Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 04, 1866, Image 4

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JFrom Chambers' 7 our*i'al Th« Vur'a Tn'rlV* Chiilr«H. January, worn and gray. Like on old pUgrl* by tbe war. . Watches the snow, sod shiver ins sifhs. As the wild curlew 'round blta llieej Or huddled andemeatb u thorn, Hits praying for Me lingering oiorn. February, bluff and bold. O’er farrow* striding. scorns the cold; And with bis horse* two abreast, » Makes the keen plow (I<> his behest ij.ttivEVfe'cr$ 0 Passenger 1 rain Leave Col am bus at ...» mfm Mffuinv and mmi. NIGHT TRAIN. _ „ Leave Macon M Arrive at Atlanta J-*. AMA. M. Scatters tbe.-eed o’er the «mrk Waste. April, a child, hall tears, ball smiles# Trips foil ot little playful, Wiles; And, laughing ’ncaih her rainbow hood, Seeks tbe wild violet iu the wood. May. the bright maidan, singing goes. To where the snowy hawthorn blows. Watching the lambs loan in the dell, List'ning the simple village bell. June, with the mower's scarlet face, Moves o', r the clover fi^ld apace. And lari his crescent sythe sweops on O'er spots Irbin Whence the lark has flown. July—the farmer, happy fellow. Laugh* t«> see the corn grow yellow ; The neavy grain he tosses up From his right band, as from a cup. Augusf —tho reaper—cleaves bis way 't hrough gulden w*vea at break of day; Or. on nis wagon, piled will* corn. At sunset, borne is proudly borne. September, with bn* braying bound, Loup* fence anil p ile at every hound ; And casts into the wind in scorn All enr s apd dangers from hi* horn. October come*, a woodman old, I Fenced with tough leather tfom tbe cold, I Round swing* his sturdy ale. and lo 1 A fir-branch fa'le at every blow. November cow«r* before tho tluine, Bloarod crone forgot ting hor own qame! | Watching the blue smoke curling nae, And broods upon old memories. December, lat und rosy, stride*. His old heart worm, well clot In d bis sides. With kindly word lor young nnd old, The cheerier for the brncing ooN; Laughing a welcome, open flings His (loots, uud as he dues it, sings. «J< sit Hillingdon L awing.— Laffing in hfrikly on nimisrmenti iiltlio huiii folk a mnkt* u nv it. It hug been coiibidpiod an index ov charukter, and thorn urn hum go olusa at rouHonipg that they nay thoy kan tell what u man had for dii nor hi tenin him laff. I iipvor n:tw two luff aliko. Wliafes fh* fo nro sum who Jou( uiuku eny noizo, thorp nr© sum who don't wake Anything else hut nnisso—and »um, agin, who have intfoic in tJipir luff, and hmid who Inff je*t ck a rut dnz who's ketohed n stool trap with the end uv hia tail. There iz no mistake in tho an*urshun that it iz a ounjfurt to hear sum hills (hut cum rompin out uv fiuirt men's mouths— like adiatrick hoIjoo! of'yuug galajeat let out tew play. Men who never luff may have good harts, but they are deep seated'—liksum n s, they Imv their inlet nnd outlet elow and ahovr no sparklin bubble on the brim. I don’t liko the giggler, hiz kind uv luff ez like tho dandylyorr, a broad yeller und not u hit uv good Hindi ubout it. It oz true that eny kiwi uv a luff, if it iz honest, iz better than none; hut give me the laff that looks out uv a man's eyes, fust, tew see if the coast iz clour, and then steals down into the dimple ov his cheek and rides in un eddy thur a- while, and then waltzes a spell at the kornerov his mouth like a thing ov life, and then hursts its bonds of beauty and fills the airiur n moment with a shower uv silvery tounged spurks, then steals bak with u smile toils lair in the heart to watch agin for its prey —this is the kind uv a laff that i luv and ain't afraid ov.— Sat Eve. Press. — ♦w A Toua ll Story— Nemonia, or the Old Woman of the St. Cruir.—A oorrespnii- dent o{ IUb Polk, county Prut i, rospon-. ■ihle for thn following, wliioh. if true, mules the venerable Joseph Crain com paratively an infant: "The oldest human bring known In modern times lives now. or did a short time sinco, in Wixcniisin, near tho head wutnra of tho St. Croix river. Iler exact ngo is unknown. When thn oldest In dians, who know hor, worn young, she was un old womun. They oa lied lief ‘Nentouia,’ the Chippewa fur an old wo man. Shu is p uutrvol nnd u wonder to all who sou hor. I(ur body is bout nearly to tho grouud by time and heavy bur dens. Her fafio, wrinkled and Irnokod in the wigwams for over 150year, hue little left of tho 'human face divme.’ "When i uij ui rod of by white men, who were outting timber u enr hor wigwam,' in regard to hor oge, she could not tell it. hut could well reoolloot when those tall pines they wffro cutting were no larger than tho MatV she held in her hand, and when she could bend them down and brealp. off their branches. The lumbermen cut down those trees and counted their yearly growth, ami many of them proved to’bo nearly 2(10 years old. And Nemonia could onae bond them to the ground. So, if Nemo- uia tells the truth, she is nearly lilM) years old." Little 8toky.—Dan Marble was once strolling along the wharves in Hus ton, where no met a tall guantfiguro, a "digger" from California, and .get into conversation with him.- "^Healthy' eli • mute, 1 suppose!” "Healthyf , it ain't anything else. Why, stranger, tlmro you can choose any climate you like hot or cold—end that without Warding more than fifteen minutes. Just think of that thu next oold morning you get out of bed. Thrro is a mountain with a valley on each side of it, the one hot and the other cold. Woll, get on the top of the mountain with a doublh bar reled gun,and you can, without moving, kill either summer or winter game.Just as you will !" "Wlmt! have you ever tried it!" "Tried it! often; and should have done pretty well but for one thing. I wanted a dog that would stuui. botli climates. The Inst dog I rose off his t ail while pinting on the summer side, lie didn't get entirely out of the wiuter side you sc e; trow as you lire.” Jl'HT LlKK AN OLU QaiHELOR.— A princess of Hungary once asked a monk who was a schulur aiul a wit, to expluiu to her the story of Balaam nnd the hsh, adding, "Uoud fathe-, 1 can luirdly believe that an nvs oen be eo talkative COtuDiodiovH Brick Warehouse estorage rOoro. we ire prepared __ enotiie, Reohfving. Forwurding taerre arfcsjfe t£ix?T ___ We are also prepared to advance on CotTon ? and Moroh%ndixc jn spire, au<l-<>a Cotton tor (HAN UK or SOtfEBirtK. 1 ^Er«L„ T t ,,Micitod.:- ' ^ sWK,u Srs w. . Montoomkry, SopL 20.1865. Columbus,Ga., Nov. 9,1W5—5in Folio #1. Leave Columbus at-u-.-fr i*rv"*-0'2Q A. M. Arrive WeeiKohitf—J-**.*- ' Arrive at Montgomery ™* Arrive nt Coloumbus M. Uouneoting with trails of A. if. k-fR* at West Point vnriob arrives in Atfnnta at 7 r. M„ in time to conuoot with tbf Ww»i®ruafui Atlautic Rail Rond fur Cbattauooga anil point* n0r,h ' l)AN'L U. CRAM. l.pt 22-tf ■ llsnefOi^. Now is Your Time TO HUY . JUST SADDLE,SV F. J. Coma ml . r CONA^ 1 WTOil! fHpMnibf Wf m i*4CTOR8i couisstMMinmHf nrsfcsssSassSJ' l1 ‘M'niiJwsir' «o.«*e»ftWwifJ , *f.. , Ht'SCOGKES LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. 1 Foreign and Domaetio Exchange, rifiGLlAAND SILVER COIN, Offer their servii o(r other produoe, and will purchMe on order ■nods of all kinds. 1 .*nottia 6firi;mt>c~re REFER TOs Atkin*, Dunham k Co., Apalaehicola, Fla. 0. K. Woods. KufsuU, Ala. ognimoU E. E. Ottolengin,) vs; "T)jiLl J. OttoleiiMJ J .ti ftp appearing to the Court that the defendant . wloe* not reside withirl tbeliinris or this Coun- 1 or ^tute, but in tho Htatc of Ne# York. Un motion ot couoiel for triosntifl»i It is Or- h> , ' uhMc * tio * iV true extract fruit the minutes of uridfhf* perior Court. . F. M. HitOOKfe% Clerk; .dec 6 BANK NOTES, BONDS AND STOCKS. M. M. COPELAND &C0i, ,J chtTON FAdTOR8 »—aKI>^- tit •■■'ft •• 'inw ij ^^jKTjEiaAJLa COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 25 Commercla,t Place, NEW ORLEANS,' LA. M. M. Corsu.si), , T. Jf. I’.ssu*. ry, Ala. ' htifOvlo, Ain. dw^aglia .1, <l aW oiA. G. D. & G. W. HOOPER, X Li&SL RoIUSf TYLER & ROBISON, Grocery a Commission Merchants, \ITILL Praolicln all court, in East AU Tf bama. j itotgHvt^Jr^vford. Ku»seil County, Ala. MARTINGALES, COLLARS^ rt cali, iguW AT.y f^y srui^i VWDKH BANK W. L. S Jeo 2‘J tf 1 fwS8tt*saejfci«. 1 flnost Kastern Huy, ut prioea loss than hero* tufore ehurgod in thl* mu rise i, . W. FELIX All rags OTK. 95 Broad utrdeti ovoriCnlilirsfbre, dec 27 tf T; H. AUBTlJr, * CnnrmiflflinTi Mfirnhant., SAVANNAH, t^A.., lie for* to: Eppinir. Ilamierd A Co., and M. P. Kill* k Co.,^VoJumLaa. dec 27 3m W. K. Commercial Broker, i«|,;bo |*Ai* .or! ll.tw.on Third and Fourth, (at John Snyder A Oo’«> n L-QUISVJL.