Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 15, 1874, Image 3
DAILY ENQUIRER-SUST: OOLUMBTT8, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1874. T , P Pr.rt.1., Mil. B... tb. St, Loui, Dnworat: . onriooa itat* of thing* prarail* ^ Mokiog e«iti«ot OmVmI. In ‘i “Li-ion* pnokni* who had doubt* 1 ^the maintenance of prioaeoould eat ■““'^md dupo**o» lb* Mat from <?$& at priSTohiob would pay a Vof -Wo- to «**« iJMjfi. 1 ^ £tlo«. unt f»t, f«*t, h**d*, rib*, t*nd*r- " mid the running upan*** of , 1U «, etc., p. • . *~r— FOR ULI AWP mWT. For Sale. FOUB-KOOM hooM aad Uteba, - - with a good woll of walor, aad a fl® . oonnnfent houio Ihr anoall (Umtt,. JBK m rtonp *u*it, MtwMnthnwtori and Thomas. Apply to ■"*» d.odtf IMBroad (trait. A i varye ' ./J^oapital a* to ndn«* hi* lnUraat idoum on borrow*d won*; to a eompar- ,,„1. nominal *um. But thi* ycar no Lkor can parch*** hog* at th* current m and ** u bt * Sn* 0 “**t at a profit, n fact, tbongh hog* ar* quick of *alc quotation., th* product i* slow f ial«. Tb* order trad* haa dwindled j oWD to a mar* nothing, and no one want* non meat except at a bargain. No .okcr in the West to-day can unload hi* roduots and aieap* a loan. Baaidea thia, ie ofiri ha* deoltnad and will not near ay the expense* of the pork house, whioh /course increases tb* embarrassment of T .rr packer. Honey is plenty and oheap, nd seduced by thi* unusual faot, packers re very generally borrowing and carrying 11 their produota. A drop of 1$ cents sr pound on the products will infliot a uoat severe loss upon them—probably $3 lo the hog. The leading packer* ent 00,- MO to 80,000 head each per annum, and a loss of $8 per hog would let them in for 1180,000 to $240,000. Viewed from it* nest hopeful standpoint, the proapeota for a profit to packers this season is fear fully small, and the risk is much greater ban th* generality of paokers like to issume. k Horrible A Blair In Bale Coantjr. We are informed of a shocking murder bat was perpetrated, on the night of the 1st inat., in Dale oonnty, Ala., upon the icrsons of a negro man and his wife who raa a half Indian. Th* murdered man ind wife had moved to Dal* from Georgia, mt a few days before they were murder- id, and were in poasessipn of a very fin* iota* aad Mm* other things of value. It 1, thought that they were murdered by bree men who followed them from Geor- jia for that purpose, in order to get the horse and whatever els* the victims might have in money, eto., as three strange men were seen not far from th* soene of the murder, a few hour* before th* deed was perpetrated, and the fact that they could not afterwards be found, neither the ne gro's horse, justifies the belief that the strangers are the murderers. The murdered man bad a fine opossum •nd coon dog, and had made arrange ments to go bunting that night, and it was this that led to the early discovery of the orime, as when the friends of the innrdered man and wife called at th* gate a little after dark they conld get no an swer, and they then entered the kitchen, wben they found the man lying dead on tbe floor, with a load of buckshot in hi* bead. Further searob led to the discovery of the body of the woman, lying partly under the main building, and with her throat out from ear to ear. It seem* as if she had attempted to run under the house to escape, but had been caught and dragged back sufficiently for the brntal and murderous wretch to reach her throat with bis knife. It was a most shocking and horrible affair, as reported to us, and we earnestly hope that the parties en gaged in it may be identified and pun ished to the full extont of the law.