Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, June 08, 1883, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER - SUN: COLUMBUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1883. LOCAL NEW8. COLUMBUS DAILY MASK IT. Oounrava, Ga., Jane 7,1801. Fluwclal, ktM for Cotton Bill*—Northern Mill p*ri onft*- nnnANol. Cheoke tm th« counter on Mew York H Kanina i on Savannah par. Oatiaa. Tha market to-dey waa dull-inferior, ——» ordinary, 7#tai food ordinary. *^o: low mid. dUngs, 9K<x mkUlbgs.**fa good mldlioge 10c. nnouvno to-dat. »y 8 W ■ k*gb:b 04 WB IU 0411 IU, Elver —.... Wagoi •uirran ro-nar. By 8 W B 1 04WBB.. Elver, ■TATBUtlT. Stock on hand August list. Itau . 419 Beoalved to-day. — 47 pnTlooilf...N»..MH. • 110,423—110,470 110^89 Shipped to-day,,,,,.,,.,,.,.,.....,,, 139 .previously...... 105,659-105.695 Block on hand.^^, 6,191 ooaauroaDiNO oat* last tbab. Block August Slot, 1881,797; reoelved same day, ft; total reoelpta; 101,889] alilpped aarne day, -Stj total aliipmenta. 91,179; Block, 8,257; aalea. 00; midllnge. 11*. Beoelpta at United Slatee porta to*day, 3.589; for 8 daye, 21,498; esporta to Great Britain. 28,984; conti nent, 12,100; etock, —. United HUtee Porte.—Becelpte for 8 daye, >8.841; exporta to Great Britain, 17476; to continent. 3,yi3; atock, ^ Mmdtar ta few idtwrllaaanenlB. Clothing and Hata-H. J. Thornton. Brick Dwelling for Bale—P. J. Hewell. Plymouth Kook Chickens for Bale—O. C. Harrell. Regular Meeting of Knlghte of the Golden Rule. Mueoogee Factory Honda at 101John Black mar. Match Clean »• •/ Mama Ball, If the weather la favorable a match game of bane ball will be played on theoommonR this afternoon by several young gentlemen. Tboee who will take part In the game are requested to be on the grounda promptly at 4:81) o’clock. Lief •f I'Nmelletle Matter Bald ml aelwaaahaae («a.) reeta^laa. M Brinson, Hatcheohubbee. Alabama; R J Calhoun, Kllerslle, Georgia; Rev W Hill, Buepplng HhoalH, Georgia; Mra Battle Knight, Bavanuab, Georgia; J R Webb, Upatole, Georgia; Mrs Jannle Will lama, care of M A Wlllaon, Thomaavllle. Geor- ffa FA PERM. Mina ltoaa Bell Holmee, Jackson, Mlaala- alppl; one package aeed lor J L Doelert Talbotton. Georgia. Aftar Thana. Btepa have been taken to have the partlra arreatedwho were shooting from the other aide of the river on Wednesday. A number of abote atruok Villa Ketch. Two ahota ■truck Mr Cade’s residence, one of them oomlng very near killing hla son. One of the balls waa found and proved to be a large else rolunleball. Other houaee were struck, several of the ahota oomlng near striking tbe inmates. Mr George Flour noy’e little eon bad a narrow eaoape, a ball passing near hla head. The parties who did the mallolona shooting deserve to be severely punished, Jler maul ham Bthni. Mias Belie Abell w»ll make ber flrat ap pearance before a southern audience at Bprlnger Opera House to-night. If she meets with auylhlug like the plaudits re oelved upon the stage heretofore, ahe will have much for which to congratulate her self. Wherever ahe baa appeared ahe baa obarmed the audlenoea and won many laurels. Tbe orilees who had no reason for being the least oharltable In their exprt stuns, bays aooorded her unstinted oom- mendatlon as sn aotrtss or ability. Ths oltlaens of Oolnmbns will havs an oppor tunity of seeing Mlaa Belle on tbe stage thla evening, and while under different clrourn- ■lanoes she might appear at a more favora ble advantage, there la every reason to be lieve that they will be highly enterlalued and a treat awaits them. There will be a large andlenoe out this evening and a large number of the chairs have already been takeu. Those who desire to aeoure scats should do so this morning, as tbs box sheet Is now opeu at Chaflln’s book storsi Maner tm Wham it Is Dsi. The rules of the publio schools require that a boy or girl shall have an excellent reoord daring the whole aeselou, In fact to be perfect In their leeaona, behavior and at tendance, In order to have their names placed on the roll of honor, Thoaa who had auoh a reoord well deserve to have their names placed there In letters of gold, and we would be the laat to withhold suoh hon ors from anyone to whom they are due. On Wednesday, In copying from the roll of honor In Mias Aunle Patteu'a room, In some way, the name of Master Walter Albrecht waa left out of the Hat published on yester* day. Hla name waa on the roll of houor, and we, probably more than any one else, regret that It waa uot ou our published Hat. Wears glad,however, otau opportunity to oompltment a remarkably bright, well-be haved and good boy, whoae youthlul polite ness and gentlemanly bearing makes it a pleasure to number him among our little friends. _ I a ere*HMl. Mr W 1 11 Pitts, of Waverly Hall,lain the city. Mr Gum Wright, of MouSgomery, Ala, la In the city. Mr and Mra B R Murphey, of Hamilton are In the city. Mr D F McCall, editor of the U nlou Springs lltrald, la In the oily. Messrs Wright McCook and W W Bhlpp, Jr, were In the city yesterday. Mr J H Wllloox, who has been quite il 1 several days, la gradually recovering, Major J M DeLaoy, of White Bulphur Springs, waa In the city yesterday. Mre J T Webster and her daughters, Mra Barfield and Mra Palmer, of Maoou, are In the city, stopping with Mre Lary. They will remain here a few weeks Mr George W Dillingham, who waa taken auddenly ill the day before, waa much bet ter yesterday, though he la atill confined to hla bed. Mlaa Blanch Drewry, of Grifilu, Ga, who haabeenon a visit to Mlaa Nettle Blade, haa returned home. The young man on the east aide of Broad street haa the sympathy of hla friends. Gen B G French haa returned from Florida, where he haa been spending some time. He placed upon our table yesterday a delicious pineapple grown upon hla plaoe which la as tt oe a* any we have ever Judge Martin J Craw lord continues to Improve slowly and yesterday was able to be removed to tbe residence of Captain Reese Craw lord on Forsyth street. Ills many friends hope to see him out again soon. Mr Prloe Gilbert, sou of Dr J N Gilbert, has returned from Vanderbilt University, where be bas takeu a regular ooursc and la now thoroughly prepared to enter upon the praotloe of hie chosen profession, that of law. He la a brilliant aud energetle young man, aud bis friends expect muoh of him lu the futnre. Mm Mara Bfwrrisf in tha Wall a. Bay a correspondent, the fact haa been given oat to the beet London and conti nental society that the reverse in tbe walla ahall no longer be permitted. Tbls reform seems to bave been originated by tbe Prluoe ol .Wales, and of course It was im mediately takeu up by the smaller fashion ables in London. The lU-natored say hla royal highness never did danoe well In hie golden youth, and that slnoe he baa oome to a liberal rotundity of belt, or, In other words, grown fat, hla dancing la simply ex- eorabla. Ha always had great difficulty la doing tbe reverse in the waltz, and now that be oannot do it all, he pule the ban of his disapproval on It. Hereafter there la to be no reverting at the state bails, or at any danees wblob are honored by the royal praaanrr The fact la. the reverse waa hard ly «ver seen on the other aide of the water at any lima, and now, having the positive die* approval of tbe Amt gentleman of Ragland. 