Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 31, 1873, Image 1

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T TERMSOF Daily and Weekly Enquirer Alfred R. Calhoun, 1*1101*111 KTOil. Twelve mouths, iu advance fH 00 Hu month*, “ * 00 Three months, “ - One month, ,< ' 0, (Ylkkly Eh<iuihe«, ono yoar 2 00 NEW YORK. r.x-Mnyor llnll Acquitted—Tha Flight of (lie *«•»« The Hymi Murder Myetery «eo»» r |n , a Fraudulent Bond»~Slr. Hleplicn* and tl»e ftnl> ary Bill, *e. f Ac. VOL. XV COLUMBUS, GA., \VLDXLSDAV. DECEMBER 31, 1873. NO. 310. New Yoke. December 27tb, 187S. I atu sorry to eay that very aerioua In disposition prevented my giving you on account of the trial and acquittal of ox- Mayor Hall. The result has been a great Digraph for him and is likely to result in a libel suit ngaiuat the Times, which pa per hafl denounced Hall in very bitter language, dubbing him one of tho ring thieves. With a verdict of acquittal on the court'll records, Hall oau mulct the Times in heavy damages. Should he re- air,t the advice of his frienda and let the matter drop it will be simply because as a journalist himself ho believes in the ab solute feedoui of the preHS. TUK AllMqi.'ATt'l.ATKl) KINO. lu wy last 1 wroto you about the tlight of Genet aud other members of tha late Tam many Ring. They are Htill absent aud are probably an ronle for Brazil, Belgium or a inie other happy laud not troubled with extraditiou treaties. Their escape is a diigraoo to the ‘‘Reformers” who have porisesMiou of the city government at pres ent. A poor wretch who steals a second hand overcoat to keep him from freezing is kept olonely in the clutches of the law, but your rich scoundrel i* held in durance vile at a fashionable hotel, or in his aris* tocratic mansion, a deputy sherift trust ing to Lis “honor" not to escape. THE 11 TAN MYMTKUY. The myaterious murder of a young man named Kyau and his Mister, in a Broome street tenement house, is still unsolved. 1 iucliue to the opiniou that Ryan did the deed aud afterwards cut his own throat, but the polico think differently aud I must yield to their suporior judgment. This morning's papers announce that the detectives are not without hopes of dis covering the murderer. Did you over hoar of a hopeless New York policenmD? bat iu spite of their hopefulness, their gravity and great genius, dozens of mur- dors have been committed, Irova that of Mary Rogers, the bountiful cigar girl, to that of Mr. Nathan, tho perpetrators of which have successfully eluded discovery. XUS OKOUUM FRAUDULENT BONDS. Last ovumug amend oi imuo paid visit, und iu tho course of conversation iufonuod mo that the holders of the fraud ulent Sbdo bonds have determined to make one more effort ou the Georgia Legislature, mid failing to effect a recog nition of the validity of the bonds by that body, to bring the State into the United States Supreme Court. It is stated that a pool h*s been formed of all the bonds aud ten per oant. of their par value sub scribed to effect favorable legislation. As these bonds egg regale some seven mil lion*, the corruption fund must amount to seven hundred thousand dollars. Of the truth of this statement I have no means of ascertaining, but I give it as il may be worth publishing. As soon ns 1 am well enough I shall interview some of the holders of the bonds, aud give yon the result of my visits. MU. SXZriiENS AMD XUE SAT.AST BII.I.. It surprises me to see noma of tha Georgia papers asaniiiug Mr. Stephens because of hu speech on tho salary bill. Threo-fourths of the aLuso hurled against those who voted for the extra aalary is ao much buncombe. From the start, I not only refused to asssil those who ao voted, but justified them, because I know that $7,Mx> per annum