Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, May 28, 1875, Image 1

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< vol. xvn. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 28, 1875. NO 123 TEStACS of rmm DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ■NQUIIIBR.SUN. **■ UUUT CIBCVLAT10H1 AND THE BEET NEVEPAPEB IN THE iEOUTR. ftvtzff the AcMdcteS Prewi New.—acknowledged m the MOCtralUbl.' Em the A rat or January laat the post- hge «h pepeta meat he path by the pub lisher. This will be ten oentl a month lor dal Ilea and tie oenta a quarter for aaah weakly, Oar aubeerlbera will aee the neoeaalty for pay- »E *P promptly, at all thoee In arreara will be dropped on the Ant of January. We are ever will!ay to aooommodate our Mends, bat It will belmpMMMo toaeed out-paper, not paid (or In advance. The following will be the aubaorlptlon term, for the Euqumuu Tor the year 18T»: WHEN HalLBD. Dally, In advance with poet- age paid 4 • no per annum. Sunday, with pontage paid.... 2 TO “ 11 Weakly, with poatage pahl... *jo “ " Sunday and Weekly, with poatage paid a «0 “ “ ennVKD IB CITY ABO BUBUBBB. Dally, 4 a 00 per annum. Mo Edbdato nerved aaparately. orricB bob. Dally ;...$ a 00 per annum Sunday a to “ •• Weekly a 00 •• Weekly and Sunday a 00 «• “ TAKE NOTICE I ADflETUEBI, to appear before that body to learn what criminal oaaee, if any, have been oou- promiaed by them. Although the naeoa may bo compromised, the guilty part tea are aa moeh anbjeot to the nation of the grand jury aa if they had Borer been oompromiaad. —The church of Father O'Meara,. ia Mobile, waa robbed of the two rateable oaodleatioke of the altar, on Monday night. The thief eridootly need, light to enable him to get to hearea. Bat that waa not what he waa after, for he aold the oandleatteka to a Junk dealer, who appeeta to hare aahad ao gaaatione, for the portion who eold them to him hae not yet been arretted. —Oot. Honaton baa leaned bit proola- mation, directing the aharUle of tho Steto to make all legal prupuratione for and hold a general daeMoa on Toeeday, after the drat Monday in Angoat, 187ft, ia ao- oordaaea with the prorjatoma of aa aet of the General Aeeembly of tbie State, entitled “An Aot to provide for the Bill ing of s Convention to reriee end amend thn OoHatitation of thin 81010,” approved March 19th, 187S. —Soya the Troy Snqulnr of tho 29d “The crop proa pact in thin ooonty in the moat promtelng, at this time, of any grown for the put tea yean. The oold weather bunot been u deleteriona as geaerelly (opposed, u the crops of oot- ton and oern bare good stands; the plants present a bright, healthy appaaranos, and ihaflslds are generally wall cultivated and free from grass and weeds. From every aaotion of tho ooonty tho same fa vorable reports are given na and onr farm ers aro in fine spirits.” Bos ciowS’s Blows wf WBlaBay aaS Liberal Discount for Time Advertlolog. Hotel will be reduced from this date for all advmtlsamoats exceeding In time one month, Manhunt, and others will do well to take advantage of the 8ummer rate,, and In thle manner prepare for Fall trade. Advertising Matas. Square tweak Dally .4 9 00 .. 3 00 .. 6 60 ..too .. 19 00 .. IT 00 .. 20 00 1 Square 1 year..., Thaabovala wltl , every three munthe. for yearly card, a liberal count will be mede. The rate for every other day in Dally and every week In Weekly or Burnley will be the came a. Daily. Fur advertisement, in local or reading columns 00 per cent, additional will be charged. The Weekly or Sunday rates will be ene*tbird of tlis Daily. When en advertisement la changed more then •uoe in three months the advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tiser. must pav a. do those at home. SIOI8IA NEWB. —Batts oannty hu voted for the pro htbitkm of Hobos retailing. Vote—88 to fit. —John Bard, eouvlcted in Fulton Su perior Court of an assault on young Bpanoor, hu boon aeutenood to pay a Una 81,000 and costs. —A business Arm in Gainesville advise tbs Bugle of that