Columbus daily enquirer. (Columbus, Ga.) 1874-1877, July 07, 1875, Image 1

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• 0 yol. xvil COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 7. 1875 NO 155 TERMS OF TUB DAILY, WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY ENQUIRER-SUN. W. L. Siuanunv, O. A. Klink SALISBURY & KLINK, PROPRIETORS. This Is the only piper Is Calnmbns thnt receives the AwpIsUid Trees illrpslrhcr. rrumtlia liret of January Inst tho poat- n*o on papers mast be pahl by the pub lisher. This will be ten eents a month lor dallios andHvocontsatpiartorfor each weekly, tlur subserlbors will seethe necessity for pny- ng up promptly, as all those In arrears will ho dropped on the liret of January. We aro ever willing to nooonnnodate our Prlends, hut It will bo Impossible lo send out papors net paid for In advanco. TIiij following will be the subscription torras lor the Knqin unit for the yoar 1876: WIIKN MAILKD. ] tally, In advance with post age paid t v no por annum. Sunday, with postage pahl.... 11 70 “ “ Weekly,wlthiMistagepald... 2 8) *■ 11 ISumlay and Woekly, with portage paid 3 40 ** “ SKHTKD IN I’lTV AWD BITBlIRns. 1 hilly, t 8 oo per annum. No Sundayr served separately. orricu box. Dally $ 8 do per annum Munday 2 60 “ “ Weekly....! 2 00 “ » Weokly and Sunday 3 oo ■* »* RAT'KN OF AIITERTWIKU. o O uojunTtff O *-1 to O K Ci 4* 1C H O M tl CO SSSoSSooSSSSS l C* CQ W CQ iO ro fc •-•»-**-» ta ct COtoO N to © oo 00 ^ SSoSSSSSSSSSS »>100AV S OlJaWWMCOMMWtoHH CiC90O©C0ta-CO©IO©9»t«*>4 S?SS?SSSSSSo2 BqeoM e *1 4» 4* 4* M CJ W W to to to H Cl -i ID © CC C* C* © ta| 4- 00 Ct 00 SSSSSSSSSoSSS qinon i liOHMClft Ct Ct C5 1C ii *-* Ct © Ct © Ct © Ct © Ct OS 00 © CC aqiuojv z 8SoS-SSSSS§3SS -|ta-©00 00-l“t©Ct4ni**05*- © © © Cl © Ct © ct © Ct © © -i 8So2S3oSS3333 sqinojf g iSssssssisscsigs ggggcgggggogg sqinore \ 20 00 52 00 51 00 62 00 73 00 83 00 00 00 95 00 100 00 105 00 110 OO 135 00 210 00, aqiuopi o Fto ci lo *-* © © o OD Cl Ct 4*- IO © © © Ct © Ct © © © © *“t © U» SSoSSSSSSSSoS B ninoj\r o S©©h-*?3 ©.©©©©©» -««8A l ggggggggggggg r>0 por ct. additional in Looal Column. Marringo and Funoral Notiooa $1. Daily, ovory other (lay for one month or longer, two-thirds tho above rates. eloquent and pntriotio address, and its publication in full will bo hailed aa a most valnahlo contribution to Hon them history, and a much nooded exposition of tho truo principles of the Declaration of Independence. This afternoon wo witnesaod a grand demonstration in hohnlf of the fnture of Atlanta, in tho brooking of ground for tho erection of tho proposed Atlanta cot ton factory. Tho officers of tho company and tho speakers for tho oocasion were escortod from the Kimliall House by tho Allnntn Cadets, who presented a line ap pearance, to tho Rite of tho faotory on Marietta street a few blocks beyond tho Capitol, whore a platform had been erect ed for the exeroisea of the occasion. 11. I. Kimball, President of tho Compa ny, presided, and introducod ex-Mayor S. 11. Spencer as tho first speaker, who ivns followed by lion. A. II. Stoplinus. Then raino tho ceremony of breaking ground, after which Judge C. A. Looh- rono nnd ox-Gov. J. E. Brown delivered appropriate and forciblo addresses. May or Spcncor speko of tho great importance of the ontorprise, and assured the crowd present that tho factory was to be built at once, nnd mndo n paying institution. Mr. Stephens gnvo a historical skotch of Atlanta, nnd in glowing words pictured for Dio “(bite City" n moat glorious fu ture. Col. G. W. Adair also set forth the claims of tho enterprise to pnldio confi dence nnd support, nnd said it was lint tho Loginning of n gmnd manufacturing era for Atlnutn. All the speakers paid noblo tributes to tbo growth, location, ontorprise nnd future prospects of tho Capitol City, nnd their romarks crested tho most enthusiastic applause. Mr. Stophons and otbor speakers expressed tho firm conviction that in tbo fntnre, if prosperity attends the present factory on- torprire, the eonmo of tho Chattahooehoe river would bo so changed that it would bo nindo to pass through