Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 11, 1874, Image 2

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Jtanitag -Enquire v, VOLI'lBlIi, UEOItilA: SUNDAY OCTOBER Jl. 1874 New Orleans is “flooded with coun terfeit $."* nott>« of tbo Tradere' National Bank and tho Merchants’ National Bank, both of Chicago. # The CoLmmrs Kn^t-irki: has justly received from friend and foe the de served compliment that it ia now the host newspaper in Georgia. Jttjkje Tierrhpoxt has told a reporter ^>f the New York Sun that General Grant had told him (Judge P.)tkat he “intend ed to retire at the expiration of his pres ent term." A dispatch from Athena to the Atlanta Herald reports that the Htste University opened on Wednesday with 185 students, half of them new comera. A number of old atudents bad not then arrived. Thk meot ng at Traywick’a X Roads, honoil county, Alin, on Monday last, was attendod by a considerable number of negroes dissntisfiod with the nominations made in Girard. After some discussion, action was postponed until Saturday (yes terday;, when another meeting was to hate been held at Seale. K*u .ogu provoked the late uprising of the white people of New Orleans by taking from them their private arum. Official records oh pin rod by the people showed that he hud expended $?.'»,<MH) of the moiiuy of the State in the purchase of ariys for his parti.«nn j olico ami militia, besides distributing to thorn tbo urm* that ho had received for Louisiana fiom the Federal Government. It whs n guilty conscience tlint made him a coward. The Now Orleans I'isayunt explains Auditor (Hinton's recently published state* ment that “in the two yours' administra tion of Governor Kellogg the bonded debt of tbo State has been reduced nearly half a million, and the floating debt $1,- »/><),000,” and that the present year's taxes are thiry-two per cunt, less thuu for the three previous years," by saying that tbo “reduction" of tko bonded debt bus been at best only m kind of funding; that in stead of a decrease of the floating debt it has been increased $570,000 by tho is sue of fraudulent, bonds to the North Loutsinua Railroad, and that the reduc tion of taxes was accomplished by simply repudiating forty per oout. of tho legal and valid debt of the State. Ix is reasonably sure—though we have not yet heard from all of thorn—that every county m our Congressional Dis trict was curried by the Democrats lit the election of last week. The stoutest fight made by tho Radicals appears to have been in Coweta county, where tho vote for Representatives was us follows : Wil- coxon. Democrat, 1,(511; Stalling*, Demo- oorat, 1,052; Shinn, Radical, 1,408; Scott, Radical, 1,478. As the white and colored populations of (’owota aro nearly equal, this vote would indicate n very geueral support of the Democratic ticket by the whites, aided by a few negroes, and n strong in 'io vote for the Radical ticket. On* of the questions voted upon in Connecticut, last week, was the constitu tional amendment increasing represon- tition of the cities aud larger towns. Representation in Connecticut heretofore “lias been very unequal, the smaller towns (or townships as we call them) having at many representatives ns other* canting three or four tiroci) ns many voten. 15y the amendment voted upon last week and adopted, nn additional representative is given to each town having a population of 5,000 or more. It is claimed that this aniftidmuiit will materially help tjio Dem ocrat fl, nil thoy usually obtain mujoritie-i I in most of tho cities aud larger towns. to the account of the La Grauge Jtrporter, Froeny, one of tho Rad ical candidates in Troup, whou he found that he was going to ho badly beaten, au- uouuccd to the negroes thut ho had boon appointed u delegate to tho Chattauoogn Convention, and that it would he neces sary to rniso money by collection to pay his expenses. They raised $110 for him. Bui the mxt day it was ascertained thut he bad not been appointed—Jim Green wood was Furrow’s appointee. There upon tho negroes made a demand upon Freeny for a return of tho uiouoy, but up to the Inst accounts ho luuV not returned it, bolding on to it aud claiming that it wuk due to him for liis tmerifloos in build ing up tho Republican party in Troup 1 Thk Canvass in Ruhhbli..—We learn thut the Democrats and Conservatives had a very largo mooting and n tlno barbecue at Uchee, in Russell county, Ala., on Fri day. Tho Democratic Club of the Uchce settlement—numbering about two hun dred whites and blacks—wrro iu attend ance in full force. The Democratic Club of Hnrtvillu came in on horueback, iu procession and in uniform, about one- half of its members being colored. Good and tolling speeches were made by Messrs. Bradford, Cobb and Chambers, and they were received with much approbation and enthusiasm. The lower portion of Russell county will certainly do much bettor for tho Democratic ticket than usual. Not only are the whites more thoroughly aroused and active, but a much larger number of colored men aio co-operating with them than ever before. If Ike whites of the Girard btat can only be induced to turn out and vote their full strength, there is every reason to believe that tho Girard hlacksiuith caucus ticket will bo beaten throughout. A ladi sends us the following correct account of an accident which \va noticed a few days ago. That account, derived from an article in tho Eufaula JVws, was in Rome respects inaccurate : “Jumna T. Flewollen, jr., a sou of Capt. A. H. FbwiVeu, of Outhbert—a young