Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 17, 1875, Image 1

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<£c4nmlms VOL.- XVII. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 17. 1875 NO 140 TERMS or rum DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ENQUIRM-SUN. W. Salisbury, O. A. Klink SALISBURY & KLINK, PROPRIETORS. This In the only paper la Columbus tlint rceeivei the Associated l’ron (linpalv)ieM. From the tlrat of January last the post age on papers must be paid by the pub lisher. This will be ton cents a month lor dallies and live cents a quarter for each woekly, Our subscribers will see the necessity for pay. ng up promptly, as all those In arroars will bo droppod on the first of January. We are over willing to aooommodate our friends, but It will ho Impossible to send out papers not paid for In advanco. The following will be tho subscription terms for the Enquirer for the yoar 1875: WHEN MAILED. Dally, In advance with post age paid $ V HO per annum. Sunday, with postage paid.... 2 70 “ “ Weekly, with postage paid... ago »• “ Sunday and Weekly, with postage paid 3 40 “ M SERVED IN CITY AND BtTKUIlHA. Dally, <1 8 00 por annum. No Sundays served separately. omcs nox. Dally $ 8 00 per aunura Sunday H 60 “ “ Weekly '* 00 «• “ Weekly and Sunday 3 oo “ “ AUVKKTINKRN, TIKE NOlli'Et Liberal Discount for Time Advertising. Hates will bo roduced from this date for all advertisements exceeding In time one month. Merchants and others will do well to take advantage of tho Summer rates, and In this manner prepare for Fall trado. Advertising Rates, Square 1 Week Daily, ..$ 3 00 . 5 00 . 6 60 . 8 00 . 13 00 . 17 00 . 20 00 . 22 60 . 26 00 . 42 00 w change yearly cards a liberal di>. mint will bo made. The rate for every other day in Dully and every week in Woekly or Buuday will bo tho Daily 1 Month, 1 Square 1 year Tho above in with the privilege ery three months. Foi ’ Fore will be one-half Daily le-third lean than tho Daily For twice a week the rate*. For advertisements In local or reading colunius r cent, additional will bo charged, j Weekly or guild »y rates will lie 5-third DO|> Tl of tho Daily. When an advertlsomont Is clisngod more than once in throe months the advertiser will be charg ed with the cost of composition. Forelgu adver- I do those at home. CEdtg Scatters, Rub tell County Inspector* of Election. The following is a list of Inspectors, Deputy Bhenfts and Returning Officers appointed for Russell county to act in their respective capacities at the election to be held in Alabama on the 3d day of August next for delegates to the Consti* tutioual Convention: Beat 1. Inspectors—R. H. Moreland, B. H. Ryder, Dan Collins. Deputy Sher iff—W. B. Whitlmrst. Returning Officer —R. R. Smith. Beat 2. Inspectors—Henry Benton, Qeorge Hays, A. J. Williamson, colored Deputy Sheriff—John W. Hays. Return ing Officer—J. D. Bowen. Beat 3. Inspectors—M. W. Harvey, M, J. Jones, Henry Allen, colored. Deputy Sheriff—0. V. Ingram. Returning Officer —D. D. Johnson. Beat 4. Inspectors—J. II. Speidel, B. J. Smith, Thomas Johnson, colored, Deputy Sheriff—8. J. Dawson. Return, ing Officer—Elias Barnes. Bent 5. Inspectors—J. G. Smith, W. J, Turner, Harry Blouut, colored. Deputy Sheriff — Thomas Turner. Retnrning Offloer—J. P. Crawford. Beat (1. Inspectors— L. Margolins, A A. McMnkin, Riloy German, col. Deputy Sheriff—Sherod Wilkerson. Returning Officer—W. 8. Bryant. Beat 7. Inspectors—W. J. Henry, L. R. Edge, Burton Long, col. Sheriff— H. B. Perry. Returning Officer—W, Simpson. Beat 8. Inspectors—D. B. Mitchell, R A. Stratford, Ned Jones, col. Deputy Sheriff—W.B. Moore. Returning Officer— Forbes Bradley. Boot 0. Inspectors -Win. Gatewood, L. O. Corcoran, Wash Johnson, col. Dop uty Sheriff—Henry Averett. Retnrning Officer— J. E. Stringer. Beat 