Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, May 29, 1875, Image 1

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Columbus vol. xvn. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 29, 1875 NO 124 DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY BNQUIUSU-SUN. TIB LAR9EST CIRCULATION; AXD THK BMT XRWHPAPKIt IX THK 'flOUTH, fill.* th« AamlaM Prase News—Acknowledged as the most reliable' From the first of January lost the post alm on papers must bo paid by the pub- llsher. This will bo ton cents a month for dallies and Aveeents a quarter for each weekly, Onr sabserlbors will see the' necessity for pay- ng np promptly, as all those In arrears will be dropped on the first or Janaary. We are ever willing to aooommodateour friends, but It will ho Impossible to send ont papers not paid for ta advance. The following will be the subscription terms for the Ewquiaun for the year 1876: WHIR MAILED. Dally, in advance with post age paid $ 9 90 per annum. Sunday, with postage paid... 970 “ “ Weekly, with postage paid... a au »* “ Sunday and Weekly, with postage paid 8 40 41 « anuvxn ix oitv aid bubuubs. Dally, 4 8 00 per annum. No Sundays served separately. omen box. Dally $ 8 00 per annum Sunday 9 60 “ “ Weekly 9 00 “ 11 Weekly and Sunday a 00 “ “ miKTIBKM, ^TAKE NOTICE 1 —A good rain fell in Montgomery and vicinity on Thnreday, and didmuoh good to the orope. —The Montgomery Journal (Republi- oad) warmly applande the appointment of Col. Robert Tyler ae Centennial Oommie- ■ioner for the Southern States. —Col. C. H. Colvin, who has been ap pointed to oommand on the oocanion, calls a re-union at Troy, on the 2lat of July next, of the Confederate soldiers of Pike oonnty. —At Mobile, on Wedneaday, a fright ened horse ran over the bluff on the shell road, with a buggy containing Mr. J. P. Billups, Mrs. Huger and ohild. Mr. Bil- laps had both his arms broken. The lady was considerably bruised. The ohild ee- oaped unhurt. —We regret to learn from the Union Springs Herald of the 26th, that rust has appeared on the wheat in Bullock and adjoining counties. The Herald Bays that an nnnsnal Liberal Discount for Time Advertising. Bates will be reduoed from this date for all advertisements exceeding In time one month. Merchants and others will do well to take advantage of the Summer rates, and In this manner prepare for Fall trade. idvcrtlslsi Mates. i Nears week Dallyfi $ 3 00 « •* 6 00 8 *• M 6 60 1 Month, “ 8 00 8 M “ 13 00 » M •• 17 00 4 " •• 20 00 • •* •• 22 50 8 “ «• 25 00 1 Square 1 year 42 00 The above is with tlie privilege of a change •every three months. Pot yearly cards a liberal dls< •count wilt be made. The ratu for every other day In Daily and every woek in Weekly or 8unday will be tho same as Daily. For every other day in Daily the rate will be oae-tkird less than the Dally rate. For twice a week the rate will be one-half Daily sates. For advertisements in local or reading columns rged. r Sunday rates will be one-third cn me uauy. When an advertisement is changed more than ease in three months the advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Foreign adver tisers must pav as do those at home. ttlSOMCIIA HEWN. —Th. Dalton Enterprise rogret. to ms that tta. poach.* that anrTiroa the lata Mid anapa in ila locality are now drop ping from the trees. —Boat on the leaves of ths growing wheat is reported by several of onr Qeor- tgia exehsnges, snd it is feared that the ^ "edby (proclamation d.olairi Hon. B. H. Hill aa Bepreaentative to -crop will be onrteiled by it. —On Wednesday Gov. Smith issued his deolairing the eleotion of ~;epi Congress from the Ninth District. —On the 2Gth iost., ss we lesrn from a Bpeoial to the Atlanta Constitution, Hiram Bollock, colored, had bis heed almost en. ttialy blowo from bis body, ss he was bleating rook st Athens. —The Athene Georgian says its learns that. North Georgia Orcenus has within tha laat few deya, leased ten large gold mines, located in the hoart of the Gold Balt of that aection. —The Journal aaya a Marietta man bought his ink by the Jag full bemuse he «mm get it eheaper, bat his wife