Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 22, 1874, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GBO Jtailg £nqi\im\ rwniiE. Oa u< after th* flretot Jua*fy.a*xtt>ri pa-Uce oa ,ap*n malt W'fiMtfili lleber. Tbit will be tea eeata a nrath lor dalUw and tea eeata a qaartor for weaklier. Oar eeheerlliere will era Ibe aaeaealtyte w log op promptly, at all thoee la arrears will be dropped oa fee fleet Of Jearar;. We merer wtUlag to aeeotoesodaU oar frleadi, bat It will be MpawtUa to lead oat paper* aotpald for >a Tto tutoring will be tbe paaeerlfUoetgrw* far the Eaqrinu fortlie pear l*fl: ~ Dally, la adranee 41* 00 per aaaaw. Dolly Md Sunday Uhl “ " . Saaday, la edvanoe Lm ISO a “ 4 y WeekIj*. “ .... lie Seeder aad Weekly, la adr, la ■aaffey aareed aepatadelj bp esrrterr la elty a (e Olabblag rater have bi aaexpired eoatraet* will be ailed at el l ratee, dedaellag |i net age tor the treeUoa er tba ybbr 1*1* throagb wbleh they ran. Ammrmmm nm. Adrertienra ebon Id bear inaiofl that oa the 22nd of February, 18T.7, I propone to Irene, for free distribution, an extra edi tion of putt Taormrxii oonee of the Bun per Kwqmexa—aa eight page neVahty-two eolnmn paper. Head in jronr “ade" be fore all the apace ia taken. A. B. CiLBor*, Proprietor. Tag aggregate force of Federal troopa at New Odease ia twenty-one omnpanlee of infantry and one of artillery. ADTicxa from Wanhington nay that the Senate will not agree to the repeal of tba legal tender act, aa reeanimended by Preaidant Orant. A Hxuuxauxo correepondeot of tba Philadalpbia Preu writoa: “A ogrefui anrray of tbo Senatorial field, and a very oonaiderable conreraatioo with Demo cratic Logialatora, arriring here to eeenra boarding boneed, had oonvtnoed me that Hanator W. A. Wallace baa the inside track." Tag new L •gialatar* of l-.-i-i... will meat on Urn 4th of deanery. It ia thought that the Ifonae of Bepraeontatiree will recognize McEoszy aa Qoxaranr, and Kellogg will find tba Treaauy barred against him. He will then, no donbt, “fold bin teat like tba Arab, and aa si lently steal away. " a* ♦«» Wa are glad to I earn from the Borne Courier, of Saturday, that CoL D. B. Mitchell’. condition ia improving. It will be remembered that he was stricken with partial paralysis last weak. He la now able, with aaaietsnoe, to rise from bis bed and sit up a little. Wa hope ha will soon recover. thaeimpetoaltotaf at ey tof^r longer Am*. Coots Woos.—In the Democratic Con vention of the Fourth District of Ten nessee, to nominate a candidate for Con- gram, 142} votes beiag necessary to a cboioa, N. W. McConnell had on one bal loting 142} votes—lacking only oue- fonrtb of a vote of the nomination. He than fell off, and Ur. Fits was finally nominated. m niAinbi (tatn. Elsewhere we give the financial plaa re ported to have hgaa agreed epos by lead ing SdpaUioaaS In Congress aa a party It is a sort at aotogromiaa be- oon teaglioni^g lend (pfletfiaalet* party—tretwaaa aaefc man aa d Maine oa Bta atoe aid*, and k. Hafir ported proriaione show it to be a mare expedient to unite the party, without set tling say financial principle or establish ing any permanent future policy. - The Tiling “* 1879 as the year of resumption of specie payment U more like a port. p^ymrgt IA*Q a baataeiag of specie re- enniption, becanee no one ia willing to advocate a plan that would contemplate a depreciated enrren- The most inrator- ale will maiptoln that AA financial pi aw wit enable the Ooveraiaant to reanme epeaia payments within lam time than that. The Treasury isense, oa their face, bear tba Implied ( rotates of earlier redemption, becanee they are due upon demand. The paaaaga of a bill such as that reported to bapgrsed upon would, therefore, be only an edmiauion that those who support it do not