man ul»ont twenty-one—was shot near Suspension, Alabama, M. »fc G. Railroad. Putting the stock of his gun ou the lien i of a snake, he attempted to stamp the anako. raid struck liis foot against the hammer of the gun, the discharge pass ing through his left hand, shattering th« first and middle finger so as to necessitate their amputation, unjointiug them ne«i ihe wrist. Tuo operation was performed by his uncle, Dr. James J. Hardaway, who was hunting with him at the time. Dr Hogan, of Union Springs, assisted. His life was navod by his bund, the scat tered contents passing iuto his face and neck, a piece of the bone of his linger lodging iu his ear. This young man shot himself two years ago in the knee, iu attempting to unload uu old musket." OMPROMIHK i ! Nkw York, Oc “RENDER INTOtE'AR." | LOUISIANA. For the last six weeks our city editor | has kept our peop'c posted a* to the pro- j THK gress, appointments and comp'etion of i the new post office. Home of our friends are frank enough to tell ns that always complaining at something." This 1 New ° r,ea, ‘" *P ecinl is true,and if there were nothing to object j * n to, them would l.o but a very nnrrow field for editorial writing. 1 ho old post office building whs our detestation, it bad a ••onrse, vulgar look like a washwomans aping r. fir. cm out. It seemed, however, a fitting'place for Columbus enterprise to communicate with the outside world. Rut somehow the business men of our city aro waking up, and this splemld new office wss needed to he couirncu-urato with their now' ener gy, skill and pluck. Wo hope before we ure five years older to have Goluntbus a port of entry, with foreigu ve-nels filling the harbor of Apalachicola, and fleet* of htuamers hearing their produce to our wharfs ; then we will have a custom house and Uoveruruunt buildings; but till that day comes we iimihI rest satisfied, and even be proud of the iiionumtnt erected by privato enterprise in tha interest of our postal facilities. Much credit is duo to tho owners of the property and'the contractors, but mull more to our able young postmaster, Wal tor H. Johnson. This young man, In him self, gives the lie to the rumor that a man cannot win esteem an l respect South by running counter to popular feeling and prejudice. No inau is brazen enough t say Walter Johnson is not able and hon est! Ifo has dared to face opposite for principle, and since the day he w •jld enough to- voto, he has genu heart and wul for the Republican party. Or tracised at first, yet young us he was, he whs floated u Grant alternate, and lie lias adhered brav< ly to his convictions, till now men blush for their preju dice, and concede hi* ability and honesty. We must givo tho crodit to this young man for the recent postal aocoiu- dtttions anil wo hope hi* conduct will bo appreciated outside of Columbus. One thing must be fluttering to Mr. Johnson, and that, is the esteem iu which lie is held by the best and most progress ve citizens of Columbus. All know that we are not •i partis-n. We believe in “rendering unto Cm s>r the things (but are Caesar's," and so fco'itig, iu the mmiu of tho public, we Ihnnk Mr. Johnson for liis interest in our behalf, while we ossme him of our con tinued regard end respect. The day of poli'ical ha'c, thank Gun, iH forever dead in the. South; it certainly is in Columbus. (J. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. T*l**wpl. jo.—Tho 77, KxeuitM.] MIRflTK. Mr*. Tdton is sick. Her physician anxiety has prostrated her entire syg- that Kellogg tom. Meantime there ore flowers, ca- put a,litres, nignirloil liia ru »»f». la>i|{btor and applaueo for Beecher. wlllingnasM to abiiln by n count of tbo rn- —Tbo Secret Hervico Corp* report aev tnriia nt the dcciion of ,s;, tba j «£> Board of ArhitrnMon. prominent Demo- |' ports he arrested and brought to Browns- crata havo proposed that the returns now villa thirteen citizens of Montague, aecreted by order of the McBnery Ro- —Iu the Baltimore Circuit Court, at turning Board will bo brought forward ' ToMmontwwn, yesterday, iu the c«so of and canvaaaed anew, with a view to . Iim.1 Mojaonuld, on trial for the runnier ., . . ’ , or Berry Amos, tho jury, after being out settlement of the contested election cases. H itieo Friday afternoon, brought in a ver- In order to effect this arrangement it w ill did of not guilty. —Senators Clayton and Dorsey, Judge McClure, and a large number of other leading Republican* of Arkansas, left Little Rock yesterday to attend the Chat tanooga Convention. They were joined be necessary for both parties and the sev eral candidates on each ticket to agree to submit to the d< cisiou of the arbitrators Tho proposition hns not been formally submitted to Kellogg, but there is reason j by delegates from T to boliove he is no well satisfied of hi* ; —The two-mile single scull race on elect!..,, by „ l„r B « majority that be will I £ b “ rle " 'V™;- f ,,r . 11,0 fhampioDabip of . .. , • . New England, between C. Butler and F. »gr.-e to if, »f Ihe arbitration can ; A . Plainted, was won easily by tho latter fairly conducted and the Democrats give in four lengths. Time 15 luiuutcs and p opur gnat nn too* of sincerity and good | L**,' seconds. faith. ( —The Coroner’* jury has concluded the - , ! inquest un tho body of Ellen Liicuh, which 4:ATII4>LI€?l*Jf. ! was found in ■ small stream of water on ^ I the .