Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 24, 1875, Image 1

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Coltvmlms tumifttf: vol. xvn. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 24. 1875 NO 145 TERMS OF TBI DAILY. WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ■NQUIRM-SUN. w. L. 8AM.B0ET, O. A. Klim SALISBURY ft KLINE, PROPRIETORS. This I* the only paper In Columbus that receives (hit Associated Press dispatches. From the first of .Tannery last the post age on papers must be paid by the pub* Usher. This will be ten oents a month lor (tallies and five eents a quarter for eaoh weekly, Our subscribers will see the necessity for pay. ng up promptly, as all those In arroars will be dropped on the first of January. We are ever willing to aeoommodateour friends, but It will be impossible to send out papers not paid for in advanoe. The following will be the subscription terms for the Enquiuun for the year 187ft: * WHIM MAI LSD. Dally, la advanoe with post age paid $ 0 'JO per annum. Sunday, with postage pakl.... X TO “ “ Weokly, with postage paid... no 41 11 Sunday and Weekly, with postage paid 1 40 “ “ annvKD in city ano annunns. Dally, • oo per annum. No Sundays served separately. ovricn BOX. Dully $ 8 00 per aunum Sunday ifte “ “ Weekly a oo “ “ Weekly and Sunday 8 00 •» “ AfiVfifiTItEBN, TAKE NOTICE t Liberal Discount for Tlmf Advertising, Kates will be rodueed from this date for all advertisements exceeding In tlmo one month. Merchants and others will do well to tako advantage of tho Hummer rates, snd In this manner preparo for Fall trado. Advertising Bates* Square _ „ m 1 Week Dully, • jj [jj » « :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ««, 8 INI 13 00 1 Month, 17 00 a «• •• 20 00 6 “ “ '**■ «• 6 « « 2ft OO, 1 fiquaro 1 year 42 00 The above is with tlio privilege of n change every throe months. Fot yearly cards a liberal dis. count will liuiuado. The rate for every other day In Dally and every week in Weekly or Bunduy will bs the Daily. For e . oue*third Ices than tho Daily rate. For twice a week the rate will be one-half Daily rates. For advertisements In local or reading column* fit) (ter cent additional will lie charged. The Weekly or timidity rates will be one-third of tho Daily. When mi advortisomont is changed more then once in three months the advertiser will be churg- fwl with tho cost of composition. Foroign adver tisers rnuet pav as do thoso at home. A Civil BlghU Cue. A well known clergyman relates to ns a eircuniBtance which occurred on the Bonthwentern train Sunday morning. He got on I he train to fill an appointment to preach down the road, and was informed by the oondnotor that there was a civil righto caso on board. On going into the oar be found a negro in nndiatnrbed posaeaaion of a seat among the white folks. The traio had not prooeeded very far before a yonng gentleman—and a very courteous and polite one—entered the coach, took a seat by the negro and commenced a conversation with him. He asked him where he was going, and how he happen ed to be in that car instead of tho oue set apart for people of his oolor. He took from his pocket a pass authorizing llev. Campbell to go over the road at half fare, in consideration of the fact that he was a clergyman. The yonng gentleman reasoned the case with the negro and attempted to show him tho trouble that his course was liable to occasion—that he, being a min ister of the gospel, should set his people a better example by conducting himself in a mlnuer that was not likely to dis turb the people. The fallow was unmov ed by any of these arguments, and stated that he Lad the right to ride in that coach and he intended to do it. Finding that all argument was wasted upon the negro, the young gentleman, still in tho same placid manner, said, “Now, sir. I give you ten minutes to leave this oar/ and then went forward to another coach. At the expiration of tho ten minutes he.returned, and finding the intruder still in bis seat, he coolly took him by the collar, led him to the plat form aud told him not to return. The negro did not go to the colored peo pie’s oar, but kept his stand on tho plat form. Tho oondnotor told him that the rules of the road would not allow any one to ride on the platform and be must go into a