Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, November 10, 1874, Image 1
• • ■ Columbu nqmrcr. I yoL. xvi. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1874. NO. 264 ALABAMA. TEBMS OF TUB DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY I RTENOER’s VOTE CHALLENGED—STATE OOK8 * — * « DEMOC'KATIO BY 15,000 MAJORITY—SIX CONGRESSMEN— OUAND JOLLIFICA- BWQUIX11IK. Twelve montha, in advance $8 00 Bix mouths, “ 4 00 Three months, 44 2 00 One month, 44 75c. Weekly Enquirer, one yeer 2 00 Sunday Enquirer, one year 2 50 Sunday and Weekly Enquirer to gether, one year 3 00 AdTertUiuf Hates. Square. 1 Week, Daily, 3 00 ... 5 <•<> ... 6 60 ... 8 0<» ... 13 00 ...17 00 20 UO »•** is with tlio privilege of a change cn imuith®. Km yearly cards n liberal dls- I l.o mudo. o ooe-thin! | ... dvertisoment is changed more than nco in »hrmonth4 tin* advertiser sill 1® cliurg 1 with the eo-t of composition. Foreign advor TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. & By Telegraph to Enquirer.] DOM EMTIO. —In New York, last week, 035 persons died. —The remains of the Into Earl of Char- levillo, who died on Staton Island Tues day, were sent to Liverpool Friday. TION AT MONTGOMERY—E. D. YOUNG & BON, OF EUFAU LA, ROUSED OF $4,000 MONEY niCOVEBKD. Montgomery, November* 0.—-The vote of Senator Spencer wan challenged at De catur by a life-long citizen, on the ground that Spencer didn’t live there. Spencer claims Decatur as his home. The Democrats w>ll have a grand jollifi cation to-morrow night. Houston and other distinguished speakers aro invited. The Democratic majority in the State will be 15,000, six Congressmen and thir ds on I luajority on joint ballot in the Legisla ture. Alexander White and many prominent Radical leaders are iu caucus here, for what purpose is not known. KODBERY IN EUFAULA. Eufaula, Ala., November 8.—The banking houso of E. B. Young & Son was entered through the back door yesterday eveniug, by a professional thief, and rob bed of over four thousand dollars. Tho robber and a boy accomplice wore arrest ed aud the money recovered. LOUIAIANA. ARRESTS AND COUNTER ARRESTS. New' Orleans, Novembor 8.—Admiral -A Now York policeman who was pur- Mullnuy’s fleet has departed. Tho Fed- 8uing an escaped prisoner aud fell under I oral officers aro arresting people for viola- j n Broadway cur, is dead, lhe driver was I ^ ou Q f Enforcement act. Tho State £ arm. <a . I judges are arresting Federal officers iu -The McOnno-Hocar or Ilongland snit, I * B , , ** ,, , involving $5,000,000 worth of land iu Tioga the matter of contempt of habeas corpus, county, l*eun., has been entered at Cald- The British man-of-war Bulfinch, which well, Ohio. I arrived yesterday, will remain hero to —John R. I)mid,a well known profesor I protect the interests of British subjects of athletic training, will,early next month, m CRa(J of tronble attempt tho feat of walking 500 miles in six aud a half days, at the riug in Third avenue, in New York. I COMMITTEE OF SEVENTY APPEAL FOB W1TII- DRTAIL TO INVESTIGATE. , New York, November 8.—A New Or- I — 8 P e ® ial -»• General Morrow haa rietta, Ga. lie also signed the coinmis- I been detailed to investigate the reported siuu of Timothy H. Scanlon to bo post- I cutting of telegraph wires by Hodgson master nt Houston, Texas. I an( j others. —Mr. Murray, of the firm of Murray, Meade & Co., wholesale shoe dealers of Now York, which lias failed, says their I drawal or troops, liabilities will amount to $250,000. lie I New Orleans, Novembor 9. — Tho ittrilmlrts the failuro to a geueral shrink-1 Committee of Seventy will mako a formal iu business. I Hn( | A pponl to the President for At Point Breczo Thursday, for a ape- I t j le withdrawal of tho troops. The peti- ciul purse of $1,500, Goldsmith Maid I , trotted ngainat n record of 2 . 14i aooom . Gonora claim Ihry have earned the olec pauied by black gray Charley, to a sulky. 