Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 08, 1885, Image 4

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(uticuia THE GREAT SKIN CU^E. •n make h it^out Ibe ivy poisi above, others pronouncing it bait r •> ntr many domestic remeJi*-fi we;e U8»d, >\i*l The tlieeate ate di'y arew wor*t* t ho pi three <f onr ve-y l**t pbTMcia' ;e*d. r-ble itching friep Aftt two nionrha rf this m» florin* *li- besan the u*e *f the rUTIOURA BKhECIES t; suit? The firet application of the CLTIOUliA al layed the itching ana now after Jour mo the uai'y n»e of them h» r hat da are at dlc and ut-h I doubt n*t if they had t een ccip o\»d at ti t a cure *ouia ha’.e been effected ia a inert Frankfort, Ky, Dh W H HALL. DriUfcibt. SCALD HEAD. F J Trats'eH dreg iri. Conneaut. O.. reporta a rwat aafo.lowa : T. e salient's bead *•» ann^t a ►olid scab. bi:d the d» v scale* coi.otautly falln g on hia head. m-king Ida encuideia white in a tew hoc- a..He tiered all the »orit#nta jnia.iaablei« un blfl head, baiuioft aud Pcbing and » teniUo h>Ml* arte a I the tim*r. Took br< e b-ttlt- ol Kfc- hOl Vf NT. need two boxe*, CUT1C L FtA and ftoiue CUl'ICUBA vtai .u« . dead ia Mru- ri e v t ee trom actib a a it wan the day ho w a born. No more itchiuu »Dd btrui g. and 10 more head- che U ae. uiH nliiiort iucr duious tha anyth Lg co&hit .re uo bad . cw ao quick y. Th- pa’j-.nt aaya you do not cairn ha f enough Lr C L1110 It A, DISFIGURIN'? Hnmo'» Humiliating Er^pti ns. I riling Tortures. Her fa - ‘'■d hi euni * <1 li- r aat-le Hainoracured by the f*UTf' , IJ T> t tth *•’ EDIE4-. CLTKEKA KE'»> VENT he ofwblood purifier, cleanses t:»« b;< on aid i»»iapnat:on of un.! n 'iaoiionn o’- ire -a.and tbor removea t. e cause UTI II»: A the gi*-at hkin Core li.nt**<t V a!Kv- ninv ;iu- r« fianiin ticn car* the Ski'. «nd Itc Her Ir k»id t», ll-.ii \p, i baby' 0 - tuiiinr* Mno lb a «*»«». ai utifi r. * > « oWtt BS ftjW! T h« S« j»rt »n \ ♦'piM'h. From expeti*-n'e. I think reuie-:y ft r cutamon- din 1 >u>- an invigorating tonic Jack an? Atlanta, Herteiuber 2'.’. a vei y vat* abb at the at. no tiui< i Justice cf Ga.- AS AtiFJl IUITI1T niMVTKIL f Two Wore Important I'aaea, Year agent bring in Co) embus, Ga., a Uw ila\a at *, and meeting 1 he venerable 1» <ther J li Uamp- bell, we u lied b m lor the news Hia r* ply was, I have two u.* re import'.!,t curi a ells cteo by Shift's bpecifio to repoi i ” This v« c-rablo man is knovn far and w ide lor hia cnreiui ting labuta of love in the behalf < f the poor of Colon bus It will be ic* tueu-beTid that ibe Swilt Specific Co haa donated quite ai. unmunt ol their funiona medicine to 1 il-atrthutrd by !V1 ■. t'ampbidi hinoog the poor of the city: bene** hie rem-rk. fie (tai l: “I have jam a<en a lady who hub been greatly au- noy ed oy a let or in one of tier hat.da. lr haa biven her much troub e and pain She said a u had been treated by beve>al pbvticiau* da. lug tin- pa»t three or four years with the old .-emfdlea hut with out giving any relief. I Huggealeti Swill’- Spocfflc and hho took four botllea an. ia tu w apparently pi-rfectl well. Her hand ia smooth au uotaain- glo aign o; the dieenfo ia left It is marvelona how this medicine renovates thesystem.” ‘•What abort the other caae ?” "Well, that wt»s a lady, also She had been badly affected with eczema four years Her tace, hands aud anna, as will as her budy, weto covered with aorta aud scabs. It wag one of the w rat cuaea of thla terrible disease that i have ever aoeu The -u.f- feriug of this poor cieatnre was beyond expreatiou. She tried every remedy at hand, iocisding mercury and iodidt of po*a-h, but she only gr-w worse Sin* was in this condition wn u I first vow the case I aoou had her taking Sniffs Specific, a. d she has now ouiy tak« u two hott er, but every nrar- of the disease has most entirely disappeared. Her g-n- eral health haa greatly improved It is-ne of the gt« d with every cla«s oi society and observed closely tne variety of diseases wli'ch affecr humar ity Blood di. eases are the mont numerous and the most difficult to remove To ' vercome these diseases, it Is my deliberate jndgmci t that Swift’s Sptcific ts th** grandest bloo< yurifier ever diacovend Its effects are wot-deiful. anti I consider them almost miraculous. There ja no medicine comparable to Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free THE.8W1FT SPECIFIC CO., Tiie Mao and the ‘•What ails you?” asked the man , “I sso you are a sufferer. *<ud can scarcely get along.” “Oh, you see,” replied the monkey ‘‘my madder, ■he had what you call scrofula, very much scrofula, my farder, he had heap sores, some big. some little sores, long time. They both took much medicine aud died; the t-cres was all they left mo ” “Yes, yes,” replied the mau. ‘‘I see how it is. Your mother inherito 1 her disease, scrofula, and your father caught bis on the wing, and you inherit ed or was born with both complaints. But why pine away and die when you cau bo cured ?” *T been dune used over sixty bottles of ouo drag ■tore xuediciue, and it uo good. Money all gone aud sore here yet. Some doctors charge heap money, but no good.” *'Bnt my friend,” said the man,* “You got hold of the wrong medicine. Go to the drng store and get one bottle of B B B, and before using all of it yon will fetd better. It is a quick cure. It will cure a'l sorts of sores. Scrofula, Blood Poison caught on the wing, Itching Humors, Catarrh, Blood and Skin Diseases aud Kidney Troubles.” ‘*1 l»e so thankful for your kindness, aud will go get B B B to-day,” ieplied the monkey. EYES OF FIRE. *0h, might I kiss those eyes of fire. Ten thousand scarce would quench desire ; t till would 1 steep my lips iu bliss. And a weil an age on every kiss.” That yonug dude needs s. metbing for hia blond; he is utterly too Iresh, B B B is the best t lug for