Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 07, 1885, Image 3

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iHa ? DAILY ENQUIRER• SUN: COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 7 1885. THERE MIT BE A FEW WHO STILL DOUBT. If n they will find In our t Dice many ■nth 1.U.I* ■■ tbe following, tout non* that at. entitled to m neaoneldeteUoni With my experleuoe I pronounoe BREWER'S LUNU RESTORER the beet lung remedy made. Four of my brothara and alatarabaddlod wltb oou. aumptlon, and about ibiaa yaai. ago 1 banana ao azbauaed by long oontinued ooogta, aooompanlad wltb low fever and nlgbt a weals that I oould bare'.y gat about, end my friends gave up all hope. I ooui bed ao Inoeeaantly that 1 oould not sleep at all. Alter trying eeveral lung medlolnee I began tbanae Of BREWER'S LUNG RESTORER and waa greatly benefited by tbe first bottle, gaining ttesb end strength end resuming work. 1 oontinued to take It and am as etont now as I ever was, rarely ever oougb, nor do I suffer wltb my lunge any more then If tbey bad never bean affected. I am never without a bottle of It In my house. During the winter I gave It to my Utile children, even a utile fallow three years old, for anything like gammon colds, or wU n they show any evldenoe or oroup, end always wltb tba moat satisfactory results. Very truly, U E HOURLY, Bsrneet'lUr, Qa, Brewer’s Lung Restorer contains no opiates In any lorm. LA VAR, HAN KIN & LA HAH, BBOKWU SEWS. -Dr RU Rill, ol Brunswick. Is dead. —It* Mayor llreka, of Urlfltn, died Tuesday. —The Richmond Hussars have or dered new uniforms. —Judge W H Parkins, of Outhbert, died last Tuesday. —Rev Jesse Regers died In Dawsnn few days since. He wee born lu 17112 —The artesian well at Atlanta la now 4S0 Itet deep, and baa already coat 18.701. —Tba papulation of Tbomasvllls la now 4 250, an Increase of 6b per oeut slcoe 1880 —Athena baa hoisted the United States flag In honor of Cleveland's In pug ura Ion, —Mr t J Howard, an old and re seeded oltlssn of Dover, died a few days ago, —Mr John 8 Jones and Mlaa Ida L Rogers ware mi tried In Mecon Thurs day. — Mr N J Johnson, a liberal and progreaaive merchant of Macon, died Thursday morning. —The Maoon iree mall delivery aya tem oolleoted 114 290 letters, postals and newspapers 1 r me month of Feb* rnary, and delivered 91,118. —The shad fisberteu on the Altaraaha httve not been so auooessful as yet thle season, owing to the freshet iu the river. —Tuesday wsa regular sale day at Maoon, but for tbe atcond time lu 00 daya, (Sheriff Wen too it had LOtblng to aell. TUT rs PILLS torpid bowels, disordered liver, and MALARIA. From thoho sources arise three-fourths a the ilisottMos of the human ruco. Those symptoms indicate tlioir existence s Luh oi jtppctUe. lluwcli costive, Mick Head* acne# lullsieae after eating, aversion to f.r®ai!2r 0 sL l J? d i r ..? r mlu “» Eructation of food, Irritability of temper, Lon spirits, A Fwjhis of haring neglected •omsdntjr, IMsahiass, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots b®fore the eyes, highly col- #r#a . ITrlnc, toafSTlPAXlOM® and do- mand the use of a remedy that octe directly AsaLivor medicine TCTT’S I I have no eonal. Their action on tht Kulueys and Skin Is also prompt; removing all Impurities through these three •• scav- °f !?*• ■/■••■if** producing uppe- tito, sound digestion, regular stools, a oieat skin and* vigorous body. TCTT’S 1*11*1,8 SlT a . n ify^SS| a ana r ef?g'K I " U)r,c " ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA. IIE FEELS LIKE A NEW MAN. 1 nave had Dyspepsia, with Constipa tion, two years, and have tried ten different kinds of pills, and TIITT’S are the first hat have done me any good. They havu .•leaned me out I ioely. My appetite is splendid, food digests readily, and I now have natural passages. I feel like a new man.** W.p. E DWARDS, Palmyra, O. BoldeTwywharo,<goa Offieo,44 Murray St-.,N.Y. TUTTS HAIR DYE. Ghat Hajk or H’htskebs changed in- to a ULossr Black by a single up. plication of this Dm. Sold by Druggists or aent by express on receipt o(fl. Office, 44 Mart y Street, New York. TUn'l MAIOALO Ul lFUl RECEIPTS FREE The|Nn|irem.f. Beach. Vro« •salience 1 think SB fe a tmj valuable rssie>iy f( rcaUaroTM disrate#, sr,d st the sane so Invlgoratlo* tonic. Jambs Jackson.Oh'c i Joatlco of Ga.g Atlanta, September 23, isst.. Twa Mara Import an! Casas, ■ as-a ■- ---- bell, wa asked hi. . ba?