1 tiou and pledgo themselves for peaco Timo 2:21$, 2:18J. I throughout the State. They say the re- —The Union Furniture Factory nt Bat-1 turning board is to meet on the 11th of villc, Ind., was destroyed by fire Sunday I this mouth for tho purpose of canvassing fT® nin g\ Loss $40,000. Insurance $.10,- I an( | completing the election returns, and 000. Six surrounding buildings wore I ... . ^ ,, , . . * also burned. The factory was owned by w » 11 be assembled u the State House, i working men, who aro ruined and out of The oommittoe says : Wo cannot but con- ^employment. I aider it extremely improper thot the irn- —Tho President has directed a consol- I portant civil work with which that board idation of tho 1st and 2d Virginia later- I j s charged, should he executed in tho nal Rovonno Districts, returning os Col- I of the bayonets of the Federal Gov- Jeclor of tho now 1st \ irguna District I r ...„ „ „ . » .. More VldorlOR. New York, Nov. 8.—The Tribune says: There are threo States which aro still to elect members of tho XLIVth Congress. Connecticut chooses 4, California 1, and Mississippi 2. Iu the XLIIId Congress the Republicans had ’a majority of 110. They now have only 114 members in all, compared with that of tho XLIId Con gress. LIBEL. BKKOHER-TILTON-MOULTON-rBOCTOR SCAN DAL IN COURT—TRIAL POSTPONED. Nexv York, November 9.—Tho civil suit brought by Thoodore Tilton against Rev. Henry Ward Boecher came up this morn ing before Judge Reynolds iu tho City Court of Brooklyn, which was crowded with spectators, among whom wore many ladies. Tilton was present and sat beside his array of counsel, consisting of ex-Judge Fullerton, Wm. A. Bo.icb, ox-Judgo Mor ris and Roger A. Pryor. Beecher was absent but was represented by Gen. Tra cy and Shearman. When called Morris answered ready, but Sherman objected to a trial being commcncod boforo tho appeal had been heard on tho order issued by Judge Nel son, and asked for delay iu order that cci taiu papers necessary iu tho case could ho printed. Judge Reynolds fixed the time for hear ing the argument on tho appeal at 2 p. m. Friday next., and tho trial of this cuse was set down for Wednesday week at 10 n. iu. THE MOULTON CASE. District Attorney Winslow then made an application that Francis D. Moulton should plead to tho indictment found against him by tho panel jury in Septem ber last for libelling Miss Edna Dean Proctor. Ex-Judgo Fullertou, who appeared for Moulton, expressed the opiuion that this matter wus being pressed forward with unnecessary haste by tho District Attor ney, who replied that it was only being takon iu its order. Couusol for Moultou thou asked for a postponement uutil to morrow morning to put iu a special plea j which was granted. MARKETS. BY TEI.F.UBAPU TO ENQUIRER. Money and Block Markets. New York, November ».—Stook8 active. Money 2U per cent. Gold liuj-fj. Exchange— long isftbj: short 489. Governments dull. State bonds dull. New York, November 9 —Money easy at2U per cent. Storliug firm. Gold aettvo Nbw York, Nov. u.—Governments dull. States (pilot and very strong. London, Nov. 9.—Erlo 28J4. Paris, Novembor 7 — Rentes C2J4. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, Novembor 9. — Noon— Cotton steady; uplands 7%@%; Orleans Bides 15,o o bales, Including 2,000 lor speculation at d export. Sales on a basis of middling uplands, noth ing below good ordinary, ro-shlppcd In Novem ber and Decotnbor, 7%. sales on a basis of middling uplands, noth ng below good ordinary, shipimd lu January 7 1110. sales on a basis of middling upland*, nothing below low middlings, deliverable iu January idands. _ J nnuury rad February, 7 11-10. a basis of middling Orloaus. nothing below low middlings, shipped in November Dceomber, 7 13-la. 3 p. m.—Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, slilppod lu Goto- bor i *' *" Amerh Sales on basis of middling Orleans, nothing olnw low middliugs, shipped In Novembor December, 7%. New York, Novembor9 —Ootton woak; salos 9 bales; uplands 14;'^ Orleans 15. Futures opened steady : November 14 9 10^ i? Docomt or 11 ll-lQ{<(}23-32; Janoar. 