Columbus daily enquirer-sun. (Columbus, Ga.) 1877-1886, March 30, 1886, Image 1

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forty-ninth congress Igan Speaks la 1 iipport of.« is Huy Fill, 0’R*r«t'tt SI'1 1 Kf^'u'ioni In rh* Ili>u e — A I 3i«rub.r vf CtllU »®<t Kuo* lntlftr>elutib(>u(rti, lLte, Bpfclftl ti* !il quir»:i*8u\ Washington Mure!' 29.—Under the call of biutos lit following bili~ and molufions were introduc d and referred* B; Lawler o'—A preamble and lesoluHnn rtcbiig that recent rerntpebticneti bt.wtui Powderly, grand master workman of the Kn:ghs o! LuW.r, end Jay Q .uht, president of the Missouri Pec tic rail roao company, taise- an ih ue oi vbsi imp'riatict to tlie tun quili.y of the country, and general w spare of die people, and dir.c'lr g itu- coin mil ee on labor to Investigate into the un derlying Cause* xiat- IngbtlW'.en th< : * nipi'.yeB amt em ployers of (be railway companies and other common earrk-.s, u.-d to rep..,rr whal legislation is r revssary lo tmog the troubles and /<■: ees to a feat- isfacto.y conclnsmn The committee is given authority to send tor per sons and papers a; d lo sit during ibt •Beesionw of the hnu.-e Bj Willie, of K.'ulucky, to aid in the s.ablieLment and tnuporny support of con^mon schools. Whits moved to re'er to the c'maii'.tce of labor. Miller, of Texas, moved as an amendment to refer it lo the coni ini dec on education. In reply to a question by Randall, Willis stated the measure was identi cal with tin B air hi 1. Randall asked if a reasonable time Would not he allowed fur debate, In Older to eflord an opportunity for an explanation oi reasons for the pro posed change of referei ce, but there were cries of ‘‘regular order.” Miller's amendment — yeas 115 nays 133. Willis’ motion was then sgrei d to —yeas 138, nays 113; so ihu oil! wee referred-to the committee on luboi Bills were further introduced as follow.-: By McCreary, of Ken'ucky, au thor zing the president to arrange t. conference for the purpose of en couraging peaceful and reciprocal commercial relations between the Uniud States aLd the republics ol Mexico, Central and South America and the empire of Br-.zil. By Woolford, of Kentucky, grant ing a pension of $8 a mouth to ail honorably discharged soldi. :s who served in the uuion army during the late war and directing the secretary of the interior to lurnitb a- lie a! limb? (■ r their equivalent in mor e ) to contedtrale bo.uuis c.r fcui'o s who lost legs or arms in 'he war, Belmont, of N « York, introduced tbf- following jolut resolutloi.: Resolved, That ht sum of $147.7-18 be appropriated to pay the Chinese government in com id*ration of the losses uuha pMy sustained by ceriain Chinese sulj -e.s by u mob of vlo'e ce at Rets Springs, Wyounli g, on Sep tember 2, 1885, said sum being in tended for d strihution among the sufferers a til tbelr legal representa tives in the discretion of the Chinese government. 'Resolved, That further restriction cf Chinese and coolie immlgia ion, if it shall be found expedient and i ec cssaiy, can he most ptt perly ncctoi- plishtd i>y a mod fleafiou of existing treaties. By O'Neil, of Mississippi-Provid ing for boards of arbltra't n B. Z ch Tuyl r, of Tennessee, de claring the practice follow-d by the con mittfes of refuting io report tack mia-tuee : feried to flurri, - s a species of despotism unworthy u American cm glees, suit n qu-siit g the committee on rub • to npur! a\ additional rule pr v ding that Ui house may its y time- by a tm j rt'y vote direct a c mmitti e to ri port bu. k any measure referred vn it. By Cur is, i 1 Pstn ey'vari-!, a pie amble and residuMou rectir.g 11.« present labor tr- uhit s. and i.r.-vtdir g for a special c.