Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 19, 1875, Image 4

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< DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 19. 187B gjclctjvitpftie* OHIO DHOCRiOT. A GOOD PLATFORM. Columbus, Jnos 18.—Tb* platform adopted by the Democratic State Conven tion declares adherence to the prtnoiplee of the fathers of the Republic j opposi tion to aggressions of either upon the functions of co-ordinate powers of the Oorornment, or the exercise of fuoctiona reserved to the people; protections of all cit wtui, regardleM of anything; ono term ind twenty-five thousand dollars ■ala: no grants of money, credit or land* to railroad scheme**; abolition of national banka ; iaatie of legal tenders to meet the wants of trade, and establish ment of State banka of discount and de- |>o»it under State regulations; one-half of the customs payable in legal tendera ; no curroncy but legal ton dors ; complete separation of Church and State, and no secular hcuooIh continued ; tyranny and cruelty in the Southern States denounced. Columbus, June 18.—The State Demo cratic Executive Committee organized by re-electing the old officers. VRORUIA KAILRO.ttt TAXES. JUDGE hoi-kins’ decisions ovkuuulkd as TO SOME or THE HOADS. Atlanta, June 18.—The Huprome Court bos revoked the decisions of Judge Hop kins, of Fulton Superior Court, in regard to taxing the Western and Atlantie, the Georgia and the Augusta and Waynesboro i ail toads, lleltl, That the roads are only liablo to a tax of one and a half of one per cont. 011 net earnings. The court hold that the Central aud Southwestern railroads must pay the tax levied, and sustained Ilopkius’ decisions in regard to these roads. England. MoUE PAILUKEH —A HAIL HTOKM. IxiNDoit, Juuo 18.—N. Alexander, Hon A Co. have failed; liabilities a million. Octavius Philips A Co., colonial bro kers, aud Modlock, Smallware A Co., of Manchester, have failed. At this hour, (finto i*. m.) rumors prevail that n better feeling exists. A lmil storm hero this morning and elsewhere throughout England. Weather fair. NKA2VCK. Versailles, June 18.—The Bureau of tho Left have resolved to offer no amendment to constitutional bills as they come from the Coinmittoo of Thirty, aud to take all possible steps to hasten the date of tlie Huai dissolution of tho As sembly. Tho Loft will move to-morrow that the Public Powers’ bill be placed on orders of the day. Washing ion Moulton*. Washington, Juno 18.—Robeson has returned. A quarter of a million dollars has been sent to Now York to pay interest on Dis trict bonds. Tho Troasuror requests'that no legal tender or fractional currency bo sent for redemption that will!reach the troasnry between the 2ftth of Juno and lat of July, except tho remittances by national banks, on account of the five per cent, deposits, which shouid bo forwarded as usual. This request is made in order that the rates and currency on hand bo reduced to tho least possible amount in anticipa tion of tho count to be made on tho 1st of July. Knrthqimhe In Indians. Chicago, Juno 18.—Slight earthquake throughout tho State. Cincinnati, Juuo 18.—Indiana has had an earthquake. At Sidney a druggist shclvi- was thrown to the floor. Tho lull alii* uts fled to tho streets. oton, Juno 18.—The signal observer at Indianapolis reports ■ follows: “At 7:411 a. m. a slight earthquake was felt bore, also in Audor sou and \ nicotines, Ind., aud Columbus, Ohio.” Asiatic Cholera. Washington, Juno 18.—A private letter received here brings tho iutelligouco that tho Asiatic cholera has made its appear ance ou tho U. H. steamer iu the Asiatic station, and out of five cases four thorn wore fatal. It is believed, howoyor, that tho progress of the disouso has been arrested. W A1 sorvie. to-day < Irelniid'M dial long* Nhleld. Dublin, June 18.—Mayor Leech has presented au Ireland’s challenge shield. Americans will he allowed to eorapeto an the}’are made honorary members o: the shooting club. No matter which team wins, it iiiuhI bo shot for nest yoar nt Philadelphia. This shield will be it competition every year. RuMtn and England. Ix»ndon, Juno 18.—Tho Moscow Ga zfltt says: “England having declined to enter into intimate relutious with Russia linh as tho Central Asian Staten are placed under the protection of international law, Russia has no roasou to leave the ullianceof the ebroo Emperors and cuter iuto a league with that country,” The Exciirtlug Editor*. Saratoga. Juuo 18.—Tho Alabama and TeuuoHMoe editors received tho hospitali ties of tho village nt Ceugrcss Hall. Gov. Tildeu has tendered them a reception at Albnuy. The Alsbaiuu Press Association telegraphed greeting to the Mayor of Boa- ton on tho celebration of the battle of Bunker Uifl. Yellow IVver at lltvaas. Nknv \ouk, Juuo 18.