Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 29, 1875, Image 1

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YOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 29. 1875 NO 148 TEBMS or tub DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN. W. f*. SALianrnY, O, Klin* SALISBURY & KLINE, PRO pi' IF. TO US. This is the only paper in Columbus that receives th? Associated Press dispatches. Prom tho first of January last the post age on papers must bo paid by the pub* Usher. This will be ten cents a month (or dalllos and five cents a quartor for each woolcly, Our subscribers wilt see tho necessity tor pay- ng up promptly, avail thoso In arrears will be dropped on the first of January. Wo aro evor willing ioaoootnmodatc our friends, but It will be Impossible to send out impers not paid for In advanoe. The fallowing will lie tho subscription terms for the Enquirer for the yoar 1875: WIIKN MA1LKD. Pally, in advapco with post age i*l'I t o 20 por annum. Sunday, with postugo paid.... *2 70 “ Weekly, withpostago paid... 2 2J »* Sunday and Weekly, with postage paid 3 40 “ UURVKD IK CITY AMD 8UIIUHUB Dally, 4 8 oo per annum. Mo Sum da yr servod separately. OFFICE nox. Dally * 8 oo per annum Sunday 2 r»o “ Weekly 2 oo 11 Weekly and Sunday......... 3 uo “ AUVKRT18KKS, TAKE NOTICE! Liberal DUconat f«r Time Advertising Kates will bo reduced from this date lor all advertisement* exceeding in tiino ono month, Merchants and otliors will do well to tako advantage of tho Suuiinor rates, und in this nsannor prepare for Fall trade. Advertising Baton. Square 1 Weok Daily, Sqiiaru 1 yoar..... Tho above ih with tho privilege of a chnng every throe months. Pot yearly rank a liberal dis count will bo made. Thereto for ovary other day in Daily and every in Weekly or thinduy will lx> tho name ruiua of tho felling buildings foil viotims KulToontion. Not longer than two min utes did this terrible situation continue. wind rapidly carried away tho dust cloud, rovouliug tho terrible scene. NV hat was n low moment8 before n beau tiful city, instinct with life gnd happinons, wa* now tho hideous tomb of thousands. Tho ruin wa* complete. A contemplation tho few who isurvivod tho awful disas ter was oven tuoro torriblo than the eight of tho ruins and tho dead which lay be neath them. Grazed with horror, «uen, women and children ran abont crying for help and to their frionda who lay dead near nt band. Here a mother frantically called to hor child; there the ohild, hor ribly dishgued, porhaps, wailed ont for ita parent. Husbands, wivos, sons, daugh ters, fathers, and mothers were runumg about in wild dismay. Homo hours passed bofore quiet was restored and a realiza tion, of the event obtained. The tremb lings of the earth continued, and, to add to tho horrors of the situation, fires broke out iu various localities amid the ruins. The so fearful day was followed by a still moro horrible night. The survivors had moved to the sub urbs of the city, where encampments ere bstablished. The rain commonoed to fall in torrents, and amid the iwpenc treble darkness, tho groans of tho wuund- od tilled t he air, varied only by the sharp detonations proceeding from explosive materials amid the ruins. The cowing of now day showed that not more than ,000 remained alive. Beneath the fallen houses lay from 8,000 to 10,000 dead. OTHER TOWNS DESTROYED. Reports from other localities furnish nows of equal destruction. Han Cayeta- no was destroyed; also the larger part of Santiago. In Gramalote there was great destruction. Arholcda, Cucutilla, and Han Christobal are all noarly destroyed principally the four last. The popula tion of theRo towns is estimated by a per son well acquainted iu that region to bo more or lens as follows : San Oayotano 4,000 Santiago Gratnalote Arbolodu 6;000 CUOUtilla 5,000 Sau Cristobal 1,500 Tbo section of country above referred to embraces the regions about whero Co lombia and Vouezuela join,the Colombian portion oiubraciug tho Htato of Hautan- dor. It is in sonio