-nutiPt <• »f five num bers to iga'e t: c cs.Uie ar.u ex tent of tho.e troubles. By Honk, of 'I'-ni.tssee, a pr; * amble M.’<l J >int r<. ■’u'ion reciting the existing troubles and pr >viding for the creation of a comtuissL’n 'n he known as the “capital and labor comm:.sou,” The commission shall consist of fr ur senators, four representatives and one person to be selected by the president, and who shall act as chairman. It is made the duty cf the commission to inves tigate the different questions relating to the hours of labor and remunera tion therefor, and to submit its report tooorgresson the first Monday in Deoember. O'Hara, of North Carolina, asked unanimous consent to ofler for im mediate consideration the following preamble and resolution : Whereas, It is a matter of public information that on the 18 h of March, 18S8, in the town of Carroll* ton, theoounty seat of Carroll coun ty, Mies, a lawless band of persons rode to tho court house and then and there indiscriminately murdered by shooting a number of peaceful ciii« zena of the United S am,; and whereas, it is alleged that the gov ernor of said state of M's-' f«, sippi has absolutely rtfuseu to take effective measure:) to bring to justice said muriererr.- aad whereas, it is alleged mat the grand jury in and fer said county of Carroll has neglected to act in such manner as would bring said murder ert before tba oourts to answer for tbelr crime-; an i whereas, the con* stiiution of the United State.' guaran tee- to each and every citizen full 4hd _.afi. quate of l i. life auu of his property; Therefore, he it rt-s- Jved, That a committee of five members be ftp- pointed by the spiakei to It v. stlga'e the facts conut cted with said nuir ders a ml report by bill or otberwisi such m mures ns will check or pre vent tn !uture a wanton and b.r t.-arouK ilea rue .on ot Lon an life. R' gw , of r.xuw, ... J.-Cted on the ground that he rid j c was one over which e. i-gress h ,i! u i consti'utionftl power. Adjour n d ’ ' • SEM A*'K. After rou ine tn .rL,ir.g busir ex, Logan’., aim.v uili was placed ihe ,.-ei.ate L'.'gau s^nt io .be desk and bad read u letter fr- m Gonera! Sheridan, Thy- ri. g the prop. tud in crease. L !gai., himself, read an . x iraci fn m a letter if G-n Schofield approving tb. hill, and then pro cceded to speak upon it. He 'Oiupied the largest portion of the afternoon cttsloM, the remainder being con : um d-!iy su.a or . who r terrupteii atd.ff. ieLt liitiMe to oppose the bib and at.-og z Logun’s statements, or to a k questions. Plumb, II-ur, Diwen and Telb r were ti.e principal ot the opponent of the bid Iu reply .o remarks tutide by some of :i.,ss gentlemen In the course of dtbi.:. L gun said it was an uu warrantabl. a sumption for .,ny senator to lniimate or insinuate that this bill was now introduced wuh a viow to any impending d.fil eulty between capital and labor Wny .(.if) insinuation that there w a desire In use. the atmy against i.ttc- peopb ? I. :.eeuud that to e. me men any statement that would injure an other as a sweet morsel It was at: unfounded and unworthy inslnua tloii, •Referring to the suggestion tbs' the increase of the army was wanted for show—“for a cirtuo” - Logan re- polish it, The people, he said, did not want any show about it. They bad Bhc-i and circus enough in the senate, ['augbtei ] and while the sena torial circus was uu baud, he did not know any more active perforuuer;- Ltan iho -ena.ors who were opposed to this bili [Renewed luughler ] Logan reviewed the efforts mak ing to fortify the coas', manu.acture guns, buiiil a navy, etc, and inquired what ail these expensive prepare, tious meant if not in peace prepare for war. There w«b undoubtedly no immediate danger. Was that an argument against putting our «f- falis iu