—The steamer which arrived here yesterday from Ha vana, brought information that there were thirty cases of yellow fever there when she loft. Eire In t unsds. Barrie, Ont., June 18.—The greater portiou of the business part of the town is burned. The fire is still ragiug. The “ivsiu" |u Ireland. Dublin, Juuo 18.—Preliminary match, irishmen, 74ft; Americans, 789. TUB W BATHER. noBABXUTtM. Washington, Jane 18.—For the lower lakes and South Atlantie Statea, rising barometer, northwest to northeast winds, cooler and pertly clondy weather, and oc casional rains north of Cepe Hettere*. The rivers will probably remain nearly stationary. kallsaal Board sf Trade. Philadelphia, June 18.—The National Board of Trade resolutions, favoring e postal telegraph and the purchase of the present lines at a fair valuation, were dis eased. The motion to indefinitely post pone was carried. The resolutions looking to common law ae e rule for Government common carriers, notwithstanding the special stip ulations ou bills of lading, were passed. Ship East. San Francisco, June 18.—The ship Champlain, from New York hither, is lost. Gapt. Merrill and a sailor were drowned. FINANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. Bond aud Meek List. Gold and iliver—governed by New York Bonds. Bid Asked. • r Si 103 Atlanta 7s.. 7ft “ 8s 82 Columbus 7i, May and Nov 73 “ " J*a and July........ 73 Macon ' Savannah " Central R K 1st mortg 7s., M A W P H K, Ala, 1st mortf 8s.. Western 2d ti’d... 84 MAO “ lstmortgft NAS*' en'd by Slate 7 pc gold 7ft Muscogee K B 7s... 83 STOCKS. K A PMfg Go 100 Ooiumtu " Iron Works Go 100 .. Ota •• •• M ... 100 Columbus, Ga. Financial.—Kate for Cottor New fork par; d nmnd Provtdem , do. on New Orb K P""> CITY DIRECTORY. CHURCHES. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN. Corner of Oglethorpe and Ht. Clair Htroets—Rev. J. H. Nall paHtor. Services mi JO$ a. u. and 4 p. m. each Sunday. Sabbath school at it A. if. EPISCOPAL (TRINITY). Oglethorpe stroet, between Randolph and St. Clair—Rev. W. C. Hunter rector. Hervioea at 11 a. m. and 4 p. w. each Sunday. Sunday school at ti] a. m. HOMAN CATHOLIC. St. Philips and St. James (Catholic)—on Jackson, between Baldwin and Few streets—Father Devine, pastor. Mass nt t»] and if] a. m., and vespers at ft r. m. Catechism at 4 p. m. FIRST BAPTIST. Randolph street, between Jackson and Franklin—itev. C. A. Kendrick pastor. Services every Sunday at 10] a. m. and 8 p. M. Sabbath school at i) a. m. METHODIST. St. Luke—On Jackson street, between Randolph and St. Clair streets—Rev. R. J. Corley, pastor. Services each Sunday at 1I)A a. m. aud 8 r. m. Sabbath school at A. M. St. /W-Boutheast corner of Frank lin and Troup streets — Rev. J. O Branch, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10] a. m. aud 8 p. M. Sabbath school at 4 p. M. Jiroad Street Methodist—Ou nppei Broad street. Rev. B. F. Breedlove pastor. Services every Sunday at 10] a. m. aud 7] p. xi. Sabbath school ut 2] p. m. Class meeting at 1> A. m. JEWISH SYNAGOGUE. Corner Crawford aud Forsyth streets. B. A. Bonheim, rabbi. Services every Friday evening at 8 and Saturday woruiug at 10 o'clock. GIUAltD. Methodial.—Rev. L. B Payne pastor. Services 1st Sunday at 10] a. m., and fird Sunday at ft p. u. Sabbath school ft p. it. Jlaplint.—No pastor. Services ou the 4th Sunday in eaoh month. Sabbath school at 8] a. m. BROW NEVILLE. Jiroumcville llapttvl. —Rev. J. F. Reeves, pastor. Services 1st and fid Sundays. Hubhuth School at D a. m. Trinity (Methodist)—Rev. L. B. Payne pastor. Services 1st, 2nd and fird Sunday at 8 p. ai. and fird Sunday at 10] a. M. Alternate Suudays supplied both morning and evening. Sabbath school every Sunday at 8 p. m. HOTELS. Rankin House, corner Broad end Craw ford streets. Planters House, Broad street, (oast side), between Ht. Clair and Crawford. Central Hotel, Broad street, (oast side), betweeu St. Clair and Crawford streets. Home House, Broad street, (west side), between St. Clair aud Crawford streets. Broad Street House, (east aide), betweeu Crawford and Thomas streets. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. No. 1 (white male) n. e. corner Jackson and Crawford streets. No. 2 (white fe male) s. w. comer St. Clair and Forsyth stroets. Temperance Hall (tnixod colored) Ogle- thorpo street, betweon Randolph and Bryan. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. Court House (in Court Square, centre of city) between Oglethorpo and Jacksou and Crawford aud Thomas streets. Jail ou East commons, foot of Craw ford street. Opera House u. e. coruor Crawford and Oglethorpe streets. Female Orphan Asylum, East common, uoar cemetery. Post Otfioo, corner of Oglethorpe and Randolph. I. O. O. F. Lodge on Oglethorpo, between St. Glair aud Crawford sts. Regular mootings hold every Monday evening, at 7] o’clock. Euoampmeut meets 2d and 4 th Mon days in eooh month. MASONIC. Lodge in Burrus’ building, cornor Broad aud Randolph streets. Columbian Lodge, No. 7—Moots 8d Tuesday night in ouch month. Darley Chapter^ No. 7—Meets on 1st Friday night iu each month. Hope Council, No. 4—Meets JId Saturday uight in eauh mouth. St. AUlnnar Vommandery—Meets 2d Tuesday night in each mouth. B’NAI BEU1TH. • Lodge iu Strapper's Building—Meetings hold ou the 1st aud fid Sundays iu each mouth. MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Mayor—John Mcllhouny. City Treasurer—John N. Barnett. Clerk of Council—M. M. Moore. City Attorney—Ohas. Coleman. City Physician—Dr. W. W. Flewellen. City Sextan—A. Odom City Marshal—Noue. Deputy Marshal—W. L. Robinson. Wharfinger—Jake Burrus. POLICE. Chief—W. L. Robinson. FIRST SQUAD. SECOND SQUAD. Cupt. T. T. Moore. Cupt. John Foran, Wiu. 11. 11. Wood, James A. Roburts. John Brady, J. S. Roper, Zeno Pickett. Johu Feagan, E. W. Joincs, Charles Brady, Whit Smith, Diui'l Duncan,’ STANDING COMMITTEES OK COUNCIL—187ft. Accounts—Grimes, Joseph, Curtis. Bridges nud Wharf—Clark, Lcdsiuger, Joseph. Cemetery—Brannon, Andrews, Grimes. Cisterns and Fire Dopartmout—llrowu, Curtis, Flonruey. City Improvements and Cowmous— Fh.nrnoy, Clark, lcdsiuger. Public Sohools—Curtis, Grimes, Brau- non. Contracts — Cost an, Brannon, An drews. Finance—Blanchard, Jordan, Clark. Hospital—Joseph, ltlauchard, Costan. Market aud Magazine — Ledum ger, Flournoy, Brown. Police aud Gas—Jordan, Brown, Blanchard. Street* aud Sewers—Coe tan, Jordan. Nine 18, 1875 bills—sight on lb a ton par; do ; night on Fnvanush ^discount; • %. Bunk check* on New York , on otlcr point* in tho United BUteo % Currency loon* 101% per cent, per south. Gold ai d silver nominal. Cotton Nitration. — No change Id cron prospects. Prices have steadily declined. Sales comparatively large. Halo is badly wanted Corn crops a/e suffering. Stock has been reduced largely during the week. Conparmon WITH Last Ysar.—The United States port* receipt* are 306.202 len* bales; the export* 176,295 in**; the stork 4,290 more; Colombo* re cetpt* 2.810 Ica*; shipment* 2,078 lens; stock 873 lesa; India shipment*, since January IU. I,0i9,b09 •ffainat »*8,ooo. Colton iu sight 2,061,2*4, against 2,904,018, showing a decreaso of 262,784 bale#. lowest 70. Rain fall for week none. Same week la*t year tho thermometer aver aged 80°. Four showery days with a fall of 2.85 In he*. Tiir Mari sts—The following shows the price of middlings in New York nml Liverpool, gold at New York and Low Middlings iu Columbus each day of the week: Saturday Monday. Tuesday. W’d'sday Th'rsdny Friday... Up. Or. Up. Or. Gold. Ool. r r> in v/x lski io 110% l ilnPM M4| TH 1m2 Itij »-*0| W. i>K|ir.i •JJHC I1G4 laan* 8%; New York Gold III. ColumbuH—Middlings id. Columbus market to-day dull. Pates 8 bates. The following are the warehouse quotations. Inferior 8 0 Ordinary and ntulnod 12 0 Good Ordinary,....... Low .Middlings Middlings Rtrh'1 Middlings Week’s sates 912 bates—400 Northern spinners, lOfi home consumption. 200 for New York, 104 Iot Savannah, 00 for speculatiou, 000 for New Orleans, 000 for Philadelphia. Week's receipt* 43 hales, against 44 the previons one, end 44 therorrespondlng week hint by 8. W. H. R., 00 by M. A U. It R., 0 by Opelika R H., 3 by river, 35 by wagons, (Ml by N. A M. R. II. Shipments 89*1 bates—730 by S W It It. 100 for home comsuiupton, tOby W. It. It., 0 by M. A U WXKILT BTATSMBNT. 1875 Stock August 31st 1,030 Received pant week 43 Total received 57,611 Total received, including stock.. .68.647 .-hipped pant week 8!Hi Total dlilpped .67,009 Total home consumption.... 8,677 Stock Juno 18 1,»38 “ * ........ 012 Powd*»-ft keg $675; % keg *3.12; % $1.90 io ^Eors^ifaoilla fl V* 20c; Cotton 30c; Machine made 6Uc. Iron Tub- No sate. _ , . Laao—Prime Leaf tierce, fl ft 17c; halves and k %ALHR bushel tl.20, tack* included; 0.15, eecks retnrned. Shot—fl sack $2.00. Boda—Keg 7c fl IF, box 9c. $TAaCH—fl ft gc. RlCS—fl lh 9c. Balt—fl sack Bl 90; Virginia flcOAR—Crushed' aud Powdered f lb 13014; A 12%o, Bli; Extra 0 ll%c; N. 0. Yellow Clarified 12)4; Jo White 13c. Tobacco—Common f ft 55@65c; Medium Bright 70c; Fine 75c; Extra $1; Navy 60@65c; tJaccab-jy Banff 75080 c. TSA-Oreen B01.5O; Oolong 9Oc0$l. 10. WifisxxT—Rectified f gallon $1.1U(&$2; Bourbon $20$4. Trunks—Columbus made, 20 inch, 75c.; 36 inch 1.80. MACKfRRL—No. 1 f bbl $15008; No. 2 $14; No. 3 fil.8000240; No. 1 f kil 0.4000. PicKLXt—Case f dozen pints 0.00; f quart $3.50. Coantry Produces Wholesale. Retell. Goshen Butter 30 40 Country “ 30 3ft Egg 1ft 20 Grown Chickens 40 50 Spring Ch oMM.h*. 25 16 Irish potatoes none in market. DRT WOODS. Prints % bleached cotton 4-4 “ “ ...10020c. Bea Island " 8016c. ' Coats’ and Clark's spool cotton... .70c. Tickings 10035c. 9-4,10-4,11-4, aud 12-4 brown and bleached sheetiugs............30<aft0c.f yard. Wool flannels—red and white 20075c. “ Canton flannels—brown and bleached I2%02ftc. " Linseys 15030c. " Kentucky Joans 15066c. “ Uelambns Manateetared Vssdi. Kaolx ahd Phiwix Mills.