Newspaper Page Text
long clear ildw
Haoiino—India 1 lVf\ dnmaat'c 16%c.
Iron Ties—Baird’a 8c; nlllgntor 8Uc.
Pt’.iAR—Refined A 12%»*; extra C 12c; 0 1
. ;Ollfcc.
Coffee—Common 22c; cliolco 26c.
Floub—for bt»l—V«t«n choice aaperflae |6 AO;
fiiml'y $7 60; fancy $9; Oily Milla B $6 50; A $7;
A A $8.
Syrup—Florida 09c.
Balt—#1 80 for Liverpool.
Cotton Yesterday.
Scion 729 bale*. Receipts 915 bales—>11
by 8. W. R. R.,280 by 11. A G. R. K.,201
by river,403 by wagons,lfi by N. A 8. U.B,
4 by W. R. R. Shipments 222 bales—154
by 8. W. R. R., 00 by W. R. R., 08 for
borne oonsnmption.
Same day last year sales were 274 bales;
receipts* 057 ; shipments 205.
The week's operations, with the tabnlar
reports of Liverpool, the ports and inte
rior towns, may be found in oar ootmner-
eial oolumn.
Through Cotton for Savannah and Now
During the cotton week ending last
night, the Western R. R. of Alabama
brought to Colnmbns en route for Sevan
nah aud Mew York, 1,880 bales cotton—
14 from Mobile, 234 from Montgomery,
717 from Helms, 490 from Opelika, West
Poiot and other stations, 425 from Vicks
burg, 0 from New Orleans.
Tho total through movement by this
route, since September 1st, is 19,408
bales—2,012 from Mobile, 5,895 from
Montgomeiy, 0,284 from Selma, 3,237
from Wost Point, Opelika,Ac., 1,934 from
Violuburg, 0 from New Orleans.
Index to Now Adeertleement*.
Brown’s Dramatic Company—See adver
Mules and Wagon for Hale—Harry Hol
Springer's Opera House—M’lle Zoo,
Monday evooing.
Fairbanks' Scales for Bale—Harry Hoi
Administrator's Sale—8. D. Irvin, Ad
Family Groceries-Harry, Holland.
Aldermanlo—See Peoples' Ticket.
Administrator's Hale—W. H. H. Blauk-
enship, Administrator.
Fresh Fish—G. W. Brown.
Cigars and Tobacco—F. W. Loudenber.
Pig's Feet, Tripe, Ao.— G. W. Brown,
Horse to be Raffled to-uigkt, at Reich’s
Restaurant—See notice.
Reich has them, just received from Ap-
alaohioola and Mobile.
Much Colder.
Tho atmosphere was quite cold last
night. Snow was falling in the North
yesterday morning.
Thmnkogioing at the Chnrrhe*.
Thanksgiving day was appropriately ob
served by a union of the soveral Metho
dist, Baptist and Presbyterian churches
at St. Luke church. A very good congre
gation was present. The opening prayer
was offered up by Rev. Mr. Nall, of the
Presbyterian church, and the discourse of
the day delivered by tho venerablo Dr.
Loviuk Pierce, who read from First Cor
inthians, and took as the basis of his re
marks a verso from the Prophecy of Jere
miah—10th chapter and 23d verso. Ho
spoke of the'duty of States end Nations
at stated periods to return thanks to tho Al
mighty, and of the obligation of the people
to obey their rulers, when calling them to
suspend businoss aud assemble at the
house of prayer and praise. It is God
speaking through these “powers that bo,"
and a man might with us much propriety
“•pit in the face of Christ" as to disobey
the calls of Godly rulers. The people
should bo carofnl to select good men for
office and then subject themselves to
their authority. One great cause of the
curses upon tbis country might be traced
to incompetent and godless rulers. Tho
venerable servant of God spoke in great
feebleness, bat his remarks boro tho im
press of truth and soberness.
Ho was followod in a concluding prayer
by Rev. Mr. Kendrick of tho Baptist
Appropriate services were Also held at
the Episcopal Church, whero a good con
gregation was present.
Hirer Newt.
The Wylly arrived lost afternoon with
201 bnlea of cotton, 108 barrels of Florida
syrup, 57 barrels of Apalachicola oysters
and 53 boxes of oranges'. The boat works
hotter every trip. Tho Julia is due to
night or to-morrow. This woek tho boats
have brought 1,137 bales of cotton to Co*
The Wylly loaves at 8 o’clock thia morn
Watt A Walker have recoived over ono
hundred barrels Florida Syrup by the
boats this season. nov!7 eod3t
Mullet Fish and Mullet ltoo at
uovl7 ood.’lt] Watt A Walkbb'h.
Kid Gloves umy be had at tho Virginia
Store in grent variety nt from 75o to best
Seamless. uovH eod
Carpet» ! Car pete /
Going nt low prices, at
oot‘28 eod Tkk Virginia Store.
Call and examine tho largo lot of Flor
ida Syrnp nt Watt A Walker’s.
uov!7 eod3t
Eor Mayor.