place that some one ia pesaing counterfeit $10 Notional Bank aotu in that seotlon. One of tbs spurt- one notu aeon and refused by this firm wu on the National Bank at Borne, New York. —The Braoawiok Appeal tells of stick of timber reoently ont on Spanish creak, in Charlton ooonty, and hanlad to Bt. Mary’s river, whioh required ten moles and sixteen oxen to move it. It measured eighty-nii feet in length and contained 8,280 feet, bat only brought §29 per thousand. —A meeting of tioket agents and mas- tan of transportation on a number of railroad lines, from Washington City to Georgia, Alabama, Ao., wu held in At lanta on Tuesday, to arrange through tioketa and season tickets to tho Springs, Ac. It is said that they came to a satis factory arrangement, but the details hare not yet bean published. —The editor of the Oorington Enter- prisa tolls of some wonderful things which ha saw in Crawford, Ogletbrope oonnty. One wu a rattlesnake with two heads and so tail (where were its rattles ?), also haring two feat and two legs like those of a frog. Another was a negro man who nsrar bad any ayu, or any marks or in dentations in bis face resembling eyes. —The grand jury of Bibb oonnty de termined to make an examination of tho books of the several oonnty officers, with a view to ascertaining wbat retrench ment ooold be made in sal erica and other expanses. After the discharge of the jury, its foreman and finance oommitteo appointed Mr. J. T. Nottingham to make the examination. Bat that gentleman reports that both the Clerk of tbe Superi or Court and tbe Ordinal? refuse to per mit the examination, on the ground that tbs grand Jury bad no right to appoint him after Ha discharge. —The Korns Courier uys: Wo are ptauaft to learn that a premium will be given to every farmer in Cherokee Geor gia and Alabama at the fair this Fall who will fnrnish satisfactory evidenee that they bare not bought any farm prodnota this year for tbe use of their family and stock. This means business in the right diraetion, and ia calculated to do great good in eneoutagmg farmers to raise abate own prodnota. We hope that every firtur who oan furnish such evidenee will do ao, for we regard all snoh as sub stantial end well-to-do citizens, out of debt, good and oomfortablo homes, and living upon the fat of tho land, and not afraid to aaa any one, and oontrol tbelr ALABAMA NEWS. From aa latarvlew la tbe Chisago Trlkeas.] Keporter.—Here yon visited onr water works T They are an interesting sight. Mr. Bad Cloud—No. Your whiskey Is good enough for mo. Reporter—But we haro a tunnel under the lake for two miles, through which wa get onr water supply. Mr. Bad Olond—White man, Bad Gland hates the man who tells him n lie. Do tbe people of this great eity go two miles for water, when may needn't go more than two rods any way for whiskey ? Reporter—But soma of onr people use water for other purposes than drinking. Bat few drink Hue oonatant beverage. Mr. Bed Cloud—I thought not It will do for the white-winged chips bat not for the red man’s drinh. ugh 1 Drink water where there's whiskey t Would Bod Cloud slay tbs gopher or the chipmunk when be ooold kill the deer or the buffalo 7 Reporter—We have had quite a whiskey seizure here lately. Distilleries were seized because their ownam failed to pay the Government taxes. Mr. Bed Olond—I am sorry for that. Wonld tho red man alay the friends that feeds him 7 Oh, no. Keporter—It waa some of Washburn's doings. Mr. Red Olond—Go tell tho tall Ham- look of the Orient that it won't do. Tall him, pole fane, that Bad Olond baa said ao. Reporter—I think it la a rile conspiracy to foroe people into drinking Waukegan spring water. Sersral of the Ooromnant officials live in that city. Mr. Bad Olond—But the white btnrss will not submit. Tour people era net cowards. They are swift aa the West wind to avenge a wrong. Their armies areas many aa the snow flakes which break the bran oh as of the pine tens. Sarnia rax Hat.