Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 15, 1879, Image 2

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1879. COLUMDUH, OA.t TUESDAY ADRir. IS, 1870 JOHN KING, * - Proprietor. IN 1HHW, FIFTY YEARS OLD I LAIUIESTCITY CIRCULATION A!in WORK Til AW TWICE THE LARGEST AGGREGATE CinCl'I.ATIOK ! THE BEST PAPER IN THE SOUTH For the Iioast Money* ~F~h~i girirer - Sun JOHN KING, - • Proprietor, COLUMBUS, ga. HAILY, WEEKLY and SUNDAY *3*Now Is the time to get one or more good papers at prices within the reach of all. PRICKS : DAILY, one year 7 00 DAILY, six months 4 00 DAILY, three months 2 00 DAILY, one month 75 WEEKLY, (30 columns) one year 1 10 WEEKLY, hIx months 75 WEEKLY, three months 50 SUNDAY, one year 1 00 SUNDAY, six months SUNDAY, three months 40 WEEKLY and SUNDAY (to one ad dress) one year 2 10 WEEKLY and SUNDAY,six months... 1 25 WEEKLY and SUNDAY, three months CLUB RATES s The party getting up a club of twenty will bo entitled to one extra copy one year fuek, Twenty copies of Weekly one year 120 00 Weekly Enquirer Sun and Weekly Louisville Courier-Journal Weekly and Sunday Enquirer-Sun and Weekly Louisville Courlor-Journal... Weekly Enquirer-Sun aml'Weekly De troit Frco Press OH T1IK Three Weeklies 2 50 8 75 2 50 THIS PAPER Co’s Newspaper Ad Spruce street), whore nave may be made for It IN 4 00 may ho found . at Goo. I*. Rowell A Advertising Bureau (10 lining contracts NEW YORK Weather indications for to-day For the South Atfantio States, falling barometer increasing southerly winds { stationary or higher temperature, cloudy and rainy weather. North Carolina has fifty-four cotton mills, with a capital invested of $J, 830,000. 8'tting Bull says that “thoro is no American who wears trousers wiio is not a rascal.” Strawberrlos aro only 92 a box in Boston; beans, howovor, aro much cheaper than tiiat. Work upon the Boo mausoleum, at Lon Litton, Va. t is processing, but 92,000 is still ncedod for its completion. The (’amnus at Cornell University is illuminated every night with electric lights, lo ving no clianco for mischiof aftor dark. A Texas jury arose aftor the evi dence was all iii and 1 oquoi ted that the case go to them without “any lawyers’ spooches,” and it did. Now let-the Republican party imme diately deolaro war, Blaine’s brother Bob is to bo bounced from his position in tiio Menato folding room. All the information received at Wash ington indicates that thoro iR yet no concentration of Democratic opinion upon Mr TWdon or any other candi date. The curious fact is montionod that the English sparrows, overcrowded in tlie East, aro this spring following tlie line of human travel and migrating westward. The New York Nun suggests a Domocra’ic Presidential ticket scribed with the narcos of Speaker Randall and Judge Field of tho *Hu promo Court. A consti ulional argument addressed to a Republican Congressmen has about as much of tho dosired effect as would Jin attempt to propitiate tli devil with holy water. Tho negroes who aro moving out o the land of Egypt and out of tho house of bondage, may think Kansas the land of promise, but there aro a varie ty of opinions on that subject. Thy Cleveland (Ohio Sunday Tim frankly admits that perhaps it would be“no exaggeration to say that ten poi sons at tho North to ouo person in the South carry concealed weapons. The last Mayor of Cincinnati was a Republican and his majority 1,700. As the Republican caiulidato received only 400 majority in tho rocent election, the party has "not done much towards saviiig tho nation. Is that venerable bulwark of civil liberty, trial by jury, losing its officia ry as a weapon of justioo, asks tho New York Post. Of course it is, and the Democrats aro accused revolution for trying to savo it.—Has ten Post. Memphis Appeal: Make it n pent tentiary olVonso to carry concealed weapons, take away tho iliscretion of juries in murder trials, and hang every man or woman convicted of murder in tho first degree. Those aro among the reforms that the times demand. Down with tho murderers, assassins and cow ardly pistol carriers. At a caucus af tho Democratic mom hers of tho lower house of Congress held Wednesday, for tho purpose of considering what action should be taken at Ibis session concerning certain financial measures and other general legislation, it was unanimously ro- solvod that tho introduction of bills in the usual manner be proceeded with op Monday next. Fred