Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, April 10, 1885, Image 2

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€ otouitu&<£uitiu ■u»t\»^u>.t*i 'ui in M2K%>7 Y'ta m Ji*o 4*4k raL.tmx.«« vphxl .«, v^o. Our tstgiHi'Uii D.UIY SNvJClH^H SL N G SCV ,1 >o u >UMNG APUll. Ill UlW l‘»IU lur iiittKiiiifnuK • I 1 i ] 1 l i i -nr tfAiJbl, *»>c MUI WABiAVY ** - ** Ail <N'««HniuMlt»iu ut*tiuta< u j. t»uu uv -z nu« >ntik «r » juruumUi.t-. kauvU'- uMIViiiUmIi '•ill xn attorNO* aa alvemaomou,*. tiNrtiMWin a—n*4 <Uaw<«tM -iuu inor ( O’v sa J,00G »Ui.d ud rutanliy ui ia■' If jl Uxauda of whoopia* Th* uusiHdy tins bui’caao epnium o. rai’g 4ra,.,j tw no# rupcrvwii 3o have ruoeu&lj djodod ta*t Aim colon i«« wlUx cigar* mud* woo. 70/ pate.*, ccr*n»ily colored *nd v*La*ri t ico dtvor-d wi.h aicouin*. If tho Vltc« » *:b r*fo«a school in- •>.*ucuoa is given la mechanic*! trudeu* Ta* boys *;s caiefalijr uagtr, dr-'?, the 2*a.*« ft-d uses of tool*, sod then bow ?o Ui« sed keep them ia rrdei. Ora army of occupation at Aaplo- wsl. ia evidently to be on a “peace g.Ht trg." There ia • cc»inmlanloned ot£ »*r 10 each eqQtd of twelve inen St!*:gere Visillrg the place will thick they are in Kentucky from the num ber of mejora, captains, Ac, they meal upon the streets Thu reiuros of the ceimua taken in 1882 give the population 01 K"t»'*in lo Europe h* me inhering 77,870,521, of whom 38,651 077 were male# and 30 k27 544 iiiuajer 1 , making, with the grand duchy of F.mand and other parte of the empire, a toial of over 102,OCO,UGO Whicv Procter Knott madohta fan- dful L/o.t h iq etch fifteen years ago the humor of the thing lick led the en tire continent. No ore dreamed that Duluth would ever amount to scy thing, and when Knott called her “the paragon cl cities' 1 everybody laughed. .Stul this town ia third in the list of grain*receiving point*, beating Mil waukee, Toledo, and St. Lr uls It is reported that Gen W H F Ir e has dfetined an Invite.ion o become a candidate for governor of Virginia, on the ground that he will not lnterffro wj-h the eanvsea of h!a con«in, Geu Fi sbugh Lee. Gen Fi zhugb Lee will dcobthsa re« eive the dcmocrMic nom lost ion, in which event there can be little dtnbt that he will bo elected by a handsome majority. ATDubclr, Pa, lost week, daring'bo wo/k of repairs upon an old restaurant, a bunch cl rant, eighteen in num’.or, were killed. Thef»e rata hod, by iwia'.- ing and piei'ing their tails it gother, btcome to firmly united that it was wi*h seme difficulty that they were separatee. Hew eighteen rets coo'd tie themselves ao firmly togeber by tbeir tails Is a mystery which the oldest Inhabitant has cot ventured to ex plain, Oni of the numerous epplicautr, for office Is a gcntlt wemau lu Kansas, wh* writes that she would like to be post master in ber town, and given us a reason lor her appointment that she is • prohlbitiouist, and the president's election was largely due to the ?em perance vo'e. She frankly atida tba 1 she is 8Q years of age, does not wear abort hair ora bluouur «oetutne, and in not a leader in the woman's right? movement, though she believes that women ought to have iqual rights with Pubhaps It la too much to expect the Mormon elders to be consistent in the ir utterances, bat it is worth noting that in their address pr ies lug against the government tfP-rta to abolish polygamy they undertake to show fira. that monogamy Isa wrong system, and second that the Mormons practicing poiygtmy do not exceed two por cent olthe whole number of male me-mbere. Ninety*debt per cent of the Mormons are thus stated to be following a raise and dargrrens system of marriage — fr«»u» the Mermen standpoint, liiviKo plays hia farewell eng* go- men; in America ibis week, sud then departs for his native hea h. Whether •his will be nla final lareweli, or only a farewell In a Pickwickian sense v-111 depend upon the exter.t to whiob his exchequer has been replenished ourlag his sejoara with us. It he has made a good thing of it, and lined his purse with duoata, he will accept the fact as evidence point blank of a desire on the part of the American people to have him oome back; It otherwise, it will be construed to mean that he baa about ran his coarse, and not spool ally want ed; that he has made his record, and unless he oan beat It, had better seek pastures new. Stars rarely lea ?e for good aa long as bnelneea la prefi table or likely to be so. (statesmen who are anxious to serve the country in foreign mlaalons must not despair because the>r applications thus lar have not been successful There are still openings at the Argen tine republlo, with at a! ary of 17.600; at Austria, with 112,000: at Bo'gium, with 17,500; at Bolivia, with 96.000; at Cen tral America, with