this oity, and furnish water for its conutless inhabitants and its numerous steam factories and other manufacturing enterprises. As two hundred and fifty thousand dollars have been subscribed to tho stock of tho pres ent company, it may bo true thnt other similar enterprises will speedily spring up and bo pushed rapidly to completion. Of cuntso Columbus, with her grnnd nat ural facililios for manufacturing, will not bo jualons, but rather bid hor sister city “Cud speed" in her new career. (Sidney IIeuubut. are now In hand. They were drawn by one of the moot competent Church archi tects in our oonntry. The building will be beautiful, commodious and oonveuient, with all the improvements in style and comfort, and yet with an aye to the great est eoonomy. Bat to hnild sneh a befitting monu ment to the honor of our great Founder, and to serve the eanse of onr Master, now so pressing in onr oity, we must ask the friends of Christ and of MethodiRm everywhere to help ns. And we feel that note is pro-eminentlyan appropriate time, and that this is beyond all othora the place, to erect auoh a Christian Memorial of rantnnl fellowship, fraternity and love. Aronud the name, momory, life, teach ings, examplo and grave of Wesley, Methodists all and everywhere can meet in love and praise to onr glorious Lord for raising np such a founder of our Chnreh, and together join in a Memorial to his name. What an opportunity for some whom God has blesaed with moans to do good, seonre honor, and live in the memories of a grateful people. F.vory contribution will bo anitably acknowledged and entered upon the hooks of the Church. Uomittanees or letters of inquiry, may bo made to either of the undersigned,or lo Dr. J. Iloldich, Correa- ronding Secretary of tho American Bi lls Society, or Dr. Chas. F. Dooms, Pas tor of the Chnreh of Strangera, both of Now York. A. M. Wynn, Pastor Wesley Ghnroh. E. H. Myers, D. D., Pastor Trinity Ohnrob. J. O. A. Ci.aiik, D. ])., LL. D., Presiding Elilor. Loyio TiErcE. D. D., Honth Georgia Conferonoo. Gro. F. Piedoe, D. D. Wm. T. Wmimrin, D. D., LL. D. J. C. Kkenbu, D. D. Bishops of Die M. E. Chnreh, South. May 10th, 187. r >. EmiOFEAM Croi-r.—The Mark feme Kx- pre*», in its weekly review of the bread- stuffs market, says that, owing to the floods in Franco nnd unfavorable reports from America, tho market is hardening. Northwestern Europe has been favored with plouteoiis rain, while aonthera por tions of the continent aro suffering from drontb. Tho prospects aro variable, anil a general nhniidntico is not lo be relied npon. Uormany and England bavo the beet pros peels nnd liiissia, Hungary and France tho worst. ATLANTA ON THE FOURTH. Celebration or Giorgio’. Centennial—Great Historical Speech by lion. A. H. Stephen.— Ton Thousand V labors In the Gato Oity— Ftvo Thousand People In the Groat Union Depot—Got. Smith Presldos, and tho Plat- lorin Is Filled with Distinguished Men— Inauguration or Work on tho Atlanta Cotton Factory — Ground Broko and Eloquent Speeches by Hon. A. H. Stophons, Ex-Gor. J. E. Drown and others—Immense Enthusi asm—The Chattahoochee Klvor to he Turned Through Atlanta. H. L Kihbat.t. House,* July 5th, 1875. ( Editor* Enquirer: This has, indeed, boon a great day for Atlanta, and ono the memory of which will long be remem bered with tho moat pleasurable emotions. Oue hundred years ego—July 4th, 1775- in the city of Savannah, the people of this State held a convention, and there mode tbo first organized resistance to British oppression. Tho celebration of the “Glorious Fourth" toolny, was made tho oooasion of n centennial demonstration in honor of tbo Savannah convention. Ex- cursion trains came in from all directions and it is safo to say that at least ten thousand visitors have arrived heroduring tho post twenty-four hoars. Tho great Union Passenger Depot wor aolecteil for the grand demonstration of the day, and, at an early hoar this morn ing, seats for at lest two thousand per sons woro pnt np, and a fist oar tasteful ly arranged for a speaker’s platform. The procession was very small, consisting of two military