Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, August 05, 1885, Image 4

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DAILY ENQUIRER-SUN: COLUMBUS. GEORGIA. WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 8 1888. Ia«*x ft« M« Fruit Jar <—J W Bandera. Oily Drug aiore-Qei A B*ad*ord. Canary Bird L-m-Mr* G«o Pbelps. Select school .or Gina—G»o M Dewa, JUildiifli lor Rant—Apply B UR* Drug Store* Nonce to Telephone Subeortbere—T L Ingram, Manager. General Inwuranoe Agent—Jno F Ivereon. Caiaala umreHUai. The Ofcu ale am pm.**'tag. in Harrla county, «1U begin on neat Friday nlgbt. There will be amp a conveyance* Irom Fortaon’a to the campground tot all who deal re to aitend. At iaa Praibriarla $151,200: Prares Faithful to Hbr Trout, La< UalHt Her waaeert pilaw la Here Thaa ftl&o ooc-Oiwar aabaarlatlaia Vet la be Ceded— % Heater of ibetoelld Frleeda ef Calaaibaa le be Peallabed Thartdar-lawa Preae Oilier Peleia. ttaarih Tbla At- Tba RivOM Shep^em n, D D, of Kan-, will oonduot ibe nervioea at tha Pres byterian oburoh this (Wednesday) after Boon at 6 o'clock. He*. A. A tterabell. Rev A ▲ Mureaell preached a very elo quent and Instructive sermon last night at tae Firil Baptist oburoh A fair aiasd con gregation were In atleudauoe, ard ala aer* mon was listened lo wl’h much interest by his bearers. Mr Maranall will leave tor hla heme In Gainesville to day. (benbira iaialy «*« Weft. LaFaYKTTE, ALA , August 4 — l -special.!— An eieotio.i was be Id in Chambers county WUay on me queaiion of prohibition. In LsFayeite prohibition wee defeated by 133 rnsjari y. H.pons from other preol* cla In* dloi le that me count}’ will go wet. The elec.ion pai-Bed ell quietly. Dtslh orw former Alabama Lady. reacued ih.s oily yesterday of the death of Mrs T R My hand, at CUrkeaville, Ark, on la*t Saturday. Mrs Myhand, with her hnsbund, foimeriy resided In Hnsiell ooau y, Ala, near Hurtaburo. The esteemed oonple moved to A/kansas about eighteen months since. Tuey had lived In Hnasell oountj- for many years and were well known. A Poor Jlaeae-ger, Yesterday Mr Tnatku Howard sent hla oo.ored hoube girl lo the aiure of Messrs dDfl AH.arUa with a note in which waa © closed H 120 bill. He ovuiiontd tbs girl in be mreral and not lo*e the money. When bhe -irivtd at me store the money was gone. The w^ncan arid that she did notk t w tbet .ha note contained money, bat mat siai.emeut beli g untrue, it was de- eldsd lo hHve her arrested. Poiioaman Mo* Oroan made ibe arrest, and pit cod her In the guard house. A warrant will be sworn out tbls m rning Morris Vossiy buudoy Neboola. Tbe Harris county Sunday school aasool* atlon will meet at ciowers onuroh, near Oataula depot, to-day. liev W A Carter, pastor of ilo First l'rasbj terlan oburoh, of this city, has been invited and will deliver an add:ess on the occasion. Tbe train will leave the city ai 6,30 this morning and sev eral from me city will attend. Among those who contemplate going are Bev W A Car ter. Dr N P Banks, W J Walt, A C Fiewel- len, J W Psase, J A r laser, J Marlon Kates, W H Brannon, F J Jenkins, TJ Fearoeand Eugene Gr&nborry. They will return at 7 o’clock this evening. Tbe Heya Uasilnss Plajlag. Tbe WyLnmn tlngg«rs and tne Joe Btraua*es, pony teams, played a game of huh' nail yesterday afternoon. Gibson and Mathew* was the JjeH’s battery aid Utile and Huff performed the work for tha thug gers Tne winners aay that Ulbaon’a Boa ton dtps and Mai hews’ tine handling of foul tips were too rnuob for the Hluggers, ~ lowing are a few points of the game: 13 8 4 5 6 7 8 Strausses 2 4 0 8 2 3 1 2-22 muggers 1 0 U 4 2 8 2 1—13 Btse bits—birwunses 18, Sluggers 8 ttirnok out— G usuu 6, LluloO H iino runs—B ransaes. by Kyle 1 Three base U1U—8’isuiist*, by Matliews j Lssal Balsa TetirrSar, Yesteroay whs legal a. lea day and the following property wxs sold at tbe legili place o Bi lling, In front ol Garistl A Hone 1 on Broau street, by F G Wllklna, euo tloneen ▲ M B-annnn, admlnla’.ralor of Mrs Arne 11a Wrlgut, deceased, nine and a ball shares of G* r KU Huun lnsnranoe company stock* for 9120 pu share, O » tu.( luieieut In a two story boll tlrg on Warren u'.reet, to Toombs Crawford, for 1300. One hou-e and lot on Twelfth street, to Mr*; Williams, lot *30:5. Oae nonTn ac.u lot ou Jaokson street, one do jr sod h or Bt Paul chinch, lo J N Em br», for tie u. O o h *u,.o and lot south of J A Walkei reside: oc, on Troup street, to D A Andrews or ti.olO, Ptrwuai. McNeil C»pt Btu‘«e Crawl ifd and J Eq «eu t Airauvay bio day Mr B r ow F Wilton luaves to-dey on 1:20 . atn to M o n on a mm er taunt. M - H ht*Vfu» and children have gone to Waver y Ustl to tpei d the summer, Mr Tboiu** K ng, «ud hla a >u Billy, were In tba o ty }fb urday T nn Is one of tbe old 'Claims of H-if-ls county. Gr ni l N w.m M'.si E/n Bats, a charming youui, auy it Common*, l* the guest MUa Annie K.nm 1 on P. p ar street. Miss M:turn King, of Caatiahooohee couoty, la v ni.lug AlibH Paterson In this city. M: Mux Banner left yeau>rday for Talla hassee, F a. waere bo bai aooepted a post lion iu a dry gooda house. Mias B r.a Henry will leave to day for Hamblen to spend several woeke With friend* Ml e Annie Bjrry leaves to-dav onashor visit 10bar mead, Mis* lia Little, in Grange. Hou John Peab >dy and lady, accarapas nled by Mailer Hjy Paabcdy, left for At lanta jes.ertuy. Mias Carrie H Jennings, of Beale, who has been visiting Mm: Berta Henry, left for home yeSie. dny Ml-? Hnii.e Ur.nson, wbo has been tbe gnost cf tbe iume lady, will lSAVe to-day for hvr borne in Beale, Mr Thomas L Ingram will leave to*itay forthooMle of the north and east to study the must lmprovt In Ibe telephone Dur ug blseb*ence Mr A W Pryor, of ibe Atlanta telephone exchange, will ba in charge cf tie exobat b«re. LOCAL 1AIOMIH. — Dr Kennon, ot Balcro, was r«p>rtad to have been In oylng ennd tion yesterday. —Tba city counoli will hold Its monthly masting 'o-nigbl. —No 5 Are oumpary was out practicing last nlgbt. —Tbs nexltb of Hev Jameu Uses Is slight ly