Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, November 07, 1874, Image 1
• (I (Eolnmbn n quires VOL. XYI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1874. NO. 202 TERMS or Tin DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY | HlfQUIRVXt. Twelve months, in advance.. $8 00 VICTORY ON VICTORY! 4 00 2 00 7/»c. 2 00 2 r»o 8 00 Rix month*, “ Thuee months, “ One month, “ Wkkkly ENQUin**, one year Sunday Enquibeb, one year Sunday end Weekly Enquiber to- Rothor, one year Advertising Bates. 1 Wwk, Daily, •• ‘20 DO •• aw *• ‘2ft (Ml [* 1 42 DO m>vo in with the privilege of a change iuiitlid. Fot yearly card* a liberal die- will 1.1- udn. iidvi-rfisemout h changed more than • in three months th« udvortiner will l>e eharg- with tho cent of compoiiition. Fon-igu adver- rn uitiHt pa» in d.» those* at home. Democrat* in Jtionll. The Democrats of this county are in strong hopes that they can throw out several boxes in the county. It is to be tried, and proceedings havo already com- moncod. Proofs of fraud and violation of law on the part of tho Radicals aro incontestable ; and it will not go before a partisan Legislature, but one composed of n majority of fair, just and able men. Two Democrats will yet represent the county in tho Legislature, instead of two ignorant negro&s. TELECRAPHIC NOTE8. By Toli-graph to Bxquiiiul] DOMESTIC. —The Roman Catholic Bishop, Boon, of the Dioceso of Portland, is doad. —The Agassiz Memorial Fund in Bos ton amounts now to $121,005. —The Germun Legation at Washington lias received no information whatever con cerning the arrest of tho alleged Under Secretary of Count Von Arnim at tit. Louis. rOBEIUBT. —The Empress of Russia traveled from Odessa to London iu sixty-six hours. —Miss Martineau, aged 73, wrote the biography of Barry Cornwall for tho Daily News. —Ten steamers are embargoed to carry troops to tho relief of Iran. A dispatch from Iran reports tho Carlists suffering heavily. —A drama from tho pen of Prince George of Prussia, having for its plot an episode in ltaliau history of the sixteenth century, is now ia tho press and will shortly be published. I liter uni lounl Cut hollo Uongreisct. London, Novomber 5.—The chief au thorities of tho Church have docided to hold a groat International Catholic Con gress in London, with tho object of luaiu- tuiuiug the doctrine of Papal infallibility, and reasserting the Pope’s right to tem poral as well as spiritual power, and pro claiming the houndeu duty of all Chris tians to return to their allegiance to Rome. ALABAMA. STILL BETTER NEWS—STATE DEMOCRATIC BY 12,000. Montgomery, November 0.—Tho State is Democratic by not less than 12,000 ma jority. The result iu the First Congres sional District is doubtful. If Haralson, colored Republican, has been scratched to any considerable extent, be is beaten by Bromberg. In the Second District Wil- liams, Democrat, hns 1,000 majority over Rapier, colored Republican. In tho 3d District Bradford, Democrat, beats Betts about 5,000. In tho 4th District Hays, Republican, has 0,000 majority. The race in the 5tli and Oth Districts wax be tween Democrats. Iu the former Cald well beats Sheffields ; in tho latter Hewitt beats Sloss, the present incumbent, by about 7,(MM) majority. Tho Democratic majority on joiut bal lot in tho Legislature is 20. Real estate is hold 25 per cent, higher than beforo the election. A nogro named Diggs was jailed to-day by a United States Marshal, charged with shooting and killing a young son of Judge Kiels, of Barbour county, ou election day, and destroying tho ballot-box at Spriug Hill, in said comity. HANNACUVKEfTil. DEMOCRATS BEJOICINO. Boston, November 0.—A very largo number of navy yard employees havo been discharged, and more aro going. The Democrats are jubilant throughout New England. Tho result in Masnaohn setts is attributed to the hope that the Democrats will persuade the negro( s of the South to wear shoes. MISSOURI. DEMOCRATIC DELEGATION OF THIRTEEN. Missouri sends a dean Democratic del egation. [Gain of 3.] The Democratic majority will be 40,(MM) to 00,000. GEORGIA. DEMOCRATIC REJOICING IN ATLANTA. Atlanta, Nov. 5.