Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, May 26, 1875, Image 1

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a VOL*. XVTL TEXLhCB n m DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY EMQUIRSft-*U1l. M uMM'diniunoiii and the BEST nWBPAPm IN THE iBOUTII, (Mas IkatMiUM I'M New*—Acknowledged *e M weettelUbl*' Fro* tko ant of Juror, loot ttao poet- **• on paper* nut ho paid bp the pub- ltohor. ThU will bo too oooto o month (or dolUM and Bra oanU a quarter for aaoh weekly, Our rubeoriberf will iee the neoaeilty for yay- no up promptly, ae all thoee In arrean will be dropped on the Ant of January. We are erer willing to aooommodataonr (rlendi, but It will be ImpeaetUe to Hm^ABBi payen not paid ror laatThaoe. The following will be the lubaorlptlon termi fer the Ewqmnma for the year UTI: WIIHK HAILMD. Tfollj, la adranoe with poet- age paid B 9 *) per annum. Sunday, with peetage paid.... a (0 » “ Weekly,withpoetagepaid... *10“ “ Bungay and Weekly, with poetage paid S 40 “ “ aanran in am and aceusaa. Dally, g ( 00 per annum. Jfa Buanare a err ad separately. omoa box. Pally 1 00 per annum Sunday no 11 “ Weekly * 00 •< •• Weekly and Sunday 0 00 “ “ ADraktieit? Vaei imicei I,lberal Discount for Time Adeertlelng. Katee will be reduced from thta date for all advertliements exceedlnx In time one month, Merchant* and other* will do wall to take adrantago of the Summer ratea, end in thla manner prepare for Fall trade. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 26. 1875. NO 121 Hataha, May U.—The. Vm A Guta pttbUahae • atrong editorial nplyini ta on. in the Initpmimrtu, of Kuw Tank, whioh ndrouatuB the atm tin wen oe of the boning at piaatetkaea and aattleeaen* for the parpnaa of driving tha Spaniard* out of Cuba. Tha Vm keouuoa Signor Aldema of adrooating tbie plan, and any* that tho triumph of «h« Ingurguoti ou«M only prodnou another Bays, and that no*, withstanding tha quantity af Afrlooo blood in AMorosV rriwatod tha tat oolor of hi* faoa, he would not bs naauutad ae a reorult by a negro Inauigant Chief, Oaeilio Oonaalaa, baaauaa ha would ha considered aa belonging to another r Tha Vo* further^ya: Thn iMgwmbShg oriaa “no dalay," “no haaitattou. " “The Spaniarda moat do tbs game." “Instead of oonqnaring thla bandit, they moat ■aaeioata it, beoanae it no longer displays apolitioal but a criminal flag, and stoke tha memory of aoenes in Bt. Domingo.’’ Tho article prodnoed a profound im pression. Tha eyampsthisera with tbs revolution pronoun oe tha artiola of tbs Independents unwise. Adv.rtlelw* Bates. lUfoek Dally, •* ? •» 1 Heath, I oo ,. 13 oo .. IT oo 20 00 ,. ill 60 .. *5 00 .. 42 00 . change every throe months. Pot yearly cards a liberal dls< count will bo made. The rate for every other day In Dally and evt leehly or Sunday will be the amine r other day In Daily the rate will bo Daily. For twico a wook tho into will be ono-half Dally For advertisements in local or reading columns 00 per oent. additional will bo charged. The Weekly or Suuday retea will be ene-thlrd of tlie Dally. Wben an advertisement Is changsd more than onoe In three months the adrertleer will be charg ed with tha coet of compoeition. Foreign adver tisers must ttav aa do those at home. CUBA. EBBS WBATHEB. A* 1maidens ml flam. Breckinridge's Career. From Fanny's BemlnUeeneea.) Perhaps tha moot dramatio soans that ever took place in the Senate Chamber, old or Dew, was that between Breokin- ridgs and Col. E. D. Baker, of Oregon, on Angoat 1, 1SU1, five days before the adjournment tine die, in the darkest period of the war, when tha rebellion waa most defiant and hopeful. The last week of that inly was foil of exoitement in Ooaglass end the oountry, and I know how much labor and patienoo it required to keep alive tho hope* of oar people. Thsoonree of Powell end Breokinridge. of Kentuoky, and Bright, of Indiana, in opposing the government, had nearly obliterated party feeling in the Senate. MoDoogall, of California; Bioe, of Min- nasota; Thompson, of Mew Jersey, all