aspect to bo able to reeasie bafor* 18TV. The scheme dalt not. appear to oom prebend knj adequate preparation tor re- sumption, even at the distant period named. On tba contrary, it indicates a distrait at raaflinma, by aathoririag new loan to tala* tba mama. TMsf.oot, to be-surs, proposed an distinctly m tbs proposition pat forward by some, to ne gotiate a new loan, having fifty year* to ran, to raise tba means of raeai witoia a abettor pasted, bed it keenly ia extent that it falls abort of that proposi tion—tba principle ia tba mm. The idea of is creese tig tba bonded debt, to pay tba interest on which tbo people are already grievously taxed, ie mors objectionable even than a maintenance of the present veins of tba sarraeey. Between tbit plan end Uie one proposed at ladiiaagdie tbs latter com. pricing tbs receipt at legal tenders ia meat of coin ialareet only on bonds dearly entitled to it by law, and the con tinuance inf Oovwrnroeat Tie enti ty notes, with the issues of free banka, as tba cir culating madlnta of tba oosmtiy—the people wonld undoubtedly prefer the last. There oould hardly be a donbt as to their choice, if thorn two propositions were eabmMtod to them for tbesr eeieotion. The plan agreed upon by the oomaeittee seems to be a sort of mosaic platform, upon which the rarione factions aad in terests of the Bepublican party can meet, each standing opon its own block. Bat its blending of features and colors fails to gire it consistency and strength. Its want of these elements ix so apparent that it no hardly serve even as an expe dient to “lids over” the present difficul ties of tba party arising from the unsatis factory financial condition of the coon- try. UMBtilA news. —The Atlanta hog market closed firm oa Saturday a*SLW fin0M>er hundred, —An intelligent farmer of Baldwin foam* tadependenas. —The Iters of Mlb f. J, Beinbert, at Ballot, wa* robbed of Y'flOwr #wo worth of goods Thamiay night. The thieves entered by boring through the back door. —The Cothbert Appeal publishes a call for the Oran gem of jlnduipbaid adjoin ing oqunties to meal witc Its dhoti., h on dice Council, iu CuUibert, to-morrow, 28d lost —The Savanaah Bub proposes each e tax on guns, pistole, knives, for offensive or defensive purposes, idiot, ballets, lead, ceps and powder “as will ymreiH thoir so general use.” —The grand jury of Houston county want the Legislature to pass an act paying the tex receiver and collector a stated salary of #500, and radaes the pay of tba jurors to fit per day. —Sis lnnatim escaped from the insane asylum, near MilloageviUe, last week. One of them at least—s man named Haines—had sense enough to return to his home in Washington county. —A negro man from Colombia scanty made complaint to the police of Augusta, on Friday, that two white men had kid napped and carried off one of his chil dren, a boy font years of ago. Tba mo tive of the abduction is not known. —The Governor has refused to interfere by applying tke dkeeniiva clemency ia behalf or Frank Willis, reoently aaateaced to four months’ imprisonment in Ban- dolph eomaty far tarrying eSfcomied ’(UNGER'S OPERA HOUSE. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 1874. SPRINGER'S OPERA H Crowded. Homes! HELEN jy ENTS. THU TtmAT fflUtol, MC. «*». BY SPECIAL BEQUEST, Hunchback ! OB, Town and Country. HELEN O’EBTIat ...JULIA. J. O. STUTTZ as BASTES W ALTEB. tBCUBAT •TUCK. Grand Matinee I Admission CS cento. Thursday Night—HAMLET. fdccg The Sisters’ Fair. LONO.EXPECTED AND MUC rpHE LONO.EXPECTED AND MUCH- -L talked of Fair, aadar tba a grater* at the Catholic Dad las of th£ CUy, wilt opra at tba Skat n* Blab on lMeeawrflit, at • o'clock The object of the Pair U to saaMa tba Klslars of Marry te pay off Ua last laxuUrirat af tbs dais on their