Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 16, 1874, Image 1
VOL. XVI. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1874. NO. 294 OF Via DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY wfQuziim. Twelve month*, in advance $8 00 Bix month*, 44 4 00 Three months, 41 2 00 One month, 44 76a Weekly Enquirne, one year 2 00 Sunday Enquires, one year.......'.., 2 60 Sunday end Wisely Enquires to gether, one year 8 00 AdTortlitsc KstM. Sqeer*. 1 Week, Daily, -$ S 00 s “ “ 6 00 3 «• “ 6 60 l Month, “ 100 3 •* “ IS 00 S “ “ 17 00 4 '* " 10 00 5 “ “ 22 60 0 «• •* 26 00 1 Square 1 jeer 42 00 The above la with the privilege of a change every three monthe. F«»i yearly card* a liberal die- count will he made. The rate for every other day in Daily and every weok In Weekly will be the eataeaa Daily. For every other day In Dally the rate will be one-third leaa than the Daily rate. For twice a week the rate will be one-half Daily rate*. Fcr advertisements in local or reading oolnmns 60 per cent additional will he charged. The Weekly rate* will luvariably be one-third of the Dally. When au advertlaoment la obanged more than anaa in three monthe tk» ad vert leer will be charg ed with the coat of composition. Foreign adver tiser* m»*t pav a* do thoe* at bom*. CONCHES*. ^ HOCK. WisHiKOToN,December If..—Tha House adjourn, from the 2dd of December to the 5th of January, by yeaa 128, nays 128. A motion to reconsider is pending. White, of Alabama, introdnoed a sup plementary Bights bill. Holloa introduced a biil for the relief of the Epieoopal Theological Seminary in Virginia. Linch introdnoed a bill for the olmriog and entering of .easels st East Tuscs- gonla. Poland introduced a reeolntion regula ting proeeoution for libel hr th. Distriot. Th. Hons. b«ing in committee on ap propriations, the Speaker announced the appointment of the following oommittees: Select committoe to viait Vioksburg, Mis sissippi—CoDgor of Miehigan, Unrlbnt of Indiana, Williams of Wisconsin, Speer of Pennsylvania, aud O'Brien of Maryland, Select committee on Louisiana and the Sonthsra States—G. F. lloar of Mas a- chuaetts, Wbseler of New York, Pye of Maine, Foeter of Ohio, Phelps of New Jsraey, Bobinson of Illinois, and Potter of New York. TELEGRAPHIC NOTE*. ^ By Telegraph to Kmquiexe.] DOMESTIC. —The banking houne of Stoddard Brothers, Little Rook, Arkansan, haa ana- pended. —Total Rales of cotton for the past week in New York is 212,117 bales, of whioh 8,917 were for immediate delivery, and 203,200 on speculative account. —Mias Littie St. John Eckel, authoress of a book, has sued the Sun and Free man's Journal tor the aum of $25,000 damages each for certain reference* to aaid book. —A apecial dispatch to a Chicago paper confirms the reports that a large party of miners are at work in the Black Hills, and adds that they are well fortified and have foand gold in paying quantities. —Vioksburg is again quiet. The Mayor is organizing a volunteer police brigade. It haa been discovered that tha negro Chancery Clerk, against whom there are seven indictments for forgery and embezzlement, haa been in office more than a year without giving any bond whatever. —The members of the Delta Kappa Ep- ailon fraternity residing in New York, to the number of over one nundred, enjoyed an anniversary dinner at the Bt. Nioholaa Hotel last evening. The reoent aaccess- fal establishment of a Chapter in Colum- S ia College contributed not a little toward le enjoyment of the occasion. These dinners are hereafter to be an annual oc currence. MOTEL BILL. TO PAY THK DEBTS OP THE COTTON STATES WITH THE TAX COLLECTED OH COTTON. Washington, December 16.—The bill introduced by Mr. Smith, of North Carolina, for the relief of the ikmthern States, by compromise of their debts, provides that the money collected from the Southern people as a tax on their cotton produced, shall be appropriated to pay tha debts of tha Sonthern States. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General are directed to oonfer with the creditors and agree upon a com promise. The money paid on the cotton tax by the people of a State is to be de voted to the payment of the debt of such a State. If the amount is insufficient to pay the whole, it is to be applied to the debts of the oldest date, as far as it will go. Where there is a surplus it shall be paid over to the State for free school purposes. PHILADELPHIA. TEIUMPH OVER THE WlON LEAGUE. Philadelphia, Deoember 16.—A bilter oontest between the old ring members of the Union League and friends of the op position ticket, headed by John P. Vance, terminated laat night in the election of the latter ticket. The polls ramained opan till after midnight, and the result has just been announced. Charles Gib bons headed the ring tioket for President, and was on the opposition tioket for Vice President, but he withdrew his ntme at the last moment, aud is among the de feated. The successful party claim that had there been a different result the UnioQ League would have been broken «P- A Disavowal Requested. Washington, Dec. 16.—Mr. Lynch, of Mississippi, requests, in behalf of Mr. Car does, a disavowal of a declaration by Cardosa, widely published, to the follow ing effect: T. W. Cardosa, than whom no man has done more to create this trouble, declares the race conflict is on us now, and the negro woman are ready to oom- menoe with the ax and knifa to slaughter the white women and ehildrtn. Social Iqaallty la Mew Orleaai. Naw Orleans, Deoember 16.—This morning an effort was made to introduce five or aix colored girls as pupils into the Girls* Upper High School, whioh resulted in the withdrawal of fifty of the gradu ating class. This is the first attempt that has been made to place negroes in this school. THE WBATHED. Washington, Deo. 15.—Probabilities*— For tho Sooth Atlantic States, clear and cool weather, with northeast to southeast winds and stationary or rising barometer. For the Gnlf States, Tennessee and the Ohio valley, partly cloudy and warmer weather with east or south winds, slowly falling barometer and rain in the eouth- . west. Conkling presented a memorial of N. A. .Cowdrey, of New York, reciting that the District of Columbia is indebted to him, and that he is unable to obtain any thing for Diatrlot bonds upon which he can realise seventy par cent. Conkling said the memorial was accompanied by a bill which he had not examined, but he preeeuted it at tho request of a citizen of his State. He, there fore, asked leave, without pre vious notioe to introduce a bill to con solidate the debt of the Diatriol of Co lumbia, and to issue bonds of the United States in exchange for bonds of the Dis trict. The bill and memorial were referred to a joint select committee to frame a new government for the Distriot of Columbia. West, of Louisiana, introduced a bill relating to rank of officers of the army. Referred #to Committee on Militaiy Affairs. Pratt, of Iud., introduced a bill limit ing the time in which application for bounty laud shall be received, and dis posing of tha suspended cases after a cer tain date. Referred to Committee on Military Affairs. Spenoer, of Alabama, introdnoed a bill to provide for the appointment of special agents, superintendents .of railroad postal service, and other officers of the Postoffice Department, post offices aud post roads. Davis, of West Virginia, gave notice that, after the expiration of the morning hour to-morrow, he would call up his res olution, of lest week, relating to default ers. Wright, of Iowa, submitted a joint res olution proposing certain amendments to the Constitution of the United Htgtos. It proposes that the President and Vice President of the United States shall be eleoted by a direot vote of the people, and eaoh hold office for a term of six years; that the President shall be ineligi ble to re-election. Every male citizen who has reached the age of twenty-one years, and who has not been convicted of an infamous crime, shall