Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, October 15, 1874, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1874. City IVtaltcvs. D.I tl.Y MARKET. Fnuvcm —r.i per cent di* -"Hi* *n Boston i P*r cpi Hi nk* n Ian!* and 'fi»iitgmn''rr \Ql\i per sent per r Curron y *n Com**.—Mark'd acth house* qnotoai follow 1 nfcrior Ordinary nn<l «f*iin<*<1.. Hood Ordinary I»ow Middling* MhlJliugs.... Clued >ti Idling* Sale* 399 hale*. Receipt* bald by wagon* ; M by N 0 by river; 6 by J lain-*89 by ?. \\ on New York V per rent. din* i ; demand bill* u selling check* Favannth, At- OnrrsBoy loom bold and silver - Q- - «$- 13\013Jj mMWi H eI4J4 - «- n by M. A 0. It R.: * a. II. n.; J'l by W. R. ,T > 11- R Phipment* lf2 for liomT"* sumption ; 18 by W. R. R, naiLT on hnn 1 August Sin, 1K74 Roccivod to-day. 9,178-0,88:. 10 921 329 S.30&—8.8rt4 .'•tit* 4.*t 2,287 187-1 1,177; 8C.:i; shipped Stock 4,108; Stock on hau l Fame Du I.ast Year —Angi received Ram* day 471; total r. ■nmo day ‘282; total shipti nab* ltd. Middling* 16c. U.S. 1'otiTR.—Receipt* for ft dayi 80,801; to Or* »t Britain‘J6.-KI; to Continent 2,917; atack ‘2*.7,:t7 '. Index to New Adeertisements, Mechauics’ Building and Loan Atsocia- tion—See notice of adjourned meeting. Ring F<mad—See notice. For Kent—Three hod rooms. Dividend Declared—Engle and I’henix Mills. Onion Setts—M. D. Hood Jk Co. Onion Setts Just received. Call and got your stijiply from M. D. Hood A Co. Installation of Officer*, To-morrow night (Friday) the officers of Mothers' Hope Council, Friends of Temperance, will ho installed by Mr. T. .1. Appleynrd, in the Baptist Church in Brownoville, nt 7J o’clock. Wheat in J'ennessee. A friend, just from East Tennessee, reports wheat sidling at eighty cents to one dollar per lm«h'-l. Corn is not plen tifnl Frost was plentiful on bridges and in Iwo localities yesterday morning. Potato vines in somo parts of town look badly nipped. But for tie dry weather, the destructive consquences would have been much greater. On oil S tiles. Mr. Henry iiruco returned home yes terday from a visit to North Carolina, whore he effected exoclient sales of goods for the Eagle and Phonix Mills. The people thuro so mod astonished that such goods were made in Georgia. C'ommenduhlc Action, W’o saw yesterday Deputy Marshal Kohinnou ami Cupluiu W. L. Cash assist ing in hauling the attain lire engine No. 5 to the Hcono of the alarm. They desorvo praiso for so acting. If imitated by citizens generally, our engines would always arrive very speedily at Hies. Thieves, supposed to ho negroes, en tered tin. field of Mr. David Ward, three miles from the city, in Kussoll county, Ala., n few nights ago, and stole from corn heaps about fifty bushels which had already been pulled. No clue to the guil ty parlies nt hist accounts. (late Stolen, Homo thief, with lit lie regard for the public good, stole the iron gate from the northwestern corner of tho Court House square luesduy night. It could bo found no where yesterday, uud old man Lewis, the janitor, Wits extremely wruthy. There is talk ihat this and other gates will soon bo HUpplanto J with stone steps. donut It i said that Con. Betlmno, of Marion county, is n quietly and insidiously working as a Republican camlidato for career will ho soon settled orat going to the polls and is, tho Democratic nomi- Cougress. by every Do voting for I lice. la Tho npw downward affects tho learn from worth lti Other me uud tho p decline oraUlc In,licit id tendency cotton and tendency in bacon favorably o Fpirits of all olasses. Wo » dealers that bacon is now by tho cu-k and 10$ at retail, da have declined in proportion, ospoet is good for a still further Ain use men ta in Brownoville. The young people of Brownoville, dor tho direction of Mr. S. A. Walker, propose to give r. pleasant outertainment to night nt tho B .ptist church. It will consist of music, tableaux, recitations, dialogues, ote. The boys and girls have boon well trained, and will no doubt ac quit themselves handsomely. A small admission fee will be charged, and tho entire proceeds is promised to tho Sun day Schools of Brownoville. All should uttoud and help to promote so good a cause. Substantial Improvements. During the hist two mouths tho Eagle and Bhenix Manufacturing Ooxupauy