Convent. Tbe liatol artMas nasrtebaad mpasbaalt to rare aad variose, aad simamn othart the foilowtag: Sarara Black SU* Dram Paua a; Solid Surer brifc* Warn, vary lanre: lady ■ Gold Watab; Poktlog Loans* and East OaatRUUaaandmtorSot; Owaln* Ermine Fan, jest from Canada* Etowaal Em broidered aad Bea ds a Saeki ffplmSld (told Magntfleant Tapestry Pletnrei Odd Sllrer Pitcher, Silver OolNM litend, Ac.: Idripe an d Been tit nl Bound Inbla. .jrpvr.W4ia^th^»M^ Popular Tolas Ladies of thaefty. I’d 1 In* th Pair tbe Kafrerhmenl Table will to supplied with all tba Dak arias and Do’.loa- rias tA the saamin, aad taaehm aad aaapen will to supplied at the Ball or (eat taut Baited the dtp where ordered v BN Ufa, Tbb Editor ie sneered of a “merry Christman” by the kind consideration of Messrs. Ellis A Harrison, to whom ha is indebted for a fat gobbler—one of Ibe three hundred fine turkeys witk which they propose to regale onr citizens daring tbs holidays. If all the birde are aa plump aad heavy as ours, they east feed tbe city on Cbristmu dsy. The New York Trihunt thinks that the enormous oharge of “Southern outrages” with which tbe HrpubHe loaded itself in its last issue produced an etploaion, and this was what caused tbe early and sudden death of the new organ of extreme ltadi ealiam. It bad lived on outrages during ita brief existonoe, and found tbe peba lam not sustaining. Many a Radical Congressman bad tbs asms eipsrisaoe lie. fore it. “Let ns bars paaoe.” Tex Democrats of (ha Fourth Con gressional District of Tennessee have nominated Hon. H. M. F. Fite, of Smith ooonty, as a candidate for Congress in th* plaee of Mr. Head, who died a few days after hi* oleetion. There were 109 bal lotings before a choirs ooeld be effected. Mr. File was not one of tbe first nom inees, bat was taken op after it had be- oouie apparent that aaaa at the candi dates first placed in nomination oould ob tain a majority. Tnotiua tbe number of lUdioala in the next Hons* of Itepresentatives will not much exoeed half the camber in tbe present House, the negro members will be more numerous than ever before. Saras na- gross hare already bean sleeted, and tbe prospect is that Mississippi will add twe or three more. This results from the ne groes' making tbs carpet-baggers taka back seats and setting up for tbemaalvea. It is also notiosable that negroes bar* this year generally run bettor fat Con gress thau tba pour “white trash" wbe teak olBoa at their hands. Locixisxa.—Our brief dispatch report ing a Democratic majority of 25 in th* Louisiana House of Uepreaantotivas ia not axpliait, but we suppose that it means according to the results declared by the ltoturuing Board. We learn from the New Orleans papers that tbe Board in secret session on* Friday, adjudged Ula, Democrat, as tbe Bsnator elect from Car- roll parish, and conceded Sabine and tit Helena parishes to the Democrats. As the surrender of th* Radical member* of the Board in regard to these parishes left them no grounds upon which to continue a contest in reference to others, tbe pre sumption ia reasonable that on Saturday their feotioua opposition to the ehoioe of the people broke down altogether, and they oouceded the election of all the Democratic members who received popu lar majorities. Hush a termination of tha protracted oontoat ia a matter for much congratulation, aa it probably does away with all danger of another conflict. Wa did not slate the position of Mr. i. H. dames, the well known banker of Atlanta, with entire correctness, in eeying the other day that be wee in favor of the enactment Demy lews. He has written a letter to the Savannah A’nrr, in which ha advaa. eas soma vary aenaibU views. Ha at tributes the present flnenoia! difficulties the people to the shortness of produc tion ; Bays that the price of money is reg ulated by supply aad demand; “yon may past Usury lews from year to year, bat yon oannot keep tbe lender from getting hie prioe, and your lane will keep the timid from loaning, aad the brave will gdt higher prieee; just aa well pass a law saying a man cannot get a dollar and a half for a bushel of corn as to gsy that be oannot get 1} per oent. fur his money.” He thinks that, os • banter, be wonld be beneflttod by Unary laws, because they would compel timid loaners to dapueit in the brake; bat that the condition of the country and of tha people callH for free banking and cheap mon ey — tbe latter to be secured only by increasing tha amount offered for loan. Dm. Bsunsnn writoa of Andrew John son : “Up and down the lina, among friends and eksmtaa alike, it is understood that this ia the old man's last fight. If ha win*, tbe term is for si* years, and he wifi hardly aver want office again ; and if be fails, ha can never Ret it again. Bo all are coming np to tbe scratch with long finger nails and blood-shot eyes, and wool wiU fly." —On Friday night, Mr. A. J. of Madison, was waylaid, knocked down, and sobbed of #808, na* bi* re*idanoe. He was unconscious on Saturday, and coaid give no neooont of tba ontrage. It ia feared that he will die of hia injuries. —The Griffin Veut Iptma that a Mr. Crabtree, of Batts oounty, bit off the end af Dr. Nolan's not* last week, because tbe M. D. prevented a bill for professional services. Ctabuws then went off and married bis sweetheart, and sloped for parts an known. —Governor Smith has commoted tha sentence of Eldridge Jackson, colored, of Bandolph oounty. to imprisonment far life. Eldridge had been sentenced to death for the murder af Ida wife. Judge Clarke, who bad sentenced him, invoked Exeentiv* clemency. —The Augnsta Chronicle of Saturday ■ays: “Jaka J. Cobra A Ban* received yesterday morning, from a Colombia oounty gold mine, two ingots of gold, valued at nineteen hundred dollars. They were forwarded laat evening to the United States mint nt Philadelphia to be coined. —Tba bavannab AiterUeer aaye the steamer Carrie, on her last trip brought ip several boxei of green peas, the first if the season, grown in open air, nu Mr. John Niebat'e plantation, Ht. Boson's Island. Mr. Nisbet will have about forty bushels ready for shipment in a few days, which are to be pant to DpIuwBico’R, N Y , where they will adorn the Christmas tables of that knar restaurant —A apacial from Uertngtou the Atlanta IleraU reports brutal murder in Newton county Wednesday or Thursday last. On Friday, a young man .cot banting found the body of a peddler who had eelled binwelf Gallagher, in the woods, covered with leaves. Ha had been beaten to death with elube. As yat there ia no cine to the perpetrators of the murder, but come persona ore raapeoied. —A plot by four negroes to rob a par- aid wtltoknan named Bo alysed Heard county, era last week revealed by erst ion. ALABAMA MBWMt to 'onge hat I near Opelika, and baa it in opei Tba Timet saya that it is th* only liahmsut of tha kind west of Savannah. We presume that it means between Sa vannah and Louisiana. —A man named Black, aged about f>0 years, waa ran aval by tha down train on the Mobile aad Montgomery read Thurs day, end bad his tog cut off. He wea carried berk to Greenville, tbe accident having occurred about 1C miles below that ptwee. —The negro Judge, Tbotnaa, of Selina, fined a lawyer named Jasper N. Haney 10 for contempt of Oonri, laat week Aa liansy ia a leading Radical of Beirut, it is not to be presumed that the contempt exhibited was “on eooount of raoe, color, or previous condition." —Mr. P. H. Clayton (well known in Alabama and Oeorgta aa “Hal Clayton”) persuade into tbe conspiracy. Several white men were