10.. N. A Weston, E. C Perry Prince Gardner, col. Deputy Sheriff— Colbert Dawson. Returning Officer—G, A. Garrett. For Rent. The fine saloon, known as the Arbor, one door west of the Enquiber-Hux office, is offered for rent until the 1st of October, with the privilege of re-renting at that time, Tho location is one of the most conveniently situated in tho city, being on a frequented thoroughfare, and the saloon is elegantly fitted up, both for a bar and restanraunt. Apply at thin office. j°8 If Infanticide in Itntnelt. A negro women named Ella Pollard was committed to jail at Seale on Mon day last, charged with infanticide. She is aged about eighteen and lived on the plantation of John Buchanan, Russell county, Ala. It seems, from the evi dence before the committing magistrate, that she gave birth to the infant in a •wamp about a quarter of a mile from her house. The child was found buried. Tho skull was broken. A lightwood knot found near by appears to have boon the weapon used to kill the child. Its mouth also Beamed to have been crammed full of mnd. She says it is her child and was Rtillborn. How to Keep Cool• Get your Ice from J. B. Ivey A Bro., at 2) cents per pound. jelff fit PRU8NIA. BISMABOK TALKINO PEACE—TUB VON ABNIX TRIAL. Berlin, Juno 111.— Bismarck, before leaving for the country, received the foreign representatives, and gave each one assurances of tho peaceful disposi tion of Germany. Whatever result the present trial of Von Arnim may have, it ia said to bo ultimately referred to the Supreme Tribu nal, by appeal either of the defense or prosecution. Beulin, June 10.—The session of the Prussian Diet is formally closed. U«alk of Old Wsiuaa. | New Yore, Juno 111.—A letter from Acapulco, Mexico, reports that at Morelia a woman died the other day at the extra ordinary nge of 132 years, being attend ed at her funeral by over two huudrod of her nearest relatives, among whom were two sons of ninety aud one hundred years. TIIK RAILROAD WAR. Basin of Nritlemenl Agreed | p« n . SCOTT AND GABRETT BURT THE IIATOHET AND SMOKB THE CALUMET. Baltimore, June 10.—Official.—'Tho Directors of ihe Baltimore Ohio Rail road Company, at a special meeting to day, ratified tho basis of settlement as agreed on by President Scott and Vico President King, making a single amend ment, which it is expected will meet the approval of the Board of Pennsylvania Directors. Baltimore, June 1G.—At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad to consider tho basis of settlement agreed upon by President Soott and Vice president King, at Fifth Avenue Hotel ou Friday, June s held to-day and adjourned shortly after 12 o'olook, the session last ing about an hour. The proceedings were atriotly private, and will not be given to the press, it is stated by officials, until after 3 o’olook to*day, if then. This may be to prevent specula tion in stocks by outside parties. A num ber of reporters, respreseuting papers in Washington, New York and other cities, are about the building, eagerly waiting the publication of tho proeodings. Philadelphia, Juno 1G.—It is under stood that the agreement is for a period of ton years—the companies to agree upon mode rate rates between all coinpetiug points, which will bo maintained by both. Tho contract can only be terminated by resolution of tho respective boards, special committee is to be appointed by each board, to whom shall be referred all matters of difference, if any, that may arise relative to the practical workings of the arrangement, and with power to adjust all complaints between the two companies. The Pennsylvania Company opens its lines between Philadelphia and Now York to the Baltimore A Ohio Railroad, on the same terms that they give other connecting roads at Philadelphia. This agreement, it is believed, will be of a per moncut character. It is understood tho details of the agreement will not be pub lished. Another Civil Might* Cane Thrown Out. New York, June 1G.