—The Boston Tree eller tells a story of Mr. WUUaaaa, the anoient pastor of Dudley, Maas., who waa a practical Christian. One sultry sum mer Sunday, says the legend, the sound of distant thunder heralded the approach of a shower. Suddenly the praaoher stopped, and peering from aids to aids through the church windows, na if ob- serring the tokens of a change in the weather, (he quietly said: “Brethren, I ob- aerre that onr Brother Orosby ia not pre pared for.the rain. I think it our doty to help onr Brother Orosby to get in his hay before the ahowar.” With that ha descended from tho pulpit, and with several of his hearers proceeded to Mr. Orosby'a hay field, where they worked half on hour, or until the hay waa housed. The atannoh old olergyman than returned to the church and resumed his disoourae. Taaag Mom’s Christina Association. Biobmobd, Va., May 27.—The dele- galas to the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation held prayer at a full mooting in tha Baptist church this morning. At 10 o'elook President Hardia called tha oonratition to order. Yesterday's ptooeedinga ware read and (proved. On oommittaaa are tho fol lowing Southerners: On Association— J. M. Towels, North Carolina; Creden tials—8. 8. Edwards, Blehmond; .A. J. Dodamead, South Carolina; Devotional Exercises J. W. Waliaoe, Georgia; W. E. L. Prek, Texas ; James Gordon, Bieh- mond; Eieoutlve—B. B. Bnaaall, Florida. Bov. Don oan MoGregor, of England, was eleoted honorary Vioa President. Be (rural satisfactory addresses ware made. Tha afternoon session waa ooonpiad by reports. The progress of the Association ia vary satisfactory in all details. Washington Mansions. Wabxiuotox, May 27.—The Papal en voys, who brought the Barrette to Cardin al MoOloekey visited tha President and Secretaries to-day. The Preaidant orders the Department* elotod Saturday for tha deooratton of the Arlington Federal graves. Gen. Meiga ia detaolied for apaoial dnty to report upon tha organisation of foreign armies, especially regarding the Quarter master's Department. Meigs will bo absent one year. Gen. Nigoll ia assigned as Quariuaster General in the meantime. Tho President, with his family, goes to Long Branch Tuesday. Delano had a general talk with the Blaok Hill Indiana, who ehowed little disposition to move in the Indian Ter ritory. Spotted Tail wanted to know why, if that territory waa so baantifnl, the white men did not go there, instead of ooming to tha Blaok Hills. Fatal Expiation Im a Maetan Draw Xte re. Boston, May 27.—An explosion in Daws' drug store, on Washington street. Tbe wall fell. Two persona are dead and three were taken out fataUy hart, and two wars sent to the hospital. Tha street waa erowdad with people and vehioles. A horse and buggy wers found under the rains adjoining the building shattered, Oanae unknown. By the axploaion tha dead are threat seriously injured, four; slightly, twanty- two. Maces at ■altltaaro. Bauvncoxs, May 27.—Saoond day. First raoe—Eleven started. Bpringlet. Bay won; Sprlnglet second; Vagabond third. Time 1:48. Seoond raoe—Five started. Freshness won; Fedladaen second; Botany Bay third. Tima 4:09j. Third raoe—Bix started. Btoekwood won; Scratch seoond; Stanford third. Tima 2:44}. Fourth raoe—Eight started. Auilboc won in 1:47; 1:46}; 1:49}. Me part of the Memphis cettem Ex change. Himphjs, May 27.—One hundred and sixty-six responses. Planting complete4, except replanting; two and seven-eighth*" lata acreage than last year. Btands— ninety-five report good; aeventy-ono re port eleven per oent. short, two-fifths of whioh mast be replanted. Waathsr favorable, exoept too eold. Ninety-foilr report material improvement; thirty-one moderate Improvement; thirty-six no otunge; five not so good. In labor, average. Stand six days later than laat year. TBLEUBAPH TO EN4IUIMBB. Manor pad Mach Machete. Loueou, May at— Noon.