Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 19, 1873, Image 1

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TfcRMSuF lily and Weekly Enquirer lifted R. Calhoun, PKOPRTKTOIl. 8lve mouths, in advance $8 00 i months, “ ^ 00 •fllfec months, “ - 00 Om month, “ 750. tfHEKi.Y Enquirer, ono year 2 00 NEW YORK. flid VirKiiiiiim Affair—The l.nbor Quest! ion — It a m pa nf SodaliJiiii- A The Debt and Taxation— Rdvenno Wanted—A t'on- troverwy over “Led Astray**—Scandal in High I.ire— Tli© Literary World. [mci RAILROADS. Change of Schedule. TOL. XY. COLUMBUS, GA., FRIDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1873. NO. 300. ,L CORREBI’ONDCNCK CULIMUUS KNQl IHF.R.J ' £T New York, Decomber 14, 1873. Tbo bombastic hidalgo has subsided, and the Virginias aud the survivors of her aud passeugers are uo louger at tho toy of the blood-thirsty Havuua volun- “All’a well that ends well,” but I ^oan’t help thiukiug that a “little blood-let ting’ 1 —to quoto Chaudlor, of Michigan— ItOlild have benefitted “poor Cuba.’’ THE LABOR QUESTION. - The labor question continues to be the principal topic of conversation. Thou- fftgds of workingmen aud girls are out of •mployment, and are rapidly exhausting thuir little savings of the past. Many are already resorting to the pawnbroker, and that reverable cormorant is said to be landing a smaller pittance than ever on articles pledged. “My uncle” is, in tine, preparing for a resumption of specie pay ments, and so tho poverty stricken can't realize as iuuok from their andirons aud old olothes as in days of yore. • RAMPANT SOC IALISM. Doubtless something ought to bo done for tho laboring classes ; but they are act ing most unwisely in permitting theorists to take possession of iheir organization iu a become their spokesmen. At the meeting hold on Thursday night the wild est of doctrines were promulgated. A re organization of society was proposed with no mau to own more than $300,000 worth of property. I abhor negations. Instend of saying what a man shall not have, our social reformers ought to have declared that evory man shall have $300,000 worth of propertv. Then l would bo with them Of course all the socialistic ranting in- dnlged in does not represent tho view's of the workingmen, but it does alarm cupital and adds to the goueral uneasiness. THE DEBT AND TAXATION. / The falling oil of the revouuo is begin ning to attract attention, and is likely to provoke a political light. It is clear that unless the taxes are increased thoro will not be any further reduction of tho Fed eral debt for several years to come. Peo ple who believe that “a national debt is a national blessing'’ are delighted; those who wish the debt speedily paid uro clam oring for measures to contiuuo the reduc tion. J am in sympathy with tho last. Congress blundered when it abolished the income tax. A lax of ton per cout. on nil Incomes in excess of $4,000 per annum would fall on tho rich alone, and this class would not feel.it. Much of the public diiahtisfaction arises from the faot that the rich nro renlly not bearing their pro portionate share of taxation. Men like A. T. Stewart do not pay any taxes. He makes tho men who buy his goodB or feht his buildings pay them. If out of hi Enormous income, and out of the enor- mons incomes of other rich men, a direct revenue was obtained the country would ba benetitted and we would hear less agrarianism nnd communism ranted at pub- Uo meetings. A DRAMATIC CONTROVERSY. A lively controversy is progressing over . Dion Boucicault's new play “Led Astray.’ /The professional aud amateur critics on both sides of the question are pelting Aftch other with paper bullets iu tho livo- : fast style imaginable. Dion, with his usual egotism, smilingly declares that his assailants do not know what they are Wlitiug about, lie pronouucos himself the only English speaking writer of the present cloy capable of producing a legit imate comedy. As I have written you Jftffore, “Led Astray” is a very cleverly -Written comedy, abounding iu line dramatie situations. The charge that it is “morbid' aud “immoral” is grossly un just. It is a graphic delineation of char acter under perhaps uuusual circuiu Stances. 