will barely suffice to support a Congressman respectably. The aubjeot is not exactly germain to this correspondence, but 1 cannot forbear patting in my little say, especially as I ain quite disinterested aud perfectly cou- aiatent. TUK YllMiNU * AFFAIH. Attorney General Williams' opinion touching the steamer \ irgiuiua hae not added to his p» pularity. Public senti ment here is decidedly hostile to it. Of all the papers the Timet alone ventures to defeud it, but the Times being the administration organ its defense does not weigh with the people. Khould the Virginia* be brought to this port, aoy attempt to restore her to Spain would cause trouble. Au evidence of the cur rent of popular opinion is to be seen in the preparations making for the recap tion of the survivors of the Virginiua. They will Lk%u an enthusiastic welcome, to the great disgust ui the loyal Spaniard! hai« and to the disquii t of a»n-iu-law Webster, tho counsel for the Spanish government, from whom father-in-law Fish is supposed to obtain all bis knowl- edge uf international law. BROOKLYN* EXPKJIKIVB PAt'l'KR*. Brooklyn is excited over a bill brought against her for feudiug paupers. These uuheppy beings ''probably to drown their Morrows; smoked a couple of half pouud bags of the finest tobacco daily, and from the quantity of soap they couaumed, I am led to the coneluuoa that they have not been out ot a bath-tub during the eutire year. Every article furnished is charged two or threw puces, and the question “what becomes of tho pins’" may well ap ply hero, wbeu it is known how mauy were use 1 by these paupers. The Super vise ra do not hesitate to pronounco the bill a swindle, and the public generally bold the same opinion concerning it. Kk'THKK SLIIOIIXQ NOR HRATING. Youthful New York is iu despair, 'lbe j weather is either piovokingly clear or j wretchedly elopp\ ■ .8now (ails, but not . enough to warrant aleighing, arid we can Dot get the mercury to fall sufficiently to I authorize the hoisting the ball at Central Park as a notice that the ice is thick enough for skating. Am a consequence dealers in sleighs and skates wear melau- oholy countenances and spend their idle hours in damning the Gulf stream and the warm current of air which is supposed to have stretched itself further North than usual. For my part, if I could shake oft the infernal cold and fever which hsve fastened upon me, 1 would bear with phi losophical iudiffereuce the deprivation from sleighing (which I can t afford) and from skating, which experience tenetm* mo requires suppler joiuts than mine. Astca. tiTTstkikk; Til K HIOTUKKnoOU OF KM- UmillKN DETERMINED. Gold Ames, (>., Deo. 30.—The railroad authorities here say that the strike must break before mauy days. On the othsi baud, a visit to-day to the rpoms of the Brotherhood of Engineers shows them to be as determined as they were last weak. They say that Chief Engiueer Wilson's orders had no effect on them. The worst feature of the trouble here was discov ered, in the obstruction of the track of the Little Miami Railroad in three places within the city limits. An engine about to leave with a train to-night was found to be soaped. Tha railroad authorities ara attempting to mo all their day traius, aud have got more away to-daj than any day since the strike commenced. TUK FNGIAFFR* I* ME.VriCkT. Loi'Ihvivlb, Dec 30.—All the striking engineers in this vicinity have refused to accept the offer of the Jeffersouvdie, Yladisou and Indianapolis Railroad Com pany, and nono of them resumed work yesterday. At u meeting of the Brother hood last night the authority of Grand Chief Engineer Wilson was denouuced, an.) the reported acts of violence by the sinking engineers el.iewhere were strongly condemned. No violouce whatever in this vicinity has been reported. Tho Mrik« Mtlll Continues Without Change. Indianapolis, December 30.