Democrats, had deoiared for force to crash the rebellion. These men were es pecially emphetie, though etosely endeared to Breokinridge. Thompson,of New J«r- aey, spoke loud and firm from his seat: “Isbell vote for the bill aa a war meas ure ; I am in favor of carrying on the war to ernsb ont the rebellion." The mine day HoDonald questioned the right of Powell, of Kentneky, to hiu seat in tha Senate. Andrew Johnson reiterated his determination to stand by tha flag to tbs last. Oarlile, of West Virginia, would vote for foree to put down the rebel foe. It waa in the midst of this feeling that Biwakiarldge rose to make his last formal Indictment against the government. Nev er shall I forget the aoene. Baker was a Senator and a soldier. He alternated be tween his seat in the oapitol and his tent in the field. He came in at the eastern door (while Breokinridge waa speaking) in hie blue coat and fatigue cap, riding whipia band. Ha paused and listened ta the “polished treason,” as he after ward oalled it, of tha Senator from Ken tuoky, and wben he eat down, he replied with a fervor never to be forgotten. * * * An amusing episode followed the debate. Breokinridge thought it was Sumner who answered Baker’s interroga tory, “What would have been done with a Homan Senator guilty of such treason ?” by sidelining that “Ha would have been hurled from the Tarpeian Book.” And be denounced the Maseaehnsetta Senator In severe and angry Saxon. When Breok inridge discovered it waa Fessenden, end not Sumner, wbe had given this response, he did not complain of the first nor apologUs to the seoond. vroToaiouJ. SniMA, May 25.—The municipal elec tion passed oil quietly yesterday. A pret ty full vote waa palled. The demonU ised Republicans had no ticket Wood ruff, a man of means and ohametsr, prominent in business circles and • Dem- oorat, ran against tbs Damooratie nom inee, Col. B. M. Woolsey and is also tad Mayor by |107 majority. It is thought the Democrats have nine ont of tan eonnollmen. Oar divisions ban were local and not political, relating to organisation and not to man or prinoi plea. •ealksra Praahytarlma auroral As sembly. Bt. Louis, May 25.—In tha Southern Presbyterian General Aaaumbly yesterday almost the entire session was taken up in the diooossion of what iu known so the “Wilson ease’’—being complaints of J. J. Cook and others to the LoniavUle Presbytery regarding Bev. 8. B. Wilton and his congregation, of the First Pres byterian ohurch of LoniavUle. Without definite notion, the Assembly adjourned until to-morrow, when the ease wiU be taken up again next to the question in volving the relations betweaa the North ern and Southern Ohuroh. This is the most important oero before this Assem bly- St. Louis, Hay 25.—In tha Prasbyteri- an General Assembly to-day, tha special committaee to whom waa referred the matter of friendly relatione between the Northern and Southern Oburehee reported that, while they greatly regretted tbe con ference at Baltimore last Janaary was nnaaooasaful in bringing |tha two great bodies together in friendly and oordlal re lation*, they heartily endorsed the posi tion of their committee as the only one they oonld have taken under the olrenm- atenoea. Watoxxotoh, May 25.—For Wednesday, la tha South and Middle Atlantic Btatea, stationary or rising barometer, oooling north and weat winds, and generally dear weather. . For tha Gulf States, Tennessee and Ohio VaUey, stationary, foUowad by falling barometer, increasing southerly winds, coder,eloudy weather and possibly light rain. Illwuau af tha Fags. Box*, May 25.