Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, September 05, 1874, Image 3
-j. '...,wr;ssii J.% ippip DAILY EKQillBEB-SXmL SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5,. 1874. Tw* Papers Car Tkm Dalian. We bare entered into an arrangement to club with the Union Springe (Alabama) Herald on the following terms: Weekly Enquirer and Union Springs Herald %•* W Sunday Enqnirer and Union Springs Herald « 00 The Union Springe Herald is acknowl edged to be the leading weekly paper pub lished in Alabama; and, in addition to furnishing the newa from Bollock county and vicinity, contaiua ohoice miscella neous reading ma.ter and an ably con ducted agricultural department. tlMifla Patreaa af Hnabandry iDprass or th* msTin. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. A. O. Harwell having withdrawn from the firm of Harwell, Griffin A Co., has removed to Chambers street. His friends end patrons would do well to call on him in his new quarters, and einniine stock before buying elsewhere. Prices st pauio rates. jalg sn&wedtf RAILROADS. NOTICE. [ _ OmcB T. J. Smith, Master, j Oconee, Ga., Aug., 28, 1874. J Brother Patrons: It becomes my duty, being no prominently identified with the great farmers’ movement in Georgia, to luvite your serijua attention to ine de- mandn of the time upon our noble order. Our effort* an producers of the soil under a protecting Providence, to render our * s fnrmH self-sustaining, have to a great measure proven successful. Our gojd Lord and Master 1ihh sent ns early aud lute rain* and fruitful seasons, . aud our so long empty grauaries will soon gro'ii with more cheering abundance than they have since (heunfortunate war. The excessive hot and dry weather, cur- ' tailing our cotton crop, is to be hoped $will prove a blessiug in disguise, The ghrewd aud sharp-sighted speculator, who ,. iu tieeu so vigilant in heraldiug through press the crop of tour aud a half mil- ■ Option of bales, will be hushed, and the cot- ‘ . £Lion ring, true to their instincts, were forging chains to fetter us—let ns prepare >o rend asuuder, and, true to ourselves, 'amilies, and oonntry, rally under oar blight and floating colors, the only prom ise to the ti.lera of the soil. We should take time by the forelock, using onr ut most influence with our friends who have so kindly oome forward and contributed to our necessities, furnishing food, eto., to bold onr ootfou until developments are made that are satisfactory as to the ex tent of the growing orop. Heartily congratulating yon upon the spirit of self-reliance aud fortitude which yon have so nobly manifested under pri vations and disappointments, grievous to be endured, and for whioh we were total ly uoprepsrsd, let me earnestly and affec tionately entreat yon not to abandon the policy of making abuudanoe of supplies for home, and heed earnestly the resolu tion as passed by the Cotton States Con tention of November last year, and im- eeeively reiterated in its session of July at, of planting one-third of onr arable ind in small grain, ons-third in corn and ie-third in cotton. Hearken the warning voice of the past whose syren song of planting all cotton, hurling us into bankruptcy of property and well noar of credit and character. Soon the season of sowing of fall and win ter crops— turnips, wheat, oats, 170, etc., will be upon ns, aud remember earnostly , that the judicious and prudent farmer, the good and faithful