oar. This he refused to do, saying that he was not allowed to ride in the white folk’s car, and he would not ride in any other. The oondnotor told him he oould, if he wanted to, return to the car from which he had been ejected, but the placid young ejector was still in there, as oalrn and gentlemanly as ever, and the negro concluded that he did not want to go in. So ho stood on the platform until tho next station was reacbod, whon ho left the train, though bis ticket took him several stations further down. The last seen of him, he was standing beside tho traok looking after the departing train. This fellow evidently meant to iubuH the white people on the train by intrud ing his presence upon them, and also abused the liberality of the railroad au thorities who had the kindness to pass him over the road at the same fare ao corded to white clergymen. If such con duct is persisted in, it will force upon the railroad the necessity of withholding its favors from colored ministers and placing them upon the same footing with ordinary travelers, as fftT as the rate fare is concerned.—Macon 'lei. VSMmictswsl of • Catholic Col- I England and Btarmala.—The U. mmdt I chins. EmutTTUHJBO, Md., June 23,-Tbe Londok, Juno 23,-It i. officially u- cominenoeinent oxeroiee. ol Mount St. nounced that the King of Burmah has Mary . Collage were brought to a oloeo given a Hatinfacjory explanation of hia to-day In the prennoe of a great crowd course of eelion to Sir Dongles Forsyth, of visitors from all parts of the country. British Envoy. Wsr ia now considered In addition to the friendBof the Btndenis, impossible. there were present of tho alumni Cardi- Advjoo8 from cbina my tbat tb , diaor . nal MoCloekey, nine arclibiehopa and dot in Chinkiang, growing out of the ar- bishops, snd shout sixty priests and a rost of two noto( , ao iai er ., for insulting like unmber of laymen. The oxerohea, tho American Oonaul and hia wife, has according to the programme, were to ho- aubaidod . Tbo Chinese have partially gin at 8:30 a. m„ but it was almost 10 L atiaBed th o demands for reparation, when tho students marched in the hall to Durinah'N Grant (• Ureal Britain# the music of their own band, followed by I London, June 23.—The King of Bur- the procession of the alumni, bishops, I mah lias granted to Great Britain the faculty and Cardinal—the latter uccotnpe- right to send forces through his domin- nied by President MoCleskey and the iouu to Wostora China if requisite for fu< Homan envoy. I tnro expeditions. As tho procession of alumni made its 1 Uorinniiy Airalaet Itellgleus Praeee appearance at the entrance to the hall, tho elans, whole assemblage rose and remained Juno ^.-Tho German Gov standing nntil the Cardinal took his seat. I ornmcn ^ l ,re P ar * n 8 • parliamentary Behind his chair was placed a chaplet > n0a8 «re prohibiting public religions pro bearing the names of eighteen archbisli-1 uossions. This is aimed at the Catholics, ops sud bishops who have studied iu I More Fnllnre. In England. Mount 8t. Mary's College. Tho excrciHOx I London, June 23.—J. H. liudall ft now promptly began, snd continued to Sous, No. 20 King William street, have tho oloso with but fifteen minutes recess. f„iled. Liabilities $000,000, Eight young men made speeches. Tho William Marshall, of Manchester, has degres of Doctor of Laws was conferred failed. Liabilities $300,000. on three gontleiuen, Master of Arts end I London,June23.—Wilson ft Armstrong, Bachelor of Arts on eight. | No. 00, Aldurwanburg, have failed. Lia bility, $1,000,000. Ctnld In the Block llllls. | Chxoaoo, June 23.—The apeoisl corroa-11Counter fetter. Arrested 1— St- Leila, pondent of tho Inter Ocean, with the Pittsihiiio, Juno 23.