flO.OOO; at China, with |12 000; at Colombia, with 97.500; at Corea, with 95,000; at Hiytl, with 95.000; at Liberia, with 96 000; at P ira- guaj and Uruguay, with 95.000; at Per ala, with 96 000; at Slam, with 95,000; at Spain, with 912,000; at Switzerland, with 96 000, and at Venezuela, with 96,000. There will be no immediate oharge at Madrid, because Mr Foster Is Btlll intrusted with the negotiations relating to tbe treaiy recently with drawn from the senate. Thk correspondent of tbe London Timea, writing from the advanoe post of the British army In the Soudan, aaya : “The Arabs eeem to be more like wild beat a tha^ human boings. Even women and children fight In their ranks, and when our men sought to afford a'd to some of tbe enemy who oonld not walk the latter orawled to ward them with their spears between their teeth, striving eveu yet to slay a Kaffir, These traits somewhat dimin ish the aympatby which we should otherwise leel for such brave antagon ists. Were their ferocity shown in the heat of battle it would be excusable, bat these wretches hoars alter were animated by a fiendish desire to icjai e those who sought to relieve their suf ferings, Even the nobler animals have some idea of gratitude, and Arabs must henoeforth be regarded In the light of the most savage of the worst desoilp- tloa of beasts of prey. The fact Is they arc maddened into brutality by lanati- dim,” >llo MM.I Uil lilt. • t-ti H- twtifu .item in 1 mu '..1(1 ( •multi .)> .vtinwi hi.u . * in .1 11H (4 .11.11.1 1.1 ........ I .11 Ulo A „'* iH.*i*.i..t U.lit MHiJ :jtmvy ismim. rii.iu M u .i.h itaiiiu iiihU" M.IUUU Mill, >1 i..... ui. iiuumu to Ulo oufHHiU ^ft.-pii uitiii yuviunihy I’ito iatmt •f. roiuii'io w»tv«.i r ut uu.e iHi.-H ftf U A til'll II, »Uli 4M Ui tv bava niou u.ii.'B iltjuu tiiou » ou v » xmtor of ounjeoiure. But «i tar w » W OtfVKKU Jem wo poweew is ouuoe. tiou tc appvun in.*v &jie. Clio u.unju.a oulileiuo of Ulo foroa« oau 'Jo bu irraatoci tiinu tco wjjruug of it p.auac ia tta oriui. L cuo cr ia. of ttiecgtii iioe, aoc oome a ouoo tB« re.pua will o« bat a bn« f OHO. Cb« Naw York Bin m.J a few oa»i >«Co tuac e-«Q ;f Mr Giaoacoua. m- djeoowJ by til, p«*ce party, stscuid, to the (ace of narcwc nmoeatrance Irvai Caicuita, autwribe to ta« rrwa deaiaud, it ia not sure that Kuaua in the ed will ratily any bcundiry that deea not give ber P.rJJeb, which (be looks upou as an indispensable bac- irrss of Mere. That, in bet, all (he late representations of‘be ezir’s gov< eminent—like the elidling negotia* tions Ibat preceded tbe Crimean war—have been deeply Undated with bad faith ard inspired mainly by the motive of gaining tin.-, is no longer doubtful since tbe R iseian disclaimer of preparations for hostili ties has been reluted l.y auther'lc news recslved through Pereis. We now learn that lor weeks there bas be. n a steady outflow of troone from Tilts eouibwar i, and the number of Russian soldiers between theCe.rlan and Sarakts is computed a! 6o 000, a larger force, it should be noted, than bar yet been massed In India within equal distance from Herat Xo doubt if Russia hesitates, after all, to strike a blow, ber btsilaliou will be largely due to the ma»P r y measures taken by L rd Dufferin. Yet it seems that the czar’s chanoe of succ.83 in tbe inevitable struggle rau only be lesaeued with every year ol Lord Duflerin'a residence In India. For, eveu if tbe Russian Bgente could cope wltb that expert diplomatist in hiewdt.ees and aptnees for ooncllla lion, they could not hope to vio with him in the lavish use of money, which is an agent quite as potent as the sword in Asia-ic politics Tbe relative advantages of Riasia’a posi tion will be sensibly diminished a f.w years hence, should ihe empret nlercd Into belwe.n Lord DuilVnn and tbe ameer of Cabui be carried out. Ou Ihe whole, It seems probabl that Russia w uld risk less by fight* ing now than by postponing for a short lime a conflict Ibat is unavoida ble As L'ut DuUerin is known to take the estno view e>f I. ilia’s inter- eats, we at all onntlnue to regard wi li a good deal of skepticism the .fluslvc assurances tbat tbe Afghan war cloud ia dispelled van at (ha nia». Toe Xew York Herald (bus di ou tbe porsihilitieB growing out of the visit to Ireland by Ihe Prince of Walee : "There is much to forget and to forgive,, before this visit of the Prince of Wale. can bloeecm into ite legitimate results And, unfortunately trite, tbe greater portion if the gracious task of forget ting and forgiving faliB to tbe lot of Erin Can she aflord to forgel tbe past In tbe hope of the good tbat may spring from tbe visit of her present guoat? F.'ain him and them tbe Irish people can hope for an amelioration of tbeir misery sooner than from tbe hopeless inanities