—Some weeks ago, W. W. Tillotson, Treasurer of Booth’s Theatre, was charged before Commis sioner Davenport, with having violated the provisions of the Civil Rights bill, in refusing to soli a ticket to Wm. Davis, a colored man, and as such not entitled to a seat in the theatre elsewhere than in a portion of the upper part of the house, set apart for colored people. At the time of Tillotson’s arrest, his coun sol claimed that he had not violated the law, inasmuch as its prohibition of dis crimination as to oolor did not apply to theatres which were managed simply as private business speculations, subject to such regulations as to admission as their proprietors might doom proper to iin pose. Tillotson waived nn examination and gave boil to await the action of the U. S. Grand Jury. Daring tho sessions of tho Grand Jury, Davis has been before it several timos, but failed to impress the jnrors that he had a esse that they were warranted in entertaining, and they there fore presented no bill against Tillotson. In view of the interest taken in this case, this action of tho Grand Jury ia import ant. Important Decision, Washington. June 1G.—In view of wa ter routes throughout the South, tho fol lowing is important: Judge Wylie, in the Equity Court, in the first of the Georgetown mill casos—that of ltay vs. the Chesapeake A Ohio Canal Company— decided that the contract of Mr. lUy entitled him to receive as much water as had been coming to bis mill before the Canal Company undertook to make a change, and he made perpetual the in junction restraining the Canal Company from diminishing the supply of water to run tho mill, and from interfering with the gauge. Dnrlutf Bank Robbery. Indianapolis, Jane 10. — During a heavy rain storm, yesterday, two men and a woman drove to the Central Bank. The woman engaged one of the clerks in con versation at tho carriage. Tho two mou eutered tho bank and began talking with the cashier, who was presently set at work figuring out interest on a large sum they desired to loau. While tho cashier was thus engaged, tho men slipped into their pockets packages to the amount of from $5,000 to $7,000 and got off with it. No arrests yet. Charleston and New York. New Yoke, Juno 10.—At a breakfast given the Charleston “Washington Light Infantry” yesterday, a letter was read from Gov. Tildon, expressing regrot at his inability to bo presont, and welcom ing tnem to Ihe State of Now York. This was followed by’brief uddresses from Gen. Woodward, of the Governor’s staff, and from Col. Marshal Lefferts of the Veterau Corps of tbo Soventh regiment. Heavy failure*. London, June 15.—Alexander Collier A Co., commissi on merchants, have failed; also Suuud A Co., East India merchants. reported the liabilities of Alexander Collier A Co. amount to $15,000,000. C'littrch Union founumnaated. Montreal, Canada, June 10.—The Union of the Presbyterian Church and Church of Scotluud has boon consumma ted. Tbo united church is to he designa ted tho Presbyterian Church of Canada. Death of Wm. Arnett. Edinburg, Juuo 1G.—Rev. Wm. Arnett, tho eminont author and divine, is dead. He visited this country three times. His last visit was to tho late Evangelical Alii ancein New York. Wiesaenver Acquitted. Vienna, Juno 1G.—The Provincial Court acquitted Wiessongor of the charge of au Attempt to dofraud Father General. Rifle Team In Ireland. Dublin, Juno 1G.—Tho American rifle team has arrived, and was received with great enthusiasm. FIJI Island*. London, Juno 1G.—Fiji Isinnd advices report a slight abatement of tho measles epidemic. TUB WRATH ER. probabilities. Washington, June 1G.