We reRpoctfnlly Announce tho name of
Jno. McIluenny ns a candidate for Mayor
of the city of Columbus, at the eloction
on Saturday, tho 12th of December next,
novll te Many Citizens.
One Negro Kilted by Another, Near
About 10 o'clock Thursday night, n col
ored man, named Rogers Lino, shot and
killed Smith Kelley, colored, about three
miles beyond Girard, in Russell county,
There being no witueRscs to tho killing,
except the slayer, we give the story as
narrated by him. He had beon to Wool-
folk's, at work on the river improvements.
Was sent up Thursday night with an order
to Mr. Dave Dudley for lumber. While
there he (Rogers) went to his own homo
in the viciuity ; entered, struck a watch,
and found tho deceased (Smith Kelley)
asleep iu the bed with his (Roger's) wife.
In the match striking, tho woman awoke
and ran off. Rogers fired at the disturber
of his domestic peace without offect, and
snapped twice. Kelly seized a pistol
which ho had secreted under the hoad of
his bod and attempted to return the fire.
Rogers seized him, and a hand-to-hand
fight followed in the house aud out of
doors. Aftor beating Kelly over tho head
with hie own pistol, and breaking it to
pieoiea, Rogers took Kelly’s pistol from
him and shot him twice, ono shot taking
effect in tho back of his neck aud another
under tho right shoulder blade. Kelly
thou started to run and fell a short die-
tance from the house in a field of Mr.
Koppman, where bo died in a few min
utes. He was found yesterday morning
lying on his face whore ho fell. Rogers'
wife came to this city whero, wo presume,
she is now. Rogers camo to Girard yes
terday morning and gnvo himself up to
Mr. Moreland, a Jnstioe of the Peace.
Mr. Morelund, as ueting coroner, with a
jury, held an inquest on the body of tho
deceased yesterday. The verdict of tho
jury whs in accordance with tho above
Rogers will uudergo a preliminary ex
amination next Monday.
Tho body of Kelley was brought to Gi
rard for iuteriuent last evening. 11c was
an employee at Dudley's steam saw mill
in this city.
F. W. Loudenber,
Cigars, Tobacco, Snuff', Ao. Briar-
wood, China, Lava, Rustic aud Clay
Pipes, Stems, Cigar lloldors. “Queen
Bee" and “Century” Fine Cut Chewing,
Extra “Fig,” Fine Twist, and best Plug
Manufacturer of several popular brands
of Domestic Cigars. nov21 fit
Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware at
New York prices, sold at
Wittioh A Kinski/:
Utility of Murder.
The jury at Houlo, Ala., found Seaborn
Walker, oolorod, who killod Mr. Mac Hol
liday, last year, “guilty of murder in the
first degree, and sentenced him to be
hung.” Tho time of execution will bo
aunonuced to-day. Tho ovidonce showed
groat inalioiousuoss iu the killiug. We get
this through tho kindness of Mr. Fred
Moyer, of the B. A A. Telegraph Com
Jewelry repaired aud made to order.
Engraving and Watch Repairing done nt
Wittich A Kinhel’h.
Pig Feet, Tripe, Fulton Market Beef,
Hams, Ice-Cured Bellios and Beef
Tongues, by
It G. W. Brown.
Enough to Jiang ail the Thleree and
• Scalawag* South.
Onr lending mill; the Eagle and Phenix,
■old this week over fifty-two thouaaud
pounds of cotton rope for cash. The elec
tions did help things. •
We linvo n largo stock of Medium and
Fine Dress Goods. Wo must and will
sell them nt somo price. Givo ns a call.
novl4 codAwlw J. Kyle A Co.
Common law docket was resumed yes
terday at 9 a. m.
F. W. Reid vs. John A. Jonos—verdict
aud judgment for plaintiff.
8. Landauer A Bro. vs. W. H. Holland
—judgment for plaintiff of $1,994.55.
Hull A Briggs vs. Central Lino of Boats
—verdict for defendants.
A. Gross A Co. vs. C. 8. Harrison A Co.
—verdict of ,G19 principal and $340.27
Thos. M. Harden vs. A. C. Flewcllen—
judgment for plaintiff of $920 and $127.24
Boebeu, Bendheim A Co. vs. K. Offntt
—verdict for plaintiff.
Judgments absolute were given in the
cases of W. P. Turner vs. A. O. Morrison,
Win. N. Hawks, Treasurer of Building
and Loan Association vs. George Goode,
Wesley Coleman, Primus Stafford, Win.
Redd, Jr., Wm. Itynehardt; McAfee A
Kellogg vs. E. T. Shepherd ; Bland ford A
Garrard vs. Thos. Kenuedy.
L. Putney vs. Swift, Murphy A Co.—
five cents damages for plaintiff. Suit on
contract. Plaintiff claimed he had been
engaged by defendants, aud when timo
came ho was told they did not want him.
