Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, February 07, 1866, Image 2

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COLUMBUS: Wedneaday Morning, Feb. 7, 1866. Tlie Railroad Bill. Wo copy below tbe bill to regulate the rales of froighl »n'i travel over the rail- roedi of Georgia, which he* passed the Home of JtepreoenUlivoe end is pvvdiflg before the Senet*. It ie eeitl diet eheVefc* eeUblithed by the ect of 1831, which ero rcenactoJ for ell the roedi, ero' five cenTa per mile for passengers, end fifty fcente per hundred tnilei for 100 lb*, of fraj^it. The express coaopeaio* ero limited Ui tlio •eme chargee. Not having au*as to the aeeerel act* of incorporation of tbe rail, road compaoie* pf the Hi a to, wo eta not advised whether l ho LagisleUiro rijUijioJ the right to regutfle or limiUheir chargca If not, we preeaeno that tbo queilibo of tbe conatitulioiialily of thie act, ahould it pass, will be tested before fbapourta. That eaorbltant chargee, especiall j*for fretgfiti, have been mad • by aoniu of the railroad companion, we do not doubt; but tbe roade, in tbeir preaent crippled condition, and In ▼iow of the purchasing value of the cur rency, can hardly do a paying bueincaa at tbe old rates. Weaee it stated that the Macon and Waatern Itallroad has already reduced its forte for passengers to llvo cents per mile,_ whether In view of the prospect of the pessege of this bill, we do not knoar: A Bill to be entitled an Aet to regulate the rates of freight end travel over the ter* rral railroads of tl\e State, and to pun- ieA for a violation thereof. ■Section 1. The General Assembly of the Blale of Georgia do enact, That from and after tbe passage of thit act the rats for the transportation of all freights over the sevoral raiIrosds of this Hlile shall not exceed tho amount or cumpanaatlon Used by the first proviso of the lfiti, taction of the act estuaied to D>cembor the nisi, 1888, entitled sn act 10 incorporate tbe Georgia Railroad Gompany. Bee. 2. He it further enacted. That the rate* of pwiengee travel shall he thsfsamo at fixed in the aforesaid pronto, and that no railroad company ahatl charge or col-, lect any storage for goods, wares or iner- chandi.e left at tneir several depots for shipment, nr for delivery In the consignees or owners thereof, unload the same baaaut been called for ip the space ot ten dnys of the arrival ot the seme, and no storage shall be charged or collect, it On any arti cles delivered for shipment at tho dtp t receiving tho same. Bee, 8. lie it further enacted, That no railroad oouipany shall form, or lease, or let out any part of their cars or road to any pereons ur corporation, to defeat the provisions of the foregoing section of this •ot ■* Bee. 4. Be Itlurlher onacted, That when any railroad company of thit State vio lates any of the provisions of this eel, its president, directors, general superintends cut, as wall as any of its officers or agents so offending, shall bo deemed and held e uilty of a high misdemeanor, and eball 9 subject to indictment in the Superior Court of any county having juiisdicllou thereof, and upon conviction shall he lined each in e sum not exceeding two thousand doltnra, and shall each be Im prisoned In the common jail of the county for a term not nxceoding twelve months, at Ilia diaorelion of the couifj provided that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to prevent any injured party from proceeding against any of said rail road companies In aa action for damages, or by tbe common law writ of quo war ranto for the forfeiture of its charier. Sec. 6. lie it further enacted, That tbe rates for passenger travel and freights over the Western and Atlantic Railroad aliall conform in every respect to tho pro visions of tbe first three sections of this act. Secretary Howard has returned to Washington. He did uot go to’ Vera Crux, at tbe New York sensation mon gers predicted he would. Consequently, all the exciting paragraphs which were written on the strength of hie supposed visit ere consigned to oblivion. Whether Mr. Sewerd intended to sgree with Maxi milian for the evacuation of Mexico, or whotber he intended to mike a treaty with the seme potentate for the abandon ment of the Monroe doctrine, ere now idle speculetions. Mr..Seward did not go to Vera Crux, and never intended to go. The foot shows the vtlue which is to be attached to “Now York news." Wo laarn from the Troy (Ala.) Adver tiser, that F. U. Boykin has been elected to the Siato Senate from Tike county, to fill the vacancy occasioned by tho resigna tion of Col. Wilkerson, Gon. Tlios. L. Crittenden, late of tho Hailed States army, has boon appointed State Treasurer of Kentucky. At tbo election in August last, the candidates ware Messrs. Garrard and Neale; the former received a very small majority of the vole of tbe SlBte, but diod just about the time of the election. Gov. Uramlotte nominated Mr. Nealefor tho position, but the Senate rofasod to confirm the nomina tion. Ho then nominated Gen. Critten den, and tho Senate confirmed tho ap pointment with only one dissentient. A telegraphic cable has been laid across the Mississippi river, near Memphis, on tho route between that city and Little Rock, Ark. Tho Memphis Appeal of the 2d in»U eays; "The notee of all the Southern Benks were eegerly Bought efter yester- dsy, but from what cause we are unable to learn. Tho quotatloni, however, remain unchanged.