Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 23, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF lily aud Weekly Enquirer ; Llfred It. Calhoun, PltOPRIKTOR. ilve months, in advance $8 00 RAILROADS. Change of Schedule. JTH CECRGIA CON FERENCE. Ipoininent.h for CHIIREKEN. I to the Columbus Enquirer.] s Macon, Ga., Docember 22, 1878. following are the appointments for isiding Elder—J. B. McGehee. Luke—Joseph S. Key. Paul—A. Wright, oad Street—R. W. Dixon. Urnrd and Browneville—J. W. Sim- VOL. XV COLUMBUS, GA., TUESDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1S73. NO. 303. THE BANKRUPTCY LAW.! WASHINGTON. AGITATION. CORItEHPOXDEMCE BETWEEN SENATORS HITCHCOCK ANII EDMUNDS ABOUT TMB BE REA I. OF THE BANK RUPT LAW. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. R STOCK (k IS, TION Shot, ed Friij 1 -| f Th» oi 00a! * ™ d - Ww ; The Ri K! ALIO NFERENUE PROCEEDING*. FRIDAY—THIRD DAY. Conference met at 9 a. m. Religioua ’ices by Rev. E. Heidt. iv. W. A. Park, State Bible agent, [mitted his annual report. Qis statis- ira as follows: Bibles received, G2,- families visited by colporteurs, 26,- families found destitute of the Bible, '0; destitute families supplied, 4,723; ;itute children suppled, 2,,710; Sunday ffohoola supplied, 202; new auxiliaries fortned, 85; money raised, $28,958. The order of the day being the eleotion of delegates to the Goueral Conference, tho following were chosen : Bov. Lovick Pierce, Joseph S. Key, /jjfflBKe# W. Hinton and J. O. A. Clark; * IAjt— Judge James Jackson, B. M. Over- v. H. Ellison, Judge Wm. M. Ses sions aud Rev. U. W. Lovett. Alternates —9. Allen, M. E. Uylander, W. D. Grace, Bo?. J. R. Felder and J. J. Jones. Bovs. E. J. Burch aud R. M. Lock- wood were elected to Elders Orders, and .tftfclker Lewis, E. J. Smith, P. H. Crump le? and J. II. lloudersou were admitted on trial. H The afternoon was spent in examina tion of ebaraoter, and ail memboYs of the Conference passed through unscathed. 'WP’IMjonrned till Saturday morning. SATURDAY—4th DAI. [onferenoo met at 9 a. m., and was Ad with religions services by Rev. M. Thigpen of the North Georgia inference. Prof. A. H. Flowellen, President of idrew Female College, Cuthbert, Ga., A the annual report of that institution, i?ing*a favorable report of its progress. Btferrod to Committee on Education. » The following local preachers were /'•^•laeted to Deacon's orders: S. H. Thig pen, Walker Lewis, II. It. Feldor, Thom- aa Lane, J. B. MoCullens, Chas. Rockwell and John T. Lowe; and the following local preachers to Elder's orders : II. J. Harvey, Chas. R. II. Hays, Joseph Short, James D. Russ, Jus. H. Tooke, John W. Watts and William Harden. credentials of T. It. Stewart wero Washington, December 22.—Senator liitobcock has addressed the following letter to Senator Edmunds, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee : United States Senate Chamber, > Washington, Dec. 20, 1878. ) Bear Sir:—Regretting the failure of the Senato to act prior to the holidays re cess, upon the bill repealing the bankrupt law, so far, at least, as to wipe out the present oppressive fea tures of involuntary bank ruptcy, and fearing that Buch failure will aggravate financial suffering and add others to the already long list of viotims, I desire to obtain your opinion of the feasibility of so amending the bankrupt law as to make the repeal of the oppres sive feauturos retroactive, and also your opinion as to the probability of the early passage of suck an amend ment. Your reputation as a lawyer and the position as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, will give weight to your opinion, and such opinion, if affirmatively given upon eaoh of the propositions above named, will, I think, go far to relieve publio anxiety and pre vent useloss and oppressive legislation. Faithfully yours, P. W. lIlTCHCOK. To Hon. G. E. Edmunds, Chairman Senato Committee on Judiciary. Senator Edmunds replied us follows: United States Senate Chamber, ) Washington, D. C. Doc. 