<> two iu< r»-import-tii . . gpeclfln torep-*rt. This V'-nwrable furand wide t”r bis mirumi tins lal behalf of the poor of Oolnwbu*. It will be., m-n bated that tbe Hwlft Hporlflc Co. baa donated 3 nltr al Niuonut of their famoaa medicine to b« airlbawdbv Mi. Campbell among the poor of the city j hence his ram k. Ha sal 1; "I have jnat a en a lady who tiaa Leon greatly an il ltnl by a let'er iu one of tier bauda. It haa riven her much tronb'e and pain. ah# aald #■■** bad been t oat ad bv aoveral phvriclttn# dn-lnc th» past three 4>r four > ears with tti« old remedies bnt with- ontslvlos any relief 1 suggested Swift’e fipoeffle and rbe took fonr bottles an- la t r«-rfcctl wall, liar baud la btnooth « lc sl«n oi the d'«ooe Is lof’ It ll ila msdluiuo renovates theayatam, ••Wbat abont th* other case ?" "Wall, that was a ladv. alao >-he bad been badly affected with ecsema fonr yaara Bar face, band a aud arms. a* wall aa har b dy. weie covoreri with sort* and »oaba. It waa one of tbe w rut cases of this tarrlbladjaaaaa lliat I have over aeau. The »uf- fsrinr of tlita poor craatnro wai beyond expresalon, gba triad evarv remedy at ham), including mercarv and lodld*-of po'a-h. but she only grew w^rse fib’ was In tblacondlMr'n wu n I first «aw the case. . soon be-i hor taking Swift a SpeMflc. a d aba baa Mow ooly taken l wo butt'e*, but every mart of the dlav-BA haa Wm *t sotiraly disappeared. Her ran oral health has greatly improved It la one of the moat rant >rkable cores that haa coma un <e actios at.d in a ministry of rixtv yaara I have S 1 * d with every clw-a ot accifty and obaarvad cloraly a variety of diaraiwa wh'oh aff.c bumauhy l«*od dtxaaes are th« moat numaman and tbe moat diBonlt to remora To overcome thane dlanaaea, it 1* my deliberate judgmsr t that Bwift'a SptciBc la |h» gr i.drat blood Hiriller ever diacovered Itr effaoiiars wor d-tlol. aod I cnualdar them almost mlraoniona. Then- ia no medicine comparable Trea ise on Blood and Skin Dlfaaaas mailed free TUI 4WIFT SPRUlFlO 00., Drawer S, Atlanta, Oa. f»> - - ' apparently J'» not aain- It ia marvelona how A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Every lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ■a —aw (pit rd mt) DR.RICE, 37 Court Place, LOUISVILLE, KY, A Nplwly aAaoaUd aa4 Ufallv qualified physieiea —U Mcceaefal, at ha practice will prove.___ .terrhsw ui latpotswar, at Ilia reewlt ef telf-ebuw ta yoolh. eeauel Ooafnaloo of Meet, Lou of Saioel Tower, etc., raudarlnf ■arriege linarepir or unhappy, ere thoroughly end perm*- aeatly cured oYPHXlelB paeltlvely cured and ro ll rely eradicated from the tyttoin. Oononhea, “ Stricture, OrchlUe, Hernia (er Rupture)* —— ■** quickly ( 1 ISM thorn will ba Invented In and near he city ol Talladega two hundred thousand dollars In varloue kinds of tnanuft-ouirlng Industrie*. .J *> — At the election for town oflloera in Tuskogne, on Monday, the loiiowlng wore nulcoted to serve for the next twelve month* i Mayor, H I) Faint; oounollinen- J H Drakeford, li li Var nor, WG Danner, W F Knatell. This Is the same old ocunoi), with the excep tion of the last two named, —Married, in Willta. Texts, at the reHldnnoe of the brlde’e mother, on Montgomery street, February 2lst, 1H85. by Rev B N Barker, Mr William W Wynn, of Montgomery, Ala, to MIsh Maggie W Heath,of,Willie, Texa*. —Eugene MoGonnell waa tried in Mobile on Wednesday for aaaault wl h Intent to murder an employe, Pat Murphy, who elalmed that McOonnell beat him severely and otherwise abused him. Murphy failed to auataln hia charges and waa in turn bound over on a warrant aworn out by Mo- Connell. REMOVAL! Wa hava moved from our old stand ou Broad atreet to the Cornerin theWebster Building OUR STOCK 18 COMPLETE AND FRESH* —Green G Thaxon, and Robert Mo- Mahan, two of B Jtta oouuty’e oldest residents, have died within the past few days. —Commissioner* Walker, Entllland Dorset! are charged with the duty of preparing the budget of expenses ot Chatham county for 1885. —Will Haralson, brother to Frank L Haralson, of Atlanta, state librarian, met with a severe railroad accident in Texas a few days ago. —A lady in While county attempted tooommit auli'lde by climbing u tree, dicing her neck in s fork and then utuplug itf. Her husband reached the tree in tune to prevent her death. Balnbrldge is gathering quite a mu seutn of shark's teeth, well pro esved, from the artesian well, at a depth of 200 feet. -Sarah Napper, tbe colored woman recently arrested for killing n little ne gro ohlid a* Home, was arraigned be fore