15 1-32; February 16 6-16@U-l0; March 15 19-32(021-32. *fkw York, Novembor 9 —Ootton woak d uuminul; salos 082 at 14)*<@15; net receipts 226. New York, Novembor 9.—Ootton—Futnros •sod castor; sales 10,009 bales, as lollows: November 14%@14 17-32 ; Doeembor 14 ,V M (0 14 21-32; January 14 29 32010 : February 15^;; Mardi 15 17-32; April 15 25-32&)15 13-32; Alay 10 1-10; Juno 10 6-10610%. Norfolk, Novombor 9.—Ootton dull; rald- dllnws 13%(®16 1-10; net rooeipts 0,918; sales a. 8. Richards, late Collector of the 2d ernuieut. Inter-anna silent leges. At tho district. Jus. G. ltauisey haw been ap- I commencement of tho new era which oiiitod Collector of tho filli Carolina Dis-1 seems dawning upon our people, wo wish l r,c k I to assure you and the people of the Uui- FOREIGN. I tod States of our devotion to tho priuci- —The great painting of M. Antony, by I pies of tho Constitution, and our stoad- Murillo, has boon stolon from tho cathc- I f aH t purpose to uphold tho causo of public dial at Seville, Spain. , , . . „ ’ ,, . , I liberty and good government. — lhe Duke of Aborcorn ban been I a . . . .. „ ir XT ~ , T , felocted Grand Master of tho Freemasons I «*• L. Bruno, II. N. Ogden, B. I of Ireland. I F. Jonas, A. J. Lewis, T. W. Zacharie, —A Dr. Koch has left the sum of $344,- 1 Committee. 1 to native City of Irankfort for I dbmcratic state treasurer elected. tho, purposo of founding a school of I luusic. I New Orleans, November 9.—Returns, —Tho Emperor William proposes to I official and unofficial, give Moncure, Cow establish an assembly of notables, who I servative, for State Treasurer, 7,159 ma- shall instruct him on tho courae to pursue jorit ... logJ tu . m McE nory's msjorit, in in rolatiou to the provinces. I 187‘ > —The first attempt of tho Government 1 to have a priest elected by a congregation I neoroes attack a conservative colored has taken place at tho town of Landsberp, | representative—he kills one- province of Brandeulmrg, Prussia, and ^ resulted in an utter failure. Only eleven <5 persons offered to vote. I Last evening Amos Simms, a negro who —Tho steamship St. Osyth, the first I was elected on the compromise ticket, vessel of a new’ lino organized with the I was attacked by seven negroes in Hohuia, view of malting tho voyage from Australia Terr() nonuo iah Simmn rttu ftnd bc . in forty-fivo days, aud thus beating the I . , * . , _ , timo by the Pacific Railroad route, sailed I m 8 pursued, turned and firod upon tho from London yesterday. The St. Osyth | party, killing one and wounding another, earned two thousaua tons of coal, end I Simms immediately surrendered himself i direct. I an j w/lJJ flon j. j a jj < jj a wn9 guarded —Tho Lawronoo Townloy estate is val- j aring tbo uj bt b _ a B( . llai , o( cilizous . uorl at $500.000,000. It is at present I , , without owners, ami the Britiah (Sovoru- t! ‘ rottta wcr0 “ ado yosterday to uieut is administering on it. At Toronto, I lay tho town iu ashes, but all was quiet Caniflld, tho other day, fifty interested I this morning, parties aubsoribed funds for a lawyer to invoHligntc their claims. It is said that j BUCCEBBOR OF BUTLER, iu the 17th century Miss Townley ran I away with a gentleman and went to tho I he will serve nis country, not party United Staten, whoro they becamo lost to 1 _ .. . their rolaUves. Boston, November 8.-Mr. Charlea I*. Thompson, the man who has mndo him Trouble at Union Paint, On. 1 80 if immortal by defeating Butler, seems Augusta, November 9. — There was I to bo a most desirable kind of man to Homo trouble yesterday between the I have in Congress. He made a Bpcech at whites and blacks at Union Point. Wm. I % jubilation meeting in Gloucester on II. Reynold, white, was shot in tho nock I Wednesday night, and in it uttered those and arm by negroes, but not dangerously, An f-Hort was made to burn the gin house, filled with cotton, belonging to L. D. Carleton, but the fire was extiugniBhod, All quiet at lust accounts, anmistakahly sound ideas: “I stand now as no partisan. I am not tho servant of the Democratic party; I am not tho servant of the Republican party. I shall advo cate those measures and only those meas MORE KABCALITIEB, | uros that I believe to be for tho common good. I shall never advocate a principle conuukhsmen selling west point cadet- I n p on party grounds. I shall be unworthy 8UIpa • I of the confidence that has been placed in Washington, Nov. 9.