Daily Columbus enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1858-1873, December 31, 1873, Image 4

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Hatlg |«j(tiWt coluhbus: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 81, 1873. CITY AFFAIRS. New Adcertiaementa. J. H. Hamilton has Rood potatoon and apples, besidoa an abundance of groceries and provisions. Messrs. Salisbury and Peabody, assign ees, will ro-ront the ltuso place next Tuesday. Seo advertisement. See card of tbo Treasurer in relation lo city taxes. Col. C. B. Taliaferro has lost a mare mule. Seo bis advertisement. Mr. I. I. Moses gives notice that ho will soil valuable city real estate on the first Tuesday in February next. Hoad bis ad vertisement oarofully. Mayor’a Court. Thomas Johnson—druuk and disorder ly. Dismissed. Josephine Scott, colored—disorderly conduct. Fined $5 and costs, and in de fault to be confined in the guard-house flvo days. \V. E. Handall—disorderly conduct on the 29th. Confined in the guard-house for five days. Sue Johnson, charged with uulawful stabbing on the 29tli, was sentenced to confinement in the county jail to await her trial before tho next term of Superior Court, in default of $100 buil. Wring Time. home of our street corners are crowded with frooduicu seeking to enter into con tracts lor the coming your. Tho pros pect is that labor will bo plentiful and cheaper thun for several yours past. ,lnll Itrcuklng. On Sunday morning, at 9 o’clock, nil the prisoners in juil at Hamilton succeed ed in breaking out by force and making good their escape. Flvo negroes got away, and Heats, who murdered his brother some time ago. It is said tho prisoners had help from outside. No blame seouis to attach to Mr. Williams, the Sheriff. Hepnrted Vurcliaeo, Wo hoar that a No: them company liuvo purchased the Eoboil's place, it mile ubovo Brownoii le, which placo has u lino for some distance, and that it is tho purpose of said company after a whilo to erocl «me or more factories the:con. Wo hope the rumor has foundation, ns tho wator power in that locality is unsurpass ed and admirably adapted to manufactur ing purposes. Jtualnoaa. Cotton wagons huvo not hoeu so plenti ful on our streets since the commence meiU of tho holidays, and ns a online- quouce there 1ms been a falling oft' in trade. Our merchants are hoping for a resumption of business next weok, and we trust their expectations may bo fully realized. Tho three weeks of activity be fore Christmas, it is to bo hopod, will not constitute the whole of our business son. According to cotton already sold and tho large stock on hand, wo ought to ha vo three months of active busiuess be fore tho dull summer season sets iti. M'lntcr in Ear neat. Tho last few days have been liuo sped, mono of winter weather—ruthor withor- ipg upon tho aged and infirm, but just the thing to impart tho glow of hoalth to the cheoks of the young. What splondid weather for killing hogs, whore folks aro fortunate enough to have them to kill, lint alas ! such spectacles, on an extensive scale, arc too rare in this section. And why ? For two reasons—first, because too many of our people have adopted tho policy of keeping their smoko houses in tho West, and secondly, because colored thieves have such a wiuuiug way in tak ing stray swine iu out of tho cold. Miniateriul. Uev. Mr. Dixon, of tho Broad Htroot Methodist Church, arrived iu the city yes terday. llo found his parsonage comfort ably fitted up by tho ladies of his church, with till needful supplies for immediate use. llo is a gent Ionian of lino pulpit