of dynami e scares or ibe snail-like progress of paiilnmeutary Insight, even when assisted thereby. Let all thoughts of retalia’ion and uprising rest Banish the wild talks of sending assistance to El Muhdi and of plotting to aid in Russian war fare against Et gland. When in 1SU0 Austria was engaged in a deadly struggle with Prussia tbe Hungarians talked, aa doea Ireland now, of revolt, of refusal to assist in ber need tbe em pire to which they bad been bo long hound. But tbe great deak, tbe Parnell of Hungary, rose up and gave them good advioe, and Ibe result which they bad been struggling for through many decades was gained Ireland Is as necessary to the strength and tbe greatness of Euglaud as was Hungary to tbe Austrian empire. And, like Francis Joseph with Hun gary, tbe prince of Wales is capable of eeelng tbis necessity and of chang ing public opinion and policy in England so tbat IreJat'd’s happiness shall in future be England’s first thought.” Yestekday was the anniversary of the surrender of Gen R E Lee at Appomattox court house. Tblssug Rests that many of tbe most im portant events In Geu Grant’s career occurred in April, aDd it is quite probable that bis earthly habitation will dose during this month. He was born on April 27, 1822; in Aprl , 1840, be was with Gen Taylor In the advanoe on Palo Alto; In April, 1847, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiment. He oflered his services at the beginning of the late war to Gov Yates, April 23, 1801; he fought 'he battle of Pittsburg Landing April 0 and 7, 1802; on April 30, 1803, he crossed the Mississippi riverat Vioks burg and took Port Gibson and Grand Gulf; in April, 1804, the national guard was called Into servtoe that Gen Graut might have tbe active eervioes of the veterans occupying garrisons. Tne end of that month found the army of the Potomac fully reorganized and ready for the forward tnaroh, which resulted In the sur render at Appomattox, April 9, 1805 Since southern men have been brought conspicuously to the front in appointments under the new admin istration, the New York Justice thue comments on the situation: "It is pleasant to see that In the diplomatic and other appointments of the new administration the eouth le obtaining a fair share of recognition. Twenty an.i, .it.,..- ns. ,-i Mo li turn nut jnj DWM. I'btiy a/o i* ire 4hlpi;e«i rmu WU. HKAOU & OO. iK"i*ir". Irtia, Ws mil Igrtralual luigh-uieots. ti rtz’UiH * 0"U u ttlDCii \V Wy • tou •line ohoo*h*j l'W ' Wt)y ws iK'upie in ills rwriii •*»' uor*b**»i T»i« ?lmt it l» believe»J ifie | s.*nboii#e *eeu here ri/e r-vetu UJ .u»>e aenuncia prumpui query l’bi» w a ujietaie. Tbe d j-r*6 cabbage iu ibe Ui.irkeC '« sjt A'lieruklli gfO'Vtil. i Kvery tbsCcriuee jur peuple here :u Iw'ui’-aibue are eating cabbage j wbictx cvmee frvtn Crerwiny, and i wbica certala y u» iuperipr to any** it'ag ra:eed iu \h:a couiuxy. The | htane are pure wbi e* and aiiuoeC aa icUd aa a ten-pin ball. This cab** j cage ia shipped to every ! part o/ the cca u try, «*epe- eftaliy to the scu-h. where j there la a -rge demand lor it and where prices are exceaeive Why w this ? I* \: c -1 posable to gn. w cab bage of t'kiuai quality here ? What t» the eecrei of German •ooceee? Ii it In the aoli, the kind of cabbage, or the culture, or ail three combined? Surely we have toil aa g*n:d as ary in Germany, &nl we c tight to t-e able to procure ire seed and l*aru the art of culture Is It toe among ihe remark- aole features cf this reua.ksblt age that common a vcgtiabie aa cab bage can be raised 4,000 mile.* away and aen? o tbii ocuutry and Hold at a pr-fit ? I r is d'^ne, ard that nettles it- Readers of the diapatchee from 5uakim nave observed that the Brit* i-L bre never whipped. Nor do these roope M ru^^e ,, any more. They are 'rapidly withdrawn”—the pretump Hoc being that Ihia la done to prevent them from washacriug all the Arabs iu cold blood. This being ibe fashion It quite pr.ilable that the Afgbaus ill claim a victory now that they have made the Russians lake a tramp to Ku?kperaud have fallen back to their old position. War news from Ihu dd oouutry is about as reliable as wtather indlcaiions. fi&8WANREJfl£l3t for faiiv. J * ti f SfieuiFM sin, Meura'oia, Sciatic^ i. tiiiouyu. HauKdbiHi. loolhawic. V»v*w t AW v VIIU'U Uu 'Ji ,v* k X .