Newspaper Page Text
T* ••• -
or thk
Twelve mouths, in advance .1
Six month*, “ -I 00
Three months, “ -00
One mouth, “ 75c.
Weekly Enquiukr, one year 2 oo
Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50
Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to
gether, one year •*» 00
AilvvrtUlui; Kntea.
1 Wo*k, Daily $ :i Mi
1 Month,
.... l:i Hi
.... 17 0j
.... i*o no
1 Bquaro 1 ywar 42 <H»
Tho above Is with the privilopp of a cluing**
mouth*. Fui yiarly card* a liberal
adv.'rtifi-nioiit i« changed more thit
* do at home.
p . ^
i Her Five Days of Self-Gov-
Incident* or tlio Revolution-Kel
logg, I.ouicftlreet nucl I'ackitril
— of tl»e I'eople. Ac.
‘5Correspondence Enquirer-Sun.]
New Oiu.kanh, September 111, 1S74.
The mntorUl result of the past few
'eventful days, so far as could ho under*
Btood by our people here, is the complete
restoration of the Kellogg dynasty in the
* entirety of its power—corruption nuil in-
. fftmy. The delay in its restoration has
. dioen only the abject cowardice of the
f, v usurper, who, although surrounded and
Jv supported by United States bayonets,
& guttling and Napoleon gnus, has not yet
^ been able to “screw up his courage to the
if sticking poiut.” Thus “conscience has
made cowards of them all,’' and but that
the “autocrat of nil the Russians” has
• sent forth his mandate, neither Kellogg,
, ^^ongstveet or all their horde would ilese-
ff crate agiin the places from which they
I have been thrust out. Grant has said it.
3 The Hat him gone forth. Boss Packard
* (ao called by his hirdiug crow) in obedi-
f enoo to his masten’s commands, has r«u-ed
the party lush, and fa-t and furious rains
the blows upon his pack bounds to
|k drive .bask the iiukeuneleil curs.
This muu Packard is the nerve and brain
of the Republican parly in this State—the
personal friond, ho is also the personal
And political representative of his master,
Grant. He is President of the State
Central Committee of the Republican
parly, and wields a most potent, baneful
, Influence.
The late glorious revolution was no
N political machination, engineered by wire-
(' pullers or political demagogues ; it was an
^Bprising of tho whole people, an indig
nant resentment of this last flagrant viola-
, vlIon of constitutional liberty, of the
f^onatitution of the United States, which
I pjfceclures the right of ail citizens “to have
' And to boar arms," and of which right
ley wore fust being deprived by the
iizure and confiscation from private
mils and in the private, personal pos
ition of their owners. Tho measure of
longstreet’s cup might be full, if tho
depth of such infamy as his could be
fathomed, for now, in addition to all pre
vious disgrace, he is branded wilh the
loathsome character of coward. How low
have the mighty fallen! Who can realize
lat there was u time w hen the names of
mgstreet and Loo were echoed together
rconymous, household words ‘i Now,
well couple the names of Washington
id Benedict Arnold, or name the blue
tulted skies .»f lleavoa wfth the black-
.i|Mt pits of hoii.
‘At a couference lust night between sev
eral of our leading citizens and the Kel-
Hnjggists, in the vain endeavor to effect
compromise, Ur. Cam Choppjn nsk-
Ad of Kellogg, “where is Longstreet ?”
K. replied, “oh, he objects to being
prtsent, you know, Doctor; ho is not a
politician, but a soldier.” We di 1 think
so until Monday,” quietly responded
Gboppin, who, as Beauregard’s aid and
chief HUigoon of his army, remomb.-rnd
but too painfully wlnt Longstreet teat.
As can he well imagined, there m a
Most depressing glooiu over tho whole
community. Presoious blood 1 as been
• freely shed, noble lives have been offered
*p upon the (-Urine of human liberty, and
aU, you may ask, for what ? If
for nothing dee, for a vindication
of Southern manhood -for an answer to
the often repeated inquiry, the constant
taunt that we were submissive. Why did
we not throw off the yoke ? why not prove
to the North and West that wo despised
the fraudulent usurpation ? and they
would help up. We did rise in the majesty
of A people, in tha strength of a just,
long suffering cause, in the conviction
^ that “the voice of the people is the voice
of God.” Wo hurled the usurping power
from its throne by tho most wonderful
revolution that history yet records—a
(•volution that commence t and was ended
within fifteen minutes ; within an hour
After, pel feet quiet reigned ; w ithin a
day, a legally elected government was in
t)w performance of all its functions, guar
anteeing protection, peace nnd prosperity
tp the entire State, greeted niiko by white
jBA black a* a glorious burst of sunlight
pftev A long and dreary uigbt. Thanks
givings and prayers. with loved
aiul joyous hosannas wont up to God
from every church and family hearthMoiie
throughout the Slot--. \V«* bit allied one**
more tho breath of fit*dom: hut oner.’