—A Washington I me if I understand what the Democratic special to tho Now York Herald says the I party meant wbon they put me in norai sale of cadetships is one of the matters to I nation, which was that I should carry out ,tfgated at tho coming session of 1 those principles which I believe to be Congress. Congressman Stowell, of the I right—that I should serve my country 4th Virginia District, is charged with ro- I first, and by nerving my country I know ceiving one thousand dollars for tho last 11 can best serve my parly. Iu this can- appointment made by him to West Point. I vass there aro some important questions. One of them is the financial question, hORIDA. 1 know that my Republican friends who ftfATF. REPUBLICAN BY REDUCED MAJORITY. I Voted for 1)10 did SO boCttUSO I WBS ROUUd Tall^Tashek, Novembor 9.—Late ro- npon that question. You may ask mo if I turns «ho\f thut Furman (Rep.) defeats I am in favor of the oolored man. I an- Henderson (Den*.) in tho 1st District by swer, Yes, I am in favor of tho while from 500 t»?00. It will take an aotnal man ami the colored man. I believe they | "V “ “ a ,}Sf t 0 o ‘a. t °pr l" ala'liauw"''^, “wtS count to decide the result iu the 2d Bis- aro both entitled to equal ri{jl,tH uudortho | war. Amill baoul W.liAliU'U and I1IIOWN trict, tboueb it is believed that Walls is Constitution. I beliove in equality “f j m a n!l^ V-d^IlBKA,:HKl“^^ UoltliisTK! lOu I , x I rights and an equality of dutios. I would AMLKUJAN LAMBlilOMo. ALL-WOOL eiecten. I . , .. / . • FLANNKL 25*. A full Htock of JLANb, The Senate is a tie. The Republicans Uot go for a law that would discriminate j OASSIMLKKS, CHECKS, STKIPES, Ate., claim tho Legislature by threo majority I in favor of a whito man or black man FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. SPAIN. NEWS FROM BFAN1ISII SOURCES. Madrid, Nov. 9.—It is officially an nounced that the Catlists have abandoned tho soigo of Irtiu. Don Carlos has nr- rivod at lleuJuge from France, accompa nied by his staff. Tho Government has domaudod that I hoy bo returned by the French authorities. Republican successes over tbc Curlists elsewhere aro announced. London, Nov. 9.—A dispatch from Heudago, dated yosterday, says tho hom brarduicnt of Iran proceeds very, languidly by the Carlists. Generals Lama and Lu Sorua, visited tho town Sunday, hut stayed only a half hour. They aro oxpocted to return over tho Hills from San Sebastian with 0,01)0 men and tho Carlists have gone to meet them. A battle is oxpectod to result. FRANCE. MACMAUON’s MESSAGE—B0NAPARTI8T ELECTED. London, Novombor 9.—The Times' cor. respondout at Paris quotes La Presse, tho semi-official organ, as saying the forth coming message of MacMahon will dem onstrate to the Assembly tho necessity of organizing tho Soptenate, and of then dis solving ; and will announce that tho Gov- eminent, disapproving tho tardiness of the Committee of Thirty, will submit constitutional schomo of its own. The Duke De Muucby, Bonapartist, lias been elected to tho Assembly from the Department of Oise. Ho roceived 00,000 votes. Ifis two Republican opponents ro ceived 18,000 and 17,000 votes, respect ively. ENGLAND. LORD mayor’s DAY AND ANNIVERSARY OF THE BIRTH DAY OF T1IE I*RINCE OF WALES. London, Nov. 9.