—A thoroughly or- Hoientiflo expedition in tho Black Hills, ganized gang of counterfeiters under the at Osmp Hurnoy, on FroucU oroek, 1 lead of l)r. Milton 11. Frank, a practicing Custer's gulch, sends the fullowing tele-1 physician of Alleghany City has been gram, via Fort Laramie, dated Jnno Kith: broken up and several members, including Qold in large quantities, and of good I Frank, wore arrested and twenty thousand quality, has been discovered in Custer’s I dollars in counterfeit money captured, gulch, Fronoh creek,aud along thisstream Tho attention of the Government was for a distance of upwards of seven cll ' lod to bn' work of these men, through miles, toward the sonreo or guloh. Tho lottorn containing consignments of spuri- minoe tbero are scattered along French I °us money, which being unstamped, went creek. Four different mining parties, I to tho Dead Letter Ofiioe. numbering twonty-fivo men, have taken celebration or s'lWnryt.wd school 'd' otoimu, >“ nU of which GO™ 1 color Is Ilnrr, the Press Agent, Crasr? been obtained. There arc also several Bmmettsbuijo, Md., June 23,-Tbe quartz lodes, which promise r.oh L omllloIlccmont cscrciHOS of Mt . st . returns, but the greatest irapor- M , g , yeatorda j by n brilliant n . tance is attached to the gulch gold bibilion of tbo j nnio „. To . day , b0 diggings. When gold was discovered the { , ra<lu>ujnK cI , BB uko loftvo of tbo Mount . scientists were at Camp Tattle, and only XroinB are loaded l]owu with visitors, arrived hero yesterday sftornoon, whon I Among tbo late emvids aro Bishops they were somewhat astonished at I he I Lynch and Elder and a grout number of discovery. It is intended to make this a I p r i e atR. permanent camp, where tho command | will remain until the return of the supply I California Politic*, train from Laramie. | San Francisco, Juno 23.—The People’s Independent Btate Convention, A Ureal Indian War Feared. | adopting a long series of resolutions MARKETS. 1URAPU TO RlfiVIBIB. Meney end ECeeh Market*. If aw York, June S3— Btocka active aad stronger. Money 8 per sent. Gold 117W. Ex- ofiaage—leeg 487 U; short 489U. tforem- sasBts Motive aad steady. State bonds qelet at better prloee. New Your, June23 —Money extremely easy at 2*2U iter cent. Sterling exebango quiet at 7*. Gold weak at 117|<@117%. Govern- mentedull but steady. Btate bonds quiet and strong. Cellea Harken. LivaurooL, June 23.—Noon.--(Cotton steady; hldllng o’ * * “-* 7%d; ealei 8,008. Kansas City, June 23.—Tho rumor of I against monopolies, placed four geutle- tbe proposed consolidation of the Kansas men iu nomination, and without ooming Pacific and Union Pacifio Railroads, is to a vote, adjourned till to-morrow, oreatiug quite a stir in this city. Tli6 I At | lin | a Blnn Found Dead In Bed. managers of the Wells, Fargo & Company Atlanta> q Am j ano 287—CoL B. Y. Express are preparing to give out tho , ote Snporintendont and Chief En- Erie Hoad Company, intending to L ineer of the Atlantft and Richmond Air their own express. I j^ ne itailroad, was found dead in hia bed Omaha, June 23.-Advices from thia morning . Spotted Tail’s agency, state that three large war parties left that vicinity on the I Resignation 17th, one eaoh for Ponca or Pawnee, I Hartford, June 23.—President Cum- Ute and Shoshone reservation. It is I uiings, of the Wesleyan University, has thought among the posted men that I tendered his resignation. gigantic Indian war is about to bo in-I augnrated. Information haB been sent 1 THR WBATHEBt to Indian agents. probarilities. I Washington, June 23.—For the South ■■•P® 1 ** 11 * *° Ennker*. I Atlantic States, fulling barometer south Washington, June 23.—Tho Comptrol-1 we3t yonthoast winds, warm and partly ler of the Currency has received informa-1 c io u jy weather and occasional local tion of a decision recently rendered by | s t oruj8< Judge MoCaudless, in an action of debt below low middlings, doUverabloin July an* August, 7 ft-lfld. Bales on abasia of mlddllmr uplands, noth ing below low middlings, dellveraV>lo August and September, 7 7-10d LivaurooL, June 83 — 8:30 r.v.— OI salee to-day 7,200 were American. Nnw Your, June 23. — Cotton ttrm and held Igktr, r~* oeipte 27. Futures closod firm; sales 2ft,200 halos follows: June 161-ltfolft^; July lft 3 32alfi^; August 16 l ^a16 0-82; September l&^ulft I 32; October 14 18-10al4 27-32; November 141110a 14 23-32: lleeembor 14 U-10a'4^: Jnnu try r’ hI4 20-32; Februnjy 16 1-lOillft 3 32; Mnreli 0-32*15 6-18; April 16^*16 0 10; May 16 23 32 al6^. Mrmimiih, June 2;).—Cotton held hither nnd firmor; middlings 14'jC; net receipts 20; ship ments 300; sales 400. Baltimobm, June 23.—Cotton qulot; mid dlings 16c, low middlings 14%, good ordinary 13%; sales 116. Boston, June 23 —Cotton dull; middlfUKS 16>4c, low middlings 14%c, good ordinary 14%c; iu.! rocolpto 6; snlos 150. Mobit.v, June 28.