Justice Walters, and after hearing all tbe evldenoe was discharged, —Arrangements are being made for agraud military tournament In Sa vannah, 'o take place the Inst week in April. Fifty-two companies have been Invited. —1 is reported that a branch lodge of the Knights of Labor ha* wl .bin tbe ; asi month been orgauixsd in Savan nah. aDd is now getttug Into good working order, —James Curry, late manager of the Rri< (Pa ) ball club, and once wi'h tho Gleviiano (Ohio) league team, has been seho ed to manage ti e Augusta team during tbe coming season. —The piark r ad or turnpike from Augusta to Summerville was sold Tuesday by the company cwi-irg it and turned over to the village ol Sum merville The pike will be kept open, proved and maintained aa a due avenue. -Mr John F Thompson, formerly editor ol the Fi-u Gaines Tribune, and reoently connect* d with the Chattanoo ga Dally Commercial, will be associate and local editor of tbe Randolph Vin dicator, the new paper to be published in Cutbbert. Til» first Issue will ap pear on Saturday. —At;A»henson Monday night the city council met, and by a vote of 5 to 3 passed an ordinance requiring cows to be kept up in East Athens, to pre vent gates being put across tbe public roads. It created great indignation among the oiiiz ms of tbe first ward, and a petition < f 150 names was being gotten up, asking Alderman Palmer to resign for voting for tbe same. Tbe oouncll sustained the stock law all over Athens, Mr A L Hartridge, a leading citizen of Sivannab, Ga, and Mias Agues Campbell, also of Savannah, were mar ried Tuesday mi rning at Emmanuel P E church, B Uimore. Mr Hartrldgo was Mias Cempbell’as-nardlau. She is a handsome brunette 16 years of age, arm until within the last few week* attended one of the fashionable board log schools. The groom Is a widower wl h several children, a son who is older than the bride attending tbe wed ding. —Dr Mapp, of Jacks mi, has an old E igiish gold watch that baa been iu ais family more thau 100 years. He has bad it in his possessiun over twenty years, and says it has been In good running » rder ever since It was b night —over 100 years ago. He says there has not beeu two dollars spent ou It dnee it was bought. Mr MoArtbur of he same place, has a saw, plane, draw- knife, chisel anu hammer that were owned by the enufedera e states gov ernment when the war ended. —Amerlcns Recorder : There is an old lady ol 73, who lives iu an adjoin ing county only flfieen miles from the city, whose life has been a little re markable. Hhe has never beon farther than fifteon miles from her home In all her long life. Twice married, the mother of two children—one of whom is cj Aid and the other the mother of a family—she has never worn ouf, bv constant n»e, a single pair of shoes She has never felt a headache, tooth ache, nor even backache—says she does not know what they are like Still welt and hearty, ahe came to Americus a few days since and paid a merchant $100 that she was due him. Ga ting up to start so early, she said, made her feel a little badly. Surely hers is a remark able record. ALABAMA IISWB. eLitl UOPIKS, ' Thsaa Whe ;Llv« lw til ass Hoasss Mind llnw fhe; Cass Misbn. •The wicked Booth when noone paraue h." It is amusing to see bow tender-foot ed certain blood remedy p r oprletois have become ot late. Tbey make much ado about “apes and imitators 1 ' wh -n none are in \ ight Tbe proprietors of B B B would say most emphatically that their renedy stands upon its own merit. Should we attempt to Imitate, it would not be those who do not understand the mo dus operand! of that which they offer. Our own long experience in the pro fession preclude* such an idea The field for blood remedies ia large aud broad, affording ample room for all pteseut aspirants. We do not desire to close the door against others, neither shall It be closed against us. B B B is the quickest remedy, does not contain mineral or vegetable nolson, does not Imitate, and is in the field as an honor* able competitor for public favor, and its success is without a parallel. febl4 eoditw lm A Paris company is making white bricks ot a very handsome appearance from the pure silica used in the manu- fao ure of plate glssa. They are lighter in weight than day brick*, but are not porous, being subjected to hydraulic presnure before tbe final baking process to which they are subjected. Changes of climate have no tffeot upon them. Wb«i * PIIJ That *he otlnrwise beautiful girl Bhould have such