have the right to vote. It further provides, that the election for President and Vice President •hall be held at the same time, aud re quires a majority of all the votes oast to elect. But if no one receives a majority another election shall be ordered, at whioh only the two receiving the largest number of votes at the previous voting, shall be voted for; and further, that the election returns shall be canvassed by the Supreme Court of the United States, and certifi cates issued by that tribunal. Referred to the Committee on Civil Servioe Reform. lioutwell of Massachusetts presented a memorial of Frank Fraley, of the Na tional Board of Trade, asking for the or ganization of an additional exeontive de partment to be called the Department of Commerce. Referred to Committee on Commerce. West of Louisiana introduced a bill for the relief of W. W. Handlin of Louisiana. Judiciary. Morton of Indiana submitted a reso lution instructing tha Committee on Rules to inquire into the expediency of amend ing the rales so es to abolish the useless formality of Senators asking permission to introduce biila without giving previous notioe, by whioh rnuoh time was con sumed and the journal encumbered. Edmunds said he objected to the words “useless formality.” He knew of oue oc easiou when it bad boon anything but s ns sites formality, and that waa when the Senator from Kentucky, McCreery, asked leave to introduoo a bill providing for the removal of tha bones of our soldiers from Arlington, but failed to obtain such leave. Morton aaid he did not wish to alter the rale, but merely to obviate unnecessaiy repetitions in the journal. The word “useless” was struck out, and the resolu tion adopted. Gordon, of Georgia, introduced a bill providing for a survey of Halford's pro- posed inland route of water commuuica tion between the Mississippi river and the harbors of the Atlantic. Commerce. Washburn, of Massachusetts, presented a petition of Wni. Giles Dix, of Peabody, Massachusetts, setting forth his belief that the time had come when the people, once for ell, should decide whether or not they desire and mean to be one sovereign nation, claiming the direct allegiance of all, and directly guarding tho rights of all, and asking that Congress appoint a time aa early in tho coming year as may be deomed best for the delegates, chosen one from each Congressional District, to meet in Philadelphia to consider and form a National Constitution, which, if approved by the people voting as one people, with out the intervention of the Statos, shall bo declared by the Executive to be the organic national law, superseding the Federal Constitution of the United Statos, as that Constitution superseded the Articles of Confederation. Referred to Committee on Revision of Laws. Alcorn introduced a bill in relation to the compensation of persona acting aa commissioners under speoial acta of Con gress Referred to Committee on Mili tary Affairs. The Senate then resumed the considera tion of the bill to frame a new govern ment for the District of Columbia Appointment* and Caaflrastloai. Washington, Deoember 15.—Marshall has been appointed First Assistant Post* master General. Nominations—S. B. Axtell, Governor of Utah Territory; Patterson, Federal At torney for Florida; Josiah Wiueh, Post* master at Fernandina, Florida; Jno. B. Adaios, Foal master at Jacksonville, Flor ida; S. P. Gambia, Postmaster at San Antonia, lexas. Many nominations for the North, but mostly re-appointuients— no important changes. Confiinntioua—Jewell, Postmaster Gen eral; Benseans, Superintendent of Mint at New Orleans. ALABAMA. NEGRO OUTRAOEH—ONE SENTENCED TO BE HUNG—DILL REGARDING THE IN DEBTKDNE8H OF THE STATE. Montgomery, December 15. — About daylight two negroes wont to tho store of M>it Strauss, on the outskirts of the oily, waked him and killed him with a oar coupling iron. One negro stabbed another yesterday. Loriu Johnson, negro, was yesterday sentenced to be hung January 29th, for murdering