E. F. Gatson A Co. vs. II. McCauley—
judgment for plaintiff.
McAfee A Kellogg vs. E. T. Shepherd-
verdict for plaintiff.
Judgments for plaintiff were given in
casos of Swift, Murphy A Co. vs. T. 8.
Fontaine (two cases); Chnttnhoochoo Na
tional Bank vs. W. A. McDougald; M.
Burrus vs. N. A S. It. R. Co.
Thirty-three oases a ere continued—
among them the libel ease of U. J. Moses
vs. Wm. H. Young, for $100,000, and
samo vs. Dr. N. J. Bussey, for $50,000.
They were continued by the defense on
account of absent witnesses.
Ono case was abated for want of par
ties; one stayed by bankruptcy; five dis
missed—among them that of Casoy Bnre-
fleld vs. Mayor and Council of Columbus.
Ten garnishees were discharged. Three
of them recovered expensos — lawyers
feos. That is given by law when a gar-
nashco answers.
Court adjourned to 9 a. m. Saturday.
difficulty at opmlika.
To Open To-Day.
New Black Alpacas.
Now Black Hntleen.
Now Black Cashmeres—throe grades.
Largo assortment of Priuts, vory choice
Bleached Shootings and Bhirtiugs.
New lot Liusoy, Flannels and Joans.
Largo line Black Silks nt popnlur prices.
novl4 eodtf
J. H. Jones.
Clocks from $3 upwards, guaranteed
to givo satisfaction, can bo had at
Witticii A Kinskl’h Store.
Twelve Shot*
An unfortunate affair oocurad in Ope
lika Thurs lay afternoon, which narrowly
missed being a tragedy. The parties were
Mr. Wm. Fowler, late of Montgomery,
and eldest son, aud Mr. L. E (wards, a
farmer, and two sons, Polk aud John.
In the morning Edwards, Sr., sold a bole
of cotton to Fowler, Sr. Pending the
settlement some angry words were
used, and Fowler attempted to
strike Edwaids with a chair. The dif
ficulty boro stopped nutil the afternoon,
when Mr. Polk Edwards demanded of
Fowler, in his place of business, an apol
ogy for abusing bis father. Fowler do
cliued, when young Edwards struck him
with tho butt of his pistol, inflicting a
wound in the face. Willie Fowler, Jr.,
then drew a pistol and fired at Edwards,
the ba'l striking him in the neck.
Edwards returned the fire, and
wounding his opponent. He was
reinforced about this time by his brother
John, who opened with a pistol on Fow
ler, Rr., as he ran out of the warehouse,
and wounding him. Tho Edwards boys
were augmented by their father, but his
pistol failed to fire. Citizens finally stop
ped the difficulty.
The three wounded men are not consid
ered in a dangerous condition. Consid
erable excitement for a while.
The Eiret of the Seaeon«
Messrs. A. Y. Robison A Son gave the
first of their delightful soirees at the Ska
ting Rink Hall last evening. Tho attend
ance was good and everything bright as
glad hearts, merry music and happy feet
oould make it.
This is the last day for registration. If
you pnRS by to-d&y without registering,
you cannot vote in the city elections.
Theatrical Seaeon.
We aro to have one of eight nights—
Zoo on Monday and Tuesday, Brown's
Dramatic Company the fonr following
nights, and the Maas Troupe on the next
Monday and Tuesday.
Tho best English and French Coatings
at oust, to close out Rtock. Buy thoso
goods and havo them made. It iH econ
omy. The “New York City” Shirt, a per
fect flttiug garment, at $30 per dozen.
nov8 eod
Policemen Whit Smith and William
Wood arrested Thursday ono JamcR Don-
elsou, an elderly man, who was charged
with taking five dollars from a mau who
was treating him. This party said, after
A Practical Joke.
By Telegraph.J
The entertainment given by the work
ingmen on Thursday night at tho Court
House, was ouo of the most enjoyable af
fairs ever attended. On entering the
hull we found them distributing gifts, in
tho wny of offices, to every one in the
house, who would accept, after reserving
some for the absentees. This over, a
professor of “tnvttum in paroo'* proposed
to oxhihit some feats iu science. This
was objected to by tho presiding officer,
for four thut somebody might get hurt, or
thut tho building might l>e damaged. The
crowd, however, decided by a unanimous
voto to let the show proceed. The pro
fessor commenced by delivering a talk on
tho scienco of government, taxutiuu, po
litical economy, Ac., with some remarks
on the Public Schools in pure English ;
after which ho concluded to exerciso the
principal of tho Publia Schools hero iu
some kuotty grammatical terms.—
Arter spurring him awhile in
fun, ho give boiuo experiments
iu chemistry by tho generation of a good
doal of gas, with which ho nearly suffo
cated tho aforesaid Principal. * When iu
this exhausted condition, tho Professor,
still beiug facetious, (thnugh I think this
was carrying the joke too far for safely),
commenced pelting tho unfortnuate Prin
cipal with leydeu jars, water buckets aud
old bools, etc., until the poor follow must
have been quite used up, though it was all
in fun. This over, the lust act wns just
about to bo performed by the Professor,
who had inflated his balloon and had tak
en his seat in the car, and tho cords wero
about to bo cut, a mischievous harbor who
had slipped into the ring with his scissors
iu bis pocket, in utter disregard of tho in
terest of the audience, puuotured the
ceru aud broke up the show.