—Cotton steady; mid dlings 14%c; low mlddllug* 14%C; good ordluury 13%o net receipts IS; sales ftp. Savannah, June 23.—Cotton nominal; middlings 14%c; low middlings 14%c; goo*l or dinary 14c; net receipts 203; salts 889. Nkw Out.rans, Juno 23.—Colton quiet; middlings 16016%; low mlddlingtt 14%«; good ordinary 13%c; uet rocelpts 294; 8-iloa too. Ciiauukston, Juno 23. — Cotton quiet; .iddiliigH 16o, low middlings 14’' * ~ " nary lie; not receipts 14; sales Philadelphia, Juno 21—.Cotton dull; middlings 16%o; low middling* 14%; good ordi nary 14; net receipts 50. Provision Market*. jrk, June23.—Cofteo, Klost quiet; onrgoes hold nt lU018%c, gold: lots qulot at lC%01t^%. Baltimohb, Juno 23. — Coifoe quiet and firm; lobtdng lots 16%@\\)V4- Whiskey ilnn at 81 1901 20. Norfolk, Juno 23.—Cotton qulot; middlings 14%; not rocoipte 88. Galvrston, Juno 23. —Cotton dull nnd nominal; middlings 14%o; low middlings 13%c; good ordinary 13o; net rooolptH 340; snlos 226. Cuiuaoo, June 23.—Flour quiet and weak. Wheat dull and lower; N.». l spring ft 0101 Of; No. 3 do. 96cj rojeeted m)o. Corn in iuir do. mand but lower; No. 2 mlxod 07%c; rejected 00c. OaU dull end lower; No 2 6l%e; rejected 49o Kye dull and lowor; No. 2 90o. Harley dull and lower: No. 2 spring 81 26. Pork buoyant, unsettled and higher; sales at 819 lu. . • • - R U ik moats In good do- , si>ot; rib middles ll%c; abort clear middles 11%°- Whllkey 87 1°* Lodisvillb, Juno 23. — Flour unchanged; extra 84 6006 00, family exUa 86 *-^at 04007 . firmer. Pork 819 60020 oo. Wheat 76c. Oa at 81 10. Prorl ll%e, dear ilfiea Wo. Baeon, shoulders 9%0 »Uu, olear rib sides 18%o, dear sides 12%0 13o{ hams, sagar-curod 13@13%o. Lnnl, tforce 14%0l6o; keg l*%016%c. Whiskey 1116. Bagging steady at 13%t<j44c. St. Louis, .Tunc 23.—Flour, no demand for low grades; others meerly nominal; doublo extra winter 84 750-7 oo, troblo oxtra winter TAMM SIMMuHS’LIVER REGULATOR For all dlseasoa of tho Ltvor, Stomach nnd Spleen. It Is omlnently a Family Medlolno, and by bolng kopt ready for Immediate resort will •iivo many an hour of sultortng and tunny n dollar In time and doctors’ bills. After Forty Years’ trial It Is still receiving tho most unqunll- lled testimonials of its virtues from persons ot the higboht char acter and responsibility. Emi nent phyolotnns commend It aa tho most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC forOoNStnernoif, Hmaoachh, Pain in thoSHouLituus, Uiz/.i- NKSR, Sour Stohaoh, bud taste In tho Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Heart, Pain in tho region of tho Kblnoyn, llospondeuoy, Gloom and fore boding of Evil, nil of which :iro tho offspring ol n dlsoasod Liver. If you fool Dull, Drowsy, Do- hllltated, have frc<\uont Head- act to, Mouth Tastes badly, poor Appetite, and Tongno Coated, you are sutiering from Torpid Ltvor, or “HUllousn< hh,” nnd nothing will euro you so speedi ly and porinoiionily. Tho Liver, the largest organ of tho body, Is generally tho seat of tbo disease, and if not Hogulntod In tinto, groat su flor in g, wretchedness, uud DEATH WllleilflUO. Armed with this ANTI DOTE,all climates and changes of water and food may bo faced wltti- ont fear. Asa Homody In MALAHltH'S FEVEKS, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, REST LESSNESS, JAUNDICE, NAUSEA, The Cheapeat, Purest and ll« Kt Famll) Mrdl else In the World. “1 havo novor seen or tried such a simplo, etllcaeioun, satis factory and ploasant. remedy In my life.” H. Uainuu, St. l.ou- is, Mo. * Hon. Alox H. Stephens. ‘‘I occasionally use, whon my condition requires it, l»r. Sim mons’ Ltvor Kogulfttor, with good elfoot.” Hon. Ai.bx. H. HTuruuKS. Governor of Alabama. “Your Regulator him boon in uso in my family lor somo tlmo, and 1 am porsuaded It. Is a valu able addition to tho medical sotenoe.” Gov J (Jill Hhou- thu, Ala. ”1 havo used tho Regulator In my family for the past seven- toon years. 1 can safely recom mend It to tho world as tho licst medicine I have ever need for UnlotMinf dlMMax It purports to euro.”