respects the most pro ductive part of the Republic, and tho coffee of this suctiou is familiar to all the world. Daily. «*ry oilier day In in loral or readin, mil will Ir» churgod. » Wookly or 8qud:iy riitoa will bo 60 por c Tho \ of tho Daily. When an ndvprtiiioinoiit in changed mo onco in throw months tho advertiser will he ed with thorn*#, of coin position. Foreign ti»ord nitiHt i*»v m do thorn* at in mo. TUli EARTHQUAKE IN COLOMBIA GRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OP TIIE CATASTROPHE DY AN KY8 WITNESS. Tilton v«. Rffrlwr. New York, Juno 27. —Up to nine- o'clock to-night, nothing new has trans pired in tho Tilton-Beecher case. TV jury romains looked up to-day as they were during tho night. No communica tion was reooived from thorn in court to day. Nothing is postivcly known as to how they stand. All kinds of contradic tory rutuorH on this point are in circula tion. 'BEECHER SAYS ONLY ONE JUEoR IS HANOI NO OUT. New York, June 28.-—The World pub lishes an interview of a correspondent with Beecher while the latter was on his way to Pookskill, Saturday. Beecher is reported as saying that Ihoro it only bae man standing out. The root of the Mat ter is this: There has been a good deal of betting on tho result, still this one man has been hanging out from the first. We were warned about him long ago. Judge Neilson will kocp the jurors out six weeks, if necessary, to induce them to bring ,in a verdict. The correspon dent also says that Beecher Raid he knew who the juror was who was holding out. NORTH 1*0 LB. MARKETS. •r TELEGRAPH TO ENQUIRER. Money auil Marketn. London, Jane 28—Noon.—Brie 1;;%. Paris, June28.—Rentes eat and 06o. Nbw Yobk, .luno 28 — Money easy nt 11062 jr cent. Storting exchange firm at 7k. < fold \1%Q\WA. Governments dull and steady; iewFsl8% ■“ •— * Maracaibo, May 22, 1875.—On tho morning of the 28th inst., this common ty woe startled by tho appalling news of tho entire destruction, by nn earthquake of the city of Han Jose do Cuouta, iu Col ombia, on the 18tli inst., at half-pan eleven A. m. Tho first shook, uccumpu uied by loud subterranean detonations, levelled every wall in tho city*, mid burn under its rums in that single instant c time souio eight thousand human beings out of a population of 10,0110 souls and of these then spared many havo since died of their injuries, and others remain seriously affected in mind. The account g iven l»y the unhappy beings, who havo ed tho doomed spot nml aro doily ar riving here, is harrowing in tho oxtrouio. The first care of the fow saved, aftor they could collect their shattered souses, was to succor those whose shrinks for aid filled tho air on every side ; but their ef forts iu many cases wore rendered futile by the continued trepidation of tho earth, by the explosion of powder and fireworks stored in many parts of tbo city, and by bands of robbers, who roved over tho ruins, robbiug tho doad and murdoriug those they fancied had saved anything. Thus all who havo reached horo from Oueuta have landed horo in tho clothes they wore on that fatal day, ns few or none wero able to savo evoulhoir wearing apparel. The following details aro furnished by ono of tho mirvivors:— Han Jose do Cucuta had for many yearn made very rapid progress, increas ing in wealth and population, until it hud becomo ono of the most important citios of Colombia. Of tho late years now and important enterprises had boon started, necessitating tbo construction of now buildings for mercantile and other purpo ses, and of a largo number of fine resi dences. In a moment of timo thoso have all boon destroyed. It was situa ted on the boundary of the Republic, and was founded by Juan de Martin iu 15.14. It was a port of entry, if an inland town oan be called a port, and horo was the established Custom House. Tho popula tion of the city at the timo of the disas ter is estimated at about 12,000; it had a large commercial business and was the great depot for coffee and oaca for ship ment either through the Venezuelan