‘>d, and rendered a verdict that the j deceas'd oau.o to her death at the band TEMPERANor. UNION at oHtcAno —BhKMHiNo , (lf j USi j,;. Latoliu, who was seen with her HUT OF LKTTfeftl. The folLwiog It a Hit of tetters remalln la the Posteftto* at Oolambui, Georgia. Oc tober 10th, 1874; Anderson Mrs g Mack ten J Antuer Win c ‘ ** ” Hannett G W Beers K (J Brantley Mary K Briggs Mrs K B Carey K, c Oils T Clarke Rev!8 Clarke W H Coleman MrsJ Collins John Cottraln W M Conn M J, c Cooper Mrs G A Cotter E, c Croflord J W Curnlnghuin Miss M Dougherty Mis 8 Echols P W .1 K ■ erett Mrs Eady In tin* Knpuhhcnn Nominating Convcn- tton »>f Mohilo, on Thursday, Nat Allen, one of tho colored delegates, admitted that George Putnam, another dolegate, lmd paid him $5 to vote for the nomina tion of James GiUotte for Protmtn Judge. After some wrangling, the Con volition ri- polled both Allen aud Putnam. Gillette is the 1 . S. Commissioner who refused bul to Mr. Ron fro and the other Humter county prisonor* who lmd proved nil aWri. The ofluuce thus charged upon him is ns much a violation of the Enforcement act. a* that charge 1 against the Sumter pr *• oners. The Convention adjourned on Thursday without making any iiotninii- lions, hut was to meet again on Friday. Ti Iv. e\v York, Aihurtinrr, s*ys: “Mr. Henry B. Fitch, of this city, contemplates a monument to the memory of tho Cull federate dead, to be placed at Woodlnwn Cemetery, in this city. It i* to be of artificial stone, twenty feet in height, a single shaft supported by a plinth, base and sub base, not possessing much, if any, ornamental ion, but being of graceful proponion* and noticeable on many accounts. On one face me tho in scriptions </itir.trut §n Pate,' ‘1871.’ ‘Erected by »i Union Officer ill Memory of the Confederate dead.’" A si’M’iAi. to tho Montgomery Adonti Her from West Alabama reports the te- loasoUtf HheritY Williamson and the negro Zip Coleman, who had been arrested ou a charge of complicity in the murder of Tom Ivey. 1 hey wero ldoused without examination—Williamson ou a bond »>f $1,000 and Colem m on his own rooogui- zaiice. The specifications against them were that Williamson overheard the plot to murder Ivey, and did nothing to prevent it, and that Cob man was the luau who Magged and stopped the train on which Ivey was inuning. It i« said thut an alibi tor Coleman could easily have been proved by uumbi rsuf white men. Tub harsh measures of the military uu- thontios (under the order* of Attorney- General Will.aius) iu the unvutand treat ment of ihe uhito* of West Alabama, ari calling forth protests from all parts of the country. We are not surprised to hesi that these protest* aro having a salutary effect at Washington. A special frcui Dcniopolis, October bill, to tho Montgom ery Adrertbrr mys: Cupt. Mills, couimnuding tho United States troop* here, was iu this place ou Tuesday, mid returned to Living-ton on Wcdnc. day evening. On his arrival he w i* handed a dispatch which load sub stantially HH follow* ; “H«t\o tho two prisoners, Williamson and Coleman, examined before United Suites Commissioner at once. No more prisoners must go into tho jail. Tlio howl or THR rOPR—PROTECTION TO EMIOUANT8. Cnimoo, October 10.—Tho ex-Council of the National Catholic Convention re ceived the following : Kmmr, October Jl.—Tho Sovnroigu I'on tiff from hi* heart, most lovingly grant* the benediction asked for to yon and to all delegate* of the Catholic Union for total abstinence. [SignedJ Cardinal Antoneixi. An Emigration Department wasordored to be opened by the Union to aid emi grants iu finding proper homos. Rev. John Ireland, of St. I'aul, reported the feature* of a plan for this purpose. In formation will bo furnished emigrants through committees to hu appointed in ull sea-hoard cities, and measures taken ***p emigrants from tho demoralizing influence of intemperance, when they first land und to seud them speedily to a safe homo. After the transaction of considerable general business the Council adjourned MiLjfct to a call of the l'resideul. Urnnt IIam Mo I<Ich of i» Tlilrtl Teem. Paterson, N. J., October 10.— Secreta ry Robeson, nddies-ing u political meet ing beta last, night, said neither the Ad ministration, nor its chi of, would ever be foitud outside the Republican parly, nor would it now or over be found aotiug cou ntry to the host interests of the nation— lontrary to tho established traditions of tho country. Tho remark was unde stood to refer to tho third term agitation. Subsequently, in a private conversation, Robeson said Grant had no idea of n third I had never thought of Mich a thing, j m ♦ m and regarded tho discussion of that mat- | A couple of citizens of Bridgeport, tor ah unworthy of notice. 1 Loniiecticut, attempted to make a voyage - i to New London iu an open boat drawn by Way ... Ile.ti.ra l*e««e. I « kilB "! ' 8r t f proportions. The win'd | being lngn, they made great speed, but Washington, October 10. —A letter ad- ; the water being also rough they cauie dressed to the President, by a prominent j very near being swuniped twice, Appre- onservativo politician iu Mississippi, | honsive that they might cot c cape a i-gnns thut Ibu'uuly trim wny (.. re.tor. j tki, ' d , " ml 1 s ‘" ion,, u ‘ i " h “l ) - * J • ! abandoned their voyage aud returned peace and prosperity to the South i* for i | lolno> Frequent attempts both ou water Congress to pas* an act to pay for the 1 and on bind have been made to use the limrtermnsterH and roinmiK.iiry storos ' ki,u ,,H » propelllUK power,liutlhe very in- tnken bj the Union army in the South j b “» prevented „„y previous to tlio murder, and who was arrested shortly ufter. —L. Roberts A. Co., an old and