18 Will OUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The Trustee, Par Thrlr Aeuutl Visit to the dremstr l» n. rmpilt Jr.Ml, f,»—in m »«•» MO/.MW. Maunmr— T»a JniumI JJJtm. (• It. M ... —0.11 •/ J>«—.r ml jnnaraM. liana A. . The Board ol Truatees, accompanied by tbe mayor and members of tbe oounctl, visited tbe grammar department of tbe white pnbllo echoo;a yesterday. They met at tbe office of the board end ove> looked tbe written examination* nod decided upon the promotions. They Aral vlalted l “* norm dbpjstssut, and below we give tbe roll of honor and honorably mentioned In tbe order In whlob the visits were made: ■■•ale M. Brseki’ ■••as. ROLL or HONOR. Jake Burma, Eugene Floyd, Wl"le Jones. Hub MosobeU#, Kd Nix, Tom Peabody, ’ Arthur Walker. HONORABLY MRNTIONKD. Lou la Blze. W Lockhart, Isaac Mom*, Henry Btrnppa. Mr John Peabody had charge of the ex ercises In thle room, which consisted of an examination In grammar. The boys were nnneually proficient and evinced most thorough training. The andlenoe wse de- lighted with the daolamatlon by tbe oiaas, which contains many boys wbo are undoubtedly born ore lots. In all onr vis its to the public schools we have never asm finer drawings than were ou the black boards In this room. One particularly at tracted our attention. Tbe heed line waa •What Colombo* is Proud of,” and tbe drawing represented tbe progress which ha* been made alnoe the time when the savage Indian chased tbe wild deer along the banka of the rlpptlng Chattahoochee, where now our beantlf ui city aland*. U pon elevation ataudsan Indian and upon an other elevation etenda a representative Oolnmbnslte who points him to the many changes which civilisation has wronghl, and to the following aa” What Columbus la Proud of: Publio Hohoola and Library, COf.UMIlU8 KNQUIKRR-BUN, Factories aud Firs Companies, Ladles, Ac., Ac. Mira Joe was blghly oomplimented by the visitor a on the thorough dlaolpllue ob» served In her room. Pr«r. Harlletrs ■#•■*. MOLL OK HONOR—FIRST GI.AHH. Herman Kates, Henry Kern, Hugh Bmlth, HONORABLY MRBTIONRD. Isaac Hoborah. ROLL OK HONOR- SECOND CLASH. Joseph Kern, Joe Ballebury, J Kaufman, Cnrtla Carter. HONORABLY MENTIONED. Lyman Wells, Kddle Wells, H Calhoun, George Jobnaon, George Mason, Jaa Morgan. Johnson William* F McKaohen, James M'ore, Willie K’fler, George M Johnnie Ktheredge, M Feller, In this room Is taught the highest grades of the school and from It yearly ara turned out boys prepared to begin In earnest the battle of life. The exercises here were in mental arithmetic and the boya startled the visitors by the wonderful rapidity with whlob they eolved the most difficult prob lems without resorting to the uae of the peuoll or chalk. Prof Bartlett oerUlnly deserves great oredlt for the thorough train ing of those placed under hla oare. Alter these exerolaee President B. F. Coleman delivered diplomas to tha following who oompoaed tha GRADUATING CLASS: Herman Estea, Isaac Bohorah, Hugh Womb, JnoOdom, Henry Kern. Judge Coleman then addressed the olaea aa follows: My Young Frlanda: Having flnlahad the oourse of atudlea taught In our publio aobools, you now go out from under our oare, to put In praotloe what you have here learned. Whether you will continue your studies In some other Institution, where the higher branobea are taught, or all down aatlafled with your praaent attainments, I know not. Whatever may be yonr futnre employ ment, yon will have many apare hours, which, if davoted to study or profitable reading, will add muoh to what you have already learned, and will he useful to you In any bualneaa you may engage In, and greatly enlarge your mind, and so add to your future happiness. You are entering upon the world’s stage at the roost Important period of Us history Eaoh snooeedlngagebas added something to the one past, and the knowledge of all that past is within your reaoh. It may be for some of you to make some new dlaoov- ery In art or solenoe by wbloh knowledge will bo lnoreaacd or the ooraiorta and oon* venlenoea of life added to. Eaoh want sup piled begets a new one, and every new dts- oovery In any of the pursuits of life by any one quickens theumbltlon of another to rival or exoel It. ••By mutual oonfldenoe and mntnal aid Great deeds are done and great dlseoverlea made. Tbe wlae new prndeuoe from the wise ao- qulre,; Aud one brave hero fans another’s fire. That there Is a limit to human knowledge and power 1 have no doubt. That we are far from having attained to that limit 1 am quite eure. That the oomlng fifty years will as far surpass the past fifty In Its won derful discoveries aud developments aa that fifty has the previous five hundred 1 well believe, and It la for those lerlug upon the stage, to make these dls\ coverlet,. And why, may not soma of yon be of that number. That you have the in tellect, tbe diplomas just given you, evi dence; the will and Industry to spur and apply that lntelloot Is wiib’.y ourselvesalone; having these, you have all you need for this purpose; lacking thtm you lack all. What ever may be your pursuit lu life, whether to follow the plough or study the stars, en gage In handoralt, trade or the learned pro fessions, resolve to make that pursuit a ■uooeaa and auooeaa will almost certainty orown your efforts. I need not go abroad for examples, where brain and brawu.ooupled with wall directed industry bas been orowned with a large auooeae. Less than fifty years ago, a youug mechanic came to your city with his mother, seek lug work. Board was refused them at a hotel, landlord doubting their ability to meet their bill when due. The mother wept at the re fusal. The plucky youth said, ’’Come along, mother, we will fiud a plaoe to board, and I will yet own this plaoe.” Tbe handsome Webster building, with much other wealth, has made good that boast. Go to the Columbua Iron Worke, and examine them In all their mlnulla and greatness. Their president—not yet an old man—was, in early life, an humble apprentice, with but little save a brave heart, a good right arm and an honest purpose. He worked hie way up, and