port or down tho Magdalena. preliminary shocks. At hslf-past five o'clock in the after noon of Huuday, the 10th, a Btrong shock Was observable, lasting twenty seconds. A little later another trembling of tho •arth took place, which gradually died away through the space of fivo minutes. At a quarter past five the bbuio day tho entiro population was brought to its foot by a strong shock, which, lasted for some time. During tho 17th and tho following night occasional tremblings wore exper ienced. On tho morning of the 18th everything was sorono ami tho day ad vanced without anything new, with no premonitions of the awful fate which nwaitod the doomed city. The hour of half-past olovon arrived. A great part of the citizens woro at table. The earth commenced shaking with great force, and from all sides the people rush ed to the streets with despairing crios for mercy. For fifteen seconds tho move ment continued, tho oity moving like a great ship without ballast. Instantan eously a cloud of fine dust enshrouded tho streets and heuses, impeding tho vision and culling forth renewed crios of horror and appeals for mercy from the populace. These were of short duration, however, as the dust soon bocamo so thick as to impode respiration and, aa if by the touch of an encliantor’i waud, an awful silence succeeded. Many TRANCE. FEARFUL INUNDATIONS — NINE HUNDRED DUOWNED AT TOULOUSE—20,000 IN ALL. London Juno 28.—Telegrams to tho Times snyjthut 000 persons perished in tho Hood at Toulouso alone. The out break of an epidemic is feared. It is ho- lievod that 2,000 houses have been swept away in tho town aud environs. The damage there is estimated at from twelvo to fifteen millions sterling. AN APPEAL FOR BRITISH CHARITY. Paris, Juno 28.—Tho correspondent of tho 'limes makes an appoal to British charity in behalf of the sufferers. Tho Ihtily News' special telegram says tho • lowest esimstos of doaths in the llooctcd districts is 20,000. It is pro posed to bombard and destroy tho Ht. Cyprion quarter of Toulouse to prevent danger from tho crumbling walls of the houses that yet remain. OTHER INUNDATIONS. The Standard publishes reports of fear ful inuudaliouR in Bohemia and Moravia. NATURALISATION. AN IMPORTANT QUESTION DECIDED, Washington, Juno 28.—Tho Attornoy General lias decided a question of natu ralization, submitted to him by tho De- parraont of Htato. The facts briefly aro that A. Hliunkagpler, a Prussian, subject by birth,immigrated to tho Uuited States in 1818, and was naturalized iu 1854. Whon he rcturuod to Germany, he took with him his ftou, thou agod four years, born in tho Uuited Btutos. The son is now twenty years old. Tho question at issue rose as to (he son owing military servico to Germany. Tho Attornoy Gon* eral reviews at some longlh the United Htato laws, and tho treaty with Gortnuuy ou the subject of naturalization aud also quotes rocont British legal opinions, and comes to tho conclusion that the boy has two nationalities,ono natural and the othor acquired . Tho father returning to Germany and romuniug his nlloginuco, tho son partakes of tho stutus of the fath er, being a iniuor and having enjoyed tho protection of tho Gorman Government, ho for tho timo being, or until of ago, owes military duty, the obligations being reciprocal; but when tho boy becomes of ago, he can return to tho United States as an American citizen, with all’ rights and privileges us such, end would oven bo oligiblo to tho Prcqjdoncy of the United States. THE COTTON ( HOP. REPORT OF THE MEMPHIS EXOlIANOK FOR THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION SAILED FROM BUG- LAND. Nbw York, June 27.—The Herald's cable .special from Loudon, announces the sailing from Portsmouth yesterday, of the sto&merrandom,for tho Arotio region. She goes in search of the northweat I States quiet ami nominal, passage, and for tho discovery of the I Uotlon Market*, relics of tho Franklin expedition. The I Litebpool, Juno 28—Noon—Cotton dull, Pandora i« n rowol of 4BO«ouh, and WM I “(!aid“5«l.i‘ 1o"ooq; lor^iioulauinandoiport Utlod ont by C«pt. Alien Young, her com- j *.