Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, June 30, 1875, Image 1

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\ Calumlni miutrcf. YOL. XVII. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JUNE 30. 1S75 NO 149 TERMS DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN. W. I.. SAuentmr, C. A. Ki.ini SALISBURY & KLINK, PROPRIETORS. Thin in the only paper in Colitmhnn that receive* f lie Associated Press dispatches. From the tirat. of January last the post age on papers must lie paid by tho pith. Jltthor. This will l>o ten cents a month for dailies and livo cents a quarter for each weekly, Our subscribers will sno the necessity for jmy. ng up promptly, ail all l lioso In arrears will ho dropped on the first of January. Wo aro over willing t»» accommodateour friends, hut it will t»o Impossible tosoml out papors not pahl (or In ndvanco. The following wilt lie tho sifhsoriptlon terms lor the HNquiiiRtt for tho yoar 1875: WIIKN M.MLKl). Dally, In advance with post. ago paid 4 v* '20 por annum. Sunday, with postage paid.... 2 70 “ “ Woekly, with postage paid... 2 !£) " “ Sunday and Wookly, with postagopald 3 40 “ “ BKItVUD IK CITV ARO BIT HU It »8, Dally, 4 8 00 ]»or annum. No Sundayh aorvod separately. OFFICII BOX. Dally..* 4 8 oo per annum Sunday...................... 2 50 “ ” Weokly 2 00 “ “ Weekly and Sunday 3 00 '* “ AOVERTIN11RN, TAKE NOTICE 1 Liberal Discount for Time Advertising. liatos will bo roducod from this dato lor all advertisements exceeding in time ono month. Merchants and others will do well to tako advantage of tho Summer rates, and in this manner preparo for Fall trado. AdvorllHlitK Kales, Kqnaro I Wvok Daily, * d 00 oiliation i« Htiperfioiol ami f alia fur below tho reqniromontR of an cxaltod patriotism or the comprehensive and far-reaching policies of n wino statesmanship. The harmony to which I nllndo is that which will result from a conscientious return to a full recognition of tho principles of our common constitution and tho ad ministration of our government in all its depart raenta according to its title and spirit. This, and this only, can Rocnre lasting fraternity and mutual confidence between tho States and the various sec tions of our oountry. For it will reaa- sort State equality, the right of local State govemmeit and even-handed jus tice, in the distribution of both the bur dens and blessings of the Federal admin istration. This in the harmony for which I plead. It iR tho trno spirit and gen ins -of our fcwstem of Confederate govern ment. Without it, wo may have, not the vnion of State*, Imt tho unity of empire, consolidated and upheld by military pow er—tho stagnant peaco of despotism. It may be that I cannot co-operato per sonally with tho citizens of Atlanta, in their proposed colehration. If not, then thoso hasty rcllections must be my repre sentative. Renewing my thanks for your courtesy, I mu, gentlemen. Your obedient Rervant and Fellow eitiaen, Hbrbohel V. Johnson. BEEniEK. Bqnart _ Tho above i* with tlm privilege ory tliroi 1 yoar., ith tlm firivllL„_ ... _ curds u liberal dig. jonnt will Im umrie. Tlm rato Dir every oilier day in Daily and every vwk in Wookly or Butoluy will bo thu auuio aa Daily LOADER TnE UPnOLRTEBEB ARRESTED FOB PERJURE. New York, June 29.—Joseph Loader, whojmndo affidavit stating that ho had seen improper familiaritlon between Hov. II. \V« Boeelior and Mrs. Tilton, at the resi dence of iho lattor, in the year 1869, was arrested lent night on a warrant, based on a complaint made by Col. Henry Barton to Boechor, supported by an affidavit con taining tho written confession of John H. Price, his accomplice. Price appeared os a witness against him, making affidavit that ho did not know Loader previous to 1872, and know nothing about Tilton’s houso until recently. He said Loader told him that now would bo a good time to make somo money. Judge Morris ap peared for Loader, and Messrs. Tracy and Ilill for tho complainant. Judge Raley ordered both Loader and Price to bo locked up for examination. 11UNUAUY. Yellow Fever at Key Went. New York, Juno2 9.—A dispatch from J. V. Harris, health officer at Koy West, Florida dated J uno 28th, reports ono death from yollow fever to-day. Dr. Harris adds: I am sorry to havo to in form you of the provalonco of this disease as epidemic at. this place. Washington, Juno 29.