—This being tho Lord Mayor’s day, is observed in the usual manner. Tho Lord Mayor’s procession moved at 2 p. m. Its routo was westward through the Strand, and returning to th< city by way of tho Victoria embankment, A fog prevailed in tho morning but as the hour for tho procession to move arrived, tho weather eloared up boaulifully. The crowd that gathered to wituess the procession was immense and very enthusiastic. A number of bouses along the routo weredecoruted. Tho day i.s also the anniversary of the birth day of tho Prince of Wales, and fuither celebrated on that account by the firing of salutes aud tho ringing of bells. To-night tho city will bo illuminated. THE WEATHER. Department of War, 1 Washington, November 9, 1874. jT Probabilities.—For tho South Atlantic aud Gulf Stales, partly cloudy aud warm weather will prevail, with southeast to southwest winds and slight changes in tho barometer. REMOVAL. C. JOHNS! j • store lately • rag I ikI November, 7?,, M.—Of sales to-day 7,000 bales Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker liiTtn, Bheot Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. J.\7 No. 174. Broad Ptre.-t, Confectioners. I. G. 8TKUFPEU, Candy Manufacturer AND PrALKR IN All kinds uf Confectionery and Fruits, Stick Candy 1H cents. Full weight guaranteed in ouch box. risna of building® Broad 8tr«et, H«Xt to U. W. Brown* Hotels. PLANTE UN* llOTKI., Next to Columbus Itank Huildlnff. Porters at all tbo traim. J |tl 3 MUD. \\. K. SNIDER, Piopr’m. Livery and Salo Stables. ROUEKT THOMPSON, Livery, Halo ami I'.xcImitKO Stables. Ooi^tiiobps, Noktu or Randolph Sts., octSO Columbus, (la. salod 100. Oulkanh, November 7.—Cotton quiet; mitldlinas 14\*\ net receipts 4,404; exports to Great Britain 10.130, to tbe continent 3,180, to Fruncu 3,613; sales 2,600, saloB lust eveuing * 500. A. GAM MEL, Livery ami Sale Stable*, OULKTIIUHI’K ST., COUIMUUH, Ua. Partiriilar attention given to Feeding n f tin. W. id Mult lOiitb , day. rdod iu tttablet ml Sat by tb Fresh Meats. d. W. PATRICK, Btalls No. 2 and 1H, itlarkot House. ■®b Meata of eveiy kind nod best (|Uality. J. T. COOK, Frc*lk Meat* of All liimln, i Stall® N<.®. I S and Cun and Locksmiths. 1*111 LIP EIFLEK, rford a I reef, nei 'oliimbuN. Ua. Builders and Architects^ J. U. UHALMERB, llonsc Carpenter and Bnllder. Jobbing done at short notice, d specification® furnlRhed for all sty lei 1*9 Cotumhii . G* RAILROADS. Montgomery A Eufaula R. R. Change of Schedule, Taking Elfiot Ootobar f, 1174. Boots and Shoes. WKU.8 , ClIltTIS, No. 73 ltro»d 81., Nign of the Big Hoot, DKALKKS in Hoota and Shoes, Leather and Findings. Ulvo prompt Aiul oaroful attention to orders by mail; pay tho highest market price tor ’tides. N. B.— -Plasterer*’ Hair always on hand. MAIL TRAIN—DAILY. Leave Montgomery ,.... 4:00 P M Arrlvo at Rufaula 10:11 r u Connecting on Wednesday® and Saturday® with Boat® on Chattahoochee Ktv»r, aud dally at Ualoe Spring® with Mobile A Girard Railroad rot Troy. Leave Eufaula 2:00AM Arrive at Montgomery 7:41*1 Connecting at Union Spring® with Mobil® A UlraM Railroad for Columbus, aud at Moutgomerv with Lawyers. JG8KPU V. POL, Attorney at Law, and Judge of County Court, Practice® in all other Court®, tine over ot \V. II. Koliart® A Co., Broad 8t. Ju2ft Jn20 SAMUEL H. HATCHER, Attorney at Law* Office over Wittich A Klnscl'® J. M. MeNEILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law* Practice® in court® of Georgia aud Alabama. » 128 Broad St., (over 0. A. He ld A Co.’h) Ppedal Ationtioii giv ollortion®. Jail Mahtin J. Crawford. vwroRD. INGRAM A CRAWFORDS, Attorney a nt low. Will practlco iu tho Statu aud Federal Court® ot Office o corner Broad and St. Clair St®. B. DUNHAM, Bop’t. id Lockewith, Ora receipts 0,252; exports to’ tho contiueni H l,62t'; sales 903. Giiari.kbton, November 9.—t|uiot; ndd- dlings 13%Q(14; net receipts 420; exports to Great Hntain 8,107, to France 9509; sales i,ouo. GALVBfTON, November 9.—I’otton «iulet and unchvngcd; middlings 14V,'; net receipts 1,201; exports to Great Hr■lta'.n 1,230; sales 1,809. Augusta, Novembor9.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 13%; net receipts 1,026; sales 869. ISIoim.K, Novembor 9.