another negro in a quarrel over a quarter-dullar. Bix or eight colored oouviots were sent to (he penitentiary. Rapier, defeated for Congress in this District, bus served notice of oontest on Major Williams, Congressman elect. Hit allegations aro very numerous and vory general, iuoluding fraud, violence, eto. State Senate passed a bill authorising the Governor to appoint two Commis sioners, citizens of Alabama, who, with the Governor, shall constitute a Board of Commissioners to take charge and ascer tain, liquidate and adjust the subsisting legal liabilities of tho State on bonds, straight and endorsed, and oonpona thereon. The bill is ns follows : Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Alabama, That the Governor of ibis State be, and he is hereby author ized by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to appoint two citizens of this Slate, who shall constitute a Board of Commissioners, who shall hold their office for the term of two years from the date of the appointment, unless the duties hereby confided to them shall be sooner performed. Said Commissioners, before assuming the duties of their said office, ah ill each file with the Secretary of State his oath, in writing,that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office as hereiu declared, according to his best judgment. The Governor of the State shall ex-officio, also be a member of the said Board of Commissioners. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shnll be the duty of said Commissioners, and tuoy are hereby authorized aud em powered, to take charge of and ascertain, liquidate aud adjust the subsisting legal liubilities of tho State of Alabama, on bonds issued, and bonds endorsed in the name of the State of Alabama, and the ooupous on the same, in such manner as the interests of the State may require, and by negotiation to provide for the paymeut of such amount of tbe said sev eral legal liabilities, as may be arranged for, under tho powers hereby conferred, and the interest that may be agreed to be paid upon the principal so nogotiatad, in such manner, and ut Ruoh times, as to them may noeiu advisable. And for thia purpose said Commissioners shall, by ad vertisement or otherwise, at aa early a day as practicable, require presentation of all claims of the character aforesaid to tbarn, with the amount claimed; and may in quire into the consideration alleged to have been paid or given to the State there for, or that is allegod in support of tbe liability clnimsd against the State; pro vided, however, that no adjustment of said alleged liabilities, or any part there of, or arrangement for the payment of any sum in discharge thereof, shall be binding on this State, unless and until ap proved und ratified by the General Assem bly thereof. Sec. 3. Bo it further enacted, That aaid Commissioners be, and they are hereby required, to report their action in the premises to the Governor, who shall at each session of -the General Assembly, during the continuance of said commis sion, communicate the same, or so much thereof as may not be incompatible with the public interest, to the General Assem bly of the State of Alabama. MANNACIIUNETTM. DESTRUCTIVE FIRES AND COLD WEATHER. Boston, December 15.—'Tha Plympton street fire involves a loss of half a million dollars. Tho lumber yards were burned. The fire on Ilittouger’s wharf threatened tho shipping. One vossel was damaged. Warner A Freeman's salt factory was de stroyed. This fire involves a loss of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Fires thought to ho incendiary. At four o'clock this morning the ther mometer indicated nix degrees below xero. The Roman Catholic Cburoh at West ltoxbury was burned. Iucendiary. FOSKICN. —— FRANCE. TftSNOK INDIGNANT AGAINST GKBM ANY. London, December 15.