—Sheeting 4-4 Hide. % shirting 8c.: osnaburgs, 7 ox. ; 12%c.; 8 ox, 13*2; % drilling lie.; bleached sheeting and drilling 1201 l^c.; Vohrrr.d Goods— Stripes 1001.3c; Eagle Giugham 12c.; Dixie plaid* for field work lftc.; cotton blankets $20450 per pair bleached huckaback towels $1 50 per doxen; yarns 5*. to Is. per bunch of ft poimdn $1 25; ro|>e 25c. to 27c.; sewing thread, 1G bull* to the pound, 45c.; -knitting thread, 12 halls to the pound, bleached 55c; unbleached, 45c.* cotton batting lftc; wrap ping twine, in balls, 40c. cottonuues 17035c; tickings 10@ 26c.; Woolen Goods —Casimerea, 4(jc; Joans 22050c. doe*kin 55070c; Muscooxx Mills.—% shirting 8c.; 4-4 sheeting llj^c.; Flint River, 8 ox. Osnaburgs, 13)^c.; ditto yarns $1 2ft. Clxuo'h Factort.—Plaids or checks 12c., stripe* fancy fashions, lu011o. HIDES. M. M. HIRSCH HAS BEHOVED TO HIS OLD STAND ON Crawford Street, Near Alabama Warehouse, Where he will ooatinae to PAY (he HIGHEST PEICES for Rags, Hides, Furs and Wax, augl3 JnnBOdlv 7@ll>4c. fl yard cotton 7%01Oc. “ NEAL ESTATE ACENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, Next to Freer, Illges h. Co., SL Clair Street, ColnubM) On* R««l Ettita, Brokerage end In- •uranoe Agent. nxrxn, bt rxaMissioN, To Merchants' and Mechanics' Bank, of this eity J in28 tf For Music Teachers. SONG MONARCH, (75 cent?). Unequal ed ns a class book for singing schools. American School Music Readers. nts; Ilook II, 60 06 Exoellent graded Richardson’s New Method FOR PIANOFORTE. ), tho greatest and best Piano instruction books. Clarke’s New Method for REED ORGANS. ($2 50), which occupies very nearly tho same position with respect to books of Its class as Richardson's docs to other Pianoforte Meth ting, ( Business quiet. MARKETS. Tear’s receipts.. NODES or RECEIPTS. Western Railroad..,.. ml Fouth Railroad... 09,087 7,514 2,511 60,421 ,1869-70 1870-1| WI-2 1872-2 Htook, Aug. 81, 126' 600771 1660 168 kleo'd to J18, 06562j 74006 40240j 66228 stook Juno..., 18 45112 1078 668 3676 Year’s receipts..! 67274 20255 40660 ! 58108 U.8.. Crop 18298000j 43 3259,297436113930603 Throuuii Coitom.—By Mobile A Girard Railroad 4,865 agaliiHt 2,548; by Western Rail mud 3G,862 against 43,(539 last year. Frriqiits —Per 100 lbs. cotton—to Pavnnnah 60c , Now York, Philadelphia and Baltimore $UKi; Bo* ton, l’rovidonc i $1.10; Fall River viu Now York $1.22,via boston $1 24. Tux United States Ports—Receipts for the week 13.007 bale*, against 13,907 Inat week — 11,789 tho work before, and 12,598 aume week last year. The total movement is as follows: ... 12,089 . ..3,434,383 10,505 Block Youi's receipt* Principal Pi 1 toG Cou..... 3.409 to U. U.... 1,803,656 Con 742,703 2,61*5,419 253,257 800 1,754,002 908 712 2,722,714 248,968 4,17o,388 .—The following shows their Chat lo.itou OnlvuHtou New York Other ports 1875 •82,702 317,920 595, 70 437,im 336,716 1874 1,202,588 294 801 039,458 427,070 362,462 195,815 593,475 Total 3,434,381 8,716 202 Iktsrior Towns.—They have received this week 000 bales, against 2,19 Inst year, ami have stocks of 24,951 against 40,381. The following shows their total, receipts t Augusta.... Macon Entente.... Columbus.. Montgomery ftelma Nashville.. Memphis... 1875 172.543 65,782 30 608 57,611 58,240 74,766 58,004 319,680 1874 197,825 71,689 2 s ,138 60,421 32,933 58,828 92,785 423,150 from l.ivaarooL.—The following la telegraphed ter the week: Block ** American., “ Afloat 1876 .1,003,000 ,...597,000 ,... 659,000 ... 155,000 ... 57,001 ... 81,000 68,000 1874 912(100 602,(00 B|MTiil.itioti 5,000 8,0 0 (IBNXKAT. Kbmarks.—Ilusinos8 excessively dull. No change In pricos. Wholesale Price Current. terrected Weekly lly t haiuber #1 (’niumeree. itt-i mo—no sale. K IMlATs—Clear Rib Sides 13; Fhonblci tkk—Goshen ft !b 4(»e ; ih>uutry 30c. 110. f of 100 tei ft doxen $L.5O0$3 5 Candy—Buck V lb 17c. Cannkd Goons—Sardine* ^ « t« $18. Oysters, 1 lb cans y doxen. $1.20 to $1.35. Chask—English lb 17c; Western 10c; N. Y. BttttB*l7(<i-19c. Candles—Adeamantine ft lb 19c; 1'araphiue 35c Copvxr—Rio good lb 23c; Prime 24c; Java 33c to 37c. Corn—Yellow Mixei y bushel $1.10; White, $1.14 cat load rates in depot. doahs—Dome*tic y 1.000 $200$65; Havana $7001150. Flouk A A—h’xtra Family, city grouud, ft bbl. 0.50 A $7.50, 11 $7. Hard ra*s—Wide Iron > lb 9c; Roflued 6c; 8ul Iron* 8c; liar Load —2) jc; Castings Plow Steel lie; Bpring do. 12*,c; Cast Bteel 25; Huggy Bpriugs 20c; Horse and Mule B'loes ft lb 9c; Horse Shoe Nails 25c; Nails keg $5; Axes |4 dozen $160117; Hat—V cwt. $1.40; Country 40050c. Lxatiibr—White Oak Bole ^4 lb 45050c; Hemlock Sole 33035c; French Calf Bkius $3.5O0$5.5O; .American do $2.5iH.