* 1 thew\ V , new* of tKo capture of llngdu'i h*s pss-od, ntul the affair it b* icij{ carefully inquired into by tbe officials cn nach tide of the Kio Grande. Tbe gn at caute of trouble hero is the presence of American atUliaft on duty on Mexican toil. At will be teen by the following correspondence between General* Weilzel and Mejia, the latter apparently look# at the matter in its wortl light, and serious difficulty or even a dec laration of war may be the donM-quonce lieadnrs. District of the Kio Oral BfdWhIVllle.TeSas, Jan. Iff, ” From the Macon Telegraph. OttOUCI* I-K^WffiAiTUHK. L i ‘V Jf IM.r.DO^Trfcljr., Feb. 0. jg i? r »!£*&• 1 r*u Senate met at the usual hour. should^ ’counter propoM- The Bi^^Thing^ the Shape m of a I a/ wlrokj&iA ** n * f v we • iieniiiig uiii caiHHJj won ma- Prayer by D'. M unson. iha com- U P l th ® bill 10 bo entitled an act in Mr. J. A. W. Johnson, interest furtherance of justice end to diminish lili* nultee appointed to look into the interest .. J . *r. nr ai .,, u . I 14wa in-rela^loiltf slwfiis. / AlS-h a till 3/itiiUtellln, and 61 fn« th- Ittfofi. of kbebann and wife,•parent afo lild, and ntasior and servant, so far a foies to negroes, and to define Lnc tmr ading a isiWM to44oMM4t»elft^dad, negro^ -Fifty coni.s ot Om V r ‘ d the orders which I gave thorn. derod U»b«.*rii>led, , ... L. I asSit .three hundred jnl>ljfAimfosnd Ilk. .for Poe .an frdrtAibad i hlH *6 dfogdld A thtMoijOaeiorUHtfeXAlICic# 1 ’ebange the time of holding tho courts in f+’ Cf tf m^diffe difeftoH iy tiotMujir Goneral commanding the Dopartmnnt of Texas, to explain Ip * you lilt rfwmt for aooding a guard W fcjTfeMwl Ift’fcgdad, ami todfokdfid A tMAeqQeslorU bedo. They are ititi there, The act was one of' humanity - in Mfo'ftlterdsle Of the peaceful cltixens of Bagdad-and had no relAfiWW tb the CKUie fbfr wSrch tile oppos ing forces ere contending. My orders to the commanding officer are that be should J /reserve peace and protect property, and ifa in Bagdad. That he should obey no orders hot DiuspemaoAUni fr'frn his (upe- riors on ibis side. That under no circum stances ehonld he perform any mrliurv service for either perty. That if en attack he made on tho town, ho should remain, If not too much exposed j and that if the French were succmsfol, he should meet the commanding officer under e flag of truce, and explain tbe reasons for hie being there, end then withdraw; but that in cate hie men were loo much expend, to withdraw at any lime wbou in hie judgment it ought to be done 1 am, sir, very respectfully, yotlr obdt. servant, O. Wkitzul, Major General Commanding. Impeiial Army, Mexico, 1 Mejia Division General IB Chief, l Matemoft* January 19, 1806. J To Major General Weitxnl, OomqUrfdlrig Department of Texes : General—l here,Use horjlr to aqfcnnw- ledge the receipt of your note of yester day. 1 have given my Government notion ol ell the occurrences that have taken place in Bagdad., Actept, Uenerhl, the assurance of my most particular re,pact. Thom is Mkjia, 1 Commanding. As will be seen-by Ihe'abovn important correspondence, Wellxel intended uely to do good to both parties by tending hie troops into Mexico. Jiie iute/ni'm w«> humane. The horforfi of wSf Worn assua ged or modified at much at postibloby the act, inasmuch as private peramie were saved front insult, and their property from pillage and fire. GeneralM-Jta, however, Onoe not deetre to look upon this side of tbo question. Tbit short, quick, and really startling answer to General Weitzol, fully eaplains his feelings in the mailer. That die has taken the very worst vleff pf tho case, and reported so ofliuially to his' "Government," th*ra oao be -fio doubt. The French navel commender st the Ki Grande also, previous to his.departure for Vera Crux to report the feet officially there, protested to General Wnitzel, in u short pole, agaiust the invasion of Mexico by American soldiers. At l have said above, war or serious difficulty must result from this movement. of tho Btatetiti the Card Factory.,submit ted hi* report. The report concluded with u resolution, wbioh was adopted, that tho Governor be requested to appoint a Commissioner to make a lull, lair, equi table and final settlement of ttw* Hfote with Mersrs. lK-Vine, JoAee and lAo tie regard to the Bute’s interest in the Card Mr. Htroxiep introduced a bill to repeal Ml The “Healing Bill" (so Called) was fok- tjon l<» constitutional amendment passed . jjjg CITY OF COLUMBUS, Is down on tbs river rear the Pelaec Mills, O * T >!/) '& m *. But the Biggest Thing llowo prosontrd petitions of citizens of bo admitted to cuizenshipand equal rights es a condition precedent to read mixtion of those Hihtea. K**forred to Coraiuivtoe on lort—jeas 8, nays 18. Tho Serial*' adjourned until to-aiorrow moroing at 10 o’clock. ' J J^fitJiixe’/esun^d th'^ ('ortsidoralTon of the bill to amend or extend an act to ■uthohgw John Grant to cut or fffcavfl'e ^rr From Cairo*. A Bloody Affray Fomented by Drunken Soldiers—^Several Versons Killed and Wounded— Qrneiai Forrest Probably Gone to Mexico. Special to the St. Louis Republican.