Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 13, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred 11. Calhoun, PllOPRIETOH. Ywolvo mouths, in advance $8 00 Eix months, “ 4 00 Three months, “ 2 00 ®ne month, “ 75c. eeklt Enquirer, one year 2 00 (WASHINGTON. • 'OXilU'.SSlONAI. l’KOtiEHOlSCiS. Cohtmlm VOL. XV. COLUMBUS, GA., SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1873. NO. 295. j| Washington, Dec. 12.—House.—The $fJpeakor laid before the Honse a commu nication from the Secretary of War, charging Gen. O. O. Howard, of tlio late Froedraeus Bureau, with defalcations amounting to $278,573, which was re- ferredjto Committee on Military Affairs. {fc Senate.—There was no session of the |. Senate. The argument before the Committee f on Privileges and Elections on the Louisi- j ana case is progressing. Mr. Marr has arrived. The Secretary of the Treasury, in his f annual report while urging economy upon , Congress, said, should thero not be a re- 1 vival of business at an early day and nu increase in the receipts over those of the past two months and a half, additional means would be required to meet the ex penses. Should such be the case, he . would recommend additional taxation, judiciously laid so as to bo the least bur densome upon the people and business of the country, rather than a resort to bor rowing money and increasing the public debt. The Secretary said this morn ing that the public debt this month would be largely increased, though it was now too early to approximate the amount. lie has written a letter to the Chairman of the Ways and Means Com mittee recommending, and enclosing a bill for that purpose, the restoration of the duty on tea and coffee, which will yield about twenty millions more per an num. lie also enclosed a letter to him from Commissioner Douglass making the following recommendations : An increas ed tax of tou cents a gallon on distilled spirits, which would yield soven millions annually; four cents additional per pound on tobacco, which would yield four mil lions ; on illuminating gas two millions fivo hundred thousand ; on gross receipts of railroads from passengers and freights six millions; on steamboats, gross re ceipts from passengers and freights, $000,000; express companies, $500,000; insurance companies, $1,300,000; tele graph receipts, $250,000; making in the aggregate $22,150,000. This, with the tax on tea and coffee, would mako over $42,000,000. The Commissioner says if more revenue is wanted it could bo ob tained, to the oxtent of $10,000,000, by restoring taxes as formerly iu schedule 15, which includes stamps on all legal instru ments, deeds, mortgages, Ac.; thus mak ing additional receipts of over $32,000,- OQO from internal revenue resources. THE AFTERNOON SESSION. Washington, December 12.—House.— A Senate bill relieving Bocock, Harvey and Trigg, of Virginia, and lleagau, of Texas, was passed A resolution directing the Secretary of War to report which of certain roads, to which lauds had been granted, had been paid for the transportation of troops and supplies since ’GO. Referred to Com mittee on Military Affairs. A large number of busiuess men from all parts of the country have petitioned for the repeal of tho bankrupt law. Howard's Cuso. Wood offered a resolution that the let ter of tho Secretary of War, with tho ac oompanyiug reports, relating to the defal cations, Ac., of Gon. O. O. Howard be referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, with instructions to report a reso lutiou providing for the trial by military court-martial of any officers of the army implicated thereby. Dawes, of Massachusetts, moved to amend the resolution by striking out the clause relative to instructions. He wished to have the subject simply referred to the Committee on Military Affaire, leaving that committoo to take such action in the matter as it should judge best. Tho Speaker here remarked that he had been about to refer the communication to tho Committee on Military Affairs. Wood said that he preferred, in