Patron will gather into their granaries, that themselves, families and animals may have feed in winter. •Our brother Patrons of all the cottou ‘owing States, pledging to na their hearty incurrence in the one-third system, and, erefore, while ourootton production will diminished, you may yet hope to real- a greater amount of profit by the ad- ance price of the same. Efforts aro be ing made through established agoncies to aeoure supplies of grain for seed at re duced cost; and cant I ask, with some confidence, where are the good and true Matrons who have a surplus and will re st) to open their hearts and granaries in ruihhing seed to promote the laudable id we have in view ? Though the hardshipe, privations and ppoiutments of the farm are galling, us bear it with Christian fortitude, noising ourselves by snob sacrifices a ter day will soon dawn, and to huBten it better time we will do all in onr pow- to promote the interest of our noble un taking. We propose soon to divide State into districts, over whioh put ■HMBa and diso'eet deputies of our order, se duty will be to canvass, lecturi g, organizing granges. In this I invoke free anil hearty co-operation of every ron in Georgia. Believing the weal Jlr woe of the South; yes, of the whole nntry, is depending upon the success or ‘lure of the Grange movement, I pro se, in addition to the deputy movement, devote my entire time to the work of ir order, and will visit, as I have been ling, all parts of Georgia where duty and iy good brothers have called me. Broth- s, we have a great work to do. Let us it about it in earnest, and kindle a flame ! brotherly love throughout onr prond Id State, aud not be content until we en- under our bright and flying colors •ry tiller of the soil in our midst. The political parties of the country will m be arrayed, and the sagacious politi cs attempting to allure us into tue en- igling alliances of party. Let ns prove them we are true to onr professsion and ith in adhering striotly to onr funda- mtal law, doing nothing that will savor the least of committing our Order to ilitics. Let me, in conclusion, exhort you to rish and practice the cardinal precepts our Order in every detail of life, and 1, under the guidance of the ever merci- ll Husbandman above, shall confidently iticipate for onr distressed and diapuit- class the bright era of prosperity, plen- and contentment. Yours, fraternally, eto., T. J. Smith, Master of G. H G. | Exteaatve Business Combination -Important to Grain Dealers. oaoo, September 1.— It is reported a large combination of capitalists, - dealers, bankers and railroad men ng formed for the transporting of from the West to the Atlantic sea- and Europe, and protecting sales ’heat in Loudon on comminhion. inary articles of agreement were in New York on Saturday last, and .tention is to take advantage of the it opportunity for doing a large business with Europe, and to relieve irn farmers by bringing them into nnioation with hnyers and consum- Europe. Contracts have been en- into with the railroads and steam- oompanies for oheap uniform trans- ion. The main offioe will be in New with agencies in Chicago, St. Louis, rancisco aud other American cities, don and Liverpool all business will is by telegraph. ills Grant, the President’s brother, to be one of the ostensible pro- 1, and other friends of the Govern- ^d ready to snpport it with large . The arrangement will be per- in about