—Eu- faula Tima, 14fA. A LectslatlvT Story A gentleman who hold* a seat in th* up per branch of the New York Legislature, but at the time was a member of the As sembly, relates the following: Perkins was as houost a man as ever set foot in Albany. Honey wouldn't buy him, and I knew it; bnt I thought I would have a little fun with him; so I went down into his room on* evening and said: ‘-Perkins, what de you think of that underground railroad bill ? Are you go ing to vote for it ?” “Well,” said Perkins, “I havn’t made up my mind yet exactly. I am inclined to Ihiuk it a good bill. But why do you ask ?” “1 thought you were in favor of it,” said I, “and as long as you have con cluded to vote for it, I just wanted to say to yon that the men interested in it are paying five hundred dollars for vote*, and ■a it i* oorning up on it* final passage to. morrow, you own just a* well have th* money as not; you’ll vote for the bill, any way. “Vote for the bill! “I’ll be hanged first 1” cried tbe irate Perkins. “No, air! If improper means are being taken to pass this thing, as you say, I for one will vote against it every time. You can put me down, no!” “I don't care anything about this bill,” said I. “I was only trying to do you a favor, and I think I can yet; for, to tell you the truth, the rival oompanie* are in full force and are moving heaven and earth to defeat it. They are pey ng the same sum for ‘noee,’ and as long as you are bound to vote that way, 111 get y< the five hundred dollam all the same.” “Can such things be ?” exolaimed Per kins, rising from nis seat and tearing up and down the room in • whirlwind of righteous wrath and virtuous indignation. "What a state of things thi* is I A plague on both of your houses: I won't vote at all.” “All right,” said I, as I laid my hand on the doer, “I’ll get you five hundred dol lars for being absent.” And as the jolly Senator brought to For Bent mHB residence tetond door »onU of St. j Paul Church, at present occupied by < Mr. Peyton. Possession given flrit Oct.J For terms, fcc., apply to auirfll *.,nr * " J. 8. JUNES. For Bent O PPI<l F.S. AND BLEEPING^ ROOMS In the Georgia Homo In* turanoe Building, among which It tbe offlee now occupied by Southern Lire Insurance Company. Apply to CHARLES COLEMAN, tf lie Broad St. Administrator’s Sale. W ILL be cold at the late reetdeaee of Cel. J. A. L Lee, on Wodueeday, 28d Inst., tue remaining personal property of hie estate, consisting of four fine mules, wagon, gin, oot- tnn seed, one fine eolt, and other artlelee. Sale by order »r Court of Ordinary ef Mueoogeo oounty. Terms oash. G bio, Administrators’ Sale. EOKGIA — MUSCOGEE COUNTY.— Agreeably to au order from the Honors- . the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold on Thursday, the 17th December, on the promUoa, the personal property belonging to the estate or John B. Hosier, deoeased,to-wlt: Horses, Mules, Cattle. Hog*, Corn, Fodder, Farming Implements, wagons. Buggies, Ac., ’ h. w*. dozier! Administrators estate John H. Doth dee# diot For Sale or Bent. Y FARM known as the ThompsonM place, 1*4 miles east of Box Springs Mr on Musoogeo Railroad, consisting of 6U7«^» acres—uoo cleared, and balance well timbered and nearest tho depot. Mr. Tom Persons now resides on t ho place. Good framed and painted and celled house; healthy and excellent neigh borhood. Prioe #2.60j oash. Terms made known at my law ofn< Plantation Stock and ff'arm ing Utensils for Bent. -v-vesibINU to give my andivklwl ettentloa ,1 / to 1.W, I WIU rent or lo*M whet li Known M tho Uhepp.ll fwn, at Warrior Stand, Ala., with a portion of tho mnloo and