for it was a poisoned almo.spline, fatal to
tho purity <»f our newborn life, and stilled
in its incipieuoy, by tho deadly vapor of
Federal devpo'isin, with Federal bayonets
r.t cm* throats, coercion ready to plough
up our streets, umnacled, crushed, calm
and desperate, wo yield to fate alone, nnd
hide, our time. Poisoned chalice present
ed now to us, will yet be drained to Us
bitterest dregs by those who force i: t •
our lips. Verily, in the prophetic lan
guage of S. S. Prentiss, they have “denied
us the right of seif representation : they
have lorn f;om tho Lro.v of our Stilt tt* I he
richest jewel that sparkled there; they
have blotted from tho spangled banner of
this Union tho blight star that, glittered
there to tho name of Lotimiun *, and loft
tho vtnjM behind—fit emblem of her
sh <mc and degradation.”
Wahuxnoto.v, September 21 —Tho fol
low'hr telegram haa just been received at
tho War Department from General
Emery :
Headquarters Dept, or the Gulf,>
New Orleans, September 20. >
To the Adjutant General oj' the U. S. A..
Washington, iJ. O.:
Yesterday the State authorities rep'necd
the temporary policr. force by I iso tegular
police force of the ci v. It was fearad
that this change might cause some distur
bance and trooj s were posted at various
points in the oily, but the night passed
very quietly. I think this may be taken
ua mi evidence that the surrender was
complete and in good faith, for, by a pe
culiarity of tho 1 aws of Ljuisiana, the po
lice force of this city is organized under
State lav ami is under direct coni ml of
tho Governor.
| Signed J W. If. Em tit v,
(Job nnd B'vt. Maj Gen. Oonul’g.
New Orleans, Sept. Iff.—When Gov.
Kellogg reached the Executive office this
morning, Gonenit Brooke approached the
Governor and informed him that ho was
prepared to turn over the State House
and nil tho records and public property
bi-lougibg to the State which lmd come
into his poBKossioii at the time of the
surrender of the insurgents to his com
mand : th .t everything would be found
precisely in tho same condition us it had
com** into his hands.
Tho Governor accepted tho transfer,
and General Bi'joko thereupon re'ired.
New York, Sept* mber ID.— The Herald
publishes dispatches from MeEuory, from
New Orleans, saying ho is willing to re
sign if Kellogg also resigns, with the un
derstanding that there will bo a now elec,
tiou. It also publishes a dispatch from
Kellogg refusing to resign or consent to n
new election, lie claims McEnery is tho
defeated candid itc, and he defends the
administration at considerable length.
New York, September Iff.—The Her
ald'/* No v Oiljans special reports ail inter
view with Kellogg, iu which tho latter
says tho present troubles begin with
the withdrawal of tho United States
troops some months ago. As soon ns the
White Lenguors found that they were the
strongest in tho city they detonuiued on
the contest. The registration at the last
election was perfectly fair, but tlmy mado
it a pretext for the light. Kellogg fears
further bloodslui i. The question of race
is at the bottom of the trouble.
Providence September 21.—A large
meeting of m nufa hiror.i was held in tho
Board of Trade K oniHto-d iy, for tho pur
pose of conference upon tho subject of
tho depressed state of tlm market for cot
ton and woolen. goods. Remarks word
made by gentlemen, and it scorns
geuer.illy agreed to that, uulo-H tho pro.
duct!on of goods was diminished, and an
enhanced prioo ilitninol, it would
soon bo necessary to stop the mills alto
gether, to prevent the impoverishment o?
their owners. A committee was appoint
ed to confer with manufacturers gone rally
upon tho subject and take such action as
they may deem necessary.
Subacqucutly tho following resolution
was adopted:
“Resolved, A-t the sense of this mcet-
ing, that tho immodinto curtnilmnnt of
liio production of our cotton and woolen
mills is absolutely necessary for the con-
sorvation of tho interests of our State nnd
Uoiil lor Un^iand Tlir Alaltanm
Cininu Money.
Washington, September 21.—Tho State
Department to-day paid to Grout Britain
nearly #2,000,000 gold, to satisfy the
British claimants, according 11 the
awards of tho Mixed Cominis*-ion. Under
the treaty of Washington two and one.
half percent, wore withhold to pay tho
expenses of tho commission.