—At a grand torch light procession to-night thirteen guns wore fired. Speeches were made by Sen ator Gordou, Gov. Smith, Mayor Spencer and others. Thoro was au immense crowd. Mayor Spencer was discharged to-day by Judge Erskine, from the charge of viola tion of tho Enforcement act. PENNSYLVANIA. OFFICIALLY COUNTING THE VOTE. Philadelphia, November G. — The counting of election returns of the city wards by the Judges of Common Pleas will probably closo iu ton days. Only one ward bos been completed so far. LOUISIANA. claim a clean Congressional delegation. [Gain of 3 ] DEMOC'KATN REJOICE ! FIRING CANNON AND rorriNG CRACKERS— LIGHTED TORCHES AND SPEECHES. Charleston, November G.—The grand est demonstration ever known in the city is now progressing in honor of the Dem ocratic victory. Torchlight processions, illuminations, and firing of cannon are the order of the night. Governor Vance is now speaking to acres of people from Independence Sqnaro. The greatest en thusiasm prevails. AT WILMINOTOW. Wilmington, November G.—Ouo hund red guns were fired hero this morning in honor of the rocoftt Demo-ratio victories. The rejoicings are immense. WftMhlntrton fiufo Burglary. Washington, Nov. G.—The safe bur glary trial was continued to-dny in the Supreme Court of tho District. Tho prosecutiou closed their side of the case, and Hon. N. B. Smithors opened for the defeuso, occupying three hours in his speech, declaring that the defense would overthrow tho testimony of liayes and Zirrnth, and show that it was a put-up job aguiust Nettleship. They would also explain all the tele grams, and show that they had connec tion with this case. The examination of witnesses for tho defence commences to-morrow. Tho attoudanoo to-dny wns large. [This is tho case in which Whitely is a party. Ho is charged with being deep in tho uiire, and hns given bond for his ap pearance.—News ICd.] Tire in Columbus, Ky. Nashville, November G.—The conduc tor ou tho Mobile and Ohio Railroad brings nows to Union City that Co lumbus, Kentucky, was on lire iu two places last night. Tho Wostcrn Union Telegraph Company’s offico was burned, and all tho wires wore down. He could furnish no paiticulars. CUBA. DUCKING of government bills. Havana, Nov.3.—It is officially an- nounccd that on November 1st, tho Gov ernment will publicly burn about 12,500 bank bills, representing tho sum of $5G5,- 000, being tho proceeds of the ten per cent, income tax. Another burning will follow. MARKET8. BT TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money nntl Stork Markets. London, Novombor 6.—Erie 20%. Street rate % below bank. Paris, November fl —Bentos titfnnd6c. Nkw York, Novembor fl.—Stocks aottve. Money 2% per eont. Gold 109%. Exchange- long 485; short 488%. Government! aettvo. State bonds quiet. Nkw York, Novombor 0 —Money very ossy at 2f$2% per cent. Gold dull, but stoady at H0yH10%. Governments active. Cotton Markets. Liverpool, November fl. — Noon— Cotton quiet; uplands 7%0%; Orleans 8%0%; sales 12,0 0 bales, including ‘2,000 for speculation ui d export. Sales on basis of middling Orloans, nothin* below low middlings, shipped lu October an*l Novomber, 7 3-10. Sules on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped December and January, T%. • * Of sales to-day 7,600 bales were American, p. m.—Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in Oc tober and Novomber 7 U-lfl. Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low moldings, shipped lu October and Noveiubor, 7 U-lfl. Nkw York, Nnvetnhor 0 —Ootton quiet; sales 1,070 bales; uplands 14%; Orleans 13. Futures opened dull und nominal, as follows : November 14 7-10&9-10: December 14%t$ll-10. January 141&-10($ 15; Kel>ruury 16%<d?5-lO;Mareh 15%; April 15 13-10. New York, Novomber C—Ootton easier sales *2,‘243, at 14%@15; net receipts 694. Nkw York, Novombor fl.—Ootton—Futures closod easy ; sales 15/200 bales, as follows: No vember 14 17-3269.16; December 14 ‘21.3*2611-10; January 14 16-10 bid; February 15%tti9-L2; Man'll 15 17-3260-10: April 15 lJ-lflfi‘27-32; May 10 3 326%; Juno 10)6 @13-32. Nkw Orleans, Novombor 0.