Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 22, 1874, Image 1

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CiTltvmlws VOL. XVI. mjmrcf. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1874. NO. 299 TEStACS DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY —QPnuw. Twelve month., in advene* $g oo Six month*, “ 4 oo Thra* raoatac, “ 2 oo On* month, 11 78o. ffmu Exqotn**, one you 3 oo Bcxdat £><inn>, one you 2 so Bcxdat ond Wxkxlt Exquixxe to gether, one year 8 oo Advertising ■•too. Sqran. 1 Wrak, telly, .$ I oo • 6 no a “ “ * to 1 Month, ,oo I “ “ is oo S “ 17 00 • “ “ tooo • “ “ 22 50 • ‘ , “ 2t 00 I Iqitar* 1 42 00 Tha .ton la vllh tha privilege of • change arery thrao montha. For yearly carta a liberal dla- count will l« nwl*, fo . r : ver : v oih( ' T ln ®0«F nnd every week in Weekly will be the Mm* u Daily. For every other day in Daily the rate will be •■•.third ieee than the Daily rale. For twice a week the rate will be one-half Daily rate*. For advertleementa In local or readies oolntani SO per eent additional will bo charged. ** Weekly rate# will invariably be one-third of the Daily. When ad advertieement It thaaged more than °? oe Ah* advert leer will bt charg ed with the oeet of composition. Foreign adver- tlaere mmt pav aa do thoee at home. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. —Th# Wright Brothers, who polled from th. New York I By Telegraph 1. Brovina.,] DOMESTIC. —The failure of F«yoh. k Camming., of New York, i. ennoanoed. —Jo*. Knowl., motor publUker of the Frorid.nce Journal since 1888, i. deed. —Henry Ward Beecher and Miss Proc tor exohnnged oougretnletory letters. —Dr. Huntington, of Woreaeter, Haa- ■aohneett., declines the low* Bishopric. —The New York coroner finds no re semblance in the drowned boy to Charlie Boas. —A yonoglaly brought to Philadelphia for abortion purposes, was found in * medicat college on a dissenting table. Several arrests were made. —Four inches of enow at New York Sunday, was followed by hail and sleet which broke the telegraphic wire*. Heavy gala from the northwest. —Police Captain Brown was Instantly killed at Brooklyn, New York, yesterday, by a companion who was examining the Captain's pistol —The negro who aaeanltod Judge Lo well’s daughter, of Boston, is held in $80,000 bail. Thera it a proapaot of th* girl's recovery. were ex- Stock Ex change, are enable to comply with their contra erts. —Col. S imnel I. Anderson, formerly private secretary to Governor Crawford, of Georgia, suicided at Atlanta, Georgia, yesterday morning. Cans*, Inancial em barrassment. —The City of London, New York, De cember 11th, to Liverpool has returned to Queenstown disabled. The Cuba takes her mails. The City of London broke a cylinder head when four days out. —The captain and several of the crew end passengers of the Japan have arrived at Hong Kong. The following are nn- hearl of: B. M. Guidell, oebln passenger, Surgeon Gale, several of the orew and four hundred Chinese. The fire occurred one hundred and fifty miles from Hong Kong. Hails lost. —Albert Fink, Vie* President of the Louisville and Nashville Bailroad, does not confirm the rumors that the company has purchased the Hobile and Montgom ery lteilroad, but at the same tima does not deny. If the purchase is made, the Leuieville and Nashville company will ha.e an unbroken and direot Una from Ohio to the Gulf. —At Harry Hill's in New York, the ad mirers of Billy Edwards, the ohamploo light-weight American, presented nim with a $400 silver belt, on hie retirement from the prise ring, with the following inscription: “Presented to Vm. Ed wards, th* champion light