Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, December 24, 1874, Image 1

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1 COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1874. 8PRINQER’8 OPERA HOUSE Benefit of Orphan Aeylum. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT DAflLY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY Tnln moaths, to rinM *| oo Bt, tnouthi, " ... 4oo Waitootox, Dtotubtf 29.—In the Boom, after miscellaneous burtneae, . motion >u mid. to go to th. Bpeeker’. table in order to get the Senate i Finanoe bill. The Demoo rat. oppoeed the motion beeanaa the Civil Blgbta bill might thereby get a more forward. Afilibuatery movement waa eat on foot 1 to prerent each a thing, bat finally a com- < promiae waa effected by whieh the i Finanoe bill waa made the apeoial order for the Tth of Janaary. Goblin of Indiana, Albright of Penn sylvania, Cannon of Illinois, Buckner of Missouri and Lnttrell of California, were appointed the aaleet oommittee on Ala bama affaire. The lint three are ltepub- lieaaa and the other two Democrats. All the oommttteee for the Booth will leave Washington next Saturday. Hooee adjourned till - Taeeday, f>th of Janaary. UXATn. In the Santa,to-day, Carpenter wee elected Preeident pro tempore. Morton enbmitted the following, end ached for ita preeent consideration: Unsolved, That the Senate the validity of the credentials of P. B. B. Plnohbaek, aa certified to by Gov. Wm. P. Kellogg, of Louisiana, nnder the out of aaid State, end the Committee on Privl- legea and Eleotiona are instructed to ex amine and report if said Pinchbeck i. en titled to be admitted on the prima facie case Urns made, or if each admiaaion ahoald be postponed until an investiga tion b. made as to the ohargee of oorrnp. tion in hie election, alleged against him. Thurman objsoted to the present con sideration of the resolution, and it went over. Clayton submitted the following, and asked its present consideration: “Kmolved, That the Secretary of War be requested, if not incompatible with the interest of the poblio Berrios,to lay bcforg the Senate the official reports and commu nications of Major Lewis Merrill, U. 8. A., relating to certain disorders in Louis iana known a. the Oouahatta trouble." Bayard objsoted, and it was laid over: Merrimon, of North Caroliaa, presented the resolutions of the North Carolina Leg- - islature in favor of an appropriation to enable the New Biver Canal Company to ; oonnect the inland water system of North Carolina with the Atlantic and Gulf [ States. Commerce. I Also the resolutions of the Legislator. of that State in favor of granting pensions ‘ to the surviving veterans of the Mexican , war. Pensions. i Hamilton, of Md., moved that| a reso- | lution of last session, in regard to the compensation of F. W. Sykes, who con tested the seat of Spencer, of Alabama, r be recommitted to the oommittee oh i Privileges and Eleotiona. Agreed to. J Norwood, of Georgle, moved that the | vote by whioh the bill to establish Atlanta, Qa., a. a port of delivery was indefinitely , postponed on Monday laat, be reoonsid- i ered, and the bill be plaoed on the cal- • endar. Agreed to. | The Senate adjourned tiU January Oth. Lou non, DH..b«n—Btieet ram Xtotow oak. Paws, Dsssmk.r W -Emm. elf. an its. New To ax, December m.