Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 16, 1875, Image 1

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Columlw ncjmrcf. VOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 16. 1875 NO 139 TEBM8 or TB» DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN. W. I- Salisbury. C. A. Klikk SALISBURY ft KLINK, PROPRIETORS. This 1* th« only p»p*r l« Colambas that receives ths Associated Press dispatches. From the first of January last the post age on paper* must be paid by the pub lisher. This will be ten cents a month ior dallies and five cents a quarter for each weekly, Our subscribers will see the necessity for pay- ng up promptly, Mali those In arrears will be droppod on the first of January. We are ever willing to aoeommodate our friends, but It will t»e impossible to send out papers not paid for In advance. The following will be the subscription terms lor the Enquire* for the year 1876: WHEN MA1LHD. Dally, In advanoe with post age paid $ 9 20 per annum. Sunday, with postage paid.... 2 TO ** “ Woekly, with postage paid... 2 2j »» “ Sunday and Weekly, with postage paid 8 40 ** “ SERVED IV CITY AMD SUBURBS. Dally, $ 8 oo per annum. No Sundays served separately. OPTICS BOX. Dally $ 8 00 por annum Sunday a 60 “ “ Weokly a 00 “ “ Weekly and Sunday 8 00 “ “ ADVERTINKR8, TAKE NOTICE! Liberal Discount for Time Advertising. Kates will be reduced from this date for all advertisements oxoeedlng In time ono month. Merchants and others will do well to take advantage of tlio Summer rates, and In this mauuer prepare for Fall trade. Advertising Rates. Square 1 Week Dally,.... $ 3 00 s *• •• u 60 1 Month, “ 8 00 2 “ “ 13 00 8 “ “ 17 00 4 “ “ 20 00 6 “ “ 22 60 6 *• “ 26 00 1 Square 1 year 42 00 twill be The rate for every other day in Dally and every week in Weokly or Sumlay will bo tho tmino aa Daily. Por every other day in Daily tho rato will be one-third lead than the Daily rate. Por twice • week the rate will be ono-half Daily advertiseinentH in local or reading columns tt)ii 3-third 3 Weekly or Sunday rates will be of the Daily. When an advertisement is changed more than once in three month* the advertiser will be charg ed with tho cost of composition. Foreign adver tiser* most par uh do those at home. •Citg 3Uattn’s, Commissioners’ Court of Rueeell County Ala. A called term of the Commissioners' Court for Russell county, Ala., was held ou the 7 th inst. In tho matter of appointing a Finance Committee, Mounto. Chambers and Cos- tens, former appointees, having declined to serve—tho former on aooount of multi plied business engagements and the latter ill health—the court appointed M. L. Patterson and ilobt. Flournoy. A few small money orders were parsed, and the court adjourned until Monday last. On that day Mr. David Simpson, who bad been employed at a former term to examine the bridge over the Hatche- chuhbee creek, on tho road leading from thin city to Eufanla, and report cost of repaira needed, reported the condition of the bridge to be bad—some of the under work having decayed and moved ont of position, rendering the bridge liable to fall at any time. Mr. Simpson was em ployed to do the neoossary repairs imme diately at $400, which is considered a low prioe for the work. This is a fine lattioo bridge, about seven years old, 185 feet in length, GO feet from bed of creek and cost $8,000. In the matter of holding an extra term of the Cironit Conrt, whioh had been re ferred to the Commisioners’Conrt by Judge Cobb, he having been petitioned by a large number of the priaoners confined in jail to hold an extra term, they (the Conrt) oonoluded it would be best to hold an extra term in the coming fall. There are now twenty-five prisoners in ail and no doubt will be constant acces sions. No other business was transsoted. The Court meets again on the seoond Monday in July to levy the county tax and also a special tax for bridge (not building bat repairs) purpose*. Head Light Oil burns longer and better than common kerosene. Jewelry repaired and made to order Engraving and Watch Repairing done at WrmoH & Kxmsbl’s. Married. Mr. U. E. Bowen and Miss Hattie Lew is, were married in opelik* yesterday morning at 9 o’clock, our correspon dent says: “Mr. Bo won was the leader of our eornet band. The band boys accom panied him from Judge Williams’ to the train, where there was a gonoral shaking of hands, and wishing you a pleasant trip *01d Boy.’ Mr. Bowen is one of our first young men, and is highly thought of, and we congratulate him on getting snoh a pretty little damsel for a wife. He left this morning for a bridal trip, North. We hope he will have a pleasant trip and soon return to his friends. The band played ‘How can wo loave thoe’ and the train moved off with the happy couple.” Bbidal Presents of Solid Silver and Silver-Plated Ware. A new assortment jnst received at Wittich A Finsel’s. Dress Goods at reduced prices at jeG tf Blanchard's Ateault by a Sheriff—The Way a Chief Peacemaker ©/ the Oounty Acted. The question now is,C an one, who has reported for his paper faots in regard to the euipanueliug of a jury, enter the Court House to attend to his daily duties, without carrying a weapon to protect him self against the chief peace officer of the county ? We put the question to Judges Bart let to and Johnson. The question be comes very important to one who has lately risen from a sick bed and does not like oarrying weapons. Yesterday morning, just before the opening of the Superior Court, ibis re porter with a friend entered the Court house yard. The two had advanced near ly half way to tho house, when the newly elected Shoriff, Ivey, met them. So lit tle did the reporter dream of a difficulty that he had a number of papera iu his hand. In passing the Sheriff, the chief peace officer of the oounty, mind you, suddenly grasped the reporter's hands and said, “You’ve written enough about me. I’m a great mind to whip you,” and draw ing buck his clenched fist aimed a blow at a half sick and weakly man, who he knew had no weapon, and did not have even n knife. Reporter warded off the ono blow struok as best he could, and made the best defense be could against a strong, powerful man, who is the chief peace officer of the county. Gentlemen stepped betweeu and forced the keeping of peaoe. The offense was in giving an exact account of the mode of obtaining a jury in the Cash case. Every fact stated can be demonstrated to be snoh. Not one word was said against an offloer except in his official capaoity, and any eitizen has tho right to criticise tho actions of those who fill publio officos. Why did he not with equal reason attack the lawyers who challenged the array ? Was not it directed against the sheriff ? He appoint ed Floyd special bailiff. All we have to say is simply this : Wo mean to report uctions of public officers and criticise them whenever we please, regardless of the threats of Mr. Sheriff Ivey or any ono else. But has it not come to a pretty pass when the Sheriff, the chief officer of the peace of the county, can commit an as sault in the Court-house yard, in the shad ow of the temple of law and just before the assembling of the Court ? COTTON IN JUNE. REPORT OF AGRICULTURAL BUREAU. Washington, June 15.