Tho 310,000,000 pniil to England to
satisfy tlm Alabama claims from Ameri
can citizens is still corned in tho
j Marshal llonly UccuSlctl.
j Washington. Sept. 1—United States
i Marshal It W. Hoalv, of Alab uuo, has
! been ordered to that State immediately,
j Mr. Heftly h s boon in Chicago ou a visit
I for mam day*, und was ordered to his pofd
j to-day by ttm Attorney General. Consid
erable excitement exists m relation to af-
: fairs in Sumter county and elsewhere iu
the Htato of Alabama, intelligence having
l been received hero to-day of disturbnnpea
i in that county. L eufenaut Governor Me.
j Kinstry, of Alabama, arrived here this
I morning.
New York. S ptonit»er 21. A Fall
Hirer dixpateh siiy-i tin* i»* *!in : *-d indig
nation nt tin* way th«* iho was managed is
growiug very bitter. Uhirf Engine*r
Dureneo ix censured for in. apaeity by
many, and accused of losing all control
over himself and his men. Tlm mill
(•omp. uy is blamed for inadequate means
to escape from the building. 'There are
hook and ladder companies provided with
ladders thirty-five feet long which could
h ivo been spliced k> as to reach the up-
per stories, tlm highest, of which is but
sixty-threo foot from *bo ground No at
tempt was mado during the (ire tj splice
thetu ami save tho women i:t the top sto
ry. Many declare that this could have
been done and would had not"the firemen
and their chief been parrivzed with fear.
The Chief says that box 72 over a quarter
of a mile from tho fire was first struck,' tier
that there was interference l.etweon the
alarm Irom box 72 and the box iu tho
mill, so that it was impossible to count.
He behoved Ilia disaster was duo to the
cowardice of tho workman in tho fifth
story, who know they were to blame for
having the machinery oiled, and thought
to put out tho fire without an alarm, nnd
save them from oonsUio. They must have
waited nt least fifteen minutes before
s uuding the a hum. Ho was «ure of this,
for li > noticed that all the bav.e's of
water had been emptied.
The forem tn of one company deeiur. d
that *J<o O'itteu of th • loss of life was the
keeping tho operatives on lln sivh ilo >r
shut ui) too long. This story was told
from tue first, and was corroborated by
tho dying stutoun ut of the coffee girl this
morning, who declared that s:.e begg-d
ami prayed lo h ive the dour opened, loll
it was refused.
'Those xtateuumIs ere .somewhat at va
riance with that mado by tlm agent of the
Granite Mill, lie says there wax no look
or mciiH of fastening the door, and no
•attempt made to abut them up.
Il i-i certain that forty ‘ives were lost.
The Granite mills were in corpora tod in
18(111, and bad 'JtJ.fiiS spindles and S,•!()()
looms, and employe l about ADO hands.
Tho loss is unknown, bn* was in ured for
Fall Rivkr. Mass., Kept. 10.—There
are twenty-five dead bodies at tho police
s’ation, and other bodies taken elsewhere.
The firu originated in what, is known ns
the hat-box in tho Miilioad.
I. 4>. O. 1*.
Atlanta, Hepleiuher 21.- -Tim nunuul
convention of the Grand Lodge of the
United States, I. O. O. F., is being held
in this city, the session . beginning this
morning at 0 o'clock. The order in At*
liin'a and vicinity turned out in large
numbers to receive the Grand Lodge,
which was escorted lo tho capital where
an address of wolcomo was delivered by
Fast Grand Miller, to which Deputy
Grand Sire, M. J. Durham, replied.
The hu-iuess during the session to-day
has been ouly of a routine nature.
There will ho but little final legislation
until Wednesday.
Thuie are many prominent members of
the organization prosent at the session, in
eluding governors of Stales, mayors of
cities, judges ofc courts, and merchants
and bankers from all the | micipul cities.
During tho sossiou several grand enter-
laiuiuouts will ha given iu honor of the
Grand Lodge.
The reports »*f the Grand Officer*
show the order of Odd Fellows to ho in n
flourishing condition throughout the
general jurisdiction, including the Brit
ish dominion, tho Sandwich Islamic,
Australia, Germany and South America.
(a r<*cler«l«4licc holders IVliat
llanltafcllov/ Wants.
Washington, September 21.—A. J>.
Roekafi-llow reports discontent regarding
the Georgia Federal officeholders, ile
gives the following as the new slate : U.