*v»w >k h Lyv S v\0 4 IVM UU' WIN bow «Ol 4b. niRK HHU‘1 l IkM u fiMl* OIU ■WNVb^U I A \k o CAl\t\ rvli LVU' W MvnU'UT , en •. r Kti • ksdt* «- -i ui a, Builvtorii' li. I'viw .N v<», OF >* w* of i*. oa. WM m ai 1 aa. «•* St - - -JM With aobargeol temperature will c->rae a pressing necessity for a vigo rnus cumprign In cleaning Ilia olty Ctiolera may uot luvade tbia country he commit summer, but there art other bitltous diseases that thrive iu frui atmosphere Clean the oby and keep II clean. deiu-tcral-o pilitlciana who cried out last summer, “ihi. cam piilgu Is going to bo f-.uglit ou !hp ^suo of reform,” ,ireg. '.ting an article that I. uot al together ui palatable as liny expected. A QUESTION ABOUT Brozvris Iron Bitters ANSWERED. Tho question haa probably boon naked thonaanda of timea, "How can Brown’ll Iron Oittoni curoovory- tlvlnK?” Woll, it doesn't. Bat it does euro any disease for which a roputablo phyHician would proticribo IUO.1 rtiyflicbun rtn-ojfniro Iron as tbo bunt restorative Mont known to tbe profession, and Inquiry of any ii'*<iiriK chemical firm will BuliBtfintiato lnoaeH(«rti<m that tucro aro mtire nroparatiomi of iron than of any other substonco uood in modJcino. Tbia ahowa oon- eliihiruly that iron in acknowlod^nd to be the most iiuporl-mt factor iu saccoanful medical practice. It is, howovor. a remarkable fact, thatprior ro the di«cov- TO -f tiltUW.VSIKON IHT'1'EKMnop.-rf.cU ly e.-.tihi »ctory iron couibmation had over beou found. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS&USSS headache, or produco constipation-all other Iron tnedlclncado. HItOW.VN IKON 1IITTBUM euro* Indiaeetlon, nUIouMiieMs, Wcakuemt, Dyspepsia, Malaria, CIiIIIm nnd Fevers, Tired Feeling,CeneriU Debility,Pula la tho Hide, Back or Vzlmba,HrudachoaudNeural gia-fur idl those ailmome Iron is prwwrlbed dally. BROWN’S IRON BITTERS,5^1?: inJunte. ■Like all other thoronah mMiclnea, it acts fe 1 *; When taken by »r*t.The first symptom of benefit is renewed enorgy. Tho muscles then become tinner, the digestion Improves, the bowels aro active. IU trumen the offoct is usually more rapid and marked. 1 he eyes begin At onoo to brighten; the skin clears up; healthy color comes to the cheeks; i^ervonsness disappears ; functi >nsl derangements become regu- sr, and if a nursing mother, abundant sustenance M suppiled for the child. Rntnomber Brown’s Iron Bittors is the ONLY iron medicine that is not in jurious. rhylicKin«r«n.i Urugyittt reeommiiul it. The Genuine has Trade Mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. TAKE NO OTllCIt. DISEASES Blazer ami fitoys SMITH’S f \Tftlt T OF Nil FLOWEB. The m«n7 fare* aff oted by this remedy ive «u'.n«-d l->r it a wnrid-wid4 popularity Noni» L-ffd eive ibno wbn refute to as rail* wd. If y; a weald know Jail axaot- y wbBi i* moan by \be mm HEIGHT’S DISEARE, 5 GREAT RACES 5 STAR PARI Friday, April 10th, at 3:30 F, M. JOHN S. P et IN O-E, THE '1D1IPI9N BICYCLIST 01 TH1 WORLD Will ren SK- inst tbe fail trotting "JOE D4VIB ” who hMi» reoord of 2.2A% N.'wi pp*r Forsyth ftifiesid.n*e For MU-Payln* 10 1 3 Per Cent Clear of User and Insurance. Located In one of tbe boot nHtbb rhoo- * 'n the city 1 f yon want a g.»od lo- vt-etmeut c*ll an<l eee me Pres'n: teuunt ba‘ boon occupying tbe place for three years ’rlc' #2.600. JOHN Di-AOKMAU, Brat K tats Agent, Uolarabaa, gjk fetal Poison. copeersmilh by trade, and dnrlog aserLe ”7 arms 'being bare wheu at work) have absorbed a wt naerfnl amount of metal poitou Hav- S '-nth. tbe smell (1 get Into the e pollen was conveyed lyaiem br-amn lnfecte<i, _ mediae of mercury en. Iodide potaeslnm. 8a Ivation followed, nir te th are all look* in my head, iny digestive organa deranged, ard I hate been belpleee In bed for over a year with mercurial rheumatism My j >|>ita were all awollm, ai d I loet the nsa of my arme end legs and becamo hslp’eea aa an Infant Sir auQertu.e btcame so Interne that it waslma p- salbla for mo io rest. Tho d-jetort a<Wise<> mo to go to tho city boeriul for treat- ent Thh I con id not bear. A friend, who I aa proved a friend In- de<d, urge 1 me to try delft's Hooclflc, believing It wnnld cure me. Others tllacouregu'■ mo bat I se cured « (• w oot<les. end have now taken two doaen bottles. Tbe first effect of tbe mxdMne waa to brino tho poison to tbe surface, eud I broke oat all over in running »or*a They aoon dlaapeear< «1, and tuv skin chared off My kn ee, which bad become twice their nstnrel ala-, hare returned tbeir aaoal •Isa. and sra supple a« of yore M v arme eud hande are ab right again, and can ate them without poln. The entire dteeaie be* left all parts of tbe b -dy *“ eorcfnloae tendency from partlo ee of copper and braae aorta, and by tbia proceea tl Into inv blood till *'y whale yrak from lone conOurnient. bat I have the ise of all m* limb*. Tula medicine la brlnginr me r'ntoftbe greatest trial ol my life, and I cannot .rds toexpreea my sppaclatloo of lie virtaee s gratitude 1 feel tbat I ever beard of it* Faria K Lova, Augusta, Oa. MALARIAL P0IS3N. The drouth in fioatbwett O-orglalaei spring driad up the writs, and we were compelled to nee water f om the creak on tbe plantation The remit wee that all were