—The Pop* i* auioudy IlL • The tataa*War. It was reported a short time sine* that Valmaaeda intended leaving his head quarters at Colon for Havana, bat by tats advices from the latter place jthe re port ia eontradioted. He is now at Odou dircoting the works of fortification. We are adviaed upon reliable authority that the Oaptain General has at present under hi* command 80,000 men, Spanish regu lars and Cuban volunteers, end dl within a drcle of forty miles, and yet he has not been kble to make a move against the rebels. It ia farther stated that the reb eta npon several oooesione have invited the volunteer! to oome out from their fortifloationa and fight them, bat have not anooeeded aa yet in getting them to meet them upon equal terms. At Oienfoegoa, a few days ago, the com mander of the insurgents sent a ehdlenge to tha troops in Oianfaegoe, but the Span, iah troops and volunteers disregarded the ehdlenge. The rebels then proceeded to burn every sugar estate within fourteen mUes of the town. The Insurgents at Oienfnogoa, Colon and Remedioa art wall armad with Bern lngton rifles, pistols, bowie-knives and machetes, and also wall mounted. A skirmish recently took plaos at Las Croces, end the Spanish press reported the loss of the Cubans as most disastrous, bat this is also contradicted. Beliable information from Managua and Gamaronea reports that Ilfty-Sve wounded Bpanish troops were coanted npon the rood leading from Laa Cruces to Camarones. The rebel loss waa not ascertained, as they made their retreat to a thiek wood in the vioinity of Macagua. Valmaaeda will issue a decree in a day two for the impressment of 10,000 hones, to be taken from Havana, M»- tanxas and Cardenas. —Key Wett Ditpatch, 16th. 11^013°, dear sides ftfeRUHe. I*** nemi- liouitTit.Lv, May 26. — Flour unchanged; extra 94 60, floe family extra |ft 100600. Cora fteady at 79(9**. Provision* dull. Pork •fi* dear fib sides L*ard, steam rendered . . “H* Whiskey iKKins Brio, IsQlto. Hack** etc. Naw York, ltay 25. —Rosin kaavy at |1 USO 00 for itrsfoed. Tallow Arm at B&o. F ratable. Kuw You*, May M.—Fratahts searetly so Ana; oottoa, sail 0 32; steam Aa —A Texas writer says the riven run ning into the Golf of Mexioo from Anstln, the oontre of Texas, to Mexioo, fills one with astonishment. They bunt ont at the foot of the Guadeloupe mountaina fall fledged rivers. Streama of crystal water large enough to run thejlargeet mill wheels burst out of the solid rooks. Lately I forded the Ban Maroni river ten rod* below its aonroe, and it waa thne feet drop, seventy (set wide, and ran with great velocity. Bo It is with the Bio Gmnde river below Fort Quitman, and with the Cebelo, Medina, Sen An tonie, Ban Pedro, Solsdo, end Guade loupe. They all burst out of the ground fall fledged riven, oold, oleur, end full of iae. I found quite targe riven in Colo rado end Kansas, last winter, whioh dis appeared in the sand at one plaos, only to emerge and flow on' again a few miles beyond. Bat in Texas, the riven do not aeent to disappear. No other sources oen ha found but that on* grand eouro*. Hidden Treasure Cssearthed. Stockton, Ga., May C, 1875. Mr. H. P. Mathis, who lives nfhr Btockton, and who some time ago pur- ehroud a miner’s compass and other ap- purtsosnees by whioh to snooeed in find- tag metal under the aorfae* of the earth, was out near Bloat, Baaaell AOo.’a mill On tha Atapaha river a few evenings ago with bis oompess at a spring known in fills vioinity as the Bennett spring. On Mr. Mathis'premises, he found after dig ging about three feet below the snrfaoe of the earth * copper basin containing twelve pieees of anoient ooin, bearing dstea 250 to 531 years ago. The largest of these pieces wonld weigh, perhaps, thres-fonrtbs of s pound. Mr. Mathis has other points in this vioinity marked, whioh be intends to dig into in future. He baa a shaft with whioh he sen take sample* of the earth tan feet deep in a very few minutes. He has on hand a sample of Potter’s clay whioh he elaima is explosive when healed to a oertain degree. He is bent on the Okefenokee exploration, he says (if per- mittml to go an) with all hit equipments. I was an eye witness to the d’gging of the twelve pieoa* of anoient coin in the cop per basin, and I thought Mr. Mathis would go into fits before he could get the dirt off of the coin to see what it was. I do not know what kind of metal it ia or its veins. If wben Mr. Mathis Investi gate* Ida marked points anything worthy of notice oomes therefrom I will aoquaint you.