Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 27, 1883, Image 4

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- r r r: ■ DAILY ENQUIRER-SDN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1883. LOO AX NEWS The Enquikkb-Sun is not responsible for ony one's aooounU excejd those auainet the proprietor. i UAILI naUHRT, EKQCtBKB-SrR OinoB, March 2<•, 1883 UOMOB. fha urkot to-day *u qnlat—Infs'lor.—— s ordloary, 708o t food ordinary, •?V<V«c. low mlddltaca. bJaoj middlings *09*01 good uitdlllnga «YGMe. BBCBITBD TO-DAT. UlibZEEEEEEL E :i EASTER OBSERVANCES. Religion') Serilc'H at the Kplsc' p )1 Hurt Catholic Cheches. Trinity Hunday School. Hands/ wa u KuHter.Hnd lla ohservanris in tblH city wan more general than usual. The people wore out In largo numbers, and everything gave the appearance ot a day o/ more than ordinaly Importance to ohuroh-gulug people. Tho service BHirrBD to-hat. C B W. B. K h ms Consumption .... ltd,*11—I04.0J3 7.4K3 Haealvad to-duy „ freTlousir......... Shipped to-day............^...... previoi ■took ob hand.. ——. coBaMroMunre hath last tbar. Stock Ancn»t »lst. 1881. 7*7; received same day 1W; total receipts, W.782; shipped same day. II >; total shipments, *1,313; atock, 9,266. aaloa 140 mldlllngs, ll l «,e. Reoelpts at United Rtatos ports to-day, lO.Ml; for 3 daya, 26,7lu. axporta to Great Britain. 8.4»i; cou Uncut, iy,o*2, atock, —. United Slates I'orto.—fleoelpte for 3 data 18,7oft ei ports to Great Urttala. 21,976. to oontlueut, 7,7*1 Btook ■■■—■• _ FVMlUAL .% II t it'Mt. The friends and acquaintances ol Mr. W. L. Tillman ami family, Mr, W. F, Hnjdor and f&mlly and Dr Jamk* A, Tillman are Invited to at tend tho funeral of tho latter from the residence of Mr. W. L. Tillman this afternoon at 1 o'clock. indem to New jsilmsrtietmentm. Card ot Thanks— Hatcher dt lintunou. i^ulok Work—T Newman. Hale ol tlic Chnppeli Lota Haiti relay. Hamlin's Wizard Oil— Gautier A Dowdell Regular Meeting of Muunt Mormon Lodge. Tho Coroner’m Mi Coroner llrook s’ request, when his services are rc« will let Railin' McMlchaul on band promptly. ua to Nay that ulrod If pnrtl know be will be A I. < « J ><> Me Jb’ire Alarm, The alarm of lire wart Hounded thlR m lug at 1:15 o’clock, but the coLflugratlon proved lobe outside the city UmltH J supposed to bo t lie burning of hhiiiuII bouae up In the "Old Field,” about a ml.o i of the city. Atons rat «/ Or. J A. TtUtnan. The remains of Dr. J. A, Tillman reached the city ou the 11:40 tram ycHterday, and werotukeu to the roRldenoH of hla hi other, Mr. W, L. Tillman, from wliloh place the funeral will lake place this afternooi o'clock. The treat her. We learn thala heavy wind prevailed In the adjoining counties Hominy morning about 2 o'clock. It blew rather Hllfl In this city. Home reacts and ohlmneyH blown down, but no othor damage of which we have heard war done. The therm ter put on w inter airs yestordfly, and forced everybody Into their winter wrapping", Tlieoldent Inhabitant ucaroely rememborH Ruoh cold weather tlila late In the aero M'ermonu I. Mr J 11 Hamilton left ou a visit to r lorlda yeaterday. Col W H Wallace, of Duller, whs In 1 city yeaterday, Mr K P Tollman, of fJutohechubboo, w lu the city yeHtorday. Mr J Ij Donuts, editor of tlie Harnllt* Journal, was In the city yesterday. Senator Thomaa DjWoII, of Chattalioc- ohee county, la lu the city, Mr J M DeLacy, of llateheohuhtmo, wan registered at lire Central Hotel yeHtorday. Mr’J K Cargill liaa returned from New York, whore ho purohaHod an elegant atock of apring and Rummer dry goods. Mr M Joaoph returned from New York laat night, where ho purchased a beautiful atock of apring an«l Huminor millinery, Mr D ]' D.izler lias returned from New York, whore he purchased u lovely atock of apring and autniner dry goods for John Mo- Gough A Co. Col J M Mobley, of Hamilton, passed through the city yeaterday on route for Macon, where he goes to moot the commit tee to decide upou tho advisability of having a a tale fair. fnatirntinr Adjaotere in tho City. The following luautancu agenta havo reached tlio city and are registered at the Rank In House: Eugene Wnkeman, Brook lyn, seoretary of the Meoliantoa; W A Daniel, Savumnih, of the Hoolllah, Union and National; Jobu D Auderaon, Naahvllle, of the Royal and the London and Lau> cash Ire; J ease Watson, Jr., New York, ol the Westchester; laaao Boyd, Atlanta, of the Loudon Assurance; J S Halil”, Ats tauta, of tho Niagara; W. 1*. Patlllo, Atlanta, ot tlie llainborg-Brcmeu; Joel Hurt, Atlanta, aecrotary of the Atlauta Home; Jl. C. Htookdoll, Atlanta, of the tlueen of England and the Fire AhsooIu- lion uf 1'hlladelphla ; J A Thomas, Naah vllle, of the Gar man* Amer loan ; Mr W N Hawks, of Atlanta, agent of tho Live:pool London and Glode and the Faotora’ and’ Traders’, 1h also here. They oome lor the purpose of adjusting the losses by the Fountain warehouse .tiro, which will re el ulre.several days, The ruritn Hull. Holdmu has Websterllallboou tlie acetic of so much pleasure and brMllauoy as 11 was lastulgni. Tho ouchhIoii was a delightful l’urim hall given by our Hebrew frletuls to celebrate the festival of Purlin. There was a very large attendance, among whom were many visitors from udjaceul towns and cities. The ladles wore elegant costunies, and the gentlemen were never ho gallant and handsome. To say that tho entertain ment was a success would he a tame expression—It was simply grand. Every body entered Into the fullest enjoyment of the pleasures of the occaslou and oacb vied lu making others happy, The dancing began about U o’clock and coutluued until 10:81), when refreshments were nuuouuced The feast was literally one fit for tbegods- J .ist such acme as Is characteristic of those most delightful oooaslous Aftor refresh* menus dancing was resumed aud continued until 111 o’clock, wiien the parting came, aud each left the hall the happier for having beeu present again at this annual least of the soul as well as the body. Tlie managers are cerlaluly to be congratulated upon the auooessful manner lu which they oouduoted theientortaluiueut from the begtnulug to the end. 7home F/tweri. Flowers, ol h11 created things, are the most Innocent and slmp’e, and most su perbly complex. Flowers! beloved by the wandering Idiot, and studied by the deep thinking man ol science; fl jwere! ibat of perishing things are moat perishing, yet, ot oil earthly things are tlie most heavenly; ft >wert! that unceasingly expind to heuven their graleiul, and to man their cheerful looks; partners of human j ly, soothers of human sorrow, fit emblems or the victor’s triumphs—of the young bride’s blushes; welcome to crowded halls aud graceful upou solitary graves* Wtiat a dreary, desolate place would be a world without