*t$l; Upper Leuthor $ 1.500 $3.50; Harness do 4»e; Green do 5^. Mol. ts a km—N. 0. y gall. 75c, Fiofidw t'O066c; reboiled 75; common 45050. Oats—ft bushel 85090c. Oil—Kerosene y gallon 25c; I.inseed, raw $1,20; boiled $1.25; Lard $1.25; Traiu 0. Potash—ft ea*e $8 to $9 Potatoes—Irish ft bbl 0.5ti0$5. • ■ V TELEUKAPU TO ENdUIEKB. Neney lend Block Markets. Lohdon, June 18— Noon.— Erie 13%013% Pabib, June 18.—Rentes 64f and 37!^c. Niew York, .Tune 18 —Money easy, at 2@2 , / £ l>ercont Sterling exchange sieiwly. Gold 117 V* @117*4. Gorernments dull but strong: new 6’s 118)4- State bonds quiet and nominal. Cotton Markets. Liverpool, June 18.—Noon.—Cotton lrregu lar; middling uplands 7 7-lfld; middling Orleans 7%d; sales 10,900; (or speoulatlon aud export 1,0U0. Sales on basts of middling uplands, nothing below good ordinary, deliverable In June and July, Tj^d. —Sales on a basis of middling uplands^ nothing below low middlings, deilverahle In July and August, 7*4d. Sales on a basis of middling uplands nothing below low middlings, dellvorabir * August 7^d. Livrupool, June 18—3:30 r. k —Of sales to-day 6,000 were American. Sales un a basis middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, deliverable In July ~ August, 7*4d. Sales on • basis of middling uplands, noth ing below low middlings, deliverable August and September, ?%e. Sales on e basis of low middlings, n< w balow good ordinary, deliverable In June and July, 7 a led. L vicarooL, Juno 18—6 p. m.—Shipments ot new orop, basis ut middling uplands, nothing bo'ow low middlings, 7 7-lOd. Livkrpool, June 18.—Yarns and fabrics tending down. Bales on a basis of middling uplands, nothing below low middlings, delivered In June, 7 3-lfld. Nrw York, June 18.—Futures olosed qnlet; sale* 31,800, as follows: June 14%@161-16; July 14 20 32015 16-16: August 15 1-32016 1-16; September 141616014 3-32; October 14 21-32@14 1116; November 14 (L160I4 19-32; December 14 9-16014%; January 14 23-32® 14%; February 14 15-ie@14 31-33; March 16 3-16016 7-32; April 16% @16%; May 16 10-32@16%. Colton quiet: sales 1,422 bales at 15%@l6%c; net receipts 207. Momtgomrry, June 18.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 14%c, low middlings 13%e, good ordi nary 13%o; weekly not receipts 29; shipments 61; stock 1,016. Sblma, June 18.—Weekly net receipts 77 shipments 307; stook by actual count 662. Mrmphih, June 18.—Cotton quiet; middlings 14 %c; stock 10,661. Weekly net receipts 343; shipments 1,734; sales 2,600 Savannah, June 18.—Cotton dull aud nomi nal; stock 0,487. Wcokly net receipts 1,818; sales 366. Mobile, June 18.—Cotton quiet; mid dlings 14%c; Stock 3,622 Weekly net receipts 239; exports to Great Britain 2,004; salcs t 6J0. Boston, June 18—Cotton dull; middlings 16%c, low middlings 16c, good ordinary 14%c; stock 13,062. Weekly net receipts 444; exports to Groat Britain 1,216; sales 447. Galvrbton, Jvme IS. — Cotton nominal middling* 14%c; stock 16,176. Weekly net reoelpts 171; sales 1,728. Nabhyills, June is—Cotton dull; mid dlings 13%c, low middlings 13%c, good ordi nary 12%c; weekly net receipts 60; shipments 903; sales 600, spinners01; stock 4,067. Macon, June 18.—Cotton dull; weekly net receipts 17; shipments 191; sales 2; stock 1,059 Augubta, June 17.—Cotton dull and tending down; middlings I4%c, low middlings I * ordinary 13%o; stock 4,090. Weekly net receipts 138; shipments 601; sales 462 spiuners 45. Nrw Orlbahb, June 18.—Cotton, quiet: middlings 16o, sales 1,600; stock 65,636. Weokly net reoelpts 1,(>43; exports to France 2,140, Continent 1,130; sales 6,000. Charleston, June 18.—Cotton flat; mb. tilings 16c; tow middlings 14%o; good ordinary 14c; stock 7,637. Weekly net rocelpts 096; sales 660. Prevision Markets. Liverpool, June 18— Breadstuff! dull. Corn 32s and ed. Nuw York, June 18.—Flour rulos slightly in buyer's favor, euly moderate demand; South ern flour dull and drooping; common to lair extra $4 B0@$6 86; good to ohoice extra $5 00® $8 26 Wheat Irregular and unsettled, opened stoady for lots on spot; $182®#1 30 lor winter red western; $1 30@$1 40 tor amber Wo.-tcrn; $t 35@$l 41 for white Western. Corn heavy, lfa-20 lower; steam Western mixed 82w83; sail Western mlx< d 83084%; old qf e<tter " talked in store 86 Coffee, Kio, cargoes quoted at 160 18%o. gold; job lots 16%0ie% gold Sugar quiet and steady; molasses refined unchanged, 10%; standard A 10^; granulated 11%. crushed and powdered. Molasses, grocery grades,dull, heavy and nominal. Tallow steady, 8%08Jh Fork lower; new job lots $10 50. Lard heavy and lower at 13%o for prime steam. Whiskey lowerat, $$U9%0$120. Baltimore, Juue 18.— Coffee quiet and firm; ordinary to prime Bio, cargoes, 10018%; jobbing 16%010%. Whiskey firm at $1 20. Louisvillr, Juno 18. —Flour quiet and un changed; extra 0 6005 00, family extra $5 25® 6 75. Corn dnll at 72®74o. Provisions dull. Fork $10 50020 00. Bacon, shoulders 9‘ic, clear rib .sides ia%e, clear sides 12%@i3c. Lard, tierce 14%015c, k**g 16%c. Bagging activo and firm; atl3%014o St. Louis, Juno 18.