him, because one bottle will cure him. But that dud* is not all alone i i his terrestrial glory—not by a ‘jugfull’’ Many others are considerably “rat. tied” just now about that blood poison business but BB B will cure for the least money and in the shortest time. The boom is coming. Purify Purify. ‘‘Oh, Josie,” said little gleeful Maud, “we are go ing to Lave s )ine honoy made at our house.” • *Hrw do y u know?” asked Joaie, "Because mamma sent the servant after three B’s, and I don’t know what b es are good for only t^ make honey.” Blocd Balm C >, Atlanta, Ga., will mail any one a mo?t woutierfuibook Fkf.k. fend aw nxtrd mt (2) The fittest seb- for fever and ague and ro- initteute are the de bilitated, biiidtis and nervous. To such persons Hos- tetter’s Stomach Bitters affords ade quate protection bv inorewsfng vital ^ stamina and there r distant power of the con'titetioa. and bv checking irreg ularities of the liv or, stomach and bowels. Moreover, it eradicates mala rial complaints of an o sMtiate type, d stands alone equaled anu-ng r national reme dies. For sale by STOMACH^ &8T!ESI s eodxw fnxt rd mt) A Clear Skin is only a part of beauty; but it is a part. Ever)- lady may have it; at least, what looks like it. Magnolia Balm both freshens and beautifies. ebltoth «a Bwtw (nxt rd mtjys- MANHOOD 8p*e<lilv mnn eti Vy the use of Tiffi/inf went, which effectual I y cures Nervous liy. Lost YlrUity, Preroaiur® 3W*? S *=■ at 1 tt^uble* ansing from over-work and* ofYlmllM taatlsd free, . ;» »A».ewii— tCfcp. WVt"ft. ’ od v D!d iy° u i Su ^ >ose NIustang Liniment only good or horses? It is for inflamma- ion of all flesh/ HI tn th s*t 8e*w (DXt rd mt) £££* wMklk yoor.own lown. Term #Q0 and outfit fret, Addrtea H Haur G^Fotund, Him, dull 10VF/S HF1YEH. If my fre*d soul were of itisins'orgiven. And * zrael at its fide, escorting flew. To guide it straightway to the realm cf be&ven, I would compel hie flight with it to you. And p »nsing there refuse Ms further leading. Aud he a one from thence hfa flight should wend. For I would rrove to him through love ■ strong pleading, Tha 1 I had reached m> journey’s utraoetend And lingering there, perhaps without your know ing. Until your * yea thould close in life’s eclipse; M > kiss to find * hen y< ut s was going, Should n eet it at the portal of your lips. Obi twee* ia Ibe morning of pore wedded love, When joy gilds existence, when faith is un» shaken. Ala-tl that the joy should so transparent prove. That from the bright dream we must one day awaken. Time brings ns at last fo gaU In the cup: Life loses the glow of ctb ction’s adot ning. When quarrels ensre as to who shall get up aul kindle the fire on a cold winter morning. Beaut j kpo's. Tb- fashion of wea.-ing fc.auiy epota »Dd patches is coming into vogue again quite laigely this sea- A Sensible Fashion An English medical pi per *ays that the care o‘ ha loes has become unite a fashionable amusement ameng mothers. A Good Analysis. A Yankee editor epigtama ically defines the posi tion oi tbo great rna^s of our population when be says: I am a a capitalist at Leart but a working man from necessity.' Adonis Made Adorable Indeed. Masquerade: You waut a new idea for a costume for the ball, litre't is. Give yourself a good coat ing i f green p int and go as a pickle. You will take tbe girls.-Pi evidence Telegram No hieg, “Can you give me the definition of nothing?” in* quired a school teacher, "Yes, main. It’s a bung- hole without a barrel round it,” stunted little Ted Saunders whose father is a cooper. .Pretty DresM-a for Girls* Pretty h< me drensvs for girls ate made of striped IlmousMe, with ihe deep yoke and the eutsidoof the sleeves braided in one of the shades of the stripe. Uorsiets or girdles, also Maided are often made to match and the full iicuseruaid skirt is tucked to within a ft-w inches of the belt. Laying ’Em Alt Oui Cold. Citizen—* You have traveled iu Canada. How did you fiao it?” Commercial ^Traveler—"First rate. But it was dreadfully cold. In one place 1 witnessed the Two Orphans F very body cried, aud the tear* of tho gallery f II npon the orchestra seats in the shape of nuow.”- B ston Beacon. A Two Lrggfd S'ory. A superintendent of a New York school was seek ing to develop tbo idea of ibiped and quadruped among the scholars, for which purp. se he had two pictures, < no representing a horse tbe other a roos ter. Uoidiug them aloft. Jn full view ol tbe schol ars. ho asktd in encouraging tones, ‘‘Now, which one am I?” ‘ The rocsier. sir,” was the unanimous rep.y.” A Young Diploma 1st. “Papa,dldn’t you say,if l.wanja good boy you would give mo a ctut?” queried a seven-year-old. *'Yes, my sou, ’ b.andly replied pa’erfamilias. ‘'Well, then ” said young hopeful, “couldu't you make it payable in advaDte?” He got his cent. IN LENTEN DAYS. Sackcloth is a girdle good Oh! bind it round thee still; Fasting, it is ang6is’ food. And Jeans loved the t ight air chill. Yet think not player aud praise are given To make one s.ep 'twixt earth and heaven. Grea* Opi ning for m Am. iIran Hair Fac ory There is a Bad-ltiist temple iu course of erection at Kioto. Japan, all the tiuib-ra aud pillars of which are ;>ut in p’a e by ropt-s mace of hnman hair The devotees cf me god they v orship ofler their hair on its slmue. The lair is then cut off aud is twisted by the priests into church ropes. I adit a of tuba On moonlight eights the people in Cuba betake to the sheltered balconies or cairy nmbrellas. They are more alraid of the ra s cf the m- on than of uu strokecr tho tevers that bleed iu iho fetid atmos phere. Every lunatic, every deformity, every dis temper or bilious attack is charted to the im oceut moon, aud while the Cuban rt fuses to drum bis city or clean the street: lie will never permit himsetf or auy on-? ever whom he has