have spent thousands of dollars in con struction of dams and break-waters for tho protection of the Alabama shore, which of late years lias seriously caved ami washed from river freshets. These improvem- u!s have been constructed un der tho superintendence of Capt. W. J. McAllister, who has given employment for at least two months to some twenty or thirty hands. The work consists of a wooden dam t«xioniio;i of seventy-five or one hundred yards in length and two three sections of rock wall. Tho worl all of the most substantial character, and as far as we me cnpnldo of judging, will gw far to arrest the further washing i of Alabama soil. Real os'ate owners iu the vicinity should certainly feel grateful to the company for the heavy expendi tures thus made to piotcct them from fur ther losses. at tub on: it a it of si: to-night. Addresses by Om. John It. Gordon and Hon. Henry It. Harris — J adits and All Inrited to Attend. To-night, at tho Opera House, com mencing at 7 o’clock, our citizens will bo addressed on the political issues of the day by Gen. John B. Gordon, United States Senator from Georgia and the Chevalier Bayard of tho Army of North ern Virginia, and Hon. Henry It. Harri-, present member and tho Democra'ie nomi nee for Congress in thia District. The ladies especially are invited and urged to attend and bring with them, each, a vot ing Democrat. Let our people turn out in numbers end greet our gallant standard bearers, en courage them in their work and evince by their actions, as they will by their votos, that not a single Radical Congressman shall be elected from Georgia. Let not tho late Mmcesses allow us to grow leth argic, but rather stimulate to renewed exertions. Tho Democratic gains iu Ohio and Iudiaua should nerve the Southern people to cast greater majorities for the Democracy and tho cause of the whites. Let there bo a rousing demon stration to-night. Again the cordisl invi tation is extended the ladies to bo pres ent. A brass band will discourse good music. Speaking in Russell County. Skaur, Ala., Oct. 14. 1874. To the Editor of the Columbus Enquirer: Owing to tho fact that Hon. David Clopton, of Montgomery, will speak at Girard on Thursday night, 20th Ootober, and at Seale on Saturday, 81st of October, some changes are necessary in the list of appointments heretofore published, for public speaking in Russell county. There fore, after this week, tho appointments will stand as follows : Oswichoe, Monday. Oct. 19. Shinglotown. Tuesday night, Oct. 20. Crawford, Wednesday, Oct. 21. Truwick’s X Roads, Thursday, Oct. 22. Uchoe, Saturday, Oct. 24. Girard. Thursday night. Oct. 20. Seale, Saturday, Oct. HI. Those at points not mentioned will aland as heretofore published. The public generally is invited to at tend all these appointments. Ultsses Lewis, Chairman Ex. Com. of Deni. And Con. Party of Russell County. The P* or -What Can be Done for Themf Sow that the winter is approaching— and it will probably bo a Revere one— there will doubtless be much suffering and destitution among the poor of the city and vicinity, unless some systematic method of relief be devised whereby such cases may be sought out and administered nuto. By roliof wo do not moan provis ion for the idle and thriftless who might, if they would, earn a living, but aid to tho fatherless and widow, and thoso who, by infirmity, are incapublo of providing for thomso'.voH. There aro indigent peo ple too proud to let their real necesities he known, but for this reason they should not be allowed to suffer in their Reclusion. Besides there are many well-known cases of destitution in almost every ward who should bo oared for either by tho corpo ration or tho people. IIow can they bo reached,and what sholl be done for them ? Let the good and philanthropic among ns coasider and answer. Eire Yesterday. A kitchen, occupied by Mrs. Patrick Houlihan, ami au adjoining stable, iu the lower part of tho oity, (corner Forsyth and Early streets), wore totally consumed by fire about noon yesterday. Tho fire is believed to havo caught from coals loft upon the hearth in tho morning. Tho occupant, Mrs. II., was at tho time at work in tho factory. The contents of tho kitchen, including bodding, furniture, wearing apparel, household utensils, etc., were