} Mif lON sauT ^ & R. ELUs 13 UBAD WELL BROKE y, 10 UIAD H0RSKS, NKW BUGQIK8, CARRIaijR^ mose males. K*Morrea to uomumoe on i j , «A 1D -. Kn n TDB ^ n _ ® c * .Sanaa.wks.-IQHOF, STORK SS? “““• his speech commenced yesterday, and of* XX \J J_J KJ X \ff XwJLJ plamtattqk iMWiKifBMTn Feb 6 It e * . Aqi i Ifa wilixall th« calibrated StallWa k I .OMKTK iiao.. ‘ U# **l In tbe fhapa of a JdLed iqt atuamlmunt to strike eel - of bill and insert a provision that persons t|ie several counties of the Weulern Judi cial Circuit. , v . f ., r . _ The succtaror4*'r tb» dAf. being a bill to repeal oection 3778 of tK« Code,and in cases v»har«, they Uieunefop* »f# inter- est«d, bearing tbe decr«e ol credit to be givaii suoh tclpimoy to bu judgod of by the Jury. The bill wax amenduJ, »o. as to apply to criminal (".»»«* only, and pssskd. Hill to incorpurtte the North Gcirgiu Mining and Manufacturing Company. Past'd. Bill to incorporate tbn Oberokoe Min ing and Manufactutiog Company Passed. Hill to incorporate the Kennmaw Min Ing and Manuf.,during Company—capi tal *6.000,000 Passed. Air. Alooro, from the Judiciary Com mittee, reported e bill to rcgdlate the ve- lathme between master and sorvant. Hill Vo incorporate the Home Insurance Company of Atlanta. Passed. A m-»sage was reoelved from his Ex cellnllcy, returnlag,without h1i signature, tho sedtrlotimi makihg valid contracts b> - ■twwin black and whtto persons. Th Governor thought tbe resolution should not be reiro active. Hill to ropvat an act in referenced" the ‘payment ofjurort in th» fcuunty'Af Talia ferro. Peexcd. Bill torcpia! teolion 2036 of the Cone ,i,nd to substitute enotber tberelor. Tho ‘till l allows aliens to hold land In the. Btatn. on their filing an affidavit that.lt is their intention within one year to Improve the same Passed. Hill to incorporate tlig.town qf Binith- vllle, in Leo cOUnty. Passed. Air. Owens introduced a reeolu'ion, which was adopted, requi sting the Gov ernor to ascertain whntlier bonds of lb* Blnte will he received in paymunl of the Stilts’* tax due the United Bint s, and in exsu they will mtvrvr, P> Us mi and pn* over Ike vhhiu. ’- •- -sr* i • *1 • ■ aouaa un.i.a.i a third rkadixo Bill for the relief of the Havanilah Mu tual Loan Aisuciation. Paa»ed. Hill to change the time of holding Or dinaries’ Courts from, the second to tho first Monday of Januury ot each year.— "Pa-sad. Bill to allow the Phoenix Hiiildiug-Av soeistlnn and lie Un|oifo Buildln/ and Loan Association to re-urne butiness.— PltSB^d. , • Hill to change the llfm between Early and Miller countiea. Passed. Hill to amend section 4664 of the code. Passed. , Hill to amend the »dt Incorporating the town of (jisttman. Passed, of the adverse report of the Judiciary Ootumitlee, after a.img|ttay detain he re- port was CotrcurrwHo »tm the bln lost- yeas tX), nays 20. I he House adjourned until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock. Hill -to amend ecctlan 4331 of the dode. P osed. I Bill to allow nil persons unable to work to retail spirituous liquors and peduie «rfrg n ;, ^wTtlfomsim'‘onun,'twri [ aU' antl.dlslUlation laws. lately returned soldiersintlulgod la drink ing freely, and than armed themselves and oominenoed to hunt up Deranorate, whom they denouneMl as worse than armed rebels. They flnxlly swore that they would kill them alhand eommeuoed a murderous attafik on D. B. Ward, who was accompanied by a (mail boy. Ward and the boy defended tbumselvos bravely, when the two rowdies rntreatuu for rein forcements, and a few eitbuyis tup some respectable soldicra went to Wqrd’s do- feiise. The soldiers returned and again commenced the attack. They were re pulsed, and two wern killed dean and six badly wounded. Those that were killed were William Uurlon and MoMabon, tlm original starters of the disturbance. A citizon named Dulllvan and Ward wore wounded. The conduct of McMahon and Burton is eendeuinod by avery good citiaen, especially all respectable returned soldiers. At latest accounts all was quiet in the county, and the people were united in tho determination that ho more such bloody and fatal atfraye should occur. Gan. N. 13. ForVesi hating heard, upon what ho supposed reliable,authority, that the Secretary of War bad issued an order lor his arrest and deportation to Wash ington for trial 1*y a miljtary court, ha* find the country, and, it ie supposed, baa gone to Mexico. Txhriblx Stkamuoat Explosion- Great Lo»a or Liya—Our dispatches this morning furnish pretty full parlieu- fort of two terrible steamboat disasters— oefi in tbn Arkansas, and the other in tlm Lower Ohio rivet^-by which some iwo hundred persons trevtahed. u ' rt 3 The Miami, hound for Little Rock, when some tin aidos up the Arknn*,s rivor, exploded ono of her Dolli r*, to k fire, burned to the water’s odge and sunk. She had on board fifty cabin