—The en- gineorsg strike continue* without mate rial change. The passongor train went out this moruiug on tho Pan Handle Road to Jeft'ersonvillo. Trains hivo arrived on both roads. The Vincennes Road is running its passenger trains regularly. Rumors are still current about tho stiiko on all the roans, but soetu to be without foundation; from present appearances tho Htrike is uosrly endsd. " NEW YOKK. ' TUK ARAPII.KII-THK J l* 311 ATA MAN D* TO UK Dlfci'HARGKD FROM TI1E MAY Y YARD -OTHER NAVAL MATTER*. •Ykw York, Dec. 30.- (’apt. Hhnfelrit, executive officer of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, said this morning that the obstruc tion occasioned by the sunken coal barge would probably bo removed and the Spanish frigate released either to-day or to-morrow. Tha Arapiles will then pro ceed to the ordnance dock to receive her guns. The Juniata needs repairs, and there ia a leak in her stern, but it is thought she will be placed in order without docking. Tha report that a large number of men would be Uncharged from the yard on Wednesday noxt was said by Capt. Bhu- feldt to be unfounded. Orders were re ceived from Washington merely directing the head* ot tho departments at the yard to dieohargn the workman as circum stances may permit. There aro 3,‘j00 women employed at the yard, besides about fire hnudred in the employ of out side contractors. The appropriations are only sufficient te keep 1 ,s*00 men at work, but u considerable number will be kept engaged all the winter. New sloops of war are building at the yard, to be com pleted before spring. The Tennessee ia to be placed in the dry dock, and it will require two mouths' work to pat her in condition. NEW* MEXICO. ■ MOl HI.t: BETWEEN AMERICAN* AND WK1ICASN It 1.00DMII F.D A3fD MOStI! ANTICIPATED. THE VIRGINIUS. THE II.I.-FATKD YBNMKL FOI'IV- DER* OFF CAPE PEAR. New York, Dec. 30.—The Osaepee re ports seeing the Virginias off Cape Fear in sight of laud, lu spits of ail the ef forts of the crew aboard of her ahe settled and went down to tbe bottom. Shortly after tho arrival of the Osaapee a reporter boarded the vessel aud had an interview with au officer of the deck. The latter said he had strict orders not to communicate with anybody in relation of the circumstances attending the founder ing of the Yirgiuius. He would not even give tbe dele of the ocourrenoe, or the place where it happened. THE CREW OF THE YIHUIXll’M. New York, December 30.—The Cuban survivors have been enlarged. The craw of the Vermont cheered them as they passed. They were mot ou shore by sav oral Cuban leaders and taken to comfort able quarters. The only Southerner in the list of tha survivors is l’hilip Mstzler, cigar maker, of Charleston, S. C. The survivors number 101, including onef Eugiaud, one from Canada, eight from the United States, ton from Jamaica, aud tweuty-uiuo from Havana. Their average age is about 22 years. Among them are nine students and nineteen cigar makers. The few sick uie well cured for. FROM CAPE FEAR. Wilminotok, December 30.—A steam ship, thought to be the Yirgiuius. ia sunk about uiue miles off the ntsiu bar in eight fathoms of water, five fathoms being over bar deck. ACCOUNT OF IIFR TRIP. New York, Dec. 30.