—Stock. mtlve, ot lower. Money * per mot. OoM 1UM.—long MsX, short MOM. Oororn- Mnts dell. State bonds qutot and aeuUaal. Naw York, December A-Im, In goto l.maed. SS4per owt aterilu firm at 411)4. bddtUMfjt GoveramonU Wronger. Slate Far Columbus sad Surrounding Territory. Doors eeea at »X o'clock. Ftrforaraoe 114 e’clook. jtdmlMlon M and M cents. ms TUiaieAT niumt, A Oread Bhekspeareea Putlval, and lost Appearmnc.of tb.MammotkOo. Far the first time la this city, and by special eOHHaad of mane Im.lima snii .anilamae A. B. JONES, Gen'l Traveling Agent the He we Machine Company, OfitteR larktla. LimrooL, Uaembtr 88.—Noow — Oottou as port. Ootton to arrlva aular. Sties on bffiaia efmlddllt* united*, totbfag below low middlings, shipped In Jatntry tod Februtry, 7*. 8:» p. x —Uplands Orleans 7*4 3:80 r. x —Sties on t i tsu of mlddlng up- ltnds nothing bolow good ordinary, shipped fa Deoember, TX. S ^ 1S i » M e so 1 IlMth, “ • oo 1 * “ UOO 8 •• " IT 00 4 “ “ 10 00 B ** u IS 80 4 M * 85 00 1 l^aaMlyear 48 00 Th* above la with the* prtrlUfo of a ehaaie •wry thrae mouth*. tot yterly card* a literal dis count will h* ainds. Tb# rate for ivew other day In Dally and every Week 10 Weekly will be the aaaeai Dally. Tor every other day In Daily the rate will be Mi third le— thaa tte Batty rota. Tor twice a week the rate will be oae-half Dally advertlMmeaU la leral or reeding aolemtis 80 per coat additloaal will be ehaiwed. The Weekly rates will lavariably be one-third Of the Dally. When an advertisement la changed more then Moe la three non the the advertiser will te oharg- .ed with tteooet of OMapeeltlea. Torelga adver- filmsww mans* .. A. tlTj. .a k... ir you want to eajoy a god amohe, go to bia Igar Manufactory, Between Ueorgla Roma and Muacogee Uome. •vary description of work doolrod by Merchants, Corporations, Societies, Railroad*, Steamboats, And the Public Generally. Saloi on a basis of mlddll bolow low middlings, shlpp January, 1%. Naw York, Dooombor tt—Gotten building. keaideaea at foray th, throe deem telew It, Clair. J- celpta 807 bales. Future* eloaed Arm; ooloo 80.808 belts, as follows: December 18Jf; January uyu February Augusta, Deoember s-Otttm fa Ur dem.nd; MU| low mlddHzigl Ik (Md ovdlnery 11)41 net receipt. 1,CM| Hk. lies. Nobsolk, Dceomher SI.—Ootton quiet; middling. 18%; n.t receipt. i,!IM;.4le. MO; atoek Uautihors, DMcmker SA—Ootton dnll sad rn III middling. ulae TO; .ptnn.r. 3t; .teak Philadklvbia, Dwmbn a. — aortas quirt; middling. l«XilowmktdllBgiISWjgtol ordinary IS; net receipts tee, OUABLnsTOa. Deoember >3 —Ootton firm for good qumlltle.; low middling. lltASS lC) good •AN’L m. BUB, t Dwl.r In family Oromrlo., on Hrynn .trMt, bo- tWM. UgI.tkor|» A Jectuon .t.Mta. gy go cherg. for df>y«|A doc7 LOD1I WILIP fiBATIXO IAUNW, (Buccwor to 11. Uen..,) Und.r OMrgln Hem. Building. Prompt ud pollt. lierb.r. to nttendMc*. loo bunli Florid, fiyrap, London T.nycr R.t.lni, New Znntn Onrrants, Bplccd Pig. Font nad Tripe, J^hMj^jrdrMjvc. Frcccrrcc of all kind., “Shakers,'' JslilM la all varlaUss, "Qmn" Olivas, Pieklss aad Gannsd Quods, Hsldslek Champagne, ‘ Fbfnlga and Domestic WIom, PrlSM Albert WMalt, Dos dee Marmslsda, Naw “Diadem" Huns, just aacaivsD nr H. F. ABELL ft CO. if id beat muiity, Charing Boas, pro van to be hsrdljr two