to-day William H Brown stands among the honored of your oltuens. A little ferther up tLe river are the Kagle aud Pbenix mills, of which William H Young—a hale, hearty old man—le the pres ident. Commencing life without a dollar, he has slnoe controlled millions, and his name le known and honored throughout tbe length and breadth of the land. BMU farther up tbe river,are theMuacogee mills, George PBwlft le tbe president. The architect of hie own fortunes now oouples a proud position, won by brain and will and industry. Go into your banks, warehouse*, merchantlle houses, railroad effloea, work shop*, or an y of the many Industrie* In your city, and you will find the men controlling them, even the yoaug men of thirty, forty % or fifty years wbo have oome to their pres ent distinction by patient toll and care* now enjoying tbe frotte of that toll. Their anoeeaeee were not won in a day or year, but by long continued labor, and nnder many difficulties and dUoouragements. Just here is where the feeble fall and go down, whl'e tbe resolute rise end triumph. Tbe Iron becomes more herd and elasllo with every stroke of tbe hammer, and the gold brightens by passing through the cruolble. My observation bae been that every man has at some time cue good opportunity for auocees. Thle, 1 suppose, is that *Tlde In onr affairs, that taken at the flood, loads on to fortune.” Falling In thle supromo mo ment, we ere swept down by the recurring abb to the lower levels ol our h'pe of more then dally bread for dally loll, and an old age, helpless and dependent. While perhaps you may not come to ooonpy tbe Oral place In life, each of yon may be- oome a man In the brat sense of tbat word, puccess or failure here depends upon yonr- selvea alone. !• fiaentlsl friend* are ail well In their place, hot don’t make them yonr chief reliance; they will come to yonr aid unrobed whin they sec you bravely making your way up, while they would soon lire of r< pealed calls for help. “The g< d»,” ’ll* said, “help I boas who help them- ■elves.” A wagoner, haying stalled, prayed to Hm oak* lor help, the god came and asked what waa wanted. To help me out of this rut, said the wsgoner. Flrat put your own shoulder to tba wheel, and If you (all, then oall lor me, said Hnrculea. 1 have been In a litter of pigs, a small runt, a poor weakly thing, be seemed born tired. Hla tall, without the taste ol a kink in 11, bangs limp, like a tow string. He's always behind, every few minutes will stop and pot hla noae on the ground to rest, and squeal before starting again. When tbe sow lies down to give them sack, be hardly gels hold of bis teat before she Is np and off again. Yet he’ll do more tqneallng than all the other pigs pat together. There are some men who seem to have beeu boru runts, they are always behind band, never ready wben wanted, or to seize a good opportunity should It offer. If it should ram porridge, their dish, would be bollom up. They are everybody’s man and of everybody's opinion, and ac- oept as wisdom ths advice of Punoh to hla faotoltum to— Be of thy patron’s mind, wbate’er he says Bleep very mneb, think little and say less, Mind neither good nor bad, nor right nor wrong. But eat yonr feeding and bold yonr tongue. Vaaot/atlng, aimless, purposeless, they drift down the stream like an old log on a freibel, to shoal upon some rnud bank, and there rot. Boys, I hope none of you will be thntsort of a pig. Whatever you undertake to do, do It with a will, and do It well. Lei your word be sa cred, even though you nave "sworn to your hurl.” I have often heard men who claim ed to be honorable boast of successful sharp praotloe, while other "so culled” honora ble* applauded ihe boast. My young frleuds, have none of It, Wbst some call smartness others more properly call meanness. If by a superior Intellect and diligent research you are able to solve some great question, or make some new dlaoovery In solenoe by whlob man kind will be benefited, or from greater ac tivity and Industry and with a better knowledge of the laws of trade you outstrip your compeer In the race for fame or for tune, It Is your right to do so, and you will be Justly entitled to the reward of your in telligence and Industry. But you may not hinder another’s Interest to advanoe yours, pall any one down tbat you may profit by bis fall. As already le the lot of but few to attain to the high places, If yon shall be disappointed In reaching the plaoe hoped for, accept ohecr^lly that which yonr beat endevot s has secured to yon, remembering that tbe quarter deok of the Iron olad Is trod by oue man only, the epaulets worn but by the honored few; yet the heart may beat as true to duty under tbe pri vate’s belt as does hla who leads his coun try's host In the day ol battle, and thear- tlsan who fills hts place well equally de serves the "well done” as he who rules the nation and guldei llsdeallnles, Honor and fame from no oondltlon rise, Aot well yonr part, there all the honor lies,” Never suffer a seeming advantage to swerve you for one moment from the straight line of simple honesty, nor allow a dirty ooln to oroas your palm,or do aught tbe light of the sun may not shine npon, or your own consolenoe approve when you lie down upon your bed at night. Modestly, but firmly, assert and maintain yonr man hood under any ar.d overy olroumstanoe. Be careful bow and where you spend your nights and Hundaya. Do or say nothing you wou'd be afraid for your mother or ■!■■ ter to hear. Lend cheerfully a helping hand to those who i\eed It, and whether your life be a great suoceis, or with the many, you walk In humble paths, you will bave tbe oonsolousnesa of duty done, and tbe world will be the better for your having lived In It. This closed the exercises at tbe boys school aud the trustees and visitors then went to the OIBLV DEPARTMENT, Below we give the roll of honor end hon orably mentioned In eaoh room, together with a report c.f the exerolsee: Mias Forsl* Holasa'a Horn, MOLL OK HONOR. Mamie Jackson, Bessie Lock hart, Ella Mullins, Alice Bnow, Alice Watt. HONORABLY MENTIONED. Kula Averett, Ida Brown, Muscogee superior oourt met at 9 o’olock yesterday morning, Judge J T Willis pre siding. The fo.lowing business was trans acted: The State vi Fannie Morgan; laroeny from the house. Plea of gull'y. Sentenced to twelve months on the chain gang. The Bta'e vs Anderson Harris; simple larceny. Verdiot of guilty. Bentenoed to four years In the penitentiary. The State v* Frank Clemons; burglary. Verdiot of guilty. Sentenced to twenty ytare in the penitentiary. The grand Jury returned one true bill. Court took a recess until nine o'clock tbls morning. The fol owing oases are set for trll