weight of the world, December 10, 1874, at Harry Hill's Varieties Theatre, New York City, by bis many friends, who sppreoiate bis manly qualities, end who believe him without a peer sea light weight boxer." Edwards will travel wilh Arthur Chambers, and give athletic entertainments through tha oonntry. roBEiox. —Seven hundred Spanish troops em barked for Cuba on the ISth. —The prosecution amongst tbs Bona- partist committee, for an appeal to tha people, has been dismissed in Paris. —The Londsn Standard reports the total defeat of tha Bepublioan General Lopez Dominiques, in Oatilonia, by the Carlisle. —The Japan, burned between China and Californio, ia tha eighth vassal which the Paoifle Hail Steamship Company has lost in the last five years, ioolndiog the Bienville, which was only chartered by the company, and the Alecks, which went ashore at Hong Kong, but will, it ia hoped, be got afloat again. She had on board $378,000 in apeois, and was insured for $180,000 in European companies. OEBBMT. SKXTENCX or row Unix. Beslin, December 21.—Arnica been acquitted on aU points except the offence against the pnbUe order in handling thirteen documents referring to Molrat- aatieal affairs. Santenoe—imprisonment before report ed, and payment of oosta. He may retain hie official dignities and title “ExeeUen- cy, ” upon the expiration of the Centeno* of imprisonment. Arnim goes to Italy for hia health. Both parti** will appeal. VICKMVW. the mcnmaT noounu. WacHtaoTov, December 21.—Tha Pres ident's proclamation, dated to-day, com mands all disorderly persons in Warren ooonty, Mississippi, and Vicksburg, to re tire to their homes and abstain from for- olbla resistance to law and submit them- aelves to th* lawful authority of that county and State. CONGRESS. BEN ATE. Wasbixotom, December 21.—Joint res. olutiona of th* Arkanaas Legislature for the repeal of the tax on leaf tobacco were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. Cameron presented a memorial from merchants, ship owners and others of New Orleans for sueh legislation as will in crease the efficiency of mariot bos| itals. -Commerce. Sherman reported the Finance bill. Us features verify th* dispatch of Friday night. Horton gave notioe that immediately after the holiday recess hs would ask ths Senate to oonsider an amendment pro posed to th* constitution by tha Commit tee on Privileges and Elections lsst ses sion, in regard to the eleotion of Presi dent and Vioe President by direct vote of the people. The bill providing a better government for the Distriot of Columbia waa dis cussed. No vote reached. Herrimon, of North Carolina, speaks to-morrow. Chandler, from th* Committee on Oom meroe, reported unfavorably on the bill to establish at Atlanta a port of delivery, and it waa indefinitely postponed. HOUSE. Hsya, of Alabama, introduced a reso lution for th* appointment of a select committee to inquire into political affairs ln Alabama, and es to the use of Federal soldiers there, and tha intimidation of voters, Ac. Hs said be had no objeotion to inquiry being made. Hays’ reeolntion wee adopted. Biehard B. Irwin waa snmmoned before the bar of the House for refusing to say what he did with the three-quarters of a million of the Pacific mail money. The House pained a reaointion adjourn ing from Wednesday next to the 8th of January, BEPUBLICAN CAUCUS. THE PABTT AT SEA—THEX KXOW HOT WHAT TO DO—BOVTHEHH OUTXAOIS—FIKAXCE BILL TO BE BEFOBTED. Wasuxotow, December 20.