Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 25, 1873, Image 1

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TERMS OF ily und Weekly Enquirer lfred R. Calhoun, 1‘HOPRIBTOR. ve months, in advance $8 00 months, 44 * 00 e months, 44 2 00 j month, 44 .......... 76o. !VOL. XY. ,Y Enquires, one year 2 00 ; •TAVi: K£WS. Milledgeville is spoiling for the Cap- Jiush, darlin,Columbus will have it Colttmbtt RAILROADS. COLUMBUS, GA., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1873. NO. 305. CUBA. l'b« Fort Valley man is opposed lo : Conventions. Wo would b. too if ad a patent outside, or inside. —The Telegraph and Meitenger ssys : A gentleman from Crawford county who in our office yesterday, informed ns l Colonel T. F. Gibson, of that county, caught during tho last two hunting ms one hundred »ud thirty foxes,and one hundred of this number were of ‘red” variety. That is sport, indeed, hsrd to beat, we should think.” Th. ve is very fine, but wa would rather rd the number of bushels of corn or s of cotton mad. by the gallant neU Th. Fort Valley Mirror s.ys th. iner- "ti At Reynolds love cotton better l w. love oysters. The Sheriff opened ox car with a chop ax. and ohisel last nrsday, and tumbled out twenty or 'nty-five bales, so as to get to levy on or three. The Sheriff and the r.il- oompany may have a lively time yet, tho agent peremptorily refused to give the keys, beoaus. the producers of the ton ware in possession of the compa- 's reoefpt. We await further develop- •nts with breathless uuxiety. —The Atlanta Herald says: A horrible ident occurred on the Air Line rail- d, near this city, yesterday evening out five o'clock. A. a construction tin was nearing the oity a negro man, Who was an employee at work on the train, attempted to pasa from one car to ( other, while it was running aud acei- il!y fell between tho Recond and third oar and wan run over by all the oars in the “ri He was killed instantly, his body ling terribly crushed and mangled. Qis tdy was placed on the train and brought Into the city. '—The same paper has the following : We understand that some nights ago, in a : room near McPherson Barracks, a stardly outrage was perpetrated by ae party or parties unknown, upon Mr. edarsou M. Waits, a very quiet, worthy "izeu, who lives on ’Fair street. Mr. Aits’ skull is supposed to bo fractured, d ,be is now very low. He is being endod by Dr. O. Stovall. Mr. Waits mg insensible, is tumble to disolose the .me of bis assailant, and ws are inforin- T that the parties known to have been esent at tho time of the occurrence, will bt tell who committed the doed. Tho pole thing has an ugly look, and the rtter ought to bo invcsigated. _ -The Americus tri-weekly Newt has the “lowing sensation : “A village not fifty Tea from Americus has succeeded in get; “g up a first-class sensation. On Kt tmday morning, a man abandoning A ife and five children attempted to elope LATEST HEWS FBOM CUBA. Ksx West, December 24.—AdvioM from Cuban sources rel.tiv. to the miU- tary movements of the Cuban army, state that in th. attack on Maannillo, on th. ltith of November, th. in.nrg.nt. cap tured twenty-five rifle, eight thousand cartridges and a quantity of gold aud Spanish bank note., doth, provisions, <Sto., besides destroying on. million dollars worth of property, and rapturing on. hundred prisoners who were parolled The losses of the Spaniards were estima ted at over two hundred, while th. Cnbim loss was thirteen offlo«ra end sixty private, killed and wounded. On November the 20th, the Cuban ar my went into camp at Sanja, having made further captures of one hundred and fifty thousand cartridges, seventy-six rifles and a number of horses. Tho