control, to be exposed to the muliguaut moonlight. A ml blent. A curious atd paiiont individual has worked for un indefinite petiud ou the following problem. When walking against a heavy rain aud souio wud will I get more wot by going fast or going alow? If I move rapidly 1 certainly encounter more drops in a given space, but I aniveat my destitu tion sooner. If I could make the journey, say a quarter of a mi-e, iu one tecoud 1 would have to encounter all tbe rain between the two points. Would 1 encounter any more if I walked leisurely over the ground? Gum Giving Place o Licorice. “Yes, gum bus lost its prestige.” Bays a Chicago druggist. * isn't the nature ot woman to stick to any one thing very long unless it is a sealakiu ssequu. then the longer tho bettor.” With* ut i xhibiting uu/ bigus of agitation tho newhj-aper mau asked what tho fickle females were now chewing? •‘Glycyrrbi*/*agla-b r-a.” was the reply. •*Thu must come from Moscow.” ventured the **No, thut is Latin for licorice root.” The Fits Day of the Week Sunday is the first day of the wtek aud the pre cedence of days came from the old astrological uo- tiou thut each planet, in ita order of distance from tho earth, presided over an hour of the day. So thus the beginning was made with Saturn to pre side over the first hour of a day, and assigning to each lucceediug hour a planet in turn. Saturn pre sided « vei the 22d hour, Jupittr the 2Jd. and Mars the 24th. Ihe 2,'ith hour, or first hour of the uex twenty • tour, fell to the sun.uud the first hour of the next twenty-tour fell to the moon. The presiding planet of the first hour of the twi uty tour, or day, gave the name to the day, as Saturn’s day, Suu’t day, Muou's day, aud so on. The suu fining the greatest, its day was put first. Poin ers on the Wea her A peach bloustm sunset in haze is a good sign of d-y weather, "aqueous vapors being opaque to tbe de*.'P ted rays,” as Sir Johu Herschell says Skilois believe it a suie sign of a h avy storm whan, in their phrase, a star is seen abeac of the rncuu to wing her and another chasing her close astern. This is a good sign, sure as any in the Sig nul Service code for scientific reasons. Halos, coronas and lunar rainbow* are seeu only when watery vapor is gathering high in the air, to fill presently iu copious rain or snow. An old moon’s mist Is worth gold in a kistt But a new moon’s mist Shall neverl n ck thirst* Meaning that a tog in tbe old of tbe moon is apt to herald some sort ot rain, while iu the u*w moon It clears off with fine weather. ‘‘Late, late yoBtere’en, I saw the new moon. Wi’ the old one in her arm; And I fear, I fear, my dear master. That we will come to harm.” Now kneel down Upon the ground In sackcloth and in ashes. You boys who’ve been Ho keen In making "mashes,” For now it's Lent. And of all such sins You should repent, —Chicago Sun, Lively Arguments for Pardon. 'Madam,” said a woman addreseiug the matron of a charity hospital, "can yon lend me eight ragged childrcu this afternoon?” EMht ragged children! What do you want with th-m?” •Well, you see my husband is in the penitentiary and 1 waut him pardoned. Waut the children to go with me when I call ou the governor.—Arkansas Traveller. Mexican Generosi'y Not only tho houees of the Mexicans, but whatev er you admire is yours. II you express a seutimeut of approbation for an thing the owner at once says: ior. it is yours,” but he simply intends to say something flattering, and you are. therefore not peeled to accept anything that is offered to you. An amnaing story is told of Sir Spencer St John the English ambassador, which illustrate? how this* national courtesy oiten provokes embarrassment. Sir SpeDcer, who is a gallant old bachelor was promenading with some ladies in the park where he met a nurse girl with a bright eyed baby. The la dies stopped to admire the little one, and Sir Spen cer asked whose child it was “Senor it is your l.” replied the nnrsse, wi ha curtesy. Sir Spen- has never inquired as to the parentage of pretty children since. Newspapers and Sociabill y. 1 sometimes think that newspaper* make men un social. Indeed, I know they do. Men no longer go to each other for information, but look for it in the newspaper. In the early days of civilization, be fore the uewppaper era. men gathered together as the Athenians did, aoxicus to hear some new thing. In the early days of this country the cross roads store was the news center, where men gather ed in a sccial way to communicate the news to one another. But the newspaper changed all that.—In terview with the New »ork Tribune. KsmI Obm. The exudation you see clinginK to the sweet gum tree in the hot Bummer months scientifically combined with a icb made from the old field mullein, which has mucilaginous princi ples so healing to the lanes, presents in Taylor’s Cherokee Kemedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein a pleasant and effective cure for croup, whoofing-oongh, colds and consump tion. Sold by ail druggists at 25c and fl per bottle. Send two-oent postage Btamp for RiddleBook. Walter A. Tay- I lor, Atlanta, Ga. «t,ae,ta£w THERE HIT BE I FEW WHO STILL DOUBT. If so they will find in our t flice many such letters ss the following, but none that are entitled to msre consideration: With my experience I pronounce BREWER'S LUNG RESTORER the beat lung remedy made. Four of my brothers and slaters had died with com. sumption, and about three years ago J became so exhacaed by long continued cough, accompanied with low fever and night sweats that I could barely get about, ana my friends gave up all hope. I oou( hed ao incessantly that 1 could not sleep at all. Alter trying several luDg medicines I began the use of BREWER’S LUNG RESTORER and was greatly benefited by the first bottle, gaining flesh and strength and