Douglas, after inquiry and re flection, concludes that tlia exodus of negroes to Kansas will not prove bon- fleial to them, and he says that in Kan sas they will have to sutler the severe cold winters, which will kill them off “faster than tho rille club of the South.” Which is very true, bocause those rifle clubs do not kill any ne groes. “Yonr candidate 1 cannot be,” is what lioratio Seymour again says in effect to the party of prominent Demo crats who informally nominated him for Governor of New York. While exceedingly grateful for tho compli ment, ho desires it distinctly under stood that under no circumstances will ho again accept public ofUce. » ♦ ♦ In Bombay when you pay your fare in a street car you receive a ticket that entitles you to a chance in a lottery which is drawn every month. An American gentleman writes lroin India to tho New York Nun, and expresses the opinion that it beats all the bell punches and passenger registers that ever were invented. Possibly the man agers of our street car lines who are so solicitous about the morul welfare of their employes, can devise some simi- jar and equally effective expedient. PBClnEMTIAL iioKuviori:*. This Is the favorite speculation with a number of leading papers. They send out circulars to every sec tion of the country, nnd when they receive answers, they call it inter views by “our special correspond ents.” TlieNew York Herald led In tliis matter by interviewing all the Democratic Congressmen and ascer tained that the vast preponderance of opinion was in favor of Thurman. We think this correctly expresses the preference of tho South. The best in formation we have received from Washington and gathered from the orrespomlcnce of the most reliable is that the leaders who have done most for the success of the party do not favor TUden, and in fact are his most determined opponents. Thur man is the favorite with them and the Democratic masses. I f the pres ent legislation proves successful and Ohio goes Democratic in the coming election, he will l>e lifted above all competitors, for by him was the ag gressive policy inaugurated. Have tlie people forgotten the abject tim idity of TUden In the winter of 187(i and 1877? The New York Times report ob tained in the same way makes Tilden the most popular. This Republican journal is not good authority on Democratic policy. One thing is very certain, and Hint is that Grant will he the Republican nominee, and that lie cannot carry a single Southern State. The wishes of tho South should have marked influence in do termlning the nominee of the Dem ocrats. Wo believe, if Tilden is selected as standard bearer bis defeat is inevitable. Elect him and lie will not have the courage to take the posi tion, if there is a show of opposition. To him is duo the divisions of New York State. The New York Star says there are fifty thousand Demo crats in tho city alone who will not vote for him under any circura stances. He is opposed bitterly by sucii staunch Democrats as Chief Justice Church and prominent lead ers in the metropolis. He cannot unite the divisions. He is too selllsl and cold blooded to serve any interest but his own. The New York Times puts down Georgia and Alabama for TUden. We do not know a leading man In this section of either of the States who advocates his nomination —not one but opposes him. The general sentiment is to put no trust aguin in a man who lias proved him self so incapacitated iti the hour of trial. We believe him the weakest man that could tie chosen. The Dem ocrats should have no consolation purses to offer weak-kneed horses. We are weary of voting for Presi dents with tlie minority. In 187(iour party elected lids man Tilden, but might as well have thrown our ballots away for lie would neither he sworn in nor assert Ids rights. He did talk about a r/uo warranto, but ids bonds nnd life were too precious to himself to risk anything for honor and the reputation of his adherents. Let us have no more r/ito warranto andidntes, but let us nominate and lect a man. A foreign dispatch says Grant has a disease, tlie tendency of which ih to insanity, and this is the cause of his remaining abroad so long. He 1ms an abundance of Ropublican rivals, who would not utter lamentations were this true. The Democrats do not fear Grant nor any one else, if Tilden Is not forced on tho party through the “bnr’J” of money lluenee. NE Yf 10KK. in nitty on the MAnger---Bog