a fijwer: It would be a face without a smile, h feast without a welcome. Are not the tlowers the stars of the earth? aud are not the s’ars the ft iwors of heaven? Gne cannot look closely at the structure of a flowor without loving It. They are em blems ol manifestations ol God’s love to the creation; and the meaus und jululstral lorn of man's love to his fellow creatures, lor they first awaken lu bis mind a sense ol the beautiful and good. The vtry luut illty of £1 »wers Is their excellence and great beamy, for they lead us to thoughts of gen erosity and moral beauty, detached from and superior to ad selfishness. Last night while sitting la our sanctum these thoughts were ruggeated when we were made the recipients of a bosket ol beautiful ti Jwer*. Our peu would prove a very beggar la describing me beauty of this artistically arranged basket, which so forci bly reminds us that It Is not ail shadows even lu an editor’s life. That the flowers and tho kiud remembrance commands our appreciation needs not the telling. In the morning pa aoior which Easter tide demands, beautiful flows n In the font and on altar were suggestive of the great fac Easter day. The congrega’lon was large and Rev. Dr Hunter de lvneda excellent discourse. The s nglng by the choir was unuaual'y fl The hour for afternoon ier. ice was devil d to the children ol the Hunday sch-ol, nd the Interesting programme lor their Easter celebration was well carried nut, tof the chancel rati stood an aich, neath which wau a emus. After the pray and lessons, aud the Bit gtng of chants and each ola brought up with Us « fleiti-g beautiful baskets oi flowers wliloh wore l.ung upon is cross, forming a lovely scene. The rector made a few most appropriate 11 marks which he OlOttd by WltblOf the obi dron Enter Joy. Tlie singing ola carol an the benediction dosed a very pretty aervlo J the children dRpelsed to their horn) with lighter steps and happier bean*. M L. Wells, the superintendent, dene-vi ml credit for the Interest which he in taken In this Huuday school and the sue iss wbloh It hasHttslued. II I.Y FAMILY-CATHOLIC. The church of the Holy Fair I y was h'n PHUlIfii'Jy decoraled and mote were pre. it than could flud scats. Tlie alter t evt “fo^e looked so beautiful, aud thecatidlei giving out their golden-ooloied ti mes an inatlng the alter, made a lovely an prslve scene. 'J he muslo whs a flue havo h«u:d In a long while. All I It weie euchHitid with the s melody. Father KUsch preached an proprlale sermon lor the occasion, aud gave he happy. TRINITY The Easter losilval of Trinity C’huich Mist-Ion Sunday tohool was held at their chapel list night. The services commenced at H o’clock with the Easier carol, ”IIe H Risen,” followed by prayer, oolleot, • then another enrol, "The Golden Gatos Lifted,"after which osme tho presenta of buunerr. These banners were el'i and beautiful, most of them being hi painted on satin. A novel suhs’ltute U tanner wes that ariangtd by Mrs. White Hide, Which was a ring about f diameter suspended from a stair by rlh bons, aud fn in the ring hung numsr ous liny biiskeis filled with It banners were arranged lu a seiul-clrole I front cf tho chancel, and In tlio center a hank of moss, bordered with bright Mow ors, aud covered with Easier eggs, gaily colored and figured, which wore distribute among and mndo very happy the one hun dred and twenty-live llllle people who up the membership of this progressive Hum day aohool. N> xt In ordor came tho rector’s address and never were Mr Huntor’s remuiliHmorc appropriate and Interesting, or listened l with moroattention than by this portk of hla llock. After this address come the carol "A wak Arise!" Then tho superintendent present* u<ch toucher wltti a hatidHouie Easter oard the most elaborate wo have seen this son. They weiu covered with plush and opened like a book, on the hack ol oach i shou d rats* id tin Ido vorsui id d tiler cl t a rremeemton mf tho Hyatnojrmm. i weather has been as "fickle as a maiden’ for the past few days, The first of last week one would have presumed that prlng, lu ail lu eiherial mildness, bad ti stay. Before the week was half gone re- fUsh the Intelligence that Wash ington city is a aheet of snow every- •mru the appearanee ot the dead of winter— inHrk ttie distinction, not the "dead winter ” Here the whistling winds have rped the g’e fal notes of the chirping gnters and were It uot for the budding s aud blooming fl iWern, we would lm*g- Uial January was still liugerlng among The oouds have poured out the rain I even,now, ha g lowering overhead, ut the pili,opal movement of the equl- [th will tvenlnHiy bring about a change, 1 we shou d b( prepared tor It. Owing to these precessions the weather now gracing the hoary time ot (’hrlstmas will, a rlod of 11,600 year a, he lending its charms thelffith ol Match; and that the wealhor >w din racing tlie J6hof March maybe oked forward to as likely to do tbe same thing (or the Christmas that will be when the earth Is years older. Owing (sgalu It may not be out uf place to rerntud the sdere) to the inclination of the axis which supp iso J to ran through the oh cum navi gable earth, and the bulging out peculiarity It has just about tbe equator, ll allows uu to fall a little bli inure kluoerely lu Icve wltti aoine parts of It than with others, Ho It Is pursuing lla annual pannage Kind the suttee of light—no 1 . It would •ear, "In rubidcu meditation, fancy free," but having a leaning towards the day star, tuai the so-rnlUd upper end of this axis, blob Is dent minuted "Tne North l’ole,” Is msed to dutorlbn a little olrole of lie own, Independent of the oarllDs dally motion und Its axle. This can be done la minis* ture by running a pencil through an apple, ud causing the apple to revolve around le pencil, while the pencil Is turned, end vor end In the hand. The moon. It Is ue, has a certain amount of influence, >lh In hastenli g und retracting this pro- anion of the t (juIiioxob, or causing the equint x lo t.ocur a llllle bit more previous ly every year, hut ll can he pul down as a 11 cerlillod faol, thatll wilt be 26,800 years lure the * ipnuox Isugatn Just where it la day. COTTON FACTS. e, . OVER THE III V Elt. A ttorit Atm tho County Mats. proprlale to Hie season and tlowera. At thlsjunoture, the llhrurtau, Mr, J. Hut. dor, was requested to step forward, and Ui rector, In a feeling, earnest in suiitod him with u gold-headed half of Hie * in :oth, toachors and members of the school. No token of estoeiu could hu been inure worthily bestowed, as Mr. Hnl. dei^hus beeu a most ou. n «sl worker for Urn school. The superintendent, Mr G. H tek tiam VVhltesutu, Is ever suulylng the lute oils of this mission school and the elfl and teachers ever stand ready