to-day: The Slate vs John Willis; two eases, one for misdemeanor and another lor fornloa- lion. The 8tate vs J M Newton; fonr oases, two for misdemeanor, one for keepfng open tip pling boose on the Sabbath day, aud one lor keeping a gaming house. The Slate vs Reddick Landing; assault with Intent to murder. The BUte vs Levi Bmlth; assault with Intent to murder. LOUAL LACONICS. —Mayor Grimes fined one disorderly parly 13 50 yesterday. —Judge Willis thinks a man who Is de graded enough to buiglarlze a house will commit murder, If necessary to the carry- lng out of bis p'ans. It waa given as a reason that;tbe eleotrlo lights were not used lait night tbat the man who attended to lighting tbem oouldn’tflud a match. —One of tbe boys says tbat tbe only trouble wltb that grand old song, "There’s a light in tbe window for you,” Is tbat he doesn’t know which night le bis. —There was a heavy rainfall In this city yesterday afternoon. The farmers in this section van afford to wait awhile now If It Is Just as convenient lor it to bold up. —There is a picnic billed to lake piaoe a few miles etst of the city tomorrow. A wagon load ol young ladies contemplate adding to tbe interest of the occasion by lending their cbarmlng presence. —Hamilton Journal: Laat week Rev K M Lockwood plaotd In position two handsome pulpit lamps, two burners eaoh, In the Methodist obnrob. They were presented to tbe eburoh by Mrs A Iliges, of Columbus, and cost 115 From the Enfaula papers we learn tbat Intbeclroult oourt of Barber county the Jury lu the osse of the National Bank of Columbus vs H C Hart, return*d a verdiot In favor of the bank for nearly„ *2,900, with Interest for about five years. —When It was decided to light up the trail tower laat night one ol our promi nent oliliMi was asked lor a match lor the purpose. He felt In his vest pockets and after a faithful eearoh and not finding it, volunteered his services to get oue. If the boys hadn't laughed he would not have seen the Jlatof the Joke. Bailie Cooper, B ilia Cohen, Ida Solomon, Maggie Hbackeiford, Bailie Ware, A Besslo Williams, Clara Walker, * I.allle Bowdolu. The exercises lu this room were In geog raphy and Mr O A Redd was In oharge, The girls acquitted themselves In a manner oredltable alike to themselves aud teacher. The drawings on the blackboard were of a very high character and were quite beauti ful. Mr Redd took oocaston to pay a de-. aerved oompltment to the puplla and their teaoher upon the progreo* which they had made during the past year. Mlaa Myra II. Birdsong'* Hoorn. ROLL OF HONOR. Carrie Abbott, Fannie Dixon, Mamie Humber, Jennie King. Mattie Freer, Able Cameron, Llsste bikes. Katie Lily Jordan, Helen P*a*e, Maggie Pomeroy, i, Uu»*ie bchuell, Mattie Wooldridge. HONORABLY MENTIONED* Alice Carnes, Mollie Cullleld, Pearl Hoopaugh, Fannie Harris, Kaohel behlelds. The exerolses In this room were In obarge of Mr Peabody, and consisted of grammati cal analysis. There was every evldeuoe that the teaoher bad done her duty well aud tlie pupils recited with a readiness wblob show ed tbat they were familiar wltb wbat they had studied. Tbe exhibitions on the black' board were very fine. All tbe girls were advanoed to tbe next room. Mr Peabody made them a very pretty apeeob, In wbloh he spoke enoouraglngly to the pupils, aud took oooaalon to pay a high oompllmeut to the teaohera, and aalu the examinations In all the departments had been the finest he had ever attended. Praf. Battle's Beam, ROLL OF HONOR-FIRST CLASS Hesohle Cushman, Jodie Jobusou, Leila McDonald, Carrie Roper, Leila Bxuia, G btookwell, SECOND CLASH, Belle Bates. Annie Rattle, Estelle Browning, Fannie Gilbert, Cora Hines. L*ssle Hunter, Fannie Jackson, Ktlle Peabody, NaunleBobuesaler, Katie Schueaaler, Katie Wood, Minute Hurrus. Prof. Battle stated tbat be had made no list of honorably mentioned, as the avera gee of all the pupil* were so good that he felt it would be doing an lnjustloe to make any distinction. Mr. A.O. Blaokmar, bad oharge of the exerola* a In thle room whloh were In algebra, and the girls acquitted themselves In a moat satisfactory manner and showed tbat Prof. Battle had not beeu idle during the past year. I a thle room there baa usually been a graduating class, but as uoue of tbe pupils had been In school over eight years, they were not allowed to finish the oourse. To take a regu lar oourse in the publio school requires nine years. Mr Blackmar made special mention of Miss Btookwell, of the first, and Mis* Gilbert,of the second class,who ranked Aral in their clssaee. Thle being the highest and last room In the school*, the exerolaee were brought to a oloae and Mr B aokmar dismissed aobools for tbe term. Tbe next session will begin on tbe first of October, ■re, BaliU’a Basis Class. Tbe vlaitora were than invited to the music room, where Mre Battle and ber class gave two or three eongs, whloh were greatly enjoyed. The happy voloee of the children rang out in eweet harmony and evinced oareful training. Thus ended tbe elxteeuth soholastlc year of the white pnbllo eohooia. There was a general expression ol approval and satis faction from the vial tors and trnotoea. and the superintendent, teachers and pupils b*vt added another to the meny brilliant ■neeessea of the past. They have all been faithful and iffielent In the discharge of their duties and are Justly entitled to the summer vacation whloh they are now to have and whloh we ainoerely hope may be aajoyed by each and every one of (hem. MU BOO GEE SUPERIOR COURT. fwtafHIA Psv't Preeeedhsfs. COLORED PUBLIO SCHOOLS. frsfrsMsie •/ Ihe €lee*ii# Jbeereteee Thm Bleelrie Light. Last night, for tbe first time since tbe ex periment was mad?. Ihe electric lights were not need on the street. Everything looked so gloomy In comparison to what It was before tbat the light in the beil tower waa turned on. It was asionlsblrg to note tbe dlatanoe It illuminated tbe streeta. bright light was given down Broad street to •.aa Rankin House, up Broad to Rttndolpb, on Bt Clair to a distance below the Pienby terlan oburcb, and toward tbe river. Hits suggests the Idea that a post raised a few feet higher than those now used aud placed at the Intersection of Broad and other streets would make wonderful dif ference lu illuminating the city. The mat* ter has been relemdlo a committee who will doubtless look into all these things be. fore making a report. Tbeoltlzens want the eleotrlo light, but they are willing to use as muoh economy In set urlng It as will answer tbe purpose. There is a wonderful differ, anoe when the light Is not used. A UasAatm* Vmntrihmlfn, Mr Wm Beaoh, a well-wisher of our Publio Library, yesterday made tbat lnsll* tmion