all tho farming ntonilli. About Me antes of open land, gin horns and SohoUsId prsss. Labor oan bo had on roaaonablo term., nnd mind the horror of perplexity in which this lath proposition involved Perkin*, he mated with lenghter. A Cm Pavzd with un> Gold. Onr principal atreets being meoadamiced with refuse or* taken from the mine* in early days, and bring ooated with the rich ore that ha* been year after y**r rift'd down upon them bom tbe or* wagon*, are now everywhere more or lees argantif- erone. Indeed, there ie not th* eligbteat •tretoh of imagination in laying that w* never take e stop in th* town bnt we ere walking on rilver—that our itreete ere literally paved with silver. While speak ing of thi* feet, a day or two rinoe, a Joung men bet hie friend th* price of the assaying and “the cigars” that he would take a lump of mud off of the wheel of a bus, then standing before them, and would get oot of it precious nutria to tha v*lue of over $5 per ton. An onnee or two of mad was taken from Ih* wheel of tha vebiele end plaoed in the hands of ea asasyer, who was not told where the sam- plo Was obtained, end who no doubt sup- posed that be was dealing with decom posed or* or vein matter from on* of onr mines. The assay was nude, and the assayer's eertific it* showed that the sam ple eontelned, silver SI B* i sold $2 82 total $!> 88. After this we may pnt on airs, even thongh onr streets ere villain ously mnddy occasionally, for the vary ■nod on onr bools oontains both ailvsr and gold—is not tha vulgar mud of th* “cow county" towns.— Virginia City (Nevada) BntefpriH. —A Nevada justice, when appealed to ■p issue * warrant for tbe arrest of some thne-eard monte men who had awindled * traveler, refused to do so, saying that the offense earn* under tbe head of A dis- inaations of Providence,” and b* hadn’t uriidiotioa. Blauborhoo sly known as a moit axoall.nt on*. JAS.M. BUSS ELI Law unee, OOIumbes, < Executor’s 8sle. county, will be sold on the first Tueedey Id January next, within the legal hours of >nlc, In front of the auction house of Ellla A eon, in the eity of Columbus, that very bio property known as the Camak place. In the village of Wynn ton, the same comprising a large two-story house, nearly new, wltn base ment, containing In all twelve rooms, with out- houses attached, and about ten aores or land. Also a large and desirable lot of houeehold furniture. Sold as the property of Thomas Camak, deceased. *" *. ■- jwn on dav of S CAMAK, Administrator’s Sale. "ILL bo sold on tho first Tuesday In uary next, at the usual plaoe of publlo i in the oounty of Muscogee, as the prop erty of James Bond, doo’d. that desirable piece of propcriy In the vlllago of Wynntou known as tho residence of de-eosed at the time of hi* death, and since occupied by his widow, Mrs. S.T5. Bond. This house and lot was sel apart to tbe widow as dower In the lands of deceased lying in Musoogeo oounty, and the sale will only include the estate’s remainder Interest after the expiration of the widow*' life estate in the property. Sold In pursuance ot an order of the Court of Ordinary of Musoogeo county. Terms—111 nov21 dlawtd (Y Ellis Assignees’ Sale. N the first Tuesday In January next (1875) we will sell at publlo outory, In front of lllls A Harrison’s auction house. In Columbus- Gjl, commencing at 10 o’clock a. in., the follow, ing real estate and personal c { •art of the property of John 1 o wit: No. 1. An undivided half interest In the premises known ai the Lowell Warehouse, sit uated in|tho city of Columbus, and upon olty lots Nos. 34, 33 and part of 32. No. 2. Tho premises known os the south half o! J. W. Baruen, on the oorner of Broad am i Fulton streets, being olty lots numbers 117 and 118. each containing half an acre, more or lees, No. 4. 