companies, aetiug escorts, and the earrings containing the officers anil orators of tho day, and a few citizens. By the time it reached the depot, every seat was taken, and in ten minutes after, all tho standing room was ocoupiod. There could not have been loss than fivo thousand pooplo there, assembled to hear tho lion. A. II. Stephens. Gov. J. M. Smith presided, and in few patriotic and foroible words, advocat ed tho futnro observance of the day, and then introdnoed Col, J. A. Stewart, who read an original poom suited to the occa sion. Mr. Stephens waa able to stand, and when bo arose to deliver hia address, which ho did leaning lightly on one of his orntchos, ho was greeted with Ihe wildest and most enthusiastic cheering, nnd was obliged to wuit a few mowonts for tho storm of applause to subside. Owing to the great confusion which prevailed around the outside of the bnilding, aa trains were constantly mov ing about, Mr. S. very wisely laid aside his manuscript; asked the reporters not to take uotos, an he would omit a great deal, and then proceeded to give a brief synopsis of his able and interesting his torical address,whioh will be published in fall to-morrow. Ho spoke in a clear, die- tinct voico, and with a great deal of hia old firo nnd energy. As the telegraph will give you a report of the points made by him, it will not ho necessary for mo to allude to them here. It was a scholarly, WENI.KY MON UMENTAL I'HUKCH, SAVANNAH, OA. John Wosloy was the honored Founder ami father of Methodism. To him, undor God, the world and especially Methodists, owe n debt of grntiludo which can novar bo fully paid. Early in bis ministry, be aud his brother Charles oarno with Gov- eruor Oglethorpe to the colony of Georgia as Missiounrics, and for nearly two yearn ho livod, preached and labored most zeal ously in, and around the city of Savannah, tho only place in America thus honored with his regular labors. Through the blessings of God, his visit to Savannah, with the circumstances attending bis voy age and stay here, led his mind and heart, us he always bolieved, from tho darkness aud liouduge of oHoeteciHm, ritualism and formalism, into the glorious light, liberty and oiperienoo of justification by faith, and the witness of Uie Spirit. Uow much the Church and the world are indebted to his coming end slay in Savannah, can never be estimated. Then, it does, indeed, seem to be pre eminently appropriate, uoder the prompt ings of Christian gratitude and honor— not to luontiou the claims of juatioo— that his followers and friends, throughout this country and the world, who bear his name, aud enjoy the benefits of his teachings aud example—forgetting all uou-essontinl nnd minor differences—re joicing in their wonderful and divinely preserved uuily of iloctrino and experi ence, should unile, to honor him, and to oiulialm and pcipetualo tho memory of his name, in mutual love and fraternity, by the erection of somo suitable monu ment or memorial in this city, tho scono of his labors, trials and discipline in America, which led to results bo glorioUH to him and to ns. It is now proposed to eroot such a mon ument, in the form of a beautiful and cammed ou» church edifice, to be called Wesdey Monumental ouuucu. Moreover, suchu buildiug, with itsaceomodationBanil influence, is perhaps needed, and will exert more powor tor good, just now, in Savan nah, than in any place in our bind, owing to a combination of oircuinstanecs, con ditions and necessities which oannot bo horo detailed. The caily history of Methodism in Sa vannah, is full of thrilling interest, strag gle and opposition; and not until 1806 did it gain even n slender foot-hold. In 1812 tho fiist church buildiug was erected mud dedicated by Bishop Anbury, end called Wesloy Chapel, in honor of onr Founder’s momory. In 1841), s portion of tho con- gregatiou built a larger honso, in nnotber part of the city, calling it Trinity Chnreh. In 181)7, Wesloy Chapel, not being suit ably located, and fast decaying, was sold, nud with the proceeds, a most convonieut and beaul if ill lot in the most desirable and central portion