a condition to enable us to prepare properly whenever danger should com ? We have had wars before and should doubtless have them again. Iu the last re port of the secretary of war to that ffloer called special attention of congress to the die'tJtbancce of the past yeai wuh the Indians; hut even if there w re u. I diar. ciffi -ulties, them was still reason etiougu why we should have this increase—not to get a larg. army, bur lo put our present army in a condition cf pro; er orgarjiztti u; to keep it reasonably tfliciem Logan beli veil iu the An,trican idea and Munroe doctrine, Ke Would build up Ameiicsr. industries aao Ameri can n 11 oence * and power. The republic should be able to pmt.ct itsell European monarchies wer j-alnus of the United 8 utee. Wuy ? Because of the iduue of r- puhllcar ism aud pa r:- o'lem which the example of tire United 8-ate- afforded io tt-e people uf the world. Republicanism wa btcomlrga power the world over, ami Ine United otates ‘hould bs pre pared to way to the flrsi Europea,• ifiat aUempts to gain a foo-hold in America, • Lay on M. Duff, and damned be La who first cries, hud. J (noug, !” [Apphnsj iu the g.n- ler e- ] Kx eu.iv-o session an,' adj .urned The 4iiKU»la rriajceUy. A L’oUni A Ga, March 29—Preston Yul- utt, e i:;,s c uic-std that nt mut" dered Will am V T -iLs, v. b was wivChilian #' die Tie- car dtp it in diis ciiy. He implicw ui several whit- uico- it, he c. iuis.t ut co.-m: b • li- vt - ui- pari of the si- rj Valen tin:- cru• t ui it. I"*- bead < Vale- with o pud:, (In li .-a urated the tiody au,. tb lfi;e with , ii ami set it i • fir(, hopli g to hide tlie evidence of the crime by burning the premise.-. There is a hitter feeling against the prlsmer, tut the law wiil be allowed >o me.e cu j ustics to ths accused Valentine h. s travelsd un der several aliases. He lulled a boy iu Carolina, but was acquitted He hue L-tv rul wives living in diff-reui steles Captain E B Purcell has i e-m on his truck for e gli'cen much*. V T alen!lne sent a letier an 1 a llkenesR from Lowmare, Va, to Augusta, which fell Into Captain Purcell’s hands and led to the arrest. A 1100,000 Fir*. Brainard, Minn, March 29 — Fire broke out la the car and loco motive shops of the Northern Pacific railroad yesterday, an I in forty min utes the tollowing building* were de stroyed : Old office structure and ad joining upholstery shop, machine shop to car department, wood-work* ing shop and central storage hnu e and old round house in use as freight repair shop In the latter twenty- five fre girt cars were oansumed, a part of i hem refrigerator cars. In the other bulidl.nga all the equipments, uiachlrp.-ry, s.ock and materials were burned. The loss is over $100,000 The insurance Is believed to be am ple. It ie placed on wbat is known as the blunket plan with the Liver pool, London and Globe. The shops will be rtbuil’ at once, WASHINGTON WAIFS Secret rj cried s Ikel I* o.iditl a » 1! t er 11 ¥C Ok in Wi.od ’ |£b *m Um IiUiiI lllljU'ttVl u W(lMt la T»etwllvo . Hie. if) - Wastuno’J'on M tary Manning’ ' t h) p'oiars > make 'heir n-u l oilv c morning, bin made ihcir i: ami gav>- direct,o: . u\ ielepou li :80 i.’clock 'i o cu's -i.-i" gsi to r Hiih im e 1 h el v - i' ”■ > « c- r c" rv ’- ', om Ko’f n a:or they o iup d w,, aud n ty med -Ms the other, with regard to Chinese im migration. The corre-pondence Is voluminous and it was fully Intended that tt should be eiveti to (he press to-night, but by me fallu e of the miichim rv ofth xicu4ve session, or some intni- ver'pi ce, the motion to re,■■ insider the mot ion in u>ject lot! r V'rire n* collector wiib made to cover the Cl Inese matter ns wel’, and thus the ■correspondenc? letnHitis li eked up. FOREIGN FLASHES : 1 y had agu U “and he Is tk 'Ugh, of danger ” that the l". the attnida were very encoiirej D U|. P f> «n» tt‘e Vt( tn(ni.u P rtkcri - €?IimT st-’»«to AuuowKi h H’b FiogruuHn'', K<o. Pi UCL'. Vt n, - -ir.