to aid hit currying out any plans lie in y suggest. LUOAL LACONICS. —During suoh wo it tier as this tlio waste basket catches the spring p tot. —The mayor's matinee netted 8-7 26 yos- torday. —The Oulumbus Guards will meot for drill overy night this week, except {Saturday night. lag —There will he |a gentlemun's dressing gown rutl-d at the Webster building to night at H;:tu o’clock. — Herruiauu, the magician, who will appear at Uprlugor Opera House Thursday ntglit, Is at the head of Ills profession lu tlio United Hiatts. — Painted sn thuHarc Raid to be fashiona ble, but ou ttie cross-rouds tlio weathei- heatou pine s.ish with an old liataupplj lug tlio place of glass may utlll he soeu. —It Is said Dial we spend more for tobac co than for bread, Tills seems a little hard to believe, when every one appears to de pend on 1i1b trlundx for the former. —Rev. Otis A Ulasebrook, formerly ot Macon, iikN beeu selooted by the University of Virginia lo bo chaplain of the unlvor* ally for tlio your following Uo’-obor 1,1H82 —One of the boys whose sweetheart's hair Isof a cru-hod Htrawhor p y color, calls tho trockles on her face "brown-eyed daisies, slumbering In cream." —Oaeol tho first lessons that ought tube taught ul ttie many fushlouuble cooking schools 1h: "Never stir the hash wt'h one baud aud smooth the hair with the othor.' Professor Ebert has consented to act musical director lor tlie 1MI.U of April. He will be asKlHlod by sotuo of the best taleut lu tho elty. —There aro beautiful Christmas cards New Year cards, birthday cards and L inter cards, but one who Is posted snys none of them can beat four aoes, whatever that —The Hamilton college endets expect to receive thotr guns on Thursday. They have deoldod to visit this city on the 2Ulh of April. They will tua^e a handsome addi tion to the military display. —We sympathise with our friend of the Bulletin, whose experience teaohea him that "a man w’ho marries a gtrl lor her gcod looks sometimes discovers that ‘a thing of ol beauty is a Jaw forever.' " —We hear ot two or threo weddings to take place lu this ct'y early lu the spring, hut tiow many more uf our girls may woar orange blossoms before the leaves begin to fade again we will not venture to predict. —We learn that Arthur Headricks, col ored, who received an appointment In the pension office a few months sg >, lias been promoted aud uow receives a salary of 81,000 a year. —Hinee the meat market has beeu made so attractive, ll seems that Alderman Hobueshler might extend tho g->od wink to the vegetable market. It Is lu u dreadful condition aud should be repaired. —A man up town made a wager with a lady that he out 1 thread a needle quicker thau she ojuld sharpen a lead pencil. The man wou. Time, 14 minutes aud 40 sec onds. It is thought that the result would have beau dlUerent If the woman had uot run out ot lead pencil Inside of five mta- utes. RIVER N EWH. ENUtHKRIt Sun: In Hunday’s Isiuoyour Over Hie River" correspondent sayi-: There la excitement among the o bout tlie uncertainty rh to the existing location ol Iheonouly line between IJro III* 1 and Girard ami ttiatthe probate Judge f L o couuty Intimated lu public icwly e'eoud nnuuotl of Brownevllle that ,ee c unty *.ltlo** p a would he expected to uh.rce ttie collcoUoa ot faxea to what Is ailed a newline, some distance south the establish d line, aud tho wrltor there- .ue and Russell counties lo sottlo the matter by u Jilut OOOMBttt Now. to all the atiove I have to say that any exoltemenl or uneasiness on the part of those residing lu that locality Is wholly unni'oesNHry aud premature. If Judge Kd- wuidt advised wh above stated he advlhod uot in accordance with ttie law, and Hie Joint commission suggested by your corrus' pondeut will uot beagteed t*»hy Russell. UneasIneHs and unoerlnlnty about the collection of taxes Is unnecessary, heouuso that line wliloh ail the while heretofore has been reoognixud by both counties, and the location of wliloh Is well define; generally known, Is the Hue which all ofll olula of tioth couiiilcs must act up to until its locution Is changed by competent thorlly. ah the line do Jure la In dispute, the line dc facto must control until tho line dc Jure Is fully established, How and I what manner ttieile |ute lino la to he deter' mined la not now a question; hnl sufficient unto the day aro any changes wliloh must ensue from lla determination. Any other iule than that, which oontlnuos Hu order of things found existing when a dl pule begins, until the dispute Is fully set- tl"d would Inaugurate anarchy and chaos ofTlcots of Lee, who might venture beyond the Uu faolo line to oolleot tuxes, or to e force any legal me'inurn originating In I.< would bo summarily checked by tho courts, O/ll ors of RuhhoII must taxes aud exercise Jurisdiction respectively to tlio de facto line or fall short of their * Mlclal duties. to the j .tut omumlsslon suggest i that Russell will say, as sh • has already said through her commission, that a Joint com mission has heretofore led aud the results of Its aotlou v eHiuUiishmont of tho present IlnensappourN erds, aud Unit If Its action Is not lobe final, what assurance have we that the notion of a second ora third or any number ot oominlsslous would make of this matter a finality. The mailer having once been settled lu Ihe wav agreed upon by all parties tu Inter est cannot ho rtMipuned except by consent if nil parties and which consent Russell Jots not choose toglvo. Hut as I commenced this nrttolo merely to allay uneasiness ou the par,, oftax payci and to preveut a mistake of duty until part of efilchils, I will not uow further dl. cuss the in.illor In Its de Jure aspect. Respectfully, J. M. Lknnahd. “iffg Tax Pa yet” Enqimuku Bun : My alien lion boa been fiat led to the artloie published In Huuday’i paper over tlie above signature, relative to whut action the "city fathera” should take in procuring another oemelary. My propo> ellloii was 60 acres of laud upon such terms that tho city oould rolmburse her* self for all expenditures, Tax-payers prop' osltlon Is 15 acres taken back from tho laJlesand the park association, and as a source ol revenue to lighten the taxes," Asa measure of eoonemy, It oould ho carried still further.hy doing without the seweruge, Improvement of Raudolpu street, anew el'y hospital, that "Tax Pay gests While economy Is to be commended In any one, aud especially lu our city ofll dale, I *1) uot believe that they will it bo said that they did so lu a manner that would aim a blow at tlie progross and Urn provomeut *of our city. 1 would suggest that "Tax Payer" advoo ite his propodtlon over his own signature, as tils present lacks somewhat ot Ideuttty, both to myself aud his brother "Tax Payer” us well ns