—A dispatch received here to-dny from Pensacola, an nounces thot tho Gorman bark Von Moltko nrrivod at that place ycHterdoy, with sevornl cases of yollow fever on board. Ono doath had occurred. She was subjected to a strict quarantine. There was no apprehonsion that tho fovor would roach tho Navy Yard or city. Destructive IStorm la (lie Northwest. Chicago, Juuo 29.—Reports from num erous points in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan. Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri and Southern Illinois, indicate that the storm which passed over that section, lasted from Saturday night till Monday night. In most localities did groat damage, kill ing considerable amount of livo stock, toaring down housoR, barns nnd fences, inundated whole farms, injuring crops to soma oxtont. Railroad bridcos nnd Wil berts woro swept away in somo places, and many persons injured. Bo vend re ported to have boon killed. Foi cry oil,oi •1 I. srf tlm rate For advertisements in local or reading 60 per cent, addit ional will Ih> charged. Tlio Weekly or Kmiday raton will be of tlio Daily. Wbcii an advertisement in changed n once in throe mouths tin* advertiser will ed with tlio cost, of coiniHwitlon. Voreij titters must i»av tut do thonu at home. ill be half Daily luains -third i the ATLANTAN FOURTH OF JULY. OEN. TOOMBS WON T CELEBRATE. Washington, Ga., June 23, 1865. (JeiitUtneu : I havo received your let ter of the 11th inst., inviting mo, “in be half of tho citizens of Atlanta, toco-opor- nto with ihom in person or by lotter in celebrating the uint ty-niuth anniversary of American independence,” for which please accept my thauks. When (ho principles proclaimed by our ancestors in 1776, and nobly maintained ami re-estab lished by thorn, shall havo boon establish ed, I will then, if on this Hide of tho gravo, rejoice with you. I am ashamed to sing pieiiUH to the lion-hourted heroes of that grand epoch in tho world’s history, until we shall havo regained those eternal prin ciples of Rolf-govornmout which wo havo bath lost nnd betrayed. I cannot shake bauds with thoso who dug it, nnd lilted it with tho bloody corpses of the bravo I he trno, over tho bloody chasm which engulphN, bIho, tho principles of ’76. I want wo fraternity with States or people without liberty aud equality. i am, very truly and respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. Toombs. Messrs. H. V. M. Miller, Geo. Jfillyor. Marcus A. Roll. EX-OOV. JOHNSON WILL. Atlanta, Ga., Jnno 2G, 1875. Deab Bias—Yours of tho 11th inst., in viting mo, iu behalf of tho citizens of At lanta, to co opornto with them on tho Fourth of July in celebrating the 99th anniversary of American independence, was duly received. I hog to teudor my sincoro thanks for Iho courtesy thus tended to mo. I accept tho invitation, and hope to bo able to attend I havo regretted that tho custom of ob serving this anniversary has fallen into nlinnst entire disuse. I oui glad to boo in dications—of which your proposed cele bration iH, perhaps, tho most striking and notoworthy—of a disposition in tho pub lic mind to return to it. And why not? If tho principals announced in tho De claration of Independence woro ovor wor thy to bo cherished, they still aro. They A ^l.nnnn.1 TlmB mtllflill. Mill DISASTROUS STORM—HUNDREDS KILLED. London, Jnno 29.—A dispatch from liuda says: A furious thunder storm passed over B'ada and Feetho. The lightning was incessant, bail fell in such quantities that tho roofs of houses and Biuronnding hills were covered two feet with ice. The water fall was extraordi nary. Torrents swept through tho stroots of Riula, carrying men vehielos and every thing movcablo into the river. Many houses woro suddenly flooded and do- stroyod before their inmates could escape. Five hundred of the inhabitants aro miss ing—at least one hundred aro drowned or killed by falling walls. All tho rail ways aro interrupted. The Texan Galveston, Juno 29.—A special dis patch from lirowimill© soys a drove of stolon cattlo crossed tho Arrugo Colorado Saturday night. Rangers and regulars are in pursuit. It is reported that two hundred well-armed Mexicans crossed at Oulvas Rancho a fow days ago. A lire at MucKinnoy, Texas, destroyed n block of business houses. Loss $70,- 000. WnsliJiiKtoii Mentions, Washington, Juno 29.