1 doubt if it is at all a common Thing for American or English journalists to try and seduco their neighbors’ wivos. but the thiog does happen sometimes aud, alas! it occasionally meets with fat- greater success than in “Led Astray. But be that as it may, the subject is legitimate one for the stage. Most of tb adverse criticism comes from those “puri- eut prudes,” as Charles Roade dubs them whoso modesty lies altogether in their pen. While tho paper wur is going on the Union Square Theatre is filled nightly with fashionable audiences and “Led Astray" is rapturously applaudod. A SPASM OF VIRTUE. Just at present New York is in her pe riodic spasm of virtue. '1 hero has bee «general laid on the gambling house one of John Motrissey’s being the first “pulled Nothing can bo more ridicu lous than these raids. Their only effect it to close all the gambling dons for u few days, after which they are reopened and arc oontinued in full blast for months undis turbed. Mr. Obailick, one of our Police Commissioners, is tho virtuous mortal who now directs the raid. It is loudly assert ed that a great deal of preference is shown to certain “dons" under the ‘'protection of influential politicims. this time the married about two years, has just discov ered that his wife gave birth to a ohild about six years ago, and while she was almost a child herself. Her father is re ported to be a man of large wealth, and as the threats of the husband to sue fora divorce have ceased it is believed that the old gentleman has added materially to the possessions of his son-in-law. LITERARY NEWS. Iu the literury line thore is nothing new. All the publishing houses unnouuce new books for the holidays, but they are principally compilations, more or less good, but noticeable more on account of their gorgeous bindings than on accouut of their contents. The compensation to writers, excepting those of establised rep utation, has bIho been greatly reduced. An unknown mun, to make a respectable living by his contributions, would have to ork fifteen hours each day. Nearly all tho large houses have reduced their regu lar staff, and nil complains of the dullness of the book trade. By tho way,Boston have received a severe blow in the romovul of tho Atlantic Monthly and Young Folks to this city. Sinlrnn, Armstrong & Co., has purchased tho last named monthly and unother firm the Atlantic. These peri odicals were the pride of the Hub aud their removal cannot fail to agitate tho literary Bostonians. Astca. THE VIRGINIUS. T1IF. PARTICULARS OF HER HER* RENDER. Key West, Dos. 18.—The small steam er Despatch, Capt. W. 1). Whiting, which had been assigned by the United Staton Governinout to the duty of receiving tho surrender,sailed from Key West Sunday ovoning, and uriived iu tho harbor of Bahia Hands tho next morning, where she found the Virginius, in charge of a Spanish sloop of War, LaFavorita, Sen or dc LsCatuara commanding. Shortly after noon the latter came on board tho Despatch, and made arrange ments with Captain Whiting for the aur. render at 9 o’clock Tuesday morning. His visit was returned later in the day by Captain W. Tho intercourse was of the most courteous character. On Tuesday the weather was bright aud clear. The only spectators of tho scene about to take place, were the men on the Despatch and La Favorita, and some ragged and dirty Cubans in fishing smacks, apparently in tent upon fishing there alone. At half past eight the Gig came over from tho Lnfavorita to tho Virginius, con- taiuin oarsmou and a single officer. As tho latter stepped on dock a potty effioor and half a dozon men, who hud stood watch on tho Virginius during the night, wout over to ono side and remained in diugy awaiting orde s. Punctually as the bells on the Despatch struck for 9,and be fore the echo had died away, the Ameri can flag flew to the flagstaff of the Vir. giuius, and at the same moment a boat containing Captain Whitney