resuming work. 1 continued to take it and am as stout now ss I ever was, raTely ever cough, uor do I suffer with my lungs any more than if they had never been effected. I am never without a bottle of it in my house. During the winter I gave it to my little children, even a little fellow three years old, for anything like common colds, or whan they show any evidence of croup, and always with the most satisfactory results. Very truly, G E HUGELY, Barnesviue, Ga, Brewer’s Lung Restorer contains no opiates in auy torm. LAMAK, BANKIN & LAMAR, MACON. GEORGIA. dwtf (top ool dh rd dji) Though God has promised always to guide his erquirlng children in the way that is right, he has nowhere promised to make lids way now right to their friends or neighbors, or even to themselves—Hal burton. A Prominent Farmer Write., R hbrt Mtation, Jones Couniy, Ga , June 20ih, 188-1 — By the recommends tion of Rev O U Davis I used Dr Mos ley’s Lemon Elixir for indigestion, debility and nervous prostration, bav ing been a great suBarer for years and tried all kuowu remedies lor these dis eases, all of which failed. Five hot lea of Lemon Elixir made a new man of me and restored my strength and en- eigy so that I cau attend to my farm with all ease and comfort Keler any one to me. William B Emerson. From . Prominent Ltdr. I have not been able in ■ wo years to walk or stand without suffering greai pain. Since taking Dr Mr ziey’s Lemon Elixir I can walk half a mile without buffering the least mconveuierce Mbs. R. H. Blo' dworth, Griffin, Ga, S. Pratt, druggist, Wright county, Missouri, writes : Lemon Elixir gives the greatest eatisfaction. I. has cured a case of chills and fever of four yeais standing. Lemon Elixir cures indigestion, headache, malaria, kidney disease, fever, chills, loss of appetlto, debility ana nervous prostration by regulating th- L ver, S omach, B- wels, Kidney and ii ood Lemon Kllxir. Lemon Elixir is prepared from the tresh juice of Lemons, combined wit other vegetable liver tonic:-, csihart:cs, aromatic stimulants and blo< d purl liers. Prepared by H. Mtzley, M. D., A 1 lama, Ga. FiPy cents for one half pint bottle; one dollar lor p ut end ball bottle. Sold by druggists generally, and by Bian- non & Carson, wholesale druggists. mh3ae<kwly tol rd mat It is a shame tor a rich Christian m*n to be like a Christmas box ‘hat receives all, and nothing can ut got out of it till it is broken to pieces.— Dr. John Hail. wt>a>( » M‘UT That the otherwise beautiful girl should have such bad teeth And a'l because she did not use SOZODONT. It costs bo little to buy it, considering the good it does, and its benefits streioh out into her future life. Poorgiil! th,sai,B6,ui&w When Cisra was asked what she would do if a nice young gentleman asked her hand in marriege, she naively replied: “I really don't think i d no.” For Conghs and Throat Disorders use Brown's Bronchial Irochbs •‘Have never chaugoU my mmu re specting them, except I think better of that which I began thinking weii ot.”—Rev Henrv Ward Beecher, Bold ouiy in boxes. ib,sa!,se,tr*w George: ‘‘Yes, I sake up mv violin for my own amusement occasionally but I never play before company. T. m: “Thank you, my dear fellow; tbank you ” ADELINA PAPTI, the great song stress, says of Bolon Palmer’s Per fumes, Toilet Boaps anti other toilet ar ticles: ‘ I unhesitatingly pronounce them superior to any I ever nsed.” Principal depot, 374 and 376 Pearl St.,, New York. oc28 dwly In one specieB of spider the female 1b three hundred timeB larger than the maie. It is unnecessary to remark that the husband never, gets into bed with his bootB on. YOUNU SR* KKAIt THIN. The Voltaic Belt Uo, of Marshall, Micb, offer to send their celebrated Electro-Voltaic Belt and other Eleotric Appliances ou trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted wi:h nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood,and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paral ysis, and many other diseases. Com plete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk is in» curred, as thirty days trial is allowed. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. deol7 “If you want to see things hum without a belt slipping,” writes Bill Nye, “excite a woman’s curiosity and be slow to gratify it. The way she scratches for pay dirt makes ordinary energy look lszy.” NweM Hum and Mnllelu. Very few realize that in the exuda tion they see clinging to the sweet gum tree there is a powerful stimulating expectorant principle, and iu tbe old field mullein a mnscilaginooa one that is very healing to the lungs. These two princ’pies present in Taylor’s Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum and Mullein a pleasant and effective cure for croup, whooping cough, colds and consumption. Sold by all druggists at 26c and fl a bottle. Send two-cent postage stamp for Rid dle Book. Walter A Tayor, Atlanta, Ga. sat,se,tu<fcw “Pa, who was Shylock?” Paterfam ilias (with a look cf surprise aDd hor ror): “Grea. heavens, boy, you attend church and Sunday-sobool every week and don’t know who 8hylock was! Go and read your Bible, sir.” A. Card. To all who are suffering from errors and indiscretions ol youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of man hood, etc, I will send a recipe that will cure you, free of charge. This great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America, Send self- addressed envelope to Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York, [1ulvl2-eodAwly] And he went and dipped himself into the Jordan seven times anu was cared. There was a spiritual lesson in tbe lext— if we do tbe little duties of every day life incumbent upon us, we ores: e tbe whole Christian character — Dr. Marlin. BMkUa'i AraluNalia. The