of tho city, was pair- chasod, on which was a small Dntcli Re formed Church, in which tho oougregation of Wesloy Church is now worshiping, But it is utterly iiuulu/uate to meet even tho present demands of tho Chnreh, not affording accommodation for its own mniithership, and with no chanco for in crease or expansion. Thus Methodism h»s only two build ings in Savuunnh, fur the whites, nnd ono is very small. A Chnreh of large dimen sions, on our beautiful lot, might bo fiUod at once, so great aro the numbers of Methodists, and Ilmen of Methodist fund lies and prodiloctious in onr city, to say nothing of tho multitudes who belong no. whore. Indeed, we oup'ht at once to Lava two or throo additional buildings, to maot tho wants of onr people, ns all onr Pro testant churches together, furnish sittings for but Utile more than one-third of our population. liut our pooplo arc poor, and utterly unable to do all that so much needs to b« done here, more perhaps Hum in any city in our land. They have given and will give, nil they can, for tlioir liberality is proverbial. The necessities are so im perative, that we have alroady commend ed to build. Our plans all completed, BEECHER. DISAGREEMENT AS GOOD AS A VERDICT FOB SIX CENTS—DEFENDANT LOOKS TO THE FUTURE. MOULTON NOT TO BE ARRESTED. New York, Jnly 4.—In regard to the Tilton-Beeeher trial, Mr. Pearsall, of counsel for Tilton, to-day said ho could give no information in regard to farther movements in the ooso, and returned the same answer to a specific inquiry aa to the troth of the roport that an attempt wonld bo mado by Tilton to hare Gen. Tracy indioted for perjnry. Mr. Shear- man said bo bolieved thore waa no found ation for the report that measures would be taken for the arrest of Moulton in connection with the Loader-Price affida vits. Mr. Beach says the disagrement is AS OOOD AS A VERDICT FOB BIX CENTS, whioh waa all that was evor aimed at, in- asmuoh as it shows that Tilton has re lieved himself of tho calumny and asper sion that found oarly vent in Plymouth Church oirclos, in the investigating com mittees and in the Bacon letters. Mr. Boeohor looks npon the result of the trial as giving him ALL THE VINDICATION it was in the power of the coart to give. For his chief vindication be looks to the future, “I am," said he, “good for twen ty years work, and before that is dono mnlico will have spent itself, ignorance will have.beoome informed, and miscon ception of character will be oorroated'" Being asked what be thought ef the ma lignity displayed liy some of his ministe rial brethren, Beecher made mouy ex cuses for their oonduct, hut added, “If I strike bock I shall never strike bat onoc. I don't want to quarrel, and I shan't, it I can avoid it; bat I don't by any moans propose to be led like s lamb to the slaughter.” Mr. and Mrs. Deod ar were at their home at Colombia Heights this morning. As early as 8 o'clock they woro required to roeeive the congratula tions of visitors, and until lunoh time there was little intormisslon of hand shaking and friendly talk. COLLISION IN CHESAPEAKE BAT- TWO STEAMERS COLLIDE—LOSS OF LIFE. Norfolk, Jnly II.—The steam tng Lam- barman, while returning last night from Fortress Monroe with a pleasure party of eighteen on board, was ran into off Sew ell's Point, by tho steamer Isaao Bell, and Hank immediately in fifty feet water. Boats wore lowered from the Bell, and sovoral of tho survivors picked np. The following is a list of tho lost: Mrs. Eliza beth Hudgins, n widow lady and hor col- nrnd servant, Goo. Wilson, Mrs. Jessio Freiderchi, Mr*. G. W. Baker, Captain Edward Cook, Jos. C. Horurn, Harry llo rnm, of Norfolk; Miss M. Bomro, of Matthews oonnty, and the engineer of the Lumberman. Cnpt. Brown, of the Lam barman, waa struok on the bead and se verely injured by tho wheel of the Bell, bnt ho had strength enough to resoue his wife, who had to crawl through the win- dow of tho pilot house, to avoid being carried down by tho fast-sinking lioat. Mrs. Brown was seriously injured inter nelly, nnd it Is feared she will not survive. Boats have boon sent down to drag for bodies. Tbos. Lcncks, an old and well-known telegraph oporator, died hero yesterday, aged 55 years. Hall rood CwlltalwM—Twelve Killed- New Yore, Jnly 0.