S. Marshal, \V. 11. Smith; U. S. District
AUoruey, D. A. Walker, of Dalton, Ga.;
Po-ttuastor at Macon, Edward Belcher;
Postiniister at Augu-P.i, Hon. Bonj. (Ion-j
ly; Postmaster «st Savannah, Osgood;!
Postmaster at Atlanta, J. G. Williami : !
Collee'or of Port of Ktvannab, Colonel j
Thomas P. Robb; Collector of Xatonml j
Revenue of tho Fourth Di.triet, C. I
Hoi eh ins.
Army Mention—Yellow Fever i*t
Washington, September 21. —Maj. H. j
(J. Hodges, Chi*, f Quartermaster, Depart-j
mont of the Gulf, has been Assigned to j
Now OrlouiiH.
Dr. <>. B. Todd’s death is officially an- ;
nouncod from Pensacola ; also the death .
of Commander Franklin, at kaiuo plare, j
of yellow fever. Three medical officers
Invo arrived ; also Professor Logau, a
volunteer from New Orleans at Pensacola. !
The intoliigonco from tho Navy Yard ;
shows no abatement.
Ocatiia at l'hiliiclclplifa.
Piiiladllfiiia, Septomhor 21.—Wui. P.
Hacker, formerly a meiohant, and at one
time President of tie Common Council, .
died this morning.
Dr. Washington A dee Hoffman, Port
Physician, died yesterday,
fcoutlt Carol Inn-Foil illy Trouble*.
Augusta, September 21.—Conflicting
reports are in circulation ns to the condi
tion of affairs in Edgefield county. Tho
negro tenant ring leader of tho party has
not been arrested ns repotted yostorday.
lh« lat••• state* all is qoist.
KICK Ell AY A ttl!
London, September 21.- Frederick
Doekoray, who was arreated iu (Julia by
the Sp .nish authorities ami after deten
tion tbete some time was sent to Spain,
has rc tclie.l Sautindor. Ho Iiiih been
lamlcd and it is said cruelly incarcerated.
UoI'ESHagen, Scptcaiber 21.—'Tho Gov
ernment of Denmark lias directed its En
voy at Berlin to ask explanations from
tho German Government iu regard tnjhc
expulsion of Dauish subjects from Hchcla-
Noriliuru Prcarlior VioIntlnK PoMtnl
Atlanta, September 21.- Rev. Neeley
Pretty man, of the Northern M. E Chut oh,
was arrested this nfternoou, at Marietta,
Ga., imil brought to Atlanta, for embez
zlement and other penal violations of tho
postotfico law, and his bond was fixed at
32,duo by Judge Erskino.
I K I.F.44 U A 1*1114.* A 4IT1]H.
—Victor Scjoiu* Froueh, tho dramatic
writer, died in Paris yesterday.
---Half of the most valuable h'oek in
Carrollton, Kv., was burned yesterday.
— (n tlm 01agon Legislature the Ir»d<-
pcudfnts hold tho balance of power bo-
tween the DeiuociM 1 * mi l Ropnblioans in
each house. T’lio p •.. in ■ arc nearly equal.
—A N*.*w York telegram, of yesterday,
s tys Carlos do Varouo, a Cuban ro-iding
iu Paris, has placed nt tho disposal of the
Cub i s litre 32(»,0 <! <), for tho purpose of
carrying on tho war against Spain.
— l ho United Stales steameiH Lancas
ter and Monongahela wore at Rio Janeiro
on August. 2t*th, nnd the United States
steam.*r Wasp was nt Montevideo on Au
gust 17th. The health of tho squadron
was good.
Private mlvicos received at Cincin
nati y sterdny, report tho burning of the
Marietta and Ciocinuali Railroad machine
shops at Parkersburg, West Virginia, on
Sunday, together with the round-house,
ono locomotive, nnd tho blacksmiths shop.
Tho loss is not Icfs than 3251,000. The
tiro was the work of »u incendiary.
Till; WIVTIII.1t.
Department of W\s, >
Wamiungton, Uoptomber21, 1871. >
/’/- (tl/iliticM.—Vov Tuesday, over the
South Atlantic and Eastern Gulf States
stationiry niyl rising barometer, north
east v. inils, lower tomperatnro and clear
weather will prevail.
New York, Heptomber 21.—Arrived—
Boston, September 21.—Arrived—
Surgeon ami i*liyt>lelaii.
■ • • : ^'atighler’a Drug tloro, Jlttilron<l stro
»5X. J. W. it. WUJJAMN
!■ - pr-.-HHioint urvirea. Office over It. M.