22, 1873. > Dear Sir I have received your note of the 20th inst., and say in reply, I do not profess to speak for any person but ysolf of course, but by so speaking I have 3 hesitation in sayiug that any provision that may bo rnado respecting the forcing of debtors into involuntary bankruptcy, and the proceedings thereupon will, so • as my voice goes,be retroactive in such ay that no person will gain anything by any oppressive steps towards the debtors pending the consideration of the question, all such matters relate to remedies which Congress may tuko away altogether if it pleases. There will be no impropriety in making any wise provisions which regu lates the proceedings to just ends and upply to tho pending cases, and I feel groat confidouco that such will be the opinion of tho Senate. Very truly yours, Geo. F. Edmunds. Hon. P. M. Hitchcock, U. S. Senate. Washington, December 22.—The Pres ident is expeoted to return to-morrow. Secretary Richardson spends the Christ mas in Bostou. A delegation of colored persons are ootuing here to urge Congress to givo them their property rights in the Indian Territory, and citizenship, together with courts and a form of government to pro tect them. Marion Fowler, John Whitlook and Wm. Ramsay, all of South Carolina, now serving terms at Albany for Ku-Klux of fences, will be pardoned. Oapt. Mitcholu, who was arrested last week for abstracting money from letters in the dead-letter office, had a preliminary examination to-day and wan held for ac tion of the Grand Jury. Congressman Waddell, of North Caro lina, iB among the homeward bound to- d»y. Washington, Dec. 22.—Tho Commis sioner of Agriculture is much annoyed by persons sending money to pay postage on seeds, reports, oto., and therefore gives notice that money should never be sent to his department for any purpose. The Bishop announced that a short ses sion of the legal Conference would be held, and Dr. J. 8. Key, President, took tho chair. Rev. G. N. McDonald read the Ureas- llfor’s report of the Special Relief Fund. Aopted. MEM SSTII Treasurer. Adopted. Bev. J. O. A. Cook road the annual re port of tho Preachers' Aid Society. Bev. R. W. Dixon was elected a uieiu- Mr of tho Preachers' Aid Society, vice I*?. W. M. Kennody, deceased. 'A Special oommittoe of two was ap pointed to investigate all the facts con s' sooted with tho Myers Fuud, and report fpftt next Conference. Revs. A. Wright CHS Is ?! .„ Mild t. O. A. Clark wero appointed that hmittee. fc following gentlemen were re-olect- oi office™ of'tho legal Conference: Presi dent, Roy, J. S. Key; Secretary, S. D. Treasurer, T. T. Christian. Tho iogal Conference then adjourned, Md the annual Conference resumed its "flMMipn, ?|ith Bishop Piorco in the chair. * /Bov. A. M. Wynn road tho report of the i Commission for Orphans' Home. This Vtport announces that a location for the Homo has been secured near Macon, and it is now in oporatiou with eleven orphans in it—all well provided for and * feeing educated. Rev. S. Anthony, agent for the institution, reported tho following Cash, $4,510; subscriptions e,$2,710 ; subscriptions due in five and l years, $35,110; total result for the * poor, $42,330. The institution does not owe a dollar. Tho following wore olocted Trustees for the Homo : S. Anthony, A. ML Wynn, George C. Clark, J. W. Burke, Maxwell, J. O. Branch, C. W. nfatb, G. W. Jordan, H. L. Jewett, . W. Cheatham, W. D. Williams and James J odnekson. Rev. Mr. Anthony made a stir .ring address in favor of the institution, produced a good effect. Meolutions wore adopted arranging for imida to defray tho expenses of tho Min rial and Lay delegates to tho General inference. trending tho consideration of the report Special Committoe on tho Stale of ^^^^^Ohurob, Conference adjourned till pday morning. i following appointments were rnadi breaching on Sunday : Julberrv Street Methodist—Bishop in the morning. Bishop Keenor I Rev. A. G. Haygood at 3 o'clock p. u ial services at nigh bat Macon Church—Revs. J. \- M. _iis and J. B. Fitzpatrick. Jones' Chapel—Revs. W. M. D. Bond rR. F. Evans. Vineville—Rev. H. P. Myers. . First Street—Bishop Keener and Rev. jf. W. Stewart. ^ Presbyterian—Revs. 11. H. Parks and Ppi A. Branch. j&Jtrst Baptist—Rev. A. Wright Fr Second Baptist—Revs. J ” ■Ml George S. Johnson. II. S. SUPREME COURT. THE VIRGINIUS. THE FRESH DENOUNCED AH IN LEAHl'E WITH CAPITAL. A NEW VIEW OF THIN CASE. Cincinnati, December 22.