Hie city fathers whose comlderatlou ho earnest ly entreats for hts suggestion. Yours truly, G. K. Thomas, Jr. ateioart County H’earn. The Lumpkin Jndepenilsnt furnishes the following hems: The deacons of the Baptist church have and Je a died to tho Baptist cemetery to the The N^w York Financial Chronicle of the '24'h makes the totaf visible supply of oot- ton 8,292,802 bales an Increase as compared with isst year of 881,090, an Increase over 1881 of 206,880 bales, and au Increase over 1879 of794,162 bales. As oompared with taut year the American supply has Increased 412.686 bales. For the week ondlng on the 28d, the re ceipts at the United Hla tee porta reached 106,(02bales, making the total since Bap. ternber 1st, 6.242,78J bales, against 4.236 > 6<)5 bales, showing an increase ol 1,006,176 balee. Tbe twenty-six interior towna for the we*-k ending the 28J, reoelved 67.30J bales, ship pad 74,516 bales, aud had Btooks of 279,- 010 bales, name time last year they re oelved 28,879 bales, shipped 69,064 bales, and had steuks of2l3,018. The ahovo totals show that the old Inte rior stocks have decreased daring the week ,710 balea, und are to-night 24,609 bales more thau at the surne period last year. Tbe re- lpis at the same towns have been 25,249 bales more than the same week last year, and since Hep ternber 1st the receipts at all the towns are 0i6,890 bales more thau lor the same time In 1881-82. Ttie exports tor the week ending this eve ning reuoh a total of 96 059 bale*, of which 48,187 were to Groat Britain, 11,730 to Prance and 85,112 lo the rent ol the omtluent, while the stock a as made up this evening are now 881,901 hales. Its tubular statement of receipts from plantations, tho Chronicle appends the lol** lowing: The above statement shows—1. That the total receipts from the plantations since (September 1, 1882, were 5,500,244 baler; In 1881-82 were 4.411,798 halos; in 188)81 were 6/182,787 bales. 2. That, although tho receipts at tho onta ports tbe pant week wero 105,002 bales, the actual movement from plantations was ly 87,835 hales, the balance being taken from the stock** at the Interior towns. Last year the rocelp.s from the plantations for ne Wi ck wo-o 31,141 bales aud for 1881 they w* re 82,7<3 bale*-. he table below we give the receipt* from plantations In another form, and add to them the net overland movement to March Is*, and also the takings by south- spinners to the name dale, so ue to give suhatantlally 'he amount of cotton now lu sight: rfvn of the Iti beern JErerlnghan The s'earner Rebecca Everlngham arrived yeaterday morning at seven o'clock, bring* lug a lair miscellaneous freight aud forty- eight hales of cotton,which were consigned as follows: Blade A Etheredge .19, Blanchard A Uurrus 12. Flournoy A Kpplng ll), Geo J’ Swill A Sou ti, J W Woolfolk l, Mrs J Y Campbell, Columbia; T W Jones, Eufaula; A Straus,Col AT Newsomaud wife Miss Lizzie llall, Fiorcuce; E W McLendon,' Miss Fannie Cowles, Jerulgan; W W Fitz gerald, Flizgerald’tt upper landing; 13 T Pinkston, lRull'iowu; Miss Alice Lawson, Lawson; Fifteen on deck, various. She will leave at ten o'clock to-morrow morning. town oil. 1883. Receipth at the po ..bales 5,242.783 . 6,506,944 Net overland to March 1... 520,550 Soul her ii consumption 200,09 1 18S2 4,236.606 2J8.193 a mmw claim v. JPtfly Aer— AdJotsUny tho City for isle ENquiR*R*Suw : Some time ilnoethe question of i new oemetery wu dis cussed through the oolumns of yoar paper. At present, however, it seems to have been forgotten among the many new enterprises and Improvements of our thriving city. There were many objections made by citizens and land owners of tbe city’s extending the bounds of our present cemetery, as will be remembered by those who are inter ested upon the subject. Now, Mr. Ed itor, with these faots lu view, aud also the fact that our suburbs are rapidly extending in every direction, would it not be well for the city to procure ground enough for another cemetery before the obstacles and objeotions be- oome more serious, as they surely,will, in a few more years, when the city will be compelled to have another cemetery ? There are fifty acres of land belonging to Andrew H. and Albert W. Shep herd, which they are now offering for aale, adjoining the south commons. This land lies level and is high and dry, never subject to overflow, besides the soil is of a good quality, suitable for hrubbery. flowers, eto. This land is in a square body and fronts on the city line five hundred yards, thus making it aooossable at all times. This property be had on very reanonable terms, viz *. Long time and payable in inetall- menta. Here is an opportunity for the city to get a new cemetery without any of the objections offered against extending our present one. The city upon paying one installment gets pos sesion, and by the time the second In stallment is due the proceeds from the salo of lots at a far lower price thau are now paid for them in our present cem etery, will meet it, an\l by this means the city can secure the laud at a small cost, and provide for a contingency that may cost them dear by delay. This property has been placed in the hands of Yonge *fc Grimes for sale, and I would like to call the attentiop of those interested to the fact before it is othorwise disposed of, when theoppor tunity for securing a now oemotery will be much leas. Very respectfully, Qp.iosby E. Thomas, Jr. mb!8 selt&tuSt LOCAL NOTICES. 156,0(0 4,958,153 to Muruli 1 _Totn! In Night March 2t 6.232,813 It Will bo seen by the auovu that the In croase lu aiuoant lu sight to-night, hh com pared with last year, 1h 1 ,‘479,017 bales as pared with 1880-81 Is 399,930 halos and with 1879-80, 918,173 bales. The Chronicle's lelegraphlo weather ports for the week arothus summarized he weather has conllnuel generally fa vorable at. tho south during the week, aud lu moHt sections sulsfaotory progress ban been made with 'arm work. FOUND DEAD. The Lots on the Chappell place wilk be oloeed out at auction next Saturday, About twenty-five choioe lots remain unsold. Columbus Skating Rink will olose April 1, 1883. Open 'this evening for ladles and gentlemen, aud every after* noon at 3 o’dock. Price of skating 10j, J. J. Brewer, Manager, HamlfN'i tTtmmrd Oil, Fifty-cent aud 9100 sixes, st Gan tier <fc Dowdell’s Drug Store. mb27 2t To like Offiooro asd Atemboro of tho Wtro APopartmont and Cittoeno, We desire to express to each one of you our hearty thanks for the services rendered us on the night of the 2ist of March, at which time our warehouse was destroyed by fire, feeling assured you did all that oould be done. Yours respectfully, Hatches <fe Brannon, ifutoh Walk. Mr. T. L. Gruzird, the builder, has lust completed for me a house on Rose Hill, containing four large rooms, hall, pantry, closets, front and back veran das; also kitchen, well box, out-house and fences, delivering the keys in days from the time the first brick in the pillars was laid. I am satisfied With the job in every respect, work, material, *fco.; have bad no more trou ble tbau if I had not been building. To those having work in his Hue I oheerfully say, if you employ him you can rest assured of a quick r.nd thorough j ob, and without auy trouble save to meot the payments aooordiug to (ontraot. The house just finished is for rent uutil October 1st, 1883. T. Newman. Terra cotta Pipe for malm. F ur car loads of Terra Cotta Pipe, all siz«*s, for sale by ui) 25 7t Willingham & Co, BASKET REPOSTS. Bjr Tetognph to the bqilrer-bu. nniouk Special to Enqalrer-aon.l Nxw Yosk, March 24.