—For South At lantio States, nearly stationary pressure, warmer northeast and southeast winds, clear and partly cloudy weather. CITY DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. first ruKsiimuiiAN. Corner of Oglothorpe and St. Clair streets—Rev. J. H. Nall pAHtor. Services at 10) a. m. and 4 p. m. each Sunday. Sabbath school at 3 A. M. EPISCOPAL (TRINITY). Oglethorpe street, between Randolph and St. Clair—Rev. W. C. Hunter rector. Services at II a. m. and 4 p. m. each Sunday. Sunday school at '.») a. m. ROMAN CATHOLIC. St. Philips and St. James (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Baldwin aud Few streets—Father Devine, pastor. Mass at G) and tty a. m., and vespers at 5 p. m. Catechism at 4 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST. ' Randolph street, belweeu Jackson and Fraukliu—Rev. C. A. Kendrick pastor. Servicos every Sunday at 10.) a. m. and 8 p. M. Sabbath sebool at II a. m. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph and St. Clair stroots—ltev. R. J. Coilev, pastor. Services each Sunday at m. aud 8 r. m. Sabbath school at i aul—Southeast cornor of Frank lin ami Troup streets — Rev. J. Branch, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10) a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at 4 p. m. JI road Street Methodist—-On upper Broad street. Rev. B. F. Breedlove pastor. Services every Sunday at 10) a. and 7] r. M. Sablmth school at 2) p. Class meeting at 0 a. m. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Cornor Crawford aud Forsyth streets. B. A. Bouhcitn. rabbi. Services ovory Friday evening at 8 aud Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. OIRARD. Methodist.—Rev. L. B. Payne pastor. Services 1st Sunday at 10) a. m., and 3rd Suuday at 5 p. m. Sabbath school 3 r. m. Baptist..—No pastor. Services on (ho 4th Sunday in each month. Sabbath school at 8) a. M. BROWNSVILLE. Browncville Baptist.—liev. J. F. Reeves, pastor. Services 1st and 3d Suudays. Sabbath School at 0 a. m. Trinity (Methodist)—Rev. L. B. Payne pastor. Services 1st, 2nd and 3rd Sunduy at 8 p. m. and 3rd Suuday at 10) a. m. Alternate Sundays supplied both morning aud evening. Sabbath school ovory Sunday at 3 r. m. colored. Anbury Chapel (Methodist)—East com mon, ltev. W. J. Gaines, pastor. Services every Sunday at 104 a. m. and 3 r. m. aud 7) at night. Sabbath school at II a. m. First Baptist—Corner Front and St. Clair (near river)—ltev. Green McArthur, pastor. Services every Snnday at 10) a. m. and 8 p. m. Sabbath school at II a. HIDES. M. M. HIRSCH HAS REMOVED TO HIS OLI) STAND ON Crawford Street, Near Alabama Warehouse, Where ho will continue to PAY tho HIGHEST PRICES for Rags, Hides, Furs and Wax, ftn*13 Ja&itO dlv To the Editin'* of the Enquirer-Sun, ('olu mbits, Gnu yin : Hear Sir: Our attention having boon called to an advertisement of one of our competitors, In which our sales for 1874 are '‘estimated” at 36,000, we tako pleasure In authorising th* state ment that wo aro olllelally informed from the principal office of tho Company at New York that the sales of TH E HOW ft 51A OH IN ftS wore 103,136 for 1874. HospeotfUlly, REAL ESTATE ACENT8. JOHN BLACKMAtt, Next to Froer, lllges A Co., St. Clair Street, Coin in n hr, tin* Real E.t.te, Brokerage and In* aurance Agont. RBHR, III PERMISSION, To ifm-han!