6 Shares stook Mobile A Girard Rail road Company. 3 Shams stock Columbus lee Mannfhoturlng lorn p any. 20 Sharos stock Columbus Industrial Asso ciation. 28 Shares stock Cotton States Life Insur ance Company. 1 Share stock North A South Railroad Co. 10 “ “ Southern and Atlantic Tele* ooojissy. 4 first mortgage bonds ef the North A I Railroad Company, endorsed by the St Georgia, or #1,000 each. Terms for real estate one-half cash, balance In twelve months, with Interest. W. L. SALISBURY, JOHN PEABODY. dec! did Assignee! of John King. BY ELLIS & HARRISON Mules and Horses at Auc tion. O N TUESDAY, 16th December, 11 o’clock. we will sell at our auction room, for and ou account of a trader who le suddenly called 11 Harness and Saddle Horses. Stook buyers will do well to attend. In the meantime oan be seon at Thompson’s stable. BOOTS AND SHOBC. BOB’Ta.rora JAB. W. LUNG. JNJ’BI’W 1JV BOOT and SHOE STORE, WE ARK RECEIVING AND OPENING AT 2STo. 104 Broad Street, KIT MOB TO J. KYLE * CO. AN ENT1BELY NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES O UB STOOK IS ALL NEW AND FBEflH, DIB EOT FROM TUE KANUFAOTUB «•’ heed., nd made lor m*. WE REPAIR ALL RIPPING* FREE OF CHARGE, ulkwlj^ CLOTHINC. THOMAS & PRESCOTT RR NOW ARCHIVING THEIR NEW L Stock for Fall and Winter of 1874 and Call and see their EXORLLBHT Business Suits Elegant Dress Clothing! All at Prlot# Lower than Evar. Oelumbus, Ga., Sept. 18,1874. I Largest Stock, Best Goods, Lowest Prices 1 AT THE BALTIMORE ■J^-EW YOBK PIO HAMS, New Weitern Him., New Leaf Lerd le BtekeU, Sugar-Cured Bell, let, Bnr TouguM, Drl«d B**r, Fulton Market Boat, Atmore’a Mine. Mut, end Virginia Butter, Oreem Uh.*M, Flu* Apple end Edam Oheue, N.w Layer and London Bellini, RoMted nnd Otenn Coffee, ell kind!, Family Snppllu or *11 verletlen, von calm nv H. F. ABELL * CO. All piNhMN delivered. W|i tf Fur* Apple Vinegar SOo per gallon Mritby’s Prepirnd Ooeonnut. Baker*’ Prnmlum Chooolnt*. Deviled Tongue and Ham. Borden’e Eagle Milk. Split Peat, Farrlne, Green Peae, Sago, Barley. ROB’T 8. CRANE, 13 (bill <11 tm] Tra.Ua. 88 Broad Street. Business Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Coats, Talmas, Ac. A oomplete assortment of Youths’ and Bovs’ Clothing. A fisc line of White and Fancy Shirts, Under Shirts, Neckties, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, All goods warranted to be as represented, Give as a trial. HOFFLIN, RICH A CO., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Mr. J. C. HARRIS la with us, and will be pleated to see his Mends. oct2 tf DecdAW BOOTS AND SHOES. The Old Shoe Store Is full of New Shoes. Our late additions are ThaProiaotlon ToaShoaforahlldran. Ladla*’ Glova k Pabbla Button Boota. Ladle*’ Fin* Kid Button Boot*. Mi****’ Fin* Kid Button Boot*, Ladlai’ and Mlttet’ Kid Opera Boot*. All “as pretty os new shoes.” Bargains in Boots! Men 1 ! Hand-Sawed Boots for $3 per pair. SO cant Men’s Thick Boots, very cheap. Ladles’ Kid and Felt House Slippers. Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ Slippers in variatv. The Old Reliable Wells’ Hand-Sewed Shoe. Tho Virginia Stitch-Downs. And a lull stock or deiir.lil. work In qua*, tlty and variety, and at prices worth the at tention or any buyer. WELLS A CURTIS, No. 73 Broad St., novlt tr Sign of th. Big Boot. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. r m —Mr. E. H. Gronby ban withdrawn from. Jh« Cuthbert Ajtpeal, and inUmriea that WU( . n ■>* will toon ugrin appear in lb* manage- j xJ.m. li mutt of a paper. . ■ feexa Doctors. DR. JAB. T. W A KNOCK, Surgeon nnd Physician. Okies st Slaughters Drug Store, Railroad street. Hotels. ADAK8 HOUSE. Opelika, Ins sure to Atop at the , opposite Pauueuger Depot. * P. AENCHBACHER Tailor and Cutter. i LL ORDERS WILL BE ATTUNDED k. to with neatness and dispatch. W. B.—No work dellvtrad until peld for. GROCERIES. OROCERIEA. W. J. WATT. J. A. WALKER. 0. H. WATT. WATT & WALKER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Grocers and Commission Merchants, Corner under Rankin House, H A ?fu5 oLi tS.°.,t ; R,uv “’ *vism* dually kept in 60 hhds. Clear Rib Boeon Sides. 60 " Bacon Shoulders, 26 boxes Ice-Cured White Heat. 160 Rolls Heavy Bagging. 460 Bundles Iron Ties. 200 bbls. Flour, all grades. 60 “ Whiskey. 100 " Sugar, and everything in quantity and qual ity to snit the most fastidious. Soap, Salt, Syrup, Cheese, Coffee, Molasses, Mackerel, Ac W* Hava th* large*! let of FLORIDA SYRUP In Middle Gaorgla- ehaap. w Don’t forgot the place. to”* WATT * WALKBR. New Advertisements. . illmllM B**dl*-K mo*. Sami (tamp. DEAN kOO., N.w UfKlIunl, Mw,«w roONOTABT EMPLOYMENT—At bom*, v Mol. or Fomal*, JM * woak warranted. No capital roqulrod. Particular, and vnlnabln •ample, ,ent (roe. with * eont return ■tamp, u. BOBS, Willlnmabnrg, N. Y. «w KELT CEILING Tor rooma In plscoof Plas ter. FELT MOWING and NflblNU. For ilar and Sample, address G. J. FAY, len, New Jersey. 4w 600 PIANOS AND ORGANS, New and Second-Hand, of Flrst-Ulass Makers, will be sold at lower prices lor Gash, or on In stallments, or for ront, In eity or oountry, during these hard times and tho Holidays, by HORACE WATERS It SON, 481 llroadway, than ever before offered In New York. Agents wanted to soli Waters’ Now Seale Pianos nnd Concerto Organs. Illustrated Oatalogue mailed. Great Inducements to the trade. A* large discount to Teachers, Ministers, Churches, Lodges, Schools, etc. 4w DRY COODS. At Cost—-At Cost—for Thirty Days! T°pI5!!,m ^ «u5 ofVuX T “ r *“ * " w “ d C| “ B ”• #irOT °" frl,m " Fall and Winter Dr*** Qnnd*. WhHa Qoedt, Ribbon*, Lae**, Toweling, Table Damaak, Wool Flannel*, Jean*, Tweed*, Caaalmarat, Shoe*, Hat* nnd Notion* of Evory Variety, at ooat for oath. OUR STOCK OF Stripes, Checks, Brow and Bleached Domestics aid Prints Will bn kapt nplanlahad aad arid at Urn towMt markat ratal. Wa gin apaalal lavltatloa to all t* ooma aad Ma u,. CHARISAN St VERSTILLE. A NEW ENTERPRISE! For Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, Umo WELLS’ CARBOLIC TABLETS PUT UP ONLY IN illdl)!* BOXES. A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Sold by I>r«Mlstft generally, and FULLER A FULLER, Chicago, 111. SIGHT DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, “ Ireland, “ Scotland, •• France, 11 Germany, ” Italy, “ Austria, “ Denmark, ** Sweden, 14 Norway, <( Belgium, M Holland, u Swltserlond, For sale by M. H. EPPINO. Apply at Chattahoochee NaMoasl Book. LOTTERY. December 29. SECOND AND LAST Grand Gift Concert 1W AID OF THU Masonic Relief Association If KToi-follx, V«. Day Positively Fixed! TUESDAY, 28TH DECEMBER, IS74. LA8T CHANCE! Ind bv act of the Vli (paand March III so.eoe Tickets—*,OO* Cuh Gin*. To toe Grlveu Awmy t HIDES. Important to Merchants. IUY yonr WRAPPING PAPRR AND PAPMI 9 BAG! at home, at New York rates, from M. X. HIRSCH, Corner Bridge and Oglethorpe streets. Important to the Public. ILL HIDE*, PURI, BBR8WAX, BAGS, eto. i at highest oash prices, to M.M.HIR8CH, One Grand Cash Gift of One Grand Oash Gift of • One Grand Cash Gilt of • One Grand Oash Gia of . One Grand Oash Gin of - One Grand Cash Gin of One Grand Oash Gin of 16 Cash Gifts of #1001 each 28 Cash Gifts of 600 each 48 Oash Gins of 260 oaoh 78 Cash Gifts of 160 oaeh 260 Cash Olfti of 678 Cash Gifts or 6000 Cash Gifts of loo each 60 each 10 eaoh #20,000 26,00» 26,000 l WS 2,600 2,000 16,000 14.000 10,760 11,260 26.000 ! Cluar- 6000 OASH GIFTS, aggregating * #160,000 PRICE OF TIOKETS. Whole Tickets, #10; Half Tlekets.