improve but be Is still very feeble, — Q,aile h large crowd wen', up toP»vlllon da AitwziiHU 1-st liignt and speui the time very plcaiau ly. —Several c-japies of young folks bad ligblful sociuoie jhs: night at tne residence ol Mr W.H Bedeil ou J «ck*on stree.. —The Primitive Bi pi tits will hold a three days'mesttug ai the Double i burettes, in this county, commencing Friday. —The txienal m loSwtl’s cotton mills progressing tepidly. Tbe walls ate nearly eomplated. a u me roctlug is being put —Mr E W Johns: n was elected secretary of No 6 h e company at a mteling held last night —Hogs are reported to be dying la the upper pur Ion ul ins omaty irora some an known o^ose. lu Harris ooamy many cows have died oi a thro *t disease. —Ind.cations for the sjuth Atlantic atates: Gem rally fair weather, except In tha central pin, loorlrains, variable winds, neariy ztu louary tempera.are. -TUe friends ol Mr G f War, snperiuten. dent oi the Musoogee oil c jinoany, will re gret to htar that ne is very 111 at his real- dance on M Iutosh street. —Mias Amelia K ulnun has composed a btsuilini march. It is called ‘ The Blx'h Georgia B* taiion” and la deoloated to tn« Columbus Guards. —Hon. J. hn Peabody and Captain Beeaa Crawford have gone lo Atlanta lo argue before Governor McDaniel wbo of the cap- turns oi B nl a Aus ia'm murderers Is call* tied <o the rewards oflered. -Several very ciever town boys have reoeuily returned ir- in up the river, where they camped out io do a few days fishing Au old ady wbo lives bard by whan asked wuera were au of her cnlekens, replied; “dome tramps have been camping on tha liver, and I suppose they got ’em*” iruujit norrrM, When tbe commMee s*ld It wm "a grouidbcgeaee,” wekuew th*/meant bns- lnesa, and that the sabrorlpllrn to tbe Georgia Midland would com*/. Yesterd y 1 rescued *161.200 and tbero are still *sv« eral ibousand doliara lu sight. We confi dently believe that tbs amouut will tench 10*175,000, though all lntarested are satis* fied wlih tbe noble work dene Tbe peo ple have responded to tbe oali mads upon them, yet the feot Is appreciated tba' every additional dollar subscribed bentfi s tba city lust that mnob It won'd be all the batter If wa were able to build the entire road, but as this I* out of ibe qnssllon Just now, Oolnmbns mast at least handle '‘the long and of th* singletree.” A HDNDHKD BKABON8 int thamselve* as to wuy this should be the oase, and to none Is It better under* stood than by the business meu ot the oily Tba committee will sHU remain In force and will take ail tbe sabsclptlons that may be given them. Tiey are fnily author ised and will have tbe names «nd amounts properly recorded. There are runny of our oltlaera wbo have given the oomrnlileo as surances that when they saw the subscrip tion would ba a suooess, and that Colum bus would raise tbe rrqnlrod atno .nl. they would subscribe lo the enterprise. A 1 thl ■ has been done, and now Is tbe lime lor them to fulfill their prom If ee Ovlnglothe lime necessnry to put THJC HAMR4 Ok HUli-ClUJIKKH In alphabsMo«l Older, li is a.inost impossi ble to pnbllsb them In full before Thursday morning, as the list entire cannot be ob tained before that time. All additions and char ges will be made aud tbe rfilclal Hat published Thntaday morning. While It In true that many of onr bestol’lxenH aretff at watering places and other reserta, and it la imp sslble o get prompt answers, due notice of what they do will be given, but tbe publication of he list will not be do. layed on that account, That tbe amount will yat be materially Increased, there Is no reason In the world to dnnbt. Oar people ABB BUTHUSKD by the great success »uaii.*d, aud It Is gratifying to them to know that the people all along tbe line are much Interested. Yesterday President Jordan had cooaalon to telegraph Mr Douglass Glessner, aditor of the Gr fll - News, In regard to some business trausao.lon and Incidentally men tioned that onr eabsorlpllon whs ov.r 1100 - 000 to Ihs Georgia Midland. Mr Glessuer replied ns follows : Gkikvin, Ga August 4.—To G Guuby Jordan—Grlfliu oougratulAteH you and has already commenced her sabaoilptlOD, I will send yon soon the survey from Urfll ) to Lionel Grove. Doumi.ahh Gj.rmh kb The allusion lo the survey be w>»en Loons Grove and GrlfQa, means that the survey bad already been made between those points and would be sent the diiec* tors here. The directors of the G< orgia Mid land are going to put engineers lu Ibe field to run the line to Loouat Grove tn m t .at Bhoals, to he lu condition to connect with he Athens rallrond, to be bail by the Richmond and Dtuvllle road. The director! will m-*ka no move until they are posseunsd of all tbe fuots and Information neoeaat ry to Intelligent, so i'm. VAUK US MSKT1NU8 have bean held all aiung the Tne by Ibe oonntUf throtgh whloh It pass*a. A day two ago a meeting was held a Beuolu, lu whloh mnoh Interest was manifested several resoluMons adop.ed. They pledged tba support of lha elttxuns or Benoia and viol >lty to aid In building the Georgia Midland road, provided the road la hrongh that town. Committees were *p pointed to sollo>t subsorlpllons, and a com mu tae appointed to aeoure the right of way from Line creek to tbe Meriwether line, 1*1 KB OOUBTY ACTS A report Irom a meeting at Conoord, held on the first, h*a this; “At a large and en thnslastlo meeting held here, we agreed to give tha right of way through onr part of Pike and net onr best effort to promo e tl prtjco'.of building a railroad from Coinn bus lo GnfQo. Oae man agrees to g! fitly acres ot laud, anotbai will imbscrl oae thousand dollars, ovhera will give i they ara able, in a taw words, we hereby pledge ourselves to do our pari lu money and labor. ” ANOTHER SHUT OUT. of 8 to 1. The game was tha closest and | cBotiing ever played In this city, only | on.«rr .rb.| ng mvl« In th. wbol. t T , m „ Wur*mm» th.'.n II, d.r allh. OhMI.loOfU h.TInr Mr U r Trobr t .rmwl. or -I.Mtoo. bit .t «»m» eu In fl.ldln, m ball. At.DI.