—The Depart ment of Agrieulturo, in its cotton report for June, states that*the threatened re duction in area has not taken place, nor has the reduced area of last year been much enlarged. The reported increase is between one and two per cent. The comparison with last year is as follows: North Carolina, 102; South Carolina, 106; Georgia, 96 ; Florida, 99 ; Alabama, 104 ; Mississippi, 102 ; Louisiana, 101; Texas, 108 ; Arkansas, 102; Tennessee, 92. The report of tho condition is the most favorablo in the past five seasons, with tho exception of that of 1872. The order of procedure in this respect is 1872, 1875, 1873, 1871, 1874. Though plant ing was late and tho soil generally too wet and cold for rapid ger mination, the stand is comparatively good and the recent weather has been more favorable to rapid growth. The crop is also unusually clean. Tho oom* parison with crop of full vitality and nor mal growth in all respects is for the present month us follows : North Caro lina 92, South Carolina 97, Georgia 91, Florida 94, Alabama 101, Mississippi 100; Louisiana 95; Texas 96, Arkansas 90, Ten nessee 99. HANUi'ACTURINtt IN THE MOUTH Savannah, Juno 15.—A party of excur sionists went to Arkwright Island yester day, and while a number were in bathing they were carried out to sea. Frank C. O’Drisooll, a merchant of this city, and Charles It. Johnson, a clerk, were drown ed. Miss Johnson was rescued in an in sensible condition by a steamboat, after she had been in the water half an honr. She was kept afloat by her bathing dross. The bodies of the drowned have not been rocoverad. Recovery of Arcliblsbop Wood—De parture tor Philadelphia. Cincinnati, June 15. — Archbishop Wood, of Philadelphia, has nearly recov ered from his recent attaok of acute rheu matism and starts to-day in a special car for Philadelphia, where be will be in vested on Thursday with the pallium. He is accompanied by Archbishop Pur cell, of Cincinnati; Bishop Eldor, of Natohez; Bishop Quinlan, of Mobile; M. Rocetti, Dr. Ubslldi, and several dis tinguished clergymen. Nensixtlon In Vienna. Vienna, June 15.—A sensation was created hero by the publication in the St. Petersburg Ualoiot an article advo cating an alliunco between Russia and England, because that between tho three Emporors lias lost tho power of guaran teeing peace, siuce one member thereof has become suspected of warlike designs. Ntatenaent Contradicted. Philadelphia, June 15.—The statement that the directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company had agreed upon terms of compromise with the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad Company, at a meeting of their Executive Committee yesterday, is without foundation. Editor Enquirer ; In tho May number of the Rural Carolinian, the editor, in a sensible article on this subject, gives a letter from Mr. Wm. M. Lawton, agent in England of tbe “Georgia Direct Trade Union,” aud a gazette published in Lon don, which gives the names of thirty- seven cotton manufacturing companies in England, price of the shares, the amount pnid on them and the present value, and also tho amount of the last an nual dividends; from which we may learn an important lesson if we will rightly consider the faots os shown in the gazette. Of the thirty-sevon companies named, tweuty started with shares at £5 each, say $25, ou whioh was paid from one pouud to five pounds, and the present value is from £L 18a. 6d., to £9 5s. Od. Nine others started with shares at £10, say $50. Oue company—Melbourne— started with shares at £150, paid in that amount aud tho present value is £275 por share, aud is paying twen ty-four per cent, dividends. One company, “Central,” started with shares at five pounds, five pounds paid in ; pres ent price nine pounds, and is paying forty por oent dividend. Another, the “Grosveuer,” paid in two pouuds, ten shillings ; present value £4, 4s., Od, and is paying forty per cent, dividend. All are paying from ten to forty per oent, and this from cotton whioh has been ear ned four thousand miles from tbe fields, an army of handlers having fed on it while on the route. Why is it that Eng lishmen cau manufacture our cotton and make these bewildering profits, while we can't ? Tbe explanation may be found in tho faot that these men are content to do things on a small scale, or rather to begin doing them in a small way and gradually rise to largo. They start their mills with a few thousand pouuds, aud put