Cuban agents in this city state that orders have been received that no more rifles are needed by the Caban to roes, as they have oaptured more than sufficient to arm all the forces they can put at pres ent in the field. THE WEATHER. Dup.stmixt or Was, ^ Washington, Deo. 24, 1878.) Prtiahilitiea. —For the South Atlentio and Gelf States, east of the Minisaippi river, generally oloudy weather with northeasterly to easterly winds on the ooeat, and leaa cloudiness in the interior. Light rains may prevail on the Eastern Gulf coast. TRANSPORTATION. T1IE MESTATORIAL TUANUPOftTA- WON COMMITTEE IE ATLANTA. Atlanta, Ga., Doc. 24.—The United Staten Senatorial Transportation Commit tee met at the Kimball House to-day. Col. B. W. Frobel made an argument in favor of tho Atlantio and Great Western Canal. The argument was well received by the Committee. Col. McFarland, United States Engineer, made a report of the survey of the route. Tho Committee leave to-morrow evening for Mobile. MADRID. THE F.POt’A AND IICKLEI. ' Madrid, Dec. 23.—The Epoca publish#! a letter from Sickles, deolaridg that early in the Virginius disputes the Intransi- entes of Madrid proposed to make dem- j>ev ^gei ith a girl of seventeen. The father of PJfistrations hostile to tha Unitad State.. !• girl, a most estimable gontleinau and inistcr, was absent from home. The farther, a noblo woman, discovering her daughter in tho aot of entering the ferriage of the man who would lead bar to destruction, if he had not al ready accomplished her ruin, alarmed neighbors, and following the cer es'* half ft mile, with the assist ance of severnl ludy friends succeeded in raacuiug her daughter from the carriage and forcing her to return home. We •Oppress the locality and names out of •aspect to the parentH of the girl. The 'indignation of the community against “ a man is very great aud at last accounts Sheriff had been sent in pursuit of lim. We hardly know what punishment he should receive; if the community should linch him they would do violence lo the law, hut we are inoliued to think they would subserve the ends of justice. ALABAMA NEWS. -Fifty houseless people seek shelter in Montgomery station-houses each ight. -The people of Montgomery are on 1 e tip-toe of expectation for Joe Jeffer- zn. —Tom Bhaukey is to be hung in Mont jomery on the 30 th of January, if Lewis foes not reprieve him. -Whiskey and eggs were purchased in ge quantities yesterday in Mobile. The oplo evidently intend to have an egg- ordinary time. Thu Water Works.—The Mobile Ren ter dolefully complains that it has to ac- uowledge that even “our own little eighbor, Montgomery, is ahead of Mo ile in understanding tho great laws of ublio health, aud that while two-thirds f our citizens are in daily danger of bs- oming, through municipal indifference, u e viotiins of all tho diseases incident in he use of impure wator, and are in addi- *on compelled to pay unheard of rates of nsurance, the capital of our State, though ot one-fourth iu wealth and commercial ■portance, is already partly eujoying the leasings of an unlimited supply of pure ate:.” Seuiouh Accident.—On Saturday even ing, while Mrs. McOoriey was burning brush aud sweeping her yard, on the Southeast corner of Bayou and Charleston ‘treats, her dross caught on tire and she %an severely burned on the right bide be- Tfore assistance arrived. Tho neighbors “an to her in response to hor screams, and “uooeeded iu rescuing the unfortunate — omau from a horrible death. She is able to walk about and is considered out of danger.