—Flout quiet,unchangod. Corn lower, at 67%067%c, cash. Whiskey steady at $118. Fork dull at $19 26. Bacon dull, only limited jobbing demand. Cincinnati, June 18.—Flour steady. Corn dull and declining, 72073c. Fork lower and In fair demand at $18 50 lor spot and sellers for July. Lard nominal; summer 12%e. Bacon dull aud declining; shoulders 9c, clear rib sides 12012%c, clear Bides 12%@12%c. RohIn, etc. •HIP NEW*. Naw York, June 18.—Arrived : Brauns, chawelg, Seah. BRANCH OFFICE OF THE HOWE MACHINE TM OF TlNgaMBR, GSOROIA, SOUTH CAROLIRA. ALABAMA k « If A9HV1LLB, T,™., *»*«. 1 i*n.j To Ike Eillorl iff Ike Enquirer-Sun, Columlnu, Georgia : Dub Sib: Our BltwiUon taring bun ultod to an Bdv.rtUement of ono Ol oar com M In which onr «»lc» for 1»7* arc “Mtlmatta" nt *6,000, we take plninre In »uthorln ng Ul , that mant that wc *n omcltllr Informed from the principal omce ol tho Company »t iwt the tale* of THE HOWE MACHINES were 1M.1M for 1874. KeipeetraUy, TEE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY CEO. H. OWEN, Manat»l. Doctors. DM. U. B. MW. Office corner Broad and Randulph streets, Burrus building. Residence on Forsyth, three doors below Bt. Clair. Boot and Shoemakers Dealer in Leather and Findings. Next to C. A. Redd A Co.’s. Prompt and strict attention given to orders. Jail Painters. WM. SNOW, JR., * CO., House and Sign Painter#, Old Oglethorpe corner, (jnst north of postofllce) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House and Sign Paiutiug at w, aud guarantee satisfaction. 8now, fir. (apr5 iiimriciN nun .iniiiiihn, p. , P«‘rkliiN 4 Aailliuims ($1 6(i), Four Part <;t‘rinaii Noun#, ($1 50) For Mixed Vclct'N, or l»iRiik 9 M Anthem Ser vices, (Episcopal), $2 60. Sold by all tho principal Music Dealers. Sent poat-pui.i for Hctail Price. DITSON A Co., Boston. Oiias. II. IIITS0N A Co., 711 llr’way, N Y. jelfl tf GRAY’S Ferry PRINTING INK Works PHILADELPHIA. ROBINSON d! PRATT, 7H San»om St.,PUla(l’a PRATT J! ROBINSON, 8 Spruce St., N. y. 1 71KOM the Philadelphia North American an j United States Gazette:— “Wo publish in another place, the recom mendation* of the Printing Inks manufactured attheGUAY S FERRY INK WORKS. We are using Ink from Messrs. Robinson A Pratt's Works, and are pleased to add our approvil of It to the m»nv endorsements they have already received. The Ink is of excellent quality, clear, and works freely.” e Northern Tier Gazette, 7Yow, iPa.) say* ol tho GRAY’S FERRY PRINTING INK WORKS: “Wc call the attention of our editorial friends to tho card or the GRAY’S FERRY PRINT ING INK WORKS, of whom wo have been buying Ink for some years past. Wo om com mend tho gentlernon who run these Works as worthy of patronage, ns anxious to satisfy the wants of their customers, and as satisfactory men to deal with a« we ever met. They iU • the firm ol MacKeller, Smiths A Jordan, type founders, of the same city, aro men that it will do to TIE TO, certain of receiving honorable treatment and prompt attention.” ian!9 tf OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. JAB. T. WARNOCK, Surgeon and Fhyalclau. Office at Siuughtur’s Drug Store, Railroad street. febl4 Hotels. ADAMS HOUSE. When y Ada dec2.H u go to 0|H»llka, bo sure to stop at the mi House, opposite Passenger Depot. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HANILTOM, U., W ILL practice iu the Chattahoochee Circuit or any whore else. All kind of collections Pianos and Organs. Cash Prices; Easy Terms. From $25 to £ 100 can ho saved In tho purclinso of a Plami or Organ nnder our new system of selling at Cash Price# with litoNy Tcrnm for payments. Pianos have never be fore been sold on such favorable terms in the South. Fine PifRiiOR at $276, $300, $326 and |360, fully guaranteed for five years. Terms $60 cash, and balance In six months, or $100 cash, and balance in one year. Tlie celebrated Mason A Hamlin Oriranw are also sold upon cash payments of $26 to $60, and balance In six and twelve months. veni ijuarterly payments re elved If preferred. Pianos and Organs for rent and rent applied on purchase. A good stool and cover goes with each piano sold from our warerooms. Send for our new Heduced Time Price I.iMta and see what real inducements we now ofrer. LUDDEN A BATES, Southern Music House, my20dlt&w:?m Savannah, Ga. Hotel, CEKTBAl, IIOTEI^ ' 140 and 143 Broad Bl., Col„ lnl , n< ^ Mta S.E.Woum,do’, ... Lawyers. LION El. €. LEVY, Au, Attorney aud l'onua.i| ur lommLalouer of Ueoils N. Y. anil ulho. UtHefl over Homo luunuoMn Ul * Spool.l attoutluu itlvon to ooliectS; J.20 SAMUEL II. HATCH EK, ~~* Attorooy at Law. Offlc. over Wlttich , Ki A. A. IIOZIKH, Attorney aud Conuncllor at u. Practices iu Courts it. n and Alitlintun. "Si Offlco 126 Broad ct., Oolurubua, (in. . J«6 H.u II. BLtHoroaD Louis r. BLAMDl-ORU A O.VKHARD Attoruoya aud 4'ouiificllorii at | W Office No. 67 Brood street, over