eansequently on guard at Bowmen's on tbe night appointed forcer tying out tha plot, and they arrested the ringiseder ea look he he made hia appear ance. He confessed, and told the names of the other three. —Policemen F. M. Simpvon, of Atlan ta, war shot and aerlonafy wounded, on Saturday bight, by a negro whom be end auother poUoetean were, toying to arrest. The negro’s namp i* Wilay Bedding, and be it an escaped penitentiary Convict. Tbe policemen found bim on the street, ordered bim to atop, which he disregarded; they pursued, when be turned end fired on them, end then escaped. Several shots were fired st him as he ran, bat it is sup posed without hitting him. -v-ThaQuUmM IttpaHtr, referring to tbe ease of Nick Tbompwh ve. the Bute, for the murder of Ueptoin Hunter, rays: “After several ineffectual effort a at a con tinuance. Mr. Atkina bent hia giant frame to the herculean task of hoisting upon the J rose cut ioa a talked jury; but bis Honor ndge Hanaell, couldn't aee it. At the time of this writing only eight jnrora have been sworn in, end the court ia wail ing for mote uliatncn. Judge Hanaell has ordered thevbfriff to here every men in tbe comity ramtnoned, end the jury -^.probably be oompk-te before noon to- King Kalakana, of tbeSandwich Islands, wbo ie now visiting this country, ia thirty eight years of aga, a native of Honolulu, and a graduate of the royal school. He ia a flue looking man, with moustache and side whiskers, aad ie said to posaeas con siderable culture, end has an extensive knowledge of international law. He vis ited California ia IMM, in company with several native prinCea. He married io 18C9 a daughter of n Hawaiian chief. Previous to hia election ho held e posi tion ns dark in the Interior department, and waa secretary of the privy council tinker the two laat kings, FOR OOUNTY OFFICER. for Constable. a-3T—Tto frith t* af A. V. MeMlabnal an- no. Ml Marne send late Mr OrartaMe af the ntdAnr Upper Town Mrtrtet, O. M. Election on Bntrrdar, the at day of Jaanary next. MANT VOTERS, dacron* For Tax Collector. •raw UAPT. CHARLES A. KLINK aa *** noncaa klmaalf aa e candid ate for Tax Poll actor of Mnaeogaa Const/. Election flrrt Waitamilay In Jnnnary. oetdAwta* For Tex Collector. > Jf We are eathortied to aanonee the name of DAVIS A. ANDREWS, Bee nes candidate far Tax Collector «t Muaaoge* eenaty, at tbe enrol ax aleation In Jaanary east. octlo dSwtd For Tax Collector. 8. B. OLBQHOKN udoum him telf * candidate for tha oRloe of Tax OoUactor of MmaeofM county. Election first Wodnaeday la Jaanary next. ■ANKINC AND INSURANCE. Responsible! Libera!! Reliable* INSURE A7 HOME WITH THir ‘ tutu mu uim cun of Columbus, Georgia. ▲ Home Institution seeking the Fetronage of Hoo^ People. We offer INDEMNITY against LOSS by FIRE. We have paid our friends for losses since April,'1868, •922,725.40. For Tax Collector. ry I regpeetfully announce myself a can- didate for Tax Oo!l«ator of Mntooirta eoNhty at tha election or iht ftrst Wednesday !■ Jsnoary nsxt. f JACOB O. BUB ELS For Tax Collector. Kja* I respectfully announce myself a can- didate for Tax Oet lector of Museofee county at the election ea the Ant Wednesday to Jaanary next. goto U JOHN A. HUFF. diere ol tha Republic, both North aad Smith, who still retain a grateful apyrefoatiaa er the kindness and attention rendered do (hem In (he late war by the Sisters of Mercy. CONFECTIONERIES. A PROCLAMATION By Old. Kriaklngle. Whercaa, Tba time it new npynaeUny when all or mj llttla and jnrraUa frludk should know whan to find nw toil Uhrirtmaa with my Budget of Fan; Now, therefor*, I, Krtikrtnxla, In th* nam* and with tha authority varied In as by my nnmsrwk Pat rear, da hereby annrnner to all tbe Uttia Folks that I will make my Head quarters st my old friend