—Mobile Register, —Admiral Sow we* will argue before Chancellor Felder, iu this city, on the 31st inst., an application to dissolve the iu junotion granted by Judge Felder, at the prayer of Gen. J. M. Withers and others on the Moulton ticket, restraining Mr. John ltoid and the rest of the Conserva tives elected at the late municipal elec tion iu Mobile from taking their aeuts. The change of government in Mobile always oesurs on the 1st of January, and hence the application to dissolve the in junction before that time. Col. Elmore has been retained to represent the Moul ton side. Quite a number of the Mobile attorneys represent the Conservatives.— Montgomery Advertiser. \ The capital of Montgomery never will be a happy place till it is located in Opelika. J net hear the Journal: “The doors of the new market-house are so open that cats and small-sized dogs oan hingtc er He The Epoca denies that there was any sneb intentions, and regrets that Sickles took no pains to contradict the dispatch from America, reporting that suoh demonstra tions had actually taken place. GENERAL NEWS. By Telegraph to the Enqairer. —Fisk & Hatch, of New York, have resumed. —Bazaine is still oonflued at the Tri anon. —The Minnesota will not go into com mission. —New York Stock Exchanga closes next Wednesday at 1 o’clock. —Ool. It. G. Wintersmith has arrived in Washington for the winter. —The reported flight of Bazine from Paris is unfounded. —The Collector White Lead and Oil Works of St. Louis burned yesterday; loss J$60,000. —Thomas C. Chriskolm, a prominent Chicago grain dealer who recently rived in New York, has disappered. —The Executive office at Wellington will bo closed from now until Year’s Day. —Doland A Burrell, glove dealers, and Wra. H. Carpenter, dealer in millinery goods, in New York, have suspended. The amount involved is believed to be about $300,000, —It turns out to be a mistake that the Secretary of the Navy has ordered all extra work to cease ut the navy yards. The order is that extra hours of work shall esase. —Oity Solicitor Iloaley, to whom the question was referred, gives his opinion that women cannot legally servo on the Boston School Committee. Four women were chosen to I hat position at the recent election. —At a meeting of the Board of Trus tees of the Museum of Comparative Ge ology, held yesterday in Boston, resblu tions representing the irreparable loss tho Museum has to bear in the death of Prof Agassiz wore adopted. —Advices from Bayonne, France, state that ten steamers have arrived at San Se hastian, for the purpose of embarking a force of Republicans under Gen. Morio- nez, which is surrounded by 30,000 Carlisle, and cannot escape capture except by tak ing refuge on vessels. —The case of John W. Norton, charged with appropriating to his use $115,000 of the Government funds while employed in the money order department of the po>jt office of New York, came up on Tuesday, and a motion was made to quash the iudictment on the ground that Mrs. Norton had turned over all property, and oriminal proceedings against her husband should be abandoned. The decision was reserved. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQVIRER. London, December 24.—Fives 91*.— Erls 37. Paris, December 24.—Rentes 58c. and 80f. Liverpool, December 24—Noon.—Cot ton steadier; uplands 8*d., Orleans 8*sf; sales 12,000—for speculation aud export 2,000; to arrive 1-16 higher. Sinoe last week, by report, sales 45,000; exports 7,- 000; speculation 1,000; stock 475,000, American 87,000; receipts 56,000, Ameri can 30,000; actual exports 3,000; afloat 332,000, American 206,000. Later.—Uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped January and February, 8*d.; do., delivered in December 8d.; do., nothing below low middlings, shipped December and January, 8*d.; Orleans, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in November, 8*d.; do., shipped December and January, hg. New York, Doc. 24.