the shares at a price within the reach of the small men, the men who are to run the spindles and looms—tho men from whose brain and muscle the wealth of the future company is to grow—men who can and will invest fivo pounds iu tho mill which is to em ploy them aud their children for life, but who would be frightened off if the shares had boeu put at one hundred pounds; and when ouce they rnako the investment they become as much a part of tho mill as the Hpiudles and looms, thus securing a capital not only of machinery but of skilled labor, interested in tbe results an employer and stockholder, and suc cess is bound to follow. Here wo can’t think of a cotton mill with a capital of loss than $109,000 paid in by men who know nothing of the business, and to be managed by men who Iiavo no interest iu thesucooHsof the company except the sala ry they get, aud by employees who look to their monthly pay days as the end of their engagements with the conoern. Now, are thore not hundreds of men iu Georgia and Alabama who own good water powers that, with a few hundred dollars, could bo made available; and are there not hundreds of men, wo men, boys, girls, skilled spinners, reel- ers, warpers, and weavers who have saved and would save twenty-five or more dollars to invest iu mills if they hoped such a thing would ever bo in their reach and can’t wo get these partlos together some way aud start up a hundred or more mills of $5,000 or $10,000 of capital I know a number of beautiful sites where the cottou cau be grown up to the door of the mill, houlthy nud everyway desira ble, where a few men might lay the foun elation of a fortune which would bless their children’s children, and at the same time help to solve the great question of Southern independence. Men who pro fess to know, say that $4,000 will pay for all tho machinery necessary to spin 160 lbs. of yarn per day; add cost of house and power and commercial capi tal sufficient to buy one year’s supply of ootton, and wo huvo a nioe nuoleus around which a Lowell may grow up in lifetime. Why can’t we do it ? It is the way the English have worked, until now they have moro than one spindle to every man, woman aud child in the realm, whose oeaseless hum is the voice of over-increase- ing wealth. This is our road to prosperity, and the building up of our loved South, made plain to us by our oousius over the water, Lffit ns follow it. Respectfully, Tweed; Released. Albany, N. Y., June 15.— In tbe Gonrt of Appeals, this morning, Judges Allen and Rapello read opinions for rever sal of the judgment of the Supreme Court in tbe Tweed fiaae, and orders of Oyer and Terminer and for the prisoner’s discharge. All cononr. Judge Miller con curs iu the result. Judge Grover was absent. This aotion of the court gives Tweed his freedom. TWEED TO BE ARRESTED IMMEDIATELY ON HIS RELEASE. New York, June 15.—Every preeaution has been taken to arreHt Tweed when he leaves the penitentiary, nnd unless $3,- 000,000 bail is forthcoming the unfortu nate gentleman will be lodged in the Ludlow jail for several days. Baits against him are civil, not criminal. Should he give this bond, it is said there is another actiou for which ho will bo held, requiring another $3,000,000 bail. Tweed has requested that ho be taken di rect to Ludlow jail thore to await these harsh issues. l'lres. Edgefield, Ky., June 15.—A fire broke ont qn the corner of Filmont street and Bridgo avenue, which destroyed the entire block. Toronto, Ont., June 15.—The Steam Mills of Edwards A Co., eight* dwellings, and six million feet of lumber were de stroyed by fire; loss $250,000. Moline, III., June 15.—The Saw Mills of Dimack, Gonld A Co. burned. Loss, $45,000. Itiuica, N. Y , Juuo 15.—A $150,000 occurred here. The hotel and every busi ness place is burned. Burglars blew open a safe and fired the house of Furringtou Bros. A Co. fiheati* Nuccevaor Appointed. Washington, June 15.