mnch esteemed flour house on South street, Now York, announce that they ure com pelled to usk a temporary extension of their maturing obligation*. Assets of the firm ami individual property of it*s mem bers urn sufficient to pay their obligations in full and lo .vo u handsome surplus. —To answer to a dispatch dated Deuni- son, Texas, Postmaster General Jowcdl telegraphs to tho original owners of an important claim thut: “It is my desire that no agent shall stand between this De partment and any party with whom it has Im-inexH. • * * • I cannot, and will not, tolerato claim agents.” —United States detectives have arrest ed Thomas Ballard, alias John Davis, one of tbo most expert counterfeiters and en gravers iu this country ; also Elizabeth Ballard and Ann Adams, accomplices in Buffalo, N. Y. In their possession was found $ to,(8)0 in counterfeit moiiey of various denoiuiuatious, together with press, dios, etc. The prisoners committed to jail for uu examination by U. B. Com missioner Scruggs. FOREIGN. —The Duke of Leicester is dead. —The American rquadron bus arrived in the harbor of Piraues. —The miners of West ridge, Yorkshire, England, having refused a redaction of 5U per cent, in their wages, have been locked out to the number of <500, —The Archbishop of Cologne has been reiotsed after an imprisonment of six months und uiue days. The remainder of tho term for uhich ho was .sentenced will !>u treated us cancelled. The Republican army of Spain, un der Gen. Lazernu, has crossed the Ehro and taken Lazuurdia. This success has made an excellent impression at Madrid. Don Carlos, with the bulk of his follow ers, ia at Larioja di Navarra. A thousand marines embark for Cuba oil November liltli. luring tho war, and to refund tho colto tax. It has been reforro 1 to tlio Attorney j Geuoral by the President. THE WEATHER. Department or War, ^ Washington, October 10, 1874.) Probabilities—For the South Atlantic Negro I*readier otid Koblier Killed. Nashville, October 10. — Joe Ratages, | State*, slight change of pressure and a negro preacher, was shot and killed I temperature, southwest winds and pnrtly franklin, Tennessee, while attempt- j cloudy weather, ing to enter tho residence of an old man j —— named Sliy, with tho intention of niur- MARKETS, daring him and his wife ami burning the place. A negro detool ivo who was sent from Na«hvillo to investigate a former at tempt to burn Shy’s honso, suspected Raragi * and iuducod him to i ntor into the alio*u arrangument, and thou inform ed Shy. Kndlenl Tricks in Alnlmimt. Montgomery, October l«i. — Uou. Jl. W. Healey, U. ti. Marshal for Alabama, has appointed some dozen or two Deputy Marshals upon the sole recommendation and request of Charles K. Miner, Chair- ! 'lee man of the Republican Executive Com- ,iWU ‘ mitteti of this State. These Deputies have ' been appointed in negro counties for eleo- 1 nn ,j’ turn purposes ’oxolusively. and aro all lo * Republicans. j snlosu IIV il5l.KnK.tPII TO KNittllKKK. Money suit Hloek Markets. Lon oov. October 10—3:30 r. X.—Street rate l'$: Erie *27; preferred 44. Paris, October 10—Rentes (2f. 25e. Nkw York,October 10.—Stocks dull. Money 2*4 par cent. Gold lio. Exchange—long 485*4: buert Governments dull Nkw York, Ootoler 10—Money ea*y ond uuchaiiKod. SturltnK dull and steady. Gold strong llORllovg. Governments dull. Stales quiet andnumtsal. RANK UTATKMKNT. Nkw York, Ootober 10.—Loans Increaso a trltlo; specie decrease #1 250,0e0; IckaI tenders T 1> G'J'thatn Mbs E V OtiUln G 1) Hammers J Hawkins N Hendrix S Hill M llollle E .1 Hoopuugh Mlit« E A Johr l C Milford MIsm X Mills Mbs E Mitchell Mrs*M A More D C Morgen Mrs E, e Morton Mrs BO Murray C •Oliver Mrs M, o Osborn Mrs 8 Parker J A Parke* 8 A Parks MlUiE Peabody Miss O Phillip* M Pike Mis 8 Plant J, e Price Miss A Katleff J M ltelfle J kt'o Rhoads Mrs N Richardson J Hurra Miss M Scales F A Ncott Miss R Spencer 8, e Tamsejr Miss E Wauls B K Ward, Haines A Co Wa son M J Washburn Miss F, 2 Welch •» A Wells ST Williams Mrs M, c Jones Mr. 8 E Kcg*ton A King Mbs M Richer Mrs M B L tpham G L Lemon J Mugruder Mrs M Murnhall M J, c MoOook Mrs C UNMAILABLE LETTEK8. W F Alexander, Augusta, Ga Williams R J Williams J W Williams Miss L.o Co, Ga .lames W Edwards, Perkins' Mill, G» Mr.< .lano.lone^. Orel* Hill, Fla W T MeKeudree. Wavsrly Hall. Ga Mrs tVInrtlm Mounkious. Albany, Ga Freer A lilge*, Oolumbas, Ga MIhs Fan*de Piiiett, Midway, Ala Geo Smith, no dirlotlon Joseph J 8 ni.'per, Calvert, Tex J A1 Wotnack, Logtown, La One unintelligible W. M. JOHNSON, P. M. TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. At a rogulur meeting of Central Mechanic*' Fire Company No. 0, held at their Hall, Get. uth, 1874, the following preamble and resolu tions wore adopted : Whereas, It is with feeling* of sorrow aud regret 'hat we have been called upon to mourn the sudden death of our young friend and com rade, (,'haui.ks Bkittknuam, who died Sept. 17th, 1874; therefore, belt Uosoived, That to the family who mourn the !