bad teeth- And all because she did not use SOZODONT, It costs bo little to buy it, considering good it does, and its benefits stretch out into her future life Poor gli 11 th,HBt,se,tuiV.w rilee,omi4W prirete ileeeooe quickly cu Ule oeir-erldenl that e phyofclen whe r _,_ _ r Me*tee certain elate of, en.1 treetlne ihoueende one* ally, eeqntrea great eklll. Phyrietnat kuowlne thle fact often recommend pertonfi to my enre. Whan It I • Inconvenient tn rlrit the city for treatment, medicine* MB to mat privately and lately by mall or eipreae anywhere. C«tm OnsrsatMd Is all Casas uadsrtaKsn. Coaeoltatleae, eeraeaaHy or tj latter, free and tn riled, Ctorcee reasonable and conaepondneoe etoctly coni den Met * FRIVATK COUNSELOR .tfiss8:>as!Raasi?“ I Cwh QC i A dsn psr day at homo. 8ampiss ‘Sir* Q0.NSUJPTI0N, «M thoneonUeof coennal tkn wont kind and or long fiaodlnf bar# boon curod. Indaad. boetrongia my fait* taiUoSeaey.that I Will Mod TWO BOTTLES PBBB, tonehnr wltb a VjtLtJABI.ETREkTIBR oa thisdlooaoa —Mr T W Hightower, a lending clti zon of IiiFayette, died very suddenly a fdw day* since, —Mr F B Holaday, an aged and very bUhly respected citiaen of Blooming- dale, la dead. —Mr E D Thomas, of Jernigan, Rus sell county, died ou Tuesday night last. -Charlie Barrfield, a youth of Eu- faula, while out practicing with a pistol last Tuesday, shot himaeif through the hand. Mr Webb Wood died very sudden ly at Orrvilie, Dallas county, Thors day mm niug He waa a sou ol Judge P G Wood, of Selma, —Abou< 3 o'clook Thursday evening, „ bile at work on the Warrior river bridge, E ia* Wall fell, striking head foremost on a block of wood, and waa instantly killed. —Auditor Burke has received $3 067 30 of the money belonging to me state, collected by A O D ion, the B ount county tax collector, who waa killed by hU wife. -Peter Bibb, the negro wbo attempts ed to outrage Mrs Catherine Walker, in Dallas county, in June, 1884, was tried and convicted in the circuit court. Tbe prisoner is in jail awaiting sentence of court, —Eufaula Times: Mr H D Clayton, Jr, having realgned the clfios of regis ter ot chancery in Birbour county, Mr P B McKeuale, we are told, has been appointed to the position and given the requisite bond. —Eleven senator* and tblrteeu rep resentatives of the legislature have le aned an address to the people of Ala bama, to set forth the merits of the de feated railroad bills that weie before that body aud of their support of the sa ne. —Last Wednesday morning a mad dog was killed near LaFayette; also, several animals that the dug had bitten The dog had been bitten by another mad dog about a year ago, but showed Simultanrc.usly with the reports from K m. ns annul the snow blockade In that region, cmne not*n of ao about tbe *i ext whtat crop, not of dan - ger from frost, which n’ps tbe pioa- peotive peach overv mid-wimer, but from the^Hesslin fly, * which Is mi reported at work iu twenty oountlea of that atdte. For Cough* aud Throat Disorders use Brown's Bronchial 'Ikcchrs Have never changed my miuu re specting them, except I think better of that which I began thinking wail of.’’—R-iv Henry Ward Bsecher. Bold ouiy in boxes. th,sat,se,tniVw Mr W W Corcoran, of Washington, haa given $1 ooO to aid the Jacas^n nut mortal association in erecang a monument over the grave of Stonewall Jackaon at Lexington, Va. ADELINA PATTI, tne great aoug stress, says of Solon Palmer’s Per fumes, Toilet Soaps and other toilet ar» Boles: * I unhesitatingly pronounoe them superior to any 1 ever UBed.” Principal depot, 874 and 376 Pearl St., New York, ^ oo28 dwly Gcvhrmor R< bbrt Lowry, of Mia sIsbIi pi, bays that in ease he receives the resignation of Senator Lamar he will appoint Col W A Perry to fill the uuexpired term. FilesX PllsaXI PIImXX! Bure cure for Blind, Bleeding am tohing Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of 20 years standing, one need suffer five minutes after using Williams’ Indian Piie Ointment, absorbs tumors, allays Honing, acts aa poultice, gives instant relief. Prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, nothing else. Hon, J, M, Coffenbury, ol Cleveland, says that “J pave used scores of pile cares, and it Hforda me pleaoure to say that I have never found anything which gives such Immediate and permanent reliei as Dr Williams’ Indian Pile 01nt< cnent,” For sale by Brannon A Carson, John P, Turner, Geo. A. Bradford and B. Carter. mh21 eod&wly Tbk English sparrows have disap peared from several placet* in the neighborhood of Boston, and the sup position Is that they have frezen tc death. S.» blizzards are not an unmiti gated evil. advice to Mothers.