ability, and will, wo hope, find his stay utuong us pleasant to himsajf nud profit able to his congrogation. ■Kev. W. F. Uohiusou, late pastor of tho church, left for his now work, at Ferry, yesterday. We wish him much success and tunny friends in his future field of la bor. To Leave Cm. Kev. Thus. T. Christian, for four years Presiding Elder of the Columbus District, leaves for h:s now appointment at Arneri- eus.to-morrow, lie has boou faithful and zealous in tho cause of Methodism during ' his slay hero, and has made many friends. 1 Our best wishes go with huu to his new | charge. In n fare well talk to St. Luke’s Suuday School, last Sabbath, ho gave notice that it was bis purpose to build up at Auioricus u Sunday School which should take equal rank with that of St. Luke’s, and to carry up to Conference a larger amount of Missionary rnouey than that raised by St. Luke's School. If he fulfils his promise, he will certainly htvo to work, as St. Luke's, we believe, is the secoud best Methodist Sunday School iu tho State. fng Ip. Many of our business uicu complain of being seriously cramped because of tho neglect of their customers to settle their acoouuIh. Those who have Iho uieaus of adjusting their money obligations should not longer procrastinate. To-morrow brings around :i general nettling day, and tho time has been when our plauters felt themselves disgraced if they failed to come up to the scratch. Those who hope for future accommodations should wako an honest effort to relievo tho men who have trustod them. The credit system has ruined many of our best lueu since the war, and is destined to rum many more unless prompt settlement is made. It is high time we were having a change for tho hotter iu tho mauuor of conduct ing business in this seotion. A little The tiunno Queatlon. Our gnano men complain that farmers are very slow in paying their bills for fer tilizers, and that some of them ore en deavoring to shirk payment altogether on the subterfuge thut tho fertilizers pur chased were worthless. Many things sold as fertilizers are no doubt worthless, but tbo question of their genuineness or worthlessness is one difficult of proof, M wo find one set of planters endorsing a givon fertilizer and another set condemn ing it. Perhaps the best course for our farmers to pursue is to pay up if they oan, and if not, to compromise on the host terms possible, as the courts so far as wo have heard decide in favor of the guano companies. Wo advise our friends to avoid litigation whero it is possible, ns law is generally an expensive way to get out of troublo. Tho following will throw some light as to how similar onseii are likely to be de cided when throw'll into tho Courts : The Atlantic Oil and Guano Company, manufacturers of the Eureka fertilizer, had a field day in the Federal Circuit Court at Savannah on Thursday. They brought several suits against farmers in Screven county, who had used that fertil izer and objected to paying for it, on the ground that it was worthless, and that thoy raised better crops without than with The Company, on tho other hand, introduced witnesses from the same sec tion, who swore they had used it with beneficial results. The jury found for the Company in every case, with full in terest from the dale when tho debt was duo.” Not In that Lino. Tho Local of the Sun” is politely in formed that tho yuuug ladies of the city respectfully decline the honor be pro poses of becoming incipient bar-keopors New YeurH. And that it is not in the interest of such establishments they pro pose keeping open houses