—Ootton quiet and firm; middlings 14; not receipts 2,7bb; sales l,6oo, last ovening 6uo. Hoston, November 0.—tluiot; middlings 15; not receipts 89; salos 7 >. Mkmimiis, Novembor 9.—Cotton quiet nnd unchanged; middlings 13J^@1I; net receiptu 4,- 117; shipments 1,823; sales 1,300. PniLADKi.uuiA, November 9.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14%. ProvlNiou Mnrkotu, Liverpool, November 9.—HreadstuMs quiet. Nkw York, November 9.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat a shade tinner. (lorn ad vancing. Pork heavy, at *19.75. Lard quiet; stoam 14. Nkw York, Novembor 0.—Southern Hour in odorato rc(iuost without any dooldeil changes in prices. Wheat opeued a shade firmer, but closed quiet and scarcely so firm at *l.!8(ii,1.23; ‘nier rod Western *1.23; winter amber iteCanada *1.23-31 26; ambor Western *1.25 j^l.30; white same. Corn a shade firmer, but scarcely so active at 92; Western mixed In store 93(3M, , 4; ditto afloat; 93lor high mixed and yeilow Western: 8147/85 lor now Western mixed. (U ff )o dull anil unchanged. Sugar mill and houvy. Rico dull and unchanged. Tallow dull at 8 16.10(^9. Rosin and Turp-nllno quiet. Pork active; We-tern moat, Job Lds, *19 76. Lard scarce and firmer. Whiskey a shade firmer at Freights opened dull, but closed little Aimer. Cincinnati. Novembor 9.—Flour steady; Corn firm; plitdlcil 04. Lard 13, on spot. Hucou firm and scarce; shoulders 8%: clear sides 14; j clear rii» sides. Whiskey 90. Louibvilt.b, November 9.—Flour unchanged. Corn quiet and unchanged at 80@82. Pork qulot l unchanged. Rae.on—shoulders 8!-»; clear ...none here; clear sides 14; sugar cured ham® 11<311J^. Laid—tierce 13><j; keg i4. Whiskey 90. St. Lome, November 9 —Flour In good de mand; low grades scarce; higher grades lower, fell, corn opeued at 72 for new No. 2 mixed, 1 closed at 70. Whiskey 99. Pork lu good demand, *19.50. IUcon firm and in good do- moml: shoulders 8)^, doar rib sides 12J^, cloar sides 14. Lard higher, 12^. Hai.timokk, November 9.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 14%; sales 270; spinners 160. Gun h in Hi WILLIAM 8CIIOKEJR, xl Locksmith and doalor iu Gunning Ma f enals. OppOHlto Ku-piircr Office. Doalor in R»- N<> Croce rs. DAN'L M. HIZE, IT/gfctho! fi/i Jai’kri.ft! «t J. II. HAMILTON, WttoICNiile and Kotnil Giorrr, Junction f-f Franklin, Warren A Oglelbori.e . Barber Shops. LOUIS WELLS 1 Under Georgia Prompt and puiil SHAVING SALOON, to II. lleiies,) iu Insurance liuilding. ALLY A NAM, . Cure ago, November 0.— Flour quiet and un ehauged. Corn opened firm, but closed dull. No. 2 mixed 83%; rejected T3&74. Pork higher and In lair demand at*18. Lard firm and In lair (teuiaud at 12%@%. Whiskey steady at 90(^97. Roain, Ac. Nkw York, November 9.—Turnentlno stead’ at 35J^@30. Rosin unchanged at *2 35, strained Freights steady. M1II1* NEWN. ED. TliKKI', flarher Cotton Factories. Sheet lugs, HliirUngM, ami Sewing Hiul Knitting Thread. Card* Wool 11 ml Grlud® Wheat, bad Coru dice in rear of Wittich * Klnscl 1 *, Randolph ®t. Jut8 It. II. CHILTON, Prctidt Ja« A. A. DOZIER, Altorney nnd Couaiaellor at lam Practice® iu Stuto aud Federal Court® iu Georgia and/’ ’ Office 120 Broad 1., ( Mark II. ItLANDroRD. Louis F. Garrard. Dl.ANDFORD A GARRARD, Attorneya and CouiaNellora at Ijiw. Offico No. 07 llroud Btreet, over Wittich k Kln- elry Store. Will ^iradico in tho Statu and Federal CmirtH. Western Railroad of Alabama. 54i HOURS TO NEW YORK WKSTRRN RAILROAD OP ALABAMA, OOLUMDUM, Ga„ Sept. 13th, 1*74. TRAINS LRAVH COLUMBUS DAILY For Montgomery and Selma, 2:00 A. m. Arrive at Montg'y, • • 8:00 a. m. Arrive nt Selma, • • 12:04 A. M. FOll ATLANTA AND NBW YORK At 10:30 a. in. Arrive Opelika at 12:20 p. m. At Atlanta 6:42 p. ID. By Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Lint. Leave Atlanta0:00 p. m., CHARLOTTE 8:36 a. i., Danville 3:27 p. m. Arrive at Wnaliingtou 4:30 . m., at Baltimore 0:30 a. iu., at Philadelphia\:M i. m., nt NKW YORK 6:16 p. in. hlouplug Car® run from Atlautu to Charlotte. By K.nn,i«w Routo. Leave Atlanta 0:00 p. in., Dalton 10:2* p. in., ID iNtol 10:4.1 a. in., Lynchburg 10.46 p. ai. Arrive it WaHhlngton 0:46 a. in., at Baltimore 9:16 a. iu., it Philaduipliia 1:30 p. m., at NKW YORK 6:16 Sleeping cars mu from Atlanta to Lynchburg. TRAINS ARRIVE AT OOLUMDUS DAILY From Atlanta and New York, • 0:37 A. v. From 31outgomery and Sulma • 2:25 r. a. Ticket* for sale at Union I'naflengor Depot. CI1A8. P. BALL, General Snp't. II, M, AHHOTT, Agent.