—Demand fair; middlings 14%: tiet receipts 2,382; sales 4,600- sales lust evening 2,000; stock o&,oi)5. Wookly not roceipts 31,283; exports to Great THE WEATHER. Department of War, ) Washington, November G, 1874.) /Probabilities.—For the South Atlantic anil Gulf States, anil Tenuosaeo, partly cloudy anil warmer weather will prevail, with cant to wrath winds, and high barom- eter. East of tho MiHaiHHippi river, New Euglaud and the Middle States, generally clear weather, northwest to southwest wiuds, no decided change of temperature and rising barometer during the night. Britain 20,043; sales 3<),000. Monn.K, Novembor 6.—Cotton steady; mid dlings 14; stock 22,2 3. Weekly net receipts 11,914; sales 8,000. Baltimore. Novembor fl.—Cotton quiet and steady; middlings 14%; spinners 800; stock 11.021. Weekly not receipts 778; exports to tho Con tinent 1/250; sales 3,801, to spinners 1,520. {Savannah, November0.—Cotton dull, 1-16 lower to sell; middlings 14; stock 95,925. Weekly net roceipts 1*4,983; exports to Groat Britain 8,499; to the continent 90-'; sales 10,090. Augusta. November fl.—Cotton quiet and steady; middlings low middlings 13%; good ordinary 13; stock 13,324 Woekly not receipts 10,**u4; shipments 8,134; JOB PRINTINC. GILBEB'FS PRINTING OFFICE AND BOOK BINDERY. PJAVINO EXTENSIVELY KKFUU- nished my oftlco, lu anticipation of the business season which Is now opening, with new mate rial, I am better prepared than ever to do every description of work desired by Merchants, Corporations, Societies, Railroads, Steamboats, And the Public Generally. An examination or Brices and Stook I* ask- oil, guaranteeing Good and Koliuble Work- mauship, with Promptness. Georgia and Alabama Legal Blank, hand, or printed At nlco. Railroad Receipt Books For the different Hoads, «f various wlies, al ways on hand, and also mado to order ut short notlco. In fact, the ost-t' llshmout Is eomptoto, and facilities ample todoevory description of work, a Visiting Card to a Poster, and fr* Receipt Book to a Royal Ledger, or a large Quarto Volume. FOR SALE AND RENT. For Rent. UARPENTEU SHOP AT 1IKOAD and Thomas strootd. Apply to seplT tf MRS. L. F. MEYER. For Ront. O FF I O F. S AND 8L.EFPINO ROOMS in tho Georgia Homo in- It’fl nug30 If no iiroad St. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be sold at tho Into residence of Col. .1. A. L. Leo, In Muscogoo county, on Thursday, November 5th, and trom day toduy until ttie samo is concluded, the lersonal and perishable property of his estate, consisting of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hoars, Sheep, Corn, Fodder, Cotton Seed, Gin, wagons, Carriago, ono Copper Still, Plantation Implements, and many other articles necessary for farming and tiouxo-kcupln-;. Sale made under an older ol tho Honorable Court of Ordinary of Muscogee county. Terms cash. JOSEPH F.POIt, o.f24 dtd Adrn’r, tec. For Sale or Rent. M Y FARM known as the Thompson -MSI place, 1% tulles oast of Box Springs Hr on Muscogea Railroad, consisting of 507 acres—300 cleared, and buluncu well timbered and nearest the depot. Mr. Torn Persons now rurIdes on t ho place. Good framed and painted md colled bouse ; healthy and excellent neigh borhood. Price 62,50 1 cash. Terms made nown at my lawotllce. JAMES M. RUSSELL, oot'26 dtewtf Columbus, Ga. Plantation Stock and t arm ing Utensils for Rent. ESI KING to give my undlvldod attention to law. I will rent or lease wlmt Is wrn as the Chappell farm, at Warrior 0.—Cotton qulot; LOTTERY. A Canning Expedient. There is a fable among the Hindoos that n thief, bnviug beeu detected and condeiunod to die, happily hit upon an expedient which gave him hope of life. He sent for his jailor, and told him he had a secret of greAt importance which he desired to impart to the king, nnd when this had been done he would bo prepared to die. After receiving this piece of intelligence the kiug at one* or dered tho culprit to bo oouducted to his E resence, and domanded of him to know is secret. Tho thief replied that ho knew the secret of causing a tree to grow which would bear fruit of pure gold. The experiment might be easily tried, and bis majesty would|tiot lose the opportunity; so, aocouipunied