—There were two meetings of laborers to-day. The German meeting denounced the press as being iu league with tho capital ists. Carl Rosa, an Austrian agitator, said the condition of tho workingmon was worse here than .in Germany. The Irish meeting contented itself with denunciations of tho city government. Both meetings were sliuily attended. WORKINGMEN IN CHICAGO. Chicago, December 22.—At a mooting of the workingmon to-day, addresses were made in English, German and Polish, urg ing employment by the city when otkor sources for work failed, otherwise the city should supply tlioir necessities. COMMUNISM. Chicago, Docember 22.— r lho laborers' meeting last uight was disorderly. Sen timents that the day is approaching for an equitable division of the wealth of the country was loudly applaudod. Tho un employed will march to tho court house to-night. Grave consequences are ap- prehended. THE FEELING IN CINCINNATI. New York, Docembor 22.—A Cincin nati special says tho attitude of the work ing men there causos a fooling of insecurity and apprehension. Washington, Deo. 21.—It has been known for somo time that tho Spanish Government has submitted evidence with regard to the steamer Virginias aud ber claim to boar the Hag of the United States, and that tho Prosidont had .submitted this evidence to tho Attorney General for his opinion thereou. It seems now to be understood iu official circles that tho At torney General has given the opinion that the vessel had forfeited tbs right to bear the flag of the Unitod States, and that at the time of her capture she was carrying it without a right nnd improperly. Washington, Dec. 22.—Judge Wil liams' opinion covers a column. He argues that the Virginius' papers were ob tained by false pretences and that the title to tho vessel was in alious. NEW YORK. THE CRIMINAL RECORD. A BANKRUPTCY DECISION. Washington, Deo. 22.—The Supreme Court to-day rendered the following de cision : Wilson, assignee in Bankruptcy of Vauderhoff Bros., vs. City Bank of St. Paul—certificate of dooisiou from the Circuit Court fov Minnesota. In this case Vanderlioff Bros., owing the bank, suf fered their entire stook of goods to be seized on an execution on a judgment by default, obtained against them by bank, nnd thus as alleged fraudulently preferred tho bank over their other creditors, against tho provis ions of the bankrupt aot, and the assignee fought to have the proceedings of the sale on execution applied on the claims of all the creditors. On these facts the following questions arose, on which tho Court decided, and they were certified to this Court for answers: First, Whethor or not an intent on the part of tho firm to suffer their property to be takon executions with iutont to give a prefer ence to tho bunk, or with intent to defeat delay the operation of tho bankrupt act, o be inferred from the facts stated; second, whether under tho facts the bank in their proceedings had reasonable cause to boliovo that a fraud on tho bankrupt pbb intended by the firm; and third, whether, under tho circumstanoes, the bank obtained by tho levy and executions a rated lien on the goods as against the assignoo in bankruptcy. In their opinion, the Court say that smoothing more than the passive non-resistance of an insolvent debtor to regulate and adjudicate pro ceedings in which a judgment and execu tion are had. When tho debt is due and he is without just defence to the aotion, it is necessary to show preferment of a creditor, or a purpose to defeat or delay the operation of the bankrupt act; that tho facts that tho