Hhotr and Walking Mania—-A Colored Proposal —The Theatrem Mime Bobertnon’m (oner Pollard) Concerto-—Bio Bridge and Bapld I'ranmtt --- Letifg Prlra- tione— Tammnng Fight— Vanderbilt Mult and Mouthern Ijodlem-—Mallroad Cutting — Colutubue People In JVete York -Alabama threat Mouthern Bali- road—Madame Boehe'n School---Mr*• Tgna---Co1umbum Yew Yorkerh, Tun dog show at Gilmore’s Garden, Uio third glvon by tho Westminster Kennel Club, of New York eity, is said to bo tho most complete ever hold in this country. Between nine hun dred and one thousand dogs of high and low degree, mostly well-bred ones, howovor, from pointors and setters, dear to every huntsman’s heart, all through the list of household pets to incorruptible mastitis, bravo and sim ple Newfoundlands and humano St Bernards, who vie with (heir guardian monks in works of mercy amid tho eternal storms and avalanchos of tho Alps, aro on exhibition. Many of tho sporting dogs show that beauty of form and that poquliar action which can only belong to » high-bred animal. - - - -0-^-0- — General Walkiih expects to make all tho preparations for the census next fall, and to make tho actual enumera tion in a month’s time. The statistics of population will then bo glvon to the public almost immediately. The results of tho provious census wore completed and printed in 1872, and this timo he ex pects to litiish tho work in a much shorter period. Tho consus of 1800 was not published till 180S, and that of 1850 not till 1859, so that it really had no value except an historical one. Improved organiza tion, aided by tho Telegraph, has changed all that, and General Walker expects to make the consus of 1880 in every way a model of promptness as well as of completeness. Governor Nichols, of Louisiana, at the instance of the Board of Health, lias issued ids proclamation, declaring a quarantine of twenty days upon all vessels and their ollicors, crews, pass engers and cargoes, arriving from, or having touched or stopped at any of tlie following locations: All West In dia ports, all ports along the Gulf of Mexico south of Texas, including the bay islands, Kautun, Utillannd llonac- ea, all ports along the mainland bor dering on tlie Carrlboan Sea, all ports along Die Atlantic coast of South Amor ioa as far as the city of Buenos Avrcs. Senator Hoar, of Massaehusett wandered into tlie Senate tlie other morning in his red flannel night-cap Tho spectacle created great consterna tion. Everybody thought that the bloody red revolutionists in Phrygian caps wore making a raid on tlie Senate with intent to overthrow It. Mr. | Hoar’s thoughtlessness came near ! proving disastrous, but his mellow, gold-rimmod lunettes saved tlie dav. I New York, April 9, 1879. Enquirer-SunOld winter has been lingering in the lap of gentle spring, until it is, in my opinion, a burning shame that some of the young ladies’ inalo representatives have not made a personal matter of it; or, if Spring bo a married lady, that her husband has not adopted tho prevailing Now York stylo of instituting a suit against the old man for alienating his wife’s affec tions from her liege lord. To-day, however, th^t lingering business has Ufiaaod, and tho loveliest day for many months is with us. After such a win ter as the past, wo thank our stars for clianco to gad about tho city without an ulster. The “Dog” show is opon, and “curs of high and low degreo” yelp in Gil more’s Garden, in place of tho bipeds (male and female) who have sot Goth am crazy during the past winter on pedostrianism. Tho women’s walk at tho Gardonw as a perfect specimen of barbarity, and if Borgh would turn his attention from cruelty to rats and other vermin, end stop such exhibitions, lie would do more good than ho is now. To bo can did with you , this mania for walking hits taken such a hold on tho females of Now Y r ork that, not being satisfied with becoming garden walkers, some few liavo actually coinmencod walking tho stroots. O’Leary has put up a belt to be walked or run for next October, and I want you to pick out a gentleman of color, who can gallop for six days and nights around a saw dust track, (eight rounds to the mile), and make at least 450 miles in that time. As it only costs 9100 to put him on the track, and the chances to make a pile are good, I’ll lot you in with mo—you furnish tiio “nig” and Columbus tlie hundred dollars, and we’ll divide tho stakes— give tho darkey tho