went ta fill the inkatand one morning and fonad it wasn’t ink by a jug full, —A correspondent of the Angnsts Conetilutionalut says that one of the trains on the State Uoad makea the ran from Atlanta to Dalton, a distance of one hundred miles, in three and a half hours, —Dispatches raoeived in Savannah re post the death in California of Col. F. W. Sima, late bnsiness manager of the Savannah Advertieer. Col. Sims loft Sa vannah only a few weeks ago. He com mitted enioide by taking morphine. —At Monroe, Walton oonnty, on Wed- nesday night, an affray with piatols oo- -onrred, in whieh Dr. E. Hardeman, was •wounded in the ehoolder, and Charles Harrison ih the breast. The wonnd of the latter is considered very dangerous. —Tha Borne Courier states that on Holiday night last Mr. T. A. Lloyd, a young man employed in its offloe, was Bred upon by two unknown persons, as he was rstnrning borne. He was not hurt, and thinks he was mistaken for some one •Iso. —Tbs editor of the Greenville Vindi cator congratulated himself on a happy angary beoanse a bird flew into his win dow and lit on Mb bead. Bnt the Ma rietta Journal ia malieiona enough to ■snggeat that the bird waa looking for in- ueota —Somebody has informed the Atlanta Constitution that two marriages are to oom* oft “soon” in that oity, without giving any names. We make the same predietion in reference to Oolumbuo, without any special information on the subject. —We learn from tha Herald that Mr. Alf. Godfrey, who waa recently arrested, while be wee lying on n siok bed near Madison, and carried to Atlanta by the 'Sheriff of Fulton, aa a witness in the Tom Magill osse, proposes to bring suit ALABAMA XKWI, quantity wi F to the first week in May ths an abundant yield was very pi 1 pro.peel iromising. Herald aaya grown negroes left this oonnty —Tho Union Last Saturday i and a number of children for the Mississippi swamp, on the Louie! ana aide, fonr milee from Viokibarg. Another sqasd is to leave loon for the same destination." The Executive Committee of tha Democratic and Conservative party of Lee oonnty call upon the voters of that party to assemble in their reapeotive heats this day (29th), and aeleot delegates to the County Convention to meet at Opelika on Tuesday next, to nominate candidates for the Constitutional Con vention. —The City Connoil of Enfaula have declared the bridge over the river at that plaoe free, and ths papers and business men are rejoieing. The Timet promises to give any editor from a distance, who may visit Enfaula, a free ride over the bridge in a wheelbarrow. That’s liberal. We think of sending Jsekson down, and be is quite nnanimoa on the bridge ques tion. A French Solsoioa ta his Isa Paris Ohiavarl. Women love bnt onee—shnn that onee. Women bate in proportion to their love. Most women retain their virtue, bnt many like to risk it. Not all women lie, bnt no woman ever tells the whole troth. Hatred is at the bottom of love, as death is at the bottom of life. One always thinks he is in love when going np stairs; ooming down ho is not so sure of it. Yon cannot impede a woman in her love; you oannot reoall the arrow shot into apace. A woman is a fortress which oan always be taken—by him who knows how to make the asssnlt. Man’s vanity is irritated by defeat and consoled with rnptnre. Woman’s vanity acts in an inverse aenae. Ask not a woman's heart; aha has bnt one and may give it. Of all fatal pre sents a woman’s heart is the most deadly. Do not love a romantio woman. She will make an ideal of yon whioh you can not realize, and wMoh it will grieve you to destroy. BVBHIXO OP A CAT! CHURCH. The Mew York Belly Venice Htjrle. [Onoo e.Wetk.] We have been permitted to iospeot s new Dolly Varden dress. The etarboad sleeve bore e yellow hop vine in fall leaf, on a red ground, with nomben of grey birds, badley mutilated by the eeama, fly ing hither and tbither in wild dismay at the approaohof a green and blaok hun ter. An infant class wsa depioted on the back, and in making np ths garment trnant soholars were scattered np and down the sides and on the skirt; while a oonntry poultry fair, and