—The following Is the statement of the New York associated banks for the week: Loans decrease Specie decrease Legal tenders decrease Deposits decrease Circulation decrease 251,700 Reserve? lnorease 1,315,800 The banks now hold t5,455.075 below all legal requirements. Havana, March 25.-8panlib gold 193*4. Exchange in fair demand; on the United States, 60 days gold, 6^97 premium; do. short Bight 7J/i@8 premium; on London, 17@17}( premium; on Paris premium. Nxw Orleans, Maroh 26.—Exobange, New York sight, 91 per 91,000 premium; bankers' sterling 480)4, NXW TOSS MOIVMT HABX XT, Nxw York, Maroh 28.—jfixenang j at '.79% Government bonds slightly higher— new 108% bid; new four and a half per oents 112%; new four per oen.s 120, three per oents, 103% bid. Monty it 10®7 per oent. State bonds without feat are, SUB-TEXASU nr BALANCES. Coin In Bnb-xreasary 1127,187,900, o renoy 96,952,000. NXW TORE STOCK MABIST. New York, Maroh 26.—The stock mar ket oloaed steady, at a deollno day's transactions at the lowing quotalonh: Ala.olBM A, 3 to 8... 8.. t*lo oIom A imall.... 84 do cl ■HIPliwi. gpetador., Florid!., o.mi, p ,, r„va?kl Who helps you with your washingf Why, Cornwall’s Old Soap. Corn wall’s Old ftoap for sale by Kern. A Loeb, ColuutLus. Notwithstanding the numerous frosts oold maps there still remains a prospect lor a fair fruit orop lu this section. The road commissioners have ordered thedlirereut road overeecrs to put their respective roadH In order. It will s* court week, you know. Capt. L J . Blms was In town a few day ago and reports having his six line hogs stolen from him. This Is oueof the serious drawbacks lo raising pork In the south. Judge J B Latimer has gathered several Hue uiesHes uf 8W*awberrles from bis lu rleut bedf. The Judge thinks that If wo had missed the cold weather of March that he would have had at least ten bushels. Tlie Huuday tchool superintendents and teachers of the County are requested to meet Hi Lumpkin on the Hist Tuesday In April tor the purpose of organizing a Bunday tohool association. A mass ir eetlng ot the democratic voters of Htewurt oouuty is called to meet in Lumpkin, at 11 o'clock a in., on the first Tuesday lu April next to select delegates to the state convention, whloh will convene lu Atlanta ou the lUili of April, 1883, to nominate a candidate for governor to fill the vacuncy caused by the death of Hon. A H SU phens. On Monday laat,while a negro xnau ou Dr Ned U tills’ plantation was out spinning rails, the hall Blorm came up and the negro received one of the worst whippings that he ever had lu hts life. Being totally un protected the hall stonee beat upon him un mercifully aud lacerated hla skin to such au extent that when he reached home the blood was streaming from hts face and be wub crying pitiful. Teeth in a (Teething Powders) is fast taking the place of all other reme dies for the irritations of Teething Children. About noon on Huuday the doad body of negro was found In the small stream rhloh runs thrqugh the Northern Ltb- >rllet*. Judge Ktdd was notified ami sum* moued a Jury for holding an inquest. The telslmouy levealed that the negro’s name was G orge Holtr.oluw, end that he was seen lu un Intoxicated condition about 11 o’clock Saturday night. Dr Cameron, county phy- lun, exniulued the body aud found no marks uf violence. The Jury returned tho following verdict : "We, tbe Jury, alter a lull Investigation of tbe ouso, find that the deceased oiune to his death by accidental drowning while In a state of iutoxloatlon." Tlio following composed the Jury: C B Wlllot, foreman, Jake Yeardy, It P Allen, Roily lleern, Joe Hollis, D Gentry, O T Hearn, J 0Taylor, W T Watsou.H FSmith, F D ivldson and Davidson. The stream lu whloh the negro was drowned was not more than about eighteen Indies deep. ^ LABOR. Labor makes ue healthy, Labor make** ub strong; It inukt'i tlio gloomy cheerful, Tur us sad nuts Into song. Labor makes the Holds to bloom With guidon, glossy grain; Labor builds tho ships that sail. Across tho billowy uialu, Labor builds tho pulace 8o buauloous to the eye, Erect* tlio statoly tower That lifts its head so high, Labor builds the railroads O’er which wo safoly ride, Coustructs tho woudrous bridges Which span tho rivers wide, Labor cloars the wlldornoss Of Its douse, tangled wood, And builds majestic cities Whore ouce the forest stood. Auil gives to man tho riches Of all her hlddeu store, —G. W. Jauuess. t'.n tlirial italic Endorsement. Goriiam, N. H., July. 14, 1879. Gents—Whoever you are, I don’t kuow ; but I thank the Lord and feel grateful to you to know that in this world of artultorated medicine* there is one compound that proves aud does all it advortise.s to do, and more. Four yoara ago 1 had a slight shock of palsy, which unnerved me to such an extent that tho least excitement would make me shake like tho Hgue. Laat May I was induced to try llop Bittors. I uaed one bottle, but did not seo any ohange; another did ao change my norves that they aro now an steady rh they over wero. It uaod to take both hands to write, but now my good right hand writea this. Now, if you ooutiuue to manufacture aa honeat and good an article ua you do, you will aocumulato au honeat fortune, and confer the greatest blessing on your fellow*men that wa9 ever conferred on mankind. TIM BURCH. mii22 th,sat,i e,tu aw X7«70jaa^9wjn2.. HOPE FOB SUFFKUINO WOMEN, 80MKTI11NG NEW UNDKH TUB SUN. By reasou of her peculiar relations, and her peculiar ailments, wnmau has beeu compelled to suffer, not only her own ills, but those arising frmu the waiiI ot knowl edge, or of consideration on the part of those with whom she s ands connected In the social orgaulxRlou. The frequent aud distressing Irregularities peculiar to her sex have thus beeu aggravated to a degree whloh uo language can express. lu the manslnus of the rich aud the hovel of tbe poor alike, womau lias been the patient victim of Ills unkuowu to man, and which none but she oould endure -and without a remedy. But uow the hour of her redemp* tlon has come, Bhe need uot sufler longer, when she can find relief lu Dr. J. Brad- field’s Female Regulator, M Woman’s Rest Friend." Prepared by Dr.J. B rad field, A U lauta, Ua. Price: trial size, 75c;‘1 arge slxe 11 50. For sale by all druggists. d*fcw "1 Am Very Welt Off, M Don't Want At.’ One ot thu mobt Httcoeanful merchants in Now York refused to Baton to tbe subject of life iuburanoe, lie dldu’t care about its guarantees; be didn’t be lieve in it ns au investment; didn’t need ita protection; didn’t care how profi'able it was. His business and bis success was all tbe reliance be wauted for his wife and family, built hiuiseil one of tbe largest aud costliest down*town stores; he built one of the most superb country seats in tbe state of New York. Yet re verses came, as they come to tbe shrewdest, lie reeled under tbe blow and died. His wife and family were turned out of tbelr elegant mauslon and took refuge in tbe stable-loft built for the ooacbuian. Tbe widow begged the privilege of this shelter till she oould fiud some place to lay her bead. In the day of bis prosperity he oould easily have taken out a life policy for 1100,000, or endowments for 950,000, but be was too proud and ooufident to do it. There arc not ten merchants in our city who have less reason to expect fail ure than this gentleman bad. Moral—Secure a policy in the Mutual Life. D. F. Willoox, dAwtf ^ Agent. An Aromatte Fragrance Is imparted to the mouth by tbe use of 80ZODONT, It is beyond doubt tho cleanest, purest and best wash ever offered to tbe public. SOZODONT and comfort are synonyms. It cleanses tbe cavities in the enamel of the teeth. mb20 tu,tb,sat,se*w There is a great deal of unmapped oouutry within us whloh would have to be takeu into account in explanation ot our guests and storms.—George Eliot. Engi,isit Female Bitters is intend ed for young girls as well as married ladieB, who have by some exposure become irregular, pale and feeble, with headache, leucorrhcm, pain in side and back, falling of womb, or female weak nesses or excesses. Its use strengthens and tones the stomach, invigorates the nerves, gives iron to blood, corrects irregular uterine aotiou and romoyes unnatural obstructions. ^ mbl5 eodAw2w Wiggins ought to speak soon about the peaoh crop. Horsford's Aeld Phosphate OVERWORKED NERVOUS SYSTEMS. Dr. Edward L. Duer, Philadelphia, says: “I have uaed It for several years, considering it valuable in overworked nervous systems, and in the exhausted condition following protracted fevers.” mb27 eodAwlw About this season of tbe vear the watermelon editor acknowledges the Eister egg that has been laid on his table. Tested by Time.-For Throat Dis- eises, Colds and Goughs, Brown’s Bronchial Troches have proved their efficacy by a test of many years. Prioe 25 oents. mh27 th,sat,se,tuAW wLeu a young man finds himself iu a tight place, he should go out before he gets light himself. John Rodgers, Savannah, says: ‘‘Browu’s Iron Bitters promptly re stored my strength after a protracted spell of bilious fever.” mh27 ddtwlw « XOMOAA BMCCtJJt | TADS, State stands. Georgia 8b,’ duo'is&Tshort dates’,"lw fiiS ... . We Jbioadi.. Atlanta 6s...«..„ Atlanta 7h Augusta ftp Aogusu* 7n Columbus 7c Columbus 6s LaGrange 7e Maoon 6s ivxnnxhfis JBUsilroad Hondo, Atlantlo 4k Gulf 7s Central oon mtge 7s 113 ^114 Columbus & Rome 7s ew @101 Mobile A Girard iid mtgo end 0 K K in ©112 Montgomery A Enfant a 1st mtuo 6b, end C H R 103 ©104 outh Georgia A Florida 1st, en dorsed by state of Georgia, 7 pereeut 115 <&H7 South Georgia A Florida 2d,7 pr ut 100&U 1 Ala.class A, 2 108... 8194 do olass A small.... 84 do class B,5's 100 do class 0,4’s 83 Denver A BloQranda 4634 Chicago A North«’ul3Z) a do preferred. l46*i Erls 37 >2 Cost Tsun B B Smith’s Extract of May Flower for Catarrh of the Bladder. inhIB 3m Smith’s Ex’ract of May Flower cures all diseases ot bladder and kidneys. rnhlfi 8m Homethina Ton Should Know. We have ou exhibit! m one of the finest liu< b of Men’s, Boys’ aud Chil dren’s Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods that we have ever carried In style, qua'lty, trimming, make and price, wo claim not to be excelled by any bouse in the state. The assort ment is magnificent, the styles correct and material wear resisting. Pur chasers will find it greatly to their in terest to visit our establishment before abasing. iwtf H. J. Thornton. BicbmoudA Dan.... M Bock Island ....1Z4>« J pr .. UTelriffraph Uo.... — tQeorgia 6’s 102 Georgia 7’s, mortg.loOi* Georgia 7’*, gold.... 114* La consols. C3 IN Carolina, old SO tdo new „..16 do funding 10 tdo special lax.... ft Teunetaeo 6’g 40 do new... Virginia 6’* tdo consul *Jo deferred (Jheuapeake A Ohio. 21* Chicago A Alton ...133* •Ublc^io.BI I.4N0. 7. OouoIUl.M Oo»l... 25 D.I., lack, . W m>i |a-sw , wiK , s Harlem ...104 Houston A Texas... 72* Manhattan Kiev 40* Metropolitan Elev. SOM Michigan Central.... 93 Moldiu A Ohio.—,..... 17* N J Central..... 71* Norfolk A W prefd. 4l t Now York Elev 104 Ohio A Miss 32 tdo preferred yo Quicksilver „ 8 do preferred 42 BeMing 53 SLA San Fran .... 24 do preferred 48 do Is preferred. — DC St Paul - 08/ do preferred —116 Texas Pacific 80! Union Pacific. V*'> U 8Express 85 Wells A Fargo 120 No'thn Paclflc(com.) 5*' J do preferred 86i N Orleauii Pacific 1st mortgaged boudt... 87* Old Forty Wearm’ Kxperienoe 0/ Xuroo. Mrs. Winslow’s Mouthing Byrup is lbs prescription of one ot the best female phy- tleiauB and nur86B in the United aiates, and has been used for forty years with nev- er-talllug sucoees by millions ol mothers (or their children. It relive* the child from pain, curea dysentery and dlarrhtea, grip* lug In the bowels aud wlud oollo. By giv ing health to the child It rents the mothers to 86 oeuls S bottla TUV'-tH dAwwlr No analyst 1 ''Barupalbs.’' Quirk, complete cure, ail annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary DisexHea. |L Druggists. (3) The weigh to success is full weight if the youug mau starts out as a coal dealer. E. E. Wioks, Broughton and Lincoln streets, Savannah, Gq, says: "I have used Brown’s Iron Bitters and get re lief from it.” mh27 ddkwlw It is a terrible shook to one’s feelings, after singing '‘Salvation's tree,” to hear the announcement that "The collection will now be taken.” Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment in richly worth 910 a bottle in certain cases. For instance, in cases of diph* tberia, croup aud asthma when the suf fer is almost dead for want of breath aud something is required to act in stantly. It coats only 35 cents. mhl8 sat,8e,tU(kw It This is the age ot invention, and yet no one haa discovered how to varnish a calico dress so it will pass tor silk. If there la a person in this country who does uot kuow of Johnson’s Ano- dyue Liniment wo hope this paragraph will reach that person’s eye and that he will write us for particulars of iL It is more valuable thau gold, silver or pre cious stones. mb25 se,tu,satAwlw The backbone of winter is broken, but t) e tail still gives an occasional wiggle. That poor bedridden, Invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made ihe picture of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters. Will you let them suffer, wheu so easily cured ? mh22 th.sat,ne,tuAw Foaming and sparkling Bailey’s Sa line Aperient is the cheapest aud moat delightful purgative in use. For dys pepsia aud habitual constipation, it de lights everybody. mh!5 eodAwYw Retail dealers will double their sales by selling only Sohlitz's Bottled Beer, Kern <fc Loeb, Agents. For Painful Monstruatlon—Smith’s Extraot of May Flower. mhl5 3m Wantea, Second-hand Show Case and a sec ond-hand Platform Scale to weigh about 500 to 1,000 pounds. Apply at Columbus Factory office. mb22 lw For non-retention of urine—Smith’s Extract of May Flower. mhl5 8m Loot, A black and tan Shepherd Pup. A sat isfactory reward will be paid for its re turn to this office, mh21 tf A Standard Fertiliser, Manufactured by Seal, Lawson, Kis- sler dc Co., Baltimore, Md., will be aold for ootton or cash. J. C. Woolfolk, mhl7 2w No. 127 Broad St, Smith’s Extraot of May Flower for Dropsy, ^ mhl5 3m ■Titers to Buy. It you would seleot your Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods from the largest and finest stock to be found In Columbus, and where goods are sold at a small margin on manufacturer’s cost, call on the Southern Clothier, dawtf H. J. Thornton, For Rheumatism—Smith's Extraot of May Flower. mhl5 3m Hoad Thio and Mabo Money. W? are enjoying a lively trade at I and 85 Broad street, while other* com plain of the dull season. To those who did not supply tbemaelves last week with a Suit, Hat and Furnishing Goods, we offer them speolal bargains lu 50 suits of Spring Clothing whloh will be sold for cash at less than 15 per oent profit. Call upon H. J. Thornton at once and you will save money in all your purchases. ddiwtf Call for tne "Imperial Wedding’ 1 pure Rye Whiskey, the finest in the market, at |1 a full quart bottle, at Buhler’s, No. 80 Broad street. dtf For Diabetes take Smith’s Extract of May Flower. mhl5 3m Latest improved Sewing Machines at very low prices at Bramhall's, 99 Broad street,* to olose out stock to two styles Among those to be slaughtered, will be found the F F Weed improved, Gen- uiueSinger, tho English Singer, Davis, Eldredge, Victor «fco., Ac., also a No. 8 Wheeler and Wilson but little used. Various to hand at mere nominal prices. Best Machines, Needles, Oil, Shut* ties, Attachments and duplicate parts furnished for all Machines. febll-dtf. Smith’s Extraot of May Flower for sale by all Druggists. mbl5 3m Special to £nqmrer*cmn.J Naw York, Maroh 2fl —Evening— Cotton ma-ket dull; sales 143 bales; uplands Orleans 10%c. Consolidated net receipts 10,5/6 bales; S orts to Groat Britain 6,t67; to France I; oontlnent 4,373; obannel 0 Nsw York. Maroh 26 —Evening.—Net receipts b bales. Futures dosed weak: Hale** 154,009 baled, as follows: Ms rob -.10 CO-lUOfilO 02-100 April -10 01-1W ®10 02-100 May - 10 16-109 June «^.10 29-190(319 30-100 July 10 41-100«10 42-100 August 10 52-100010 58-100 September JO 38>.100@10 82-100 Ootnber - -10 16-100010 08-100 November 9 96-1000 9 98-100 Deoember 9 98-109010 00-100 The Poses ootton market report says: The future market to-day showed greet weakness, and April to August, Inclusive, sold 8-100 to 11-100 below tbe closing prices of last Thursday. The absenoe of news from tbe other aid**, large reoelpts, continued of fering of long ootton, greatly decreased short Interest and partly renewed short ■ales, sufficiently account for the continued and comparatively heavy decline. It gave more soope to profitable qulok turns and brought sales at 2 p m to about 110,000 bales, Galvibtoiv, Maroh 26 —Ootton Is easy— middlings 9%o, low middlings 9)4o*. good ordinary 8*40; net reoelpts 2,933; nates 1129; ■took 68,3c 7; exports to Great Britain 00; to Frauoo 00; to oontlnent 00; to oban* nel 009. Nourc lk, Maroh 26.—Ootton market Is quiet; middlings at 9%); nel reoelpts l.P" Htook 64 471; sales 1956; exporta to Gr Britain 0, Franoe 0, oontlnent 0. Boston, Mass,, March 2H-Gotten market dull; middlings at 10%o, low mlddllur 0J4o, good ordinary 9%o. net reoelpts 61 ■aiss 00;. stock 11,452; exports to Groat March 28.- Cotton market uuuj uuuuiiugi 9 9-16u, low middlings 9 M60; good ordinary 8 7-16o; net receipt* 1,766; sales 650; stock 63,612; exports Great Britain 0, oontlnent 0, to Franoe 0, Nsw Orleans, Maroh 26-Cotton quiet, easy; middlings at 9%o. tow middlings 316-IO0, good ordinary at 8)40; net reoelpts 6.174; sales 300. stock 314,693; exports to Great Britain 4500; Franoe 10; to oontlnent 1. Mobilr, Maroh 20—Cotton quiet, easy— Booms for Bent In SeeoNd Story of Odd Fellowo* Ball. Five large, well ventilated rooms, newly renovated, in best order, suitable for offices, clubs or sleeping rooms, for single men. Prices m ado reasonable to good yearly tenants. Apply to Giles T Williams, DR Bizeor E S McEaohran. mb 1 Ilf For weak and delioate females, noth ing like Smith's Extract of May Flower. mhl5 d3m For Bright’s Disease—Smith’s Ex tract of May Flower. mhl5 3m The "zinheuser Beer” is the beer to lrink. It is the best in the world, and only f 1 60 ppr dosen, Buhler, No. Broad street, Is the sole agent. Liberal lncoont in fimlws. my 19 t Omier »Uh Cotton Seed. A few bushels for sale, warranted pure, 91 50 per bushel or five bushels or |5. R J Moses, febl3 wod.seAwtf. IlfscNt' Tsrra Cotta »otoor Pipe for sale at Columbus Wood Yard. L. Harris A Co. mbllsunAwed2m middlings at 9 140, low middlings at 9<4o t good ordinary 6^40; net receipts 400; aales 70; stock 34,606; export to Great Britain 00; Franoe 0, oontlnent 09, chant cl 90. Charleston, March 20.—Cottc 1 market steady; middlings at lOo; low middlings at 95^0, good ordinary at 9o: ne rtoeipte 1.563; sales 800; atoek 48.605; ei oorts to Franoe 03; Great to Britain 00, 1 i oont nent 2350. PBUUUC'E AND PKOVIH1UHI. Speolal to Enqnlrer-Bnn.j Cincinnati, Maroh 26—Whisky is steady, at 1 14. Flour market easier; family 5 00, fancy 5 100515. Mew Orleans. New Orleans, Maroh 26.—Sugar steady and unchanged; oommon to Rood common 6J40b%o, fair to fully fair O%07o, f irlme to ouolce 7J407%, yellow clarified 7408c, choice white clarified 8^4, Molasses dull aud unchanged, tormenting at 2O04Oo, oeutrlfugal at 25027c, prime to oholoe at 37050c. Rloe 1b quiet and steady, for ordinary to prime 4^406J4o. Cotton seed oil—crude 41042o, summer yellow refined 48c. IjONlSVllle. Louisville, Maroh 28.