*’ aud Meehani«*»* Hank, of this city j nrJH tf Notice. Office Morilk fit (Guard Railroad, I June 1, 1876. \ ■rS»f*Tho Annual Convention of tho Stock* holders ottho Mobile k Girard Rail road will lie held at the Depot In Girard, Ala bama, on Wodnosday, July 7th,At Ten o’olook A. M., when an election for Presldont and six Directors will tako place. Stockholders with their families will bo passed freo to Columbus from 6th until 7th, In clusive, and return any day until 12th, inolu i ive. Certificates or stock must be exhibited t otlio Conductor by the Stockholder as ovldcnce of their liolng entitled to pass freo with their lam Hies, and a proxy must exhibit certificate of stock and power of Attorney, otherwise fare will bo required In both cases. By order J. M. FRAZER, J.l td Secretary. CHAMPION FIRE EXTINGUISHER! WM. JOHNSON, t’oluinban, (la. r. II. J0IINKT0N Urlflln, Ol. i stats or ARK HOUR AQKNTS GEORGIA And EASTERN ALABAMA FOR THE SALE OF CHAMPION HUE EXTINOUISHEBSI The Champion Self-Acting Engine for title*, towns, and village* In the moat powerful self-acting Engines in Ihe world. The 8tutiou*ry tor ware houses, depots, saw mills, Ac., superior to all nth ers iii existence. The Portable, the last, least, should l»o in every dwelling, storehouse, gin MARKETS. BY TKliKUKAFH TO ENQUIRES. Money anti Ntock Market*. Paris, .Tune 16.—Rentes 03f and 9Qc. New York, Juno 16 —Money easy, at 2>^@3 por cent Sterling ox hamre weaker, at n>8. Gold dull at 117011’.^. Governments activo and strong; now 6’s \\S%. State bonds quiet and strong. New York, June 10.—Specie shipments to day 42,000,000. Cotton Market*. Liverpool, Juno 16 —Noon.—Cotton dull; middling uplands 7J^d; middling Orleans 7 1-lod; sales 10,000; tor speculation and export 2,000. Cotton to arrive % choapor. Deliverable in August and September 7 1-16U. 2 r. jg.—Shipments of new crop basis mid dling uplands, nothing below low middlings, 7/4*1. Liverpool, June 16—3:0) p. m — Of sales to-day 6,600 were American. Sales on a basis ol middling uplands nothing below low middlings, deliverable In June, 7 fi led. Sales on a basis middling Orleans, nothin* below low middlings, deliverable In June, 7 Sales on a basis of middling Orleaus, nothing below Ijw middlings, deliverable in July aud August, 7J4d. New York, Juno 10.—Futures closod baroly steady; sale* :i6,800, as follows : Juno 14 31-:«» 16; August 16 3-32; September 16; October 14 21-32; November 14 17-32£$14 U-16; December 14 9.16^1410-32; January 14 27-32® 14%; March 16 1-16^16%; April 16 5-16^16 11.32; May 15 0-16. Cotton dull: sales 4<>2 bales at l&V%@t6%o; net leccipts 67. Savannah, June 16.—Cotton dull; mid dlings 16e; net receipts 734; sales 817. Muni lk, June 16.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings net receipts 13; snlcs 200. Boston, June 16 —Cotton dull and nominal; midtilings lft%c; nut reooipts 40; sales 76. Provision Market*. Livknpool, June 16—2 r. Jr.— Brooditutin quiet. Lard 60s and 6d. New York, Juno 16.—Cofloo, Rio quiet and stoutly; cargoes quoted at 16£0lN%c. gold, job lotp Ws4@W%o, gold. Sugar quiet and scarcely firm, at 8%@i8%c lor fair to good refining; . je for prime; 8%c lor fair to good Muscavudo. Molasses dull ami be «vy, at 42<^&8e. Rice quiet. Pork lower; new ipitf 60@19 70. Lard lrregu- lar, at 13 6 10fcil3%c lor prime steam Whiskey steady, at tl 20. utimoue, Juno 16. — Coffee quiet and firm: ordinary to prime Kio, cargoes, 16£jl8%; ‘ebbing 161*911% Whiskey strong at $1 20. Chicago, Juno 10 — Flour quiet; spring superfine *3 60064 25. Corn lower and In |falr demand; No 2 mixed 6»%e for spot Pork dull anti lower, at 618 76 or spot. Lard dull and lowor, 13c for spot Whiskey dull and droop ing, at 41 16. Loitihvillk, Juno lfl. — Flour dull and un- Chur.g.-d; extra 44 50^5 00, family extra |6 26^ 6 7J Corn dull at 73@7'*c. Provisions quiet ami weak. Pork dull. Bacon, shoulders li%c, clear rib sides ]*]/.<•, clear nidus 12%c, packed Lard; tlorco 16U@16o, k»*g 16Uc. Whiskey 4116. Bag ging quiet, 13<^l4o. Cincinnati, Juno 16.—Flour steady. Com dull 71{$73c. Pork nominal. Lard nominal. Bacon dull; shoulders U'/,c, clear rib sides 12?40, clear shies 12^c Whiskey firm at 41 16. Rosin, etc, Nr.w Your, June 16.—Turpontlno dull, at 32c for strained. Rosin dull. Freight*- New York, Juno 16.— Freights a sh&do firmer; cotton, sail 9-32, steam 6-10. The Hlud* UftMc* Washington, June 1G.