% »i.n .rn.ot. .romlda, m,rob.iU ol Tort • or lb T.i- the game by . ooJ base rnonlng, tbe banars m. h*l 1 obwBfth of tick t No &9. vt la the reosat making secrlflos hits to bring tha manera * JaasGraad urawlas of Ths LoulaUue SUta Lot* home. Chattanooga fla..*ed superbly and tery.wileh d •» ten M.oawnd dollars. Collected though e.even bits were m tde off of Hart throeeb tbs City N»ii«>rai Bsak of Fort Worth, Tsxm. Jons 24 —Q.ueetim Nuwaysper. Leaf. A ( anary BI d. Tua fl«.d*-r wilt be ealtfc* h y rewarded by returning to Mre Gto P'.slps, _ Fee #JS- *M«N*rer-*MM. he flrr. d*y < ' Uo obe« next T will pen in Coinmbns e ee.««.t »ch* ol f r yrls. aug6 doawtf ‘«Bo H Di W4. Mseon's Quart Ftu.t Jers 10 4enla a plect* J W 0ANDBBS, rugfi 91 Websl< r Building. Far f«ai Tbe new Iwo-acty. seven-room Rwi- denoe Josioorapleted on Crowfo'd or Teeth street, between Troup snd F rayfb ; gas and warm and cold water. A pply at City Drug Store, or oex. door to Uu> jcsidenoe. ^ angS dlf teffes io ffcltsksa* ssftnriftsrs. Da log my eb.ente trotu CDiDmoai Mr A W Pr.or, chief operuior if A lante Tela” phone Kxobaug'', will have charge of the Columbus Exchange. T L Ingham, Msr.rger. Jlsaia mm Moom at It IMrk. The Street Keilioau be k s to lmurm Its Irons that a band has be«n engaged lo ay In Hose Hill pa*k on Wednesday from 5 lo 7 o'clock, and on Tuesday and Friday a van Ings at Pavilon da Newman irom to 10^4 o’dock. Wm Kbdd, Jb, aug4 to wcu fri Bnp't. Fine PIsylsiTof ttaa Home Tcaau- Ttae Bear* m Hapaaitlsa «* Hi* Usma > Nrwi fr'ruaa Other ■.vague tiauiaa aid the DlaaiOBd ■elsewhere. Tne Columbus .sum o mil uea to pile up b. norn In tbe Hamond. Ytt'.erjay the o ub shut on lTrmluglmm by n score of 8 to 0, the same score of the day before. Tbte makes the four.h game In snooesslon that the Coinmbns team has shut out Its onm» biunti. Two wlih Macon and two with Birmingham. Mach a foal iikr uot befoia been do o In the soul beru leugue The boyR are all playing great ball. Yesterday made the fifth game that Cline has played at short stop wit hunt an error. F<iw short stops have ever made suob a record. Clark p'fohed a great game, only two basa hi s being got ott him and nine batters being struck nut. Tuls would bo fine work if he had been well kept tor the occasion, bnt considering how well ha dtd tha previous day, adds much to his excellent work. Collins play ed without au error and mads a doable play all by hlmBelf-the third time such a thing has been done lu tbeBouthern league, Andrews having made one nod Bittmau one previously. Below we give the PAKTiUULAKM OF TUB (IAMB. Bibmimguab, ala, August 4 —The game between t>oiuiuboa and Birmingham was much better than that of yea'erday. bnt eu led with the same result, 8 to 0 lu avor ofCdlnmbas. And ews and Hambu g, wbo wire on tbe alok list the dpy before, took their nsnal places on the diamond aod both p ayed a perfect game. Clark and Strauss were again the battery for C >lmn bos and Clark pn sled the borne learn worse than ever, only two hits being made. Coinmbns has a trump In Clark. Lyons made the only error in the field, bnt the fielding was so well doue that it amounted to nothiug. TUe Bit mil ghain people ware inclined to klok at some of Umpire DeFraicc’s decis ions. They say tuat he gave the Columbus team the first run when the man was fairly out at the borne plate It Is admitted, how ever, that C.ilumbns won the game by out playing Birmingham. Two beamliul don ble plays were made by each side, one of whloh waa made by Collins alone. Tbe soore book shows this official hcobb: 0 7 8 9 Atlanta "01001I000-8 Chatanicga UiUUUOOOO-1 A meetlug was held ’o-nlght to take steps to organise a new eomptny to take obarge of the cino, and It is probable that a oom* pany With fWOQoapl'at will toe formed, MAOJlV VS AUGUSTA The gsmfe >retard*y in Maooa result'd in favor rf tbe home ’earn by a anre of 8 to 2 mbmfuis ^ bfeat* wahhvillb Tbe gums m Memphis yeaur^ay recalls ed; Memphis 8, Ne** vt'le0 TO PI SB AND. L.ANOAHTKB, Pa, Aagast 4 —President Copu>a--d, of he Dsnoaster Bank cub, tele* grapbsd to tbe manager of the clnb oi Rich* mo d ibis morning that the olub would dlf band after lo»day'a gems, owing to in* euflloient ».upport. An fcfTorl will be made by other parties to reorganise and play out tha eastern leagne schedules., OTHBB CASKS. Phlladelpbls— Chicago 14, Philadelphia 8 BoJtixnore- Baltimore 5, Athletics i uincinusii— -luoinnati 4, Pittsburg 1 New York—New York 7. Buffalo 1 Washington—Nationals4, Detroit2 Klohrocnd-Laroasier8, V:rgirja8 Providence—Providence 5 B:L .ule4 Bt Lou s—Bt Louis 6, Lou.ftVllleS Hotel Arrivals. Kankin Houbb -J H Rsiul, Atlanta; F H Woodsou, Dadevllle, Vs; Theo Bear, W E Nuvili, Ciuolnnati; J W Jones. LuulBville; J Kohlberg, Phlla* deipbla; H HU man, Clncinuail| ▲ Lendueim, New York: A H Stevens, Alabama; W 8 Powell, Louisville, W A Williams,‘N&fcbvllle; J U Mulllkeu, BaUimorei W H Turner, Atlanta. Biiown Houbb —W M Klrbo, Flor- enecs HUM eioalf, Jamestown. Ybhanda Hotel—J H Couch, TJ Dtvis, MIhs Dllla Johnson, Talbotton. Central Hotel—John Kennedy, Flint Ktver Factory; K A Chunn, Woodbury; W B Hearn, £ F Roberta, Opelika; Rory MoNelll. Tar River: H A Htowart, H Louie; L C Averett, Chip- let; A Kuaup, Baltimore: Wm Howell, J C Moore. Cincinnati; J D Hoogb, M Peyser, Jr, Macon. Not Wisely, tuft Toe Well. Mr D A Castleberry, Howard’a clev er blaoknmitb, retraikod on Monday that be would eat tbe largeftt water melon In towu ileomebody would pay for It. He waa soon at work ou a thirty pounder. He atarted out with much rellab and waa Boon Bat tubed, but he bravely continued until be was ou the outside of the whole melon. He then went away in tbe Wocda to Bleep off tbe effeeta, and when tbe orowd aaw that be had not been in tbe shop for some boura began to grow uueasy. Hla dla apptaranoo created quite a little aenaa tion, aa it waa thought be might be dead, bu 1 . later be waa agaiu at hla poat, none tbo worse f r bla feat nave a alight cramp. He waa < tiered a melon yea terday, but be