view of the antecedent history of the Erocdmen Bureau and of Goneral Howards connec tion with it, that there should bo some in struotiouR given to tho committee Hull, of New York, objeoted to debate The vote was taken on Dawes’ amend ment, and it was agreed to by yeas 174 nays 88. Dawes said that he did not desire to shield General Howard, but be objeoted to the resolution making statements as facts before a hearing. It stated as afac the defalcation of Gen. Howard, lie did not understand that there was any such thing iu the paper, aud the Wood resolu tion states as a fact what has been authen tioatod in tvro official documents sent here by the Secretary of War. I think we can well afford to stand on facts which the Administration declares to be facts. If that gentleman dares go back of the Ad ministration, I will not. Dawes—No matter how strong tho proof may appear, it is sufficient for us to use tho words alleged defalcations. Wood—The Secretary of War submit ted these documents to tho Attorney General, and tho Attorney General gave as his official opinion that Gen. Howard was liable to be tried by court martial and should be so tried, but that there was some technical difficulty, owing to the lapse of time. Dawes—All that may be bo: but the proper thing is for the Committeo on Military Affairs to report these facts, that if that side of tho House takes the responsibility of shielding this man, it may do bo. Duwes—This side of the House will take the responsibility of shielding no man. Woods—It has done so to-day. Dawes—But it will take the responsi bility of passing judgment after convic tion, not before. The resolution as mended, by inserting tho word “alleged” and striking out tho word “instruction,” was adopted. The salary bill was recommitted. An appropriation of four millions was asked by the Secretary of the Navy. Passed. Adjourned. Oilier Resolutions. The Foreign Committee of tho House organized and paid a complimentary visit to Fish, The Salary bill was recommitted to special committeo with instructions to •eport a bill repealing all increase, except where the constitution forbids a reduc tion of salary. The Senate. Tho Senate continued Scruggs, of Geor gia, as Minister resident of the United States at Columbia. The President replying to the Civil Rights Convention said: I am very glad to receive the Convention and listen your remarks. I have always believed that enfranchisement and equal rights should accompauy emancipation. These rights should have followed with out legislation. It is unfortunate that any enactment is necessary to secure such rights, but existiug prejudice seems to have rendered it necessary. I hope tho present Congress will give the relief you seek. Enter. Tho Senate Committeo on Privileges and Elections met to-day, at 11 o’clock, at the Capitol. Senator Morton presided, and all tho members were present except Sumner. Argument occupied nearly five hours. Mr. Bollings opened, and was followed by Messrs. Ogden and Marr. aud Judge Dibble closed. The Convention went into secret ses sion, and thon adjourned until 10 o’clock Monday. It is thought that they will then agree upon a report. The principal business in the Civil Rights Convention to-day, was the discus sion of the report of the Committee on the Address to Congress and the people of the United States. ALABAMA, THE CHIEF JUSTICE. OPINION OF THE EIRERAE 11 PI BLU AN COMMITTEE. Washington, Decembor 12.—The Lib eral Republican General Committee, after stating the qualifications necessary for the Chief Justiceship, resolved, that in tho judgment of this General Committeo, the gentleman who has been nominated by the President and Senate for this high and important office docs not possess the requisite qualifications, and the nomina tion should not bo confirmed. cull EATEIt FROM ITT!A—DANGER TO CONS* FEN. New York, December 12.