—At a cau cus of Kepnblioan Senators Saturday night, several of the oanens committees made reports. While no formal aotioo was taken regarding Sonthern affairs, thers was unanimity on tha point that all citizens in that seotinn most be proteoted in their lawful rights. Some Senators suggested that there should be an increase of the army for that purpose, while oth er* were of. the opinion that improved militia arrangements might better secure protection, while being less objectionable than a regular military force, aud more in accordance with the spirit of onr in stitutions. The question was adjourned to a future but early caucus. The caucus oommittee on Southern affairs will Dot make any recommendation with regard to Arkansas affairs until the committee ap pointed by the House shall have made their report to that body; and, therefore, the Arkansas quostion was nut disenssed Thera was an indisposition to take aotion relative to the Kellogg government. As to the qoestion of admitting Pinohback, it ia said there were qnestions pending before the committee on privileges and elections affecting him whioh should first be rattled before ditcaeeing the propriety of giving him the seat belongidg to Lon leans. Host of th* time of the canon* was consumed in the consideration of tux fixaxox qdistiox. A report having bean made by the com- mittee of eleven on that subject, through its chairman, Senator Sherman, tha de bat* took a wide range; bat ail who spoke axpreesed the opinion that something waa neeaasary to be done, end that therefore it woe the part of wise statesmanship for those present to harmonize their views, if possible. The committee of eleven, be fore they brought their report into the eaoous, were divided in their views, raven being in favor of the report end four ■gainst it; but, finally, on motion of one of the four, the report wu made unani mous, and after -a long discussion was adopted by the oeuene. The bill agreed upon will be reported at aa early day to the Senate. According to the best attainable information, it pro vide* for the resumption of specie pay ments on the let day of January, 18711; for free banking; and for the retiriog of greenback! to the extent of eighty per cant, of the amount of new national bank note*leaned; also require* the forty-eix millions of fractional ourreney to bo grad nelly withdrawn and silver ooin in denom inations of from 8o. to 50o. issued in its place. The Seoretary of the Treasury is authorized to ora the ampins ooin in the Treasury, on and after the day fixed for resumption, to redeem the legal tenders; and if neoeenry, to sell hoods for the purpose it the amount of specie is not sufficient. DISAOSXXMEXT BETWEEX SODTH«BX AND KOBTBEBX SENATORS. Washwoton, Deoember 21.—The Be- publican Senators held a caucus this after noon at tha solieitatioD of Southern Be- publioans, Senators and Bepresentstives, at which the condition of ths Sooth was considered. The Senators from the South advocated the sending of troops to several of th* Statu of that seotioo; they feared that the Bepublioan party was hopelessly dead tiniest decisive steps were taken da ring the present aeseion to shat down tbs tarbalent whites. They oonfessed their inability to poll white votes. Northern Senators did not endorss the proposition*, and some of them openly expressed themselves against farther in terference with the affaire of the Sonthi raying they had lost many votes in tha North by it. Senator Lewis, of Virginia, dcolored that the Bepublioan party hid lost power in the South because of th* bed oharseter of many of it* woald be leaden, and tha advooaoy of th* Civil Bights bill, whioh he considered a moat iniquitous measure. The Booth could only be carried for the Bepnblioen party u at present organised, by sending soldiers enough there to prevent th* people from voting. Th* majority evidently agreed with him, as before a vote waa taken many Senators left th* room, end Senator Horton, who was railed upon by tha ex trema Bepnblieans, did not aoau to their relief. Washington Metes. Washington, Deoember 21.