—Brie ujf. Street rote 3%, Whioh Is M below task. Fiats, May 17Rentes S4f and Me. Finis, May STo-Speels laerease 10,000,coe Iran os. ^Lrrsavoot, May 21—3 30 r. u—Oold opsasd Mtlra sad UeM lie. -THS snort ssete. Govern ments native sad steady, statu heads qalst aw^Yoaz, May ST. — Money easy at 3!4. or oent. sterling Exchange dell at lliM, 2&, Idvaareep, May 17.—Noon—Cotton dall and easier; mmdltag uplands Tjfd; middling Orleans Ktfsjtfl; salsi e,ooo; lor speculation —Senator Thurman, of Ohio, haa been invited to deliver the oration at the Gran- gar’a State Fair next fall in Selma. —Whan the U. S. Cavalry, which had been stationed at Livingston sinoe last fall, left laat weak for Dakotah Territory, three or four colored “affinities” of femi nine gander accompanied them. —The Montgomery Advertiser makes report; “The corn and cotton cropa in oar county are looking well enough, and are entirely frea of grass. Thefreodmen Are working batter than ever before." —A yonng man named William Baker, who had been in the employment of Mike Jordan of Mobile, waa shot and probably killed by Jordan on Tuesday. Jordans wife waa involved in tbe tronble between thorn. —Judge Clayton haa requested the grand jnry of Barbour county to aubpes na tho J oat lots of tha Poaoa of tha oonnty Tologrophlo Motion. Boston, May 27.—It ia authoritatively elated by the Evening Traveller that tho leaaa of tho property of tha Franklin Tel egraph Company to tho Allantio and Pa cific Telegraph Company waa on Saturday laat annulled and oan celled by agree ment of the parties thereto. This action replsoes tbe lines of the Franklin Com pany between thia city and Waahington, and alto tha 'exolnaire connection with the new oooan cable at Bya Beach, in the handa of its former managers. Tha patt- tiona of Btookholdere for the appointment of a reoeiver and a Bale of the property, in oonsequenoe of alleged frauds on the part of the Atlantic and Padfie Tele graph Company, whioh owns a majority of its capital otoek, will bo heard before Judge Morton, of tbs Supreme Court, on Friday next. Steamboats Harmed at Ptttebarg PirrsBDBQ, May 27.—Tha steamboat* Juniata and Mollis Ebert, with three empty barges,lying at Monongabala wharf, were burned to tha water's edge this morning. Tbe Juniata, a aide-wheel boat, bod been held here by order of tha United Btatoa Marshal, and was only re- leased yesterday. She was valued at about §75,000, and waa nninsared. The Mollie Ebert, a stem-wheel boat, valued at §35,000, was Insured for about one- half this amount. The total loss is roughly estimated at §120,000. For Bomber Bill. Ohablxston, May 27.—A dataebment of Washington Light Infantry, under command of Lieat. Gilchrist, oanying Col. Wm. Washington's flag, which waved at Entaw and Gowpens, sail for Banker Hill Jane 12th. Col. Simmons and sever al prominent oitizens of Charleston ao- oompany tha detaohmvnt. THE WEATH1B. and export Bales on a basis or middling Orleans, nothing below low middlings, deliverable la J turn and J uly, 7 18-104. l:ao r. a.—Sales on a basis ef middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, de liverable In Jans and July, iwd. Shipments of tbs new crop, on basis middling uplands, nothing below law middlings, Sd. IdVSKPOOL, May S7—S:I0 F. ill sales to-day 4,400 were Amsrleen. Nnw Yonx. May 17. —Cotton quiet; sales 113 bales: uplands iso, Orleans lS%a. Futures opened qalst and steady, us follows : Nkw Yoke, Met*7.-Future closed steadier, ■ale* 41,000, ai follow*: May 16 2T42016fc; Jama 16 21-32016^; July 16) August 642jS*ptombsrl6gl3201Ui October 1616420 161742; November 16 6T6016 11-32; December “11.32016%; January 161&-82016U; February 21420162342; March 1*%011; April 161400 l l &; q .«l» ““ «" h** “ OaauLusToN, May 27. — Gotten qalst; net reeelpss MU; esportts to Great Britain 4,314; •slat 60. • Mobilk, May r.—Cotton steady, aet receipts ' sales soo. .law Oai.a , , dllugs l&; 4 c; a, treed Savannah, May 17. — Cotton dull; mid dlings 164£a; net reoelpts 74; selsa 109. Galvkbton, May 87.—Cotton steady; net reeelpt* 171; sales 080. Fnli.Anai.rniA, May 17. —Cotton dull; middlings 16^0; net reoelpts «». Amirsca, May 17.