jdnom. The Beliefs agreed to toe resolution for an adjournment frout to-dny to the fifth of Janaary. —Tbs father of Charlie Boas offers S&000 for the child aad no questions •eked, as he is satisfied the killed burglars are the kidnappers. —It is reported that the Mormons in the United Biotas propose to found eolo- ateil ta Mexico, with the Intention of em igrating en masse from Utah. —On the steamer Japan, horned it see, chief cook Caeeeek wee drowned. En gineer Bennett end Quartermasters Hat ton and Harris an missing. —A collision oecnmtf Tnsadsv three miles north of Grenada, on tbs Mississip pi Central, between freight train Noe. 8 end t». Jea. Valentina, sngiossr, waa in stantly killed. Both engines aad a num ber of can wen demoliahsd. —Bobert Bonner hat pare based of •iebatd Peniaton, of Lexington, Ky., bia famous thrad Vmt old man. Lady Stout, payfaig erfiffiWt At ths laat fall masting at ImuIngtoB, the man mads the feetest time for a three year old on record. —Liaaie Fagan,e white woman eighteen jeon old, end living on Batter Street, uonnl v. uvr, n., Attorney Mil Comaeollor at Law. OomaMoaer or Deed. N. Y. end ether Steles. Ottos over Oeorsla Home InmrecM Oo. 8peel.I attention gives to collections. futlltlea ample to d. every deMrlptloa of work, from a VlcitlagOard te a Poster, eat from a Bwalpt Book to a Roys! Lsdgsr, or a largo tlaarto Vdmt. dting. laid: low mlddlleg. ?to&T$lr* mc.lpti hlto; Savamkaii, DiMObir 88.-0 mlddllDgi 18^1; low mkMltngi lMf; nary l3J4i u«t rooelpta 4,144. mim U'4,708. Boston, DMember 88.—Ootton dllDgf 14^; low mlddUnga 14; go< 18^; net reoeiptf 878; export* to Oi Bob. .alaa Ann. .ioAb an VIA JOSEPH V. FOU. ▲ttoraey »tl#w, Md Jmdf ot Couxtjr Oowrt* PrectloM In ill other Court*. Oflloe ov#r *tor* of W. H. Robert* A Oo., Breed It. dllng* 18U< low middling* 18RI8U) good ordl- nnrv J8UQ12^; net rMtlpU 8,811; nhlpmenU 1,601; •niea 8,700; itoek 84,UT. Oalvrrton, December 88.—Ootton itendv end In fair demand; middling* 14; lew mid- dllnx* 13-X; wood ordinary IS; net reoelpt* 4 418; export* to Great Britain 8,801; *alM 8,fat: atoek 85,834. FrevilleR RarkaMe Nxw Youx, December 38.—Floor quiet nod unchanged. Wheat a *hade firmer. Oornaoiot and Arm. Pork heavy, old $18 T5. Lard Arm; •team 1818-18. Liyirpool, Deoember 88. — BreadateS* quiet. Baoon RO* 8d for long, clear middling*; 68* for ihort, dear middling*. Now Yobk, December 88.—Coffee An* end quiet at 17fold for rlo; Jobblag demand good. Sugar quiet and unchanged; Ihirtogoed refining prime 8}i. JCola**e* quiet; New Orleau* 03QM. Jhlce quiet aad on- changed. St. Louie, Deoember 88.—Floor • toady, with a continued good demand for low grade*; vapor- fin* winter 8t.25Q4.35. Corn dnll nad declin ing; new «7Q*9}d; No. I mixed 7L Whiakev . Iad,Iu me nfi Dcib h.M me am «m,n IX work la that llaamaaot ha sarpamd for fiabh and darablllty. Havtag an laaansa quantity ud largo m ■ortmMt ol Typ., mv.a ran by Stoss Poww, aad oasor th. amt asMartv.slortliof Payor, Bill Hi Lottor Huh, Card., Tag., ha, ov.rkro.ibt t. Oolambtu, so driay oaa tmeur, orsotislkrtioa (til to bo (Ivan, both la Prtos aad Qsallty of Work. Remember the place, •lb bun am* nan arricx, ( Now PoMoOm Balldlag) ■oadrtph tweet,, Urn. My Ooaatrf FrlonU. and Pettcu. will pious nmaabor th. ebon, aad Med tkelr order, to TIMM. filUIBT, . Ool.MllU., US. J. M. MOnULL/ AtAarMy aad Counsellor at Law. Pnutlcm la eourt. of QMrgls and Alnbamm Me. 128 Hnmd It., (over 0. A. BMd A Ce.'a) wcl.l .tt.ntlon giwn to rolltctiop,, J.H Klngtford’t O.wego Corn ttaroh, 20c. •• •• 811. Clou •• IBo. Mfiltby't Prepered Coeoanut. Atmora’a Mines Meat, I lb pill* II P MI LIP RIFLNR, On Ud Luokswilh, Omwltod ahw VaLrmrIr tin 1 h■—* - t ROB’T 8. CRANE, ffebl dl2ml Tru*tee. jatga. Cincinnati, Deoember 88.