The mechanics and working men aro tho
best set of fellows alive, and have more
Workingmen** Meeting.
The attondanoo at the Court House
Thursday was quite largo. Mr. J. C.
Porter was Chairman, and Mr. Giles Wil
liams Secretary.
As permanent offoera S. O. Uoyd was
elected President, with J. M. Bennett as
1st Vice President, A. Gadwan 2d, E.
Tapper 3d, J. W. Barber 4th ; Giles Wil
liams Secretary, and Wm. Munday Treas
A resolution to elect an exeontive com
mittee of two from each branoh of the
mechanics and four from the members at
large, was adopted, but Done were chosen.
Mr. John Appleyard made one of his
usual speeohos—this time complaining
about our public schools, and personally
objecting to the principal and his salary.
Wo kuow tho workingmen do not endorso
this, nor his remarks in general. Mr.
Birher was replying when a motion to
adjourn was carried. More merriment
was excited at tho gathering than anything
J. tr. nil AM HALL,
(99 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.,)
Watchmaker and Jetceler,
will repair Watches, Clocks, aud Jowelry
neat and promptly.
Is also the ouly agent for tho Singer
Sev/ing Machines in Columbus, Ga., and
ha * the only genuine Singer Company’s
Needles for snle. Best Machine Oil,
Shuttles, Attachments and Needles for all
ffuchines always on hand for sale. Nee
dles sent by mail. [nov3 if
—Skies were clear last afternoon and
high winds were playing antics with
dresses and bats.
—Thieves stole twenty ehiokena from
the premises of Mr. L. W. Isbell Sunday
—Wm. Lewis was fined $5 yesterday
by the Mayor for disorderly conduct on
—Statistics prove that twenty-three per
cent, of tbe legal voters in the United
States habitually remain away from the
polls. Tho average American is not a
first-class voter.
—Many Columbusites are whiling away
time fixing up tickets for Aldermen.
—In nine cases ont of ten what is called
laziness is really weakness.
—Buckley’s Roman Hippodrome will
winter in Selma.
—Thanksgiving Day was observed vory
quietly iu Columbus. Banks, courts aud
State offices were closed, and schools gave
holiday. Tho farmers doubtless observed
tho day, as only 290 bales of cotton were
received from all directions. Preaching
was had at 8t. Luke M. E. and the Epis
copal churches, aud large congregations
attended. Those who could afford it took
turkey and wine in “thorn”; lesser purses
chicken, and some could only stand corn
bread and turnip greens.
—The mammoth paper issued yester
day receives high prise from all quarters.
The edition, 20,000, was the largest ever
published iu the South.
—The electioneering for favorite can
didates for city offices waxes warmer as
the time for the contest approaches.
Every office is eagerly desired.
Bonded Debt of Colutnbue.
We give in our money and commercial
oolnmu the full particulars regarding tho
bonded debt of Colnmbns, amount, when
and where tho principal and coupons are
payable and the quotations. The total
bonded debt of Colnmbns is $597,800.
This table will be inserted in onr paper
every Saturday, with tho changes effected
in quotations, but will not be published in
our prices current.
The Zoo Combination.
This troupe exhibits in the Opera House
Mondsy night. M'ile Zoe is described as
an excellent actress, and the entertain
ment a pleasant one.
Ed. B. Brown** Dramatic Company,
We havo only space to call attention to
tho advertisement of this first class
troupe. The papers of New Orleans and
Mobile give it high praise. The company
opens with the beautiful play of Rose-
Mobile Plant Oyetore.
A. J. Boland, at the Sans Bond, has
daily these splendid oysters, tho largest
and finest on the continent. They will
be served in any style desired. Parties
can seoure them by the pint, quart or
gallon by sending their orders to the Sons
Souci. It
Made to Order at Stock Price*
Bueeell County Officer*.
m gentlemen up from Seale yester
day, wo learn thnt Allen, for Treasurer,
and Faulkner, for Clerk, have given satis
factory bonds nnd entered upon the duties
of their offices.
O’Neal, for Probate, and Perry, for
Sheriff, made bonds which were approved
by Appleby, but were not ratified by tho
Grand Jury.
Strong, as Collector, and Peck, colored,
for Assessor, failed to give bonds. The
Grand Jury, wo loarn, will recommend
Gov. Houston to appoint iu their stead U.
i. Martin and Boykin Jones.
