,/:jj/; a.K /I'M /1/ FURNISHING GOOD FOR MEN ANdI >!✓- y :i «.d(JZ f ■ .ifLiiifullyiiild .V/ A.lso on ITaiid a Fine TLot oi OVERCOATS, SHAWLS, RUGS; &C. 167 BROAD STREET, • (POOK’S HOTEL- OPPOSITE January 6, lW r >—tf jfc B B it it ii It It B 0 U It 0 B B 1TK K K K K E E R K K Fi E E B K E K K K K K E K K E K K E E KK • , a V r 17 XT a II U H U H H H II H H H 'R "tf j, , l( r : lit 111111111111 M i.11 Mil BU"*- TRY THEN BUT ONCE I • uiOTtliVTS liOV R U- S’S ’r ST. DOMINBO PUNCH, RUSS V V V V V V V V,,V V V V V V V E K K BE Klim u,l£ p EK E fill HIYI! BEE HIVE!! Just Received, JT ' I ' Wh. R. Ukdkli.. ' * ; ^Hbt’i BOOT 4HD SHOE STARE. - BEDELL & POPE, No. IBB Broad St.; Columbus tUNDKll COOK’S UQXiSL), W OULD re.«iifctfully annouuoe to theciti- »en« of Columbus and vicinity that we an now raoeiviug and qpeuingbur atock ( of BOOTS AND SHOES and will oontinbellykeeppu hand every style of Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, and Meak ilers’ And Youths’ DoOtg, $Houg an J Uniters, and Children,’* C<jpner-tiped;ihue All Grades of • Buff, Kip and Wax Brogans Great Pain* hie keen taken in itottingoip ■took, and we guarantee ail work edit. The HtraltTi Washington epaeitl lays ; The eoaferenee of Senior Major tienerelt af the regular army now progretfiug b causing the most extensive speculation at to the reeuita to be obtained. Among the moet practicable theories yet advanced te the supposition that the*e offleort have boon tumraonail more to give their view* concerning tha Noutbern country they have traversed, end as to the Beoeeaity af iterriaooing the tdbu^h with troop*, then or a council touching the immediate af fltir* of tbe ermy.' Thi* propawition i* the more credible, from tbe introduction and p.tiago of a resolution in theSehnta to day, making the Preaident to tfknamit Genor*! Bhirman's report of hi* personal oqservations'in the South. It it auppOMd that Mr. Jobnion it priutipaUy. d- tirou* Of obtaining (he opinions of thh Generals, and that Congress will adhere to it* origi- lal idea of doiagatmg tubxcommiltee* rom the Joint Uccutiatruoliun Committee, lo make a trip of observation through the <mloded Btate*. ^ ^ An EpiTAW^-The pompous epitaph of a dose liated citieen oiboed with the following passage of Soripture: “He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord." “J.ut may be ao," soliloquized Nam bo, “but when dat man died, de Lord didn't owe him a red cent." mon Dittp ™ CHI ~ See Professor tlowoo’s valuable works on the Praetieeof Fbveic. gee the reutkt taade by thaoetobrated Dr. Pky- lie oi Pbikuislsbix - i See remarks made by Dr* Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated Fbyrieiad and Member of the Royal Oollege of Surgeons. Ireland, and published in the Transactions of the King and Queen'd Journal, See Metfifo <H|irunocal pptliakad by Benjamin TraverB, Fellow otlUyal College of Sur- tnort oU latte St/nd ’afid Works oi Medi etas. • ' i ARRACK PUNCH, ■y'l Y.U1 iWdll ff/.HTH MADE FROM BATAVIA HIOK. R U S S M ! vtifcqtif jO 9c'I J fcESSlNA PUNCH. AW .1-1 LINT OF LETTERS 1866: AU»: wuiitt • JbIm A Bowers, Hilliard Bnf k Fro., Bri-ige. miM L A Bridceman, S D 3 Johwson, Matal Johnson, T Jones, mrs C E Lowenbenr. J Lowry. 