-o, not out of Mr D Lth-ufy raid K-e-t r,-o r-.L oi ah his morn': g g i. de d Ad thir.g'' coiwbioi d 'b" -pi |i‘nr: a arc ibcidiuly mere hopeful 'he at io y previous time since il.,e s. cr; tar) w.-e la kali ill. MR GARLAND IMI'R VCD Attorue - G • U tr I »i c i-> i* aob imnrovid !.i» :• on' v SOME RESOLUTIONS 1ST KoDl UED Iu dll House u si. j. li -v.i, - A.ov York, cll'-reu a re-tou on the ru.'e so as to limii to ten ml- u”s ihe diecussion i f n"v trie a.- ur- ui lei< up by a coniuiit'., e in the men.!: g hour and gl i g he hour if the in use, to 11 a m :he n-c ,u ion ie accompanied by a leg preamble tie** elating that the • xperi, t e-‘ ol the pas' three monihshHs «ln wii die folly of’he promise that thecha- ..e of the rules at the begiumnu of t! e aesslon would lac'liiate e s wtior, and the prsciice of ccneidern g bills by u’.ian im. u.) coi sent Is a a- ri us abuse, be- Oftuse ihe power of recognition shown by tiie speak -r * vml on- m- mb-r is au n. just dircrioo a ton agauiai oih- er,<, aud because the i>rac>>ce t ude to make uf legis'adon :» lotb-ry whf.-re pn zes are. given to a fav; .e 1 few arid blanks (Fs'ributed among ihe unfa vored many. O'Neill, of P.-nrsylvunia, intro duced a refcoiutioi. calliig . n ihe .ec.e'ary of Ihe Iresbuiy f- r a slate- ment of the diepoeiitou of the money loaned by the Uniud S a,e.~ to the world’s iudtis’.ria! eot'on c- enntai expofcltion, held t>’ New O.lear.g, and for infcoRmtim, as to what amount had be- n lepahl. The comndt'ee on labor teported a bill anti i : z ng the cummisi-iouer of labor to make au invtsdgatlnn as to con vie iab"r. THE QUEST! IK OF OPEN SESSIONS I; d.rootly ;p, question of ope , .x eoullve 8«t-::'8 .edeived a. alight ’or waul icupuisd in im s cret s i»„m ot 111" seilxts 111 S .f ernuwli. A coo. 'll eruble i-ui, • ,• of in eru»l r* ve ue collectors tmno na' d to r.i ><•> s cr'!::o d by sin-peto ions w, re cm fii-msd, n.- ii tai',: g the number whh me c lloclur iuUi'ual revenue for ihe dis uci • f Vermont. Bonn 1 .r M-r-io, who re ported this case, moved that ,l,e in- junction of secrecy b * rem-ivsd fr lu the report of the li"ance. i'om:;ii'ti e in tb s case, »s au act of jusoi-e ex-C.'hector S.earns, la e onliecior, null the mo inn wac cair ol. F.llowing '.be exam le ,f M rrid, Hherman tsked ti at tlie fame hc! of justice be none to su-pended c II-c- ior» i:. Ohio i'be - o,iu,- one a-ked wuy no-: iX'end Llc courtexy :o ihe entire list of eusp ,.••«.} codec ore. Another asked : “Arm ivn\ i. : to all suspend'd , ffici 4 ?’ Tn.-ee why liols weio not sx is,!, cut somo of the m,-r. senators, wi ' jecti i: b> ihe p oonservi ing :>, y IhougUi. ih t,.o rapid y’lit-d :u check r, - was enit red i',.‘i*ui,.-iii-r by whic" M unli'-) moti -n ried l h: - pul ' q.its: i n i lie ,1 Ay T. e repot i:i ' Case, w hie.., iu Ur g, in ral (• UUdersnii'i- to be -u,- ':i■■■In . e-e made it, m j -n y f 1 f iattn al rtve> ue colhi (>• lo decbue in ieiinri bat lb: , e has ;enrt ed In m u 1 sources D-Ht tbere -w oil H l K t n- ,-l'i tty v v’ vo *-■ loeo ('Ll-, eft. London, Mire 29 — Gladstone, iti tin i, u«t . f commons tliio aflirnnoo, sin nl ibar n April 8 he would peru,’nriou to m reduce his Irnm gev, r..iner,t I 111; Ihut uu Apri 12 :In btnh e would introduced, and tlmi I on Apr 15 he wi uld riquert permis- s'ou to (tn reduce n bill lo amend llit law.) for the rale and purchase of I land ii, Ireland Chamberhin | aou Tf vi lysn were ptt scut They | n»i bt h w fbe gangway, cl ailing with L id Hsioigton and Hir Henrv I J rn r. TO EXP 1 II1M ENT IN