—Tho signal offico reports tho Orostcp, from Cape May, afloat, and will proceod to Baltiuioro. Tho mooting bolwoon tho rostmestor General and telegraph presidents has reached no results. Tlio Now International Court of Ap peal n Opened. Cario, Egypt, Juuo 29.—Tho now In ternational Court of Appoals was formally oponod yestorday ut Alexandria, by tho Khedive. I SIMIuNS’LlYKR REGULATOR For all dlsoaroe of tho Llvor, Stomach urn! Spleen. It Is eminently a Family Mcxllclno, ami by being kept ready for immediate resort, will save many an hour of sultorlng and many a dollar in timo and doctors’ hills. Aftor Forty Years’ trial It Is still receiving tlv© most unqualt- tied testimonials of Its virtues from persons ol the hlghestobnr- actor and responsibility. Emi nent physicians commend It ns the most EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC lor OONSUMrTlON, JlHADACmK, Pain In thoSifotrLiums, Dizzi ness, Sour Stomach, bad tutUo In the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the lloart, I’aln In tho region of tho Kidneys, Despondency, Gloom and loro* boding of Evil, all of vrhioh aro the offspring ot a diseased Liver. If you fool Dull, Drowsy, Do- Mutated,have froquont lload- • ache, Mouth Tastos badly, poor Appetite, and Tonguo I’oatcd, you arc sultorlng from Torpid Liver, or “illlllousncss,” and nothing will euro yon so speedi ly and permanently. The Liver, tho largost organ of tho body, Is generally tho seat of the disoaso, and if not Regulated In time, groat suffer ing, wretchedness, and DEATH will ensue. Poisoned. New York, Juno 29.—Sovon persons were poisoned by eating pickles contnin- ing copperas. Quo will probably tlio. Pianos and Organs. Cash Prices; Easy Terms. From jjjrW to £100 can ho saved In tho U.vo not ohnngod. 'X'hoy romnin, mul nmRt aver roniain tho only solid founda tion of popular liberty. They may bo ig nored by party, maddened with domin ions, or forgotten in tho »tagnant inertia of a pcoplo paralyzed by tbo desponden cy whiob that dominion imposes, but they aro ns vital now ns when they_ woro proclaimod on tho 4th of July, 177(», or an when thoy woro ehristened by tho bap. tism of blood on tho battlo-iiolds of the Revolution, or ns whou they woro crysta- lized in 1787 into tho form of Con titu- tiouol liberty. In tho spirit that animat ed our forefathers iu 1770, let us renow our devotion to them, and for thoir main- tainanoo pledge our lives, our fortunes, nnd sacred honor. If I am not mistaken, tho oolobration you proposo has an important an.d inter esting significance. It is intended os a manifestation of tho desire of tho pcoplo of Georgia, that tlio bitterness between the soctious ongendorod by tbo late civil war, shall coase. This is right. l.3t tho assurance go out from tbo Capital of tho State, that she is rondy and willing to ex tend practical greotiug to tho people uf every section, who agree to stand by the great principles of public liberty and maintain tho Federal Union of StatoB based upon them, ss-they aro deflnod in tho Constitution. This is tho only reconciliation botwoen the sootiona, that can bo of permanent value. It means more thau simply mak ing friends with oaoh other, or tho oossa tion of overt exhibitions of animosity. It means moro than tho adjustment of party differences in polities, which look mainly Intornntlonnl Kino Contest i»l Dub lin. Donutt, Jnno 2t>.—Tho International Hi fin Contest began to day. Total soore, at 8110 yards range, was: Americans, 337; Irishmen, 338. Dublin, 2. r. m.—Tho Teams aro now firing at UOO yards range ; 28 out of shots havo been fired by each side. At this stage of the shooting, tho Americans nru 12 points ahead. Dublin, Jnno 23, 4 r. M.—The shoot ing nt the 300 yards range is finished, nnd the rosult is largely in favor of the Americans. Tho total scores aro, Amer icans, 327 ; Irishmen, 232. THE AMBBIOANB WIN Dublin, Jnno 25, 7 r. M.—Tho shoot- ing at tlio 1,000 yards Jrango was remark ably lino on both sidea. The contest at the 1,0<H) yards range was won by the Amorienns, by a sooro of 303 against 233 for iho Irishmon. The match has boon won by tho American riflemen by a total sooro of 3(17 to 028 for the Irish oppo nents. Hew Indictments vs. Tweed * Co. New York, .Jnne 23.