and Liout. Mariux put away from tho Despatch. As they ascended tho accommodation lad der of tho Virginius a single man on tho deck, who proved to be Seuor De Lu- Camarn, advanced and made a courteous salute. Tho officers then road their respective instructions, aud Capt. Do LaCamara re marked, “That in obedience to the re quirements of his Government, ho had tho honor to turn over tho steamer Viiw ginius to tho American authorities.” Capt. Whiting accepted, and ascertain ing that a receipt would be acceptable, gave one. A word or two more civilly spoken, and the Spaniard stepped over side, signalled his oarsmen, and in ten minutes was again upon the deck of his own vessel, having discharged with be coming dignity the unpleasant duty im posed upon him by his Government. The engines of tho Virginius ore fotiud to be in bad condition, and she had to bo towed to sea by a. despatch boat. Both vessels left tho harbor at 3 o’clock r. M., the Spanish flag being displayed by tho Fort as they passed. At 8 o’clock p. m. they were met by the naval tugboat “For tune." Steam was subsequently got up on the Virginius, and she, with the des patch boat, went to Tortugas, where they met the Ossipce and a coal schooner. Provisions will be transferred from the Ossipee to the Virginius, and wbatevor coal may bo noceasary will be supplied by tho schooner. When supplied with pro visions and coal, the Virginius will proba bly be sent to another port. Washington und Norfolk are mentioned among tho prize officers. Much to the disappoint ment of some of tho officers, tho Federal courts are now anxiously looking out for her arrival. Sho will not enter tho harbor at Koy WASHINGTON. UONGRENNIONAL PROCEEDINGS Washington, December 17.—The Pres ident is gone with Dent’s remains. Senate.—General Gordon’s resolution making enquiry regarding tho seizuro and sale of cotton aud disposition of the pro ceeds was passed. It is sweeping and will unearth some State secrets. The Sonate is dobating on the economy of public printing. Seuitte. Washington, Dec. 18.—Committee on Printing reported a bill for printing biennial Blue Book. Passed. Tho salary bill, passed by the House, was referred to Committee on Retrench ment. The Finance Committee wishes to as certain whether the Senators desire an ex pansion of currency or a return to spocio. Mr. Boutwoll remarked that he did not propose to go into ouy extonded remarks at this time. He would state, however, that he favored neither a contraction or expansion. Tho former, bringing the busi- of the country to a stand, would diminish the revenues and render taxation inevita ble. Tho latter would postpone the day of specie payment, aud lie did not think it wise to add to tho return of a currency of the charactor we now possessed. He viowod with nppreheusiou any attempt to sooure au immediate specie payment. Mortou said he rocogoized the fact that wo must come to specie payments at last, but now it was not practicable. Ho fu- vored a slight inflation. Foil firinat ions. The Senate confirmed to-day Harry Lott, Register of the Land Office at New Orleans; -luliau Neville, Receiver of Public Moneys at Now Orleans ; Thomas E Milstold, Collector </f Customs at York- town, Ya.; Felix llruunigan, U. S. Attor ney for tho Southern District of Missis sippi ; Leroy S. Brown, l T . S. Marshal for the Southern District of Mississippi; N. N. Murray, V, S. Attorney for tho West ern District of Tennessee ; Geo. B. Hen na, Mel ter and Retiuor in Assay Office, Charlotte, N. C.; Postmasters: Henry Blackman, Brook Haven, Miss.; A. K. Davis, Macon, Miss., Mrs. J. C. Johnson, Shelbyville, Teim. Home. The morning hour was exhausted by personal explanations, throughout which the Republican members called each other dogs. Butler, of Mass., from tho Judiciary Committee, reported tho supplementary Civil Rights bill. It provides that any proprietor of a public inn, a place of entertainment, a lino of stage coachos, or other moans of transportation, or of cem- otory or bouovolout institutions, or public schools, wholly or partly