by his Prime Minister, his courtiers, and uia chief priest, he went with the thief to a spot selected near the eity wull, where tho latter performed a series of solemn incantations. This done, tho condemned man produced a piece of gold, and declared that if it should bo planted it would produce a treo every branch of which would bear gold. “But,” he added, “this must be put into tho ground by a hand that has nevor beeu stuiued by a dishonest act. My hand is not clean, therefore I pass it to your Majesty.” The Kiug took the piece of gold, but hesitated. Finally he said, “I remember in my younger days that I often filched money from my father's treasury which was not mine. I have repented therein ; but yet I hardly dare say my hand is clean. I pass it to my Prime Minister.” The latter, after a brief consideration, answered: “It were a pity to break the charm through a possible blunder. I re ceive taxes from the people, and as I am exposed to many temptations, bow can I bo sure that I havo remained perfectly honest ? I must give it to the Governor of tho Citadel.” “No, no,” cried the Governor, drwing back. “Remember that I havo the serv ing out of pay and provisions to the sol diers. Let the high priest plant it.” And the priest said, “You forgot I have the collecting of tithes, and the disburse ments for sacrifice. ” At length the thief exclaimed : “Your majesty, I thiuk it were better for society that all five of us should be banged, since it appears that not an honest man can be fouud among us.” In spite of tho lamentable exposure, tbe King laughed; nud so pleased was be with tho thief's cuuuiug expedient, that be granted him a pardon. DEMOCRATS GAIN TWO CONGRESSMEN CERTAIN. New Orleans, Novembor 5.—First Dis trict 3,500 Democratic majority; Second District 2,500 Democratic majority; Third District returns indicate the re election of Dnrrnll. A hundred guns were tired in honor of tho Democratic victories. DEMOCRATS WILL GAIN TIVK U. H. SENATORS. New York, November 5.—According to tho Tribune's summary, the Democrats have gained Legislatures in live Stales that will elect oncli a United States Sena tor to succeed a Republican. That pa per gives tho Democrats a majority bo- tween fifty nud sixty iu the next House of Representatives. SOUTH CAROLINA. SOUTH CAROLINA RADICAL BY A MAJORITY DECREASED 27,<>00. Charleston, Novembor 5.—Tbe Nexus and Courier, from incomplete returns, concedes the election of Chamberlain by about 45,000 majority, which would bo a Conservative gain of 27,000. It also con cedes the election of Wallaoe, Republi can, and Hoge, Republican, to Congress. Rainey’s election is si ill iu doubt. ILLINOIS. REPUBLICANS DEFEATED. Chicago, Noveiubor G.—The I'ribune this morning gives tho complexion of tho next Legislature as follows : Senate—Re publicans 25; Democrats 23; Independ ents 3. House — Republicans G7; Demo crats G4; Independents 22. The Interocean says it seems likely that the opposition and Independent Reformers combined will havo a majority of one is the Henate. Returns from two-thirds of tho Login- lative Districts show a not loss to the Re publicans of eleven in the Lower House, but it is probable they will retain their majority in this branch, nnd also a major ity on joint ballot, should a joint session at any timo become necessary. NEVADA. San Francisco, November G.—Returns from Novada are still incomplete. Ad ams (Democrat) for Lieutenant Governor is elected. Woodburn (Republican) for Congress is elected. Republican majority in the Legislature on joint ballot will bo from 15 to 20. Republicans claim the entire State ticket with the exception of Bradley (Democrat) for Governor nnd Williams (Democrat) for Lieutcnaut Gov- ernor. No estimate has beeu made of the general majority. FLORIDA. DEMOCRATS CARRY LEGISLATURE, BUT LOME THE CONGRESSMEN. Augusta, Ga., November G.—Nows from Key West says the Cubans voted for the Republican candidate, thus defeating IlendersoD. Walls, negro, has been elect- j " ed over Finley, Democrat. The Demo crats have 20 majority in tho Legislature. ARKANSAS. DEMOCRATIC DELEGATION OF FOUR. Little Rock, Novomber 0.