a group of honnds hunting, badly demoraliaed by the gathers, and gave the front a remark able appaaranoer. The left sleeve had on it the alphabet in fivo different languages. A Spelling Anecdote —A spelling an ecdote oeenrred at a reeent session, of a United StsteB District Court that de serves a place in print. A party of legal gentlemen, amongst whom was .the Jodge of the said oonrt, were enjoying an even ing together, when the conversation turned upon spelling. The Jndge there upon turned to a lawyer from Clarke county and remarked: “Major M , I understand yon dis tinguished yourself at a spelling bee down the Valley.” “Yes, sir; if misspelling the first word distinguishes one, remarked jthe Ma jor. “And what waa the word yon failed to spell correotly, Major?” asked the Judge. ‘Lily,” replied the Major. ‘Ah, indeed,” said the Judge in sur prise. “That is a very simple word, and ill it." against the oonnty for endangering bis Ufa. A ouriooa ease. —A dispatch to the Atlanta Herald re ports a fatal aoeident at a distriet court- ground in Fanlding oonnty, on Monday. Thera wars eighteen men in the justice's oonrt-room, when a gust of wind blow a large oak tree upon the house, whioh it mashed to the ground. Mr. William Mo- Iver was killed instantly; tha others won derfully escaped without injury. Cotton Wobic Disthotes. — An old WUoox planter of mnch intilligenoe and experience baa imparled to ns the follow ing receipt for destroying the catterpillar and wa publish it for the benefit of our planters. “Cutup Jamestown Weed—stalk and leaves—and boil to a tea. Add to a bar rel of tha tee aix pounds of floor, made into a pasta, and sprinkle the cotton with It. A gallon of lime may be snbetitnted for the paste, if preferred.—Farm db Bon*. any one onght to spell “Well, Jndge, let ns hear how yon spall it,” said the Major. ‘L-i-l-l-y—lilly,” said the Judge. ‘That is just the way I spelt it,” said the Major, laughiog, “and they rilled out." The Judge good-naturedly bora np un- der the merriment he oreated by his bad spalling.—Clarke Courier. Mail Bobbebs.—The arrest of John M. Gee, who was temporarily sating as route agent on the M. A E. Hailroad, waa made by Special Agent Booth. Gee confessed that ss he did not have loog to remain on the ronte, he wanted to make all he could out of it. C. P. Wheeler, postmaster at Enfaula, was indioted for forgery, he having sent on vonohers with his reports, for money he claimed to have expended. It seems strange that nearly every offloial of tha Postoffice Department in this ssetion robbed the Government. They have been far several years filling their pock ets with Government funds, snd Ihsy now have the aheek to say that we mnat not say anything about it. The day has passed in Alabama when men who steal publio funds, osn mnzzls the press. The troth must be told, no matter whom it hurts.—Montgomery Journal (Usd.) One or Matt. Cabpenteb's Notes.—Ex- Senator Carpenter has addressed a eard to the Milwaukee Heist,in whioh he refers to the newspaper olamor over his tppear- ance in defence at tho whiskey ring. He announces that he is prsotioing ltw, and regards it os a duty to acoept retainers in all esses, civil or orimlnel. He contin ues ; “I shall therefore aooept the duty 'id with any offence,~aa may wlah to employ mi awftTL dxstbootiox or un SraiNonxLD, May 28.—Tha Frenoh Oatholio Ohuroh at South Holyoke haa boon burned. A candle on tha altar fired the drapery. Meat of thooe in tha body of tha ehnrch eaoaped. Thoae in tha gallery mostly periabed. Servioe had nearly eloaad and reapers wan being ■nog. There waa but one exit from tha gallery, whieh extonded around the build ing. There wen 700 worehippen pres ent, eeventy-flvo of whom perished. The efforts of tho people to get into the ohnroh to rescue friends increased the oonfosion and added to the disaster. Personal vtoleaee had to be need ia aav. eral instances to keep the women from rushing into the flames to save their chil dren. The ohnroh was established seven yean ago. The pariah inolnded all lha Frenoh Oetholioa in the vicinity, number ing 2,000. The ohnroh waa bnilt