—A Key West dispatch Rays seven war ships aro now there; sufficient naval stores received thero to supply ten thousand men for three months. Tho officers of the Wyoming report that tho estale of Brooks, acting British Consul at Santiago, was burned : probably by volunteers. A Swiss jeweller was warned to leave that city, or decline to trade with Ameri cau naval officers. Consul Young says the life of Schmidt. American vice-Consul, would not be worth a cent, if there wore not American war vessels in the harbor. AZAIXE. THE EEGINEATFRE—-THE (J. 8. SENATORS. Montgomery, December 12.—The jury in the cose of Lewis E. Parsous vs. Rich ard Busteed, Judgo of the U. S. District Court, for false imprisonment, gave the plaintiff $10,000 damages. Parsons is Speaker of tho House of Representatives. Hunter, of Lowndes, made a motion at the last session looking to bringing about a new election of U. 8. Senator iu place of Sykes aud Spencer. Parsons ruled Hunter out of order. Hunter refused to bo silenced and Par sons had a Sargeant-at-Arms bring hitn before tho bar of tho House. Hunter sued out a writ before Busteed on com plaint that Parsons was conspiring with certain othor parties to defeat the right of representatives to elect a United States Senator. On a honriug of the case Bus- toed discharged Parsons and co-defend- fendant, and thereupon Parsons sued Busteed for false imprison ment. lluuter is a Republican, and his idea was that neither Spencer nor Sikes were legally elocted, because At torney General Williams had not decided either tho Court Room or Capitol Legis lature to bo legal. Hence, as a compro mise lmd then been effected, he desired to elect a compromise U. S. Sonator, Abbott, whose election no doubt could exist. 1HUBERY. ATTFKMON’M FAME IN SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia, S. 0., Dec. 12.—Another at tempt was made before a trial Justice to investigate a charge of an attempt at bribery by John J. Patterson, during the Senatorial election last winter. W. B. Jones, a member of the House from Aiken, made tho affidavit, hut it was not deemed reliable, and ns ho did not ap pear in the court, it is thought tho whole thing was an attempt at black-mailing the Senator. Other witnesses did not prove anything, aud the case wns dis missed aud Patterson discharged. It is understood a warrant has been issued for the arrest of Jones on the charge of per jury. I'HEWEAUIER. Department of War, > Washington, Doc. 12, 1873. j" Probabilities.—Eor the South Atlantic States, light aud fresh south and west winds will prevail, with partly cloudy weathor, followed on Saturday afternoon or evening by areas of rain. GENERAL NEWS. By Telegraph to the Enquirer. -Activity in the Brooklyn navy yard continues. —Business was suspended in Wilming ton, N. C., yesterday, on account of the Fair. —Tho Massachucetts Dontal Society has adopted a resolution that iu their opinion tho use of chloroform in dental operations is not advisable. —Sailed from European ports yestorday Elina, Zealander, Etna for New Orleans ; James Kenney for Charleston; Robert for Galveston ; Therese for Pensacola. —Tho police raided on the gambling houses iu New Y'ork, yesterday, but Morrissey’s and a number of othor big es tablishments, had premonition and were closed. —The steamship Ernest Moritzarndt, from New York, November 22d, for Stet tin, is ashore on tho Island «f Iceland, near Elsinore. Vessel leaking badly. As sistance has been sent. —Tho old Museum building in Balti more was partially burned yosterday. Bar- num’s Theatre and Hotel was threatened, but was saved. The Theatre Comique lost its wardrobe, Jrc. marine Intelligence. ARRIVALS AND REIMRTERES. New York, Castalia. December 12.—Arrived- THE MANUAL'S SENTENCE—€ MAN OPINION. London, Deo. 12—The News reports that MacMabou intends to commuto the sentence of Bazaiue to twenty years se elusion. London, Dec. 12.—Later accounts from Paris agree that Bazaiue received the seutonco with tho greatest calmness. Berlin, Dec. 12.—The press regards tho verdict as the rosult of political iu- tregue and censures the conduct of Duke D’Aumale. Paris, Dec. 12.