• m of a son und brother, It Is ours also to mourn not les* sincerely the loss ef a worthy member of tur ('oin|>any. Roholvod, That our Hall be draped In mourn ing tor tlio space of thirty days In respect lor of these resolutions of the deoessed. Resolved, That a »operate page of our Minute Hook be devoted to the purpose of iruRFcrlblng theso resolutions, ami thut they nlso bopriulod In the Uoiuinbus Enquirer. J. 1>. McPHAlL, J. F. KEENE, STILLMAN DAVIDSON. oeill It Committee. H. F. Abell & Co. A KE K now receiving a large stock of the Family anil Plantation Groceries, Potatoes and Silver Skin Onions, (‘roam, Pine Apple and Edam Uheese, Goshen Butter and Leaf Lard, Mocha, Laganyra, Java and Rio Coffees, Rousted Java und Ulo Coffees, White and Brown Sugars of all grades. New Crop of Carolina Rtee. Sardines nud American Club Fish. .Mackerel in barrels, kegs and kits. Maseppaand 811 ver Lake Flour. Magnolia and Diadem Hams. Wiura. Mquora, Cigar* aud Tobacco. All |mrcliiM«a delivered. ARRIVED: Malaga GrapeB, Choice Bananas, Northern A Western Apples For sale by the barrel. Also, a full line of li'.inrk, Oiuorr, Picuic aud Market Baskets, at N«. U Broad Rlrr.l. PR0FUM0 A HOFFMAN. ANNOUNCEMENTS. For City Sexton. We are anthorised to announce the name of ABRAM ODOM as a caodl. date for 8exton of the city of Columbus, at tho election on Saturday, the 12tli of D cenber next. octll te* For Tax Collector. a^f» We are authorised to announce the name of DAVIS A. ANDREWS, Esq., as a candidate for Tax Collector of Muscogee county, at the en.-uing election In January next. ootlO eodAwtd* For Tax Collector. a-'-Yf'* I respectfully announce myself acan- *— J dldtite lor Tax Collector of Muscogee county at the election on the first Wednesday In Jnnuitry next. oci0 tl JOHN A. HUFF. To the Voters of Muscogee. I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF 7 a Candidato for the office of Tax Re ceiver of Muscogee County, at the election on the First Wednesday la January. oct8 te T. C. It ELS. For Tax Collector. Collector of Muscogeo county. Election ikr.-t Wednesday in January next. _oct2 td For Tax Collector. CAPT. CHARLES A. KL1NK an notices himself as a candidate for Tux Collector of Muscogeo County. Election first Wednesday in January. oc4 dAwte* For Tax Receiver. I announce inyself a candidate for Receiver or Tax Returns for Muscogee county. Election first Wednesday In January next. JORDAN L. HOWELL. soj 27 doodAwto For Clerk of Superior Court. 2^1 respectfully anncunco myself a can. “ didate for Clerk of Superior Court* soliciting tho support of the public. oct3 eodte GEORGE Y. POND. For Clerk of Superior Court. 1 respectfully announce myself as a candi date for re-electian to ihu office of Clerk of Su perior Court of Muscogeo oounty. Election rut Wednesday in January next. sep2fltd JESSE J. HKADFORD. For Tax Assessor. Election in sep22 td restaurants. TfiR ARBOR. pletely renovated and fitted up tlio well- known "ARBOR’’ stand us a Saloon and Res taurant. lie is now prepared to furnish Meal s Choice Liquors and Cigars, und customers may <8 »s urud ovotytliing wl;l bo tho best tho market a fiords. oct8>tf SANS SOUCI Bar and Restaurant! H AVING secured the Proprietorship of this popular resort, I have thoroughly refitted, refurnished and stocked It with the finest WINES aud other Lit|UORS and CIGARS to bo found In this or any other market. OY’STERS, FISH. GAME, and Choice Meal* served at all hours, at reasonable price*. Parties furnished with private room* - when desired. FRESH OYSTERS now received daily from Savannah and Mobile, and servod in any style desired. oct4 tl A. J. BOLAND. St. Clair Restaurant, -BY- . BARNEY HAWKINS, «w«,.tlun of guests. Board and a so Lodging furnished. Tho faro as good as the market will utlord. TERMS: Board per day ♦ 1 Board per month 20 Oo Bo trd and Lo ging per day 2 00 0Ct2 2w Reich’s Restaurant No. 112 Broad St., [AS just been opened, and Is now prepared vo doer 4'otton Market*. v Kit POOL, Oot. 10. — Noon—Cotton quiet ui.changed; s ilos 12,0.0, Including 2,000 p •dilution and export. ’Tjjd. * fitting t lit i*at(l to Lou;.-iatm, tt*d by oiih us Rp.yiUK uud effoct. sts of Wlrto Longnera t’lioy Gonoral is *t shrewd ropor- i tie spa ro may havo loii’t ohio to coutra the lion. II. H. Harris* A|»|»oliitniriila, iH.VTT.lHOOfllKK COVNTIHH. . Harris, Democratic nominee i in the Fourth District, will . the people at the times and place* nl l-» Hi. lilto Hi county, Oot. Kith. “ loth. oi huq county, October iou county, Oot. 20th. unity, Oct. 22J. Nkw Yonx, October 10.—At Prospect | Park yeaterday, the sixth heat of the .$(500 purse race for horse* was won by L*dy White. May IlirJ to fit tho second money and Black Crook tho third. Time j Tho double temi trot forajmrse of' $500 was won by Lady Woods mid Carrie , N., iu throe straight boats, beating Ella ' Madden and Kegulu*. Time 2:55, 2:48\ it ml 2:HJ. PiirHU of iJil.OJt) for 2:2(5 horse*— Coiueo ! vron second, third and fourth heat- 1 , Bella | wimiiug first beat. Time 2:20, 2:27, 2:25.1 and 2:28^. The well known trotters Towner Boy, Lyorng, Arthur and Falm nth B »y wore aeveroly injured by having croto.i i il . poured over their heads wlu e in the stti- blo at Prospect Park, tho former beiug j terribly blistered. Tho Association offeri | tjt.S'Hi reward for the discovery of the per petrator. nlio tiM I Sato* on a i».ih|» of mid illn< Upland^, g iluw low middling*, fMoped iu Suptouiber ud October 7^ 8 d. «»uk, October 10.— Cotton quiet; i lies; uplands 15*4; Orleans 16' H < opened steady, a* follows : octo* er 15 1-16(^3-16; November Dec-mber 1 •»*«: January 15'^16j 4 ; Kcmuary 1615 1J@10. Nkw Yoiik. Goto cr 10 —Cotton quiet; sales ai»l at lb l 4 qf l.V„e; net receipts 572 Kuiures cl i.-ed steady: snles 20,500 hales, ns fdlows: Ooiober 15 7*32(rf 15*-«; November 15 7-3 Uu 15* |; Deco alter 16*^1/17-82: Janiur.v 15 26 82; t ebruury 10*4: Miircu ifl 16 82®t8-U; May 17f^; Juno 17 l«-82.(j5l7j H . Boston, October 10.—Cotton qulot; middlings irt'tj; net r.tulpts 3; s ito.-* 8J ); s ook 8,-m Nuw Oiu.kxns, October 10.