a valuablo contribution in the form of a new and elegant work, entitled "How I Crossed Africa,” by Msjor Berpa Pinto, The work Is contained in two large vol< urnes, well bound and liberally Illustrated. It Is a translation from the Portuguese, abd Is a most Interesting narrative of discov eries In the wouderlul oonilnent of Africa, a country upon which so muoh light has been thrown in recent years by scientific explorers. Tbe author was appointed by the Central Geographical Commission ol Portugal, to undertake the exploration, and he has given a faithful and minute ao- oouut of hla travels. To bis geographloand etnographic research, the wHter haa added muoh of a dramatic oharaofer, and the book will be read with Interest either by a lover of flotlon or faot. The example of the donor In adding auoh books to the library shelves ja worthy oflmltatlon. The trustees will make their annual visit to tha oolored publio schools to-day. The asms order of oxeretsee will he observed In examining the oolored eohooia no at the wblth schools, exoopt that tha members of the board of trustees will bo separated Into three divisions. Ths first division eonslstlng of Messrs Curtis, King, Psabody, and Needham, wiU go to the Olallln aehool at 10 o*oloek and visit in a body In this order. Julia Howard's room; reading, Mr. W, B. Needham In oharge. Carrie Posey's room; geography. Mr John King In charge. Lucy B Love's room; spelling, Mr N N Curtis In obarge. W H Spencer’s room; arithmetic. Mr Jno Peabody in oharge. The seoond division, Messrs Fraser, Motes and Redd, will at ten o'elook go to the Mercer Street school and visit In a body In this order: Laura Martin's room; arlthmetlo. Mr J A Fr< ser in charge. Anna F Love's room; geography, Mr I I Moses in oharge. F F Peters' room; spelling. Mr C A Redd in charge. Julia Caldwell's room; geography. Mr J A Frazer In charge. Tbe third division,Messrs Coleman,Craw ford, Black mar and Bussey, will meet at tbe MeroeT Street school at ten o'oloek and vlalt In this order: A Wadsworth’s room; Judge B F Coleman In oharge. V B Hoff’s room; Dr N J Bussey In charge. Emily Jones’ room; reading. Mr A O Blaokmar In charge. W Richardson’s room; arithmetic. Judge M J Craw lord in oharge. R B Hodge’s room; grammar. Dr N J Bussey In charge. All the members of the board will as semble at tbe room of P B Peters— A'ge- bra; presentation of diplomas, mu*lo. Pres ident B F Coleman In obarge. A carriage will be at tbe Merchants and Meobanlcs bank at 9:30 tbls morning to take tbe trustees to the Claflln school. RIVER NEWS. Amen* #/ tha litssiar Thraumimmahm. The steamer Tbronateeaka arrived at 11:45 yesteaday morning,bringing miscellaneous freight aud 27 bales o! cotton wbloh waa •unsigned as loltows: Flournoy A Eppiog, 10; Haloher A Brannon 11. PASHENUK.S, Mrs Crumpt, Apalaobloola; j R Blokes, B lalo); M J Crawtord, Chattahoochee; bH Dicketson, Mre B H Dioker«en,Bteam Mills; P J Williams aud brother, Blufftown; Mrs M J Crawford, tr., Mrs A H McNeil, Ml» a Belle Allen, Btarke’s; Mre E Loeb, Mrs A M Wallenstein and nurse, Enfaula. Bhe will leave at 10 o’olook to morrow morning. Mmrrlmga ml cuaamtm. Married at tbe residence ol the bride’s father, Mr T L Penn, on Wednesday, Jane 6th, at 8:80 a. m., by Rev C L Dobbs, Mr Hugh B T Montgomery of LaGrange.and Miss Jimmie Lula Penn ofCusaeta. The attendants were: Walter Penn and Miss Annie Barnette of Opelika; will Penn aud Miss Mary Riss; Monroe Penn ana Miss Mamie Broushton; Lewis Montgomery and Miss Carrie Vernon; C L Mangum and Miss Lula Edmondson of LaGrange,and C KB11- bro and Miss Nenle Mitchell. A lurge number of beautltul and costly presents were given the bride by admiring friends and relatives. The bridegroom pre*> itented a set of beautiful diamond ear rings, The groom is well-known in this city aud has many friends here who extend their congratulations and wish for him and his lovely bride a bright future. Lhmitmhmmahaa BslMIsf ss4 lsss ametmtlan. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Chaltabooobee Building and Loan Association was held at the effleeof Messrs Yonge A Grimes yesterday afternoon. The following board of directors was elected: C M Williams, M Joseph, I Joseph, W A Wil lingham, M M lllrsob, G W Dillingham and FA Mitchell. At a subsequent meeting of the directors, the following officers were • eoted: President—G M Williams. Secretary and Treasurer—Cliff B Grimes. Solicitor—W A Little. Mr G Gunby Jordan, who has been presi dent of the association ever alnoe its organ' Izatlon. declined a re-election, as hie pri vate business demands most of his time. Jfsriss Cauntg Haste. The following Items are from the Buena Vista Argus: There le yet some prospect of Bueua Vista having a railroad. The little lnftint babe of Mr and Mrs 8 J Johnson departed this life on last Thursday eveutng. Emit J McElmurry, Infant son of J M and M F McElmurry, was born August 18lh 1881, and died May 29lb, 18SS. Miss Cora, daughter of Mr J T Wall was bitten by a ground rattlesnake last woek. Bhe wai immediately brought to Tazewell and put under the treatment of Dr J M Halley. Little Lucy, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs J T Lumpkin, was tsken from this world of sorrow to a brighter home above, on Sunday morning at five o’olock. We are glad to announoe that Mr George Pool, who waa so unfortunate as to have his house burned last week, has again ereoted a snug l.ttle oottage, with the aid of his friends and neighbors, and he Is onoe more living oomfortably. A convention of delegatee ’mm all the Sunday schools lu tho «ub-d<striot, com posed of Marlon and Chattahoochee coun ties, will beheld in the Methodist church In Buena Vista, commencing Wedneeday night before the third Sunday in Jana. Tne Columbus dally Rnquirkk-Sun of 33d of May, In the "notes from Marlon,’ speaks of the school at Buena Vista, as be lng in a "struggling” oondltlon, and Inti mates the oeuse to be the removal of P/of. Branham. We deem It proper to state in justice to the eohool interest of Buena Vie- u, that the town has been soonrged this year with both sickness and the meat which la the true cause, perhaps of Ihe 4 Jailing off In Iks —hnnl. umiTVAmr. Mss. Oauomsb F. XoaawoBTii, who died In tbia ty on tht- 6tli lu.t„ wm born in Boston In the year 160J. Her maiden name wm Uolmee. Wben quite young ehe moved with her parents to Sew York; thence to Camden, 8 0., about forty years ago. On the death of her first huaband, Mr. Daniel Carpenter, ahe married Mr, A. 8 Edgeworth, aud moved to Fort Valley, Georsla. On hts death ■he went north, but becoming dleeatiefied returned to Georgia, spending the iMt fonr or five years at the home of Dr. J. W. Oelln, of