beet Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers,Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter,Chapped Hands,Chil blains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refund ed. Price 25c per box. For sale by Brannon & Carson. te-28 eod*w lv It ia one of the siffictioEg of authors ship to know that the brains which should be used in understanding a book are wasted in discussing the hast iest misconceptions about it. NEW DEPARTMENT. J. ALBERT KIRVEN’S I HAVE OPENED A READY HARE GAMUT DEPARTMENT, Under the! management of a competent Lady, and respectfully' invite |tbe Ladles to call and examine the stock. Also have just received lew Spring Kress Goods IN GREAT VARIETY.! STILL THEY COME] 10,000 Yards more ot those HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES at astonishingly low prices. Ala large stock GING HAMS and CALICOES in new Spring designs. Good Goods at Rook Bottom Prices can always be had at J. ALBERT KIRVEN’S rnHOUSANDS.of cases ot SICK Headache a»e permanently cured every year (as the hundreds of testimonial* in my possession will testify) by tbe use of. DR. LESLIE’S PROFESSIONAL CAROS. Special Prescription. This Remedy stands to-day without a rival, and witt scarcely a competitor in the world. Thousands of Physicians throughout tb< country have acknowledged their inability to cure it, and are now prescriblrg Dr. Leslie’s. Special Prescription for all cases of Sick HEADACHE in either its nervous, billons oroongestive form, arising from obsimotion, oot.i geslion or torpidity of tho liver. When I say that Dr. Leslie’s; SPECIAL Preset in'ion will core tbe most obstinate cases ot Rick Headache,"I.inesn just * ! iat ! say, and that is, IhRt; it not merrly relieves hut POSITIVELY mires, no matter how long tbe case may have boon standing. I have testimo nials from persons who have been rffbotod tor twenty years, being confined tc had two or three days at a time ev ry two weeks, that have been permanently cured by two bottles of Dr. Leslie’s Special PRFSCRiPTlON so that they have not had an attack for over five years. It von are troubUd with Sic.k Head ache and wish to be CURED 1st sure and givejthis remedy a trial. PBionjfl.OO. S._B. ARCHER, Saratoga Springs, N Y. FOR HALF, KY BRANNON A CARSON. OUR SPRING WILL BEGIN TO COME IN Our bnyer tor tbis season will remain in New York for several weeks, and you may expect FINER CLOTHING, Better made and more elegantly trimmed than ever before. We are de termined to show the best Hue of TO BE FOUND IN THIS CITY. H. 'J. THORNTON. REMOVAL! We have moved from our old stand on Broad street to the Comer in theWebster Building Corner Broad and Crawiord^streets.t OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE AND FRESH* Or pricee as low as the loweet. We would be pleased to pee ell onr old friends aud tho public generally. We guarantee you satisfaction. Capt’s J. A. Shep pard and J. W. Coleman are with ns, and cordially invite all their old friends to call aud aeethem. K^ITsTTSTOTST Sc WM. BEACH «fe OCX A £■ V A‘: ,—_v- ■ m. -k. Hardware, Iron, Nails and Agrienltural Implements. T HE OlehretBd DOW LAW COTTON PLANTERS: WATT PT OWS. Ca«t and ChUl* ed; Fercnpon, Haimec .i d LsGrnn.e PLOW HTOCKH; BL.-vOKSMITH TOOuS, E FORGES, CARPENTERS’ TOOLS : BARBED WIRE Write for Prices, w BX ETB aOH **V *na eodiwtf 96 Bread Street. COLUMBUS. GA Not Wanting to Remove Our Entire Stock OF sisn, KOOKS UO BLUMS, We otter until further notice for sale for SPOTJOA8H: 1,000 8x10 12 Light Windows at 1,000 8x10 18 “ “ “ - 700 10x12 12 “ “ “ - — - 1,000 10x12 18 L“ “ “ - • - 3x7 1316 0. G. Doors Everything else in proportion. Respectfully, 1 WILLINGHAM & CO. JalSaodlf 75 Ct8 . $1 12 100 . 150 140 D r geo jmcElhaney. Rsaldeat DentlBt. 6714 Broad street, over WUtich <£ Klcse-’s. Jal6iy 1AB G MOON, -1 Attorney at Law. Office with Smith A Russell, over Frrzer 4k Di a'e Hardw.-es. re. Iel7 r D a.. U. K. UKlOUs. Office at ± H Evans A Co'n. Residence east of the ccnrt house on Jackson street, next door to A Turner lal4 =f G E THOU AS. JR. a E CHAKDDUi, T hom Ad a chandler. Ati oruey 3-at- Law, Office 118 Brosd St. Co umhus, Ga. D R C D HURT. Office over Brannon A Carson’s Drug biore. Residence comer Forsyth and at Clair streets. Office Telephon ■> No 31 Residence Teleohone No 113. j+n9Iy j D Fbysioian and Opeiaticg Surgeon for all disease* of the Eye, Ear, Nns# and Throat. Office over Brannon A Carson's Drue Store. No 131 Bro^id Si reel. Telephone No 22. Office heart. 8 to 12 and 3 to 5 Res* idence upper Forsyth Street. Will c«ii at residence when reqaeftt^ri.de21 lm VesternR.V’yofils. QUICKEST —and— MOST DIRECT. ROUTS —TO— NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, and WASH INGTON* Gloss connection made with Pisd ment Air Line, Atlantic Coast Line, Ke.- nssaw or Cincinnati Southern, Trains leave as follows > TIM K TABLE WO. »«», Taking Effect Sundav. Feb. 22, 1885. ihAii i W AK JSa. oi LiV Ne^Ori'n*.... Lv ModIg’ry........... *r ColninDUb.....^.. Lv Col urn:-us Ar West Po't Ar Atlanta..... 10:> i) p. m 9:10 A a i:U2 p a’ 8:45 a a 2:19 a jj 3:40 *-• A WESTWARD. Lv Atlanta....—....'... Lv West Po’t Ar Commbus .....—... Lv Columbus ArMonlg'ry Ar Mobile ..... Ar NewOr-'iif No. 50 2:00 P v 5:05 P M 7:^2 p m 2 .30 P M 8:1** p ai 215 A M 7.0U A M o3 8 00 AM 9.00 p y 5;4tt A ai 9:05 P M 2; 27 A M 3; 45^ A ,*y o- 52.: 11*40 p M 3.07 5 40 AM 9:05 p ai CidO A M 2:(;U 7.00 itortii. 7:55 pm 42:05 PA' 2:30 PM 5:30 pm | 10:25 am 12 20 am 3:10 A 0:16 a A! Wash'ion Banlm'rt Pullade!’ Mew Y k 9: JO pm 0:c0 PJa 3:45 PM 2.uonhi irttiiiuau oietpclb ou Lmiiife 55 ax.d 56 flt- tween Montgomery auu Washington with* out oiiange. Trains 50, 51,52 and 53 make close connect lions with trains to and irom Mobile anc New Orleans. Train 52 connects atMor**- gomery with Hams lor Melina act Euiaula. Connections made ai Opelilu with East Aiabuma and Cincinnati, hcc the Columbus and W estern Railroads* Ail trains except 52 and 53 connect at Ubeiia'* with Tuskegee Railroad. CECIL GAB BET, Gen'i Manager. CHA8 H CKOMMECL, Gen’i Paseengtir Agent, M!Lt£&3HAR® B. OCLUMBis. Ga.. Februaary 224. 