champion bolt, and a hundred or two, and—well Columbus can liavo tho glory of claim ing the champion podestrian. Koop tliis proposition “mum,” or else every darkey at home will becomo a walker. “Engaged,” still runningat tho Park Theatre, is too comical to bo explained, and when soon, one can only wonder how much fun can bo comprossed into a perfectly nonsensical piece, when the players aro good. Gilbort, tho author of Pinafore, wrote this, too. Tho Banker’s Daughter,” aftor four months at Union Squaro, loaves tho boards; and tho oyos dimmed with tears nightly—the finest compliment to Miss Sara Jowott’s acting, that could bo paid—it is hoped will lie changed to merry glances, whon yio new Froncli play succoeds tho American ono. Pinaforo still holds its own at tho Standard, Broadway, and Fifth Avo nue, besides being burlesqued at Pas tor’s and tho minstrels. A wonderful thing is a pinaforo. Tho Lyceum is still sowing its wild “Oatos,” and littlo Alice hops about as lively as she did yoars ago. Frank Mayo, as Davy Crockot, at tlie Grand Opora House, scored a complete success and a deserved ono; as ho lias mado a lino study of the backwood man, and lias also lookod carefully to tho scenery, which is beautiful._ Maplcson and tho opora wore off for Kugland Jast wook, and tho wealthy mourn for tho singers, who aro to turn next soason. 'file Midgets aro a wouderful pair of dwarfs. Tom Thumb is a giant to them. Tho Black Crook, of Nihlo’s, is ‘ por-gorgoous” and is a leg-acy many. Wallack’s as it always docs, glv« good play in “A scrap of paper,” while Booth’s will ho opened next Saturday by “Aimoo” and her satellites. Mrs .1 L ltobortson, ncc Miss Pollard of Montgomery and Atlanta, mado moro complete capture of her audience in her last concert bore than in lior first. Sho will go South sliortljq with a company, for a few weeks, and it is to bo hoped, our homo folks will liav an opportunity to hoar hor splendid Hoprano voice. Tiio Brooklyn bridge across East River, will now, by law, bo completed as tho Comptroller has to pay over this city’s subscription. 1 doubt if it will help Now York City, but it will bene fit Brooklyn. Rapid transit is changing things hor Pooplo eight miles from tho battery aro noaror (by olevatod roads) in time, than tboy wero a year ago when on throe miles oil*. The papers cannot yot tell what will bo the result, and you know what tho papers don’t know is nothiug—that is to lioar you oditors talk.} Lent will bo ovor noxt Saturday, bclievo, and my ponanco will bo past, Now' liko all good peoplo who deny themselves groat pleasures, during lent, 1 have so done and I’ll bet you cannot guess what pleasuro I denied mysolf, I actually did not attend church. The light between tho anti-Tammany factions and a part of tho Tammany Hallitos against the “Tammany” or ganization is very bitter. It will think, end by making the present mayor, Edward Cooper, stand a good chance to ho tho Democratic nominee for Vice President, if Mr. Hendricki or another Western man is not put u as President. This would give John Kelly a chance to elect a Tammany mayor and thus control this city for Tammany nnd got rid of tho city office holders who aro not Tammany men. Tiio Vanderbilt suits have been final ly closed and Cornelius J lias paid tho Greely heirs over 980,000. It is great pity the suit was ever eommenc as the surrogate told all parties. The outrageous insinuations against the widow’ of the Commodore (formerly Miss Crawford of Mobile) were all with drawn, and this lady’s character stan out in a brighter light than ever before. By tiio way young Cornolips, the s- of Wm II, and a nephew of Cor nclius J, also married a Mobile lady. The Commodore, by his will, left this oung man six million dollars. The interest him—if so I can furnish him a live copy. Tho South should always like the old Commodore, for he gave a million to a Southern university. Tlie railroad linos to the South, for some weeks past, have been hauling freight too cheap to pay for car grease. Rates from boro to Montgomery, Selma and Atlanta w r ere for first, sec ond and third classes 25 cents, and for third, fourth and fifth classes 20 cents per 100 pounds. The general commis sioner turned loose tho roads, and their Now York agonts made it lively. The injury to Mrs Wm H Peck, of \tlanta, by the New York Elevated Railroad was a very serious one, and hor hair has turned from black to gray since it