—In the Supreme Court th* ooonty of Combs vs. Clews et al, from the District Court of Alabama, was called. This was a eon of eouuty bonds issued to • railroad oompa- ny. The opinion raaffirme that whan the proper officers have certified their eertlfl. oete is conclusive in favor of the holder of the bond*. Decision of th* oonrt be low affirmed. The commission of engineers upon levees are not entirely in accord. The civil members favor that thair report should contain a recommendation. The army engineers doubt.thcir right to make suggestions or recommendations to Con- grass, and propose a dreary array of ■dene*. The House Eleotion Committee deddw in favor of Snydar, from the Seoond Ala bama District. Nominetion—Lewis E. Parsons, for District Judge of Alabama, vice Bnsteed, resigned. SUICIDE. S. J. ANDXHBOX SHOOTS BIHIXLF IX ATLAX- TA—BEQUEATHS HI* riSTOL TO UEXERAL TOOMBS, WITH AD VICE TO DO LIKEWISE. Special to Kkqcibxb-Shh.) Atlamta, December 21. A shocking suioid* took plaoe in this city this morning. Semusi J. Anderson pistoled himself through the head, causing instant death. The cause assigned ia a failure to get em ployment. The deceased waa secretary of Gov. Crawford while Secretary of War of the Doited States. Anderson bequeathed th* fatal pistol to Geoeral Toombs, with the advioe to follow bis example. Atlaxta. LOUISIANA. *■2 WEATHER. Waabixotox, Deo. 21.—ProbabUitiu.— For the South Atlantia and Golf Staten, elair or fair weather, with eulerly or southerly winds, tnd slight changes in tern pan ton and pressure. market*. »I TEI.EOHAPH TO RNqlTIMER. ■easy anil Sleek Merketa. Loxpox, Deoember SI.—Erie 2*14. Paws, December 21— Heeteieir. esdttife. Maw Yobe, December 21 Stock* estiva rad unMttled. Money s per eent. Onlil 11IU, kxehonsn—long 4I6K, abort 4M& Govern- Einnu dull. State bonds dull. New Toeh, Deo*tsber21.—Monty more ae- CMMr Market*. iter 21.—Ifcx ; Orleans 7%; ) for epoeulaUou and #x- T . -ildtiling Ol below goed ordinary, ahUpod and Deoember, T 7-ltt. Sales on a bails of middling Orleans. nothing below good ordinary, shipped ln January, *•- 1 01 seise to-day 7,000 balsa were Amenonn. Seles on basis ef middling upland*, nothing below low middlings, iblpped in January and Fanruaiy, i%. —P. BW Daoembar 21 —Cotton quiet; “riSX. 1$!"* *“ “Ki Nnw You, Deoember 12 —notion—market elaiod qntet; •*!«■ ,.ne brief, nt 14UQ14V4; net reeelpta 2,1ST brier Future* oloeed stead HOUSE DEMOCBATJO—schools BLACKS AXD WHITES. New Obleaxs, December 21.—The Democratic majority in the House will probably reaoh twenty-five. Farther trouble occurred ia the high •choal, when the Board dismissed all lb* public schools UDtil further orders. A special from New Orleans rays Gen. Heron denies the statement that th* militia is to be re-organized, and he is to take commend. Leading blsake in s few days will hold s meeting to make overtures to th* Con servatives for s demonstration against tbs Kellogg faction. Ths Oonranrstira lead ers ridianle the ides of s rsos war here, or that negroes from ths eoustry era Dom ing in for aggressive purposes. New Belt Against Tweed New Yobe, December 21.—A new civil ■uit bee been commenced against Tweed, in which Edwenl Harrener is joined ra defendant in behalf of the elty to recover from both $880,000, alleged to have been fraudulently charged by Hsmuer for suppliee to the Street Department, end fraudulently certified by Tweed, *s Depu ty Street Commissioner. A Me*re Oetrege le Meetea. Bostok, December 20.