-UE, KY,, LL ALr'1/i G.I OUki Particular attention paid to the purchase of Grain and Produce. _d ee 28—3m* . . Cotton Seed For Sale. 1 r.r\n nusniLS of Fr.sk (lined WVTTON 1 SEED foraal* ut’my Dover Pluntn —,—< Also,*.. fine Mute*. Apply lo J an 4J.pi n.T,.JfOTT OOJLUikllBUS STOVE AND TIN WARE liroad Street, rospectfullv annotinne the reount arrival of a larKpfiid select eSook of till lutest and mwiC approved styles aRi! iuuuufuo< ture [arrival of a larye and select and moat approved ftjdes afil Cooking Stoves, vory shortly be prepared to lo, ciritiTiW<E!jfri Bice n oilfAAikeMOa'iddJlkilo'Jpboi fur |ho South uen- 8t ttiiiK luilli all tho.*e tliiiifcs in detnil, f abevo.litult*. H^vinK/oMubiJ Ain anatiKcniHiit we can offer ymUer lUcftfttii*i(.r tho *ul llsh KlJItt *G! ALL .V P \ KS MLte. county town, . The tract oontuius f uuf thouatwvd three dred were*. - FWelooa l»oudr«d are iu- ou within four yoarH. Tho healthy end tbp *ett»cin«' ireii' iiiivu iioeti en-m ati Ito ciimatH is iiooidfld|y ini'irl oliuiblrsituntiia^- iluti .ii tfl a hubstafitutl the lahu Ta^m'^rh'lrra^X^Wi'JSiVnkX buuaps upon the plantation. All ot the AiAh ’wfll be Hold wilhlt.cdntflN'Juft off 8iulc|i, futile, hogs and sheep. Possossion to bo given on oi beta)eJanuary. .. .. • ^j/WALDBTHtG..Savannah. iuly21 —21 swtf ' I SPLENDID STORE ' I ,™ A POg bent, vw .;\XtviAr .,(■! J 7S fiiiMPtfritiJif Notice to Soldiers and their Families i On of Georgia, 11 sor.ted to 18th January, 1H66. His Excellent. . the Governor ot said State, ha.* directed tho Justices; of the lpi'Qf‘Of Court ohyMuscogea WIDOWS AND ORPHANS AND ABLKD SOLDIERS ip rtrivl county. All per*uiis in said c«unty beJonuingto eithoi of said classes are hereby notillcd to report i the Ordinary with print Hullicient to ostabli* ttie fact* nooeegury toAo shown. Jn. 26 lot A Rkapy A Nil CoNffhWl V ertiesol Hhi.uuold’b -Flu will be ii eotuparisnu with thuMu sol torth in tho United St at o.i Dinpensfttory. inn 14 eodly fojirMonlSa'.^oonof^Ml^iko'P’tJltVliiTlesIkn. utility in iuako and unsurpa^od in their cook ing qualities. ” «• AT WUOLMSALE, and of our own tnnnu faoture. ovory artlco of TIN ay ARE, to which we invite tha attention of city ana country Mer- ohant.*, to whom a liberal discount will l»o made. . Jan 16 1m „ 0> 'B. Rio« will be in Columbus by or before tho U)lddJ.«#f March, for die purpose ol tuning nnd lepairing pianos, ofgnns uud tnelo- doon*. lip i* prepared with every appliance fur doing repairing in the very beat manner. It will be reumiabered that he formerly lived iu Macon. He now lives in Griffin, where ho has resided for tnq last two year* All coin in u- niorttions should be Rent to Griflin. lie will visit Columbua once or twioe a year. Jan 26.U ^ . INSURANCE NOTICE. r PHK ATLANTIC FIRM INSURANCE CO., ± of Brooklyu New -York, is prepared t > take Fire Hi*ka upon Cotton and other iusura- bie property in this eity and vicinity. T COMPANY C LI A RTF REQ 1851. rusiiTHPiiiir, *3rtrf.y*»v»: ASSBTTS JULY, 1804. $(lf.s2C.71. JOHN J>, C£KWB; itw. UOHATIO DORll, Srt’y. , 8. 11. HILL, Anont/ Jaa 10 tm , CswibJuii. Ga. STSESliTU TO THE iVE.tK ! YOUTH TOJTHB AGED 11 BioKRiiiisrii:, OR LIFE REJIIVENAT0H. This preparadon i* uneanalod os a Reju- venator and Restorer of wasted inert fuaepion*. The feeble, lUo aged^and ail those w^o liavo W. H. Young, R. M. Gunby, Oct. 7—6m Columbus, Ga. do (JV< NO. irly Oppo.ite the Bank of Columbus,) K ^HdT^:\'uhfs % (^t0nK > tffn' anjfffloifif- Wk spooit fflinomtft tin/is! Art' 1 any 1 j. a. 'ixijp.n, 4UISJ5;tf - > - tfAiTL* ROBISON. JiMKHU. HKOOKS.J [UIJUU KAOfOliLD, EtROoits a MacDonald, IU COTTON FACTORS , . — Af(D— Commisaioa Merchants, 09 Cwrwsadelet Street^ 1 ■ **!SPwr-o>k*-ai g.fu..oui . ,,, ( N. Om-Kiira. St. Ldsis. j K At^ a i co. I AWW&.VWUfiMfi °j9v COM MISSION and (FORWARDING SKRCHANTS, ■«V ' ""AFALAfeinOOlA. VLA. *•"■ * July 14th. USA.-if J. ^ FEYTON, ATTORNEY at law, MENPIII8, TRNIIUIHKK. 1 ) ROM FT uttohtTon given to ah business on - trusted to his care. ^ • a iRelci«4a Htmi.’MkiM Holt, Columbus, Qiu sept 8,1865—6m j U. j. Musks, skrior. VoSrN, Ji/irfoR. oi f,;LAW !N.G)T ... ’"o'i&uEstioittiv Careful altentien given ta eolUetums qn ail accessible points, and remittannes made promptly. „ f , . Ja»^ am L. SAUsffifiiV. ' -ty. fchrrJricx. WAKNOCK &CO., COTTON -BE0IEE6' ,1 ' ? COMMISSION "SlERCHANTS, H '-'jfiliWe No.. 13). Rrtjffl RV7 j (Kuaetto k Lasrhon’a Aoction Room.) rpniiT smetTpaTW* M> »•»» CottM. Moroh- 1 sniiiaeJPao'lac. A«. 