18*5.^ O H AHD AJTttlt THIS DATE TiLOHS Will ran as follow*: Mail Train So. IHtotog Wesi <4«fJp), Llovo Gmeihi Paasensw Depot. Golumbua. 1.25 Leave Broad Street Depoi, Oolombud ls<> Arrive jit Dnion Springs................................. i-.:A r n L«ave union Springs.—, 0;i:> *.. Arrive at Tmy., t, ... 7:05 P 3 Making close oonneotion »t Onion Springy with X & X Jlailroad for Mcatgomtry and Eniauia daily Mail Train Ko. 2—Coming ; iieftve XkIm— — 5:00 >,» Arrive at linion Springe - e>:.-.-2 <. i. 1.15HVU Uuiou Spriti#fe ... 7.^2 S Arrive at Broad Str**«t Depot, Oelrmlma Il:o01 js Arrive at GenT Paasenger DHpot,(Jo!cmbQ8 11:14 ■ » Connects ai Union Sprin>:s with M A X E. i daily ior itloutgomery ana Xafan a, and at Colt bua with 8 W K it for .'duooi. SftY-ann&h, Anga aud ncic-ta ^orth. aadAccoExzBodatlenNr^^ J.Q01NQ WEST—DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. LtaveUolainbuB Geu i Paasen^cr l>epoL'. M . 5:<M a lie&vo Columbns Broad Sireci DepoL... 5:Id r. Arrive at Union Spriaga...^.^ 9:23 a Leave Union Springs * i&akcj close connection a; Union Springe w‘;»i A £ Baiiroac for Xufsula dail?> W*\j FialgM imdAcccmibodAtlon JSo.L COMING EAST-DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave T^ny r 8:00 a Airive at Uuiou Springs^. —a Leave Union Spriuga...... 1:25 a Arrive at Bread Street Depot, Ooluiubria...... :);4l pm A rrive- Passenger Depot, Oolurubun 3:5ft p a Connects at Union Springs with for Sufauia. W. L OLABK.Sup't. 1>. fe. H IILIAaB.a. r r. A. dtf_ cou«s ijiEsmtu ai n, Opslika, Ar^». January lith, igfft. ter Sunday. road will bo r NO. L eay* Oolnicbns k 45 a m NO. a. Leave Opelika M ».».un..Jl 45 a ut ArriveOolcuibaj«...«w^... 1 0.3 pc. NO. 8x Leave ColumbUB^.«.^....-w.^ 230 r m Arrive Opelika - 3 53 s m INO. 4, Leave — 6u» p Arrive Oolmnbua....^. 7 22 p NO. fl*. Leave Colut' bus.....— 7 20 a ... 9 3 Arrive at Qoodwater— 5 23 p i NO. O. Leave Goodwater..^...^.ft ihi a i Arrive Orelika lo 2 a r Arrive Columbus ~.12 56 p i NO. 7—N1G11T TRAIN. Leave Columbus 9 05 p i Arrive Opelika............ M «Jll 58 p i I NO. 8—NIGHT TBA1N., Leave Opelika 4 05 a t Arrive Columbus.....^.w..^....~.~.~.ft 46a i X A FLEW ELLEN. Gen’i Wai.fttei ColiaiB am Utai JSauway m. Office General Manager, .Columbus, Ga,. P’eb. 23d, it85# O N ond auer tbio date tbe schedule i Mb 11 Train will be hs follows : No 1—Going North Daily (Sunday Excep'd) Leave Columbus 35 p to Arrive at Cbipley 4 iff o ra Arrive at Greenvllle.^....^ G”4 p ra No 2-Coming South Dally (Sunday Ex cepted). Leave Greenville 30 a ra Arrive at Chlpley...~- - 75< a m Arrive at Co umbos.... 10 17 a in W L CLARK, Geo’l Manager. T C 8 HOWARD, Gen'i Ticket Air : feb‘24 dly PIEDMONT AIR-LISP. Richmond a rt d Dartviile RAILWAY SYSTEM. T he great through car route with Double Daily Train8 aud Through Sleeping Car service coravdete between the South and North, 72 xniics shorter ecd 8 hours quicker than auy other route to Washington »rd the East. Richmond and Dunvllle Railroad Time One Hour FaN'er Thnn Allan a City Time Mail and Schedule in effect Oct Express Express, 12<h, 1884 No 53 No 51 Lv Atlanta (City Tune)... Lv Atlanta (K & D Time; Lv Lula Lv Greenville.^ Lv Chariot 1 e.... Lv Salisbury Lv Greensb.iro Ar Danville - Lv Dknville..... Lv Lynch nurg« — LjV Char'on esville. Ar Washington Lv Washington Ar B^ltiraor-. Ar Philadelphia Ar N^*w Yoi Ar Boston 7 40 a d 8 4ff ft IE ‘ 1U4 ar/ 2 50 p rr H 30 p in 7 53 n rr 928 p n 1 10 p rr. .12 SO pm U 45 a m 5 00 p m 6 00 p m 84i pm 12 35 a m 5 30 a m 7 i7 a in 9 20 & m 1120 ft ra a in 3 00 p m ! 3 60 a m 5 25 p ro 8 00 am LO25 p in 8 20 a rr 11 15 p m 9 20 a m 12 30 a m 1245 pm 3 40 am 3 40 p it 6 40 a ra 6 25 ft nr- 3 30 p ra Lv Dan j 12 40 h u ii 25 a in Lv Bm kbille j 5 io nir 3 00 p m Ar Richmond i 7 00 a a■! 1 58 v. ra ONLY' 31 HOURS TRANSIT ATJjANTA TO NEW YORK Tbe only line running Pnllman Buffett and Sleep ing Cars without ebauxe, Atlanta to New York via Washington. Bertha secured and numbers given ten <layn in advance in these cars. Train number 63 baa Pull man Palace Cara N«-w Orleans to Washington. Train number.»1 Ion* Pullman Buflett a';d Sleep ing Cai Atlanta to New York. Two Dolly fraint lor *<b*>ns« Oa„ Ex cept hu.sday. M SLAUGHTER, Gen Pass .Agent. A< lauta, Ga. Richmond. Va# O W CHEaRS. OHAS J FREDERICK, Aaa’t Geo Pass Ag't, CitF Pas# Agent. Atlanta Ga. 1 Colnmbns Ga, waTiS xT r-A fee.. LEWIS VOIGHT & SON, Manufacturers and Jobbers of pmrHMis WIW1I0W SHADES. STORE ASO OFFICE, I WAREHOUSE, 203 & 205 Central Aye. 238 k 243 West 7ft St Cor. of LoNGwonTH St. I Few Doors W. of Cent. Aye, CIN CINN ATI, O. Sample Books and Price Lists of Shades and Paper sent upon request. Being members of American Manufacturers Association of U. S., our prices ou all goods arc Game as Eastern market. By purchas ing of us you save time and freight* >29 d3m CARTER & BRADLEY, llii KB a BUSK WEBSTER WAREHOUSE. WY,Uhe cndersIgned.'IUBve-lbls day forced oopanner^hlp under the firm name ol CARTBR * BRADLEY, to carry oatAe WAREHOUSE & COMMISSION BUSINESS At tbe Webster Warehouse. We will l9ke possession of the Ware'oufe on April I p t, but during the interval one or both of us can always be found la the office of tb© present occupant (tol H Buefey) folly prepared to meet ibe waste of the old customers of the Webster Warehouse, and extend accommodation to ft!! new buslner-s which may be en trusted to us. W© hrpe by close application and promt t attention to merit » fwirshar of Ihe bnelness in onr ’lne s A CARTER, fpb* ’ b c • rr W ^ QK AH, FY . NEW LIST. For tbo n«xt;THI RTY DA YS It;will f ffor some unun-ial Rar^aios in every, lina A lareo lot of Lap B obss and Buggy Blankets at cost, Ofie-hs f <i< zen FRAZIER ROA[) CARTS at cost. One 1\/TTT .