:t a IV., Ctijuilifrv A It. it. .-tiebt .
Fashionable Milliner* and Dreftnuiakom.
dead nu ll's thirl* cut by clmrt lut'AHtiro, ui«l
,t. I:*III)'.^t'l lit. ClliUlilicN nll-OMt, IleXI lo
iUltH. C. V. HARLOW,
t ;i*:l> .ui.ihlu .UlUitier and Orusbinuker.
• Air.*:it -I Ruttirick A C<*.> l*.dt«rn«.
At t. bitt Rank!n;* lloiino ol bli.ij'juir l A Co.,
Notariss Public.
II. 1>. If I<■(■!NH,
r.vmti, S.-j'l.• ml . r '.’I —ll.-nti h <i:tf ,'.5o.
Ni-.w York. St pt. 21 -Money2 per cent.
Gold 101)/,. Ex htii>.o-long -isQ; Kliort
1x7. (iovernmeuts :• :•!iv« but nominal.
Stocks active but high* r.
New York, S pt. 21. - Money easy at
2a2J piV cent. Sterling thill, C,. Gold
x'caiy. Govftumcnts inactive and
| lower. tpi rt niul uoiuinah
I'rovlHltin Mnrlioiii,
| Liverpool, Bop'en bcr^l.—Bremlshiffs
' quiet and xt 'miy. exo *pi wheat, which s
dull. Corn MU. fid. Beet l'd.
New York, Sep : ember 21.—Flour dull
and UMchnngod. Wsicut dull and doclin
ing. C-oru a shade firmer. Pork heavy
at 2*1. Lard heavy- stoi.m lo.
Baltimore, Sep'. 21.’—Flour dull and
s' j «dy. Wlieat firm ami unchanged.
Corn, buyers strong; white Southern
31 01 to, yellow 31 a* I i'o. Oats firm;
Provisions steady and in fair jobbing de-
maud for shouldars Lard, refine ), tfi.
Colfeo strong. Whiskey 31.0f». Sugar
active and strong at 17j.
Louisville. .September 21.—Flour dull
lower; superfine 7."».tI.2o; extra $l.2f*a
7extra family 3'»a’» A No, I 30.75;
fancy 3(!.25a(l. 7 * Corn firm and in fair
demand ut Pork nominal. Bac
on in fair demand and firm; HhouUlers
10-all: clear rib 1(5»B*^; clear 10^nl(>|.
LurdlbA. Whiskey 3t ol• Bagging; two
pound Kentucky hemp ldpil 11; flax and
jute, us to weight, Hall;{.
Sr. Louis, Sept. 21. — Flour lower.
Corn dull and lower than No. 2 mixed.
Whiskey firm at 31.01. Pork lower,
321 75a325, mostly delivered. Bacon
dud nuil lower, only order trade; shoulders
Kriall, clear rib liija), ulnar B5ja : *. Lmd
steady, 17if for steam.
(Jincinna ri, Sept. 21.—Flour steaily.
Corn firm at WlaN5. Lird easier; sum-
mor 15)3. Bacon quiet and steady: shoul
ders IO411II, clear rib Pi. Whiskey firm
at 31.01.
Codon Mnrhtili.
LiviiRi’ooi., September 21 —Noon.—(lot-
ton a shade easier; uplands «S; Orleans
S{; sales 12,000 -including 2,000 lor
speunlation anil export.
S dos on basin midil'ing iqdiind-*, notli-
jg below good ordinary, shippod in
October ami Novembe*. 7 15-1(5.
i*. m.—Sales on basis of middling up-
lumls, nothing below g-.od ordi'.ary, de-
livernblc iu September and October 7
5) 550 p. m. -Of sales to-day ."i.AOO are
New York, Sept. 21.—Colton quiet;
mlcs (510 lmles; uplands lO.jc: OneuuH
1(5 Jo.
Futuresoponod quint: September 15 11
K5a;| ; October 15 ll-liia}; November 15
J5-P5aj; December la 5-Bin)j.
New York, Sept. 21.—Net receipts J)!l
Futures closed quiet; sales 17,4*00 bales
ns follows: Sept. Jo 21-512*111-1(5; October
15 55-B5al5 7-5*2 ; November I.'••.*)-1<5;»7-5)2 ;
December 15.j T.k552; January 15 1 1 552a
7 Bi; Fobruary 15 21 552 il 1-BI; March 15
551-512a 1(5 : April 1(5 5-t<5ull 5)2; May Riga
2I-J12; June l(5jal7.