I. O. STRtfPPEB’S, on Randulpb street, Ceinmbns, On. In witness thereof, 1 samara aU to appear at ns y Baiasr during to* oom lag Helldaye and rx amine my Btutget of Noratllri. Given under my hand In the city, this lath day of December, 117*. XBIfiKRINOLR. L O. STRUPPER, AsriaUak dean aedXw Grand Union Depot N EXT doer to Dr. Cheney’s Drag Store, on Crawford St, Is tha puss to aet aU yoar Christmas Rrssents, Toys, Candies, Fruits, Ac. WM. I. STRURRER X» Otexxeral S ffqxit. and «ill be pleated to see all his Meads dartnx the Holidays He member, under the Raakla House, aext to Dr. Cheney’s. decto ft* For Rsesivsr of Tsx Returns. AOAITF announce myself a candidate for re Riefloi ol Tax Beeelrer of Mas- leesnty; efoeUsnhrat Wednesday In Jan- aar> aaxt. My past management of the ol&ce will be my only referenoe for competency. To my many and valued “Nephews," your “Uncle Hike" will expect eaeh and every one to do his whole duty. So let ns all be np aad doing. aoi( te* M. W. TH ffKATT. Announcement. I am tfcaakfftl to the Meads who sng- Rcetod my name aa a candidate for the olfioe or Tax Reoalver, and in noeeptlng tbe nomination, allow me to state that 1 stand be fore the pa bile on my own merits, aad am entirely Independent of nay ring, eliqne or party. WM. E. BARNARD deelf te For Tax Rsosivsr. I announce myself a candidate 1 Receiver of Tax Returns for Musooges county. Election first Wednesday in January next. JORDAN Ia. HOWELL. Mp27 deodkwte To the Voters of Mnscogee, I HEREBY ANNOUNCE MYSELF a Candidate for the office of Tax Ra ce Irer of Muscogee Conaty, at the election on tbe First Wednesday io Jaanary. oetl-te T. C. REES. For County Treasurer. I rerpeetfully announce myself a can- dMate for the offloe of County Trees «rer for Mnseeges oeuaty, at the election on Wednesday, 6ih Jaanary, U7A deel* te* J. J. WOOD. Fer County Treasurer. I Jf I respectfully anneaaee myself a tan- dldate for the Musoogee oeuntv, at the ensalng election on Wednesday, the 6th of January next. d<«12 te* J. H. HARRISON. HO, FOR THE HOLIDAYS A LARQE SUPPLY OF J) _ Jelly Tea Cakes, (f neon’s Cake, Plain Craekei and Plain Oa: anges. Lemons. _ sins. Fire Crackers, Roman Candles, Torpe does, Ac, he. 1 am determined to sell nt fair prices, ee be snre aad eall on me. Don’t forget the places— ner of Oalethorpe and Crawfold Stsaeto, aad Broad Street. Both places will he sop- Very reapectfally, J. M. LAYFIKLD. «-*a3 Bken. Craeanelle, he., he. Faner Candies by the ten. Apples, Or sons. All kinds Nate, Citron, Bai- corner of 166 Br plied, dec12 2 w Look Out for Santa Claus! H IS Depot U again opaoad for th* rsssoUon of vl.tior.. All sr* isrttsd—and *>ps- eiatty the children—to examine b]> tarn* (toe* pel a Caps and Sauosrs, China Toy* of every description and style. Also his selected stoek of Drums, Balls aad Metalophana fer tha hoys, and an immense assortment of China, Wax and other varietlee of Della Jar the little girls, which will be offered very low at my stores, ooraer of Oglethorpe and Crawford streets, und 161 Broad street My store on Broad street is directly opposite the Rankin House, en trance No m west side. Call oa.sae at both places, and satisfaction la guaranteed, decia *w f. M. LAY FIELD. died nt Oareon City, Nevada, on Friday night. He wan a native of Georgia, ami* Mule Stolen, F ROM Opnllka, At*., on tut Frl day, the llth, a Snuff Colored Mare Mule, ab ut IS hand* blub, six years old, badly marked with gear. a< small white spot on the left side of the root of tall, and another ea the inside ef one hind leg; a small ridge pa the left fore leg just below the knee; had on a fine new saddle aud very strong bridle: shod all round. A liberal reward will be paid for the mule and saddle. Any Information will be thank fully lecstved. Address JEFF