debtor under such circumstances does not file a peti tion in bankruptcy is not sufficient ovidonoe of such preference or de sire to defeat tho oporatiou of the act; that through tho judgment of tho credi tors iu such a case, they may know the insolvent condition of tho debtor. His levy and seizure are not void under the circumstances, nor any violation of the bankrupt law ; that a lion thus obtained by him will not bo displaced by subse quent proceedings iu bankruptcy against a debtor, though within four mouths of the filing of tho bill these propositions require tho questions oertified to be an swered, tho first two In the negative aud tho third in the aflirmutivo. This deci- GENERAL NEWS. Bj TclcRrapli to the Enquirer. St. Louis, December 22.—Flour firm and in fair demand for low and medium grades. Corn dull at 51n53 for new mixed. Whiskey steady at 95. Pork nominal nt $14 50. Bacon firm; clear rib 8^; clear sidos 8$. Lard nominal; held Cincinnati, Dec. 22.—Flour firm and steady. Corn firmer at 54a58. Pork quiet at $15»$15.25 cash: sales to buyers for March $15.50. Lard firm; steam 8a 8$a8 : J, kettlo 8/. Bacon firm; no sides here; clear rib and clear 8. Whiskey quiet at 91. Louisville, Dec. 22.—Flour quiet. Grain in fair demnad, market firm—corn —now shelled 50s55. Provisions firm with an advnnceing tendency. Pork $15.50al(». Bacon nominal. Lard- steam 8], leaf 'JalOj. Whisky 90$a9l. Liverpool, Docembor 22, 6 r. u.—Cot ton—sales of uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped Docember and January 8*. Norfolk, Dec. 22.—Cotton easy ; low middlings 1l/; not receipts 7250; exports coastwise 3302; sales 450; stock 19,548. Charleston,December 22.—Cotton low er; middlings 14$, low middlings 14jfal5, strict good ordinary 14; net receipts 5190; oxports to Great Britain 2915, to France 1020, coastwise 1403; sales 15(H); stock Restaurants. Barber Shops. Cotton Factories. New York, December 22.—Recorder Haokett to-day sentenced a man to twenty years' imprisonment, for committing t rape on a girl eight years old. The Re oorder regretted that he could not impose the death sentence. Sheriff Brennan has offered $5,000 ward for the arrest of Genet. Action has already been taken by the District Attorney, toward proceeding against the sheriff for contempt of court for alleged disobedience of the orders of the court in reference to the custody of Genet. In the court of Oyor and Terminer, Genet’s counsel said they would proceed to per fect their bill of exceptions. M. Norton, Thos. Goman, J. I. Walsh and Geo. S. Miller, ex-ring county court bouse commissioners, were called to-day for trial, on charge of misdemeanor while in office. The defendants failed to ap pear, and their recognizances were for feited on all the indictmeuts with tho ex ception of oue against Coman. A. J. Smith, indicted same as obove, appeared and pleaded not gnilly. Ex-Mayor Hall was in court all the morning with his counsel, but his case was not called. —Eighteen persons were killed by a maga/inn explosion nt Cartagena. --A general tight is progressing 1 the mayoralty olsction at Matumoras. —Wilhelm has a slight touch of apo plexy. Thero is much uneasiuoas f»It about him in Berlin. —Madam Uallovy, Lady Superior of the order of tho Sacred Heart of the West, of Chicago, is dead. —A ferry boat on tho river Thames, at Londou, capsized on Sunday, and thir teen persons wero drowned. —A prominent merchant of Rio Grande City, Texas, was murdered by a party of Mexicans a few days since. —Malcolm Fowlor, Wm. Ramsey nnd John Whitlocks, convicted a your ago an Ku Klux, have boon pardoned. —Rate of discount iu London iu open market for three months bills is 4.{, or .