|®epl3 tf is. M. Riihsrll. Ciiah. J. Swift. RUNNELL A SWIFT, ® at Law. Will practlci n the Com 1..1I Alai-an Hi oad atria orgla (Cbnttahooi-liee Circuit) L. T. DOWNING, Attorney nod Solicitor. PEABODY A DRANNON, Attorneys at Law. OrriOM ovkr J. Ennis A Co.'s Stork, Broad St., novlfi] West Side. R. J. MONE8, Attorney aad Uonnaellwr at Law, ionrgia Home Insurance Company building, kc o.H7 lyj ou.l story. CENTRAL RAILROAD. Boot and Shoemakers WM. MEYER, Hoot nnd Mhuenmknr. Dealer in Leather nnd Finding®. Next to C. A (odd A Oo.’k. Prompt aud strict attention glvu lull Dress-Making. MINN M. A. llOLLINt.NWORTH, DruH®-Mukiug,CuUiuK and Fitting. Term®cheap. KuHiduuco aud shop lu llrownoville. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Watchmakers. (J. KOHOMIlllUU, FrnctlcHl Wiitclnimkor nnd J«wider, C. II. LKffUlM, YY’ntclinmknr, 134 Broad Mi reel, Watrfim and Clock® repaired in Tobacco, Ciaiars, Ac. Ujcra want l„ . Cigar Munutactury, Botweeu Ue ngi-.i II MAIEK DOIIN. 'Ujoy A go id * Doctors. Dll. JAB* T. WAIINOCU, Hurgeuu and rhyeltdan. Office at Blaughtor’® Drug Store, Railroad » DR. J. W. K. WILLIAMM i hi® HurvicoH. Offico over Llreen A Co.’®, Chauila.i® k It. R. Street Millinery. Gknmai. Supkrintkndant's Orrics, Ckntral Railroad, ' Savannah, November 1,1*74. O N AND AFTER SUNDAY, 14TU INSTANT I Wenger Train® on tbo Georgia Central Railroad, it® Braucbe® aud Connection®, will ruu an follows: TRAIN NO. 1, GOING NORTH AND WB8T. Leave Savannah 8:46 AM Lunve Augusta 9:06 A a Arrlvo In Augusta 4:00 r M Arrive iu Milledgovillu 10:09 r m Arrive iu Katontou 11:66 r M Arrive In Macon fl:46 r a Louvo Macon for CoDunbu® 7:17 r a Leave Macon for Ku'ailla 9:10 r a Leave Macon for Atlanta 8:10 p a Arrive at Columbus 1.01 a a Arrive at Eufaula 10:20 a a Arrlvo at Atlanta 6:00AM COMING SOUTH AND MAST. Leave Atlanta 10:00 r a i Eufaula 7:26 v U Arrive at Macon from Admit* 6:10 a a Arrive at Macon from Eufaula 0:46 a a ' Macon 7:16 a a * Augusta,......................... 9:06 a a Arrive ut Angmita 4:00 P a Arrive at Savannah 6:26 P a TRAIN NO. 2, GOING NORTH AND WNST. Leave Savauuah 7:30 p a * Augusta 8:06 pa Arrive iu Aiigunta 6:65 A a Arrive iu Macou 8 20 A a i Macon for Coliiiubu® 9:20 a a i Macon for Kuluula 9.06 A a . Macon for Atlanta o.-oo a a Arrive lu Columbus 0:36 p a Arrive in Eufaula 6:4o p a Arrive iu Atluutn 3:06 p a COMING SOUTH AND KA0T. Leave Atlanta 1:26 P a Leave Columbia 2:30 p a Leave Kulanla 8:50 A a Arrive in Macou from Atlanta jj.. 7:10 p a Arrive In Macon from Columbus 7:26 p a Arrive in Macou Irniu Kuluula 6:10 p a Leave Macon 7:36 l* a Arrive iu MilJcilgevJiJe.. ..........10:09 p a Arrive in Katontou 11:66 p a Leave Align <U 8:0.1 p a Arrive iu Aiigunta 6.66 A a Arrive In Savannah 7:1.1 a a Train No. 2, l*cmg a through train oa the Cen tral Railroad, stop;.lug only at whole stations, wseiigcr® for half nlutiun® cannot bo taken ou - put ofT. PaNHiiiignra for Milledgnvillo and Katontou will take train No. 1 from Savannah and Augunta. and Gentlemen’® Hh guaranteed to tit. Chautbi Kalin n dry good® utore. by chart uiuaMUre, am ’ febi noke, go to hi® Ogee Home. Savnnaii, Novombor 9.—Arrived—Uornian Livingstone. For Salo. LIGHT SPRING WAGON AND llurnoPH in good order, cheap. Apply to M. E. GRAY, nov5 3t* nt Wostorn It. H. Depot, LAWYERS. FERN M. WOOD, A-ttoi’ne.y at Law, Opelika, Alabama, W ILLPBAOTIOE IN THE COUNTIES ol Loo, i 'hamber*. Tallapoosa and Jtus- ” —‘ * Alabama, and In Court opl5 ( HINES DOZIER, Attorney at l.a-w, IIAMILTON, UA., Vv 7 [TILL practice in PUSHED. “Pay .choc Circuit cf collection® novl 1 tf W. A. Farlev, ttoruoy* o.t — XL* aw CUSSETA, Chat* ttjp-Speclitl nt*cntio giv on juiut ballot. 