—Lieutenant Com mander Husswell. executive officer ot the Ossipoe. says: The Oasipee left the Tor- tugas with the Virginia i in tow on the morning of the l'.Kb Inst., as already re ported. They bad fair wouther until the afternoon of Saturday, the following day, when a gale sprung up. They continued to bare bud weather like that encountered by tho Juniato,snd th*» Virginia* signalled that she was leukiug badly. Capt Watt, commander of the Ossipec, therefore de termined to suapo his coiifho for Charles ton, S. C., but as tboy got into smoother water tho Vuginins behaved better mid the wuter was kept out of her tiro room. On the morning of Christmas day, how- over, Huvore weather having continued, tho Virginius was again leaking as badly as over and the vessels put iutu Frying l’an shoals about ten miles south of Cape Fear, where smoother water could bo ob tained. lleio tho vcaaols came to auchor, Capt. Watt hoping that the Virginias would ndo out safe. Before day light next morning. Friday, Commuudor Wood signalled with lights that the Virginias was leaking rapidly, with fires out aud perhaps stopped, und that the crew wished to he taken oft'. Boats wore lowered from the Oitripeo at day light, aud by 7 o'clock a. m. all on board the Virginius were transferred to tho foriuor vessel. As a heavy sea was niouiug, the work of re moving the crow was with much danger and difficulty, aud therefore uo lives were risked in endeavoring to savo their i>er- soael effects or any oilier j roperty ou the Virginias. The hawser of the Virginias was cut end a buoy attached to mark her position iu caso ahe sunk out of sight. Tbe (issipoo remained at auchor during the day, and at a quaiter past four o'clock i>. m. tha Virginius, which had been gradually settling, went to the bottom. She sunk in eight fathoms water, und her tup masts remained above tbe surface. Tho Ossipoe then resumed voyage to this port. Her supply of coal was ample, twenty-five tons at ill re maining on boaid. All ou board tho Oa- aipi e were well. She will proceed to tha navy yard here to-day or to-morrow, after discharging her powder. Capt. Waiters htui itmdua written report, which will be forwaidcd to Washington at WASHINGTON. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. UF.X. 4'1'MH I NG’N APPOIYTME3IT . DISASTER*—ARRIYAlJ* AND l»K« T0THK4 01RT OF MADRID -. I I'AItTt'RIJ. Ill* ISNTRK'TIOX*. ! I London, December 3d. —Tha ship Iron Wahhinoton, December 30.—Tho ap- Cross, from Livsrpool, 27th lost., for poiotment of Gen. Cushing to be tha suo- j Southwest Fast, west aabors at Duuary, oeaaur of Gen. Sickle-, as Minister to | * point on tha nvar Demies. Tha steam Spain, eontiuuea to excite comment con- { tugs have bean sent to her assistance, earning the character of the instructions T he ship Zurich Hull, for Uensacola, ha will receive from tha Department of | aud bark Oliver Emory, from Nee York, State, after tha confirmation of Ilia nomi- for Hamburg, collided iu the Dowua. nation by the Seuate. j Tbe former wee badly damaged aud put Although ha is opposed to an o|>en de- i into Ramsgate for repairs olaratiou of the line of diplomacy to be] Arrived et Liverpool— barks T. J. pursued, it can be stated with truth that ! Boatbard, Savannah; J .ilia llayne, Wil- one of the subjects to which Mr. fuelling miugton. N. 0.; Edwin, Richmond; J. H. will give his attention, will bo the policy ! Daft as, Charleston. At Falymontb of political and administrative reforms in brig Dolphin. Wilmington. N. C. At Cuba h» the best means calculated to re- j Greenock—bark Garstaug, Wilmington, store peace to that island, aud promote N. 0. At Havre—ship Francis 1’. Hage, prosjierity, and among these reforms is J N. O ; brig Ariaaad Adrien, Charleston, iuoluded the abolition of slavery ia the Bailed: k rom Liverpool -KhipPomona, Autilles. These views have repeatedly j N. I».: bark Halvard, Pensacola; t'alifor- beou euforced. both iu the Presi- i uia, N. ().: Constancy, Charleston; New dent s auntiul message aud the official Brunswick, Savannah, brigs l.oui** Watchmakers. J. II. FALSIE*. I’rartlrsl W nDdtinttWor mid j«. M «.