—J. M. McGrow, for several years chief clerk, has been ap pointed Sixth Auditor, in place of C. C. Sheats, of Alahnma, to take effect July 1st —McGrew, in the meantime, acting as Auditor. kettle 13%o. Bacon dull; shoulders 9\io, clear rib side* 12*io, clear sides VPAo. Whis key active and firm. CmcAoo, .Tune 15—Flour In Rood demand; spring suporftne $3 50(04 26. Corn active and lilghor; No. 2 mixed, 70c. rejected 67067jRo. Pork dull and lower at #19. Lanl dull and nominal, $13. Whiskey $1 17. St. Louis, Juno 16.—Flour, low grades dull and weak, but higher, hold above buyers’ views, with little doing, (lorn better; No. a mixed 67067-^0. Whiskey nominal. Pork more doing aid 7b to arrive. Bacon uulet, with only limited job demand. Louisvill*, June 16. — Flour quiet and weak; extra $4 6005 00, family extra $5 250 6 75. Corn lower. 7307-*o. Provisions quiet and weak. Pork $20 00020 26. Baoon, shouhlors O-^o, cloar rib sides 12\ s 0l2)£c, clear sides 13c; sugar cured hams lS»4014c. Lard; tieroe 16V£ 016<{o, keg Whiskey $1 16. Bag- ging quiet, 134014c. Rosin, etc. Fo* thb Status ok Tinmkhhub, (Jkokoia, South Carolina, Alabama* Mississippi^ j- HHANCH OFFICE OF THE HOWE MACHINE CO., — — iolina. AlabamaN MissiBRirk-., Nahiivillk, Tbnm., June 10th, 1ST*. j Te the Editors of the Enquirer-Sun, Columbus, Georgia : Dbar Sir: Our attention having been called to an advertisement of one of our oompetltors, In whleh our sales for 1874 arc “crtlmated” at 85,000, we take pleasure In authorlclng the State ment that we are otfioially Inform >d from the prlnolpal office of the Company at New York that the sales of THE HOW E MA. LINES were 103,18$ for 1874. Rorpoctfully, •HIP NEWS. Nsw York, June 16.—Arrived : State o r Nevada, Cornwall, Othello. Arrivod out: Theresa, Louisa, Elen Rewnle, J. Oarleton, Austria, Baltio, Expounder, Elis abeth, Taylor. CENTRAL HOTEL, 140 nnd 140 Broad HI,, Columbus, tin. Mrs. S. E. Wolduidoh, *p21 Proprietress. New Advertisements. Lawyers. LIUNEI. V. I.I.VY, JR., Attorney untl CoiiUNellwr at Low. Commissioner of Deeds N. Y. and other States. Office over (Joorgla Homo Insurance Co. Speolel attention glvou to collections. dec$ FREE! FREEH FREE!!! THE PIONEER. A handsome illustrated newspaper, contain ing information for everybody. Tells how and where to seoure a uouu cheap. Bunt fuse to ALL PARTS OK THIS WORLD. It contains the Naw Homkhtkad and Tim ber Laws, with other Interesting matter found only In this paper. SEND FOR IT AT ONCE! It will only cost you a Postal Card, New number for April just out. Address O. F. DAVIS, Land Commissioner U. P. R. K , Omaha, Nrr. A. A. DOZIER, AMorney and Counsellor at Law, Practices iu State aud Ftuloral Courts iu Georgia and Alabama. Office 126 Broad t., Columbus, Ga. JnQ Mark II. BLANDroRD. Louis V. Uauuakd. MLANDLORD A UARHAKD, Attorneys and t'ounaellorN at 1aw. Office No. 67 Broad street, over Wittich A Kin- set’s Jewelry Store. Will practice in tho State aud Fudoral Courts. stp4 More BllkMmuirglera Indicted. Ne w York, June',15.—In tbe U. 8. Cir cuit Court yesterday, the Grand Jury pre sented several new indictments, charging oouiplioity iu silk smuggling frauds; but the U. 8. District Attorney declines to make public the name of tho indicted persous until they havo been arrested. Bon oh warrants for thorn may be issued to-day. A Nun Kills hln Wire. Dover, N. J., Juno 15.—Patrick Payne had au altercation yesterday afternoon with John Gibney, who struck him. Payne entered his house for a revolver, and being in an excited state shot bis wife in the abdomen, presumedly by ac cident. She died iu an hour. Important, If True. London, June 15.—A dispatch from iris, to the London Standard, says it is aertfd that Russia hus withdrawn from tho illi&nco of tho three Emperors, aud a now alliance has consequently been formed between Germany and Sweden. National Board of Trade. Philadelphia, Juno 15.