six weeks. An office will led in New York this week and iturday agents will be sent to Eng- establish offioes there. He Grant, through his business ions in Chicago and the West, will y oootrol the Western agencies, 1 said that the whole programme made pnblic. Among the namea ‘-( the original proapeotu. are those Moore, the banker, of New York; Brothers A Co., Brnoe * Co., C. and Julioa Wolf. Tha princi- laa in interest ha.a not been dis- boagh it ia certain than will ba a atlal Hirkagt of oapital Doctors. DR. I. T. V AUNOCK, Surgeon and Physician. Office id Slaughter's l»ru« More, Railroad « I»*. J. W. R. WILLIAMM hiii i>rof<tggiunal services. Office over It. M. p* eu .% Co.’s, Chambers A R. R. street*. Millinery. MIS8KS WU1TK A TUCK Kit, fashionable Milliners ami Dressmakers. Uentleiuea’e phirtu cut hy chart u. i?uaranieoj (*ui i-xt fhl .HUS. C. V. BARLOW, Fashionable Mlllluer aud Dressmaker. 8on» A^eul of ttulterick \ Co.'s Ifoitetu*. At the late hanking house ol Mini.far; A Co., Opelika, Ala. jn23 Notaries Public. U. D. HIGGINS, Being ii|))iolnt('d Notary l’ul.lic for La* re*|HM'.ti'uil> suhuiis tiio I'sirouage of Inn lloidit Coin I Im ami ‘id Saturday* ol t-aui at It. 0. llulUlitdd’s l.w office. Furniture v &c. At Panic Prices. A. O. HARWELL, Dealer In all kinds of Furniture. Also, Metallic, vVotai CottotH, and C»*kt>U. ‘ 3 Ciiamlu ra atreel Lawyers. A. J. VICRKBN, wud I'ouuHllor at taw. Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, Cutting and Making in the latent fityU*. Re pairing neatly done. South Railroad fit., over Furniture Store. Jal U NTIL the l.’ttb of Septciuber next, parties of six penurne. or more, going np on the morii- lug ami returning ou ihe evetiiiiK train «»f tho game day, Will he imaged the round trip for one fare. Similar part going np at it o'clock k. a. or 2:35 i\ m., and returning on game tr.'iiu, va-111 bo pa 'Acd round trip for fifty cents each. Commut-tlon thkets, for ndiv dua's or fatni- lleg, lor twenty round trips to go up and return on the same train, c-in l»o had for ten dollnn. Children over five aud under twelve yests Will be charged h-«lf rates. Those under five will be passed free The r<*ad Is in a thoroughly safe condition, and the trains are in charge of a carefiil, polite and Hrromuiodnting conductor. Jy:fl td K. A. KI.KW ELLEN, Receiver. Western Railroad of Alabama. SlP-^i'r-rT Sdb 544 HOURS TO NEW YORK NINE HOURS FASTEST TIME! WESTERN it A11. HO A I) OK ALABAMA, Columbus, Oa„ ‘July 0th, 1*74. TRAINS LKAVK COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery and Selma, 1:00 a. m Arrive at Moutg’y, - - 7:00 A. u Arrive at Selma, • 11:04 a. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NKW YORK At 10:30a. m. Arrive Opelika st 12:20p.m. At Atlunta 6:42 p. m. By Atlanta and Riohmond Air-Line. Leave Atlsuta 0:00 p. m., Cil AKI.OTTK 8:lift a. m., Danville 3:x7 p. m..' Itichmond 11:06 p. m. Ar- heat Wasiuui^tou 4:3U a. m., at Baltimore ft-.SU a. i.. at Philadelphia 1:2W p. ni., at NKW YORK 6:16 Sleeping Cars rnn from Atlanta to Charlotte. By Kanneeaw Route. Leave Atlanta G:00 p. to., Dalton 10:28 p, tu., Bristol 10:46 a. m., Lynchbmg 10.46 p m. Arrive at Washington U:46 a. in., at Baltimore 0.16 a. in.. At l'hlladAipUla 1:30 p. in., at NKW YORK 6:16 p. m. Slueping card run from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT COLUMBUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, 6:34 a. n. From