—Flonr s'.eady and firm; extra family 8 7504 00, good to fancy 6 0008 26 Wheat dull, No 2 red win ter at 1 0601 10. Corn dull, No 2 white 64o, No 2 mixed 680. Oats quiet; No 2 at —c, mixed western 45o. Provisions quiet and dull: new mess pork at 18 75. Bulk meats—shoulders at 7>4, olear rib 9 90, dear sides 10 37J4. Baoon, shoulders 8%, olear rib K%o, dear sides 11, sugar-oured bams at 11*40. Lard quiet, oboloe kettle rendered 12*40. ■ Whisky quiet, at 114. •I. Louis St. Louis, Maroh 26.—Flonr steady and unchanged; treble extra 4 1504 35; fancy lor April; No 3 rid lall 112*1401 04&. Corn lower, at 46^i046»4o oa«h,4G%c for Maroh,47<T 47% April. Oats easier, at 4OJ4041 cosh. —0 for April. Wblaky .te.dv, »t 115. Wo- visions dull and lower, with ohly a ped dllug trade done. Pork dull, at 18 26 cash, — bid for April. Bulk meats dull and quiet, shoulders 7 20, long clear at 9 65, —A pig nine mouths old reoontiy xor is steady, at l ou. crude turpentine la killed in Amerioua weigbesBOOpounds. I steady, at ISO lor bard, 175 floryaSowdld. snort rib at 975, short olear 10 00. Baoon dull and lower to sell, long clear 10 66, short rib 10 85, short olear U 10. Lard nominal, at 1115. (Jhlesco Chicago, March 26—Flour quiet and unchanged; spring wheat 3 5005 09. Min nesota a 5004 25; patents 6 000750; winter wheat flonr, sontbern Illinois and Mis souri 4250600, Michigan 4 IX)^525. Wheat market ojpened unsettled and lower; regulars 1 04% for Maroh. I 04% for April; No 2 Ctnoago spring 1 0501 00U; No 3 Chicago spring 91 Uc; No 2 red winter 108%. Corn unsettled and lower; No 2 at 50% oasb. 50%o for March, E0-J4O for April urn* steady and a shade lower, No 2 at 40o cash, 39 l /4039%o for March and April. Dressed hogs are nominally unchanged ; shipping at 8 2008 80. Pork opened unsettled aud olosed higher but quiet; at 17 95018 OOoash aud for Maroh, 17 97%018 00 for April Lard unsettled and generally higher, at 1105 oaah and for Maroh, 11 05011 07% April. Bulk meats In fair demand, shoulders 7 65, short rib 9 95, short olear 10 35. Whisky steady and nnohanged. at 1 17. The Drovers' Journal reports tbe bog re oeipta at 9,000, shipments 4.2C0; geneial de mgnd stronger, business necessarily small; market br*^ -- J 7 35. beav 6 0006 75. Cattle re— maud limited; exporters and dressed beef operators tbe best buyers; exports 6 600 7 20, good to choice steers 6 1006 40, light 5 754 6 25, oommon to fair 6 60*^6 10. poor to me dium 2 7503 40, good to cboloe butchers, 4 40 05 00. stookors aud feeders 3 1005 CO, corn fed Texans 5 60. Bbeep receipts 3,200, shipments 300; de mand lair, market steady: exports 6 2507 0), good to choice shipping 5 70*6 20. oommon to medium 4 CO05 59; inferior 3 090400. RATAL STOKES Elf. SAVANNAH. March 26.-Rosln,pales steady at 1 80; strained steady; sales 185 barrels. Turpentine quiet; regulars sales l,0t0 barrels. _ New York. March 26.—Rosin steady, at tl 6501 70. Turpentine Is quiet and firm, at 48%®49o. ' New York. Maroh 20.-Frelghts to Liver pool are quiet; ootton par steamer 3-16d, wheat per steamer 2%d. Wilmington. Maroh 28 — Spirits of tur pentine Is steady, at 44o. Rooln Is qalet, at i 27U for strained. 1 37% for good strained. Tar is steady, at 1 SO. crude turpentine Is m.m.H-2 01(3 -—197 «*.(*) -195 0lu; ——109 011" 199 ®lUc 0100 88 0 84 Western Alabama :M mtge end 8sl 12 0113 Central common8 per oent 99 *&,iuu Central K K 8 pr oent eorlp 93 ® 95 GoorglH ll per cont 147 @14k Bontnwestem 7 pr ot. gnaran toed, 118 0)20 Tartar ir Stoehm. Eagle A Phenix 130 ®!35 Columbus 60 >q> 7m Muaoogee L.9 $135 Merchants A Meohanlcs’ 19 pr ut. 125 £ 130 JVtoflsUaHMMs, Pioneer Oo^Operati vo Co ICO 101 Confederate Oonpon Bonds 40 b FOR HAA.Pi. 10 Shares Columbia* Factory Block. 19 Shares Chattahoochee Building and WAJVTmO. 150,000 Confederate Honda, or auy part. JOHN HLAuk,4Ab Broker and Dealer lu all Secrrit«<w me hands lor sale free of charge. Remember This. If you are siok Hop Bitters will sureiv aid Nature In making you well when ali else fails. If you are costive or dyspeptic, or aro suffering from any other of the numer ous diseases of tbe stomach or bowels, it is your own fault if you remain ill, for Hop Bitters are a sovereign reme dy in all such oont plaints. If you are wasting away with auy form of Kidney disease, stop tempting Death this moment, and turn lor a cure to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible slokuess, Nervousness, you will find a "Balm in Gilead” in the use oi Hop Bitters. If you are a frequenter, or a resident of a miasmatic district, barricade your system agaiuat the scourge ot all coun tries—malarial, epidemic, bilious and intermittent fevers—by the u^e of Hop Bitters. If you have rough, pimply, or sal low skin, bad breath, painH and ache**, and feel miserable generally, Hop Bit ters, will give you fair skin, rich blood and sweetest breath, health, and com fort. In short, they ouro all diseases of tho Stomaoh, Bowels, Blood, Liver. Nerves, Kidneys, Bight’s Disease, |500 will be paid for a case they will uot cure or help. That poor bedridden, Invalid wife, sister, mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. Will you let them suffer? mha) tli.siit, so.tuswliu POWDER Absolutely Purs. This powder never varies. A marvel of purltv. strength and who'esomeness. More rconomiciu than tlie ordinary kinds, and cannot lio sold in coin petlon with the multitude of low tost, short wolsnt. alatn or phosphate powders Sold onljp In cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDEU CO.. 100 Wall street, New York.Ieb6 saU«ly ■JJPON APPLICATION WE WOR SEN!> FREE OF CHARGE A Catalogue oontalnlDg 400 illustrations ! Dif Jewelry and Silver Ware. J. P. STEVENS £ CO. ■4 WIsItalBtoll at.. Atlanta. «» SOMETHING EVERY LADY OUGHT TO KNOW. Tlyro exists ii means of se curing a soft, mid hi'illiuul' Complexion, no matter li»« poor it may naturally !>•'• Hhkhii’n Magnolia Balm is u delicate and harmless arti cle, which instantly removes Freckles, Tan, ltedness, Hoimhuess, Eruptions, V ul- § ar Flushings, etc., etc. So clicate and natural are ils effects that its use is not suspected by anybody. No lady lias tlie riprht to present a disfigured fare in society when tlie Masnolta Balm is sold by nil druggists for 75 cents. l FAMILY OIL 1. .luxury, and BtanJj lout a rival. It has lighted the As a 1 without Southern residences for many years, For sale at retail by the following well known grocers: I L. POLLARD, C E. BOUHKTRABBLRi W. R. MOORE. dtf PIONEER HTtiRES. YOUNG MEN F^»*5'C«NiS KN At Mocks', Buamn, Uriv.mitt, Atl.n- U. UA KatoblUUK' M JX«r.. TU. dm. WorM la mlnlMturM. vw. Iona, “C ** w