—Tho grand jury of tho Coart of Genoral Sessions presented new indiotmonts ngainst Win. SI. Tweed, Deter 11. Sweeny, G. A. Wood ward, aed others not yet arrested. It' said tho now indictments are for obtain ing money by false pretenses from tbo tho oily treasury. Tho amount involved is $<1,000,000. loro boon sola on such favorable terms In the South. Fine Diiiiio* at. $276, $300, $326 and *860, fully uuarantce.l for livo yoar*. Terms *50 cash, ami balnneo In six mouths, or *100 cash, ami balance in ono your. iho I'olobrntoil Mason A I in Orun US Arc also sold upon cash payments of *25 to *50, ami balance In six ami twolv months. .iMM'in.1 terms arranged to suit con vcnlonoo of all rosponslldo parties. Monthly quarterly payments ro"olvod if preferred, ianos and Organs tor rent and root applied iMirehaso. A good stool ami cover goes a eorlt piano sold Iruiu our wnrorooin*. Rend for our new llnliiceil Time I’rlci! Iwlwandsoo what real Inducomonts wo now 01 liUDDEN A UATES, Routhorn IVlusIo House, Savannah, Ha. Ship Astioro alt’ap® Henry, Washington, Juno 29.—Tho biguol Sorvioo observer at Capo Henry reports tho Italian bark Attcz, from Liverpool llaltimoro, Capt. Martino, crow »f teD mou, oargo of 200 tons of salt and ohomicalsof 305 tons, registered, came ashore a mile or two from Cape Henry, last night. The position is not danger ous. Her Captuiu has Bent to Norfolk for assistance. Kpl»cop»l HI.bop Chicago, June 20.—Tho standing com mitteo of this Episcopal Dioooso voted favor of the consociation of Uov. Dr. L Shipman, llishop elect of the Dioooee of Don Dn Lae. This iu tho first Diocose to tako this action. Heavy Loss by Fire. Dates-,on, N. J., June 29.—Watsons liridgo Works are hurnod. Loss *200,- 000. THE WEATHER. I’BOB ABILITIES. Wasiunoton, Jnno 29.—For tho Sonth Atlantic and Gulf States, stationary tom- poratnro and pressure, variable winds. MARKETS. HV TF.l.KGltAPH TO KNWVIRKH. Money msd Ntoek Mnrkete. London, Juno ai—Noon.—Erie 13. Street | rato 3%, which is \„ below bank. Paris, Juno 2*.».—Rentes C4r. Cotton Markets. Liverpool, Juneau—Noon—Ootton dull and I depressed; mltldllng uplands 7 5 »6d ; mhldllmr ] Orimtni 7‘^d; sales 7,000; tor speculation and I mrt l,ooo. lotton to arrlvo 1-16 cheaper. Salos oh a basis ol middling! upland*, nothing below low mlddllnK*. deliverable lu AiikuhI, 7‘/4d. Salos on a basis oi middling uplands, noth ing below low middlings, deliverable in July ul August 7‘/rtd. Sales on a Daets ol middling uplands nothlmr iielnw low middlings, dellwrabie In August and Septum ter, 7*^1. L<VKarooL, Juno 29-2 r. m.—Shipments of now crop, basin ol mlddllmr uplant!n, nothing bohiw low middling*, 7 7-16d. 3:30 v m.—Salon on a »*asln mlddilnK uplands, j nothing below low mlthUlnKS, doliverahlo In July and’August, 7!4d. Livkhtool, June 20 — 3:30 r. x. — Ol sales | to-day 8,000 wore Amerleau. Nkw York, Juno 20.— Cotton quiet; salos j 217 hales at 15‘^c; not receipts 038. Futures closed Irrogular; salos 17,700 bales as follows: Juno 16j^al6 6-32; Julyl& 316; I Auuust 15 7 32al5> i;September 16; October 14^a “‘-82 ; November 14 17-82*14 046 ; Doeembor )7-32ul40-10; January 14 2) 32a 4 1146. LivEuroob, June 20.—Yarns dull and not qnotably lower. kston, Juno 20.— Cotton dull and iu; middling" lto, low middlings 14V4; good ordinary L4c; not receipts 42; sales 2o. Morilk, Juuo 20.— Cotton quiet ; middlings 14;V.jc; low middling* 14^0; good ordinary 13-J-40; nut ruuoipls 7; sales 2b. New Oulkanb, J uno 20.—Cotton quiet; mld- dling* 15>4e; lew middlings good ordi nary lyj^c; not receipts 67; sales 260. Savannah, Juno 22.—Cotton dull and nomi nal; middlings 14%e, low middlings 14%e, good ordinary I3%c; nut receipts 1&7; salos 82. Baltimore, Juno 20.—Cotton dull and nominal; middlings 14%? low middlings 14%, good ordinary 13^; net receipts 30 sales 76. Philadelphia. June 20—.Cotton d . 1 „„ niid'lltriSH 15>f<)i low mWilUngs It; good ordl-1 KEVEK8i howki.OU.UI'I.AINTS, BEST- Jkmras, rune its -Cotton qal.t; mMdllnxs LE8SNE8S. JADNDU3E, NAUSEA. K °" i0r " lm ' ry W * 0i Chciw.t,Parct »d .lost la-11, Modi. - 1 rlne in the World. M 1 have nevor rood or trlod such a slinplo, olilcaoious, satis factory and pleasant rornody In ray life.” H. Uainuu, St. Lou is, Mo. Hon. Alex ii. Stephens. “I occasionally uso, when my condition rcqulros it, Dr. Sim mons’ Llvor Regulator, with good eiroot.’’ Ron. Alux. li. Sthpumi. Governor of Alabama. ’’Your Regulator has boon In use in my family lor somo time, and I am porsuaded it Is a valu able addition to tho medical solenoe.” Gov J Gill Suoa- Tku, Ala. “1 havo used tho Regulator In my family lor tho past seven teen years. 1 can safely reooiu- moral it to tlio world ns tho iHist modlclnel havo ovor used for that class of dlsoosoH It puri»ortH to cure.”—H F Tiimipi Profldent »»t city Kink. ’’Simmons’ Liver Regulator has proved a good and eltlca- olous medloine*”—C ▲ Nut- TINO. Druggist. “Wo havo been acquainted with Dr Hmmons’ Liver Mo<lU elne for moro than twt-nty years, aral know It to bo the bent Llv or Regulator offered public.”—M R Lyon aral II -S Lyon, HoUefontulue, Gu snvniivcojNrsr LIVER Foui s Status( KKANCH OFFICE OF THE HOWK MACHINE CO., f Tbnukssihi, Gioruia, South Carolina, Alabama a MiaeiHHii>pi. Nashville, Tknn., Jnno KHli, 1H76, To the Editors of the Enquirer-Sun, i'olumbut, Georgia: DkauSih: Our attention having been called lo an ralverttiementofoneofoar eomnetuore, in which our salei for 1874 nre “eatlmated” at 86,000, we take pleasure In authorlring tlio state ment that wo are omelally Informed from the principal office of the Company at New York that the sales of THE HOW E MACHINES were 108,186 for 1874. Respectfully, THE HOWE MACHIHE COMPANY, ilcol 1 CKO. H. OWEN, Manager. Hotel. IT.ETRAI. HOTEL* 140 ami 149 Broad At*, Columbus, «a. Mrs. S. E. Wolduidob, ap2l Proprletres*. Doctors. DR. M. B. LAW. OIBoe corner Broad and Randolph streets, Burras building. Residence on Forsyth, three doors below 8t. Clair. Augusta, Juno su.—Cotton! quiet; mlddlings I niic, .low middlings 14c,good loruinary 13o; | not rocoipts 11; sales 14. | Memphis, June 20.—Cotton quiet, lower to I sell; middlings 14 ; )4o; not receipts 4s; ship- I mv ilts 455; salon 300. Norfolk, Juno 29.—Cotton dull; middling* I 14%not recolpts 143, sales 60. Galvkston, June 29.—Cotton nominal; mid- I dlinus 14^4°? low middlings 13%o;good ordina-1 ry 13c; not recolpts 07; salos 211. Provlalon Markets. Liverpool, Juno 22. — Breadstulis quiet St. Louis, Juno 29.— Flour dull andun-1 changed, small busluoss. WUeivt ttrra lor cash, I futures oil, tending downward, No 2 rod wintor I 33 bid, cash sale* at *1 SMI 32; J uly *1 I nidilG, August closing at Inside prlco; choice I soft spring by sample 98c. • Corn bettor at 06 I @05^0. cash; 65’/ 4 a06^ for July. iW lor I August. Oats firmer, 64u65 cash, 36^ for, bo|»- | tomber. ltyodull. W Ulskoy stoouy at % 18. pork 20 26 cash, 420 ter July and August. Dry saltod meals firm; clear rib sides at St. Joseph lli^c, buyors first balfof July. Haeon strong; I shoulders 9%a9 l 4c.cloar rib sides 12%e; olear I oidos lSkdul^O. Lard dull; summer 12c. Live I liogsiirtu; shippers 46 4Olfjrt 65, baoon #6 60($ I 0 76, butchers80y}7'.16. Cattle Armor, goral I to urltno native «toorH 26nA 60, fair 46 60*46, I oholco Texas steers 43 76, good 4326a5 60, lair | 42 75,e >mmon to iuodtum42a2 60. Chicago, Juno20.—Flour steady. Wheat ox-1 oitod. higher nnd unsettled; closed strong; I No. 1 spring 41 02J4W1 03; No. 2 do. 41 01^© I 1 01%, spot; 41 ol% tor July; 41 3% for August; 1 No. 3 do. 0^/MOlo; iiniiiudiateiy alter the I close of the Exchange July sold at $1 Mk. I Com buoyant and unsettled; closed strong; No. 1 2 mixed sjrnt or July; 70©7ui%c lor Au gust :70jic lor spot; rejected o6J^c. flats lu good demand; No 2 61’4©51^ for spot; I8^c bid for .1 uly, 39)4c for August. Rye quiet ural unchanged. Pork In fair demand at 419 70 lor spot, 419 00 for July, 19 75 for August, 4)9 90 for September- Lard linn and In lair de mand lit $13 40 for spot, 413 60 lor August, 13 80 for September. Hulk meats lu fair doiunod and higher; shoulders 8)404 short rib middles\%o; sliortclourmoldlos 12-^e. Whiskey at 4110. Alter call ol Hoard wheat was strong aral higher at 41 02%@l 02% lor July, 41 03%® 1 04 for August ; coru Armor ut 60c lor I July, 79*40 lor August; pork and lard Armor I but uiiefiiingod. Receipt* uf flour 0 000 barrels, wheat 48,000 bushels, oorn 138 000 bushels, oats I 53.000 bushels. Shipments of Hour 6,000 bar rels, wheat 76,000 bushels, corn 8,i;00 bushels, oats 23,ooo. New York, Juno so. — Flour Arm and In I REGULATOR Lawyers. _ LION Kid €. LEVY, JK., Attorney and Uounaellor At law. L Umnrotxrilonor ut Doeds N. Y. aud otlitr States. otUcc or Georgia Home lnsuraneo Uo. Npoctal attootlou given to ooileetlvns. •« (!