occurred. Samuel Spencer, Superintendent of tho Long Island Railroad, is offering largo inducements to emigrants to get them over to tho great “truck patch,” bore “garden snss” grows so luxuri antly. llis road is making money and rapidly improving. It is the groat line to Coney Island. ^ Tho Alabama Groat Southern Rail road has its office at 319 Broadway. There is always a hearty welcome for Columbus peoplo there, and at the same office Wm Knox, formerly of Montgomery, is agent of a Carolina railroad. Tiio Misses Green, Miss Fannie Ep- ping and Mrs Gabbett aro hero from Columbus, Madame Roche, formerly of Colum bus, now lias a nourishing female school on Lexington avenue and 57th street, nnd Mrs Emma Moffett Tyng has taken a class of elocution with hor. Tho prospects are so encouraging that Madame Roche on hor return from uropo this fall willremovo to a larger building on Madison avenue. She had todeclino many scholars on account of ack of room; among whom was Miss Mary-McDonald, daughtor of Col J B McDonald, formerly of Seale, who is now’ at tho Academy of tho Sacred Heart at Manhattanvillo, in this city. Madame It’s school is ono that would suit Southerners. She escorts her young ladies to different points of in- torost, and with Mrs Tyng fully ex plains everything. To see New York is to seo a littlo world, and her young ladies go homo with something besides dresses to talk about. Frank Fontaine, at 32 Park Row, has Southern advertising agency, which, if liolpod on by Southern papers, would bo a groat aid to them. His assistant Mike M Brannan (Doc Adams). All tho Columbus-New Yorkers aro doing well. Mrs Barnard, at 119 East 10th street, sets a fine table and is as genial as over. Doctors Banks, Cham bers,' James H Shorter, Eli S Shorter, and counsellors John U Shorter and R Moses seem to be always busy, they pay for what they got, it is to be presumed they aro making money, Wm Hey woods has an office among tho bankers and is doing a fine busi ness. I have only to** give you ’the advice ArtomusWard gavo his mother, and say that this is tho hardest place to carry out that advice I ever lived in. Rail TUTT’S PILLS. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. part. Pain under the shoulderblade, ruff ness alter eatina, with a <fimncUnation JS exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper. Low spirits, with afeelmn of hay- in* neglected some duty, W earmess .Diz- einess, Fluttorine at the Heart, Lote be ■ fore the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headachy generally over the right eye, Restlessnea) with fitful dreams, highly colored Unne. IP THESE WARNINGS ARE UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED, TUTT’S PILLS ^: P ^ee^. a |:«of.a 0 e 1 mnSe C er.?.l“ log me to astonish the MUflerer. A NOTED DIVINE SAYS: Rr TUTT-—Dear Sir: Fortin years I h jvo been • martyr to Dynpepaiu, Oonatipatlon and 1 lies. Last SwiMVour Pilla were recommended to mo; I used tBESfiSt little faith). I am now n well man, poiSalid fW. ho, .re worth Ky. The first effect of TUTT'B PILLS is to In crease the Appetite, and cause the bodjgto Take on, thus tlie system is miurinkeil, sad by tlieir Tonle Action ou the lllgestlve OruaiiH, Regular Stools are produced.' Dr, J. F. HAYWOOD, OF NEW YORK, SAYS:- " Few diseases exist that oannnt bo relieved by re- ■tnnifff the Liver to its normal functions, and for SOLD EVERYWHERE, PRICE 25 CENTS. OfUce 35 Murray Street, New. York. TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Chav ILrtB*™WHlssnas charmed Jo a CLossy Bi atk bv a singlo application of this Dyk- It im parts a Natural Color, acta Instantaneously, and ia aa Harmless aa spring water, bold by Druggists, or sent by express on rocoipt of . Qffloe, 35 Murray St., New York* fecllebdAwly NEW CLOTHING! -AT- Thornton & Acee’s, Nos. 83 and 85 Broad Street, - Columbus, Ga. -M- NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. r HE Copartnership heretofore existing in the city of Columbus between tho undersigned, under the firm name of ZACHARIAS & Co., Is this day dissolved by mulunl consent. Mr. I. ZACHARIAS will liquidate the business of said firm t the stand now occupied by him. KERN tS: LOEB, SOLOMON LOEB. EMANUEL KEItN, ISADOUK ZACHARIAS. Columbus, Ga, April 1st, 1879. [np!8,4t Marshal Sale. Black Shout, unmarKcd, unless called for by owner. TIFF T. MOORE, apl3, 2t City Marshal. MEN’S DRESS SUITS Of Rltick French