in 1870; waa 100 by 60 feet; two stories, entirely of pine, with galleries on the sides and north end, bnt 25 feet wide. There were two doors in tha north end vestibule, from whieh two doors opened into the body of the ohnroh. The galleries opened into vestibule at the near end, where there waa a another door by whioh a few persons eeoaped. Upon the breaking ont of the flames all oooupants of the galleries raahed jo tha east door and crowded so that they fall upon one another and ohoked np door ways, with their bodies piled in all ways seven or eight feet deep, and here moat of tha Uvea ware lost. From this mass Chief Mullin rescued one yonng woman after taking off two dead bodies from above her. It was almost impossible to fsee the flames, and Chief Mullin and others had their clothes almost burned from them and were badly homed them selves abont the hands. In rear of the ohnroh was the priest's residence, which was also destroyed. The walls were pnlled down after the fire waa nearly pnt ont. One woman jumped from the highest window down upon the front steps, breaking an arm, bnt she ia not known to have been otherwise in jured. A man with two ebildren in Ma arma jumped from a window and es' eaped. One poor woman, enveloped In flames, ahrieked ont “For God’s sake save me,” and she waa dragged out by John Lynoh. The latest dispatch to tha Republican from Holyoke aaya It ia not quite certain that all the bodies have been taken from the rains. In the beats to get aa many aa possible from the building before it fall, many were taken ont a short dis tance, and it ie possible that a few more may ba taken ont from the debris. BODIES BEOOVEBED. Holtokx, May 28.—Fifty bodies have been identified. They were at onoe re moved to their homes. Seventy are dead and forty, more are less, burned or other wise injured. The person who lost his wife and daughter is insane. Pennejrlvanla Third | Term BeswUs- tlons—Comments at M. T. Press. New Yobx, May 28.—Tha Herald, com menting upon the action of tha Pennsyl vania Bepublioan Convention, aaya the resolution against the third ia an tion of President Grant. If he haa no anok ambition why should his own party superfluously denounce it? Nothing is more evident than tha purpose of the oonvention to denounee the thing, rather than relieve the President from imputa tion'. The Timet believes the declaration of the Pennsylvania oonvention will satisfy the party throughout the oonntry. Per haps the President has himself to thank if he is unjustly a censed, bnt the aoonaa- tlon certainly was entitled to some at ten tion at bia hands. The Tribune thinks the anti-third term resolution will be oonstrned by the Presi dent and his friends as a personal insnlt Yonng Ben’a Christian Association. Richmond, Va., May 28.—Three hun dred and thirty-five delegates have reg- stered, representing thirty States and provinces. J. W. Wallace, of Georgia, addressed the oonvention. Over (9,000 were snbBerihed for the Exeoutive Committee subscription. Miss M. C. Lee, the General’s dangh- ter, in behalf of the Washington snd Lee University Association, was received with prolonged applause. Thunks were returned by a numerous rising vote to W. P. Munford, of Virginia, and J. Hardie, of Alabama, on tha Execu live Committee. The oonvention meets next at Toronto. Waahlagtoa Mentions. Wasnxnoton, May 28.—Tha Postmaster General telegraphs to bia deputies that deooration day ia not a legal holiday. Post offices are to be conducted aa nanal. Indiana had another talk to-day. They renew oomplaints that agents oheat them. Tha President signed tha Commission ! Jaoob Brown, Oolleotor of Fourth Distriet, Florida, and Thomas (Simons as Assistant Attorney General. Many ohangee are threatened by Flare- pont in the Booth. \ Hia trouble ia in finding suitable Bepublioanta to fill plaoea. ■avaaash BognMn. Savannah, May 28.—Bongh. Only tho Diibqv, of Qtoilnatnn. m ibis to found the buoy. Tima, two hoars and forty, flva seconds. Wave, of second oisss, won in two hours and twenty minutes. Nar- vette waa winner of third olaaa, basting Zephyr, in fonr minutes and thirty-seven seconds. ■avnnnah Begatta. Savannah, GA.,May28.