—Among tho commercial orgauizutious represented at the National Board of Trade nre the Mo bile and Wilmington Boards of Tuade. Boat Karen. New York, June 15.—At tho Corinthian races of Sewanhaka Yacht Club yester day, tho Addie Yoorhies was viotor. Tornado, Quincy, Illinois, June 15.—Tornado. Many houses prostratod. 0>.o person killed uud many Hurt. Tbe Charleston Military, New Youk, June 15—The Washington Light Artillery of Charleston is here. THE WEATHER* PROBABILITIES. Washington, Juno 14.—For Gulf and South Atlantic States, stationary or fall ing barometer, warm southeast to south west winds, and partly cloudy woalher. $5? *20 a Portland, Mo. W\ A WEEK guaranteed to Mulo and Female Agent*. In their locality, (lost* nothing to try It. Particular* O. VICKERY k CO, Au- gu*tn, Me. Geo.P. Rowell Co. “?uT,2 genoy _.. _ _. eeopth.n of udveitisoiuent* for American Nkwhpapkks— tho moBt complete establishment of the kind In (he world. Six thousand NkwhpaPkrh are kept regularly on tile, open to inspection bv customers. Every Advertisement Is taken at tho home price of the paper, without any ad ditional charge orcommlsslon An advertiser, in dealing with the Agency, is saved troutde and correspondence, making one contract In stead of a dosen, a hundred or a thousand. A Book, containing large lists of palters, circu lations, with some information about prices, Is sent to any address for twenty-five oent*. Per- — iwf“** ‘ ny ..... the united States. b>n of Canada, may son<la concise statement of whnt they want, together with a copy of the AdvertlseiMRI) and receive in which will enable rhein to decide whether to increase or roduoe tho ordor. For such Infor mation there Is no chirg-i. Orders are taken for a single paper as well as for a list; lor a "aras readily as for a larger I | h AB , \ \ • Oitices(Tlines Huildlug), Most Exti'iiordinnry Torins of Advertising are offered for Newspa pers In the State of GEORGIA. Send for list of papors and schedule of rates. Address (iro. P. Rowell 4 Co.. Advertising Agents, No# 41 Park Row, Now York# MORE CORRUPTION. INDICTMENT OF MORE INTERNAL REVENUE OFFICERS. St. Louis, Juuo 15.—Indictments have boen found against Gen. Jno. McDonald, ex-Supervisor of Internal lievenue for this District; Col. Jno. A. Joyce, Alfred Bevis, and Edward B. Frazier, and they appeared before the United States Dis trict Court yesterday. Tbe charge* agaiuat McDonald and Joyce are marked on the docket “criminal,” for destroying public records, tho removal and conceal ment of spirits, and failing to efface stamps aud brands. Judge Lacate fixed tbe bail of McDonald and Joyce at $10,- 000, of Frazier at $5,000, and of Bevis $25,000. MARKETS. BY TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money nnd Mock Mnrkela. London, June 15—Noon.—Erie London, Juno 16.—Street ra:c J^par cent, bolow bank rate. Paris, June 16.—Rentes 64f and 00c. Nsw York, Juue 16 — Money, largo off erings at 202U percent sterling exchange steady. Gold dull at 116%@1I6% (lovornments ac tive and strong; now 6’s 118. t&tute bonds quiot and nominal. <?wttou Markets. Liverpool, June 16.—Noon.—Cotton steady; middling uplands 7 W Kid ; middling Ur leant ”/4<l; sales 10,000; lor speculation aud export 2,000. Sales on ba*ls of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable in August and September, 7%d. Litbutool, June 15—3:00 p. m.—Of sales to-day 6,800 were American. Sale* on a basis middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable In June and July, 7 7-l$d. ShlpmeWs of new crop basis middling up lands, nothing below low middlings, 7%d. Nkw York, June 15.