endorsed for public use, who shall make any distinction as to tho admission or accommodation of any citizen of the United States because of race, or color, or previous condition of servitude, shall, on conviction thereof, be filled not less than one hundred dollars nor more than fivo thousand dollurs for each off ence, and shall be liable to tho citizens thereby injured iu daiuoyea, to be recovered iu un action of deht ; such action to bo prosecuted in any United States Circuit or District Court having jurisdiction. He gave notice that he would ask aetiou on it to-morrow. MlNCellAHCOUR. Washington, Dec. 18.—The President signed a bill for rodoomiug tho loan of GENERAL NEWS. Wilmington, Dec. 18.—Cotton quiet ; and nominal; middlings 15; net receipts By Telegraph to the Enquirer. j 411 ; exports coastwise 352 ; sales 115 ; ! stock 3098. —Specie in Paris has increased 9,000,- i Norfolk, Deo. 18.—Cotton weak; low OOOf. Rentes 58f. and 15c. j middlings 15c; net receipts 3308; exports Tho owners of the steamship Ismolia j coastwiao 2190 ; sales 175 ; stock 14,397. aro hopeless of her safety. Sho bad a ; crew of 45 men. —Two heavy dry goods houses, iu New York, have failed. Liabilities 500,000 each. —In a joint session of tho California Legislature B^oth received 57 votes, Far ley 41 ahd Shafter 48. —Hon. N. N. Edwards, one of the old est ex-Congressmen, member of tho State Convention of 1835, and President of tho Secession Convention of 1801, died at his residence, iu Wurreu county, N. C., yos- terday, aged 80 years. THE WEATHER. Department of War, } Washington, Dec. 18, 1873./ Probabilities.— For the Atlantic States dear or foggy weather continue, with slight chango in temperature and pres sure. For tho Gulf States, partly cloudy weather with lower temperature and southwest to north wiuds. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. New York, December 18.—Arrived— Maguolia. Charleston, December 18.—Arrived— Oawogo, Northern Chief, M. E. Magliam, Mohawk, Edwin. Sailed—South Carolina, J. Steele, Mil lie Fitzpatrick, B. Martsick. New York, December 18.—Arrived— Pomerana aud Europe. MARKETS. -The teller of the Villa Marie Bank, at Montreal, despises the way iu which two Yankees got $10,488 that he left on the counter of his establishment the other day. They were great lumber dealers on the Ottawa river, aud they wantod to open an immonse accouut with him, and “You look at tho map on the wall, Mr. Teller, which shows where we operate," they said. Ho looked, and the men esoaped with the money. Restaurants. HARRIS COUNTY HKNTAURANT, No. 82 Broad Htroet. Tbs best of Fortign aud Domestic Liquors and Cigars. Meals at all hours. HeclO .1. .1. HI. AK ELY, Prop’r. Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, Unrbrr, Crawford Ht., uudsr Rankin House. Cnltitithii dee in Cotton Factories. NINIUUKK MANUFACTUKISiti CO. Manufacturers of 8UKKTINQ8, SHIRTINGS, YARN, ROPE, Ac. COLUMBUS, OA. n. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly, Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPNON, Livery, Nalo and tlwrliniigc Stable*, A. GAMMEL, Livery and Halo tttablen, Oul.fcTneUHA St , Coi.umuuh, 11 V. 1858. Tho President has withdrawn tho name of Henry Kosslor, as postmaster of Cin cinnati. Sickles telegraphs to tho Stato Depart ment that tho Castelar government is gaining strength. Tho Judiciary Committee contiuuod iu session nearly all day over Williams. James Lyons declines the District At torneyship of tho Eastern District of Vir ginia, not officially however. NEW YORK. MATTER* IN GENERAL. New York, Decomber 18.