Wittirh k ■el's Jewelry Store, h,n * Will practice iu the State ami Federal Co UlU L. T. DOWNING, ^ Attorney nml Nolicitor. U. 8. Com’r and Register iu Bankrupts oik . uov20l over Brooks’ Drug Ntort, ColumbuK i " 1 ' K. J. MOSES, Attorney and Uouuaellor n ; l4|| Georgia Horae Insurance Coiupnuy buildiu.. oct7 ly 1 Grocers. OAN'L K. BIZI), Dealer In Family Grocer ica, on Urvan ntr*«t u tween Oglethorpo A Juckmin'streets^ ’ **T No charge for Uruyugo. J. II. IIA.MILTON, Wbolennlo aud Keinil Uroccr, Junction of FranUin, Warren R Oglellioria No charge for d i a, ago. H ., D i Notice. Orncg Mobile a Giuabd Railroad, ) June 1, 1876. \ The Annual Convention of the Stock holders of the Mobile A Girard Rail road will be hold at tho Dupot In Girard, Ala bama, on Wednesday, July 7th, at Ten o’clock A. M , when an oluctioa for President and six Directors will take place. Stockholders with their lamilles will he passed free to Columbus from 6th until 7th, In- elusive, and return any day until 12th, inclu sive. Certificates of stock must be exhibited t othe Conductor by tho Stockholder as evidence of their being entitled to pass freo with their fam ilies, and a proxy must exhibit certificate or stock and power or Attorney, otherwise fare will be required in both cases. By order J. M. FRAZER, j°l td Secretary. A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, I N BAKER COUNTY, ALABAMA, Is for sale. 360 acres of Improved Innd with neces sary buildings, good spring and well water, sit uated seven inilvR south of Montevallo. Price $5poracro. For further information apply to J w Brantloy, Montevallo, Ala. , J T COOK. _feql7_oawly Agent. Western Railroad Bridge, Notice. OFFICE WESTERN R. R. of ALA., I Columiuts, Ga., June 16th, 1876. { ■VTOTICK is hereby given that the footway on tho bridge of the Western Railroad over tho Chattahooohe this date discontinued For Sale Low. SCHOLARSHIP IN TIIB MEDICAL COL- LKUK AT EVANSVILLE, INDIANA. Rov$tf APPLY AT TBIB 0VP10 ee river. Is from and after d as such, and that foot passengers will not bo allowed to go on the bridge in futuro. J} y ,S r<l f r .„....... K - P- ALEXANDER, H. AI. AUUKTT, Oen’lMlnniror. Agent. jel7 3t GEORGE PACE & CO., Munnfactnror# off PATENT PORTABLE CIRCULAR 8AW MILLS, AL: J STATI01T ASY i P32TA8LI NTEAM F.NGINF.N. No. 5 N. Scbrooder at. BALTIMORE, MD Otl.t MIll.. Leffel'. Turl.lne W.ter Wheel. \* ood M orkimr Machinery of all kinds, aud chiutets Ruudrica MM> FOR CATALOGITRfl. CHARCOAL! Charcoal, Best Quality, For Sale at GAS WORKS At Three Cents per Bushel. ap26 tf CKAMPIOX FIRE EXTINGUISHER! WM. JOHNSON, Columbus, Ga. W. H. JOHNSTON Griffin, Ga. ARI SOLE AnXIfTS FOR TUI STATE OF GEORGIA and EASTERN ALABAMA FOR TUC BALK OF CHAMPION FIBS SXTINOmS&SBS! Tlie Champion Self-Acting Engine for cities, towns, and villages is the most poworful self-acting Engines in the world. The Stationary for ware- houses, depots, saw mills, Ac., superior to nil oth- in existence. Tho Portable, the last, t ut wot least, shouid be in every dwelliug, storehouse, gin house, aud railroad car*. To Railroad Companies wishing to supply them selves, we are prepared to offer groat inducement*. Persons wishiug any of the above articles can i>e Columbus Je253w-wt Persons wishiug any of the above articl supplied by addressing Gouerul Agent, C or ILW. Johnston, Griffin, Georgia. Je Go to Texaa via the Lone Star Jtoute f International and Great Northern R. R. 1 Passengers going to Texas via Memphis and Little Rock, or via Shrevoport, strike this line at Longview, the best route to Palestine, Hearno, Waco. Austin, Huntsville, Houston, Galvoston, and all points In Western, Central, Eastern and Southern Texas. Passengers via New Orleans will find It the host route to Tyler, Mlneola, Dallas, Overton, Crockett, Longview, and all points iu Eastern and Northern Texas. This line is well built, thoroughly equipped with every modern Improvement, Including new and elegant day ooaobes, Pullman palace sleeping cars, Westlnghouse air brakes, Mll- lor’s patent safety platforms and couplers; and no where else can the passenger so completely depond on a speedy, sale and comfortable tourney. Th* Low* Stab Routb has admirably an swered the query: “How to go to Texas ?” bv the publication of an Interesting and truthful document, containing a valuable and correct map, which can be obtained, free of churgo, “UreM'ng the GENERAL TICKET AGENT, International and Great Northern Railroad, Houston, Texas. District E.] feb!7 wly W.,. N. HAWKS, Treaa’r, f MARY E SHORTER, (jforenloi, mort’g. TT appearing to tho Court by thn return of JL the Sheriff in the above caso that the defen dant Is not to be found in the county of Musco gee, nml the said defendant does not reside in the State of Georgia, it Is hereby ordered, on motion of plaintiffs attorneys, Peabody a Brannon, that she be served # by a publication of this order in tho Columbus Enqi iuku-Suk newspaper once a m mth for four months. A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee Superior Court at May Term, 1875. J ESSE J. BRADFORD, Jel3oam4m Clerk. G eorgia -^muscogee county.