—Cor. Valdotta Timet. H. D. Madox, Fog Dismals—Freweta Maiul. Washington, May 25.—From this date, the bell will strike at intervals of fifteen seoonds at Horn letand light station; and at tha head of tha paaaas light house station, Mississippi river, two blows and one blow at alternate intervale of ton end twenty seconds, during foggy weather, Adolph Philbert ta French Consul at Charleston. It is otaimad that tha new nswpeper postage taw decreases the revenae fifty par oant. Thu Macaw mmtd Hr Atlanta, May 25.—Jnatioa Bradley, D. B. Court, and Diatriot Judge Erskine, refused to enjoin tha sale of the Maoon and Brunswick Bailroad, or to appoint a receiver, aa petitioned for by John P. Bran oh, of Virginia. Tennessee Money, Naw Yomx, May *5.—The Nashville Diipateh lays tha Bnpreme Court has de cided that tha State is not bound tor tha payment of the new issue known ro the war Issue of Tennessee money, amounting to #800,000. northern Presbyterian Assembly. Clxvxlaxd, May 25.—In tha Presbyte rian General Assembly, an nnsnooeasfnl effort waa made to have the action of the Assembly on the report of the Confer ence Committee with the Pirobytariaa Ohuroh Booth, reconsidered. Seisins Vinegar BataMIsl Wasuxotok, May 25.—Five vinegar establishments, with complete distilling apparatus, were seised in Bt. Louis. They ere discharging gaugers and arrest ing tradesmen every where. Meningitis In M. Lawls. Bt. Louie, May 25.—The pert tntritm examination of dead hones ahowe tha disease to be oenbro-apinal-meningitta. The malady ia not spreading. Pennsylvania Fires, Mauoh Chunk, Pa., May 26.—Aa eight hoars' rain baa quelohed the mountain Urea throughout thta region. The miners are gradually resuming work. Tbe English Derby. London, May 25.—The Common! vote 200 to 81 to adjourn for the Derby. TELEGRAPHIC HOTES. —Owing ta rain tbe Baltimore raoee were postponed till today. Hon. John Vail, formerly member of Congress and Consol to Glasgow, died Norrtaton, N. J. —Tha real seta to of Da wren oe, the alleged silk smuggler to the amount of *125,000, has bean seised in New York. FIRE EXTINGUISHER I Wla JOHNSON, Celuabne, Ga. Ml SOU A0UTTfl rot THE STATS Of SMMUaad EASTERN ALABAMA champion mi mxiavism8! Raw Toss, May 94.—Axglve^ ont s Ooloc, Kent, Holden, John R Hairrli, Northern Chief, Onldla, Osm, Garibaldi, Oma, Holding, Lonely. /- talea ef ootton Is houaee, depots, saw mill*, be., •r* In existence. The Portable, damaged condition. IBS Broad Street, with a fall etook of JUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, BEST KEROSENEOIL, LAMP OOOII8. TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. FINE TEAS, SOAPS, IMPORTED and DOMESTIC WINES and PUKE LIQUORS, (for medical purpose*), and In feet everything la the Drug line. I am offering great inducement! to tha Jobbing Trade. Physician* will do well to examine my stock. 1 propose to sell at a small profit, and must have the oash for theee goods. Thanking you for past and soliciting future patronage, I am, very respectfully, A. M. BRANNON. oc»8 whin Dissolution. nnHE Copartnership heretofore existing un der the name of J. T v HOLLAND is this day dissolved by mutual consent and agree- moot. All books, aceounts and evidences due said firm have been transferred to DAN 1. KELLER. J*. T. HOLLAND. DAN I. KELLER. Columbus,(Ga., March is, 1878. NOTICE. ■ All my Interest In and to all books, Mrs. Susan H. Miller kas applied uont letters of Quardlanshlp or the per ions arid property of Rachel O., Ralph E., Hal ite E and Theodore P., orphan minors of D. W. Miller, late of said county, deceased. These are, thereforo, to require all persons ooneerned, creditors and next of kin, to show runder my hand and official signature this 94th of April. 