0f P.rtfcul.r KUontlu. *iT«n to th. mI.bi COTTO*. FKODUCK. kt. »*«*i 'B.%ndirao. Roes, Ac., furnlslMd »t th. in.rk.t * Co°!umbua. Ou., Aux. 3. lW.—tf i AII concerned are hwolLiS,: MenSsSs 4 ‘ " W ubD«Ll aoo.V ^ Grocers and Commission Merchants, oMuoit* link t ChdmtirtJ ij .l COLUMBUS, OA., ftMrtl OBOCKRI8B »d GENGBAL PBRCttASHG AGEHtiy, ISRAEL P. BROWN * SON, NKW LON DOB. CONNECTICUT. KRY, applicable to the wonts of the bouthem Ootobernext, — forwarded by the most expeditious routes der* mu t bo ucuouipanied with the money, and addressed tftn* oinmrmt N»W Lofidv^Opnn or 82 J ohh.aStr jat, »*f i .1 '' l w Refer to h E. Brown. Maedif, HR., ana W. G. Clemons, Co umbus, Ga. ugl-tf R. J. MOSKb. pnd Columbus, Ga.. on tbe 1st Ootobernext. In the mMntliWe letters addressed ni above* will he promptly attended to. Supreme Court of Georgia for this Judicial iiHtriil, tha CwurU ot tlah/ OliatUtiooehcu Cir cuit, und upon special retainer in important cujes^wiJhjtlmufoknjr of the CuurU iu Georgia R. J. M0SE5. Senior, aug 15-tf R. J. MOsKS. Junior. Trs. SCHLEY & AT ODD FELLOWS' I1ALL, First door te the right on first floor- ■ m M mmm TJ AS removed his offioe to the Freseription C diriui Bed at ilie next July Urm of the Court ot Ordinary ij be held in and for said coUfatK’ A trsfe l ektr*et 1ro» the minutes bt said court, JanuatydsL 1866- .JiJO.: JOHNSON. t Jan 4 mbitj .ixiL:- \ Ordinary. G KORg'i A-M U3C0>&lf OjU.N TY .—-Court op OmpinxeT, Octooer Term, 1865.—JiuU iVm.—0fdlu*r A. WfTWg. aduHnwtrator 4ritb the will. .Ya, ol Frederic Toby, deceased, has apidiijdfur UUai^ion: It is -flier efo re ordered that all persons con* i show cause (if any they have) why said ininbirat»r shoubi not be dismissed at tbe that tbi.* order be published according te law. , Ordinary. Oot 29,18C5-m6m , STJE1(VART COUNTY. Notice to Debtors aatf Ovtdltors. A LL persons having elaiais against the estate of jpbo'Wf*b jr., Into of Stewart county, Ga., deceased, are hireny notified to present them duty authenticated, witbiri tbe time pre* scribed bf law, SOiose indebted to said estate ore requested'to V*/" - 2 * Ftbl rrROR VX Cons having clai F- Portsr. deceased, hereby notified to present them duly gatqejitir ^ . s • t 4 oL ■ Feb 2 w6w t f t Etiitin a—stkw aSt fcdtrsi f .—Ait Ijl sun.* having claims sgsinsf Sejfmour Catchi»ha<*tteeVA od/Rii «tt»WPy.h*ndi tt oSetj^ *j.n25-m6m LJl.jjijij’ * oh «w mma 1 jjsgg* -Y-,. -...u ..hT.fSSftSiS,- >k.»j “b ““ “ amiuisi 4»^“ b • b *1 , 4V ilncss my hau,', J an . “5*^ ] _jan25-m6m L0W>| of IxuJ. S«, m ; nunhh,ir halflof No. U4j VW-Sl fr- . «h«el!'lS th. 8hhih“-tv«"t',rS“R^‘' ! . ^ ike immediate settlement. Mefslil coun- L . tihem did*, biu the time prescribed by w.. *^jto said estate are requea- nier “ tho J2w tor Mir.fi ti *1« oil - " l \ tHfttil AMtTlWi«T eotJUTT-WhOfM. WII iam beky'luMi made spplicaiion Hi terms* ‘ ' iswJlanship of «b« ahces on Cottbn. 1 ;;' J. R. IVEY k CO. WATGfilM.AND. G. Ik CAWl J UST RECEIVED, a fine ossortmentol Silver Hunting Cose Watches. 10odoFerounloaC»p,. ' T. I. STEAK. Aimis-tf ■ ' FOR SALE. T OFFF/R fur sale the Weems Pfa'ee, Inolixling 1 Furniture. Carpets, Piano, 4c. It is fitted up ght acres of land. Mr. James Bond is Iso, a fine ch-8‘- J. A.STRGTMEU. DOCTOR STANFORD urgicnl altenti initiation* in the city, Office hours from 11 till 2 Sept 6, 1865—tf find coinfortublo u jcoui- eloek, P. M. For Sale. I OFFER for snlo my 110USE ond Luff, on .Wynn’s liilL commanding an extensive viewl •t the city. There is about 25 acres of land attached. 1 will Veil the b«t«*e find the whole of tbe bind, or divide the lot and sell the House nnd part of tho land. If the above Property is not nonoty end orphans of Joan Hemift 4+ ensMJ- ■ ' - l -• 1 ' 1 • Tho.se A** therefore to notify till persona con cerncd to show* cause, H any, within the time rescribed by statato,’ why tfaid letters should t be granted. liven undrir iny band tn office Dec. SO. 1865. J. ih WIMBERLY, ,<»./!