—At a meet ing of the creditors of the firm of Wolf A Levy, of New Orleans, hold at the As- tor House to-day, Wolf said that the firm was willing to pay in full, aud asked for an extension of 12 to 21 months. A com mittee was appointed to investigate the affairs of the firm. Nothing further was done. The Edgar Stewart, which has mado six successful landings in Cuba, is reported to bo fitting out at Baltimore. The Dramatic Association gives a per- fartnaiice next Wednesday for the bonofit of the widows and orphans of the Virgin ius massacre. The affair will be under \Y< having been rocoived from Washington The Fortune proceded to Key West, ] where she orrived at 4 o’clock this even ing, with a dispatch to Admiral Scott giving u full account of the surrender. Tho officers and crews of the Dispatch and LaFavorita, und numbers of the prize’s crew aud the correspondent of the Tribune were tho only witnesses of the surrender. Not a singlo person appeared oil tho bay, nnd not an inhabitant of the town of Bahia Handu or surrounding Republicans are the favored mortals, | country felt sufficient interest in the pro- while meu like John Morrissey, who olli- c e lings to walk or sail to the scene, date with Tammany, are remorselessly j Suuio Americans presented themselves at •‘pulled.’’ I ^ l0 entranco of the harbor in chartered high life scandal. ! vessels, but Dot being provided with Our criminal population have boon un- cl on ran < o papeis aud passports were Usually quiet for some days past. I pper- stopped by a boat from the fort in several leudom is said to have had a shock in the j attempts to enter the harbor, and finally shape of «o story that u goutleinau, rot-id- j withdrew without witnessing tho sur- ing in Madison Avonuo, who has been , render. t at all, express orders to that effect the management of Mr. Sheridan Shook, proprietor of the Union Square Theatre. West, Hall, Wbittemore A Go , woolen dealers, have failed. ENdUSif* OPINION. THE TIMES ON AM Ell 1«AN TAX ATION. RY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER London, December is.—Consols Dljfa 91 j*-. Erie 36j Bullion increased ono- oighth million. Paris, December 18.—Rentes 58f. and 20c. Liverpool, Dec. 18.—1\ u.—Cotton dull and easier; uplands 8$; Orleans 8;|; silos 10,000—for speculation and export 1,600. Buyers otter 1-lb less for arrivals. Later.—Sales include 5900 American. Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in December nnd January 8.1. Later.—Sales, basis middlings upland, shipped iu Jan. and Fob.,nothing below good ordinary, 8 6-1(1. Later.—3 r. m.—Uplands 8.]a8j}; Or leans 8|. New York, Doc. 18.—Gold openod at 11$. Cotton quiet; sales 358; uplands Hi}; Orleans 1(5$. Futures opened as follows: December 15 9-16; January 16 9-16al5jj; February 16a 16/}; March 10 5-16*16#; April 16 11-16 a 16 13-16. Flour dull. Wheat dull and drooping. Corn quiot. Pork unchanged. Lard— market weak; steam HfjnS 11-16. Stocks active, but irregular. Money 7. Gold 11$. Exchaugo—long 9; short 9$. Goverinonts quiet. Stato bonds quiet. St. Louis, December 18.—Flour in good demand at full prices for low and medium grades. Corn opened firm, but closed dull—new mixed 54a55. Whiskoy steady at 95. Pork lower at $14al4 25. Bacon firm—shoulders 74, clear rib sides 8], clear sides 84. Lari nominal at 8. • Cincinnati, Dec. 18.—Flour quiet and firm. Corn easier—now oar 51u54, old ear and shelled 68. Provisions quiet. Pork quiet, held at $15. Lard quiot— steam 8$, kettle 81. Bacon quiot and steady—shoulders 7, dear rib and clear sides 7}. Whiskoy oasier, not quotably lower, 95. Louisville, Docembcr 18.—Flour has an advancing tendency : low grades are active ; $5.75a$6’75 for oxtru family. Corn steady, good demand at 60c. for now shelled. Pork steady and nominal at $15.50. Lard quiet at 9$a9jalOj for leaf, 8u8$tt8| for steam. Bacon nominal. Whiskey firm. New York, Doc. 18.—Cotton—not re ceipts 863, gross 6,769. Futures closed steady; sales 22,600, as follows; December 16$a$; January 15 0-16&19-32; February 16; March 16 5-16 16$; April 16 Il-I6aj|. Cotton quiot; sales 1,500, at lOjajj. Mouey oasy at 5. Storliug dull at 9. Gold ll$a.j. Governments dull and lower. States quiot and uominal. Liverpool, Dec. 18, p. m — Uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped December and -January, Hjd.; do., De cember and January, 8 3-16; do., nothing below low middling, deliverable in Jnn- u ,ry and February, 8{d ; do., shipped February and March, saino. Memphis, Dec. 18.