“RTTTT O^H-T fttCOst, i*nd ri>! mi cr d h r oa-h. M v stock of BUGGIES and WAGONS i r fcini cheaper tean ant in the city. A cw Bfivcrti^einent ovary woek. J. A WALKER. ’arger tbH» A now lot of Tftiipftu!in«. THOMAS CHAFIN -DKAi.Kil iN- ri< l> , jnciroM liMiMiira® Chr< m”s, « hfti>** !’?«»««•« ant! Pfafnre Ffam^s, Violin aml'Onitar Strings, Cards, Inks and Writinfi; Desks, Atlas and Cord, Views and Steroscopes, Ai’omns and Pr.okei Books. Thomas’ Standard Eleck, Violet end Carmine Inks. Ail the Iste Periodicals kept eoriFranUy on hand. 1 Tim leiitrai, Soiiiiiwenieni ^ t o Ail 'A cinr- of thi« nyptcra are run by Oen'cral or 90lh Meridian Hint. Savannah. Ga,. March I* J885 X and after SUNDAY March 1st. 1885. piws^ngfr trzir.a ^ ihMr. roa,:*: uitat Hows- ■ ■ft*? tiLA D DO W i> L .li.E.,;-ra Lin^. tiE Afi U t. * No- 51.» Savannah and At- No. 52.* INo 54.* No 16,t Aco. Pass’g'r Puss’g'l ianta Divisions. qQIi’g’i Pass’g’r Ace. 5:40 piA. 8:45 pra 10:00 an. i. v^Sa van n a h.~. A • 3:38 po 8:So uni 8:06 ant 7:27 pn 10:23 urn 11:5» iiri A; Oiiver o\ 1:59 pir 4:59 fern 6:30 am No, «.f 11:34 pin i:08 pra Ar.... Kiiien.. ...L\ ii:4U :'-n dr b air NO. 8. li:4n pro 1:35 pra L,v..... Millen Ar L:i5 pra 3:46 am Aoc.) <;i7 am 3 45 piv Ly...Term ihe Ai :0:i2 sra i 49 anr 3:15 pn No. 1.* 2 59 ira 4 57 pn Ar Gorrt on A 8 51 an 12:40 an. No. i* 8 03 pn 3 45 :-.ra 5 5 i pra Ar Macon Lv 8:0-5 an 12: ngbi Pass’. 1 4 38 pB No. ii.- 8:70 «n 3:.i7 sm 7:30 pu Lv Macon ai 7:-3-i ah 11:45 pn 5 501 m No. 12 0:03 a» i 0 an? 9 08 pm Ar Barne. vtlle Lv 5 57 kit 0:17 pra i..2 pm Acc. 5 00 am lu‘: !, o an 5:3 -. sra ff 08 pn Lf Barcesville a 5 57 an iv 17 pm 4:12 pm 7:52 pn 5:49 ra 10*40 a; u:05 3J*: 9:45 pn at Giiffin^.—A. 5:24 kit 8:43 pn. 3:35 pm 7:09 nra 8:iU ;*t: 12 2 a 7:30 I!: 15 v '.r, A r . At lac a 3 55 am 8 10 vr- * 50 pm 5:00 prr N; . 0* No L * t: I- N* . 18.* Ni . 2i> 1 Ace Pa>*» g r Paas’gff BraBCb Pftsp’g’- Pacs'g’- He 22)| L.V .... ill',Cl. ....ATi J:J0.r4A.i 7 Mlr.rr 5 5i? am 3 45 ora Ar...Auautta... ovj 9 45 am | 9:80 pn: I 6 20 pm} ir - — — — No iHj.tlMJUfUKCTlIte *%: No. *4 Pa*'s’g'‘ K-iafttoiuu Hr -*t?. PONNg’l 9:ll) rtl'.J L\ ...uortii/U Ai' 4 40 am ...UmI 12:20 pn D. ! i 45 pir ■" 1 ... 35 t No 33.t I'pEiit: toimijr No r i No 3r * -*«5 B’k T Pess’g’rl H*ai3roj**s P* 1 i'- ’ ■ -r = - ev’ 10:15 ftra a v Bar-etVJljc Ar 9:<u l.j . 1..-0 a, ... 6 i:5 poi 12 20 *2 Ar TbcniSFton l.v 8:'5t.n, 3.00 rr. 1 ..... No. at «. v «. API A. j No. i r Pass’s’i Builreafl. { P S8 ‘g“ 9:40 ara — 5:JO pn* *. r.. Ca rroiJ lon.JJv J 5:30 am j — 1 -— Oi - V.* s\ l. i.* A cc jPaBh’g'r ~ 7 5o suT 8 55 am !1 11 pin 12 20 pm 2 14 pic 3 16pnr 3 21 pm 5:bi pm 5:01 pn 6 50 pi* 4 35 am •1 Vi A .n A K nyi No. 2A - uain LJnf. |Pft8 f g r ^Macon aI 7 15 pm Ar Fori Valley Ar 6 Cl pra Ar Smithviile Lv 3 5a,pn> Lv HmiUiville Ar 2 52pm Ar^.Cuthbert... Ari i 11 pra Ar ...Eufaaia ...Lv|1201 ara Lv ...Eufaaia ...A/, : Ji:56ara Ar.Union 6» r > r g«L\ 10 li am l.v Ualou ^p’gsA? j 0 11 air *r...Montg’y... L j 8:20 mil 7 33 pin 5 05 pm 4 50 pn. N. 37 I PftRf’f i-i.-b*: i No. 8* 8ft H H—A lha i»y Lt«< N- . 4* Pander N. . 20* No 3b : Pass’cer | Pass j « 20 pi- Ly... -A. 7.25 am ii 2! pm 3 12 pm 7 3H p Ui 7 38 pm 9 35 pm 9 3* pm Ar Fort Valley Lv Lv Fort Valley Ai Ar SmDhville L\ Lv8mttbvill6 A 618 am 6 Ob am 4 C6 am 110 air 11 56*sra 3:45 pra 12 20pn 4 ’5 pm 10 30;pn* Ar-.A)bgay„ Lv •fc-oft-.' 10 45 >‘r» |2 50 pu. yini 9 5 amiLV For; Valley A. 4 1 pm • >w j 10 4 1 am I ^ r.... Ferry Lv 3 50 pm I i No. *i w H lah. - I N *- -->trr j |Pa88 , g’'r| iy »,xt*ns!on. \ Pftfrs’g’rj i 4:25 orajLv... Albany „.Aiiii>:30 -uij i 7:55 pra IAr.. Bl«kely .Lvj 7: 0 <i?i( PaBftV.'l ‘ 48 p na IA r Fort Gat n es Lv 111 13 a-r 1 } . | 5:15praiLv... Eufaula... Arl 9:27 ami j 1 6 37 pun IA r. Ul&yton... Lv| 8:00 ami. 7 35pm f>:^o iiiFLiV whcuu ^vri tvispitui o:(ii . 10 17 piri 9:44 am A r Fort Val ley Ar 4:53 prr 3 32 : 4 10pra 1:05 pmj \ r Oolurabc^ 7 v\ 1:20 pra I 935 i a-1 No. 6 *| No20* e.lPftgi •g'rl Aco oiLv Macon Ari 6:i‘/ pra.| 5L5aiit Palin:*o Knffett O&rs between Cincinnati and Jacksonville and through rittirg car betwcon Chatluuon- ga and Jacksonville, via AttarU, Albany *au Waycros*. Tlnough Palace Sleeping (Jar between Slont- gom»ry and Waycross. Traiufi marked thus * ruo daily; trains marked time t mn dally except Sunday; ^raiDS marked tbut t nr daily except Monday, Tickets for all points and Sleeping Car Bortha on sal* at Union Depot Tickss Office 20 minutee prin to leaving time of all trains. __ „ _ ^ __ WILLIAM ROGERS, Oer ‘1 Sap’t Savannah. T. D. KLIN3, Sup’t S W. E. n.. Macon. W. F. 8KKLLMAN.Traffic Manager. Savannah. G A WHITSHSAD, Gen’i P*tx Agent •'LARK. A rent. Coin ml.u G» WE OFFER BARGAINS IMPORTED CIGARS PARTAGAS, Conchas ....Fortner price flO BO, now $ 9 00 PARTAGAS, Iiondres Superior.— Fortner price 14 00, now 12 00 PARTAGAS, Liondres Flor Former price 16 00, now IS 00 PARTAGAS, R’a Et-peeis).... -Former price 17 60, now 15 00 PARTAGAS, R’a Victoria Superior. Former price 15 00, now 32 00 PARTAGAS, R’a Victoria Flor.^-_ — Former price 20 00, now 17 00 These Goods are superior iu quality to any others manufactured iu Havana. LOUTS BUBLER & GO., Webster Buildirg 0*„ 3VL_ .AuUVEOS, —MANUFACTURER OF :, Bmps, Drays, Etc., Ke?pft constantly on band a full assortment of work, anch na Delive y Wagona. Koad vv'sgoiua Drays, etc, a?i of ray own make and guaranteed ae goo*i a? any in this market. Parties wautlug auythiDg In ray line will find It to their lnivredt me befort buying, e Repairing and Job Work also Promptly Done. I have with me a flrst-rless Carriage Trimmer and Painter, and will ne»e nothing bat the very best materlnl. AI! work ^ctrusted to me will h*»ve ray own frapervieion. end tee me I «fctl«f»otlor or no pay. IVCiFITAL PB33H 76^00.