TOBACCO CUL TURK. The g'vernmen. has consented to make xperimenta in the praclics- b'iity of ihe eultivation e,f tobacco iu E .gland. Hr JgluM, THE CITIZENS A UTHOK1 ZED T PKO 1HT THEMSELVKS. Charleroi, Belgium,'March 29 —The government bus nutiuu.z.d the peaceable inhabitants of the cuy to s.rm themselves, and use every mesne iu their power to defend their d, micllis, There is a more confident feeling to-day. Civilian patrols and (roopa arc overmastering the rioters, atitl it is expected will eventually sucoeed iu restoring order. The miners in Fieun distriqr have gone on a strike and destroy ed the residence of the mine manager by dynamite. Reinforcements have been sent to the scene. WILL GIVE THEM ASSISTANCE Par.s, Marob 29 —The Belgian epuoiioan lesgueot Pari) has called a meeting of the Belgian working- u;eu of France to assist their breui- ren In Belgium. Charleroi, March 29,—Thectiy to-day ih a vast military camp, from which fiylng columns are operating iu all directions. Brussels, March 29.—The rioters hist night atnukf.d and burned e pottery manufactory »t Brandnur, near Mens They succeeded in rt- afsiing 'be gens d’anius who, bow-vet. shot and killed Ihrte- f the n -teis The ch zsns '■{ Fleurls, seven miles uor-li ts'. of Charler(,i, I ave armed themselves and have thus fir suc ceeded in defending tie r town fr ,m idllage. They drove one id ri"'- s away by main force, dispers ing U utterly Vigilance cnmmiitees are being f- rmuu by the ciozuns in .liner places 'lir a'eueduythestrikers The strikes ere spreading In the coal mini: g dibit id <•! lDrinage, and tlu- authuri'ie) there are apprehensive of grave xecsses ,-n Lie part of di-uf- fec ed workingmen Tne miners in l a ilis'.riot receive but sixiv cents a day, and are employed only five d ,ys in a week Heverid nus-rciiisi leaders were arres:eT, a: Cuarhrol to-iiay. The burlap of ilie rioo-is who wife slim by the troons there are proofeding quietly. A' 5vc- /.ere the s-.cialis.s are greatly pmiaged because of tue energetic ac tion of the military in , uppre.<s> lug tie disturbances. As a-, oo. -f r;x L-ngi luey nnean, io raid the extensive cloth works which a conspicuous feature that. ti'W n. '1 ne cl(,n work" employ* Ue-Ve juiued lie 11 .!.•• rs. ’1 In-H-rik'h- •>: ,pj-.( I, s ri.- r T- ur-: »y, have ha - acni.fliCi wnn me civ,! guards in wild) many persons win* wounded ON ’CHANGE, re. o : •or eal II, u f 8.- arm was a republic:*!) or for ,l,< men) of his ‘ucc s- , cr ban ho a -.rii democrat. Tue cnlltc'ois cc Id m- d arecnofly iu I Huids, Per,nej Ivun a, Ohio ami Wte. Vfig nU L T der t. e present iulerpreiation of the rules, which nearly ail the sena ors it-oni. is a wrong one, their names can’t ho made public until two m ie exeuutive sessions shad! have pU'-Bed. Auotber V-rmout case was the sulj ct of discuss! n to night. The nominee to be postmas ter at 8t Alhaus, a lawyer by profes sion, was leper ed adversely fur cause some days ago and was n i»cted in due form, but a motion waseu ered to reconsider and this was carried to day. 'The m»u’d record for good ; fellowship aud his army services ' were all iu his fttv -r, hui U was said by bis oppcteuls that i there were some charges against him concerning truusactlons witti his former clients which hud not been | explained aud the ser a e again re jected him. The nomination of J C Matthews to be recorder of deeds for this di-trlct i was recommitted to the committee I on the D striot of Columbia. The Injunction of secrecy was i remcveil from the correspondence i sent to the senate In secret session between the secretary of state on the one band and the Chinese minister [ at Washington and the American, minister at China, respcc'iveiy, on Ii Hfuif d toy V»i/inc It*- li <ru. Spoclnl to KMjniroi-f^no New Y .kk, March 29 — The gene ral impteesi'iu am ,ng the slock tx- nba'ige m mb rs early Ibis mornir g was that ttie strike on the Gouid system of rou is had been ssttled defi nitely and absolutely, and when the marked opened the first prices shew ed decided gains, Advances ranged fr- m j to nearly 2 There was a rush by the shorts to cover, and by purchasers for lorg accounts, and for a short time the exoilement ran high, aud in the first hour it was whispered that there was a hitch In the railroad negotiations, aud then followed Gould’s explanation of Powderly’s message to the strikers. The vurieus complications shown in the newspapers were rung in, and at 3 o’clock tbeBireet wbs puzzled as to the exact sta'us of affairs. Conse quently ihere was a hesllant market with a dropping tendency after 12 o’clock, decidedly weak in the latter of the last hour, but u rally Just be fore three and made a firm closing The quotations are email fractions to ov^r 1 nighsr than Saturday, the gr-atescguin being Missouri Pacific, which shows an advance of ljj Grangers and Vanderbilt's quiet, coalers generally higher, Reading j lower and is the only active stock showing a loss, Sales 356 000 shares STILL AGITATED J sj World I> c ine:- to fn'crfiie wi ii Il'.-xi ’o Miuuijenu'iit. rrcoblp «n IU'1-o d- 'uu luu«>, ' lo ( • Ilk |> 11 #• Ih i t: GfJ r* f'CliiX Ii'Or.t iKuorfil * ItliiU ttox ilj Wotru'i lilCs Rp-’Clnl 1» K« qnlviviHiin. Niw York Mar/l 2-i • Confer e r c s hei w*-* Jay Gould and '1 V P, wderly ’o-dny and ibis eveuliw huH resulted in ur-for- Iron each i f them "> 1 1>''parli< htl-, K ntbw. s' ( rn strike hat v oik ut,d milliu lo Imniedlaiely nsumtd p-ndii g alUi- trufhvp. M .1 vs G -uiil will t -morrow illuming , e.ul ' o fi ilov-irg it I/- graphic 11 strociiur.H to Mr geueral manage r ,,f 1 11 Missoni, I’ - eifie raiiicaJ at s Louie: 1 Iu resuming Hie movement of trains on lh" Miswuir, Poc.fio and iu employing labours in tin: niv, rib depaiin e:i(s of Ibis company, give preference to (lir lute tmi 1 yes, whether they at, Kn’ghts of L»i» -r or n< ’, > xc< pi that you will rot mu jil y any pt i>-on who has It Jured Hie company’n j r ,p> r y during the Ian -trike, nor will we discharge any person who has takii owe w-t< the company dtirir-g said strike. W> see no ■)) cion U' arbitrail- g r.oj differences 1 e ween > uiployes and tne com, any, i,ast or future. “Jay Gould, Pits.” The <x cutlveb aid or u,- K-iighte of Labor have sent ibe following lid- egnuu': “To Martiu Irlous, Cbsirma-i Ex ecutlv( B >ard D A \V, H Lom-: PrtHidem. Jay G- u’.d lias cons,': 1 e ) to cur prop, Hi,-o for e, lilt ral ion, and has so feie( va- lied Vic -President H< xie O der ihe men io resume work at u„cu. By order ol the ix-c- uiiv board. • T V Powderly, G M ” Tilt ixecu'.lve board also senl out he following: “To tin K'iglits' f Labor now on asirike In die sou',I w.v : President J:y G luld bus consen ed to < ur prop ositiim f r arbitration a. d so tele graphs Vice President Hoxie Pur suant to telegraphic iustruc'io'is «<*'it to the chairman of the txecuiive bourn D A 101, you are directed t" resume work at ouce Per order ex ecutive board. ‘ T V Powdi kly.G M ” FOWDF.RLY’S EI-'FoniK endorsed hy K.NIOIltS Galveston, March 2-8 — The knights of lab- r held all outdoor me -) meeting IubI night, attended by w > ttiounand knight- aim ei z:. h. R-*s o', -1 bear'ilv i n o'lj'iolis wer dm Dig i tie oireuNd- Master Workma efforts to secure » --- exiatiug trouoh , :) abi in his iandab!,- olu’inns coi'derun 11 is ued i)„. Grand 1’ ,*,!, , y m bis 1-mem. -,r' ttie d lodging bio, ■urpofte. Ttie re-- e acliou uf Vic-)- pr. rid ut H xm and Jos'ify the K r i l< '* DISREGARDING i'DWPEKL Y *H ORDER i-T Louis, M if. 29—'I'ae ,- i-kog Kriigms uf L inr uu t ! ■ Misso'.iii, notwluistaudibg P.