I'reth IS*h
From Apalachicola by G. W. Brown.
taking the drinks he laid down a five dol- roa j f au thorn than an egg has meat. I
lar bill, which tho bar tender could not am f or them, and will put them agniust
change. Donelson offered to go ont and wor j^ for real enjoyment aud for tho
get it. He went, aud did not return. curo u f dyspepsia. Let the Professor con-
Donelson said he was from Meriwether ^inue. Everybody was pleased, nnd will
county, and denied tho charge. No ovi- j UHUre them a crowded house at the next
JCrtMl Thin.
Chapman A Voratille m&iutain their well
known reputation for selling tho host aud
moat stylish goods, at the lowest prices.
Oct 25 tf
A Baffie.
We should have stated in Thursday’s
paper that Mr. Elkius, who has had i
splendid lot of horses for sale at Gam
mel’s stable, has deoulod to offer his sec
ond Loxiugton sorrel galdiug for ruffle—
sale at this time seems impossible on so
count of tho scanty of monoy. Tho raffle
will take place at uiue o’clock to-night, at
Reich’s restaurant, and tho ohuocos will
1>6 limited to thirty, at ten dollars each,
This horse is not only n finely bred ani
mal, bnt he is a superior trotter, having
frequently made a mile in three minutes.
In good times he would sell readily for a
thousand dollars; indeed, he would coiu-
maud that prioe now iu a large Northern
pity. Remember the time and place.
deuce being offered against him he w
discharged. Donelson had on him an old
aingle-barrel pistol thnt must have boon a
relic of Methuselah's days.
Sr inks.
Iu consequeuco of a change wo are
about to make in onr business, wo will
sell onr entire stock of Clothing and Fur
nishing Goods AT COST.
Straus* A Goldsmith.
A largo lot of choico new Florida
Syrup at Watt A Walker’s.
uovl7 ood3t
Red and White All-Wool Flauuels at
Peacock A Swur
The St. Charles Hotel, New Orleans has
always enjoyed an enviable reputation for
oomfort and elegauco. Anticipating tho
great national conclave of Masons which
will soon meet in the Crescent City,
Messrs. Rivera ALangsdale, the energetic
proprietors, have determined to put the
finishing touches to their elegant rooms,
and ordered yesterday ouo hundred pairs
of the celebrated Cotton Blaukets, made
solely by the Eagle aud Phenix Manufac
turing Company, of our city. This is tho
way our dead (?) city fixes up tho rest of
the world.
Summer Dress Goods at half-price
supply of superior Black Alpacas, Fanoy
Fall and Winter Dross Goods, selling as
tonishingly low at
ocll Chapman A Ykrstille’s.
The latest novelties in Neokwear at tho
Baltimore Clothing House. tf
The Eagle aud Phenix Manufacturing
Company sold yesterday to the city of
New Orleans alone over five huudrod pairs
of the celebrated Cotton Blankets.
Messrs. Lehman, Goudchanx A Co., took
over three huudrod pairs —aud this not
good day for blaukets, either.
T. S. Spear is now at No. 101 Broad
street, in the Watch aud Jewelry busi-
, and is also Agent for tho well known
Remington Sewing Machine.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired
with neatness and dispateh.
I invite the visits of the public gen
erally. oct20 wltAdtf
Eresh Oysters at the lluby Restaurant.
This is the very best establishment of
tho kiud in the country, and everything
is retailed at wholesale prices. The fine
stock of Liquors is beiug retailed at 15
cents. Call and be satisfied.
oo(l 4 tf J. W. Ryan.
Perfect Eit and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Our Mr. Thomas has just returned
from New York with a choice line of
New.Samples, and we are now taking
orders for Dress and Business Suits, hav
ing made satisfactory arrangements for
tho manufacture of onr Custom Clothing
with special care nnd at short notice, by
thoso well known manufacturers of fine
clothing, Messrs. W. A. Howell A Co., of
Newark, N. J.
Give us your orders early, and we will
do our best to ploaso you, being determ
ined thnt onr friends and customers shall
not pay any Broadway tailors fanoy prices
for having their clothing made to order.
sepl 7 tf Tuomas A Prescott.
Particular Attention Called to This.
My Fall and Winter stock of Dry
Goods is now complete, and I offer them
at tho very lowest rates for the cash.
Parties indebted to me are reepootfully
requested to call and settle, as I need the
money. T. E. Blanchard,
123 Broad Street.
Beautiful Prints, just in, at
Peacock A Swift’s.
Dress Goods at a grent sacrifice, at
Peacock A Swift’s.
nov8 dAwtf
An entire now stock of fine Jewelry
knR boon received at
Wittioh A Kinsel’s
Jewelry Store.
Blanchard receives new Prints every
week. Go there and you get the latest
At T. E. Blanchard’s, 123 Broad street,
m enu buy Black Silks as cheap as in
any market in America. Come and see.
A fine and well selected stock of Cloth
ing which must be sold by January 1st,
will bo disposed of at a great sacrifice.
Straub* A Goldsmith.
Ooumtca. Ga., Kov. 90, 1974.
lh t g<
lit 5 M f.