troubled with chills aud fev*r. I car ried with me Several bottles of fiwlft'a Specific, aud aalongaa I toos it 1 tad perfect beaitb. * soon ae 1 tossed taking it l.likothe r»«t. waa afflicted with chilla Wh*u 1 resumed its use, 1 wa« all right again. We have ueed it in oar family aa an antidote for malarial p deco for iwo or thtee years, and have uever known It lo fail in a eiugl* instance. W O Fvrlow . Sumter eounty, Ga,, 8ept. II* 1864. U) dewtt (n»t rd rat) Blood and 8kln Diseases mailed free . THK SWIFT BFEOiriC OO.. Drawer •* Atlanta, Oa. ft G. WILKIN )$ Ceneral Auctioneer AMD HKAJi .VM ATE. AGISMT Bpwdlol AlUnUca Given In iiitiiittriiiri'. fiufiiiit' te! Awigiari' 8tl< Offlo* at J M KMn A tfon'a Shoe Slort^l) oorw 1 Ilona uXje.: u* uurtu u< neusm reeiuuuow;, iuu ngtli lot, and oo j of VOe moat «iiflbl« Iona* in tba city, 111 W (iWILKINS, W J MORGAN* C-minpiou of ('‘♦a'*. w’M mu egwlast thp racer "MINNil', IK WIN." bn'f oalU- fco-tt •, bent two in ..rec Half-mile II roll cup h&'.wocu Cr.lnmbnn riders for gold medal, A.1 •«-, U-l* mi e H-m'Menp betwoen tbe Cba'wpiors Prince and M irgan ♦^•Idm^rlnu 26 Oltlldrou J5 Ludeafre’. t-r9 ) FRO tt N W ZEALAND, It* Greatest Hirimifal WeiJir of the if ON EXHIBITION Thcr day, Frida; an4 s-.tu-day, lift aw fori ntreet, on-tfr *hw Ver'iid ‘ritel. D n *» open tr.-ni 2 to 6 p on and 7 »el Vlailute for l*di«4 end tlon !5o en'. st SPRINGER OPERA HOUSE 0*:E NIGHT ONLY, Mond ay. Ap il 13th Hprolal EDgagetrentof LULU HURST, “THK GEOIiGIA WONDEB,’*J In ber m*rve.'on" and Inrzplioeble feats tbet nave bpfll«d ibr SoD atiata of botn Wor:do* Is it Muscle or Magnetism? Bee, S*.udy end DeUrmlar* GKNKR*L A1MI8HON: Adnlt* 60o Oblidreu 26o. Reserved ^hris et Ch ffl- ’n 75 cents. ->r.»4 RESEARCH EXPERIMENT STUDY! For fifty years, by Dr ▲ L Barry, an old practitioner, tepeoially in Female Troubles, was at last rewarded in tie discovery oi that certain and safe spe- olfio for woman troubles, Luxomnl, Luxomnl la a preparation that daily grows in publlo favor. Testimonials from responsible persons all over tbe country furnish ample evidence of tbe wonderful power of Luxomnl aa a remedial agent for the relief and pe» manent cure of all those distressing conditions Incident to females. Luxom< ni Is Npeciully adapted to the troubles of pregnancy. It greatly ameliorates the pangs of child-birth, shortens la bor, prevents after pains, and facilitates recovery. Owing to tbe strengthening and toning Influence Liixod ni relieves all MEN8TRUAL IRREGULARI TIES, and Is a superrior u 'erine seder live and tonic. Price |1. If yoar druggist has not tbs prsparation, address THE BARKY MANUFACTURING OO., |) Drawer 28, Atlsuia, Gw. Not*—Laxororl is uo alcobollo mixture, bats oornblnailon of herbs and plants In package form from which a simple tea is made. Write for Interesting book mailed free, dt*o4 dtfw -ilANBOO!) . ,«jvally iv.lorru tjth-u, of B'itttlin* Ivm *e«Mt, which cfikctukllv cun > Kcrtom ty f Loel flrlUlr, ft*rwnukiuim IM-b* ; u! it> uMm ar.tlag frets over work And mxern iMptoerVluata* aultd five, jemT—*>yg* ■Wwvalaw 9m- VSilUAW ’W **»»•*.. tt rwrkiwg-wyOTED ir.-r-nn-iT777H"^ Audi I U b«»Olirul ELKCTBIO C-OK8KTH. «. ft,, to tbo.e beoomln* No nsk.qalck • .1,-,. Territory given. Ball*, feat ton euaraoleed. Addraa DR HOOTT, *48 HroaoWay Bt, NY, lebU «1M SOLID PACTS XSE STl’BBOSJI rtUNicW AN l> VIUI' RW4 SEVER 1.11C. Cast Yoar Eye Over lie In Scieiale OF FRICKS AT THK TEADE PALACE FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. Am amiclpa:* a short Bprlug Sowou. at- I h vlng »,i axtra l-vge stork nowou haud, w« are deterwliiiai to unload. Tremendous Slaughter IN THK FOLLOWING SPECIALTIES 1 S & EMBROIDERIES. 8,000 Ysrda Satin Check NalDaooka at 74, 8*. 0 a -d 10 otn'e. Thw-a onoda ate not to be found elsewhere lees than Izi to 18 ecu a ver.' 245 P'o^vety fine Sheer India Llnet, Pielde. g-:od talue f r 2> -; onr ptlco 875 Plfcoa 84-Inch India Llnec 8Jo. #j. IO.i, 12J •. 18a and 20 - 60 Pieces India Mull and Pete,a Liwt.e, 2»., 80-t 35 , 40c and 80a, lust one- half their resrular value. THOUSANDS of yaidsor Torchon Laoee f,-on. 6 t to 75- per vard. Of yard^ of K. tpHe.~ La a. I,-,m iii* to 50 par yard. THOUSANDS of yards of Uscurtal Lecae ir- m 2ic to |1 ou per yard. FMBROIDERIES I E SAB%<.?1 DE nlWg J Wa forbear mentioning price* on 'h-ao goode, bui the aaa- rlment. atvle quality and prloe»re .Imply unapproachable. * 880 Dt *en All Linen Homstltubed Handkn-ohlefe, new dea'.yno. at 10c each good value for 20o. ’ ... thk BK'-T fl 00 SHIRT In the stetee, wo will t tfer thla week for 85c, or 110 a dozen. 100 l)-,*en Uulanndrled Shlrte, lelnlr-rood uu I 8 ply Liuen Boa- om, thla week at 05c. NEW SPRING GOODS ARRIVING BY EVERY 8TEAMISR. c. P. GRAY db OO, 159 aod lftl firvtd Mtrent, Cclumbaa, (fa. AUGUSTA, CA. >* .'FkMlOMAl OA» OS lyll Tky. U.isrutskW I » tun.I,,i P«.