whose wife ihe wm the etep-mother. At the heute of Dr. Oelln ehe found a quiet, happy home for h*r declining years. Greatly loved became of her gentleneee aud worth, her stay in thle house hold wm not only pleasant to heraelf, bnt a bene diction to tbe inmates. She wm a woman of decldad character. Her mind waa atrong In its endowment*, her iulelllgence far above the average. She wm cultured and fined to a remarkable degree, the very soul of manly propriety. While at Camden the wm a member of the Episco pal church, but on coming to Georgia ehe united with the Methodist church, of which ahe remained a conelatent member until aummoned higher. Her religious life wm without reproach; it beamed liki a atar ont of a cloudleea aky, She wm a beautiful illustration of that charity which "anffereth long and 1* kind,” whloh "rrjoioeth not in Iniquity, but raiolceth In the truth,” which ' beareth all thing*, belleveth all things, hopeth all things, endnreth all things," It is not strange that her aun went down In cloud leaa akiee, aui ber end wm peace. The assurance of faith calmed all diaqnlat into rest, and she passed away without a doubt, in hope of the flist reiurrec' tlon. Tbia good woman wm a great favorite with all who knew her-all capable of appreciating the blest worth A large circle of friends In different states will cherish her memory, and fail the inapira* tlon of ber blauieleM life. Dr. Oalin left with the remain* yesterday for Fort Valley, where ahe will sleep the sweet eleep of the sainted dead. A Fsiend Mnighla af turn OeMea Mula, Regular meeting of Knight* of the Golden Rule will be held this (Friday) evening at 8 o’clock. Election of offloers will take place. M. M. Moore, Com, H. F. Everett. Sec’y. 2d&4th tri Mar gale. Genuine Plymouth Rook Ohlokena, to reduoe stock ou hand. Call early. O. 0. Harrell. The *'Anhecser Beer" la the beer to drink. It is tbe beet in the world, and only f 1.60 per dozen. Louis Buhler A Co., No. 80 Broad atreet, are the sole agents. Liberal diaoonnts to dealers. This is to oertlfy that I have need the medioal preparation of Rev. Green Mc Arthur, known aa hla Magical Mix- tube, for paina and aohee, and find It a speedy remedy. I tried it on a oaae of obronlo sore eyes of thirty .years’ stand ing, They are now bright and clear, and I have no doobt it will effect a final cure. E. G, Raiford, December 1, 1879. Merchant, COAL, I am now receiving my stock of Coal for next season, and am ready to make summer deliveries at reduced rates for cash. Can supply Montevallo, or cheaper grades if desired. ju7 3t D. E. Williams, Agent. DM. T. 9W. BATTIK, Practicing rhgaician, COLUMBUS, GA. Office over Brannon A Carson’s Drug Store. Residence ou Troup street, be tween Randolph and St. Clair. ju0 lw For Rheumatism—Smith’s Extract ol May Flower. mbl6 8m For Rheumatism—Smith’s Extraot of May Flower. mhlB 3m Home for K< nt. A oomfortabl e live-room residence, corner Bryan and Troup streets, known as the Nance place, lor rent till 1st of October. Possession given at onoe. J C Wool folk. ]e3dlw ^ For weak and delicate females, noth ing like Smith’s Extract of May Flower. mhl5 8m To the Trade. We have now in stock the finest as sortment of Cigars ever exhibited in Columbus. Louis Buhlerdc Co., Jc3 dtf 80 Broad street. Smith’s Extraot of May Flower for Catarrh of the Bladder. mhl5 8m Kafa Wran* Waal Paint, The Weet Point Eenterprlee farnlihee tbe following Items: Dr J T Dobbins has a hen that hatched thirteen dock* out of twelve eggs.laet week Mrs Emma Williams,wife of J O Williams, and daughter of Jeeie Palmer, died near thla plaoe very suddenly Tuesday after noon. About three hundred head of oattle were ■hipped toTexa* from thla plaoe lost week Thle naakee nearly fifteen hundred shipped from tbl* point lately. At the annual election held by the board of trustees Monday, all the teaohera In our publio freeaohoola were re-eleoted to serve the en*ulng year. We learn on good Authority that a fair orop of wheat and oat* will be made In thla aeotlon. The eool weather and rains of late greatly boneffltcd the orop—without these it woQld have been almost a failure. We learn on good authority, that a mad dog running at large bit several dog* on Mr A R Anderson’* plwoe near town the other day. He waa follow'd by Mr A and killed Another on Mr J R Barrow’s plaoe bit other dog*, we learn. Judge Eady and Henry Lanier have *uo« ceeded la getting up a bathing olub, by tbelr Industrious efforts. They have had a neat platform with step* running down Into the water built Juat above the publio bridge, and also ropes with floats attached. The otty oounoll bave given the nee of the oounell chamber near by aa a dressing room. Nice bathing suits are being gotten up by the olub, and soon West Point oan boast of a* flue bathing laollltlea a* any ocean town. ^ Barrie Ceaafg Jlam*. The Hamilton Journal furnishes the fol< Home: The wheat orop 1* not good. Fall oat* are ready to out Bpring oats good land are tolerably good, on eorry land a failure. Corn hoe a good oolor and is growing fine ly. Cotton le being ohopped. Vegetables are plentiful. Several dog* about town have been aotlng ourlously ol late and have loet their lives in ooneequenoe. The Marshal A Stanford mill wm bought Tuesday by. Mr John Leonard, ol Talbot oounty, for 91.950. uapt Charles L Dandy was elected Tues day, by tbe oounty board of education oounty eohool commissioner, to fill the uni expired term of W H Spenoe. Lost Sunday little Carrie Harris, ten years old, repeated eighty-four verses from the B1Jt>le, her younger eliter, Essie, nine years old, repeating fifty-two verses, at Frog Pond Bunday-sohool, all of whloh they had oommltted to memory during the week. The Beams brother* raised lost year a watermelon vine 1,700 feet long, from whloh they gathered over 400 pounds of melons. Tne vine was measured end the statement vouched for by Mr T H C Farr, aa reliable a gentlemen as Harris oounty oontaina. Uapt L I Stanford circulated a snboorlp- tlon list ’.or tbe college last week, and ooored 9(00 as the result of two days work. Only 936U more Is needed, and eo sore are the trustees of obtaining this that the building will now be completed as speedily es possible. LOCAL NOTICES. ..its #io8 106 ........ 109 U06 m Hot & 85 #106 #100 • 84 .105 #10* 1C5 #107 ..104 #105 Atlanta Oa...