• . Ordinary irdd, that ail persons concerned _ i, fir any, poor before the 1st Mon day ifi'Juue why uald letters should not bo grouted. A trim extract froth the minutes of eald Cofirt ^^ffiviMDRALt. Ocdinaryl 4UAMI9 COUNTY. pWNTY* ttlen nrppHcfc tb ate fcr letters of admin fftration on tbe estate of Mary A.Himpson, late Of said duU»t v, dceoaaed,- Thesearn tHi rttbretwhotify all persons eon- cernpd M wiiiwdauW, if any they nave, within the trVbe prescribed by lav, wny said letters should tint be grunted (tie said applicant. Gjyen nadir my hand in office this Vith day of.ffinuofjl 1666. GKO- W. WULLINtS. Jfiu 14 Wol Ordinal^. t §<dd in u reasonable time it will bo rontod, j i., tolV FOR SALE, Pi BORGIA. UA&lUfr aOMTX.T-.Whcr.n. vA J niiics Pressman applies for letters of ministagrion on tbe estate of William Stan 98 Read This') THUR8- They re-j speclfiilTy solicit n continuance of pationugo ‘rom thoir old frieud* and the publio. J un 28 it B5Q.OOO WATCHES, ch ains; DIAMOND RINGS, kt. WORTH OVER ONWMILLION DOLLARS) AU to bo sold for GNK DOLLAR each, Without fogard to value! I Not to be paid for until you know what you are to rdceivel SPLENDID LIST UK ARTICLESl All to beiiolfl for $1 Etch: 2V) Solid Silver Dioing Sots $75 to $3t)0 hrio Silver Salvers aud Urns 5U tv> 500 Solid Silver Teg Sat.* complete... 50 to 3H» 1)0 Kohcwood Musical Boxen, 32 airs 75 lo 2511 200 Mahogany Mutucal Boxes, 24 airs to 2(11 250 Gold UuutuiK \\ ale bus 7> to 251 • 250 Ladies Enamelled Gold Watches 5'/1.* vtW 500 Gent.*’ Hunting Dt vor Watches 85 tn 100 500 Open-foee Silver Wfttcucs 25 to .'ill 500 Ivory Opera (^iiiwed - 25 to 100 5uU Mother of Pearl Lurguettes. 300 Six Barrel Rovolror* 500 Singlo and Dwuhle Shooters MM) Elegant Oil 1’anAings iifontinefiro «af uriacj i ar u|«krAtlof of da etsbs or ’ho prnllfPtd /^YOUl 2*0 Marble Statues, Busts, 4o,- 50 to 10P JSfS | ;*0 to 100 50 to 200 . r A) to 100 5 to 50 15 to 30 For nor.-r- tention oik ingc irritation, inflammation at bladder, or kidneys, di*easfe* glands, store in tho bladder, calculus gravel or brick-dust deposit, and all diseases of the bladder kidneys, and dropsical swellings, *ypr'M u T*'f ? L }* tt> /* TKAcTppoi|u - \ STRAWBERRY PLANTS. T HAVE a large assortment of Strawberry It lariMiiK'M corner. J AS FULLER. dec 1 f _ _ Columbus Moqufectijriilg Ice Company 1 *75,0004 1,000 Shares at ,$50 Par Share. ONE HALF OPEN TO SUBSCRIPTION For further particularsu« CUtular hith Gol. Jno. P. Iverson, (at thfa DU Stofe Dr. Thomas 11. Dawson,) who will reoeive subscrip tions tor Stock. GI HARDY 4 BUJAC. in any way imps U«vU. AUU MU IUII.1V H red their vitality by c mental or pbyaieal application, will lliokrene to be what its name implif •|«»1 (fad the Lite tored constitution, ^ ings the brikfcueas aad energy which belong to youth. No inailor by what cause apy organ has be- come enfeebled in its function*, this superb preparation will remove that oauoe at uneb and forever. BIOKHBXE -* , Cures General Debility, Impotency. iTaAou* Incapacity. Dyspepsia. Depression. Loss ot Appetite, Low Spirits, Jmburility, Matital Indolence, Lnieriation. Ennui. It naJriuYuoid delighttul, desirable and novel effect upop the Nervous System ; atwl all who are iw gfjjf way prostrated by nervous dissliilities are carncrtl ,000 Photo. Albums, £.0 0 Gold Vest 4 Neqk Chains ;UH» Gold Oval Bafid Bracelets 5.000 Chased Gobi Bracelets 2,000Chatelaine 4 Guard Chains--. 7.0H0 Solitaire X Uovfriving Brooches 2.000 Laya & Floreutlne do 5.(MKM;oral. Opal k Emerald do 5 000 Mosaic, iet St lafii Eardrops--. 7 000 Corel k Emerald Eardrops 5.0U0 rialitoruia Diamond Pins 5 000 Cal. Cluster Diamond Pitts 3.000 sets Solitaire Button.* A Studs 3.000 Gold Thimbles. Pencils, Ac -.. lO.iMKi Lockets, double glass 5,0(Ml Lockets tor Miniature* 3.000 Gold Toothnlcica, Crosses, Ac 5,1)00 plain Gold Rings - 5.000 ehosoAl Gold ltings 10.000 Shield A Signet Kings 10.000 California Diavaond Rings 7.500 sots Ladies’dofiuiry. jei 5,000sots Ladies’ Jewelry, coral 5,000sol-Ladic*’ Jewelry, onyx 5.000 sots Ladies’ Jowvriry, lava 2.500 sots Ladies’ Jewelry, mosni »... 10,W0 Gold Pens with Sil. holders . 5.tVJOGold Pens with tlold holders... 5 00«t tiold Pons A holder.*, super r . 5.0tH»SilverQoblots 4 DriuRiug Cups B.ldkl Silver Castors k Wine Holders 2.000 Silver Fruit 4 Cake Baskets - 20 to :*u 1 Me-srs. PARKINSUN A Co.. No. *2 H Bread way, New York. Extensive Muuulacturers and importers of many of the leading ami tm.it fashion able styles of Watches aud Jewelry, de siring to increase their busiue^s to an unlimited ex'eut, have resolvod upon a Gnut Aril'tSale, gui-ieot te the regulation* lollowiug: Certifioates naming each article and its value, are placed iu Sealed Envelopes und w«R mixed, line of these envelopes willbo sent by mail to any address ou receipt of twenty-five cent.