on that day. OPHELIA. Lotting Down. The bottom has dropped out of Christ mas, and trade was yesterday fiat. Hun dreds of freedtuen were again in the city, but there was no trade in them. We have never known them to have so little money. The majority of white folks ore not much better off', though they do not flock to town in such large numbers. We hope for a revival of business after tho holidays are over. Christmas weok is always dull, except in holiday goods, and this time there has beon loss doing in that lino than we ever knew during a Christmas in 20 years. CLEAltINO OUT RALE. Jtroaa Hood a at Half Trice t | I place on my “Bargain Counter” to-day a largo line of choice Dress Goods at half ritiuE, iu order to sell them off quickly. Moss colored Alpacas worth 60 cents, now only 25 cts.; Alpine Cloths worth 50, now only 33; Elegant Cash meres worth 80 cts. to $1.00, now* 50 and 00 ; Fine Empress Cloths at 50 cents— foruior price $1.00; Black Alpacas and many other goods cheap in proportion. 1 am anxious to close out my entire stock before spring, if possible, and will give unprecedented advantages in everything. Large stock Domestic Goods, White Goods, Carpets, &o. H. T. Criolbii, At old stand of Virginia Store. dec 12 tf Carpets and lluga again marked down ! Seo thorn before you buy. Furs, Cloaks and Shawls below cost at Crxoleh’s. Hand Kerch lofty Dreaa Hood a. Silks, linens, Ac., of the latest importa tions, at Boatrite & Clapp's for ten per cent, leas than coat. Marked Down Still Low or. Call at Chiu;.ku’h at once aud seo prices. Many goods below cost. Factory Goods at factory prices. Trlenda of Temperance. The touiparanoe organization which commenced operations iu this city last August, we are glad to learn, is in a high ly flourishing condition. The order uow numbers about seventy-five members— active and associate. Cue or more cau- didates are initiated at every meeting. As soon as new rogalias are rocoived, la dies are to be admitted us associate mem bers, and this feature will add much to the social interests of tho order. The members of this temperance society have a wide field for usefulness. To savo the fallen und rescue those in dunger of fal ling iu a work that may well claim tho attention of philanthropists. Intemper ance is a great crime iu itself, and may be set down ub the fruitful source of mauy of tho vices which curse this sect ion. As a friend of humanity, wo wish the cause success, aud have no doubt that uudor the able corps of officers [elected Monday ovouiug tho Order is destined to go on prospering and to proupor. In place of the seventy young men who now ouustituto tho organization, we predict thut twice thut number will bo enrolled during the ensuing six months. A I movable Itelic. We wore presented yesterday with an old English farthing found two foot mi der ground iu a lot iu tho lower part of tho city. On one side is stamped tho head of a monarch nud the lottors “Georgius III—Dclgratia—Bex—1773, and on tho reverse a female liguro repre senting oommoroo and the words “Brit- anin-farthing.” It is certainly an an tiquated copper speeimou. Wo should like to know its history. Improvemonte. Several handsoiuo residences have boon erected iu tho lower purt of the city re cently. We are ploasod to notico that Mr. T. J. Penroo is getting ready to build one on upper Broad stroot, on tho lot next above Broad Street Church. Iiopo soon to be able to rocord renewed activity in the building business. Jtliw News. The Jackson left yostorday. Tho Buudy Moore wont dowu to th« navy yard, whore she will bo