—An intense (•sling his been aroused in Frsnoe by some of the papers read in the Arnim trial. One dispsleb, especially, in whioh Bismarck says he cannot bnt wish to see France weak, and daema it inadvisable to strengthen her by contributing to the ee> tabliahment of the monarchy. It oeases profound indignation. MARKETS. IT TRLF.UKAPU TO ENRU1RER. Money aud Mock Markets. London, Deoember 15.—New 6a 1%. Erie ■w York, December 16.—Stocks dull and lower. Money 8 por cent. Gold 111%. Ex- change—long 486%, short 420%. Government# active and strong. State bonds quiet. Nkw York, December 15.—Money In fair demand at 3%@4 per cent. Sterling dull and steady at 415%. Gold dull at 111%. Govern ments aolive but strong. Btuto bond* quiet but steady. Cotton Market*. Livmupool, Deoember 16.—Noon — Cotton •ady; upland* 7%@%; Orleans 7%; aales 10,- o bales, Including 2,000 for speculation aud export. >»loi on basis or middling uplands, nothing below low middling*, shipped In December and January, 7 5-10. Sale* on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable In February and Mareh, 7 6-16. Salas on basis of mid 'ling Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped in Deoember and January, 7 7-10. 2:00 r. x.—Ol sale* to-day 6,400 balsa war* American. Sales on basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings,shipped In November and Deoember, 7%. Sato* on bu.-ls of middling Orleans, nothing below low middlings, shipped In January and February, 7%. 8: 0 p. m.—Saloa on basis of middling up lands, nothing below good ordinary, shipped in December and January, 7%. New York, December 16—Cotton quiet! sales 407 .bales; uplands 14%; Orleans 14%. New York, Deoember 16.—Cotton—Futures opened itronx as follows: January 14 1-16; February 14 16^180%; March 14 27-82O20S2; April 16%@9-32; May 16%09-16. New York, Deoember 16—Cotton dull; sales 602 bales, at 14%014%; net receipts 66o A PROCLAMATION By Old. Krlnklnifle. CONFECTK til Whereat, Th, tint, la now approaching who. *11 of mr little And Jaroallo fri.nda ihould know where to (nil m thU Ohrlitmaa with ay Budget of ran; Now, tkornforn, I, Krlikrlngle, la tht Bunn and wltk Ik. utkortty vnotod In wo bj my numoront Patronn, do ktrab, aanoonna to ail tha Uttla Polka thot I will uk. my Hoad- qaart.ra at my old Irload I. O. STBUPPSK'S, i Randolph atroot, Oolambna, On. Ia witaooa tkoroof, I lammoa all to nppaar at my Baiaar daring tha aomlng Holiday! And oxamlno my Bndgnt of WarnHim. OItob iad«r my hand talk#ally,thlalktk day of Dooamhar, lira. KRISKRINOLB. I. a. 8TRUPPER, Atalatnnt. deeio *ndtw HO, FOR THE HOLIDAYS I A LARGE SUPPLY OF V30UNDOAKF.8ponge Oaks, Fruit Taka, L Jelly Cake, Lady Fingers, Cup Coke, Tea Oakes, Washington Cake (not pie), (Queen’s Cake, end all varieties of Fancy and Plain Crackers. Craeknells, fco., Ac. Fanoy and Plain Candles by tbe ton. Apples, Or anges, Lemons. All kinds Nut*. Citron. Rai sins, Fire Crackers, Roman Candles, Torpe does, Ao, Ao. I am determined to sell at fair prices, so be sure end oell on me. Don't forget the plaoes— corner of Oglethorpe and Orawlbrd Streets, and 165 Broad Street. Both piece* will be sup plied. Very respectfully, ' B182W J. M. LAYFIEL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. AGENT WANTED BT THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, For Oolumbu* and Surrounding Territory. Llboral term* will bo givon to a Llv, Man who meant bualnaaa. Apply to A. B. JONES, Gen'l Traveling Agent the Howe Machine Company, 1 Central Hotel, Oolumbu*, Ga. Lawyer*. UOMEL t). LEVY, JR., Alterasy aad Geaaseller At Law. Commissioner of Deeds N. Y. end other States. Uffloe over Georgia Home Insurance Co. Special attention given to oolleotlons. cC JOSEPH r. FOU, Attorney at Law, and Judge of Oounty Court. Practice* In all other Court*. 