{ per cout. below Bank rates. —A Baptist Church, corner of Nassau and Liberty slreots, Brooklyn, N. Y., wns burned yesterday. Loss, $500,000. —The steamer Ohio of the American lino arrived at Queenstown yesterday nt 2 p. m., making tho trip in eight days and twenty-two hours from Philadelphia. —President Grant, with tho persons who alteiulod tho funeral of Col. Dent from Washington, enjoyed a grand dinner, giv en by Gen. Hawley, on Sunday at St. Louis, after which the party left for Wash ington. —Hary Gonet, convicted of fraud in connection with the ring in New York, had been in the custody of thu deputy sheriff' since Friday to Sunday morning, when Gonet obtaiued leave to go up stairs to see his wife. The Sheriff went to sleep, and Genot is non csi. —Bogus Lord Massy had a hearing this morning at Westchester, Pil, on a charge of false pretence ; also another charge against him was for obtaining a watch by false pretence. Tho case was adjourned to procure additional evidence. —Lord Massoyhns had another hearing at Westchester, Pa., when tho charges against him wero withdrawn nnd ho was discharged. —Near Cartagena, Spain, throe persons were killed by the explosion of a magazine yesterday. The besiegers of that city been roinforood by 15,000 additional Boston, Doc. 22.—Cotton dull aud low er ; middlings l(i| ; net receipts 34, gross 225(1; sales 200; stock (1000. Baltimore, December 22.--Cotton dull and lower: middlings 15$, low middlings 14'/, strict good ordinary 13$; net receipts 248 and gross 1382 bales ; exports to Franco 791, coastwise 387 ; sales 250 : stock 17,125. Memphis, December 21.—Cotton dull ; low middling 14A ; receipts 7504 bales : shipments 5750 ; stock 5(1,850. New Orleans, December 22.—Demand fair at lower rates ; middlings 15/ ; net recoipts 20,3(12 bales, gross 22,108; ox- ports to Great Britain 0004, to continent 5392. coastwiso 275 ; snlos to-day 7000— evening 4000 ; stook 230,105. Modile, December 22.—Cotton dull, but easier; middlings 15/; low middlings 14$; strict good ordinary 13/al4; net re ceipts 5,937; exports to Continent 500; coastwise 2,820; sales 1,000; stock 52,053. Savannah, Doc. 22.—Cotton in good maud; middlings 15; net receipts 11,201; exports coastwiso 7,240; sales 1,539; stock 124,008. Philadelphia, Dooomber 22.—Cotton dull: middlings 10$; low middling 15$; strict good ordinary 15; receipts 389; shipments 950. Wilmington, Decombor 22.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14$; net recoipts 328: exports to Grent Britain 100; stock 4,303. Augusta, Decombor 22.—Cotton dull; middlings 14$; receipts 2,920; sales 1,028. Ml'AM'OGEE MANUFACTURING CO. SHEETINGS, -•tat ly Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, .Ivory, Hale nnd Exchange NtablcN, A. GAMMEL, I.Ivory hikI bale Stable*, art Snlt «»y On Doctors. ront Be., Oolinnbiia, *j». DR. COLZEY. or of 8t. Clair ami Offliitlu: AND AFTER DEC Pamunger Train will r •»: Columbus tlailv, Huuil Doc. lb?; :»b, WEDNESDAY W. L. CLARK, Western Railroad of Alabama. 533 HOURS TO NEW YORK Haw York and Haw Orleans Mail Line, Palace Sleeping Oars Bun Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WKSTKIIN RAILROAD OK ALABAMA, CoLUMUUS, Ga,, November loth, 1873. TRAINS I.KA VK C0I.UMRU9 DAILY FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, ARRIVE 1 Wa »Klon 7.3 . Ne> Yorl via 1*1.iliuloli.l.in anil Halt iu NleepliiB; tar* Hun Through from Opelika to l.y nch burg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY AtUl > Monlgoi Till 1 r Vlckuburg at Spin. Western Mail train rt train* lor Now Orlcan ml St. Lottie, at Moutgui through from Opelika to Nt" Dentists. PHILADELPHIA. A HTRIKE AMONG NT EVE DOR EM. Philadelphia, Doc. 22.—Thero is con siderable excitement along the wharves, in conseqnenco of a strike among tho la borers. All tho steamship linos have giv en uotioo that on to-day thoy would only pay twenty coots per hour. All the man struck demanding thirty ceuts per hour. Tho American steamship line paid thirty cents in order to unload tbo steamer Pennsylvania, which arrived on Saturday, and tho hands continued to work. Clydes steamer line had obtained men At twenty oents. Tho strikers claimod the submis sion of the American line as a harbinger of success and seem determined to force those working at lower ratos to join the strikers. CIRCUS ON FIRE. FOREPAUGH'B MENAGERIE FLAMER. B. McGehee Philadelphia, Decomber 21.