•&*, „ ,. M ollo . prr Sale* on basis ol mldd B.nnott. She proceed, to Diaoo, Greta-1 HSttdSSJR. land. Esquimaux Joe ia on board. Joatl Baluon .bail* of mlil.llln* upl.nil., nolh- boforo starting, Capt. Young racoWad , I JJlow^lo^iiilddllBir., U.llvorai.ic lo July present of a splendid buoud.1 fron Ik. Ir.*—w«l«io» a baai. ofmlddlimtapland., I nothin* below * *“** **- *- T 6-1M, in the expedition. # | LivanrooL, June 28 — 5 r. m.— Ol Bolen Tbo following ia a list of offloor.: Oapt. *'" 00 »«" America... i *r--. v June 28. — biilei at 16%@i6%o. erly sailing maatar of the MoOlintock ex- N „ w YoB ., Jon „ 0 , 1JS0j Diorina shin. Fox. and is thoroughly ex-1 Bole«22,400bole*, an follows: .luno lfi 3 82; July * » « 3 i 16U; Anguftlb8-15411157 32; September 151-82 penonced, and has made tho longest @151-16: uetober 14 21 32f»i4 1U5 : November aledgo travel on record; Lient. Lillingcton : t'LW,.!!., of the Ilrttiah nary; Lieut. ] March U',1016 MX; April iMtduai.1.132; May Koetoman Beynor, of the Dotoh nary; “ijet wclptil'uo. Lient. Title, of theltrittahnaTj; Messrs. I qalviston, June 3».~Uotton dull and DaViaand MeGahan,' the sailors inteipretur. There are twenty-fl»o bands | Bo1tob> Jum u nulct; mUldlin*. 15540, low mliltlli » . 1 export* to Great masters, lhomas and Florenoe, boat-1 fruw Orleans, June as.—Cotton quiet; niM swain Moball and Esquimaux Joe, who I dling* 16)401 low mWdllw?* i*^c; goodi onli . , , . ,. . * ... . I nary l3Un; net reeoipts 2iU; oxporln to I ranuu havo already visited the Arotio regions. 14,233; saftB 460. Tboro aro uo Aiuerioana in the erew. 1 Savannah, Juno 28.—Cotton quiet; mW dllngs 14;'(jc, low mbbllinKB 14%e, uond01 dlnary ia --- 1108 iu; 8ioc* BRANCH orriCH or THB HOWR MACHINE CO., tana, GaoaeiA, South c * To the KMors of Iks RnquirirJhU, Columbus, Ocorgio : Dkau sik : our attention having bean called to m advertisement efoae of our competitors, in which our tales for 1874 »re “eetlmated" atM,0«0, we take pleasure la authorising the state ment that wo aro olliolally Informed from the principal office of the Company at New V ork that tho sales of TIIB HOW E MACHINES were I5A.1M fW 1674. BecpeetMUy, THE HOWS MACHINE COMPANY, URNTBAI, RM1L, 140 and 140 Bread Bf«, (Mamhm, i Mas. 8. E. Woinmi, ap21 LIONEL t). LEW, JR., Attorney aid Ooaaeellor at Law. Commissioner or Deeds N. Y. and other States, ♦unco over Georgia Home Inauraaee Co. Siwoial ausutton alven to ooUeotloas. deo5 LONDON AND DURLIN. A tirorclsn ('•inialta Satclde. 13;net reoelpts 100; saios iu; stock 2,758. _ . , . Momta, Juno 28.—Cotton qulot ; mldtlllnus New York,. June 28.—Last evening, a j 14^0; low inhldllniA 14540; gomi onlinary ta^c; man who had registered his name as John net reoelpts 35; saios 5u. . ... . M .,1 Chaiilemton, Juno 38.—Cotton nominal. Farmeuter, comdutted suicide at Freuoh 0 1 mldvlUu«H 16c, low tnhUlUnKs IP4*, w>od oral- Hotel, noletl a note stating that his I “fJ “«! netrecalpu at; «al.« w. reel name waa A.yi. Irvine, eldoat eon of j'unVM.-"w^iaib, .,«lot ltev. pr. Irvine, of Augusta, Ga-, anal Haltimorn, Juno 28.—Coffee quiot and firm: that ho could not live with tho proaent iT iinlmivrw (InntAtitin nfVnim in VhiliuinliihiA. I • v... uu _ 1 uubuppy domostic affairs in Philadelphia, Hind* Doea Tree DISTINGUISHED VISITORS—RIFLE Dublin, Juno 28.—The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoresa of London, and suite, arrived tbia morning, to witness the in ternational ahooting match. Tlioy woro called on by tho Lord Mayor, nud the corporation of Dnblin in stale, and con ducted to tho Manaion House, wboro thoy partook of lunch. Aftorwnrds, they at tended a reviow of C,<)00 troops at Phce- nix Park. Tbo American Kiflo Team and party woro ulao at the roview, and wero ontha- aio8ticaUy received. Tho woatbe? was unfavorable and attendance consequently small. Tbia is the first time tho Lord Mayor of Loudon has visited Ireland in atnto. IVhdIiIiikIou, Bull I more and Vir ginia TrcMN Lxciiroloat. Washington, Juno 28.