1878. ap99 wtw] JAMB D. RUBS, Ordinary. Notice. A LL creditors of the late firm of J. T. Hol- ^Vland are hereby notified to. oome “ and settle their Indebtedness with m i a bus, G»., or with my authorlxed A| Itorney, JOHN M. CHILTON, at la. A. R. GALE Columbus, Ga,. March it, 1874. G eorgia ^muboooke county— Whereas Pleasant J Philips, administrator ol William C Osborn, represents to the Court In his petition, duly riled and entered on re cord, that he has tully administered said es- tato. This Is, therefore, to dte all persons oon- eCrnsd, kindred and creditors, to snow cause (If any thoy era) why said administrator should not bs dlsoharge.1 from his administration, and receive lstters of dismlsalon on the first Mon- day 1 In June, 1878. F M BROOKS, Ordinary. March ad, 1878. mar4 oaw12w _ 1EOKGIA — MUSOGGEfc COOnTY— VJ Whereas, B F Thomasson, administrator el S B Nanee. represents to the Court In his petl- on, duly tiled and entered on record, that he * \ *afde*r ‘ uuu, uuiv iiiuru mini vast has WllytdmlnlmeNl Thla is. therefore, to cite ail persons eon- SbmBn'kStS ToS” ~iot m discharged from his administration and nwTTT - . owitaMr. mart oawtM In Jus*. 1 ...puffH-MM.' 1 ’ • PEoBalA — MUBOOUlilS (JUU.NII.— r Where.a Mery L. Jones bee applied for letter* orOuanilanihip of the person sad prop erty of Anna V. Jones, minor child ol John A. Jones, late of said oounty, oeeeaeed. Thee* are, therefore, to olte and admonl.h all persons lniereated, tp show cause (11 any they have) within the time prescribed by taw, why letters of Oeardlenshlp, es aforesaid, iheuM uot h* area ted said applicant. - Given under my olBolal ilsnatue, this May lttk, ISIS. tTtr” myll oawtt F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary, MARKETS. BT TELEGRAPH TO EHOriBRB. ■tnsy and Sleek Isrkeis London, May 98— Noon.— Erie 17^018. Pams, May 96.—Rentes S4r and 47e. Naw Yonx, May 98.—Stooks active, lower and unsettled. Money 9 per oent. Gold 110^. Exchange—long 487& snort 40SU. Govern ants dull. State bonds qulst and nominal. Nnw York, May 88. — Money easy; offered at 1 per oent; supply largsly In excess of de mand. Sterling Exchange dull at 187^. Gold weak and lower at listens Governments active and strong: new 6 r i 110%. State bonds quiet and nominal. Oettek Markeie. .... jl, May 38.—] middling uplands T%d; 8Q8%d; sales 8,000; lor — Livxnr ooi*, May 95—3:00 r.M.—Sales on basis _T middling uplands noth!— *“*— * * J dUngs, deliverable In June, Liverpool, May 25—8KX) f. m —Of sales to^lay 6,009 were American. Liverpool, May 98.—Ootton to arrive quiet and nnobanged. Nnw Yon*, May 98. —Ootton qttlet; sales Sit bales; uplands 19c, Orleans lS%o. Futures opened easier, as fouows: June lft 29-83016 31-32; July 16 8-10; August IS 7*320 l%%; September 101-lS. uture closed quiet, sale* 80,000, as follows: May 15KG16 23-32; June 16J4016 23-32; July 101-32Q10 1-10; Au- K it 10 3.10018 7-82; September W1 S2Q161-16', tober 15 9.1001949: November 16%016 13 32; Deoember 1819-89016 7-10; January 16 i: nnA 18 910; February 16 36 89016 18-18; M 10 16-100101-3H April 16%010 7-39. Cotton dull and lower; sales 089 bales at 100l0%o; net recelpu 1,749. Boston, May 98.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 16%$ sales 178. Philadelphia, May 98. — Ootton quiet; ilddllngs 16%o. Savannah, May 98.— Ootton dull; mid dlings 16%o; net reoelpts 146; sales 08. Nnw Orleans, May 28.—Ootton quiet; mid- Dr. 8. Van Meter A Co., Proprietors of the famont Charleston (Dl.) In. flrmanr, ase endorsed In tbe last Issue of the “National Journal of Health,” by men of prom- luenoe South apd North. Also by fifty minis ters of rartoUS doriomlnattons. AM •ppor- tunity Is now offered to obtain a tkarsagh examlaallsn and Meal* ■Mout wllhoulhavliif to vlalt tho Inflrniixry. Addrem At once, DR. S. VAN METER fc go., Charleston, IU. MOKEY'.t , i , ATORTL- 1 k.B 1 pifioE I ; A « getting up oiubs In towns and oountry for the Oldest Tea Company In America. Greatest Inducements. Bend for olroular. CANTON TEA CO., 148 Chamber* Bt., New York. A Man of a Thousand. ACcmenimptlve Cured.