Cloths, Diagonals, -Tricots, Craves amt Casslmeres. Men’s Business Suits!! Of every variety of style aud price, from $2.00 to $30.00. Boys’ & Children’s Suits Of all kinds and sizes, for Dress and School Suits. HATS! HATS! HATS! For everybody, Men’s, Boys and Children’s, cheaper than ever. Men’s Furnishing Goods All kinds of Underwear, Neckwear, Half-llose, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Sic Ms, Valises, Umbrellas, Waiting Canes, Of tho best Manufactures, at lowest figures. PIECE GOODS, SUITINGS, &c., &c. A full and complete assortment of tho latest novelties in Woolens, Cloths and Cassimcres, which we cut nnd make to measure in the best style at lowest prices. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. , np!2 end aw 1 m SPRINGER’S OPERA HOUSE Friday, _April 18th. Third Grand Concert of Prof. Chase’s School of Vocal and lustra- mental Music. T HE Pupils (including several new voices) will give their most beautiful selections, but generally those of a light and popular character. They will be assisted by gentle men (Tenor and Baritone Solo voices) from a distance. The Polacca from II Puritan! will be accompanied by tho Young Ladles’ Orchestra, which lias much improved. Humorous pieces will,ns usual, give variety. Admission 25c; Reserved Seats, to be had at Chaffin’s Book Store, 50c, ~ ap!2 lw _ SIXTH GRAND CONCERT! COLUMBUS CHORAL UNION Tuesday Evening, April 15th. lever, Never, Hardly Ever fine Whiskies a Specialty, Saw such pretty SHOES! Tiie town of Fremont, Ohio, elected a Democratic Mayor last Monday. Fremont is tho homo and abiding place of KB Hayes, and the refusal of the voters to select a loyal man for Mayor, is not only an insult to Mr Hayes, but an open condemnation of tho genial Rogers, who recently sent five thousand copies of Garfield’s revolu tionary speech to tho so-callod Presi dent’s fellow-townsmen. 45 Years Before the Public. THE GENUINE DR. C. McLANE’S Mu W W Corcoran, whoso old ago is given up to deods of kindness, has just purchased the Patapsco Institute at Elliott's Mills, and given the title- deeds to tlie two great nieeos of John Randolph of Roanoke, who are accom plished women, but very poor. They will open a school tliorein tho autumn, taking with them tho pupils now un der tlieir earo. In view of the recent exoneration of Fitz John Porter tho following pen photograph of General,'Pope, ids ac cuser, by Goneral Dick Taylor in his “personal recollections,” may be in teresting: “Of an effrontery while dan ger was remoto equalled by helpless ness whon it was prosont and mendac ity after it had passod, tlie annals of despotism scarco afford an oxample of tiio elevation of sucii a favorite.” Mr Davis says that tlie interview as reported by tlie Boston Herald never took plaeo. The Vicksburg Oral mercial of tlie 2d says: Wo woro honored this morning with a call by tho Hon Jetforson Davis, who is visiting this city. Mr Davis said the “interview” published in the Vicks burg Hr, ah! this morning, as having been reported to tlie Boston Herald, nover occurred, and had it occurred be would not liavo usod anv suoh lan guage; nor did ho entertain or expresi any sucii thoughts as thoso ascribed to him in that articlo. The Only War. Tho only way to cure catarrh is by the use of a cleansing and healing lotion, applied to the inflamed and diseased membrane. Snuffs and fu- migators, while affording temporary relief, irritate the affected parts anil excite a more extended inflammation. Besides, no outward -applications can alone cure catarrh. The disease originates in a vitiated state of the blood, nnd a thorough alterative course of treatment is necessary to remove it from the system. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy has long been known as an efficient standard reme dy for this disease, but, to iusure a radical anil permanent cure, it should bo used in conjunction with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, tlie best vegetable alterative yet dis covered. 'I'lie Discovery cleanses the vitiated blood, while the Catarrh Remedy allays tlie inflammation and heals the diseased tissues. A MASONIC NOTICE R egular meeting of Co lumbian LODGE. No. 7, F. ami A. M.. will be held THUS (Tuesday» E VENING at T% o'clock. All visiting brethren in good standing are cordially Invited to attend. By order of Worshipful Master. J. HECHT, Sec’y. A. J. MoKlmmin BOX 8, NASHVILLE, TENN.