—The proas ex cursionists of Washington, Baltimore, Alexandria and Itichmond returned from ltawley Springs, Va., last night, wbioh they visited by invitation of the proprie tors. The Baltimore & Ohio ltailroad Company gratuitously furnished the transportation. Prominent Virginians, including Hon. L. T. Harris and Judgo Kenny, both of Harrisonburg, gave tho excursionists a cordial welcome, and in a formal address expressed sentiments of a strongly patriotic character, being desir ous of ceasing to talk of the oausos of tho late civil war, and of directing their en ergies in the interest of the entire coun try- A Rapist Commit* Suicide. Philadelphia, Juno 28.—Frank Kuter- or, a Gorman, agod fifty years, who was committed to jail Wednesday for on at tempted rape upon a little girl four years old, committed suicido last night by hang ing himself to a cross bar of his ceil. Five Ter sons Killed by a Trnln. Boston, Juno 27.—The steamboat train on tho old Colony lvailroad, to-night ran over a wagon at tho crossing, in Bowen- villo, Fall ltiver. Hobort and Thomas Hynes, Mrs. Haynes, hor child and John Graham, who were in the wagon, were killed. Tho driver, Hewy Frawley, was pulled away by tho horse ane escaped. «;old (o be bold. Washington, D. C., Juno 27.—The T/easury sells a million of gold each Thursday duriug July, making five mil- liOQB. Mine li Inc. Mtopn Bur wed Cincinnati, Jane 28.— Flour sternly. Who it ilull( red M M®©I *3 (lorn quiet at Oats quiet and steady at66®&8i’. Kye dull aud nominal. Pork armor and higher: sales ut ‘ty do. held ivuH entered iu tne tnrou rouiaining j Vj^Z^Uo; summer 1'JUe. Hulk im:utd stronu: ngninst Hinds for alleged complicity I and held kUhor; shoulder* asked; eleivr rib h J 1 sides sold at IlJ^o, spot I2e asked tor buyers In July, 12c bid fur buyer* In August! clear hI.Io* 11940. Haoon firm; shoulders dull at VGV'.tfi; siqui was entered iu the throe remaining | cases in tho rocont mail contract frauds. TK LED RADII IU NOTES. Anioiinins Louis liaryo, tho F.onoh I KiiQVoo'i r.MlpU l.^.-.UIpnientR MO. iu * I Loimbvilln, Juno 28. — Flour quiet and sculptor, is (load. lunehanxed. Whost dull and nominal at #l 1(». A tornado passed over tho northern I Oorn dull at 72Q730. Oats (lull at Mtfdoo II yo part ol tho city ofDotroit Wrt, houaoa SZJX& wore domolislicd. lour persons are Idon9Xa*Mfi, clear rll,sidesHKMiPft*, clear known CD be killed and mauy hurt. I sides li^e. llaoon, shoulders oloar • Tho Crown 1’riuoo Fredoriok WB- ^!|.'^iJSSlSMS! X liain will AHsist nt tho manoeuvres of the I K | nR steady at 18<4((514o. Germ an iron clad fleet, which will begin I ohioaqo, June 28— Flour quiet and uochang* on Wednesday uext and oontinue until | ed. Wheat exeltud, closed oaslo' ilto. » sprfnir Monday. The American squadron will I!} J^^ l jJ2gust! i du * fres 1 roguUr wituesH U10 display. I n* w York, Juno 28.—Flour rules Zrra an Tho ostAblishmont of the Amine I |r in fair demand; Southern steady; common to P,„ N » » Maiden Lane New York has ” boon totnlly destroyed by fire. 1 ho dam-1 3^ ^tar red Woslorn *' w, ages are estimated at a hundred thousand 1 Amber do. $1 30fgl 40. (loffne, Kh> active and dollars, which was partly oovored by in-1 firm**f°. Memphis, June 28.—The Cotton Ex change crop report for Juno contains tho following aggregato of 145 rosponces from Western Tennessee, Northern Ala- abaina and Arkansas, under tho average dato of Juno 22. Eighty-eight report vory favorable woathor, 57 moderately favorable, 140 answer no planting of cot ton, since May, 15 some nnd ro-pianting and fivo have planted six por cent Ono- hnndred and, thirty-throo answer that cotton stands aro fully satisfactory, 12 answers aro that oight por cent, is I ho average. Eighty-foiu answer very good condition Jill good, 8 moderate. One bunded thirty-eight report free of grafts and woods nnd woll cultivated* sc von partially unclean aud not thoroughly cul tivated. Ono hundred nnd thirty-seven answer that squares aro form ing freely, oight not yet forming woil. There nro twelve reports of blooms, dating from llio 18th to tho 22d instant. Wo havo only to report a limited com plaint of too cool weather at night. Throughout n small portion of each department Ihoro is some complaint of lice, dating from tho 17th of May to abont tho 5th of Judo, but which subsequent very favorable weather bos in almost ove- ry instance remedied. THE WEATHER. TROD ABILITIES. crushed and powered, dining. Kloo quiet nnd unchiuigcd. 