^ Atlanta Augusta 6s Augusta 7s...... Columbus 7s.. Oolumbni 5s... LaGrange 7a..., Mooon 5e Savannah 5a.. BntlramA KanAa, Atlantic A Quit 7s Central oon mtge 7s... Columbus A Rome 7a..... Georgia R R 7e M .... M ~eorgia R R 08 toblle A Girard 3d mtge end 0 RR US <113 Montgomery A Eufaula lit mtge 0s, end O R R ....k Soutb Georgia A Florida 1st, en dorsed by State of Georgia, 7 per oent 116 #117 oath Georgia A Florida 3d,7 pr ot 1U3#1( 8 festeru R R Ala. let mtge end ORR HI #112W Western Alabama 2d mtge aud Belli #112^ MmUramA Blaehm. Augusta and Bavannan 7 pr ot.... 118 #190 Southwestern 7 pr ot. guaranteed,118 <119 Pmctarg giacka. Eagle A Phenix...._ ~180 #>85 Columbus 65 61 Masoogee ~lb0 <186 latwrsaee OtaaA, Georgia Home Ins Uoiu peroent. 170 <300 Bank At act*. tahooohoe National 10 pr ot 160 <165 Merchants A Mechanic"’ 10 pr oL.140 <150 Smith’s Extraot of May Fiower for Dropsy. mh!6 3m Smith’s Extraot of May Fiower for ■ale by all Druggists. mbl5 3m Garrett A Son’s No. 11 Glgsr. The best cigar for the money is our No. II. Twenty thousand were sold this week. Call and examine them, tf Weal la Mutlar. Talbotton, Ga-, Jane 7. 1883. Enquirrrhbun : The Knlghte ef Honor (Talbotton lodge), together with the Booth- era Rifles, left here thle morning at nine o’clock In a special ear for Bailer, to assist In laying the corner stone of Bailer College. A good n ara ber of elUaens aeaom ponied them. They will hove a #ood Urn* B. Our Firm Cigar. We will receive a heavy shipment ol “Our Firm” Cigar this week. Call and examine them. tf Garrett A Sons, , For Diabetes take Smith’s Extract of May Flower^ mhl53m The beat sewing machine oil and ma chine needles are sold at Bramhall’s S. M. Depot at Low Price*, but no brittle, case-hardened iron ones at any price. dtf For Painful Menstruation—Smith’s Extraot of May Flower. mh!6 3m Smith’s Extraot of May Flower cures all diseases ot bladder and kidneys. ^ mhl6 8m 8prla* Navy. Spring navy heads the list of fine na vy’s. Try it and yon will be con vinced. _ For Bright’s Disease—Smith’s Ex tract of May_Fiow^^^^ rah 16 3m Bprlng Navy. The most popular navy la the Spring Navy. It meets the wants of those who chew fine navies. tt For non-retention of urine--Smith’s Extraot of May Flower. mhl5 8m Celebrated "Shields* Bosrbos.” • As an evidence of Ahe popularity of Old Shields’ Whisky, it finds a ready sale of thirty barrels per month. Call for it and you will secure an excellent drink. BKAMUALL*g CAHU, Cmah, OmA Co Cash makes the pot boil—that’t not »sthetlo. Cash, (a plenty of it) makes home cheerful aud pleasant—that’s better. Cash (and but a little of it), buys your choice of the best Sewing MaohlDes mode, at Bram hall’s Sewing Machine Depot, 99 Broad St., Colum bus, Georgia. In the list will be found the genuine Singer, Eldredge, Hartford, New Home, Viotor, Family Favorite Weed, improved, and a number of others. dtf Cali for tne "Imperial Wedding’ pure Rye Whlakey, the finest in the market, at fl a full quart bottle, at Buhler 1 !, No. w^*H«4r*M»t. Many a slokly woman, whose sad ex perienoe had demonstrated alike the failure of the conceited doctors and poisonous drags, has obtained a new lease of life for a few dollar* worth of the Vegetable Compound and has gone on her way rejoicing and praising Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam, of Lynn, Mass. my25 frl,sat,se,wed*w Advice to mothers.—Mrs. Win slow’s Soothinng Syrup should al ways be used when children are cat ting teeth. It relieves the little suffer er at onoe; it produoes natural, quiet Bleep by relieving Che ohild from pain, and the little oberuto awakes as "bright aa a button.” it is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for diarrheas, whether arising from teething or other causes Twenty-five cents a bottle. my28 dawly HOPS FOB BUFFXBINa WOMEN. SOMETHING NEW UNDBE THE 8UN, By reason of her peoallar relations, and her peculiar allmenu, woman bas been compelled to suffer, not only her own Ills, bat those arising from the want ol knowl edge, or ol consideration on the part of those with whom she stands connected in the social organisation. The Ireqaent and dUtreeelng Irregularities peculiar to her •es have thna been aggravated to a degree whloh no language can express. In the mansions of the rich and the hovel of the poor alike, woman has been the patient victim of Ilia unknown to man, and whloh none bn*, she oould endure—and without a remedy. Bat now the hoar of her redemp. Uon hoe oome. Bhe need not suffer longer, when she oan find relief in Dr. J. Brad- field’s Female Regulator, " Woman's Beet Friend." Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfleld, Ata lanta, Go. Price: trial sloe, 76c; *1 arge sloe •i* For sale by all draggle*, omomoiA omcuMtTMmo, dORBEOTED BY JOHN BLAOKMAR, BROKERS COLUMBUS, GA. gtmta BanAt. Bid. Asked Georgia 4a..™...™„..™.....~.l00 #102 Georgia ••...^.....^.........^-.......^.106 #1(6 Georgia 7a, 1896 — 13* #195 Georgia 8s, dne 1888, short dstea,. 100 #108 AYER’S Hair Vigor restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray hnlr to a natural, rich brown color, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use light or red hair may bo darkened, thin hair thickened, nud baldness often, though not always, cured. It cheoks falling of tho hair, and stimu lates a weak and sickly growth to rigor. It prevents and cures scurf and dandruff, and heals nearly every disease peculiar to the scalp. As a Lari lea’ Hair Dressing, tho Vioor is unequalled; it contains neither oil nor dye, renders tho hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, aud imparts a dedicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Mr. C. P. Biiicii eii writes from Kirby, O., July 3, 1882 ; " Last fall my hair comtnoticed falling out, and in a short time I becuino eratlve Go 100 J101 Pioneer ( ate Co POM BALM 13.000 Muscogee Factory 7 per o«nt 1st mortgage Bind (or any part), at 101In terest slnoe May 1st goes to purchaser. 81,600 C R R 6 per cent Debentures, at 91% WAMTBD. 850.000 Confederate Bonds, or any part, JOHN BLAOKMAR, Broker and Dealer In all B«enrltlee rum? •‘oned «bove a#»I advertise all securities placed in my ban •« for tpp o' charge FOR THE MONTE JUNE Prerious to Taking Annual Inrentory of Stock, ALLEI IMS. Will make a Grand Slaughtering of DRY GOODS In every department to reduoe stock. Stook Complete in Ev ery Department. Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Wer offer, .took dark oolored DRESS GOODS At lOo, worth 26o, 35o end &0o A yard, An Elrgrat Stock of Bummer Fabrics, including Nun’s Veilings In black and colors; Laoe Nun’s Veilings in black and colors; Summer Silka—nloe assortment, oheap; Black Silka—all grades; Brown Linens, Langtry Linen Lawns. Wliito Goods. Llnon de lode 10c a yard, best value for the prloe in the city; Victoria and Bishop Lawns, all grades; Checked Nainsooks, Plaid Mulls; Embroidered Hwisses, white and eerne; White Linen Lawns aud Cambrics. EMBROIDERIES In Jaconet, Nainsook and Swiss. LACES. Cream and Black Spanish Laces; Black Spanish Guipnre Laces ; Full Hue of all the Fanoy Laces; Job lot of Cream Laces at 10c. SHOE DEPARTMENT LAdleo’ Fine Shoe, at |2 60, worth |4 OOj Ladies’ Fine Shoes at |2 00, worth f250; Children's and Infanta’ Fine Shoe*. Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! Don’t lorget the bargains we offer, Don’t fail to oome to aee ns, examine goods and hear prices. We'll be glad to see yon oome. ALLEN BROS., 68 Broad Bt. Palace Dry Woods House or Columbua. ©odAwtf j Epileptic Fit WmWbS}>, Falling es Sickness, Convul sions, St. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, Opium Eating, Seminal Weakness, Im potency, Syphilis, Scrofula, and all Nervous and Blood Diseases. uEES. C, 5 ,Dr ? nen » I ,' aw r ere ’ Literary Men, Merchants, Blinkers, Ladies aud all whose •edenta? v employment causes Nervous Pros- tratlon, Irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys, or who require a nerve tonic, appetizer or sUumlent, ffamarfftm Ner* vow is invaluable. yj— . [jHEgRlift tS^Thousamls proclaim it the most Wonderful Invigor- ant that ever sustain- ®inkiug system. 11.50, at Druggists. TheDR. S,«. RICHMOND, MEDICAL CO.. Sol. Pro- Wm, SL Joseph. Mo. For tr.tfuMmt«l«udclronlonmdMaa «. W. Critteutuo. Agent. New York, (SI Ayer’s Hair Vigor, which stopped the fall ing ot the hair, ami started a new growth, i have now a full head of hair growing vigor ously, and am convinced that but for the use of your preparutlou I should have been entirely bald.” »T. W. Bowen, proprietor of the McArthur (Ohio) Enquirer, says : “ Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a most excellent preparation for the hair, I speak of it from my own experience, its use promotes tho growth of new hair, and makes it glossy and soft. The Vigor |g also a sure cure for dandruff. Not within my knowledge lias the preparation ever failed to glvo entire satisfaction.” Mr. Angus Fairbairn, leader of the celebrated " Fairbairn Family ” of Scottish Vocalists, writes from Unsfnn, Mas*., Fvb. o 1880 : •* Ever slnoe my hair began to give sil very evidence of tho changu which lleotiui; time proeureth, I have used AVer’s Hair Vigor, and so have been able to maintain an appearance of youthfulness —a matter of considerable consequence to minister*, ora tors, actors, and in fact every ouo who lives in the eyes of the public.” Mrs. O. A. Prescott, writing from 18 Elm St.. Charlestown, Mam., April 14, 1882, says • " Two years ago about two-thirds of my hair came off. It thinned very rapidly, and I was fast growing bald. On using Ayer’s Haik Vigor tho falling stopped aud a now growth commenced, and in about a month my head was completely covered with short hair. It has continued to grow, and is now ns good ns before it fell. I regularly used but one bottle of the Vigou, but now use it occasionally ns a dressing.” Wo have hundreds of similar testimonials to the efficacy of AVer’s Hair Vigor, it needs but a trial to convince tho most skeptU cal of its value. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mast. Bold by all Druggists* mhl8se,wed.trlAw CENTRAL LINE STEAMERS. ' further notice, river termittin*, Steamer Rtliecca EveriQfiliaiii ftll leave WEDNESDAYS at 10 a. ra. for Arilick •jola, returning via Bainbrldge. „ JETBoat le required to leave promptly on edvrr Meed time. Shippers are requested to b»ve iut<li freight at the Boat bv 10 A. m. on day of leavln*. m ■one will be reoelved after that hoar. Will commenoe receiving freight Tneeday* *t 7 a. m. Onr responsibility for freight oeasee after it be* been discharged at landlngi where receipt for uui oannot be obtained. gflFThe Boat reeervee tbe right of not landing at any point when ooneldered dangerous or. account ot wind, high water or timber, Through OoIbe BAM’L J. WHITEST UK G. BUOKNAM WHITESIDE. Beo'y and Trei Geneial Agent. People’s Line of Steamers. O^fnrther nottoe, the new and elegant Steamer** THRONATEESKA Will leave every SATURDAY at 10 a. m„ for Apa laohloola and Intermediate Landings, water per mltttng. Steamer goes by Balnbridge only on vr trip Tun- day. gflFThe Boat reeervee tbe right of not landing any point when ooneldered dangerous on aooonnt wind, high water or timber. All olaims mast be presented at tbe oompany'i otfloe,(corner Broad and Thom** Rtreets. to r*ref«* prompt attention. No bills will bo paid without au older. gar Boat is required to leave promptly on adver. need time. Shippers are requested to have tbeli freight at the Boat b/10 a. m. on day of leaving, ei none will be reoelved after that hour. Our responsibility for freight oeasee after It ha» been discharged at landings where receipt for Mini oannot be obtained. Through Tickets to Jacksonville, Ha., from Oolnmbns From Enfanlv.... ll.w Special rate* will be given to parties of six or mere to Apalachicola and return. T. H. MOOBE. __ _ General Asent. W. B. MOOBE, YreUut and Pa«wn*ar Avent •OLIO SHOT ACAINST Blood Poison! Atlanta, Oa , April 17.1'«. In 18781 wa* the victim ot a terrible Blood Poi-on. and after being treated by three phytiriaufi 'mw con fined to my b«d, not able I weight ’rom 185 to 130 pounds. I then bevan B'* use of SWIFT’S SPEOiriO, aud in less thau tbiee months I was entirely well, weighed 196, and li-vo never had a symptom of the disease since. It i* 1« *> not boon for Swift's Specific i believe 1 would !i«v* been in my grave. JOHN V. BISllol’ Tried Bot Springs Two Yeut> Without Belief I MercorJ.l nh« me . cripple. v: ' | trying Hot Springs two years, and tbe Berrun »'"* Potath treatment until I was a skeleton ami unii"* to do anything, I waa prevailed upon to »** k, ‘ ** course of 8 8.8. After taking three bottles "O' 14 P' petite begen to improve, and I gained flesh n»pi' When I bad takeu twelve bottles I felt as well a' 1 ever did. It ia n w twelve months eince I look • 8. My health and appetite ere good, aud I am 'd'le to attend to all the business I can get. Hot Spriugs, Jan. 1, 1883. CHA8. BKKU. Cl nnn REWARD wHl be paid to anv Cheudri >I,UUU wbo will find, on analysis tf liti boill^ of 8. 8. 8., one particle of mercury, iodide of H #s slum, or any mineral substance. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Drawers, Atlanta, Oa. Our little Book mailed free to applicants. uovltt dAself DRS. J. M. 8 W. 0. MASON XJBNTXaTB, 81 Clair Street, Columbus, G 3 R«sp*otfully t«nd*r their services 1° J* oltlaens of Columbua and tbe atarroandjos country. ro >andAwl> MANHOOD Cpeedily restored by tbe use of YiimUnc essewi, whicb erthctually cures Nen««» ^ ity, Lost YlriUty, Premature h***’’^ all troubles arising from over-work *i»i elC * ^ Sample ofVltallee mailed free, aenlcO. dressing Dr. WhltUrr, 174 Race BL.Ctncmn* • — — rally Addres