11 want the same law for all. - Cull and satisfy yoursolv octl8 eodkwZm Dr. T. W. IIENTZ, X)onti«t, W ILL have a room nt tho Geor gia Homo Hulldlng for a woeks, where ho will ho glad t« any of his trlond.ra who may need his' service®.ocT5 W. W. SHARPE A CO., Publishers’ Agents No. 25 l’ark llow, New York, Aro author!cud to Contract for Ad- vcrtinfUK iu our paper. uay 14 t( c. lopcz, i ami II a it n fad a rci* of t'ino flgars, Near llroud Street Depot. Painters. WM. SNOW, .IK., A: CO., If on ho and Sign i’alntora, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Ju®t north oI poMtoffico) . Georgia. and High I'aintiiig at (aprft Will Doctors. Dll. J. A. ( Hqi llART, Otllco removed to tho Drug More of E. U, liood k Drolhor. Sleeping apartment at former roiddence, on in corner ot Randolph and 'McIntosh hiiooU, oppo, ilo t:.o iosidouco of Mr. Wm. Deucli. «0p6 Offico c Rertidei DR. W. IS. I.AW. Bread and Itandulpli ® building. Fumytli, tin i. low St. Clair. Donti&is. w. F. TION kit. Dentist, lit** Strupper'® huil.dug. lUndolph UOLUMilUN DliM AI. IIOOMM, W.T., Prop’r, <1eorgla Homo Ruibiiiig, t .'olutnbui Georgia. Tailors. A full ®l pprlO Hh hrondclotlin ud Vo No. Lit Broad Plr. IIKNKY ski.lman, (Julting, ClenniiiR and lto|,airing lulie ill llio be.-it Ml) lc. »|.r24J Coruur Craw lord and Fi'i MUM. C. V. DA it LOW, KwMliionablu Milliner aud lireasuiaker. Sole Agent of Ibittcrick A Co.’s l’utteru®. At the lute Banking House id Blmppurd A Co., Cpcdiku, Ala. J ““ Notaries Public. U. 1). HIGGINS, Being appointed Notary Public for Leo county, respectfully MidiLitu llie patronage of hi® friend field® Court l«t and 2d Satiirduyii of ouch inoiil at it. C. IloililoJd’rt I iw office. Ju23 the Southwestern Ball- d Macou. The Mllledgevillo and m® daily, Buuday® aaoepUd. WILI.UM HOG BBS, floneral Snperlntendewt. NOTICE. Furniture, Ac. At Panic Price®. A. O. HARWELL, Healer In all kinds of Furniture. Lawyers. A. J. mUBUN, Attorney and Uounuellor nt I,n*. Jo3 Tailors. J. B. CAMPBELL, Tailor, hitting and Making in the Luti-nt Style®. Ha- pairing neatly done. South Railroad Hi., over Furniture Store. Jal Dentists. J. L. K. MM ITU, Deiitut, Plate Work and Plugging on ronwiualde Barber Shops. WESLEY It A It KIXG Lit, Harbor, bruor South Railroad aud Chamber® strculi Uec23 Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. go to Opelika, be sure t( House, opposite Purtrtoiigci Insurance. K. C. HOWLS A SOM, Ueu«r»l luMiiranre Agrnts. Offieo, Railroad Street, over B. M. Ureeuo A Co.*® Uov23 Hunger maxing close conneotblus with M. A K. for Eufaula: Lom e Columbus 3.-00 r. M. Arrive at Troy 9:40 v. N. Leave Troy 2:46 A. M. Arrive at Columbus 9:46 a. x. FREIGHT TRAINS, REGULAR. Ijoavo Columbus Mondays, Wednesday® and Fridays at 6:80 a. m. Arrive at Troy 8:M r. x. Leave Troy Tuo®d— *— - ‘ * days at 4:30 a. m. V. X. oct3 2W OvricB Lkntual Railroad (Jompamy, 4 CoLuxBue, Ga., Nov. «d, 1874. ( O N and after this date, the ralo of RE- TURN TICKETS over tho OLNTRAL AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD* will be diseontlnoed. WM. ROGERS, Gen’l Su^R Central Railroad. PICTURE FRAMES! of Oval and Squ i French Fire Gift Frames lor Hard and Cabinet Pictures, Glass, Cord, Be., everything that Is new and pretty: aud are well prepared to fur- ulsh Frames oi any slzo, from the smallest card to the largest, ror Chrouios, Oil Painting®, Ac. We koop a good stock of Walnat, Ollt and other Moulding®, und make Squaro Frames tor any sixo picture® at short notice. Our stock of OlirunxM, Illuminated Texts, Mottoes, Ac., Is largo and wed assorted. Our prtoeH are very low, and wo know we can please all wanting these goods. Give u® a trial. J. W. PEASE Sl NORMAN, HOOKS KLLKR8 AND ST A TlONEHti, novl Ueodkwly * CoLuueua, Ga,