—Futures closed steady at R decline; sale* 31,000, as follows ; June 16 8-32015^; July 11%; August 16 7-;i2016^; Septouiber 16 l-ie016 3-32; October 1613-10; No vember 14 11-16014 21-32 : December 14 11-16 014 23-32; January 1425-32014 27-32. February 16 31.32; March 15 1-32015 3-16; April 16%® 16 7-16; May 15 9-16.015 21-32. (Jetton dull; sales 953 bales at 15%015>£c; net receipts 733. Boston, June 15 —(Jetton dull and nominal; middlings 16%>'; not receipts ou; sales 891. Nkw Oulkanh, June 15 — Cotton quiet; mid dlings 15c; net receipts 59; sales 250. Savannah, June 16.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 15c; net receipts £3; sale* 44. (Jiiaui.kmton, June 16.—Cotton quiet and fiat; middlings 16^015^c; net receipts 368, LORD & TAYLOR, Doalors In Foreign and Domestlo DRY GOODS, Are offering Select Lines of BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, SPRING A SUMMER DRESS GOODS, SUIT & HOUSEKEEPING LINENS, FOULARD FINISHED CAMBRICS, PRINTS, CALICOEP, &o„ &o„ Together with an extenalvo Lino of HAMBURGS, in all grade* Insertion*, Edging*, Trimming*, to, Silk Hota (all colors,) Plain and Fanoy Ho*e for Ladiaa, Miitea and Children ALKO FANS, PARASOLS, BRELLAS, Ac., *0. Complete Assortment of dents’ Furnish ing doods, Shirts, Collars, Coifs, Ties, Hose, dioves, Ac. doods sent to any part of the country. Shirt measurements sont on applica tion. AdrVar the accommodation of Ladles and Families who are unable to vhdt tbe city, lul' lines ot samples of all grades of Dry Good' will be sent, and orders by mail tilled wit' the greatest possible eare. Broadway & Twentieth-Si.. NEW YORK. my!8 dfcwtf THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, CEO. H. OWEN, Manager. Hotel. SAMUEL It. BATCHER, Attorney at Law. Office over Wittich A KIurqI’s L. T. BOWNINU, Attorney and Sol lei lor. . 8. Coiu’r and Itugidtur iu llnokriiptc). Oflici nuv20| over Brooks’ Drug Store, Colmubm*, (a. R. J. HOMES, Attorney nnd Uouuaollor nt l*an Cotton Factories. COI.VKBU8 MANITTAOTUBINO CO„ Manufacturer* of Sheeting*. Shirting*, and Sewlny d Knitting Thread* Cards Wool and Grinds Wheats od Corn- Office iu rear of Wittich A Klnsat’s, Randolph st. pMf R. H. Cr.ILTON, President. NUMUOUKE MANUFACTURING CO. Mat ufacturers of 0IIRRTINQ8 SHIRTINGS, YARN, R0PI, Aw. COLUMBUS, GA. «. P. 8WIYL President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary Treasurer. octSl 1y. Doctors. BB. M. B. I.AW. Office corner Broad and Randolph streets, Burras building. Kenidence on Forsyth, three doors below 8t. Clair. Ja6 Grocer*. BAN*L R. 1UXE, r. ot, bo- i. Uoc7 J. II. UARIIAul, Wkoleanle nud Retail Grocer, Watchmakers. v. a. LkuuiN, Watchmaker, 134 Broad struct, (JoluinbUN, Oi r aud warranted. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker In Tin, Mlieet Iron, ('upper. Orders from abroad promptly attunded to. JaT No. 171. Ilroio! Street. Dentists. W. V. TlMMJUlt, Dentist, Opposite Struppor’s building, Randolph HI. Special attouliuu given to Lh«> insertion of AM licial Teeth, iib well ax to Opcrutivo Dentistry foL22 daw UOLUMBUM DENTAL ROOMS, W. Y. Pool, Prop’r, Georgia Home liulldiug, Columbus Georgia. 418 Tailors. G. A. KUSHNK, Merchant Tailor un«l Cutler. A full stock of Freucb uud English Broadcloths Cussiuiores and Ve-tingH. aprlO No. i.(4 flro*4 street Boot and 8hoemakers WM. MEYKR, Boot and Shoemaker. Dealer In Leather and Findings. Next to C. A. ledd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention given :»orders. j„n Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., * OU., House and Slfu Painter*, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Just north of pontofflee) Oolumbus, Georgia. Will contract for Uouho and Sign Painting at ruuMoiialde prices, ami guaruutee satisfaction. Refer to Wm. Huow, Sr. ( M pr. r t OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. UU. JAM. T. W A KNOCK, Hurgcou aud Phyalolan. ffi* o lit Slaughter's Drug Store, Railroad street. Hotels. AUANN HOINK. When you go to Opelika, bo sure t Adnnis House, opposite Passeugei LAV. YER*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney nt Law, HAMILTON, UA., All kind of collections HENRY BELLMAN. Catting, Cleaning aud Knpnirinff Done In the best style. apr24I ~ r Crawford n Dress-Making. MINN m7a. HULLING*, d OHTII, Drogi-A! king,Cutting uud iitlng. 