Montgomery and Selma 2:30 r. M. Ticket* for salo at Union Passenger Depot. CUAB. P. BALL, General Bup’t. R. A. BACON. Agent. fapr26tf Dentists. J. L. U. SMITH, DentlNl, loos Plate Work and Plugging ou reunotialde dec23| terron- Chambers street. Barber Shops. WESLEY BARRINGEB, Barber, Corner South Railroad and Chamber* streets. <lec23 HIUKOK A TIRNER, Barber*, South Railroad street, unoer Adaius flout Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. When you go to Opelika, Im sure t< Adams House, apposite Paeseiig'M Insurance. E. C. BOWEN dfc SON, General Innurauce Agents. , Railroad Street, over R. M. Greene t Co. New Advertisements. Wor Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN BLUE BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by Drug/istfl. 4w BANKING AND INSURANCE. CEORCIA 8TATK FAIR. FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE THE GREAT GEORGIA STATE FAIR OOMPAN Y. OF 1 874. Chicago Losses Paid Promptly in Full, • • $520,364.92 Boston “ “ “ - - 180,903.89 Total Aaatta—Gold—January lit, 1874, $582,632.02. LIABILITIES. Losses Due and Unpaid None. Losses in process of adjustment, or adjusted and not due $22,7*38 00 All other CUiuts 1*818 f*2 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT, Income, 1873 i|<> 10,887 73 Income, 1872 526,217 87 Gain $ 03,660 ft Lwwtiew Promptly Artjnnteit and 1 ntrly NMtlml by G. GUNB £ JORDAN, Agent, °«i2* iy COLUMBUS. OA. SAVE YOUR MONEY! MOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. Central Railroad. forONK PARK. Said tickets will Ikj Sold until Slat of Deoember Next, and tm GOOD to rotaru Until tha 15th of January, 1875. Agents soli. The PUBLIC are therefore CAUTIONKD to PRoVIDK TltKMsKLVKS WITH TICKKI'R from the Agents at the station, or PAY BOTH WAVS. WM. KOGfcRS, Geu’l Sup’t Ceutral Kailrond. V POWKRft, Kng'r aud Bnp’t South western Pail road. 0. J. FOR HACKK, 8up't Atlanta Division Central lUi.road. UGLE & PHDIIX SHINES iMT Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 In assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 snd upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. fel*6 dtf The Annual Fair of the Georgia State Agricultural Sooiety for 1874, WILL BK HELD AT Oglethorpe Park, Atlanta, Georgia, BEGINNUYti OCTOBER lOTH, AlfD CON TINUING ONE WEEK! 315,000 In Premiums Offered, all In CASH Bxospt Med als and Diplomas. No Silver Plato. NO ENTRY FEE8 CHARGED 1 Wo append n fuw extract* from Premium List, aa allowing the rang# and char actor of the Exposition : COUNTY PREMIUMS. To tho Comity making the Hi hl Exbinitiou of bTOOK ,fto0 00 To the County making the Hu.t Exhibition of FIELD CKO PH 000 00 To the Uonmy uiuking ttie Heal Exhibition of HOHTICULIURaL and HO MES 1 IiJ ProductH 800 00 To th Coiiuty uiuking the Hint Exi.iintiuu of FKUITH too 00 la the Comity making the Bvat Exbibittou of DOHBSllU ItfiKUTAC- TUHES IMOO To tho County mnkiog the Hum Exhibition of ARTICLEH MANUFACTURED BV MAOHXNEUV »00 00 For the Coumy ui.klug the neaoud best exbibition of artlolaa by machinery lfiO 00 HORSE DEPARTMENT. Best thoroughbred Staiiuu ami ten of bn* Dolts $100 00 Best Stall ion of all w< rk, and teu of his Colts 126 00 UtMit G iding or Mare 100 00 Hoootui Ho^t Guiding or Mare 60 00 Best coiuhinutiou Hmso or Mure f»0 00 Htmt ftaddlo llorNO or Mare 60 00 Second Best Huddle Home or Mare 26 00 Third Bunt Haddle Horne or Mare 10 00 Fluent and Beat Double Team—matched 100 00 Secoml Beni Douh'o Ttmm—matched 60 00 Bent ptir Mules—in hanouM 60 00 Best single Mnle 26 00 1840. 