—Mbs. Wins uow’h Soothing syrup should always be used when children are cutting eoth. It relieves the little sufferer at once; it produces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and tbe little ohorub awakens as “bright aa a button ” It la very pleasant to taste, ft soot hes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the beat known remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes, Twen tv-five cents a bottle* ^ rnv29dwly AN ice gorge on the Delaware river extends from Lambcriville, fourteen miles above Trenton, to a point th eo miles below the latter ciiy, and is said 'o be thirty five feet thick In places, YOl'IVti MEN I-REIO THIS. The Voltaic Belt Co, of Marshall^ Mich, offir to seud their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (voting or old) afflicted wi b nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood,and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paral ysis, and many other disease*. Com plete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed, No risk lain* ourred, as thirty days trial is allowed Write them at once for Illustrated pamuhlet free. decl7 The New Jersey legislature refused ti ai j turn in order to allow tbe memi ners to attend the inauguration. Corner Broad and Crawford >treets.| Or prices as low as the lowast. Wa would be pleased to see all our old friends and the publlogeoerslly. We guarantee vou satisfaction. Capt’s J. A. Bhap- d J. W. Coleman ara with us. and cordially Invite all their old friends nd see them, iKiEnsriNroJsr sc hill THOUhANDB.of , SICK Hesdsohe ere permanently eared every year (as the hundreds of iestlmonlab In my possession will testify) by the use of, DR. LESLIE’S HpeoUt Prescription. Thle Remedy eland, to-d.y wlthont ■ rival, end will eceroely ■ competitor In the world. Thooiende or Phy.loUn. throughout th< country have acknowledged their Inability to enre It, end ere now preaorlblr, Dr. T,e«lle’e.Hpeolal Prescription for all eeees of Slok HEADACHE In either tte nervone, bllloue oroongeetlve form, arising from obelruotl m, 001. geellon or torpidity of tbe liver. When I say that Dr. Laalle’n; SPECIAL Prescription will onre the moat obatlnate onset of Blok Hewlaobe^I.meae Just what I say, and that Is, that It not merely relieves but POSITIVELY cures, no matter how long the oeee may have been Blending. I have teriltro. nlaln Irotn persons who have been .filleted for twenty years, being onnfined tc bed two or three dsye at .time every two weeks, that have been permanently cured by two bottlea of Dr. Leslie’s Bpeoial PRESCRIPTION so Ihet they have not bed an attack for over five years. If yon are troubled with Blok Headache and wlab to be CURED. be aura and glvejthls remedy ajtrial. PnionJfl.OO. N. B. AROHFK. Saratoga 8 iriogs. N FOR SALE BY BRANNON A CARSON. OL nvc. AMOS. MANUFACTURER OF- ies, Drays, Etc. I " Ufeuiaai, Ke»ps constantly on band a loll SMcrtmeut of work, inch mn Delivery Wmgonn, Rn*d WaJorw Drava, etc, all cl my own make *nd guaranteed a« good as any In this market Parties wanting anything In my 11ns will find It to their Interest to »e# ms bslors buying. | Repairing and Job Work also Promptly Done. I have with me a first-^lass CsrrlBge Trimmer and Painter, and will nse nothing bnt the v<-ry best material. All work cutrusted io ms will have my own supervision Ca) WM. BEACH db CO, Hardware, Iron, Nails and AgrieoUnral Implements. T HE Galstirated DOW LAW COTTON PLANTEB9: WATT PIOWS Oa.1 and Chill- ed; Ferc»*nn, Halman *rd LoGrsnge PLOW HT0CK8; BL^OKdMITH TOOLS, E FORGES, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS: BARBED WIRE Wrli# for Prices. IM.OB , BOSTON AND steamship CO. FOR BOSTON DIREC Great Southern Freinht and PASSENCER ROUTE Between New England and Georgia, Florl* Ur, Alubriina, the Month and Southwest. First class Tasser ger Ad onunodutioni Cabin Ptuwage tM. Exonralou b eerags 912. fPHK firstrclass Iron Steamships of this 1 Compauy are Appointed to aall every rbnreday iron Boston at 8 p m; from Ba» vannah as follows; CITY OF MACON, Thursday, Maroh 5, a 51.00 p m. GATE CITY, Thursday, March 12, at 3:30 CITY OF MACON, Thursday, Maroh 19, at H:00 p m. GATE CITY, Thursday, March 2fl. at 2:39 p ra Through bills of lading given to New England manufacturing points and to Live arpool. The Company's wharves In both