09c* over ator* of W. II. Robert* A Co., Hroed Bt. Ja26 Look Out for Santa Claus I H IS Depot Is again opened for the reception of visitors. All ere invited—and espe cially the children—to examine hi-* large stook ot Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Veloolp * Noah's Arks, Music Hoses. Harmonious, 1 T 5 At*, Cups end Saucers, Chine Toys of every lesorlptfon and style. Also his seleoted stock of Drums, Bells and Metalopkons for the boys, and an Immense assortment of Chine, Wax J. M. McXKILL, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Practice* in court* of Georgia end Alabama. oorner and 166 Is dlrec trance No lecee, am deoia 2w will be offered very low at my stores, or Oglethorpe end Crawford streets, Broad street. My store on Broad street bale*. Futures closed steady; sales 48,200, aa fol lows: December nominally. 14; February i4 18 32; March 14 26 32; April 16%@6-82; May 16%. June 15 25 32; July 161-8201-16; August 16 3-16 Galveston, December 16.—Cotton quiet and nominal; middlings 13%; low middlings 18%; good ordinary 12%: net reoeipts .1,234; exports to Great Britain 8,0:6; Continent 1,417; Mies 1 600; Btoek 88,417. Mobile, Deoember 16 — Cotton firmer; mid dling* 13%@%; low middlings 13%0%; good ordinary 13%; not receipts 666;sele* 2,800; stook 68,304. Nobvolk, Deoember 16.—Cotton firm and held higher; middlings 18%; net receipts 3,( 42; sales 200; stock 12,862 Wilminqton, December 16.—Cotton steady; middlings 13%; exports to Groat Britain 674; ■took 4,804. Philadki.pki a, December 15.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14%; low middlings 18%; good ordin ary 13; net receipt* 460. BoaioN, December 16.—Cotton steedv; mid dlings 14%; not receipts 337; sales 60; stook 10,000. Auoueta, Deo* fiber 16.—Cotton actlvo and firmer; middling* 18%®13%; low middlings 13; good ordinary 12%; net rtcelpts 273; sales 160. New Orleans, December 16.—Cotton steady and unchanged with fair demand; middlings 13%; low middlings 18%; good ordinr receipts 13,786; exports to continent 6,603; stook 206,601, Savannah, Decomber 15.—Cotton quiet; middlings 13 1110; low mlddllnuS 13 0 32; good ordinary 12%; net receipt* 4,670; salos 1,825; stock 106,300. Charleston, December 16—Cotton more steady; middlings 13%; low middlings 18%; good ordinary 12%013; not reoeipts 3,700; sales 1,200; stock 65,6*8. Memphis, December 16.—Buyers and setters Apart; generally held higher; middlings 18%0 *3%; net rooeipts 4,480; shipments 2,160; sals ,600; stook 61,134. Baltimore. December 16.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14%; net receipts 223; sales 205; spin ners 116; stock 22,943. Provision Markets. NEW York, December 16.—Flour quiet and heavy. Wheat dull and drooping. Corn quiet. Pork heavy at $5W*6O0.6o%. Lard heavy •teem 18%. New York, Deoember 16—Coffee quiet and unokanged. Sugar dull ami nominal at % de cline. Mulossee—foreign dull and nominal; New Orleans quiet at 6206. Hloo unchanged; limited jobbing d< CHRISTMAS GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY AT J. W. PEASE A NORMAN’S. 77 LEG ANT OHROMOS, with good Walaut 2j Frames, large site, from #4 to *26 o*oh. Fine Editions of tho Poets, from $1.60 to $10. Work Box*« end Writing Desks, (some ere beautiful) from $1 to $16. The finest lot of Javoallo end Toy Books wo hevo over had, at very low prices. Portfolios, Ivory Card cases, Gold Pens aad Penolls, Games. Fanoy Inkstands, Chess nnd Backgammon Boards and Mon, and e groat variety of goods ealtablo lor preeonts for peo ple of all ages and tastes, at very attraottv* rices. Call and see our stook. J. W. PEASE fc NORMAN. decio deodkw l%; olei 14%. Lard—tierce 14%; keg 167 Whiskey 96. Bt. Lou it, December 16.—Flour Inaotlve and unchanged; superfine wlntor $4 4004 60. Corn fit mer, at <-.6%068. Whiskey steady,at 98 Pork dull and declining, at $19.60. Lara dull, at 12%. Cincinnati, Deoember 16—Flour steady Corn dull ana declining at 70072. Pork dui and declining at $19 26. Lard unsettled *nd dull; kettle lb%014. Bacon dull anddaelln- Ing; shoulders «%; olear rib 12%; clear sides 13%. Whhkey active and strong, but declined to 96. Liverpool, December 16. — Breadstuff* qulot. Lard 64. Koala, See. IBUAM COOPER’S Grocery Store continues Its well-earned popu larity. Country produce bought end sold. Freeh goods always on hand. The old plaee. SHIP NEWS. Wee New York, December 16.