—Oottou firm am’- Iu goo t demand, offering* light; middlings 14'*^; low inMdliugs 1 good ordinary 13L; net re- eol|)t* 2,-4t)0; sites 500; salcsUst ov.uiqg 1, 00; stock 40,80*. Moim.K, Oot. 10.—Cotton stoady; middlings 14w; lo*, middlings 13ted 7 4: g uxl ordinary 13* not receipts wrs; mKs ecu;stock 13,S07. I’iiaulkstox, October 10.—Cotton steady: intddllngs 14*-J: low middlings 14' 4 ; good ordinary 14; net receipts 2,812; *al s 1,000; sto.-k 27,201. Savannah. October 10.—*'ottcn quiet and in fair deuiHiu); middlings 14k,: low middlings 14: good urd miry 18)4; net receipts 8,818. I'ruvlaluu Mnrket*. -Flo —J. O. Hausou, of Morgan county, Ga., shot hi* father twioo fatally, and fled ^ ^ _ w After he died, and haa uot been heard 1 teveuteen of the liborated elaeeo Uw*- Liyiot <Ud it 1 4Mte djrttkterji nmjX “■nkirri Cohiml u •, Cussetn, Chattah< 17th. Buena Vista. Mn Gen* vs, Tulhut c T«lbutton. Oct. : Gcu. John l). G» Mr Huriia lo (Mu —’Tho Britirth naval voasul \ n'ture, tvhilo cruinng < ff iho north wont oo.Ht of Mmisgascur on August lltli, aightod n slave «1how ami gavo chasn. After five J. >u:V p;:i*sim tho shiver was captured, it W;:« crowded with hIuvcm, there being among them 41 men, 5tf wouieu, and 137 children. The eluve* wero buffering acutely from weakness uud cr.mip, having had to remain in one poaitiou for • long timo. Several of the children tvere un- aide to straighten their legs for three or four days ufier tboy were received on hoard. * One womau was found buried up to her neck iu dump sand at the bottom of the slave dhow, under the loaer slave dock. The owQors of tho human cargo were thirty-five armed Arab*, aud tha captain de.ermiued to take them to Zan zibar and httvQ them summarily dealt *itb. Iu the voyage to tho Seydhelle*, flor tha capture, which tiok ten days, Nkw Yoiik, October 10—Flour dull nn«t luavy. Wheat quiet anil declining, ('urn quiet nil steady. Pork he tv; mess 022 75&23 00. Lanl heavy; steam 1o 7 k <k 14. St. Louia, October 10.—Flour active. Corn unelunycil Whiskey firm at 41 04. Pork dull at 422 00. Hawn dull and lower; shoul dors 8, clear sides o 7 „4jf 10. Lard dull niul un changed Cincinnati, October 10.—Flour dull and « shade lower: 06 00QS 26 Corn dull uud do oliulng;o|d 80082c; new 50n55 Pork u tiuiual. I.a:d quiet nud steady; summer steam, 18 ,. llscon dull and uusettlod; shoulders 7U|®7'*, now Ivinu on rocky bottom, iuul cfl'oet clear rib sides 18 , 2 ((J13 4 , clear sides 13^^14. , * *4ii ml. •” Whiskey Ann and ao0reo at 41 00. «t H ...uro suitable point, ilto nr- , 4 .,, IHV1I , KiUcto „ Pr 10 _ F |o..r unehnnssd. cnUr any a that in all about 1,100 inilcn of Corn «iuietand unchanged ; at 820)85. Pork- cable havo been laid, atul satisfactory tests The lUrert \lhuitir Cubic. I.onmon, October lo.—A circular has been sent to the shireholders of the Di rect Cable (Company, informing them that the matiageuicut ha* decided to uhaudou about thirty mile.* of the cable, which is Farm for Sale. r WILL sell at public sale, on the first oa 1. Tuesday In Deeember n>xt, (If not 919 sold at private sale beloro that time) th »< Farm oooupled by Mr. P. M. Silas, thr»e miles northeast of Columbus, Ga., on the Talbottou road. The place contains about 95 sores, all under fenc , betweeu 00 and 70 aores cleared. A good framed house with five rooms, closets and pa-dry; double room framed kitchen, smoke house, ham, stable, Ac The place is suitable tor a Dairy Farm, aud will bn sold che jp for cash. Mr. Silas whl take pleasuro la showing tho promises to parties wishing to purchase. Apply to Jordan L. Howell, Agent, or address mo at Macon, Ga. W. D. RAINEY. OOtl* Codfcwtf White Corn Wanted J N LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES, at THE COTTAGE MILLS, b'outli of Southwestern R. R. Depot, oot 11 2t WINDOW SASH FOffSALE A T PIERCE & WOOD’S, 77 Broad street, two doors below Wells k. Curtis’ Shoe Store 10x12 12 lights, glased, #2 75, not glazed, 01.00 Ml-, 2 “ “ 4 60, “ “ 170 12x18 12 “ “ 4 3*, *• “ 1 f0 12x14, 18 “ *» 6.80, « “ 1.75 Lip Sasli made for weights, 20c per window extra. Sash Coni, Axle Pulleys, Finishing Nalls. But 8 or Hinges, Blind fastenings. Looks and Screws, alt cheaper than ever offered ii this market All my goods are uew and first class. 8x10 18 Light Blinds very eheap. See those goods and prloes before purchasing elsewhere ootll BHfcWltn* _ J. J. WOOD. Depositors with the Georgia Home Savings Bank W ILL plenso hand In their Pass Books. that the October interest may be entered und their books bn lanced. GEO. W. DILLINGHAM, octio at Treasurer. BILL OF FARE BQITAZj TO ANY! Prompt attention and reasonable rates. Open at ail hours. octi 3m EDUCATIONAL. School Notice. assisted by his wife mid daughtor, will resume his private school on Monday, 12th instant. Instruc ion will be given in Latin and French; also ihe higher Mathematical branches, if desired. Rates of tuition from $2.00 to 13-50 per month, according to grade of pupils. MAROUS H. ELY, octd 3t Principal. Miss Mitchell’s School FOR CIRLS W ILL - be reopened on Monday, ILL be reopened c the 5th o( October. The course of instruction is thor ough, and Latin. French, Etunrob dory, ite, imight in the school. Tuitlo: i 030 to 0 ;0, accord- Boarding pupils 0260 lor the scholastic year. This includes washing anil other contingent expenses. All charges payable semi-annually • — deductions made, except for DRY COODG. S. LANDA U te remember, The New York Store! The New York Store ! DRY GOODS OF ENDLESS VARIETY AND LOWEST COST! The