tied up for the present. Toraonal. Mi. U. 0. Pope, late of Columbus, now representing a Louisville pork house, is hero. Tho Yirgiuiu store, Peyton, Gordon A Co., havo on their “burgain counter" a large lot of Dross Goods, which they offer at one-hall' the N. Y. cost. At a Bargain. A life scholarship in one of the best business colleges iu tho West, is offered far below- its cost. A situation guaranteed ou tho completion of the course. Such a j chance for a young man to qualify him j sell for business is not otferod every day Apply at this office. decM tf. The substantial growth of tho Savings Depurment of the Eagle A Phenix Manu facturing Company is convincing evidence of the fact that depositors, watching their own interests, believe in ample, real and tangible assets. dec21 tf Fe of our people, probably, havo ta- keu tho trouble to look into the matter, but it is true, that a deposit of $5 per week in tho Savings Department of the Eagle A Phenix Manufacturing Company will amount, iu only 5 years, to $1,764.10 —in 20 years, to $11,637.28. [deo2l tf The wonderful increase in vegetation, •aused by the intluence of vivifying fer- CVo od Thing a. Go to the ltuby Restaurant for your Oysters, Fish, Game, and all things good to o&t. act 16 tf Those desiring cheap goods will never have a bettor opportunity than is offered by Boatrite A Clapp. Important. Tho pauic has unsettled values aud made money scarce. Tho plantar cannot got the prico ho counted ou for his ootton, aud fools, thoroforo, that ho must econo mize nud purchase less dry goods for hiwsolf and family. T. E. Blanchard, of Columbus, appreciates this fact, aud ho is now Holling his splendid assortment of goods at prices so low, that persons need ing goods, ovon with reduced means, can bo enabled to provide themselves for the winter. Tho render who has any doubts about this, can call, even if he does not desire to purehaso. | dec 7 tf lloatrite «£* Clapp, Appreciating the necessities of the times aud tho scarcity of money, are selling thoir varied stock of new dry goods and blnnkets at ten per cent, lees that), cost. A LA It A M A It LA A KS. A full assortment of Alabama Justice Court Blanks for sale at this oifico, at $1.60 per quire. Buy Drugs at panic prices from C. J. Moffett, 74 Broad tit. dec21 tf Calf Skin and Cloth Gaiters, made to order and warranted, soiling at $2.20 at Orioleb’s. The Caban War. There can be but little doubt that the difficulties with the tipanish authorities in Cuba will lead to war ; in which ovont the prices of all manufactured commodi ties will at ouce rise. T. E. Blanchard, however, has decided, war or no war, to contiuue the salo of his liuo assortment of dry goods at cost for cash. Those desiring to purchase, should remember this. [dee 7 tf That “Bargain Counter” at Cbioler's should be seen by all who want Towels, Napkins, Ilandk’ch’fs and Tablo Linens. Joseph A. Buo. call espeoial attention to tho fact that thoy are soiling Sprague, American, Hamilton and all tho best brauds Calicoes at NINE CENTS. Coats’ Cotton at SEVENTY cents. deo21 tf C. SnoilllUEH Has taken the Jowelty Store of tho late Mr. L. Uutowsky, watchmaker, and solic its tho patronage of tho public. Ilaviug a thorough knowledge of tho business, ho off'ers tho assurance that he will spare no pains to merit the same con fidence enjoyed by his predecessor. nov30 HKlt Congress is terribly exercised over some plan of financial relief; if our people would save what they wasted and appre ciate the almost incredible wealth interest showers upon her patrons, wo would soon roIvo