—When death waa hourly expected from Ouneumptlon, all remedies having foiled, and Dr. H. Jmss waa esporlmeatlna, li* accidentally made a prepa ration of INDIAN HEMP whioh saved his only child, and now iflro* this recipe free on reoelpt ef two etempc to pay oxpeaeee. HEMP also cures night sweats, nausea at tbe stomaah end will break afrosh oold In 34 honra. Address Uraddeck hOe., 1.0M Uaae St., Philadelphia, Britain t,0M; to France oat; 1 *,000. U)£*; set receipt* lit; sales OanvuOTov.May *».—Gotten dull; middlings lt^e; set receipts XM; sales 3Tt. OuaaLxaToa, May 26.—Ootton, quiet; Did dling* 15%016Xe; net reeelpes 119; **!e* M0 AuctfoTA, May 36.—Cotton quiet, olTertngi light; middlings 16Vio; reoelpts 30; sale* 908. Provtalcm Hnrkcta. Livaavcon, May 31—3 p. m— Breetatufl* quiet. Corn 31s.ended. LivxurooL, May 36 Long dear middles 611 sad 61. New Yoait, May 36.-Flonr doll; prtees ttroni ‘ * ‘ good fox th* decline holder* generally ere not preei fox to reellse; winter red Western ,1366,1 4< U 368141 for amber' Com heavy and lowai, .arge supplyparoels In poor order, had a very jepresifog enact; decline chiefly upon *oft end unsound parcels; T4G760 for soil new Weater* mired: 77@80o tor good to prime do.; "of)80c fer Inferior to prime new yellow Western; Tie for new sell Wosforn mixed In store; tie for white Weston, coffee slightly easier 'irainnT. M We want a snitable person In ev- Mcs I f 66. ary neighborhood to take erdere In ooustmt use and wear. The oldest C. O. D house In Amerloa. Skies over half a million ~ “wto tha right pare sale or female, at yi No risk, ir you go i vara and roar-r aid _ llaeof samplee and a complete outfit. Addrem at onoe and secure your territory. H J BA* * k oo., 0 N. Howard etreot, Baltimore, Md, IB AMPLE to Agent*. _ Ladle* ^ComMnallea NMIe-Book, mos. Bond stamp. F G GLUCK, New Bedford, Mma S—The choloett In the world—Im Sportere' prloe*—Largest compeny C—staple article—please* everybody jntiaually Increasing—Agents want ed everywhere—best Inducements—don’t waste time—send for Circular to Robcbt Wnlls, Vesev street, N Y, P O Box 1,987, nONtiTANT EMFLOTMBRT—At home, \m Male or Female, 000 a week warranted. No capital required. Particulars and valuable samples sent (roc. ^Ajhlres* wlth_8 OMAXFIOir W. n. JOHKRTON GrlRn, Ga. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. irst Invented and Latest Improved. AGENTS WANTED In all unoccupied territory. Good and reliable men will be dealt with very liberally. Address THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia. ■upert i, the »reoo» wishing any of the above article# can be polled by addressing General Agent, Oolumbne U. W. Johnston, Griffin, Georgia. Je25 3w-wt l International and Great Northern R. R.) Passengers going to Texas via Memphis an _lt!le Rock, or via Bhraveiiort, strike this llv at Longview, the beet route to Palestlm new and elegant day eoaohes, Pull sleeping cars, Westlnghouse air 1 ler’s patent safety platform* and oc no wbero else oaa tha pamanger *o B a speedy, safe and nn Star Routs ha* ad: [apo-wly] THE JAR. LEFFEI. able Turklie Water Whci Manufactured by POOLS A HUNT. ' Baltimore, HU. rfioonotr j.v i/an/ Simple, Btrong, Durable, reliable aud eatlo- foctory. MmnufhctTircrs.ali'n. of ForUble * Stationury tagtat*, Steam Boilerr., .V 4 Orta t Bill*, Min g Machinery,Otarinj. >r Cotton Mills, Flour, ajnt. whtto Lead and .uli* and othrr » nnd Haurnrs oaring; ar'.o- ndfotCfrcnlaru. CLAIMS NOT TOO LATE t>a; r s by th« _RTIBB having Claim* against the United States Government; for Property used the Army without compensation, for Pen ns, Back Pay, Unsettled Aooounts, Ae., will do well to apply at onoe to me, I have facilities In Washington which guarantee prompt and full settlement of all accounts, Rejeoted claims can be again considered. Revolutionary and other claims, If valid, still eolleetable. Apply at ones by letter or la person to FRANK WEMEL8, Aflent, COLUMBUS, UA. letter, of admlatratlon on the eetate of Wm, 857.60 i New erUcleefUSt ACSI9TN’ PROFITS per week. WU1 prove it or forfeit ft600. fast patented. Samp lee aout free to ell. Addrcn. W.fl.ClIIUKSTEH. 2«7 Broadway, bowVerk. tw ’^D6YCH(>MA^OT. pr ^OUL CHARM- X1NG.