paasengurt. one hundred U. H. cavalry, and one hun dred on deck, including tho crew. The number of persons lust is put down aLono hundrod and ueonty-five. Tho Miami was a regular Memphis and Little Ho. U t sokekand commanded by Captain K. O. ,evy. Biio left Memphis on the after noon of tho 21th. Her two clerks wore among tho lost. The Missouri, hound from this port to Louisville, exploded her boilers on tbe 30ih, just below the mouth of Green river, in the Lower Ohio. Tho dtspaich states that there weru a number of gentleman, but only five or six Initios on bnard, while Hill to prescribe the mode of carry ing cases from the city conns of Augusta, Bavannah, and other cities of the Blato, toother courts. Passed. Hill to givo kcvpeia of livery stables a lien on an I male for keeping the sa mo.— Lost. Senate adjourned. iiousa. The House met at * o’clock a. m. Pray:: er hr the Chaplain. The Journal was toad and approved. Leave of absence was granted Mr. Dodds, ol Polk. NKW MATTER. A hill to allow U. B. Quillian f. eelran*- pnrialion on tho Western and Atlantic Railroad. A lull to change the county linoa of Ir win and Wilcox counties. A bill to incorporate ilia Georgia Paper Mill Company. A bill 11 protect tbe passengers on the sever d reilro ds of Ibis Stale. A bill to authorize tho City Council of Nuwnan to issue change bills. A Dili to discharge the clerk of the Committee on Freedman’s Adairs and dis band the committee. A bill to increase the jurisdiction of couit* of justice. A bill to pay Daniel B Ban fold for Bringing up the unfinished business of Robsrl K. Martin, Clerk of tbo Buporior Court A bill for the relief of maimed soldiers Of the Statu. A bill to incorporate the Columbus In surance Company. 5 A lull to change tho lime for holding BYVrELEGBAPH, vV amiinotoh, Feb. 6 — A circultr ha- bf« ftsttod frtom tild Tt+Aetihf D^arj- m«TO t**ciridinjr loft tier order* in roUMim to the taxation of manufactured articles in tbo hands ol manu'NCtureri jo the .South* cm States, which have hitherto been ex* empt from taxation. After the 1st of March, such artiole will he subject to fhe prescribed rates of taxation under tho Kxci«>e Law, no master what may be the date of their manufacture. In the House to-day an amehflmorit to tho rules was offered and laid on the table, to set apart one day in each week for the c< nsidiM-aiion of public business, to be Man's Day. A resolution was offered to instruct tho committed on reconstruction to enquire into the expediency of levying a tax on the rebellious Htates, in order to defray the expense of keeping up a rtanding army among to keep the peace. The Douaa resumed tho consideration of the bill extending tbe powers of the Fref’dman's Hure«u. An Hiitanditient was adopted that its opereratione be confined theav States where tbe habeas corpus is suspended. In the Senate, Mr. Fessenden called up the joint resolution of the committee on reconstruction, proposing a constitutional amendment basing representation on pop ulation, and excluding from representa tion all persons denied the right of tuf* irate on account of color. Mr. Sumner spoke in opposition, and offured a substitute declaring that in civil and political rights, ell periods shall bo tquai toefo?" the law. He occupied the a».i« uti« n of the Htnalo during the entire day, contemning for the perfect political and civil equality of all men. His speech will not bn concluded until to-morroW. Wahimnotok, F**b. 4 —TheRecognition of the indcpotid« nee of Dominica, and th« nomination of Gon. Casenan as ministar to thal Rnpnblic, are the result of Secretary Seward's recoct visit to that country. MswYoRK, Feb. 5.—Cotton has a de clining tendency ; sales at‘48c. * , Gr»M U im. Nkw York, February Z—Thirty-threo dratua occurred on the lireraen ship Al bert Mercer, which arrived here yesterday after a voyage of seventy days from Ham burg. experienced mo«t tempestuous weather during the whole toy am Of tho't> who died eighteen were children and 6ftcen adults. 1 he llerald’s Toronto dispatch of last evening slates that tho Fenian attack on the Canadian frontier towns is hourly expected ; that the Provincial military are under arms in all directions, and trains kept ready at that place and Hamilton to transport troops to any point. The United Stale- steamer Narcis u» was lost during one of tbe fecent storms e entrance toTamp* Hay, Florida, ut forty peihaiis—all on - and navy to enlSrce its provision^; The vote* was then taken on Uep/lricVi amendment, whftb was lnsC Davis’ amendment was than voted down. Norton’s affiertdmehf was adopted, stri king m/t the portion of lecflo'tt 7 imposing a Ann of Ono thousand dollars in case or any culprit escaping from the officers to charge. Tbe bill passed by a vote of 31 to 12. Gen. Ranks does not believe in the an nihilation ol Slates. He said in his speuch before the .Soldier*’ Convention, “ho was net one of those' Who hold that the rebel States brtvb been destroyed, and he did not With to saq established a system of terriforfal goVftomenis therein, riquir- ing tbe mafntenaiic * of a standing army, with alt Us dangers to the spirit and form of republican inatituvioD|. f ‘ A Uig Tax to be Fa id-—Tbe Gover nor, >» few dajsogo, received notice from tbo Treasury Department that Delaware’s oroportioo of tbe direct las laid upon the United .States by act of August 6 b, 1801, viz; $71.08333. was otill due and unpaid, and that if the Htate did a<* assume the same and pay it inW.U>4 United States Tr«Mts'jry, orders would bq issued ty the coHwi**** to and Mttl it mft dfttie owners of real estatp. TIW Governor has referred the comnnsneotion to tbe Legie- laturo.