—The fifth annu al {regatta Georgia of the Association opened gloriously yesterday. The Pslmeto Club of Charleston won first rsoe in ten minutes ten seeonds; Carolina tan min utes thirteen seconds; Vernous ten min- nteB seventeen seoonds. lagilik Maces. London, May 29.—The Oaks stake waa ran to-day at Epsom. Spinaway won easily; Lady Love second; Muaket’a Sister third. Betting six to four against Spina- way; three to one against Lady Love; twentyone to one against Mnakot’s Sister. THE WEATHEB. FBOBABILima. Wasbinoton, May 28.—For Batnrday, throughout the Atlantic States, falling ba rometer, southwesterly to southeasterly winds and inoressing oloudiness will pre vail. of defending snoh persona ohargi any offence, aa may wish to ampli _ whether charged with laroeoy, perjury, a forgery, ninrder or treason; and my present impression is—thongh I should want more time to consider it—that I should even defend an editor sued for libel.” brlkteake and Leas of Life sad Property an Asia Minor. London, May 28.—Tha Levant Herald aaya,a series of terrible earthqoakeshooks oconrred at the beginniog of May in the province of Borousaa, Asia Minor. Six hundred houses were destroyed. Ac. oounta so far raoeived show that one ban. dred and sixty-one lives have bean lost, one hundred and eighty-seven persona injured. Total number of killed still un known. Baltimore Baees. Baltimobe, May 28. — Selling rsoe. Seven started. Dead heat between Cen tury snd Csrriboo; time 8:09 j. Seoond trial, Csrriboo won; time 3:10}. Seoond rsoe, Tom Oohiitree won; time 2:43J. Lawyer Indicted. Boston, May 28.—Abraham Jsekson an alleged defaulting lawyer, haa bean indioted on three counts—false pretences, forgery end embezzlement. Bailed in (64,000. Savannah, May ss.—Cotton dull; stock Weekly net reoelpte 3,one; exports to Orest Britain 8,444; sales VII. CitARi.asTON, May 18. — Gotten quiet; net reoelpte 3,8Te, or whieh were previously reeetved bnt not belbre counted i flock 10,380 Weekly net reoelpte 8,474; exports to Great Britain 7,71*1 sales 1,140. Mobil*, May 38 —Cotton quiet; stook 11,821. Weekly net reoelpte 834; exports to tha a lineal 1,311; eales s.440. Nashvillb, May as —Cotton quiet; weekly ne^roeotpte list shipments all; anise sag; stock Boston, May B.—Cotton quiet; itoek 14,- 484. Weekly net reoelpte 3881 export! to Great Britain JM; salai 044. Avobsta, MeySe.—Holiday. Slock 4,310. Weekly net reoelpte 434; shipments 343; •ales 1,188; spinners 401. Menrnis. May 38.—Cotton quiet snd steady; ^ Weekijr^ net reoelpte 443; ehlpmente 3,388; MOHTOoHaav, Bay tk—Cotton dull and nominal: middlings li!4e: low middling* ll(\ good ordinary IIMe; weekly net reoelpte 7»; shipments*44; atoek by aotasl oount l,lie. Prevision Markets. LivaareeL. Mar 33—3:88 r. h.—Breadetaft doll. LardSMSd. Maw You, May 88.—Flour still rules In buyen' tavor, with only a moderate demand; Southern flour quiet and unchanged; common to lair extr* 841004 on good to choice 84 o5@ 818. Wheat U3 lower, with a little better ex- TELESBAPHIG NOTES. DOMESTIC. —Tha Norfolk Conservatives elected ail the members of Connoil. —Darina Wells, of Fstteraon, N. J., inventor of wood type and job printing, ia dead. —Torrents of rain are drowning tha Kansas grasshoppers. It is hoped the plagne ia at an end. —Fonr ehlldren were burned to death at Versailles, Ohio. Ons of them en- deavored to light a Are with ooal oil. —Diamonds of the Bistori troupe, vei ned at (2,000, were found on the penoa of the colored porter of the sleeping ear, at bt. Louis. roaxioN. —American Minister Maynard has ar. rived in Constantinople. —A Spanish Admiral was killed, and fonr officers wounded by the Oerliet bet- tery at Mt. Bioo. —The rsoe for Oakes stakes, whieh took plaoe st Epsom to-day, was woo by Spinary. Lady Love was second and Sister to Musket third. —At 8 A. H. yesterday Paul Boynton hod progressed seven miles in a direot line from the French ooast, and waa making steadily for the English shore. —The Committee of Thirty, in the Frenoh Assembly, decided to oonsider first, Publio Powers; seoond, the