||er. L‘o<ty • bui N- 11-*. All k:n-!l M . »■ Restaurants. IIAKRIN l ot VI Y RKNTAlRAVr. No. S*J li road Street. j Tl.e l*a| of ».>i>ign ami Doinritio |,;.|uot« ant rf-cIS * J J IILAKKI.Y. I*r >|. i Barber Shops. correspondence of Secretary Fish, aud which have boon often communicated to tbo Spanish Cubinot. It will bo recol lected that, so vend years ago, our Gov ernment tendered its good offices to Spain iu tha bopo of Cuban pacification, but which weie respectfully declined. On the basis suggested it is not improbable a aiiml.tr tender will agaiu be mads by the new 11 iuibter, as the Administration will resort to every proper expedient for the purpose of rostoriug peace and protecting American interests iu Cuba Had tbs adja- cent waters ; and there cau be uo doubt that an effort will lie made to coudude s new commercial treaty with Spain— tho only nno ever made with that power being the treaty of 17‘Jo, of friend ship, limits and navigation. DEATH FROM’KEROSENE. A IjkI.t Xcnr Itnlllinore Mllldl b.v 1 pscttliiK <t < o»l Oil l.nnip. Baltimore, December 80.— Mrs. Ooole, wife of Wm. E. Coolu, Treasurer of th« Central Savings bank in this city, resid ing near Cotonsville, Baltimore county, when retiring last night, accidontly upset a coal oil lamp. Tho clothing of the lady was quickly enveloped in Hamos, nnd ahe ao terribly burned that she died at six o'clock this fuorninu. At the time of the accident her husbaud was absent watching by tho bedaido uf au ill brother. The lady was highly esteemed. Dorothea, Wilmington. V (J. QusexarowN, Dacambei 30. —Arrived : Adriatic and City of Montreal, from New York. Naw York, December .'»<». —Arrived — Cloopatre, from Vera Cru/., via Havana, Baltic, Moroaastle, San Antouio. Arrivad ott—Adriatic an 1 City of Mon treal. Satasnab. December 3*).—Arrived— Stonewall, Brown and Republic. t’lea ed -8. M Smith, Ci Nellis, H. Benedict. Leo and It eycr ENGLAND. MATTKKM I V I.OMIO V MARKETS. ItY TELEGRAPH TO EX <| V1 RI.K Livlrpool, Dec. 3<i, Noon.—Cotton quiet and steady , uplands si, Orleans a8| ; walea li»,0t>0 bales— speculation and export 2,000. To arrive I-Hi higher. I'plauds, nothing below good ordinary, shipped iu November and Decninher, ditto, shipped in I>eeamt»er and Jauuaiy, 8 3-10 ; ditto, shipped in January and February, 8j. Later. -Uplands, not below good ordi nary, delivery iu January and February. Sj : shipped in November H\. Later.—Sale* include 8,200bales Vmer Liverpool, Dec. 30.--Cotton to arrive easier. Uplands, nothing below good or dinary, shipped in January, rtjd.; do. nothing below good ordinary, delivery in December. Janitarv. Fobmarv H 3 lii-l d*»., March and Fibnnrj, H[d Oilasoa, nothing below good ordinary, shipped January and February, N$d Nrw Y’ork, December 30. G >2.1 opens at 10,4. Stocks Hull. Gold jo*' Money 7 bid. Lx-bange long st S|, short Of. Governments strong an.l nonaiderahla do ing. State bonds qniat and ueennal. Cotton dull and easier ; nales 1,710 hales ; uplands Dig, Orleans Hq’c Futures opened a* follow* . January 1&HI ; February lojstiij , March Hifa 13-1ft : April Hi 13-liial7 3-Hi ; May 17* • S : June 18. Flour firm. Wheat t.etter ('urn le. bailor. Pork steely final Gj Lard firm—steam H 13 tr>a|. Freights firm. Naw York, Dec. 3o. - Cotton— net re- pts 8t»8, gross 1337. Fill urea closed Ixvnpox, Deo. 3o. — Weather throughout Etygiatad fair. Bonds—Go’s sold at l.Oti; C7’s l.OGj tan-forties 1.03^ ; now fives 1.03J ; Erie Hall j. The above prices are based on the new method of reckoning tho Aiuorican dol- , ... . u I ceipta gross 13!»7. Ku* urea closet l.r, wbiob rn.nl into rffuct to-J.y. ilj j w-ti foU „ w , this, American funds are quoted at the j .tannery 1.7 13-31; February 1.*. I.'.