all destroyed. The adjoining resi dence and store, occupied by J. W. Gil* looley, and owned by Mrs. Hoolihan, nar rowly escaped burning. Tho loss, although small, was in the aggregate very serious to the poor woman, who should reeoivo sympathy and uid from the community. Tho lire companies were on tho spot and in the neighborhood, but arrived too late to do any good, and could havo done none, owing to tbo scarcity of water iu tho vicinity. The Supreme Court of Georgia—JUusco ffee County Cases. Tho Chnttahoochoe Circuit cases wore to havo been concluded yestorday bofore the Supremo Court at Atlanta. We have not yet heard the decision in tho case of J. II. Humilnm vs. tho city. Tho impor tant case of Badkius vs. tho city, which involves tho constitutionality of our mar ket and police ordinance, has not and will not bo argued this term, but comes up tho next. In tho case of Moseley against Seeley, the judgment of tho court was in for the latter, Judgo Warner dissenting, on the grouud that any caso discontinued by order of the court for non-payment of taxes under act of is final and con clusive, unless re instated duriug the term of court at which tho dismissal was had. s we havo stated, most of our lawyers have returned from Atlanta. Cotton in Demand. We saw yesterday evening twenty buy ers around three bales of cotton, aud they seemed to bo bidding lively. Several re ported they had offered fourteen cents Tho owner marched them to the ware house, hoping for better returns. Tho street burets yesterday claimed they had LOCAL BRIE I'M. No Mayor’s Court yesterday. Balloons might be used by policemen for taking people up. Candidates for county officea have opened business extensively. Voters are now suffering from Lcing talked to death. —Planters are now bragging on the amount of cotton daily picked. —An apple weighing nearly two pounds hati been picked iu Nebraska. —Including caue, umbrella, studs, etc., a man’s outfit contains nineteen pieces. — A colored woman observed of another yesterday: “She don’t know enough to dry clothes.” This expresses tho depth of ignorance. —Time flies, and fly timo is psssing away. —Grain loses fifteen percent, by allow ing it to become dead ripe. —Some Muscogee county land is so poor that you can’t raise a disturbance on it. —The reaping machines of the country hit a leg per day. —Canned fruit is called a “put-np-job.” —A negro minstrel troupe recently or- gsni/.ed, go under the name of ‘‘Darwin’s Darlings.” —When aix yonng ladies sit down to talk about dress, a small boy with a tin horn is a refuge for tho weary. —“Got anything for a sick man to read ?” inquired a pug-nosed chap of Chaffin the other day. “Yes, anything you want—Bibles, poems and religions works.” “Bibles,” echoed the boy, “do you think dad's a hatigel ? Gimme a lively dime novel—one with an Iujnn sculpisg a soger.” —Three marriages in a month certain. Thais doad sure. —The latest novelty in fashion that comes to as relates to visiting cards. When the upper right hand corner ie turned down it signifies that you have called in person ; when the lower right hand, that you have merely sent your card with compliments : whon the uppor left hand, that your call is congratulatory; when the lower left hand, consolatory. —A petition largely signed ie being cir culated for Col. W. L. Salisbury to be a candidate for Mayor of Columbus. — China has paved granite streets over .‘>00 years old. The contractors are dead. —The case of Columbus Dixey, charged with stealing cotton and males from Mr. Cade of Chattahoochee, was settled yes terday without getting into court, and the negro returned home. —Au eleven-pound cotton buyer and nine-pound printer made their appearance with the first frost —It has been discovered that the joint ed fishing rod was invonted because ono can t hide a long pole under his coat-tail on Sundays. Attendance on Our Tublie Schools, Wo glean tho following from the re port of Superintendent G. M. Dews, made to tho trustees on Tuesday of the attendance on the Public Schools of Co lumbus since their inauguration: No. 1-1867-8,229; 1868-9, 253; 1869- 0, 209; 1870-1, 255; 1871-2, 253; 1872- 8, 247; 1873-4, 239. No. 2—1867-8, 125; 1868-9, 114; 1869- 70, 80; 1870-1, 102; 1871-2, 83; 1872-3, none; 