8T. Lniria, Juno 28.— Flour dull and un changed. Wheat higher,^ No 2 red wjniortl 80a 1 aiOOASh, 41 82 bid lor Juno; .-oil No 2 si-rlng Wasuinuioh, June28.—Po* UaoHamUa-1 SS£**W««S? ilanSf KWSj *» stnteB - " u “ 1 ° n *y pr T re aud temperature, partly cloudly weather, [ WhUkejr quiet | 18 I’-rk higher at *21 followfid on Tnomlay afternoon by coulei *“ cloudy weather and rain; lower Miaaiaaip-1 ay «j. K.w>u mpiik; siioui.ier. e m'Ac clear pi, lower Oliiu and central Mimiwiippi | ,'umSirUfc. Sllvo lini'«nnm?; l .i^Ii" rivers will rise slightly. Notice. holders ol tho Mobiio tt Girard Rail road will bo held at tho JJ.'pot in Girard, A hi Imma, on Wodnosday, July 7th, at Ten o’clock A. M., whon an oloctlon for Preshlont and MX Directors will tako place. .Stockholders with their lamlllo* will bo passed tree to ColurabuV from 6tu until 7th, In^ elusive, nud return any day until 12th, inclu sive. »ady, natiyoa, largo offerlngB of Texas. Ron 111, olf. Nxw York, Junb 28.—Turi»ontlno quiet, Kosln quiet. rrelitlilN. Nrw York, Juno 28.—Freights firm. deal l Hotel. CKO. H. OWEN, Manager. Doctor*. ■a. u. s. uw. r Inti aw4 Keatelph itmti, Rnrrot building. ImMww m fetsylk, three Gon below Bt. Clair. Lawyers. Livery and tala Stable*, aeamv *■•■**•*, Llmr, tel. Hi Xirtaaf. llahlM, OauiMHi, Noam of Uanowa Bn., 0.1.Mbs., Oa jn»i SAHUKL H. HATCHKR. AttorM, M Law. Oflc. over Wlttlob A XlM.I'k A. A. DomiBH, AMru, awl Daaaaallar a* tew, frolic, iu tiuu iiid OuurU Iu Qtargiu and Alutauiu. Ofllr« ISO Droud ut., Ocluatoi, Qa.Ja. ■AIM MB*. If jam waat to osjo, a food naoko, go to hi. Ofnr MwiaActor,, tewon (will Uoasaa. Hmo^m Uorm. Ua.k II. Bunurouo. Louis ». HLANUrOBD A 41AHHABH, Altoraoya and Coaaaallara a» tew. Office No. 117 Uruod atrMt, ov.r Wlttioh A Ala- Hl’i Jewelry Btute. Will practice Iu the Btute ua( federal Ooutta. NM ... Ita T. DOWNING Attorney and Nllellw. U. 8. Cmu’r aud Itogiator iu llaukruglcy. Oflc* 110VJO | over Ilrooke' Drug Btore, Oo I a at boa, 'ia. r Ilrooke' R. J. MOURN* Atferney nnd OtaaMlItr al Laa, J. M. HAMILTON, Whelofiale nnd Retail Uroeer, Watchmakera. O. B. LHIIIM, 134 Broad atreat, Ooluwbne. Ga. ' Watches and Olocke repaired In ilie heal or nnd wnrrniitML 4 Tin anU Copperamlth*. wk.ait*. Worker laTliu. teaet Iraa, Ueppar Ordure from abroad promptly attended to. UT No. 174. Broad 0tr»et. DontlRtR. W. V. IIUABM, . Denilnt, Oppnelto fltrupprr’e building, llaadnlpli Bt. Hponnl nttciitiuu givea tu the Inanrtion ol Aril- tlcinl TwuUi, »e woll ae to Oporative Penliatry iliVW (lew COLUMBUN DENTAL ROOM I W. Y. Pool, Prop’r, Goorgla Home Uulldlng, Uolunbll (Jtorgla. 00113 TallorR. HENRY BELLMAN. Onttinti, Olmnlng Med Repalrlni Dodo iu tho hoot stylo. ^q»r2jH^^^^Con»eM?ii»wh*rj^injlJJroB^B(e. Tobaooo, Clears, No. Root and thoamaker* wm. urn, Paint* ra. WM. SHOW, JK., A OO., Homan and Blgm Pmlmton, Old Oglethorpe corner, (Juet north of poatofflee^ Ooinmhae, Georgia. Will contract lor Hcnea and Sign Painting at tlefaction. Caprfi •eonabl* prloea, aud gaan Baler to Wm. 0aow, Br. OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctora. UK. JAB. T. WAKNOCK, * Burgmom Mid Phyatdmn. Odea at Blanghter’e Drug Store, Baiircad.etrcwi. HOtRlR. ADAME HOLME. K to Opelika, be eure t< «N, opposite Passenger Depot. LAWYERS. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAHILTON, HA., Circuit lectious vl4 tr r ill practloo In the CbatUhoocuc or any where elan. All kind ol t ININ. “Pay me or rnn away.” HIDES. IUIP NEWN. Grf.en Castle, Pa, Juno 28.