—Two passenger trains on tho South Hido Bond, near Fort ltockwny, collided. Twelve were killed aud twenty six wounded, several supposed fatally. MUBUtMI OP JULY FOURTH. BOW IT WAS DONE IN LONDOE—OOMKENTR OF THB PUOB-—AM INSANE EBTOLT—AO- OUST A, OA., PAEADES AND UTOKNS SUNKEN BILL ECHOES—TICK*- ■no, MISS., NNONOBi FIOBT OVEN THB DA*. London, Jnly 6.—Tho festival given by tho Americans at the Crystal Palace waa a grand affair. The noblo hall aad banquet ing room were handsomely decora led. A thousand visitors ware st the l’alaos da ring the day. London, Judo 11.—'Two hundred person* woro present at Ihe banquet given by the Americans last' ^evening in honor of the anniveasary of the Declaration of Inde- pondoooe. Among the guests were, U. 8. Grant, Jr., aon of President Great, Mosers. Hoffman and Ohceehral, ef the legation in London, Messrs. Woodhonee and Stevens, Hugh McCulloch, Gen. Bradford, Amerioan Consul at Dundee and son, II. H. Waters and Dr. Idving- atone’s son. COMMENTS or THB BBOLISH rases. The Time* says the Amerioan lnsurmo- tion'wss about tho inostunprovoked rebel lion in history. In the present times for- boaranoe and conciliation on the English aids is returned by the Amerioan with in sult and abuse, whioh ie only encountered by cringing flattery, and thia Dean Stan ley calls reconciliation and peace making. Tho standard, in oonoluding its article, say*: “Among the Americans there an lmt few, not actually participating in the general system of public plunder in the country, who wonld not joyfully exchange their institutions for the order, honesty and loyalty of this empire, from which, a century ago, they mado an insane re volt." CBLEDRATION AT AUGUSTA, OA. Auoubta, Jnly (J.—The Fourth was cele brated by tho whito military to-day for tho first time since the war. Six Augusts companies, Roven from Oharloston and one from Columbia, H. C., were in line. It was tho most imposing display since 18(10. The United States flag was oarriad in tho colnmn. Six hundred men ware in line. Georgia re-echoes tho Banker Hill Centennial. NEGRO ROW AT VICKSBUEO. VTcksuuhg, July C.—There wee a raw at R negro celebration. Beveral ware wounded; throo unknown fatally so— all oolored. John Hill White mortally wonnded. MORE or TUE VICKSBURG BOW—TWO HB- OBOES KILLED AND ONE MORTALLY WOUNDED. Vicksburg, June (i.—A disturbance at a negro meeting at the Court House yes terday grew ont of a difficulty between two white men one of whom waa dangarons- ly wonnded. A pistol was then drawn by Ban Allen, a colored politician. He Was knocked down by the whites end aerione- ly beaten. Soon after this a light took plaoe between a negro and white man, in which the negro's tknll waa broken. A shot was than fired into the crowd by n negro riding pest in a hook, whioh was returned by tho whites. Daring the me lee, two negroes were killed and one seri ously wounded. Every thing is quiet to-day and no furthor troubles are appre hended. * WATBRT MEATH. TEH reasoni duownkd testkrdax—rivs IN IOWA. Chicago, July 6—A dispat oh from Do* Moines says, Saturday afternoon, as a large number of persons ware returning in company from Greenfield, Adair eoaaty, to their home* in the country, they attempted to oroaa, in a wagon, Mid dle Hiver, whioh wae awolian from tho recant rains. One waa upset, and Mrs. Thoms* Montgomery and her babe, Mr. A. Montgomery and hia little child end J. K. Baker were drowned. NEW ENGLAND. Boston, July 6.—Two girls woro drowned at Lawialon, Ms., while bathing; also a lad at Honth Framingham, another at Plymouth, N. H. Font fatal aeeidenta by the banting of aunnon am reported from Maine and New CENTRA I, HOTEL, 140 and ME Bread at., Celwmkwa, Ua. Mas. 8. E. Woidridos, a|dl l'roprtotreu. F8NNBYLVANIA. Wobobstbb, Jnly 5.—Two young mao, James Wania and Wade were drowned at New Worcester last afternoon. Festal Beeitea is be Bale*. Washibotoh, Jnly 0.