—- Democrats No Further Postponement SECOND AN1) LAST Grand Gift Concert Masonic Relief Association Of Uoifolli, Vo,. THURSDAY, NINETEENTH NOV’R. .10.000 TickviK—«,ooo iiMh urn*. 6230,000 To loo Gixron Away! Ono Grand Cash Gift of Gnu Grand Gash Gift of Ono Grand Cush Gilt of Ono Giand Gash Gift id Olio Grand Cush Gilt of Ouo Grand Gush Gilt of 28 Cash Girm id' 4:1 Gash Gilts of Gash Gilts of 269 Gash Gilts of 578 Gash Gilts <d 500-» Gusli Gifts of loo oaol* 50 ouch 10 oucli *30.000 25.00 i 30.000 10.000 6,000 2,600 2,000 10.760 11,860 25,00; i 6000 CASH PRIZES, aggregating - f26<>,000 PRICE OF TICKETS. Whole Tickets. *10; Half Tickets, *5; Quar ter Tickets, *2 6o; Eleven Tickets, *luo. NO INDIVIDUAL BENEFITS. This Concert Is strictly for MASONIC |-ur- ihhoh, and will ho conducted with tho same liberality, honesty nnd fairness which charac terized tho first enterprise. JOHN L. ROGER, l*rcNl(lcnf. For tickets and oireulars, giving full infor mation, address HENRY V. WOO HE, No «>, Norfolk, Vm. Responsible Agonls wanted splnnors 272; sales 7,967. WlI.IIlNUTOIf, Novetnhc middlings 13j%; stork 3.894. Weekly nut receipts 3,054 sales 84*2. Momuomkhy, November fl.—Colton qulot and stead>-; ml idlings 13)4; low middlings 13% ‘ * sales 1,017; stock 1,490. PniLADSi.piiiA, Novembor 6.—Cotton qulot; middlings 14)4i not - receipts 356. Weekly net roceipts 1,040. Boston, November fl.—Quiet; middlings 16; stock fl ouo. Weekly net receipts 741; exports to Groat Britain 959; sales 2,800. Columiua, November 0.— Firm; middlings 13%; low middlings 13%; goufl ordinary 13%. Weekly net receipts 6tl. shipments 640; spin ners 21; sales667; stock 158. Macon, November fl.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 13%; good ordinary 13. Woeltlv not receipts 3,270; shipments 2,610; sales 2,423; stock 6,681. Ei faith, Novomber 0.—Quiet; middlings 13%; low middlings 13%; good ordinary 13. Woekly nut receipts 2,431; shipments 1,891; Stock 6,621 Jkkkkiiso.v, November fl.—Demand goo«’» middlings 13; low middlings 12%; good ordinary Weekly net receipts 7ofl; shipments 669; spin ners 25U; sales 309; slock 2,A40. SiiRKVKroRT, November fl.—Firm; low mid dlings 13% Norfolk, November 0.—Cotton dull; mid dliius 14; stock 20,6*6. Weekly net receipts‘24,950; exports to Gseat Britain 1,402; sales 2,409. Indianola, Novembor fl.—Weekly not ro ceipts 077. Galveston, November (3 —Gotten quiet and tirm: middlings 14%; stock 44,612. Weekly net receipts 13,417. Giuffin, November 0.—Qulot; middlings 13%: low middlings 13%. wookly not receipts 1,258; shipments 1,459; Stuck 842. Giiaui.kston, Novomber fl.—Quiet and easy; middlings 13%@14: stock 68,197. Weekly net receipts 19,111: exports to Great Britain 8,640, to the Chanel 760; sale* 10,600 Novomber fl.—Quiet; middlings 13%; low middlings 13%; good ordinary 12%. Weekly net receipts 1,080; shipments 9Kfl; stock 1,416. Pour Koval, Novombor 0.—Wookly not re ceipts 1,222; stock 2,018. . November fl —Weekly net re ceipts 257; sales 4,000; stock 10,000. Nashville, November 0.—Gotton easier; middlings 13%; lew middlings 13; good ordl- ■WH? stock fl,: 48. Mkmphis, November fl.—J'otton quiet nnd unchanged; middlings 13%@11; net receipts 2,- 152; shipments 3,634; sties 1,400; stock 25,440. Weekly not receipts 13,136; shipments 12, IN THE DEPARTMENT OF BOOK BINDING, Many additions have b -cn miulo during t> e past season, and It Is now vory complete, ami work In Hint line cannot bo surpassed fur Iknl -h and durability. Having an immenso quantity nud large surtmoutol Type, soruu Presses run by .Steam Power, and ouoof the most extensive sloe Paper, Bid an I L iter Heads, Gards, Tags, tec, ever brought to Golumbus, no dul.i} cun o or satisfaction fall to bo givuu, both in Prleo and Quality of Work. Roinotuber tho plaoo, OLD HUN AND TIN EH OFFICE, (Opposlto New Postoltlee Building) RniMlolph Ntrcel, CoIiiiiiImin, On. My Gountry Friends and Patrons will f lense remember tho ulmvo, and loud tbo>r ardors to RAILROADS. Montgomery A Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Effect October I, 1874. MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. IsMVo Montgomery 4:00 p m Arrivo ut KufatiU 10:18 i> m Connecting on Wodiu-nditya and S:itiird*VH witli Wonts on<-» Kiv-r, nud dully nt Union Springs with Mobile k Oimrd Kullrond for Troy. Leave Kitfsiiln ‘J:00 A M Arrive nt Montgomery 7:48 a M Connecting at Union Springs with Mobile A (limn! Knilrond tor Columbus, uud ut Montgomery with roads diverging. JH> tf •_ H. DUN HAM, gup’t. Western Railroad of Alabama. 