—Arrlvod : tjn, Metropolis. Arrived out: Pouoe. New York, December 16.—Arrived : Wyo ming. Just Received: Bleached Domestlo 10c. All-Wool Red and White Flannols 26c. American Alpacas, new shades, 2&c. J apancse Bilks, lull patterns, $10. All other Dross Goods very cheap. To Arrive Tueiday Next: Full lino of now styles Silk Scarfs and other Novelties The whole stock as cheap as the cheapest. novl6 eodfcw F. C. JOHNSON 4 00. Call on me at both guaranteed. . M. LAYFIELD. IP with < J. J. A W. R. WOOD i» n vr^ERY STORE at 77 Broad St., Choloe and Heleot Goods, Butter and Eggi a apactalty. Canned Goode, all klads; Preserves end J* III*#, Fruits, Foreign and Domestic, Plokles, Assorted; Crackers, a seleet assortment. Seedless Raisin*, Candles In jraeat variety. Buokets, Tube, Tin ware, Brooms and Be kets. We keep everything In th* Mousekee; Ing line. We reapeetfolly invite the publle i give us a cell and eaamlne our goods and prloes, second door below Wells fc Curtis. All goods delivered.dec6 a Furniture! Furniture! Carpet*, Carpets! Oilcloths! Window Shade*, Curtain Goods, fco., fce., ko., The Me wee* aad Oheleeet ■ tries Leweet Cash Prices I at one Furniture A Carpet Warehouse S3 and SB Broad St. ROONEY R WARNER Largest Stock, Best Goods, Lowest Prices 1 AT THE BALTIMORE DR. J. A. URQUHAKT, Office removed to the Drug Store of E. C. Hood fc Brother. Sleeping apartment at tormcr residence, on the oomcrot Randolph and iviolntosk s.roctt, opposite ti.e residence of Mr. Wtn. Beach. ■Cp6 DM. N. B. LAW. Offlc* corner blood and Randolph streets, Burma’ buildlug. •no* on Forsyth, three doors below fit. Cleir. SAMUEL B. HAYCHKK, Attorney at Law. Office over Wittiuh A Klneel's Posts* IxeaaM. RSI IMCIRAM A CRAWFORDS. AMerneys at Law, Will prectloe In th* Statu and Ptnlurel Court* of Ueorgl- OAoe over Preur, IilgtM k oorner Broad end 81. Clair St*. A. A. DORIRR, Atfisrwoy and Ceanssllar at Law. Preetioe* In Stele end Federal Courts In Georgia end Alabama. Office 126 Broad ; t., Columbus, Oa. Jai Mm H. BLARevoan. Louis F. Oarra**. RLANDFORD A GABRARD, Attorneys and Oeuasellsrs at Law. Offlc* No. t7 Broad street, ever Wlttlch A Kin- eel’s Jewelry Eton*. Will prootles le tbe State and Federal Court*. Jai. M. Nvsesu. Crab. J. Rwirt. BIJIIELL A SWIFT, Attornajs and Counsellor* at Law. Will practice in th* Court* of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit; au«f Alabama. Offlc* over C. A. Rudd A Co.'* * Hroad street, Columbus, Ga. J ^’l T.IfoWNtNU, Attorney aad Raltoltor. Re J. MON EM, Attorney aad Comnseller at Law, Dootor*. Barber Shop*. LOVII) WELLS’ SHAVING SALOON, (tiucounanr to 11. lisa*',) (/infer Uoorgia Horn* losuraeoe Building. Prompt and polito barber* in attendance. Ja26 i** ALEX A NAM, ItARHKRS, Bt. Clais STtur.f. Ell. TERRY, Barber, Crawford Bt., under Rankin House, Colmuhn Tobacco, Cigars, So. HAIEH DORN. " ff yon went to enjoy e gojd smoke, go to hi* Cigar Haaufactory, Uetweeu Georgia Homo and Muscog"* Horn.*. „iil_ Ja8 «. LOPES, Dealer la and Manateetarer ef Fine €fl*nre. CrooNW. BAN’!. R. RISE, Dealer In Family Groceries, on Bryan street,».« iweun Oglethorpe A Jackson street*. IF No cliTgo for drayage.doc" J. II. HAMILTON, Wheleenle aad Retail Grocer, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stalls No. IS and IS, Market 'Etouee. Fresh Ideal* of every kind and best qnalit always on hand. Dentists. W. F. TIGNEK, Dentist, Opposite Strapper's building, Randolph Bt. fipoclal attention given to the insortiou of Arti ficial Teeth, a* well as to Operative Dentistry. f*b22 daw COLUMBUS DENTAL ROOMS, W. T. Pool, Prop'r, Georgia Home Building, Columbn* Georgia. Bulldem and Architects. j. o. chalmern, Heaee Carpenter and Builder. Jobblag dons at abort nolle*. Flan* end specification* furnished for All style' of baUdings “ ‘ Htnat. utit to u. w. ... .. Cnlntnln*. Ha J. T. COOK, Freni* Menu of All Kluda, 5 Mull* No*. 