—Cotton nominal; net re oslpts S'(| sales 1,881. * No ... ... oalpts 447; sola# aiKHPma. Mat IT. — Cotton quiet; mid dlings 16; net receipts 66; shipments 1,348; sals: Provision Markets, mixed Western 31s’. id. Livzxvool, May 17—1 r. x.- qutet. New York, May 17.—Floor dall; prloss still roagly la buyers' fevor; Southern flour dull jid declining; oomraon to fair extra 06 lofflo ix/| ;ood to choice 08 06@8 M. Wheat about le (otter and In limited demand. Corn about le. better and In moderate demand. Coffee qalst. Okmrck Comremaioma- Bai.timoiik, May 27.—Tha biennial asaaion of the Bynod of the Erangalioal Lutheran Chnrob, embraoing over one hundred thousand membeia and aarek hundred ministers, met in their ninetj- seoond annnal eonrention. Tbe Protest ant Episoopel Churoh, diocese of Mary land, also met. Tbe question of prayexs for the dead will be brought before Biahop Smith, of Kentuoky. Bishop Whittingham baa failed to taka aotion arraying tha Beetors of Calvary Churoh. Whsitairiav Cincinnati, May 27.—Mayor Johnson in 1(73, borrowed from tha Water Works funds, bnt repaid them. Tha ehisif of police borrowed small stuns daring last March. Newspaper Stack Company Boston, May 27.—The Boston Poet has been organized into a stock oompany, with three hundred thousand of §100 shares—all paid np. Esavy test by Flam. Holuston, Mass., May 27—A large ho tel, lirary stable and fourteen houses era burned. Lose, a full §100,000. TELEGRAPHIC NETIA PUOB ABILITIES. Washington, May 27.—For Friday, in the Sonth Atlantie and Gulf States, south and east winds, stationary or rising barometer, warmer, partly cloudy and clear weather, with looal rains. —Everts eommenoed his speech yester- day. —Atlantios 14, New Havana 4, at Now York. —Bostons 7, Philadelphia 6, at Phil adelphia. —The tarred body of a man was found floating in Lost River yesterday. Sidney Dillon hes bean eleoted Presi dent of the Paoifio Steamship Company —The Commissioners of tha U. S. Centennial desire tossy no orators, posts nor marshals bars boon selected. SHIP NEWS. Naw Yonx, May 17 —Arrived: Elyses, As syria. Arrived ont: Funitarre, AtttUle, Prussia, Eatopla, St. eland, Toledo, IBaneberg, Nile, Frimns. Loudon, May 17.—The steamer FlaMsrrld, at Liverpool, from Texas via Norfolk, was •lightly dimiim* bye ooUlrion with seme pilot MARKETS. USGUtu Governments doll HUM hoods quit t VsUss Markets. H. F. ABELL * CO., EE now reeelrlag dolly, the belt varieties ef floe groceries, eeoalatlng in pert of Magnolia and Dlodsm Hams, Breakfast Bason, New York ice-eared Meats, BsefToagaas and Dried Beef, Fulton Market loomed Beet, Canned Fruits and Vsgstablsa ef all kinds. English end Amsrleen Pick Isa Qnsaa Oilvsa, Jalllss of different varieties, Contes Ginger <preserved.) Cendsassd Milk, Osdkas—Eawoad Boasted, Hagers or all styles, Florida and New Orisons Syrup. d^All goods delivered, [lebld] sprtf SHARPS RIFLE COMPANY, IfMRfMtarttri of P»t§nt Breoeh-IotMltog. Mil itary, Sporting and Urowlmoor Rlrto*. Tha b—t Im ilia war Id Winner at Interna* tlonal and naarly all otliar principal watches at Oraedmoor. (See Official Record.) 'lportlng RlUefl, $10 to $M: Creed moor Rifle*, tn elevatlona for 1800 yaraa, $90 to $126. Send for IllnitratedCatalogue. Armory and Max tlssifnwl f ?m,n ratio w nrm, at 8%08%o. rork flri wees $20 60. WhDkey anil, at $1 19. Chicago, MayflT. — Floor dull and unchang ed. Corn bnovaat and onaettled; No 2 mixed, sr* wwwsafti a (klr demand it lie. Whiskey quiet and Weak at dl 16. Cincinnati, May 17.—Floar dull. Corn de clining, 71674. Pork tlrmer, gU 16. Lard firmer and quiet; enmmsr steam lie, winter Hide, kettio ltK&lko. Uoeou stssdy, shoul ders tii, dear rib sides scarce at 11m91>!4n, dear stMS held Uffe. Whiskey stsaay st 14c. Bt. Lems, Key 17—Floor, buyers off, both- lag doing. Horn firm; oar lots of No. 1 mixed SSM, rend tSHS. Whiskey gl If. Perk muri’ only in limited jobbing da- Bsslm, etc. Nnw Yonx, May 17. —Botin heavy at |1 *00 3* Ibr strained. Tnrpsntlns heavy el 13)4. > . - V FMigkta. riEOKOlA — MUSCOGEE OOUNTY- ,Vl W8oiyJteMaty L. Jesse hM applied for letter* of Administration do bonis non on tha estate of John A. Jonas, late of said oounty, deceased, lata of said oounty. Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, tha kindrad and cradltora ot said deceased, to show eaose (If any they have) within the time prescribed by law. why latter* should not ba granted to said applicant. G EORQIA — MU8COCJEE COUNTY.— Whereas Mary L. Jones has applU * “ katvars of (6uardlah»h)p of tha parson and arty of Anna Jones, minor child of Jol s. Into of said oonnty, deoaaaad. _ _.eae are, therefore, to cite and admonish all parsons Interested, to show cause (II any they have) within thd time praserlbad by la wby letters of Quardlanahlp. as aforesal * ld aot ba.gra&tad said applicant. ran ufldSt my official signature, this May iixk, iff 6. myU oagit V, MmRROUKS, Ordinary, 500 PIANOS AND ORGANS New end Second-Hand, of Ftrst-Oloss Makers, will be aold at loner prloee for Cash, or on In- ■ tollmen Is, or for, In alty er eoantry, sg these hard times end tbs Holidays, by AACE WATERS A SON, 481 Broadway, than ever before offered la New York. Agents tod to sell Waters’ New Heals Pianos and oerto Organs. Dlastruted Oatalo; mailed. Great lndacemsnte to the trade. _ large discount to Teachers, Ministers, Ohnrchos, Lodges, School:, etc CHAMPION FIRE EXTINGUISHER WE. J0HK808, Colnmbs* Go. W. H. JOHHBTOfl Vrlka, Ua. CROCKRIKS. New Adverti§emenus. Ataiuaa Water Wheel w«a selected 4 years ago, O., and has pr«v< bast, le sites made. Prices lower than any other first olatt •DID FOR MY NEW ^ fj g A Wllk to Agents to sail in ar manse. P _ „ M’F’O GO., Marlon, Ohio. TWEiTIIKRUi Cheap; Gooil; Sys- All parsons who contemplate, making contracts with newspapers for the In sertion of advertisements, should sand 46 cents to Qeo. P. Rowall A Co., 41 Park Row, N. Y„ for their PAMPHI*ET-BOf)K (nffisfy-seesnlk •dUUm), containing lists or over 2000 newspa- K rs and estimates, showing the oost. Advor- aments taken for loading papers In many States at a tremendous redaction from publish ers'rates. Qrr THB BOOK. THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. First Invented and Latest Improved. AGENT8 WANTED In all nneeenpled territory. Good and reliable men will be dealt with very liberally,. Address THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, Atlanta, Georgia. Hotel. CENTRAL IIISTEI-, I4D MSd 149 Brest lb, Cwlwnskas, Us. Max 8. E. Woldsidob, apfl Propristrsss. Lawyer*.. LIONEL LEVY, Jg., j" Atteraty and Dseassllsv sat Law. Commissioner of Deeds N. Y. and other States. Office over Oeorgla Home Insurance Co. Bpeolal attention given to oolleoUona SAMUEL It. UATCHKM, Attorney at Lav. Office over WUtioli A *lne.r§. A. A. NOSIER, Attorney nsMl Oeaensilor at Law, i Prastlcee la State and Fedora 1 Court* In Deor^ia and Alabama. % , Office 12fl Broad ftt., Oolombun, Oa. jad Mask It. RuknroaD. Louis F. qaaaaaa. ■UMDFORD A GARRARD, Atteratys sad Ceaaaellors at La«. Office No. (IT Broad atroet, over tFittlch A Rib* eel’s Jewelry Store. Will practice la tho State aad Federal Courts* ill nracti iep4 I*. T. OOWWIBfG, Attorney and Solicitor. G. 8. Oom'r and lloglater In Bankruptcy. Offln nov2U| over Urooha' Drug Ktori, Uolumbus, 4a. - - KWE||( Attorney and Con marl lor at Lau r Grocers. DAM'L M. BISK, Dealer In Family Groceries, ou Uryau street, be- twwm Ogletburiw A Jaokaou Mtiootii. AW Nu charge for drayage. 