—Fleur dull* Oorn in fair demand at 69Q71. Pork quiet, firm and regular at $» 75; aalee of heevy at dll 88U. Lard firm; steam rendered at 18; xettle atle. Baoon dull and nominal. Whlakey ateady, 97. RmIu, A*. Naw York, Deoember IS.—Turpentine quiet nt 87. Rosin dull at 15Qf8 89 for itrafaud. Freight* firm. Hew Y*rk Dry Deeds Ravket. Nxw Yonx, December 81.—Buslne** waa quiet In nearly all departmant* of trade. Oot ton good* wore ateady and unchanged In prion*. Tin* bleached thlrtlngtwete taken more freely by ihtrt manufacturer* at th* r*dn*ed rate*. Heavy standard iheetUgi nr* Am. Oblate end aide-band print* nr* nlrly active, but fan- ele* are quiet in Arst hand*, worsted seating* l* full of New Shoe*. Our late addition* are The Protootlon Toe thoefor ohlldren. Ladle.’ Qlove A Pebble Button Boot*. Ladles' Fins Kid Button Boots. Mieses' Fine Kid Button Boots, Led lee’ and Misses' Kid Opora Boots. All “e. pretty a. new ahoM.” Bargains In Boot* 1 Men'i Hand-Sowed Boots for $9 par pair. SO cam Men'i Thick Boot*, vary cheap. Ladiet* Kid and Felt Houie Slipper*. Ken'*, Boy*' and Youths’ Slippers in variety. Th* Old Reliable Wells’ Hand-Sewed Shoe. The Virginia Stitch-Downs. And n full stock of dealreble work In quan tity end vurlsty, end et price* worth th* nt- tsitlon of eny Buyer. WELLS ft CURTIS. No. 73 Broad *t., navi* if Sign or th. Big Boot. ..I'. J.w.try star*. itlc. is tk. Slot, ud Court.. THE LAST CONCERT Public Library of Kentucky renreiSD res A Full Drawing! To 27th February, 1875. XSO&OU AUBX8TXD—A OOLOBID ALDSIKAN AMD A OOLOnOD OODMTT TXKABUJtBX akomo van THISVSS. MnHFHia, Deoember 23.—Lest week Wm. Kingsbury, Gordon Ivey, Van Hat- fisld, Henry Wood, Corey Young end Vin cent Fettle, ell oolored, were arrested et West Point, Mississippi, for systemstio robbery of freight cere on the Mobile end Ohio Bailrood. AU of them are promi nent colored men, Pattis being oonnty treasurer end Ivey en aldermen. They hove been operating for a long time, end It is supposed their robberies amount to many thousand dollars. Old Oflrtkory. wr.iv, l)<ui eorth of ywtoaco) Ooisakw, OtorglA Will MMtnut tor Hess# sad Sirs fetotlug >t rMsosekls .rlMs, stul gasrsato. rMursoklo tirtoM, end met THE BHOBT POSTPONEMENT NOW ANNOUNCED IB POSITIVELY THE LAST, AND A DMAWINO WILL POSI. T1VELY BE HAD ON ETTH PEBBVABY; IN OUABANTEE OF WHIOH WE PLEDGE OUB8ELVE8 TO REFUND THE PUBOHAUE PBIOE OF TICKETS IN CASK IT SHOULD NOT. THU SCHEME I* One Hundred Thousand Tiokets, 80*000 GIFTS ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 8*50,0 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 100,0 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 75,0 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 50,0 ONE GRAND CASH GIFT 25 0 • CASH GIFTS |SA000 etch 100.0 10 CASH GIFTS 14,000 e*uh 140,0 18 UASU GIFTS 10,000 eeoh 1*0,0 80 