—Cotton dull and heavy; low middlings 154al5 ; ,‘; net receipt 4120; shipments 2876, ssock 52,709. Galveston, Doc. is.—Cotton dull and easier; good ordinary 14’,; ordinary 13; net receipts 3537; exports coastwise 336; sales 1200; stock 76,735. Baltimore, Doc. IS.—Cotton dull and lower; middlings 15;,'; low middlings 15}; strict good ordinary 14$; net rocoipls 1810; gross 511; exports coastwise 475; sales 1100; last evening 900: spinners 70O: stock 16,531. Mobile, December IS.—Cotton dull and tending down ; middlings l.V{; low middlings 15; strict good ordinary 14} net receipts 2,005; exports coastwise 10, 774: lust evening 1,200: stock 47,941. Charleston,* December 18.—Cotton easy; middlings 15}; low middlings 15 strict good ordinary 111; net receipts 2 551; gross 2,588; exports coastwise 1610 sales 1,000; Stock 51, 159. New Orleans. Dec. In.—Cotton dull and lower: tonding down; middlings 16$: low middlings 15$; strict good ordinary 14$; net receipts 15,45.*’.; gross 16,772: ex ports to Continent 1,816; to Franco 1,211; sales 3,000; last evening 5.500; stock 206. JOB PRINTINC. THE ENQUIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS, llavluir recently beeu ItduriiUhcrt wills n largo assortment of lit© Elnesl Ns* T?pe, Borders, Curvatures, NEW PRESSES OF THE LATENT A * II HUNT APPKOVUH PIT'mtNN. AND AFTER DEC Passenger Train will r Lkwf. Columbus daily, Sunday Lea vs Troy, Arrive at Columiius, Ticket OOlco at llrond street Kb. WEDNESDAY. J, .*1:00 p. u. t FREIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION lumbtiR Mondays, Wednesdays nnd Fridayi Arrive ut Troy, - - rave Troy on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at • • . W. L. CLARK, Snp't. Western Railroad of Alabama. ’''.RT'-v* ; 53] HOURS TO NEW YORK Vow York and Now Orleans Mail Line. Palace Sleeping Cars Enn Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WESTERN RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, CoLUHtus, 0a„ November loth, 1H73. TRAINS LEAVE COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, - - - |0:4«A A. v. Anivoat Atlanta. r,;4o j. »i Fur Montgomery, - - 6:00 p.m. For Selma, - y.ao p. m. Arrive at M-rntg y, 10:40 r. u . 6:l0 a »t FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, Doctors. »K. J. A. IKtil llAHT. ice ul C. .1. Moffett'S 111 Iig atorp, Urodt: Resident u on St. Clair, between Broad lopj Fruit Sts., Columbus, Gu. Ri'Sidniicb cc Office l sep27 dtf HR. 101.7. UY. ier of Ht. Clair mid Oglethorpe l>R. J. TOOK, Dentists. W. T. FOOL, llenlist. Ml Broad 8t . • u umbi W. J. ft'OGI.E, Dcullsl, HepfiJ Georgia Ho Lawyers. L. T. IIOWH' I NO, Attorney nnd Molicltor. 5. Coiu'r aud Register in l»..i;k. u,»ic; . O/l VJOJ over Brooks' lUu„ Mm. , . ohm.bin, Oa FliAHODY A BRANNON, Atmrucys n< l.nn. via] Wk Sin (Tin rid 46 utes.) LEAVE COLUMBUS 2:40 a. ui. ARRIVE .it Op-Ilka 1J./7 p. in., ul At lutein 5:40 p. m., ul Washington 7.JU a. m.. New York l:J5 p. m , via Philadelphia and Baltimore. Sleep!iiu Caro Itiiit Tlirouuli from Opelika to l.y mil bn rft. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, . G:10 p. m. From Montgomery at IL&U a. m , p. m. Tho 5:00 p. in. Western Mail tram runs daily, connecting with (rains lor New Orleans, Mobil- Louisville, Ky., aud St. Louis, at Montgomery, nnd lyi' Vicksburg al Solmu. On this Irani sL-opin, nil through from Opelika to New Or leans. The 10:10 ; daily, Georgia It. It .in. Ne Vo K. A. BACON, Age, f-’IMS. P. ft,ILL, Ge CARD AND PAPER STOCK IS LARGE, NEW AND TIIK BEST. R. J. MOSI S, Attorney aud T'otiitMellor at Iaw, teorgla Homs Insurance Company building, set oct7 ly] ond story. 1.01'IN r. GARRARD, Attorney and Uounnellor at l.nw. •flloe No. 07 Broad street, Columbia, (is. W.l . ractlco in the Statu and Federal Courts. iSpueiu attention given to Commereial l.iw and cases ii Bankruptcy. *<-pl (HAN. II. WII.LIA.nN, Attorney at l.nw, t'oliiinlms, Ga. Will practice in any • ...rt Office over A«;«e A Murdoch s store. (novUi Grocers. DA-VI. R. 1117.1:. iealur iu Family Groceries on Bryan • ween Oglethorpe * Jackson strc N" ■ harge f..i druyage. J. II. HAMILTON, Wliolewnl© and Itotnil (in INIIAN UOOl’KH, 'ter and Deal-'I in I'-tunt next to “Eu«|iiii> i Gdiee. Fresh Meats. J. T. TOOK, I Trail Meals ol All KIikIn, i .