#6; ter Tickets, #2.60; Eleven Tlekets, #100. For tickets, circulars, Ac., address HENRY V. MOORE, See’j, MorfBlk, Vo. nov26 deodfcwtd REAL ESTATE AGENTS,. JOHN BLACKMAR, St. Clair Street, Ounby’s Building, next to Freer, lllges A Co. Real Estate Brokerage 6 Insurance. asrsa, bt rsoiiiBMu*, To Morohantfi’ and MochaaieB’ Bank, this eity aprlt tf PROVISION BROKER I* Dally T.lagram, from Louisville and Saint Lorn deed tf a U80LUTB DIVOBCK8 OBTAINED FROM !onrta, of different Btatm, for deBertion, Ac. Mo publicity required. Mo charge until divorce granted. Addn ajrlO dewiy M. UOU8K, Attorney, 124 Broadway, M. Y. PRUCCICTC. Blue Drug Store. MEANS BRANNON, AT m l. # hia old stand, Is lnoreailngtfp Block of DRUGS dally, and mV _ r prepared to furnish Columbus mdm and vicinity with anything in his Uns at WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL. He ING tea: ments to Country Merchants. PURE AND RELIABLE DRUG8. Cal! snd see him at 186 Broad Street. From this date cash is roqulrod for all goads. oc4 tf Eagle Drug; Store. Home Made Fertlllxer*! MONEY SAVED! MONEY MADE! best articles or jte Ammonia, I , ariate Potash, Bone Dost, Land Plaster, South Carolina Phosphates, Iul, AH of which we will sell at the lowest prices DR. E. C. HOOD will bo with as, who has had practical experltnoe in these articles, and who can givo valuable Informallon with regard to ihein. , novM eod&w M. D. HOOD k CO. A WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE, ENTIRELY SEPARATE FROM OUR RETAIL STORE, -At INTo. 132 Broad. Street, AND ARE PREPARED TO SELL Dry Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes AS LOW AS AMY JOBBING BOUSE IN NEW YOBK OB EL * RW BERK N« T«l toraiilw Jbri»V u. * * b °" u to"* 0 *'»l*l>*** ♦* dnpllaat. an, "• B —FarilM darinnu of buying at null will And our Retail Houm (No. IN Broad itroot) ipallad wltk dtalrabla aad Maionabla good., whUk will lit tokl at bottom prion. 1 " * kora omployod oompotont and pollta Salaamon, who will toko plouaun la ihowlng good,. CAWLEY & LEWIS, topw dfcwly Oolumbu*. Oka*. @. LANDAUER. REMEMBER, The New York Store! The New York Store! DRY GOODS OF ENDLESS VARIETY AND LOWEST COST! The New York Store, The New York 8tore, The New York Store. AJLX, IIV WANT OF DHY GOODS, GALLON S. LANDAUER, S. LANDAUER. DON’T FOBOET--THE NEW YOBK STORE, 82 Brood Street, 82 Broad Street, 82 Broad Street. The New Yorlc Store, The New York Store. New York Prices, New York Price*. OOMS ON1I, <3 COMM ONE HAVE V0U TRIED JURUBEBA? ARB YOU W##k, Ntrvous, or Debllitat#d ? Are pan no Ltengnld tliat any exertion require* more of an effort than you feel ca|>alilo of making f Than try JITMUBKHA, the wouderfol Touic aud luvlgorator, which note ao benofleiaily the eecrelivo organa oc to impart Vigor to all i vital foi-cec. it Ie no alcoholic appetiser, which stimulates for a abort time, only to let tin* sufferer fall to a lower depth of mUonr, but it In a vegetable touic acting directly on tho liver aud epieeM. It regulales tbe HowoIn, quiets the nerveB, and givoe such a healthy tone to the whole system ae to boou make the Invalid feel like a uuw pereon. Ita eperatlen la not violent, but ie characturmod by great geutleuuen; the patient i x- C Briencee no guddeti cliange, no marked rmiuHN, ut gradually his troubles "Fold their teute. like the Arnbe, And silently eteai away." This Is no new and untried discovery, but has been long used with wouderfol remedial results, aud Ib pronounced by tho highest medical authori ties "tho most powerful tonic aud alterative known." Ask your drngglat for It. For sale by WM. F. KIDDKH A GO., 4w New York. SHORT POSTPONEMENT - DAY riXED-PUIal* DIBTMIBUTION. First Grand Gift Concert. MONTPKLIKR Fomale Humane Associate At Alexandria, Va. November BO. 1S74. 