Senate bill; third, the Electoral bill. —To-morrow’s settlement at tha Stock Exchange, in London, is awaited with some anxiety. It is feared that the fail in i-.rie and anglo-Amerioan telegraph stook will asnse some failures. -Mr. Garrath, the Vineland Independ ent editor, who was shot some time ago, having sold out his interest in the paper, remarks in the coarse of a lively valedic tory : • Two months’ constant wrestle with a ballet in onr brain haa convineed ns that ws lack the oapaotty to develop a lead mins and publish an independent Vine- land newspaper at the same time.” MARKETS. ■T TELEGRAPH TO EMRUfBER, Honey anti atoek Markets. LOUDON, Bey 88—Moon.—Erie X4J4.' Fame, May 38.—Rental 84f end 40c. Nnw York, May 28.—stook! active, fevarlih and lower. Money 3 per sent. Gold 118. Exehange—lonx 417)4; short 40014- Govern ments aetlve and strong. State bends nnd nominal. Nnw You, May 37. — Money easy at 3a 3)4 per cent, sterling Exehange firmer at 187)4. Gold active at 114)40114. Government! dull end etrong, new fives 110)4- State bond! nom- CettoH Markets. LivnmrooL, May 38.—Noon.—Cotton dn!l| og isli ly 38. middling uplands 7J4d; middling Orieasa 40 -■ —,ort THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE. First Invented and Latest Improved. AGENTS WANTED In all unoccupied territory. Good and reliable men will be dealt with very liberally. Address TEL HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, Atlanta, (Georgia. lotos $6 060 a SS. .V* 343388V IBB lUTCHr. 77HU ta UuJfl blttW Of* port demand At the deollne; bolder* gener ally disposed to realise; |l 20@|i 39 for wluter red Western; $139081 34 for amber Western: $1 300188 tar white Western. Corn In limited request and prloes In buyers’ favor; 72c074o for soft Western mixed; 76c©82o for good to prime Western; 77o089o for yellow Western. Coffee firm and In good trade demand; Rio quoted et leeOlR^o gold: Rio oargoes to the trade at 14 i gold. Sugar dull aid nominal. Rlee quiet and firm at 7K08K; Carolina common to eiiolee 8K0C%- Pork lower; new mess 820 60. Lard lower; prime steam Uyi. Whisky lower at$ll8K08U9. LouieviLLU, May 98. —Flour unchanged; extra *o, Ane family extra 86 6000 oo. Corn doll at 7107Se. Provisions dull. Pork $90 500 811. Baeon, shoulder* 9U0, clear rib sides 19%o, clear side* lie. Lard, steam 16c, tleree I6ke, keg 18^0. Whiskey 81 Bagging aotlve aad Arm, 13^014e. Whiskey nominal 81 IA Pork dull, smell lota 890 76. Baoon easier, shoulders 9>409^, elear rib sides clear sides 1301S%o. Lard nominal 14^o. Chicago, May 98. — Flour quiet and weak. Corn dull; No 9 mixed 02kc. rejected 69}^08Oo, Pork In fair demand at 8l» M. Lard quiet and Smalm* ele. , JIaj 28. —Rosin L 1 96 for strained. Turpentine s Freight*. , Jay 88.—Frc.__„ active; eottoa, sail 9-88; steam 11-89. •HIP H1WB. Nnw Yoke, May 98.—Arrived: Wyaanoek, Arrived out: Rufus, E. A. Bagley. CHAMPION WM. JOHNSON* W. H. JOHNSTON Oelamtos* Ha. Hrl0a, Ha. ABB SOU AClim vom Tkl STATS or roe ths sals or CHAMPION mi IZTIN971SHZHS! The Champion Self-Acting Rugine for citle towns, end villages Is the most powerful snlf-actlii Engines in tha world. The Stationary for war * iusss, depots, sew mill*, Ac., superior to all otl ■ in asistencc. The Portable, the last, but n< applied by addreeeing General Agent, Colnmlms r il. W. Johnston, Qriffln, Georgia. Je253w«wt Dissolution. T HE Copartnership heretofore existing un< dor the name of J. f. HOLLAND Is thli day dissolved by mutual consent and agree ment. All books, accounts and evidences of debt due said Arm have been transferred t DAN 1. KELLER. J T. HOLLAND. DAN I. KELLER. Columbus,[(la., March IS, 1876. NOTICE. AT* All my Interest In and to all book*, ac count', and all evidences of Indebtedness due the late Arm of J. T. HOLLAND, I this day transfer to M*J. A. R. Calhoun for value re. oelved. DAN I. KELLER. Oolumbus, da., March 18,1876.mh88 Notice. LL creditors of the late Arm of J. T. Hob land are hereby notlAed to come forward settle their Indebtedness with me at Uo> larnbuf, (Ja., or with my authorised agent and attorney, JOHN M. CHILTON, at Opelika, Ala. A. B. CALHOUN. Columbus, Oa^ Mareh 18,1874. A THOMAS S. TUGGLE MARY M. LEWIS for a rule n< ti against the *ald Mary r __ to show oause why the Judgment of this Court, granting her an exemption of lot No. 001 In “ city ofOolu“ m ' —* dumbus, should not be set aside, of this Court, why the said prayer should not be granted: and it Is farther ordered that this rule be published once a week tor four weeks, before said hearing, In the Uolumbub Esqui- Hotel. Cotton Faotorlea. 