—Tho decision of Pres ident MacMahou iu tho case of Bazaiue is announced this morniug. The sen tence of dealh against Marshal Bazaiue is commuted to twenty years seclusion. Ho is to bear the effects of degradation from rank but will be spared the humilia ting ceromonv. THE YIltGINILS. HER REPORTED DESTINATION KEY WEST. Havana, December 12.—The »teamship- \ irginius was towed out of the harbor of Havana at half-past four o’clock tLi* move to insert tho word alleged before morning, by the Spanish man-of-war Isa- tbe word defalcations. | bella la Catolica. Tho tug boat returnod Wood—It is a very small matter, and to tho city at seven o’clock. The desti- I will not detain the House quibbling ! nation of tho Virginias ia supposed to bo About it; let it go. But 1 desire to sa Key West. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO EN<iII RER< London, Dec. 12—Noon.—New fiv’s 92,}. Erie 37^. Liverpool, Doc. 12 — Noon.—Cotton firmer: uplands 8.}; Orleans 8*.’; sales 15,- ()()() bales—for speculation aud export 3,- 000; for tho sveok 00,000; speculation 2,- 000; export 8.000: stock 408,000; Ameri can 83,000; receipts 48,000; American 21,- 000; actual exports 11,000. Cotton to uriivo ^ dearer. Later. — t’plands, nothing below low middlings, delivered in December, 8 5-10. Sales include 72,000 bales of American; stock atloafc 2.18,000; American 180,000. New York, Dec. 12.—Gold 9;. Mouey —7 bid. Exchange—long 8;; short 9, 1 . Governments strong. State bunds strong. Cotton quiet: sales 040; uplands lflj; Orleans 1G{|. Futures opened as follows: December 15U January 15;7al5 13-10; February I0^a 10}; March lfllolfl}}; April 10 1 r»-1 Gal7: May 17 5-10. Flour quiet and firm. Wheat hrmly hold. Corn quiet and steady. Pork quiet aud steady: new $10. Lard firm: western stoom 8 7-10a8l. Liverpool, December 12—2 p. m.— Sales of uplands, nothing below good or dinary, shippod in December and Janua ry, 8 7-10: ditto, shipped in January and February, ditto, deliverable in JantiR- ry and February, 8 5-10; ditto, nothing below low middlings, shipped in Decem ber and January, 8 7-10: sales of Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in December aud January, 8$. St. Louis, Dec. 12.—Flour, demand good at full prices for low ami medium grades. Corn firmer, scarco and higher; new No. 2 mixed 58a59 on track. Whis key higher, 91. Pork firm at $14a$14.25. Lard steady; small lots at 7j{nA. Louisville, December 12.— Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn firm at 50u55 for new shelled and sacked. Provisions quiet. Pork $15al5 50. Bacon nouiiual; should ers 5j; clear rib sides 7; clear sides 7-}. Lard 8al0. Whisky firm at 71. Cincinnati, Dec. 12.—Flour quiet at $7 OOall 25. Corn steady—old ear 55a 50, shelled 55 ; new ear 52a55. Pork held firmly at $15 50. Lard steady—ket tle 8ja8j, steam 8a8£. Bacon quiet and steady—shoulders held Oj, clear rib sides 7j, clear sides 8 ; all new. Whiskey firm at 92. New York, Dec. 12.—Cotton—Net re ceipts 095 bales; gross 3,341. Futures closed weak; sales 15,000 bales, r ,as follows : December 15 7-10al54; January 15jal5 25-32; February 10 3-10a 16;}; March lOjalG 25-32; April 17al7 17-10. Cotton firm; sales 2,404 at lOjag. Mouey easy at 7. Exchange less buoy ant at 8jf. Gold weaker at 9ja9j. Gov ernments strong, considerable doing. States quiet aud nominal. Chaleston, Dec. 12.—Cotton firm : middlings 15, low middlings 14;J, strict good ordiuary 14j; net receipts 3371; ex ports to Great Britain 1794, to the conti nent 1004, to Franco 550, coastwise 1914 ; sales 1000; stock 51,358. Weekly net receipts 20,500 ; exports to Great Britain 9172, to the continent 2254, to France 1795, coastwise 17,391 ; sales 7500. New Orleans, Decembor 12.—Cotton active and higher ; middlings 16;}, low middlings 1/y, strict good ordinary 14 j ; net receipts 13,070, gross 14,027; exports to Great Britain 4354, to the continent 5945; Rales 3000—last evening 0700; stock 185,042. Weekly not receipts 02,455, gross 0<3,. 0; exports to Great Britain 8507, to the continent 19,400, to France 0073, coast wise 3220; Rules 43,000. Augusta, Dec. 12.