—A negro com mitted an indetoribabie assault upon a twelve year old daughter of s United States Judge. The brute himself with s knife. Some bop* ie en tertained that the child will not die. ■OO MEAT. THU PACKING AT ALL THU POINT* TUIS ■EASON—INCSEABE ABOUT 120,000. Cincinnati, Dec. 20.—The Cincinnati Priet Ourrent, a leading authority upon hog packing statistics, publishes a vary full preliminary report of packing in tbs West. Returns have been received from points whioh packed lest season nino- tenths of ell packed at interior points. The aggregate packing to dates’ ranging from the 0:h to the lfith of Deoember, at 278 points, i« given at 1,180,000 heed, against 1,087,008 lest year—an increase of 83,000. These point* peeked last season s total of 1,887,000 out of 3,084,000, th* whole number peeked at interior points during the seesonB of 1873 end 1874, end the average of weights indiost* s falling off of shout 29 pounds per head, or tan per cent, from last season, with fully s corresponding decrees* in the yield of lard. No estimates ere given for the Mason, aa it is designed to famish such information two weeks later, wb*o each estimates can be more satisfactorily reliably calculated. The peaking et the six principal oitira is given at 2,010,000, to date, against 2,070,000 last yesr. Interior points net heard from pecked, lsst raraon, 196,954. Should these point* show a corresponding increase this season, the total pecking ag gregates, in round numbers, 3,400,000, against 3,280,000 last GROCERIES. 20 000 fu,k,da °k a "°“' ISO barrels Florida Byrap, Leadoa Layer Kristas, Mew Zests Garnets, 8 pried Pigs Feet sad Trips, Fatten Market Beet, Fraservss or ell kinds, “Bkaksre,'' Jellle* la all varieties, “tiaras" Olives, Pickles rad Gassed deeds, Hsldstek Champagne, Foreign ssd Demerit* Wlsra, Frlsee Albert Blterit, Dssdra Msrmslsde, Nsw “Dlsdtri" lisa 4UIT aSCBIVBD ST I. ABRLLACO, E$$ Msotresl 2So per pound. Italian “ 25o *• N*w Turkish Prunes 1$ S.4« per lb. Currants 121-2« “ Kingiford’t Otweqo Corn Stireh, 20o. “ “ fill. Olora “ l»o. Maltby’t Prepared Ooeotnut. Atm ore's Miuon Meat, 5 lb pall* $1 « .. .. , 0 „ |2 AGENT WANTED BY THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, For Columb** and $ err fading Territory. Litoral term* will to film* td ■ Live Mm wto min hualuatt. Apply to •A.. B. JONES, Gen'l Trmling Agent th# Howe Machine Cempeny, ” u ton, 8a. l&Sfc low'mrddHsmlsjJriJg' food ruin»ry mi©13; receipt* 6,871; export* to toBoel : 4P7; MiN 8,000. Mbmphis, Deoember 21.—Cotton Ja fair de mand; buyer* end eellere part; ml.tdngs 18U; u,t *“#- Biltimobs, Deoember 21.—Ootton dull; uyfcsrirauj) middlings 1S>K good ordinary Ualvsstox, Decs in bar 21.—Ootton qslri and unchanged; middlings 14; low middlings l*54i go'll ordinary 12J|fs net reeelpts 2,721; export# to Groat Britain 4.TM; silos sis. B sw Gblsaxs, December 21.—Gotten qsrit; dilngs 14; low mldddllngi UU; good ordi nary 12%; net receipts U1C, exports to Orest Britain 2,ttt; sale* A.U0. Savaexah, December 21. — Ootton—mid dling* »J4; low middling* M%; good oidlsarr 12^ not reeelpta 6,280; oxpurta to Greet Britain Obaelestox, Deoember 21—Ootton quiet; middlings M%QI3%; net rtoelpta 6.107; exports to Franc* l.iuu; sales l.ooi. Boston, Deoember 21.—Gotton quiet; holders iking higher; middlings 14%; net receipts 94; ■ports to Groat Britain i.kbi. NoavoLk, Deoember tl.—Ootton rieedy; mtd<llag! net receipt, l,T64i ROB’T 8. CRANE, now duel Treats*. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. •a. J. A. nqraat, Office removed^te^tae Juwg ^ Star* ef K. o. ...» Tobaooo, Clwtif, to. BOOTS AND 8HOES. AvuvwtA, Deoember 21.—Oottbti In good demand; middlings 13^; not receipts 1,602; shipments 1,224. Philadklphi A, Deoember SI. — Ootton qoltt; mlddllnglngi 14‘ 4 ; net reoelpts 664. Provision Markets. LivaarooL, Deoember 2t. — Breadstoffs quiet. Nnw York* Deoember tl.—Flour dull. New York, Deoember 21.—Corn a shud* firmer; new dull snd heavy; old 06 Coffee quiet and higher; f»r diamond 18^ gold. Sa- gar dull and nomt ial. Flour quiet and »teady. Wbest lobetter, with moderate Inquiry; rod Western 61 2601 31; amber 61 3001 t7. Whis key firm. CniOAOo, Deeembor 21.—Flour dnll and un- ehanxed Corn In fair demand, 78W; new 65-K; rejected 620W. Pork in Inlr demand, siv. Lard tat fair demand, 18. Whiskey steady, V7. OmoiVMATi. December a 1 — Flour dull. Corn gteady at 70071. Pork dull at 6M 76010 00. Lard steady. Naoon dull and nominal. Whis key firm, 07. LoutsviLLR, Deo. 21.—Floor nnohangeil. Corn dnll. Pork qalet and unohanied. Bacon —shoulders 0U; clear rib 12, Lard 14140161^. Whiskey 67. St. Louis, December 21.—Flour dnll and unchanged corn In fair demand and easier; n«we7O70. Whisky steady at 08 Pork nom inal, |10 60. Baoon—no sales. Lard quiet, 16. Rstla, Ac. Nnw York, Deoember 21.—Turpentine firm at 86.. Ko$ln steady at $i l .062 26 for strained. Freights firm. The Old Shoe Store Ufbll of New Shoe*. Osr 1st* additloni are Tha Proteotlon To* Shoefopehlldren. Ledlee’ Glove A Pebble Button Boot*. Lsdlat’ Fin* Kid Button Boot*. Mlsiee 1 Fin* Kid Button Boot*, Ladies' ond Misses' Kid Opera Boot*. All “as pretty as new shoe#.'* Bargains In Boots I Man’* Hind-Sewed Boot! for $3 per pair. 60 cum M«n*i Thick Booti, vary cnaip. Ladios’ Kid and Fait Houm Slipper,. Ken’i, Boy*' and Youthi' Sllppen in variatv. The Old Reliable Walls’ Hind-Sewed Shoo. The VifgWg Stitch-Down*. And a fell stock of desirable work ln qtian- tyand variety, and at prlees worth the at- tontloa of any buyer. WELLS ft CURTIS, Na. 73 Broad St.. 14 tf sign of th* Big Boot. By Ellis & Harrison. rtA dosen FRESH EGGS, iv goo pounds Tennessee Hotter, 10 barrels Choice Apples, By Ellis &_ Harrison. For Bent, rpHE mzoiBBONS PLANTATION, on A the Ohattanooehee river in Rnmellcounty, Ala., with about 000 acres productive open land, with laborers on the place anxious to re main- A nuly to deeMXU*^ .. ELLM A UABBISON. Loot. papera. The finder will be suitably rewards by leaving It at the Enquirer office, or with m< PET£B HOLLAND. 300 Live Turkeys J UST REGEIVED AND FOR SALE Al REDUCED PRICES BY ELLIS * HARRISON. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, St. Clair Street, Ounby’s Building, next to Preer, Illges ft Co. Real Estate Brokerage ft Insurance. ■errs, or muisuon, To JlBrrhftntB’ and MechAnlce' Bank, thla elty aprlS tf PROVISION BROKER I receive Drily Telegram! from Louisville and Saint Louis. dees tf Furniture! Furniture! Carpets, Carpets! Oilolotbs! Window Shades, Curtain Qoodi, Ae., Ae., Ae., «fee New*** ami CTioleeat ityl*. I Lowest task Prlees t ATOUtt Furniture 4k Carpot Warehouse, 83 an. 83 Broad at. ae. RESTAURANTS. Reich’s Restaurant No. IIS Broad St., H AS Jest been qpseed, end Is now prepared to wy before Its geests end patrons * •ILL OF FARS ■QTJAZi to Ainri 8AN8 80UCI Bar, Mairait iTeiPiiiUe;. S E8T OP WINES, LIOUORS ft OIOABS. OYSTERS, FISHToAME, and Oholoe tie served at nil hours, nt rentenablo prlees, ,hen desired. nnd nrlvnte rooms wl THE TEN PIN i eonstrnoted in Oolnmhas. Mr. JAS. KORAN he* ohargo. tf A. J. BOLAND, tjJPjrogrletor. SIGHT DRAFTS Italy, A name. am:?.' Switzerland, H. H. CPPINO. Apply at