—H F Tiiiofkn. President of City Bank. ‘‘Simmons’ Liver Regulator has proved a good and elite*- clous mediolne*’—C A Nut- BRANCH OFFICE OF THE HOWE MACHINE OO., l Fon the Statics of Thnxkbhku, Gkoiuua, South Carolina, Alabama k c Namhvillk, Tbnn., June 10th, 1876.) the Editors of the Enquirer-Sun, ('otumtun, Georgia : Du a u Sin: Our attention having boon oallod to an advertisement of ono of our competitors, which our sales for 1874 nro ‘‘estimated” at 86,000, wo tako pleasure In authorising tho state ment that wo aro officially Informed from tho principal office of tho Oompany at New York that sales or THE HOW E MACHINES wore 108,130 lor 1874. Respectfully, THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY, doel 1 CEO. H. OWEN, Manager. URNTfiAL IIOTKIi, no nnd 14Vi Brand ML, Columb—, 44*. Mrs. S. E. WoLDUioou, apkl Proprietress. Lawyer. I.IONKI. Cl. LEVY, JK., Allorii««y nnd CeiiHNellor nt tow. Uuinmlsriionor of Deeds N. Y. and other States, over (loorgia Home Insurance Co. . icial attention given to collections, deco A Hle.m.talp lt>ma.ed. Nkw York, June 23.—The City of Max- ioo, Captain i'herwood, which .ailed henoe for Havana, June 22d, has returned damaged. Twenty miles aonth from Bandy Hook she oarne in collision with an unknown bark, carrying away hor upper works, staving a hoi. in her bow and damaging her atern. She will have to dieoberge her cargo for repairs. Tweed A wattle. Ball. Nkw Yoke, June 23.—Tweed ia still in Lndlow Street Jail, awaiting procure ment of $300,000,000 bail in the eivil anit. His family and ooonael visited him (hare to-day. brought against the cashier of tho Mo-| -J._C.New, who «*?“• . - .. |« n L n# R-rt-mowiito I ner as lroosuror of the United States on nongahola National Bank of Brownsville, ^ ]gt of Ju , y , g oxpeoted at Washing- Pa., to recover a penalty of $500 for tho I toQ ou t j 10 2 5th instant, and arrange- refusal of tho cashier to permit the depu-1 mftn ts will then be made for an actual ty eolleotor of internal revenue to exam-1 count of all the money on hand, in order ine cheeks on file iu said bank. The that the new Treasurer may receipt to w. z. . , . . rinLtnd I kis prodecosKor upon taking charge of Court entered judgment for the defend-1 ^ Tho * work of oonntin g the ant, holding that the internal reveuno I mone y W ;U no t be such a Herculean task collector had no right, under section 11177 I as has been supposed, and it ia believed a of the revised statutes, to exercise the I force of ten or fifteen experienced coun- 1 ters can perform it in one week. I he bonds held in trust for national banks, . I # mention* 1 amounting to about }jl400,0«0,0(K), will Waahlnirlon Mention.. gU , )a tuko B Q froin tho vauU set apart for Wasuimoton, June 23.—The Signal I tbem fttld 00 unted, aa well aa all the Bureau telegraph ia working to Fort Bill, I mon oy in tlio cash vault, including coin Indian Territory. I and fractional currency. The amount of The President has sicnod tbo oommis-1 cash usually on band is betweeu $30,- ine 1 resiuout naa g .... 000,000 and $ 10,000,IKK), but the moat aion of MoQreir to be Sixth Auditor, vice lronb ] eH01ue imrt of tho count will bo Sheets; also Miller to be Postmaster al I , rac tjoual currency. The amountof caali Tnaoaloosa; Uharlee (?) has been appoint- usually on hand is between $30,000,000 ed Surveyor of Customs, Augusta, Oa. and $4#,000,000, bnt tbo most tnmble. * 11> I some part ol tbo count will be fractional Another ConnterfeH Wleoorere.l. currency. The bookslof Treasurer8pm- ■uj _ Secretary Dels- n0r th® amount on hand at tho Wabuikotox, Juno 28.-Secretary Dels o{ buBl)|C8s ottob dayi Rnd the count no hna returned. w m b „ roa ,i n to verify the statement of Anew aud dangerous counterfeit was t he 3<>th of Juno before tho new Treasurer discovered at the National Bank ltedomp-1 receipls for tho wuno. tion Agency, of tho five duller notes of the First National Bank of Canton, III. I CHAMPION This ia evidently ohangod from tho plato ___ P'VTTTTItTTTIsTTFP. T on which tho counterfeit on tho Traders’ | i? lrlili JiA l IX U U I National Bank of Chioago, aud the First .„„«««»■ National Bank of Paxton, Illinois, wsa | «*• ‘" a ^ ' Urim., us. printed. The War l/pon Distiller* CniCAOO, Juno 23. — Tho Uuitod States authorities this morning com menced tho examination of tbo distiller's book seized yostorday Those of the Lako Shore Distillery Com pany were gono through with, but noth ing detiimental to tho Company wsa dis covered. Corn dull amt u(Mettled; No. 2 mixed (J6o asked. 