1874. D. F. WILLCOX, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 81 Broad Street, Representing Oldest and Strongest American and English Companies. Episcopal Female Institute, Uuder cht go of OHKIST CHURCH, Win- CtlKRTKK, \ r A.: KlfV. .1. (J W l(K aT,A.M., PfiDCl. i ai, (lotmeriy Vice Prin. Va. Fein. I .at.) with competent ua-irLints in the various f.eiart. mentsot Kmril h, M thematics Natural Sci ence LanguaKC*, Mu*ic, vooat »*ml tnrtrumvn- ttl, Dra ir g and Paii.timr. Tne session of ten scholastic months, begins Sept. 2, 1874. Ciiculars of course of study, temrs, Ac., sent on aupiicMtion to J. C. WHKAT, Winchester, Va. Kelerences. The Bishop and ulerav of the Prot. Epis. ChUtoh of the Diocese of Vir ginia. 4w —$20— WILL BUT A First Mortgage Premium Bond or THK INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION C0„ New Tork. Authorited by the Legl*l&ture of the State of New York. First Premium Drawing, Sept.", 1874. Capital Premium, - $100,000. Address, for Bonds and full Information, MOftQENTHAU, BRUNO A CO., Financial Airents, 23 Park Row, N. Y. P. O. Drawer 29. Application* for Agenda received, 4w Montgomery & Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effect Sunday, June 21, IS74. r4T««aSHi MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Montgomery 4:00 r M Arrive at huraula 11:38 pm Connecting on Wednesdays and Saturdays with DoiitH ou Obuttahoochuo Kiv r, and daily at Union springs with Mobile A Girard iiuiiroadior Troy. Leavo Knfattlu 12:46 k M Arrive at Montgomery 7:16 am Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile A Girard tlu i I road for Columbus, ami nt Mootgomorv with roads diverging. J«24 tf B. DUNHAM. Sup’t HAVE YOU TRIED JURUBEBA? ARK YOU Weak, Nervous, or Debilitated 7 Are you wo Languid that any exertion requires more of hu effort than you feel capable of making? Then (ry JURUBEBA, the wonderful Tonic and luvigorator, w hich acts so beneficially on the secretive organs as to impart vigor to all tho vital forces. It U no alcoholic appetir. r, which stimulates for a short time, only to let tho sufferer fall to a lower depth of misery, but it is h vegetable tonic acting diroctly on the liver aud vplceu. It r.cnlnte. the Bowel., q.lsta the nerves, and gives such a healthy tone to the whole system as to souu make the invalid feel like a new person. It* operation In not violent, but is characterised b> great gentleness ; the patient ex periences no sudden change, no marked results, but gradually his troubles “Fold their tents, like the Arabs, Aud silently steal away.” This is no new aud untried discovery, but has been long used with wonderful remedial results, and ia prououucod by the liighei powerful knowu.” Ask your druggist fov it For sale by onic slterativi WM. V. KIDDKR A CO. K,. K. R. RICH. BABE. RACY FLIRTATION CARDS ! 1 ),«••» Frenrh flirtation C.rttn, nnd loll how It i, kouo w l ore th«y know how : nod or. Ju.t r>- ZjUdmZ f.rl.l Aro ror, nohh,! Ojl,J0 «.. Bur or .- J BIlIbK * CO., Box XU tr.ukfort, Inri. ' »"“ 8 lm CENTRAL RAILROAD. Gsmrral Sui’ERi.nE.vdent's Orm'i, Central Kailsoah, V Pavannah, November 1, le74. ) TRAIN MO. I, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Pavanniih 8:46 A M Leave Augusta U:or, a m Arrive in Augusta 4:00 r m Arrive iu Milledgeville v m Arrive iu Katoutou 11:66 P M Arrive iu Macou 6:46 r M Leave Macou for t:oiumbus 7:17 r m Leave Macou for Ku aula 9:10 p m Leave Macou for Atlanta 8:10 P M Arrive at Columbus 12.46 a m Arrive at Kutuiiim. 