—Late this evening a fire occurred at tho winter headquarters of Forepaugh's Menagerie, at Germantown,destroying frame stables, together with seven valuable horses and all the wagons belonging to tho Bbow. The cages, containing wild boasts, were all saved. troops, aud a force of 4,000 peeled iu a few days, when an assault will occur. N. .1. BUSSEY, JllNItY JORDAN OFFICE OF THE Manufacturing (Joinp’y, Columbus, Gcorifiu Paid up Capital, $1,250,000. TO INCULCATE THE HABIT OF SAVING ON THE l’AKT Of' THE OPERATIVES, AND TO PROVIDE A safe and reliuble arrangement for the beneficial accumnlft'!cr f the earnings of artisans and nil other olasses, this Company has established, under SPECIAL CH All TEH FP.OM STATE OF GEORGIA, riii SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, (ages are MARINE INTELUGENCl ARRIVALS AND DEPAKTUREM. Norfolk; Doc. 22.—Tbo brig Mnry Itiso, from Kio, for Baltimore, went ashore on Cope Henry. Chaueston, Doc. 22.—Arrived: Geor gians, Kate Harding. Lehuiuu Blow, B. M. Smith, A. F. Bowing, H. B. Mc Cauley, D. Ames King. Sailed: Jumes Adger, Falcon. New York, Doc. 22.—Arrived: Sher man, Metropolis. New York, Deo. 22.—Arrived—Steam ship Georgia, City of Chester nnd Celtic. New York, Decombor 22.—Arrived Charleston. Arrived out—City of Brussels. in which the following adv offered to Depositors of either small amounts: i. PEUFKCT SEC C It IT Y. Tho tho Company wen. on Him IhI of ary, IK7 ..$1,704,15 and arc steadily increasing. Tiro itesorvo Fund is $297,7(3 All of which property is hpkou pledged by act of tho General Assembly for tho protection of Depositors; ami it: addition, by the same art, tho Stockhold ers of tho Company an ALLY ltESPONSlBLE their shares, for the Savings Department nm Deposit. 2. LIBEBAL INTEREST. Rati Seven per cent, per annum roni four times a year. 3. DEPOSITS can ho withdraw; time without notice. Depositors out of the citv .can cli iw d<q lo INDIVID noportion t< irity of Hit lorliticntoK oi Lawyers. PEAIIORY A IIHANNON. I.OFIN F. GARRARD, Attorney anil t oiinnclloi- nt 1 ■ill pr t Miii'h» Crocers. DAVI. R. HIKE, »u»ily 0rue . UKlethun Hryu. tyNud J. II. IIAMII/1'ON, Wholesale nml Ref nil Groe« IN1IAM COOPER, Fresh Meats. Raess, Hides, etc. jwii.\ hkiiahlv, Denier Iii Unit*, llitles, lleemvnt nnd nil kliida OI .limit. imln nt Union P.« REAL ESTATE ACENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, W ILL ATTEND PROMPTLY To TilK H KENT AND f Rltj FREE OK Oil A (ho property ia For Exchange. Twenty Valuable Uui in proved IhiihliuK Lola in Uni c ity of Omaha, nnd alxty-aix Iota iu I'IhIIh- For Sale. iLUAIILE CITY PROPERTY, DESIRABLE UI8IDKNCK y"" 1 “Jj * •»' "j , JHARLE JIOU* For Rent. DWELLING with thrau STORE IIOI'HK ill I ho FERTILIZERS. Guano Notice to Planters. Druggists. . nilM I A soV .1. I. GRIFFIN, ion It rood \ ii|i»r|er of F.iirNhIi Drug* nn« ‘’Hiding sits l.y MARKETS. RT TEE EG RAP II TO ENQI IltER- THE WEATHER. Department of Wax, \ Washington, Doc. 22, 1873.) Probabilities.—For the Southern Staton siou uv.irrolea or largely qualifies whet' , aii9 proasulo with a alight riso of toiupcr- wai field by Mr. Justico Clifford, in doli.- | slur8 cloudy woather end rain teat of wing tho opinion of the Court in tho cexo j th , Minaienippi river. of Buchanan vs. Smith, at the last term. I — | —A Loudon telegram says the ship —Five or six boys, ranging from fifteen | America foundered oft' Newfoundland. hteeu years of age, have been ar- The Captain and throo others of the crew were lost. The balance, after floating rested in Schenectady, N. charge of incendiarism. Some fir utly occurring t about for six days in the bouts, were pick •d up by tho Louise Wichardy, from Wil- mingtou. N. C London, Doc. 22.— Consols 91]a92.— Fives 91$. Liverpool, Dec. 22.—Noon—Cotton doll and easior. Uplands, nothing below good ordinary, delivered in December, 8 i-lt>d.; do., shipped November, January and Fobrnary, 8$d.; do., delivered in February, name. Sales of American 6n0 balos. New York, Dec. 22.