41BBTBAL flWTRI„ 140 mad 149 Broad Bt., Calmnabat, Us. Hu S. E. WoLuaiDDA »p3l l’i uprletreM. Lawyer*. LIONEL V. LEVY, dH., iuoi uejr ami Uttamaellor mt Law. Comuiisdloner of Deeds N. Y. and other States. Uffloo over Georgia Home iRSuraneo Oo. Special attention given to oolleotions. deed SAMUEL 11. 11ATCQEB, Attorney at Law* JalO Offloe over Wittioh A KiRNel’c*. At A. DOZIER, AMeraey sum! OeniMlIer m3 Law, Praetiocs la State and Federal Courts In Qeorgle and Alabama. Offlca 116 Broad et., Columbus, Oa. Ja6 Base H. Blardtoro. Lovts V. Otiuu. NLANDFOND A GARRARD, AHerasys mmd OsMielltrs mt Lmw. Offlce No. 67 Broad itraet, over Wlttich A Kin- eel's Jewelry Hi*re. WIII^>rectioa in the State end Federal Courts. Lo T. DOWNING, Attorney mmd Bellelter. U. S. Cum'r end Regiiter in Beukruptcy. Offlce novUO) over Bruchs' Drug to tore, Oulumbtt*, 'ia. M. J. MOVES, Attorney mmd Oomnaellor m3 Lmw, Georgia Home Imuranoe Company building, ■*> oct7 lyj ond story. Croeer*. ~ DAN’L R. MINN, Dealer in Family Groceries, on Bryan street, be | tween Ogletliurpe A Jaukaon streets. IT No ohargo for dray age. deoT J. H. HAMILTON, Wholeamle mmd Mwtmfll Greear. Junction of Frenklla, Warren A Oglethorpe Bts. N e charge for drayage. s«pl4 Watchmaker*. Go Me LMUU1M, Watchmaker* 134 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. Watch** and Clocks repaired In Ik* beat man ner and warranted. Jail Tin and Copp*r*mlth*. WM. FEN, Wmrker ftm Tim, Mkeet Iron, Upper. Orders from abroad promptly uUended to. Je7 Nn. 174. liroad^treet. Dentists. W. F. Tiunaa, Dentist, Opposite Strapper's building, Randolph Bt. Special attention given to tbe insertion of Arti ficial Teeth, aa well as to Operative Denttitry. , febaz daw COLVHBVB DKMTAL BNHi, W. T. Pool, Prop’r, George Home Huildiug, Columbus Georgia. Tailors. Q. A. KOBHMKg Merchant Tailor and Critter. A tall stock of French end luglish Broadcloths Osssimvres and Vsstings. Broad gheetlage, ihlrttage, sad Sowing d Kalttlag Thread. Oerds Wool and Qrinde Wheat* ad Corn- Offloe la rear of Wlttich A Kineer*, Randolph it. Ja18 R. U. CHILTON, President. MUSCOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Mav u feet are r* of BHRRTIVOB ■HIRTINGB, TARN, ROPR, Am. OOLUMBUS, GA. G. F. BWIFf, Preetdent. W. A. SWIFT, Booi-otary * Treasurer. octftl ly. Doctors. DM. U. B. LAW. Offlce comer Rroed and Randolph streets, Bnrrus building. Resldsnoe on Vorcyth, three deore below Bt. Clair. Jn0 Boot snd Shoemakers Dealer le Leather sad Vlndlags. Host to O. A. kedd t Oo.'e. Prompt end strict attention glree to ord«w.Jell WMLLI A OCKTI8, Me. II Broad at., filgn at the Big Boat DMALMMM IH Boole and Shoes, Leather end Findings Give prompt and ears (hi attention to orders b^utalf; pep the hlgheet market prloe lor N. B.—Plasterers' Hair always on hand. Painters. WM. SMOWf JB., A OO., Boats aad Sign Painters, Old Oglsthorps oornsr, (Just north of postoffloe) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House aad Sign Painting at satis taction. (aprft reasonable prioea, aad gas Refer town, Bnow, Br. and guarantee a OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DM. JAK. T. WABMOOH, Burgeon aad Phyeletak. OBee at Slaughter's Drag (tore, Kailraed street. ADAH* B9I1IL When you go to Opelika, be sure to stop et t Adams lluuee, opposite Passenger Depot. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER Attorney at 2 jaw, HAHILTOM, «A., aprie No. 134 Breed Struct Liverpool, May 1 of middling upland! nothing be dllngs, deliverable in May, 7Md. Sale* on a basil or midd! nothing below low middlings, deliverable in June and July, 7%<1. Rales on ba«u of middling uplands nothing be low low middling!, deliverable In July aad Auiuet. 