*, All Articles &>U :<* Qtf.'JMlar each, without regard to value, Ou rccoudof theocrtifiA'ateyou will see wbar 4 to 10 I to lo * to io 4 to 10 10 lo li? 12 to *20 20 lo :tu . ft to 10 tfto 12 10 to 15 aistted, LARD and COUNTRX HAMS. _ oot si —if ^ rm„ gvvifrr. FONTAINE & HUGHES^ .RElKH^ySJiB.fltNKUAI, MERCHANTS. A LL business entrusted to t^dOt shall receive prompt attention. John Fontaine, W. 11. HUGHES. Columbus. Dec 14.1866-tf _ Statieel) dld'flbdnty, deceased— . itvdns ooocemed are hcrel eataefifany they have) why trillion of said estate should not be granted tu said applicant wlthlwdhd time presoribed -by Idt, Cpl f erea, of. which about 2,400 ari be ba|aucu nrigioul forest, pto two complete pUhtktion*. < uc nocesspry buildings add fixtures. place will most profitable investment. NOTICE. , sixe. blase face, wmtbbifitf hwdnwith few white hairs above them, and a few white specks just behind tbe saddle, and a white speck in one e> e rear the sight. . . - A liberal reward will be paid for her<vwoor* ery, or any informwliou that will lead to her re covery. My resideuoe is ten flnilee sooth of Butler, Taylor oeuoty, Ga. LB Iff 18 FOUNTAIN. Jan 71m t - . i.icrf.i.ri bunJbi.T»a Hituri.‘ V Tip ^ Hr., oow a^Ut 25 hand, upon the plantation, * ' ■ J *' 1 " ’ l - k “ J - •uder ijmtra^t tor tha yaar, land Bula, ktOtJt, _ _ and ptpvMqn, lit abuudanoa. avanthingholn*’ .larattoH'ahbnlfiiot bVtrrhntei t'h«7»ld appii ill rMdnufj Tor iminediata oparMion. _ canf.Within ft,e 1 time l.ryjcribeil br llWp The place \nill ba (Mil yaif luw. anj flffar» ^ ( Ulran OndA m, liundPec. 30. IW5. ' CfKCl.W. MUl-LIITS. jairSKSt ■. • Ordinary. r- 5«nt for tha oiphft r V- foM and toan). H. bjwa. aJmlnirtra- luaangaT tTop/’SnV tor»a* t*a**aJat. di B«»J.^’TrS.tiwe.'daBaaiai, Baa tot aolfaetlui. ;h|ay« a»['liad t*r laara to (all lb. real ntatiaf 1Ur«i8 Cduityr.— Benaatt B. ‘ H. bo* • I; Trii JOSEPH F. POD, attorney at law, COLUMBUS, OA. /'\FFICE over Landon's store, No. 84 Rrond COWi Ml'SCOaBM COUNTY. < ' ' FOB 8ALEi }t ALT TUR ALU STAND OF c t _J. B. JACQUES & BRQ., 1.0T OF FINK ••Mutiame,” tuplied tliu I'atlior. “a put ,0 *?*l t * ,M * , “' w< H« ll “ nl , juar uud uuaaualad proparAtton. 1 ■cruplc, may t eaec, whau you pun is- > rmt-d that it waa a female." A PuszLiNd InsoiupTiON.—-!n au old Lurch iu Weatchoeter ooimly, NT*w \ork, the following capital Ivttnr, ar« lUHCrilmd under tboTen Commandments. P U B V R V 1> R F O T V v v k t r t u i r ii o u m jti Hy inserting the letter “E” hetween oertain of these lelters, the iuaoriplinn may he read. Will acme of tie young |«‘op)o work out thepuule. . «MP..K*to** M w a-wswts, I «re au|'P-«that the young lady got I II aha wanted. If tha old man put an | i it, bewerer, the waterfall might have | "all to hop eye." . otYON SctZKD »T TBI | “rea- ru. and valued at *0(74X0®, waa BIOKItENK. Tha FEKULB. tha J. AN lit'ID. |h. PAIR! tr-.—rei ... r 4)ES fereatfruin all other articlea tor the P< T. Female*-—This preparation isinvslu- ablo in nervoue weakne*»ve ot all kivds. as it will restore the wasted strength with wd&dtxful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will giverelief in Dy*P«l»eia with the ftiudon*. A Uriel tonee in its upo will renovate the stoiuadi tn 0 degree of pertoot health, and banish l>yap p.*»e torever. Owe Dollar per bottle, or six bottle! fur $5. RIT€NII««S * UtiLYKB, PROPRIUTOMN. Ns. Kb Oey Itmt) New York. Av. W tW®TQ* record* ol theli Department ibo* that, fronjt, ud to August, 1886, ahsnddN^ •OLD BT CARTER k FLOURNOY. . up to Auguat. tin red cotton by tbe Government iu wu • aoj; rthe MUaiaaippt. Uf lhl» »<no“"L **.- to been raid Into the De|.afl- Lh« romaledrr having to»» «*»■*' I to D., original ftwners vt coltoi. ' - ‘ at. Led bean i»|dvp- V hsf&fssassKPSP Top and no Top Buggies, ££^.x*.W^asis. WHIPS AMD COLLARS. G KOKtHA—Muscooee County.