„.u *11 . U uw4 •* «4t UV»I Vk UktvU A k t ,<T ! J ke* k In U»jf t*l I at Vfiid4..i|I.H. U llll I kittull . vs, ITi.mi A ' • d 5 llv W --w s , |) ,, ikti. h a wiuwui onla'w * t M I" 1 »*» • a iv* * u««iu«uG« wki> w ii b ’ ■*•• | %j | l vi a i ii >.¥ a* j*. u koaemtak v|>iu>u t a x ru\nui «wu I Ai uit «jr« ai-i.atf, Utt>« iWriiNv.u I; C„ * ■ ui>m■ os I vrt ( t» Hli U 9. ^ 11 om o . *<f iii uu mm a uitia a ,d«. Fwvsyll Oinlr 4 (»m. 4 ivy’ll -I*• Wo 41 H a U..— rwroli'uli #»l 1 114 ) -If U N 4 Lbl . UV'.viV U luuibtif, G*.train ruvslotau ana Ot>«iAO»a Kurawou b'f •n ui rbo Xia, Mar. kT-a* anti l'tm*AV Ortl t *>*•* giauAGu A (Vivu’t U "iH*” • N » mil* tw fiirwti Talfwiukii No « Hoar*. 8 k.* U *u< 8 k> 6 ti* » ■»*’ aw uyp* ruTfvtn Airwai. W 'll r*u At ’*- i:;rv. n; 1 *- U!i BUN 108 AND NIVIM1H • Tl «MIHIP CO. Foil ItnHiON DlUKtT ffdsierB R. ff’y olAla. TH * QUICKEST —AJ4i>— rtfOlkT DIRECT ROUTT —TO— M Jil W VO UK, e&UsA&KUPMAt BALT1MOHU, aud WAAtt- iNGXON* 'iowe coaneoilon nimla with Pit* ««t Air IaIuo, Atlantic Oamt Lint. Ki> ■ uasftw uv UlDdnnall ff.'aibaru, rrmuu Icavw as follow*i TlPfMJ TA 31 J» AO, 14M, Baking Krnccr Monday, 8, 188.5 JiJSe^A VY AtiL Weak r*.»’t - •ij. 04 9:Uh YU 2.27 ▲ M i;45 a >< WMfWAhU, Lv . i.v Fi/i.m Ar Cc.unibiii MMMM „ Lv LVi.uaaca« ArMoing rj„ At sVlofilin mm*., A; N‘t»w()r Nu.M | Hu. 6V* l:i0 r u ll:«9 pm 4:43 V Ml I 07 AM 7;M P m| 5 4*j A M ... I 130 P M auo PM ... ':45 P Ml o. C A M (4o, iJl. aVu. 53. Am v# Ai No. 50. j 7:65 PM I '.Ua P.-4 UVJ pm WMh’ion 10:4c am 8:10 p» L»#*.*im'i 'I V;ttAk CcDOPM t'QllAUbz vOlAJrj 3:46 PM n-w Y'k I 3c40 px| A'Uiabt iuiiuiut] Nieepwru i l'lMtua &u 61,52 aud 53 make clone oonneii CoqugcUod* mode el Opofik: -wlib E . ii AJnuaraa aud L'lnolimeG, ant ihe Culmubu* aud Western Railroad*. A' tTalDi exoepi52aud63 conneoi at cneiiev vui' riiKkega* Railroad, Weavern RaUrond Sitepera oa Tralua 52 ku>. C3 beiweru Momgoruerj and Akmuia WHOLKBALM AND RETAIL DEALER* INj Water Pipe and Fittings, Gas Fix lur ^e, Orb Knglnoa ami Water Motora. Cas Fitting and Plumblne Promptly Attended to. Yard Fountains and Sprinklers. Hoee of all kinds. Tor rn. Cotta XJrnln and Newer pip*. Apents (or jLi-lZr's ami Furpairs. .'Telephone 99. ,n RANDOLPH STREET. WALL PAPER. LEWIS V0IGHT& SON, Manufacturers aud Jobbers of PHH1GHS —AND— WINDOW SHADES. STOIC ANIOFFICC, I WAREHOUSE, 203 & 205 Central Ayb. 1238 & 243 West 70i SI Cor. oi loNOvnohTH 8t. I Few Doors % of Cwt.Ayl CINCINNATI. O. lame as Eastern market. By purchas ing of us you save time aud freight* a20 dsm r.flCamlie Power Kerosene umas ^“Kach one equals four gas lota. One lamp "HI brilliantlyTl*hta room’JO feet a<iuare. ho that reari ng and sowing can be done in the .artbest corner. For Btoiea. rih p», Dwellings. Halls ana C hurouea, it U beyond cornpan- "iliB Beat UgM In the World. Owed 11 wo AgwMia w««(*sl * erywhere. ’ Agw: _ e. For larcuiar and information address, THE lien LIGHT CO., Sola Manufacturers NI MktaBM. COfCUU ATI.C. Stock Complete PIECE GOODS —FOR- SPRING,1885, Including tha leading noweMea in Amarls can and Foreign Good* For Miog Suits to Order. STOCK UNEQ.UA1 ED, Price m Blfht! A few ‘ Barcaln bull*" l*ftlat half prlca* Gall and in oa* G. J. PEACOCK Clothing Msnofcctnrer, 941166 Broad Bt. a Colombo, Oa, P S—All Good* atrlotly OMb, eod LOUISIANA STATS LOTTIfi! For tlckat* or mrUiar informat'on of thf above Lottery addrees DAVK C. JOHNSTON, Covington, Ky Amount* ol M 00 and over, by kxpreee *1 xp*n* i a wly Mother’s Friend! So Jtoie Terror I So More P,l<, I So More Hanger TO Mother or Child I The Dread of .MOTHERHOOD Transformed to HOPE JOY! Suft tj tnd Bate 5TO Nufftring Woman ratien U trnlr a triumph offlClenliricaV.III, and uo more Inetti able benefit wu ever be* Owed un th* mother* ot the world. It not only fltiorten* th^ time of labor and leaecne the lotenflhr of oaln, but, better then all. It grtatlr minUtao* th* danger to life of bo'h mother and child, leave* th* mother In a oundH'c. highly favorable to i coed r Tccovery and far leas lia ble to flooding, rnnml- flior.fl and other alarming ■rniptom* Incident to Hngflrlng a rt painful la- trnlr wonderful X*cV title* ' Faisi iiIND tj be rankao aa of the life laving ap- ucei alvea to tl'~ world br tbe dlaeoverli of modern ecfence* From the natnre of tbe ea«e 11 wll I of course be un derstood tbat wa cannot pnbllah errtlilratefl con- oerulng tbia Bbmiot with- moibar who baa once used It will ever again be with' oat it la bar tins of A prominent physician lately remarked to tbe pro prietor that if it were admissible to make public the letters w* receiv . the "Mother's Friend would out sell ea> thing on