Cotton weak i» ml irregular; sales 1-108
bales nt. l(!|)al(i : ,k
Boston, Sopt. 21.—Dull ami heavy;
luidiiings Idjatr; nor receipts 5; H'tles
150; stock 8,01)0.
Phil \ Delphi a, September 21.—Dull;
mid I lings IGA; uot l occipts 212.
Augusta, Sept. 21.—Quiet; middlings
1 Hal l : J; net leceipts 1051.
Mempuim, September 21.—Quiet and
steady ; uiiddlingH 15.1; low middlings
15*|; reeeip'H 1,258; Hhipmeuts 1,000.
Charleston, September 21. — Easy,
wilh fair demand; middlings MJ; low
middlings Hj|; good ordinary 14; net
receipts 1,2(50 ; sales 1,000.
Modile, September 21.—Quiet; mid-
dlitrgs I IT; low middlings 11; good or
dinary B5.1; net receipts 1,787; hiIph 25.
New Orleans, September 21. — Quiet
and irregular; middlings I5{; Imv mid
dlings iTf*; good ordinary 14; u«t recoipts
2,7505; sales 000—last evening 00.
Norfolk, Sept. 21 —Quiet and steady;
low middlings 15; net receipt* 4‘.)M; ex
ports to Greut Bntuiu 1)5); hales 44.
Savannah, September 21. — Dull; home
sales below quotations; middlings 14$;
low middlings 1 IjJ; good ordinary 155$;
net receipts 2.2'.)»; sales 1)55.
Bm.timore, .Sept. 21 —Da laud easier;
middlings 10} ; net receipts 5)0; sales 140,
spinners 50.
Furniture, &c.
At Panic Price*.
A. O. ilAKVYEI.lf,
*• (u till kinds of I-'ui-iiiturc
A. J. > a4TifiltS,
V Homey iwnil i'oiiitsvllor al I*tw.
«f. 15. ( AMIUH..H., in
1 . hihJ Mi.UiUK in I ho Lat.'-l
l ori.jg lu-utly ditt-j.
1 Si If" .•( ri., iivi'r ( uriifture
t'iariioi Shops.
In 0|>e!lk.i. If. .urn In .lop „f
llotiHf,apliukite I*»n8> UK'T ln*pol.
K. 4 . liOVVUK «V M>.\,
Ooncrftl limnrauoe A«onts.
, Railjo^fl a'f6*t, ovtr U. SI. Orsons A Co.’»,
Grocery House
No. 14 and 10 Broad 6t.,
Columbus. Ga.,
Kicm («)Kr*Sfi,v os iiam. aiioi i
lOO.ODO pound. Buoon.
500 barrel. Flour.
From 100 to 200 barreli f uyar.
100 bag. CofTeu.
From 100 to 200 barrel* Syrup.
200 barrels Whiskey.
200 boxes Tobacco.
500 “ Soap.
200 " Candles.
100 barrels Lard.
50 “ Mackerel.
500 seeks Sell.
50 ti. rces Rice.
500 roams Wrapping Paper.
100 oases Potash.
100 “ Sardines.
100 “ Oysters.
100 “ Piokles.
100 boxes Candy.
100 •• Starch.
lOOicrun* fnrlor Mat«-h**tt.
1.000 imhiimIm Isorlllard'n SuuiY.
‘40,000 (J I Klim.
1.000 puuiulH Uruuii aud lllnch Ten.
*400 ban* of Hlud .
100 boxes Kotin auil Fancy Crnt-horH.
too 44 Uliecso In season.
50 barrels VlneRiir.
‘40 casks Scotch Ale.
lOO (losen Wooden Itiickets.
10(1 Rrooins.
Ami ovt-rylliiiiK i» llio Grocury Him, uliitk llipy
ollor lo llio trmto !»jr tlit* |i:tckiigc, »« low :w nil)
oilier Jobbing llouso In the United PIiiIph.
.tj.rlii Orn .1. .V.I KAUF.MA5-5.
(Jropn A UltickWMll'ri IMckelit, all kiii.Im.
K.vtra Choice Kio, Old Uoveruinent J»'<i him!
Moclio Coffee. ItoiiMletl Coffeu.
lit s( 1'iatiiU IIaiim sail HreakfnHl 8lri|>«
Si. Louie Pusrl ((rite, 20 th Tor (I.
Ulitrkweir.1 Durham Smoking Tobacco, 73o V tl>.
laorillur«l*« llrlght nml Dark Csultiry Chowlng
Wont's Extra No. 1 KetoiOtiu Oil, 4th* V M* l"ii.
I'lll e Cider V inegur, f.O., gal bin.