*1* lifts
m Mi
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Financial.—Commercial bills
mail %
i New York %
maml bills on ltosi
nro selling cheeks on
Savannah, Atlanta „
loans 1©1% pop cent, per mouth. Gold
% per cent. Hunks
New York at %o. premium
ml silver nominal."
Comparison with Last Year.—Tho Unite l States
ports receipt* are 258,158 moro bales; tho export
121,191) more; tho stock 191,8511 more; Columli
ceipta 0022 more; shipments 7.459 more; stock 978
less India shipments, since January 1st, 1,182,009,
against IKMMKK). Cotton in sight 2,104,757, against
1,888,460, showing an increase 01210,297 bales'.
The Cotton Situation.—Statistics based np n
tlio returns of the . gricultiirnl Bureau, mak<s a
crop of Ht^to 3% mi I Ion. Tho Fhmnclal Chroni
cle iloos not mako estimates, bnt gives tho facts at
tho close of each week. Thuir rci»orters stato that
in ths Poutborn half of Texas and loAver portions of
Louisiana aud Mississippi, whore moro is expected
of the top crop, no killing frost bus yet appeared.
Cotton Exchanges, without exctptiou, report
Fumoiits —Per 100 lbs. cotton—to ,
to N.w Jork, FkiUdelphl. ,„d
Boston $1 25.
Tm* United States Ports.—RccHnt.
week 155,099 bales, against 159 245 | n .» ‘ ‘n»
148,013 the week before, and 133,3kg
last year. The total movement is r - • ’ *"-*■
Ptock August 31 108,152
Week's receipts 155,026
Total 1,116,. 64
Week’s exports to G. B... 73 574
“ “ Cou 18,"34
Total exported to G. U.... 403,196
“ Con 79,551
“ 482,747
ftock 675,861
Year's receipts ——--
’33 3k;
Principal Ports.—Ths following shows tin
in,: :
tal receipts to date:
New York
Interior Townh.—They have received this ,
48,9(81 hales,agniust 30,898 last year, and have m v
of 89,816 against 67,857. Tho following showsth
total, receipts to date
Augusta 80,333
Macon 30,158
Kufaula 14,395
Columbus 20,849
Montgomery.. 32,692 .
Selma 34,0 >7
Nashville 12.779
From Li
for tliu week:
Stock 4 to,oi hi
American 128,000 360,000
“ 242,600
Week's receipts 56,(88)
Sales 105,001)
Exporters 12,000
Specul itioti 13,009
General Remarks.—Business moderate,
moats advanced b£o , and meats of all kinds s
Wholesale Price Current.
Apples—per barrel, $3 75; pock, 05@75.
Bacon—Clear Shies lb 00c: Clear Ril> 8W
14(<jc; shoulders Uo; 8ugur-cured Hams 15c; Pij.
Brooms—'t* dozen *2.50(g)$3 50.
Candy—Stick lb 16c.
Canned Goods—Sardines case of lfO boxes f i
to $13. Oysters, 1 tt» cann W dor,on, $1.20 to 81..;
CUKESK—English ft lb 17c; Western 10c; N. I
State 17@19e.
Candles—Adamantino « lb 20c j Paraphino 35r
Cor pee—Rio good tp lb 23c; Prlmo 20c; Jati
33c to 37. , . .
Porn—Yellow Mixo-1 $ bushel $1.10; IVliitj,
$1.15 car load rates in depo'
F—Extra Family, city ground, *1 Mi. {■
A $6.50, I) $6.75; C $5; Fancy $10.
Hardware—Wide Iron lb 9c; Roflncd Oc; Si!
Irous 8c; Bar Lead 12l£c; Castings OUc; Plow St*;
11c; Spring do. 12l<c; Last Steol 25; Buggy Spring
20c; llorso and Mule Shoos ^ lh 9c; Horse S!
Nails 25r; Nails keg $5; Axes f. dozeu $lf»@ti; :
Hay—cwt. $1.40; Country 4u@60c.
Iron Ties lb 8@9c.
Lard—Primo Leaf, tierco, lb 17c; halves m
kegs 18rt.
Leather—White Oak Solo $lb 45050c; llemW
Solo 33(g)35c; French Calf Skins $3.50(^r5:
American do $2.ft0(rT»$4; Upper Lcntln
$3.69; Harness do 45c; Green do 5*4^
l inch, 1
36 inch
Trunks—Columbus r
Mackfrel—No. 1 "p bid $15@$18; No. 2 $14; V.
3 $11.50@$12.50; No 1 $ kit $l.40$g$3.
Pickles—Cato dozen pints $3.60; ^ qmn
Potash—$ mine to $9.
Potatoes—Irish ^ hid $4 50@$5.
Powder—ft keg $6 25; keg $3.37;
Rope—Manilla ft lb 20c; Cotti
■ do 6*^c.
Meal—ft bushel $1.20.
Molas\K8—N. 0. ft gull. 85c; Florida
reboiled 75; common 45@60.
Oats—ft bushel 80c@$1.05.