CASH GIFTS 5,000 *Mh 100,01 85 GASH GIFTS 4,000 eeoh 100AM 80 GASH GIFTS AMO each 90,01 10 GASH GIFTS AMO eeoh 100,04 109 GASH GIFTS AMO Bitch 100,04 840 GASH GIFTS 500 eeoh 120,04 500 GASH GIFTS 14W each 50,04 19,000 GASH GIFTS 80 each OMAN HO, FOR THE HOLIDAYS rant* la the largest title* of lb* Union. Prompt attention nod rwonabl* rate*. *n at all hours. eetlOm A LARGE SUPPLY OF OOUWD OAK P. Sponge Cake, Fruit Uak*. K7 Julljr Oake, Lady Flnaar*, Oup Gake, Tea Gake*, Washington Gake (not pi*), Queen's Gake, and all varlotie* of Fancy and Plain Grackera, Uraoknells, Ac , fto. Fancy and Plain Gandies by the ton. Apples, Or ange*. Lemon*. All kinds Nut*. Citron. Rat- slm, Fire Graokeri, Roman Gandies, Torpe does, fcc 1 fto. I am d«termln*d to sell at fair prlo**, so be •ore and call on me. Don't forget the plaoea— corner of Oglethorpe and Crawford street*, and 185 Broad Street. Both place* will be rap- V,r f "iftctMlr, niiLnoiD aoLunoxe. Lousow, December 28.—A collision be tween two railway trains took pleoe this morning nt the town of Bleokborn, Lan cashire. Several persons were killed end injured. A ooUieion also oooarred this morning aa the railroad et Dudley, Worcestershire. Mo lose of life by the eoeident, but many person, were seriously hart. CVtlnmbn*, ft*. fte United State. Centennial oonsists of Dr. Jsoobe, of the Deportment of Com- S E8T OF WINES, LIQUORS to OIQAX& OYSTEKS, FISH, GAME, end Ukolee ill Mrv.d et ell houra et nsMsable prtow, aniurlvate room« when desired. THE TEN PIN ALLEY 1* the best ever eonstrueted In Oolnmbus. Mr. JA8. FOR AN A. J. BOLAND. ProortHor. meres, eud several other e^ent men. —There hate been seat from Spain to Cube, einea 18C9, eighty-two thoneend five handredwoldien, of whom thirty-six Iheheend font hundred end twelve hove ■aeeumbed on the field or from disease. —The enthorities of the French Stomp Oflloe think they have at laat disoovered an absolutely indelible ink. In the de portment of the Seine alone they oalculate their lose through fraud at *131,000 n 7 —The Cur of Huerta is In hie fifty-eev- 500 DOLLARS nr GIFTS, Look Out for Santa Claus I H IS Depot I* again opened for the reception of visitor*. All are invited—and espe cially the ohlldren—to examine hi* large slock ot Oarrlagte, Buggi**, Wagon a Yeloolpedw, Noah's Arks, Music Boxes, Harmonicas, Trum- pete, Gup* and Sauoers, Ohio* Toy* or *v*ry description and style. Also his selected stock of Drams, Balls and Metelophons forth* boy*, and aa Immense assortment of China, Wax and other varieties of Doll* for the little girls, whioh will be oiTered very low at my store*, corner of Oglethorpe ana Crawford streets, and 165 Broad street. My store on Broad street la directly opposite the Rankin House, en- tranoe No 185 west side. Gall on me at both place*, aad satisfaction Is guaranteed. *48914 3W JTM. LAYFIELD. Give prompt and envefal attention to orders yumall; pay tho highest market price for N. B.—Plasterers' Hair always on hand. SIGHT DRAFTS ON ENGLAND, “ Ireland, “ Hootlaod, “ France, “ Germany f “ Italy, “ Austria, “ Denmark, “ Sweden, “ Norway, “ Belgium, “ Holland, " Swi tier land, F<,r “ , * b ' H.H.KPP.toO. Apply st NsUond luk. a. D. hex xnxs e. h. tabdv. Mama, December 23.