Chattahoochee National Bank. nova Sa For sale by J. UW. R. WOOD H AVE opened a FAMILY AND FANCY ORoUeBY STORE at 77 Krofid St., Cholee and Seleet Goods, Butter and Ecus a specialty. Pick lee, assorted i Crackers, a seleet assortment. Seedless Ralslm, Candles In great variety. Buckets, Tabs, Tin Ware, Brooms and Bas kets. We keep everything In the Housekeep ing Une. We reepeetfolly Invite the publle to give as n call and examine our Roods and prlees, second door bolow Wolls ft Curtis. All goods delivered. deco im I>r. T. Wo HENTZ, Sftatlmt, . . gla Home Building for a fow wooks, whore he will be glad toeeei any of hla friends who may need his' services. W. W. SHARPE A CO., Rubllahars’ Aganta Mo. 26 Park How, New York, Are sNsOiorflBOd le Centrael fer Ad- wertflnlm* Im war papor* >yM »f MOLUTfi DIVOXCM8* OBTAIN MO THOM ooerts, of dlffereat ftotes, for desenioa, Ac. Ho puUleily reqaired. Mo charge uatll dlvorer greeted. Address, M. HOCTSC, Attorn ay, nySO dawly 1>4 Broadway, M. Y EM. N. E. LAW. Offio# oormar Broad aad lUodolph streele, Burma' building. Residence on Forty th, three doom below fit. Clair. Ja6 ■arbor Shops. LOUIS WILLS* ABATING SALOON, (Bueooseor to H. Hanoi,) Undor Qoorgta Homs Inenranee Bnlldlng. Prompt and polite barbon In attendance. )••• ALEX ft UAM, 1*2 ■UHH.U.Ouaimi. Km. TUBBY, Berber, Crawford It., andar tenkla Uonoo, Celnmbas, «a. dnta Lawforo. LIONEL U. UVT, JB-, AM*rm*p rad Gramn*ll*r *4 Law. Gommlsiloa.r of Deeds N. Y. nnd other Mata*. Offie* over ( Horn* Inenranee Ge. ^'Upeelel ettentlon given to eulleotions. JOSEPH F. POD, Attorney nt Law, nnd Jndge of County Oonrt. Practkoa In all other Oonrte. Office over store of W. 11. Roberts A 0*., Broad It. Ja26 SAMUEL B. HATCH EE, Attorney nt Law. JaK) Offlcft over WltUch A Kiasel’s. J. M. MeMEILL, Attorney and Conneellor nt Law. Practlcaa in courts of Georgia and Alalana. OBca 126 Broad fit., (over O. A. Rodd A Oo.’s) Special attoatlon glvan to oollections. jail Penvsn Imiai. Mum J. Caswronn. Russ Oaswroas. INOEAM A CRAWP61N, Attorney ■ s$A Lnw, Will practice In tha Btata and Federal Courts #1 Georgia. OBo# over Praar. Illgas A Oo.’s store, aertkwost corner Brood and fit. Clair fits. Jafi A. A. DOftlBB, AMernay rad Crane*ll*> ad Law, Pnetlcw In 8tal. and Federal Courts in Oeergls and Alabama. Ofloo 106 Broad fct., Coiambus, Oa. Ja* Mask H. BuiDVota Levis F. Oaaaaan. BLAMMFOED A 4IAEEABD, Attorneys mad Oenassllen to Lnw. Offio* Mo. 67 Broad straat, ovar Wittleh A Kin* sol's Jowolry Store. Will practice In tha filate and Federal Oonrte. •apt Jam. M. Roseau. Ones. J, fiwirv. BDfilBLL A BWIFT, Attorneys and Counsellors nt Law. Will practice in the Courts of Georgia (Chattahoochee Circuit j aud Alabama. Ofllca over 0. A. Redd A Oo.'Sfttoro, Broad street, Oolnmbas, Ga. Jal L T. DOWNING, Atterray mad N*U*U*». 0.1. Oom'r sad ftMalsr ia lasbruptei. OBe. sot20| onr brooks' Drug lurs, Oetambos, Us. E. J. MOB EM, Attorney and cennssllev to LAW, Georgia lloma lasnrauee Compaay building, see ost7 ly) end Story. Dentists. W. F. TIONEEf Dentist, Opposite StrnppcPs bnlldlng, Bandolpb fit. fipoclal attention given to the Insertion of Aril- •etal Teeth, ns well as to Operative Dentistry, febii dew uoLuaauft dkntal booh, __ W.T. Poto, Prop'r, MtU Builders and Architects. jr. «. CMALMBBU, ■ran* Carprarar aad Balldar. Jobbfag done at short actfee. Plans nnd specifications ftirnishsd for all ityl* of buildings Broad Btreet, next to 0. W. Brown's, |s0 Colnmbne. Ga Boots and Shea*. WELLS ft CURTIS, N*. TS Broad st., Sign ot tit# Big Bra*, usALsoeu Brain aad Shrae, LraMran aad Nladiaft*. Gin prompt nnd ear*rut attention to orders by ms IT; pay th* hlgkrat market price for N. B.