1873-4, none. Ne. 8-1367-8, —; 1868-9, 243; 1869-70, 286; 1870-71, 274; 1871-72, 307; 1872-8, 314; 1873-4, 304. Night School—1867-8, —; 1868-9, 50; 1869-70, —; 1870-1, 35; 1871-2, 30; 1872- 3, 30; 1873-4, 40. Total—1867-8, 354; 1868-9,600; 1809- 70, 635; 1870-1, 606; 1871-2, 683; 1872-3, 591; 1873-4, 583. Average No. 1—1867-8, 169 3-10; 1868- 9, 188 3-10; 1869-70, 223 3-10; 1870-1, 216 6-10; 1871-72,231 3-10; 1872-3, 196 3-10; 1873-4, 206. Averago No. 1 aud 3—1867-8, —; 1808- 9, 197; 1869-70, 242 6-10; 1870-1, 239 3-10; 1871-2, 262 6-10; 1872-3, 267 6-10; 1873 4, 258 (UlO. Colored-1872-3, 469; 1873-4, 487. No. 1 is composed of boys; No. 2 of boys’and girls, and No. 3 of girls. Sohoo^ No. 2 was abolished in 1872, because the ontrauoes were over ono hundred, and the average attendance about twenty. Tho Catholic aud Episcopal free schools supply the want of this school. As we stated yesterday, the tuition per scholar last your was $6.01. Tho boys amt girls last year paid $1,805 for the urs of books, or about a dollar and a half por pupil. School Children in Columbus. According to the city census last year, the population of Columbus was—whites 4,590, colored 4,058 ; total 8,648. Whito children between the agov of six and eighteen yoars numbered 1,277 ; colored 1.178—total 2,455. On the public schools of Columbus 605 whito and 487 colored children attended ; total 1,092. On pri vate schools 399 whito nud 400 colored atteuded; total 799. Total number at Hchool iu Columbus 1,891. This leaves 564, between six aud eighteen years of age, who do not attend Hcbool; but many, it must be remembered, are engaged in stores or other employment. Low Bates Given. Tho Mobile and Girard Railroad has granted to the Chamber of Commerce of Columbus a very favorable schedule of tariffs on all classes of freights shipped to Florida, during the low stage of water on the river. Such freights must go by rail to Eufauh, whore they will be reshipped by boat. These rates go into effect im mediately. The officers of tho above road entered a buyer against Mr. Bowers. The deserve tho thanks of our busiuess coin- new competitor is u twelve-pound son of inanity for tho liberal and accommodating Mr. Bill Snider, who was ushered upon spirit thus manifested, tho Kceue of action in tho afternoon, lie has already commenced cryiug for cottou Personal. Gen. John B. Guidon arrived iu the city yesterday, lie loft in the afternoon to vist his father iu UuasoII county, Ala. He returns to-day aud will »p?uk iu tho Opera House to-night on tho political is sues of the day. We were pleased to receive a call last night from Mr. Mnmford, editor and pro prietor of tho Talbottou Standard. Glad to learn his paper is doing a fine busiuess. Accident to Annette. Wo regret to learn that our fashion ed it ro s, aud wife of our busiuess manager, received severe injuries by falling down a stairway in Philadelphia a few days since. Though no bones were broken, she was seriously stunned aud bruised by the fall. Hope bor recovery will be speedy. Jewelry repaired and made to order. Engraving aud Watch Repairing done at Wittich A Kissel's. ELEGANT CUSTOM CLOTHING Made io Order at Stock Brices Perfect Pit and SatisfacHan Guaranteed. Our Mr. Thomas has just returned from New York with a choice line of New Samples, and we are now taking ordera for Dress and Basineaa Suits, hav ing made satisfactory arrangements for the manufacture of our Custom Clothing with special care and at short notice, by those well known manufacturers of fine clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell A Co., of Newark, N. J. Give ns your ordera aarly, and we will do our best to pleas* you, being determ ined that our friends and customers shall not pay any Broadway tailors fancy prices for having their clothing made to order, aepl 7 tf Thomas A Pbctoott. Take Notice t By buying your Clothing at the Balti more Clothing Honsa yon will save money. A visit to that establishment will convince yon of the truth of this assertion. _ oct2 tf Fresh Oysters at tho Baby Bestaurant. This is the very best establishment of tha kind in tha country, and everything is retailed at wholesale prices. The fine stock of Liquors is being retailed at 15 cents. Call end be satisfied, oct 14 tf J. W. Rtan. lluhler's & Cent Cigars Were always the best in tbo city, but since he is in his new store ho has some thing still better at tbo same price. Try them. octll-tf He who would always want a smooth aud well-shaped Shirt Front, most boy of those New Pattern Shirts at Stbause A Goldsmith’s. Stop : Stop ! / Have you seen the new and beautiful atook of Goods st the Baltimore Clothing House, 88 Broad afreet. tf Wholesale and Metail. Joseph A Brother have now on hand a stock of Dry Goods unsurpassed, which they offer to the pnbli c on the most favorable terms. Everything needed by the wholesale or retail purchaser, which can be bought iu any quantity as cheap as in any house in Georgia. They have many lines of specialties. They desire All to come and examine for themselves. All lines of Eagle and Phenix goods con stantly on hand. oct7 3m Tho Webster White Shirt, the best cus tom made shirt in existence, at the Bal timore Clothing Ilonse. tf The latest novelties in Neckwear at the Baltimore Clothing House. tf Bemeral• Dr. W. J. Fogle has removed his Dental Office from the Georgia Home building to his new place of business, over Wittich A Kinsel’s store. Here he will continuo the practice of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry, and will be glad to meet his friends. oct2 tf Alabama Money, At this market value, wanted in trade by octl3 3t G. W. Brown. For Beal Meershaum Pipes Call at Bnbler’s, No. 84 Brood Street, next to New York Store. The largest assortment of Gold and Silver Watches is to be found at Wittich A Kinsel’s Store, octll cod Aw An entire new stock of fine Jewelry has beon received at Wittich A Kinsel's Jewelry Store. Clocks from $3 upwards, guaranteed to give satisfaction, can be had nt Wittich A Kinsel’s 8tore. Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware at New York prices, sold at Wittich A Kinsel’s. A fine lot of Gents’ Scarfs at Stbausb A Goldsmith’s. Call at Buhler’s New Store, No. 84 Broad street, next to New York Store, for anything good in the Smoking line. _ octll-tf The Finest Imported and Key West Cigars at Bnh- ler’tt, No. 84 Broad Street. octll-tf Bemember Buhler the Tobaocouist is located now at No. 84 Broad Street. octll-tf Bleached and Bbown Hoxmpuns are cheaper than before the war. Convince yourself by calling at ootlltf Blanchard's Coffins, Caskets and Metalie Burial; Cases, The newost and best patterns, and at rea sonable prices, aud a full line of Coffin Trimmings and Mountings, at Edmunds’ Furniture Store, 98 Broad Street. ootii*tf. _ Blanchard receives now Prints every week. Go there and you get the latest styles. _ At T. E. Blanchard’s, 123 Broad street, you eau buy Black Siles as ebeap as in any market in America. Come and see. Silk Hats at $5.00 and $5.50, at Stbause A Goldsmith's. Buy one of those fine Suits. They are very cheap at Stbause A Goldsmith's. If you would rather have Clothing made to order at short notice, Strause A Gold smith's is the place. They hAve a splen did stock of Piece goods. Their tailors are plying the needle vigorously, octl tf The largest and beat stock of Kid Gloves in Columbus will be found at Blanchaed’s. A good two-bntton kid for $1; Harris’Victoria two-bntton kid for $1 50; perfectly seamless two-button kid for $2. Summer Dress Gooda at half-price; supply of superior Black Alpacas, Fancy Fall and Winter Drase Goods, selling as touisliingly low* at WU $EAPMAN A VaSMTILLE B. Go to tho Virginia Store of Carrpets, Flannels, Bleached Cottons and other Domestics. Fine Cloths, Cas- simeres and Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Tho “New York City Shirt, ’ tho best and prettiest shirt sold in the Sonth. Me rino and Wool Underwear for ladies and gentlemen. H. T. Crigleb. octlO eod Go to the Virginia Store for cheap goods of every kind. Largo stock now being opened and offered at prices lower than ever. Elegant Silks iu black and new shades colors, and other choice Dresa Goods at low price.