New York Store, The New York Store, The New York Store. IIV WANT OF DRY A.J A. UOODK, HALL ON S. LANDAUER, S. LANDAUER. DON’T FORGET—THE NEW YORK STORE, 82 Broad Street, 82 Broad Street, 82 Broad Street. The New York Store, The New York Stove. New York I*rioes, Now York r > i-io»*s. O OME ONE, OOMB A T.T. OOMB ONE. COKB AXiL;. New Millinery and Fancy Goods ! Mrs. LEE, 75 Broad Street, W OULD respectfully inform tho Ladies that sho ha- jusf returned from New York vrltL the largest, prettiest and cheapest stock <• Millinery a: d Fun y Goods ever brought to this market. It consists in part of the following goedp, viz : Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Hats, trim a ed and un- TRIMMED. BONNETS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND LADES. Bonnet and Sash Ribbons, Neck Ties, Embr’d Handk’fs, Berlin and Kid Gloves in every variety. Ladies' Underwear and Corsets, Black Crepe Colllars and Veils. Hair Goods and Jet Jewelry a specialty, ALSO, LADIES’. MISSES’ AND INFANTS’ SAt’KS AND HOODS, OTTOMAN SHAWLS AND SCARFS, BALMORAL ANI) HOOP KIUTS, BEADED AND LEATHER BELTS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, every shade, and many other goods which she oilers for CjsIi at the very lowest prices. Grand Opening of Pattern Hats and Bonnots on Tuesday, October 20th, To which the attent'on of the Ladies Is respectfully invited. Columbus, Ga., October lltli. 1874. tf MISCELLANEOUS. ! Merchants’ and Mechanics’ Bank. A DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT., declared by tho Directory, payable on and after to-day. Octobor 6th, 1874. tf Notice. r-'TaJ® Tho Annual Meetingoi Stockli lders In the Home and Mechanics’ Building ! und Loan Associations will tf ke place on Mon- j day, Ootonor 12th, 1874. MEDICINES. OCt3 toctll JNO. KING, Troasi r City Tax Notice. rilHE uttention of ull persons who havo not i delinquents uftor October 10th. ( sep!6 Notice. JjURINfi THE LOW stage qf water the Central Line of Boats will abolish their present Dr. T. NY. HENTZ, Doutist, ILL havo a room at the Geor gia Homo Building tor a few weeks, where ho will bo glad to Hee ( any of his friends who may need his’ services. Wi Nmrlv t.M (!|«en»»s originate from Indiarntl and T.opidiiy nf n<i> Uv*r a . : i-eiiei H a>UH j anxloiHly Kouitlii aluM. li tb*- biter ix • u I il. iu action, h.-dlii IH nil. •• l it. . Kite r. .. I Want ol action in tW U • • iw «i , I C.»nit;p»tion, JiiiitidicC. L’nit. to in. Sbouii!- Cough, Chills. ... .-.on- . c |(itmi it. n..,i i. l; 1 In th» Mouth, Hi '..ti, a:i .• ..f p.tipit i'it Heart, 1). pr»Mion «d - pit if*, - t tin* Hines. r.i.« ' hand rod fib* r • r m-. I ulti.-li SIMM'.'.*. ' bivhi: ::-iii i.a rut; c. • r. m.dy thati ■ everb. cn >i *• x d It ;« i.lte, ..fieri i-.l 1 v.'g« :n! !'■ uti ., ci,n ti Injury in .my *, mi,tines that it i.:..y I,- tnUrn. is htiriub- • in e.ny w,.\ ; it h.,» Imm l, um,1: forty veins, an: if.ndroff- . Mho good aud gri from all part* „r tl c .ounlry will vouch for la ing tho puri Hi and itest. Sitmiwus’ LIVER RLliULATOE, or Modirit Southern Mutual Insurance Corn’ll' Athena, G-a- Audi oh !■< of May, ’74, 8sas,720.32 P OLICIES WHITTEN ON ALL KINDS ‘ of Insurable Property against Los« l>y Flro. Dividend No. 10, 46 per cent on premi ums, now ready for delivery and payment. Work Wanted. rpiiF. undersigned wishes to obtain a situa- L ilon as Bookkeeper for a few months at (lie low piico of thirty-five ($36) dollais per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address 0010 lw WILLIAM S. LLOYD. BY ELLIS & HARRISON. te m, iut .xieating beverage, te a faultless family nioditine, la the i heipi’St nu dioloc iu tho world, la given with e.t'dy and the huppieit res,.it tlio luost dnliciite infant, Docs not in ter fore with business, Does not disarrange tho system, Takes the place of Quinine ana Hitters of kind, Contains tlio simplest and Just remedies. FOlt SALE BY ALL EllUilVLSIS febo dtoiUwly ate ubtained daily by tlio tdetffrioiuiis. T(‘llow Fever Abating nt I'eiisneiila. Wasuixuton, October 10.—.Y telegram received at tho Navy Department, from Capt. A. A. Sommos, commanding Pensa cola Navy Yard. *ays : 1\ AT. MacMidiou i* d>ung well. One more case reported. I liirtecu offioera and men are couvalea- cent. The fever iu dec'.iniug for want of aabjeota. shoulders 8W, clear rl'» 14L. clour 16' * Lard 16^.* \\ liiskey tl 00. Bagging unchanged. liiskey 41 00. Ko*!n, Ac. Nkw York, Ootober 10 — Turpentine firm at 3S. B >siii firm st 02 4 (rj2 45, strained. Freights firm HIDES. Important to Merchants. DU’ your WKAIM’INU PAPKE AND PAI’KF I) It \US at home, at New Yotk rates, from M. H. HIBSCH, Corner Bridge and Ofiethorpe afreets. Important to the Public. Kl.L IIIDKP, PURS, BKKBWAX, RAGS, etc at highebt casli prices, to M. M. HIBSCH, 'an- Bridge and Oglatorpt, aud Crawford Sts. iul»•f4a*8 Hly COTTON TIE8. K rvigniB ...III ~ . SPRINGER’S OPERA HOUSE N. J. BUSSEY, AgVIlt TWO SIGHT* ONLY- Nomlay wild Tuc»<lay, Ort. lViiii«l*l3. HAVERLY’S MINSTRELS. J. U. Uavkkly, Proprietor. ...... 1 . , r lo • and Refined Programme, intro- At Chicago, ou the Hide trucks of the duclng the following Artists : Michigan Southern, Pittsburg and Firt E. M. HALL. GEO. WILSON, Wayne, aud Rock Island Railway*, just MILT G. BARLOW, * south of the southern limits of that city, CANFIELD, BOOKER, GOSS and FOX, there are said to be urorc than live uiite* | The Challenge Double Set Song and of unemployed freight cars, which have ' Dauoe Artists. ■tood there for more than a month. There Style entirely different Irom will probably be lull employment. Low. , olebrMlpd c.lir.r«l. I •»«r. for these ’’ Touts . re long, as w.uidk Bex. .u.l F«e.h. the cautl and river transportation will w . W. Barbour’. .ad Brau Butd. noon be »t »n end, wheu tho grain will .... „— to take to the railroads ; so what is .,&«;» »•?.