J*t\[febl til j ui | Tronleu.
Piivdto School for Boys.
O N tin l Di
OelnliM* 1
Selnne i V. ill l>e I lio|\Ul,;h y !
Students Prepared for College.
I l !t«n I--r llio S •' < !,*;•'b? Vw, tmynble
5t-i.r • f vo • trie: I.
In* • •• • « . '.il U On
l \»r % • li • ife . l> .I. ni Ioup,lingo-.
4 '• 1 * i-eu- m enii r llietr i oy.a will llnd a
I 1 *! it ('loin.i - !»"• U M -ro. Kor I'lri enlar.
■M'l'y !*'• 55- 15- Mi*. B. F. Wllcok
ot iu t-Ai. W. 11. (BlKl’Ulia'S.
8->, l i-llliv
Mias School
\ \ f II.Ij Iio roopmiotl on .'Monday,
YV llio oil • “
Now Advertisements.
44 oiubl nation Hi ceil I «• Itoo It,
wiiu Oluouios. Mend Htaiop. DEAN k 1)0.,
New Bedford, Maud, 4 w
No enpllul roqu.rod
bio S ilUpleH HOIlt free, yiu-
dietiH, with 0 rent reluru stamp, C. HOMS,
WillbtiuHbiirg, N. Y. aw
(I7as« l»At homo, male or female; *(.'> jier
ek,ilayorevuuliiK. NocnplUl.
fo sor ■* * ‘ ‘' *—
nods h
rn stai
wlch street, N. Y.
No Vacation—Entor Any l ime.
tiir For I*•»»* niimts, Mnjuy, Si eeimeiiH,
have vou ii5n:i>
Woak, Nervous, or Oeb iitated ?
Arc .veil mo i.U!i|;ii< I •> «»y exertion
r..(itip. m-re <>l ho «it. it im. v.n feel MifHbio
Then Ir.v .Sl EUTIJ.R l, H... woml rful
i ‘ v ’getiibiA loule
cling ill re. tl) ou ti o liver » o i y\
S( regulates tlio ltuuids, quioto the
Rest sel
„ Articles In
♦2.00 worth of ramploH kIvcii away
to those who will hocorno (iruiiIh. .(. RK1BK
| et UI)., 767 Broadway, N. Y. 4w
j l lillvvill prove it or lorfeit <ibO i. Now
( in tides iirojusi p.itorited. Muninlos sent Irco
to nil. Address W. II. UIIIBK.^TKH, 26;
I Broadway, New York. 4 v
! X 1NO." |low either sox may fascinate
• and gain t» e love and nifeetions of any person
they choose Instantly. This simple mental at*.
i qulretuenl all can possess, (reo. by mall, (or
I 26c., toKothor with a marriage guide, Egyptian
, Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding
bet xtaduxlly lii» ii at; .
“Fold their ten!*, !ik« tlm Ar«bs.
And silently steal nwny."
This in no new and aulrlrd ibscewry. hut he.i
been long iosiI «ith v.onderfai renmdiii! results,
i.ud is |)r.»nouiM '- l lay the liigh -i medical ai.ibori-
ti-n “(ho mo^t |M).vurfuI tonic an nllPtatlve
Ask your druggBt forlr.
For sab. by \S !. !'. K : DDF't A fV).,
sep(22 4w ’ No v York.
Mi scellanies of Georgia!
For Salk at
luTwoPartr. Frloo 111.
eUgX) dcodkwlta
LLIAM kUOf, Puns , Phllu.
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Solti by DrmctM v 4w
First Mortgage Premium gor.d
or t uk
Now Vorlx.
Atithorlaed by the LegBlatnre ol the State of
New York.
2d Serie Drawing, Oct. 5t'h,1874.
liurrlinio.l prevlouato Oct. ill, will iiattlolpatv.
fYtlflrcM, for Bondi mnd full partloulori,
Flu»nr|«l Aaenti, vl P.nx Row, N. y,
P. O. Uriwor n. /of A/meim
I' i'll
• -• 'lolaath* yoar.
I idhar contingent
1 eh.trg h pay tide Aeail.aunually
' " ' Itict bias m ute, except fur
prnt’Uf id I lm-
I’ai' •: a ol .ho oho 1 are Invited to visit It
at ail times. scpl6 lm
Slailo'G School for Boys
\\J ILL niM-’N ()Ti)l!;K TH, 1874.