— Whereas John Foran has applied lor let ters of administration on tho estate of Mar garet Burns, deceased, aud ulso letters do bouts non ou the estate of Edward Burns, de oeased, Tlieso are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the ktudred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause (if any they have) with n the time prescribed by law, why said letters should not be granted to said up- plloant. * Witness myh June 6th, 1876. je6 oaw4t G eorgia, musoooee Whereas. Martin T. Borgan, administra tor ol tlie csfftte of Ann Kelly, late of said county, deceased, applies to the undersigned lor letters ol dismission from Mid administra tion, These are therefore to olte and admonish all persons concerned to show cause (if any they have) attheCourtof Ordinary, to be held in and for Bald county, on the first Monday in August next, why said administrator should not l>e discharged. 1 Given under my official signature this May my212w City Tax. T HE City Tax for 1876 is now due. If paid before July l*t a discount of TWO PER CENT, will ho allowed. The Tax Books will close July 1st, when • locutions will be Issued against all iu default. Tlie two per cent, will not be allowed alter the above date. J N. BARNETT, jel7 td Collector and Treasurer. C GEORGIA — MUSCOGEE COUNTY T Where.,, William H. Brannon ha. an. ptled for letters of administration on the es- deceased* 1 ^ i**® of said oounty, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sail deceased to show cause (if any thoy have) within the time prescribed by law why said letters should not bo granted to said applicant T Uiv^ under my ofBcIal signature, this F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary. June 7th, 1876. elO oaw4t *P S .XSP.V M U AN0 ?V 0r S0U1 - CHARM- .«« . How S u ^? r fascinate and gain the love and affections of any person they choose Instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can possess, free, by mail, for 26c., together with a marriage guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints toXadies, Wedding- Shirt, Ac. A queer book. Address T. W1LL1AR ft CO., Pubs., Phlla. 4w Watchmakers. C. U. LKUHIN, Wntcliiunker, 134 Broad street, Columbus, (la. Watches and Clocks repaired m the I er uud warranted. Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FEE, Worker In Tin, Sheet Iron, t opper. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. 1*7 No. 174. broad Hlrir-t. Dentists. W. F., Dentist, Opposite fitrupper’s buildltig, Randolph 8t. Special attention given to the iiuertiop of Arti ficial Teeth, us well as to Operative Oeittmiiy tebAA daw COLUMlIUft DENTAI.ROU.NN, W. Y. Po«»l, Prop’r, Georgia Home Building, Columbus (1 corgis. Tailors. G. A. KCEHNE, Merchant Tailor nud Cutler. A full Ntock of French aud English broadcloth* Caasinu.T' s and Vestings. aprlfl No. 134 broad filn-t HENRY SELL MAN. Cutting, Cleaning miuI liopulring Done iu the best atyte. apr24l«?ohkt Ur»nvh»ri .-i d Kr.>vi Sin. Dross-Making. HUS M. A. HOLI.lN<hSWUKTll, Drcw-Muking, Cutting ami tiling. Tonuschciif Residence aud shop in llrovvuevdin. Piano Tuning, &c. E. W. I1I.AU, Repairer aud Tuner of Piuuoes, Organs Accordeoua. fiigu Painting also dune. Older* may be be left ut J. W. Pease A Norm Cun and Locksmiths. PHILIP Klt'LER, Gun uud Lockswith, Crawford street, ncx Johnson's corner, Columbus. Ga. Guu M Jal6 WILLIAM SCUOHKK, nd Locksmltli and dealer in Gunning M»» teriais. East of Strapper's Coufecliooury Fresh Moats. J. W. PATRICK, B tails No. 10 aud 18, Market Ho une. ijuality, In T. COOK, Freak Neats of All Kinds •epG Stalls Nos. 15 ami Barber Shops. Kit. TERRY, Harbor, Crawford 8t., undor Rankin Ilouso, Columbus, Us. Builders and Architects. J. G. C'll AI.MEKK, House Carpenter and Iki llrlcr. Jobbiug doue at short uotlce. Plans and rqiecification* furnished for ull style* of buildings broad Street, next to 0. W. Brown'*, J*9 Colrir. bus, (la. Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPftON, Livery, Male aud Exchange stables, Oflt.ETHORpx, North of MAifDotm 8t*., ecUtO Columbus, (.'a Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. WA MSB DORN. If you want to enjoy a good smoke, go Cigar Manufactory, Between Georgia Home uud Muscogee Itei Cotton Factories. coluhiiub manufacturing co., Manufacturers of Sheetlngn, Shirting*, and Sowing d Knitting Thread. Cards Wool and Grinds Wheat,, nd Corn- Office iu rear of Wlttich ft Kinsel’s, Randolph sf. jal8 U. U. CLII.TON. President. ■UICOGEE MANUFACTURING CO. Mai utecturere of 8URKTING8 siIIRTINUfi, TARN, ROPE, ft,. COLUMBUS, GA. G. P. HWIFf, President. W. A. 8WIFT, Secretary Treaaurer. oct-ll If,