-?. Black Alpacas in best makes, cheaper than hist season. Ribbons at unprecedented prices. octlO eod H. T. Cbigleb. Attractive. At the Virginia Store, 2-Buttou I£id Gloves at 75 cents to best quality, in opera shades, black and dark colors. White Goods, Hosiery, Corsets, Ac : ’Shawls, Shawl Scarfs and Cloth Sacks in new and beautiful styles. Boulevard Skirts, $1 and upwards. octlO eod H. T. Oriole a. Seed Wheat. Tennessee Seed Wheat, P»ye and Chls, Cheese, Crackers, Bagging, Ties, Ice- Cared Meats, and a good assortment of Groceries, for sal* low for cash, by D. Avebett, sep39 eodlm] under Rankin Floaso. Wanted, Alabama State Currency, at highest price for cash, or goods at cash prices. Apply to H. T. Crigleb, octl3 eodtf it Virginia Store. The Whole Truth. Peoplo*must bo dressed, and they de serve to be dressed in this age, in the latest style and as cheaply ns possible. This can be done to better advantage at the New Y’ork Store of S. Landauer than any place else. Ladies and gentlemen call at once and be assured for yourselves. See Mr. Landauer before going elsewhere, ootlltf * Notice• On and after this date tho Ice Houso will be open on Sunday from a. m. till 12m., and from 5 p. u. to 6 r. m. octll-tf John L. Hogan. Full line Toweling, Table Damasks, Bleached aud Brown Domestics, selling very low, at ooll Chapman A Vbbstilles. At Bdtnuds 9 Furniture Store, A full line of medium find low priced Walnut Chamber Suita, now and beauti ful designs A lot of thoso superior Rattan Baskets, Children’s Carriages, Boys’ Wagons and Velocipedes, Window Shades, Ac., Ac. octll-tf H. S. and L. 0. Haudk’s, Corsets, Cam bric edgings, Luces, Crochet Trimmings, Rufflings, Hoop and Felt Skirts, Misses, Ladies and Gent’s Hosiery, Zephyr Wors teds and Notions in endless variety. Very cheap, at ocll Chapman A Yerstille’m. Lawyers. J08KPU F. rou. Attorney at Law, >«! .Judge of County Court. SAV.Ui::. r.. HATCHER, Attorney at Law. Gffloi. orcr V» ittich A Kintel’t. J. M. McNEILL, Attorney ami Counsellor at Lew. Jl.E n Cnx Sf Artis J. Crawford. INGRAM «fc CRAWFORDS, Attorneys nt Law, iu th* Ftate and FeJcra! Court* of Georgia. Office over Illr"* & Cj.'s itort, northwest l)r v! uid iU. i r Ft*. Jr® A. A. DOZIEB, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, id federal Conrte In Georgia Off:.- ja8 M.'.t;: H. B.•.**!.roar. Locia P. Garrard. 1ILANDFORD A GARRARD, Attorneys nud Cs>uuscllor» mt Law. Offi::- :-u». G7 Broad rtio-t, over Wittich 4 Kin- eei’8 .Jewelry Store. Will irtcii " In tho .**:ato aui Federal Courts. J.vj. M. It vs sell. CnA9. J. Swift. RUSSELL A SWIFT, ti r.'iej* and (V:nte!lors at Law. Will practice i thei't'Ci-.H < ‘ieorgia {Chattahoochee Circuit) id Alabama. <Mce over 0. A. Xledd A Co.’* etore, r- .id sir* c t, Columhuj, (ia. Jal L. T. I10WXI50, Attorney nud Solicitor. . F. Cuni’r und R-<;i*ter iu Bankruptcy. Office uov~j| over lirjok.> Drug . J tore, Columbus, Ga. i'KARODY vt ORAN .VON, Attorneys nt Law. e ovm J. P.xsis 1 Co.’s Store, Broad 8t., uovlSJ B. J. JUOSKS, Attorney nud Counsellor at Law, II .c - l!.«ur;*.nre Company baildinc, toe o- r 7 ly] ond story. Doctors. Offlco Sleo; DU. J. A. I Rai’IIART, removed to the Drug Store of E. C. Hood & Brother. ping apartment at former resldenoe, on liitToi Randolph and McIntosh streets, :c t. e residence of ^lr. Win. Beach. 1>R. COLXLY.I ;.d Offlco corner of at. Clair and Ogle- uffice hours—7 to 9 a. m., 12 to 2 r. m., sep27 dtf DR. S. 15. LAW’. Off.-i oiii.-. £: .ad and Randolph streets, Burras’ building. . Ri'.' ..r. F. rsyth. three doors below St.Clair. Donilsts. W. F. TIGNER, Don! 1st, *»•••: i--r’3 t ail-Jing. Randolph St. iticn ?iT*n to the insertion of Artl- i «cll e.i to Operative Dentistry. COhlJIiliS DEXTAL ROOMS, W. T. Fo.»l, Prop’r, (1c "?la Hone BuiUJa^, Columbus Georgia. Hotels. PLANTERS* HOTEL, Nest to Columbue Bank Building. Porters at all the trains. faia MRS. W. V. SNIPER. Prr,,, r \, Builders and Architects. J. G. CHALMERS, * House Carpenter and llnllder. Jobbing done at short notice. Tlans and specifications furnished for all ntvu. of buildings y 4 Broad Street, next to G. W. Brown's, Ja9 Colutnbn*, ij a> KNOW ALL MEN That at the popular and long established Restaurant and Saloon of Chas. Ueyman ft Ce. tho best of Meals, Wines, Liquors and Cigars are kept constantly on hand i yr0 bo no publico. octl tf Hats in endlos3 variety at the Balti more Clothing Houso. tf Particular Attention Called to This. My Fall and Winter stock of Dry Goods is now complete, and I offor them at the very lowest rates for tho cash. Parties indebted to me are respectfully requested