4»c7 J. H. HAMII.TOW, Wholesale and Befall Urseer, Junction of Franklin, Warren A Oglethorpe Sts. N e charge fur drayage. *«1>14 STiuaov h Oo., Portland, Mf (A "IT A WEEK guaranteed to Ms IT I I male Agents, In their locality. Costs Ql • gusto. Me. miuHuaanui.n sunk uhakiu- . ING.” How slUMt sax may footnote ;aln tha lova and affeotkm or any parson ohoose, Initeatly. This art All oan poseeaii, free, by mall, for Is mbIs i together with a Marriage Qaida, Egyptian Orasls, Dreams, Hints to Ladles, eto. i (old. A queer book. Address T. WILLIAM k OO., Pub's kdelpblo. opUO dkwSw NOT TOO LATE ! _ States Ooverament, for Property used by the Army without compensation, fur Pen sions. Back Pay, Unsettled Aooounts, Ac., will do well to apply at onoo to me. I have facilities In Washington which guarantee prompt and full settlamcnt of all aooounts. Rejected claims can be again considered. Revolutionary and other claims, If valid, still collectable. Apply at onoa by letter or la parson to FRANK WE8SEL8, Agent, COLUMBUS, OA. W MARYM. LEWIS J oogee County HEREA8 Thomas 8. Tuggle has pro- . . seated his petition to this Court, praying for a rule Hi si against the said Mary m. Lewis to show cause why the Judgment of this Court, granting her an exemption ol lot No. 601 in the city ofUolumbus, should not ba set aside, on the ground that the same was fraudulently ob- Wherefore It Is erdsred that the said Mary E. Lewis do show eause, at the next June Term of this Court, why tha said prayer should not ba granted: and It Is further ordered that this rule be published ouea a week for four weeks, before said hearing, la the Columuvs Knqui- myl! oaw4t abb sou a taws roe via stats or GBORGU aadlAiTBRV ALABAMA V01 TUB SALS OB OHAXKOtf rar XSTWOTISBUSI Acting Kugine for eltli lie meet powerful self-actii _ The BUtlouury for ware^ Hi *- ^ ‘ ‘ ■“ ‘ P home, and railroad car*. To Railroad Companies wishing to supply them* ■Slves/WS are prepared te offer greet Inducsments. Dissolution. - T HE Copartnership heretofore existing un der the name of J. T. HOLLAND Is this day dissolved by matual consent and agree* moot. All books, aoooants and evldenoea of debt due said Arm have been transferred to DAN 1. KELLER. J. T. HOLLAND. DAN I. KELLER. OoluPibusjaa., March 18,1IT6. NOTICE. AW All my Interest In end te ell books, ao* couuto, and all evidences of Indebtedness due the lete Arm of J. T HOLLAND, I this day tranofer to Maj. A. K. Calhoun for valuo re* calved. DAN L KELLER, Columbus, Oa., March 18,1816.mkffi Notice. * LL erwIUor. of tk. Into tem o4 J. T. Mol- ,/\.lon<1 are horoby notified to ooue forward aaTooUle their Indo'-teilnmo wttk me at Oo- laaba>,u».,orwUhmvaaltorlsadagaal aid attorney, JOHN M. OHILTON, at Opelika, Ate. A. *. I'AAHWi, Oolambus, Ua,. Moron 19,1374. G eorgia — musoogee oounty.— Whereae, Stapler Dosler has appllwl for letters of admlMroilen on the estate of Win. L. Stapler, lute ef said oonnty, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonleh all and singular tbs kindred and oredltors of said dsesassd to show cause fir any they have) within the time prescribed by law, why letteri should not be grunted to said - plleant an said aetata. Given under my oBetel signature, this May lth,187i* xytoawdt F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. jVitohmRMifi- : Oo M. LltfUlN, ^ ISA Broad stroet, Columbus. Oa. Watch*# and Clocks repaired in the best man or and warranted. - Jail Tin and Coppersmith*. WM. FEE, Worker to Tim, EfcaoA From, Stepper, Orders from abroad promptly attended to. NjLm^Jirned^rne*- Dentists. W F. TxuJtius, Ataatlat, COLDMBVE DENTAL BOOMS, Cotton Faotorloo. Sheeting*, Shlrtlaga, and flawing d Knitting Thread. Oard* Wool and Grind* Wheat % nd Corn- Office In rear of WHtloh A ElMol'e, Randolph st. Jal* R. II. OKILTON, Praeldent. RIJMEGII HAlWimfliiGCO. Mas ufacturere or BniiTiNaa biiirtinoa, TARN, ROPfl, $e. COLUMBUS, OA. O. P. BWIFf, Prseident. W. A. awirr, aocretary k Treasurer. octal 1y. Doctors. DM. E. B. LAW. Office comer Broad and Randolph atreete, Burro* bnlldlRg. Residence on Forayth, three deora below 8t. Clair. Ja6 Boot and Shoemakers WM. MIYBR, Dealer In Loather and Flndlage. Next to O. A. Redd k Oo,’#. Prompt aad strict eUeutiou given to orders. jail W1C? LS A OUKTIfl, No. n Broad St., Sign of tho Big Boot Duaisunain Boots and Shoot, Leather and Findings Give prompt and earafUl attention to order* fainter*. WM. ANOW. JB., * OO., House and Sign Painters, Old Oglethorpe corner, (just north of postoffleo) Columbus, Georgia. rat Refer t (aprS OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DB. JAL T. WABNOOM, Burgeon and Phyehian# Office at aUughtv?