respectfully declined, Dsaih oi firs M W Howduls. The death of Mrs Sarah W Bowdotn occurred yesterday at 3 p m at the home of bor son, In Griilin, She left tbi* city on laat Friday, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs T W Mark! hoping that a ohange wou.d have been beneficial. Her disease waa congestion of tbe bowela, and her condition grew rapidly worse until yesterday when death relieved her ol her sufferings. Bhe was about aevonty years of age, and had been a strict member of the Baptist church during tbe greater por tion of her long life. Mr T W Markham left yesterday to atteud the funeral, which takea place theie at 6:30 o'clock this afternoon. A imrs Fall. Belt Johnson, a colored employe of the Georgia ateam and gas pipe com pany, received a aevere tall yesterday He was working on a water tank at M L lUia Our card's residence, near the city. He waa on a ladder, about fifteen feet from the ground, and had a pair of tonga weighing fifteen or twenty pounds in his hands. By some means the ladder tell, throwing Bell to the ground with considerable force, the heavy tongs striking him ou the obeek aud lrlllotlng a painful wound. He got up, however, and walked to the oily. His ivjar'es are not very serious, Bat wren corner of T J Pearoo’s store and Huff A Bla: ks’s, a »wim ysfioliar gresnb^ck. The finder will be liberally rew uded uy leaving It with Milton W Howard, aug4 2t At Wt>ii* A Uartlb'o Bay N D Sullivan's Tobaooo from 1 L Pollard JyI9 se lu irl 8m Read advertisement headed QIC .It may richly repay von mart BIRMINGHAM. Murpby, 1 f Tray, lb Merritt, o...^. McLacgblln, ■e. MM ..... Gel *«, ‘Jb MeO&uiey, Kitily, c: ■'.atslug, r 1 Barber, si* Dorgao, r . Lvons, 3b» Go.llus, 2d b Donnelly o f . Hamburg, 11 Clark, p K B II f »i u o 9 1 0; O' 0 BLURB RY IBNINOS. 1 2 8 4 6 0 Columbus 0 0 0 0 0 0 Blrmlngbam M .... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Doable Plays-Lyons, Collins and Ac* draws 1, Collins 1, Murpby and Gslss 1, Mc Cauley. Gels* aud Tr«y 1 Struck Out—By Clark 9 by McO mley 6 Phased Balle-Btrausa 1, Metriu 3 Baeee ou Balls-Clark 1. MoCauley 1 Left on Boses—Columbus 8, B rmlngbam 2. ATLANTA WINS AM THRU GAME. Chattanooga, August 4 —Chattanooga was defeated by Atlanta to-day by a More WHITE WINE VINEGAR The realdeuoH now oooupied by George A B art lord la for rent from October 1st. jySO tn,sst,seAtu J r Millbb. The deeireble six- room dwelling on lower Ogletnorpe, oorner Seventh (Fsw) street Ski eel oars p sea the door. Poeeeeston given Goto bar lit Apply aft 78 Broad street »to IV N Curtis. eugl U BuMMsf Lti/Sr Salt. ▲ splendid DUhdiag rot, sixty by seventy- four, being part of lot on southwest oorner of Jt ekson and Franklin eiveei s. Apply to JySO eod2 w Jno V Ivbrson, Bmi Granulated bngar twelve pounds for one dollar, at Crane’s. angl ly 8YRUP—Pure finger Drlp\ sixty cent per gallon. Robbrt S Chaanb. auglly Tba fitore . Honae. No 128 Broad street now oceupled by Blanohard A Booth; also the store house now oooupied by Oeihonn A Brooks, next door below tbe Central hotel |yl2 tf A J Bbthunb. Pare Apple Vinegar for ptokllng, a* augl ly Cbanb’s. A new four room Cot*age on lower Broad stree'. Price 112 60 per mouth. |y£8 tuece tf Bollin Jfuffbbron. FIFAFOIAA. ho >don, Angus! 4 —Contois, 18 18, (. NX)nut —. NBW YOJSX MUNBY MARKSTT, Nbw York, Aog 4-Noon.-stocks are _a i Money es-y, 1 per oeui. Kfc ange— long, l*4 b6H snort *1 86£. Btate bonds very dull. GOVsiameut colds dull. Naw York Aug 4— Exoha-g« *4 86W; Mou y 101)4 per cent Gov -«* mer.ft oom s dm -N«# our par oema 122)4 three per oenui 102J4 bid. fiUle bom ■ ami, aja-rnnAeunv aalak‘Jk . Gold • u Bub-Treasury 1100 664 000, onr fenoy *24.987.000 SIWTOU BTOOB MABKB1. NSW York. August 4 —The stook market bao aasln caen very dull to day. Prioes at the opening were strong, and in the early dealings there was a fraotloual advance, whloh emied quotations 'o the bighert figures real is *X during ihe day in tba afternoon tbe mai set was oom par.* lively steady aud eloaed firm, at the following prices s Ala cl ms a i to o tt (Mobile * Ohio , do CIMS B.C’Sh 101 * Georg u 4*s MIS ieorgu /•», mortg. 102H 1 . 0. brown oonsols.107 -‘•nncefoa 47>* tVlrglnla 6'« 40 onsoh... 47 peak© 4 Ohio •*- ^o k Northw'u 9*)9g dc rreferred l?o _ jnver A BloGrnnde l*k krle IftH When you visit or leave New York City via Grand Central Depot save baggage ex* pressage and *8 carriage hire, aud stop at the Grand Union Hotel, opposite said dee Pot. fiix hundred elegant rooms, fitted up at a oost of one million dollars, *1 aud upwards per day. European plan. Elevators. Rsss taurant supplied with the beat. Horse oars stages and elevated railroad to all depots FaznlllM oan live better for less money at the Grand Union Hotel than at auy other first nlam hotel tn th* «itr. lv 10 dJy For MSI*. As wt wish to oloae our buainesi by J m* uaiy 1st or before, will sell the stook ol Groceries, Tobaccos and ;L'quois lor cash at oost and oelow 1?19 tf PlOMBBR Co UrBBATXVB Co Worth Mio Woighi 4m 9ms. Shaker’s Aromatlo Diurrcce* Cordial Is gaining a repu'atlon Irom oun end of this eouthsrn belt lo tbe other, because it never fails to oure every case of Dlarrhce », Dysen tery, Cholera Morbue, colto psiua Lu ho bowels, eto. No remedy on earth is effectual for ohlldren teething. It. Is pure pieplant, prompt, soothing aud healing, anu never disappoints In a single instance A number of eminent physician* are now using It in their praolloe with uuboundea suocess, giving it preference over all other remedies. Ask for Huaker’s Cordial aud take uo other. Every druggist lu Uolum bus has it for sale at 2i cents per bottle dlf Large lot Unlit'a uew crop Turnip fited lust received at Tamer’s Drug Btore, and will be sold at bottom figures Buy your Turnip Beed ..f JobaP Turner New crop luit in, Prioes as low as ibe owest. If you bave never tried the Soda Water dispensed at Tamer’s Drag fitore yon have Indeed missed a treat. Delay no longer, but go atouoe aud tefresb yourself with a