Oil—Kerosene ft gallon 25c; Linseed,
boiled $1.25; Lard $1 25; Train $1.
Kice-ft lb 9Ur.
Salt—ft sack Si.85; Virginia $2.25.
Phot—ft sack $2 '
i tbe
will give
other argument Tbe Bears use is that tlio grain
(•.ops a-o abundant and the price of food will be
low. The poor mid medium classes of the people,
who are tlio largest consumers of cotton goods, aro
get'ing about as much for their labor as tliei, and
i li a decrease in tho expenso of living, their ubil-
as cousunc
1 therefore they
i grn
B of C
t*-li shon'd not advance us they did tin
of last w nt>T and during tlio spring and summer,
though tlio U S. crop may In* lour million halos
111 addition, much capital is idle, and will ho usid
in Bjienilutiou later. Tlio Bulls point to tbe heavy
receipts at tlio ports, the partial running of inids,
tlio • xccsi in visible supply and other consider)!-
Fine weather still continues. All the crop in
tlii* so j t ion will In* picked out by December. The
boats have largoly added t *the heavy
proelnma'ion. New York advanced %c du
ring the week, but lost It tinder tlio inllueuco of
ipts at tlio ports.
ire bolding cotton, expecting an advance after Jnu-
The Weather.—Thermometer for tlio week a
aged 62°. Light sprinkles Monday, Tuesday
Tlittrsd »y ni/ht.
Rain fill for week six hundredths of s
Paine week last year tlio thormomci
aged 47°. Bain Sunday aud heavy wind
night. Clear aud cold after.
The Markets —Tho following shows tlio price of
middlings in New York and Liverpool, gold at New
York aud Low Middlings in Columbus each day of
Up. Or. Up. Or. Gold. Col. *
Tuesday TV. %% 16# 11 ll^ 13#®-
Weduesduy.. 75il sQ \lj2 15U 111^2 13%®—
Thursday.... 7%’ 143? 15^ 111 13%®-
Frhluy | 7^1 8^ 14% 16^ 111^.13^©-
On the woek Liverpool advanced Vtfd. New York
advanced uml roi eded ]4fi. Columbus unchanged.
Prices Past Year.—Liverpool—Uplands 8J£; Or
leans 8%; New York—Uplands I6U; Orleans 16%.
Gold 109%. Columbus—Middlings 13%.
Ularitied 1*3; do White 14@l4%c.
8oda—Keg 7c ft lb; box 9o.
Todacco—Common ft lh 45@50c; Me
70c; Fine 75c; Extra $1; Navy «U(ijj05
San if 75(g)85c.
Tea—Green $2; Oolong $1.50.
Whiskey—Oectitlod ft gallon $l<g)$2; lb'iiri
Prints 7tfMl?.jo
% bleached cotton 7' :j<4>bH
... .70c
9—1, 10-1, 11-4, ami 12-4 brown and
blenched sheetings HOtf^'iOe
Wool flannels—red and white 2iim7.'m
Canton flannels—brown and bleached 12*o<<e
Llnseys 15(ui30i
Kentucky Jea
8TAR0H—ft lb 8c.
Columbus .Haniifnctiirnd Goods.
Baulk and Phenix Mills.—Sheeting 4-4 l' 1 ’
% shirting 8c.; osnahnrgs, 7 «»/..; 1 ;: .
8 os, 14%; % drilling 11%c ; l»l.w:
sheeting und drilling 12(g)ll%c.; Canton •'
Dels 20c. Colored Goods — Stripes 1" •
black gingham checks 12%©17c.: Dixie pliu«k
field work 17c.; cotton blankets $2(rt 4 5i>|»r|
bleached huckaback towels #1 40 per dozen: •
6s. to Is. per bunch of 5 pounds $1 35; n»r;>
27c.; sewing thread, 16 halls to the pound. •
Uniltillg thread, 12 halls to tlio pound, blearli
65c; rottou bolting 15c; unbleached, 60c.; " r
ping twine, hi balls,, 40c.
Goods—Caslmores, 9 oz. per
; jeans 20c. to 35c.; doeskin 55$
s Mills.—% shirting 8c.; 4-4 sla-
tOoLUMUUS Factory.—% shirting 8c.; 4-4 sit
ing 10%C.; sewing thread, unbleached, 50c. ; ki
ting, do., 50c.; wrapping twine 40c.
Factory.—Plaids or chocks 12c.
fancy fashions, 10© 11c.
- Conutry Produce*
Goshen Butter 45
Country “ 35
Kb'S* .•••
Fiying chickens 25(g)—
Grown “ 33%(«>-
Irish potatoes 50 p’k
Ail excellent assortment Bleached Cot
ton Flannels at
Peacock & Swift’s.
novS dAwtf
At the New York Store.
A largo lot of best Kid Gloves, eelo-
bratod patent brand, at $1.00 and $1.50
n pnir, iu black, white and colors, just
oot28 8. Landaueb.