—Gold opened at 10*. Cotton quiet and firm; sales 740; np- lundH 16; Orleans Iff. Futures opened as follows: January 15 5-16&15*; Februarylo 15-16alG 1-16; March 16 jjalfl 11-10; April 16}al7 1-32; May 17*. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat quiet and firm. Corn quiet and steady. Pork firm—mess $ 16a16.25. Lard heavy— steam 8jj. Stock Exchango. This morning the call was commenced at 10:20, but owing to the confusion in consequence of the early adjournment of tho Board, the Gov erning Coiumitteo ordered a stoppage of business. The following are the quota tions: Stocks dull. Money 6. Gold 9*. Exchange—long 8j; short ‘J*. Govern ments dull. State bonds quiet. St. Louis, Dec. 24.—Flour in good de mand at full prices, low and medinm grades scarce and wanted; superfine win ter $5a$5.50. Corn opened firm, but closed dull and lower; 54 for No. 2, mixed, closing at 53. Whiskey unsettled at 95. Pork quiet $l4.25a$14.75. Bacon firm and scarce; Hhouldors 7; clear rib 8*a8*; clear sides 8|a8j|. Lard nominal at 8. Cincinnati, Deo. 2f.—Flour firm, fair demand. Corn, a good demand, 52a60, Pork quiet at 15. Lard quiot, steam 8a8*, kettle 8*a8?. Bacon, good demand and scarce—shoulders 7a7*, clear rib 8, elear 8*a8*. Whiskey quiet at 92. Louisville, Dec. 24.—Flour steady at $6a$6.75. Corn in good demand; shelled 50a55. Provisions quiet and generally steady. Pork $15$ 15.50. Bacon shoul dors 8, clear rib 8§»8*. Lard, 9a9A for leaf, 8} for steam. Whiskey quiet. New York, Dec. 24.—Cotton steady ; sales 2279 bales at IGalfigC. Freights to Liverpool quiet ; cotton 7 1-I6a7 9-16. New York, December 24.—The Gold and Stock Exchange closed at 1 o’clock p. if. Money—demand light at 6a7. Ex change depressed, 8*. (void weak at 9}a 10; rate for carrying 7. Governments dull and lower; nothing doing. Cotton—net receipts 846; gross 4,212 Futures closed steady; sales 18,400 bales, as follows: January 15 7-16al5-32; Febm ary 16; March 16 9-lflalO 19-32; April 17 1-I6al7 13-32; May 17 9-10al7*. New York, December 24.—Gold closed Rt 9j. Liverpool, Dec. 24.—Evening.—Sales expenses, include 6,200 American. atramer^Wyominar under Vp.oi.1 order., That would b* tight. Twenty cent. • i Sxtanx.h, Deo. Jt.—Cotton firm; uiid left Tiu.dav ntubi for Annin wall to fetch mile i» mi eipanelve (lotion, and a charge tiling. IAJ; net reeeipte 0,747; export, to th. atearashln Oeu Sherman to tho for- that uo treasury but Ibat of th. nation Grant Britain 8,529; ealei 1,094; etock Iner port. ■ would tolerate j 11»«,970. PKEHIRtll. !u* —Brother Hnrlen denounce* the whip ping of robber* and thieye* in Dtlnwre u unchristian end inhuman. The Dela ware thievesere of the uni opinion, end winoe under the infliction as the Washing ton thieves would nnder the lashing ad- rainlitered by the independent press. —The, books and papers of several New York dry goods firms have been seized by oustom officers on the ohsrgs of frauds committed in the importation of handker chief*. The emonntn involved ere be tween one hundreyd thousand snd two huudred thousand dollan. —The Bev. Dr. D* Koveu, of Rsoine, Wia., who rams so near being chosen Bishop of Hasssohacetts, has many friends nrging him as the successor of Bishop Ar- mitage, of Wisconsin. The Bsv. Dr. Hngh Miller ThompSbu, of Christ Ohuroh, New York oity, has fas warm supporters also. V The government of one of the Argen tina provinoes has offered a liberal reward for th* rediscovery of n mass of meteorie iron, which is often cited as existing in n neighboring uninhabited region. It wan first described iu 1788 by two engineers who had boen sent out by