— Delaware Republican, MAOKBT ■BPOK/TB. Clnctnwait jPrsdaes Markets* OijroiMAti, Feb 2. Fir ur unrhsnsed and gaiat^ Wheat in good demand and prieee higher at $190. Cor* le lower hut with a good demand st th# closo. U.,ts ia lergs sepplj. No. 1 ore ia fair do me ud aldS'idtUo: No. 2 dosliaed to 35i#3£l£o. Kyy steady at »«Vj for No. 1. Gnverivfi unchanged and quiet. (!ott<rn stmuly at 45c for mlddlhig. WUirky dull and prices abesiasl; fteslssf- erod at fJ.XJ. M IIok' $ll-W for city drssssd. Not m»ny ia the market. Receipts 2100 head. Me*i Hark Is in good aoiaand at t3).2S fbr city, with ssllen to looie sttsnt at $28%. leurd in aood demand at l7)4o for prime city but in held aeUaraily J4 higher- Gold 139*?. New York Dry Ossds Market. New Yobk. Job. 81, The following are the quutottoaf from the Dry Good* Ux change; Hr*wn Sheotingf— \ppleton A 31; Laconia II 'F\ Hoop sSkirtw—Bradl ‘ ^ ‘ and Barren Trait, id get t birtu gft—i'--re*t Dale 3IU, lilerkitcne 31. Andrurooggin dd, Priute—Ooeheco 84; Sprague 2<3 'g. LanuaQHttr 20; Victory 80. DebLlnvs— Munrbuster 12*; Pacific 29. Brown Drills—* .•“Urk II 29; Winthron 27. Coiret Jeans— Nitentkeog J3; Bates 28. Canton Flannels— “**H. Tleks—Kelley- f es—Whittendau A moekeay 60; Ark HP & ROBINSON’S, H--. iae BROAD IT., WHERE TUET KKRP A FULL ASSORT MENT OF ALL KINDS OF Hoots, Shoes, Leather iwd Shoe Finding?, WHICH THET WILT, SHLL AT WHOU9ALE OR RETAIL, AT PRICKS THAT DEFT COMPETITION. XSM.it.::'. ..I . as the ABERCROMBII U0R« . Fvank Allea.dv. ,..n, old. eopltol saddle Horse. 1 ■ To Shoe Makers * AND WORKERS OF SHOE STOCK. PIKE 8c ROBINSON, 118 BKOAB ItRBIT, *TTAV^ bV HAND gnd will c-ntinae I A A keep a xoi,4 aad well xeleeted btvek < FRENCH OALF SKINS. LINTNO AND BINDING 8KIN8, SHOE PEGS, SHOE NAILS, fill OK KNIVES, BRI8TLKK, HAMMERS, AWLS, Ae.Ae.. Just Received, FRESH DRIED COD FISH, Flue ofo Java. Coftx, Rio Coffsxi Lxxuirx CoS« : Suoth Cxroii,,,. I A«4 a vevielx of let T«e- “ 1 Alee, SaiiVX (brown end eruih«l\ pun I Okeeee. Crxokerx. and 1 B , Brxndl-' * ' end W bilker,, “ iu'i.i - J M-REl.noi IW.P. TURNER&co, 14& Broad St, ^RK nowIa(eeeIpt,ra w,|| aeleMl*, j GROCERIES, 'Sa'Ss Kni/e*, Ives and Forks, “ d I Irish Potatow, oomxairnfl MoNtgomerr *nd W«»t Point X- £. Wtlk please take aetlce that I have removed my o*e# to the Book Store of Appier, Thorn ton A Co., No. 00 Brood street, where I can be ioun4 at all houtfc of the day. Merchants and 1 ethers receiving good* over this road will please call at this office and pay aharges before send ing to the depot at Uiaard tor their geoda. . J. M. APPLKK. Agent. Feb 1 if Notice. CoLoaara. Oa., Jan. 29,1888. Parties from whom Cotton baa been taken by Treasury Agents, ar other U. 8. officers, on the ground that the same was sal saribed to the “Confederate Produce Loan." or whose prop erty of other description bae been illegally seised by the authorities 0 f the U. 8. Govern ment, oan hear something to tbeir advantage* by onlling on ALfaiX. C. MORTON, or A. R. LAMAR. Jon. 11 tf Notice to Gas Consumers.' Notice la karehx ,Wee to all paraona wko are I Haei la Sekeeh, Aea-lemlaa aed CoU«,m..,j I on, C. yf., Feb. 2—Oeheral BwcBin-y end Uolonel Roberta pesiod throuKli (hi- cil.T lest night on the express trein. Uolonel Hooker, the Major, and tbo ?hist ft police, period throngh the truin' sna vlodied the sfonpers. WaxHInotom, Fob. 2— MeJ. General ,0. O. H..wnrd; be. /rise on bie lecturing Tour through the New Knglsnd Statre. Ho ie to feceito one hundred dollars for each loot urn dollvered, and the money thue MsDlvi-d is to be doeotnd to the fond, aceutnuTetnd for the erection of tho Con- gttfoHltonel Church in tide city. During the eh.cnoo of tbo Ucnurel, which it is supposed will not exceed a fortnight, Brig. Gon. Charles Howard will have charge of the Burenu. The Third Auditor yesterday decided ibttLiti the case of tboeleineer R. B. Uem- ilton, aola d by tbo United Btetaa autbor- ilioi in 1804, fur the trimportation of troops from Bl. Louis to Mobile, end which whs blown up by torpedoes pieced in the coni bin hy Confederate emiisariet, tbe own.-rs are onlilled to tbe full value of tbe vessel dostrayed. As eetabliebii a tea the Siiporlor Couals of Muscogee county A bill to incorporate the Somhorn Mi ning Company. Resolution instructing the Finance .Committee to romil certain taioe. Adopt ed. . The House adjourned till 8 o’clock p. ra ALABAMA LHGI0LATUKU. H. L. BBNNINO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COL.UMBU6, OA. in orrsars for gas eonaamvd prior to Joogsry | ltt, 1866, and whoso bills havs bven prossnUd. •aid bills are not paid on er boforo tho 10th last., their supply of gas will bo eat off. By order of tbe Director*, JNO. McILUKNNY. Superintendent. Oab Omqi, Colmnba*. Oa., Keh. 1. 