Savane uah and Boston are oonnnoted with rail* roads leading out of the two oltles. RICHARDSON A BARNARD. Agents, Sav *nnah, Ga. OrW LCLARK, Agent Central Railroad, Oolambus, Ga, seplOU .dweet Una, Thf exufiatiou you 8ee ollnglnj? to the Hwcet gum tree in the hot summer months Hciemtliially combined with - tea made from tho old fiold mulloii which ban mucilaginous princi ples so healing to the lungs, present* in Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sw^et Gum and Mullein n pleasant and effentive cure for croup, whooj Ing-cough, colds and consump tion, 8>ld by all drusglats at 25 i and $L nor bottle. Send two-oent postage stamp for Riddle Book, Walter A Tay lor, Atlanta, Ga sat,8e,tuAw A party of Oaltforniau* have offered a vii-oyar.l and residence In that state to General Grant He hae replied de* dining the gift. Wneto Ndiateanenia m This Carry Wslgtot iu August, 1881, it was (ltsoovertd that my son’8 wile was in the las! atages of consumption. She waa coughing Incessantly, and at times would dis charge quantities of pus from her lunus, could not sleep or retain any thing on her stomach, and we tbonght It only a quoatKn of time when life would be cm pel led to give way to the fell destroyer. After ajl otbei remedies had tailed, we got Brewer’s Lung Restorer and began it in very small doses, as she was very weak. She soon began to improve; continued the no dsn of hydrophobia until last Wed- 1 remedy p.nd was restored to ilia and needer. health, eed Is to-day hetter than ahe —The Telladega Mountain Home | hna evf r been before. Tin Coluk Iroi Worts to. ARE NOW PREPARED TOfl| Dress Lumber For the Pnbllo, and! Solicit. Patronage in that Line, tr u BARGAINS! Having iordered In from (he varlon* Ex- .'presR r.fficps ail my Custom Suits AT HALF PRICE ! ! HUITH made ap for IK'OO we aeli for 920 00 SOITM mad* up for fouo w* se 1 for liOO SUITS rPRdeop for 30cu we aell for luoo HU ITS mad* up for 15 00 we tell for 7 50 i Intend to olnue out these goods lu V days. Au excellent for bar- i is thus given to all wanting to buy, s at ocoe. G. J. PEACOCK! Clothing Manufacturer, 04 A 04;Broad 8t„ Colombo,IGe. P H—Now Arriving : A beautiful «tock oi PJECE GOODS for Hprl» u 188-5. which wt will msks up to me sure and guarantee sallsfaotlon. All goods oath on delivery, No •’XoeptiouRe G J P. eodtf Central, Soatuwestern &_1ont^oraery^ Eofaals &. K’ds, All trains of this i/sUm ar* ran by Central or 90th Meridian lima, O" »;;d..n* r HUNDAy, March l.v ISM, pa™.n*« 8 wltJ"on B tt«*rSX 0l iul rSf 1 *. Dptolsiejy Hoots W. & J. SLOANE NOTTINGHAM LACK CURTAINS. from li an upward 8WI8S AND VBBN0H LACK CURTAIN’S from 95 OO onward MADRAS LACK CURTAINS from 4 OO npwurd TURCOMAN CURTAINS from » SO upward TAPR*TRY COVERINGS from 1.30 upward CRETONNE COVERINGS from .SO upward Material* furulahed for Window tihiide*. Broadway and 10th Street, IRW YORK i’llV, jaJV dew^m ■BEAD DOWN. C.R.Line. ’READ UP. ! No. Mat No, 53 • No. 61,* Ace. ’Pass g’r|Pas*’g'r , 6:40 pm 8:45 pm 10:00 am 7:/7 ;»m 10:21 pm 11:50 am ill:34 pm: 1:08 pm Lv^avannah^.Af | 8:30 pm Ar OUver M ....Lv 1:52 pm . \.r, MM Mlllen M ....Lv 12:40 pm 11:1)pm 1 1:35pm Lv Mlllen.^.Ar lii5pm ’ n *’— Lv...Tennlll*.....Ar Hh!2am tr . flnrilnn Ar >4 M am Lv..... M'Aoon Arj 7:85 am Ar Barnewlll* Lv 5 67 am L 9 Barnesvlll* Aj 5 57 am Ar Grlffin M ...«Ai 6:24 am Ar Atlanta....Lv| 8 55 am € B. |,-Aa,...a 1 No, 18.« Branch iPasw’g': »J pm Lv.„« Milieu ...„ArI U:0U 1 49 am 12:40 12: tight 11:45 pm 10:17 pm 1017 pm 9:43 pm 8 10 pm No, E* PwnV 5 50 j m 4:12 pm 4:12 pm 8:85 pm 1 60 pm No. a. Acc.f 8:15 pm 6 ot pm 4 86 pm No. la.* A co. 7:52 pm 7:09 pm _6:00 pm .1 45*ust»‘..rLy! 9 45 ami 9:’ij0pm| 8 30pm| l N'J 25,f|nIliedgeTlIle A »>n.2H.t| IFhsw’k’i iKniQPiun Hr’eh.iPass'g'rl | = | 9:to auj|Lv...Goraon Ar|440 ami 10:19 aa. Ar.MiU’gevlUe.Arl 3;00 pm 112:20 pir| Ar...Eatonton...Lv| 1 45 pnc| | = 1 ~ No. 36 f| No. 33. Ffes’i rlPaasVr 1 U«jm (Oiltr 1 No. 34.ti No. U8.t| KxsIlroMd. IPHsa’g'rll-Rto’g’rl , 5 00 pn 1 6 1-5 pn ilO !5t»u 112 20 n 1 Lv Baileevilie Ail tftvo an |Ar Thomaston Lvl 8:15 hq 1 4:iO pm | 1 8.00 rm 1 i * i N«x 2 IPaap'g’r , u.eiw. *. If-u. 1 1 Basllrowtf, iPaan’g'r 1 :::E |= EE: 1*8U Pm.Lv OufflQ Ar B:W am ;:}o P”' | \r,...\bwi.aii Ar »:6« am 5:1(J pm| Ar.. Carrollton..!.,! 5:30 am ! = 1 Er No. »,• Aoc. No. 1.* Pasn’g’r N «% * M 4k K By, Wo. 2.* -Main Lins. |Pa*# , g , r i No. 10.