541 HOURS TO NEW YORK WESTERN RAILROAD OP A (.ADAM A, Comimuus, Oa„ kept. 13th, 1871 TRAINS LEAVE OOLUMliUS DAILY For Montgomery nud Solum, . 2.00 a. m. Arrive ut Moutg’y, • • M.tMi a w. Arrive ut dtilmu, - - 12 94 a. m. FOR ATLANTA AND NKW YORK At I0:3fla.tu. Arrivo Opelika ut 12:20p. m. At Atluutu 6:42 p. lu. By Atlcnt* and Qhirlotto Air-Lino. I.l'.vo Atl.nt. Ikl«> [i. III., CIIAULOTTH n:'.’. II. m., buuvillo 3:27 p. m. At rive ul Washington 4:30 * llMltlmoru 0:30 u. Ui., ut I'ldludolphia 1:30 pen ht . v About 800 ueres of ul, gin luiuso Slid Schofield press. reasonable terms, and igh Is widely known as a ttio.-t excellent ti JAS.M. BUSSELL, .1 AN. IU . I(|i58t,hb, Law Udlce, Goluinbus, Ga. Administrator’s Sale. doscrlued lands of tho estate of James JS Alluras, iloct aseil, to-wlt Lots N«t 61 and 62 and 76 acres of hd No 60. with one-half No 78, all known as tho hoinosteud amounting to 480 acres; also lot No. 66, con taining 202% acros known us tliu Mineral Sittings itiaco, iu tho 33d District, Ghuttahooclieo County. Also, part ol lots Nos 80 und 81,being one hundred acres more or less, iu the Oth District, Ghatttahoocheu Go. Also, vacant lot No 67. half interest lu lot No 85, half interest in lot No 3d mid half inter est lu tSIilpp te Ailum'scornor lot and ttorc, the last lour lots referred to boing town lots In Gua- seta. Also, hull interest In 12> acres in Decatur Gountv, Git. All tho before described Linds to l»o sold except tho widow's dower, whloh will bo dubUnuted on day of salo and the remainder Interest lu duwor sold also. D. t). GODY. MARY .1. A Lid'MS, Adwlufrtrntori of J times 8. Allutns, dec’d. Clmrlo By Kennetaw Route. Uiivo Allniiln 0:00 |i. ol, Doll,hi 10:110 m., Hrl-tol 10:46 a. m., Lynchburg 10.45 p. At. Arrivo ut Washington 0:45 a. ut., at 9:15 «. m„ at I'liilitilalpliia 1:30 p. in, at NKW YORK 6:15 p. nt. Hlecpiitg cars rjin from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TIIAINH ARRIVE AT COLUMMUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, • 0:37 a Prom Montgomery and Holtim • *2;2.Y i. »•. Tickets for sale at Union 1‘iwscngcr Di-pul. ('llAH. V. HALL, Uciiurul bup't H. M. AIIIIOTT. Agnnt. fsct»13 tf UOY l dlteW4t. receipts 1,424; shipments 704; Another ho|-4 deodtewtpovia Chance ! Fifth and Last Gift Concert Public Library of Kentucky. POSTPONED TO NOVEMBER 30,1874. Drawing certain at that date List of Gifts. ONE GRAND GASH GIFT *250,000 ONE GRAND GAS1I GIFT 100,000 ONE GRAND GASH GIFT 76.000 ONK GRAN D GAS 11 G1 FT 60,000 ONE GRAND CASH GUT 25,000 5 GASH GIFTS *20,000 each 100,000 10 GASH GIFTS 14,uoo each 140,000 16 GASH GIFTS 10,000 euch 160,000 2o GASH GIFTS 6,000 each 100,000 26 GASH GIFTS 4.000 euch KW.ooO GASH GIFTS 3,000 ouch 90,000 388; sales 10,: Provision Market* Livbkpool, November fl.—Brcuilstulls quiet Corn 30s. fld. New York, November 0.—Flour quiet. Wheat quiet anti steady. Gum steady. Pork heuvy, mess *19 76. Lard quiet, steam 13%. 2 mixed 74%. Pork act.v_. _ . Lnrd in fair demand and higher; held at 13. Whiskey steady at 90%. Bai.timouk, November 6.—^Wheat—Wcdorn steady: Southern dull. Guru active for South ern; Western dull; white Southern 94^98: yel lew Southern 86; mixed Western 86; whiU Western 85(^89. Provisions firm. St. Louis, November 0.—Flour dull nnd un changed. lorn lower; now No. 2 mixed O0f$0H; old 78&8Q. Whiskey tirm at 99. Pork quiet nt *19.69. Bacon quiet; only job trade. Lard ac tive at 12%. nati, November 6.—Flour firm nnd In unchanged. Whiskey steady nt 97. Louibvillk, November 6 —Flour unchanged. Corn unchanged lit 80@8l. l’ork unchanged. Bacoii—shoulders 9%; Goar rib 12%: clear sides 13(^13%: sugar cured hain« U%*£12%. Lard- tierce 13@|3%. Whiskey 97. Nkw York, November 0.--Froiglits quiet. 