-IG . rale of four ahillings por dollar, not Is. j March Hi 13-.TJ; April 1G] ; May 17 A-IGe nnd <id. •< b.r.tofor», ‘3 ,»*■ ,,ul1 i Ul1 "- •• J H>jaH>j|o. Money active, offered at 7. Biorling I dull at Hi. (bdd active at lo«, but closed J at lolaioj, Governments strong and sc j tivs. States quiet and nominal . Boston, Deo. 30.— Cotton quiet; mid- -The Sacrolurj ,.f ibu 1 tonsmy liM | 1(i j. n ,, t rw .» lp „ j#. „ r ,„, retarued l > WMbington. , :un>; ntunk —Tb.I'rMid.nt willr«. ciT.th.ioldi.rH | O.nTltnTul, b.u.inl.ar .Mi (loltnn in of thn Mmio.n w«r <111 Now V«*t'« d.y, at ' f . lr ,„j f lrm (.i.iMiti. m:w«. By Teleg rnpli to the Ln I Santa Fr, Nrw Mixico, Dec. 30.— 1 Kelublo reporta havo just leached here that the trouble iu Lincoln county, in this Territory, between Americans end Mexi- is daily growiug moro serious. The , last report, received on the 10th in«t., ( states that six or seven more persona have been killed. It seems that frienda of the 1 Americans previously killed went to Iin- o!n plaza lust Saturday, where a dance j ran in progress. Trouble arose betweeu 1 tbe Americans and Mexicans, which final ly culminated fatally as above. It is said reports etute that eight men aud one n were shot ; other reports give the number as six men and one woman. , Intense excitement prevails, and it is feared *hat more blood will tlow. THE WEATHER. Department or War, > Washing roir, Dec. 30, 1873./ 1 i^'^bobUitiet.—i'or tbe Booth Atlantic and Gulf States, east of tha Mississippi river, northweat to northeast winds with clear weather and low tempera!ore, fol lowed by partly clonJy weather on the immediate coast, and rising temperature on the Gulf. The temperature will riao on the middle coast by to-morrow after noon. j The released captives of the Virginius ■till remain at the Cuban restaurant on Pine atreet, and tho sceuo there this morning was one of great enthusiasm. Resolution* were adopted returning thanks to Capt. Ursine, of tha Juniata, j Stale for his kindness, and expressing sympa : thy with him in Hie loss of bis son. It ] was also resolved that the ex-captives should attend thu funeral of tho child in a body. Some of the captives this morning wero visited by their personal friends, wnd i tucky the meeting! on these occasions wero of j —p a most afieuting character. THE RELEASED l*KI«OXKU«: New York, Dec. 30.—The released Virginius prisoners to-day paasad votes of thanks to Cututuandti Brume mid other officer-* of the Juniata, i.ugineer Knight, of tho Virginius, said the or|gf* ns I i.enteuco tvs* that tho entire crew should bo hung at tho yard nrui, but ihe Csp'itm of the Daholls, l.icotolico,did Dot Washington. —A IltraOi nj Cortes, which meets on January td, placs Boriauo nt the head of the Govern- ineLt. --William B. Stevens, of the New York Jlerolti, a passenger on the steamship City of San Antonio, from Key West, iped overboard and was drowned, be Chamber ot Commerce st a meet, i middlings low i iug last night, iu Charleston, B. C , adop- ; good ordinary 13} ; geod 13], ordinary 1 !i| , net receip 1 savs the Hpauiah j ports to oontiuenl 13i8), oaetwise i'»i, , sales 12»*»; etoek W.432. Savannah, Deromber 30 —Cotton uom- inal, lower to sail ; mnldlinga ; nst receipts G32tt ; sxports to Great Britain continont 3;H7 . sale* lr>l«». slock 11 (,303. Modii.r, December .to. Colton quiet. ug* Hr*, strict receipts 38S|, declaring that Ihe Tax-Payers Conve be reavseiublotl st once, to conaidur the preseut condition ot the tux psyeis of th> I* It LSMM bent ' gross .tMM'.i ; exports coasti 187l] lOHOj stock 07,280 (Tiari.kston, Decoiute r opened firm, but became qub 13}; low middlings I '., strict nary 141; net receip** js .