18W. f fsb 21w ed out, this fnat it of coniiderabKa liqmoi k *“ * lfted olst( SOMETHING NEW I FONTAINE & CO.’S STEREOSCOPTICOri EXHIBITION OF ART! NOW OPEN AT Temperance Hall, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY! Tbs Grand Exhibition of Piotarss will eom. uence oa Monday, February 5th, And Oontinu* Dariof th* Week! ADMISSION ON* DOLLAR. Tickets osn be had at tbe principal Delete, Book Storee, Speer’s Jewelry Store, Fontaine 3c Ce.’s Picture Unitary no* at Teapemee Hall. Feb 4 tf BARNETT ft CO., COTTON FACTORS,] OOCEBS AND G0X1IS10B1UC1DTS, O.rner It. Clair aa* Bran* eta., COLUMBUS, OA. JBOMPT manta i York, Naw , _ TOI sdraneea mada on eensiaamaats, Cotton Storage. UTE are prepared tn furalsb Storee. ” lor Cotton and Merohandiae cen ter" FORWARDING and RKOL promptly aueaded to. )aa It It Monday, Jan. 6, 18GC. 8IHXT1C. Mr. Gage inlroducrd a bill tu incorpo rate ihu South, n Prcaa Aatociatipn. lio- Jorrad. Mr Felder, a bill to authoriae the iaau- ance of execution in certain cues, not- wilbstenrilng the death of parliee to tbo judgments. Passed. u . jo,. v i Mr. Forney, a bill to incorporate Ilia h«„d ml u f.cri.r, TallMehatchloLoad Mining Company of u.ib..un oou«t y . r mi. tence, as g-forgn number of United ressols weiu similarly destroyed during tho war. Tho total number of claims received at tho office of the Second Comptroller dur ing the month of January lut was 8.0B8, involving the forgeamountof $68 680,0U1. It may Interest periona intending to present claims to the Treuury Depart ment for caplurcd or abandoned properly, to know that the Secretary ia not consid ering any cases of the kind in consequence of tho pressure of other duties. Noaction will be taken by him in thit class of busi ness until the return of Assistant Secre tary Chancellor, or until there is relaxa tion in other business. Kansan City, Mo., Feb. 3 —The Junc tion City, Kansas Union, says: TbeCoin- miascry and Quartermaster’s warehouse it Fort Kiloy, was burned on Wednes- foy. Lou estimated at $1,000,000. Noth- lOg saved. Naw York, Feb. 2.—TheCommoreia.’s SVasbinglon special says: Kalurna from the loyal States to the Special Committee "f the House on War Debts, show that ihe aggregate statu of indebtedness which can not tie audited undur existing laws and paid by the General Government, will Express Notice. Concasua. Da., Fab. 8th, 1868. Merchants and othais ahlepinc freight by tha Rail Road Kxpreas Lise, ever M. A G. R. H. will, on and after thie data, deliver all freight at the oSee ol said Company, No. 88 Broad at. or report the une before It e’eioeh a.-m., day. statist conaigaor, consignee, weight, vales sod destination. By order of Superintendent. LYMAN WBU8. Agent. Feb 6 tf Tb* Naw Ja*B*TS«iiATnHsnif.—The Judiciary I'utmr.illve ot the tfiunato, in ihoir n-port suiuinio^; the lega.itjr of the H'*n. John 1*. Stockton's election as Sen ator from New Jersnjr, find no question to eXHminn except tbnt furnislieu bj the fnct that n plurality, iniiead of a tUMior- ity over alt. voted for him at th» joint meeting. They find further, such fart to no impediment, if accomplished by authority of law, as in the caie of uiaoy, pel haps s minority, otihe members of the National lloiue of Kopreeciiuuvcs. In this case the Constitution of New Jersey makes a joint meeliug a i**ui*laluro in itrolf, and whilethe laws of that bUte sr« silent upon the subject of a plurality election, they do not authorize the elec- lion of Senator* by a joint nu*eiin*f, who*- uniiorm praciit o since the foundatiou of tl e Govarunient, has been to prescribe its own rule*, by which at one time a inn lor- ity over all would Le required to elect, at another a majority of tLaoe present, and at another oiecii m, l»y acctarualion. The conclusion ir, ther.-fure, that the meeting bad a right ti> proscribe the rulo under which it acted, and that ha was elected not simply hy the will of those who vuted for him, but by the will of tbe Joint meet inx which made the rule. RiLsatk op Col. Du it ton w Hast- Biiojf,—'The sum rout fiieods of Colonel Burton N. llurri^in, formerly Frivatn Secretary to ex-Fretidenl Davis, will he glad to btar that be has been released, hy order of tbe 1’ie.ident, from Fort Dels ware, where be bu beea condued since last Spring. Col. Harrison's imprison ment was based upon no epecial charges about twonty survivors were taken off,in cluding the wounded.” Tbe Dictator,Capt. Wm. 11. D inaldson, bound from thie city to Louisville, wa> near tbe Missouri when tbe explosion occurred, end took off the survlvora. Tbe Missouri was one or the largest, moat substantial end swiftest of the boats belonging to that imoular line—tbe At lantic and Mississippi Steamship compa ny. She left here on the afternoon of the 2*1. for Louisville, ir. oommand of Capt. J. Y. Hurd —AT. O. »or, 1st Wo received last night, soya the We# Orleans Creuent of tbo 31at» Indianofo papers of the 27ib. and Galveston t>f the 'Jtnb. We find nothing