glass of unexeelled soda waur with shaved For Meat. Tbeolnb room*, occupying ths seoond floor over the Enguirkr-Bun oflloe, is for •'cnt the next ytui, iu.mig u r fits' Oolober next. C A Kline. Je28 tf A SytMai Maroalm. A good lami.y Hone, gentle and kind, a soafirst-raie Delivery Wagon and Har© none, will be sold cheap. Can be seen at J mlfth Allen's alabies, iyl7 tf ^ D J Fkilkr Km Braismte for Me mi. The deal) able five room fttealdenoeof Mts H A MoMJobH' l, next door above J B Gar. roll’s, on Jaokson street, Is for rent, lor an other year. For lnformailon apply to )y28 tf W P Hunt Btoro Bhnui tor B*mt, Tbe small Biore H juBi next tj the G*nr- gi» fiieam and Gas Conupau> for rent* For formation apply tn J>8L tf Mrs h J Sali?i»uky. Tbkthina (Teething Powden) aids Dli goMtlon, liegnlait). iuu liowo**, fitrengvh the child and makes Teelbiag eaiy Cares Eruptions and Bores. Jyli dwln.. Bay your Hats from u J Thornton. lut Ten LsksBbors.—...... wf* LnalavllUk Nnsb Mem A OhAilMtOL UX Msimot MAmol MAmo t For sale by Ooinmbas Iron Works;Oo. t ap8 tf Vor Hen ft. Resldenoee, Stores auu Rooms. Jyl2 tf TIPkAROB, toe dll Wall liHitd Wus (HlHiufl. L-tal Buiuiav two little on l hi run Khv Charles Adame, who live8 near Oataula, were discovert d eating oalo mel. A paoknge of the drug had been iuudverlently left within their reach, and while no one but the oulldren were iu Mie room, tbe oldest secured the paokage, aud, after eating some, com menced feeding it to the younger child. After a couaideiUble quantity of the drug had been taken,i he children were discovered, and a physician hastily sum mooed. Roth were reported quite ill from the effects of the purgative. Dlfllculiy In Optima. We understand that another disturb ance is brewing lu Opelika. Bad blood exists between Oapt F M Dunbar and Marshal Yarbrough. The two had a difficulty on last Baturday, lu whloh the lie was passed and Oapt Dunbar threw a brick at the marshal. It was thought expedient to arrest Cspt Dun bar, but when the Columbus train left there yesterday he was sitting In front of hta store armed with a shotgun aod plstola daring the officers to lay their hands on him. Slakktw at Sekaiaiia. Dr J N Gilbert left last night for No 1, on the Scuthwestern railroad, to at- lend the children of Mr N T Rustln, who are Buff’oring with dyelntery of the moBt malignant type. Weare Informed that the disease Is prevalent In that neighborhood. Between Onraelves, llecauM her ey«a to ma and you Tha brlghtaat ara and biuaat. Bhall atotuia a r iaa between aa two, Tha oldeat Men la and trnaat T She amlba on me, my heart la llgkt ■ And yonra la ateaped iu sorrow) Aid yat the flowir I gave to-night Sho'll throw to yoo to morrow. Coquette la aha t so aav with mo. “Let him who wins her wear her; And fair—however fair aha ba, There’a many a laaala fairer." But if it hap, and wall It may. That each in vain hei plaadrd. If all my aooga ara thrown away, And all yoar sighs unheeded. We'll vow oareelvee uo hermit vows. We'll crow no f .amine billow, Wa’U hind about onr ditmal browa No wreaths of mournful willowi But show. In epUa o' her dirdalo. We yat can live wl heat her. And joining hands wa’ll laugh again And think no more abcut bar I saw el ties ter Beat. A Uwilling on me oorner of upper Jack- son and Lee streets containing five rooms and a store room, with a servant's bouse, all lo good condition, a good well of water and a la ge rleh garden. Poseemlon given Oolober 1st. Bireel oars pass In float of the door. For la formation apply to Promt Bpxnobr, Jy28 cod tf or W * Du Boon. Far Mont* Store Honae No 69^ oo west side ol Broad street, now occupied by James E Cargill at a dry goods store. PosBeudon given Octo ber 1st. Apply lo Jyia U Louis F Garrard Off for S*e Yar*. Our cutter, Mr L P AeoObbaolier, I ewes tor New Yolk this marring whore he goes to perfeo: himself in the highest and latest brauohesat the Merahant Tailoring Art His close, constant study and long experl< enoe as a Buooeasfulouiter piaosabtm among the first artists in tbls oonntry. Desiring to be unexcelled, thoroughly proficient, and iu>ly acquainted with every style aud uhauge In the profession, he wlliUevoie one month annually vlst lng the leading ein poriums of fashion and acquainting himself wlih designers that he may be in oom- munloallon with them whenever any thing new ormes out. We have engaged a gen leman of ability in the profession who hae had long experience In New Y ;rk and tbe south as a cutter. He will be .vlih us lu the Hbseuoe ol Mr Aen bach er ready to serve our customers aad the public genteelly. We guarantee every garment turnea outsails faotory and solicit your patronage. dwtf H J Thornton. Fer Mens groom ibe Mot ot Ooiobmr. A new two-story House, six rooms and bath room, with kLoheu aud setvanla room attaohsd; gRss and water. Inquire oorner houae southeast Jaokson and Nint treats. leg? t« J hn Ryan, RftIPLB, HABVST dk OO, lafeeftarere and Dealer* la Wssil sad Dressed Lumber, Bash, Doors, Blinds, Mouldings, Sawed and Tamed Work. Keep constantly on hand a rail supply of Laths, Shingles, Lime and Builders' Hnpplles generally, Ciders solicited, and will be filled promptly at reasonable figures. Do a general con tracting and bnlldlng business. Plans and specifications furnished free of charge to those who entrust their work to our oare. Offloe and Mills opposite nnlon depot, Mercer street, Coinmbns, Ga. ▲gents tor Chewaola Lime. tall tf Mtor Men*. One of the stores In Captain Little’s new building, apposite tbe Rankin House, Will befitted up to suit tenant. Yongb A UniMXSt ly7 U Ksty Agents. PUS Urmo Mtoroi During theee hot and dusty days there is considerable talk of dull times, but we do not oomplain. We try to please our oustometa aud by strict at* tentioo to business we now and then gain a new oue. Our business is stead ily, if slowly, growing, but it haa not near reaohed the limit we desire. Our efforts in the past speak for themselves, We propose to maintain the reputation our establishment has