-.i exports to Great Hrium .Hit7; Cotton iddlirigs Cotton Factories. ■ E8C04IKE nAXlFAni RI.XU (O Mnasl4ctu(ar« oC SIIKK1T3Q8. aiMKTIXUS, VAMN, I*OPR. 001.11 M lire, 41A o. y. nwirr. i*r«-i<w w \ SWirr. N.vn-Iirv A lr^«.ir»r mill l» Llvory und Sulo Stables. ROHERI IIIOMDNOY, Livery, Nnlc mul Kxchmi|« KUtblea. A. UAMMKE, 1.1 very nail Nsln Ninbliw, o>.UKTUosrk Sr , Coiiumii, U> c„|»r sttesllos pivea U, R.rJln* and fat. >• Mul Hi daMea by tlx Doctors. DK. J. A. IRQ CHART. K-d.lcio ..n st. cUi Dentists. W. T. l*OOI M Dentist, Ml Rr..*.| HI . CoIhbiI.u*. «i». «s,..j r W. J. F4M4I.K, Deni t»t. Lawyers. I'EARODY .V IIIUWOV. Allorucys nl I.kw. R. .V. noses, Attorney mskI 4'otlltwellor nt Uw. iv"*hla Hon,, luoiranca ruiapany OsIIJimk. am «^i7 lyj oad .lory. LOCI* *'. GARRARD, Attorney hikI Contteellor at law. Itli* N„ «,7 |li-mil I n*t If «|.l. ] Si'- ii r Ho. I, Crocers. DA VI. U. HIKE. (1- r lu family Ur.-er.ea. ai. Bryau atre. IWf.ll 0||lf tliol Jl ■ « J 4 , kd.lt •tlDHt*. hr •• liAl face J. II. IIAMIETOX, Rltoleattlo suit Uetmll Grocer • li •!»<•( Ilaiiklm, Waio u A OaUlliuri.i • ha»s" tor Jt*y»xr a«| INII A M I'OOI'ER, Manufacturing Comp’y, ColumbuN, Georgia Paid up Capital. $1,250,000. TO INCrLOATK THE HABIT ot SAVING ON THE PAltT OF THE OPEHATIVES, and TO ritOVIDC A aafo and reliable arrangement for tint beneficial accwmo/aGon f f Hie Mrnfngs of artisans KUd tJ} Oii. * claeaee, this Company hoe established, under SPECIAL CHARTER FROM THE STATE OF GEORGIA, A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, iu which tbo following advantages are offered to Depositors of either Urge or small amount*. 1. PER F EC I SECURITY, i lm siumt* m the Company were on tin 1st of Jauuaiy, 1873 11,704,48* 43 aud aro stendily increasing. I’lie Rawerve Fund is A2!»7,7«k* All of which property is spEOULi.r RLEiwiKD by oi-t of the General Ahwemblv tor thu protection oi DepoNiiurs; wiul in a<ldition, by the same act, thu Htockboi i era of the (.mq»auy are mails INDIVID ALLY ULSPONBJBi'E in proportion I • their share*, for the integrity of the Haviuga Department audita certificate* of Deposit. 2. LlBEUAi. INTEREST. Kate aliowod Seven per cent, per auuum, compounded fonr liuies a yoar. 3i DEPOSITS can t»e withdrawn ot any time without noties. Depowitois reaidiii^ out of the ortv mu draw deposit* l.y chock*. 4. RULES AND REGULATIONS uf thn Department furnished apon application, and all deeuod information given. 5. BOOKS CERTIFYING DEPOSIT^ von to depuaitors. ri. AU a front i fs of Depositors witt he eon sideretl ttrieUy pritatt and soafidmtiui. DIRECTORS! M. J BUSSKr. re. it. Youitu, W. K l‘AKRAMMKK AhfHKD I. YOUNtl. of N»w Ymk. OBAKI.Bi UKKK.V 1i.nl of ih* ewvsuiMli Itauk aiil Trust t’. ii. w i. hamhiilkt III.ACKM A & MECHANICS’ Columbus, Qa., Does a General Banking Business. DEALS IN Kxrlinnirc, Gold, itllver, ftloehs, Ac. Iperlal altenllon Riven In roller- Hone, nnd pro»i|»l returns Miads. Nrw V ConsMeuawsat .Mull* Nsliounl llnuk of H«« Ysrlt. 8AVINC8 BANK. D»:p«H»ITN received In sains of rents nu<l upwards. MEYENi per rent, per ann«iin> in terest allowed, payable 1st Jaaaan. April. July and October, coinpouu I- il four limes annually,> DF.FObIT* I* AI D U.1 DIMA Nil DiHwrroM w I, MAl iehUKY—fwinwrlf at Wain .Jk a i . A ILI.-IK* -or Pi *r, IllRfS A Cm W. R. HltoWN- Of C-.lsml.iis lr-s TV... k,< . C A. RKliD or C A ItoM A <'» 0. I. M.SIOUUII -or Julia VDOw igb A Us will Ss-f Frosh Moats. Runs, Hides, etc. JDIIA MEHAIIFV, r In K«u;i. Hides. Heeswnv mnl all klinls OI Junk. gro »«.d ordl- n#i: ••nt Hebrew* called Satan atoln -tacla made of hi* v«-- ael, and obtained a change to death by ahootiug, and the commuttatiou of oevan- teen of the crew to the chain-gang. Knight, two of thu quartetmaetera and on* of the oilera were accordingly sen tenced to tho cham-gaug for life, and the tar. | niuldiiiiga inj; low middling* to; « ah.riir. !.»vn K.n- ‘'Min.ly 1*7: DM r-«*lpt I grosH rectupta 19.34*; export to Britain 5,100; aalea .'I.taiO: last ««v 9,400; stock 200,711 Cincinnati, Duo. So.