tho problem now agitating the Council of the Nation. Security, beyond doubt, aud liberality, in the rate of inter est, are both attractive features of tho Eagle A Phenix Savings Department. dec21 tf A large lot of Prints aud Bleached Goods just received at the Virginia Store. Peyton, Gordon A Co. COLUMBU8 MARKETS. | OrricB Daily EtiQii.it, > Columbus, Ga., Dso. 3d, 1373.) HUYETABT. Nothing doing in gold or hoods. Cor- rsDcy stringent. Cotton bills on Nsw York, sight, jf per osnt. off; on Boston, 1 per cent, off; exchsngt jo. premium. Stocks and Bonds.—8. W. B. It. bonds 80 ; Central B. B. 88 ; II. A G. It. R., plain, 72 to 74; Weetern B. B. 84 to 86. Columbus city bonds 7! to 74. it- lsnta 8 s 80, 7’s 72. Macon 72. Eagle A l’henix Faotory shares 104 ; Muscogee Factory shares 100; Georgia Home shares 30. COTTON. Market oloaed with good demand at un changed prioea. We qnote ■ Ordinary lOall Good Ordinary lS*al3| Low Middling 14 Middling 14J Sales 298 bales, lteoeipts 816 bales— 5 by S. W. R. It., G b, It. A G. R. R., 6 by W. R. R., 14 by N. A 8. R. R., 198 by river, 88 by wagons. Shipments 700 bales—660 by S. W. R. R., 40 for home consumption. Corretponding Da, tf Lett Tear.— Receipts 163 bales. shipment* 855. Price 18|o. lteoeipts at all United States ports to day 26,021; exports to Great Britain 12,- 675; to continent 4647; stook 761,731 bales. Consolidated receipts kt ail United States ports for the past four dsyB 98,- 230; exports to Great Britain 31,244; to continent 28,278 bales. StatasssaL Bales. Stook on hand Sept. 1, 1873 1,177 Received to-day 3111 “ previously 88,905—89,221 40,398 Shipped to day 700 “ previously 25,110—25,810 Stook on band 14,587 POST OFFICE NOTICE. Sthetlult of Time for Closing the Malle. On and after Nov. 16tb, 1873, the fol lowing is the schedule of arrival aud closing of mails at this postoffice: Northern and Eastern mail arriveB at 1:60 p. m. ; closes at 2 p. m. Montgomery and Western mail arrives at 2:28 p. til. ; closes nt 4:30 p. m. Atlanta aud Northwestern mail arrives at 9:10 p. in. : closes at 10:10 a. m. Crawford mail arrives, Tuesdays and Fri days, nt 3 p. in. ; closes, Tuesdays and Friduys, at 7.30 a, ui. a. Pleasant Hill mail arrives, Mondsys and Thursdays, at 11 a. m.; closes, Mondays and 'ihursdayH, at 3:00 p. m. Whitesville mail arrives, Tuesdays and Fridays, at 11 a. m. ; closes, Tuesdays and Friduys, at 12:00 m. Lumpkin mail arrives, Mondays and and Thursdays, at 11:00 a. m, ; closes, Mondays aud Thursdays, at 12:00 m. Jamestown and Florence mail arrives, Tuesdays, at 11:00 a. m. ; closos, Tues days, at 12:00 m. Mobile A Girard Railroad mail arrives at 11:00 a. ru.; close sat 2:30 p. iq. office Hocus. From 8 a. m. to 1 p. in.; from 2:30 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. MONET OBDEB8 Can be procured on auy money order of- fioo iu the United States during the office hours, with the exception of Snndays. Money order and register letter office oloso at C o'clock p. m. DRY GOODS. FROVINIOXtt. My Offer Until Further Notice, FOR THE CASH, Entire Stock of 'Dry Goods AT COST! To those who owe me, I request immediate pay ment. I will allow liberal prices for Cotton in settle, ment of accounts.