to call and sottlo, as I need the money. T. E. Blanchard, 123 Broad Street. Great variety of Opera Flannels, Red and White Wool Flannels, Cotton Flnnuols, Plaid Lindseys, Eagle and Kentucky Jeans, Virginia Caasimeres at prices to suit all, aft ocll Chapman &. Vebstille's. Do Tou Know? That, at the Now York Store, Landaenr has received a splendid selection of Span ish lace scarfs, jet brimmed, jot veil?, jet buttons aud New York rufflings? If you don’t know this go and see for yourself at once, and you will bo surprised and de lighted at the magnifioout stock ho has on hand. tf If the druggist offers any kind of herb fiavored alcohol for dyspepsia, bilious ness, or any other ailmant, tell him that yon want medicine, not a bar-room drink. A^k him for Dr. Walker’s California Vineoar Bitters, the best regulating preparation known, end which you know is freo from “Satan’s Elixir.” Reject all the fiory “Tonics” and “Appetizer?," ami cling to that remedy. There is no medi cine that compares with it. octll 4w Consumption Can be Cured. •OUNCE'S PULMONIC STRUP, SCBENCK'S bba wbrd tonic, SCRBNCK’a MANDRAKE pills, Are the only medicines that will enre Pul monary Consumption. Frequently medicines that will §top a cough will occasion tho death of the patient; they lock up tho liver, stop tha circulation of the blood, bemorrluigo follows, aad, in fact, they elog the action oi the very organs that caused the cough. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, are tho eaaeeiof two-thirds of the cascj el Conpnmp- tlon. Many persons complain ef & dull pain in the sHe, constipation, coated tongne, pain in tho shoulder-blade, foellngs of drowsiness and restlessness, the food lying heavily on tho stomach, accompanied with acidity and lelch- ing up of wind. These symptoms usually origlnato from a disordered condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Tersons so affected, if they take one or two heavy colds, and If the cough in these cases bo suddenly checked, will find the stomach and liver clogged, remaining terpl 1 and iaa-tivo, and almost before they are aw.tro t*.o lung? are a mass of sores, and ulcerated, the result of which isdeHth. Schenck’s Pulmonic Syrup is an expect rant whioh does not contain opium or anything cal culated to check a cough suddeuly. Schenck’s Sea W«od Tonic dissolves the fool, mixes with tho gastric juices of the stom ach, aids ..igestlon, and creates a ravenous ap petite. Schenek’s Mandrake Pills aro required. These medicine* »re prepared only by J. H. SCHENt'K A SON. N. E. corner Sixth and Arch sts., Philo. And f»r sale by all druggists and dealers. ' wyiv eedly Cotton factories. niiectings, Shirtings, Mid Sewing and Knitting Thread# CY.jvf* Vi’tol r.n<l Grinds Wheat and Corn- Of! a iu rear of Wittich .v Kissel's, Randolph st. Jol'j H. H. CHILTON, President. HFsiCvJGEE MANUFACTUJlllfG CO. Mannfactnrcrs of SIIRKIINGS, SHIRTINGS, YARN, TOPIS, 4c. COLUMUDd, GA. G. V. SWIFT, President. W. A. o\\ li T. ferret ,rj & Treasurer. oct3l ly. Watchmakers. C. fsCIIOMBCItO, Practical Watchmaker »ntl Jeweler, -Pr.ccoMur to L.Gutow*ky, I'j-1 Broad street, Jail Columbus, Ga. C. H. LEQUJN, Watch maker, 131 Bread street, Columbus, Ga. Watv-’.c* and Clucks repaired in tho best man ,er end w.•.minted. Jail Tobacco, Clears, &e. I. G. STRUFFER, Candy Manufacturer AND DEALER 1S All kinds of Confectionery and Frulta. Stick Candy 18 cent*. Full v \*14 e»ht gli ? 1 ir. each box. Cccto and Shoos. WELLS & CURTIS, No. I* road Street, Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON), Llrerjr, tal, and Exetaan.. Htabl., 0.unoiri, Nomu or IUhdoim St,., acWO Colombo,, G,. a. UAiaei, Livery aud Mai. «l*bl n , 03LETOORFE ST., COLimilM, a.,. o f P B " llc k ul * r attention BlT.0 to Feeding ? „; (1 Horae, sort Hole, bo»rilo<l In stable, be tl,. month or tU,. “J..,;, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls Mo. % and 18, Market liouse. Fresh Meats of every kind nud best Jail altt-ava on hum! 1 >< J. T. COOK, Freeh Meats of All Klntl*, "gpfl Ftallu No., if, Ht „i Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP E1FLEU, Gun and Lockswith, Crawford street m-x Johnson's corner, Columbus. Ga'. WILLIAM SCHOBEU, Gun and Locksmith and douler in Ounninc M, tennis. Opposite Enquirer Office. ° * Il.nv full i of Boot a and Shoe?, Upper, Solo and liar- neao Leather and Finding* cf all k.nds. Reliable goodj! Reasonable prices! li. I'.