—No now devel opments in the Hinds trial for corrupting United States officials. The point is raised that the persons bribed were tem porary clerks and not United States officials. The Grkaahopper*. Leavenworth, Juno 1G.—The grasshop pers have disappeared from this region. The air, for the post four days, has been black with them going North. Farmers are preparing to replant. Nil IP NEWN. New York, June 16.—Arrived : France, Hol land, Para, Southern Chief. New York, June 16.—Arrived: Vera Crus. Arrived out: <iuctu and UrcuL Western. Notioe to Debtors and Creditor*, A LL persons having claims against th« os Into ol L. W. Isbell, deceased, will pre sent them Immediately, and all persons indebt ed to thoestato will please call anti settle with WILLIAM and SOULE RftDI), *13 tf Administrators ACIy £6{\ AI3EX1V PROFIT# p«r wee o9l«uU Will prove it or forfeit i-V New articles jiiHt |)ut«iitml. Samples *e»t free all. Address W. 11. GUIUKBTKIl, 267 Broadway, New York. St. John (Methodist) N. E. common— ltev. E. P. Holmes, pastor. Services every Sunday *t ID) a. m. and 8 p. x. Sabbath school ailFiA^x. ■ PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) n. e. cornor Jackson and Crawford streets. No. 2 (white fe male) a. w. corner St, Clair and Forsyth streets. Temperance llall (mixed colored) Ogle thorpe street, between ltaudolpli aud Bryan. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, centre of city) betweeu Oglethorpe aud Jackson and Crawford and Thomas streets. Jail on East commons, foot of Craw ford stroet. Opera House n. e. corner Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Fom&lo Orphan Asylum, East common, near ceraotery. Post Office, corner of Oglotborpo and Uandolph. I. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpe, between St. Clair and Crawford sis. Regular meetings held overy Monday evening, at 7) o’clock. Encampment meets 2d and 4th Mon days in each mouth. MASONIC. Lodge in Burma’ building, corner Broad and Uandolph st roots. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Meets 3d Tuesday night in oach month. Barley Chapter, No. 7—Meets on 1st Friday night in each mouth. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets 3d Saturday night in each mouth. St. Aldemar Commandcry—Meets 2d Tuesday night in each month. B’NAI BEIUTH. Lodge in Strupper’s Building—Mootings held on the 1st uud 3d Sundays in each month. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—John McIUienny. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Chas. Coleman. City Physician—Dr. W. W. Flowollen. City Sexton—A. Odom City Marshal—None. Deputy Marshal—W. L Robinson. Wharfinger—Jake Burr us. POLICE. Chief—W. L. Robinson. FIT.rT 8QUAD. SECOND SQUAD. Cn» T. T. Moore, (’apt. John Forun, 11. Wood, Juiuos A. Robarts. John Brady, J. S. Roper, Zeno Pickett. John Fosgan, E. W. J nines, Charles Brady, Whit Smith, Dan’l Duncan, STANDING COMMITTEES OF COUNCIL—18 75. Accounts—Grimes, Joseph, Curtis. Bridges aud Wharf—Clark, Ledsinger, Joseph. Cemetery—Brannon, Andrews, Grimes. Cisterns anil Fire Department—Brown, Curtis, Flournoy. City Improvements and Commons— Flournoy, Clark, Ledsinger. Public Schools—Curtis, Grimos, Bran non. Contracts — Costun, Brannon, An drews. Finance—Blanchard, Jordan, Clark. Hospital—Joseph, Blanchard, Costan. Market aud Magsaino — Lodsiugor, Flournoy, Brown. Police and Gas—Jordan, Brown, Blanchard. Streets and Sowers—Costan, Jordan. UOLL OF COLUMBUS FIRE DE PARTMENT. no Alt!) OF CONTROL. W. II. Williams, Chief Engineer. C. A. Ethridge, First Ass’t Euginoer. A. K. Fraucis, Second Ass’t Engineer. G. W. Flournoy, Sccrotary. FIRE COMPANIES. No. 1—B. F. Coleman, R. Ledsinger, W. II. Brannon, T. O. Douglass. No. 5—E. L. Wells, Robert Ennis, D. E. Williams, G. U. Flournoy. Central Mechanics