* | Aoc. liiiiiiihi 4 35 am b 57 am 8 67 Km H 22 am iSHS 1111 pm 12 20 pm 214 pro 3 Hi pm 3 21 pm 5:01 pm 5:01 pm 8 50 pm Lv Macon Ar 7 15 pm Ar Fort Valley Ar 814 pm Ar Hmlthvllle Lv 8 65 pm Lv Mmlthvllla Ar 2 52 pm Ar M .Cuthbart...Ar 111 pm Ar ...Enfaula ...Lv 1201 am Lv ...Enfaula .„Ar. 11:68 *m Ar.Union Bp’gsLvilO 11 ara Lv.Union Hp'gsAr 1011 am Ar ...Montg'y... Lv' 8:20 am 7 88 pm 5 05 pm 4 50 pm 2 20 pm iimiiiii No 37 Pass'k’ NoV tt to H B—Alba , No. uy Llu«* IpHHH'ger No. 28* iNo 88 | pHM'geri Phm 11 21 pm 12 VOpnr -V'lTpn, l 15 pnr »- 20 pn 7 3s pn. 7 33 pm 9 35 pm 0 35 pm 10 30]pm Lv... .MmcoDu^.A* | 7:25 am Ar Fort Valley Lvl 6 is am Lv Port Valley Ar 8t'8am Ar Bmlthvilla L\ 4 Ort am 1 Lv Hmlthvllle A: 4 (.0 am 1 Ar...,Albany^. Lv| 3:m am 11*58 am 10 45 am 3:45 pm 2 50 pm linn l W H. K.-Per-i Ni r j Hritnrh. |p« ::::::: I i u Lv Kon Valley A 4 4 - pm 5 55 s »' *r Perry. Lv! 350pm 1 8 0. 1 N°.2»t hw A H-*H«k*.|No.30t I iPass g ’n lj 9.xtension |PKSs’g’r| 1 1 Lv... Albauy . | I | 4:25 pm|Lv... Albauy .^AriUt:3n nmi i i ' 1 1 7:55pm |Ar... Blakely ...Lvl 7: 0 *m| I | I No 3It H. W H. R -Porti No 33f I iPssx'g'r'Wnlnra Braneh |Pass’g’r 1 Lv...LU.nbert...An 12:86 pmi i Ar Fort Gnlnes Lv|ll J3ai> !... |„ JjLl I I Kwfoalw <k Clny-TNo. 34t I 1 Pass’g’rl ion r, r iPHSs’g’rl I No 19*| No 5 * I* to B K-d olnaa | No. 6 • Ihns Wnln Line.IPnss’g’r | 7 '55 pu I 8:23 *<miLv Mhcod Ari 6:12pmi 5f6arDl 10 17 pm 9:44 am Ar Fort Valley Ar 4:53pm 382am I 4 10 pm j l:06pm!Ar fyilumbnw Lv | 1:20 pm I 9 85 pm| ^ Rrs on night traim: m follows: Retweeu Bavannab aud Augusta, trains No*. 61 *?*ib1’ ^ etWoeD »od Maoou, trains No*. M and M; between Savannah and Atlanta, train* Mo*. Pailn<<tn Pnflett Cars between (Mnclnnatl and Jockoonrill* and throngh nitt<nff r»r between Cbattanoo* join I* ryaud w!!*cro*B ?1 * AM * Rl * Albany aud Wajrorosa. Throngb Palace filer pi d* Car bt tween Mont* rraitin marb> than • rnu dally: trains marksd tbns t rnn dally except Sunday: trains mark ad that X rna lany except Monday. J' r P. 0 } ut f Sloopla* Oar Bsrths on mis at Union Depot Ttokst Office M minutes piler »leaving time of nil trains Gen 1 finp’t bavannab. T. D. KLINE.flnn'tB. W. B. B.. Macon. v r 8HBLLMAN TrafBr Mnna^er^Bavannab. 4 ^ ^ t ^Q. A- WBIT4hBAD, Oen’l Pam Agent, A rent Orilntnhtik Oa. NKY8 have always been.potent factors la the reaping of Death's harvest. No matter ol wtmt iiAturoorhow long standing these com* plaiuti 1 may be, surs aud spi'edy relief is offered Smith's Extract ^Mayflower. The many cures affected by this remedy hav« gained for It a world-wide popularity. None Used Buffer, save those win* reftise to he reliev ed * 'you would know Ju-t exactly what 1* piennt by the term BRIGHT3 DISK ASK, and how to cure It. enclose a two cent stamp xrUh your address to H. B. Rjjjitk a. B*v, Corivvtra iTw Without Money Without Price 1 ICOLUMBUSil Music House! (branch of Bates’ Pontliern Mnsir HOUSE, SAVANNAH, I- FCEORCI*. Aud wblfblatti«r bonght l»*«lv Ml 0*1* pnichans worth of Pianos nh uf»ttfi«Ns •rtli ol In p-tt 0 0 (opI’S oi •snjgst -US tluough thtdr Mu le II' ate li*re. to give inr patro' • Lite baneftt mil dlscouut of tbene ind sell PIANOS mi ORGANS From the World*# Greatest Ma ker#, at rock bottom coab. thus au • in,tallaient price* tbe latter aa low a# 6vo ana ten dollar# per mouth. I cladlng freight pa d from factory, a fine Stool and Cover, one Inatiuct’on and Book of Music and a full warrantv for ■lx year#. We also offer to Rent New Planes, #hlptted “ fac'orlee We const everything SrnKi! - - - and Merchandise, * Sheet Music aud Marie Book*, and sell than any other house south. Bs sure and call < for prices and particulars before boyifg D. C. 8HUTZE- Manager. F. G. WILKIES Ceneral Auotlonear AM) BEAL ESTATE AGENT Hpaclal Alton Lion Given i to risiiiiinttri’ Casrdisn’ mad tstigisei' Bali kOtflo* at J M Estes 4k Sou’s Shoe StoreJ •A.ZiZi.: Barden Keeldenoe on Jackson *tr**t (oor- ner lot north o f Rankin reeldenoe). tail ball acre lot, and one of the most eligible loca tions in the olty, augl tf F GWILKINS. We have Just Issued n most wonder ful aud valuable new book, which treats of diseases "peculiar to tbe fe male sex," and have spared neither pains nor money lo make It worthy the perusal and confldenoe of tbe wo men all over our land. Everybody, mother, wife, sister and daughter in this country la deeply; aye, vitally interested in this great work, and should send for It without delay. It will be sen! to any address In the United States Free of Costl Read It carefully, study it well, and you will gain from