— Gold opened 10/. Stocks dull. Money, 7 bid. Gold 10J. Exchange—long 8^’, abort 9$. Govern ments doll and lower. Stnto bonds quint. Cotton dull and nouiiuul; sales 990 bales; uplands 15^c., Orleans 10[c. Futures oponed as follows: January 15 3-l0al5j ; February 15 ll-16al5/; March 10$al0 3-16; April 16 17-32ul0*; May 17. FJonr dull. Wheat quiet nnd firm. Corn held la2o higher. Pork quiet, mess $16. Lard wcnk:steam M. New York, Decombor 22.—Cotton not recoipts G08; gross 934 I. Futures closed quiet; sales 25,300, ns follows: January 15; February 15 17-32; March 16 l-32al-16; April 16$: May 17. New York, Decombor 22. -Money easier at 5a6. Exchange dull at 8*. Gold dull and stagnant at lojaio;. Governments dull, but strong. States quiet and nomi nal. Cotton weak- sales of 1.511 Indus at I5jj checks 4. UUI.UK AND llEGUI.ATlONH of thin Department furnished upou application, and all desired information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSITS given to depositors. H. All accounts of Dejmilors will be con ni</t ml strictly jrrioale and confidential. DIRECTORS: \V. II. YOUNG, W. E. PARKAMOKE, ALFRED I. YOUN(i, k!6! nslu Roll liKht ol Hull III .lour. FOSTER H. CHAPMAN, DriiKKlKt, A. M. RICAN NON, Wholesale and Itcfnil Dealer DrtigM nnd .Medicine*, Toilet Article* mid Perl i (hoik olid Ti L. D. DEATON & SON, No. IGO, Under Rankin House. W E huvu removed to th« largo ami commodious Ntora one door alNiVH Mesars. Walt A Walker, ally r Staple Dry Goods I) 11 Dental Notice, pnBI.PS In, rouioved lila offlra LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney lit Low, W' ANI) GROCER IK.', CROCKERY, GL S.r TIN, WOOD AND HOLLOW WAKE, 8TU HOURK FUKNIBIIINU GOODS, Taylor Cotton (Jins. . MILL’ RLE PACIFL Cotton oil! l»e received by i Deliver Soluble Pacific (iuauo for Another Season •r* Kag«« and Phanix takon at par. W. H. YOUNG, A’et PaciflcCuano Comp’y. 12 Rroatl .Street "Rust and Smut Proof" Seed Oats, EPITO’SBUCHU Notice to ail Turchaccr: of this Excellent Compound Extract of Buchu. 8 END YOL K ORDERS TO I.. PIKIH » A < <»., Columbus G«., and you w.ll tho , OUTBID K 31 KB—EITHER SPECIAL UK GENERAL, ndividually Sole Proprietor. Lv FIERCE. ill fttli. IBM* *' II i: N N ISO VN VI S <11 P P 1N (I T A « S TWO HUNDRED MILLION' thepaet 10 r*« i by Te« l.«. AM Exp Id by l*iliters nt ttatiaae }d! F’G WH0t. ••Pon’t you know, honey ?" askod the ij as ho cQntiauc-d to rim with his by means easy burden. f ! Ia you Bitty ?” Macon, tha very man you most hute: when she might have bean the wife of your'best friand." “I wish she was dead and Ilyiug io tb® grave ,by her side,” said tho old man, Mmam saw imn, ami iu nor anxiety sue j mng, arc moisted and aeumnueu i»y ms j m j H of gonr, called to hiui to coma back, but ho did religion and tho Groat Spirit whom ho throo eggs, suit, uml ico water, not 1 -Mr her or ho wuuld bavo obeyed i calls “Father.” Our wars, raids and rob- j bit re^uMt. bis riHo hu l " ,ri<! ' , •« in dir80t violtt,iuu of t,lu «*“*- “A d ‘ Ud ,1 ‘ od Dl "‘ r *■*' '* started in tho direction which, had they mauds of that Great Spirit whom " ntil l.av taken. Father I, mivu-i » ion days «g‘* — — c,,,, poison extruded from a cork which it w and through wIiqho uioroy wo obowinu. Tha cork had boon mod in Ivu ounces of buttur, I children and my homo, ico water. | Arthur roso lo liis foot, and with IliihLod I co nnd Hashing eyes confronted his brother, sayiug, “William, how dare you insult mother iii d tho memory of our father by making proposal? It sordid, Loarth-; to cuuouj you to length of time. 1 should bo denied forts aud luxurio ed, and to •egret that motlu iny of the o to which she that, I hoped Uis unoh. and c •ido only a low imciitcd .. va! i v'nl'llikll v. I*i. h ii k1 and | i ' .IvL.'V >0. 3 0 P ro pri 1 . no ting an o propoj ability a pinto nnpK; oiucn h ovt L 1m Hi thim t n tho pun II utcllij l'o. hi that llolhM orial, day, , to alp 1 th • all’ 1. 1;. i ii i- .6^ douth.