-.„■B-wved •«“• o. »t lo«t now hy enforced, it i. reason- D u, hoimies, O.n’1 Agent, .hie to ttaamne, will he ntade up a. til. uaKRY J. OLAFUAM, Au't M.n.aer, MUM UtB OB. j ootto HI AMERICAN Cotton Tie Company. Th* trad* tupplltd at IowmI mar ket rata*. ■v«r <*■ For Sale. i) Q SHARES (or oay less number) of Ihe Merchants’ Building end Loan Association Stock. •mill It LITTLE A OR AW FORD. BARBERS. Simon Clark. John Ci.aiik. SIMON & JOHN, ftihiimalilc limbers and Ariislif HairDrwserr, Randolph 8treet» Neault Opposite Alston WAEKiiorsK. localot). Polite attention, and tho great American luxury, a good shave, guaranteed. Hair-Cutting in all the mod- ern styles. WACON YARD. ATTENTION! To Farmers and Those Interested I THE NEW WAGON YARD, C ENTRALLY LOCATED AND CON- venbnt to Warehouses, Portoilice and buslnes* i ortion of tho city, offers suporlor In ducements and advantages for cjmiort anil security, with In-reused facilities for tlie ac commodation of farmers and others who visit the city. Connected with the yard is a Family Gro- eery supi-lled with ft lull aosortmenl of lVuvis- hms Will buy and sell al* kin .« ot Country Produce. Private Boarding House adjacent to'the yard will be o; ene«l on the first day of October for the convenience of those visiting the city with their families, where lodging can b« had with or without meals. Blacksmith and Wood Shop on tho yard, pre pared to do all kinds of wagon and buggy re pairing, with stocks for shoeing young mules .nd horM*. DAN-LB.BIZE, •epU deedlmfcwlamSt Proprietor. A LOT OF NEW COOKING STOVES and Iron Heaters, for sale at loss thuu market price.*. For sale by _oo4 < 0&.W2L ELLIS & HARRISON. To Arrive : A fresh .supply of Virginia CASS1MERES, and a full Hue of goo.Is In every Department, for tho FALL TRADE. PEACOCK & SWIFT. sep4 Eagle Drug Store, No. 83 Brood St.. M. r>. HOOD & CO., feiieeesenni to K. C. llOOl) & VHO. WK ft-e now offering superior Inducements W to cash purchasers nt wholesale and retail, nil clauses of woods In our lino. We challenge competition with the Lest houses Ir. prices and quality of our goods. Wo keep first class articles of Drrugs, Cheiuiculs Porfumory, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Window Glass, Putty, kc. Also, large stock r.f Patent Medicine.*'chief ninong wi.ich Is Dr. Hiod’s celebrated Eurek i Liver Medicine. Kerosene Oil a specialty, at bottom figures. M. I). HOOD A CO. Octobor 7th, 1874. Blue Drug Store. N12W STO VES! ..r K .M i.yii..UK. lurra vi:«.k:- ^ J. | . ill,* I.IYKRPIU.S. They net wry n.iMlv. ;.i te the Imiclitmal »ei id tli<i int. Btin.i t lo- whole sybtcni. 'J hey produce DR. TUTT’S HAIR DYE Whiten, Womb Die,Dr.l|.'sy, White Syphilis Kidney and Liver Complaint, V<t Taint, and Piles, all proceod from inipnic i*!o I>Il. TUTT’S SARSAPARILLA h tho most powerful Blood Piirifior kuo^ UiO'lical bcionoo. ft enters into thee.ion morbific oduei t f fnl i ^ A MEANS BRANNON, AT J\» ids old stand, is increasing a his stock of DRUGS daily, and is] now prepared to turnls'i Columbus J and vicinity with anything in his line nt WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. right. tho body to gain tlesh and in Keen (he Rlood llcallk} ; and nil.will be well. To dor.., nothin* > » been (.Here 1 that can nonpar.' with this va I vegetable extract, i 1 ic $1.00 a ladiie. ^ i all Drnggiits. Office li Cortlutidt »tr«vt. N Add5 doodawly Ho A LARGE LOT Kentucky Jeans, W ARSANTED ALL WOOL FILUNO. AT PEACOCK 4 SWIFT’S. TN ew Pall Print* AT PEAC00K 4 SWIFT'S. — - proposes to pay special attention to tho JOBBING TRADE, and Offers great induce- moots to Country Merchant.*, lio keeps only PURE AND RELIABLE DRUGS. Call and see him at 13» Broad Street. From this date cash is required for all goods. oc4 tl COTTON -A-t 15c. Pei 1 Pound. T 'J’ 1LL TARE, until the FIRST (IF J November ncxi. HUTTON In payicegt (or . 'r«» “*?, ne '• K ' KhDDfc O.l. ub hu.U Ol t iHeen Dents per Pound or Middling, jwts^ftwlt O. E. JOHNSTON. 1 dress making I N ITS DIFFERENT BRANCHES EX- •yule! In the lalcit and belt itylei. Alsu Ktnmiilnit fur Embroidery .nd Braldlnir. Oen- men's Sewlnar done with Dlapatch. I have as- .uci.ted will uie Mist Hattie Hastisu, who will bo pleased to see her friends. Rooms oyer Pense A Norman's Hook store. OC4 lilt MRS. O F. FOdARTY. Young’s Rust Proof Oak \r Y RU8 T PO0F °*vs are NOW ,u ready for maraot. Call nt ihe Ouano popo and secure (hem. They are put up In hve i ushcl sacks, at * per bushel. A Treatise on tho Oaltivatlon ol bats will accmn. pauy each order. I«p8 dhw2u» WH,V0LN(l. 49*(Jut this out for futuio relorcnco. Sewing Machine Needles, For (ncaly) all kinds of dewing .ff :ic ' l,,l i c r also, ftltachmoi.ts, shuttles and dui'llcatc ; -• for various uii Line?, and tho vkuv 11 “ ' tor Sewing M.icliinos always on hand ut (|K ' Singer Sewing Machine Depot, U« itroml Mrcet, - • t'oltiut*** 1 '’’^ J. H^BRAMHALL, Aj't. g^Ordors by Mail promptly attend to. Macihnfs Rcpaibbd. sep26(loodA\rtf Notice. rpHECity Registry Ll't Tor tho regte J. all citizens entitl'd to voto in tin pronching muQlotp'il election te r.«.w onci Parties liable to eoiuuiutntion tax, nu< havo not yet paid It, are requested to do tlrns of rogUtcrlux. * hi. il. MOURE, •spS0 la iltrX Uou