«•(» “ SAMUKL It. UATOUKB, Attorney at Law. Ja2o Office over Wittlch ft Klasel’s. A. A. IMIIIIU, Ot Altorn.F Mud CoenMller M Uw. Pruettcv. In gtnte nod K.drnil Court. In Dm(ln - and Alabama. Offiff 120 Broad ht., Columbus, Ga. Jo# — M.u It. ULANuronn. Lome ». Oraiin*. MI.AN DPORD a uarrard, Attorney, nnd town.ell.rn M Lnw. 1 OlUce No. 67 Brood street, over Wlttick ft Kin- m sol's Jewelry Store. Will pnu-'tlco In tho gute nnd Pedernl OourU. L. T. DOWNING, Attorney and ■•Heitor. U. is. Com’r and Register lu Bankruptcv. Office 0 uov201 over Brooks’ Drug glore, Columbus, 4a. M. J. HOMEb, r Attorney nnd Uonnaellor al ton, UiHirftla Home iusuraiioe Company buildlug, ■ «> oot/ ly J oud story. J. 11. HAMILTON, Wholosale nnd Hotnll Urocor, J auction of Vraukliu, Warreu ft Ogleihorpu Ht*. N o charge lor drayage. »«plt Watchmakers. O. U. LKUU1M, Watchmaker, 134 Broad street, Columbus, Ga. WatfbfH and Clocks re|»airod tn the best EUta* (tor uud warruutoil. Jail Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. FBK, Worker In Tin, hheet Iron, Gsppsr. Orders from abroad promptly atteaded to. (u7 Mo. 174. Ilroad Htreet. Dentists. W. F. TIUJIJUtp Dentist, Opporilte Btrnppcr’s building, Randolph Ht. Hpfcial attention givsu to the inssrtiou of Arti ficial Teeth, as well as to Opeiut'.vc Beulistry. Ii<l»22 (Uw CO 1.DM BUN DENTAL UOOMH, W.T. Pool, Frop’r, Ooorgln Homo ilalldlng, Uolumbits Georgia. OOI13 Tailors. ^ HUNKY NKLLMAN. J Cutting, Cleaning nnd Repairing Done ill the bent style. upr*.M) Corner Crawford and Front Rt*. Livery and Sale Stables. ROBERT THOMPSON, OoLSTHoars, Moava or Raxdoltu Bt*., 9 Columbus, fl* Tobaooo, Cl«ara v lie. HAIER DORN. If you want to enjoy * good smoke, go to hit Boot and Shoemakers Painter.. WM. SHOW. JK., * CO., Hoom Mkd Sign Fain ton, Id Oglethorpe corner, (Just north of pottoffSoe) OolumbBM, Georgia. Will contract lor House aud Sign Painting at lOMonaldo price, and guarautee satisfaction. Kefhr to Wm. Buow, Hr. I*pr6 OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. OIL JA8. T. WAHNOCK, Buriwn ud Thylkilu. Hotels. AIIA MM HOLME. 1 you go to Opollks, be sure to stop at the Adams Ifouse, opposite Passenger Depot. LAWYER*. HINES DOZIER, Attorney at Law, HAM1I.TOB, UA„ y^ILL practice In the Chattahoochee ^Circuit my20 dlt&w u G eorgia, Wiiorcus, , tor of tho estate of Ann Kelly, Into ol said county, docottsod, applies to tlio uralorsignod lor letters ol dismission lrom said adiuinl-tra- tl Tli080 aro thoroforo to cite nnd udmnnlMii all .icrnons concerned to shmv cmu. c (if .1 ny they TAVO) attlio Oourtof Ordinary, to bn hold in and tor said county - ~ »*—*««•« August noxt, whv not bo discharged. Given under my official signature this Olay 1st, 1876. my212 w G eorgia - mijsuouee county— Whereas, William 11. Drennon has ap plied for letters of adintntstration on tbo cs- of Tully M. Throhlkold, lato ol said county, deceased. , , , . , 'These aro, thoroforo, to cito nnd admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said docoanod to show causo (It any they have) within tho timo prescribed by why said lctt< rB should nut bo grantod to applicant Given under my Juno 7tli, 187f said administrator should. fair demand lor shipping grades and State at I ( || COf |j||i,,ufl attach. Sick ti Ui)*i6 ^61 K"‘»I <° * 5 aojjr, e .; Kuutliorn I Uol ,„ Bsl „ n „ t 8i>lrlti, Soul 1 ..1. Hiiniiiiii • nminuiii tn t Ltr extra 1 * s rato request ; common to tair extra 1 7 - 85: good to choice #6 «w)®8 26. Wheat | Burn, Ito, Re, at.ou 1 le. bettor and in brl*k demand; for (fbicago ■>nd Northwestern; 41 lHtffll 19 for N lieadachii, Goilc, Stomach, lloart for wintor rod Wostorn, 41 35 Amber do., $13U@1 40 f.»r White Western. Oorn a shade firmer aral niodornto at 77@79e lor steam Western mixed, 80080^0 j„r pail dir., 73’4®76c lor soft do. Oats more Sim No Ecjrinl. It la a faultless family medicine, ,7A mclal signature, tills M. UUOOKS, Ordinary. olO oaw4t G ~ EOUGIA — MUSCOGEE Mrs. L. V. Worthy makes 1 hoine-doad oxomptloh ol porsoim , pass upon