04%e bid; (J6«d6%c for July. Oats dull ami unsettled; No. 2 ftft^o asked, 67 ~ August. Kye lower at at 8118. Fork firmor; Dry salted moats, more doing; shoulders 8o; clear rib sides ll%c; clear sides UJ4e Cincinnati, June 23. — Flour quiet and steady. Wbe.t dull and deollDlUK. re<l 81 20 01 27. Corn lower and unsettled and dull, 690710. Oats dull, nominally 600660. Batter steady for choice; other grades scarce but firm. Provisions dull. Pork sold at 8fo spot, *fo 6u for buyers in August. Lard, steam nominally 12J6013O, summer sold i2@12%o, kettlo in fair demand at 13Uc. Bulk meats quiet nnd steady; shoulder- 8%e, olear rib sides U%o npot and buyer for June, dear sides llj^o. Bacon steady ; ihoeMerl ,»^«, dear rib emeu IV/S, clear *Wei U'Ao Whiskey steady, lc lower, ■ales at It 14. I.lve hags steady, prlcos raago from fS M to «T 10; balk «r sales to CSOe 86; re- eelpu l.eoo, shipments am. Itosiu, etc. NSW Yoke. June aa. — Turpentine quiet Kosln quiet, 1 7S@1 80 for strained. rrelghte. New Youk, June 23 — Frelahtt to Liver- pool soaroely so firm;cotton, steaui wea. HMIP MEW®. Niw You, June 83. —Arrived : England, Merrimack, Italia. Arrived out: Theo. Milton, American Eagle, Ludwig, Morin, Homeward, Obaasia. Cnlirornlft—lnilo|>cutlesit Ticket, San FttANCiaoo, Juno 23.—The Iudo- Columinis, (la. AUK HOI.K A0RNT8 FOR THE BTATE Of UKOBW1A anti EAhTEBM ALABAMA you ritr. sals or CHAMPION FIEE EETINOUISHEBS! ftplf-ActiiiK Kngino for cities, s is tin- most powerful Holf-actliqr orld. Tf.o gttttfouary for „ ...jw millH, kc., HiiiKirior to » existence. Tlio Portable, the bwt, I ut not alioul 1 be in every dwelling, storolc WM. N. HAWKS, Treas'r, ) Kule m S i fo MARY E V 8HOHTEK. \ lorw,lo "° ] TT appearing to tho Court by the return of L the Sherltl In tho above ens* that the dolen- ant 1* not to he found In the county of Musoo- Koe, and the said defendant does not reslilo in the State of OeorglH, it is hereby ordered, o« motion of plaintiffs ntiorn«ys. Peabody Branuon, that she be served by a of this order In the Columbus Enquiuku-Nun newspaper once a m mth for four months. A true extract irom the minutes of Must ogoo Superior Court “^52 J.'URADEORD, Jel3 oam4m Olerk^ EORGIA - MUSCOGEE COUNTY. T Wheross John Forau ban applb d lor let- tors of administration on tho estate ol Mur- uaret Burns, deoeased, and »lso letters de bonis non on the estate ol Edward Burns, de ^Theso are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to show cause (II any they have) with n the tlmo prescribed by law, why said loiters should not bo granted to said a;*- 1>l witnes8 my hand and official slgnaturo this June 6th, 1875. joft oawlt Tlio Champion towns, ttml vill iu Kind lies in Urn • Kail K railroad c wishing to supply the gi dfl'er great inducvmeuts. PorsoniTwishing uny of tho al*ovo articles ci siipplii'd l>y u'blri'Hslng Uen«ral Agent, Golumbns or II. W. .lnliiiHton, driflin, (ioorgia. Je'2ft 3w-' I XAIKTEK’M IWitHitMi—House and sign I painllnn.-nrululnE, vetnUbing, poljjhlng, pendeut Fooi>lo's Committee nomiueted a 'fAin\! a bot8!!«?' Hi-roll. amt (irnainente tieneul Dedwill, of Butte county, fur e-JJ-miee. Governor, aud Lieutenant and actiug Governor Pacliico for Lieutenant Gov ernor. ReeflfylRK EitablisliinsRt Belse4« 8t. Louis, Jnno 23.—The rectifying e«- tabliBhmont of Bevis, Fraaer & Co., has I been neized, by ordera from Washington, for non-payment of $44,000 taxes. kor, 25. Authorship,60. 25. Hunter and Trapper's Guide, 20. Ifof Training, 26. (»f bookselfors or by mal JESSEE IIANEY fit OU., 11« Nassau ist^N ® Druggist. ••Wo have boon acquainted with l)r Smmons’ Liver Modl- clne for morothan twi-nty yoara, and know It to bo tho best Liv er Regulator offered to the public.”—M R Lyon and H S Lyon, Bellefontaiuu, Ou SIJVLJVLOXSTS’ LIVER ■■I,, , ...a^Wknwali BMTTsrtJ.MMW REGULATOR Hotel. 