1.ottr.il. Miss M Kimbrough. J M jr Knowler, mrs 3 J Lacoine, J 2 Lester, miss M fsaStKiiLririi) toiftsT ^ a Burk. J L Massloga) Bash. Fraeklen ar?r: E u*niw, n y Clark, Dr L Calvin, W J Cook, mm M Cooper, mm 8 C Oosatlef, Chas Crioton, tore F Onrry, mis* M (2) Dalton. B T Denmark. W B Dennis, M.A Dennis. T H Douglass, mrs B A Edwards, an L V Mafsiogaie, Miss h McCook, J T McClarkin, (colored) M<*Far!an. w. McKennie, W J McLane. Miss 8 8 MeLtren, Mrs r Melton, Miss Kebeoca Mend if, P Miller, Ortend, 2 Milner. Uopsoq Milton. Dr HO Moore. W D Mottard. Zadook r, J J 2 ,Mm A EXTRACT BUOHU, RUSS “SAMiPARILLA." . t rfc’JO > : 4 • M) • Principal Dgpot— HELMBOLD’S Drag and Chemical Warehouse, •i. • see aauAiiWAi, NEW YOHK. SOLD M ALL DRUG!OUSTS. Jan 14—eod2m NEW PEBPDME For the Handkerchief. PHALON’S Maury, tel ulton. lion M C Gi:;n K (Rate. R nnd L Gordy, G 0 Gordy, H M Gordon, J Grtat, F (col'd) GrSV, Dr J L GrifTen.ysn J V “Sami h w* , in W M AttreAteol'd) SLv i rsiuine. a r Patten, Mrs W R Pearson. A T Peck. W Wan Pou, Jas F Pugn. Chss Pureell k Garreti, 2 fro.. Person, celling for any at the ebeve ietSetv HW star tksr r.M. GIN COCKTAIL. BUS S 1 ’ J 11 . BRANDY COCKTAJL HMIiJ8 *’ nt'i RUSS’ BOURBON WU**aY COCKTAIL. Tbe most delightful oeneoctione that ever umpted a man’s taste—olseeper than any STEADY DlfjNKS in the world. RLACKRBRKT BRANDY, KASPilERKYSYRUF, GINGER CORDIAL*, LEMON SYRUP, Also on hand and manufactured to order. A Moot Exquisite, Delicate, and Fra grant Fnrfume, Distilled from the Bare aad Beautiful Flower from whioh it tehee its weens Man misdated only by PH A LON St BON, NEW VOBK. BEWARE or COUNTERFEITS. max vox maunra—tajk no araga. a. a br Dswgme, man. KUSS & CO., Mo. 84 Day street, NSW YORK. \ SOLD WHOLBSAIJt BY J. S. PEMBERTON A.CO.. URDII.L m CO.' Sold by Otoems and Di uggtsls. Jau 10-eegl/ F K a: isr o II c o 1ST F E 0 T 1 0 1ST E II 1 E S. FIG PASTE, CRYSTALUBD FR0IT8. URUAM OIIOCOLATK. GUU DROPS, BRANDY DROPS, FANCY DONBONA SUGAR ALMONDS, BURNT ALMONDS. FANCY CANDIEA In tuielh. boxes. Art. Ac., ALL AT THE Fabfltf _ Vf . . DANCING ACADEMY. Hcun. CLkVKLANO AMD FliARK WILL commence their xuunne our Also, a fine sssottaiont nf Soft and Cashmere Hats. oot21-tf For ^*ale, . H1KK3. ory description; an < xopUeut hmJI of water, it-housrs, sko. Xu nil a very dasirablo plaoa id vory heklthy. Th« ro nro two Cojekot-iu ubtirn— one -malo aud onu fcmalo, which ukes too plane more dctsirablu. I he place ia •w occupied by Dr. Sterling llats. Apply lo J. IL SIKI*.»'>. Foi* Bale, L 8BT OF FINK COITAUP, FUiUNHURE. Apply to J. H 8llvK&. A Good Ohauoo for Investment. HAVK IDR SALE A HOUSE AND LOT on Forsyth street, between Fulton and Early streets. The house contain* four roouo*. The 1 lot It un one ncro nnd runs back to McIntosh .•ureuf. This is tor f ale ohonp. Appjy.ui J. )*. .SlKltssS • TTOR SALK, A STEAM SAW MILL—30 honio Engine, splendid cylinders and boilers; nine tv Rfiod stand lor a.giiet mill. Tho plivuo in two and a halt luileM Jrom lie M. aud. W. U. U. uud lii: oi116n frrmi 'Columbui-; 800 ai'rrs line land ■at tached; 2V0 acres cleared, with a good lour >oin dwelling aud out house-. Apply to J, 11. PilvE$. For Sale, A TtUtJSK AND LOT .’n' ojutliin.c ;trc« t. between Early and Fulten streets. The house uobtwoj six rhoms. cioHets. two Ure«.