—Colton in good de mand, middlings 14.4; receipts 1,849; sales 227; stock, 1872, 2,205; 1872., 17,400. Weekly roceipts 10,017; shipments 8,- 803; sales 8,009. Selma, Dec. 12.—Cotton — middlings 14fal4^. Weekly receipts 2,989; shipments 3,- 334, stock, 1872, 7,198: 1873, 0,940. Savannah, Doc. 12.—Cotton strong; middlings lf.fi; not roceipts 0,702; exports to Groat Britain 1,198; sules 2,355; stock 109,320. Woekly not reeoipts 34,728; exports to Grent Britain 13,078; to Continent 12,115; coastwise 5,545; sales 11,730. Memphis, Dec. 12.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 14 Aa-j; reeoipts 3,523; shipments 3,- 286; stock—1872, 34,091; 1873, 4544. Weekly receipts 20,225; shipments 10,- 873 Wilmington, Dec. 12.—Cotton quiet; middlings I4j{: net roceipts 290; exports —to Groat Britain 070; coastwise 184; stock 2,385. Weekly not receipts 1017; exports to Groat Britain 070; constwiso 1330; sales 298. Galveston, December 12. — Cotton firm; good ordinary 13;}; net receipts 3924 exports coastwiso 300; salos 2000; stock 04,4 78. Weekly net receipts 19,974; exports to Great Britain 990; to continent 13,“" coastwiso 2880; salos 15,000. Baltimore, Dec. 12.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 15j; low middlings 15; strict good ordinary 14}; net receipts 530; gross receipts 745; exports coastwise 230; sales 425; spinners 70; stock 10,097. Weekly net receipts 078; stock 4970; exports to Great Britain 1432; exports to Continent 400; exports coastwise 732; sales 2100; spinners 570. Boston, Doc. 12.—Cotton firm; mid dlings 10£; net receipts 88; gross 513; sales 500; Btock 0000. Weekly net receipts 855; gross 7305; ox- pors to Great Britain 334; sales 1850. Mobile, Decembor 12.—Cotton firm; middlings 154; low middlings 14^; strict good ordinary 14}; not roceipts 2.445; exports coastwiso 3,261; sales 1,200; stock 42,856. Weekly net roceipts 15,983, gross 1 984. Exports coastwise 8,414; sales 12,- 000 bales. Macon, Dec. 12.—Cotton firm; low middlings 14}. Weekly receipts 4,073; shipments 3,110; sales 3,421; stock, 1872, 11,710; 1873, 11,296. Norfolk, Dec. 12.—Cotton firm; low middlings l4fj: not receipts 2,778; expoits coastwise 1,950; sales 730; stock 9,652. Weekly net reeoipts 16,408; exports coastwise 11,400; sales 3,150. Fuovidenue, Dec. 12.—Net receipts 63; sales 1,500; stock 5,000. City Foint, Doc. 12.—Woekly receipts 891. Montgomf.ry, Dec. 12.—Cotton firm and in good demand; low middlings I3 : |a 14. Weekly receipts 3,673; sbipmenU 1,- 773; stock, 1872, 11,916; 1873, 7,298. Philadelphia, Doc. 12.—Cotton quiet: middlings 16.|a4, low middlings 15J, strict good ordinary 15}; net receipts 99, gross 518: exports to France 936. Weekly net receipts 1,384 halos, gross 3,483. Comparative Cotton Statement. New York, Dec. 12, 1873. Cotton Factories. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturer! of SHKETINOS, 8HIKTING8, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, GA. G. P. SWIFT, Prwndent. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly. Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale and Kiclianfe Stables, Oni.RTUOBPK, North of Randolph Sts., octSO Columbus, Ga. A. GAMMEL, Livery and Mule Stable*, Oolkthorpi St., Columbus, Ga. given to Feeding aud Sale >ardud iu stablea by tho Particular attout of Stock. Hors os and Mult month or day. Doctors. OR. J. A. URQUHAKT, ■ at 0. J. Moffett'a Drug Store, Hruud n OR. COLZEY. or of St. Clair aud Oglethorpe OR. J. C. COOK, ■ Kllla A Harrison's Coinmisslo first door to left. Dentists. W. T. POOL, OentlMt, viiSJ Ktl Broad St., Columbus, Ga. W. .V. FOGLE, Oontlnt, irgiu Homo Building, Coluntbi Lawyers. L. T. DOWN ING, Attorney and Solicitor. U. S. Coiu’r and Register in Bankruptcy. •-i*JJ over Brooks’ Drug Store, Columbus, PEABODY A BRANNON, Attorneys at Lou. vlHj AVr Side banks. W. 1,. SALISBURY, A. O. Ul.ACKMAK, President. Cashier. MERCHANTS’! MECHANICS’ BANK., Columbus, Ga., Does a General Banking Business: DEALS IN KxehanKc, Gold, Silver, Storks, Arc. Ipeelal