—'Tho ma chi no shops of J. B# Crowoll & Go. aro WKUUo tea »WIU» nutiuvo biuwuuuu. J 1 , *, „„ j,.... (uut who might havo boon saved from tho I burned. Loss y >0, CHICAGO* ARREST OF A SWINDLING FIRM. Chicago, Juno 27.—Alfrod Frederick, A. Chanler, Edward and George Hoe, who wero formerly ongagod in tho grocery busiuosH woro urrostod to-day ou the obargo of defrauding Messrs, O. P. Greg ory, J. N- Oollinsworth, aud B. A. Ellison, of Itichmond Vs., out of merchandise amounting to $230,001) of which but a small part was ou account of O. P. Greg ory & Co. They wore held over in bonds of from five thousand to ton thousand dollars each, llonry Adams, agent of the firm at Itichmond, made the charge. It is stated tbat tho ltoe brothers, about September tho 18tlj, 1874, failing to vin dicate themselves suddenly absconded, iiooing to Canada, and that their brothor Alfrod returned to Chicago, aud partially sottled up tho Account, aud that thooth«r brothers also came to Chicago, and they wero huutod down uud arrested. Nrw York, —Juno 28.—Arrived—(hty of HriiMold and State ol Loiiioiaua. Arrived Gut—A. M. Knight. Nbw York, Juno 28.—Arrlvod—Gul*a. Arrived Gut—City ol Berlin, Gillost And Oortlfteatesot stock must bo exhibited t otlie | state of Goorgla. luctor by the Stockholder us ovidenco of thoir being ontitlod to pass Ireo with tholr lam- proxy inuat oxhiblt certificate of stock and power of Attorney, otherwlso lure will bo roquirod In both cases. lly order J* M. FUA/FK j i td Soorotary. WAGONS. PLOWS. ANU Agricultural Implements Generally. I | schools. WiwbliSKtoii Moullon*. WxHiiiNo'ro.N Juno 28.—Tbo 1’roBiiioiil has rocoRiiizoU, ax Ooubulur Ayonto ut Italy, CiuiBHipiio L). Minlilouico at Mow- phi», and llaywoudu Uulua, al Bavau- uali. Limit. Col. A. McCook anooomla McCoy- an ou Gen. Hlionuana Htaff. Kobosou U*9 gone to ltye lloacb with his family tor about a wook. The oaali in tho treaaury will bo count ed by a connuiuiou of baukorrt. Adiapatcli to Navy Dopartmont reports ono iloalb mid two or tliron casos of yel low fever at Koy West. HAVE locate'! iny Shojis 00 Wynn’s Hill. jl near the city of Columbus, and am prepared with & good Block ol DHY LUHlillii to at tend to all Work in iny line at the very low* ost cash prloes. Repairing Attendod to Promptly, W. M. AMOS. apll eod&wtf P AINTKR*M Mauumi—House and sign I painting, graining, varnishing, polishing, kalsomlnlng, pa(>erlng, lettering. Ac. ft« cts. Hook of Alpliaimts, 50. Scrolls and (Irauxnent* 41. (hirpontor’s Manual, 60. ‘ and Jeweler, 60. Taxidermist, kcr, 26. A uthorshlp, 60. Lightning Calculate* 26. - Hunter and Trapper’s Guide, 20. l>ou Training, 26. Of bookselhrs or by mall. JESS EE HANEY fcCU., 115 Nassau st ,N * foh5 dAwtf TAM CDM PELL FI) to sell my Goods EX L CM T sIV FLY for the Cash, lly adhering strictly to this rule, I «.in confident that I can mnke It both to tho purchaser's ami my own In terest. 1 am daily receiving iny SPUING STOCK, and shall oil- r the Goods at tho lowest living prices. T« E. BLANCHARD, ap4 flAwtt 12* Broisd Wlreel. Notice to Debtort and Creditor*. A LL porsond having domands againHt Ia M.Hlgger*. Uoeeasod, lato or Kluscogee county, are hereby notified to present tho same within twelve months from date, properly provi-n to the undersigned: and nil persons In debted to said deceased will please aettlo the game. J. L. and L. J. HIGGfcRS, jo24eodAwlm Exeoutorg. R EV. T. II. SLADE’S School for Young Lndios will -pen first Monday In October, 1876, and clorc the middle of June, 1875. Primary Classoa, por annum 430 00 Higher Impart mi nt, including Latin, French and Sciences 60 <") Music (Plano) 60 00 Hoard por month, oxcoptlng bed clothes, towels and washing 16 00 Half in advance, balance due middle of (he tonn. Assistants, Mrs. Ann J. Slade and Mrs. Helen S. Lindsay. Columbus, Gn., June 26th, ls76. 