-wderly’" Ui r> work tli) ui -i " doi-e sc. and u'-‘ s'ruc i .UH .'rou. the . x- cmiv' c assembi'. N I I T H I: Y MUST RETURN Nkw York, A! .rv mi - I ni’, nave H 'Til 1: C 'ii, mi f.i.e return tn rmt us yet fipjial in. 1 ' 8, uf -f diatric po r ii -1 11 in i~' Ti >i until lliey no: me :r : wa- euUrd be). ■: d raid: “1 the me, they ' u' e dfci y is a, ken wl from fin: Slull i. in 111 ,rn mg tiini w-inld no’ ; Ct i /e,i I , HI I oti". .V ami f,-, a. ked i. was re s'rikers i>, work ill- ■ i wderly ,, Iju In i it to oril ti >v ler*. 11 | 1 : Inn, s j d- i- v 11 xi w'd, c f r a.,' v .” P, Wl (ion', : O*. 1 Joint executive c mmtttne of district asstmblDs 101 93 ami 17, in seselou tills morning, Issued the following brief address: Ft Louts, March 29, 1888 —To Ihe knights of labor of the grea H Hith- western sys-eii,: Fellow Workmea — Ws cougrnuilale you one mnl all, mi yi-ur manhood and formula during i ur Ia‘e. grea fight fur r-ivig- uili'.>u and tigln - N w '.hat the bata tie is f'-ught and the victory won, let ch v, ear cur laurele as m n -if dignity aud moderation Every man to h!s pest and til" du’y with quiet and sobrlity Lit us exhibit (he same zeal lor the up buildirg of the busi ness of l! e wrst, that we have Just done In prev g that, labor is king. By order ot ihe joint ixpcu“vo boards of district assemblies N ,s 101, 93 ami 17. It is slated that ibis addr'si was sen 1 to ihe different halls where.the strikers were holding meeting*; that it was received joyously ami that the men siarte.i for their homes tochauge their clothing preparatory to going to wi'tk; but this is not verified and the n on had not gone to work up to l ./’clock If is also » a>d that the address has boen telegraphed to all points on the southwestern syitpm. GOULD WILL NOT INTERFERE New York, March 29—Gould was seen by a reporter ttbs afternoon just before leaving his, til e to learn whether he bad anything further to nay v- gariling the situation ou '.he Missouri Pacific Gould said lie bad sent a letter v Powderly 'Xpluiniug the a*tl ude which the directors of the railway had do’ermined to main* (alii, “T 1 e pltui of arbitration pro posed by P. wderly,” said Guild, .“cannot he: ntfr’alned by tlx 111 os re here It! New York. All'hp details of ilio settlement of the strike must be Initiated ami crrariged in S' Louis. The whole thing is In ttie hand) of General Manager Hoxie, and Ihere Is no disposition on the part of the board of directors to interfere with any plan whieh he may •decide on. Tlmte ih not the slightest luteulion on my part to recede fiotn the position I haveso far mainta! d; that is, I slniil not accept the plan proposed by Powderly I shall ap point no arbitrators If thare is to be arbitration, to which, as telea graphed Hoxie, I have not the slight est objdction, such arbitration must lie arranged for at 8 L >uK and with G-neral Manager Hutle. Hu is In control an I knows the situa ion per* feeily. Any settlement that tie may make will meet with the approval of the dir- c'ors of the company.” INTERFERING WITH THE TRAIN'S. 8t Louis Marc . 29. —The snua* tinn in tt,e East 8 Louis yards this morning wa* one of disorder, and at (Imps i! |iv ked as though there W( ubi be real trouble Lurg" erowis congregated at the railway ,ie|,->' a id in tlie various yards, ami when on. iff ,rt was id ad t to start a freight train thecr >wd swarirnd around it, drew tli" c"iip!itig pi u and o h rwi-io ,)(> ir:n!l"-l u* m vements to such a di g: 'ha', Hie train was atm.nd '-'ed, I itt: Ind'aimp'ilis, H Lm'", 1/iu* : vibe a-.