Attention given to Foliar* ttouN. and prompt returns made. FOR SALE AND RENT. Plantation for Sale. 1 OFFER for sale a Plantation of :;j.i acre \sitbin four miles of Columbus. About a-'ies ol this laud h liver bottom, the I ulatiro 'lie best quality of oak and hickory uplands. A For Sale or Exchange for Town Property. A DBSIRAHLE I'l.AOK four milrs from town, 108 acres; a now frame house, and good ulars, ourpiiro of For pi. Crawford street, New York Correspondent: Ninth National Rank of Now Ye •k. SAVINGS BANK. DEPON1TM received In kiiiiin of 25 eentM and upwardm. MEVEN per rent, (per amntiii; in terest (allowed, payable Iwt January April, July aud October, (eoui|»oiind< ed four IlnieN annually.) DEPOSITS PAID ON DEMAND. DIRECTORS: W. L. SALISBURY—Formerly of lVnrnurk A Co, A. 1LLGE8—Of Proof, Illgofl A Co. W. R. BROWN—Of Columbus Iron WoikstV C. A. REDD—Of C. A. Redd & Co. 0. L. MuGOUGlI—Of .lullit McGough A <’••. Gl.'N MY .IORDAN. Plantation for Sale. M Y "" l taining 080 - tin ?r, on which du .Id publicly in Elion. Mub-.s, Wagons, Gin, Cattb ill l,.. sold with the place. Mr. W. M. Reed, oil iuh* kn the phi 1 any bo JOSEPH F. POI For Rent. rnilK OFFICE - Ko 1 iu tliu hot •rk-sbop. cupled by II. Castle- j table fui Water is fun .Vll heated by a fim.are throughout the "„ld on. Comlort guaranteed. Apply to C1IA8.C0LKMAN, Over tho store of. Abell A Co., llli llrou.l si. nov21 tjanl For Rent. I two LARGE, WELL FURNISHED ME • Rooms, with imp «f parlor, In anil ml par/ bo city. Terms liberal. AdercM Bi*p‘J.s tf _ M, Enquirer OflUv. For Sale Low. ^ SCHOLAR-HIP IN THE MEDICAL CO G-.GE AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. novU tf APPLY AT THIS OFFICE. OFFICE OK T> R. J. MOM EM, Attorney aud Uoiinmellor at l.aw, eorglu Homo Insurance Company building, sec- oct7 ly J oml story. LOUIS F. GARRARD, Attorney and Uounnellor at law. * Will Special “epl " g/r a I Lu Olli t IIAM. II. WILLIAMM, attorney at Law, Uoluiiibuu, Ga. Will practice in any Court tcee A Murdoch » store. j uovDi Grocers. DAN'L R. HIKE, Family Groceries, on Bryan i ion Oglethorpe A Jackson stm charge for draynge. J. II. HAMILTON, Wholesale aud Retail Graeer, IMIIAM COOPER, icer and Dealer in Couut next to “EnquireV’ Ofllee. Fresh Meats. J. T. COOK, Frcnli Meatm of All Kludn, i Stalls Nos. la and 17. Rags, Hides, etc. JOHN MEHAFFEY, Dealer In Ratfn, Hide«, Beeswax, etc., and all klndw Of Junk. Corner Briihib and ouLmioitrn lira., sepf> ColumbuH, On. Druggists. Net receipts at all l'. S. ports during tho week Same week Inst year Total receipts to date, since lat September Same date Inst year Exports for the week Corresponding week last year . Total exports to date Same date Inst year Stock at all U. S. ports during the week Last year Stock at all interior towns Last year Stock at Liverpool Last year 365,00( American afloat for Great Bri tain Last year JOHN L. JORDAN, DruKKlnt, Two doom bolow G«o. W. Brown's, Hro.ul Stlcot, Columbus, Ga. Night Bell right of south door. sep6 FOMTEK M. CHAPMAN, OruKKht, Randolph, east of Broad 8tr«.*t, Hopo Columbus, Ua. A. M. HHANNON, We Sid Mko , Com WIioIonuIv mad Retail Denier In Drugs and Medlelne*, Toilet Article** and Perfumery. JOHN W. IIKOOKM, Wholesale and Retail Druggist. 107 llroud St., ( oIuiiiIiuh, Ga. EAGLE AND PHENIX Manufacturing Ooinp’y, Columbus, Georgia Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE I’AltT OF THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A safe and reliable arrangement for tho heuofioial aocnmulation c f tho earnings of artisuM and ail other classes, this Company has established, under HPr.OJAL CUAUTKR TltOM Till HTATE Ol’ GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, in which tho following advantages oft'ored to Depositors of either large small amounts: 1. PERFECT SECURITY. Tho hhsoIk ol the Company were on the lRt of January, 1873 $1,704,459 13 ami are steadily increasing. Tho Reserve Fund is $297,766 92 All of which property is specially pledged by act of tho Gon oral Assembly for the protection of Depositors; and in addition, by tho same act, tho Stockhold ers of the Company are made IN 1>IVID- ALLY RESPONSIBLE in proportion to their shares, for tho integrity of tho Savings Department and ils certificates of Deposit. 