of any epecial in- lerclt in regard to affairs on the Kio Grande. Tbe lotlieuola Timeo, of the fifth, says! "Wo bavo no further reports from tb Bio Grande that ran be retied on. It seems to be tbe goneral opinion that tbe sack of Bagdad wu only a llliibuiturlng raid, and of cour-a will be disavowed by our Government.'' Fn-ro tbe Galveston Civilian we take the following: "El Zaragoea, the new Libersl Mexi can paper, published in Brownsville, Texas, says that thirteen of the prisoners taken from the force of Gen. Cortina, cap tured after having plundced .om-i wag ons, bad been shot at Matatnoros. That paper (ays thal all the prisoners taken at Bagdad had been eetat liberty, tneludiug the civil end military authentic* and Use employees of the Imperialists." El farjposa seems to be a sort or flUi- buster organ. Capital or Kcrtvckt.—Louiarilfo is ambitious to be tbe capital oily of Ken tucky. Thq UtlyCsspedl have I geslad by^lui o^ffieial and personal allath- I oongrurllon of public buildings, in emei J tbe capital ia / amoved to that point went to Mr Davie.—Aug Cosset. Mr. Winston, a bill to encourage the compri-iniee of indebtedness, and tho ex tension of the payment thereof. Referred. Mr. Crenshaw (Mr. Ashley in the chair),* bill to incorporate ilseP-wuof Lownde-boro', in Lowndes ooai-tv.— Amended so that tbu provisions of tho hi I shall extend to the town of ilayno- ville, and bill passed. Mr Boykin, a bill to establish a new count#, to be called the county of Cren shaw. Beforred. r*eSenate bill, which the House ■ mend ed hy a sue.tltuto, to punish ma practices by servants and employees of incorpo rated companies, was referred lotiieJu- dloi-ry Committee. Vf r Liodaay presented several eommu- nloationi (mm superintendents of certain railroads on tho subject of malpractices hy their servants and employees, which wore also referred to the same committee, nooaa BILLS PASSED. To encourage the erection and repairs of buildings and machinery in Madison county. To make Ellaabeth Bills, of Maon county, e free derler. To autboriie tbe Commissioners’ Court- of Madison county la eelahlGh gates oa the public re ids or (aide- unty. Keierrcil. To authoriae the eructi»u of a soluble moiiuuioLl over the grave of Kennedy Butler, late member of tho H ruse of Bepresenta'ivce from Madison county. Ye»s 28, nays —. To prohibit the Court of County Com missioners of Madison county Irom levy ing a greatsr than fifty per cent, on the Sta-elax for county purposes. For ihv relfof of A. Was, of Marion county, .1 stay law. The special order—tho hill to regulate judiciel proceedings In this State—was then taken up. On motion of Mr. Lindsay, the Senate went into tbe Committee of tbe Whole to A. W. PERSONS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, COLUMBUS, QA. W ILL nreetlre la the Courts of the Chatta hoorhee Judicial Cirouit, also, theeoun tits through which passes tbe Musoocee end and 8. IV. H. K. Also, the eoaatieeof Maooa, Kusaellan-1 Harbour, in Alsbsiae. Will five prompt attention to all business in the military -xceed f oOO.OUO 000. Tha New York ia- by a dulin*uis -loutedneaa is tll.U0O.000. Sneelnl psrdt The Post’e Wesbingtnn ipecial »«y»; ®?" ce The House had e report from the Secre tary of the Treasury under consideration this forenoon. Several prominent Cana- oians were present and submitted propo- sals lot legislation. It is now consldereu certain thal trade will n-d be disarranged hy the expiration of a ireaty, and the no- ceisary legislation will be granted. L’be Vo.t aays the loan market is active. dr ASBIKQTCM. Feb 2.—In the Senate Sumner introduced the following joint resolution for carrying o*t (he gnarantew <>l • republican pirm of goveromant as lu-ovided by the Constitution of the Uni ted Slates, and lor enforcing the constitu tional amendment for the prohibition of slavery : W bores*, U ia provided In the Consti tution of tun United Stairs that it eball guarantee to every Stale ip the Union a republican form of government; and, whereas, by reason of the fsilue of certain States to maintain governments which Congress can recognize, it has become the duty uftlie United States, standing in the plate of guarantee where ia tbo principle nai made a lapse, to aocure to such States, according to tbo terms of guarantee, a government, republican I* form; and. whereas, it is fu-ther provided by tbe con- alitutional amendment that Congress may ,<-nf- rce the prohibilloa of slavery by ap propriate legislation, and it is important to tins end that slavery should be remov ed by removing all distinctive on account of color. Now, therefore, to carry out the Jegrovs of a republican form of govern ment, anil to enforce tbe prohibition of shivery, , Be it resolved by tbv Senate and House of K -prescnlative*, That in all Sla v* late ly declared Vo be in rebellion there shell be no oligarchy ar stoomey »r moaopoly invested with peculiar privileges and puwer, and there shall be no dental of righta, civil er political, on account cf color or race—all persons shall be equal before the ballot-box ; and this statu<e of Ibe Constitution shall be the supreme law olvke lend, say thing in the constitution xseiu.