VV t'.iltt n ».«>m Hr*t AI n tuy lit Octobci
to July. «:7i>0d Uo.t.l, Inu'ii ing fuel and
Hu In h, ex 111 lvc (>.' towcla, bod linens nnd
t»l.ini.•. t.•, iijt16 por ir.ontlir oo. Tuition and
’* :itd hull in a iv.itico. *11111 h:ili Foi ruary 16th,
1875. A M; t-3 » .1 AM 15S J. BLAU L,
_3pplii td irlnclpal.
Select Schoril for Girls
i > l Vi u ;
exicnalvo and iMruHtby ruIeuletL
Hum, lino mild but pii-iuve.
Taitlou, (h iif in advanco and balance 1st
('• br\) |G6 uo
•* b‘, (V<> *.il an l (tint; *i men ti 1)........ ;6 Oo
1 1 tdciilal l»*o. *j eu
V ' ■ l:;l , !|l ‘ K° f'»r Ktonob or Gorman.
1 •' (5 *• !•>(, ti" favorably known in Uol m-
biiM nr. I xlcipl'v. Ims i con tocured for tlio Dr-
pti Hm«n’ i., M nsi-*.
t 'oni|.« »*•:.: <««sl-tni»tv In Lilurnry HtqmrtmM..
Ari • nwoim ’.t.H nave been mado for nois'd lot
xoung Lulu,» it lb : irgn and comitiodioua
Lxklmrl. Prb o of board
per tm.ntli j
.‘ factInn In evory
Oo lumVjtt . G*/:t,
tcacl, M ,| .j
lidU « l.cMi, •
All lira i.d y Ml*.
1*' aci'ommednted In the
latn11 v ..I tlm : r.'ndj al.
ia’D* »w ‘ .1. li. .VoINTOSH.
Wtuloyaa Ftxuaio Cuilege.
Tho Thirty«r>cvonlh Annual Suasion
Bogins Oat. iKh, IB/4.
rnilh: F.ieult / I* ‘nil, conri t/ngof a HreM
J. dent, end hair I’ndo-Nors. uuiply ans atod
by sovoml 'adlcflof bt'go exporlmico aud well
known utdllly .is tea * .cr . Tlio raten ot
tult Ion h • vo bo a lardy r tl ime-t.
For oirmiliira routa.nliig lat. iinr*>rn]at(ou,
add re is tho I’reMdont, • r
nugiH toe16 Socretury.
Lj« E-ili j " <’ i. A L fV
Pio fiiono College,
EVlacon, Ca.
[Nil- i. .. r:i 1 M -.11ii'■ *'* t ( olbtwill ojon
I tlm r-ctpl .,! attidniiis on Ttl KM DA Y
'li iJ* li. I *•.' '• It h CMNDUCTMt XIY
It: I: i Itll. i. .: .5. I by i.i v Prof* a,oi 3
Itcj a* !iaMi! i.... 1 «ltllrtJtury «. «
I riiiiuni, $.’6d (W
H. F, ,/iii :/.L & CO.
Now Westorn Potatoes,
New York loe-Curod Meat,
Mackerel it: hbi. 1 ., ktyj nr.d 1 Id,
New Codfish, Fulton Mari < t Beef,
Diadem anti Magnolia Hama,
Cream Cheese and Goshon Butter,
Mazeppa ami Silver Lako Flour,
Piper Hoidsick Wine, plo and qt»
Arrack Punch, Canned Goods,
A Full assortment of Now Goods.
All pttrclic cs tlrlUcrcd.
icpio tr
Misliinp, Co.
/.» Vui*verity 1’lntCy Sow Y'trJ:,
Want Agents everywhere for liie foilowiug:
MFllllT OL’ THE IIOT.Y HIBL15. Kdltod
bvFr n.K JMuoto. Ail .ut ivo, 6 0 pp.,
6'i Kngr vuius—Iro i tho OU iMistor-.
Price, ^t'l 00.
LHo ol ttio iU'.pd"! •*. By »ivlwaiua
Luster. 1- nt'iuiiily par s, 9) pp. oaoh.
Hoy al Rv*)., .0 routs each p ut.
ClIAltLES ii> t'. F'.wa do
Lu*ur. 5th I*.*ittion ruvHod *u •! ot>l trgt*d
SVo, 700 pp., *51 6.
THE NEW YOltK TOVIW. By W.ird«*n
Sutton. foinp'o »• hi t *ry >f N*>'u*l
U lmtna! ' o‘ Ni w i ■ I;, t t.« Knuui «
o. LI..*. 6.0. 07 pp.,
♦ lroolarh v c’laon pt.o , *u . touin to
agsata on a, pliciil u as atx>»u. 4w