the govern ment to investigate the truth of the Indian reports on the subject. The mass was esti mated by them to weigh 90,000 pounds. Daring tho war of independence a portion of it was used for the manufioture of fire arms. LrspiRci. —A country fellow who lisped, having bought some pigs, asked s neigh bor for the use of a pen for a few days. Said he, “I kavo jutkt been purehatbiu thome thwine—two thowth and pigth. I want to put them in your pen till I esn get a place for them." “Two thousand pigs 1” exotaimad the neighbor. “Why, my pen will hardly hold s dozen.” ‘You don’t understand me, Mr. Bent. I don’t thay two thoutband pigth, but two thowth and pigth.” “I bear yon,” said Mr. Bent. “Two thousand pigs. Why, you must be crazy." “I tell you again," exclaimed the man, angrily, “I mean nut two thoutband pigth, but two thowth snd two pigth.” “Oh, that is what you mean, eh ? Well, the pen is at your servioe." MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Mxmfhis, December 24.—Cotton quiet and firm; low middling 14*ull*; receipts 2,888 bales; shipments 1,847; stock 59,561. Wilmington, Deo. 24.—Cotton strong: middlings 15; receipts 414; Rales 40; stock 4,306. Galveston, December 24.—Cotton seems firmer, some demand for choice; good ordinary 13*, ordinary 12 ; net re ceipts 5,408; exports coastwise 352; sales 1,000; stock 88,253. Augusta, December 24.—Cotton steady; middlings 14*; receipts 2455; sales 2148. Boston, Dec. 24.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings lGy; net receipts 360; gross 2327; sales 200; stock 6000. Mobile, December 24.—Cotton firm stiffsr; middlings 15*; net receipts 2240; exports coastwise 865; sales 1000; stock 55,829. Norfolk, Dec. 24.—Cotton firm; low middlings 14*; net receipts 4552* exports coastwise 3550; sales .">40; stock 20,215. New Orleans, December 24.—Cotton active at full prices; middlings 15J; low middlings 14j; strict good ordinary 13$; net reoeipts 15,377; gross 16,558; exports to Great Britain 9,430; to continent 1,710; to Franoe 10,308; sales 5,000—-last even ing 7,000; etock 232,399. Philadelphia, December 24.—Cotton ateady; middlings 16*; low middlings 15*al5j; striot good ordinary 15; not rooeipts 303, gross 1,572. Charleston, December 24.—Cotton firm; middlings 15; low middlings 14jf: strict good ordinary 14; net receipts 3,778, gross 8,826; exports to Great Britain 10: coastwise 1,904; sales 1,000: stock 62,519. At a Bargain. A life scholarship in one of tho host business colleges in tlio Wost, is offered far below its cost. A situation guaranteed on the completion of the course. Huoli a chance for a young man to qualify him self for business is not offered every day. Apply at this office. dee14 tf. Restaurants. IIAIIKIN COUNTY RESTAURANT, No. 39 Broad Ntreot. | Tt.e bi*«t of FuiviKti ami Domestic Liquor* «ml : Barbershops. ED. TERRY, llnrbfr, Cruwford St., Hit dor IlHiikiti House, L'nlumlms, Ua. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Nmw York, Dec. 24.—Arrived: Mir nesota, Italy. Niw York, Dec. 24.—Arrived : Hunts ville. MARKETS. JUST PUBLISHED ! THE AMERICAN School Music Reader! Book 1. For Primary Schools. Price 35 cts., or $3.60 per dozen. Emerson’s Singing School. Clarke’s Dollar Instv’tor for Heed OrganH. Clarke's Dollar Instructor for Piauo. Clarke’s Dollar Instructor for Violin. FATHER KEMP’S Old Folks’ Concert Tunes. Priro 40 rts, or $11.00 prr doKPn books. Sung •verywhore with groat applause from old mul young. gold everywhere. Cotton Factories. niJM'OUKE M AN U FACT II HI NO CO. Mnuufucturcni of 8IIKKT1NG8, SimtTINOfl, YARN, ROPK, &o. COLUMBUS, GA. u. V. aSW I FT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary & Treaeuror. octal ly. Livery and Sale Stables. IIORERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sale aud Exchange Stables, Oui.ktiioucr, North or Randolph Sts., job printinc. THE ENQCIRER JOB OFFICE IS COMPLETE Hseuger Tru Lr.m Columbus daily. Sunday* Arrivb at Troy, ‘ - ' Lxavb Tp.oy, 4-50 A M* Ariuvi: at Oolumhuh, 10.33 A. k. picket Ofliceat Hroud ntrset 8h«t will iw opened FRKKUIT AND ACCOMMODATION Leave Columlus >L>Md»r«. Wednesday* and Fridays at - - 5; 30 a.m. Arrive at Troy, - ... 