* «■ NO OOOOM WILL BK DELIVKKKIt WITHOUT THE MONEY. T. E. BLANCHARD, 123 Broad St., Columbus. Ca Columbus, Or , Not. 2th, 1873. ritfawlt '***• RAILROAD8. Change of Schedule. TEN PER CENT. LESS THUN COST! As we always sell as low as the low- est, we offer for twenty days our entire stock of New and Fresh Goods at Cost, and an additional extra discount allowed of 10 per cent, on all bills of $20 and over. We mean to sell. BOATRITE & CLAPP. Nil AFTER DEC. 3D, WEDNESDAY, lay The Yirgiuia Store, Peyton, Gordon A Co., have been appointed solo agents for | E. Butterick A Co.’s Paper Patterns, and will about the first of January, 1874, re- ! ceive a largo lot, which will bo sold at j New York prices. The Virginia Store, Peytou, Gordon A Co., have their Shoes and Boots made to 1 WlIOEfcSALX PRICKS. Bulk Meat—C. R. Sides 8.4c., shoulders 7$o. Bacon—Hams, plain none S. C. Hams, canvassed 18$fS>14c. Sides—clear 10 ; clear nb 9$o. Shoulders none. Breakfast Bacon, canvassed 15c. Dried Beef—Canvassed 2()(®22c. Boot' Tongues, 90(g)$1.25. Laud—Choice Leaf, in tierces lOallc. “ “ in half bbls 11c. “ 44 in kegs 12o. 4 ‘ in 10, 5 and 3 tt» caddiesl&c. Butter—Gosheu, per th 50c, GROCERIES, ETC. Coffee—Rio, common, 25; choice 27a30c L&gnyra, 27. Java, 33@35. Cheese—14al7c. V lb. Candles—Star, box 20, half box 21, quartor box 24o. Candies—Common 18c, Fancy 2flc. Crackers—Butter 10c, Soda 9, Pic Nic 12$, Cracknels 15. Canned Goods—Oysters, per dozen, 1 tb cans, $1.75^*2.00; 2lb cans $2.60. Sulmond, lib cans, per doien, $4. Lobsters, lib cans $2.50; 21b cans $3.50 Peaches, 2th cans, $3@3.50. Pineapples, 2tb cans, $4.50. Strawborries, 2tb cans, $4.00. Tomatoes, $2.50@$2.75. Corn.—White (car load), in depot, 92o. yellow, 87c. Molasses—New Orleans, per gallon 80o ; Golden Syrup, $1.00; Cuba, 50c; Flor ida, 50@55o. Sugar—New Orleans yellow clarified 14, Refined—A 18$, B 13$, G 11$. Liquors—Brandy, Fronch, per gallon; $10@$16 ; American, $1.75<§>g2.50; Peach, $2.25(§>$4: Apple, $2.25(§>$4, Gin, Holland, $7; American $1.35<g>$2; Rum, Jamaica, $7; American, $1.50@ $2; Whisky, common, $l(o>$l.50; tine, $3@$(>. Fish—Mackerel—bbls, No. 1, $26; No. 2, $14; No. 3, $10@$12; Kits—No. 1, $2.75; No. 2, $2; No. 3, $1.50; White Fish, V $ bbl., $7; kits $2.60 Teas—Imperial, V lb, $1.50; Young Hy son, $1.50; Black, $1@$1.25 Gun powder, $1.50. Spices—Alspioe, V lb, 25c; Cloves $1.50; Nutmegs, $1.50; Pepper, 30o. Medium, (15x7 5 c. Tobacco—Common, V tb, 50c; Fine, 85x $1.25. Rice—South Carolina, V ib, 9$o. Baooino—Kentucky, V yd,10al7e.; Baling Twine, V lb, 25c. Iron Ties, 9$al0o. Oils and Paints—Lard Oil, V gal., $1.25; Lins'd, 1.15; Coal, 3la33c; Lubricating, 75c; Sweet, $2.50; Tanners' $1; White Lead, V cwt, $U@$14. Salt—Liverpool, sauk, $2.25; Table, bags per doz., $1.50. Flour—Columbus mills—A $10.00; 9.00; C $8.00; Western $8(§>$14. Gunpowder—Dupont’s, per keg, $7.50, Hazard’s, $7.50; Blasting, $5, Orange Rifle, $7.60. Shot—V bag, Patent, $3.00; Bnok, $3.00 Nails—V keg, $5.75a6.50. Hardware—Axes, per dozen, $l4<fr$l(i; Spades, $13.50al 7; Shovels, 13$al 7; Cotton Cards, $7.50@$9; Iron—Refined 7cts., Costings, heavy, l»$c.; light, 7o.; Plow Steel, 10a llo.; Cast Steel, 25c.; Buggy Springs,^JOo.; Horse aud Mulo Shoes, 10c.; Shoe Nails, 20a25o.; Swedes 8o., Spokes $3a4 por set. Wooden Buckets—Painted, per dozen, $2.75; Cedar, $12; Juniper, $8; NeRt Tubs, $4@$(>. Hides—Dry Flint V lb, 10@12$c., Greeu (» cents. Leather—Sole, V Ib, 33gp35c; Oak, 40<§' 48; Upper, $2.50@$3.60 V aide; French Calf, $4@$fi; American Calf, $3<$$4. Snuff—Maccaboy, V lb, 85c; Sootoh 86o. Starch—V lb, 8<©12$c. Dried Faun’—Apples, per bushel, $2 Peaches, $3(S)$4. Butter—V lb 3()@40o. | Kaos—V dozen, 30®40o. Chickens—Hour 40c; half grown, 25o. i Beeswax—V tb, 20($25o; Tallow 8<$10. pled, JtsCO p. m. “ 8:52 P. u. 4:04) A. M. COLL'WMU 4, ll):33 A. M. Broad street Shed wilt bo opened Lkavk Columuus dully, Akrivk at Troy, •* Lkavk Troy, Arrive Ticke ut 2:30 i l’RKIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION i bin Monday*, Wednetiduys > CoS und Friday* Arrive at Troy, • ... 