—Robert A Daniel has applied for letters of administra tion, with l«»e vmB annexed, en Ihe estate of Sarah \ . rhelpajifeoenaede-late efaoSd county ; All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, it any they have, why the admin istration of Haiti eet.vte should not, be granted to ' ‘' ^ ‘ - ■ Mwreh term ofiho _jan 20 w5t_ JOHNSON, Ordinary. -- - T —. —. — petition for letters ol administration, de bonis non, on the estate of J auiot -M each urn, deceased, late of said county. All persons concerned are hereby notified to show cause, if any they have, why letters ol ad ministration as aforesaid, should not be granted executor of the will of Tho* Sept. ft. 1A6ft.tf Diamond King, .. ... . list tor One Dollar, and in no less than one dollar’s worth, a* there are no un certainties. The price of rertitiafcte* is as fol low*. One for 85 cents; five for $1; oleven for ft ? 7& and handsome present tuthv geltcf up of the club. 4«- AGENTS WANTED EVERY WHERE, to whom .-pictaT indu^efnents are offered. Ad dtws i»AUKl*gOY * CO., ImpoAtora. 2U6 Brute,lukiK York. __ dec >—3m . * .. flKLuunLD’i Extract Bt cBt 1 gives health and vigoy to tht frame and bloom to the pallid cheek. Debility is accompanied by many alarming symptoms, and if do treat«*uimsub- miried so, oonsouptfon, Insanity or eptletto fits jau 14-eodly JB It will givabridk nnd Tiaa 10 uou UttrLKaiaav tan UraariRau. tliiw lor unplMaam anj d.naaroaa dhawoa. Una llti.uaouft'a lUraaOT Bucvu ul Iu- RufJt Wi FOfl RENT, comfortable R003 .tllbulldlH. ■.***& oo31 ti Sun copy. at Muscogee Railroad. Mttfibrtod and Youthful Vigor are regained by lieliuhold’s Extract Buchu. filari IT eodly • lielubuld's Extract Buchu and Improved Rote Wash cures secret and delicate disorders, iu all their stages, at little expense, little or no change in diet, no iuc mvenienoe. and no ex posure. It i* pleasaut in taste and odor^iinuie- TOW A ||L ^ [ AalpuWnui3-wUj.med ara h.T.hy wolifi*4 I. show causo. ii any they have^why an order tm- tpe sale ot s 111 raid Wffle smffild not To grant- etl at the i neat February serin ef the Cmirt of Grdt^jf tn.be he hi in. aud Eat aaid eeunty. 4, (is an 14 CpV*TY--Whereas Josej ,v E. GTOm, administrator de bonis non of Vf..- liamftnisj, deceased, late df said county, makes jtippltealfo* to tne by written petition for leave /th eeri.tbe dower ef the widow* of aaid.deceased, t h-">4 “f i u ts of fond No. 13* and 137 in 2Lat digtri9t of soW county: i i-v* persons c6ncerbdd Ore hereby notified to show entire, If tiny they nave, why an order to skit said land should not be granted by tbe Uourtof Ordinary to be held in and fer said wunty eu.Uie first Monday in February next. •+ uEoi “ ' ofco. W. MULLINS.Ordinary. j_ilael«td : '■ GtiURpiA—RAHHI8 couwtyT Hakbib Supbrior Cour ±,.'\ . October Term, 1865. william J. Hudson, Kx'r of | the Will of I£ltR* H. Beall, deo’d. i arah O. tloali, Elias N. Beall, nd other legatees of 1^ JjLRmiJi, ud ether.erediumijof Hliu H. eaUgjdecpascdw IT appearing td the Conn upon the return „ L‘»llte<8herift. that tbe defendants Toler Lev Co.t Abram Bragg aud Warren; Lyman. * Co.; Laney Boyce A Co.; Allen, McLean Bnd Bucklev ; Pratt, Oakley A Co.: llarraM. Hisloy and kitebeos ; Oscar Chnerman ; Butt, Nichols A Cu,; Kno, Burlin aud Valentine: Samuel, Rosevelt 4 Co.; Carro !. Henrlck and Mead ; K. B. Stoddard A Co.; aud Waldron. Eggertun. A Co., do not reside within the limits of said State, and are not to be found. I It is therefore ordered, that service be perfee-' ted on said parties, and all other creditors and parties iutcrcited in the estate of eaid Elios H. Turin of this Court, in tho Columbus Jtamirar. It I'ublR. nurd to of this State. JAMBS M. MOBLRY, , . Complainant’s Solioitor. A lrue«tract from th. Minutes of Barria SupcnorCburt, this Uotohrr 13th. 1M5. N. Jl U ARDLS, Clark. A t>Ml«toffkAJ oWs* LIT,. *1 fetfiwSSsa Abe iourthTffhTdwt ' iW Ma -istrictof orSSn’il-^^ la.. u'tonhLL r ?'; “““pAa dec 7 * WfflBBv*# jjaianw2r.ffdi74r&-. d^.jrfun.., u4aMIl««ktoa oiSffy- d o u on no. f. *h thisOonrtfoolm.vo to srll th. Und Uu.u All coucorncd nrohoreb* nou£»j i",u ub|ecliorii within (ho time prenrlM , OrJiu ":r v . \ —, , '.iiu. pres *">■ lciiT*,ho«IJ nut ha arantti JAS. Nf. l ull TAVA.OM. coum (TI to HgTa —‘T AfLirR 'o^bSt T-i afdoountv. duptued, Also, Mary « adltins,applici lo si|,.,1*1 of adammatratioo oa the estaiaef Wadltins, late o( sanl oounty. ducutt 1 This :■ therefore to cite all cosmttUI hju«;ea,i 1 aheuldnotbe granted the apnKwati ;i of the lew. *■ *it " • s AB#InifcTltATOM'* SALB, [>Y -virtue of an order iron tic Oriia 1# Taylor county, Goorgiu, will ben-Hu, an Court House door in Butler, uj, istnet, beiopuing to the estfete of Utak- <4yd, deceased. Sold for the benefit ofotl mo. 4c. Terms made known on tbYdill Of sale. JESSR^ADAMaS Ma J dpcflh jdiss-:; (Ji. m.) * OKORGIA. TAYLOR COl’MY.