1 Grand < 'ash lo Cash Gift*, #10,000 each 16 Cash Gifts, 6,000 each 76,000 60 Ca«h Gifts, 1,000 eaoh 100 Cash Gifts, 600 each 60,000 1,000 Cash Gifts, 100 oaoli 100,000 1,000 Cash Gilts, 60 each 60,000 20,0U) Cash Gifts, 20 each 400,OnO 22,178 Cash Gifts, amounting to #1,000,000 NUMBER OF TK RETM, 180,060. PRICE OP TIC'KKTS. Whole Tlekets #20 00 Halves 10 00 Quarters 6 00 Eighths or each Coupon 2 60 ^Tickets for 100 00 The Montpelier Female Humane ArbocIo- * v5fi f ,_ ""* COTTON WAREHOUSES. A. M. ALLBN. PNTNB PBKBB. Fontaine arelionse. ALLEN, PREER & ILLGES, - Cotton Factors & Commission Merchants OOX*T73^CBXrC3 * C5-^_ l. n. auiai*. a. m. wibUAH*. BURRUS & WILLIAMS, Warehouse & Commission Merchants, Al&bam% Warehouse, Columbus, Ga. Pull Stock of Bagging and Tiea on hand. We also Bell the Brown Cotton Gin. 1, aad will b« pleased to serve hie eld friends. former resldonieol J GovKBMOn'a Ovpiuk, Kk iimomd, July 8, 1874. It affords mt pleasure to say that I am woll acquainted with a large majority of the olfioere of the Montpelier Fomale Humane Associa tion, who reside In the vicinity or my home, and I attest their Intelligence aud their worth and high reputation os gentlemen, os well sa the publlo confidence, Infiuenoa and aubaian* tlal means liberally represented among them. JAS. L. KKMPKK, Gov. of Va. Alexandria, Va., July 8, 1874. 1 commend them as gents of honor and Integrity, and fully entitled to tho confi dence of tho public. H. W. liUGliEH. U. s. Judge Eastern Diet, or Va. Further rereronces by permission j His Ex cellency Gilbert C. walker, ex-Govereor ol Va.; lion. Kobert E. Withers, Lleqt-Gov. of Va. and U. N, Senator elect; Senators and Members of Congress from Virginia. Kemfttanoes lor tickets may he made by «x- “— ‘ * —‘ order on send Men. JAMES BARBOUR, Presd’t M. F. H. A., Alexandria, Va. Meltable Agents wanted everywhere. RUY ONLY THE Genuine Fairbanks Scales. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. BY AGENT WANTED THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, For Colombo* and Surroondlng Territory. Liberal term* will b* given to a Llv* Man who mean* burin***. Apply to A. B. JONES, Gen’l Traveling Agent the Howe Machine Company, d**n Control Hotol, Oolumbu*, Co. Stock Scales, Goal Scales, Hay Scales, Dairy Scales, Coaatsr Scales, #0., Ac. Also, Miles Alarm Till Co.’s ALARM CASH DRAWER I Warrants#. FAIRBANKS* CO., til BROADWAY, N. Y., 100 Baltimore 8treet, Baltimore, 63 Camp 8trevt, Now Orleaue. PAIRBANKt A EWING, Masonic Hall. 1’Mlsdolphln. FAIRBANKS, BROWN A CO., 2 If ilk street, Boston. For salo by beading Hardware Dealers. augSO dstawAwIm CLAIMS Z NOT TOO LATE ! PARTIES having Claims agalnut the Unitod 1- State* Government, for Property need by the Army without compensation, for Pen sions. Hock Pay, Unsettled Accounts, Be., will do well to apply, at onoe to me, I have facilities In Washington whioh guarantee prompt and full sottlomont of all accounts. Rejected claims oan be again considered. Revolutionary and other olalms, If valid, still collectable. Apply at once by letter or In person to FRANK WE88EL8, Agent, norl euAwtf .Exqutaxn Uinoi.