No. G—C. D. Wall, P. J. Cochran, A. K. Francis, A. J. Nix. Book ami Ladder—M. M. Moore, F. Mott, 0. B. Grimes, George Moore. iuIvuh, w« uro prepared to offt-r gmii iuduci Poraont wIhIiIdk auy of (ho above article ‘ * luroa iqili(*t! by adaroaHiiiK ( Ageut, Coiuutbuo II. W. Jobnaion, Grtflin, Georgia. Je25aw*wt A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, For th* Status i BRANCH OFFHJK OF TIIK HOWK MACHINE GO., ) * Tknnkhskk, Ukokgia, South Carolina. Alabamafc Mississirhi, l N A8HVILLK, i *NN., JdUe 10th, 1876.) THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. CEO. H. OWEN. Manager. Hotel. VUhTHAi. NIITIL, 140 «%ntl 14*4 llrontl NG, UoIuiiiImia, 44a. Mrs. S. ft. WoLbuiDGK, *|>21 Propriotro88. Cotton FaotorlDH. -TO VO., Lawyers. I.IONKI. 4\ I.KVV, JR., Attorney And UotiiiNel tor At lew. (\nuiulHnloner ol Do«<Ih N. Y. and other State*. Office over Georgia Homo liiHumnco (Jo. Special attention Riven to collect Inus. dec6 SAM1IKL II. HATCHKll. Attorney at Law. Ja20 Office over Wittldi A Kina.-l’a. A» A. IfiOZIKR, Attorney And tionnwollor at f .a«v. Practice# in State aud Federal Oourta in Uvorgia and Alabama. ca 126 Broad ft., Oolumbiia, Ua. .iaO Sheeting*, Shirting*, and Sewing d Knitting Thread. Card* Wm,; .. 1 (■ .udi Wheat* nd Corn- la roar of >, ■* Kiuiet’a, Randolph at. I H. II. OftlLTON, President. MUN('044KK MANUFAUTURINU CO*. Ma* afarturera of BURSTINGS SHIRTINGS. YARN, ROPE, A„. COLUMBUS, OA. O. P. SWIFT, President. W. A. SWIFT, Secretary Trownrer. Octal ly. Mask II. BLANProao. Louis F. Oarraep. IB LAN BI'URI) A G A It RAM It, Attorney* and 4'oiin*ellorM at law. Office No. 67 Broad Htroot, over Witticli A Kin- •«P* Jewelry Store. Will practice In tho State uud Federal Court a. Mp4 L T. DOWNING, Attorney and Nolle I tor. U. 8. Oom'r uud Kt-giftor in Bankruptcy. Office uov20| over Brooke' Drug Stoic, ColuiuhilH, <a. Jt. J. MON KM, Attorney and UonuNcll«»r at Law icorgi* Horn Crocurs. DAN’L M. BISK, Dealer in Family Urocertce, ou Bryan Htroot, l>u- iwuou Oglethorpe x Juckeou btreete. No charge for drayage. doc7 J. H. HAMILTON, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Watchmakera. O. U. L1CUUIM, Watchmaker, 134 Broad atreet, Colutubun, Ua. mans Otoe- - " *“'* *--* ner and warranted. Otocka repaired in the beet V Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. ICE, Worker In Tin, Nheet Iron, topper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. Ja7 No. 171. Broad Kin Dentists. eiiry ouituiDgs. u . .. unted seven mile* south of Montevallo. Price 46 nor acre. For further information apply to .1 W Brantley, Montevallo, Ala. JTUOOK, feql7 oawly Agont. WAGONS, PLOWS, AND Agricultural Implements Generally. HAVE located tayfthopaon Wynn’* Hill, near the city of Onlumbux, and am prepared with a ginal utook of DRY LUMHftH to at tend toallw.rkln my line at the very low e*t cash prices. Ropairing Attondod to Promptly, W. M. AMOS. npUetMl&wtf __ CHARCOAL! Charcoal, Best Quality, For Sale at GAS WORKS At Three Cents per Bushel. Hp26 tf WM. N HAWKS, Tn MAllY k’sHOUTEB. \ mort K I T appearing to the Oourt by th« roturn or tho Sheritf in tho it hove oas > that tho dolen «lant i* not to ho found In *’ o countv of Miihoo- Koe, and tho said ilcfodtian'. does not rosldo In the Ntafo of Georgia, It. 1* hereby ordered, on motion of plalntitl’H attorneys, l’eabody A llritnuon, that she bo served by a publioat l< Special attention given t tidal Tooth, as Well as to L fab22 dAW (OLUMH1N DENTAL ROOMN, W. Y. l»o. .L, Prop’r, . noino liulldin ‘ oatlS Doctors. UR. N. H. LAW. Offlco cornor Broad aud Rntidolph streets, Burrus building. lonce on Forsyth, threw doors below 8t. Clair. Boot and Shoemakara Dealer In Lenther and Fiudlugs. Next to 0. A. Redd A Co.'a. Prompt and strict attention glveu bra.jail Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., A