10:20 • M Arrive nt Atluutu 6:00 AM COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta 10:00 P M Leave Co 7:10 p m Leave Ktifaula 7:26 p m Arrive at Macon from Atlanta,.......... 0:10 a m Arrive at Macon from Co!ituibu» 4:10 a m Arrive at Macou from kutaula 0:46 a m L«»vo Macoo 7:16 a m Leave Augusta 9:06 a M Arrive ut Augusta 4.00 p m Arrive at Savanuub 6::6 r M TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WK8T. Leave Savannah 7.;fo p m Leave Augusta 8:06 p m Arrivo in August H. II. KrriNU, Pres'L II. W. EDWARDS, Cashier. R. R. II(ILFORD, Am'i Cash i The Chattahoochee National OF COLUMBUS, «I.O. Bank This Bink traru.ct, a Central Banking butlneee, pay. Interest on De- poelta under apeeitl oontraot, give, prompt attention to colleotlone on all acoeaalble points, and invltea oorreapondonoe. Information tranamltted by mall or wire, when daalred. aprl dfim DRY COOD8. Beautiful and Cheap ! WE HAVE JUST HEOEIVBD A FRESH STOCK OF BELTS WITH BUCKLES IN THE LATEST DESIGNS. Also, a. lot of PALL PRINTS. *- CAEt, AT ONCE AND SEE THEM, AT THE NEW YORK 8TORE. .ugls If *. LAKBAUKR. Grand Clearing Ont Sale ! i 20 A Kufauln Leave Man'll for Atlanta Arrive Iu Columbun Arrive iu Kutaula... Arrive iu Atlanta COMING SOUTH AND EAST. Leave Atlanta Leave Golutubun Leave fcufatila . Arrive iu Mac« Leavd .Macon Arrive in Milledgoviile. Arrive iu Augusta ... 7:35 p » ...10:09 P b ...11:66 r I trai Kailrond, htopping only at whele statluns, passengers for half stations rannot be taken ou or put off. I'ass«ng*ra for MUIedgevil!* and Katonton will take train No. 1 from Savannah and Augusta, and in No. 2 from points on the Routhwosteru Rail- * * - * "-icon The Millet »pt- d. WILLIAM RtKlEKS, Genera! PiiperinWndcut. NOTICE. Important to Farmers. M R. T, J. 8TKVEN8 is well known to the ! Planter* of Georgia and Alabama as one of I the most rslisble and efficient 0IN-W RIGHTS Iu I th# country. Wherever he has worked h« has given eatiefsetion; and, as hs proposes to ask* a toar in s short time, planters needing Gin rspolra should bond ia their nsmss sad losntiou. “Work Train Leave Ooluuib Arrive at Troy. W. L. •LaRI, lup't. TO MARK READY FOR T1IK Hl'KING TRADE, W’K NOW OFFER Our Entire Stock of Fancy Dress Goods AT AND BELOW COST. TOR CASH ! AND EVERY OTHER ARTICLE AN LOW AN TO RE FOUND EI-SKWHEUE. CHAPMAN & VERST1LLK, 1.4 deod 90 BROAD NT RFC Cotton Factory. | Stoves, Stoves ' NATHAN CROWN,#*, A. CLEGG & CO., Columbus, Ca. t quality of Cotton Checks, Clnghams and Stripes, all of which are In fast colors, aud of tho latest >*t approved patterns. Factory corner of fit. Clair and Jackson street. Office on Jsokeou street. Je24 d8in A LARGE LOT OF Fresh Drugs for Sale. leave early in the fa'l for Florida, 1 offer my entire stock nt MUCH RKL0W COST, to avoid ex pense of transportation. J. I. GRIFFIN, Druggist, aiigu tr 10C Bread Street. For Sale Low. A SCHOLARSHIP IN TDK MEDICAL COL* LBGB AT JCVANSVILLB, INDIANA. «•«( «r APPLY at THU or Kiel. CATTLE DEPARTMENT. #2r, and $20, respectively, for the boat Bull end Cow of oaoh of tho following breeds : Aldevnay, Ayrahire, Brabmin, Devon, Durham and Mallvaa. Beat pen of Fat Caule— not lean than ten head 8 l(M) 00 Bent Miloh Cow 76 00 Hnoond Beat Miloh Cow 40 00 Beat breeding Bull with five of hin Calves 100 00 Sheep. $25 ami $15, respectively, for tho best Buck and Ewa of each of the following broods: Merino, Southdown and Cotawold. For the Sweepstakes Buck $ ,'U) 00 Bent peu of Fat Mutton .