its pages informa tion that may prove more valuable thaD all the wealth of all the Rothschilds— more precious than all the gems of Eu rope’s royalty 1 IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE. Give pofltnflloe and write name plain ly, ai d address Thu BrniMtplil R-cnlntor r o., P. O. H*x IN, ItUKTl, «. , (I) dtf CHOCOLATES, B keakfaht co<x>a. Cracked l? o n-row propma Plain and 8weet ('hooolate BROMA, MADFHHKL In Harrela — Ktrt-nt Bloater, Kx.ia Mats Hi d Nol’g, Fat No 2’- and Extra F-imily 8’n COD FI8H, Fish In om*. Fresh Mackerel, 8*)m«>n, • oean Trout, M A HI NEE <?;atn* Bpleel H’idines. I Tom CRAB MEAT, (Nanis, FI dluei. Lobsters, Clmn < i Imported Har* Dried Fruits ! Pitted Cherries, Ilnrkteberrie*-; i’eaehen, App e*. Gernmo i'enrs, Prunes Currants, lt-tis'ns Pigs, D *e», Evaporated Pears. Plgg’ Feet and Trip® In btrrele and tin, Canned Goods, A full line and eholce goods. Pig Hams, 8 to IO Lbs, Oranges, Lemons, ». jt. wood, IRON [TONIC regard her mjii FromlarSer lnformatlOD ire' reetoretlon « nearly, mlraoletor • ,hand and will make public at; whloh^she ja^ Indebted^ j*redj»v i»ks..j.y a )Y WBM CURE! MOUTH WASH and DENTIFRICI Cures Rlcetilng 0*un«, Ulcers. St»re Mouth, Sot Throat, Cleanses the Teeth an.i Puriflas the Breath IMUBS and VIGOR of YOUTH, D>» pcpsla, Wantaf Appcme, Iu« ’ ack or Btrcngth, onllng absolutely cured. Rones, muscles and nerves recc-lvo newforea _ Enlivens the mind and L _ J27‘ m jr* supplies Brain Power. 0 A I KT O RnfTerlngfrom complaints Ls §\ \J I Ea WjMMUillarto their sex will find la DR. HARTER’S IRON TONIO a safe and speedy cure, (lives a clear, healthy complexion, frequent attempts at counterfeiting only add to the popularity of tho original# Do not cxperV oent—get tho original and Best. aoriwtf h»Te ■( tuuid end will men. puimu »i . the proper time, we Tentare the aeaer- | Lund Reetorer, Uon that bj the first day ot January, I dAwtf ndi-d by lending riontlsts. Prs )«ral wA Taua a Co. iunU, Maine. Wood Mantels 100 Sets Fire Brick for Grates. keskt your;grates with Two Care FIRE BRICK for Furneoee, Two Tone FIRE OL.A.Y, STOVE FLUBS, CHIMNEY TOPS, Ornamental Border Brlok for Yard..-*— Eight Cere TERRA COTTA PIPE, m These goods are Georgia made, at Stevens' Pottery, equal to any end oheapeat, 6. PHILIPS. Agent, Oolambug, Ga. Telephone OB. :WE OFFERiBARCAINS IN IMPORTED CIGARS PARTAGAS, Conchas PARTAGAH, Londres Nuperlor^. PARTAGAS, Londres Flor PARTAGAS, K’a Especial PARTAGAS, R’a Victoria Superior^ PARTAGAS, R’a Victoria Flor. TT „.^ ..Former price |10 60, now | 9 00 .... Former price 14 00, now 12 00 Former price 16 00, uow 18 00 -Former price 17 60, now 16 00 Former price 16 00, now 12 00 ..•^—..Former price 20 00, now 17 00 These Goods are superior in quality to any others manufactured In Havana# LOUIS BUHLEK & CO., Webster Building STROWBRIDGE SOWER BROAD V FCAST I'tix-d. s.WKri BEST. CHEAPEST. SIMPLEST. C. W. DORR, Manager ST3ZJS& UAtlNK MKGDKH COMPANY, 2(W FOUITII ST„ DES MOTNEH, IOWA. Muhmlltcd. Tho Robl Mi'chell Furniture Co., CINC/.WA 7/ RflCandia i^owerKerosena Lamps WUKftchom. iMiualHfnurgaHj.-ih One lamp HI brlUi.n the tt arth'-Mt e'lrnVr? rih |>H. liWOlllllgE. I Churche*, It la beyond cumpuri Till Best Light In the World. 44<mhI life Agent* w«n»*d everywhere. For ( trcul, —• and luforuiatlou uddrc-M*, THE ALBA LIGHT C0. # Sole Manufacturers WA NktoQtrtot. 6UCUUlATI,a nrl9 iHni k DHT7C? »s'U , i‘«hS.“.'%.By , {S JUL A llJUlllmonav right *«av than any thing alto la this world. rortnoMi await the work* ara abaol^UirisersJNAt .oao* oddros*. Tan *Oo. Not Wanting to Remove Our Entire Stock OF SASH, DOORS AID BL«, We offer until further notice for sale for SPOTJCASH t,<WVO SxlU 19 Light" Will down at 75‘cta 1,(100 :8xtOJ18 • “ •- “ $i;i2 700 10x12 12 “ “ “ - ... 100 1,000 10x12 IS 1“ “ “ 1 60 Sx7;i:{ 111 0. (1 Poors 140 K very thing else iu propoition. Respectfully,* WILLINGHAM & CO. MUSCOGEE PLANING MILLS -RE-OPENED BY- < ROBERT JUSTICE. * HAVING BOUGHT THE! MUBCOGKB. PLANING MILLS formerly owned by Cham- Ipaunk A Knuland, I am prepared to larnlah all kinds of LUMBER, Including Dressed Flooring, Weather Boarding, Moulding, Bracket*, Window and Door Frames. Laths, and all kinds ot BUILDING MATERIAL: also do Pinning, Bcroll Hawiug and Turning. Having aeourtd a oorp* of oompetont men I solicit a share of the patronage of the pnbllo, aud will glv* all ord*ra for work or malarial prompt aud cartful attention# Telephone No 121. a p28 dly ROBERT JUSTICE.