won, and con tinue to te l at a small profit every thing kept in a first-class Drug estah Itahment. Our s ock of Drugs is be- iug oonstai Uy replenished, and we guarantee them fresh aud pure. O stock ot Toilet Articles is unrivaled in this market for beauty, eieganoe and utility. In this department we call at* ftemion to Doutrilices, Colognes, Ex tracts, Powders, Bath Towels and Sponges. We have an elegant line of fine fioaps, Nponges and TuoJi Brush es. Bods Water of delicious syrups, snd natural mineral waters always on draught. Try our new Tolu, the latest thing in gum, ond our Chewing Tobaooo, u Ant at in tne oily. Uno A Bradford, dtf Alauager, Liverpool, August 4— Noon— cotioz. dal am pr o-, gentraoy La buy«i’s favor; up* ' ndii middling urlbans 6 ll-16d; sales noo buiob—for speculation and export ii-ceiptfi 8000 bales- 4900 American, Futurcc • .t ier, at foaowlog qont«tlo»’S5 August, aod B'-ptembt-r.....^. 5 26 645)5 2H.6ld H-iptemter »nd Oc'.ober... M ....6 27 64@6 i8 04d O i.ober auu Nov -uber 6 25 > 4i Novtmber ai.d Decembci...6 2-i 64U Docetuoer ai.d Jt u ..y.........5 *:4 64 L January snd February....— 6 26 64d Tenders •'t dell v«i lee for io*d»y'« dear Inc* were 59,600 bales ot new docket, anu Ot ' yi o.d docket. 2:CO p m—Sales of the dev Include 6200 ba:fe of American; uplands 5 7-lbi; oneans BHI. Futures: August delivery R27-64d sel lers; August and Moptemher 6 27-H4U sellers: Bepiembur and October 5 .8 64a sellert,; ry end Marcu 6 28-64d buyers, esdy. 4 00 pm — Futures — August delivery 27 64(1 seneis; August and Bep*ember sfiiifcrs; March and April 5 81*64d value. Futures o osed qo2et aud steady. Spencer’s CALHOUN iOBACGO. augl ly Robert b crank, O. B, Vmmnu At t o. Bill at Qn-ucn Oi.y Coni od Wood Yard (Woolfoh. A Shepherd’s old yaro) WOOLDRIDGE JELICO COAL, The best money oan procure, Bummer rates. Also. Oak and Pine Wood, Sttok Wook *8 50: Block Wood 88 75; Split Wood 81 25. aug2 lw Brink! Briokt Brink t Contractor* aud others warning Brick will oo well to call on the undersigned fu prices, Now Is th- time to balld while ma terlnl Is cheap, Are prepared to rarnlsb Brick in any qaau lty desired. W W A gbo O Berry. Telephone 89 ___ i«10 ly Clearing out 8 raw HatsatTinruton’i dwil JPiewse Mmko Uttm otom. Mr EniroR: Please give m a space Id yoar valuable paper to complain of certain parties in the oiiy who make uee ol youi oolumus. Heveral times late’y I have taken up ths morning paper to read the news. 1 have only a tew moments each morning befox poind to my bu-iness, and d j not like, afiei spending bait of them reading an article to flud wh-.t I have known for a long time that. Mr T L Grukird, tbe con .raoior and builder, bad tbe latgeetstoor of bnllders nihtertul in the city; that be Is a thorough meohario, a reliable geutloman, and that he has a pi - nlug mill and gels out work nil kinds lor his own use aud the publio tha*. ue keep* mautels ol state, iron aud wood, fancy plaster woik, Iron work, and In fact everything In the builders’ line, will not try to tell you all he sells; 11 would lake too muoh space, but please make bl ■rap. ** Dme/I Biomet Bitno'J For sale by Ooinmbas iron Works Co. ap8tf Try Sullivan's' Free aud Easy" Tobaooo. For sale by I L Pollard ly 19 se tu irl 8m I, L Pollard, sole agent for Bnlllvan 1 Goo ! enough " Tobaooo ly 19 se tn 111 8m A.O. V. W. VeluuSsi Ledge-No. 7, | A lend regular meeting this (Wednesday) evening at 8 o’clock. Wm Emrich, M W 0 E Egtes, Recorder. isidSdwed If yon feel oppress«d by the heat or in any way feel weak or debllltaled, get a dose. Nicholson's Liquid Bread and use a bottle dany. G ureti A Sons. Agents. Js25eod3m C E Hoohstrasser is prepared to supply amines with Nicholson’s Liquid Bread th bottle or dt sen. Je25eod8m Beteec Hekeoi. Misses Mary J Tuornas and B.wsle Wad dell will resume the exercises of their sohoo Thursday, Ootober 1, 1885. A libera pat rooage is sol lotted. Charges lor the scho laatlo year are as follows: Collegiate• MN . later mediate olusse^ Primary olasses 80 Music, instrumental or vooal...^.. No extra oharge for Latin, French, Elocn lion. Uses Sieging, Calisthenics and les sons in Fanoy Work. O:e-half payable Ootober 1st, balance February 1st, all strloily in advanoe, No deduotlon sxoept in cases of protract •d Illness. Jj?2tt stAwsd If »CMMtB SCHEDULE* Old Bell able. Com trot MAmo Monto, Columbus, Ga, July 27,1886. On and after Auguat l9t ths local rates freight on the Chattabooohee and Apa* taohioola rivers will be as foltuwn: Floor, per barrel Ferffliidra per lou 4u oi-n Coitou seed meal M .........7. ^.40 cents Cotton, psr bftle H .«.*.m«N*H. H .... WMNH 10 oenie Other -relgbt lu preportion. PASSAGE. Columbus lo Apaiachloola *6 uo. O her poiuis lu proportion. Special raftsman’s deck rates ae follows; Apalachicola to Iola M „.^. M ....25 oents ApaUchicotalo Cba.iahoochei--.—«6J ot Apalaoniooia to Ba.nbridgw^MMM.^^76 04 Steamer Naiad will leave Columbus Apataohlcoi»(vta Balnbrldg«)every Tuesday morning 8 o’clock, river permitting. Will wait on ner down ir p on Wednesday and her u? trip Friday at Uhattahooehee evening train. Shippers will please have their freight at boat by 8 a m on day ot leaving, as none will be received after that hoar. Boat reserves tbe right of not landing at any point, when considered dangerous by the oommander, Biat will not step at any point not named lu list of landings furnished shippers lor 1885. Onr responsibility for freight oeesee after It has bseu dnoiiargcd at a lauding when no person is there to reoelve it. Ratee subject to ohange without notice, Samuel J WmxraiDn, jil u Free's central Line ttoaur H4BKEY BE FOETH, isalrsMai N Osiollna. S IW »l dAId y........... (0 do apsolsl tax....10 moon© m udio • .him, NMbvill* A Ohst 41 NOPaclflo l'tts m*. . 67 N Y UoDtrsl V«J »r©ferrsd N .. M 41X psolflo MsI1.. mh . 47X Blohmond A AllV^. . Bjobmond A D»n... fl5k Blch'd A W. P. Ter. IS Book Ialaod....^ U8 “iTLCnar .’5 s 1’mm Paclfla 1-k Union 1‘solfli^.MM.... 4tX Wabash Paoflc, ... ft io preferred..