th* market ". I moat earneatly entreat every female expecting to be confined to ns* Mother's Friend. Coupled with thla entreaty I will add that daring a long ob atatrlcal practice ( orty-fonr years) I have never known it to foil to produoe a aaf* and quick delivery :H J HOLMJlB, M D. Atlanta G*. Bead for oar Treaties on “llasltb sad Happinew of Woman," mailed free, BoADnnn Bmulatob Go* dtf (I) Atlanta Go. W. & S. SLOANE MOQUITTS8, from •l.BB npward BODY BRUiSELS. from .OS upward TAPE6TUY BBU88ELB* from .50 npwa d IMGRAIN8. Ifrom .40 upward CHINA MATTING, from, 50 per roll of 40 yards OIL CLOTHS. MATS*RUGS IN GREAT VARIETY. Pample* sent by mall whanaver daalved, All oerrsspoudeno* will taoaiv* prompt attention. Broadway and' 10th Street, **-mU lie, ol .heltlue eed Plilen U. botlow f&U3SSt& 'SUSSST'SKF XULUiBUS t WESItKH R. R O N sud aftsr Snnday, March 8th. on tb s road will u« rr.n NU. 1* road osaya Columbus drrlveUpelika^. Morch 3 ^h, isao. I JheavsOpellks.. H ,. MMMMm *.. M .„. M , MM .,., MI Arrive Columbna. NM . NO. 8j Leave Oolnmbos.^ Arrive CpeUkN.... m . M NO. 4*i Lesrc OsslUtB Arrive Oolncibaa. NO. 5. LeaT* OoIut bn Arrive Opelika.— Arrive at Good water.. . 3 66 9K . /> 83 p a Arrive Opcllk*. NO. O. rrlvo O olik*.....TUV.T.Uir.V. Arrive Columbus NO. 7-NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Columbus.—, Active Opelika—. —...... NO. 8—NIGHT TBAIN. r*sve Opeiiks .7 300* , V 3.1 6 46 P I ...10 48 a I ,. 166 p r .. 909 p 0 MQ3ILU GIHAiU) R. H.CC. Ootvasus, oa.. Februaary 321. 1*6 O K AND AFT5B THIS DATE 1'AAidh Wild! runes follows: K»U Train N*. 1—Going Wat* (fldUv), Leave General Paaer.ager Depot. Ooinmous. 1 26 P 5 Leave Broad Street Depot. Colmnbns.—... 1:46 r » Arrive at nolouSprinis 4:94 r i ... *15 PI Great Mni Frutli ni PAtiCNCKR ROUTC we#i« New husUuil auJ Ua.trgU Fiorle i Aiehaina, I lie Mouth amt MtiuUiweat. 1&UUM l'*ftHD«gM' AiiOnuuOiluiloa* i'sblti I'aaangaVJU Bsoorsiou Mk> HUMrngalik rillAW flvnt-clans Iron Hlrnmehlpa of thi* 1 Oorntnuy at# epjK.Uirovi to »aU overp Tliuradwy froo H<mUui atlfm; rrom Hm Van nab a» follows; GATE CITY, Tbnrtdkj, April •, at | : « Oil'Y OF MAtt)N, Thursday, April |«. m 5:30 pm. Uil'8 CITY, Thursday, April », pi |.(ju WT or MACON. Tharsday, April m, at Tn’roagh ’bills of lulling given to N«w Knuirtud mnnaOiBtuiinB pompi anil to Lifa or wool. The Uotopany's wharvMi in both Nnwnua noli and Boston ara ooiumctsd with mile —>— „| two ifitisa. IDNON A I*AN NAIM). 4gsn «, 8av unali, dm, Ot W L OLAKK, ' Agaut Central kUllrond, Oolnmt us, G8» ■isplOtf GEORGIA BONDS ~ P#t Cant,—Thirty Yourt, Exccutivk Okfion, Atlanta, Ga., Mniuh 10, 1885. U NDEK nnthoHty of xu Act, ap proved Dec 22, 1884, nuihoriBltig the Governor to isaae Bond-, for pay- aisnl of prtodpAl bonds rnttorisu iu 1885 and 1880, Bosilffd Proposals will be reovived at the office of tbe Treapuier i fGaorcle <>p to twelve o’olork m on April 16, 1880 for tfueo million four haodrwU eiw fi ty five tbounnr:d dol lars (98.456.OOU) five per cent thirty ▼esreoupoa Bonds, m berel-tflor eot forth, bearirg date Jaiy 1,1885. Prin* eipwi and interest psyitbio iu the city of New York, si Ibe flrosl egfc* oy of Gd' rctn; and st the offioe of the Trias- urer of George in tbe olty of Atinnia* Inters: psyahieceml annually on Jan uary 1 and Jaly 1 rvepeotivelv* Bids will be rtcelvt*t f»»r two buns dred thousand dollars (9200,000) of the amount to be delivered ou July 1, 1*86; and tor two hundred and twuuty- five thousand dollars (9425 000) to be deliverd January 1. 1886, thu accrued lntoreat b'lua: withheld by the Biate. And for tbs remainder ot the amount of three million tour hundred ard fifty-five thousand dollars (11455 000), or so mnoh thereof aa mty be uectwsanr for the purp ms aforesaid, on June 1, 1886, the accrued lolereet wltbhi Id ae aforesaid. As to last delivery, how ever, successful bidders will bsve the rptton of tendering any Oeorg a Bonds maturing as aforesaid, at their par value, In payment therefor, at any time after July 1, 1885, and receiving new bonde. Bids must aoeolfy amount of bonds desired to m uld plea ot one thousand dollars (91,000) accompanied by cerlis fifd check, or oertlflca o of deposit of some solvent bank for five per oe*H (5 per cent) of the amount or snob bla, payable to the order of ihe Treasurer of Georgia, or by a deposit of bonds of tho State of Georgia. Bids will be opened and deolared by tho Governor and Treasurer, tno Biaie rsaerving tho r’ght to rtjeot auy one or all of tbe bids TheSui'e will issue registered bonds in lieu of uny of tho above named 6 pur com bonus a? provided In said Aot ‘.tony time on demand of the owner. G pies ot ‘.be Acu ol the L^glstoiure, ana lufnrmation touching the proposed issue of bonds, win b j famished on appl'C D.Ion to the Treasurer. By thk GovKwjtna. hunky d. McDaniel, Governor* R, U HARDEMAN, Treasurer* ml4os*4tv Leave Union firings,.. S E Knilrood for Kooigc-menr aud Eafaala dally SMlTrxIa No. 8—Uoniug flus ; ,.