7 riuschunp. - idente niiJuiiop iu llrownoville. Plano Tuning, &c. e. w. BLAU, Repairer and Timor of Piamms, Organs and Accotdeous. Sign Painting also done. Oidero may be be left at J. W. Pease A Norman'* Book Store ««p5 KGMFMMNI. Manufacturers and Dealers n Furniture, Bedding, LAMBREQUINS, AC., Nos. 87 and 89 Bowery, sales 5' Moim.i, Juno 15.—Cotton quiot; mid dlings 14%c; net receipts 28; exports eoustwise 23: sail'd 109; stock 3,828. Pravlalon Markets. Liverpool, J une 9—2 r. m.— Mreadstulls The Miners. WlLKESBARRE, Pa., June 15. —Til® miner* are disagreeing among tbemHelvGH. AU have returned to work without any ooncesHion* from the proprietor*. The miner* who have been working at j firmer. Corn 32.^ nnd 6d P.iiuo’H abaft wero met by a large gang ! „ N * w ToIl “i 1 J » n ,°«i}:kTL!; ofroo \ , R, ° , fl , rrn: , . _ , , e b o eariroo , quoted at 16^0l8%c. gold, job lots thi* morning and ordered to stay out. A I6^019%c, gold. Sugar quiot nnd stoady po8,e wa« raised and armed. They opened primal® 0 k“L i%k a way through the mob, nnd those who opened lower but closed firm; new $19700 ... . ... ... . $19 90. Lard opened lower but dosed firmer; wished entered the shaft. 'I here wsh great pr , Ine ateam 7 i 8c Whiskey stoady, excitement, aud tho leant offensive move- ttt uients from the idlers would havo drawn . J, 000 1 ir V~ I’Jour firmor; fsml 4l ... ly $5 3006 40. (Wn dull and dellning. 71073c. the fire of the posse. Fork lower at $19 uu. Lard luwer; steam 13^0, Notice. Office Mobil* k Oiuaud Railroad,) June 1, 1876. \ The Annual Convention of the Stock holders of the Mobile h. Oirard Rail road will be held nttlie Depot in Oirard, Ala bama, on Wednesday, Jul> 7th, at Ten o’clock A. M., when an election for President and six Directors will Uke place. Stockholders with their lamilies will he passed tree to Columbus trom 6th until 7tb, In clusive, and return any day until 12th, inclu sive. Certificates of stock must he exhibited t otho Conductor by the Stockholder as evidence of their being entitled to pass lroc with their lam- llli-s, and a proxy must exhibit certificate of stock and power ot Attorney, otherwise tare will be required in both canes. My order J. M. FRAZER, jel td Secretary. A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, Cun and Locksmiths. PHILII* Elt’LEII, Gun aud Locknwith, Crawford utmi- WILLIAM RCHOUKK, Gun aud Locksmith and duulur iu Gunning Mi>* terials. Kuat of Strupper's Couiuctionuiy Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stall* No. 10 uud 18, Market House. bust quality, J. T. COOK, Fresh Rents of All Kind*, §•{>6 Stalls Nos. 16 sod 17. Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, Harbor, Crawford St., uudi-r Rankin Uouau, Columbus, Uu Builders and Architects. J. «. UHALMEKN, House Carpenter nud Hull dor. Jobbing duun at short uotico. Plana and BpocihcntionH furni*)i<«l for all stylo* J*« Broad film is, Ga Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPNON, Livery, Mule aud Exchange Stable* Oqlethorfi, Nohtu or Ranuoli'ii Sts., oct30 Col ambus, (’a Tobacco, Cigai a, Ac. lary buildings, good spring aud well water, sit uated seven miles south ot Montevallo. Price $5 por acre. For further lnloriuatlun apply to J w Jtrantlcy, Montevallo, Ala. J T COOK, I t*q!7 oawly Agent, MAIER DORN. If you want to enjoy a good smoke, go to Cigar Manufactory, Bstwoeu Georgia Home aud Muscogee Ueiun. 05 UUR1ST1E, AMD lSOjnnd 183 Hester.Street, It ranch Store—Ho. St Fnrth Avenue. (jHl7-tf) CRANDALL & CO. NO. 569 THIRD AVENUE, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Patent Baby Carriages, Velocipedes, Propellers Spring and Hobby Horses Doll Carriages, Wagons, Carts and Slcig hs 8^* Constantly on hand, i large etock to suit jolT-tf