8ANDK1. It. 11 ATI) 11KH. Attorney at Law. Office ever Wittlcli A Klnsel’s. A. A. DO/.I UK, Alierafy and Lmnasilor mi tow, ractirue in Htato and Pndoral Courts iu Ueergla end Alabama. Office 126 broad . t., Columbus, Qa. Ja6 Mahk II. IlLO<nFnKn. limns V. Uareamd. III.ANOFORI1 4k GARRARD, Attorney* anil I'onnsellerN sit law. Ic« No. t.7 Broad strwt, over WlUlch A Kin- mH'h Jowolry Hu.'to. II practico in tlio Hlatu aud Hodoral Courts. »l'« _ I.. T. DOWNING, Attorney nnd Molleltnr. m’r and IfogUtor iu Itaiikniptcy. Office over brooks’ Drug Store, Columbus, la. Cotton Paotorioo. IheetlngWp Rlrttafa, aad fowliy d Kalttiag Thread. Cards Wool aad Crindo Wheat $ nd Corn- Office in rear of WlUich 8 Kinsel’s, Randolph st. Ja18 R. II. Or. I (.TON, President. ■IlMOOKK RANlirACTITKINH doi Mat ufheturera of HIIUIITIM08 BU1KTINOH, TARN, KOI’I, A,. coi.iJ.v-.we, iA. O. P. ftWHrf, President. I3lly. W. A. 8WI vf, fo'cretary Tmaenre> . Doctors. DR. »• B. I AW. Offloo corner Bro.i 1 aud Kmdolph streets, Rnrrns build fog. Residence on Forsyth, three doors below fit. Clair. Boot and Shoemakers R. J. NON EM, Attorney and Oonusellar sit ton , Grocers. DAN’I. H. HIKE, inlur in Family Orocerios, on bryun street, lie- tween Oglethorpe A JiultnuU slreet.. AA* No charge for drnyage. decT Painter*. WM. KNOW. JR.. * CO., Boom nnd 8lgu Pnluters, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Just north of postoffir-o) Columbus, Georgia. Will contract for House aud Sign Painting nt prices Wm.* Holer t (aprft J. II. HAMILTON, Whulfsale aud Retail Grocer, Watchmakers. 4). a. LKUUIN. Wstchiniiker, 134 brou.i .troet, Columbus, Ga. Walebes nnd Clucks repnlrud tu the best man- #r and warranted. fill Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FKK, Worker lu Tin, Mkeet iron, foppor. ers from abroad promptly attended to. No. 174 HrnadRtr# Dentists. W. F. TiUMsua, Dentist, Opposite Htrupper’s building, Randolph 8t. Hpenal utteuiiou giveu to the insertion of Arti ficial Teeth, AS well as to operative Dentistry. feb22 d*w _ t’OMJNIIliN DENTAL ROOll, W. Y. Fool, Frop’r, Georgia Homo Building, Uolumbns Georgia. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. UK. JAH. T. WAKNOCK, Burgeon end Physician. Office at {Daughter's Drug Btore, Railroad etr«*eu feb!4 Hotels. *MM HOVU. su you go to Opelika, be sure to stop at the Adams House, oppotito Passenger Depot. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney a.t Law, HAMILTON, OA., W ILL practice In the Chattahoocliee^OIrcnit or any where else. ruSRKD. "Pay no or rua i Tailors. EOKOIA, MU801XIEE OOUNTY W bore as, Martin T. Borgan, adminlstra- of the estate of Ann Kolly, late o sab county, deceased, applies to the'undersigned for lettors ot aisinlsslon from said admliiLtru- tl %oso are therefore to cite and admonish all E arsons concerned to show cause (If soy they avel at the tfourtoi Ordinary, to bo held I n and for said county, on the first Monday In August next, why said administrator should not be discharged. . .... Given ondor my official slgnaturo this May 1st, 1876. my2 I2w G EGUGIA - MUHOOGKE COUNTY.- Whereas, William 11. Brannon has ap plied for letters of administration on the es tate of Tully M. Throldkcbl, late of said county, * ,< Tqujso l *are, therefore, to elto and admonish all-and singular the kindrod and crodUorr of said aeeoased to show cause 111 any the? have) within tho time prescribed by law, why said lotb rs should not bo granted to said **Sivon ^ 1 under my official slgnaturo, this F. M. BROOKS, ordinary. COUNTY— June 7th, 187ft. elO oawftt Notice to Debtors and Credltora A LI, persons having claims against the ea- /JKOHGIA — WUSOOGEE -, lcalion for For DISPEPSIA, OONSTIFATION* Juun dice, Bilious attacks. Sick Hea laoh", Oollo Depression of Spirits, Sour Stomach, Heart Burn, fee, Ac, Xt No Ecjua Is a faultless family medicine, Doob not disarrange tho systoiu. Is sure to cure it taken regularly, Is no drastic violent medioino, Does not interfere with business, Is no intoxicating beveriige, Contains the Amplest and best remedies. CAUTION! Buy no Fowdera or Prepared SIM MONK* I. KR UKUULATOU miles* In our cngiaved wrap per with Trade M >rk Stamped, and Signature unbroken. None other In genuine. J. M. ZEILIN & CO.. Macon, 41a., and Philadelphia. Tu is Symptoms of Liver Complaint are uneasiness and pain In the Hide. Some times the pain Is In the shoulder,and is mistaken tor rheumatism. Tho stomach Jii mlloofd with !<>.