—A fetel duel wee fought to-d.y, near the line of Ala bama and Uisaieuippi, between A. H. Tardy and B. D. Ley, of Mobile, Als. Tardy waa killed et the first fire. Both are tnxuranoe men. Particulars unknown. TbV*NEATH EM. HurxibosK enth year. Although the report of his inesuity is now denied, it is known that he is of n melancholio temperament, rad is subject at tinea to Mvers fits of mental depreeeion. —In Hassle it is forbidden fay n recent law for any Jew to be employed on rail way lioM asnfnaotiooery in ahargeof good* nt the stations. Jews in saah em ployment have in that eonntry been found generally dishonest; hence the sweeping prohibition. . —If the Pope is not n sovereign he hes no right to coin money, rad so the »a- tboritlas in France have token steps MXtl.krt.tor 1,000 oo Th. pumut ot Ollti will toglB th. fifth fifty »n*r th. drftwlig. Tlok.t. nun h. pra- MDtod or Mot to Room 4, Poblio Library BulMleg, LMimil., Ky., wk.r. th.y will bo takin ep ..d paid by Uub UbMka upon tk. Farmarr end Drover.’ Bank or Loalavlll.. Ev.ry Wkolo Tloiiot hu too part., .Mb part burlng th. nentor or th. Whole Tlek.t Tk.r.lor., e Taatk of e Tlok.t mtltU. th. boldar tbaroof to Oao-Tonth of whelovor tho Whole Ticket may drew. For tlokoto or latormstion, eddrou THO. IS. BBiJUUTfE, Wuanorou, Dec. 28.—ProbabUitiee.— For ths Southern, the Middle end New England States, generally olsar end warm weather will prevail. The rivers have risen et Cairo, Nash ville end Cincinnati, end fallen et Pitls- Christmas Presents! H AVE opened . FAMILY AND FANCY OBOCKItY STORE et TT Brood St.. Choice .ml SalMt Qootto, Bettor sad Eg.. . .pMlalty. W. i. CHAFFIN’S BOOK STORE, Otaiilag* Cleftalftg aad Repairing Don* la th* test *tyl*. COUNTIES Gunned Good*, nil kind* j Public Library Building, Loulsvlll*, Ky. HOLBTEAD St CO., Agcmte, 188 Breed street, Golumbus, Georgia, drnao 8taw^uftth-tJ*nl Paper* Lott. T) ELI EYING that the late Marshall J. 13 Wellborn d*p -*ited with some frtead some title deeds and other papers appertaining te hi* e>Ute, I hereby request any one who has 9T knows of any such papers to sommunleate with me at ono*. For the production to me of the original title puprrs to als Golumbus prop erty. Thereby ofer a reward of Fifty Debars. Address JOHN T. GLABKE, BEAUTIFUL BOUND BIBLES, large and Great Variety of JUVENILE AND TOY BOOKS. Instructive and umuslnv. HANDSOME BOUND BRITISH POETS. GOLD PENS and PEARL HOLDERS. S INE and CHEAP GHR4IMOS. AMES AND A B O BLOCKS. For salt cheap at the Sign of the Newsboy. decl8 lw I>r. T. W. HENTZ, Sontiat, W ILL her. e room at th. O.or- gi. Horn. Building lor . few^agmm whu, wkor. he will be glad tpioeMRHB FruiU, Foreign ud Domwtto, Pickle., auortod; a rotoet amortmaet. Bawile.. Balrtu, OudJw la grut v.rlrty. BuekrtA Tub., Tin War., Broom, ud Bu. ball. W. k..p .varytblng In th. HouaUMp- Ing Una W. roaputl.lly Invito U. pablto to giro u. a ull end .imoIo. our goto, ud prlee., veeobd door below Well. A Oirtia r AU good. doUv.rto. toe* »m mibb m. a. EounaawaBTa, Drert-U.kl.g, Onttlog ud Vlttlng. TanMChMf. .udabo. I. SrowertUl*. oovU Naw Yong, Deoember 28.—Beecher, in On editorial in the ChrUUan Union, de clares be wilt not eompramiu with hie anomies, rad will write sad speak while health lasts. He knows his own inno- aeau; God knows it, rad aa to mra'e knowledge, that shell be as God flee see. Tin and Coppersmith*.