-^ Tlvkata Mg *3. Sbare. l«^prop« r „.^ Louisiflnft HiJtEc Lotiery ij>nip> v •• We do herein certilp i/uu we susrrrn- '! arrangements for all the Monthiv and I Annual Drawings vf The LouZnar-a Kie-’ Lottery Company, and in person mesnuot e^ oor.trol the Drawings themselves, and Uvu, same are conducted with honesty, ( '* in good faith toward all parties, anr’ thorite the Company tc use this certify' with ftiosimilei of our signatures attached Us aduriisbtiion}*” .-rflonsN, incorporated lu 1S68 for 24 year?* by th«* Lf- tor Bducational and GH&riteblrpurposAf?— «ft;, p * itel of Sl.OCOjWJb—to which s reoervr. rnu.i / J |5!*0.fl00na» since htsn added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its frauenq 'M made a part of the pree* at ‘to-t *V *ilopte<i December 2d, A. D. 167#. Tie only Lottery ever vaUd a% cmdonu* by people of amp titato, J It iizvaa ScAisa oa Postpgsb!. it« «r»ud Single Saanbfr iitriawsai., fikheplsee MenJhly. umjiuawd, iutaiwui, .'ia:ea i ISH5-17Miti fltfonthly Drawl* g. CAPITAL PRIZE 876,«J0<i 100,00* af Fiw if a:‘arm ^ i,-?riT CC PX1US. i capital PKiZS ~m,iu 1 Jo do — 26.1,5 .... 10,aw - It;*.-) - li'.OWI - tc,DOS l PKUilCS OK *6000 .V.’Z o Jo im io dc 500 — K! -lo 200 *1 <io <00 __ 50 ^ ... 1000 <lu 26 * ATPHOX1MATION PBJ'-riiS. 9 Approxlmstiau Priie- of S7fc. 9 Approklmation Prises o; 9 Approxlus*ilon Prime, i : &. 1967 Prune, wnimnUogto ... Apphcatioa tot rates to cia'DsssoesI to r to the 0£B.:« cf Uic <lon> pas; I- S- - ' . rr.i'frrtLc.r istor-'-.a.-lc! •- ■' 1 aitdress. POIIT.l SOTKs, F*r.r~ < Irtiera. or ts.'v (u;K III (.dinar, Cnrroucj by Sx»'«as (all susra o! ii aud ; . .1 our expeose> r.Uiir.'i-rO , s*-. A. ftrlcic *, a orM. t. BiPPHI*, 607 Nrarciu -s. wsalilnsioi, Mate P. O. Money Orders payable ,s«i . ReKistored Letters to SB<(4 ilKlKt6S JiATH.5.1, 1.\.V . Sea d-rjf-ixna, £ <y febll welj<e*w4w J > n TEL A, I 3>J ]Q s GO! BEN SPECIFIC 'A POSITIVE CUKE h’.- 7 OR THE LKJUOE HABIT. Effecting a speedy and permanent care, whether he patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholI.- twTeck. It can be given In a cup of tea or eoflfe without ;he knowledge o? the person taking it, ht itia tasteless and odorleta. Thousands of drunk ards buvo been made temperate meu who t*?-? taken the Golden Specific iu tfielr coffee wiihoot their knowledge, and to-day believe that they qu:: drinking of their own freo will. It ia utw harmless, rfretsfrire* free. pbf.pap.ed bt t» QcMei Speeific Ce,, \ii Sace 8t, CatDuwtj, K, FOIi SADE lik 9 pn « IU, i. 0, HOOD DR.RICE, 3? Court Place. ICUiSViUE, KY A regularly educated aud Irjn.’ivquilifiud phyuctan a-J • « Cures all forms of PRIVATE. CHRONIC and SEZUAX. Bii fJAS.ES.. Spermatorrliea and Impotemj. a» the result of self-afltiK? la youth, mtrsI *i<nut* f- • » ■ xi in« Jiv lirraiDi'r. Friii.i:.-** oi l • K-I«n tiv< M./ i.-t-. . . # ic»l IVaiy. Ptaialos on Face, A . ii u t* Society or I- a -v Confusion*of Lx>6s .if <exuai P. wr-r.^elc., reu-:*r:u« 07 "d pr ‘SYPHILIS GLEET. it 1* ».!f-#rW Gonor?i>c:*, •hiU», Heruj* (or Bopturrk , anieklv ccml. Gnres Ganranteed Ja *U ladertalseB. ^ v.r.- a PRIVATE COUNSELOR «.-f W {tagei. cert io anyvidryn, ercureiy Ji iSO) centa. Should he read by alL adevw* M i; > •' , Van f. *ws » ♦- 5? t* « 2, M. J^*4*7^ OgtoigBrgg RESEARCH^ 1EXPERIMENT. STUD!! For fifty years, by D v A L Barry, *n old practitioner, especially Jn i'< Trouf>lefl t wa.f* at last rewarded i?j discovery ol that certain and cific for woman troubles, Lux Luxomni is s preparation thfit dahy grows in poblic favor. Testimonial from responsible persons ail over the country furnish ample ■ 1 f Lii * wonderful power of Laxenji«i ar. b remedial agent for the relic! aud t er* marent cure of all those distressing conditions incident to females. Luxom- ni is specially adapted to the ?r* = u of pregnancy. It greatly amclb the pangs of child-birth, short bor, prevents after pains, and iacbn recovery. Owing to tbe sfrengt!'-u and tonirar intiuenco Ltixou ; ail MENSTRU AL IRREGUi TIES, tmd is a superrior u erine tive and tonic. Price 31. If your draggiftt has no prepftr»tion t address THE BARRY 51ANUFACTDR1NG < - DT-ftvvt'r 28 f %,s ‘ Notk—Luxomni is uo alcoholic oL c . but.a combination of herbs and package form from wnlcb a simple i-a ■» made. Write for interesting i,!>ok mail6d ff<o dec? • '* v Cheap Fuel. W E bav.' Ihr ch^apesi. Knel In 'I ket. A lari^e nember of Israii! nsi'.-g our 0022: And are well p eaked with It. and be convinced F*--r sale in at” ilty. Price nt Gas Wr.-k^ 25c per 5 barrels 81 00; 1 ton 24 01), COLUMBUS GAS LIGHT feblff eodlm 0,01.11 MEDAL, PA3IS. BAKERS JreiHsst Gee W. BAKER & CO,, Borc hp '*' ; MUSCOGEE PLtNIKG MILLS — re-opFnkd by ROBERT JUSTICE. HAVING BOUGHT THE; MUSCOGEE PLANING MILIJ3 formerly owned by Cham- jPAgne A Engi.and, I am prepared to furnieb ail kinds of LUMBER, Including Dressed Flooring, Weather Boarding, Moulding, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, Laths, si:d all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL; also do Planing, Scroll Sawing and Turning;. Hbvii g seoured a corps of competent men 1 solicit a share c 1 tbe patronage of the public, and will give ail orders for work or material prompt and careful attention. Telephone No 122, e pat dly ROBERT JUSTICE. ==- LOBISUNA STiTK EOT® For rickets or mrth.r inlcriaat above Lottery ftddrce* DAVE C. JOrt^STOW. CovInKton. Kv Amonnle or *5 00 and oyer by Ex pres- -' xpene wed.frlAwlw . . _ y h i n i & , trrjfApii {jtistwntei* (T' rra _S.tAblished ISM i in , r , rtf . „.r ,,,. iursen.l two.!.1.:.,. fnrr..'...!.ral. rree. tail orwrte. F. O. CLARKE. ** “• <0.200 VINE STREET. ciNCtNXATi. 0.‘IQ» OC17 dly