•« of appe tite and sickness, bowels In general co«tivo, somotimos alternating with lax. Tho head Is troubled with pain, and dull, heavy sonsation, considerable fosse! memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having loll, un done something which ought to havo boon done. Often complaining of weakness, debility and low spirits. Sometimes many ol the above symptoms attend tlio disease, and r», other times very few of them; but tho Liver h generally the organ most Involved. Nearly all disease* originate from Indiges- (Ion and Torpidity of the Liver, and relief Is always anxiously sought alter. II tho Liver is Regulated in its action, health Is almost inva rlably secured. Want ol action lu tho Liver causer Headache, Constipation, Jaundice, Fain lu the Shoulders, tough.! hiliu, Pi//.foe*«. Sour Kloiuarh, bud tuHle in tin* mouth, bilious al- larks, palpitation or the biarl, depression of spirit*, or the Blues, and a hundred of other symptoms, for which SIMMONS’ MVKIl IIMl- L'LATOU is tlio l*cst remedy that has ever l con discovered. It nets mildly, ollootually lug a simple vegetable compound, ea Injury In any quantities that It may la It Is Uarmloss lu every way ; it has been used fer 40 year*, and hundreds ot tho need and groat from all parts ol tho country will vouch for its being the purest and bent. The (Jler ay. ‘‘My wile and sell havo U'Od i he Regulator for years, and testify to Its great vlrtuos.”— Bkv J K FkI.HMI4, Ferry, Ga. Jjulicn' Endorsement. “1 have given your modlclne a thorough trial, and in noeaso has It fnllod to glvo full G. A. KUCHNK, MorrhanCTatlor and Cutter. A. full stuck of French uud Knglijh broadcloths CusHiuiurtsi aud Vestings. uprlO No. 134 Broad Street HENRY BELLMAN. Cutting, Cleaning and RepalrlnR me ill the bust style. ipritt 1 Corner Crawfnril and Front Fts. Dress-Making. MIHH H. A. JBOI.I.ISQSWOSTH. ■Hr;-Mtik I UR, Cutting and itting. Teruiscbeap Kenldouce aodsliop In Browuevills. Plano Tuning, Ac. _____ _ _ M,DE •■ M. M. HIRSCH HAS UEMOVED TO HIM OLD STAND ON Crawford Street, Near Alabama Warehouse, Where he will coBtinne to PAY tho HIGHEST PUIGEB (or Rags, Hides, Furs and Wax, auglS jan'JU dlv E. W. IILAU, Repairer and Tuner of IMsnoes, Organs and Accortloons. Higu I'uitilmg also done. Oitiers may lw> be left ut J. W. Pease A Norman'* Gun and Locksmiths. 1*111 Lift* F.IF1.KR, i and Lockswith, Crawford street, next It .lohiisou’s corner, CtdiuubuH. da. Ja>» WILLIAU HbUOUKH, i nnd Locksmltb and d <ab-r in Gunning Mu* terials. East of Btrupja i’s Confectionary Fresh Meats. J. VV. FATKICK, Stall* No. 10 aud 18, Market llouss. i-sh Meals or every kind and best (piality, i.U always t,n band. WEAL ESTATE AGENTS. JOHN BLACKMAR, Next to freer, IIIkci A Oo., Ht. Olelr Htreet Oolumbn., Ua. Real E.tat., Brokerage and In surance Agent. axria, mr pxaRinsioR, To Merchants’ aud Msclianlos' H*nk, of this rlty Jsn'28 tf J. T. 4 0014, I'rsNli Meat* »f All Klnda, ; Htullu Nos. 16 and 17. Barber Shops. F.D. TERRY, llarlier, rd Ht., iitdur Kuukiu House, Coluinbu td bo- a ken. Builders and Architects. J. 44. CIIALMERM, Howno torpenter and Builder. Jobbing done ut short notice. rintiH nnd Hpccilicutlonn fiirnislietl all style. For Music Teachers. Now examine and select books for the next tril lion's campaign. In our catalogue {tent fire) you will Jtnd all you need, and of the bett qualify. W e now remind yon of our SONG MONARCH, (76 eents). Unequalled as a elaas book for singing schools. American School Music Readers. Hook 1, 36 eents; Book II, 60 oents; Hook 111, 60 oents. Kxeolient graded books for schools, Richardson’s New Method FOR PIANOFORTE. (83.76), the greatest and hast Flano instruction hooks. Clarke's New Method for REED ORGANS. And tf, u l. likely, T«« ''“’••r of * choir or mu»lo»l *«foty, you will Hn,l cxoellont material In our now book«, iHoiiiiaa’ Uumrlei* nstd ArISmRM. (81 •») IVrkinN’ A■■ IIm?sum (8160). l-oiiirFnrft Gcrninii Nougs, (81 60) for Rl*w«l V»lrr«, or isaaNk^v Alilhcni Nor- «’!(*<•«$ (Kplsoopal), 83 60. Sold by all the principal Music Dealers. Kent post-paid for Retail Frlce. DITMIIN A Co., Iloston. Cha*. II. IHTHONACo.,711 Ur’way, N. V. jo!2 tf jail liio I Street, no: i, Oa. llsfne- tloD."-KM-«« Mkacuam, Ohatubooohoo, PI., awio-c i oo,ikwei> Livery and Sale Stables. koiikkt Tuiiiiwia. ,.Ivory. h.l« .nil K*rh»»l£« hUhlw 0'H.KTUoars, Noavu er Rawpolfm Bts., or t:t0 Columbus, Ga CHARCOAL! Tobacco, Cigars, Ac. MAIKR DORN. If you want to enjoy a good smoke, go te bis Cigar Manufactory, Rtttwouu Uuorgia llom« aud Muscogeo UeRMb^ Charcoal, Best Qual ity, For Bale at GAS WORKS At Three Cento per Bushel. kpMtf