CO., House and Sign Painters, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Ju*t north of postofflee) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House und Sign Painting at 'liable prices, und guarantee satisfaction. " to Wm. Snow, Hr. laprft Refer t OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Dootora. »R. JAH. I. WAKNOCK, burgeon and Physician. Slaughter’s Drug Store, Railroad street. Hotels. ADAMN IIOUME. When you no to OjwJika, Ini sure to stop at the Adams House, opposite Passenger Depot. LAWYER*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney n.t Law, HAVH.TOST. UA., Tailors. U. A. KUSIINK, Merchant Tailor and Cutter. A fall stock of French and KngliHh Broadcloths Cassiim res and Vesliugs. aprlU No. 134 Broad Street HKNKY NEU.MAN. Cutting, Cleaning and IteimiriiiE Done in the best style. Dress-Making. MINN M. A. HOLLINGNWORTH, Dress-Making, Cutting aud itting. Terms cheap Residence and shop in Brow ueviliu. Plano Tuning, &c. K. W. BLAI Repairer and Tuner of I'Umx WILLIAM NCIIOKftlt, Gun and Istcksiulth and d'aler in Gnu tcrials. East of HU upper’s Con ft Jal6 JESSE J. 11UADFORD, J Whereas John ftoj tern of administration Kiirot Hums, deoearod, Clerk. (JOUNTY.— i lias applied for let i iho estate of ** ~ i tho estate ol ftdi f M letters de ird Hums, de 1'heso are therefore to cite and sdraonlsh, all and singular, the klni'red and creditors of Hitld iluceaHud, to show cause (It any they have) with n the time prescr lied by law, why Maid letters should not be granted to Maid ap plicant. “’line j6th,187& J06 oaw4t KORGIA, MTJ8(MKJKK COUNTY.— _ jrai tor of the estate of Ann Kelly, county, doceufted, applies for letters ol dismissl tlon, Those persons j) at -a and for said county, on the first Monday in August next, why said administrator should not be discharged. under my official slgnaturo this May 1st, 1876. my212 w lute of said undersigned i from said udinlnhtra- iro therefore to cite and admonhh all concerned to show cause (If any they Fiave) at I ho Oourtof Ordinary, to ho held in Cun and Locksmiths. PifILIP EIFI.EK, and Lock.with, Crawford street, next Johnson's corner, Columbus, Ou. jn DEGRAFF&TAYLOR, Manufacturers and Dealers n Furniture, Bedding, LAMBREQUINS. &C., Nos. 87 and 89 Botvery, Fresh Meats. J. W. PATRICK, Stall* No. 1G and IK, Market House. ■h Meats of ovory kind und host quality, all always on hand. J. T. COOK, freaks Meat* of All Kind*. iMrt Stalls Nos. 16 und 17. Barber Shops. Ell. TERRY, llarlMT, Crawford 8t., -inder Rankin House, Columbus, (la. Builders and Architects. J. G. UIIALMKMN, Uoaae Carpenter and Hull«l«r. Jobbing done at short uotico. Plans and specifications furnislit'd for all stylot dings Broad Street, next to (}. W. Br of buildings ja9 Colmubiirt, Oo. tutu ol Tully M. ThreblkeM, la'e of said oounty, deceased. These arc, therefore, to cite and odinonlHh nil and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to show ettuse (If any thoy have) within the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said applicant Given under iny official signature, this Juue 7th, 1876. F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. elO oaw4t Livery and Sale Stables. HOUKKT IHOnJ’S.JN, Llrery,N»le end Evdiangc AloNIn OUbUtuoKps, or Hardolpu 8ts„ oct30 Columbus. Ca Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. MAIER HORN. If you want to eujoy a good smoko, go to Ids, Cigar Manufactory, Between Georgia llomo and Muscogeo Homo. Jn» 66 ClIWlSTlft, AMD I no: wn<l INS Hester Nlreel, Branch Store — Nn. HI Forth Avenue. UatMf) CRANDALL & CO., NO. 560 III rENUE,<l K.tall IHnler/i In Patent Baby Carriages, Velocipedes, Propellers Spring and Hobby Horses Doll Carriages, Wagons, Carts and Sleig hs MB- Constantly on hand, a larg* stoex to suit tho trade. |al74>l