4:0T> p, g. LoavoTroy on Tutuidaji, Thursday* »n.i Saturdays ut Arrl’ I follows •eptad, 3:00 l - 4:00 j •130 Coluiulti , (in A. ilAMMEL, Livery and Nixie NhiblM, OiLKtiiospe St , Coi.umius, 0a. Particular nttoutlon given to Ko< ding and Sale of Stock. Uorui-u and Muloti b-uidfd In stables by tho month or dny. oct2tf Doctors. DIK. J. A. URQUIIAItT, •tit (!. .1. Mofftdt*s Drug Store, llroad stroot. Ittnideuco on St. Clulr, between Uroml nud •i» Front St* , Col uni bun, (jg. DU. OOUEY. DR. J. (). COOK, ■ KIIIh .V llRi rison’H Counnia first dour to loft. Dentists. w. T. POOI., Dentist, lot Hi.m-l St., Columbia, G». W. ,1. POOLE, Dentist, torgitt Homo lluildiiig, Oulimihuu, Uu. Lawyers. pro Spat, post-paid, fin iitail —James Collins, a fanner, was called up from his bed at his residence, sixteen miles above Litlle Rock, Arkansas, on Saturday night, and as he appeared at the door was shot down and killed by some unknown person. Huspicion rests upon Go >. Pledger, a young man who worked on the farm, aud he was arrested. —Dnrlng the past eight years Virgin* iaus have paid into their State Ttreasury in taxes $14,616,236 91, one-fonrtb of ^ which has been devoted to the payment enter A poUceninn tells us ho has*killed ! ot interest upon the State debt, and tbe three'dogs himself' iu the market after * *«st to tbe support of the various depart- niffht • that often butchers who leave i ments of the State government. Over their meatR in it ovor night, find it partly one million dollare has been disbursed eaten and dr.RRed about tbe house. It is *Khm llie same period to defray th* ex- •o unueual thinn to see a dozen oats in l’™"-" of criminal prosecutions, but the there after night, helping themselves to S’** hM b «en diminiehing the ehoioeet cuts of the moats. The city 1 ’*' charges a good rent for the atslls, and —Some Western Oongrenmen feer oertainly should make it safe for meats that, in ease the salary grab bill is re left there over night.” pealed, mileage will not be restored to twenty cent* s mile, but members will be —A. dispatch from Key West says the paid their actual traveling Oliver Ditson k Co,, Chas. II. DitBon & Co. Boa ton. 711 Broadway, N. Y. seplS dUtawaw CAUTION. UUY ONLY 1 UK Genuine Fairbanks Scales, MASUFACTURKK MY E, & T. FAIRBANKS & CO, ICS 1 Standard Scales Stock ScnlftH, C Beales, Counter S?ci Kratoa Ropaircd For mile iiIau, Ti OiropoHiliou B«*Uh, PromptI) nud K.-iiioimMj. lonincr’s Cofleo nnd Drug Mill*, ill fli/.rn Lett»*r I*r<*A >.. *c. IURM CASH DRAWER. Miles Alarm Jill Co.’s. KVKHY EVERY TUiMrco DRAW EH MKRCHANT se Hit in. BOI.D AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO.. XII It BO All WAY, N. V.. 1tjtl Baltiiuoru direct, Baltimore. •Yd Camp Street, New Orlomn. FAIKBANKN «i EWINO, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIRBANKS, BROWN A t'O., ti Milk mrect, liontou. For aale by Leading Hardware Di aler* _ ■epll ataw4m Rags, Rags J WILL PAY THE HIGHF^T CASH PRICK 100,000 lbs. Cotton Rags! delivered at the Knilmad Depot a mid Wharf It Columbue. Partloe will find it to their int*-r.