<«iu/t rooms and two pantriori. On the lot if a kitchen, earrinxe house, and wood well of wiitor. The Site of the lot is } i acre: in a geod neighbor hood. Ail the improvcrn'iaH uto new uud welt mt up In every respect. ‘ Apply to iij i! JyiJfaSlKItB, , : FOR 8ALE, : A Seven Octave Piano. _Jun. 9_t f _ L ^ B. L HfflTf. GENERAL COLLECHNG AGENCY' I HAVK^enlablibbed hi this city an Agency btr tjhqdtdlootiou of debtx Any,notus os afr oonnts plain'd in iny hand-< shall b-i pnimp'ly piesentcd uud puyiiiont urged. Bn afire** la solioited To the Public. Mi K this day sold my entire interest and in the New Book and Stationery Ne. 60 Broad street, ColumBtoN, Gsf, tL Air. David W . Appier, of this oity. AlUiuhii itios ot the concern contracted previous to tho 15:h inst., except for goods received suh.tffyfiuetit to that time, will be assumed by me. ;Tbe t«nsi - < will bjft contiuued at tho old Maud, under _ firm or Appier, Thornton \• Co., who’wni assume paymeut of all. liabllitlos contracted aubsMiucnt to the 10th iust. Thkukiug my friends and patrons f*»r thofr kind attention and liberal ratronage. T tak«« pleuNHre tu oopuuendjpg my ►.uoposeouj tp th»» confidence, good will and attention of iny old. ouxtomers. WM. L. SCRUGGS,’ J»i o«ry atith, I860. . f . \’\; J / The New Firm 13 KBPKU1 FULLY call the attentiort of their XV triends and the ixjblio generally ta tb#:r Htuek of Sohool and MiscQlluneous li• n• k4, btu - tionery. Music. L'tht Literature and News, to which they ara addiug by dnily arrival. They iutend to make their stock full, varied aud complete, such as should secure the pntronHkft of all who desire to euaouiifto ready faiciaiH liviug profits. lu presenting their claim* ior a share of eiioourageoient they pledge (heir ut most endeavors to give satisfaction to’all who mayiavor them with a call- Fidelity And in tegrity will be their iuolt«, and to merit sqccdsi* their aim. Just Received. \JTTJS HAV'B roocired aithin tho past week ▼ ▼ another large assortment of "BOOTS AND SE(OES oonslstiogln part as follows: Ladies’and Misses’ Glove-Kid Polish Buis, " V " • " Baliiiorals, " " " Kid and Morocco Bal's,, " " " Lasting Congress, " " • *' Glove Kid Cgngrees. '* Goat Polish Balmorals, " Velvet Slippers. Chijdraa’s Glore-Kid aud Goat Dai’s,. Men’s Oalf, Stitched Light-welt Boots* u ** M 6. 25. Boots, ’’ " ’’ W. I’. Bools. ' ** ” Sewed W. P. and Weit Boots, ” " " and Pegged Bal’s, fi flUtohed pml GpeVi Blippew. " Oalf Pegged Hal’s aud Boots. ” Grain Hunter Boole, Tooth's Copper-tipped Boots. , BEDELL & POPE, <l,o 21 t( UNDER OOOK’6 HOTEL. Advances on Cotton. ^DVANCES made on Cotton conslfthod to E. M. BRUCE. MORGAN Jc CO., Aptlaoliiculs GIVEN, WAITE A 00., Ne«U(ls»us. WATTS, CRANE A CO.’, Now York, or W. C. WATTE k 00., Livernuol, By W. FKUK ALEXANDER, Agaut fur E. M. Brucu A Co.. Otkoa95 Broatl at,, o.sr Euuis' store. Jan It if F: A. SL. cnurie «>f Dancing LesHons at TEM PRRANCP. HALL, on MOND \T, 5th, introducing all the) nets £f the day, auo a full A • JJORTON and Butter Cracken*. Qfj (P Cream, Kgg, Fancy, Lemon. Pie Nic, ^ •^4 Sugar, Wine, and Water do. , ^ 4) Ginger Snappt, Oyster* andQnahauga 1 ^ S ' Fresh and Smoked Salmon. 