—The Poet Office Department, having received informa tion kit the contractors carrying the metis between Vtokaburg, Miss., and New Orleans, La., and between Sabine Pass and Weiss Bluff, in Texas, have failed to perform the service, has dirooted the postmasters et theso plaoe* to employ temporary service at a rato not exceeding the old prices. The Department will re- let the routes. ■mllssi from Washington, Washington, July A large number were appointed, among which are Lister Merkhang Postmaster at Madison, Ga. ; J. E. Gram man, Oolleotor of Customs at Fernandlna, Fla. Fourteen thousand emigrants reached New York in June; ssmo time last yoar, to,000. Wm. O. Niohola has been appointed Assistant Treasurer at Chioogo. Advices at the Navy Department from Key West, report ono (loath and two new oases of yellow fever this morning. Liwyors. I.IONKI. (!. I.KVT, JR., , Attorney nnd Uonnaeller at Law. UommlMlon.r or l>e*<ls N. Y. and other Hiatts, dittos over (Joorsle Homs 1 nsuranoc Oo. rtjisolat attention glvou to collections. A. A. DO HI Eli. ' Attorney nnd Unnaaellnr M Law, Fraction In State ami Fedorel Courts Is Oeoryt. sprS-TO THE WEATHER. Washington, July 6.—During Wednes day, in the Sooth Atlantic and Gnlf States, and Teaneaae, alight ohanges in barometer, southwest to southeast winds, oootinned warm, dear and partly cloudy weather, and in the first district rain areas and failing barometer. rnaany to Store n Enrol Hospital USANCE. BIGET NOT WILLINO TO DIBSOLT1. Paris, July 0.—The different groups of tho ltight met to-day and decided against a dissolution of the Assembly in August. MOODX AND BIDET TO GO TO FARM. Lodon, Joly (1.—Moody and Hanky go to Paris, where they will attempt to bold revival meetings. OHALLENOE AND A DUEL. Paris, July 5.—Granior DeCssagnso holds Gswbotta responsible for the insult ing language nsod in the La Itepubliqr* Francaiee, and demands satisfaction. ltosatte, of tho La Preiue, end Perivore, of the La Figaro, fought in Belgium. Perivuro was slightly wounded in the ehest and arm. OAMBETTA SENSIBLY DECLINES OASSAONAO'S CHALLENGE. Paris, July (1. —Gambetta has declined to accept Gamier Do Caasagnae'a chal lenge to fight a duel on account of the ar ticles published in the Itepubtie Francahe. lie says be oaunot hold himself st the dis posal of tho first comor among hie politi cal adversaries, as he has other duties and responsibilities to fulfill towards his party, Franco and the republic. MOODY AND SANEEY STAY IN LONDON. London, July G.— It is denied that Moody and Haukny intend opening meet ings in Paris. Therein no foiling off in the number of attendants at their meet ings bore. Large numbers oontinue to visit the inquiry rooms. BPAIN. REPORTED CABLIHT SUCCESSES. London, July G.—Tbo Carlist Commit tee have advices from Toloea, July 8d, as follows-. Our artillery repulsed 8,000 Alfonsists between Leoin and Alla, in Navarro. A colnmn of 14,000, with Sap phos for the relief of Vittorio, wsa de feated beyond La Pastille. Don Carlos has taken eliisf command of the Northern Army, and a general advance has been decided opoo. Tbo report of Dorregeiy’s defeat is false. Several Alfonsiat officers lately joined us. Tbo oity and fortress of Nolina Do Uey (Jails surrendered to tbs Carlisle, with garrison, oaunon and pris oners, inclnding seven superior otteera. ALFONHOIHTH EFFECT A JUNCTION. Madrid, July G.— Gon. I joins baa ef fected a junction with (Jen. Queaeda. Bbblin, July 6.—Dr. Kulla is about to >ve for Ban Franeieeo, to superintend the erection of a navy hospital, whioh the Government decided to belld in that city for use by the squadron in the Pacific Ocean. AeeMeat to aGaaarter. LrvuarooL, July 6.—Aa the Canard Lina Steamship, Marathon, was prooeed lug down ilia Mersey to-day, outward bound fat Bouton, aba asms in oolliston with another vsssal, and lest her bowsprit, figurehead and fore-royal mast. MntmMI Killed m n steamer. Memphis, July fl. —Robert M. Yarby was toot and killad on e steamer, near Bt Loots. The murderers ordered the Cap tain to atop the boat, whioh waa done, when ..they look lo the woods. An old Arkanaae grudge was the ceuae. Mew rapes a* KmxvIIIs, Teaa Kuoxtillb, Tbmh., July • —The new dally, entitlad The Age, mads Its appear ance last evening. It is Democratic. O. W. Charlton, late editor of the Outlook, is editor in chief, and O. II. Ilomar, for marly eity editor of the Knoxville Daily Chronicle, occupies the mum position on Ute new paper. Trial off Ba-Traaaarar Parker. Columbia, 8. C-, July 6.