the sumo at my olAco on HatuMaj tbo 20tli day of Juno, 187 >, at 10 u clock a. n "ol7 at* F. M. KKOUlG*. Ordinary. Wm. N. HAWKS, Troas’r,) Ku i 0 Ki Si t e Docs not disarrange the system, Is suro to cure II taken regularly, Is no drastic violent modiclno, Does not Interturo with business. Is no Intoxicating beverag* Gontains the simplest, and best remedies, sport lin'd lair | CAUTION! : ul „t Htoftily .t «!?W"Su “iw »«I «. '•««*'«" «I’"'-*' 1 '" S "" ,0X f WV mess '420 70©20 76. Hoot quiet at 48 0<>0,J9 60 Kit UKHIJLATOI1 unlesa in our engravnl ,r plain mess, 419 90'filll tor extra do. Lard, I w 4th trade Mark Htampcd, and Nlgnslun- Urmor ut 14Jg for prime steam. Whiskey | nM | tr «| ien . None other Is genuine, 1 Armor'Et 61(468for mixed West ern. U2GoOc. tor white do., flic f« Ganada. t’ottcc, Kto vory hrui at I«!4«l9c, Sugar dull and in buyers’ favor fair to good, refining prime gold. Dross-Making. MIMN M.A. HOI.I.IM«MWOSTII, ig aud ittiug. Terms ilHhop In Urowuovilla. HIDES. M. M. HIRSCH IIAH HEUOVED TO HIS OLD STAND ON Crawford Street, Neat Alabama Warehouse, Wliare he will continue to DAY the HIGHEST l'UIOES lor Rags, Hides, Furs and Wax, ukIS JanBO illv Plano Tuning, fco. k. w. nuv, »d Tuner of PlaaoM, Organs aud leoiiH. Hlgn Painting also dons, y bo bo left at J. W. I’oaso 4 Ntu man » Whiskey steady «t RohIii* Otc, Naw York, Juno 29.—Turpentine Armor at 32)4o. llosln quiet Freights. NkwYouk, June 29.—Freights to Liverpool tinner MARY E. SHORTER. 1 torocloso mort g. I T appearing to tho Court by tho rotuni of tho Sheriff In tho abuvo case Hint the dolen- daut is not, to bo found tn tho county of Musco gee, and tbo said defendant, <loe» not res I do in tho State of Georgl.t, It Is hereby ordered, on motion of plelntllPB eltornojB, Poolipdy M Briumon,iluit elm bo.sorvcl by e i.uollcotloH of this order in tho Columbus Enqi l UKH-bu* newsnaner onco a month lor lour months. A truo oxtract lrom the of MuHtogco Suporlor Uourt joUoumlm 1 ulork '_ Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LI. poTBons UsvIuk c islma aK*lelt pe tuto oll.. W. Isbell. ilMonswt.w II pro- rent tliom Immcllatoly. amt ell 10 the Lk KEDI) e!3 tf Administrators NIDI* NKWN. Nkw York, Juno 29.—Arrive<1: Vera Crus. Arrived Out: Hampton, Count Tho! Andrew Jackson, J. F. ;Whitney, Palermo | Flora, Marie, Golden Horn, Amanda, Matau- ra, Fayall, Jacobson. San Francisco, Juno29— Arrlvod:Oceanic | from Hon2 Kong, New York, Juno 29. —Arrlvodout: Celtic, I Maine. CHAMPION FIEE EXTINGUISHER!! W M. JOIIKSOX, Columbus, R». W. II. JOIIXKTOH _ (IrlfHtt, tia. CHAMPIOM HUE EXTIN8UISHEB31 Tlio Ctiwnipioii Self-Acting Kiigtno for cltln«. towtiH and villugen id tlio mont powerful m'lf-actlng Knulti'm In llm worM. Tbo gutiomr, f<>* • 14 • *•»- *- oiuuirlnr If. Illloth* to trimnpb in a Pronidontial eloution end tl so uthcaHl, pertly cloudy woatUer, theoonsequont control of the power mull ' : | rtt ; n8 petrouego'of govormuent. Such a rocon- J eml poHKilily occfthionel rains. fr^Wboru’is Jilin Koran has applbil far let' u!r» ol aOininimratlun »u uaret Barm, ilooosaeil, nnU also lottorh Jo bonis non ou tUo ostato o! Edward Jiurus, do- C °Th°oso arc therefore to cite and admonish, all aral singular, tho kindred and creditors ot sitid deceased, to show cause (if any thoy.have) within tho time prescribed by Uw, why autd letters should not bo granted to said up- ^WRnosb my hand aud oiticial signature this June flth, 1876. F M urooKS, jefl oaw4t Ordinary. < TJSYOHOMANUY, or SOUL CHARM- J: ING.” How either sex may fascinate and gain the lovo nnd altootlon* «r any porsf" they choose Instantly. This situ j’ l « ‘J tiian i4titiiH v>j f .. _ il'dlng* A queer book. Address ’1. dep it ml v mills, *<•-, siiJHirlor to all < L'U« Vortablo, tho !iwt, I ut Id l»o in every dwelliug, storehouso, gin Ktipply them- til road c quirement all can possess, tree, i>y may, 26c., togothor with ft mnrrlago guide, hKypt Oracle. Dreams, lllnts to Ladles, Woddl t CL)., Pubs., PUUa- To llnilroiid Ounpaabw winliing •rrioia wishing any happlied by oddn’nhhig tiem rul Ag< K “» JohraUoit, Urllha, Georgia. 'll. W. •at Indue* thn hIh*to nktkcba van t*« ’ing Utinvrul Agont, Columbus - - J«263w-wt A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, I N BAKER COUNTY, ALABAMA, Is for Hiilo. 