—Flour trail qnotablv higher Corn firm *i . Fork firmer ai #13.17, Laid tin at earn nJ, kettle 34s*f The anc the Sabbath — Detsulti live hundred thouaaud dollar*. —Paris belle* are wearing nvercoate with basque back*. —A St. Louis temperance man ia in aptly named Taiuey. —A Fort NVayno corouer inane* a “atilt- cate' of dentil. —Chicago'* police court* are littered "with atraw bail. —Home of the feminine suit* have five pockotft to them. - There era nine Blondins walking rope*, aud all claim to be t\e Blond.n. j Thirty gallon* of water to one huu- | tired of milk, i*a very liboral allowance for Chicago. Tex** cattle are aaid to be apoiling I the Northwestern l»e« t market. Hence j theao Ateur*. j —A Florida woman win bitten on the by a tarantula, Block ' Nr *lon* quirt weak Heron tirm anti in fair de I—aalea f«»r shoulders 7, clear rib ej, olear hide* 8$ Whidiv firm ami niAMONIk MPI.4TA4 I.FN! Druggists. DR J. I.. I'll E Y A MIX. I . H. PALMER, V.leenscl ip«n„. OiKido.tr abet* Vir» nl* Ur-wry BOOKS A STATIONERY. HOLIDAY GOODS! yy.’ IIAVK UK* hi* Ml A l.tx.1 AMI »h Writing Desks, Portfolios. Work Boxes, Fancy Class Inkstands, Photograph Albums, Scrap Books, Domlnoos, Chessmen & Checkout J. I. I.HII ■ ■ V mi) K,«»i,.l I I>H|.nrfrr (il I u^U.li Drug. died Within other thirteen, who wore mere boy*, to J minulea •i.hi .n4 four ymn b.,d lihor in !b. —* K«n.r.m, l.nr R Ur nrmtly br..k. cb.n, A life ,,nt.DC. of Ihi, kiud ! ia “ * K * 11 *‘ , " r '; ,r ,h * ® ” . , , , „ ' I uf l-»*inn » ilif.r ultchM th«r«. waa regarded a* worse than death. lhir- .. . . u . . , b ; — \a*sar 1 net r up trees-Mi** A. give an ty-fiveof the rescued men aro *DH »n i axample of a doubtful affirmative Mis* charge of th‘»Cubau Junta here. j A. (innocently)—.Yak papa. —Howard Ad. cate. It is reported that a Groan Bay, W’ia., dentist became etuotiorihlly inaane famous picture. “The \s lost iu lbe Viile du WM Meiaeonier hita j Three Friend*. repairing n tr<»nt to«»th Lira pretty woman, ' Havre. It was iu.*urt«l. aud kias-d her. Sho told her hu*band. i —An attempt to ntilize th< anJ h« went round tbe next day and bor- ( of the tide*, and apply their rowed #3no of tbe dentist on long time, ehaniaal purpoaee, ia to be —Decatur, III., has had h ftrtt-cUoa Frano*. aenaation—a broach of promise rui* De- A Kentucky jury h*s j* tween <-ne Ida Lv Rue and Frank Sbaft.-r, that #9,0110 would scarcely tb* foruie* being of no character and the Miss lohb for thu breach *>f | letter e gambler. A verdict for #4,l""> i which daprivad bar of an opportunity to waa rendered w favor of tha fciuaU J change bar name A. M HKAA.YO.Y, Win: |N|SV. RlAll fists*, t>»U Hi . * I liuli'sals and Retail Ikeale Di ng* and Medicine*. Toilet Article* end Pei fmiM Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Family Bibios, Chromes, Picture Frames, .1 W PEASE & NORM AN Booksellers and Stationers, r.d fall ided (ysnaate i'ictnre FramoN FRAME MOULDINGS. Dental Notice. .v.KKi'XrMr W. J. CHAFFIN. Titylor Cotton Gins. tt. R nor hand taii.ok iym < Ol.l MNlS litON \\ • >ttK * • .«• DOCTOR8. Dr. John H. Carrigcr, w *« RoKdN am* rur.ah iin □ . TT-. Hr (1 1*4 laS 1 I ’• • " -l* • « si.,1* a.*.!*** • »t k.* i• *•• Dr. S. J. AUSTIN /j I, W . pr.»fr*»t*o to. t*.u KM m ••»/ *4-‘—«•! •* ireaiiat xktus.. .:.d oairw im k..iUla .. au r>. - P-. i.’Ufj $ t'.ug that. iu ««rt. irtoa*v h.ir liftod th« (hrnld.in and *11 the i »*t. but this •*(.« Ikisc. toncL n!-e* th« *.fue in lb he i*. “f «l*ry k«T« nk«k r * • • u *ir«rp*r •t.«U4iar, str: rtne