—The trial of ex-Traamtar Parker, obarged with fraud against the Htete, oommenoed to-day be fore Judge Carpenter. Catholic Bis hep- 1kma, Jnly 6.—The Pope has appoint ed aareral Bishops, among them Dr. JImora ; jfHto»egoJDs Call*^ CHAMPION FIRE EXTINGUISHER 1 VI. JONMOV, W. M. JOMMMTOH CMaabw, «*. Hrlfla, 0*. All MU MNm FOR VU NT AT* OF UEMU1UMd BAftTRRR ALABAMA FOB THB BAU OF C3UXFI0V mi XXTXWUZSBZ&S! Tli* CImmnmoh tAclr-AcAlDK Rufina for citloa. towtii,and vliUgra ii tluLMuat powerful Buir-actiiiif IntiM lit the world. Th* HtitioMry for ware* houras, depot*, Mtr Mill*, Ac., Mii*rtur to all «*r* i* *xi*Uac«. Th* I'ortabln, tb« U»t, lmt not lanst, should In la *v«ry dwelling, atorwlioiuwi, gin tioiiM, and railroad raw. To Railroad Omd panics wishing to inuply thorn* a*lvra, wear* prepared to offer gr<*ut inducwiiicnt*. Person* wishing nny of tti* abort) article* «*n 1* ■wpidiml b« ftddrraainp Owneral Agrut, OdauiltM or II. W. John*ton, <J««rg<*. -Iwr-wt A Bargain Offered. THE BRANTLEY FARM, acre* of Improved land wltli nc-ei- «ary betid Inf •, aoo.1 .anna sn<l wall sruisr, nil- salad sarae miles watb at Montsvalio. Pries r sera. Par further talurtar Brantley, Koatsvailu, AU. fsql? saely Columbus Dental Roonw. W. T. POOI-, Prop’r. Oaerets Homs Hnlbllnf,' j.10 wU Uolambui, Us, tINEUO., \ \ Mississirn, V , Jobs MU, Wth) „ OFFICE OF THE HOWE MACHINE OO., tun status of Tannassaa, Uaouoi a, South Oaboi.ina, Alabama fc Minsisat. Nabuvills, Tmnn., To tk* RiUors of the Pnqutrer.Sun, Cohosts., Georgia i DnaiiSib: Our attention having besn sailed to MI advsrUfamvat or OSS o( our competitors, In whioh our sales lor 1874 nro "ssUmstsd" st 36,000, we take pleasure In authorlslnf the state, mont that wo arc officially Informed from the prlnslpsl offles of the Company at New York that the sales of THE HOWE MACHINES were 100,186 for 1174. BespsetIUlly, THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. docll CKO. W. OWEN, Manager. Hotel. BOOTS AND SHOES. Maks II. Blardfobd Loma V. Uaskakk. MLANDVORD A UARRABD, AttsrKsys snd OokhmIIsfr if Ian. Isa T. UOWMINU, AttsrNoy Mud Mollcltsr. U. 8. Coui’r end Kttgiatur in llsiikniptcv. OAc* over llrooka' Drug Htoru, Uotunilina, is. •pr. 0-*7B R. J. MOMMA, Attorney ausd Conuisllor mt Ian . Watchmakers. C. He LMQU1M, Watchmaker, 1*4 Broad Htroel, OolumbUs, Os. WstchPN nnd tllocka repaired in tlie l»rat mao- nr sail wrarrautud. Jy t -’76 Tin and Coppersmiths. WM. PKR, Worker la Tin, Mtsat lrs«, Uapper. Ordura from abroad promptly attended tu. Jyl-*7r>No. 174. Broad Htrrel Dentists. _ UOI’UMBUN DKNTAI. KOOMB, W. T. Pool, Prop’r, Uoorfis Home UuUdi&N, Oolumhua (isorgla. Plano Tunlna, Ac. W. BLAU, Repairer and Tniiar of Pianoas, Organa snd * J "‘in Painting alao done. Pease A Norman’* Cun and Lookamltha. PHILIP BIPLKK, Ono Md Lockswltti, Crawford street, next u Johnson's eoruar, Oolwmbss, Qa. Jyl-75 WILLIAM RCHOUKK, Qun snd Locksmith and daaler In Ounnlng Ma* teriala. Nsst of Rtrsppor’s Coafaotiosary Jy l«-’7ft _ Fresh Meats. J. W. i'ATUICM, ■tolls Mo. M end IB, Market House. fresh Moats of ovory hind snd brat quality, jail-TO always on hand. Seasonable Spring Goods. OwiMt, «m - fitting, tow - priced Drees md Walking Beets for Ladles, MUeee md ChHdren. Children and Infant*’ Ankle Tlet and fillppm*. In ell desirable eelore. Gentlemen's Fin* fihmt—styilth, du- r*M*, o*mf*rt*bto. A SPLENDID A880BTMENT. SubttMiial Work for Plantation Wear, AND A Full Stock of ell the dedrable styles attrac five to all claitM of buyers. WELLS A CURTIS. No. 73 Broad St., sprio '76 tl 81KB of the Din Host. SEAL E1TATC AGENTS. JOHN BLACK MAlt, Next to freer, Itlgu k Co., Bt. Olslr Stmt UMwmbiia, Us. Baal Estate, Brokaraga md In- aura nea Agent uru, s, nuMUa, To Mrnhssli' sad Mwihsslos' Bosk, of tbi, city Jo3-'76 «f OPELIKA