“ How cither sex may fosolnate and gain the lovo and affections of any person they cu'oro instantly. This simple montal ac- Alt cafi possess, free, by mall, for 26c., gather with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Droams, Hints to Ladies, Wedding- Night Shirt, Ac. A queer hook. Address T; WILLIAM A CO., Pubs., Phila. 4w good quality, 18c gold. Sugar dull and a shade easier Rice unchanged, with limited jobbing snles. Pdrk lower, new |31 96. Beef dull. Lard lower, 14%o for prime steam. Whiskey dull; held at $120, buyers $119. Ohioauo, May 98. — Flour quiet and weak. Corn active but unsettled and lower; No I St. Louis, May 98.—Flour lower to sell; very little done. Corn * “ " * dull and lower; No. 9 ; 62Ho bid for round nominal at $190. Pork tower, 04094*40 ear lets; 02Ho bid for round lot*. wBTskey fPDV CHRISTIAN, a Ur ff® fhmlly 1IV1 paper, foil of stories and good reading. fPUE'No lecurlanism,polities, pills, pulls nor lUE/idvertlsement*. Only 78 cents a year. Send 19 cents for 8 specimens before you forget It. Bplendld Map Premium. Agents wanted everywhere. Big commlHSlons paid. 11. L. HASTINGS, ftS8WA<ih»n Bt., Boston, Mass., 909 Arch $t.,PhPa.. Pa. _ _ wwr 1—At home, male or female; 936 per W Ol JAwcek, day orevonlng. No capital. JrororollWe send valuable package of IOa cLllgoods by mail froe. Addrees with ton cents return stamp, Jtt. YOUNG, 178 Green- wlch street,N. Y. 4w ... aud admonish all and singular tbe kindred and creditors of said deceased to show cause (If any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why letters should not be granted to said plleant on said estate. Given nnder my official signature, this May 8th, 1878. P. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. myf oawtt COUNTY tor of the estate of Ann W i, admlnlitra- late of said These are therefore to olte and admonish E ersons concerned to show cause (If nny they ave) at tbe Court of Ordinary, to be held a ~ and for said county, on the first Monday August next, why ( not be discharged. Olvon under my official signature this May 1st, 1876. F. M. BROOKS, my2 X3w Ordinary WAraD--M ms K» tlonerv Paeiaxe out. Semple neekaxo, noat- gtld.'for96a. Olroular* free. J. BRIDE, W W. F., Dentist, Opposite Ptrupper’a building, Randolph SI. Special attuntloii given t» tbe ineertion of Aril- Mai Teetb, aa wail as to Operative Dentistry. fsbSt vly Hotel. CENTRAL MOTEIt' , 140 m»<l 149 Breod Bt., CelambnA Ge. Haa. S. E. WbLDunxia, ap8l Proprietress. Lawyers. LIONEL G. LEVY, JR., AitDrnejr and Owaseller at Law. Commissioner of Deeds N. V. ami other States. Office over Georgia liomo in iruuoe Oo. Npeoial attention given tv collections. deoO HAMUKI- «. HATOUMB. Attorney at Low* JaSO Ottos over Wlttich A Klaeel’e. • A. A* DOIIKR, Attorney and Gomitaellor at law, Practlooa la State and Federal Oourta In Georgia and Alabama. OSes 120 Uroad fct., Colnmhua, Ga. Ja6 Maas U. Blanufoxd. Loots F. Uaeaae». IILANDIUKD A GARRARD, Attorney a and Goan eel lorn aft Law* Offloe Me. 07 Broad etreot, over Wittich A Kis sel's Jewelry riture. Will practice In the atete aud Federal Courts, sept L X. DOWM15U, Attarw.j end teliillw. U. 8. Com’t aud Register lu Bankruptcy. Office nov2U| over Brooks' Drug Store, Colnmbus, Qa. R. J. HOMER, Attorney aad Conuaellor aft Law t Georgia Rome Insurance Oompauy buildiug,sto od 7 lyj uud story. Crocara. DAI’LR. BIKE, Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan street, be tween Oglethorpe 4 Jaoksuu streets. No charge lor drayuge. doc7 J. H. UAB11.TON. Wboloeale e*d Be tall Urec.r, Junction of Franklin, Warren 4 Oglethorpe Bta. N o charge fur drayage. seplt Watchmakers. G. H. LtcyuiM, Watohmuker, | 134 Broail strut, Colnmlmi. ^a. Watches and Cioeka repaired m ni i oestmaa- uer»*iC wwvamtodu inti Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. PEE, Worker la Tla, ttkeet Iraa, Oopper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. JlT No. 174. Broad Street. Dentists. W. F. Ttunaa, Dentist, Opposite Strapper's building, Randolph