-. mt . 10 W UTelecrupb Oo.... 4»X The Beit Evidence SUCCESS Enormous Sales Which follow the Leading lei 10Ho. ai.ed ret receipt* 160 bales; ex- f oita to Great,.Britain 220; continent 00, rftDoeOO. New York, August 4—Evening—Net re ceipt*. OU, groftc e ptw 1190 Futures oloied steady; sales 78.800 uales, h« follows: August .H.W-J0 81-100910 81<10(i September.. BEEHIVE. f*M ImUmm era, - taking the lead of ell other blood mrlfiere with eetonlehlng reulditv It rlolily dneervee and le tepidly win- the ooulldenoe of the pnolio. — e blood parlher, It le ebeolntely without eu equal In the oure of Syphllle, In any atu^c, Sorolule, Koee- ma.Cloere, Blieuaiunem, White Swel- Ulcerated Sore Throat, and older . J Dleeaeua, or Skin Llaeaaes from iure Blood IT A I'oouior, Perry. Qe.. aay.i "I ueea it in my praotioe twonty-flTt -j. I- i» » porloot blood purifier, infallible Hpeoiho for the dieeeeeo .. whloh It in .eoommoudod.” Pf but. Dt , September 1, 1884,—The -. I. U. Qentleiueu i I had the oooaeion reoeutly to watoh the effoot of O. L U. n,a Indian Cute) on one of Lhoea lbleuaeee ot blooj poleuniog. Af- two rfeeke treatment, the patient fully restored tu health. Xoun le tliily a wonderful wedlolne. I am fund ot rushing into publio uototl- hut knowing wool I do with re- -— to your remedy, I tuel that to witohold that knowledge from sutt’ei- lng Humanity would tie an loexouaable wrong. So great is my ounfldenoe tn uuratlve power ol your biuoa ourl- I freely oonsent that you make ' use ol this statement as you see Itespeotfully, oo J w OOLYBR, Hherm of Houston County, yon suffer from auy blood disease _ skill disease irom Impure blood _ uortaid, pleasant and qulok oure u within reach. ounoumiou the proprietors say —j havo yet to uieet with the first failure ol (J, I. C. to do au that is aioiod (or it. Phioh |i,50 Pan Hot- TUB. Sold in Columbus, Ga., Oy Oltv Drug ilore,A. Bradford, Manager, ugflfdly ker TU. slurs, Mo M7 CIO... sir s\ will be lor rent Irom ve.ohsr ntxi. Apply io Hi ll 11 er Co- Operotiy. Oo j,p, t | Ifp/seel*. Hii.ilfU. PirtleshiiTing ueieetiv.- eyes .re lnyltcd oooll and have them examined ty ihe Opthulmasoplo test trie of ouargr, aid is speoiaoieii om bo o? biu.fii they win be ‘(tied a. a modoraie ptloe, Je28 tf J U UiiAsSAtt. ling, . Blood Im|>u have year.. .Old io tor nyt J evy, gut.! wile IngJ wro. tbe i fior, snob If) THE greit orowds ol ladles who dally throng our Stores, eager to ayall themselves ol some of the Bergelns e are off .-ring, Is positive evldenoe of the public confldi noe whloh weerjoy Now, to show our appreciation of the liberal patronage bestowed upon n, we have determined to give our one lomers a benefit, and with that objsc^ In view we will cflsr for MONDAY, TUESDA u 9 90 tUOon 9 91-108 Oolober November Dec mid her, Janaary ... Fouruary.. M .. m es M . M 9 77*1U0® 9 78-:Wj March.- 9 87 1U@ 9 88 100 Aprl) MMM . 9 97-IC8® 9 «8 iOO May 10 06 llocolU 08-loU The <’uai ftttya: Fa me deilverien, wi h allgM llao'.uk ions, uec load 4100 to 5-100 Hod rec..v«r* il be/ors hdU ul ue bLlrd call 2*100 to8*l'0 for Oj obor to May, AL tbe I bird 8000 buies tot Ahaaat brought 10 80-100, 4 0 -‘oi Octooer 9 61*100, 200 for Novemiici 9 58 100 aud 100 ’or Ma IU 5 100. »enU-rob*>r w-ia ettar-fd a 9 87 100 December 9 fO IO'J, Jo.aarj 9 05*100. Fsbiu ( j 9 85 100, YlaiCh 9 83 100 a u dpi 9 95 100. Fatnree olo«ed oai6( u. (1 firm. GALVE8TON AdgUSt 4 — Cot»OD qUlR'l middnngb 9^3- doi receipts CO. grot^ 00 dales 27, nloc-A. 974 I*0: V0LK, Augu t 4 Oat'on qilet- mid* illltgeB 11*10, net reoeipis 112 gi as 112; sa'cs U stook 1816, exports to Gteal Bcuula 00; ra. oe to. Willing ton, Angus t 4—Cotton quiet; ralda^ings net receipts 1 gr ns J; 4 — Cotton quiet; net reoeip's 8 grosi o) eaiue vu. c . ck 1107; exports io Great Hritaiu (10 continent Ol, Francs CO. New Orlkanh August 4~coti«n market quiet | aa*4ULiin«» 9^o; net reoelp s 29: truss 29; sales 200; sic*.* •——; exports io Great Britain —, nontlneat 00; France 00 Mobile, August 4—uoitoi. no ark hi nomi nal; middlings t%o; net receipu 4, gio-i 4, - ktaa 00; atock 2680 exports to t real Bru in 00. MEMPHIS, August 4—Cotton firm; mid* d’liiga 10c; net receipts 16; sblpmsnta 0C; * vies 0J; stock ——; spinners CJ. Augusta,August 4-Cotton market quiet; o’ddHngs 10c, receiptr 14 sfilpiu«Lis GO, i ties 7; stock —. UHam.xBTON, August 4 -Cottti. cnli; middlings 10c: un roeipU2, gross 2. 4ai#e 10; sicca 908, (.xporls to o» 00 Great Britain uu; Francs 00; spinners 250. PBODUOH AMD PBOVISIOSS, Vbf* kiei Ohioago, August 4—Flour steady, Wbeat ipened weaker and J40 lower and closed No 2 red 9. nlgher—ct* Hepuraber . . O-its firm, neu. ta ures HdvanolDg X&Xc— 0A*h 26®28o. Augus 25^20^0, Bep ember 25V4(S2 &o, October ‘k6>4g2^j. Mess pork iiftguihr and io«ei-oash *9 75«9 9J, \asus. 19 67^9 80, September 9 70^9 90, Ojtober 9 75aiO lO Lira leirly active bu iveak—Oabu aud August 40, Bep • < mber 6 8747^4. Oolober 6 45@6 57^. B ixod mea*« Bieucy—dry salted shoaidert 84 25a 4 60, short rib sides *5 41 @5 42, short usux sides *5 90&5 91 Whisky tt m-|l 16. dugsT uuebanged- granulated bX . stand ard A 0fco, Hi. Leslie. 8r Louis, August 4—Flour unohangod- ramlly *3 50.^8 66. Wheat v-ry dull, closed ab ut as yesierday—No 2 red cash 99)ft® 99ku; August Corn firmer aud oi. s d Hb«ve yesierday-No 2 mixed cash 41H($42%o, August 41%u. Oats dig ner but duu—No 2 mixed cash 21>ft«24^o, Au- ■ ual ——0 Whisky eteady-ftl 18. Vrovle loos dud aud iowei; Mess pork *10 71; bulk us&ti- long dear sides *6 60 short rib sides *6 80, short ol4«r sides *0 GO, baccn—long clear sides 16 17K@6 12)4 short rib sides *6 40@6 45, sb rt o.ea>* '.u#S |0 0 1 ®0 05; lard *0 25, hams—*9 50^11 50. Muala villa, LouiBvn lb. Aug 4-Graln market quiet — Wheat, No 2 red 95o; core. No fc whits 62<x oaf—No 2 rolxcu 84c, new oais27@283. trovlslons weaker: Baoou—oienr no sides 88 80. olearsidek 6 76; ehonlders *4 75; bulb meats, ole**'' riba 85 75, clear sluw *6 18; monlaen *4 00; mees pork 111 (H* lard' choice leai 18 lQ\ nugar eared hems 19 60(g 10 00. Mew Orleans. Nbw urlraks, August 4—Coffee market firm— common to prims Rio in cargo*! 