6-J GASH GIFTS 1UJ GASH GIFTS 24U GASH GIFTS MR) GASH GIFTS GASH GIFTS 2.UUU each 100,000 l,ooo each &uo each 120,000 loo each 60,000 60 each 950,000 19/ GRAN I) T<>T A L20,000 GIFTS, ALL GASH *2,600,000 I'KH'E OF TIUKETN. Whole Tickets S 60 00 I (X) lioie i iekets lor Mr) IX) rickets for 1,000 00 : tickets or Inlorination, addross |1I4>. E. IIIUnLETTEy Ag'-n! and Manager, public Library lltiiSdiug, Lottisvillo, Ky. IIOI.HTEAD A 4*0., Agents, 139 Broad etreot, Geluutbus, Georgia. 0 W ,8* wtd Largest Slock, Best Goods, Lowest Prices! AT THE BALTIMORE CLOTHING HOUSE! 88 Broad Street. Executor's Sale. hninly, between the legal hour* ol sale, ou 'ho •IRST THFSDAY IN DECEMBER NEXT, all lunds Iteloitglng to tbe oxtatoof.1. A.GIein- ents, deceased, containing 1 2 0 acres, more or less, almut 700 acres cleared, the buhiuco woods, on said place aro three soUloments, good giu house and screw, nnd all noiessary outbuilding* complete, a splendid orchard and plenty good water, aii'l is ono of the host places In the county, lying six miles west, of Itucna Vista, 28 miles oast ol Columbus,ou tho Kfnchafounee Greek. (In the place will bo found B. L. Gloiu- outs, who will show It to any ono wishing to look at it beforo mile. Terms easy. Will also he so d on tho place, TUESDAY. THE 16TH DECEMBER, all pursounl and norbhuhlo properly of deceased, consisting In Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fonder, Peas, Potatoes. Gotton sood, Wagons, Hug gins, Harness, Blacksmith Tools, new, and all other Implements necessary for farming. Household ami Kitchen Furniture, teo. Hold lor honolH of heirs J. W. CLEMENTS, noldlwtewltn Executor, CENTRAL RAILROAD. m:v Vwvvk Business Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Coats, Talmas, Ac. A complete assortment ol Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing. A fluo lino of M MILLINERY. Novelties, Novelties, Novelties! RS. COLVIN AND MISS DONNELLY respectfully inform their friends and the No. 10) llrotid St. CONFECTIONERIES. Fresh Goods, Fresh Goods! JUST ABHIVEU: A Fresh lot of Cocoanuta, Bananas, Oranges, Applet, Cranberries, French Prunea, Ac. We keep constantly on hand a full lino of BASKETS, at No. HO Broiwl Hired* PR0FUM0 & HOFFMAN. OOVl CodteW White and Fancy Sliirta, Under Shirts, Neckties, ScarfB, Hats, Capa, HOFFLIN, RICH &C0., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. I. O. 11 All I to Fee hi* fr oct2 tf DoodteW HIDES. Important to Merchants. B UY your WRAPPING PAPKK AND I'API MAGS at home, at New York rat««, from • M. M. HIRSCH, Cornor liridge and Oglethorpe ntrcotH Important to the Public. M.M. HIRSCH, uii'l Oglutorpo, ami Crawfortl f UX.NRRAL SUPMIXTKNUF.NT’S Of Ckxtkal Kailkoad, ^ Savannah, Novi-mbor I, 4574. O N AND AVTMK SUNDAY, 14T1I INSTANT I'oKMngor Trains on the Uimrgia ('ciitial Railroad, iu flrauchua uud Cuuiioctioux, will run as follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WKHT. Leave Snv.mnah 8:45 A N Lo.tvo Auguiita 9:05 a u Arrive lu Auguata 4:Ml i* >i Arrivo iu Miilcdgcvllle ltl:l>9 r m Arrivo iu Katoutou 11:56 p m Arrivo in Mhcou ii:45 j- m Lintvo Macon for Coltiiubua 7:17 r m L«avn Macon for Ku'atila 9:10 i> m Leave Macon for Atluuta 8:)U j- m Arrive ut Colunilnia I .o', a m Arrivo at Kufuulu lojju , m Arrive at Atlanta 5.1X1 a m COMING MOUTH AND MAST. Leave Atlanta 1(I:(hi |> m Leave Kit fun la 7:25 r x Arrivo at Macon tiom Atlanta U:1U a >i Arrivo at Macon from hufaulu U:45 a m Leave MucoU 7:16 a m e AtlgiiHlu 9:05 A »i Arrive nt AugiiAtu 4.ini i* m Arrive ul Havuuuali A:vf» i* n TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WEST. Leave Savannah 7:30 i* it Leave AugiiMtN H:t)5 i* m Arrive iu Augualu 6:65 a m Arrive iu Mitcou H 20 a m Leave Macon for t'oluuiliiix 9:20 a m Leave Macon for Eufaula 9.o5 a m Ijeave Macon for Albilitte 9:«H» a ri Arrive iu (Joluiubua fl.35 i- »i Arrive In Kitfaiila 6:40 t* >i Arrive In Atlanta 8:05 i- m COMING HOUTIl AND KAMI. Leave Atlanta I; 6 t* »t Leave Co! it in Iiiin 2:30 i* ;.i Leave Nil tail In 8.50 A 81 Arilvo lu ftiai-oii from Allantn 7:10 I* m Arrive lu Mitron from Colnmbiin 7:26 i- m Arrive in Macou from Kulaiiia 6:hi i- »i Arrivo lu Auguata 6 55 a m Arrive iu Savunuali.... 