2. LIBERAL INTEREST. ltalo allowed Seven per cent, per annum, compounded four times a year. 3. DEPOSITS can bo withdrawn at uvj/ time wit/iout notice. Depositors residing out of the city can dtaw deposits by checks. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS of this Department furnished upon application, aud all desired information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. it. AU accounts of JJejtosilors trill be con Aider ed strictly private and eonl'a/t nflal. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W/il.l, ATTUN'D PROMPTLY TO THK SALK. VV UK NT AN!) PURCHASE of RKAL KSTATi: in Hip City uml < oiintiy, uml will mlv.M'ti-m tlo 'iimo (lit private nub*) FKI'.K OF CIIAP.GP. m.le^ I... property is sol-1. For Exchange. Twenty Valuable Unimproved Building Lots in Valuable Plantation at Auc tion. .1. RK SDl.1) AT ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. For Sale. V A LUAMI.K Dental Notice. [ vK. PIIKLPS ban removed bin ofllco to hi* ri*n [ J id-nrn on St. Clair -Greet, roar of tlo reabytoriaii Church. ortii tf 181,174 122,017 1.347,851 1,405,588 607,265 55.,, 122 ‘,02,180 107,867 81,031 168,000 180,000 129,000 D i; N NINO N * M • A I K N I s III I* I* IK 0 T AGS; >VKR 7 WO IILNDRKD MILLIONS i.r.( ! •••■II .udd within tin-punt Dlyeata. vithout complaint •»! Ini* by Tag bo- •lining detached. They are more r marhiny Cotton Hales than , All u„- A miSIllAIII.H ItOt’SH AND LOT, will For Rent. JNK IAVKLUNO with threw \ KO K BOOMS, with lb, kitchen and nUblo. K-i acceptable tenant. DIRECTORS: N. J. BUSSKY, W. II. \ OL NO, \S . K. PABKA.MOlli;, A LI* HKD I. YOUNG, of New Y« CIJAKLKS QRKK.V Sold by Printer NOTICE. ••ly. n, ww are willing to liolp all Will help u, CollR-qUentlV. it* for Middling Uot- .1 011 N McGOUGII A CO. Rags, Rags WILL PAY THK II1011 KST CASH PRlCf. 100,000 lbs. Cotton Rags! olivered a' the Railroad Dapnts and Wlmrf i Jclunibim. Partial will tind it to their inters -it t •iinmiiiiicato with mo before shipping elaowb. r* Dry Hides 'ill be paid. The New York hireniny Post says tho propensity of selecting Yankees for office holding is illustrated by the fact that there are about twenty thousand persons in Canada who have emigrated from tho United States, and this class have somo half dozen representatives in the Domin ion Parliament, who are among the most influential men iu that body. To the Voters of Columbus i.ver town that I am not ■an. Hut I om, and if my doty t » th* bait of ray WM. MI'S DAY, UU Ward. IV. -J. BUSSKY, Afl KMT van American Cotton Tie Co. hi. APPROVKD PA'ITKKNS Ol I dPROVED COTTON TIES, fin niHlic«l iw.rtt market Adply \ JOHN MEHAFFEY, UOLUMBl'S, OHO imamom, s,*,;< i s : MILLINERY. To Suit the Panic Times! Millinery Goods at Cost! II/ K have on Inuid.pu W sale .anb prn r., a l i» N.-w York Stm... MRS. COLVIN and MISH DON N MI.J.Y FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. AOKNCY OF PACIFIC GUANO CO., \ C01.U.MHU8, ga., Out. i, is?::, i rnilK attention of my niMtomorH in railed to tbt | pnyniont of tliolr Notes, Lions and otb, • •f-Iiunf iiitiH given for SOLUHLK PACIFIC dUA\<>. tract until inutiirit.v of hiicIi oli ligntioiiN, after nliirh date this |»rl\ Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season W. H. YOUNG, A ’tit PacificCuano Comp'y, \o. US Urond Htrcvt. .■II ku “Rust and Smut Seed Oats, Proof” DOORS, SASH, ETC. Out Seventy Paa;o lliustra - ted Catalogue of j S, 1? o o ISIIES, BLINDS, Sl'.UK KAILS, NEWELS, FANCY GLASS, Ac., il.ll IU my mi, interctoil in I,nil,lms. ■ rt.u i[.t of hl.mip. KEOGH & THORNE, 251 * .'•jil CANAI. STKUKT, ,11 ilAwlv NKW YOltK CITY. Wanted. \\ ill _ in.i, nii.l wuin.-u Hl'N I MISS HIT WILL PAY from SI t- >■> urtii b.« j uI'miled In your own nrigbi j i*. .1 rule tbailee tor those out «f ••mpl..\ ug K-isuro time; girls Part leu la