JONES, MeehaslesvUte, Lee county. Ala., Or K. W. PRUITT. Salem, Lee eoanty, Alabama, decs dfcwlt* ITALIAN STRINGS. B ETTER STRINGS than w* are now lm- porting direct (rota European markets cannot be had. Try them. Finest Italian, ■eato■■ nii; SaporAae Naples, (atrungeat atrln t made 1.99 oenta each; Pruaa Strings, 16 aud 16 Toys, Toys, Toys ! PB0FUM0 A HOFFMANN are now di^daylng their Magnificent Stock of Toys md Invite one and all I their selection b Remember the place, Xa I deelt eodkw For County Treasurer. I announce myself a candidate for re- election as County Treasurer of Mus- oogee connty, at the ensuing election on Wed nesday, January 6th, 1876. deciO te* TIM MARKUA M. To the Voters of Muscogee County. At the solicitation and suggestion of a rxw pnisvoe (wblto and colored), I present myseir a candidate for Clerk of tbe Snperfter Court of Muscogee conaty, at the earning oleetion for oounty officer* in January, 1876. WM. M. SNOW, deel? te Far Clark of Suporior Court. I respectfully announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Clerk of Su perior Court of Musoogee eeunty. Election first Wednesday In January next. JESSE J. BRADFORD. For Clark of Superior Court. I respectfully announee myself a ran. dldate for Clerk of Superior Court, the support of tke pablJe. octS dte GEOROE Y. POND. Announcement. g^2*» We respectfully announee Mr. STEVENS as a candidate for the office of Coroner ef Musoogee eoanty. Election first Wednesday In January next. He Is a criplc, afflicted, and a deservluic gentleman. de.-18 eodte* MANY FRIENDS. J. RHODES BROWNE, JAS. F. BOZEMAN, Atlanta. N. N. CURTIS, Wall* & Curiia. J. R. CLAPP, Clapp’a Factory. L. T. DOWNING, Att’yatLaw. JNO. MclLHENNY, ax-Mayar. JNO. A. McNEILL, Grocer. JAMES RANKIN, Capitalist. CHARLES WISE. J. RHODES BROWNE, SAM’L S. MURDOCH, GEO. W. DILLINGHAN, ■orrBtorjr. Treasarcr. ABLE, LIBERAL and SUCCESSFUL FIREMAN’S FUND INSURANCE COMPANY. Gold Assets, .... $670,000.00. Losses Due and Unpaid, None. Chicago Losses Promptly Paid in Fall, - - $528,364.92 Boston “ “ “v 180,003.88 Seekers of Insurance should see that the Company they patronize is Solvent, Careful and Prompt. ItoBora Fairly A dj as lad mod Prsraptl, raid ky G. GUNBY JORDAN, Agent, octts (oettoly) COXxUMBUS, OA. D. F. Willcox’s Insurance Agency 71 BROAD STREET. facilities for business, and \ •th thunks fur public generally. aUclameceTtoifiral ble prop- D. F. WILLCOX. SAVE YOUR MONEY! ALMOST ANY ONE CAN MAKE MONEY, BUT ONLY THE WISE ONES SAVE IT ! If you will only Save what you Waste, It would be no trouble to become Indeoendent. EAGLE & PHENIX SAVINGS DEPOT! Less than one year old, and has 378 Depositors. The Legislature of Georgia binds, by law, over $3,000,000 for the security of Depositors—$12 in assets for every dol lar of liabilities. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Seven per cent compounded four times a year. Deposits payable on demand. N. J. BUSSEY, Pres’t. G. GUNBY JORDAN, Treas’r. For Coroner. I^ff 1 W* nnnouBos S. O. LLOYD u i ean- Bitatc fur Oorunnr of Mnanoff** county, nt tha enauing elnotlon on WaJaanday, the Gth day of Janaxry next. d*cli dfcwt,* MANY FBIENDS. grated to OalifurniB aom* yean nine*, and daring hi* reoidaao* in that State naa alec tod Judge of one of tbe State Court*, and fillod other positions of honor aad trnrt. —In Bioant oounty, Alabama, than ia a —*—• of land which, three year, ago, war taxed art tabrrm *8- The next year it paid sot) tiara* that aura. Laat year it paid 330 times that sum, or #1,030. The aiaa* of this rest increase was immigra tion. A colony of Gormona, under Mr. Cullman, aatUad on this section three years ago, and sat about Improving it. —An oleaster company, at Toledo, Ohio, ran ell their an glass by atoamgen- We believe that the Sonata of Louie- erated over firm of corn cob*. Thee* ions contain, a Nodical majority oflfi, 1 f - ? , U “** m **“ isua cuutoiua s uoaicoi aiajun.y • , load* of com on th* oar, which are oon- owing to tbe foot that 18 Hadieal. aad I ( ignad to them daily and ahelled by in.