DIRECTORY. Doctors. DR. JAB, T. WAKNOOK, Burgoon nnd Pkyglelnn. Office at Slaughter's Drag Store, Railroad street. f.b!4 Hotels. AUABB BMIH. wh*a/°"-P *° |» «iw tsmorstths diw2» Unl uiqi Tluuw, oRyoaite Pmmo,®r Depot. HIPEO. M. M. HIRSCH HAS UIMOVED TO HIS OLD STAND ON Crawford Street, Near Alabama WarehMie, Where he will oontinue to PAY the HIGHEST PEIGE8 for Rags, Hides, Fan and Wax, MILLINERY. J. T. COOK, Fresh Meats nr All Kinds, rap. Bull. Nua. 1ft an. IT, Cotton Factories. Shootings, Skirtings, nnd So witty d Knitting Thrond. Cards Wool Md Grinds Whoat % od Cora- Oflloe in roar of Wittlch k Kiusnl's, Kautlolph st. Jyl-7ft R. II. Or.fLTON. Prralrtent.^ ■IJIOOtiEK HAMaTPAtTURINU CO. Mat ufkcturcrs of •HRNT1MQI ■UIKTINUP, TARN, ROPR, Aa. 00LUUBU8, UA. O. P. BWirr, Proaldent. W. A. BWfPT. Bee rotary Treasurer. wprW0-'7ft Livery and Sale 8tablee. AtOMKBT THOMPMil, ' ' Livery, Rale nnd Eifhaega ntnklaia OaLavuoaps, Noaru of RAXtioLru H»a„ myRQ**7ri Columbus, fla LAWYERS. _ _ HINES DOZIER,'' Attorney at Law, HAMILTON, OA„ W ILL practice in the Chattatioochee Circuit or any wlinra olmj. All kind of collodions Fuanan. '*Pay me «*r run *w«v." hop I* If GROCERIES. JJEW HAUArOl.lA IIANN. Fulton Market Beef, Dried Uoef Tongue*, Sugar* and Co/Teer, New Or lean A Syrups, Florida Syrup by the barrel orfloc. p’rgaL Honey by the barrel at #1 per gallon, i'lno Liquors of all kinds. Burton'll Malthop Toni*|uo, the Klneet Ale made—highly ondorsed by all who uao fl at tn.60 per iloaon. Mctwan’a Ale, |3^6 per Uoien. We are dally receiving ad varletlti «| Fine Groeerlee, and guarantee all we sell. A11 purchases delivered. H. F. ABELL A CO., rapa-JTi tr W. W. SHARPE A 00., Publishers’ Agents No. 25 Park Uow, New York, Are anther I sed to Uentraet tor Ad vertising In nnr newer. nylt tt MILLINERY. tb&SSS&k, K rampsUttoo. Mas. COLVIN ft tf and Mire DONNELLY Unclaimed Freights. TO 00NSIQNKE8. T HE rcllowlu* traicht. will be nM at pnb- Uc suotlsu atlh* Ksnlcamray, AU,, d.ixit or tbli rusd, st 1( o'clock a. on tbslad Jay "t July, 1816, sslsm the dtsr*ss .hall lisvs bran psld snd Us lrsi*kt rsmtvsd on or Iw- fore the Zlit dsy of July 1176: W II Pses, t plrasi msrMs, t do msp- Mons, sham. t 3 60 Dr. J M Ford,! east—broken. 76 O W llrasw, 1 hex plantar, 1 packs.# (1 thsin-. 303 J L Jsakeon, 4 Joint, pips — BMUrsy, i reals, pips. 60 D K Baker, 1 Uttar pnu 76 Allred Jsckeoa, lchMt 60 M#j Olnamu. *0 bsrr.ll Urns 10 M Wheeler k W, 1 .priBK wagon 23 20 Dock BsM, I box 10 H Loch, il tr ask., M 4 16 Hosra k Edward, 1 wall modal 6u H. K. ABBKTT, Agsnt. j.23 Im University of Georgia, A-rasas, Jan. 16,13T6. . , — —jsselM, st the asxtsnnu- X si Uommsnesmsat af ton Institution, mib- Ject to saoh nhugss sad madtSostlon. s. the Trull.e. may than make, la th. ones, or ilhnnnsllor and ths following Profonor.: Latin Languors; Or ask toagasgs; Modem Lsn- gssgea, rreneh, (tsrmMsaff bpsnUh; Uollor Latin.; Moral snd Mtntal Phllosnphyi Natu ral PhllMopby sad Aitrnaomy; Msthsmstlri; (Jlvll Englossriag snd Applisd M.ihsmatlr.; Ohsmlsiry, Natarsl Sri.ace aad Agri-sHaral UhnaUtry; Hlibiry aad PaUttnal Bcienw;; Ag>l- oulturs snd Hortlealtars; and during lloto insansmrat weak (July 30 to AagU't 4,1376), tho Hoard or Trariss. will atari )isnon< to Hit >ld aUtos. AppliesUona ms* to Bind with tksaadsr- n mitt so. Ww. L. MITOHELL, Hscrstory ot ths Traatssc. Restart aai Mart Salma. Bankin House. I ri VKKYTHINO sonnerisd with this wtsb- U llahment hsi boss rsfittad snd rsnsvsUd. Th. HAH I. provided with ths OholextLiquor. seU (Jigsrft. The hllllnrd Tehlcs and flag. ehargs. Mr John totobllshmmit at all tom.ra. jsutr COLUMBUS OIL COMPANY. W E OFFER TO THE WHOLESALE trod, or Coismbs. utl .arroaodlox coun try, Usrhan oil, 11*. 13* aad Hi Firs Tori Alw, (Issollas sad all lshrUstlng slh, tosh aa Wet Virginia, Into, Wool, 8 pled is snd Tab low (Hta, all ot wktto ws gvsrsslss U raU lor Iss. than they mm he Utd daw* Iron say market la bsnsts. » Frio, , rahjsri la Bariaatlm. aad quality ol purchases* Office M Bread Strwt, at Baklsr*. Olgar Star*. mkU dhwly II Utssk ready to serys cu» a. fTolkmknt*. tNBISTtMCT pmr