—Special attention to orders by F.xpres* iMt. "■ J;4 Piano Tuning;, Ac. Crocers. OAX’L K. BISK, De.ler in F.mily Urocttrir., on Bryoo .Iron tween Uttietliorpw & Jut-kaon street,. ' AV No clutrge fur dr iyage. J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Uroeer, Jn.clion of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorto No charge for dray age. Tailors. G. A. K(EHME, Merchant Tailor and Cutter, A fall stock of French and English Broadcloths Cassimcres uud Vestings. *Pri& No. 134 Proud Stroit. HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and Repairing Done in the boat style. apr24J Corner Crawford and Front Fts. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker Iu Tin, .beet Iron, t'opp. Order, from .broad promptly attended to, J»7 No. 174. Broad Streel Painters. If you 51 A3 Ell DORN, want to enjoy a goad smoke, go to hia Bo two a Uoorgi i Home and Muscogoe Home. ja8 Dealer JnO C. LOPEZ, In nr,d JSannfnctnror of Fine Cigars, N>*ar Bmad “t Depot. Barber 3hops. LOUIS Uud rromp WELLS' SHAVING SALOON, (Successor to II. nenea,) r Georgia Hume lusnranco Building, nni poKto harbots in attendance. Ja25 Ja8 ALEX A SAM, BirnBRS, j*t. Clair Stbsxt. Cruvfcr declt ED. TERRY, Harbor, ci., u.;d-- Rankin House, Columbus, Ga. Dross-Making. MIS Dress-Mh I 'Vlf, S yi. A. HOLLINGSWORTH, king, Cutting and Fitting. Termschoap. kv.daouoc andohujj in Brownevills. Com'ectioners. E. W. BLAU, Upairer and Tuner of Pianors, Organs am Accoideon*. Sign i’aintin? also done. Order* ir.iv ha b h it at J. \V. Was. 4 Norman’. Boot and Shoemakers WM. MEYER, Coot aud Shoemaker. Dealer in Leather and Findings. Next to C. A. It-dd A Co.’a. PiviDpt aud strict attention given to orders. Jon WM. SNOW, Jit., & CO., House nml Sign Painter., Old Oglrthorpo corner, (just north of p. Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House aud Sigu l'nim. reasonable prices, and guarantee salisfaction, M “fer to Wm.-Suow, Sr. ini" LAWYERS. FERN M. WOOD, Attorney at Latv, Opelika, Alabama, W 1 sell, the Supreme Court of Al the United States District Comt ui Mont gomery. SeplS dfcw tjan 1 W. F. Williams. Cma. II. Williams. WILLIAMS & WILLIAMS, Attorneys at Law, COLI'XBIA, UA. GW Office over Abell’s store. |y 17 8m W. A. Far lev, Attoruoy ■ at ■ X_i a w OUSSETA, Ohattahoocheb Co., Oa. aySpecial attention given to collections. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at L,avv, HAMILTON, GA., W ILL practico in tho Chattahoochee Circuit or any where eiso. AU kind of coilectiou fushbd. “Pay mo or run away.’’ uov!4 tf H. CABTLKMAN. L. H. ClIAl’PIlL H.CASTLEMAN&CO., General Insurance Agents. REPRESENTING THE LIVERPOOL A LONDON & GLOBE And other Strong Firo and Lifo Companies. OFFICE OVER FREER, ILLGES x OU’S STORE, 119 BROAD ST. eng 20-tf ^ REAL E8TATE ACENTS. JOHN BLACK3IAB, St. Street, Ounby’s Buildinp, edit M Freer, lllges k Co. Real Estate Brokerage it Insurance. Kiris, dt rxasussiox, To llerchanta’ aud Mochauics’ Bank, this <- 'l)- aprl*>i tf^H ^^ MILLINERY. SPRINC MILLINERY. \\JS have fust received a full line of M’KJ'V W AND NUMMKR MILLlSEltl' 11 eluding all the NOVKLTIF.S ol tin* season- PRESSING AND BLEACHING douo in ** latest styles, at the shorie-*t notice. Next door below tho New York Store. MRS. COLVIN sod iwttfl—ly ni.r4 Ml88 DONNKbl.l- W. W. SHARPE & CO., Publishers’ Agents No. 25 Park llow, Now York, Are authorised to Contract for A* ▼ertlelnff In onr paper* ray 14 tf —• DIAMOND SPECTACLES! Thess Spectacles .... manufactured from ^ ui- Crystal Pobbles" melted together, j called Diamond on accobnt of their h»rdo br ileving been teated with the polari«!OI^’|J tB diamond lenses have been found to adm ‘ . j. if per cent, leas heated rays than any othrp >fJ They • > fronnd with ( ro.l .r.eiitific J aro free from chromatic aberration^ *“ *. te f e if n brightnsss and distinctness of vision j ; , ,j., attained in spectacles. Slnnufa: Spencer Optical Manufacturing C. For aale by responsible ageuts in cvi Union. ;.r« *V‘f ih aadOFli'-jiS WITTICH A KINSEL. Jewcli :e sole agents for Uolntnbua, Ga., in ouly be attained. Nopeddlei ... uk bV * *“ lr T “k5die ,w ,„ ra lb*! I