*t Leave T*»,.H M -.a--», W H« Anlve at unlca 8srlags........... Connect* at Union fiprlLjrs with 41 A a B dnlly for Mc-utf orrery and lafau a.and *t Oolui..- bun wrth clWBBfor Macoa fisvannah, /ngnen ».ni soh’ta uorth. W-iy Freight and AecoBraottatl'-a Nr-6 IGOINO WEST—DAILY XXC1PT SUNDAY* Leave Cola mhna Gen’l Paeseua^r , s;oo a ■ Leave ColombnB Srr>a<) Street Pejot..s-w * b Arrlv- at Union Hprlnga,.— v ; a a m L-fvvvy Unton Spring*. a m Arrive at Trojr .13:08 p re Makes close connection at Union Spring* with M A E Railroad for Knfaala uslly* W«r Freight znil AccommodxtloaNs.e COMING 1A8T-OAILT SXC1PT SDNP *T.! k—T.TiO.-t—a-3—— M». Arrive at Union Hpringm , jn-.x. „ n Leave Union Seringa. 11:33 am Arrive at Broad Street Depot, Oolnmbus. 3.41 pn> Arrive et Gen'l Paeaenger Depot. Colcmbaa AM pm Connects at Union 8prlnga with M A kit R for ■nfsnlo. W, L. CLARK,Son't* »> ■. WTy.T,TAWH O.T a *,1 Coinmlms aaa km Railway Co. Office Genkbal Manaqek. itoLUMBoa, GA.. Feu. m) j, it85.B O N and suer tbia data tbe achedols of Mell Train will ba as follows: No I—Going North Lally (Sunday Excep'd) Loave Ooiatnbns. -r r 3 8 p rr Arrive at Obtpley 4 59 p m Arrive at Greenville.^.................... 624 pro No 2-Coining South Dally (Sunday Ex cepted) Leeve Greenville. fl an a m Arrive Hi Cblpley.... M ... 7 54 a in Arrive at Co ! umbna. M ... >MMM io 17 am w L CLARK, Gen'l Manager. T O S HOWARD, Geu'I Ticket Ag-tT feb24 rilT New Bose Hill Besfder cefor Sale AT LUS TO AM COST. Fivo Room a* 13 foot cei'lng* large garden, excel lent well Street cars within ICO yarda; alao Roae Hill A ademv. No dost, n>o»q-itoea, etc, and dootor'e hill* to pay. JOHN B T ACK u AB. Beal E«la’« Ag«nt, Colombofl, Gi mm w. cm MOUTH WASH and DENTIFRICE Curea Blooding Cum*. Ulcors, Snro Month, Sot Throat, Cleans* tho Teeth amt rurifle* the Broaih gao.1 ami roroinmond.-d by loading dentlula. Tre bared hv Dua. J. »’. A IV. R. Hoi.mfm, DontlsU. Marop to» « or Sale by all drugglHts and den tuts M- D. HOOD A CO. $72 Tans A Co. Angnsta Mniwa ...... j ..... n..h. Smith It is .. t’, Ky.—Esteem fit Sin: 1 imvf 11- «*u tr-niblfd \vithas<‘riouskiilneyafftec- :ion, i.nil. • oinj? your advortisement. conclud- ?d to try a bottle tit’ vnur May Flower, though wilin'Mt lmo li hopeofb'-ing benciltod by It, i be first bottle worked splendidly, aud perso- vor|rr» with ft* use, lam ontireiy rflolv^ o; luy^minful illness Any ouo can Write to ms GOLD MEDAL, PABI8,1878. BAKER’S. Warrnntcd nbaolutr.Vj pun Cocon, from which tho excess of Oil has been removed. IthaafArr* timet the ttrength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thereforo far moro economi cal, coating left than one cent A cup- It la dcllcloua, nouriahlng*' atrcngthcnlng, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids os well as for persons in health. ^*8old by Grocers everywhere* MATH riironlaAVarvsn Dlaca • Core*. *•*-( -Knaeefgeaa* undertaken, ^rTLond two stamps for f'elebrated Medical Works, iwe. ('all orwrlto. p, o. CLARKS. M. D. <0.9*0 VIMB ATREET. CIMCIMWAT1* OHIO* Wood Mantels We carry asto of ahnnt 1,0< Ilerd-woed Mm tel<i of about « pattorns a sires, In prl from 610 d ward, beslg and estlmal submitted. The Robt Mitch Furniture Co. CISC INN At HtFtey’s CcalleDCB Rote Mi ACKNOWLEDGED BY EXPERTS AS THE MOST AT (OHPLETEfl SB solan flflrl il i*^ *I*V IfixiT* ty r'nk roen durable on* In tbe nark literal terras to tha trade* For new ftge Dlcstrmtsd Catalans, send 4c atnn M nntvi w °*ebincnd, Ind. dac.s* Fg'dSro BLONEY TO LOAN I for ThrM or [Fit* Ymt., Oi cm PEOPIfiTT ir 1VPBCVRD FABhfi. 'H W DOZIER, fa n\V d\v> Ofljet ov*p Orana's ntnva Tta Coiiinitmi Iron Worts Co. NOW PREPARED TO ziturr.- fluy UUOUII1 tUIUK %ud 1 will reiterate what ie here written. Mks. k. Wjt.mi, Walnut HIO« ^".«rinnsH. fit 0>fC a week la o D vnd outfit o In. t-nitimd. M your own town. T*caa SMITH’S Extraotoi May Flower FOR WOMEN. Dress Lumber iFot the Public, and Sollrlt Patronage in that Linn. feba ir HI rnMnxaZj'«i #% White letters (Bnatnsled on Copper) For window d-aiana. Worionted 6 sears. Fendsf ■ Hat. ». V. IU XI*. *10 Dm* ■ flnrtaaatl * (Krtabllahad 1174) JOHN BLACKMAR, PmI Eft*<« Agent Next to Telegraph Office, Columbus* Go. Vsv Raat-Dw«llls|H Troup 8t north of Franklin, i storp* fllA Oglethurpe t-t opp sit* market. 6 room** |2A West olds of Oglstbrps north of Bsndolph r %?!st side of Forsyth below Few. 4 rooms* |i Few dwcl Inc n**r lea Focteri «6 Forav’h Bt. baekoi Dr Boner.slsatartd trooma Dwellings, sleeping rooms sad stores la all partfl •f the sur*