‘10 00 Swine. Liberal Premiums for all tho different breeds of Hoga. Hwoopstakes Boar $ 26 00 SweepHtakcH Sow, with 1'igH 26 00 POULTRY. Tliia Department ia uncommonly full and liberal. Preminmn are offered for Thirty-Four dittVront varietioa of Obickena. $10 for the beet trio of eaob variety, except Baittanm, for w hich $5 ia offered for the best trio of eaob variety. Beat Trio Bronze Turkeya $ 20 00 For Ilia boat pair of Bremen, Hong Kong, African and Tonlonne Geeae, each, 10 00 For the beat pair ltouen, Poland, Muscovy and Cayuga Hooke, each 6 00 For the best display of Domestic Fowls 100 00 Host display of PigeoUR 26 00 CROP PRODUCTS. Bent renultH from a two-horse farm a $ 60 00 For tho most ample and genorouH support, sufficient for a family of aight white persons, to bo produced on tho lowest number of aoree and at the least expense. This support to inolude provision for the work and milk stock used. Tho amount of breadstuffs, mast, fruits, butter and milk, honey aud garden stuffs, to be given, and alno the detalla of enltnre and mauuring 260 00 Best three baios of Hhort Staple Cotton 160 00 rieoond beat lot 100 00 Best single bale Hhort Htapie 60 00 Hecond best do 26 00 Bast barrol Georgia made Hugar 26 00 Best barrel Georgia made Sorghum Hyrtip 26 00 Best display of Ramp es of Crops, the contribution of a aingle farm 60 00 Best tfifiplay of Vegetables 26 00 Fruit. Boat oollootion of Apples $ 26 00 Best collection of Peura 26 00 HOME INDUSTRY. Rost display of Jollies, Preserves, Pickles, Jams, Catsapa, Hyrape and Cordi als, made Hud exhibited by one lady $ 60 00 Second best display of tho Nituae 40 00 Third bo-fc display of the same p. 26 00 Best display of Dried Fruits 25 00 Second best 10 00 Best display of Canued Funis 25 00 Second best 10 00 Bust display ot Canned Vogt tables 26 00 •Second best 10 00 Best display of Ornaiueutnl ProNi-rveH, out by hand 26 00 Beat display of Domestic Wine- 26 00 Bent display of Bread by one lady 26 00 liaudsouiest Iced aud Oruumental Cake, to be two font high 20 00 Needle Work. Beat made Gentleman's Suit by u l*dy $ 25 00 Best made Lady’s Suit 26 00 Best nitade Hilk Dress by a Go >rgu Lady, not a dress maker 26 00 Best piece of Tspeatry in Worked aud Floss, by a Georgia Lady. 26 00 Best finished Baby Basket by a Georgia Lady 26 00 Best set of Moucho r Ca-e, by a Geoigia Lady 25 00 Bent display of Female Hamiiuratt, by one lady 60 00 Paintings. Bent OU Pointing by a Georgia Artist $ 50 00 Beat display of PsintingR, Drawings, eto., by the popils of any Bohool or College 60 00 Best Oil Paiutiug representing a Southern Landscape from nature 20 00 Best Oil Painting representing an historical scene 20 00 Rest Portrait Painting 20 00 MILITARY COMPANY. For the Best Drilled Volunteor Company, of not less than forty members, rank and file $500 00 Recond best 260 00 Third best 126 00 THE FIREMEN’S CONTEST. At n meeting of tho Committee of the Fire Department and the Fair Committee, the following programme whs adopted : FIRST PULSE—Hook and Ladder Companies to run three hundred yards, aud put up a thirty-foot Ladder, ancend and descend n men, and return the Ladder to the Truck in tho quickest time $ 75 (Ml BECOND P1UZE—For the best