11 iyi.l 17. Livery and Sals Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON^ Livery, Mole and Exchange Stable*, OoLiruoare, North or Kandoifh Srs., ootau Columbn*, Ga, * A. OAMMEL, Livery and Male Stable*, OsLrTuoRt’s Bt , Colomuus, Ga. Particular attention givra to Feodififliiiii Hale Broad Street, uext to G. W. Br<o Boots and Shoes. Cun and Locksmith*. VHII.1P EIKLER, Quu and Lockswitb, Craw lord street, next Johnson’* < orn«r, Columbus. <>*. Jaii WELLS A CURTIN, No. 71 Broad St., Sign of the Big Boot, DEALERfi IE Boots end Shoes, Leather nnd Eludings. Give prompt end earefiil attention to orders S r mall; pay the highest market prlue for ids*. N. B.—Plasterers' Hair always on hand. - - Boc loemakers WM. MKVJCK, Boot and Shoemaker. Next to C. A U attention given ±1' Tailors. E! Toys, Toys, Toys! PR0FUM0 & HOFFMANN are now displaying their Magnificent Stock of Toys Remember the piece, No. NO Brood Mtreet. decl3 eodfcw ^BSOLUTR DIVOKCMS OBTAIN HD FROM courts, of different States, for dssertion, Ac. No publicity required. No charge until divorce granted, Addrees, M. U0U8K, Attorney, ay»9 dewly 194 Broadway, N. Y. 88 Broad Street. Business Suits, Walking Suits, Dress Suits, Over Coats, Talmas, Ao. A complete assortment of Youths’ and Boys' Clothing. A fine line of White and Fancy 8hirt8, Under Shirts, Neckties, Scarfs, Hats, Caps, In a first elass Olol i defy competition. tY MERCHANTS iduoements. All goods warranted to he a* reprosen ted. Give us a trial. HOFFLIN, RICH &C0., 88 Broad St., Columbus, Ga. Mr. J. O. HARRIS la with us, aad will ba pleased to see hi* (Moods. CL A. KGBHNK, Merchant Tailor aud Cutter. A hill stock of French end Nnglish Broadcloths Cassimersa and Vsstings. aprlC No. I3| Broad fltrect, HENRY BELLMAN. Catting, Cleaning aad Repairing Don* in the best style. Mffll ^^irnsrCrawfori^infHViuMItaj^ WILLIAM MBfiUVB, and Locksmith aud dealer in Gunnlmr Ma terials. Bust of Strapper's Confectionery. Cotton FaotorlofB* COLUMBUB MANUFACTURING CO., Manufacturers of Bhcotluge, HhJrtlsu*, aad Mowing aud Knitting Thread* Cards Wool and Grinds Wheal sad foru- Offlce lu rear of Wlttich A Kinsel’s, tyoudolph st. Jai8 _ It. II. CHILTON, President. MUNCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of R1IKRTINQ8, BHTRTINGH, YARN, llOPI, fie. OOLUMBU8, OA. G. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary A Treasurer. octal ly. Dress-Making. HIM X. 1. HOLLIWft.WOB'ril, Dress-Making, Cutting and Fitting. Term*cheap. Residence andchop la Brownsville. Tin and Copperemlth*. WM. rEE, Warkar la Tim, NkMl Iron, Copper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. £- No. 174. Broad Sire. Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., A CO* House and Sign Painters, Old Oglethorp* oorner, (Juet north of postoffleu) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for Kotina and Riga Paintiug h reasonable prices, and guarantee ■ Refer to Wm. Hunw. fir. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney Bt Law, HAMILTON, GA., Confectioners. i. a. iTuvrnui, Caady Manutectnrwr AMP liRALBR I* AH blade ef Osefsstloesry aad Fra Its, •tick Caady lfi cant*. Full weight guaranteed la each box. J§*4 Watchmakers. C. fiCHOMBURG, Fradical Watchmaker aad Jeweler, Successor to L. Nutowsky, 106 Brood street, Jail Columbus, Oa. C. H. LEUUIN, Wateh maker, 184 Broad street, Columbus, Go. Watch** and Clocks repaired In the beet mee. r end warranted. Jail Piano Tuning, Co. W. A. Farlev, Attorne7-.t • Xj m. w OUSSETA.Cattahooobhi Uo r (U. AM-Spedal attention .Ivon to collodion. FERN M. WOOD, Attorney at Law, Opelika, Alabama, Komery^ Court at Mont- smXwLmsemmMMM E. W. BLAU, Repairer aad Tuner ef Pieaoee, Organs and Aocordeous. filge Pel “ Orders may he he left at J. Book filers. W. W. SHARPE A 00., Publishers* Agents No. 25 Perk Row, New York, Aro authorised to Contract for Ad vertising In esir paper. myli tf — _ - - — — — — I>r.T. W. HENTZ, Doutlat, W ILL hove e room et the Gear, .le Home IlulMinit lar a lew week., where ho will be glad to tool an, of hi. friend, who m.y »Md “ J ■HUM.