-tall • No*. 15 and Rags, Hides, etc. joii.n ni:iiafi*i:y, Bi'alrrln Itatc*, Hides, llresnin and nil kinds Of Junk. Druggists. BK. .1. I.. €1IK.NF.Y A NON, Drugtietv and Prise iptiouists. REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Heal Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, \\MLL ATTEND I’UOMI’I LY TO 'I'llE SALK. > V R ENT A S l» IT KCHASK <d REAL ESTATE in iIm* < itv nnd country, und »iil advnitise III- same Git private sale; Fit KK OF I Ml A KG K, unless Twenty Valnahli ip city of Omaha until, Nebraska, [changed lor a i Alabama, on ver For Exchange. Uni nipt oved lliiildmg Loti in ly-six lots in Flails- i or the whole will !»• Plantation iu Georgia I,le terms. (M-pIT Valuable Plantation at Auc tion. WILL RE SOLD AT ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. d, Ala., \i« Valuable I’lnnti ho,,die Ion, ImIu i> liimbim, Glial It. FAI.HKR, Or iikk 1st, Near Frond Nt. Depot. .1. 1. GRIFFIN, 10(1 llrond Ml. ipnrler of English Drugs nnd Med- London, Decouiber 18.—The Times of this uiorniug editorially approves of Sec retary llichardHou’.s additional tuxatiou proportion, Aud thinks the demand for retrenchment i« inopportnue, in view of tho largo expenditures oecoHaitated by tho CnhAU difficulty. The 'limes way* without a surplus of revouuo a return to specie payments will bo indefinitely postponed. If Congress desiros to practice economy, it might relinquish tb© back salaries, ihe Times does not boliovo un iucroasod tax will be voted this sossiou. 172 De not receipts treat Britain 18.—Cotton dull : nid- Bowtoj dlings Ui ports to stock 6,000. Philadelphia, December 18.—Cotton dull ; middlings 161, low middlings l-*,, atrict good ordinary l.v'.r, not receipts 45 and gross 4s' bales. Augusta, December 1*. — Demand fair; middlings li;c. ; receipts 2,2*1 halos ; salon 1,786. Savannah, Dec. 1*.—Cotton quiet ; middlings 15jJ: not receipts 6996; exports to GrcAt Britain 5161 sales 23.»5 : stock 120,678. We nrt* prcparoil to Pi lot all CIaincm of job wonii In the Noatest Style of the Art, At New York Prices. Business Cards, Blit Heads. Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills <i. : ~ l of New York, or any other (city. Programmes, Bills of Fare. POSTAL CARDS vily timbered. For Sale. VdU'AW.K ' Liiniu-.-i riintrn bargain, or to ITY PROPERTY, h! of tli.? city. Will h mi hccojitable party A DEnlUAlll.K A HOUSE AND LOT, with 1 eotiveiiiout to a goml kchool, churches, Ac. A DESIRABLE HOUSE AND LOT, with ten p>h ground, in Unwind, ono mllo from 3. W 1; dupot; a vory eonifortabU and dvsirahlu limn-. For Rent. ONE DWELLING with throw [round, <n McIntosh ntr.'ot. I bounds. Good water, otc. A STORE HOUSE in tho valley of ily, TWO LA KG K ROOMS, id (table. R-n FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to I Planters. AGEN'GY OF \*i ||.gi. LUIILE PAL'IFIC < pay 11 M id'll i ll gH. rollon will he restelved toy me nutl nil in.v Alton In in nccordnncc with contract until maturity of miicIi nl>« liuatioiiH. alter which date thin prlv. H«*K« Tho. rill • •ing I « i hale will .Giip Deliver Soluble Pacitic fruaiio for Another Season loll* I.. JOIU.AV DruKKhl, <» doors below I Ol* OUR OWN DKMHIN. HF.1TF.K id St rc oliimhi •>P5 bght Bell right of • I'OMTI.K n. I HAPNAX, Drufilsl, Randolph, -an •( Itioad Stt-rt, (kilunihi Til A* THOMt: I’RIH AMUII AT A. N. BRANNON, Wsir Sins, BsotD Siakkt, C>llmucs, ( Wholesale und He tall llrnlo Drags aud Metllrhies, Toilet Article* and Perfume sepo I Till: KI'.GUI.AK Ol l lt I N. A MPT- Orders Irons the roimtr.s uolieiled. Fork guaranteed. Give ui W. H. YOUNG. A’gt PncificCuano Comp’y, \„. I'd Itroixl Nlrrt'l. “Rust and Smut Proof” S-cd Oats. i> i: > x i so x •!* 'firm xiiiim'i.xo r.»(is VKR i HO 111 \PKKD Ml I.I.ION ,,j .. h told nithin the pant lllyeui s. eoraplsiot of 'oa ly Tag l • in • deisrhed. Tlteu are moro nnirhinff Cotton Jintes titan t.. All Kipross Companies ins and tttatioBtrs erju her