time made by any class of BteamerH, to rnn three hundred yards, get up steum, aud play through one hundred feet of hose in quickest time 100 00 THIRD PRIZE—Hecond class Hteaiuers, for the bent pley through one hundred f«‘et of hose 100 00 FOURTH PRIZE—Third class steamers, for best play through one han dled feet hose 100 00 FIFTH PRIZE—Fourth cluss Kies mors, for beet pley through one hun dred feet hose 50 00 8JXTH PRIZE—Hose Ronls, to run throo hundred yards and play through one hundred feet hose in quickest lime 6000 SEVENTH PRIZE—Fire Extinguishers, to rnn three hundred yarda, and play through fifty feet hose—fifty feet water 26 00 All other arrangements will be made by the firat officers of each Company visiting the Fair, with the Comniittoe of the Atlanta Fire Department. COMMITTEE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT—Jacob Emmet, Chief; Beau Berry, First Assistant Chief; Jerry Lyuch, Second Assistant; John Berkle, of No. 1; J. E. Gnl’att, of No. 2; G. W. Jack, of No. 3; W. It. Joyuer, of Hook and Ladder; D. A. McDuffie, of No. 6. FAIR COMMITTEE—It. It. Young, Chairman; Mayor 8. B. Rpenoer, Aaron Hans, A. L. Fowler. Companies desiring to onler for the above Prizes, in the Firemen's Contest, will address, for fuithor information, it. 0. YOUNG. Chairman Pair Committee. RACES. Purse for Trotting Horses, open to the world $.160 00 Purse for Running Horses, open to tho world 360 00 j Five other purses of liberal amounts are offered. PrtTFD T ' ,n " rt °. f . Cm J r . t L ng T. ltU I The above la huts n outline "I the Premium Lilt, as offered by ike STATE AORIULU wU U All 111 U. tlia lliiiuikorciilof, Fsu. | TUJ4AL SOOIETY a>.d t o < ITY Of' ATLANTA, embracing evert Deportment of Induftry F»rnsoi ana Floatrs, is tli« Rsyest thing out, : umi Art. The lull Premium LLt, tn paiupiilet form, will be 1 mt bv meuTupoa anelication to GooUinrii lo s book of 10 p'tgoe. Ihe Liuigns^o ( the Socretary. of Flow*™ U something n*w. fiend for one, only . *:> <» nts. J. BRIDE A CO. Uox 211, Frankfort, I . , . , m imi. im Freights and Transportation. I STOVES AND TIN WARE. (Opposite Klin Office) Ooliiml) JtWiJK; XYOULDrespectfolK 8TOVKM. WAKE, HOUSE ! - TIN WARE, at who EHFWT IRON AN Roofiug and Guttering dona proiuptly and in the »>c*t uiaunur. lie solicits a call, (Hfllinx ssHured tlmt he give entire sattsfaflllon. ASF- Price as low will "West. Como snd before jem »mv ^»26 «oi>ewr To Arrive s A FRFSli SUPPLY of VIRGINIA CASSlMERKH. and a full line of tro^ide in every Department, for the FALL TRADE. PEACOCK A SWIFT. _aep4 Wood. Wood! gE8T WOOD, ready sawed, $4.00 par c sawed for .V) cent* per cord Order# filled prompt ly on application to th» ffiUI tf MUgOOOICE MANUF’NG 00 i Arrangements will be made w th the vsrlotte Railroad and Steamthlp llaee for the unosl re duced r-tes lor rbftori and »rtlcles oointnic to t* e Fair. % : ^Article* may he seat, oundanod ’ Georgia State Fair, Atlaatag Oeergfa," ei toy Ume after -i. Wood tlon. or to contribute to the o mfort and enjoy fully Invited to eouie and bring whatever of n __ GEN. A. H. i’OLQUITT, President. , GEN. WM. PHIL IPS, Qeaeiel gspertoteadew M 4LOOM JOHNSTON, SeoreUfT’ A . •»«*>« • ■ or expense will be spared to m-ke the approaehleg Fair worthv ae a »ute Exhibi tion, or to contribute to the o mfort snd enjoyment or Its vl (tors, end ell persons are reepeot* “ ‘ “"* l '•*'"** — -» - erit the; n ar have to exhibit. 'LQtm *