> Drug htore, Railroad stroot. Hotels. ADAME HOU9E. go to Opelika, bo euro U , > lluaee, opposite Feesengor Depot. W.'Y. Pool, Prop’r, CHorj^la Home BnlldlRg, Columbu* Georgia. Tailor*. 0. A. KOEHNB, Merchant Tailor nnd Cutter. A fun Block or Freneh aad Bnglfeh Brtmdclotb* OamlMer** aad Veettags. aprlfl No. 134 Rrixpl atreet LAWYER*. HINES DOZIER. Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, OA., HIT ILL practice In the Chattahoochee Circuit f f ol 1 any where else. All kind of oollsctlon* vubbbd. “Pay mo or run awny." " novli tf HENRY SELL MAN. Cutting, Cleaning nnd Bepalrlng Done In tbe beet style. apr24)Corner Crawford end Front Bts. DreM-MaklnK. MI*W M. A. HOLlalNOttWORTH, ittlngnud ltUng. Terms« * andabop in BrowaoviUe. JL Plano Tunln«,Uo. B. W. BLAV, Repairer and Tuner of Pianoes, Organa end Accordeon*. Sign Paintiug also duue. Older* may be be left at J. W. Pease k Norman'* Book atom. *»p6 Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP RIFLES. Gnn and Lockswitb, Crawford atroet, next to Johnson's corner, Columbu#, Ua. Jati WILLIAM flCHOBCK, Gun nud Looksmlth and dealer in Qunuing Mw* terials. Baat of Btruppcr'i Confectionary Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, ■mile No. lfl and 18, Market Houm. /GEORGIA, MUSOOGEE OOUNTY.— VJr Whereas, Martin T. Her van, administra tor of tho estate of Ann KeUy, late or said county, deoeased, applies to the undoralgned for letters ot dismission from raid edminlatra- tlon, These are therefore to oltu aad admonish all persons concerned to show eause (If aoy they have) at the Oourtof Ordinary, to be held In and for said county, on tho Arst Monday In August next, why said administrator should not be discharged. Given under my oSolal signature this May 1st, 1876. my212w EORG1A —BUgUOflEE COUNTY.— Whereas Wm. Redd has applied for let ters of administration on the estate ofL. W. Isbell, late of said oounty, deoeased; and also on tho estate of Mrs. Firat.ols A. Isbell, de oeased, late of said eounty. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred end creditor# of said deoedents, to show cause (It any they have) within the time preaortbed by law, why letters of administration should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my offielal signature this May 10th, 1675. F M BROOKS, myll oaw4w Ordinary. EORGIA—MUSOOGEE OOUNTY- Wbereas, B P Thomassen, administrator of F B Nanoe, represents to the Court In his peti tion, duly filed and autered on reeord, that ho has fully administered said estate. This is. therefore, to cite all persons con cerned, kindred aad eredltor*. to show cause (If any they oan) why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first M .nd»y In June, 1876. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. Marod id, 1976. mart oawlit J. T. COOK. rreals Marts of All Kinds. t 8huJn Nui, 15 *ad Barber 8hops. BD. TBBBY, Barter, Crawford 8t., und#r Rank!* House, Columbu#, Oa. Builders and Architects. j. a. CHALMBBN, Reese Carpenter send Builder. Jobbing done at abort notice. Plans and speclflcatloa# fbrulahed for all styl## of building* Brood Street, next to Q. W. Uro«u'#, Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, Livery, Bale aad Kxehmngs hlablet, OeLSTUoavs, Noava er RasnoLra 8va., •ct30 Columbu#, Ga • Tobacco, Cigars, Ao. DEGRAFF&TAYL0R, Mcniroctorcra sad Hooters x Furniture, Bedding, LAMBREUUINS, AC., Nos. 87 and 88 Bowery, 06 OHBISTIE, 1XD IM ant 1X1 HHter llvMt, MruneA Ksn-Fi. 81 Wurth Avenue. Llan-tf] MAIEK DORN. If yon want to onjoy a good smoke, go to hfs Cigar Monafoi-tory, Between Georgia Uom# and Muscogee Horn*. Je8 CRANDALL & CO. NO. 800 THIRD AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer# tn Patent Baby Carriages, Velocipedes,' Propellers Spring and Hobby Horses Doll Carriages, Wagons, Carts and Sleig ba $W Constantly on band, a largo stock to sul th# trad#, jalT-tf