-L the ttevemmeat, lobs laalty mesa ’ ihed legal firm at f ens procured for t street. Hall, Moses & Co. [JAVE JUST KXCBKTBD A lot of flat DeuMs Barrel dans, White Laad, Xiao, Colors In Oil, Fins Karosina. Nails, aad raanjr othar ortidss mm* ftaaM la tha Iwaro Has. • W tf Vaa nopf. NO IMPOSITION t Direct Importation of g«Rw»« Cigar*. J^ONDRES PRINUIPK, of Wallas; Igondrei XatinMod Brerai Ingenuidad Lnndros Sealftpio; ConeUas tl Yialtro it \mn; i • Wholtsaltaod rttailhj Ra r. DURAN, dtt»tf Con, * T •nd'Brotd strotts. Storage Room. BAYING shipped seoesid- I»Me aunotiip of Cotton du- Inez the past weak, we oo*™ have storswe room for moro. We sl»IZ I oloee storage room which It rerfoctl, drrl adapted fog the ltcr.se of goods or nierriu- dtseof an. Mild. J. K. IVBY g | J. W. PEASE Bookseller and Station, COLUMBUS, QA., TTA8 ON HAND a Urae aad well seleeud I II stock of all tbe SCHOOL BOOKS invites tbe attention of all wishint to pirttet | U bis stoob. Teaobers and OouaSr, Merehsnlewilldevd I to exsmine bis assortment before puKhuiu elsewhere. Feb»tf^ A. M. ALLEN & CO. 0R00EB8 AND OOMMISSIOB MERCHANTS. L.AKOK BTOCK8 OF a«p B m. f ‘vv u coii. c r^ GROCERIES, Orloaue and Liverpool. Liberal I _ , Dry Goods, SHOES, HATS, w. g & WA o § o & PS . ^>b w fa. PL0UR AND URAL; SUGAR AND COFFIN; j BLACK TBA; ] QRKBN TBA; | GINGBR, PIPPIN ; NUTMKUS; | MACKBRBL; POTATOB8; | ONIONS; 1 WASHING BLUIING; MAOABOY SNUFF; SOOTOU SNUFF; CANDLNS; CANDIES; BUITBR, CUEK8S-, APPLE VINEGAR; SODA. STARCH; —AND— HARDWARE, Cenalantly On Hand, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL A. M. ALLEN & CO., ■e. 160 Broad m. OPPOSITE COOK'S HOTEL. Oolassbdt, Go.. Jan. 8.1868 tf | FEI^TIXjIZEHsS. Mapes’ | Silr#g«M6N8 Super - PbtspkiM OS* LIMB I S86 lbs. per aoro, oa ordinary land, will vfo- | dueo e*o bole of cotton per eore. A, >. ALLS* * CO., Agent*. >*tf Corner opposite Cook's Betel. M 1 53 , CRACKERS t •tS I SOAP. BROWN; JB | BUCKETS, A*., 6e. ■tenit£a*turing Company Sotied- For tb* convenience ol pereons applrioi l# Stoek la the EAGLE sad PUffim NASI- FACTURING COMPANY. Gat* Ees* Howard) I bava opoaod aa office at lb* B»*‘ of Columbos, where applications osn b* to me lor Steok. and in mr obsonoo Nr- * YOUNG will roeoive sebsorii-lions sad l«r for tho naa Tho aeboeriptlon list Is alreadr be f aa. Fsr- order of”the laonsdostringVo seouro Stock will mass ssw Look Sharp! A LLIioenssefor {Mailing liquor sad rnnalng lx drags and backs, issued bg ardor of tea I eooe ucurio. iu .eo»r. u.-— -••• —. our Oitr CouncU'prsyioua to 1-t Jannorg. 1848. hsv- | oppllostion. as THE WORK WILLS* rux fog ezplrsd on that date, aad a awabor bariog | rv rwefgDIATE PROGRESS, fbilefi\orenew thblr license, bg resolution ol 1 ImAKUiaiB rsxu nilK'ET. Oo aval I ang pemn In terming upon and pro- * N -■ opriae tba ooavkitlon of a parlg so offendiag, snail rceoivo 0*0 half tba fine which mag bo ‘mtfe,, o. black tin will bo orWenoa that the dray having it has prtx licanro, aad without it non* aro authoris msg Information will ha faraishod apoa aapliaa- • ten M to who bars lteo»ete rotel! Jan 88Br Clerk Council. Mules ! Mules! J f WILL have 60 No. 1 broke MULES ia Co. Jan r It FOR BALE, 50 Boxes Good Sound Tobaooo. GREENWOOD A GRAY. Jean tf Wood! Wood! Ornca Mosils urn Giataa R. R. -upplted ui on oppllc.rion to ®“ “ J M. FRAERR, . Treasurer. C. G. HOLMES & SON, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MKn.OIIJb.NTte, ARALACHICO4.A. - - FLA. C. O. Humes. Oauaxas T. Horn as dte II |a Colemans, Gs. Jsnaarr 14.18d8 if Hamilton Female College, ■ AVtbTOf 1 »*< XSSBtrStfSISSSS Th*000tv* of sta*T» thoroecV eodro™^^ Erorg dewvrVmsat is eagpllsd vita U &fcb.obUi.-fofo«^ fc - i,i -‘ j. n. lovelacj JaalS—1m Pr#^- HORBACH’S HOTEL, Lata “PKRRY HOUSE." Oolumbua, Georgia.^ ITH1S Hovsv having bova rrfaf-'fVt'u*. X ad aadraStlvd. ia all JTVtH* IW ,otiose! ■*r_x." __ I Class Hotel, isnow opoo fj'.Jfg'ggRR. NOtlCe. *M»t« . HOKilALU^^^ '1'ITIRTT-TWO HORSE ENGINE for sals, ” ^ I flftllflfi AAprcV.&ii», *B«r*f\?7t Metallic Burial Owes zp'rJr * r " - if v. i‘"^ re L^ k * Jafog.lp. | U8T RECK!VFD si «•,-■ “ ! J aver kBemer^a^-^NKT A <»• Jan 14 Vf J ^Notice. TroEfiurop’* ] Mnsrogre Knllrond twjayv J j doLUMBDS. GA-. Dtc^w- Rteduotion in Prion* 0 jJ[ lhr( uk fkN and .ftordstatbl.O—P^r^rfris Oak aad Fiaa Wood ^jJj*4ollsi» (H) Cards, aa.iwaaly*«* fffiwad. frweru- Haul vo ua’s Fs.no * I ™*T.f^ rl ^ greg^ la tete, ^ o**r. fcv. fro- Has. aad Immediate lain Vh#44-evdRr a- Oolfins. TTNDKRTAKERS' WORK dots to order b, ^ eipprifncwi workmen. Coffiui trinuaad in any irnittefi stylo. I bar* in my shop DICK llAIbKY. a «ovd Upholster enJ RopVlr.r of FuroiWr., who will bo sled to raceire order, from hu old Irlaods. Mr Carrot,tori* Bu/ineos Is stUl kept op la all Its bronchos. Bsiug grateful for former rot- roni«a ( I trust tha romtuanity will faror wuh a •oniuitRHt* ol the sum*. Ja*.15-»m ALLEN. For Rent, Until th* Pint of Oet*b*r H*xt, '1'HH COMMODIOUS BT0RR OB tb* corn., A HuUtetr and Oglethorpe street,. fecmerl, au^it C “far - ---—■ >“ d bgE. B.r- 0ol •tebos. Fob l-lw Agvats.