‘*i tf communicate with me before ahippiiit; idiowhorc Dry Hides Purchaaed, fur which the highest market pi lei will he paid. JOHN MEHAFFEY, OOLUMKI S, GEO. I.. T. liOWMNU, Attorney nud Solicitor. U. S. CoDi'r and Kogiator iu Baiikruptc*. uov‘20] ov« r Brook*' Drug Ftory Coluinbu*, UEAIIODY A II It AN NON, Attorucy* at Ijih. rtn. ItOVlMJ R. J. BONKS, Attorucy aud €euii»«llor at Law, HMirgia Homo luHurnuce Company I'uilding, mj ooi7 ly J oud fitory. LOUIS F. DARK AUD, zlttoriicy and t.'onnnellor at Iaw. tfllue No. 07 Broad ilietit, CoIuuiIiuh. Ga. Will ructice In the atuto and Fei|t*r«l C iiontlon given to Commeroial Li Special t viNlM t vnp4 UHAN. II. WIMJANN, Attorney at Law, UoluaiibuN, tin. IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS llavluK' recently been Return in lied nltit a large assortment of the Finest New Type, Banters, (Mns, NEW PRESSES OF THE I. A TENT AND MONT APFKOFKI) PATTERNS. Grocers. DAN'L It. BIKE, »oulcr In Family Grocer.on, on Bryai tW.‘«!l Ugtftll'M p(! A JlK.klOil Nil No churgn for drayagu. d»*t 7 J. II. HAMILTON, Vlliolcsalo and Retail Lrooer, Junction cf Franklin, Warn n A Ggiotliorpi. Sfn No dmrgo lor drayugc. Muplt ■NilAM COOPER, Family Grocer uml Dealer in Country Product imp/) next to “Enquirer” OOIe.\ Fresh Meats. .v. T. COOK, csla Meats or All Kinds, Mall* Non. LI nml Ra^s, Hides, etc. JOHN MEHAFFEY, healer in Kakh, lllden, llfemwax, etc., and all kliide Ol .Vunk. Druggists. Dll. J. L. CHENEY A SON, B. PAl.MFIt. Driifritlet, Near Broad St. Depot. .1. I. f.BIFFIN', iporfci I OB Broad Nt. JOHN L. JORDAN', Drufffflat, ro doom l>«low G«o W. Bro Hr id St outh . ViT Night Bell right FOSTER S. CHAPMAN, Druintiat, Randolph, «n«t of Broad Strent, •ep5 Cidumhti: , Ga. A. M. BRANNON, West Srnr.. Broati Street, CoLUwnus, (1a., Wharlt'walft aud Retail Dealer it DriigN and NediclneN, Toilet Article* and Perluinery. Dental Notice. n il. IMIKt.PH h»« remoT.d lil. offli i.|.-n« on 81. Clmlr «lr~u <>■ DRESS MAKING. DrosH >f o 1. i n <r. uiiy iildiug, notify the Ladies «»f Colnmhu* and \ they h*Tc taken room* in Strapper’s hu o?*r Paasr’i book *toro, where the) ar> pr» pared t > CUT, FIT AND MAKE LADIEN* AND CHILDREN’S DRESSES in the tatoat and beat style*. Will al-o do Stamp; lug f'T Binbroldery. Braidln takodtniUiu.tr •«NT »«(t LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, OA„ DRII.L lirutica In lh» Oirullt If orany where else. All kind of rollectloua ColumbiiR, d«o8 oodJtt We lie CLAKK, 8ap*t. Western Railroad of Alabama. 533 HOURS -TO NEW YORK York and New Orleans Mail Line, Palace Sleeping Cars Bun Through from Opelika to Lynchburg. WKtSTKHJf RAILROAD OF ALABAMA, Colvmbvh, IU„ November 20th, ld7:L TRAINS LKAVE COLUMBUS DAILY In: 10 a 6:40 i* 5.00 v Arrive at Atlanta, For Montgomery. For Salma, 0:30 r. m. Arrive nt Moutg'y, 10:40 r. m . 5:'20 a h. FOR NEW YORK, DAILY. (Time 53 hour* nud 45 uiluutea.) LUAVK COLUMBUS 3:40 a. in. ARRIVE nt Opelika 12:U7 p. iu., at Atlanta 5:40 p. in., at Washington 7.*20 a. in., New York 4:1W p. iu , via I'hiladelphln and Baltimore. Meepliiv Fare Run Tlirougli front Opelika (o Lyncliburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, - • • 9:lu i». m. From Montgomery nt SioO a. m . 2:30 v. m The 6:00 p. m. Wontlrn Mail train runs daily, connecting with trains for New OrleuuB, Mobil* Loitidviiic, Ky., and St. Limit, ut Muntgo; Vlcknbnrt tin loiwiH TI.o 11‘: id a. in. Now York Kxpreaa train rui diillv,connecting at Atlanta with W. A A. U.R. an (JlliU'glfi It. II. Tho r. m. iiot*n not run Sunday. No delay i Opelika by any train. Ticket« for it* I a nt Union Pnatfcrignr Depot. CllAS. P. BALL, Uonoral Sup't. R.A. HAOON, Agent. [nov2l tt Taylor Cotton Cains. II * K HAVE ON HAND lAVI.ult OVITuN If tiin«, from «o to IKj Sa«*. i»i «aU I <>\V COLUMBUS IKON WORKS CO. augtU J*odU CARD AND PAPER STOCK IS I.AKfiK, NKM INI* TIIK IlKST. We am preparad to Print all Clann of •TOIE3 In the Neatest Style of the Art, At New York Prices. Business Cards, Bill Heads. Letter Heads, Circulars, Hand Bills, Posters, Books and Pamphlets, Legal Blanks, etc., etc. We will Duplicate Bills of New York, or any other city. Programmes, Bills of Fare. POSTAL CARDS OF OUR OWN BEftlUN. HETTEK ( THAN THOME PURC'IIANED AT THE KKMri.AU OFFICE*. A NPK> Cl ALT V. Orrlcr* Iron* the ronnlry tnllnitml. Work tuaraaistd. Dive ue * woUl. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ELLIS & HARRISON, Real Estate Agents AND AUCTIONEERS, \\MLL ATTHND PROMPTLY TO TIIK 8A1.K W IlMNT AND PURCIIA8K of It HAL K8TATN in tho City ami country, and wili uilvcriiao Ih- faiueoa prlviito aalo; KBKK or CHARGE, unloai tha property is sold. For Exchange. Twenty Valuable Unimproved Building Lota in tlm city of Omaha, snd »ixty-«lx lots In l'latta- inotilh, Nrhmkn. A portion or tho whole will be eirlinugod tor a .Southern Plantation In Georgia or Alalmuin. on very reasonable lomu, For Sale. \ ALl'AULK CITY* PltOPHRTY, aituatod In tna bmlnoFM rentrn of tha Hly. Will adl nt a groat I'li’/jatii, or to stn nccoptalde party an undivided lul’iro'it. ’Hjo piopcrty (Tan b# m«do to pay n inrgv A DKMUABI.K JU81DK.\CK in Boallwood. with 7 rooms, good out-buildiugi, 40 nr-res laud attachml. A 11 OIL''K AM* LOT, with 20 ai r«i land uttanli- <sd. 3 luilt*H liom tlm city, i:i a good naighborhood, and con vdilout to a good school, ohurcliaa, A>\ A DKrilltABLli 1IOUBK AND L<> 1’, with t^u a r*M gri-Mund, iu Llnwood. ono milo from B W. it It. depot ; n very conilnriahia and di^lruble homo. 1I0USK with fivii go For Rent. A 8TOHK HOUSE in tho vallty ofi'nlbot county, ut n croHN-road, three miles of tlm ChalyboaU Hprluga. A very dfsir&ble locution for a Dry lloodn and Grocery buiiueoa. seplT With a genleol family in a daairahlo part of the city, TWO LA it (ill ROOMS, with tho u-moffui- noiliofl parlor, kitdmu aud utabl*. Kent tory ru«* suable tout, acceptable tenaul. •»i>» tf FERTILIZERS. Gwano Notice to Planters. Irpill. «Cl»Blluii Of mj -il.lonicr. 1. e.llid (.J tl. • 1 pnvmcnt of tliaiv Linua and olh. . I obligation* giv. n lor SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO, ; with the privilege of paying in Cntxoi. M rule of t'.i'eon (i;>j< nt.l par U* l»r Low Middlings. Cotton will be received by me nnd , all my Agniu in necordniico with I contract until nmturity of hiicIi ob- | llgutflons, after nlilcli «lat© (IiIm |»riv. | ilegc will ceuae. lose owing li(H than a bale will ship tin* bah* olii roliiM, (l 1., ui.fl the l.alan*”* will be tolurn. I Deliver Soluble Pacific Guano for Another Season T'» iny prompt paying cuatomera. Purti'-a nnticipatiiig tholv Gotton Notci and I.:,.ua will tliorcby HAVE RINK OF LOHS U V URL AND LONN IN WEIL 11 1 . A'O*, and aro entitled to the benefit of any sxc. *1 Blioiild price for low middHuga exceed flttecii 11 < i i>< nth at maturity of notes. Eagle an I I'henix money taken at par. W. H. YOUNG, A’gt PacIficCuano Comp’y, \o. 11! Brood Slrrol. I BIO Hub ilnliT. ling 111, «<H kliulUi “Rust and Smut Proof" Seed Oats, bnstoMrSewffSJ ' " " “V. U. V Swing’s buchf Notice to alt Purchasers of this Esselleat Compound Estrac: of 2uchu. riKND Vm.lt OHUKII* TO I.. PIKRCK' i CO., 0 Columliu., (in., a,"I 0rl*in*l Until,.!. There IS NO OUTnlut: AGSNOIKS—KIS’liKK SPRCIAI. OH CI.SKIIA!.. 1 am individually shda Proprietor. L. PIERCE. 137;.. 1> E ft NISO ft ’ fit i i K \r SHIPPING T V G S \ :-k rvr«» him>kpd mili.iona trifn nnld wuhia th« picit 10 y^ara, i in - mplaint cf hm I y Tag in? deutebad. They tit'e more mavkUtg Cotton Bales than se. AG Zxpiaaa t'dii’panlot u»« id ttatlouem ounwliMe.