Bt. Special attention given to the Itiaertluu of Arti ficial Teetb, aa well as to Operative Dentistry. | feb22 daw COLUMBUS DENTAL BOOKS, W. T. Pool, Prop’r, Oeorjft* Home Uulldfo*, Uoluutbu Oeor(>*- Tailors. Cotton Faotorloe. • couixotit xAnivAonitim w. Maaufkcturers of KnItSing Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat and Oorn- Boe In rear of Wlttich A Kinsel’s, Randolph ol. Jal8 K. H.CHILTON, Prefildent. lUMCOUEE RAllUPAiTURING VO. Manufkcturen of finaSTINGB, 8IURTTNG8, YARN, ROPR, Ae. OOLUMRU8, QA. Doctors. DB. I. B. LAV. Boot and Shoemakers healer in Lonllier and Findings. Next to 0. A. Redd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention given to orders. jail WELLS * CURTIS, No* 13 Broad St., Sign of the Big Boot PBALXBS Iff Boots and Shoe*, Leather and FlndlMfra Give prompt find careful attention to order* Painters. WM. SNOW, JR, i 4 CO., House and Sign Faln^ra, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Just north of postoffleo) Onlumbus, Georgie. Diitract for lloeoo end riisn Peinttnc at reeeoneble prices, and guarantee ■ "o Wm, Hnow, Hr. (epr» OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. UK. JAB. T. W Alt NOCK, . Burgeon mud Phyaldsp. 0#lce at Blnughter’s Drug Store, Railroad street. Q. A. KOBHNM, Merchant Tailor and Gutter. full stock of French and Knglifih broadcloths Hotels. ADAH, HOUSE. go to Opelika, be sure t< r „ dams Ilouse, opposite Passengor Depot. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, UABII.TOK, GA., ictloe In the Ohatts where else. All kli Pajr m« or rnn away.” HENRY BELLMAN. Gutting, Gleaning and Repairing Done in the best stylo. “41 Corner Crawford and Front Sts. Dress-Making. MI** M. A. UOLLI.VU>WUi|rU, f und Ittlng. Terms < shop ia Brownsville. Plano Tuning, &c. E. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoes, Organa and Aooordeons. Sign PainUug also done. Older* may be be left at J. W. Pease k Norman’s Cun and Locksmith*. PHILIP EIPLER, Gun aud Lockawltli, Crawford streot, next tv Johneou’s corner, Columbus, Ga. JtwR DEGRAFF&TAYLQR, Mannfooturera **d Deelen * : urniture, Bedding, LANBREOUINS, AC., Nob. 87 and 89 Bowery, WILLIAM SCHOBIR, Gnn and I<ocksniltli and d«al«<r in (iuunlng Mr* teiialn. East of gtrupper’s Confectionary Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stall* No. IS and IS, Market House. J. T. COOK, Fresh Heal* of All Kiads, ■epG Stalls Noe. 16 and 17. Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, Barber, Builders and Architects. J. «. CftlALHilKA* Heaae Carpenter and Builder* Jobbing done at short notice. furuinhud for all stylos Plans and spocillcatioi of bhildln'gs Broad fltrnot, next J*® DO. W. Brown CoIiwiMim. Ga. G eorgia-MusufxiEE county Whereas Wm. Redd has applied for let ters of administration on the estate of L. W. Isbell, late of said county, deeeaaed; and also on the estate of Mrs. Franols A. Isbell, ceased, late of said oounty. Theee are therefore to cite and admonish . .. an i singular, tha kindred and rredltors of said docodents, b» show eause (If any they have) within the time preiorlted by law, why letters of administration should not 6a granted to said appUoant. Given under my official signature this May 10th, 1876. F H BROOKS, myll oaw4w Ordinary. R*Hjr to Agomlsi, Muewartl- q^aiUuIeiand the bast Family Paper In America, with two iftehromos, free AM.M’F’a GO, 800 Broadway, Naw York. 4w Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Sole and Exehange liable* OoLnuoar*. Noxtu cr Kanuolph Bn., SctSO Columbus, Oa Tobacco, Clears, Ac. HAIF.K DOBS. If you went tv eujoy a good smoke, go to bis Cigar Manufactory, Between Georgia Rome and Muscagee Heme. to* 06 CHRISTIE, and iso sad .IM Hetterlfttrett, Bremeh Store—No. St Fartb Jvcnua* (Ja17-tfj CRANDALL & CO., NO. 069 THIRD AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Patent Baby Carriages, Velocipedes,’ Propellers Spring and Hobby Horses Doll Carriages, Wagons, Carts and Bleig bs 4D* Uonifontly on buil, a for** iter* to *nl tee trade, |»114f