-i Nashville yards eff r’s wv e made b make up trains, but fast as the cr.r-i wore I,,- ,ugbt Into o fition they were un- ..upled and finally the attempt w is aba, d 'U"l. In the VV basil vards depu y marshals made up a Lai - to be hmuI. ou( iu Ibe afternoon I‘ A reported thin, the sheriff of 8: Glair county, who wss prest nt tLiis mti i g, a ,1 Wi.ft tr «“y unable to c ul tra! the s r.kera, has api'tal" I to the governor of Illinois for military aid, nut tais t,u< not been v, ,U. [RUNS IGNORED Hedai.ia, Md, M r ,i. 29 - Mar' 1 ti Imi/s aitivi-U ntrr this morning If..* (•/ to t'.lk lh Ut *' «: hU il»Hon, lie -mii word io Bupiiruiien lent «:b- i,-v /ml io run any lra»ns umil ...e rt me„i of ti.e sink' wa- ev. Hih r, q it-:l wao -g iured a..J up . lo uk ei* freight Irains b n io-ai • ut. - EE! NG !•'• IK T II l-.JlSr LV E.S. . 1- ,>■.!< Va, M fr • 9 LIU i I i-ny -ui. I •) it is' x i , MiSHiiun tl'O begin- onpany is tn y dit! -r s i/vvn em'-> lo have a<- i-nly emu': , ck ! thu o' 1' / n-.u i i.i,1'i.d New M terv,-,)■-• i- to'* gram l f re IliH c: a, r, - re ace V” yesterday, a: d -u- no: anytiiti g Pow d r y s -id pressed ' tie stv d wl,ic-i Pacofic iias ’ak-'-n fr on uing; ihat is, ti-at ttie always ready 'o aibitrati enci-H i - may hove v. i Hi ployes. P/wderly stem, [Uiiial from (hat lelegrmn tho? I h ve agreed to the p:au submitted by ttie excutive board of the k: igiiis of lal or 8aiunlav, providing for ibe appointment of an arbitruHou oomuiilt e, three mem bers i f which are to be appointtd by myse f, three liy (lie knights of labor, and these to ) /indy choose a seventh member. Now I would most em- phatiru'ly deny lliut there was any thing iu my telegram to Hnxie that Ihere was anything Halil at the con ference yesterday to warrant any one in bidievu g that I for a moment as sented to any such plan. I will appoint no members of any nr tilt ration committee. The whole iiw.iir rests in the hands of H 'Xle, ami if he can arrange a basis for arbt’ration, which will includs both sides of the question, I will make no ohjeotion, but the whole matter will have to be arranged witti him, I am new preparing a letter to Powderly, widen will clearly set forth my position as outlined above. AN ADDRESS ISSUED. 8t T our?- Mo. Ma-cb 29.— Th» -.-1,1 i„ ,in if, ileda amcT'lng l' » F rid ■ y ui l.' .'l-r- t»'i' g f iruishe i 'roll. , fi, Id am: Cum- - rla'- d mines f P mi ylv-n ia and Mary ami, Jure being a sdike in ijoii dtstricis, arrived - era t(.-d y. T!.( c .mini fee visited and n.op, c id Uieagtai’ (Hue and tb* coal pier at I/amber V 1*/ini. and (xpress- d Ihem- seives as iieii'g saihhsd uial no coal i,a- been "r is l/ting shipped for th& mini's named. The visit Insures a c n iuuanoe of work lit the Pocahon- fas mines. . „ . , , Kt Loud, March 29 —A 9 o’clock to-night the executive committee of tb- Knights of Labor reso.mled the order isruel this morning lor the men to resume work. Th* rilllbmlerl** F*rljr. Key West, Fla, March 29 —All tho alleged ttUbusters, captured In the steamer City of Mexico, which wat brought here by the United H.ates steamer Galena, were to-day released, excepting Gen Delgardo and Colonel Morey, who were held by Judge Locke under $2500 bonds each, lo appear for trial in New York tbo first day in May. It is generally supposed that If tho ship’s case had been tried first, all wiald have been oleired, but that conrt having allowed the gov ernment tilteen days In which to take the testimony In New York, it would In a iueature have pri ludlcad the oasa If ‘lieae prisoners had been released. The Judge oo- knoledged there wa* no strong evi dence against them aud atated chat If It were a final trial or if he were tb® Jurymen he wonld not find them guil ty under any preaanf teatincony end bo thooght there might be auffloiont su»- piolor. of probable osuse to oommU.