2 | Hick wheat and Sr. Louis Flour, Q Course and Table Hilt, • ^ ■d 1 Q Assorted Jelliee and Gelatine. JjJ - iCraata Tartar suJ Svioss, w Dost Nsw York Cbsssss. Best CiJsr Vlucgv, ^ j,, Paraffin*. Sinrm. I'stsnt, Star ami. S Ailamantios Candler. o Brass Bourn! Buoksts, Tubs St., c their molto, and to merit succ*® APPLKR. THORNTON AUO. f' Powder, Shot and Uapa, O F T1IE BEST QUALITY, For,ala by J. F. MURRAY. Jap. 26 tf Sun copr. L 1 REGULAR LifoE New Orleans, Pensacjla and Apa lachicola. ^PHK A I .Steam Propellers. Bpt'FORDaud 1 TAPPA1IANN0CK, frill make regular weekly trips euch from Now Orleans toiApa- lachicula, touching at ATKINA. AgontN, Ayalncbicolu. JNO. J). ATKIaV^. Agent. Culumbes* G». For Rent, ir end TIU8 OFFICE, CHEROKEE PILLS, Or k'emale Htgulator, Curt* Suppressed) Eire entire ant Painful Menstruation. Green .S'irA’fifo, Nervous and Spinal At- fdetione. Pains in the Hack. ${ck- Jfradncke, Gidtline**, b/hIKIBHIs- eeetw that spring from Irregularity, by removing tho cau»o anil allih * effects that arise from it. The/ are perfet tly aak> in all caM** <v aejit when forbidden by direc tions, and arc ca.»y to ndmintst« •, an they are nicely tttour •toated They ahpuhl bo Jn Uie bamL • 1 every Mnldvh, Wife, and Mother in the land. Ladies can address uw in perfect confidence, and state their com plaints In ftill, as wo treat all Female Complaint 1, ' r;: . lo a sealed earn lope, free. The Cherokee Pills are sold by all dniggisti at |1 per box, or aix boxes for ; or they are sent b> malt, free of postage, in an ordinary letter, fie * from observation, by addressing the sole jiroprU tor, Dr. W. B. MERWIN, 87 Walker 8t., N. Y. N. B.—Cherokee Pills No. 2 are prepared for special ofmes.vrhen milder mod lei nos Dill, tho** are sent by mail, fro* of pottage, ou receipt of •••, the price of each bo*. UriflkFebruary 5 i«urte of'calist£'*nle KxetoLes. Hours of i«KtrucUou for Young J.sdtes, Misses And other FANCY and STAPLE GR0CKKIKB* q) Many Yankee Notions, A good lot Hardware, 4^ Various Articlok DRY GOOD8. «<i BHOKS, HATS,”Bprori«*,” Ac. J»u36tl , iostrucitou lor louns l. — Mssuri. from 3 to 5 o,clock Moodsyr, Tuss- U,nCsmsn^°Cl»Ii’rroi»-to 9 Mondays sod T AMsmb!lss w«y Wsdn««Iay nlxkt daring tb. .rosls.. Fsb.l !»•_ Wanted, A SITUATION AS CI.BRK in n D„ or Groonry Stars, by n younx bis -b. is aeoaainted with both braeches of the business. Cart he employ ad on reasonable terms. Refers to Messrs. Gawlsy Jt ReckweH, D. B. Thompson, lhoma* Jt To., BrdslI A Co. , _ . .. Addrem G A. ti.. eere Ggwlej k Roekwell. 1S^Broad eireei. suting salary, to. D. S. Foreign Labor Associat'cn ]Vr. p n A dVX,t»A%1Sy , :fn u --- nutnbsr. at sragnn .1*100 p*r ysnr for taco. *75 for woman,. Bound fur .not l?4S tb*' 1 ysnr. For pnrt.cul.r.snblr.o^^ ^IMSt Jan 18 3m» • ■ f »t No, 13X Urnvi 4**, For Rent, TMW premises ooeupied by 1 W m. Deg nan as a re ' aad storsboae*, oa the •f Trent aad Crawford i JnaiWl- ” v Dn. WRIGHT’S rejuvenating elixir, Or, Enatnct or Ait*. Cures General Debility. liVtil - “ ness, Hysterics in ? finale*. Palpitation of the Heart an t *> all h r ereran r>i»ra*t*: It re- 5 stores n»*w lifo aud vigor to thu axctl, caurliig the |n>t blood of ’’ At the Phenis ruet yuuth to rtiurso the veins, r. «• t srmsrsk Sjtsi overcome diteate. pi rfrrt **JC/isrir of lore, re- moving Storilitu sn<l BnrMnnCM In both sexsn. To tbe young, inlddls-sgcl, • n 'LW« 1 ; CicrsIs no gr,-*ts. l«>on than this •' liltitr ot Ltd-. It gfvs» n now Issro or Ufa, csutlng tho * osk nml dsbl itstcl to have renewed strength and vigor, nml tho vnUra ,y,t«m tu thrill with Joy snrt pletuM™. ^I’rtco, ono bottlo fi ; tbroo bottln *9 ; oent by Color, in Oil, Fine Ksrosins, IVuk* Nalls. ? aut aad many other articles mush needed Hardware lisa dee if tf lua e*py. V