4 ; o6 p, M Leave Troy on Tuesday*, Thursdays und Saturdays at - - - 4:00 a. m Arrive ut Columbus, - - - 2:25 p. m deed eoU3t W. L. CLARK, Hup’t. Western Railroad of Alabama. 53j HOURS TO NEW YORK Nsw York and New Orleans Mail Line, Palace Sleeping Cars Run Tlirougli from Opelika to Lynchburg. WESTERN RAILUOAD OF ALARAMA, Columbus, Ga„ November 16th, 1873. TRAINS LKAVK COLUMBUS DAILY For Atlanta, Arrive ut Atlanta, For Montgomery, For Selma, Arrive at Montg'y, 10:40 i 10:40 6:40 P. M. 5:00 p 9:30 p, 6:26 A FOR NEW YORK, DAILY, (Time 53 hour* aud 43 minutes.) LKAVK COLUMBUS 2:40 a. m. AKRIVK Opelika 12:27 p. in., at Atlanta 6:40 p. at Washington 7.20 a. ni., New York 4:26 p. via Philadelphia und Baltimore. Sleeping; Cars Him Through from Opelika to Lyiiehburg. TRAINS ARUIVK AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta, From Montgomery at 3:56 The 6:00 p. in. Western connecting (Hirers, is slight when compared to tho re- j ort ^ r ' ale ufforiug them at factory markable additions compound interest , P nces * ?•» per 200.00 makes to rnouey. A deposit of month iu 20 years amounts to.$ But at 7 per cent., compouud interest, will amount to.... 11,537.28 Showing accumulation of inter- est to be $ (1,387.28 Exceeding the principal 1,137.28 dec21 tf It U a Fact That Boatrite A Clapp are selling thoir maguifioeut stock of furs at ten per cent. more of punctuality aud honesty in money | * e8s ^ an cost * ^ matter* i*» much needed, and must oomo about before confidence and prosperity are restored. ■ Hosiery in Ureat Variety, Ten per cent. J Lees than cost, at Boatrite at Clapp s. ! Ask aud see for yourself. Elder Flower Lotion cures Chapped Hands and smooths and softens the Skiu. For sale at Moffett's Drug Storo. dec2l tf For safety, dealers and consumers should buy Crystal Kerosene. Oil from C. J. Moffett. dec2ltf The Virginia storo, Peyton, Gordon & Co., from this day will soil only for cash, and hope their friends will not ask to I have any goods charged, as thoy will be foroed to decline doing so. Joseph Sl Buo. are selliug nt cost the newest and best goods. They lmvo no old goods ou hand. dec21 tf JUST PUBLISHED! THU AMERICAS School Music Header! Book 1. For Primary Schools. Price 36 cts., or $3.(>0 perdozeu. Emerson’s Singing School Clarke's Dollar Instr'tor for Reed OrganB. Clarke’s Dollar Instructor for Piano. Clarke s Dollar lustruotor for Violin. FATHER KEMP’S Old Folks’ Concert Tunes. Price 40 cts, or $8.60 per docon books. 8unj everywhere with great applause from old am young. Sold everywhere. Sent, post-paid, for retail price. Oliver Ditson A Co., Cluu. H. Sitios A Co. Uo*tou. 711 Broadway, N. Y. suplJ d2tawaw 9:10 r. u. i. m , 2:30 r. m Mail train runs dally, • Now Orleans, Mobile for Vicksburg through from Opelika to N loans. Tho 10:40 a. in. New York Express train runs daily,connecting at Atlanta witli W. & A. K.H. and Georgia K. It. Tho 9.30 r. m. does not run Sunday No delay at Opolika by any train. Tickots for *ulo at Uuiou Passongor Depot. CltAS. P. BALL, Ucneral Sup’t. R. A. BACON, Affont. [nov21 tf CAUTION. UUY ORLY TUB Genuine Fairbanks Scales, MANUFACTURED BY E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO, Standard Scales A 850,000 STOCK t cz: cb mm rmrm DETRKS1KKD TO 11MSK MONKY, I HAVE CONCLUDED TO SKLI. MY ENTIRE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, LADIES’ AND GENTS’ UNDERWEAR, Cents’ and Youths’ Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Piece