86U acres of imnrovod land with nncos- sa’ry buildings, good spring and well "'iter.Hl^ uatod seven miles south ot Montoyallo. I flea 45 imr acre. For turtbor tntormatlon appl to j w Brantley, Roatevallo, Ala. ^ C(>(>K te<|17 oawly Agent. J. H. ZEILIN AGO., Huron, (In., aud Philadelphia. The Nymitomh of Llvor Comidalnt aro uneasiness and pain In the side. Some- times tho pain Is In the rheumatism. Tho stomach Is attoctod with loss of appo- tltoand sloknoss, bowels in general co«tlve, sometimes alternating with lax. The head Is troubled wltii pain, aral dull, hoavy sensation, considerable loss oi memory, aooompanlod with a painful sensation of having loft un done something which ought to have boon done. Oiten complaining of woaknoss. debility and low spirits. Sometimes many of tho abuvo symptoms attend tlio disease, and at other times very few of them; but tho Liver Is generally the organ most Involved. Nearly all diseases originate from Indiges tion aral Torpidity or tho Liver, and relief Is always anxiously souclit after. If tlio Liver Is Uegulatod in Its action, health is almost Inva rlably secured. Want of action In the Llvor causer Headache, Lons!IpalIon, Jaundice, Pnlu in the Nkouldrr*,Cough,Lhlll*, DisslnesR, Hour Stomach, bad taste In the mouth, bilious at tacks, palpitation or the heart, depression or spirits, or the IHues, and a hundred of other symptoms, for which SIMMONS’ MVKK KK0- L'LATOH I* tbo best remedy that has over l ean discovered. It acts mildly, olloctually, and l/o- lug a slmj»le vegetable compound, cun do no Injury In uny quantities that It may l»o taken. It Is harmless in overy way ; it has been used for 10 years, and hundreds ol tho good and great lrom all parts ol the country will vouch for Its belug the purest aud best- The Clergy. “My wile and sell have u*od iho Regulator for yours, and testily to Its groat virtues. Rkv J R Fkldmb, Ferry, Ga. JjuUch Endorsement. “I have given your medicine a thorough trial, and in nooase has It lallod to give lull satlsfac- tlon.”-ELL2R MkAOUAM, Chattahoochoo, Fla. dec20 deodawCt' Cun and Locksmith*. I'll 1 I.I 1* KIFLKR, 1 nnd Lockuwlth,^Crawford street, nest johiiriou’d corner, Columbus, U*. Ji»« <iun a WILLIAM 8CUOUKK, id Locksmith and dealer lu Ounuln* I torials. Kiiut of Btruppsr’s Coiuectloaary REAL ESTATE ACENT8. JOHN HLACKMAR, Next to l'roer, 111km k (Jo., 8t. (Jlxlr htroet UM. Rail Eitate, Brokwaga and In- •uranea Agent MVII, It rUHlHIOK, To il.rrh.tit.' »nd HkIimuc.' lUnk, of thl. ettr a BOOTS AND SHOES. Fresh Meats. J. W. FATIUCK, Htails No. 10 and IB, Market House. Frosh Moats of every klud and host quality, jail always ou baud. J. T. COOK, Fresh Heats or All Minds, ,p.,c, ptAlls Mos. 16 uad 17. Barber Shops. ED. TERRY, RUktr, Crawford 8t.. -indor tUukln Uau., Ooluwt'U., Oa. Builders and Architects. J. U. UIALNEH, IldtiMtt 4'»r|tent«r and BaUdar. Jobbing dons at short uotlce. IMnioi and Hpociflctttloas furnished for all styl* ot Blroot| Uto4l q # gr. Brown's, Seasonable Spring Goods. DuraMa. flat • fitting, law - priced Drat* and Walking Beat* far Ladlar, MIrsci and Children. Children and Infanta' Ankla Tint nnd Sllpperi, In nil desirable colors. Qantlaman’a Finn Sheei-atyliah, du rable, oamfortnble. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT. Substantial Work for Plantation Woar, AND A Full Stock af all tha deiirable styles attrac tiva to all clauet ef buyers. WELLS ft CURTIS. Me. 73 Broad St., novll tl Sign ol the Rig Boot. Jan Columbus, Go. Cotton Factories. VofuUKDS MANUFACTUaiNO CO. Mtiuiifoctururs ^ Sbuittnx*. Slilrlln,.. »nd gwlnf Kulttlua Thread. Card. Wool nan Uriml. Whoat, n<l Coro- Odlrn (,i r«»r.f WlUlctl A Klunel'*, lUuiiolph It. j„IH It. It. CHILTON, niJNVUUEE MAN II FACE IJ Ml NO VO. Uw, a&cturura of 8UK1STING0 RlIIRTINOfl, YARN, ROPE, ft*. COLUMBUS, a A. Treasurer. octbl ly. 0*7 4.. <L‘ III l’« r B»y to Jaadles or Gents. Fount q>l|l9 'pluNovoittoB. Atldresd II. D. Briar fc Go., Atlanta, Ga. CHARCOAL! Charcoal, Best Quality, For Sale at GAS WORKS At Three Cents per Bushel. ap3* tf Commercial Hotel, IlirillUi ALABAMA. D edicated to tti. Coramerel.l Traveler. ot the United Stnte. t »nd nil «ir«on» trav- ellDK on Ou.liH!.. or pleMUre. We will do nil we can to mnke your >tny with u« ,de»»»n t nod kIduLeTsMITHA, I'rop-ra BSfU tf