-™- CATTLE. BERKSHIRE PIGS and pure- bred SHEPHERD DOGS. Address i romance ot u poor young man might i above. apis wly CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS FOR THE CURE OF Hepatitis, or Liver Complaint, DYSPRPSIA AND SICK HEADACHE. Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. P AIN in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increases on pres sure ; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side; sometimes the pain is felt under the shoulder blade, and it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and > is sometimes mistaken for rheumatism in the arm. Tlie stom ach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels in general are costive, sometimes alternative with lax; the head is troubled with pain, accompanied with a dull, heavy sen sation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight, dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complains of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his- feet are cold or burning, and he com plains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low; and although he is satisfied that exercise would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely summon up fortitude enough to try it. In fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases have occurred where few of them existed, vet exam ination of the body, after death, has shown the liver to have been exten sively deranged. AGUE AND FEVER. Dr. C.-McLane’s Liver Pills, in cases OF Ague and Fever, when taken with Quinine, are productive of the most 'happy results. No better cathartic can be used, preparatory to, or after taking Quinine. We would advise all who are afflicted with this disease to give them a fair trial. For all bilious derangements, and as a simple purgative, they are un- equalcd. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The genuine are never sugar coated. Ever)- box has a red wax seal on the lid, with the impression Dr. McLane’s Liver Pills. The genuine McLane’s Liver Pills hear the signatures of C. McLane and Fleming Bros, on the wrappers. Insist upon having the genuine Dr,. C. McLane’s Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full of imitations of tlie name JUcLans, spelled differently bu; same pronunciation. novS dAweowSm Mrs. Colvin & Miss Donnelly. Jot Grand Opening of Spring and Summer Millinery! FE Ladies of Columbus and vicinity are respectfully invited to attend the Grand _ Opening of Spring and Bummer Millinery next THURSDAY, FRIDAY nnd SATUR DAY, consistlngol all the Novelties of the Season, at tlie most attractive prices. Trimmed Nuts 25 cents to twelve dollars. All Novelties in Feathers, Flowers, Fancy Ribbons, Veilings, NecKwear, Jewelry, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Fans and Parasols, in fact everything Kept in a first-classs Millinery nnd Fancy Storo. We^buy largely for cash. Cannot and will not be undersold.opI3 dAw2m So said his SISTERS, ids COUSINS and his AUNTS, after a visit to THE OLD SHOE STORE! And a look at the Newport Ties, Fifth Avenue Ties, Princess, Uuclicss and Saratoga Slip pers, the Gents’ 4-button Oxfords, Cloth Top Congress Oxfords, and our oilier spring styles. &B-\Ve offer BROGANH, PLOW SHOES, Ac., lower than ever, nnd by dally recelptH ot seasonable Goods are making our stock attractive to all classes ok hcykkh. Give us a call. WELLS & CURTIS, 7J1 Broad Street. -a^SIgn of the BIG ROOT. tf Uncqualcd for Medicinal and Family Uae. Laboratories of Walz& Stii.lwwll, Analytical) and Consulting Chemists, N. Y-, i eh. 5, 1878.) # Wo have made a caroful t xamhmt.on of Whiskey received f om TtlcNnrN. Dodge, Cammcyer^ Jan. ai),lSi8. marked “OldIfllll " Pure Old Rye, a ad fiml tho -am. tree Horn Fusil Oil ..r other deleterious Mib-tancc. WALJfl & STILLWELL. Sold by Druggists aul Wlno Merchants generally. DODGE, CAMMEYER & CO., REAVER STREET, NEW YORK- feb!8 tiuithGm DR. RICE, ace, LOUISVILLE, KY., UrI and legally ^qualified physician and tho ORDINANCE IN RELATION TO STEAMBOATS, &e. B E IT ORDAINED, That In cases of vio lation of any of the City Ordinances, where the offender is onboard any of tlie boats at tlie wharf or leaving tlie same, tlie commander of such boat shall be .required t > stop and deliver tlie otlVndei*, on being signal led by any Pol ice officer to do so. Failure to comply with this ordinance will subject the commanding officer of such boat to a fine of not loss than Ten Dollars, In the