Coods, and everything in stock, -A-T UNJZETW YORK COST! Mow In your time to i.l borgHlna. Cull »■■<! aee for youraclr. BE8T CALICOES at II cents. L. HARRIS, Nov. 9th, 1978. f.oplt dfim] NO. Ill BROAD ITBEET J. KYLE & CO. lepart They were bought durlug > correspond with the times, lor cash. M4T We still koep a large liuo of IRISH LINENS, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION ! ALSO, A SPLENDID LINK OF Ladies% Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, of the Latest Stylo and Boat Make. Alao, a Beautiful Line of Carpets, Rugs, &c., at Reduced Prices. s a call, o Fall and Winter Dry Goods! STOCK NOW COMPLETE I JOHN McGOUGH & CO. N OTIFY their friends and customers that their stock of Fall and Winter Dry Good* !• now complete iu all departments, embracing now nud attractive styles in LADIES 1 DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, CALICOS, Gents’ French and English CLOTHS and CASSIMERES, WHITE GOODS AIN D DOMESTICS Boots, Shoes, Hats, See. Special attention givon to WHOLESALE TRADE Will duplicate bills of auy oity In Georgia huJ Alabama. Bargains also at retail. Call, iuspect aud bo couviuccd. ColuwbuB, Oct. 3d, 1873 [mbl2 dlyj JOHN McGOUGU 4 CO. $75,000! UNPARALLELED SACRIFICE \ OF Dry Goods! AT COST FOR CASH. Prices Reduced from 20 to 40 per cent, to elose out tho hualnoM. fall at once and be convinced) at JOSEPH & BROTHER’S, Columbus, Oct. 5,1873. dtf 00 Broad Street, Columbus, Os Stock Scales, Coal Pt Scales, Counter PchIob, i Scales Repaired Pron For sale also. Troemn Composition Bells, all si: ale*. Hay Scales, Dairy ptly and Reasonably. r’s Coffee and Drug Mills, am UN DRIVER. Miles Alarm Till Co.’s. Use Thrtn 1 BOLD AT Fairbanks’ Scale Warehouses, FAIRBANKS & CO.. ^ 311 HKOAUWAY, 31. T., 166 Baltimore Stieot, Baltimore, 53 Camp Street, New Orleans. FAIRBANKS A F.WIN44, Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. FAIKIIANKN, BROWN A CO., 2 Milk street, Boston. For sale by Leading Hurdwaio Duller* »i: x xixoxb PATENT SHIPPING TAGS OVKU TWO 1ICNDUED MILLIONS ' *V6 I een sold within the past 10 years, ithout c< mplniut of loss by Tag bo- miing detached. They are more • marking Cotton Ilalea than use. All Express Companies use inem. Sold by Printers and Htationcra everywhere. dealO dcod*w3m W R Wanted. will give men and wnmea BI'KINKSN THAT WILL FAY from *4 to $8 day, cau be pursued^ in your own neighbor- of employ- ood; it is a rare chsuce for those _ — haviug leisure time; girls and boys fre do a* well as uiou. Particulars free. J. LATHAM A CO., iineutly Add re* augSS If 292 Wasbiugtou si., Bostou, Mass. REMEMBER ! THE NEW YOHK STORK IS STILL SELLING AT Panic Prices ! OUR JOTJVIN TWO-BUTTON KID GLOVES AT OOc. A PAIR. ONLY A FEW DOZEN LEFT. Nov. 26, 1873. S. LAND AUER Sc BRO. [wh 30-eod«fcwly] New Y r ork Store. CLOTHING. PRO BONO PUBLICO! LOOK r r< > YOtJtt THORNTON INTERESTS • & ACEBi No. 78 Broad ■ t> J. W. Peano A Norman’s Book Store), Street, elving every week froi , tb sir uianufS'" (Next dm turer and Whuleimb Dcuhus North, INTgaat OlotlaiiTg- of £tll K-iiTCiS- Our last shipments, consisting of ( Men’s Business Suits, Beaver Ove> Coats, and Boys’ Suits, Were bought at a rcdurtlou of from 'JO to ilo nor cant, on former prico, end will he »°0 Th^rv Ing low figures. Onr stock is new aud fresh. Prices hh low «h the lowest. We defy compel" • Invite our cu.itomeis aud the public to come and see for themselves. Columbus, Dec. 19,1873. tf BOOK db ^^TBPAPSB. Atlanta Paper Mills, JAMES ORMOND, r«op*rero« WT llofers to tbia ahe«t a. a epocimen of Nows Paper. Vl5 tf