-Chitl VA ordinary, Tern. 1M>5. 1 Tt appearing to tbe Coortby the l etiMil William W. hoy, that Richard B. baciv.J of said county, deceased, dkl in hb liJWB ogeentd to the .*aid William W.-i’oy, l ciindiiiuned to execute title? in foe si tUokaid WMMiffW. Fdy< for theVb lot of land (No. 129.) uutuber onchuuiitti tWenty-ninc, aud all of lot of land (flL numiaer »ue bimdtgd end-twen^-iwc.m ttk or eight acres on the South Mdr.irig Iut nt land No. 123,) number oso hunlrs' iqMtof Mnmpkv,. Uht nuw lalkatull arwTsa. Prdviimig thrrMor. 3nJ it furtl '.pnviMAhMWtaaaid William W.F»I» -the lull amount of tho purcfanie price lotvdrkmd'i and said William W.ff ii sgidbrnid. Therefore. «JI i»eimM wwrt are hereby, notified and required to file A ocdeetroHrif any they ‘ UU, ,U WVUIUI aim; „ itfi laid l And ft Hffttrtiler ordered. Tbet rule UepubliehgdL tbreetaflntmi. , .. r „ Extract from the Minutes of miu w?m sj. J» MM, OrtiutT’l G eorgia - Txtlob cochtt. - ivu John?. A’dBfnt, afplirs to.tne va » of udminLtratiuu, with the will «nnn«»J Ute estate of Martin \Vs.MteUler.d ec,4,, * ,J? aeruad La abow cause wiih n ih»«wJ hy law. why /aiJ iouera ehouJil . Wit H’ “ y . nd -J. , J. C %uW. WhS I joo.il.mU. . -J I’tGoRsllA—TATLOK COlIfTT.-IIWj Lf 6. K. D»a>. tdiaiamraiaj the estate of Joseph b. lielveD8ten,n«^ having applied datii odtoni litre It is therefore oerned show cav* of dismidlion. w ed to thegaid a. •ary to be held first Monday in be pub I fob 0*1 m A true extrac EORGIA,MUSCOGEE COUNTY-Loren- « to M. Bicuers odminiatrator 0 the estate ol rraneia M. Bigger*, dec’d.. has applied for leave to sell tha lands belonging to said ( All p croon* concern ad, are h< *haa cause, (if any they hava,, t0 sell said lands should not be next JNfuh Term of the Court | HELM BOLD’S CONCENTRATED | TRACT Bl t?HU »* the Great Diuretic. Relgibvld't Coneentratad Extract Sat ti la is'he G^*at Vu><>4 Purifier, i Moth ate prepared according tu tne rules of Pharmacy uud Chotufotry, and are tbe most ac live that cun be inode. Jan 17 eodly (•'Wanted, A FEW SHAKES Giorgia Home Iueureuce *r ‘ Ca. Stock. A faw Sharaa Muaeogaa R. R. Stock, Ii do. do. Woliilo odd (tinAi R. Stoak. Job 31 2w , JOHN KINO. A'-tL—Jonathon VngKah, adala't o-taha cf Thouaa L7 8ti ot iiUcd fcrdiantl (iXORfllA-MUSCOOEB COUaTa-dVSrtF Jf .07 _U.niK.aT, Octobar _Tirwi.^Jg.?JL horna, L. Btookton. ul salon t ta ordered that «U i ma, FOR SALE. A O w ONR UCNDRED QALLOR STILL Arplt Iu ,.,V ” J.-MKlBkCO. Jap IT V r<dP horoforcu ia ordered IhU oil paraons coa- oaanod be notified to au„w iwu Of «,>• they have: why aaid admtuiitrotor should nut be Mni**od at the next May Term ol the Court tha minutes R, Ordinary. October 29,18do-mi SOftOtA-rM. or 0»DiK**v. ... .-Samuel A. Billie,, adi aatoUof Henry M. Jtrnigaa.1 plied tor dismiaaion: fig Rate ( lied ft is&sx&mm ztja***—* x- UaaC , Chattahoochee Sheriff Sale. AULETj be oold before the Court-house door, legal ho urii of gale, the following property.to- colVrfhS? SSfL'ta*? oi* cVUm ian lur fodder; as the property of Gillum togl^^feaTr" 11 in WUBS . J JOHN T. PABHAM, »»n .-tde Sheriff. estate of Vf. L *) • tor letters of d lion: It is therefor* > ru ' ,r ceraedL'ebow oa. * * • tere of dismisei ‘ granted to the Ordinary to b«i the first Munda order be pubkil A true «»trat -r ffieoi 4,186. w U all whom having applie, adminiatratiot J. B, Darden. situate At Midi . ikJ'-’'* < Notice. P ERSONS indebted to tho ostote of John J|. Jones, late pr Chattahoochee eounfy, Ga.. deceused, wtllcuue forward and make immedi ate payment nnd those holding demands against said estate wtl) render them tn duly au- *gg)Lfo', ^ Adminietratoi’a Sale. W ^LL BE FOLD at the Court Uouee in Ce- lumbus, Ga., on the first Tuesday in Mareh !’ 9 “ ,lJ ^ u # an ‘ 1 rituated o* Dt itujkam street, oner the bridge, and the ill ot Wfy4 cit T 9} Celumbui. 6«»ld according to am order of the Ordinary Pi Aowfojrra^TRixti «aj.W. . an-eMot of Uio CouMuf .Oi till ba eoid' pear,at my «.i Bexr, aud fhr Jh l intho oountjl on said Defei in tho Colas «*SSS»' 2'*p° «P**l 1 eUa, Me ii, p. W.) |