The Elneet
Imported and Key West Cigars at Buh-
ler’s, No. 84 Broad Street. ootll-tf
Joseph A Bro. aro daily in receipt of
Now Goods purchased for cash, every
variety and style, of which for cash they
will sell at the lowest figure, either
wholesale or retail. Call and see the
goods ou hand, which are inado iu the
Stato of Georgia, and buy home goods,
thereby saving money and adding to the
interests of your own section.
nov8 tf
That at the popular and long established
BestAunant and Saloon of
L'has. Hey man Ji Co.
the best of Meals, Wines, Liquors and
Cigars are kept constantly on hand pro
bono publico. octl tf
Dr. W. J. Fogle bos removed his Dental
Office from the Georgia Home building
to his new place of business, over Wittich
A Kinsel’s store. Here he will continue
the practice of Operative and Mechanical
Dentistry, and will he glad to meet his
friends. oct2 tf
The largest assortment of Gold and
Silver Watches is to be found at
Wittich A Kinsel’s Store,
octll eodAw 3m
Kentucky Jeans, a newr supply, at
uovH dAw Peacock A Swift’s.
If Alcoholio Stimulants are taken into
the blood tho heart works faster, and this
unnatural Rpeed wears out the vital
machinery. All intoxicating nostrums
advertised as “tonics,” “renovators,” Ac.,
produce this disastrous effeot, and should
be rejected. Da. Walker’s Vegetable
Vinegtb Bitters—an Invigorant without
the curse of alcohol—is everywhere sup
planting these poisons. nov!2 4w
Columbus nmrk<*t to-ilay firm. Fnles 729
bales. The following oro the ware-house quota
tions :
Inferior — ®—
Ordinary aud stained — @—
Good Ordinary 13Y*H~“
Low Middlings.. 13-&©—
Midd lings..
Strict Middlings
Week’s sales 3,445 bales—2.250 Northern spinners,
595 home consumption, 000 for New York, 600 to
Savannah, 000 for speculation, 0 for New Orleans,
0 for Charleston, 0 for Tallassce mills, 0 for
Mobile, 0 for New Orleans.
Total sales 20,202—0,495 for Northern spinners,
6,014 for NeW York, 1.658 for homo couisumptimi,
8,550 for Savannah, 82 Tallassen mills, 0,(MH) for
Mobile, 000 for Charleston, 600 for New Orleans.
Week's receipts 3878 hales,ngainst 2939 tho previous
one,nnd 2,423 the corresponding week last season—81
by JS. w. U It., 880 by M. & U. It 11., 73 by Opeliki
It. U.,U7;l l.y i iv. r,m'8 l.y by S i s lut.
Shipments 2,699 bales—2,004 by 8 W R R, 595 for
home consumption, 0 0 by W. it It.
Stock August 31st 1,036
Received past week 3,878
Total received 26,849
Total received, including stock...27,885
Shipped past week 2,699
' shipped 20,419
Total home consumption.,
12 969
Southwestern Railroad
Mobile and Girard Railroad
Western Railroad
W agons 12,681
North and South Railroad 950
2o,849 20,22'
.. 1839-70 1870-1! 1871-3, 1S72-3
Stock, Aug. 81, | 126 1573 1660!
BeoM tO NOV...20 30>05 29696! 16287 24440
Stock Nov....20 07271 6583 5925 6681
Year's receipts.. 67374! 750071 40650 j 6S10S
U. S. Crop...... 3398000,43533171397435113930508
Throuuh Cotton.—By Mobile & Girard Railroad
1,751 against 845; by Western Railroad 19,403,
against 18,373 lost year.
On Monday, Oth Instant,
Will be opened at tbe Virginia Store
from importora’ auction sales, 1,000 yar-
Ilawburg EJges, at 10, 15 and 25c.,
double the price. Also, lot Beaded Bd*
at half price. Twenty pieces beautify
Black Alpacas and Mohaira, at prices hitl
erto unknown. Beautiful new
Cashmeres and poplins marked d
suit the closest buyers, ftlauy B***!
Goods offered at less than cost, to red:*1
stock. H. T. Cbiglee-
novf* :
Go and See and Judge for Yourstlrd-
Chapman A Verstille, HO Broad fig
ure soiling Eagle and Kentucky J c * 1 '
Virginia Cassimeres, Cotton and "
Flannels, Brown and Bleached Doiuo'--'
Corsets, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, ^
Trimmings, and Notions of all kind*-*)
satisfactory prices. Oct ,4
The largest and best stock of K
Gloves in Columbus will bo
Blanchard’s. A good two-button kal
$1; Harris’ Victoria two-button ki‘
$1 50; perfectly scamloss two-
kid for $2.
j-l»UU- ;B
3V lias be
How to make and save money
and will continue to be tho chief
mankind. Among tho iununierab c *.
an excellent one is to buy your g°° l
of Chapman A Verstille’s. '
Bleached and Bbown Homi^ 11 ^
cheaper than before tho war. 11 calling at