1025 31 MEDICAL DEI’ALIMENT -OF THE- UNIVERSITY OF LOUISIANA, NRW OilLKANN. J practical opitortunltlcs lor studying Medi cine unequalled by any college In the bltod States. The Professors, aecompnntod I by the students, visit daily the wards of ' 1 rest Charity Hospital, where wore tiuu. .s nonsand patients nro annually treatoil The Forty-Second Annual So*$ on will begin November 16th, and terminate March 12th. Fees the same as charged by all the best hoots. For Circulars giving lull information, ad< d "" T. Q. RIOHAKDSON, M. !>., J>oan. j«M cllwfcwat CHAMPION FIRE EXTINGUISHER I W*. JOUMBOB, W. II. JOIIBKT0.N Cl.Mb... <i>. Urilllii, tl*. AES SOLS AflSNTH FOE Till MTATK OP GEORGIA And EASTERN ALABAMA rot rns balk op CHAMPION FIRI EXTIN0UISHER3 The Cltauiploii Hclf-Acting Knginn for Hi town*, and village* l* t»i«' most powerful aelf-acliug Kiiglncs iu (It* world. The Stationary for u ItoddON, d«|NiU, *«W mill*, Ac., auiHirior to all *rs in oxistonco. The I'orUblc, ll.u lu.i, t ut least, should lat in evory dwi-Uing, storehouse, house, and railroad car*. To Rul! rood Corn pan in* wishing to niipply tl. *(dves, wear® prepared to odor great liidm vme Person* wishing any of tho above article* «a hiipidled by addressing General Agent, Colninbii* or II. W. JwhliMton, Urilflii. Georgia. |e26:tw-wt A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, sale. 850 acres of improvod land with i sary buildings, good spring aud woll water, . it uatodseveu miles south ol Montcvullo. I’rico 46 (.or acre. For further Information apply to J W Hrantley, Montevallo, Ala. J T COOK, feq!7 oawly A gout. Dross-Making. MINN M.A. HOM,INUkWOM-ril, uw-Muklnx,Cutting .nil minx. TwMokMp. M. M. HIRSCH HAB UEUOVED TO HIM OLD STAND OH Crawford Street, Near Alabama Warehouse, Wbare ha will co«tinno to l’AY tbo HIOHEBT PRICES for Rags, Hides, Furs and Wax, aagtt Jan'JOdlv Piano Tuning. So. *. W. *fcAII, Repairer and Timer of Pianoee, Organs aad Acronleous. fiign Painting also duo*, idem may lie bo left at J. W. Peeae A Monoan’s U fitore. —P» Cun and Lookamlth*. puiur KirLKa, Gun and I*ock*wUli, Grew lord street, nest t Johnsou’s corner, Columbus, Ga. JeS Gun a jaltt WILLIAM BCUOBR14, id Locksmliii nnd dsaler in Uuuulng Ma> (trials. Hast of fitrupper’a Oouiectloaarf RIAL ESTATE ACENT8. JOHN BLAGKMAR, H.xt to Praar, IIIkm k Oo., 8t. Ulalr Stmt talmtat, «•. teal E.tato, Biwkarag* and In- wrMM Aflant. To Nerehaita' aad Mechaaloe’ Bank, of this elty JaaSS »f BOOTS ANO RHOKR. FreRh MeatR. J. W. PATRIOM* Stalls No. IB IB, Market Mease. krr>.h H«U of .T.ry kind ud Uat vulltjr, I. T. (OOk, Irak MtakrofAU KOdt, U||« (tall. No.. IS .nd IT. Barber Shops. ED. TEBKY, terter, Crawford Bt., 'indor kokln Ilotuw, OoloeMa, 9a. duel 8 Builders and Arohlteots. J. U. CH4UIKM, Ucase i'arpeaOr aad Balldtr. Jobbing d<m« at short notion. Man* aud specUtvaliuM luruished for all st] building* broad Htreet, next to O. W. Brown’s, Seasonable Spring Goods. DurabU, 0m - StUiifl, low - priori Or#M ari Welkin* Boot* for Lrilor, m*»o« ori Ohlldro*. OhllSro* oiid Infint*' Anklo Tl** and Sllppor*, la all doolisblo colon. Qotrtlomo*'* FI«o Sb*o>—etyttoh, du rable, comfortable. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Substantial Work for Plantation Wear, AND A Full Stock of all Ui* desirable stylet attrac tive to all daises of buyera. WILLS A CURTIS, Mo. PS Broad •*., uorl4 If Sign of the Big Hoot. For 8ale Low. (CHUl.aHSIIir IN TIIK MKUICAL COT, LKtIK AT KVANHVILLK, INDIANA, novfltf APPLY AT T111H OFF 10 Cotton FROtorlRR. Slieellucs, Shirtings, and Be wing Knitting Thread. Card* W<*d and Grinds Whnat« nd Corn- On'r.o iu rear of Wlttich A Kinsol’s, Randolph st. jut A R. II. Or.fLTON, President. MIIHC'OGEE MANITPACTLRING CO. Mat dfacturers of 8IIKKTINU8 dlflRTINOB, YARN, ROPB, Ao. COLUMBUS, GA. G.P. BWIPf, President. W. A. HW l FT, Bn rotary Truaanror. ectSl If, Rt4iorv.'ui Co., Atlanto, Ga. CHARCOAL! Charcoal, Best Quality, For Sale at GAS WORKS ▲t Three Cents per Bushel. aplltf Commercial Hotel, kmeu, ALABAMA. S EDIOATED to tho Oorammlitl Tnvelnrt of tho Cnltta Ht.tM, .ml .11 i.r«inH truv x on DuxlDWx or plMiuro. wo will .Iu all wo 0.0 to ,or- “*■ * * ~ * iiimMa OJni ■orUtf MIDDLE A SMITH A, I'rop'ra.