7ft. Shipment! of new orop bails middling np. June nnd July, Nnw York, May 88.-Cotton quiet; sale! 188 balei; upland! 18o, Orleans 10%o, Futures J * Jul] 16-11 utures openod quiet, as follow!: June II7-31; jr 18; August 10 6^0010 316; September 16 10010. NxwlYonx, May 28.—Futures closed q sale* 92,600, as follows: May 16 26-32016: June 1626-32016 13-10; July 16 16-16016i August 10 3-32016U; September 15 If 16 81 32; Ootober 16 7-16016^; Nova 16 9-32016 610; January 16 U-82016 16 32; 15 27-89; 16 31-32: September 1516-180 November F __ _ . w 16 39; Feb- W 6 19 82016 11-10; March 16 27-32; April 161-10. Uotton quiet; sales 923 bales at 16016%o; net receipts 893. Nkw Orlbaeb, May 28.—Cotton dull: mid dlings 16Mio; low middling* 14%o; good ordinary Macov, May 98. —Cotton dull; weekly net receipts 60; inlpmsnts 219; sales 976; itoek 8,480. Philadelphia* May 98.—Cotton quiet; exports to Great Britain 300. reeelpts 36; exports lo Great Britain 4,848; sales 910; Stook 32 482. Weekly receipts 834; nxports to Great Brit ain 4,840; isles 2,076. n» vjr v letten , and creditors of laid deoeased, to show eause (If any they have) within the time preeerfbed by law. why letters should not be granted to said applicant. Given under my official signature this May 10th, 1876. F. M. BROOKS, myll oaw4t Ordinary. letter erty of Anna V. Jones, minor child of John j Jones, late of said couir~ J ■* These are, therefore, all persons Interested, to show cause (il any they have) within the time prescribed l>y law, why letters of Guardianship, as aforesaid, should uot be granted said applicant. Given under my offloial signature, this May 10th, 1876. myll oaw4t F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary. G eorgia — musoogee oounty.- Whereas, Stapler Dosler has applied fe These are, therefore, all and singular the kinorea ana oreuu of said deoeased to show eause (if s they have) within the time nresorlbed by 1« why letters should not he granted to said i plloant on said estate. Given under m * omaIaI ii>ni?nm t May 8th, 1876. myo oaiY4t F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. •ntii S.1 new art!- America, with two *6 ohromoa, I UU.800 Broadway, Now York, HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning nnd Repairing Done in the beat atyle. epr24| Corner Crawford and Fropt Bt*. Dre**-Makln«. Mifflffl M. A# HOLLINGR WORTH, Dreaa-Maklng, Cutting aad ltting. T*rms cheap. HoMidence andahop In Browuovilla. novlA • Piano Tuning, Ac. N. W. BLAU, Repairer and Toner of Fiaabas, Organs and Accordeona. Sign Painting also done. Oidera may be be left et J. W. Pease 3 Norman’s Book Store. sepft Cun and Loeksmlths. PHILIP BIPI.EB, Gnn und Lockawith, Crawford atr«mt, next to Johnaou's corner, Coluinhuu, Ue. jaO WILLIAM RCHOBKie, Gnn nnd Locksmith and dueler i oiitielngMa- trials. East of Stntpp«r'a Oonfectioaary Jelb Fresh Meats. <!• W. PATRICK, Stalls No. 1G and It, Market House. Fresh Meets of every kind and beet quality, J»U always oo hand- Ma T. COOK, Freeh Mamto ef All Kinds, ■ep0 Bulls Noe. 16 end 17. Barber Shops. ED. TEEET, Bmrbnr, Crawford Bt., uader Reekie House, Columbus, Go. dec 18 Builders and Architects. J. 0. CHALHKRI, Ueam Darpstoter mmd Emlldnr. Jobbing done et short notloo. Flees and specifications tarnished for all styles of buildings Broad Street, next to O. W. Brown's, JaO Colombo*, Ga. Livery and Sale Stable*. EOBEET THOMFMON, Liver j, fflmle mmd Exohnnge nimble* OeLaruoara, Nobte or Rardolm tore., ectSO Col ambus, Gu Tobacco, Clears, Ac. MAIER DORN. | If you want to enjoy n good emoko, go to hie Cigar Manufactory, Between Qeorgle Home aad Musoogee Heme. duff non, Meunruturere anil Dealers n Furniture, Bedding, LAMBREQUINS, AC, No*. 87 and 89 Bowery, « CHRISTIE, Ana ISO mid in Bettor. Street, Braise* «ler*-jr*. st Earth Avenue. (Jel7-tq CRANDALL & CO. NO. 060 THIRD AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Patent Baby Carriages, Veloolpedea.l Propeller* Spring and Hobby Horses Doll Carriages, Wagons, Cart* and Sleig he 0W* Constantly on hand, a largo stock to sul the trade, |al7-tf