7:15 a m Train No. 2, being u Ibroiigli train on Hie Cen- tral Railroad, Htopping only at whole xtutioiia, paMiu-ugerH for hulf Mlatioux (annul be taken on or put off. PurtaengorS for Mllleilgoville nud Kutonloii will take trail) No. I from Savannah and Auguata, mi l train No. 8 from point* ou the Southw.-alern Rail Allalitu and Macou. Thu Milledg.-vilh- ami Katoutou train inn* dally, Sunday* except id. Jo23 tf Go PICTURE FRIES! these wantx, wc havo mado a SPEG1ALI Y of there goo x, and now lu vc all tiio new xr.»I i of Oval and Square Fram s. 1‘lcluru Mutt-, French Flro Gilt I-'rameb lor l.'urd and Galdnet Plcturex, < jlars, Goid, tec., everything that is new und f retty : and are well prepared to lur- nixh Frames of any xlxo, from tho smallest curd to i ho largest, lor Cliromnx. Oil Paintings, tec. Wo keep a good stock of Walinii, Gilt and other Mouldings, und make Square Frames lor any size pictures at short nntl.-o. Our stock of Ukrotnoi-, Illuminated Texts, Mottoc*, tee., is large and wo 1 assorted. Our prices are very low, and v. \ know w:« nm pluaso all wanting lh» so goods. Give us a trial. J. W. PEASE &. NORMAN, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, novl doodtewly Golumiiub, Ga. Young’s Rust Proof Oats. M y REST POOF OATS ARE NOW ready for murset. (hill at the Gmmo Depot and securo them. They aro pul up In flvo l ushed sack*, ul *1.60 per bushel. A Treatise on the Gullivuliou ul Oats will uccoiu* puny sopH dtewMltt W.ll. YOUNG. ORDINANCE In Relation to Street Drumming. TITHE ATTENTION OF DREMMERS 1 end all ot.hors ooncornoil, lx called to the loilowiiit; Ordinance, now In lorce, to-wlt: Hu it Orda nud by tho Mayor and Council of tho Glty ol Golumbus, That any Drummer, Runner or Clerk, who solicits trrdo for any merchnr.t or persons, either on tliu streets, cot- tou warehouses, wagon yards, boat landings or I iussenger depot, shall poy a license of One 1 and red Dollars. 2d. That all Drurnmors who shall solicit trudo beyond tho shlowalk Immediately In trout.of their places of butduutm, shall torlolt this licenso 3d. That any Drummer, Kunnor, Clerk or Person, soliciting trade witliout such license, on conviction shall pay uhno ol Ten Dollars for the first olieitsu, or ton days Imprisonment; Twenty Dollars lor tho second oflerisc, or Im prisonment for twenty dajs; or Fifty I)ollars. »r thirty days Imprisonment for the third M. M. MOORE, Clerk of (louncll. 83 AND 85 BROAD STREET. W OOD CASES AND GASKETS, IMITATION ROSEWOOD COFFINS, METALLIC GASES and GASKETS, Ncir-Mcnllng Unaeu nnd CnwkftN, Wlillr i'nsfls and Casksl*. Foi abm beauty of doxigo, style of finish, t ods are unsurpassed by unvoting as sold by any the market. Prlc other party lu thissectb Also cheap Pino Collins always ou hand. tia' m Night hell at Trout door. ROONEY & WARNER, 80pl6 3tU COLUMBt/S, GA. Okkicis Ckntical R.mluoah Gomua OoLUMirt «, Ga., Nov. 3d, 187 O N and after tills date, tho sale of KE- TI'KN TICKETS over tho CENTRAL AND fOIJTll WESTERN RAILROADS will 1)0 distioutlnued. WM. ROGERS, Gen’l Sup't Central Railroad. V*. POWERS, Eng’r und Sup’t Southwestern It. K. G.J. FOREAGRE, Sup’t Atlanta Dlv. Central Railroad. nov4 lw NOTICE. O N and after Saturday, Ootohor 3d, Inins over this Rond will ruu as follows, Pas senger Train dally, (Sundays except on) maxing clone conneotolns with M. te K. it. It. for Eufaula: Leave Columbus 3:00 i>. M. Arrive at Troy Lei t Troy Arrivo at dolotnhiis 9: FREIGHT TRAINS, REGULAR. Loavo Golumbus Mondays, Wednesday^ Fridays at 6:80 a. m. Arrive at Troy 8:62 i ' — • vs, Thursdays uud Sn Irrlve ut Golntiibu* 2:02 W. L. OLAltK. Sup’t. HOTELS. Rankin House, Columbua, Ua. J. W. ItVAN, Prop'r. Fbimk Qolheh, Olork. Ruby Restaurant, Bar and Billiard Saloon, Undkii the Rankin JIouuk. oiy24 dswlf J. \V. 11 VAN, Prop’r. IS7I | HOWARD HOUSE, |IWi It ROAD STREET, Nbaiily Oppo. Montoomkuy AMU Evkahi.a Railuoau Dkput, Eufaula, Alabama. J. W. HOWARD. Prop'r. oell iltewflin REAL ESTATE ACENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, St. Clair Street, Gunhy’s Building, noxt to Freer, lllges te ('<». Real Estate Brokerage & Insurance.