- not a aingl* Democrat bald over. chinary. Christmas Presents! •-AT— W. J. CHAFFIN’S BOOK STORE, Very ClxoAp. BEAUTIFUL BOUND BIBLES, toraa and sm&lL Great Variety of JUVENILE AND TOT KOOK8, InstrufltivG and narastoff. HANDSOME BOUND BRITISH POETS. GOLD PENS and PEARL HOLDERS. FIN E and CHEAP CUROMUB. GAMES AND ABC BLOCKS. For sale cheap at tha Sign of th« Nawaboy. Election Notice. T HERE will bt an election held on tbe first fiatnrday In Janaarjr next, at tbe place of holding Juftieee' Court, in ibe different Mtlltla District* of the oounty, for two Oonsta- Nn for each District. The Jn«'leee of the Peace for each District are required to super, intend said election. F. M. BROOKS, deelt tjanl r Ordinary, G eorgia—musoogee county-the following named persons are hereby ap pointed Managers at the different Precincts, In tbe Oounty of Musoogee, at the election to be held for oounty officers, on the first Wednesday to January uext. vis: Omr—J M McNeill, JP;TJ Shivers, J P, and W E Sandqford Naxcbs—U Ogletree, J P: W E Healing and J P Forteou Bockmak b-P J Philips, J P ; J W Massey, J P, and W A Bozeman Stxam Mill-E P Willis, J P; Daniel Odom adNQOttls Upatoi*—Jno D Odom, J P; IF Boyd, J P, and Emanuel Rich New Tor* wboteeale rates. decdT calm Notice in Bankruptcy. ‘No: lit*. LADIES OF COLUMftUC, AND Ladies Visiting tha City! I Mrs. M. R. HOWARD B EGS leave to Inform them that for the next forty days she will Mil bar large i nock or T Hisntoiitn noti** that «* it* 12th <t»y' Millinery, Hair Good*, ol November. A. D., 1674. n warrant-,in or Talbot, and State of Georgia, who has been ftd'ndged a Bankrupt ou his own petition, and that the pay me it ot any debts, and deliver? of , „ any property belonging to said bankrupt, to | ktm or for nts nsa, and the transfer or any property by him. are forbidden ay law: that a meeting of creditoce of the said bankrupt, to prove nielr debts, and to choos- one or more Ass gmees of his estate, will be held at a Court ot Bankruptcy, to be bolden at Columbus, Ga.. at the efflM of.the Register, before Lemuel T. t Downing, Esq^ Register, on the 18th day of January, A. D. Uli,s( M o’clock s. u. W. H. SMYTH. United States Marshal, as Meseenger. Jewelry, Ornaments, Hats and Bonnets AT OOOTFk Holiday Goods! A LARGE STOCK FOR SALE BY ^ L. L. 6OW0IRY. for tbe necessary t December 18th, 1874. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. MILLINERY. Brantu, trimaud and unulnnri, at cart for rub, rad .11 other article. In oar tin* at great, ly reduced erlces. . MS8. COLVIN A DONNELLY. At Kyle*s Old Stand OPELIKA DIRECTORY. ACRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. CtLewacla Oo. H0ISTEAD & CO., General Agents, Columbus, Georgia. rjlHIS LIME u proaoaneed by lmlnent aeologlaU tob» mad. from th* Flnut Rock 1° Southern States. It cannot he equaled In quality or price. CEMENT AND PLASTERERS always on band at lowest prices. Orders flllsd promptly. HAIR oets tf HOLBTEAD A CO., Geaeral Agents. GolumtuL 0*. HOLSTEAD & CO., AGRICULTURAL DEPOT 8 Doctors. DM. Ml. *. WAXIOCK, , limit aad Phralotoa Oriri at gtaaxhtor'. Drag Store, BaUnad OrM. Hotel*. ADM* H*C*C. Whea yon go to Opelika, be sore to sCop at the Adorns Boasts oppoeit* Pmmsin Sopot. Is Warranted Perfect! LIGHT DRAFT, SUBSTANTIAL WORKMAN SHIP AND VERY LOW PRICE! Farming Implements and Machines-- SEEDS OF ALL KINDS! CHEMICALS FOR HOME-MADE FERTILIZE* 8 BUar-FBOOF OATS, OEOBOIA BYE, WHEAT, BARLEY, CLOVEB!A>' D GB ASS SEEDS! I , ■OL.TZAD*™,;,* SaptaiqUr *tf