—Plasterers' Hair always on bond. )r*. Boot and Shoemakers WM. MBTBE, Boot nnd fihonntoknr. Dealer In Leather nnd Findings. Most to 0. A. Redd A Ou.'s. Prompt and strict attoatlon given to orders. foil Tailors. «. A. KCBflJfE, Mornhnnt Tnllor nnd Onttnv. A fall stock of Preach nnd Bnglleh Broadcloths Cesslmeres and VeeUnfS. aprl* Mo. IM Broad Street. HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleanlsc nnd Kspslflsf Don* In th* best style. aprM] Corner Crawford and Front fits. Dreaa-Making. MIBB Nt. A. UOLUVGBWARTN, Drem-Maklng, Cntting and Fitting. Terms eh sap. Reeideace aad shop la Brownevllle. novI6 Tin and Coppersmith*. If yon want to enjoy a gojd saoke, goto die ^VtwifiR fieor^a Boat and Muscogee Hoa«. Ja* C. LOPES, Oftftler laasal laanfkoawr ef rigs Clgarn, Crooara. lealer la Taaily Qrocarla. on Bryan etreet, bo- twcea Uglethorpa A Jackson streets. SP Mo charga far drayags. docT I. m. HAMILTON, Wkelssele swd Entail fireoer, Jnnetlon of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe fits. Profit! Moots. S. W. PATRICK, •tolls Ha. 16 ud IB, Market Rems. Frwh Mesa of every klad ao<l best qaality. Jail always on hand- J. T.COOK, MeOsefAU Klasto, fitails Nos. 16 and 17. Uv«nr and Sala Stablaa. OOMEMT THOMPSON, Llwnrj, tale and luhaags Ntaklnn, OeuvaoftM, Monvn o» Asfreetrn five., ecOO Coleabus, fla. A. 6IAMHEL, Uvoyudtalellahles, Oetavneers fit., Coldnsvs, Qa. ef*Btc * k ,, * r 6 >V * K 1° Ming and Bale Horsw aud Mules boarded In etablee by the aoath or day. ocl20 _ Gun and Lookamltha. PMIL1P IIFUi, «* flea **4 iMknltb, On*ier4 ■>(**!, MX! to Jeheaerii reraer, Oelsmbee. Os. Jq» iuham traptn’i Oroesry Store eeattneee lu wril-enraed pope- tarlty. Oonntry prod so* bought end sole, rreeb good, nlwnyt on band. TSe eld pine*. •npMM Cotton Vaotorlaa. OOLUMBUn XAXUFAOTUKIXfl OO., Manufhetuvem of ■klrUnge, and tawisg nnd HaMUag Thread* (Sards Wool and Grinds When* nnd Com- OOee In rear of WltUch A RlnsoTa, ftandolgh st. II. H.tllHhTOM. Fvesldent. WH. FEE, Worker laTIa, Iksst Ires, Capper Ordors from ebroed promptly attended to. JeT Mo. 1T6. Brood fitreet. jrij, terlels. Mast of fifruppaf's Ooufbctfonery. Jeli MVJMOfiEB NAIVrACVfiMM OO. ManufiMtnrars of •UBNT1MOI, IllIhTINdfl, YARN, fiOFfi, As. OOLUMBUI, QA. 0. P. fiWIFT, Frasldeet. W. A. BWlfft, fiecrotory A Treesntev. ocUl 1y Ratntors. wu. now, jh., * co„ Isms nnd sign Pnlntore, Old Ogletborpo oorner, (Jest north of postoMoa) Ooluabus, Oeorgta. Will eontraei for Moaaa aad Alga Fainting at setlsfoelloo. Uprt reasoaabla prloos, and fueraati Hftftr to wn, anew. Hr. Confootlonoro. i. a. mvPFEL Gandy UnnlMrim an raounin i Usds *T 0*nrietlsaery wd Untits, Wotohmakoro. 0. MHOMBUBO. FmeUenl Wntekmaker and JewnUr, •neeessor to L. Outowaky; 106 Broad strsH, MU Coluabui, Oa. C. M. LIQC7W, 64 I road st root, Cofutabus, Oa. aad Oloeks repaired fn lb* beet aaa- ear aed warraatod. Rlano Tuning, Ac. U. W. 1UU, Isprixsr sad Ynntv ot Pi.sow, Organs rad AeMrdMM. Mgn Printing also don*, terivt mag bs bt Mt M J. W. Iriat k Noras.'. LAWvxne. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, ■Alum,««., practice I nr where M ray me e W. A. Farlev, AMorsx.y'-rit-ruaw OUSIETA, OHATTAHOOOHn Go., Ga. dp-Spselai stuatlon nlron to eellnetlons FERN M. WOOD, Attorney cut Lav, Opallka, Alabama, •nil, tan Unman Onnrt ef AU'.smn, and in tbs Ualtad Btatei DU trie ?33h Anrata *a let *r May, Td. $641,716.12 TbOMOIES WBITTEW OW ALL KINDS of Issarsble Property sgriast Le.. by fir*. Dividend No. if. 46 per eent an lireml- ■*u. now randy (or dellwy and payment, b 'ft. ft. MuBDOGH, Inenranee Agent, eedlri Ne. M Breaditnt