discretion of the Mayor. Adopted In Council April 9th, 1879. F G WILKINS, Mayor. M M Mooke, Clerk Council. aplu lw if effeett: Dooay, Plmplm ipermatorrliOA and Impotenoy, 'self-abuse in youth, sexual excesses In mi- ithor causes, aud producing sonic o t the fol- Isrrousucas, Seminal Emissions, (night etuis* i). Dimness of Sight, Defective Memory, Phy* ui Sexual Power, Ac., rendering 5™“’o«rT°sYPHi£is pair's Plus and other private diseases quicklv cured. It Is self-evident that u phy Melon who pays special attention to a certain class of diseases, and treatiug thousands anuu* wing this fact often he seut privately When i lcincs cni undertaken. iVdo'aiBl corr Charges i p by letter free nnd invited, spoudence strictly contidwilUl. PRIVATE COUNSELOR Or 200 pages, sent to any nddress, securely sealed, for thirty VIO) cents. Should be rcud by all. Address as abovo. Union hours from V A. M. to b P. u. Sundays, 2 to A P. M. mb29 d.twly The Most Wonderful Health Restorers Known to Medical Soience. CURE BY ABSORPTION. Are worn externally. Tho medicitiesare taken up by t!»»‘ pores of tlie skin, thereby reaching the seat of t Do disease at once, arresting Its progress more effectually than any medicines taken In ternally ever did or can do. We make three dif ferent kinds of Pods—No*. I, 8, and 8. No. 1—For 4'liilln A Fever, 1M»|»o|i*1a, ImllgeMlon, It 111 ousues*. Nick nnd llciulactic arising from a Torpid lAver. The most effect ual lllooil Purllicr extant; gives strength to 11 debilitated. l*rfiec 88.00." No. 8-For Fcninlc Weakness nntl Vr- rcimlariUcN, Falling Womb, Leurnrrhcea (Whites), and tho many other Ills to which fe males are subject; enriches the blood, purities the secretions, nnd strengthens weakly and delicate Female*. Price 83.00. No. 8—For Kidney, Nnlnc. ansi Blad der affection*. Kriirhr* IN*ca*c. IMa- vitality If von „„ (TRATIVt: PA l>.N, for you, do not lot him . Imitations but send tlie price •druggist does not keep “KNYDKK'M ....... ,, ft|u j w jjj „ ut gpl one palm off other worthless a letter, ill mail the: E. F. SNYDER & CO., 143 TT. 4th St., Cincinnati, O. mh23 tu,til,sat,ska wly W. W. SHARPE & CO., PUBLISHERS’ ACENTS, No, 25 Park Kow, Now York, Dividend No. 10. MERCHANTS & MECHANICS' BANK ONE OP TIIE MOST IMPORTANT DINCOVERIEM of the nineteenth century, and ono that takes equal rank with the invention of tlie telephone, electric light and other scientific marvels of tho age, is that of Henry’s CARBOLIC SALVE, This Compound possesses the most re markable Healing Properties of any known agent employed for the purpose of curing SORES, WOUNDS, CUTS, BRUISES, Inllamed and abraded surface, and for ALL SKIN DISEASES. Its cleansing propertis remove all In purities that hinder the formation t_ Healthy flesh, and the work of cure goes >n to completion with most wonderfi raviditT. Let no lamlly be without box of It in the house. Physicians extol its virtues; and the thousands who have used it unite in recommending it. Ho of counterfeits. Ask fur Henry'i Carbolic Salve, and take no other. JOHN P. HENRY, CURRAN & CO. Sole Proprietors, 8 COLLEGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Is a perfect Blood Purifier, and is the only purely Vegetable remedy known to sci ence, that has made radical and Permanent Cures of Syphilis and Scrofula in -all their stages. It thoroughly removes mercury from tho system; it relieves the agonies of mercurial rheumatism, and speedily cures all skin dis eases. £3J“For sale in this city by BRANNON & CARSON. mh 13 d2taw«twly NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES Central Line of Boats. A fter this date ail Freight by this Line will be delivered only to Author ized A {/cuts of the Consign ton, Ac., Consignee. 4®*The Boats will not be responsible for er rors In the delivery of Cotton or Goods of any kind after they^have^beenrecel^tod for. mhl5 lm Houses lor Mere Nothing. J WILL sell ten or twelve eueap Houses, to bo removed ^ from tho “Jake Burrus Cc To Brick Makers. __ well burnt hard BRICKS, delivered at any point in Columbus of easy access to drays. Contract must he closed bv 20th nst. [apl2 3t] JOS E WEBSTER. LOST A COW. A LARGE, Yellow. Bntrheaded COW, with white spot In the face, a little white in flanks. Marks—Pnderbit ami over-slope in right ear, smooth crop off loft. I will pay $5 to any one delivering suid Cow to me, at Depot H W R R. WILLIAM HINTON, (Col ) Columbus, (Ja, April 12,1879. 3t