7KC9«o. ttugur1 ItoUSTw'®: Ki'dv- o.mnrng.1, common to good common ll)0!Bo; prime tc •irtoi y prim* 36«i83. uic. qalet—LouuiaBw ordinary ta prime •He. ClBilnell: OiBOlWBkTl, Angsj. i will iky eteedy- <1 IS. NIM BMW Oil. Niv otiu *. Aag 4-caunp Had mi— prime ora le 980180, enmmer yellow 85)40. oooklag 45a Market dull and tower. New YoBK. Aag 1 — Ootwa Med oil- orade B9^85o; refluvd 88o ■ AV4L NTUKHB, MM, •Uv abh ah .1 Aagael 4-Tarpeatlae s teed y< 88)41, ieiu 100 AOeui etMdy—fl 05: telH 8uO uarrele. Whjjibgtob. Aag 1—TnrpenUao firm— 88o Roelo dall;euulned87)4; good etreloed 90o. Tar firm al |1 50 Crude laipenllne eleedy: bard II10 yellow dip end virgin at ,11 90 Nbw Yobk, Aog 4-Boeln quiet—elraln. ed aod tood .iram.a 1164117)4, Tarpon tin i doll, 15)40. NBW Torn*, Aag 4—Hide.• iteeily-wel eel ted New (Mean, eeleated, 45 and IK pounds, M9Msj Taxu eeiectad. 50 and H wmDsrma x> ay A SERIES OK Insuruiouutable Birgaias lu every department, the aeual valnea of whloh will be eaally reoognlied by the publio without eomment on our part. Silks 1 Silks pounds. 10)41 x, . __ domestic flaaoe J7#86e; Texas pnllec 1849840. RFW Yoax, August 4— Freighs to Live* jwol steady—Oottou per steam. 8 821; wbeai lhattah;och«e (sheriff’* Sale. TTTILL bs sold bsfors tbs court bouss door in said f f count?, on tbs lint Totals? lu Bestsaibsr next* vitbln tbs Isffsl boura of sola *•> tbs hlghM* biddsr, for cub. tbs followint prostrt? to wit: On Texas son? 7 ?ssra ehi. name Bowd?. (ft) five h<ac cattle. Paid sropsrt? levied on under sod b? virtue of s ft fa istosd from tbs sussrlor oocrt of sold ouus* t?.iu favor sf Wrlffbt McOook vs A W and B L Dsat and L Bare, sscurit?, tbls August 1st, iw. Such goods as Bleok Silks are rather unseasonable now, with the thermom' ter at 100, t at that ta tbe very reason why we shall uff<*r them at marly half value. Our Mr Lieweuhers is in New York now to make fall purchases, and we must make room for new goods. Here is the Story : Black Non Paratl Qroa Grain Silk 90c, regular prlae *1 26; Black Gurnet Uroe Grain (120 per yard, regular prlae SI 66; Blauk Guiuet Ur os Grain Silk fl regular price |1 86; Black Guiuet Groe Grain Silk tl 75, regular prlae (2 26; Black O.toman Silk fl 10 per yard regular p>lce fl 60; Black Groa de Laudres 76c, regular prloe f 110; Black Rliada*mlre f 1 50 per yard, reg ular price f 1 85; Black Satlt Mervellleux fl 10, regular price fl 50. Th ) Balance of Onr Stock Sommer AT LESS THAN NEW YORK COST While floods! White Goods Five more oases of that popular India Linen at Bo per yard ; Five more cosea of that 40-laoh Vloto rla Lawn at lOo per yard. Received by Saturday’s Exprees, an' other lot of 20 DOZEN 11 Mis 35 Oents a Piece. Also fiva ouee of Gape May Hata whloh we offer at Jobbers’ prioes. STiBNBM &L0EVEMH1BZ The Leaden of Low Prioes, Blackwell’* G.iiu. Tobaooo at Cka > e s. PaieLeaf Lira e.c augl 1/ Daria n Bmcklug augily o- u.h per pound. Mobekt 3 Crams. Bor Mont. Store No 82 Brood s< 1«oi f now oooupied by Alien Brothers. Apply to J*4 f u» I G SlRUPPKR. "Sullivan's Bcsr," no batter Tobaooo manufactured. Get it from I L Pollard |yl9 se iu fri 8m The Moot JUotnu He min a Machine Is sold by J H Bramhali, 99 Broad street and you uc>ed uo better Ic28 tf A Wite DwatidNf to Beafi From the first oi Oolober uexi. ibe briok dwelJiDg now oocupied by Mrs Jonnlogi on upper Oglethorpe street, containing five rooms, p*utry, kitoheu, serv mt-t’rooms eto. Hit a of lot one-half acre. Apply fto aug2.r % Jno H Bam, fWclOffc <rw«rM«e K'fcgJe A PhanlXee.- s • 75 O 80 C olumbus GO & 24 •ruioofcfts... 78 49 86 Georgia Home ins oo ftr;6 Bunk O.act. i National 10 pi Xerohania A Meolmnise’ 10 pr ot«li< MirmmUaneono* Pioneer Oo*Operativc Uo M 060 0 rafederate Ooupo.ti En-a.ji, MMh , i ff> 2 JKor Male, 40 Shares E^gie and PbcDlx Psotory ook 80 Sbsrse M«ioban*8 and Mcohsnlcs’ Bxnk bt ok 68Snnreid Atlanta aud West Pi lut Rail* road stouk w a nrmb. 65 000, or any pari, city of Oolumbus Bondi, See me hafor«» von buy or se'l, I ran als ways do B/t well, and ofl^n several pciuiii better thon an, one e -e Y ra will find Itgiefitlv to your Interest to place what property you may have for rent In my hands us toy long experience In the management of real estnte on»ble« me to be of great service to you,ns I know who ore good. I m^ke no oharges lor advertising, paying taxe .Immrui'oe and making repairs, Onlyoharglng ao immlsslon on rents collec ted. TENANTS, You will fl id it to voar interest to call at For Rent from Oct. 1st Fourteenth and Aolutoih alneis Two story 0 toorn Dwenlng south Ogiethorp* Five room Dwelling Forsyth street ( Three room Dweiiing north letup street S bree ro im Dwellli.-g sou.h Jackson tore ou Htunlliou load, Noriuern Liberties Two room Dwelling east Ninth Bt Three room Dwellings eaht Ueveuth street Three room Dwellings McIntosh St Five room Dwelling nur>h Broad below Nlutn Stores and Offices. Brick store corner Broad aud Thirteenth streets Brick Store and Bakery on north Broad —best »i*Mt.d in oliy For U«Dt-Po88es8ion Uireu Mow *:0 GO F'Mir room Dwelling north Tropp street 18 00 m - . om 2 story Dwslllng sou’h Oglethorpe 16 00 Funr ro m Dwelling, new # Troup street 6 00 Dwellings on siuth Jackson, McIn tosh and Seventh streets Stores For Rent. The store oooupied by J D Johnston, cor* ner Broad and Thirlsenth streets, be*t stand in the ci,y ‘or grocery or dry goods MONEY TO LOAN. I have *5 000to lend on good city proparly In snms uoi lass than *500—s x and iwslvs months 44 Twelt h Street, Oppowlto FoatofBos For Sale or Rent; rented. The home co-iaii s etx large rooms and two un ailer our*, with a.l tne neoosaary out.hou-e*, bUbta, oow houses, _ a garue j lu t* nigh state of 'buiuvaUon. Poaseaslon to be given on tbe 1st oi Ooio« ber. For terms apply to fylft autwtf PERRY SPAN CEB. RR. WARD’S mUY t N ASBVILLI, vein. Tbs largest and b«sl equipped •ebe "' - ~ Ue tweaqr-fitst ?«